#yes i'm aware he also canonically doesn't kill human children
extraaa-30 · 8 months
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at the pitch meeting for the job episode:
someone: we need to establish continuity with the s1 biblical scenes, some kind of callback
neil and/or douglas mackinnon, about to be the funniest people alive: oh, haven't you heard...?
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fourswords · 18 days
starting sketching out light and like. HES 12??? like I get it- he's about to be 13- And knight is the oldest at a grand total of 15 but like-
like I know they're dumb in the manga but 😭 every 12-13 year old I've ever met is like a certified dumpster fire, which you might wanna consider in his character lmso
but I just feel like after the manga it wouldn't even matter that he saved Hyrule, he's just getting grounded until he's a legal adult 😭
like azure THATS A BABY- Aint no way he's smart enough to have even survived half the manga even with his dumb luck!
im crying please add like one year to all their ages im on my hands and knees is your goal to give this tiny child some form of PTSD because he is IN CONSTANT DANGER.children need to have a sense of safety (and their stupidity doesn't count, blue got swallowed alive and frozen, vio was lying to SAVE HIS LIFE, green was straight up about to kill vio and had to deal with attacking another knight, and couldn't bring himself to attack their own dad, and then red got chased by an angry mob and then lost all will to LIVE with blue in that one temple-) 12 is barely even conscious and self aware 😭
like I know 12 year olds have complex emotions and can handle abstract concepts and start getting into deeper moral understanding- but my human of earth the self awareness is either ONE THOUSAND OR ZERO AND THERE ISNT A BETWEEN AT THAT AGE-
im sorry if I sound rude or something btw I'm mostly just joking and I tend to overdramatize for comedic effect but I genuinely cant wrap my head around him being just 12- like at least 14??? maybe bump knight to 16 while ur at it? ?
also I'm gonna figure out some way to incorporate the different colors into his hat probably, its big so its like a bag lol since in the manga blue just shoved his whole hammer in there I'm pretty sure
smithy will be extremely small without complaint.
feel free not to take my words seriously tho lol I just cant imagine a 12 year old going thru the manga, like look me in the eyes and tell me a 12 year old-
if I misunderstood anything lmk lol I am a lil stupid sometimes
HAHAHA YES HE IS IN FACT TWELVE. The Legend of Zelda is a series that's all about "yeah let's hand this child a sword and let him go nuts" (to use a popular example, BOTW Link being canonically handed a sword at age four and is said in Mipha's diary to have been able to best grown men in fights: "At the request of Hyrule's king, a group of outsiders came to greet us at the domain. One of them was a Hylian child of only about four years of age. His name was Link. He made quite a first impression. He was curious and full of energy, with a ready smile. Are all Hylian children that way? One thing that surely sets him apart is his swordsmanship, which I hear is exceptional. He has even bested adults. He must be somewhat reckless, however, as he was covered in bruises.") and I absolutely intend to lean into that as much as possible. Light's age comes mainly from comparing Akira Himekawa's designs for Links of varying ages side-by-side with each other; for example, you have Minish Cap Link, who's very obviously drawn like a young child:
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You have Twilight Princess Link and Ocarina of Time Link, both drawn to look like older teenagers (and we know OOT Link's older age is 16-17 depending on who you ask):
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We have Skyward Sword Prequel Link, who is a fully-fledged adult (his other panels illustrate the difference more sharply, but this is what he looks like, so):
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And then we have FSA Link in the manga, who is drawn to be VERY visibly younger than OOT, TP and SS Prequel Link, but is definitely visibly older than MC Link (he's got the rounder face + eyes, the shorter stature, and it becomes even more visible when compared to the knights in the FSA manga itself):
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His maturity level also does, to me, match that of an average 12-year-old nepo baby (which he really kind of is)—kid who thinks he knows everything & that he's hot shit but is kind of a giant train wreck internally.
All three Four Sword heroes prior to him were explicitly stated to be "young boys", and FSA manga Link is really no different in that regard—in the context of my own AU, he's actually the one who went on his adventure at the oldest age (with Smithy going on his around 8-9, Four going on his at 10, and Knight now going on his at 11). It's just been a shorter time since his adventure than it has been for the others ^^;
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glasswingowl · 1 year
Uzi's wing backpack is really cute! hope it's not foreshadowing anything :)
also was Nori the one initially obsessed with doors? and doll's dad. he was in the photo too, but then again, so was khan. Was he infected or not? if he has an id card, i didn't see it
does. does no one know who uzi is?? she literally exploded a gun in the middle of class that isn't something you'd easily forget. i mean i guess no one would really "know" her considering her complete and utter lack of friends up until now
all the other drones immediately fawning over N and V lmao.
ooh uzi's got a much better grasp of her powers now. someone's been practicing
oh N and V playing nice with the workers is really cute (also lizzy gets to sit with V!)
(also was i not paying attention or did thad just straight up disappear halfway through the episode)
V's being weird and cryptic again... also girl you know you're bluffing stop pretending you can just get rid of Uzi without consequences.
is uzi... resentful? is she upset that two literal murderers are able to make friends easier than her? poor girl.
oh hey doll. we thought you were dead (and you might still be idk what your fucking deal is anymore)
the killing/not killing the bug symbolism carries over to this episode too.
this bug can communicate! and we know for sure that it's connected to the solvers now!
it called her 002. it thinks she's nori. Were the inital test subjects registered, but not their children? would doll scan as yeva's number? (can't remember it off the top of my head)
oh she just turned that arrow into flesh. oh dear god it's alive. i never thought i say this, but i'm with uzi's classmates on this one what the fuck was that
"i live in the woods now!" ah yes that'll solve everything great job
oh uzi :( so this is why doll had such a large supply of oil on hand. good thing she had the stomach to drink it
(ok yeah thad's not with the group anymore where did he fuck off to)
"she's a kid, like us V!" ... ok how old are they actually i want to know. "like us" implies similar age range at least and they kind of hinted at Uzi being 18-20 with the prom posters but i wish they'd just TELL us in canon or word of god it on twitter or something
I thought rebecca's bf was Brad? did they break up? quick rebound time damn
oh doesn't matter they're gonna fucking die
JCjenson made a tape about "zombie drones". what did they know.
Flashback images: Tessa (looking VERY drone like), a severed hand hanging from a chandelier, and an explosion (that looks VERY solver-esque.)
oh shit's going downhill very quickly.
OH DEAR GOD. REBECCA. sorry Rebecca enjoyers that's an L for you guys.
"Killing her, not saving you." it can be both V it's ok
did. did V just call her CYN? DID V JUST CALL HER CYN????
oh her tail's got teeth. no nanites though...
ngl N's pretty much the best person who could've possibly shown up at that moment
her wing joints are human arm skeletons. nope. don't like that.
ohh N is just the sweetest. very emotionally aware too
V what are you smiling at. V is there something you want to tell us
i know we were all joking about V x Lizzy but i'm not sure it's a joke anymore
i'm not going to ask how riding the bus like a stagecoach works
V taking blame for the murders? aww you do care <3
is n scared of his connection to uzi? worried that he might be dangerous to her? or is he secretly scared of her but not willing to leave his first real friend?
( i know i've mentioned this three times now but thad's not on the bus. where did he go. did he just decide fuck this i'm not dying here and walk home?)
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insect0idfreakaz0id · 3 months
can u give us a fun facts about wandeer please.................
some are like "headcanons" in a way and subject to change so I'll mark those with a *
• wander likes to do arts and crafts. he has hand puppets of him & klaus and he does a lot of drawings and paintings (which he isn't that good at). he also likes to sing/dance but doesn't do it very often (partially a nod to his first design being a singing/performing robot and not a weaponized robot)
• he has a lot of random collections (?) of things. he has a wall with several cat posters on it ("hang in there" posters mostly) drawers filled with stuff, he just likes to collect things.
• (continuation of previous) he also has a wall of crosses/crucifix, other religious symbols for protection, good luck charms, etc. wander is not religious but it's rather out of superstition and having delusions related to religion *
• he has pretty long hair, it stays pinned up under the box until he takes it off. despite not really needing to wear it anymore, he still feels like he does need to / that he needs his face to stay hidden, and also that it has become part of him now
• wanders boots are from his old job. his lab coat was from Klaus, back when he was alive, he gave one to wander while he was teaching them. wander modified it to fit more tightly around the body and flow outwards because he thought it otherwise looked a little too professional; though wander has an entire outfit taken from Klaus as well (after death) and uses that one to operate. the lab coat is not modified.
• wanders box has been with him for a while. he took it with him when he left Klaus to cover his face and has kept it since then.
• he is superstitious
• he's placed bells around most of the doors in his lab/house to alert him when someone enters
• wander isn't a "dumb" character, he was built knowing most things. it's more than his mind is constantly elsewhere, he has little opportunity to do anything with that knowledge, and he is (in current state) almost always frazzled or paranoid to some extent
• he knows most languages and is fluent in a few (english, Spanish, ASL). english was his first, as that's what Klaus speaks
• wander's physical damage is all on one side because Klaus repeatedly hit wander on that side while fighting him. he did not hit the other one
• he is ambidextrous
• wanders story currently has 3-4 potential canon endings - one where he continues to live as he did in the 15 years past klaus' death, one where he stops trying to carry on in life and lays without moving until he rots/degrades (like death but he's still aware and conscious), one where he gets worse, and one where he gets better. (there are also some noncanon joke endings I've considered) *
• I've purposely not labeled wanders mental state (not only because I'm afraid people will think I'm trying to make those with mental disorders look evil, but he's a robot, so it's kind of difficult) but it would be closest to schizoaffective [bipolar type 1], and potentially autism & hypersexuality — those two weren't intentional but something I've considered *
• more of one I regularly mention, but wander has a lot of human organs that he surgically transplanted into himself. none of them are arranged correctly, most of them are upside down, as in his heart is around the stomach area and his kidneys are in his chest. he does his own surgeries and stitches up himself
• wander is strictly against harming kids. I've had a lot of people think wander doesn't like kids / that he hates them, but he does like them and will refuse to hurt them in any way & tries his best not to do so unintentionally because his childhood wasn't good, and he doesn't wish that harm on any other children. if any did decide to come to his lab, he would try to take care of them as best as he could
• wander is not evil and does not enjoy killing. he killed Klaus, but still felt bad about it. he would not kill someone purposely without a lot of reason behind it. he is afraid of people (as in humans) but still wishes for friends and company, and wouldn't hurt/kill anyone without a reason (like them threatening him first)
• it is difficult to work out wanders age because of him being a robot, but after the 15 years of sitting alone, he is 42 years old. he was 27 when he killed Klaus. (I still need to work on how to word age for robots because it's not the same as a human or living animal of course)
• wander has been through multiple divorces (3 at least)
• he is genderfluid, pansexual, and aromantic (questioned him being something like cupioromantic before but it's not final). he uses all/any pronouns (though I mostly use "he" to talk about wander because mixing them can be confusing and only recently I've changed wanders pronouns from being she/her for several years to being all/any)
• he has a favorite tool/weapon that he brings with him everywhere, and it is a saw with a red handle. (I've questioned wander being objectum before but not finalized it; though he is affectionate and caring towards this weapon in specific rather than others, I've not decided on whether it's because it's his favorite or if it's because of something else)
• his neck and arms are attached by strong magnets. they're detachable, but not by human strength *
Ummm yeah thatis kind of a bunch but he's been around about 7 years now I think about him a lot and he's the most developed so 👍👍 I hope that is awesome THANK YOU
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variouscolors · 26 days
[AU info] √02 Interquel AU (Root 02)
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This is my current favorite AU, and I'm so sorry in advance for the upcoming posts and art related to it. Anyway, this AU is based on a friend's AU for the Tangled movie & TV series, in which friend tried to insert Cassandra into the movie events. But in my case, I had some ideas going towards the Lion King 1½ (Or Lion King 3: Hakuna Matata) movie and the Cyber Sleuth interquel game, Hacker's Memory.
That is, Rui and Ukkomon are indirectly involved in the events of the 02 TV series. This all started with a silly "what if" fanart I had been doing since January, using a beta design for Rui as an outfit for an official in-movie 11-year-old Rui design. My original idea was just to have Rui and Ukkomon be around from day one, but as I was developing it, I got the idea of "maybe they could still be around, but not involved in the events of the main series?" which is, yeah, basically what Hacker's Memory is about -- a story that focuses on a group of "side characters" instead.
For more details, see this post on my Rui-Ukko blog. The rest of this post is specific to this blog only.
Tag: advverse • root 02 au
[CW: murder, self-harm, body horror] Also, it contains 02TB (the new movie) spoilers.
Since Rui has basically been doing his own thing and hasn't had any contact with other human children with a digimon, he's pretty clueless about digimon care and other things. All he knows is what Ukkomon told him before: That more kids like him are appearing, and that Ukkomon will make them be his friends. So Rui has a very wrong view of the digimon as "wish-granting servants", and he doesn't like it either.
Rui thinks that partnerships are bad because the digimon are forced to obey their human partners and lose their own freedom. This makes him even more upset by the actions of the digimon Kaiser, and he wants to stop all fights and free the digimon. But he also hates fighting, and he sucks at talking to people, so there's not much he can do here.
Although he tries to act tough, he is non-confrontational and will do his best to run away from trouble. He will also want people to stay out of his business. Because he lacks communication skills, he tends to inadvertently hurt people's feelings or to mess up his own arguments, even contradicting his own words.
The way Rui gets the Digi-eye is a little different from the movie -- he gets injured in a digimon attack, Ukkomon gets desperate and decides to give Rui his eye, which makes Rui snap because he didn't want it to happen and didn't ask for it. Deep down, Rui was also angry because Ukkomon was at the point of destroying himself in order to help the boy.
Ukkomon's side of the story is that he's also tired of Rui not understanding his feelings, and he thinks the whole terrible fight they had just proved that Rui is ungrateful. But he can't leave Rui alone, so he continues to protect the boy in the shadows… By using his own eye on Rui's face to warn him when things are going badly for his partner. He also has the same problems as Rui: running away from problems and being really bad at talking.
Don't take anything Rui/Ukkomon say for granted. Their own experiences and knowledge contradict what the rest of the characters (canon at least) know. And this is ok, this is what the movie wanted, that you question it and investigate the veracity of these statements. So it is here too, you just have to doubt their own words and look for the truth.
Yes, Ukkomon does the murder thing in this AU too, but Rui is not aware of it. Also, and as I suspect, Ukkomon didn't intend to kill Rui's parents, and he's still upset and regretful about it. Ukkomon has no idea that his mind control ability would have that effect.
As for him being Ken's prisoner and being "hunted" -- that's the original idea, and the latter can be read as Rui's social anxiety just driving him crazy enough to think he's being hunted. Also, the Ken Kaiser in question is my muse. I wouldn't mind if your Kaiser muse suddenly decided to chase him to study the digi-eye, but please let me know.
※ Variations on this whole verse can and will be made to accommodate RP partners, so if there is something that bothers you, just tell me as soon as possible and politely (I don't like passive-aggressiveness, I've had bad experiences with it in the past) so we can make the necessary changes to make it work for you.
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sgcairo · 2 years
The part where dottore was thinking “what did he do right that I did wrong” you just wrote in your answer.. I like how directly came after it an example of babyttore sympathy. And I like how u still hold into dottore’s apathy along with his humanity, you are very good at characterization YOU ARE A BLESS. I like to think of signora being dottore closet friend bcz both of them lost their sympathy due past events. So I think she’ll be like “just accept that you two are no longer the same person, he used to be you but not anymore” yk what I mean? Yes exactly
I have written too many literary analyses to not be able to characterize my favorite evil buns! I'm glad that my analysis of Dottore actually makes sense because he does not make sense.
I'm going to be honest, I didn't actually consider Dottore and La Signora's friendship, mostly because I originally thought it wouldn't exist. Signora might be unsympathetic in her own right, but I don't think she's downright apathetic. I just think that she lacks sympathy for those who defy her, especially relating to Archons that let her dear Rostam die.
But also I'm so mad that they killed her character off. I have been fuming ever since they literally pulverized her- THE LORE! They can't just build up her lore and never expose it by killing her! That's a foul play there, and I'm going to call Hoyoverse on that bullshit because it makes me SAD. All the juicy lore, just gone.
Now, I did place Babytorre in the pre-canon timeline, just because I'm ✨extra✨ and wanted more La Signora characterization. I feel like her character could've gone so many ways, but by throwing a child into her complicated relationship with Pantalone, let alone the other Harbingers... There's just so much room to really explore her own thoughts, especially after the tragedy that was losing her lover and being consumed by her own flames.
I've always seen her as more of an aunt type, or even something of a motherly figure. In some of my earlier writings (specifically with Scapino, one of my other Genshin OCs), she may seem as if she doesn't care, but has a weak spot for children. Perhaps because they seem so helpless, and she knows how that feels. Maybe not as a child, but she knows how it feels to be lost, to not have a direction and only be guided by that little string of hope that's left, or only to continue because you haven't died yet.
Babytorre definitely doesn't seem lost, but she sees the way Dottore looks at him. Regret. Maybe even a desire to go back and change how things happened, jealousy, but also a hesitant touch to meet the kindness that the child has given him. Dottore may be heartless, he may be without empathy for even the most pathetic of creatures, but he's also at heart an ambitious dreamer, perhaps one that never learned any better. He's cruel. He's horrible in every way. Signora knows this well, as she recognizes her own terrible actions in the same way.
But he is still something of a human, whether it be the broken shadow of one, or misled soul that was never allowed to grow roots in the correct places.
That does not excuse his actions. That does not mean that his desire for that closeness to a frustrating degree is productive or on the right path. In fact, it could be considered obsessive, how far he's willing to go just for that touch, that recognition that he's still there, under all the masks that he uses to block out the words he does not wish to hear. And Signora will not refuse to tell him how it is, which leads to that very statement.
It's not that they're close, but Signora can see Dottore unintentionally harming the child with his own passion. And this is a kid, who isn't aware of how horrible the Harbingers really are. So she tells him how it is, with no remorse. She's always been painfully honest, especially with the brutal truths that the Harbingers aren't ready to hear.
"He isn't you. Stop trying to find the flaws in the past, you were never him in the first place. He was saved. You were not. The longer you obsess over it, the worse it will be. You can't go back. The only way is forward, Doctor. Choose wisely with your next move, it will make or break what you seek."
Dottore can't see past his own ego at times, and it takes that disillusioned truth to really break him down.
He takes those words heavily, but his future has no direction.
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mevekagvain · 3 years
Chapter 121 - I hope none of the birds affected by the sleeping gas died from falling from a height, especially if they fell on concrete. I don't think the gas itself would affect the birds but it also very well might since they can't handle as much due to being much smaller animals or from not being able to handle the chemicals used.
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Chapter 122 - Shark's expressions are so hideous 🤢
- At least Raizel knows how to be nice by sharing food lmao. Frankenstein beaming like a proud father of a 2-year-old who's doing that is definitely not praxis though.
Chapter 124 - Shark being astounded that nobles care about innocents is amusing. I suppose that aside from the Elders, the Union members think nobles consider other species to be inferior or like cockroaches or toys.
- Although I do find Frankenstein plotting to teach Seira cooking so she can cook for Raizel when he can't extremely funny, I do also find it somewhat disturbing. He's essentially making a teen girl do child labour. Yes she and Regis are imposing on him and I do think they should be doing some manner of chores, but making her cook lavish meals? I also know she's doing it willingly but it still makes me cringe since something being one's choice doesn't negate it being bad. And yes technically she's 'of age' since she's 217, whatever that means since she's still obviously a teen compared to Raizel who actually is an adult going to school with children (which is a whole other can of worms), but aside from her position as clan leader she's very obviously not viewed as an adult by most.
Chapter 125 - On one hand I'd love to get a front row seat to the internal drama within the DA-5 lile M-21 but otoh I don't want to die a painful death or get beaten up.
- So like obviously Seira knows that Raizel and Frankenstein aren't ordinary humans unlike Regis but it is hilarious to think she just told the truth to two men she thinks are frail innocent humans.
Chapter 127 - You'd really think that the Union would be investing more into memory altering drugs but nah. The only ones they have will also fuck your brain up. Really not a good idea when most of your agents/experiments obviously have been administered aforementioned drugs. If it was only used sparingly on civilians I'd get it but it's quite widespread so...
Chapter 128 - As much as Frankenstein complains about the mess the kids make, he enjoys having them over as much as Raizel does. Soft hearted bastard.
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Chapter 130 - The girls bandaging M-21 up even as Regis fights has them being smarter than like 90% of other characters in media. They're the real reason he didn't hit the dust immediately smh.
Chapter 132 - I still think the coming of age ceremony has a 50% chance of actually being them ingesting drugs that are the equivalent of stat boosting items in games but also ya know, real world drugs that fuck you up. The other 50% is just them getting much stronger after they turn 200 because their bodies are just like that and it truly is purely ceremonial and a fun tradition like children's day or girl's day or birthdays rather than something that actually affects them.
- Lol Kranz, Regis won't be leaving a corpse if he dies. Purebloods are just special like that. Can you imagine if they did see a pureblood dying? They'd regret killing them so bad.
Chapter 133 - Raizel commanding Frankenstein to stop his experiments is definitely something, like bro maybe he was figuring out electrolysis, not like you know what he was doing. Plus it's not like Frankenstein listened completely. Man has a lab under his house and it wasn't built after Raizel woke. I guess he only stopped modification experiements on others and only did checkups on himself but didn't stop experimenting for other stuff like idk, better fertiliser.
- Kinda amazing Takeo didn't get stabbed in the heart.
Chapter 137 - I know it's just because Gejutel likely explained the lord's powers to him but the idea that Regis knows what a blood field is because Raskreia does demonstrations to entertain little kids is making me giggle.
Chapter 140 - So the Union only came upon Frankenstein's research 540 years ago... that's only 40 years before Raskreia became lord. Interesting.
- Ah yes... the classic joke of Tao not teaching Takeo korean properly. It's also very amusing envisioning Tao teaching the DA-5 members korean.
- ARIS ARIS ARIS. God she looks adorbs. Also I love her referring to DA-5 as 'my children' and 'my babies'. Aris >>> all other scientists. Amd hi Yuri :)
Chapter 141 - Yuri listening to Aris insulting Crombel repeatedly,,, he probably enjoys every aspect of it from knowing she's not aware he's his underling to being able to hear someone insult Crombel.
- Once again union members don't know jack shit. They think werewolves are extinct while Maduke and Lunark are literally Elders 😭🤡😭
- Werewolves having a small population never made sense to me even with the whole thing about them not having mind control and thus keeping away from humans secretly since even civilians are stronger than humans on average but like why tf would wolves have such a low reproduction rate? And that's why I hc that 90% of them are just homosexual.
Chapter 142 - D doesn't consume your lifeforce bro. That's just the drugs causing heavy strain on the body, etc etc. The rest of your explanation was fine but talking about lifeforce or vitality makes no sense.
- We all know Yuri's smart but the fact that he tries to get Frankenstein as a subject by scouting him first is very clever. It's believable too since Frankenstein is supposed to be quite handsome.
Chapter 144 - Well we don't know of Crombel microchips his Assassination Squad but Aris canonically microchips her experiments 🤣
Chapter 147 - Okay but this panel... she's hot. I'd let her dissect me <3
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- If this was some other media I'd talk about the symbolism of the attack looking like a rapier and go on for a paragraph but this is Noblesse so it's obviously just a coincidence lmao.
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- "A living robot" so like... a cyborg.
Chapter 148 - Yuri getting pissed at being attacked and retaliating but pretending it was him being loyal to Aris... Love it. Also he must be really confused as to who tf Frankenstein is since as one of Crombel's most important lackeys he'd definitely know about such a powerful experiment under him if they existed and thus unlike Aris knows that he's not been sent by Crombel.
Chapter 149 - Yup def confused, especially when he realises Frankenstein's power is like Crombel's.
Chapter 150 - Girlboss,,, also it's been years and I'm still wondering... why is her outfit like that? Neon genesis evangelion girlboss does have a ring to it though.
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- Ah yes, Taivra time.
Chapter 151 - Okay yeah I feel so bad for Takeo but also Aris is so good at manipulating him and and and iwi. The fact that she can cry on command though... impressive.
- "From the beginning you were an only child. That's why I got you to experiment on." Okay cool time to ignore that again for my own amusement of having all of noblesse's named modified human women be related to Takeo.
- Okay I'm obsessed with strawberry milk myself but strawberries do not taste anywhere near that good. Not even the sweet ones.
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Chapter 153 - Yeah no I don't agree that Takeo losing his will to live is an insult to your comrades M-21. You could have said all that in a gentler way. Just because Takeo was luckier than you experiment wise doesn't mean you get to be so rude.
Chapter 154 - M-21 misleading Tao and Takeo to thinking he's being experimented on and then turning around to laugh at them when they find out it's just ramyeon... mood.
- I really do wonder what 12th Elder's military medals are for.
Sidenotes - Hammer being smart <3 I honestly didn't remember that part of him and I'm glad he's not given purely negative traits. He's the only reason Shark lived past 2 chapters tbh.
- Truly, D is one of the worst letters of the alphabet to have named the drugs DA-5 uses. The other bad choice would be P. On the opposite end of the spectrum, T would have been a great choice for the irony. Not that it matters since the inspiration for the drug from name to physical transformation is obviously 🍆
- Nobles being so nonchalant about murder is kinda fucked up like yeah they suck but you can't just kill them??? Lukedonia my beloved your justice system sucks. I do hc they can't just do this in Lukedonia though or to other nobles even if outside of Lukedonia, it's just that the jurisdiction of nobles doesn't apply outside of Lukedonia and they do on some level think of themselves as a superior species so they're fine with just... killing people.
- Aris obsessing over handsome men as experiments and treating them like toys but ignoring women altogether? Not experimenting on women? Gaslight gatekeep girlboss,,, a feministe of our own,,, perhaps even a... lesbienne. But yeah I just love how she acts and I love her and how she interacts with Yuri. And yeah he's cool too.
- Tbh aside from how short the skirts are and the white blazers, the Ye Ran uniform really reminds me of my own school's uniform. The colours are exactly the same. We just didn't have blazers since it was a forever summer tropical country, only jumpers for if it got too cold in the air conditioned rooms. And for some people who grow up in tropical countries... 25°C can be too cold.
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