#yes that is my bathroom in the bg + yes there is a mark on the bathroom mirror that i did not notice until i'd already taken the photos
thebabygaldiaries · 8 months
Madam I was so worked up I had to play with myself again. I’m being such a naughty girl at work because of you.
It’s a good thing that the office is pretty empty today or anyone walking into the bathroom would have heard my pathetic whimpers as I came.
I was so fucking sensitive and my panties were completely soaked. I rubbed my clit while imagining your fingers in my cunt and came apart in what felt like seconds. It was probably one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had, I felt like I may black out. Thank you so much Madam.
And now you tease me with the idea of pierced nipples? God I can’t wait to get home 💋
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Oh you’re being such a naughty girl at work. And I love it. Be a good girl for me and sit in that mess until you leave. I bet I could smell you.
Going to litter your pretty neck in kisses and marks so i hope you’re ready, lover. Going to let everyone know you’re mine.
And yes, I am absolutely going to tease you with the idea of pierced nipples. What kind of brat do you take me for?
0 notes
invisiblegarters · 1 year
Dangerous Romance Ep 5
When last we watched, Sailom failed to tutor Kang into passing all of his classes and so he was fired. Everyone was very sad and acted like one of them had gone away to war and they would never be able to speak again rather than, you know, just talking to each other.
Sailom dabbled in escorting and the top of Kang's head almost came off, Pim saved the day but Kang couldn't have that, o no, so he got Best Grandma to rehire Sailom and BG, seeing the writing on the wall (or the crush all over her grandson's face, more like), decided that the only way that Sailom could efficiently tutor Kang was to move in. Let the cohabitation hijinks commence!
Kang, acting like it matters: Why does Sailom have to live here?
Pfft literally no one buys this act you're badly putting on.
Oh my god look at these weirdos. You know I have never flung myself on a bed that way before. Usually when I'm exhausted or a bed is super comfy I just throw myself on it face first, lol.
I love that Kang is a clothes horse.
Also we're about to see some spoiled brat again, looks like. Good.
And Dad appears to tell Sailom not to push Kang.
Oop Sailom is in the bathroom Kang's about to show up. Because he already said that Sailom's bathroom time will is going to be both of their bathroom times.
LOL guess Kang meant he planned to shower in front of Sailom rather than the reverse. Bet he still manages to show up during that time.
Kang you are fooling no one playing naked chicken. What in the Ayan shit is this?
With how fast this drama is moving through the progression of this relationship, I expect these two will be sharing a bed by the end of the episode. Mark my words!
This feels very Never Let Me Go. Except in this case there's no daddy "nope my son will take the bus lest he get the idea that he's on your level" to ruin things.
Oh I love Pim. She's such a sweetie.
Aw that awkward moment when you remember high school politics. I mean there are other factors as well but that felt very high school to me.
JUNE. HI. Oh I guess there will not be a GL in this one then huh. Since they probably won't do student/teacher.
Oh no. This would be the worst. I don't know how it is in Thailand but I know people in my highschool used to be really awful to some of the teachers. Some real bully shit.
Perth's hair is so nice.
Pfft did I read somewhere that in Thailand acting is the purview of rich kids unless you want to work two jobs or was that a fever dream? How meta.
Hahaha oh here we go. Except I forgot that Sailom is a little punk. I love him so much, guys. I do.
Oh no is Sailom trying to look good for Kang or for Pim?
My best is Kang. I think Sailom is well aware he has a crush. Kang maybe not so much.
Yeah it's totally for Kang. Oh, honey.
Kang babe I am sorry but Pim just isn't that into you. I could be wrong I guess but View is definitely not playing it like she is.
I would totally hold the lizard. I love reptiles.
Aw now he's all embarrassed.
Am I sensing a return to the escorting to help pay for college plot? Because I still want more of that.
And yes, I agree with Miss Napdao. Although I get why Sailom might feel that he has to continue his tutoring efforts, but I will say that if it's mostly about wanting to be around Kang Sailom should rethink. I am a firm believer in never putting your plans aside because of romantic feelings. Work for yourself first because nine times out of ten, you're the only one who will.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. I have no romance in my soul.
I love the ominous music that goes with these two. Like they aren't flirting.
I love the seniors. "Look you two can fight after sports day alright? Just suck it up for now you little shits."
Is that not how it went?
Oh man Sailom's practical reason for choosing Engineering hits a little too close to home.
Uh, Kang. What if he can't actually sing? Just because it was a dream doesn't mean he can actually do the thing, you know. Did we learn nothing from the lizard poop incident.
Also why. In every Thai drama. Why. WHY.
...well at least they didn't make us listen to them sing the entire song raw. Could have been worse. Could have been Sand no I'm not sorry.
Kang. I'm sorry but Pim is 1000% not into you.
SAILOM? Really???
Really? Show. Show. What are you doing. Although I guess it would be a good way to smack some sense into Kang regarding his own feelings - my guess is at some point he's gonna realize he's less upset about Pim liking Sailom than he is about Pim liking Sailom. Hopefully he acts like a complete moron about it because that's fun for me.
Lol okay I have to admit I like these little ads. They're more fun than the usual.
Next week: Sailom's little broken hearted self withdraws. Good for you dude that's what I'd do to. It'll only last five minutes but you know. At least you're not being set up to continuously return to a dude that keeps hurting you, unknowingly or not. Sand.
Yes I'm going to be mad about that forever.
Cute ep, and I promised myself that I would turn my brain off about the easy forgiving of the bullying, so once I did that I enjoyed myself much much more. I'm still hoping that the show actually plans to delve into the more serious topics it keeps flirting with, but even if it doesn't I'm not having a bad time. I do think that Perth and Chimon could handle more, though. Why cast two such strong actors if you're just going to give them work anyone could do?
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sarahlancashire · 2 years
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a runner (five) who hates exercising, you say????
exercise hoodie (i wanted a cream-coloured one, but teal was all they had)
full-length lycra leggings, with pockets (left pocket contents: vaseline, a tissue; right pocket contents: my phone / communications device)
headphones ( / headset) from amazon
loose-fitting t-shirt from sainsbury's
a sports bra
battered, second-hand nikes
a nike rucksack that my brother got as a present + gave to me bc he had another rucksack
rucksack contents: giant bottle of water, spare tissues, sun cream (hot weather) / tracksuit bottoms (cold weather), essentials (keys, etc.)
black baseball cap (for shielding from the sun + hiding horrible first-thing-in-the-morning hair)
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Yuma Mukami –(Chapter 3)
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[Chapter O 1]  [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]  [Final]
Place: ???
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Yui: (Nh...this place is…?)
???: Oh, we’ve met again huh.
Yui: (This voice...I’ve heard it before, I think…)
???: How are you feeling?...Looks like you get back your heart?
Yui: Kh! You, no way...Earl Walter?
???: Haha, you remembered me as you should.
???: More importantly, what’d you say? You want me to explain everything, don’t you?
Yui: This place is...tough one. I think I’m still carrying that stone within me….explain it slowly ー
???: Slowly? Haah...I am not willing to.
Yui: Eh…?
???: Isn’t that fine? Isn’t it important to get back the heart also for him?
Yui: Him...about Yuma kun?
???: That’s right. He also looks like suffering, it means he’s thinking about your feelings over anything.
???: He is the only one who’s trying to get back that fascinating heart...weird right?
Yui: (Heart...for that, just the taste of my blood has changed)
(But he said that he doesn’t care about the...taste.)
Yui: Yuma kun isn’t like you. He said that my heart has nothing to do with this.
???: Oh my, oh my...looks like you haven’t understood anything. ….Didn’t he treat you well?
Yui: Eh?
???: Those words are just lies, just for putting at ease, he said that….You are aware of the truth, aren't you?
Yui: Kh...Such…
Yui: (That’s true...for vampires. Taste of blood is most important to them.)
(He was trying to get back different thing rather than my heart, yet he’s dating with me)
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(But what is he really thinking? Could it be, all he’s doing just for making me relieved…)
???: He is a vampire after all. It’s something that can’t be ignored, right?
*BG black*
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Yui: (How selfish. He was being kind kind and sweet just for this)
I was able to think of anything around me only because of Yuma kun and yet…!
*Gets up from the sleep*
Place: Place: ホテル•モーントシュタイン  客室 / Hotel • Mortstein  Guest room
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Yui: Nh...it was just, a dream…?
(It was certainly an awful dream...huh?)
Yuma kun...?
(He’s gone...He was here before I fell asleep for sure)
(Did he go somewhere all by himself…!)
*gets up from the bed*
Yuma kun...where did you go?
*Door opens*
Yui: Yuma kun!?
*Hugs Yuma*
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Yuma: Oiii!! Don’t scare me outta nowhere!!
Yui: Ah...sorry…
Yuma: What’s wrong?
Yui: Because, you weren’t here when I got up, I was scared and…
Yuma: Aah, my bad. I was out for a moment to buy it.
Yui: Is that...a seedling?
Yuma: Vegetables! There’re seeds too!
That demon world’s strawberry of that cake! I want to grow, y’ know.
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Yuma: The fertilizer was outta stock so I gotta wait until they release ‘gain...well, it can’t be helped.
Yui: I see…
(It’s a relief that he didn’t go anywhere…)
Yuma: ...What’s wrong with ya’? Thinking that you suddenly jumped towards me and now you’re being gloomy...You’re tired or disappointed ‘bout something?
Yui: No, I’m fine.
Yuma: Heeh? Well, it’s fine. First of all….
*Yuma kisses Yui*
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Yuma: Nh...Calm down ‘kay?
Yui: Kh! ...I am!
Yuma: Hm? But I don’t think so. Kukuh...shall I experiment it a lil’ bit more?
Yui: Eh?
Yuma: Is it find ‘rround ‘ere...tch. I haven’t bite for a while so the marks disappeared.
Kukuh...stay still?
Yui: …...mhm
Yuma: You are being obedient today...that’s fine, ‘re I go...Haa-
Yui: Kh…!
Yuma: ………
Yui: (Yuma kun…?)
I knew I’d stop...I remembered my hands were messed with soil.
Yui: Eh…?
*Yuma backs off*
Yuma: Kukuh, sorry. There’s mud in your hair so come and have a shower.
Yui: Already...I understand. I’m coming.
Place: ホテル・モーントシュタイン  バスルーム / Bathroom of Mortstein Hotel
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Yui: (Phew, is it fine now?)
*Turns off the shower*
Yui: (More than that...earlier, was Yuma kun being patient for my blood)
(It means my blood has lost it’s delicious taste...for sure)
(Yuma Kun...has always been caring and kind. But as a return, what am I doing?)
(Me who has now worthless blood, can’t do anything)
(At this rate, may be he will start hating me)
(I can’t...allow it…)
(I must get back my heart. However, for getting back…)
(What can I do)
Place: 山中 / Mountain
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Yui: (As he said, I ascenden in this mountain road but...it’s getting so hard that I might get out of breath.)
Yuma: Oi, are ya ‘kay?
Yui: Fine…
Yuma: If it’s getting impossible, then say it soon. It’s only you, I can carry y’ easily.
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Yui: No, it’s fine. I can walk all the way.
Yuma: Aah? Then, it’s fine though…
Yui: (I have to at least walk by myself, I can’t be a burden to him)
Yuma: By the way, I didn’t imagine that I could get to know about a rare thing at the garden shop.
Yuma: They said, there can be treasure in the abandoned mine...I’m very excited!
Yui: Yes...very exciting
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Yuma: ...Oi idiot, you’re not interested at all!
Yui: Kh….no,it’s not like that. Sorry, I was a little thirsty.
Yuma: Damn, you’re hopeless. Wait a lil’ I’m going to bring water from that spring.
Yui: Yes, I am coming too.
Yuma: You’re dog-tired, so it would be fine.
Yui: No
(I should so things that can be done by my own...little by little)
Yuma: ….damn, I’ve no clue ‘bout your thoughts but, don’t stretch out your feet.
Place: Mining area / 鉱山跡地
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Yui: (Uuh…I’m not tired anymore but, no one is there, very weird.)
Yuma: Kuku...what’s up, sow. Are ya afraiding?
Yui: Because, this place is very creepy…
Yuma: Ah, that’s cuz in the past, there was a big accident here. 
Everyone was buried alive...since then, they used to come out!
Yui: Come out...no way….
Yuma: That ‘now way’. Of course ghosts,y’know?
Yui: Stop! I was already scared and…
Yuma: Haah? You, you’re walking, having a ghost in front of you, so it’s unexpected for you to be scared!
Yui: In front of me...there’s nothing.
Yuma: Idiot...there’s a vampire who’s having fun scaring a human woman.
Yui: ...Yuma kun is not a ghost.
Yuma: That’s true, but from your place, it's the same thing, right? 
Yui: Not at all! I am not scared of you or something.
(Completely different...you are affectionate.)
Yuma: Thank you.
In this connection, the thing we’re searching is pretty much the same, y’know?
Yui: Eh...really?
Yuma: Yup! In the depth of this mine, there’s a dragon-nest or something, there’s a rare thing out there!
Yui: But the dragon will be there, right…
(All I’m experiencing is all about legend things...as you expect from demon world)
*Yuma disappeared*
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(Ghosts or dragon, which one is creepiest...I haven’t seen them so I can’t have any guess)
Neh, Yuma kun, do you ーー
(Huh? He’s not here...but I far I can see, I should be a straight road)
(Could it be he’s hiding something to make me surprise)
Yuma kun…?
Stop already...Yuma kun!
(Huh? …...He’s really not there?)
Yuma kun, where? Hey!
(What should I do...preceding alone is dangerous. And also I can’t just recklessly go back and stray from here)
(But I’m fearing to be here, in this gloomy place…!)
(Anyway, to get distracted from this, let’s walk slowly)
*After sometimes*
Yui: Yuma kun…? Hey, Yuma kun…!
*Stones fall*
Yui: kh!!
(I- I was scared…)
(Where did he go…?)
Yuma kun...I’m scared…
*Another sound*
Yui: kh!!
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Yuma: Here!!
Yui: Kyaーーーah!!
*Screen shakes*
Yuma: Hey...why are y’ screaming like this! Kch, my ears hurt…
Yui: (I was scared…!)
Selection ー
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→ Get angry (+ correct)
→ Get relieved
Yui: Same to you, threatening me like this is awful!
Yuma: Oi, oi, getting angry like this, why?
Yui: Because...you were gone and I was all alone...it was creepy…
Yuma: Yeah, I saw you trembling. When you’re calling my name, I wanted to scare you wishing good luck.
*Yuma hugs Yui*
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Yuma: You’re the one who’s bad for doing cute things.
Yui: …! *blushing*
*Yuma kisses Yui*
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Yuma: I won’t go anywhere...nh
Yui: (It won’t work. I’m relieved but at the same time...tears are…)
Yuma: Aah...my bad, don’t cry. I saw something shining in the dark, so I thought to stop by there.
Yui: (I see it glows rough pale in his palm and so beautiful…)
What can it be…?
Yuma: Who knows. Maybe Ruki could tell the name at one shot, but if it’s me, I can’t.
But, you like it don’t you?
Yui: Yes, it’s so pretty.
Yuma: Then I’ll give it.
Yui: Is that okay?
Yuma: There won’t be a result even if you say you don’t want to. Take it at once!
Yui: ….Thank you. I’ll treasure it.
Yuma: kukuh...If we get outta this mine, maybe we can find this stone a really ordinary one?
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Yui: That will be fine too….I am so happy. *blushes*
Yuma: I see...Let’s walk on.
Yui: (He’s so kind...I couldn’t do anything at all)
(I knew...I’m just a burden)
Yuma: Kch!? That is……?
Yui: Hm? What’s wro—
*Yuma covers her mouth*
Yui: (He suddenly blocked my mouth…!)
Yuma: Be quiet...I can sense something
Yui: (Eh? ...He’s pointing on a hole)
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Yuma: Definitely this one...there’s rare things here.
Yui: Eh? How can you be so sure?
Yuma: Hm? You can’ see it huh? It’s risky, so you wait ‘re.
Yui: Yes…
*After a moment*
Yui: (While he was searching, he went into the hole but, Yuma kun, I hope you are okay)
(Dragons must be pretty giant...I am worried)
*Foot steps*
Yuma: I made y’ wait! I get the treasure!
Yui: Treasure….what’s that?
(It’s a little large, and curved oval. Could it be…)
Yuma: Very surprising, right? It’s a dragon’s egg!!
Yui: Dragon’s!?
Yuma: Yup!
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Yui: I- it wasn’t good...wasn’t there it’s mother?
Yuma: Well, there was. But it’s fine since there were so many eggs out there.
Yui: But...it’s sad. As I thought, you should give up on this
Yuma: Aah? I got it with so much trouble, now you’re saying to give up on it?
Yui: Because…
(However, if Earl gets interested in this egg, he may give back my heart.)
(If everything goes well, then we may also get that cake…)
Yuma: Oi, stop spacing out. Anyway, let’s pull this thing.
Yui: Y- yes.
(What should we do...but at this rate, we won’t get a second chance to get such rare thing)
(Mom of the dragon...sorry…)
*They walk*
Yuma: haahー ! That was surprisingly easy!
Yui: Yes!
*BGM stops*
(Above all, it’s good that we’ve come this far safely)
Yui: Kyaa!
Yuma: Woo! Oops...No good...I was close dropping the egg …
Yui: Hey, what kind of sound that was.
Yuma: No clue…
Yui: (Again…? It’s kinda suspicious)
Yuma: Oi, somehow I’ve bad feelings ‘bout it.
Yui: Yes…
Yui: Eh...this sound…
(Don’t tell me it's the dragon…?)
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Yuma: It’s flying...but not a dragon. An eagle?
Yui: Looks like it’s facing here and approaching this way.
Yuma: Ah, so... was it a giant eagle’s egg instead of a dragon?
Yui: Eeeh!? That means…
(We’re the...prey!?)
Yuma: First of all, get outta ‘re!! Run!!
*They run*
*After a while*
Yui: Tc...Haa, Yuma kun...I can't run anymore…!
Yuma: Are you ‘kay! It’s cuz I’m holding this egg...shit!
Yui: (I...can’t…!)
Yuma: Kch...Yui! Let’s get out using that.
Yui: Eh? Using this...minecart? Will it move?
Yuma: We ain’t know until we try! Let’s hurry!
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Yui: (Anyway, we must have to ride it…!)
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(Words Yuma used in the game) ー
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“Let’s start!”
“You’re doing best”
“No use”
“Looks like game’s over”
“As a gift for doing great ー I’ll give you sugar-chan”
Fades to CG (If you win) ー
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Yuma: Yaay! You did great, Yui!
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Yui: (I’m glad...with this, we may run away)
Yuma: I wondered what’d happen ‘cuz the way it was shaking but, the egg is also safe!
Yui: Really? That’s great…
Yuma: Of course! And it raised my tension more than any other rides of the amusement park!
Super speed and I was feeling dizzy and also the changing patterns of the landscape….perfect adventure! It was fun!
I wanted to scream every time the cart swayed up and down y’know...if possible, I’d like to ride one more!
Anyway, it went pretty well. You did effort with all your might, so come ‘re!
*CG changed  as he hugs*
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Yui: Kyaa…!
Yuma: As I thought, a woman who does it, when she has to do it. I also like it...the courage you’re holding inside you.
Yui: Is that...praise?
Yuma: Of course! You’re the best...as expected.
Yui: Same for you...To me...you are just too good.
Yuma: Kukuh...you’re just saying cute things…
Don’t show your indolent nature on the outside that much. Or you can't do your best, right?
Yui: Kch...enough already!
(More than anything, I’m glad that we two are safe)
Place: Front of Mine Entrance / 鉱山跡地入口前
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Yuma: Then, we managed to get the egg but...how can we lure out that Earl?
Our weakness is that we don’t know his location...what should we do.
Yui: Eh...this sound…!?
Yuma: Tch, it was still chasing after us! Let's escape!!
Yui: (The eagle is roaring...looks really angry)
(But it’s obvious...that was her precious egg after all)
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(To the mom of that eagle, her child’s life is….uuuh, more important than my life, right?)
Yuma: Yui! Don’t space out!
Yui: (Really, is it okay to escape like this? She’s roaring with such a sad voice...escaping like…)
(I can’t do it)
Yuma kun, let’s hand this egg to it’s mom.
Aah? What are ya’ saying so suddenly!
All of your efforts will become worthless like water but...I can’t…!
Yuma: ...You, are you saying seriously?
Yui: Yes...I’m really sorry.
But as I thought, I just can’t steal the egg from it’s mom.
If I would be in that mother’s place, I am sure I couldn’t endure it…!
Yuma: ….Haah, gotcha, do whatever ya’ want.
Yui: Yes, ...this egg, I will return it to her.
Yuma: Yeah.
Yui: (Kh...I am scared…! But, I’m sure it will get more creepy if we hesitate to give it back)
Mother giant-eagle, we’re sorry! I...I was just being selfish.
We’ll give back your child so...take it!
(Lift up as much as possible...rise up so high that you can reach the sky…!)
(She skillfully grasped the egg and…)
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Flies away….
Yuma: Haa….
Yui: (It should be fine)
Yuma: ...We’re going back. 
Yui: Yes…
Place: Rubean Lake / ルビーン 運河
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Yui: (I’m glad that we’ve reached the gondola and descended from the mountain safely...but)
Yuma: ……..
(It’s not strange to get him angry. I was….just acting on my will…)
(This time too, he’s really disgusted for all of these)
(....What have I done.)
Yuma: ...Oi
Yui: Hm?
Yuma: Look around a little more….It’s Gondola, we may not get a second chance to ride it.
| Gondola is a kind of boat for riding a lake or something. Click here for more!
Yui: (No second chance….I see. It’s a nice view, it’s somehow natural for me to lost interest for everything)
(But...if I really want to feel, it’s just too painful….!)
Yuma: Haah...damn, don’t just finish all by yourself!
Yui: Eh?
*He gets closer*
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Yuma: Honestly, you’re a good-natured person...I’d enough of that.
Yui: Yes…
Yuma: So...I’ll do it!!
*Screen shaked*
Yui: Kyaa….stop...kch!
Yuma: No, I aiiin’t. It’s yer punishment! Haa!
*Screen shaked*
Yui: Kch...Yuma kun, my hair will get messed up…!
Yuma: Aah? I don’t care….It’s ‘cuz I like any kind of you.
Yui: Eh…?
Yuma: To be honest, when ya’ said to return that egg, I knew it’s gonn’ be happen.
Yui: Is that so?
Yuma: Yeah...well, it did get me mad. However, if y’ wanted to hold back then you should do it a little before!
Yui: I’m sorry. But I was…!
Yuma: Aah, if it’s you then I obviously know what it's ‘bout! ...You’re actions were...weird.
Yui: ...I thought you will hate me who has lost her heart…
Yuma kun, even though you said that you don’t care about the taste of my blood…!
*Yuma touches her cheek*
Yuma: Ya’re really stupid. No way I’ll hate you for such things.
But...sorry for making ya worried.
Yui: No, you’re fine. It was me who ー
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Yuma: No need to say needless words...nh…*kisses*
Yui: Nn….
Yuma: Be silent...don’t think of anything. Got it?
Yui: ...yes…
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Yuma: Good girl...nh…*kiss*
(About Yuma kun...I should have believe his words more)
Yui: ( I can’t get confused about the man in just a dream, who’s the closest and...always staying by my side.)
(But I won’t get puzzled anymore. I’ll trust the arms which are wrapped around me and...the person who is always being kind to me)
(Yuma kun...thank you so much) 
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The End of Chapter O3 ー
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lycanthrop-ee · 4 years
Sires and Sons (ON HIATUS)
Chapter 1 of ?
Next chapter
A/N: YALL. I’ve been trying to figure out if I should finish this before posting the first chapter, but I’m honestly so pumped- this is my first even multi-chapter fanfic! Like,,, EVER. So anyway, it’s my birthday today and I do what I want, so without further ado- HERE WE GO. 
Synopsis: When the twins split two years ago, Janus was tasked with raising Remus. His only help was the evasive and sullen Virgil- who he already had to wrangle like a stray teenager. The endless days in the Dark Side’s Mindpalace were broken only by monthly catch-ups with Patton, and the only thing that ever changed the stories that Janus used to get Remus to bed. This time, though, something was different: secrets were slipping through Janus’ lips- and past the divide between Dark and Light. 
Ships: Moceit (probably just bg but I don’t actually know can you tell I’m a professional-)
Word count: 1312
Janus still remembered the day Patton came to the door, two little boys walking along behind him on the twisting path from the Dark Mindscape to the Light. He’d explained the situation and nudged a clumsy four-year-old towards him, clad in green, and that was the end of it- there was nothing to argue. As he’d taken the child by the shoulder and gently ushered him through the black door to where he’d be raised, the tiny child never once turned his head to watch where he was going. He simply kept his eyes set on his twin over his shoulder, standing confused at Patton’s feet, until the door had closed between them.
That was the last Remus had seen of Roman, but Patton had made a habit of knocking on the door every few months. Janus would put the kid under Virgil’s watch (never a good idea, but what else could he do) under the pretense of a ‘Work Meeting’. They’d follow a winding trail through the Imagination and just talk. About the twins, sure, but Janus also picked up a lot about Patton’s life. He’d grown to enjoy their meetings, and found the tales of the other sides flowing through his mind long after each encounter. 
One late night when Remus was hopped up on sugar and newly learned swear words that could be attributed completely to Virgil, Jan was pulling his hair out trying to get the tiny side to sleep. He suddenly sat up, earning a new sigh from his caretaker.
“Tell me a story!” 
Janus smiled softly, reminded of the kid’s secret brother- adventurous, brave Prince Roman, as the Light Sides had taken to calling him. In any case, a quick tale had never failed him in the past- and the stories of the others still bounced around his skull. So Janus sat Remus on his bed, settling across from him.
“Once upon a time,” he started, smiling as Remus stuck out his tongue. 
“Just let me start, Remus. Once upon a time, there was a royal advisor. He knew all there was to know in the whole land of…” Janus wracked his brain before sighing and turning to Remus. “Looking for a name?” 
The six year old smiled. “Assvile.”
“Remus. We aren’t calling it-”
“Shit City. Bitchtown. Fuckopolis.”
“Remus!” Janus scolded, hiding a smile.
“The Light Side.” Remus’ face had grown serious, and he looked soberly at Janus.
“Remus-” He started the sentence as an automatic sigh.. And then he heard what the young side had said. His eyes widened, and he scanned Remus’ face- had Virgil told him more than he should have? But the mushy-cheeked child’s face was earnest and interested. “The Light Side?”
Remus nodded quietly, and Janus felt a pang under his ribs. His eyebrows furrowed.
“The Light Side. The poet knew everything to be known in the entirety of The Light Side, and was hailed across the city for his sharp tongue and serious eyes. He was known for his sobriety, sure, but those closest to him- the… the king he advised and the princes under his feet, and the royal pâtissier-” Janus smiled- “They all knew him to be kind. They saw it in his fleeting and smothered smiles, or even the rare grin to be won.” Remus settled into the story, and Janus tucked him under his blanket. The younger side did have one question, one that lead further into the tale:
“What’s a patisser?”
“Pâtissier- he’s a baker. The royal baker, and there’s more about him next.”
“The royal pâtissier was one of the advisor’s closest friends. He was the nicest man in the land, a friend to anyone willing to extend him a kind hand. His baking was… questionable, really, but they needed some front to keep him around- he brought the mood of the whole castle up in the darkest of times, and he was the caretaker of the youngest princes. His cookies were exceptional, as well, leading to his official role.”
Janus searched for signs of sleep on Remus’ face, but his eyes peered up the blankets, pleading for more to the story. Janus continued begrudgingly- he agreed that keeping the twins a secret from each other was the easiest way to keep all the sides in their proper places, but there had always been something in him that had yearned to introduce the two, to see how their personalities clashed and complimented, to watch them interact with someone their own age. And so he pressed on.
“The two youngest princes were twins. One’s name was Romulous, a courageous young boy with a knack for sparring. He was imaginative and robust, and loved stories with happy endings. He dreamed of beautiful roses and handsome adventurers, of slaying beasts and saving kingdoms…” 
And, to Janus’ surprise and relief, Remus was drifting off. 
“Promise…” He yawned. “Promise to tell me more later?”
Janus wanted to tease Remus for liking the story he’d started off mocking, but he didn’t want to get the six-year-old riled up again.
“Sure, Remus. Goodnight.” Janus shook his head gently to clear it, running his hands over his eyes as he stood. He made his way softly to the door, emerging into the kitchen, where Virgil was sitting on the counter with a butter knife, a jar of peanut butter, and a box of graham crackers. It seemed he’d meant to eat the crackers with peanut butter spread on them, but had deteriorated to eating straight peanut butter with a knife. Janus sighed.
“Virgil, could you use a spoon for that? You’re giving me anxiety.” 
“I’m giving you anxiety?” Virgil snorted as he hopped off the counter. Even as he mocked Janus, he was screwing the top back on the jar and putting the knife in the sink with a clatter. “Is the kid asleep?” 
Jan nodded, taking the graham crackers from Virgil and reopening them before he got the chance to put them away. He looked around the room lit dimly by the light over the oven. “Its only 10, Virgil. You can turn on a light.” 
The anxious side shrugged; 
“I could.”
Janus sighed and flipped the light on himself. Virgil looked as though he was only contemplating actually washing his knife before he spoke. “So…how was it?”
“Patton. Your-” he motioned quotation marks around the phrase- “Work Meeting?”
“Oh.” He thought of the day spent wandering the sunny forest, Patton towing an adorable but somewhat impractical picnic basket, full of luke-warm sandwiches and a conspicuously commercial bottle of apple juice. “It was… nice.” Janus picked his words carefully, although he wasn’t sure what he was trying to hide. Virgil smirked.
“Did you have a lovely little sunlit picnic?” 
Janus snorted. “Would it surprise you in any way if I said yes?” He took out a stack of crackers before closing the box and returning them to their cabinet.
“Not in the slightest,” Virgil sighed. “How’s the kid? The.. Other. Kid.” He hesitated for the first time that night, his voice lowered.
“Same as ever. They’ve been taking him further into the Imagination, so, as usual, we have to be careful about when we bring Remus out.” Janus yawned, ending the conversation with a “Night, Virgil,” and pulling out a few crackers before shoving the sleeve back into the cabinet hap-hazardly.
By way of a goodbye, Virgil waved halfheartedly. Janus walked the short hallway to his room and sat on his black-sheeted bed. He rubbed his eyes, head in his hands, and let out a deep breath, putting the snack aside. His reading glasses stared at him from his night stand, and he finally slid them on before shuffling into his tiny bathroom.
The glasses made him look old.
And not particularly villainous.
He went to the bathroom, washed his hands in cool water, and quickly washed his scaly ace. The Dark Side’s Mindpalace had no windows. It was a questionable design, if on-brand. It increased the risk of mold growth. It made the feeling of being trapped so much more potent. It also meant that each time Janus closed his eyes he couldn’t help picturing the gorgeous green trails and the white sunbeams of the forests… as if anything could erase that from his mind’s eye. It made Virgil, Remus, and him all pale as shit, while the tan glow of the others’ showed in their equally bright faces. Janus wasn’t even sure if it was a metaphysical glow- it honestly could have just been the effect of extra Vitamin D. All things considered, Janus’ room was about as gloomy as the rest of the Mindpalace. Not as many frills as Virgil’s or the Others’. He did have a pet snake, but that was more by design than a choice of his- nevertheless, he’d named it Missy, and dutifully fed it every two weeks. 
Today was not a feeding day. Today had been a Patton day, and in the Mindscape there was only ever one Thing per day.
If that. 
Things had gotten boring very quickly before Remus came around.
Janus brushed his teeth, no longer hungry, made a couple notes on the pad next to his bed, and fell asleep to brightly-colored thoughts of the Others as long-ago royalty.
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ryainmin · 6 years
WTTC - Chapter 01: What in the What?
What the What? – Chapter 1
 “I really want to see you guys too, Mom, but if that big snow storm is coming in, I don’t want you guys to get stuck here,” I say to my mother over the phone, while pulling up in the driveway.
“Are you sure, Honey? You know I love to travel. Plus, I miss you and little Ezra.”
“I’m sure, and we miss you too,” I say as I pull into the garage. “Hey, Mom? I’m going to call you back once I get settled in, okay?”
“Okay, baby. Well, I love you.”
“I love you too, Mama.” I press ‘End Call’ and set my phone in the cup holder. I turn my car off and let my head fall back on to the headrest as I let out a heavy sigh. Another holiday alone without my family, I guess. This past Thanksgiving, I couldn’t make it back to The States, because the head chef at the restaurant I work at, got very sick and needed me to stay and help.
I slip on my beanie and wrap my scarf around my neck. I swing open my car door and hop out of my SUV. Before I closed the door, I pressed the button on the stirring wheel to open the trunk. As I walk around the SUV, I opened the rear driver’s door to let Little Ezra out.
“Come on buddy, let’s get this stuff and get out of the cold, yeah?” He looks up at me and seems to nod and tilt his little head to the side. “You’re cute, you know that?” Ezra perks up and follows me to the back of the car and waits for me to grab the bags. I swing several bags over my shoulders and pull my two very large rolling suitcases out of the back. After closing the trunk, Ezra and I walked out of the garage and to the front porch. I punched in the code for the front door, and pushed it open. The motion sensing lights flicker on as Ezra walked through the door and into the living room. A small smile appears on my face as Ezra hops up on the couch.
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“Stay right there buddy, okay? I’ll be right back,” I say as I shut the door and head toward the stairs to the second floor.
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I slowly, but surely, drag the heavy suitcases up the stairs to the master bedroom to the right, just pasted the ‘extra blanket’ closet. I dropped my backpack, three duffel bags, and the two large rolling suitcases just inside the bedroom door. Tiredly, I slug my way to my very large king-sized bed and fell face first on it. 
In the distance, little feet came trotting up the stairs and barged into my room and hopped up on my bed. Ezra buried his self into my side and whimpered.
“Are you tired, little buddy?” Ezra’s breathing slowed as he fell into an exhausted sleep. “I guess you were,” I said kissing the top of your head.
I slowly and carefully peeled myself off my very comfortable bed and began to unpack all the bags and suitcases. I slowly fill in my walk-in closet, leaving out a dark red tank top and a pair of black sweatpants. 
I gather my left-out clothes and headed to my master bathroom, with my toiletries bag in hand. Looking over my shoulder to make sure the Ezra was still asleep, I walk into the bathroom connected to my bedroom and went directly to the shower.
I turn on the water and adjusted the temperature with the touch screen monitor built-in the shower. Once the water was perfect, I stripped out of my warm clothes and stepped into my rainfall shower.
Nathan, my friend who takes care of my Gangwon Mountain property, told me about the tenants he rented my chalet out to. Apparently, it was a group of seven or eight guys taking a short winter vacation. They were originally supposed to stay at a resort in Yonpyeong; which is not far from here. However, those guys were found out or something. Apparently, this place was the only available house that was far enough away from other civilization.
According to Nathan, the group of guys, only left about 45 minutes before I got here. If they took the long way down the mountain they are going to have a hard time getting to the bottom with the snow coming in.
I blindly grab the shampoo from the shelf and squeeze some into my hand. I lather my thick, black curly hair, being careful not let the shampoo run in my face, more importantly, my eyes. I rinse my hair and condition it. Rinsing my hair one more time, I turn off the water and step out of the shower, grabbing a towel.
I towel dry off and quickly put on my clean clothes, I look at myself in the mirror and watch the water droplets fall from the tips of my hair and on my tank top. I pick up my dirty clothes and walk back into my room. I throw my clothes into the hamper by my clothes door. 
I get up on my bed, being careful not to wake up Little Ezra. My phone starts to ring and I quickly reach for it and answer it.
“Hey, my Strawberry Pop-Tart, are you settled in yet?” My mother greeted me. 
I gave a little laugh, “Yes, Mama. Everything is put away and organized, just like you taught me,” I say remembering that my mom is super OCD.
“Good. Well, I called your father and told him that we wouldn’t be spending Christmas in Korea this year,” she sighed, “I have to say, he was very disappointed.”
“Yeah, I am too. I miss you guys,” I say getting off my bed, and walk around my room. “It’ll be a year in March. A year since I’ve seen you and Daddy,” I said wiping a tear away from my eye.
“I miss you too, Baby.”
I walk out of my room and was headed toward the stairs. “I was really looking forward to your famous meatloaf,” I expressed with a smile.
My mom lets out a little giggle on the other end of the phone. 
I begin to descend the stairs. “So, what are y-.” I stop dead in my tracks on the sixth step from the bottom.
I stare into the living room with my mouth hanging slightly open.
As I stare blankly into the family room, eight pairs of eyes are staring back at me.
“Rya! Is everything okay? Rya!” My mom says with a panic in her voice.
My mind goes completely blank, not knowing how to answer my mom. Standing in the middle of my living room is JYP’s GOT7, looking just as startled and confused as I felt.
Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. My eyes land on Mark and Jinyoung first. They both are looking at me with slight curiosity. I move to BamBam and Jackson, who are both standing behind the couch, holding their phones as if they were about to take a selfie. Youngjae was half hidden behind Mark, but by his body language, I could tell that he was a little nervous. Yugyeom was almost towering over everyone, looking a little lost; bless his little heart. My eyes met JB’s. I had to do my best to not look away from his gaze. His face was blank and his eyes were cold. I guess what people said about first seeing or meeting him were true.
My eyes wandered to the eighth pair of eyes. He was about 5’10” (178 cm) and weighed about 325 pounds (147 kg). In all honesty, he did not look very friendly, and the longer he stared at me, the more uneasy I felt.
“Rya...!” My mother’s voice rang in my ear.
“Yeah...?” Was all I could come up with.
“Is everything okay?”
I nodded my head, then realizing that my mom couldn’t see me. “Yeah… I just saw a really big spider in the living kitchen room.”
My cheeks instantly warmed up as my face turns a rosy red. I hear a muffled laugh from the couch. I turn to look and spot Jackson’s shoulders shaking, with his hand covering his mouth.
“Hey mom, I’m… gonna call you back. I have to kill this spider, okay?”
“Al-alright Honey,” she said worriedly. “Call me back as soon as possible okay? I love you.”
“I will. Love you too. Bye!” I quickly hang up the phone and stuffed it into my sweatpants’ pocket.
I look from member to member, my eyes meeting the youngest and tallest member of the group. As we made eye-contact, he gave me a smile, shy smile. My heart begins to race, and my vision becomes a little blurry.
What the what...?
How was the first chapter? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Whether you liked it or not, please leave a comment telling me how you felt about this chapter. Thank you for reading! ^_^ P.S. I forget to mention this in the Bg Info, but there will be Korean speaking-ness in this story. P.P.S. I do don’t speak Korean, I can barely speak English and it is my first language. Ha. Ha. So, for the non-English, I had my BFF Google Translate help me out.. SO… Yeah…
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transtarks · 7 years
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FINALLY i’ve finished @actualbird‘s christmas present! since they live on the other side of the world from me and sending them a physical present would cost both my life savings and my firstborn, and i don’t know how to draw and i’m in a writer’s slump at the moment AND i’ve already made them a mix, i decided to put together the soundtrack i had in my head for their fic, is this a forest? ‘cuz there sure is a lot of pine (yes i know there’s a comma instead of a question mark in the picture but i’m too tired to go fix it). the art is by @savedbythemell (xx)! also, since the fic hasn’t been finished yet, this is technically a work in progress. merry christmas, bird! <3
unfortunately, spotify didn’t have a couple of the songs on the soundtrack so i made the playlist on youtube. 
check out the soundtrack here!
the soundtrack explanation is under the cut. 
Ayuz - Rico Blanco
Second chapter. Michael finds that song on spotify, goes to school listening to it. Camera shows him listening to it at his desk in his room or something, his foot tapping to it as his face morphs into a pleased expression. As the first verse plays, you see him texting Jeremy on his phone. Jeremy is asking him where he is, probably, because for some fucking reason Jeremy is early to school. He has a text convo with Jeremy that gives some insight to their relationship with each other and how Michael is pining before the chorus hits, Michael huffs out a sigh, shoves his phone in his pocket, swings his backpack over his shoulder, and heads out the door. Cut to him in school, the camera focused on his back as he does his little dance-walk through the hallways, people passing by maybe kind of looking at him strangely. The song fades as he comes into contact with Jeremy at the lunch table, sound focused on Michael singing it.
Your Universe - Rico Blanco
End of second chapter. Even though Michael doesn’t find this song until he’s home after being at Jeremy’s, it still plays as we’re shown them hanging out and havin’ a good time. When we finally see Michael at home, he’s in bed with his headphones on, laying on his stomach and staring at texts from Jeremy again, face expressionless. He sighs and sets his phone down, rolls onto his back, digs the heels of his hands into his eyes and the camera is looking down on him. As it pulls farther away from him, the scene fades out with the music, “I’ll always be the lucky one.”
Hope You Do - Cinders
End of chapter three. The song comes in, Jeremy saying, “What are gagos for, right?” and Michael laughing in response. The guitar comes in as Jeremy heads up to the kitchen to get the brownies for Nikki. Lyrics start, Michael leans in the hallway and watches Jeremy and Nikki with a small but sad smile on his face. Nikki looks at him, and in the silence between, “i want your heart and i hope you want mine to, but it’s just so hard to tell you,” and “but I hope you do,” Michael shrugs, and the camera immediately cuts from him to Jeremy’s face as he talks to Nikki. The scene fades out. Episode ends.
Henrietta - The Fratellis
Beginning of chapter four. The episode starts out silent with Jeremy in class, where he finds out that Christine has been assigned his partner for their English project. He seems to be fine, but the second that he hears Christine is his partner, the smile falls from his face, his eyes widen, and he looks over at Christine who’s looking back at him with a smile and a wave. The guitar at the very beginning of the song starts as he looks over at her, and you can see the color drain from his face as the camera switches to show Christine smiling at him. She waves, and the camera flicks back to Jeremy right as the little, “Hello!” comes in. Cut to a bird’s eye view of Jeremy sulking through the hallways on the way to lunch, then cut to Michael at their lunch table waiting for Jeremy to join him. Jeremy sits down and the song cuts off right before the lyrics can start. Queue Jeremy screaming into his backpack. That’s all that plays of this song.
Landslide - Oh Wonder
End of chapter four. Okay, so like, the thing with this chapter is that in all the parts where it says “The thing about [character name] is,” I imagine it as Michael like, writing this in a journal to himself. Like throughout the episode, we’d hear Michael’s voiceover saying the whole “Here’s the thing about Jeremy,” but since it’s Michael writing, there would be “I”s and “Me”s instead of “he”s and “him”s when referring to Michael because, well, he’s referring to himself so you get it. So we hear Michael’s voiceover throughout the episode doing that, and for the last one—the one about Christine—we cut to Michael in his bed writing this in some journal he’s never used before because he’s always thought the whole write out your feelings coping mechanism was bullshit but he’s sort of desperate at this point. So we cut to the, “My point is, Christine, should she ever like Jeremy back—” and this song is playing. The weird pulsing sound at the beginning started playing when Jeremy laid his head on Michael’s shoulder. So the first verse is playing as he’s talking over it while writing, and then the chorus hits and he just kind of shakes his head and groans and closes the journal and lays down, tries to go to sleep. The episode fades out.
Nothing Lasts - Bedroom
K, so, this episode (chapter 5) begins with no music, and that lasts until after the incident where Michael tries to text Jeremy while he’s at the mall. Then this song starts playing as confusion comes to Michael’s face, wondering why Jeremy won’t reply to him. Transfer into a, like, semi-montage with this song playing in the BG of all the incidents where Michael is trying to get Jeremy’s attention and failing. It cuts off abruptly when the camera quickly cuts from Michael looking all antsy in the hallway to a closeup of their hands as Michael grabs Jeremy’s wrist.
Some Boys (Demo) - Death Cab For Cutie
Okay so since this song starts out kind of abrupt, like SUDDENLY IMMEDIATELY THERE’S A GUITAR y’know, I’d change it so that it fades in. This is what plays when Michael has his panic attack in the bathroom! It doesn’t seem fitting at first but like, the lyrics are p good for it and also if you think about it like I am, it’s pretty fitting. So like, Jeremy leaves, the door closes. The song starts fading in as Michael locks it. We see him stare at the door handle, see his eyes well up, and see him sink to the edge of the tub. Then the camera changes to a bird’s eye view of the bathroom and like, we cycle through seeing Michael in the tub, at the sink staring in the mirror, curled into a ball against the door, hyperventilating in the middle of the room with his hands in his hair, and then finally leaving when “some boys don’t know how to love” is sung. The song fades out as the camera cuts to Michael backing out of the driveway and driving off, the screen fading to black as well.
Oo - Up Dharma Down
This is here for obvious reasons. It’s the song that comes on Michael’s spotify when he’s smoking and going through burning shit Jeremy’s given him. It plays again at the end of the episode from his headphones, but then fades in louder as the episode closes out of the hospital room with Michael sitting next to Jeremy’s bed.
Midnight Movies - Saint Motel
Chapter 6 opening. Michael and Jeremy are back at school, it seems like things are more or less okay between them. We focus on Michael in a sort of montage as he goes through a couple weeks of interacting with Jeremy and doing his best to make things normal again, but we always see him falter when Jeremy isn’t looking or when one of the kids from the squip squad talks to him. At one point, we see one of the kids asking Michael if he wants to come hang out with them; the music quiets down just enough to we catch the gist of the exchange. When the music officially fades out, it’s when the camera pans down on Michael trying to light his cigarette by the bleachers after having been asked to hang out and Christine approaches.
O Pag-ibig - Bailey May and Ylona Garcia
This is playing on Michael’s car stereo while they’re on the way back to Jeremy’s house after school. I think it’d play again at the end of the episode while Michael is thinking about how everything is going to be okay after Jeremy snuggled him in his sleep.
Green Tea - Observer Drift
Chapter 7, after everyone sits down at lunch with Michael and he starts to get a little overwhelmed. Christine offers to watch a dog video with him. The song starts playing as Michael leans over to watch it, a smile forming on his face. Jeremy’s fingers are touching his wrist, the table is laughing, and Michael looks a bit more content now. We see Christine sneak a glance at him as she shows him the video, her own smile mirroring his own. It’s soft and resembles something like pride.
Cut To The Feeling - Carly Rae Jepsen
Michael picks Jeremy and Christine up, Christine plays this song in the car on the way to the arcade.
Sporting Chance - Observer Drift
The very end of this episode as Michael watches Jeremy head over to the air hockey table. Seriously the lyrics in this fuck me up. Make a list of all your friends— close your eyes and walk away from me. I couldn’t ask you this just one time; did you write me down? Doesn’t matter how many we have, what matters is how much they care. The episode fades out with this song.
Ligaya - Eraserheads
The only song in chapter 8. Michael’s guitar cover of this at the end of the chapter fades into the actual song as the episode closes.
audioscan - ambient noise transformed into music
Chapter 9 opens up with Michael staring at the shelf of condoms in front of him at 7Eleven, this playing on his headphones. (Thanks, Jenna.)
Major Tom - Peter Schilling
Really this is just strictly for comedic purposes/background noise. This is what’s playing on the store’s speakers after Michael takes his headphones off and starts to (accidentally) text Rich. It’s got a weird floaty feeling to it and I imagine it’d be, like, subconsciously calming to hear while having a crisis in a 7Eleven.
Start Somewhere - A Yawn Worth Yelling
Okay, so like, Major Tom ends and after Michael talks to the cashier and goes to leave the store, he stops outside and takes a deep breath. This wasn’t written in the chapter but it’s what I’m imagining if this were a TV show. This song starts playing as he exits the store, and he stops outside for a second to get his bearings. The drums kick in right as Michael takes a deep breath, gets this Well, guess I’m really fucking doing this look on his face, and continues to march towards his car. We see him drive away, and the episode cuts to the next day or something where we see Michael sitting and making the flowchart of this chapter. The song fades out.
Silakbo - Milesexperience
The song that comes on Michael’s Spotify right as he’s about to confess to Jeremy in his car.
Soft Clouds - Parks, Squares and Alleys
Plays right as Jeremy says the last words of the chapter, and the camera pans out and above the car up into the sky before the lyrics can start. The episode ends.
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t1dlikeme · 4 years
Sofie's Story
“When you recognize that failing doesn’t make you a failure, you give yourself permission to try all sorts of things.” ~ Lauren Fleshman, is one of my favorite quotes, and something to remind myself in terms of diabetes management, training, and life! 
As a shy high school multi-sport athlete (track, soccer, and skiing) in Albuquerque, NM, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 16. I went from 2nd in state in the 800 my Sophomore year, to struggling to staying awake in class as a 4.0 student and barely making it through practices and workouts. With no history or knowledge of T1D in my family, we didn’t recognize the symptoms—I had a head-to-toe rash after swimming in waterfalls in Hawaii (may have triggered it) followed by months of losing weight despite eating jars of peanut butter and food each week just to keep energy—which my doctor at first thought “she’s a growing athlete” but we got bloodwork anyways. A week later, after yet another frustrating track meet, I was in the hospital with a blood sugar of 586, and was pumped to finally figure it out (until about 3 hours later when I remember eating a pear and seeing my blood sugar skyrocket, I burst into tears realizing how much of a change it would be!) 
Fast Forward…A Few Years 
After basically wanting to forget about high school (hiding in the bathroom to take shots, self-conscious and developed anxiety about weight gain post-diagnosis and just wanting to fit in), I needed something different. Although being a perfectionist and being shy / hiding from others gave me time to master my A1C early, it wasn’t sustainable and I internalized it all—until I got to college. 2000 miles from home, I chose Marquette 1) for the biomedical engineering program, and 2) for receiving a D1 Soccer Scholarship as a goalkeeper, but what I didn’t realize, is it would teach me to open up about my diagnosis and become a better athlete and advocate. I confided in my athletic trainer, who helped me with check-ins during practice (which could sometimes go 1-2 hours over the scheduled time!), and realizing we needed about ½ cup of gatorade + water every hour, supplemented with pedialyte during preseason. It was nice having my trainer, since I could get around going straight to the coaches (at first I didn’t want it to be seen as a weakness!) and she could carry around my gear for me, if needed.  
While goalkeeping allowed for easier access to management during games, practices, etc. I continued to find myself gravitating towards running, strength, and conditioning. My senior year, I began to go for runs while we were on away trips and started to become hooked—I found new ways to manage my BG’s and low intensity running basically was ‘insulin in my back pocket.! After finishing my collegiate soccer career, I joined the ‘Run with the President’ running group at Marquette with Dr. Michael Lovell (our MU President). It was around this time that another faculty member, John Klika, took me to coffee and was fascinated by my thesis research of designing a lifestyle computer algorithm and model to predict glucose and hormonal levels based on activity, stress, diet, etc. It turns out he was Type 1 himself—and a multi-ironman athlete.  
With a newfound confidence and support group, I gradually built my mileage and learned so many things from John about management, who also joined the running group and convinced me to run my first half marathon. It went really well—until, the group said next step: “the marathon.” I was like absolutely no way, I came from sprints up and down the field and have Type 1 Diabetes—I'm not sure I’m ready for that!  But, I’m not one to step down from the challenge, and I had the group helping me through the whole way. I remember my first 18-miler—5 miles from the end, I couldn’t run more than 5 steps as I couldn’t keep my blood sugar up, even with having the proper supplies, and I was just defeated. My body wasn’t used to this, having to rely primarily on glucose as fuel, instead of an intensity and fuel mix. But, I kept going—my track workouts got faster, and my next long run, 20 miles, no stopping! (It’s also important to note that I was also doing some triathlon training too, which helped keep a balance).  
I was ready and excited. Dexcom in my shorts pocket, 3 gels and gummy bears (of course), and friends cheering every step of the way! It couldn’t have been more perfect—flat line BG’s, fuel every 45 min to steady, the adrenaline rush at the 22-mile mark (the furthest I’d ever run in my life!), all propelling me to a 3rd place finish in 2:52. That was one of the best beers, post-race, I’d ever had in my life. This finish created numerous opportunities for me, including becoming a founding member of Diabetes Sports Project, JDRF Keynote talks, and more training—I wanted to try and qualify for Olympic Marathon Trials (2:45).  Unfortunately, along with these positives, came a very long string (~2-3 years) of off and on injuries—I walked 13 miles of the Boston Marathon in 2017 with a tibial stress fracture, the first of a few, and just could not catch a break. These times had a lot of lows, but taught me the resilience of having other outlets, support communities, and managing my diabetes without the ability to exercise all the time (I had started to rely on this as a form of natural ‘insulin’ all through college and into running).  
Looking back, these years of ups-and-downs were crucial to my development of outreach and community, my career, and finding the right balance of strength and running to stay healthy (turns out, soccer weight training had a lot to do with my injury free 25 years of my life!). I like to call this time falling not failing, something my therapist came up with (yes, I was seeing one, for anxiety and some low grade depression, which is something I will talk about now, since I think it is incredibly important that if you have any of these feelings, especially as a T1D, you are not alone!).  I took a job as a medical device engineer at Dexcom and moved to San Diego, CA, acting as a liaison between clinical, regulatory, quality, design and systems engineers, which was the perfect place for me as a T1D! I started the Dexcom Running Club, and from that, have some of the fondest memories. San Diego is also where I joined Prado Racing Team (PRT), and found my coach, Paul Wellman, who I still work with today.  PRT helped me find the love of running again, and I PR’d in every distance while training with them, and having a lot of fun doing so!  
My time in San Diego culminated with making an attempt at running an Olympic Trials qualifying time at CIM 2019, which I just missed in 2:49. It was such an incredible experience, however, even with missing my goal—3-minute PR, running with teammates, HEALTHY and injury-free for an entire training period, and friendships. I did have a diabetes learning experience, though, which I will take forward with future races—not all nuun is ‘carb-free’! It was on the course, and I assumed it was the zero-carbs flavor, so I took it at almost every aide station, causing me to sharply rise at about Mile 11 (especially coupled with adrenaline), which unfortunately caused some cramping around Mile 15 and slowed me off my 2:43 pace. Luckily, I was able to power through, and I will be more prepared next time.  
I have recently moved back to Albuquerque, NM, where I grew up.  After looking for an opportunity to grow my career and move into management, this was the right move for me, and is now allowing me to explore altitude training and new heights, literally and figuratively! My family is still here, and with COVID, it has been nice to be close (and living with my boyfriend, Steve). While I am not training for any races in particular, I’m making attempts at a sub 5:00 mile (currently at 5:05 at altitude) as a ‘mini’ goal, and just trying to enjoy the simplicities of running! I am getting back into the volunteering scene, particularly with my non-profit, Diabetes Sports Project, and of course, JDRF.  
Some Tips, Tricks, and Life Lessons! 
Always be prepared—gummy bears in my sports bra are my favorite! I’ve learned many lessons along the way, including one of my first solo long run experiences with a low blood sugar and having to ask gas stations for a Gatorade that I would come back and pay for later (not my finest moment, but turns out, people can be very helpful!). Always carry a card or cash and know your numbers. Plus, some great times of having snacks on hand: my running buddies favorite line is “Hey Sof! How’s your BG?” “Great!! Why?” “Can I have some of your snacks….).” They need it too, and are thankful for it when they bonk! 
Train with people who know you at your best and at your worst, and your symptoms—those are the ones that can push you through tough workouts to the end when you don’t think you can run one more rep or mile, or can more importantly, tell you when you need a break and to take a step back. It’s often trial and error in knowing what intensities affect your blood sugar the most, but with a community, you can’t fail—you learn. As unpredictable as it is sometimes, Type 1 actually can give you an athletic edge. You have to know what your blood sugar is at all times, and how your body is feeling. No one else has to do that! 
Sofie Schunk
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