#yes that’s a Walther p38
duckdodger · 1 year
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did a redraw from an Archie comic panel :]
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holly-beary · 2 years
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Lines for my favourite lupin/jigen fic, "Marks Come Before, Marks Come After" by Prosodi. I've wanted to make art of it for literal years but had been putting it off because I knew the execution was going to be a challenge. I finally did it!
Link to Prosodi’s  fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/330517 Some stuff about this drawing:
1. This scene is said to vaguely take place "somewhere between Hong Kong and Turin" so I chose Bucharest because the city-scape was interesting. The way it is drawn is not wholly accurate.
2. Lupin's shoulder holster is modelled after a real Walther P38 holster, not the one we see him wearing in the show, (which doesn't actually make sense). Thanks to my friends/acquaintances though who went and searched for the episodes where his holster appears XD
3. After staring at many pictures of fire escapes I realized kneeling on a fire escape would hurt your knees so Lup's jacket s under him. Also, Prosodi never mentions him wearing a jacket but I thought it might be weird for him to go around wearing his gun holster without one.
4. I'm posting the lines because I'm really busy this month and don't know when I'll get around to shading it.
5. Yes, I know I'm slightly ridiculous for spending this much effort on a fictional guy giving another fictional guy a bj. What can I say except I love jiglup :p
Come visit me on twitter for the full nsfw image.
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carissimipaixao · 2 years
For Christmas inbox, 05. — broken for lupin iii ^^
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published on: december 25, 2021 requested by: anon pairing: arsène lupin iii & reader word count: 1.1k+
‘So, this is where you’ve been.’
Those are the first words that the thief utters to you. You nearly jump out of your own skin, and the start allows for a stray snowflake to land on your exposed neck, as if it had been aiming to do so for as long as you’ve been there. The coldness makes you shiver and hiss slightly, and you grab your scarf, arranging it so your neck is now completely covered and safe from the harsh freezing temperatures of December.
Yet, you don’t respond to the man. Perhaps, you’re purposefully avoiding him.
As if to match, your blank, distant face morphs. You are scowling at something in the distance — anything at all, really.
You hear a faint sigh, followed by footsteps as the snow is crunched under his shoes. From the corner of your eye, the brightness of a street lamp disappears as a silhouette stands in its way. You can already imagine what kind of warm coat he’s spotting, not to mention the burdeaux jacket that he keeps beneath.
For a thief, he has never failed to look elegant and graceful. Just the type that you once found attractive.
“Once found”?
Who are you trying to fool, again?
‘We’ve been trying to reach you for a while,’ the man begins. ‘At first, we thought you had gotten rid of your phone so you wouldn’t be traced. You had us there for a moment, you know?’ He turns his head slightly to glance at you. But, your gaze doesn’t waver from the horizon, as you watch the river beneath and the other half of the town, that lays beyond the stone bridge. The lights flicker as if stars, and you think to yourself that the sight is familiar.
It’s as if you’ve been here before. And, you have. It feels nostalgic and bittersweet. That’s why you keep coming back.
‘It took a while. but I then realized where I could find you.’
Yes, because this has always been the spot where he finds you.
The first time hadn’t been as sweet as one might have initially thought. Two Walther P38 in the air, one of which was just as white as the snow had begun to pile up on the benches. He had appeared suddenly, causing your hostile reaction. He, too, had unhostled his own, after mentions of suspicion and murder. He was accusing you of taking someone’s life, someone he had apparently looked up to as a novice in the business. Unbeknownst to him, however, you had a jar made out of porcelain in your bag, holding that someone’s essence — earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. That person had been, to you, just as special. You had come there to say your goodbyes, planning to bury the weapon and the ashes in the cold river.
Similarly to your first time, you sat on a bench, gazing into the river, only a year later. And, similarly to the first time, the grandson of the Gentleman Thief had appeared just as suddenly as before. Your expression was blank, as if you were lost in a trance or a dream. Clouds materialized and faded just as quickly, as you breathed arduously. Your hand had begun to change color from the freezing temperatures, as your skin was fully exposed. Moreover, what had startled the thief had been the redness that was peeking through the gaps of your fingers. That had been when he kneeled in front of you, a gloved hand on your arm while he pulled off the other glove with his teeth. Your eyes had fluttered when the hand — so warm — had come into contact with your flushed cheek. He had been saying something, but you can never truly recall what he said to you. The blood loss had been to blame for that, and, at the time, you were ready to embrace death.
Again, that’s why you keep coming back to that river — to spare farewells to the living and the dead.
‘Why are you here?’ You finally say.
‘You’re here for a reason. And, I just want to know why.’
You take a deep breath before muttering his question out loud, ‘Why am I here?’ Your body is tense, you realize. ‘The usual, I suppose.’ You sound distant, as well. A part of you is frightened by this, and you feel your heart pull ever so slightly as you feel his eyes on you.
‘You’re leaving,’ he finally says. ‘Why?’
‘Because I—’
—can’t be here. Can’t be with you.
You’re breaking me.
I love you.
I hate you.
I’m leaving because I—
‘—why does it matter?’ You suddenly round to look at him. Your scowl was meant to look venomous and cold, but you know your expression is twitching willingly, out of your control. ‘Why should I tell you? It’s none of your business. What I do has never been your business.’
His eyes are thoughtful and his expression is neutral. He has always managed to keep his emotions hidden from the outside world, as he should. You, too, do it. You can easily filter what you want to be shown or not to others, but, somehow, this man has broken this filter. He looks through the glass, gazes into your soul. He reads you like an open book, and knowing that makes it hurt.
‘I thought we were friends,’ he murmurs with a quirk of his lip. His voice is soft and the smile is comforting. It makes you think that maybe, he, too, feels— 
No, no, no.
‘We’re business partners, Lupin,’ you remind him. ‘Always have been. Nothing more, nothing less.’ You refuse to acknowledge how your voice may have cracked ever so slightly with those words. Lupin straightens his back, his eyes swimming between your own as he notices the blur that is nearly invisible to the naked eye. ‘What did you expect?’
There is a sudden frown on his eyebrow, but it disappears in a second. Yet, its brief existence tells you something — perhaps what you’ve been wondering.
But, you push it away. You would and will never tell him, neither will you ever allow yourself to fall into this trap.
He opens his mouth to say something. But, you won’t allow him.
‘Goodbye, Lupin,’ you tell him, holding his gaze for a moment as you finish. And, you step around him, ignoring the subtle brush of gloved fingers against your elbow as you walk away from him — as you walk away from what you have buried in the waters.
You’ll never tell him, because the clock is ticking.
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forgedcold · 4 years
alright. so having an opinion on tumblr dot com in this day and age is bold and controversial and generally unwise, but i’m having one anyway since it’s going around. 
the fact meg.atron is a na.zi goes right down to his g1 roots - the walther p38 pistol he transforms into was the official pistol of the wehr.macht (aka the “unified armed forces of na.zi germany”). his whole m.o. in idw, among other things, was to “create the perfect combiner,” which mirrors the ideology of creating a master race. the only real difference, and it’s a small one, is that meg.atron wasn’t picky about who he melted down or subjected to genocide. 
was he the only one doing this? no. the black block consortia, which took root from the galactic council, (pretty much the equivalent of the UN but on a galactic scale and with a tad more corruption - i.e. paying a chunk of your natural resources to get protection) would go around wiping out mechanical species/worlds simply because of their hatred of them. #thanksmegatron
truth is, popular media has for a long time and continues to pull world war 2 and na.zi references when playing out there good vs. evil plots, it isn’t just in tra.nsformers. s.tar wars and m.arvel are two huge/popular fandoms that do as well. it isn’t something that is going to stop or change, especially because when we write villains, we draw from the world around us and things that have happened because we don’t think like villains do. and tbh, if someone can’t tell another person is writing an evil character for the sake of writing an evil character vs. actually supporting na.zi/fa.scist beliefs, then they deserve to be blocked.
here’s the thing though. morality isn’t black and white and idw is certainly full of morally grey areas. people who play villains don’t need to be constantly reminded that the characters they play fall into these real world labels or that yes, their characters are murderers and tyrants and all sorts of despicable things just because we happened to say one or two of them really aren’t that bad or we wrote them doing that one nice thing that one time. we know.
we write villains on a website that is full of toxic and extremist points of view, and it makes it nearly impossible for us to even say the sorts of fictional atrocities our characters have committed without being chased down by antis with their pitchforks and cancel culture ready to say we’re na.zi sympathizers or worse because they want to make something political out of what has inherently been a cartoon show for kids.  
and while i’m just as tired as the next person of the “op.timus/the autobots is/are evil” or “st.arscream is a victim” argument, if you really support us for writing villains, if you really respect us and commend us, then prove it outside of your cutesy reblogs about it and your nice tags and write with us. befriend us. listen to us as we panic to our friends in private, wondering how we can retcon certain terrible aspects of our characters that we aren’t responsible for so we don’t get accused of being terrible people. listen to our frustration as we don’t get any interaction because everyone says our characters are too mean or aren’t even taken seriously to begin with. 
we don’t have morally upright characters to retreat behind when feathers get ruffled and we have to step outside our comfort zones time after time. all we ask is that you be willing to do the same for us.
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thievinggentleman · 5 years
interview meme LET’S GET THIS BREAD
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——— character question sheet
▌real name:  Lupin III ▌real name:  Unknown, though some sources cite it as “Arsène Lupin III,” grandson of Arsène Lupin, the Great Gentleman Thief. His name, however, has never been stated factually as such and all ICPO documents list it as “unknown.”   ▌single or taken:  Single and prepared to mingle. ▌abilities or powers:  Sharpshooter; he’s capable of making incredibly accurate shots with his Walther P38 (among other weapons), so accurate, he’s gone on record shooting another bullet out of the air.  Sticky Fingers; he’s a thief, so his hands are sticky, capable of lifting just about anything off of a person.  Flexibility; he’s agile and quick, sure, but his body is also able to contort much more effortlessly than the average Joe.  Escape Artist; a decent thief can’t be good at his job if he gets caught. That is... unless he knows how to escape from any confines, such as rope or handcuffs or even chains. ▌eye colour:  Black, though in some lights can appear brown. ▌hair colour:  Dark brown, occasionally appearing black. ▌family members:  Mother and Father, Grandfather. He knew his grandpa best, as his own father got thrown in prison early in his life. Long story short, Lupin’s own dad thought he was an imposter, broke out of jail and tried to murder him. ▌pets:  None right now, though he did once have a Dalmation!  ▌something they don’t like:  Killers. It goes against his moral code to kill out of cold blood. ▌hobbies/activities:  Building models of airplanes and cars, tinkering with mechanical things to create makeshift gadgets, going on dates with cute girls and annoying Inspector Zenigata. Probably some other things, but these are some of his favorite pastimes. ▌ever hurt anyone before:  Yes, out of self-defense. ▌ever killed anyone before:  Yes, out of self-defense. ▌animal that represents them:  ...monkeys. Probably chimpanzees. ▌worst habits:  Faking his death, lying, manipulation. ▌role models:  His grandfather. ▌sexual orientation:  Bisexual. ▌thoughts on marriage/kids:  He loves the thought of marriage. And with the right woman, he’ll even settle down and do the domestic stuff. He prefers the ceremony and the idea of being in the spotlight of holy matrimony. But he’s been on the record literally running away from Fujiko who tried to marry him once. Kids, he likes them, but he’s not ready for them right now. Jigen and Goemon may think he’s a fit father figure, but the fact is, he’d take the kid on heists which can turn out dangerous... ▌fears:  Octopus. ▌style preferences:  Every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man. ▌someone they love:  Fujiko! ▌approach to friendships:  He’s always cautious, but always friendly. He tends to keep people at arm’s length, should they turn and betray him. ▌thoughts on pie:  Delicious! ▌favourite drink:  Alcoholic; a good Bordeaux.  Non-alcoholic; coffee, black or with a little creamer.  ▌favourite place to spend time at:  Depends on his mood! Anyplace from bars and clubs to museums and art galleries. ▌swim in the lake or in the ocean: Ocean, for sure! Though if it’s fishing... a lake! ▌their type: A mighty fine woman. He likes himself an independent lady who’s willing to kick ass and take names when necessary. However, he finds himself drawn to young ladies who are vulnerable and need a savior... ▌camping or indoors: Camping! He’s done it a lot, though he also loves a nice bed. Sometimes, however, it’s just nice to light a campfire and gaze at the stars...
tagged by: @100pwr // thank you! tagging: @heroic-thief @arscne-lupin @theothervonkarmagirl @lil-miss-romano @driftingjazzbard @shecommandsall & YOU!
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