#yes the incense burner is the one from the novel
threepreludes · 8 months
Hiiii I’m going to be forced out of my home and while I have a job, it’s part time and barely above minimum wage and I need a way to afford rent.
Please please consider commissioning me for art or even writing…
Prices start at $50 (costs of these from right to left—$60, $200, $75, $100, $50) and YES I will draw your favorite kpop artist or mass effect alien or Harry styles or your cat or Guinea pig or your mom or grandmother or your father’s hand or a feather or a boat or a house or a frog etc.
Maybe I could get more work by pricing myself lower but I have a fine arts degree I earned ten years ago and I am learning that I am actually worth something. And by the way, the last piece is my favorite drawing I have ever done and I would love to do one hundred more of them every two weeks for the rest of my life or until I lose the use of my hands.
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I accept venmo and zelle and PayPal and I would love to make art for you and I don’t charge with how big you want to print it out, I’ll draw it to whatever size you need
Also I do tarot readings—I’ve been doing them for six years now and you can order a reading on my Etsy here
I’m also about to start offering ceramic decorations like the following:
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Which will be priced around the same as drawings though will not include shipping cost. I also make stick incense burners in varying shapes.
I will send you one chapter of my romance novel for free as an example of my writing style.
Thanks for your consideration and I appreciate any support I can get, including reblogs of this post.
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web-novel-polls · 6 months
Web Novel Weapon Tournament
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[Please be courteous in the notes.]
Bichen - Lan Wangji’s sword (MDZS) 
this sword has been through a lot...
Cursed Knowledge Link
Mod Propaganda
Yes, this is the sword Wei Wuxian stuck up his ass in the Incense Burner Extra. It’s also Lan Wangji’s main weapon that was included in the iconic “Lan Wangji calling Wei Wuxian his scene” where Wei Wuxian believes he’s pointing toward Bichen (Chapter 31). It’s a legend, and I would be doing a disservice to Jin Guangyao (who Bichen defeated in the first round of the Danmei Character Tournament) if I did not include it.
Xin Mo - Luo Binghe’s sword (Ver. 2: Electric Boogaloo - SVSSS)
it is literally The web novel weapon??? like it’s the demon emperor’s golden finger that he found in the eternal abyss? it has fanon continuity points as well if you believe that the metal rod wei wuxian (MDZS) touches in the mouth of the turtle is either a previous or later form of xin mo. Xin Mo is soooooooo good that it had to fight itself at one point! XIN MO SUPREMACY !!!!!!!
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Wei Wuxian’s farmhouse dreams/Wangxian retiring into seclusion are viable (and present) options for post-canon, probably just in a more distant future than where the extras leave off. Here’s an author’s note from mxtx early in the novel:
In the previous chapter, the readers’ focus was so weird. _(:з)∠)_ Why does the ten odd rabbits have to be the offspring of the two male rabbits? Lan Er Ge Ge also knows how to catch rabbits. When they’ve retired and enter seclusion together, they’ll catch even more rabbits and rear them together. (*^_^*)
–Chapt. 20: Harmony Part 2: Husband and husband going down the mountain as a pair, taming wangxian
Then there’s also this:
He sat on the donkey with his legs criss-crossed. He swayed as he pretended to be unconcerned, “Speaking of it,
HanGuang-Jun, do you plan on ever retiring?”
Lan WangJi paused shortly, as though he was thinking for a moment. Wei WuXian struck the iron while it was still hot, “Have you thought of what to do after you retire?”
Lan WangJi gazed at him, “Not yet.”
Wei WuXian thought to himself, It’s perfect if you haven’t thought of anything yet! I’ll think for you.
He was going to find a place beautiful though sparsely populated and build a large house there. He could build one for Lan WangJi next to him as well. Everyday there’d be two dishes and a soup. Of course, it’d be best if Lan WangJi was the one who cooked, or else they had to eat the things he cooked. It’d be best if Lan WangJi was responsible for the account of their money as well. Before his eyes even appeared the scene of Lan WangJi wearing coarse cloth, patches at his chest and his knees, sitting expressionlessly at a handmade wooden table, counting coins one by one. After he finished counting, he grabbed a hoe and went out to work. And, on the other hand, he’d... he’d... he’d do what?
–Chapt. 67: Tenderness, exr
(This quote actually goes into more detail about the plans, but you get the point.) Keeping in mind that while this second one is a pre-confession daydream, Wei Wuxian is, at this point in the story, already aware of Lan Wangji’s feelings (just missing the confirmation part) as well as his own and has committed to the idea of a life together. This is something that Wei Wuxian has thought about in detail for a while, now, going back to even his first life:
“...” Lan WangJi stared at the two making casual conversation, “Your dream?”
Wei WuXian was laughing so hard he might suffer from an internal injury, “Pwahahahahahahahaha, uh, yes. For a certain period of time, for some reason, I keep on having these dreams. I’d dream that we retired to seclusion to the countryside. I go out to hunt and farm, while you stay at home to guard the house, weaving and cooking food for me. Oh right, you’re also in charge of my money and doing accounts for me. At night you even mend my clothes. Every time I dream about telling you to boil the bathwater so that we could bathe together at night, but every time we were about to take off our clothes I’d wake up. What a shame, hahahahahahahahahahaha...”
–Chapt. 117: Extra (Incense Burner 1), exr
And while we can infer that this is a dream from his first life – particularly because of the innocence of stopping before any sex happens and also due to the fact that the next dream is rooted in teenage Lan Wangji’s fantasies – I’d say this dream still reoccurs in the present. Because in this version, Lan Wangji doesn’t have a separate home; he and Wei Wuxian live together. So yeah, this is why my headcanon is that they eventually do leave the Cloud Recesses to be in seclusion/retirement together.
(Plus, Wei Wuxian also imagines that they just leave seclusion “if they get bored,” so I imagine that seclusion and retirement aren’t some no-take-backs life commitment to him.)
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years
What other crimes do you think it would’ve been good for Untamed characters to do that they never had time for in canon?
The more likely to cause the purity police to clutch their pearls the better, please and thank you 🥰
ooooh man that's a tough one 🧐 (also I'll be going with mdzs canon here unless otherwise specified)
more murder for a-yao, obviously. I suppose it would have been particularly valid of jgy to find some way to orchestrate madam jin's death considering she injured him badly enough in the days leading up to the jinlintai stairs incident with nmj for him to have a head wound serious enough that it gapes open once he hits the ground. recall from the villainous friends extra that she has thrown crockery and a literal incense burner at him because he had the audacity to not be dead. and because jgs is a fuckboy, which is somehow jgy's problem to manage, naturally. so anyway, yes, I personally think it would have been extremely sexy of jgy to off his evil step-mother.
revenge quest for jin ling? like I'm not saying the novel is remotely suggesting this is in the cards, but thematically it seems like the natural and tragic continuation of the cycle of violence in mdzs, and all lan jingyi's jokes about him being the fussy 'young mistress jin' aside, he's one of the two characters left in the jianghu who mourns jgy after his death. alas, I just can't see lxc being the type to get his kill bill on given the state he's in post-canon, but, and I say this with tremendous affection for huaisang, I think if jin ling did actually confirm for himself that nhs was behind his xiao shushu's demise, he might do something explosively stupid about it.
ooh, speaking of huaisang--I have no idea how one would even swing this turn of events, but maybe some actual fratricide for a-sang? honestly, nmj is as much a clear threat to nhs's life near the time of his qi deviation, and even as he was qi deviating he very easily could have cut off nhs's arm and his leg. I know that nhs's love for nmj is deeply tied to his commitment to his naughty little vision quest, but, idk. rearrange a few key canon events, force nmj to do something truly heinous in front of nhs... I'm just sayin', is all. 🫖
hmm, all of this is pretty milquetoast and unlikely to result in too much pearl clutching, I need to step up my game--oh, I know, let su minshan hand mianmian over to wen chao to be used as bait for the xuanwu of slaughter! no wen chao temper tantrum, no abandonment of the other cultivators, and maybe everyone manages to escape the angry slaughter turtle cave without provoking further violence? ...yeah it's too much of a reach. oh well, I tried.
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
INCENSE BURNER????? STILTON!?!!??!??????
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coffeeandritalin · 2 years
Just some thoughts and feelings inspired in me by this post from @kimalysong
(Note: I normally try to keep CQL and the novel separate - influenced by where I think it matters to keep them separated. In this case, I mix the mediums because I feel like the narratives help support each other - especially since CQL had to be censored.)
Yas! I feel like WangXian is a great example of how 'opposites attract' should be portrayed! They come off as opposites at first, but their opposing traits serve to complement and balance each other.
Just the simple trope of 'one is talkative while the other is quiet' shows this so well. WWX has a point to get across and will use as many words as it takes while LWJ seems to be in competition with himself over how few words he can use to convey a thought. Even though these are opposing traits, how each person uses their trait in a way that complements the other person.
Yes, WWX has a lot to say. For a long time, the cultivation world refused to listen (this goes as far back as Cloud Recesses days when LQR and even JC immediately dismissed his idea of using resentful energy - and likely further than that). LWJ, on the other hand, is determined to make sure WWX is heard. (Even if LWJ is the only person listening - WWX will be heard, d*** it!) (Even pre-resurrection, LWJ really tries to be there and listen to what WWX has to say. There are just a lot of other things that get in the way of them successfully communicating with each other.) At the same time, LWJ isn't just a sponge that simply absorbs everything WWX says. He frequently deliberates with WWX and doesn't hesitate to give his thoughts and suggestions.
On the other end, LWJ says very little out loud. WWX is aware that LWJ doesn't say much. In the novel, WWX even acknowledges that LWJ isn't the type of person to state his wants aloud. WWX, though, wants to know what LWJ is thinking and feeling. Throughout the story, WWX asks LWJ about his thoughts, opinions, likes, etc. The most important thing here though is that, despite having so much to say, WWX deliberately makes space for LWJ to speak. He creates a conversational atmosphere for LWJ and gives LWJ lead-ins and prompts, but he also gives LWJ the option of whether or not to answer.
Now, I want to point out that having very little to say aloud/through words is not the same as having very little to say. LWJ makes a conscious and personal choice to not say everything out loud. Instead, LWJ speaks through his actions (this includes all those microexpressions from CQL). This is important because, over time, WWX learns how to read/'listen to' LWJ in LWJ's preferred communication style. WWX continues to chatter on using his preferred style, but he becomes very attuned to all of LWJ's non-verbals.
This makes me think back to the scene where LWJ and the juniors bring WWX back to Cloud Recesses after the incident at DaFan Mountain. LXC comments that LWJ seems happy, and WWX is on the side, thinking, "WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THAT!?" If the incense burner for some reason brought them back to that moment, I bet present-WWX would also now be able to tell how happy LWJ was.
Thinking about it now, with how much WWX has always stared at LWJ, I think he's always been attuned to LWJ's non-verbals to some degree. He just wasn't sure that he was interpreting everything correctly until much later. But, I digress...
I just find that their conversation dynamic is so supportive of each other. It's not one always talking and the other always listening. They converse. Through natural trial-and-error, they learn to converse in ways that support and nurture each other's conversation style. They each place so much emphasis on ensuring the other person has a voice in their relationship. I just... I can't... I need to stop, or I will continue repeating the same thing over and over again in 300 million different ways using slight word variations.
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layzeal · 3 years
you know what’s incredibly funny? despite wwx’s red ribbon being so strongly associated with him, it is only ever mentioned once in the entirety of canon
more specifically, in this scene:
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“wait isn’t this–” yes. yes it is
(thoughs under the cut?)
honestly, i think MXTX just didn’t think about the red ribbon thing while writing the novel, but her artist friends like changyang and maotuanxjj probably gave him one just aesthetically and to work as a foil against LWJ’s white ribbon, and from then on it stuck so hard in fanon that she made a reference to it when publishing the incense burner chapters 2 years later
the MUCH more interesting interpretation that this scene implies is 1. wei wuxian has been wearing a red ribbon since CR school days 2. it stuck in LWJ’s subconscious so deeply that it made an appearance in his dreams
so, fanfic writers who write LWJ POV as paying special attention to WWX’s red ribbon... congratulations, you are Very correct
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As a bisexual rape survivor I actually like the incense burner chapters. I don't find it rapey especially if you have actual good reading comprehension. Wangji's dream is literally spurred on by what Wei Ying said to him the first time they had sex together after the temple. It's not a dream he's had since he was 15 nor does he actually want to rape Wei Ying. The dream plays out exactly how Wei Ying says it to Wangji. It's his way of fulfilling Wei Ying's fantasies and indulging him on a subconscious level. Wei Ying regrets that they never slept together back then this how Wangji "fixes" that. It's consensual and they both are into it especially Wei Ying. Wangji is actually ashamed of having dreamt this and doesn't want Wei Ying to see in the beginning, but Wei Ying very much wants to see it. He's not mad at Wangji or ashamed of him in anyway when sees the dream. He actively accepts the unrestrained version of Wangji and encourages it. He's more invested in the dream than Wangji.The only person has a right to be mad is Wei Ying and he very much is the opposite. People reading the novel really have no right to be upset for Wei Ying or disgusted with Wangji when Wei Ying himself is not mad.
On a another note a lot of rape survivors have a rape kink because it helps them deal with the trauma and it allows them to take back control. Even though it's "rape play" when they say no or safeword everything stops and that's a comfort to them and gives them control over their own body. If you kink shame people who have a rape kink especially when a lot them are victims themselves, you're kind of an ass and vilifying rape survivors and making them feel ashamed.
rape kinks/fantasies are so common i'm honestly surprised there's still people getting worked up over it. regardless no one needs trauma or personal experiences to justify their kinks or taste in fiction, nor is anyone ever obliged to disclose personal information to prove what they're allowed to read about, or what kinks they're allowed to engage in. ultimately it doesn't fucking matter lol.
aside from that, i sort of disagree about your stance on how ib1 is supposed to come across. first of all, i do interpret that as a fantasy that lwj had himself, rather than coming solely from wwx. i will get onto why i think that in a bit, but i do also want to point out that the contents of lwj's dream involving wwx is rape. yes it didn't actually happen, yes it was just a dream and no, obviously lwj doesn't actually want to do that to wwx irl. but his fantasies did involve raping/dubconning him (to the tune of no, no, no, yes). i don't think we need to shy away from that in order to justify the existence of ib1. lwj could have done anything at all to wwx in that dream, and would never have been bad, because it's a dream - it did not actually happen and lwj would not actually do that. and it was very cool and sexy of mxtx to make wangxian 100% sexually compatible but even if wwx had hated everything he saw in that dream and never wanted to hear a thing about it again, there still would have been nothing wrong with the dream itself, or lwj for having it.
as for why i think that dream very much was lwj's fantasy, when i first read ib1, my initial reaction was 'oh he just dreamed about wwx's fantasies' but after having reread it quite a few times, i do not think this is what mxtx intended for several reasons. ib1 stuff & ns/fw under the cut..
most obvious is this - 'Wei WuXian clung onto Lan WangJi, almost biting his earlobe, “Yeah, who said you didn’t understand? What you think about in the day you dream about at night. Lan Zhan, tell me the truth, you really want to do this to my past self, don’t you? I can’t believe… that you’re this kind of HanGuang-Jun.”
Although Lan WangJi was still expressionless, the pink had already snuck up to his fair neck. The fingers resting at his knee also curled up unnoticeably.'
'“If you were able to dream about it afterwards, HanGuang-Jun, you should’ve just did it to me back then. I…”'
wwx clearly takes this dream as something lwj himself dreamed about the time, lwj does nothing to refute this. his reaction to wwx's first comment seems to indicate that wwx is right.
it is worth mentioning that wwx also assumes in ch.116 that lwj brought the food up from caiyi town rather than making it himself, which lwj does also nothing to refute. but that is cleared up later in the lotus seed pod extra, whereas mxtx writes nothing to directly refute the interpretation that lwj actually had this dream as a teenager.
i also think that if lwj's dream was purely spurred on by wwx's comments, his reaction of not wanting wwx to see it would be completely out of place.
while lwj's dream does bear a lot of resemblance to what wwx talked about in ch.111, there are a lot of details that did not come from wwx...
the forehead ribbon - it was lwj who originally tied wwx up with it during drunk #2, while wwx does ask lwj to do so again, its clearly an interest that initially came from lwj, not the other way around.
lwj's dream is much more... brutal than what wwx described in ch.111, which is - '“Second Young Master Lan, when did you start having feelings for me? If you liked me since such a long time ago, why didn’t you take me sooner? The back mountains of your Cloud Recesses would be quite a good location, wouldn’t it? When I snuck out to fool around alone, you should’ve tied me up and dragged me away, pinned me onto the grass like right now to do whatever you want to me [...] You’re so strong, so I couldn’t have resisted. If I screamed, you could’ve silenced me. Or your Library Pavilion also would’ve been a great place, right in the middle of the scriptures scattered on the ground. We could’ve bought a few cut-sleeve booklets to compare and learn, any position at all…"''
its fairly tame, no? whereas in lwj's dream, he makes wwx bleed - 'White and red instantly dribbled out of the opening, rolling down the thighs.' and 'The hole that’d been forcefully used for so long was swollen, yet it still opened and closed intermittently, seeping white and red.' and 'The milky secretion, the thin streaks of blood, and a clear fluid of unknown origin swished around where the two connected, making a mess of things.'
wwx's pleas for mercy come across far more sincerely than wwx's ott ones he does irl -
'Wei Ying groveled on the mat, his body shifting forward with each thrust. Terror flashed across his face. [..] Pinching his waist, Lan Zhan fucked even harder, still without any method. After a while at such a level of intensity, Wei Ying finally couldn’t take it any longer.
Half his face and his upper body were pressed down on the ground with extreme force. He rambled incoherently, “S-Spare me, spare me… Lan Zhan, Second Young Master Lan, spare me…”' (Ch.117)
'Wei Ying’s cries also became more miserable, “Lan Zhan… Lan Zhan… Did… Did you hear me… It’s too deep… Don’t come in all the way… My stomach hurts…”' (Ch.117)
'he mumbled almost as if he was on his last breath, “Listen… Listen to me, outside, ooutside there are people waiting for me. Jiang Cheng and the rest… are still waiting for me outside… Ah!”' (Ch.117)
compared to his 'pleas' in in reality
'Wei WuXian pleased him with kisses and rambled on, lacking all pride, “Er-gege, do me a favor and spare me a last breath. We’ve got so much time on our hands. Let’s continue next time, let’s continue with you hanging me up, yeah? Spare this virgin today, won’t you? HanGuang-Jun is too strong and the YiLing Patriarch has lost miserably. They shall fight again next time!”' (Ch.111)
additionally, in ch.111 before wwx has even started running his mouth, lwj is aroused by the idea of him being in pain (or being a virgin, or both. probably both)
wwx also repeatedly asks lwj to use to silencing spell on him, which lwj never does either in reality or in his dream, since it's obviously not something he is interested in.
so the question of whether or not lwj's fantasies are actually just indulging wwx's, no i don't think this is the case at all. let's not forget how lwj demanded to know why wwx wasn't resisting in ch.115.
i also think the context within in the dream is quite out of place for a grown man to retrospectively have. teenage lwj was pretty incensed by wwx's porn book prank, the whole scenario of lwj proving wrong wwx's claims that he's inexperienced just comes across as a classic 'coming up with a good retort long after the argument has ended' type scenario .. its childish, especially the need to prove his knowledge/experience. would grown lwj care enough about something like that to dream about it? i don't think so.
final point, i do think the interpretation of lwj's dream being something he only had as an adult in response to wwx's comments detracts from his character a little.
mxtx wrote the extras for funsies, but not just for funsies. it's one of the few proper insights we get into lwj's thoughts. for everything that happened there to just come from wwx in the first place makes it all a bit... pointless? why would mxtx go onto lwj's mind in that extra just to tell us something that we already know - wwx has a rape kink & and lwj likes doting on him. we don't need ib1 to tell us that. instead, i think the purpose was to give further context to lwj's actions as a teenager, specifically his... intense reactions to wwx. i do not think it was 'gay panic' or a struggle to accept his feelings, because as soon as wwx leaves the cloud recesses, lwj travels for lotus seed pods, is interested in trying the foods wwx recommended. lwj isn't someone who acts impulsively or thoughtlessly, he didn't walk 10 miles just to get some lotus seed pods with the stems attached without thinking about why he was doing it. i believe teenage lwj was very much aware of his feelings, and for the most part accepting of them. but, compared to his wistful attitude when wwx is away, as soon as he encounters him again at the qishan archery competition, he's his usual hot & cold self with wwx.
time for unhinged hours i guess but lwj didn't struggle to accept his feelings for wwx, he struggled with how to deal with the brat because he was just tryna hold back from dubconning him the whole time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
on top of that, taking lwj's kinks that far back in his life provides so much more juiciness to the ongoing narrative of consent in his character arc.
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persefone88 · 3 years
10 + 1 Wangxian Recs - Theme Cloud Recesses Era Getting Together
I am currently mostly in MDZS (Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) fandom. And fully and wholeheartily shipping Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian. And since I have collected 2000+ Wangxian bookmarks on AO3 I thought it was high time to pick out some of my favourite fics to Recommend. But since it is hard to pic just a few I decided to separate them into themes.
This time it is Wangxian getting together as teenagers during the Cloud Recesses Studying Arc. So don't be suprised if any of these fics contain underage sex.
Deep in the Woods by malkinmalkout
Summary:Wei Wuxian discovers a new kind of pornography which makes him very curious. Luckily Lan Wangji is there to help.
Romeo, oh! Romeo. Whyfore art thou-WEI WUXIAN?!?! by mondengel
Summary:WangXian happens a lot sooner and Lan Qiren is suffering.
The Secret Life Of Lan Wangji by Dei_Starr (DeiStarr), DeiStarr
Summary:Teenage Lan Wangji keeps a journal to help him organize his thoughts.Then Wei Ying shows up, and throws his carefully-ordered world into chaos. He has no idea what's happening; what is wrong with him; Wei Ying must be doing something to cause this - clearly, it's all his fault! Wangji's body just keeps doing strange things without his permission and it's all very confusing and upsetting.With a little help, he eventually figures things out. But next thing he knows; before he even notices what he's been doing, he realizes all of his journal entries have started turning into porn. It's all very disturbing; especially because it just keeps happening.Eventually he gives in and starts keeping a record of every smutty thought he has; every last filthy detail about what he wishes he could do to Wei Ying. (He's the only one that will ever read it, so it's fine. It'll just be his dirty little secret.)Except that Wei Ying wants to know everything about Lan Zhan; in the course of his snooping, he just might end up learning more than he bargained for!
Maybe We Should by petiteneko
Summary:Wei WuXian is having trouble dealing with the accusations Jiang WanYin has thrown his way.
Double Dare by malkinmalkout
Summary:For a prank Jiang Cheng dares Nie Huaisang to pretend he has a crush on Lan Wangji. This results in Wei Wuxian having a few realisations about his own feelings.
My Boyfriend Is So Talented by Xiao_Zhang
Summary:Lan WangJi failed to restrain himself and gave in to his lust. He took Wei WuXian right then and there at the Library Pavilion, indirectly confessing his feelings to Wei WuXian. This one mishap changes not only the relationship between the boys but also the people around them.Or : What follows if chapter 117 Incense Burner - Library Pavilion happened for real.
Losing My Mind by pupeez4eva
Summary:On a drunken dare, Jiang Cheng drinks a potion that allows him to hear other people’s lustful thoughts. It’s just his luck that he’s stuck in close vicinity with the guy who is completely and utterly besotted with his idiot brother.One thing's for certain - there is no way he's leaving this with his sanity intact.(Or, where Jiang Cheng has a lot of regrets, Lan Wangji is having an ongoing sexuality crisis, and Wei Wuxian is as oblivious as ever).
Just say yes by edenwolfie
Summary:Lan Qiren had never had a student he couldn’t improve, and Wei Wuxian would not be the exception, especially not now that his nephew was in love with the troublemaker. He would not allow history to repeat itself.
held still, held here by eicaswrites (Eicas)
Summary:(Library scene rewrite! D/s au! That's... basically it!)"Tell me to stop," he said, tightening his grip on Wei Ying's hair. Wei Ying winced, but his defiant stare did not waver. For the first time since Lan Wangji had met him, his mouth stayed stubbornly shut. Lan Wangji nodded."Punishment," he continued, barely able to hear himself over the roaring in his ears, "For inappropriate behaviour.""And you call me shameless, Lan Zhan?" he said, with a shadow of the teasing from before, belied by the breathless quality of his voice, the uncharacteristic stillness of his body.
teeth on my waist (i come undone) by martyrsdaughter
Summary:His eyes follow the length of Wei Wuxian’s body, all the way down to his toes and back up to his eyes again. Wei Wuxian thought that only happened to maidens seconds from being ravished and forced to present in those lascivious novels Nie Huaisang’s been passing around. Or maybe he’s unfamiliar because he’s not a buxom maiden?“Wei Ying is sure he will put them on their back.”Wei Wuxian tilts his head, grinning. “Yeah. Aren’t you?”Lan Zhan just looks at him.
To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag
Summary:Madam Yu comes to Cloud Recesses. Lan Xichen is woken to be told worrying news. Lan WangJi does not break someone's arm. It was dislocated.
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three--rings · 3 years
hii love your blog! I've seen dual cultivation and how it "strengthens the golden core" popping up in fics everywhere. is this something from canon (eg. the novel's incense burner) or is this fanon? thanks!
Dual cultivation is an existing trope in the xianxia genre, which is the greater genre which MDZS is merely one example of (and one that is actually intentionally playing against genre tropes.) 
Here’s an article with some info about it.
In the MDZS novel WWX refers to wangxian as practicing dual cultivation, by which he basically just means sex, as a way to make clear to people that not only are they cultivation partners, they are the kind of cultivation partners that have lots and lots of sex.  There’s no going into detail about them actually using sex to improve WWX’s cultivation, though that’s a pretty commonly accepted fanon. 
So yes, dual cultivation is sex and yes it is the practice of sex that can improve the core of one partner and yes Wangxian canonically practices dual cultivation but no, it’s never delved into in detail in canon. 
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web-novel-polls · 11 months
Web Novel Weapon Tournament Submissions
Submissions Closed
One weapon per submission. If you'd like to submit multiple weapons, please do so in separate responses
If the weapon doesn't have a specific name, please use however it's usually identified (ex: Character A's sword)
Any type of weapons are allowed! If it was created to be a weapon, essentially a weapon, or memorably used as a weapon, it counts! Have fun with it
Tournament Tag: #web novel weapon tournament
Current Submissions & Dealer's Choice under the cut
(CWs: spoilers, suggestive language, object insertion, suicide, self harm, character death)
[Last Updated: March 1st, 2024]
Xuan Su - Yue Qingyuan’s sword (SVSSS)
Mod Propaganda: Xuan Su is Yue Qingyuan’s iconic sword that is only drawn twice after he suffers from a qi deviation bonding his life force to Xuan Su. 
Zheng Yang - Luo Binghe’s sword (SVSSS)
Submission: Something about a childhood sword that was broken, then preserved, then restored, and in the end was the one that remained, instead of the more powerful one that brought only misery. 
Bichen - Lan Wangji’s sword (MDZS) 
this sword has been through a lot...
Cursed Knowledge Link
Mod Propaganda
Yes, this is the sword Wei Wuxian stuck up his ass in the Incense Burner Extra. It’s also Lan Wangji’s main weapon that was included in the iconic “Lan Wangji calling Wei Wuxian his scene” where Wei Wuxian believes he’s pointing toward Bichen (Chapter 31). It’s a legend, and I would be doing a disservice to Jin Guangyao (who Bichen defeated in the first round of the Danmei Character Tournament) if I did not include it.
Jiangzai - Xue Yang’s sword (MDZS)
i don't know shit about swords but jiangzai can split into two swords and that's Very Cool methinks
E-ming - Hua Cheng’s cursed scimitar (TGCF)
Wiki Link 
E-ming is the best boy. Hua Cheng forged his saber when he was defending humans who got caught in the middle of a big ghost battle for dominance, essentially. He dug out his cursed red eye and created E-ming from it. So his eye is on the pommel of the sword, right in the center above the handle, and it emotes!! When its happy, the eye curves into a crescent and it vibrates!!! It cries when Hua Cheng is mean to it in a fucked up sense of self loathing since his sword is born from him!! E-ming grows bigger when Xie Lian(Hua Cheng's god and eventual husband) kisses the blade, because silly erection joke! But also it begs Xie Lian for praise and attention because its BEST. BOY. Oh and I guess also the entirety of the heavens fears the cursed blade E-ming, which has the power to reopen any wounds its made an on an individual before. Just the thought of E-ming makes gods shake in their boots. But more importantly, he's best boy.
Ruoye - Xie Lian’s spiritual device (TGCF)
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Ruoye is technically a demonic weapon or whatever as it doesn't need spiritual power to control, but that also might just be because it's sentient and has a will of it's own but is deeply loyal to Xie Lian obviously. Ruoye can extend REALLY far!!! And he can form protection barriers, and decapitate zombies, and chop vegetables. There's nothing this good bandage baby can't do!! Peak performance! AND it'll pretend to do a snake dance while Xie Lian plays an instrument while busking!! Isn't that adorable! Xie Lian wears it on his wrists usually, and sometimes Ruoye will like tighten or rub his wrists to express fear or comfort Xie Lian and its so cute. Ruoye is so good. Personally I think despite Ruoyes background being like. Horribly tragic, thats what makes it so Good. All that pain and suffering made this thing that ended up protecting Xie Lian all these 800 years. But I left it last in case it's too much.  (tw suicide mention) Ruoye was created after being soaked in Xie Lian's blood when it was used to tie him up while various people stabbed him with a sword a hundred times. Then when he was able to return home, it was used by his parents to kill themselves for a variety of reasons we won't get into. Then, upon finding them, he tried to kill himself too. But his cursed shackles prevented his mortal body from dying, so when he died he just came back; he came back to a silk bandage that after taking the life of 2 royals, and being soaked in the blood of a royal and former god and stuff, it came to life!! With resentment technically. But he's a good boy. 
Xin Mo - Luo Binghe’s sword (Ver. 2: Electric Boogaloo - SVSSS)
it is literally The web novel weapon??? like it’s the demon emperor’s golden finger that he found in the eternal abyss? it has fanon continuity points as well if you believe that the metal rod wei wuxian (MDZS) touches in the mouth of the turtle is either a previous or later form of xin mo. Xin Mo is soooooooo good that it had to fight itself at one point! XIN MO SUPREMACY !!!!!!!
Cheng Luan - Liu Qingge’s sword (SVSSS)
It is very large and is obviously enough to carry Liu Qingge and company. The sword is the size of his ego…
Little Palace Mistress’s Whip (SVSSS) 
Shen Qingqiu is whipped, and not just for Luo Binghe?
Wind Master Fan (TGCF)
Owner: Shi Qingxuan
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Wiki Link
Shuoyue - Lan Xichen's sword (MDZS)
Submission: The sword that stabbed through Lan Xichen's best friend, Jin Guangyao. Tragic sword.
Wiki Link
Chenqing - Wei Wuxian's dizi (MDZS)
Wiki Link
A Rock from LCF
Owner: Cale Henituse
[spoilers for chapters 700+]
Listen there's nothing quite like having a scene where the protagonist straight up beats the main villain with a rock. A regular, averagely sized rock. And then also chucks the same rock into the face of a literal deity. It was glorious. It was therapeutic. #rocksweep
Dealer's Choice
(Submit these to make sure they get in & to add propaganda)
Jiangui / Ah! What the Hell from 2ha
“There is only one person in this world who can open Ever-Yearning. This person is extremely important in your life; you must love this person dearly, and this person must also love you in return, and be wholly devoted to you.” - Ji Baihua regarding the Ever-Yearning box containing Jiangui
Mo Ran’s Holy weapon in his second life, Jiangui - which translates to “Ah! What the hell” due to Mo Ran accidentally exclaiming this when opening the Ever-Yearning box. 
Bu’gui [“No Return”] / Guilai [“To Return”] from 2ha
“No Return… Affairs of the past upon vermillion bridge in emerald green; Another year goes but still you do not return.” - Chapter 81 
Bu’gui was Mo Ran’s sword in the original timeline that he received by bringing a plum blossom branch to an old dragon named Wangyue. He had Chu Wanning seal it until he could think of a name for it, and it was only named “No Return” after Chu Wanning’s death.
In the second lifetime, he received Jiangui instead, but Bu’gui appeared once more at Xuanyuan Pavilion and was auctioned off to the Rufeng Sect for 5 million; this time it was referred to as Guilai or “To Return.”
Longcheng / Dragon City - Xue Meng’s sword from 2ha
Since Xue Meng could not receive a holy weapon from Jincheng Lake, he used Longcheng, a high-quality scimitar from Taxue Palace. From what I remember, Mo Ran gifted him the Wangshu Crystal from the Carp Essence that was requested by Song Qiutong to help him cultivate/add to his sword, making it something similar to a “heavenly weapon.”
Xue Zhengyong’s fan
While this fan is never named, Xue Zhengyong’s fan is well-known due to the writing on it - “Xue is beautiful” (which faces others) and “others are ugly” (which faces him). It really is iconic
“Xue is beautiful, others are ugly.” - Chapter 31
Suibian - Wei Wuxian's sword (MDZS)
Suibian is Wei Wuxian’s sword that sealed itself after his death. Its name translates to “Whatever” due to Wei Wuxian’s inability to think of a suitable name and telling Jiang Fengmian to name it “whatever.” This is, in my opinion, the funniest thing Jiang Fengmian has ever done in his life
Zidian - Jiang Cheng/Madam Yu's whip (MDZS)
Wiki Link
The Jiang Clan’s family heirloom that transforms from a ring into a whip. It was originally used by Madam Yu until her death when she (and separately her husband) used it to bind and protect Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian from the invading Wens. 
A symbol of family and honor given from Madam Yu to Jiang Cheng, Zidian’s owner can allow others to use it, as shown by Jiang Fengmian realizing Zidian recognized him before his and Madam Yu’s death and Jiang Cheng leaving Zidian with Jin Ling.
Taerang - Alberu Crossman's divine item (LCF)
Wiki Link
Fantasy gun rights
Undecided / Other
CWN's weapons - Tianwen, Jiu’ge, Huaisha (2ha)
TGCF Final battle sword
The sword of several gods put together to fight the final Boss of TGCF
Hong Jing (TGCF)  
Mod Propaganda: Snitch
Wiki Link
Yan Zhen (TGCF)
Wiki Link
Jun Wu’s Virgin Detector sword
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floral-poisons · 2 years
ooh i'd totally place you in pomefiore. your writing has a romantic aspect to it. i get the vibes of contemporary with a mary shelley or giacomo leopardi flair to it ??
i'd love to hear about the topics in the arts and the humanities that you're into ! at the moment im graduating high school and likely going to double major in world history as well as literature and then eventually i'll get a law degree.
im an avid reader and writer, but i also delve into art through paintings and sketches. stem ?? idk her bc i cannot with stem-
on the topic of the humanities and arts though , i'd like to point out the 'why the curtains are blue' argument because i personally find it absurd. our english teachers were honestly trying to teach us critical thinking skills as well as opening our eyes to the ideas of symbolism. the argument is just stupid , to be frank.
i like to think that the little bits of symbolism that are claimed to be "unimportant" were subconscious. for example , im writing a drama novel that takes place in tahirid yemen and one of my protagonists furrowed his brows once a mabkhara brushed against his skin in the first chapter. at first i wrote it because he was worried since having the incense burner so close to the table's edge is dangerous, but then i wrote my fourth chapter and accidently gave him more reason to dislike mabkharas.
<3 genie anon <3
honestly it's probably because i go with vibes in my writing. like i'm all about description because my imagination is super vivid and i have super vivid scenes that play out like a movie.
i also don't know stem. we don't talk about her lol. i am a woman in humanities.
YES YES AND YES!! HIT IT RIGHT ON THE NAIL!! ironically enough i actually had a section of my final paper for my victorian literature class about the "why are the curtain blue?" meme. the fact that people look down upon humanities because "we're pulling at threads" is really absurd and it kind of stems from misogyny. humanities is 1. deemed "feminine" and 2. a lot of fears about reading stem from women reading and women becoming passionate about what they're reading. it's also based in capitalism. humanities isn't seen as "successful" and our degrees are seen as "useless" which is the funniest thing ever. in stem, ethics is extremely important so for stem people to disregard humanities as "useless" is super funny.
i personally like symbolism and i think reading into things more is also important for media literacy (which people clearly lack nowadays). symbolism, imo, makes things better (and so does philosophy but i'm apparently one of the rare few that thinks philosophy makes everything better).
i am a literature major actually genie anon! but i am specifically concentrating in cinema studies which means i am studying movies. symbolism in movies is a lot easier to portray than in books honestly which is why i think symbolism improves. i do love what i'm doing so much that i even write critical essays about film in my spare time!! rn though i'm more or less focusing on applications and on making sure i fulfill my undergrad requirements.
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Survey #313
“i’m your turbo lover  /  tell me there’s no other”
Where are you located at this moment? In my bed. What if you found out your ex was having a child with someone else? If it was Sara, I'm finding out who the fuck I'm flying up there to punch his face in. If it was Jason, I'd either faint or be in the bathroom vomiting. Or both. I can almost promise you at least one or the other while I have an absolute emotional breakdown. I'm not at the point in my recovery where I can hear that and be entirely okay. I'd be happy for any of the others. At what age do you think you'll be ready to have children? Never. When was the last time you couldn't stop laughing? Why? I don't recall. Which of your friends do your parents get along best with? I guess Girt, since he's known my mom the longest of the friends I still have. I don't know about Dad; he barely knows any of my friends seeing as I don't live with him and see him rarely. Is there anyone in your friendship group that your parents don't like? No. Can you recall the last time you were extremely disappointed? I surprisingly can't remember, even though I know it was recent. Who was the last person to un-friend you on Facebook? I don't know, it's not like I go hunting people down if I notice the number has dropped, lol. Do you know why he/she decided to un-friend you? I'm certain it would've been something political. Are there any food wrappings, boxes, containers etc. in your room? No. Do you know anyone who does have cancer? I don't think anyone who currently has it, no. I may know someone via association, but idk. What is the worst medicine you've ever taken? There are two that very strongly stand out: the first one was in middle school, and the second sometime last year. I was put on an antidepressant that made me absolutely love life in the morning, like I would practically prance through school, but come afternoon, I was a fucking demon. Mom took me off that shit so fast. Most recently, my birth control was changed to have more estrogen for some reason I can't recall (maybe it had to do with mood?? idk), and it made me... I'm just gonna say I was a ~mess~. I slammed on breaks with it so fuckin fast. Safe to say I returned to my normal pill. Has your house or where you stayed ever flooded? My childhood home came very close during Hurricane Floyd. Thankfully the water never got actually inside the house, but it was an absolute lake outside. What was the last event or special occasion you participated in? My niece's birthday was actually a couple days ago, so we celebrated at my sister's house. What do you find yourself reminiscing about the most? I'll give you one guess. Do you have a favorite pianist? No. Song you listened to last is...? I have "Turbo Lover" by Judas Priest on right now. What's the last type of cookie you ate? Uhhh I would assume chocolate chip. Do you have your own computer? I have my own laptop, and I'm possibly getting an actual computer come May?? One of my WoW friends knows the hell I've been through with this laptop, and she and her husband are getting new computers then, so she's basically pushed her husband's old one on me, lol. Apparently it works just fine, he just wants something better. I've told her again and again to make some money off of it, but she's pretty much giving me no choice lmao. I appreciate it a whole lot, though. It'd be pretty nice to separate games onto an actual, capable desktop versus making my laptop sound like it's screaming for God's mercy if I boot something up. Describe your computer chair? I don't have one. Well, there's an old one in the extra room I'm going to end up using, but all I know is it's black. I've never paid closer attention to it. Do you sleep with your door open or closed? Open. I feel too isolated with it closed. Are you going to keep your last name when you get married? God no, it's very unlikely. I hate my last name, take it away. Does it bother you when people beg? Why are they begging, and how insistently? It depends. Do you have any weird rings? I have two, but neither I consider weird, at least. Well, I suppose the one with "bitch" carved on the inside would confuse non-Supernatural fans, haha. Are you anything like your siblings? Not really, no. At least, my two immediate sisters. Mom says I'm extremely similar to her eldest daughter though and wishes we'd talk more, but yeah, I just don't have anything to talk about with her. I'm so bad at initiating conversation. When was the last time you shaved your legs? October for when I was doing that witchy photoshoot with a friend. I absolutely hate shaving my legs and pretty much only do if anyone else whose opinion would affect me may see them. What would be the best surprise you could receive right now? Uhhh I guess all the "upgrades" I want to make to Venus' enclosure: a 40g tank and a nice, accurate hygrometer and thermometer, as well as the proper kind of lamp for her. I feel like such a "bad snake mom" still having her in her current terrarium because, while it's perfectly liveable and not dangerous, it's too small for her. It's pretty much always on my mind to some degree nowadays, so just like, dropping the terrarium and extra tools off would be a massive weight off my shoulders. Did you ever skip a grade or get held back a grade? No, but I was able to skip the intro Writing course the last time I was in college; I just started in Writing II. Who took your profile pic? Anywhere where it's a picture of myself, odds are me. I hate getting pictures taken, but if it's gonna happen, it'll be through myself, knowing my "good" angle and such, lol. Have you ever been fishing? Do you know anyone who likes fishing as a hobby? I've been fishing many times, especially as a kid with my dad. There are pleeeenty of people I know who enjoy it. I don't anymore. Do you own any cats? What color are their eyes? Yes; his are a light blue. Is there a rose bush in your garden? What color are its roses? We don't have a garden. When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Over $100 with my own cash, a plane ticket. My recent tattoo deposit was exactly a hundred. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? No; Roman would NEVER allow me to cuddle anything else, and I am not even remotely kidding. I couldn't care less if any adult does, though. Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? Ew, neither, but I guess a book would be better just so my eyes weren't forever scarred. What’s your favorite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen? INCENSE!!!! God, I love incense burners. I don't light it anymore though because Venus' terrarium is also in my room, and it's not good for snakes. What are the main two colors in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colors out yourself? Just... white. That's it. Well, my furniture is brown. I didn't pick either. How often do you wake up in the night needing to pee? Usually once, sometimes not at all anymore. I guess my bladder actually grew a pair. If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? As far as the physical care, me. Mom does help me do a full clean of Venus' cage sometimes, though, because I don't trust myself to both keep her around my neck while I scrub the tank, hide, bowl, etc., with a cat that is my absolute shadow. I don't want to be bent over the tub and Roman tries to do something; he's shown very little interest in Venus, but still, I'm one hell of a paranoid snake mom that doesn't want to risk her life. Full cleans only happen like twice a year, so I don't mind too much asking my mother for some help. I should point out that Mom doesn't want to hold her, so we can't reverse roles. Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights? Not anymore, no. At my old house and the one before, I had lots of Pyramid Head gift tags hanging, but our landlord doesn't want me to do that here. Would you describe yourself as neat, messy or somewhere in-between? I'm in-between. If you have pets, when was the last time one of them needed to go the vets? Venus had to go to the vet about a year into me having her because she was showing symptoms of an RI in strange breathing episodes, which can be fatal to a snake. Thank God, nature, whatever, that she didn't. There were warning signs, but closer watch over her humidity saved her. Roman, meanwhile, was taken to the vet like a year ago to be neutered. When the pandemic is over, what is one thing you can’t wait to do again? I barely ever left the house beforehand, so... I guess go to the movies. What’s one thing (aside from essentials) that you spend the most money on each month? Has anyone ever told you you’re obsessed or addicted with it? N/A What’s your favourite genre of TV show to watch? What’s your favourite show that’s not from that genre? If I had to pick, uhhh... yeah, idk, due to the whole "not into TV much to begin with" thing. Would you rather be employed or self-employed? Why? Self-employed, though taking care of all business matters yourself is/would suck. I just really want to be my own boss for the sake of photographing whatever I want. IIs your hair naturally curly, straight or somewhere in between? Do you wish it was different? It's straight, but on the wavy side, and I wish it wasn't. Do you ever play online games with your friends? Which one(s)? Just WoW. In the last week, have you had any alcoholic beverages? Which? No. Do you ever wear accessories in your hair? Which ones? No. Do you feel free to post your views on social media? Yep. I honestly don't care who it pisses off. What is your favorite work of historical fiction? Well, I don't really know what you consider truly "historical" in age... That, and I'm bad at dates to begin with. There are lots and lots of older books and movies I adore, though. Old Yeller is one of my favorite books ever, for one. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas makes me sob, too. What cartoon character looks like you? I remember when Hotel Transylvania came out, my ex's mob pointed out how much she thought I looked like the daughter, especially when my hair was dyed black. Do you have hope for the future? Some days I do, some days I don't. Do you believe in yourself? Ehhhh... debatable, idk. Do you have trouble letting go of your past? Oh yes. Were you happy in high school? It's funny, I was very depressed in HS, but due to Jason and friends, it's one of my most cherished time periods. Were you ever a teacher's favorite? I mean it modestly, but I was almost always pretty obviously one of the teachers' favorites. I was a good student. Are you popular? I wasn't. If you won a title in the senior class polls, what was it? I didn't. Have you ever had a medical condition that made you unable to work? My social anxiety is so debilitating that it's made it questionable. It ruined my very short-lived previous jobs. What makes your life worth living? My future goals, family, friends... What is your favorite Bible verse? I don't have one. List five careers you've considered. Paleontologist, vet, game designer, author, and wildlife biologist are all past ones. Do you have any unusual talents? If so, what? No. What do you get compliments on? My hair and my art, mostly. What have people told you you should be? I've heard "a vet" most in my life. What is holding you back? My (mostly social) anxiety and extreme fear of judgment. Do you have anyone purely evil in your life? Hell no, I wouldn't allow that person to stay in my life. Have you ever felt threatened for your life? I've felt scared for it, yes. While riding my bike once, I ran into a guy in my old neighborhood who had a criminal history, including assault, just asking what I was listening to on my iPod. I stopped because I was scared to keep going, and he wound up asking for my Facebook, but guess who didn't accept THAT friend request. List ten positive words that describe you. That's too much thinking, man. List ten negative words that [you feel] describe you. And that's too much negativity to fish in. Are you a good person or a bad person? I mean, I try to be a good one. Have you ever contemplated being a bad person? I've done bad things, but I've certainly never deliberated tried to be an overall bad person. Have you ever resorted to vandalism because you didn't have a voice? No. Have you ever egged someone's house? Wow, no. Do you want to egg someone's house? Also no because I'm a fucking adult. Have you ever seen a piece of graffiti that you are thankful for? What an odd question. I mean, no? Name three people who hurt you and didn't care. I am quite positive Colleen doesn't care about the many times she did considering she's always right. Was your first crush sexual, or no? No, I was just a kid. What would you do if you got pregnant right now? I honestly can't say I know. If I was God forbid raped, I'd probably have an abortion because I psychologically could not handle that without being scarred for life. If it was by my own stupidity, I feel I'd probably have the baby but give it up for adoption. I just can't raise a kid. Do you have a medical condition that you are embarrassed or ashamed to tell people you have? No, I don't think so. What do you get asked the most? Hm. OH, WAIT, THAT'S EASY. I get asked a lot if my lip piercing hurt. Have you ever stood up for someone else who was being bullied? I know I have before, but I don't remember the occasion. What tragic news stories that you've heard has touched you the most? Man, that's a lot to think about. You see news articles on Facebook all the time, and a whole lot of them touch me, so I dunno. What is your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? I like the cheese quesadillas, and whatever those cinnamon bites are called are really good. I'm still tilted they got rid of the fiesta potatoes, because I adored those. Where do you have cutting scars (if you have any)? I only ever had them on my wrist, but you can't see them anymore. Do you like cotton candy? Not very, but I mean, I can have a bite or two. It's way too sweet to eat a lot of it. What's the best piece of graffiti you've ever seen? I'm unsure, but I've definitely seen beautiful work, especially online. Do you like tattoos? "Like" is a colossal understatement. Do you like piercings? Yep yep yep. Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? No. Those are not people I hang around with. Who is the last person you slow-danced with? Slow-danced? I don't think I've done that since Jason.
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imaginaryelle · 5 years
Hi!! I've seen the untamed and A. I love your posts!! B. I was wondering if you'd read the book and maybe had any warnings to give for someone who is ace and would very much not like to read beyond kissing?? And C. Do you have a favorite episode of CQL? If yes then which and why??
Hello hello, I’m so glad you like my posts! I have indeed read MDZS and do indeed have warnings for it. I listed the major ones here in a post when someone asked for a link to the translation (I promise the link is there if you hover over it). I will add spoilery ace-specific warnings (basically a list of the very few chapters and sections to skip) at the end of this post because tumblr is inconvenient about spoiler cuts. But in the meantime, my favorite episode!
My favorite episode of CQL is ep 44 (with a possible option on the first ~24 minutes of ep 45 as well, but mostly ep 44). It has almost everything I love.Wangxian! Wangxian with kids! The kids themselves! Lan Wangji and WeiWuxian standing together! The inherent ridiculousness that is required to happen whenever Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning are within five feet of each other! And of course, Wei Wuxian finally gets to talk back at people for spreading malicious rumors about him and blaming him for every wrong in the world. This ask probably doesn’t require graphics, but staring at these pictures makes me happy so here we go. The highlights:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Okay, on to the ace-friendly content guidelines:
You’re honestly good to go for quite a long time, though you should know that the dynamic is different. CQL has a lot more build-up and, frankly, pining going on that MDZS does. Some of this can be attributed to translation (there are references EN readers won’t catch), and some to the fact that Wei Wuxian is the POV character and he is undeniably an unreliable narrator who barely knows what he himself wants, let alone anyone else. He spends a long time thinking Lan Wangji dislikes him, and not realizing he himself is bi. He also… flirts in a way that is intended to offend, when he’s pretending to be Mo Xuanyu, and some of those situations involve innuendo. It’s just really different for a long time.
Okay, moving on. This story is not really about smut and sex at all. There is some kissing without explicit consent in chapter 69 (Wei Wuxian doesn’tknow who’s kissing him but the audience does). If you want to skip that section stop reading at “After the song finished, Wei Wuxian crossed his arms and leaned against the tree in a more comfortable position. The flute was between his arms, while the flower was still at his chest, emitting a crisp, quiet fragrance.” and skip to “He began to walk randomly around the forest.”(this is in the middle of a paragraph, but the start is just about giving up looking for the person who kissed him).
You might want to skip chapter 95 entirely, and definitely most of it. You maywant to stop reading at “After a hard struggle, Wei Wuxian finally dragged Lan Wangji back to the inn. When the owner saw that they caught two hens in the middle of the night and even gave them to her, her expression almostcouldn’t be put into words” in Chapter 94 (It’s the start of a bath scene that leads into the next chapter). There is one section at the end of chapter 95 where Wei Wuxian begins to confess his feelings after sex if you want to read that. It starts with “Wei Wuxian had buried the things he wanted to ask Lan Wangji inside of him for a long time, too afraid to ask” and does contain some situational references to the sex (they’re on the bed and Wei Wuxian is calming down), and goes through the end of the chapter. If you want to avoid it entirely you can skip straight from the start of the bath scene in 94 to chapter 96 and just know that they’re having major, major miscommunications about feelings.
You should be good from then on until chapter 111 in terms of actual sex taking place. Wei Wuxian references the sex and wanting to sleep with Lan Wangji in chapter 100 as part of the actual confession scene (“I want/wanted to sleep with you”). It never gets more explicit than that phrase, but it’s almost impossible to edit out by skipping text and there’s a lot of plot happening around it.
In Chapter 111, you have some choices. If you don’t want to read references to the kiss in chapter 69, stop at “As he wished, Wei Wuxian was pinned onto the ground and smooched for a long while.” If you don’t mind that reference, stop at “Only a lil’ fuddy-duddy like you would believe me hahahahahaha…” Then you can either skip rest of the chapter, or to “Carefully, Lan Wangji went to kiss him, his movements somewhat clumsy”and read through “Until now, it’d been thirteen years since scab grew over this wound” if you want the story of how Lan Wangji got a brand on his chest to match Wei Wuxian’s scar (this tangent is embedded within the sex scene).
Chapter 112 is really up to your taste, and there’s nothing super plot-relevant you’ll miss by skipping it. There’s no sex, but there are references to the fact that they’re having sex often, and there’s a bunch of teasing that leads tolight bondage and making out before they’re interrupted by the novel’s version of meeting Mianmian and her family. I think that if you want just the Mianmian scene without the references and teasing you can start at “The two parted at once” and end at “Lan Wangji plunged over and finally caught him, holding him tight in his arms as he protested, ‘We have [bowed as in a marriage ceremony], so we already are… [married].’”
Chapter 113 is the conclusion of the main text and is entirely ace-friendly. They’re married! And happy! Joy and looking to the future!
I have not read most of the extras. The last two (125: Lotus Seed Pod and 126: Dream Come True) are the only two I have read, and they are ace-friendly (there’s some pining and kissing and flirting and cuteness, but nothing beyond that).  I know that you definitely DO NOT want read the Incense Burner extras (117 and 119). They’re reportedly entirely dream/fantasy smut stuff.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have more questions ^^
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 5 (spoilers for everything)
[covers MDZS chaps 14 – 17, and kinda 117, aka bonus chap Incense Burner Part 1, lmfao]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
(a 🐰 is earned every time there is a WangXian scene or even when they’re just thinking of each other…more than one 🐰 can be given based on the level of WangXian-ness in a scene)
Of course I loved every single moment of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying’s time in the library pavilion, but I wanted to give a little love to their waterbourne abyss adventure first, in particular the moment above, which always makes me laugh, especially since everyone around them was within earshot to hear what Wei Ying was saying. What made the scene even funnier was Jiang Cheng’s exasperated interjection—the guy was probably sick of Wei Ying’s flirting by now—followed by Wei Ying’s snappy response. I just loved the way he said shut up, which served as yet another reminder of the great voice performance provided by Liu Zhixing-laozi, who always makes Wei Ying sound completely adorable because of the way he delivers his lines.
I wish the show had a bigger budget to handle that Caiyi night hunt since it could have been so much better, as exemplified by the way their water adventure was depicted in the donghua. I thought the water ghouls had an interesting design; as CGI effect goes, they were actually one of the better ones in the show, but then everything else kind of fell short. After watching the donghua’s version of these scenes, I found the action portion of the water ghouls hunt even more lacking; I especially missed seeing Wei Ying’s awesome sword surfing.  Still, what it lacked in fight choreography and CGI efficiency, it made up for in WangXian-ness (with a touch of ChengQing to boot)—Big Bro Xichen was probably quite proud of himself for pulling off yet another match-making scheme successfully—so ultimately, I found the whole hunt pretty enjoyable.
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The Library Pavilion
I can’t imagine anyone who ships WangXian would dislike anything that took place in the Library Pavilion, so I’m no different.  I loved every second of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan’s interactions in that room, I really don’t have anything more I can say that hasn’t already been mentioned and repeated by everyone else, so I’ll just keep it simple and say bless the production team for sneaking in gay porn…
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…and also for keeping in what was most likely a blooper of Xiao Zhan tripping on his way out as if it was something Wei Ying meant to do in the scene:
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By the way, after reading the novel, I can’t help but think about that super smutty Incense Burner chapter now every time I watch this scene and then I would giggle uncontrollably like a stupid crazy person. 
ChengQing? YES please
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This episode gave us the birth of a new ship—Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing, or ChengQing—and I could not be more happy about it. This development was not from the novel, and just seeing how freaking adorable a lovestruck Jiang Cheng was made me absolutely grateful that Team CQL decided to add it into the show. Every moment between Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing was cuteness to me, especially how bashful he would be within her vicinity. When she tried to examine his wound on the boat, his blushing virgin reaction was just too precious for words. I loved seeing this shy, innocent and boyish side of Jiang Cheng: it made me love his character even more. Although now, considering what has happened, seeing him buy that comb, which is supposed to be a gift representing yearning, only makes my heart hurt like crazy for the poor guy, while also making me wish the show had followed through even more with their romance so that the two of them could have at least enjoyed some happiness before everything was all over.  
There was also a time in the beginning, when I first watched this episode, that I actually worried that the writers of The Untamed were trying to develop a love triangle between Wei Ying/Wen Qing/Jiang Cheng, which would’ve been really stupid and unnecessary; thank goodness that didn’t end up to be the case. As if Jiang Cheng really needed another reason to be bitter or resentful about Wei Ying…that kind of trope would’ve just been pointless noise so I’m relieved the show didn’t choose that dull path.
Wei Ying Continues to Burrow His Way Into Lan Zhan’s Psyche
Exhibit A:
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They were only in the Library Pavilion for a few days (even though in the book it was at least a month) but already Lan Zhan had gotten used to Wei Wuxian’s non-stop chatter so when he was actually quiet, he couldn’t help but take a peek his way to see why he was acting so uncharacteristically.
Exhibit B:
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The mention of Emperor’s Smile obviously reminded Lan Zhan of their little sword ballet under the moonlight, which will eventually give way to just reminding him of Wei Ying in general.
Random Bits of Randomness
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I thought this little moment where Wei Ying fixes Lan Zhan’s sleeve was just adorable, and I have feeling that was probably an improvisation by Xiao Zhan since the opportunity presented itself.
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Little did Wei Ying know at the time that he would be the first one for a lot of things when it came to Lan Zhan.
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Obviously the folks in the middle—Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, Jiang Cheng, and the Wen siblings—did NOT want to share their boats with some lowly Gusu Lan disciples. Seeing the group of them all crowded on that one boat at the end always gives me a good chuckle. At least Lan Xichen was nice enough to share his boat with his fellow sect brothers.
Questions I still have
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The Inn situation: even now I still do not understand why they had to stay at an inn overnight. Big Bro Xichen said that they would set up for Caiyi Town in the morning, and since that place is only like 5 hours away from Cloud Recesses (a fact mentioned in the third episode when Wei Ying had to run back to town to retrieve their invitation), that means they got to town by midday at the latest. So why did they have to rent a room? Couldn’t they head straight for the lake? And it’s not like they were resting at the inn for a couple of hours until night fall so that they could actually do a night hunt in the evening for once, since they didn’t go to the lake until the next day and actually hunted the water ghouls during the day. Hell, some poor villager died during the night while they were hanging out at their inns, waiting for daytime. Then there’s the rooming situation: as much as I loved the arrangement and I hate that I am essentially looking a gift horse in the mouth, but serioulsy, why WAS Wei Ying and Lan Zhan rooming together? It would’ve made more sense for the Yunmeng bros to be roommates and then the Twin Jades to share another room. Yet, Wei Ying and Lan Zhan ended up together, not only in the same room, but in a completely different inn than the others since, according to the innkeeper, the two of them are the first customers he’s had in a while. Not the entire group, only the two of them. I couldn’t help wondering, did the others book up all the rooms in one hotel, so Wei Ying and Lan Zhan had no choice but to go to another hotel instead? Most importantly, was this yet another one of Big Bro Xichen’s clever schemes to further push his little brother together with Wei Ying???
Finally, my other question from this episode is: why doesn’t Su She have a head ribbon on? Is it because he’s married already? Does that mean that all the Gusu Lan disciples who still have their head ribbons on are unmarried or maybe even still virgins, including dear Uncle Lan Qiren, since I’m sure there’s probably a sect rule prohibiting premarital sex.  I will probably never get an answer to this since I’m pretty sure nothing of the sort was mentioned about Su She in the novel, but it’s just so weird to me that they made that choice for the drama.
Overall Episode Rating: 8 Lil Apples out of 10
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I honestly don't get what the problem ppl have with the incense burner extras? They're fictional so it doesn't matter that the papapa is unrealistic. Let WX have their kinky dream papapa, even if they're bad at it, they're having fun and oh, they're not real.
And honestly I've seen much more badly written and problenatiq sx scenes in many books but somehow I've not heard anywhere near as much complaint about them when the writer is white or when the pairing is straight, so that.
tbh i do think that when people feel the need to loudly declare that the smut in mdzs is so bad/gross/fetishistic/homophobic, etc that its the classic story of guilt & shame being projected outwards. its not necessarily the case that i think these people secretly like the ib chapters, yes i adore the extras, they're not everyone's thing & that's understandable, because as much as they like to pretend otherwise, these 'anti-fujo' type people are in a fandom (or its associated knock-offs) for a gay romance novel, one written by what they would consider a fujoshi (derogatory) no less. they get around this cognitive dissonance by convincing themselves that they're 'one of the good ones' who consumes bl the 'right way' unlike us other nasties who commit the unforgivable crime of... getting off to po/rn...? idk.
the antis in the mdzs fandom seem to be particularly lazy, so i haven't seen any of them put together a comprehensive argument for why the ib chapters are problematic, other than loudly screaming that they're bad because they said so and if you question that, you're the one in the wrong.
honestly i do not think the extras, especially the incense burners, are problematic or poorly written at all - tho quality is hard for me to judge since i am incapable of reading a single word that mxtx has actually written. prose aside, the content, sentiment, and fleshing out of wangxian's dynamic in the ib chapters can only be called good shit 10/10 imo. i think the incense burners are very underappreciated in that regard.
maybe i'll make a post one day about exactly why i love the ib chapters so much, and what i think they contribute to the story, but i might be booed off tumblr dot com for that.
edit: forgot to say anything on that last point, i do think its very sus that flack for this kind of thing is always to heavily targeted towards creators who are marginalised in some way. i think aside from racism & sinophobia, misogyny plays a large part in the amount of vitriol directed at mxtx too.
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