#yesss another female villain
suzannahnatters · 1 year
I have a normal amount of feelings about eps 11-15 of MOON LOVERS: SCARLET HEART RYEO
you think these boys are going to fight over our girl but NOPE they're going to take down the villain and clear her name using the power of brotherhood yisss
Ohhhh Lady Oh is FLAYING him with a few concise, perfectly judged words
queen yoo this, princess yeon hwa that, who cares about the minor villains? the king is terrible and deserves to lose everything and the whole system is rotten and needs to burn down
can't say how much I love that the iconic rain scene is NOT simply "me big strong man protect frail woman". It's MOSTLY about our girl doing what little she can to protest injustice, and So being the only one with the moral courage to defy his father and join her.
a year goes by. it does nothing for Wook's personality except maybe made it *even worse!*
can't say I'm fond of the decision to make it look like the king is Doing His Best, Really! and that all the Shenanigans are the fault of the scheming women!
My soul longs for an OPHELIA-esque ending where our girl simply opts out of the Nonsense. But I'd settle for a Shakespearean ending where the presiding patriarch is depicted as deeply morally ambiguous and just as terrible as everyone else. We shall see -_-
ahahaha this show wants you to know that the horrible king gets to be reunited blissfully after death with his one true love, whom he treated like dirt, ignored, got pregnant, and then executed for a crime she didn't commit!!! THANKS I HATE IT
on the other hand there's also a subplot in which a princess wants to kill the king who slaughtered her whole family but this mission is complicated when she accidentally falls in love with one of the princes and I do respect a show that just offhandedly includes such a trope
oh yesss, our girl finally figures out the depths of Wook's duplicity and cuts him off without a shilling, now THAT is satisfying
vale Prince Guyliner, you DIDN'T deserve any better but you died very prettily without anyone trying to make you out to be A Saint, Really
at this stage I'm wondering who bites it next. my money is on Mu or possibly the not-so-awful queen.
I was right. Vale Mu, you died, but not before becoming every bit as terrible as the last king
on the other hand it looks like if you trade in one prince you get another back, nifty!
anyway this episode was full of tragedy, skulduggery and people making awful choices for relatable reasons and all these sweet boys are all at each others' throats and it's the finest vintage pain I've experienced in a long time, I love it so much
the romance is working so! well! for me!
the way So has now happily waited THREE YEARS (I know, give the man an award for Basic Decency shush)
the way our girl steps into Lady Oh's shoes T_T
two adults have a misunderstanding & actually TALK IT OUT?
So apologising? what's this? a kdrama male lead actually APOLOGISING to the female lead? instead of demanding apologies from her???
So apologising for a promise he never made explicitly but only implied? to someone of a lower rank?
I did NOT expect to feel this positive about a male lead who just got MARRIED to his UNDERAGE NIECE, YIKES
huaaargh I'm a huge fan of how this show started out with a girl in fairy-floss-pink dresses charming 8 cute princes and now it's this suffocatingly bleak steadily-ratching doom-laden Shakespearean tragedy
best family drama I've seen since Shah Jahan's succession crisis. everyone's climbing across each other's dead body to grab the throne or stay alive.
except our girl, who's doing her best with what she's got
Wook, in a rare moment of honesty: "Are you going to become the King's dog and kill Eun? ...You and I are both struggling to survive. That is the fate of a prince who does not become a King. One must submit in order to provide protection."
ajks? our girl has just found out who poisoned the last king...just by ASKING?
And she was told. Because she's powerless. Because she's not a threat. Because who can she ever tell. *faint screaming*
this is just one of my favourite things in fiction--the power of the powerless
the WAY!!! she has taken on this role of a wise woman/prophetess! best use of time travel EVER
"what could have caused the variable that carried the 3rd prince to the throne?" asks the court astrologer and So is like oh heck
so...their love IS changing history? but for the better, or worse?
oh no, Eun and Bear Girl finally (after what, 3 years of marriage) got as far as first base and discovered a mutual appreciation for toy boats, if this leads to their untimely deaths I will be extremely miffed
well, of all the young idiots who were SUPPOSED to run away together and start a toyshop and a dojo...
how am I supposed to stop watching this AUGH
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
also oops i saw you had sirens!riddler in there too and i haven't read that yet but i know what he looks like and he's another one who is apparently allergic to buttoning up his shirt (not a negative) so uh, in light of him being surrounded by other super hot girls, please afab/female reader who needs a bit of reassurance and is offered the line "that's it. that's my girl." 💜 (and also ily again u-u)
A/N: omg omg asdfgghjj to be told "that's my girl" by any of the green beans asdfgghhj I'd instantly melt on the spot. I took some liberty and changed the quote a tad because I'm a rule breaker u-u but the tone is still there. And YESSS PI Eddie! PI Eddie! This was the perfect way to destress after my breakdown yesterday rip. Also this ended up being so fuckin' sweet? Like I love this set-up I have going?? I wanna write another sequel? AGAIN? (ily too thanks so much for requesting you have the best ideas I stg)
Trigger Warnings: descriptions of an anxiety/panic attack, insecurities, strong language, overall hurt/comfort, and the comfort is extra sweet and soft
Word Count: 1.9 k
Gotham City Sirens!Riddler x F!Reader - That's My Girl
You were seething. 
It's a wonder your skin wasn't bubbling from how hot your blood was boiling. 
You were once again picking out leaves from your hair and sweeping thorns from under your desk. 
Another visit from Selina, Pamela, and Harley. A popular trio that's been dropping in like flies to their favorite dumpster.
Not a surprise there. They always came knocking on Edward's door whenever they were in the slightest bind and didn't bother to put in a single ounce of effort to solve their own problems.  
Now you know that's not true. You know Pam would do anything before asking Ed for help. They're smart and resourceful, only coming to Eddie when they've reached a dead end. Wouldn't you do the same? 
You huffed as you slumped back into your desk chair. You would do the same. 
Besides, Selina has done a few favors for Edward before his reformation…and a couple during it. He owes her.
You lean your head back and cover your face with your hands. You were already tired from cleaning, you really didn't need these mental gymnastics going on. 
He can rely on her for anything. All he can rely on you for is his paperwork being in order and to push his new image.
That is all you were just some pencil pusher in a pencil skirt. 
In a city full of super heroes, super villains, super geniuses and super sexy powerful women…it was really easy to feel incredibly puny. Incredibly ordinary and insignificant. 
In Gotham, if you weren't a hero or a villain..you were a bystander or a victim…
What are you even doing here? What the hell were you thinking even having a chance with Edward? Edward Nygma at that, the fucking reformed Riddler…
"What am I doing here?" 
Just like that the walls were slowly caving in. The walls painted with insecurity and founded on anxiety started crumbling. Suffocating you, claustrophobia setting in. 
When you leaned back from your chair, you felt bile come up in the back of your throat. You barely managed to swallow it back down.
You couldn't say the same for the tears welling up in your eyes. 
Your hand started shaking on your desk. Everything was hazy and foggy around you. 
What are you doing? You wasted space! To think you could hold a candle to the likes of Selina Kyle…fucking Catwoman! Poison Ivy, Mother Nature incarnate! Harley fucking Quinn, the Joker's ex boo and a 10 to boot!
You barely made out the soft shushing sounds you were making. Your hands caged around your head doing anything to cease the nagging, taunting cruel voice in your head. 
You laid your head on the desk, wrapping your hands and arms over your skull. Something, anything to make it stop. 
"Please…please just stop.." You murmured into the long sleeve of your black blouse that no doubt had tear stains now.
Everything came to a screeching halt. The mocking voice, the falling walls, the shakes, the tears. Everything. 
You popped your head up from under your arms like a jack in the box. Immediately grabbing the nearest and softest material to wipe your face with. 
"Oh..umm…hi Mr. Nygma, I-Im sorry um..I was uhh.."
"I see Pam left a mess again. Funny, how much she wants to clean the environment but can't clean up after herself.." Ed chuckles in a remorseful tone. As he recalls the weeks she manipulated him with her pheromones and made herself at home in his apartment. 
"Y-Yeah, can't…can't miss her that's for sure." You sniffle. 
"Are you all right? Did something happen while I was out?"
"Oh no, no, nothing like that Mr. Nygma…I, I think I may just be having a small allergic reaction to Pam's plants." 
If you don't shut up I swear to God…
Ed nodded but he doesn't look the slightest bit convinced. "I would have thought after a couple outings you would drop the formalities…" 
You were fidgeting with the hem of your skirt. You lean back in your seat with your head hung low. 
"Oh, yeah…sorry. Just force of habit…" 
"We'll break that habit eventually, I'm sure."
"Hm.." You nodded solemnly. 
Silence hung in the air for a moment. 
Edward started walking towards his office, but not without a gnawing feeling in the back of his brain. Something upset you greatly, and he wants…no…needs to figure out what it is. 
You were hesitant to divulge any information that much was certain. Your face was puffy and red, your eyes were watery. More in line with crying than an allergic reaction. 
Think, Eddie, think…
She was fine this morning, bright even. Smiling and content. She brought us both coffee and she gave me some medicine for my growing migraines…things were going great. She was gonna ask you something…
Then of course Selina and the others came in with another – oh!
While the wheels started turning in his head, he already knew he couldn't leave you alone to your own devices again. 
He stopped in front of his door with his hand gripped to the doorknob. He looked over his shoulder and was immediately taken aback by the forlorn look on your face. 
You got up slowly from your chair and slung your satchel over your shoulder. It was five o'clock when you usually left anyway, and you needed to get out even if you didn't want to.
 You did feel better with Ed around but you were worried the next thing he'd say may cause you to break down again. 
"W-wait, Y/N…"
"S-sorry Mr.-- Ed…I'm not feeling myself, I was going to head home, unless there's something you need me to do, and I can take it with me?" 
Ed shook his year. "N-No..no, umm…can I speak to you for a minute, in my office. Please, if you don't mind of course."
"Oh, ok..sure. I'll be right there."
You were cursing yourself in your head as you sat your bag on your desk and followed him to his office. 
Funny, all the times you fantasized about this exact set up, you didn't imagine you'd had an emotional breakdown just before.
You took a seat in the chair in front of his desk and Ed made his way to his chair. He put down his cane and hung up his signature green suit jacket. 
When Ed sat down he rolled up his white dress shirt sleeves and removed his eye mask. 
You hate when he wears that thing. You understood why he did. He did look cute with it on, but you adore his eyes too much to want them hidden all the time. 
You couldn't stand the silence, so you choked out. "I-I'm sorry, Edward…I just kinda got stuck in my own head. It was stupid, and I'm sorry you had to see that."
Ed furrows his brows. "You don't need to apologize for that. It's perfectly…normal, I'm even prone to that at times…sometimes more often than I care to admit."
"I can't even begin to imagine, but it was over something so…trivial..childish even."
"I can be the judge of that…If you don't mind discussing it with me?"
You felt your throat clamp up again. You wanted to talk to him, you appreciated him even giving you his time to help console you. You two have been going out, but nothing was entirely official, so he didn't have to do this. 
"Can I take a guess?"
You nod.
"Was it Selina, Pam, and Harley from earlier?"
You lowered your head in defeat but muttered a "y-yes."
"T-They're just…they just make me feel so…inadequate. Like I shouldn't be here, in your world. I envy them, as much as I hate to admit it. They're smarter, stronger, and they're gorgeous –"
Your fingers have started tapping the wooden desk as you got lost in your anxious rambling. It wasn't until Edward put his warm hand over yours that made you stop. You gasp and look up at him.
"S-Sorry, see? It's so stupid."
"Stop. I'm gonna stop you right there…"
He reached his other hand to grab your other hand. He held both of your hands and squeezed them. 
"It's not stupid. As I said it's normal, but I'm telling you now, you've earned your seat here. Why? Because you are intelligent. This world of mine with villains, heroes and crooks, it takes someone of strong will to take it on every single day. Even if you're behind a desk there's always that sliver of a chance of something happening, because of me and who I was and who I am now."  
Your breathing was evening out again, despite the thumping of your heart, but it wasn't from anxiety for once. 
"And you are gorgeous, you drew me on the first day I saw you. More so than any of those three, they don't hold a candle to you…"
He squeezed your hands again. 
"Besides…there's one thing you'll have that they never will."  
"What's that?"
He offered a soft smile, "Riddle me this…what’s extremely valuable, risky to give, hard to receive and sometimes impossible to repair once it’s been broken?"
You blinked for a moment. Your heart skipped another beat when you realized the answer. 
Edward rewarded you with a warm smile and kissed the back of one of your hands. "They may be acquaintances, I'll scratch their back if they scratch mine later, but I don't trust any of them as far as I can throw them. But I trust you with everything…and anything." 
"You really mean that?"
Ed teasingly scoffed. "Y/N…I know I'm many things but a man of my word I'm certainly am, you should know that."
You giggled. "Y-Yeah I do…t-that's just…I never knew that, never thought of that." 
"I know, I…I don't show it often how much I appreciate you and just how much you mean to me. This is fairly new territory for me…but I would like to do better." 
You couldn't deny it any longer. You got up from your chair and went over to his side of the desk. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into an embrace. 
"T-Thank you," you whispered in his ear. He slowly stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
You kissed his cheek before you looked back into his eyes. "By the way, you're doing great." 
Ed chuckled. "Good to know."  
You giggled at the all too familiar lopsided smirk he gave you. 
Edward leaned in and kissed your forehead. He brought his hand up to your cheek and caressed your cheek with his thumb. 
"Wasn't there something you wanted to ask me this morning? Before we were very rudely interrupted."
"Hmm..oh!" You had gotten so infuriated after Ivy entwined you with her vines, tossed you out of the room, and constricted you to your chair…you completely forgot. 
"Umm…oh! I was wondering if you would like to have dinner tonight…at..at my place?” You smiled sweetly. 
Edward’s heart swelled up on the inside. Your eyes were bright with excitement, your posture was lax and comfortable against him, and your beaming smile was absolutely precious to him. 
He couldn’t resist when he tucked your chin between his thumb and forefinger and brought your lips to his in a tender kiss. When he pulled away, he chuckled at your widened eyes and cheeks dusted a rosy hue. You smiled before you hid your reddening face into his shoulder. He tightened his hold on you, before he whispered in your ear:
“There she is, that’s my girl.”
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After defeating the Black Fairy released by the Messengers, we face a man named Nanashi.
NANASHI : Huh. So it seems this isn't game over after all…
CROW : Stop screwing around…… And tell us what the Hell you want!
NANASHI : Oh, I thought you knew? I just wanna see this Black Fairies rampage.
CROW : And what's the point of that!?
JOE : Haah… Ha-ha-ha! Way to go, Nanashi! The chaos, it's spreading!
EMMA : Huh!?
Hearing Joe's words, I scan the area.
MAGICIAN 1 : Hah…! Hah….! Look at my power! Your sorcery is but a trick…. It's child's play!
SORCEROR 1 : Sorcery is superior in every way. Magic is obsolete and but a hindrance to true progress.
SORCIANA POLICEMAN 1 : Damn…! So much power!
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New messengers appeared, possessing the few who remained, transforming them into a mob.
JOE : Ah-ha-ha-ha! Good, good! This is exactly what a catastrophe wrought by a great evil should look like!
NANASHI : Joe, can I ask you to stop slakcing off and get back to work? Here. I'll even give you my secret weapon.
JOE : Hm? Ah… Haha, yes, yes, that's it! Leave the rest to us!
JOE : Let's go, Ace! It's time for us to spread a little chaos ourselves!
ACE : Let's do this, bro!
CROW : Wait…
MATEO : Awwooooooooo!!
ITSUKI : …Grhh!?
NANASHI : Not you. Mateo will miss you.
KAI : Emma, we'll take care of them!
EMMA : …Yeah. Please do!
KAI : Oh, I'll take care of it, alright. You guys be careful!
EMMA : (The black mist is thickening…!)
EMMA : Navi, Evan… Himmel! Come out!
EMMA : Please, help the Crow and the others! We need to protect the city…!!!
NAVI : There's no point complaining. Let's just get this over with…
HIMMEL : Yes, yes, orders. What a pain in the ass.
CROW : Thanks, Evan.
EVAN : It's not by choice. Who would want to possess you?
NANASHI : Oh, dear, you guys don't get along, do you?
NANASHI : A pity you've not been able to use the Black Fairies to their full potential.
EMMA : What…?
NANASHI : Let me show you how it's done.
Nanashi lightly snaps his fingers, and the air around him instantly becomes as heavy as lead.
Before I knew it, everyone -- Crow and Navi included -- Were on their knees, gasping for air.
EMMA : (What is this air…! I can't… Breathe!)
EVAN : Ungh…. Gah, argghhh!!
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CROW : H-Hey…! what's wrong with you, Evan!?
EVAN : Ugh, shut up… Shut the fuck up! You traitor!! Get away from me!!
HIMMEL : Oh, the futility, the futility. All in vain. So why are you all still struggling so much…?
NAVI : Ah… Ugh… Yes. Yesss. We hate people. We hate them…!!!
EMMA : Guys…?
NANASHI : Hmph. I just showed them the truth… Hey, Mateo.
MATEO : Ugh… Awwooooooo!
NANASHI : Come on. Possess me…
GRANDFLAIR : Possessed by a black fairy!?
NANASHI : Let's show them exactly how close we are!
JOE : Alright, let's do it Ace! We're the Dark Night Duo! We'll be the world's greatest villains!
ACE : Yeah! Bro, I think I see some civvies over there!
KAI : Wait right there! I won't let you do that!
JOE : Oh, another one of my rivals! I'm sorry, but I'll do whatever the Hell I want!
JOE : Behold this grimoire!
GUI : It's a grimoire!
JOE : Let me explain the wonders of this grimoire to you! With this, the power of the Black Fairy has multiplied many times over!
ACE : Of course, that means we will be powered up too!
SION : What the…!?
JOE : Here you go~. Click!
KAI / SION / GUI : NO!!?
MAGICIAN 2 : Urghh… Ah-Hah-Hah-Hah!!
SORCEROR 2 : unintelligible drivel
JOE : Hahaha, that's it! Now that's what I call a secret weapon!
ACE : Good, goooood~! Magic tools are awesome! Evil is awesome!
SION : What a bunch of idiots… They're really pissing me off.
MAGICIAN 2 / SORCEROR 2 : Ah-Hah-Hah-Hah!!
MALE CIVILIAN : Whoaaaa, what the hell!
KAI : Oh, shit… There are still people in the city! We have to evacuate them or they're gonna get hurt!
KAI : Gui, get everyone out of here!
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GUI : ………
GUI : …Not…!
KAI : Hey, Guy?
GUI : Magic tools are not meant to hurt people…!
KAI : Guy? Hey, wait a minute!
SION : Damn, them all….!
GUI : Give me that grimoire!
JOE : Who the Hell do you think I am!? I don't just give shit away because you ask me to~!
ACE : Yeah, stay away from my brother~!
KAI : Gui!! …He can't hear us anymore…
KAI : Sion, use your light magic to blind them! I'll beat the crap out of them while you're at it!
SION : That's putting it mildly. I'll knock them out in a heartbeat!
SION : All this commotion… If we can keep the ringleaders in check, we'll really make a name for ourselves.
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KAI : What!? What are you talking about!?
KAI : Huh!? What are you doing? You can't use that much magic! Gui's with them!
SION : Gui can handle himself! …I won't let this chance pass me by!
SION : Earlier you said I was worried about you guys. I hate to say it…
SION : But I've got enough on my plate, taking care of my Goddamn self!
KAI : Damn it, I told you to stop!
SION : Light, pierce him!
KAI : Ugh… Binding magic, power amplifier!
KAI : Scratch that light out of the sky!
GUI : …What the!?
SION : What the--!? Kai, you took my magic…?
KAI : I failed…!?
GUI : Oh, no! The magic's out of control!
GUI : Oh, look out!!
FEMALE CIVILIAN : Kyaaaaaahhhh!!!!
KAI / SION : Shit…
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Same here: Betty, Marcela, and Armando- The holy trinity lol
Betty has my heart, but I find Marcela and Armando so fascinating and I love unpacking their dysfunctional relationship. There's just so much to discuss and analyze in their dynamic. Their competing egos, the incompatibility in personalities, and general lack of respect for one another, all wrapped with the irony that on paper, and in society's view, they were "perfect for each other". For me though, ultimately, both Armando and Marcela were victims of their own prejudice that was condemning them to settle into a relationship that made them both so unhappy.
Omg yes, in this victimization of Marcela, people fail to recognize how misogynistic she actually was!! Marcela took out all her frustration on not being able to control Armando's infidelity and her denial of how bad their relationship was, on the women that surrounded him, regardless if they engaged with him romantically or not. Her hatred for Betty is the biggest example of that. It's ironic that on paper, Armando hiring Betty as his secretary should have been the best news for somebody as jealous of beautiful women as she was. Yet literally her reason for hating Betty was that Armando was a cheater, even if (at least initially lol) she had nothing to do with that. But there she was, trying to justify her hate in creative ways when it was all rooted in misogyny and resentment towards Armando. Yet, breaking up with him was out of the question. The epitome of this is the scene where Marcela takes Betty out for lunch trying to get information out of her. I mean, she's broken and I genuinely feel for her in this scene, but when she tries to manipulate Betty using the female solidarity card 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ AKJSDHAJDK. I CAN'T lol. That's exactly what she never showed Betty, solidarity... not as a woman, not as a professional. and not as a human being. But again, Marcela did have her moments where she was reasonable, showed good judgement as a boss, and it was hard not to root for her in general.
Yes, Armando's parents were terrible. They were terrible to both Armando and Marcela. I've seen criticism of Don Hermes (justified) but at least in Betty's household, she had genuine display of love and affection, even if they did handicap her in some ways with their overprotection. And that's a whole other discussion. But that's what so amazing about the series, it gives way for so much interpretation, perspective, and analysis. For example: Mario Calderon is a terrible human being, the ultimate villain of the series, but also he was almost impossible to hate👀😭🤣.
Lol! The Holy Trinity of Ambiguity and Chaos lol❤️
Same here. I love Betty for her sweet, way-too-innocent personality and her sense of humor (even if it’s more like a mechanism to deal with her insecurities and how much they affect her), but Armando and Marcela are so dark and interesting (although good to notice that Betty herself BECOMES pretty dark aftet she finds the Letter. She becomes just as abusive as Marcela in revenge). Yes, everything in that relationship was so, so wrong!
I’d say a great part of Armando’s and Marcela clinge to each other (Armando’s clinge to Marcela is strange— he “needs” her, can’t let her go because she “represents” a good, stable life dven though in practice it’s chaos, yet at the same time he’s desperately trying to free himself and get a breath of fresh air), more than prejudice itself, it was due to their parents. They have a very strange dynamic, as they both see Roberto and Margarita as their parents, and Roberto and Margarita also treat Marcela and Armando as their children (they constantly call them that), and often blur the lines in the relationship between the two, like that scene the day of the collection in which Claudia Bosch got drunk. That time Armando and Marcela were fighting and angry; it was a couple’s quarrel that could have seriously affected their relationship. But Margarita and Roberto treated it like a pair of little siblings fighting over a toy, and even asked them to hug each other, smile, and “make peace”. That was so, so strange. That was a siblings’ dynamic, not a couple’s. Armando and Marcela grew up together, so we can assume that it’s been this way their whole lives. This just can’t possibly be healthy. Add to that how Margarita was always partly helping Marcela, and partly helping Armando, because in her eyes they were both her children… and on top of it all, the constant drilling into their heads of how they were meant to be together and it was the Mendozas’ and Valencias’ dream to see their children getting married. They were treated like siblings and expected to love each other as a couple. Just weird.
We could also mention that, even though Armando was a womanizer, he only looked for beautiful women of a high status. The kind of woman that, were it not because he’s already with Marcela, his parents would aprove, unlike the poor guy that Camila married and got her exiled from the family. Even Armando’s rebellion and need for freedom restricted to what his family would approve.
Yes! Marcela even laughs at the idea of Betty being Armando’s secretary and mocks him that he’s “presenting symptoms of fidelity”😓 she hated Betty simply for being ugly, and completely disregarded her professional abilities based off her looks… but, funnily enough, she never criticizes or judges Gutierrez for being ugly, nor ever undermines his owrk or authority (except when he was trying to abuse his position to take advantage of Aura Maria). It was just all rooted in mysogyny and classism.
Omggg! Yesss! That scene always irked me. The way she says “we are both women, and we need to be in solidarity of that feeling”. Like, girl, whaaaat? She spent the whole show callinf Betty a thing, an animal, an undefined being, etc. Marcela even told Armando explicitly that she found offensive that Armando believed that she saw Betty as a female rival, and even Armando seems shocked or disgusted for a second there. Marcela genuinely didn’t even see her as a human being. She had her good side (thus why I can’t hate her), and I feel bad for her situation, but it’s important to also highlight her bad attitudes and not hide them under the rug like most of the fandom seems to do 😓😓
Lol, tbh I loooove Mario Calderon. He’s an a-hole, mysogynistic, manipulator, awful “friend”, maquiavelic, cruel, and much more, but he’s soooo funny. He has so much charisma! I can’t help but love his scenes because he always makes me laugh. Ahh, ysblf always finding a way ti make people love very wrong and broken characters😌❤️✨
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale S4 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- I’m excited about the quiz show but I wish it wasn’t just to show off how smart Betty is. I know she’s smart, all the girls are, but if they dumb them down to make Betty look good…
- Archie has such a good heart ugh the greatest boy in Riverdale and nobody can compare to him!!! 🥺❤️
- Jughead mentioning Bret after him and Betty have sex. We love Bret x Jughead lmao
- Betty looks so good though can she please have her hair down all the time pLEASE 👀❤️
- Betty looks like Lili way too much and I don’t like that… Bughead is basically just Sprousehart and that’s not a good thing
- NOT CHERONICA ASKING ABOUT ALCOHOL TO AN ADULT AT THEIR SCHOOL NO LESS??? Whatever, they look good so I’ll let it slide for the best girls in Riverdale
- “Boy in the river” is too soft but serial killers, which has probably been done so many times, isn’t…? The desperation to cling to the black hood is potent
- TOM’S BEEN WORKING CONSTRUCTION??? SINCE WHEN??? Also not Archie replacing Tom with Frank?? And with NO warning??
- Veronica is such a cutie we love!!! And finally solid proof that Toni is smart!!! Betty taking Cheryl’s answer though smh isn’t there usually a rule against that??
- Betty talking about Bret to Charles gives off enemies to lovers vibes. I don’t genuinely ship it but the idea of it though is interesting. Anything to shake things up. Also, is she really trying to get Charles to help her cheat just because she feels entitled to getting into Yale??
- “Brown Hood” ew… also none of those other interesting stories were good enough but we’re going to STILL have to hear about the dumb black hood? LET IT GO
- It’s kinda funny how much Betty is like Bret, Like, entitled, selfish, pretends to be higher than everybody else, etc… anyways enemies to lovers 😜😜😜
- Of course Bret bought his way into everything, wasn’t it obvious?? Also how exactly did Charles get information on that if the dad wouldn’t have wrote it down??? Like, the only way Charles would have been able to get that would be if he snooped around. It wouldn’t be official (or hidden and official) paperwork...
- So Betty can milk her father being the black hood but jughead can’t use it as a story despite technically being a victim of it himself?  I mean I get it but like… is it really THAT BIG of a deal? 
- NO THE SPEAKEASY?!!!?!!? Hate that Veronica never wanted to be a criminal but now she’s illegally going to sell alcohol and knowing her annoying ass father and how much the writers love this boring rivalry, he’s going to find out and ruin it.
- Fangs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 It’s good to see that he’s still alive smh. But, damn, they really had to ruin any possibility of Kangs like they never even got a true chance to be good :(
- THIS DUDE LOOKS LIKE HE’S IN HIS 20′S??!?!?? KEVIN???!?!?! SIR?!?!?!? BE CAREFUL?!?!!?!?
- Betty hounding Jughead for lying when she constantly lies to him I—
- This “make Tom a second father to Archie” is so weird like—other than Harv getting into a fight with one of the writers on Twitter (which made my thoughts on it more negative lol) it’s just… he has his own son that he never talks to (especially after being in a CULT) and it rubs me the wrong way… it’s nice for Archie to have a father figure but they were kinda setting FP up to do that and now suddenly out of NOWHERE it’s Tom?
- Betty not getting into Yale because of who her father is and not her grades :( That would such. But it makes sense...
- Jughead, you act like Bret would care if Betty found out that you’re using her father for a story without her permission.
- YESSSS BETTY DESTROYING HAL’S GRAVE EVEN THOUGH IT WON’T DO SHIT AND SHE WAS LIKE HIS BEST FRIEND A LITTLE BIT AGO BUT WHATEVER. See, people, this is a badass scene. THIS. Her actually being angry and venting, not destroying others for no reason. This. 
- Tickled…..?????? 5 GRAND??? SHIT THAT’S... mmhm, Sounds kinda creepy but 👀
- I feel like Bughead is doomed because suddenly they’re actually being kinda cute and like 1% interesting and usually when that happens the person or couple I don’t like ends up either dead or something
- So how the fuck can Betty get into Yale considering she said in the flash forward she’s in Yale?
- CHERONICA DANCING WE LOVE TO SEE ANOTHER DANCING SCENE!!! We love the best dressed and most beautiful girls in Riverdale!!!!
- See, this is why you don’t tell Hiram SHIT but the writers insist to make them seem dumb (so Veronica can come up with a plan and make it perfect but she tells her enemy/father what she’s doing so he can stop her? Sure… makes TOTAL sense…) so that Hiram can come in and fuck everything up. I get that it can’t come easy because this is a TV show but for the love of God Hiram will never fucking leave will he???
- He really has to destroy it???? What a fucking loser lmao he’s such a baby
- Ooh Veronica is pissed! She looks hot when she has that angry look I say that’s my baby she’s gonna retaliate!! 
- I’m low-key scared for Kevin… like he’s always used by his dates.
- Cheryl being the smart bitch she is we loveeeee!!!
- YES REVAMP THE BROTHEL. There’s nothing that says female empowerment about Penelope but um whatever this is actually a really good idea… WE LOVE A CHERONICA TEAM UP
- I know Cheryl’s gonna ask Toni but Toni’s a part of—wait… PENELOPE?? No. JUST FUCKING LET HER DIE OFF PLEASE. Lmao but just imagine if someone decided to go have sex in the bunker and Penelope is just like “oh hey”
- FRANK JUST FUCKING ATTACKED TOM??? So the ex-sheriff isn’t gonna press charges?? Umm okay
- Frank literally stfu don’t guilt him into not feeling bad for you, you’re a fucking thief
- I legit just cringed when Betty said she was Jughead’s cheerleader that was… ew
- Mmhm… would Betty cheat?? Maybe. Also WHY would Alice fucking do that? I mean I guess it matches season 1 Alice but it’s still dumb that her s1 personality came out of nowhere and was villainized
- Oh Betty totally cheated didn’t she………… “THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST” MEAN GIRLS!!!
- WHY IS VERONICA GIVING IT TO BETTY WHEN SHE’S THE ONE WHO’S ANSWERED ALL OF THE FUCKING ANSWERS? But lemme guess they’re making it seem like she cheated but suddenly she’s smart enough to answer all of the questions
- Yup, Betty was suddenly a fucking genius mmhm I knew they were gonna pander to her smhhhhhhhh
- YES ARCHIE STAND UP TO FRANK!!!!!!!!!! And please apologize to Tom 🥺🥺
- So how does she get into Yale if they think she cheated?
- WAIT KEVIN IS HELPING FANGS GET MONEY WE FUCKING LOVEEEEEE?!???!!?!?!? HE CAN PAY FOR HIS MOM’S SURGERIES!!! Fangs family background info coinciding with Toni’s here we go!!! Also Fangs stop being a cutie challenge!!!
- The camera making Bret look monstrously huge lmao
- Jesus not a fucking duel….
- So is this scene before or after Betty “hits Jughead”
- BARCHIE HOLDING HANDS. In the gif shown before the episode there was nothing platonic about that look. Of course with context… it’s kinda… inappropriate but YESSS BARCHIE RISE!!!!!
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 6 - Meat Page 16
==>  (Whoa, went a long while before splitting posts, there.  Dangerous, with how often I’ve lost stuff to Tumblr page reloads in the past.)
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Oh, you’ve realized Zazzerpan’s relevance as foreshadowing for the trolls or whatever, Rose?
Oh my god, PLEASE don’t put Rose inside a fucking robot.  >:|
Oh SHIT wait.  That one wizard Roxy named her cat after who wanted all the knowledge in the world, got overloaded and then crushed by the giant textbook or whatever???  That’s disturbingly Rose-similar here.  D:
Rose, puns.  Please.
Hm, you think it applies to you all now instead of the trolls?  Huh.  Do you think some of you might become villains and get Just deaths?
..Huh, wait.  Numerological significance?  Are we actually learning what 413 means?  Or learning that it was meant to be bullshit all along instead?  I’m “Hmmm”ing loudly either way...
Ow, ouch.  So a Light player wasn’t designed to properly live outside of canon significance, or??
Ooh.  She’s not sure that if she opens herself up to all the knowledge of her other selves, that it’d be “her” anymore.  A pretty legitimate fear... and one Dirk is perfectly disposed to disabuse her of.  As a Heart player, he’d understand better than most that the entire combination of one’s various states over all timelines IS you, and the unique direction your will and uniqueness embodies across whatever it touches.  Or something.
...Wait, wait a minute.  Before I keep reading........ I didn’t actually CLICK the candy button yet.  What if Candy just redirects to AO3 or something.  Like, the candy bit is all of our fanfics.  Oh jeez.
Okay reading on before that possibility drives me insane.
DIRK: I’m not sure anyone should be allowed to have that much foresight. Especially a guy like me.
...Mhmm, especially since in part that’s how we got Doc Scratch, yeah.
Reading to the end of this page, and........
Yeah, what the FUCK just happened.
So... is this Dirk BEING a villain?  Doing some sort of weird almost cherubic Eye thing to kind of supplant Rose as he becomes a Scratch-like fanfic narrator or... Let me reread these last few paragraphs a couple times...
Is he really sort of “puppeteering” Rose?  Is this like the birth of a god-tier villain or just a temporary respite he’s giving her sort of underhandedly for an actual good cause to help her out of her situation??  Or is “death” or a death of the self the actual solution he had for her mess???  I mean... the metatextual awareness bit that he’s speaking through in the last sentence is clearly something like what comes of ascending completely and going beyond the story to be able to write it like Caliborn or Doc Scratch might or... y’know what, fuck it.  I’ll understand it in later pages.  I have to keep reading if this is going to make sense to me.
This next button better not lead straight back to the fucking selection screen again.
Oh shit, a giant Dirk section.  Only fitting that he might have been writing most of this all along possibly.
Undercurrent of narrative significance.  Oh shit.  Is he going to go off about Light, about the story parts not mattering?  Or that the fact that this IS a story and... from what I accidentally skimmed in sentences below before reading further, how we’re trapping them in a story by reading it or something???  Hence the idea that their existences are being “blighted” by the subtext of narrative significance, and would be better FREE of it?
Huh.  Is this really going to work?  As, like... a body slam of people who were too caught up in the forest of narrative purpose to see into the trees of the point he wanted to make with the finale?  It’s practically Andrew talking to the audience from within the story about their frustrations, heh.
Yeah, this whole rant is pretty awesome so far.  I forgot to mention it a few paragraphs ago, but when you look at the story list, the Epilogues are listed as “stories of dubious authenticity”, so is this whole thing like... how DIRK might have written the ending out?  Just to emphasize further that this whole thing is kind of pointless compared to the infinite possibility that was the reward for their escape from the confines of such story-stuff?
Cool.  Sounds like we’re seeing the “good end” that Dirk would have written for this story if he were to write one that still answers plotlike questions, or something similar to it.  That and/or he’s also engineering things in-canon -- or as “canon” as the victory planet is -- to follow all this for the end result he has in mind, and it comes across as practically Doc Scratch-y in the way it ties in metatextual awareness and stuff.  Either way, it DOES feel like Andrew might successfully be making his point.
Pff.  This is going to be a bit interesting.  And, of course, unstuck-in-canon John can hear the narrator speaking.
And now John has ANOTHER story to get annoyed at the narrator of, heh.
The tooth is poisoned? Really? Did you just make that up or?
Okay, why suddenly the wallet, fanfic writer? Is he going to find touching pictures or just captchalogue the black hole?
This is all starting to feel a whole lot less serious, and I can’t help but figure that’s the intent.
Pff, back to the B plot.  Yay Jade!  --Please don’t be metatextually aware like John and let’s get more actual story.
Phew, seems to be the case
...Is Karkat going to remake this post-scarcity society to be more Communist? Is that where we’re going here?
Alright, Roxy’s gonna be all voidy and Neutral and not want an impact on the election, from the sound of it?
GAAAHHH Jade is in love with all her friends and afraid of being alone.  AAAH FEELS
--Oh huh, so because Jane’s been in the distance putting on the Perfect act she thinks she has to pull, she’s gone down in her friends’ opinions even if that isn’t really her???  That’s pretty reassuring as an alternative, actually.  Leave it to Roxy to see everything crystal goddamn clear as usual.
Ooh, pronoun mishap.
Holy SHIT Roxy’s gonna go along with it.  That’s nonbinary-awesome!  And Dirk’s just fucking flabbergasted, I love it.
Pff, Dirk’s screwing it up outside too
yep, everyone ectobiologically had kids with everyone, really.
Oh, ow.  Something about the whole black hole green sun thing is fucking with her.  That, or, like...  Huh, might the whole metatextual ascension thing mean that she actually BECOMES that other Jade floating about for a hot minute, the one in the A-side plot??
Ow this excellent narrative is pretty painful.  Like, empathetically inducing pain through really good description of pain and angst.  Ow.
Oh shit, alt!Calliope has a plan.  Maybe she’s able to use this black hole to re-begin Paradox Space and close the loop once everything’s absorbed or something, and needs a Jade’s help for it?
Phew, some relative silliness with some of the others.  That vivid description of a Jade’s suffering was starting to give my stomach a cramp.  Actually, ANY vivid description of Jade’s suffering gives my stomach a cramp.  Or any allusion to it, even, heck even without WORDS.  I saw a Jadey song redux show up on my Youtube dashboard a few nights ago and had to turn it off after less than thirty seconds because I was about to throw up listening to the tune and staring at the image from my stomach clenching SO HARD.  I am WAY too attached to Jade in particular to tolerate her suffering without serious emotional feedback on my part.
Okay, breathe.  Breathe deeply, and keep reading...
....PFF, yes, Karkat.  Finally acknowledge it’s disgusting.  Birth is disgusting from any species really.
Yaaaay Kanaya! :)
Pfffff, Dave does record scratches with his hands mid-conversation like a fucking dab.  He would.
KANAYA: I Am Impressed That You Managed To Be Seen In Front Of That Many People Without Spontaneously Bursting Into Flames
I’m laughing
We internalize and project the quality in very different ways, however, which is why I’m going to win.
Win WHAT, the election???  Is that your only grand plan or... I mean fuck, way to be Doc-Scratch-like ominous!  Reading on...
...Yeah, Feferi was definitely a proto-Fascist too.  :)
Oh, huh. “Power Corrupts In Small Steps”... is this whole President thing going to be a big-ass metaphor for gaining your God powers without abusing them?? And pointing out that Jane is hella abusing her status in a way that COULD become villainous if it goes too far?  Victory is supposed to give you the ability to create a universe, but you’re not necessarily supposed to lord over it with an iron fist...
KANAYA: He Is Beloved In The Troll Kingdom For His Perky Ass DAVE: seriously? KARKAT: I TOLD YOU IT’S NOT JUST ME! KANAYA: It Has Some Terrible Arcane Power KANAYA: I Have Never Seen Anything Like It
I am laughing out loud here
pff dave’s doubtlessly imagined this at least as much as the rest of us
YESSS make fun of ship names some more, especially the ship names I’m not a fan of even though I’m such a fan of the pairing :D
KANAYA: Im Going To Call My Wife And You Are Going To Stop Talking
Why do I love that sentence so much.  Is it just because it has the word wife in it.  Probably.
At the other side of the cavern, Dave and Karkat bicker about what their combo kids would look like, in the event that they decided to stop being such laughable wusses and began fornicating like two cartoon animals of different species who have given into their lust.
Pffff.  Yeah, Dirk would put it that way.
Pffffff.  Not as adept at handling all sides of the story at the same time as you were as part of Doc, eh?
Reading reading reading... Oh, adorable, he tried to slip a fish pun into Meenah’s name but couldn’t think of one.
...Oh SHIT, is he going to give Meenah the ring of life she wanted??? :D
Oh pff, that works too.  :D
Okay, time for maybe at least a SLIGHT explanation of whatever the FUCK Dirk might have or might not have done to Rose or something????
...Huh.  What exactly are you trying to “fix” about Kanaya and Rose’s relationship, Dirk?  Something that didn’t fix itself with just the two of them together?
I mean...... Rose’s substance abuse never fixed itself when it was just two of them together on the first-run meteor.  And she’s been taking pills and trying to stave off her destiny out of fear while her wife hasn’t really been digging into her insecurities... I mean maybe he has a point.
SHADOWS around her??????  D:
Yeah yeah, John drifting.  I just remembered what one of those “server beacons” they were mentioning actually is, too, visually.  Knowing it had an escape route helped.
What are you even gonna do with the slippers, gift them to Terezi when she comes flying in?  (Also, right, just remembered he’s a Breath player so it’s only natural that he actually finds whatever there is to find “coincidentally” around here, like that wallet.)
Ooh, you REALLY were thinking about Terezi over the past years from the sound of it.  And here she is or whatever.  :)
Okay okay okay wait.  Her shadow is talking??? Is this, like... Jungian shadow stuff? Inversion shadow stuff?  What the fuck is going on.  It better not be Inversion-related.
Let me read that again.
Her shadow has faded to light behind her, assuming the shape of a Rose-like apparition. I nod to her, and she continues. When she speaks, it’s almost as if it’s the apparition that’s doing the talking.
That’s weird and I don’t entirely know what it means. I’d better just keep fucking reading.
Fun philosophical banter.  I didn’t know what “Hegelian dialectics” were until I read some big rant on someone’s Fallout New Vegas playthrough earlier last month.
ROSE: I think free will is a thing, sure. DIRK: Are you sure about that? ROSE: ... DIRK: Haven’t we spent the entire day having a feelings jam on how none of us got here by accident?
Ah, here we’re going with some Ultimate Riddle-y stuff.
Or wait, are we adding a bit on to that concept now?  Because it now seems like a large PART of the Ultimate Riddle stuff I covered (FUCK dropbox for breaking all the images) that might be revealed in this part of the damn epilogue is the whole the-only-way-to-have-true-free-will-is-to-escape-the-narrative-imposed-on-us or something along with the rest of it.
Hm, that whole “become One God” bit that Dirk ranted about in the beginning of one of the John sections... is that his ambition here?  I didn’t comment on the rantparagraph earlier because the “one” part of it threw me as possibly just some philosophical stuff he was musing about, but it’s like... I mean Dirk is the narrator right now, and it sounds like he wants to *BE* the narrator.  Like, become the one truly in control of this whole story.  With his orange Andrew-colored text or whatever.  Is that what he meant by “win”, winning control of the entire narrative, turning everyone else in the story into mere extensions of himself that he was “writing” by virtue of being the only author?
And him getting thwarted in that task, showing that it’s better if there really is NO narrator and the characters can do whatever they imagine in infinite branches and our imaginations, is the victory that proves the point of the story.  Or something.  Hmm.
Also, huh.  Like... I mean that IS a natural extension of a Prince of Heart if he were to turn to villainy.  A grand ambition to destroy everyone’s individuality until they’re nothing but Himself.  Right?
DIRK: Your Ultimate Self, that which is revealed when the mind’s partitions are stripped away, and all potentiality of who you are and what you could have been flow together. DIRK: Those are the experiences and processes that are refusing to stay bundled, that’s what your body can’t endure. The unbundling itself is your mind coming apart. DIRK: Because you’re not as strong as me. Not yet. DIRK: But you can be. DIRK: I’m working on that.
Because she’ll “BE” you?  Because you’ll be everyone?  Hm.
DIRK: But for now, I’m focused on stabilizing you with my own expanding consciousness. DIRK: It’s enveloping you now, in a way you can’t see. Keeping your thoughts solid, your identity anchored to your physical form as it strains to hold itself together. DIRK: You can’t see it, what I’m talking about. But I can help you. DIRK: I can help you see what I see, if only for a little while. DIRK: All you have to do is open your eyes. DIRK: Maybe what you see will help you through this.
Okay so maybe this all ain’t TOTALLY fucking sinister.  Just partially.  Hmm.
I’m not going to describe what she sees. First of all, that would be spoiling it. Unless you already know, in which case, I guess what’s taking place here qualifies as something closer to dramatic irony. But if you really want to see it for yourself, stop what you’re doing, flip the whole thing over, and begin again. I’ll be right here when you get back, waiting. Trust me, no one’s going anywhere.
Hahahahah.  So the candy part IS written.  I mean I was pretty sure, but it’s nice to have it acknowledged here.  Pretty awesome.  I won’t stop here to read it, I’ll get to the candy part eventually as a nice dessert.
All she needs is a nudge in the right direction.
We’re family. We belong together. And after years of micromanaging the inconsistent and confused desires of total imbeciles, wouldn’t it be a relief to have someone by my side who understood me?
Stop being so incestuous.  Dirk, you’re just getting off on the CONCEPT of incest being part of the flavor of all this, aren’t you.  That’s why you kept pushing things this way, you want it to be as uncomfortable as possible.
...wait, yeah he’s just talking about being a metatextual ascended, isn’t he.
Her body should be dead now.
And Rose has... what, ascended but somehow given in to Dirk’s puppeteering of existence, or?  Ugh.
Next post, I wanna keep reading already to get through all this bullshit.  Then once I’ve figured it all out, I can rest comfortably back with the Candy side which Rose practically just promised me is potentially TOO SUGARY which is really enticing as a prospect.
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coco-chip · 6 years
telltale batman?
yesss thank you anon this game still plauges mecharacter i first fell in love with;
Bruce! I kno it may be weird to fall for the PC but really i enjoyed his quirky somewhat awkward personality it wasn’t like the rough “antihero” batman I usually see and don’t like
ultimate favorite character;
John! as anyone who’s seen my posts would know i adored John so much def one of my fav jokers right up there with lego joker
favorite female character;
Tiffany! I liked seeing her having a kinda robin role! I liked lady arkham as a villain too
favorite male character;john again lol but for the sake of it i’ll say my second fav dude chara who is: harvey dent! you bet I spent all of season 1 trying to help him and never let any harm come his way (he doesnt even have the two face marking in my playthrough and im proud of that)
least favorite female character;
selina... I’ve seen many good portrayals of catwoman in batman universes and this was not one of them. her motives and actions were really inconsistent and she wasn’t even that fun to have in the party since she was just constantly bickering or fighting bruce
least favorite male character;
riddler I guess?? i didn’t care for him and was like well whatever at his death plus he killed Lucius so he got put on my shitlist
ultimate OTP;
Juce/batjokes!! Juce still hurts me and i adore so many aspects of the ship
favorite m/m ship;
Juce again lol but my other fav OTP that was my ultimate fav until season 2 was bruharvey! they had such amazing chemistry i adored seeing them together and im still sad about harvey
favorite f/f ship;
uhhh none?? i don’t have any f/f ships in this series which sucks cause theres a bunch of great gals but they either dont like each other (harley and catwoman) or never interact 
favorite m/f ship;
none again lol
alfred and bruce!! I love poppa alfred even if he is so so hard to reason with sometimes. also bruce and Lucius before...you know :(
Jarl3y I don’t like it in any of the batman universes this one included and batc4t another one I dont like in any of the universes but telltale made me despise this ship cause of the forced romance
most aesthetically pleasing character;
bane maybe?? i loved the story and characters but no one had designs i liked
character you’d totally hug;
John and bruce deserve a hug!!
character you’d totally date;
no one theyre all disasters lol but seriously maybe harvey? he was cool pre serum
overall opinion of the show/game/book/etc;
amazing!! one of my fav telltale games! i wish telltale wasnt fuckin cowards with queer options and stopped forcing romances and i wished they put a little more effort in the vigilante route but otherwise i loved the game
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moonbelt · 7 years
I don'tknow if you already answered this but do you have any anime recommandation?
i’ve never been asked for anime recommendations in my inbox before usually i just recommend some to ppl that message me or my friends irl but IM ACTUALLY REALLY EXCITED TO DO THISSS -
okay here are 15 anime i’ll recommend to you anonie :)
these are in no specific order 
1: Boku No Hero Academia - character develoment? check. Non-neglecting of side characters? check. Bomb af graphics? double check. Loveable best boy? yep yup. Great fandom that collectively hates Mineta? yesh
2: Diamond no Ace - sports anime that actually shows the struggles of different teams? yesss. epic scenes that are so great it could be a meta anime but it still retains the basic functions of baseball? huehue double yes. the mc is such a ball of energy and genuinely wants to be the Ace and has so much development as a character that you honestly start wanting him to get that number? yes yes yes yes yes
3: Nichijou - one of the greatest work anime has produced. really its so effing hilarious and it really pinpoints the things everybody does in everyday life. like flip a police officer for mistakenly confiscating your boys love manga. accidentally stabbing your thumb with a mechanical pencil, the struggles of ordering at Starbucks or even..
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yeah.. ordinary life ha
4: Magi - a smol baby boy tryna bring peace to the world? check. fucking strong girl that can beat any kind of wild beast there is? heck yeah! magic? yup. loads of backstory that actually makes sense and relates to the arcs? checkity check. villiains that really arent villains and good guys that truly are the bad guys? ho boi yessss. a magical recorder? you got it. also the graphics are great
5: Mob Psycho 100 - another smol baby boy just tryna navigate middle school. blessed with amazing psychic powers but powerless in terms of popularity and friendships. truly such a great anime that teaches a lot of moral stuff and has A M A Z I N G fight scenes. our boy mob is such a freaking god and the art style is very different but so expressive 10/10 would recommend
6: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - [Daily Lives of High School Boys] like nichijou, this is another anime that is at the height of comedy gold. every episode is such meme worthy. the main protag really isnt the main protagonist, so many puns, great side characters, and i cant express how much of a feel good anime this is
7: Bakemono no Ko - okay this is a movie. and when i say this is such a fascinating movie, i mean it. this really smol boy gets adopted by a bear after he runs from home. this big bad bear™ is actually so pure and best dad. the uncles are great and so punny i cant. okay, they also have some really epic sword fights.. i really cant explain this movie without giving spoilers lmao but go watch it if you want, you wont regret it
8: Hunter x Hunter - young fisher-boy and young assassin-boy walk into a hunter exam together, who survives? friendship.. and the newly acquired dads they found along the way [honestly go watch it, i was skeptical at first but i never loved anything more in my life] also the arcs are so monumental, really great plot and friendship!!
9: Yuri On Ice!!! - edgy ice skating and gay couples that reaffirm what love is? check. little smol bean yurio tryna act all mighty and tough? yep. amazing soundtrack? heck yeahh! great characters that in no way hate on homosexuals? you got it. amazing graphics? best boys? well dang, you got it!
10: Shokugeki no Soma - food. food. food wars. great scenes that have food giving you orgasms? basically a sports anime but about food? great mc that really deserves all the love he gets. when they tie a bandana on their forehead, shit is about to get started. food. food. food wars.
11: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - as i write this, i cry. this was so good and i was wary of watching it bc there was/is so much hype around it but alas IT WAS SOO GOOD I CANT. like two brothers? amazing morals? the fact that nothing is as it seems? kickass female characters. alchemy. the hype is real with this one, but its so worth it and i 10/10 would lower you down FMA hell.
12: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - [also known as Reborn!] i found this by mistake and my life really hasnt been the same. mafia story. first few eps are just comedic and really dont tell you jack shit about the storm thats coming afterwards. holy heck, a main character that set standards for how to demolish your enemies? friendship! fight scenes that make you wanna fite anyone? so many powers that actually make sense? checkity check. friendship!!
13: Bungou Stray Dogs - hidden powers that main character doesnt know about? check. good dad dazai. another mafia story. a mafia boy tryna kill the mc because of his powers and dazai has become mc’s dad instead of his [okay i’m trolling lmao] but really this is a great mafia anime. theories. villainous characters that have been blackmailed into being bad.. really it has it all
14: Haikyuu!! - small chibi boy just wants to play volleyball in peace. “i can jump™” meets skyscraper black-haired blue-eyed god who rules the court. [trollingg] but honestly, this has to be one of the most accurate sports anime i’ve watched. spiky main and side characters that are completely adorable and its kinda hard not to get sucked in, but you will
15: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - gamer dude dies [by mistake] and on his way to the afterlife, he’s given a chance by a goddess to go to another world and defeat the demon king. grants him the possibility of taking any one thing to this new world, my guy picks the goddess [fukin dead] and whoops there ya go lmaoo. but no honestly, its great and funny and the explosion/action scenes are beyond E P I C. also best girl, Megumin, is there so you should def check it out
— obviously these recommended anime are in my opinion. im not some anime god but thanks anon for giving me a reason to finally do this *finger hearts* —
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arutinmy · 7 years
Have you watched Thor : Ragnarok?
I just watched it  two days ago and GODDAMMIT CHRIS HEMSWORTH LOOKING FINE AS--Ahem. I mean yesss it was great. It was so great that I have to make a post about it!
Below this might be considered spoilers so proceed with caution.
Okay I said it was great, since MCU has never let me down, but I think it’s not so amazing-- though I think the plot is far more better than Spider-man : Homecoming. Still I enjoyed the whole 130 minutes! I had a great laugh with all the jokes :DD Character development is real! 
THERE’S STEPHEN STRANGE. His role isn’t that major-- but he’s the reason I cracked myself up the first 30minutes into the movie. I haven’t actually watche the whole Dr.Strange bUT GODAMMIT CAN HE BE ANY MORE CHILL? He’s like this zen thing and oh god the way he talks and floats here and there--- gdi i can’t. i need to actually watch Dr.Strange to the end.
tHOR WITH SHORT HAIR IS JUST >>>>>>> OK. I mean yesh his long hair is majestic and all buT I’Ve always had a thing with short spiky hair and he looked so fresh with the darker shade of blond(or was it brown-ish?) And do i have to mention how amazing he looks with all the thunder flowing inside him?? HE LOOKED SO MAJESTIC I COULD LITERALLY HYPERVENTILATE.
Thunder and lightning has always been one of my favorite elements (after water) and I love how marvel visualize the overflowing power of Thunder inside him. 99/10 for the 3D animation and everything else!
HELA. Is she the first female villain in MCU that I adore so much? yes. Cate Blanchett did an amazing job! Her voice sounded so deep and heavy i got major goosebumps from hearing her first words. She has the image, the character, the Goddess of Death’s vibes and to be honest I didn’t want her to cease to exist----- sHE’S TOO VALUABLE. 
And so I guess this is the end of the Thor’s movies? Honestly I kinda like how MCU made their heroes lose everything in their third(last) movie but it doesn’t mean their journey is ending--- it’s just another beginning! Like how Tony destroyed all his suit in Iron Man 3, how Steve became a fugitive in Civil War, and how Thor LOSES EVERYTHING, from his beloved Mjölnir down to his very own home, Assgard.
I am more than excited for more MCU movies like Black Panther or Infinity War, and is perfectly ready for Marvel’s easter eggs!
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quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
2-2 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: also I can't play more ace attorney because when I finished game 1 my brother wanted to play it so now I can't play more until he realizes in order to play through game two he'll have to delete my progress so he has to wait till im done with that
BF: Whaaat
There should be more than one save slot!
Q :We thought that too! That ended up with Alex thinking the second game thing was another save file for the first game
BF: Huh
Q: he brought me back DS I can play as work yaaaay
BF: Wooo!
Q: back to phoenix wright
Q: car ooo
who was drugged with sleeping pills
oh hello ghost dude
murdurer who's that black haired girl outside of the flaming car
i liked these new opening scenes they have a lot more art
oh no D: not Maya!
they don't even avoid the "it was a rainy day" cliche like
who this guy
Q: uhhh turner that wasn't very friendly
this was a year ago??? what???
Q: I was working under Mia not Maya
Q: the timeline makes no sense
June??? June what year??? Is this set before the chapter I just played???
oh my god that kid doesn't look right what
(^and that was my first ever reaction to Pearl. I thought she looked like a long 3-year-old. a glimpse. Ridicule me.)
Q: In happy Maya is here at least
Q: “I wouldn't take a crazed killer as my client" Maya you just have to BELIEVE they're not a crazed killer
Q: I wanna get to the case with Juan i n it but for now I'll be happy that at the moment he is living
Q: May 2nd is my bros birthday
Q: This guy needs better glasses that won't fall down
Q: Anyone can be a saint when compared to lawyers
Q: Wonder if anyone is in the direction
Is that a mushroom afro or hat
Q: I work hard at blaming it on Maya she gave me hints on what to do next and stopped the verdict from being assigned/mean any thing
Q: I wonder why we can't tell anyone about Mia
Q: Who is calling me!!!
How are you lotta!
Q :How would Lotta plan to take pictures
Oh now the citizens !Alex sense
I think we should break in but Morgan won't approve
Q: Why will anybody who possesses Maya not stop showing off their books
Q: Boobs
Q: Hi gumshoe
Q: Who are you you don't look like you're in the Fea family
Q: Hey look it's the kid again
I got the key!! Thanks Pearl!
Q: Hey I don't have the key
Q: Ugh I'm stuck
BF: hahahah always that point where you end up trying to figure out what to do next
Oh, apropos of nothing, but Ini's name is pronounced "Eenie"
and she had a sister (who you will find out about) named Mimi
BF: and their last name is pronounced Mine-ee
Therefore, they are Ini (Eenie) Mimi (Meenie) Miney!
and the next case features a guy named MOE
Q: alright!
Q: Talking with the kid YAY
Reasons why I dislike the kindle
If shipping me and Maya gets me that key then please continue
Ya I wanna help in Maya
Q :This because brings up the question of if Maya likes me because everyone in the village listens to get and seems to ship us... Though I bet it's just a misinterpretation on their end
BF: Only on Pearl’s end, really
Q: As suspected
She's cute though! I like Pearl :D
Hopefully the aunt won't come and get mad at me
Q: Sorry to disappoint you pearl but I went to lawyer school not channeling school
BF: Pearl is such a cutie
Q: She is! I feel bad about the first thing I said about her is that she looks weird
Yesss finally I have the key
BF: Oh there’s going to be multiple things about Pearl’s reading skills, and before you judge her as a total idiot, remember that in the original Japanese, it’s Kanji she’s struggling with haha
Q: Alright!
Pearl what if I phrase it like this: MYSTIC MAYA told me to give this to you
Q: Okay pearl you can follow me as long as you know your mom won't put my head on a pike soon after
Q: How would gumshoe NOT like kids
Q: How about we explain to Gummy about how she was possessed
I do indeed have a copy
Gumshoe: The prosecutor is going to be Von Karma
Q: Oh thank God he didn't actually get out prison or something
Q: First time we see edgy in the game I wonder how he is doing
Q: PHOENIX somebody is actually interested in your badge and you don't show it to them???
How could you!!!
Q: It's that weird redheaded girl I don't like again
Q: The frick am I hallucinating?
Q: Oh hey she's lying!!! Thank you pearl
Q: Uh I don't know if I should try or not
Oh ya still stuck with this girl
Wait what
I looked at the second newspaper clipping and it says she died what
Q: Sharing a last name okay
Yay I win
Q: Ini if that is what happened why do you still look so happy
Q: Pearl let me take you away from your home without a parents consent I have some candy with me
Hi mia!!!
Q: So I know she can't tell me much because the game wouldn't be fun but what is the in universe explanation
Mia how dare you lie to me I thought we were friends
Save point
Q: Pearly hi how did you leave without your mom noticing
strong pearly
Edgy is my objection buddy
Wait he actually quit D:
I am ready to hate this person just as much as I did the first vampire
Q: No I am not shocked you are a woman now I'm just wondering why we have not met up with another female prosecutor
Q: I don't think she should be allowed to bring that anymore
Then how did manfred fail if you are all so perfect
Q: Ya but we heard two gunshots and you say there was just one
Q: Hey there is a bullet hole in it
Q: I can figure it out I know I can
Q: I would use the gun on the last statement because it was fired twice and has the victims fingerprints on it but that didn't work
Q: Why can't I find anything
Q: I am stuck :(
BF: Aaaah I'd help but I don't know which part of the cross exam your at so I don't know what you're trying to prove right now
Q: I'll type the thing why not
Q: "Sorry pal there is more evidence", "this is the costume masthead wearing", "it's covered is blood," " defendant killed the person who did not right back ".
BF: ....I'm not sure, but I THINK you can find some evidence to disprove the 'didn't fight back' thing by gesturing to the sleeve of her costume somehow
If I'm remembering that segment correctly.
Q: Back
Hey the costume did work thank you
Q: Somebody please take that whip away from her
BF: hhaha no problem
the whip is Franzy's signature item, though. lD
BF: Also, she's not the last prosecutor who will physically assault you during a trial and get away with it hahah
Q: How dare this game
But there is a bullet hole in the outfit he didn't miss
Q: Finally that other bullet hole contradicts something
Q: I'm not getting something it's why I keep saving
I should know at this point where Maya was
BF: If you are still on the first day of the trial, you actually don’t have enough info yet to know where in the room she was!
Q: Dangit
Q: Oh hey I do know what I am doing
Q: I'm sorry what kinda swear is that Phoenix
Q: Lotta please don't be annoying like last  time you were here
Oooo save point
Hi pearl I forgot about you
Q: See I'm not the only one annoyed by the whip!!!
How am I supposed to be happy when a Von Karma is around
How am I supposed to pretend we are all family
Q: Lotta there were two gunshots
Q: For now I don't think I can present any evidence
Q: Which is sad
at least your not showing off Boobs
Q: Von Karma I hate you
Q: FINALLY I can prove it wasn't Maya
Q: No morons that is Mia
Q: You know if was ready to hate this second vampire but she isn't nearly as bad as the first one so far
Q: I'm not a fool I'm just annoying
BF: Franziska really isn’t the straight up villain her dad was; she’s more like a more prickly Edgeworth
Q: Alright well that is better
I really wanna see pearl tell at her haha
Q: Ya edgy was fine after a while but being nice forced him to leave him job so
Q: Who is misty who are you trying to kill
Q: Not a movie but it is a game and anime so
Q: How did steel samurai merch get in here
Q: Aww a cute theme for pearl
Q: Don't worry pearl I won't tell your mom
Q: Hey Lotta if you don't want me to be chasing you then maybe you should stop being in the rooms I need to go to
Q: and that is why Phoenix doesn't date women Lotta.
Q: Lotta you're fine you're one of the more likable people in this game
Q: I dislike that girl so I'd be fine to say she's the killerI  mean it'd make sense
She is the sister of girl who was killed by the man who just died
BF: Indeed, she does have a motive!
Q :back to thing
Comic is going it is fun to draw
Q: yes please give me info
new place to go. Also why does Lotta not like giving me info
what is this place
Q: you don't look like a doctor
Q: well of course you aren't
BF: Hahaha oh man I forgot you hadn’t encountered that creep yet
back to ace attourny but this is a great AU
Q: phoenix started talking like the guy hahaha
oh no did Pearl's mom call the cops on me
Q: Ya well I suspected she was as evil
Q :need to go again dangit
Q: I think it's funny how I'm the scary one in this game
Q: I think right now I don't know if like the redhead girl or Morgan more
Q: the more I find out i guess i like the redhead more
Q: I win >:D
if we were both asleep then maybe you were both drugged like how the opening said
what is she talking about
im scared
Q: how about you show her your damn police badge that'd be interesting to her
pearl come with meeee
Q: mia don't lie to me i have a magic rock
Q: one more lock.
I feel smart :D
oh so morgan and ini were the killers great
Q: well if she made it look like Maya killed him she could become the next master
Q :Pearl did you run here AGAIN???
oh god please don't bring morgan
pfft Maya she does this to you too?
Ohhh well I guess that makes sense... I mean, she would be really mad at me for saying her mom killed the guy
Q: I like Mia and (whats her name the second vampire) arguing it's funny
Q: morgan you are lying
Q: ya no you hated me there is no way you thought "good sir"
BF: haha Franziska!
Q: I'll call her Franz for short
I mean this testimony was in the opening so maybe it isn't entirely a lie
Q: what do you mean it wasn't strange???
Q: but there was blood on her outfit how did you not think it was strange!!!
Q: mini stop eating your hat
that personality change reminds me of the worst person ever ... April May
Q: no but really it isn't more subjective
Q: Pearl is being used as evidence why not
Q: Franz stop it let me question her
i wanna present the urn but morgan is watching
but you know what there is nothing else here so
Franz: Why do I feel like you’re going to ruin my beautiful day? Me: CUZ I AAAAAMMMM
also why is Ini's hat so stretchy
Q: I am angry i will use caps
wow there are a lot of holes in your hat when you strech it out
spinny hat
then how did lotta earlier isn't she bigger than you
when i first went into the room the box wasn't there and then later it was
i think it's dead
i hope so
Q :the folding screen >:3
ugh that bug is making me left arm flinch a lot
revenge after your death how dare you
Q :im not foolish im just better than you
wait what did i just say wtf hahaha
Q: and that is why i think that MORGAN HELPED
Q: yesss good case
well I mean your dad did
also fuck your dad I hate him that is all
BF: hahahaha
Q: actually no im not done
but finishing it would include a lot of swear words
BF: This case is totally setting up for some things in Game 3, btw
Q: dammit
Well I have motives for both of them Franz I just need to know that Phoenix knows.
BF: what you are ultimately trying to prove is Ini's motive, then that she did it and how she did it with Morgan's help
Q: okay!
Q: I am much more confidence than phoenix but that may just be anger
and a save point
Actually Maya I had everything to do with it and I am proud I gave his ass the death penalty
stop being mean to Maya you're dad already cost Edgy his job hey now I have another reason to hate vampire
back to cort
Q: I'm sad because you said there is a universally hated case in the second game and I figured there are only 4 and the first two aren't it and neither is the fourth so it has to be the third but then I realized that Edgy is on the cover of the game so he should be in at least half of it so he might reappear in the worse one and I am sad
back to game
Q: “newb”
now this sounds like 2016
Q: how do you NOT know what the UK is you s***ty excuse for a judge
I'm so mad i started being mean to the judge I should direct it to Franz for being a jerk
BF: hahaha don't worry so much about that. I'm not going to say how it plays out, but I think you'll be pleased.
Q: yessss
BF: and the third case is the one that people generally don't like: I personally think it's interesting, but it DOES have some issues.
Q: dangit
well hopefully I can like it
BF: I'm going to let you make up your own mind on it, yeah.
Q: aaalllirght
BF: I'll tell you afterwards what I actually LIKE about it, okay?
Q: alright!
Q: aw hi mimi
Q: Fanz let me explain this to you: The Von Karma family is full of assholes you all deserve to die before they cause as much suffering as your father did
ya I'm going to call the cops on your for physical assult
are we allowed to tell Maya that Mia has been possesing her a lot
Q: game you know what the date and time is  if you just don't want me to know tell me
So the games are just becoming more and more about magic huh
the end of the chapter this doesn't feel finished
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