#yesssss neons
Guess who watched Hazbin Hotel?
THIS GUY. 👉🏽😎👉🏽
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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skz-streamer · 8 months
The First Date - Han
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First Dates M-List
Pairing: Jisung (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff ;))))
Warnings: idk lmk
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
The story begins at a lively party where you and Jisung, who you had already heard quite a bit about from your mutual friend Lee Know, finally crossed paths. It was one of those gatherings where Lee Know had decided to play matchmaker, hoping that you might find someone special.
You spotted Jisung at the bar, and it was clear that he had also noticed you. There was a subtle yet flirtatious energy in the air as you began to chat, and it didn't take long for you to realize that he was not only cute but also charming. Lee Know had mentioned that he had recently found a girlfriend at a party, so he had invited you with a playful nudge, encouraging you to try your luck in finding a boyfriend.
Lee Know had driven you to the party but left soon after with his girlfriend, which left you alone at the bar with Jisung. As the night progressed, both of you enjoyed a few drinks, enough to get a little tipsy but not fully drunk. However, it seemed that Jisung had more drinks than you, and as the night wore on, he mustered up the courage to ask you out.
You chuckled, thinking he was joking, but went along with it and said yes. With a mischievous grin, Jisung took you to a nearby 24-hour karaoke bar. The neon lights and lively atmosphere greeted you as you entered, and it was clear that this was going to be a unique date night.
You both checked out a private karaoke room, picked your favorite songs, and started singing your hearts out. Jisung's vocal range was truly impressive, and you found yourself in awe of his talent. It was one surprise after another, and your appreciation for him grew as you shared song after song.
As the night progressed, the combination of singing and drinking led to a sense of and intimacy. You felt a connection with Jisung that went beyond mere flirtation. It was a magical night filled with laughter, music, and shared moments.
Eventually, as exhaustion caught up with you, you found yourselves crashing on the comfortable couch in the karaoke room. In the early morning light, you stirred and gradually opened your eyes. Your head was resting on Jisung's lap, and his hand was gently running through your hair.
As you got a better look at him in the sobering light of day, you were struck by just how handsome he was. It was as if you were seeing him for the first time without the hazy veil of alcohol. He was undeniably attractive, and the warmth you felt from his presence made you hesitate to wake him.
You lay there quietly, your eyes tracing his features, and you couldn't help but appreciate the surprising turn of events. Despite the unconventional first date and the slightly tipsy beginning, you felt a connection with Jisung that was undeniable. In that tranquil moment, you closed your eyes again waiting for him to wake up.
Tag: @anny-bah @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-jilee @sungiesoonie @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids @jinnie-ret @bbygrlhannie @rebecca-johnson-28   @turtledove824 @interstellarairwaves @yearofthetiger25 @minhos4thkitty @fiqire @backintomykpopphaseagain @liknws @tinyelfperson @aaasia111 @yangbbokari @hafsah-ali @sleepyleeji @skzhoes @yamaguchiwestad @leonswifesstuff
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cyborg-franky · 1 month
\o/ Franky, this looks so fun - I hope this is all the parts needed, thank you for doing this =3
Character: Marco Dress/Outfit : loose dress? No suits and ties, but nice clothes, kind of, idk like a flowy formal beachwear vibe? Pick two colours: silver and blue Big or small wedding: small Season: [fall wedding? Summer?] spring or late summer/early fall Food and drink? tropical - lots of fruits and sweet drinks
Today is a rough day for me, so even if someone else already beat me to the Marco punch, I still had fun just filling out the form =D Lookin' forward to seeing what comes of these ❤️
Yesssss. I hope you like the below <3
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You both wanted a small wedding, but you knew it would be near impossible with a found family as big as the Whitebeard Pirates, And that was when Marco came up with a plan. You’d have a big celebration, a ‘pre-wedding-wedding’ to which everyone was invited. It was drinking and eating, and the cake Thatch and his division had made was enough to feed the fleets of people that the crew consisted of.
The day after, though, was when you had your much smaller and more intimate gathering. The real wedding. Flowers of blues decorated the beach, the tables, and the chairs. Silver garlands and ribbons tied neatly around everything, Izou had been the one to decorate. Izou hadn’t been sold on a beachfront wedding until he was given control of the event and went wild.
It was early fall, and there was a slight nip in the air, but it was pleasant. Those you considered your closest friends all gathered for the ceremony. Everyone dressed in nice but casual beach-themed outfits: blues, silvers, and whites. The colours were classic and elegant, even with the pineapple centrepieces and garish touches.
Your outfit was cute. Friends teased Marco about his choices, but he’d never been the best at finding things that matched. He just liked what he liked; he still looked so damn handsome though. 
The wedding was lovely, and everyone had a good time. They ate fruit, and spit-roasted meat, and drank numerous neon-coloured drinks that were sweet and spicey.
Afterwards, when the sun had set, everyone sat around the blue-flamed campfire and toasted to the pair of you, wishing you lifelong happiness as you watched the blue flames dance in the firepit.
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[I gave you options of outfit <3<3]
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frostgears · 9 months
"please take them for a walk," the note said. "i'll owe you one! back tomorrow!"
the envelope also held two keys. one opened your neighbor's garage.
as you hauled up the rattling manual roll-door, you realized you were not alone. two— no, three— shapes circled you, shadowy in the early morning fog, accompanied by a high-pitched buzzing that set your teeth on edge.
one of them was behind you, tooclosetooclosetoo—
cool fingers seized the keys from your hand. you shrieked, whirled, came face to face with red neon eyes set in a smooth grey mask. red glow backlit rows and rows and rows of black gleaming recurved teeth. a whiff of ozone.
"nnnnext door persssonnnn," it buzzed. "ssssafe."
cool fingers folded the keys back into your hand.
the two others flanked it, purple and cyan. as one, the three shapes knelt in front of you, and chorused, "good morrnnnninng, nnnnext dooor persssonnnn."
you looked again and parsed humanoid shapes, abbreviated spandex dresses stretched over hard faceted armor. workout clothes?
"here for walllkiessss."
"Yes!," you squeaked, and then, "Yes. Umm. She left this note, and the keys… so, is, is there a part of the park you usually go to, or,"
"keyyyyyssss. you driiive, yessss?"
"Yes, um,"
one of the figures stood, shoved the door all the way up. as sunlight shone through a gap in the fog, you saw a gleam of color.
"drriiiive sssstick?"
"we chaaaaase."
you looked again at the keys, matching a vaguely familiar logo to the bright yellow supercar.
"driiive fasssst, nnnnext doooorrr persssonnnn." □
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snackhobi · 10 months
More ‘Straight Shooter’ lore yesssss I love that fic so much!!!!!!! Things I like to imagine after the ending: 1) JK about to go on his first mission and y/n cooing over him and fully kitting him out whilst Yoongi pouts 2) a rooftop date where Yoongi is like “sorry I’ve sniped here before but the view is beautiful” and y/n is like “you thought of me?? 🥺” 3) general domestic scenes in the Hobi/Yoongi/JK Household
I wrote this in like 20 minutes, thank you to @morndas for looking at this and assuring me it wasn't terrible (I haven't written anything in the straight shooter verse for literal years now)
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a rooftop date where Yoongi is like “sorry I’ve sniped here before but the view is beautiful” and y/n is like “you thought of me?? 🥺”
straight shooter snippet ; 1
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Familiarity breeds contempt, they say.
Yoongi doesn’t think so.
Then again, Yoongi’s found he doesn’t always agree with what everyone else says - what they say, what they think, what they do. Maybe it’s because he’s always hyperaware of his surroundings. He has to be in his line of work, after all. Contempt is a luxury he doesn’t allow himself to foster. A single slip-up and he could be dead.
The lower levels are looked down upon by those who live above. In the upper levels they turn up their noses, turn away from the grime and the filth, the decaying foundations that have been neglected for far too long. Dirty, ugly, abandoned, they say, even as they continue to build atop them, profit from them. There’s nothing beautiful down there.
But they don’t know the city like he does.
They don’t know about this secret perch, hidden atop a darkened skyscraper, dilapidated and hollow.
They don’t know that the lower city shines.
All the strata rise from here, a graduated terrace that ascends upwards and upwards. Each level sparkles and glitters, glowing even in the darkness, a kaleidoscope of neon colour that would be a riotous clamour if one were too close. Instead, from this distance it all blurs into one, a shimmering gradient that softens all the sharp edges of this place into something beautiful. Being at the bottom of this cascading array means that an onlooker can tilt their head back and never find an end to it all, almost, like they could lean further and further back and never fall. That they would be caught in this neverending ouroboros of light and life.
There’s nothing beautiful down there, they say, but Yoongi knows that’s not true.
Because, after all, you’re here.
You’re here in the lower city, and you’re here beside him. You’re here, staring up at all of these lights with eyes wide open, drinking in this view, the endless constellations that make up a city of man-made stars.
“It’s hardly easy to get up here,” you say. “Not exactly a great place for a tourist attraction, if that’s what you were planning.”
Yoongi lets himself smile. He’s been doing that a lot more recently. Smiling. Usually when you’re around.
(Who would have thought?)
“I was using it as a sniper’s nest,” Yoongi says. “I thought you’d like the view.”
You turn towards him. As far away as you are from all those lights, those shooting stars, you still shine brighter still. (Bold, brilliant, bright. Beautiful.)
“You thought of me?”
(Sniper rifle of your making braced against his body, staring down a scope that you’d built, weapon loaded with bullets that you’d designed. The remembered press of your lips on his temple, his mouth, his neck. The lights of the city haloed around his view even as he focused in on his target below.)
“Yes,” he says.
(It’s just you, and him, and the endless lights below you. In your own hidden world away from everything else.)
And - with no bite behind it, no hidden laughter, nothing but a rare moment of unguarded fondness - you smile.
Familiarity breeds contempt, they say, but there are some things that Yoongi grows more familiar with day by day and will never grow tired of.
(Even if he’d never say it out loud.)
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love-toxin · 2 years
I can just imagine yandere!Eddie must be touching his darling at all times and he gets so upset when he can’t🥺
they’re in the halls with him? hands on their waist
Doing DND with his friends? Boom in his lap
they go to the bathroom for 5 minutes? Follows them there and whines to them until they’re done
darling goes home after hanging out? 10 minutes later he’s climbing through their window to cuddle
he would be much a golden retriever bf despite being yandere I love him
YESSSSS HEHEHEHEH!!! you got a stage 5 clinger there, yan!Eddie is soooooooo clingy to the point of making the Hellfire club members gag whenever they see him fawning over you, but he's completely oblivious to it because he's just so obsessed with you. in the halls he'll run to catch up with you and stick his hand in your back pockets, he'll be waiting at your locker between classes so he can steal a kiss (or several), and he can't go without holding your hand whenever he has the chance. like, at all. if you ask him to settle down or pull your hand away because you need it for something, he mimics being shot in the heart and dying almost every time.
and DND is another thing, because while you do like sitting in his lap and having his chin on your shoulder, you feel the need to remind him that you can't play fairly if you're behind the DM screen. but instead of giving you an actual seat, yan!Eddie just shoves all his papers and notes aside and insists that he'll have them memorized, much to the chagrin of the club members when they enter combat and Eddie's just making up shit as he goes. him throwing a zombie beholder into the mix and inserting an army of phase spiders out of nowhere is definitely not winning you any points with your party members, especially when you can now see for certain how often Eddie fudges his rolls when he needs to to make sure your character is kept alive. god forbid you fail all three of your death saving throws too, or your boyfriend will go manic trying to think of a way to bring you back.
also.....public bathrooms. Eddie's worst nightmare. he's lucky if you also use the men's room cause he can waltz right in and wait for you, even if you think it's weird for him to be listening to you pee (he doesn't think it's weird, so who cares?), but the women's bathroom is like a big, glowing neon sign that reads "no boyfriends allowed" and he hates it. and you're not so keen on his idea of sneaking you into the men's room with him, so he just has to wait outside by the door anxiously until you come out. but rest assured he has no problems with barging in if the need arises, like if you need a tampon or he hears some girls bullying you. rules be damned, consequences be damned, his reputation can't get much worse so who cares if someone sees a bunch of prep girls screaming and running out of the bathroom because he scared the shit out of them?
ALSO the idea of him coming back to your house after you've been hanging out all day? gold. you'll have been home for all of a half hour before you hear a tapping at your window, either from the rings on his fingers or the pebbles being thrown at it from two floors down. he'll find some way to climb up there, and when you open it to ask him what the hell he's doing he interrupts you with a kiss and explains that he missed you. and really, are you just gonna make him leave when he's got those puppy dog eyes and that sweet smile just from getting to see you again? once you help pull him through the window he'll poke around your room a bit, but before long he'll make himself comfy in your bed and reach out his arms to get you to come cuddle. he'll promise to skedaddle once morning rolls around so your parents don't find out, but as soon as you lay down with him and cuddle up into his side, Eddie just feels at ease again. he feels safe. and while you're falling asleep and tiredly mumbling a "good night" and "i love you", he's tracing patterns on your arms and your cheeks and your spine, and thinking about how lucky he is to be put into this world at the same time as you.
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thelunaticghost · 7 months
xvn fic recs !!
i have been meaning to do this for a while : mostly because fic recs are fun to compile and also thee seems to be a BIG shortage of any fic rec posts!! so here are some fics i have enjoyed over the years!! ofc this list is non exhaustive please note the ratings of each fic and heed the tags before reading! sorry, that i am putting in the shorter summary
anyway!! feel free to put in more fic recs too!! :D
End OTW Racism | over the edge of all our knowings by merthurlin [ G, 10,146 words , 1/1 ]
Years down the line, after the whole business with Lumine and her brother has been concluded, Venti decides to go on a world tour. He sends Xiao letters.
merthurlin got me into xiaoven so ofc my list starts with her fic! this is just so so sweet and even if its not necessarily fluffy there is a warmth to the writing it is a comfort read for me! i recommend every work by her (regardless of fandom). though in xvn End OTW racism | never dreamed of nobody like you is another excellent fic!
nocturne by yanrans [ T, 34,540 words, 4/4 ]
In which Venti sells magical music boxes, Xiao is his unwitting customer, and there is absolutely, definitely nothing more to it at all.
modern au where venti is - a scammer? - i mean a music box seller and xiao is just a regular guy and and. its funny and delightful and absolutely breath taking. i wouldnt elaborate more so as not to spoil anything further but the fic has many unexpected surprises in it! yanrans is another writer i definitely recommend to check out more! their writing style is very flamboyant and poetic.
what hides in neon shadow by morii_tea [ T, 7,547 words, 1/1 ]
In which Xiao is a cyborg, Venti is a thief, and the glittering city of Teyvat hides more secrets than they’re prepared to find out.
its so rare to see morally grey venti is potrayed (even though he isnt v morally grey but still. xiao having to remembering that venti isnt as honourable as he appears is yesssss wohoo). this fic has some thrilling action and a v fun cyberpunk world!! i wish it was longer but it is v exciting nevertheless
every morning in the dark by magicites [ M, 77,124 words, 34/34 ]
Stuck in a time loop where he succumbs to his karmic debt, Xiao struggles to see the point in moving forward. Venti struggles to save him.
READ THE TAGS!!! character death and suicidal thoughts are two major warnings. but DAMN this fic it's just so. SO FULL of everything WRONG with xiao!! and venti too but such a GREAT angst fic!! it gets everything so Right. magicites also happened to have written one of my most favourite genshin fic too :] and if you havent read her other works!! you are missing out!!
the half-life of the yaksha is absolute by GStK [ G, 1,000 words, 1/1 ]
Venti digs his thumbs in to keep open the wound but it is too late His gaze snaps over to the teal essence dancing over Xiao’s fingers. Now all those words will belong to him And Venti will belong to him, only.
READ THE TAGS!! now that i have went into the time loop fic ofc i have to mention the beautiful corrupt xiao prose. the imagery is flowery and grotesque!
foreigner's god by smallghosts [ T, 3,818 words, 1/1 ]
Lord Barbatos falls asleep for a few hundred years. Xiao copes with his absence in strange ways.
a pre-canon fic where xiao becomes - in a way - a worshipper? it's SO GOOD. its about the yearning!!!!!!!!! SCREAMS i dont think i have to explain further
love me like you do by Limerancy [ T, 3,000 words, 1/1 ]
They aren’t the kind of friends that touch.
TOUCH STARVED AND TOUCH AVERSE XIAO!!!!!! this fic makes me a lil bit feral. a little unhinged. i absolutely enjoy reading about the yearning , the desire JUST!!!! AAAA. this writer also writes v fluffy modern au one shots!!! so be sure to check them out too :)
The Kissing Tree by Princeliest [ G, 7,581 words, 2/2 ]
Venti kisses Xiao, and Xiao does not understand why.
VENTI COMMITMENT ISSUES!!!!! as much as i adore reading xiao angst, venti angst is still something i love seeking out and its a tragedy that its not explored enough in this ship :c but anyway!!! such amazing characterization and exploration!! princeliest is one of fav genshin writers and this fic delivers!
wishing on dandelions all of the time by OedipusOctopus [ T, 8,270 words, 1/1 ]
When Venti first catches sight of the swords artfully hung on the wall of his new roommate's bedroom, he regrets putting up the sublease on Craigslist. Firmly believing this guy is a total weirdo, Venti is more surprised than anyone when he realizes the total weirdo is actually adorable. It's not against some invisible Roommate Code to dream about kissing your roommate, right?
ofc there is a classic roommate au fic!! this was one of my most favourite fic from last years xvn week: its hilarious and silly and just a perfect relaxing read!! the characterization and their banter is so entertaining i admit i have read this multiple times!
Where Words Fail by kavvueh [ T, 27,926 words, 11/12 ]
"You're Barbatos," Xiao repeats breathlessly. The young man in front of him nods. "Yep." "But..." Xiao cuts himself off and tries again. "You're the God of songs and poetry." The Anemo Archon nods his head sagely. "More or less." Xiao fixes Lord Barbatos with the most incredulous look he can manage. "... You're failing Music Theory."
this fic is such a delight!! it has some light background lore, some silly shenanigans, miscommunications, pinning - a truly fun mixture! the fic is v light hearted but written with a lot of tenderness. i am v excited to see its conclusion!
what queer sins stain thy soul by Anonymous [ M, 3,232 words, 1/1 ]
In which Xiao, long-established asexual, learns that identity is not as stable as he’d like to believe.
there is some explicit things in it (in non explicit way) i believe religious guilt is one of the best flavouring to xvn. it is an under-explored area in this ship imo and this fic not only has that but also!!! asexuality !!!!!! this fic so so personal and its exploration of desire that gets to me a lot
unholy virtues by morphasia [ E, 17,065 words, 6/6 ]
In exchange for his body in more ways than one, Venti summons a demon to reclaim something that has been stolen from him. It's a just contract. That's all it's supposed to be. That's all it was ever supposed to be.
READ THE TAGS!!! this fic truly went creature/creature. this au is just so fascinating and funny in a twisted way (but not bad). this fic isnt for everyone though but it is definitely worth the shot.
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lautakwah · 2 months
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YES. YES!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
most important scene in all of cinematic history!!!!
the way chicken feet (andy lau) desperately searches for lin (wu chien-lien) after he's Literally been blinded by the neon light used as a weapon, the way he's too late to save her bc she saved him first, the way he's holding her lifeless body, anguished, hoping against hope to revive her, their silhouettes merging into one, backlit by explosions of the speedboat he crashed into the pier earlier, AND ALL THIS WHILE THEEEEEEE CANTOPOP ANTHEM OF ALL TIME, 一起走過的日子/THE DAYS WE SPENT TOGETHER, IS BLASTING AT FULL VOLUME!!!!!! NO FUCKING MOVIE DOES IT LIKE CASINO RAIDERS II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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we need to give pyro those lightup sneakers but in the form of like spiked platform heels
for science of course
YESSSSS YES!!! To go with Pyro in Chinatown and the Neon Annihilator
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zelda7999 · 1 year
cracks knuckles* Okay, so first of all I want to say New Horizons is Sweethearts the fic! Neon and Eclipse are just so cute together and it made me smile how quickly they clicked. Like they just Got each other. The fact that they have such similar interests helps a lot of course and it's so cute how they have found in each other someone that allows them to get excited and build on each other's energies!
They're also very observant of what the other needs, even if trying always not to overstep. When it comes to each other at least XD The complete disregard of the agencies secrecy rules made me laugh out loud, but I guess it doesn't make as much sense to worry about that when they are working in a lab where it's unlikely there will be external dangers haha.
Which is also hilarious taking into account the Accidentally Undercover storyline, since Sun and Moon are pining their hearts away, wondering how they could ever get close to their coworker/landlord while Eclipse just looks at them casually fidgeting with something and going: What? Like it's hard? XD
I also like how you have established the kind of affection that is so compatible between them. Eclipse especially caught my attention because his actions speak so loudly, and what they are saying is simple: stay. Eclipse pays so much close attention to neon. What they need to fidget with, what they need to keep them in top shape, and what will make them comfortable, especially in his apartment. And it makes sense! Since a lot of his insecurities are rooted in what happened with his brothers, thinking he wasn't wanted, that he was too close and that they needed space away from him, his way of showing affection would be to make it clear someone is welcomed in HIS personal space. No pushing away. (which must be hard because he does need to ask for space when he knows he might get a crash soon, but he doesn't want anyone to feel like he did when he was pushed away). And Neon's preferred way to get affection compliments it really well! Because they like contact, and closeness! And Eclipse can see that and feel welcomed as well. Especially when it's clear Neon WANTS him around, wants him in their space and sharing what makes them happy with him. And then they match his efforts to welcome him and it must have been such a big deal to him!! Even if the last chapter was a bit sadder, he was reassured he WAS wanted!
So in conclusion, good fic, wholesome times make me smile, and two goofs finding and complimenting each other feels me with fuzzy feelings! Awesome work with the characterizations all around
Oh and as a sidenote I love reading about the inventions as well! Very interesting!
OKAY OKAY FIRST!! Yes!! Eclipse and Neon click immensely well! They both got their jobs ‘cause they’re good at what they do, and it definitely helps they both have a flare for doing things dramatically.  N because they’re both lil nerds in the same/similar fields, them being able to talk to someone who has the same flare AND interests? INSTANT SPARK N GOOD ENERGY! Once these two get going, they will NOT stop!~
Second!!! Yesssss they’re very observant! ‘Cause to them the first step to a good relationship (romantic or not) is to know what the other likes/is comfortable with. It’s also why during the very first chapter Neon jokingly thinks “is this love?” or hints at it several times. ‘Cause Eclipse just naturally started watching them n analyzing them. (remember, he is naturally curious about everything after all! If he can be a possibility, anything can. So everything is worth paying attention to!) Like how he notices Neon struggling with something on the top shelf but they don’t ask for help, so he just gets it for them. They were struggling > He waited > They didn’t ask > He helped.
AND YES, THEY JUST THROW AWAY THE AGENCY’S RULES. CAUSE WHY START NOW WHEN THEY NEVER LISTENED TO BEGIN WITH??? Hehehhe Luce made a comment once in the tags and it was legit this: Sun/Moon: Whoa is us, we’ll never get close to our crushes :( Eclipse: What? Like it’s hard? and I have been thinking about it ever since KJLHSDKFJL every chapter it springs to mind.
THIRD!!! my first reaction when reading the analysis of their love languages was: “Woah, even I didn’t think of that. I was just writing” But after thinking a bit I also realized; It was mostly based off the info we have about Eclipse. (and Neon is just me with a funny hat on, but we don’t need to talk about that… haha)
Tho I legit did not realize how I was writing Eclipse was giving the impression of “stay” ‘cause while I was kind of aiming for it I didn’t realize I was doing it. I didn’t realize his actions spoke, and dear lord have they been speaking. (I suppose I now understand why Daye always says I write them naturally. It just, HAPPENS) I have stared a lot at all the Eclipse poses from Luce, enough so I have a whole folder bookmarked of just posts with him for when I do writing. He has a lot of trauma from the two people in his life leaving, and then not showing him that they care. Sun and Moon SUCK at showing him they actually care about him. He needs to know they want him there, and yet they hardly talk to him. It’s hard to invite people back into your life when they already left, and even harder to bring people in when you’re scared they’ll leave. So I’m glad I managed to get across that he really really just wants Neon to stay. ‘Cause I think of his trauma, but I don’t… I guess actively think of how I am writing it. I just do it.
As for Neon… Neon was easy. As I mentioned, just me with a funny hat. This fic is very very self indulgent, I love the mans! So I just threw myself in there along with my love languages. So Neon loves physical touch, even if it’s as simple as sitting close enough to have contact. They will always invite someone into their personal space because they want them there.
I didn’t originally mean for them to mesh this well, but it worked out very well in the end! We have two love struck puppies who just want each other in their lives <3
Also thank you for reading!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it so much!! Sorry if my thoughts/reply isn’t coherent! Unlike you I do not analyze things well, nor do I formulate good replies. This is why I scream when I like something XDD AAAAAAAAAAA is easier than this is!
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tsuki-sennin · 11 months
Geats~! 42 and 43! I slowly continue to get back on the ball. Things spiral ever quickly out of control. Shit's really hittin' the fan now.
Spoilers, I guess... though at this point, you know more about this than me.
-Festering parasites, Keiwa becoming truly ruthless, and a world
-Holy shit, not even an execution, this is a full-force beat down.
-I think it's rather interesting that Keiwa's wish technically stays the same but his reasons for it have clearly radically changed.
-I wouldn't be surprised if Ryuga Sato's career blows up after this is all over the way Fumiya Takahashi's did.
-You're giving me absolutely
-I thought Jitto was kinda dumb but like
-Jitt is a word the crappy (first) English localization of Azure Striker Gunvolt made up to substitute cussing.
-I can never take your ass seriously again, you steel rod wielding fuck
-Motherfucker's got a hitlist.
-Daichi's gone full Orteca.
-"It's all mine now~!"
-Oh thank god, Michinaga, you're here.
-Human memories, hoarded within the treasure room of his mind palace.
-Brain Tomatoes.
-And then there's this little demon.
-"Despair's a way better look for my oshi!"
-New Rider Forms, yippeeeeeee
-Premium Kekera! Premium Beroba!
-"...those are not Rider Forms."
-Frog Man's got hops.
-Oh shoot Command Form.
-Haven't seen that in a while.
-Y'know Buffa's kinda doing a lot better than expected.
-I mean it makes sense, Michinaga's a seasoned veteran and Beroba and Kekera did just get these forms.
-"Oops. Oh well, not my problem."
-Yo there, Neon.
-Oh hi Ace. Nice of you to join us.
-"Dude, you're vibe is all off. Absolutely rancid."
-"It's called apotheosis, fox boy. Maybe if you just laid down, this'd be unnecessary."
-No justification, just an "eye for an eye".
-Hello, Samas. Guess you're enjoying your newfound promotion.
-Now comes the climax of the episode.
-A true battle of the dweebs.
-...that is nasty, even for a Reiwa Rider villain's standards.
-Now that I can compare them, the Premium Supporter forms look a lot like the
-Bujin Sword.
-They're bleaching her!
-Okay, sure!
Daichi: Kekera! What the fuck?! Help me, you piece of shit!" Kekera: You kidding!? This is exactly what I want!
-I'm convinced that if Kekera were real, he'd be the biggest Snyder-Verse dick rider.
-Daichi, I realize you're about to be as extinct as the trilobite you transformed into, but I don't think pointing fingers over things that you clearly planned meticulously is a good idea.
-"Yesssss! Kill!"
-Hello, Geats.
-Nooooo, not Negaiiiii
-Little Bro Ace... Big Sis Tsumuri...
-She broke out!
-...I won't lie though, she kills in that white hair look.
-Jitty don't play nice.
-Congratulations, Keiwa Sakurai! You brought back everybody who ever lost their lives to the Desire Grand Prix! Are you proud of yourself?
-Oh, new head molds?
-Oh man, Old Man Kousei's apparently done being a deadbeat jerkoff.
-The World of Keiwa Sakurai.
-"This is different."
-Good job! The DGP gave you exactly what you wanted! And as a cool bonus, they gave you new friends~!
-Oh Christ, a wild hog!
-For the record, in the United States we have a massive problem with invasive hog species that results in a lot of destruction of wildlife and (often) human casualty.
-"Don't look at me, man! Tycoon was the one who made the wish! ...terribly!"
-I swear if Geats IX struggles against Mr. Warthog, I'm gonna shit.
-What's his name, anyway?
-Honestly Keiwa you have nobody but yourself to blame for this one.
-"They're all dead! Again!"
-Kirito... Kirito???
-Damn, he grew up to be a real bastard.
-Guess all that digital.
-"Bad End, kid. Game over. Thanks to you, ratings have spiked thanks to our sadist fans."
-"...this isn't the kind of jailbreak I wanted."
-Yeah, that fire extinguisher works.
-He was a DGP player too?
-Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess.
-You are far too good for us.
-Hello, Keiwa-kun.
-"I"m going to kill every last one of you."
-Not even a second.
-"That's my boy."
-The shogun now has his army.
-Instant green.
-...is this a game mechanic?
-"Goddessfication" sounds like an absolutely horrifying
-Sunk cost fallacy is a hell of a drug.
-"I need to fix this."
-You're pitiable, old man.
-"Good job, idiot." Michinaga's never gonna let any fan of Daichi's quiz show success live this down.
-It all amounted to absolutely nothing, huh Daichi?
-Guess this guy just had nothing better to do with his life than ruin someone else's.
-Irumi and Kousei, as cruel and selfish they were miserable.
-It's like a fuckin' Greek tragedy.
-What a terrible realization to never have until too late.
-Neon's just 100% done with all this. At this point what, if anything, would make her hate Beroba any more?
-Once upon a time, Kousei Kurama met a fox on the bridge.
-Is that Kirito's snout? Are we reusing suit parts mid episode now?
-Oh, that's... that's new.
-"I want to play your game. There's a mistake I can't even begin to make up for without your help."
-Time Fire!
-...that's Brave's Fantasy Gamer armor.
-Nice repaint at least, I like the blue and gold.
-He's a wizard.
-A mountain lion wizard.
-"It's rude to open fire on the show, you know."
-I'm constantly flip-flopping on how much I like Geats, but right now it's in the "Yeah, this is epic" zone. Might change, might not, who knows?
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bratty-princess01 · 2 years
100 AgeRe Questions
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~ 3-4
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~ Yes, Puppy 🐶💕
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~ 7 years 🥰
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~ Mixture🌸
5🐻 What’s Your Personality Like When Regressed ~ Sensitive, quite, sweet but also bratty 😅
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~ every night voluntary and sometimes during the day involuntary
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~ baby talk and certain shows
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~ baby/toddler 😅❤️
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~ yes especially food
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~ Yesssss🥰
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~ being picked up and held
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~ It helps with my anxiety and other mental illnesses, it basically makes it feel like they aren’t there and can’t take over.
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~PINKKK PINK PINK💖
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~ Fairies🧚‍♀️
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~ Princesses 👑
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~pastels please 😊
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~ onesies 😅
18🌸 Favorite Color ~ PINK!!
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~ No
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~coloring books 🖍
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~ playdoh cause I can use the cool thingy that makes the hair !
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~ Finger paint 🎨
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~ Crayons
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~umm complicated 😅
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~ No
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~No
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~No
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~ cutie, baby girl, princess, little one, small baby, pup 😅
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~ Making a bunch of snackies at home while watching Disney movies as we play board games or do a puzzle!
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~ I’d say CG but I don’t fully have one
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~ freeze dried strawberries 🍓
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~ peach juice 🧃
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~ I can’t have ice cream 🥺
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~ chocy almond milk
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~sweet like meeee
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~ cupcakes
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~ dark chocolate
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~Mac and cheese 🧀 💛
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~ nightmare before Christmas😌
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~ Carebears or Adventure time
41🚀 Favorite Game ~ I don’t have one
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~Belle💛
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~ invisibility so I can be really good at hide and seek 😅
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~ anime
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~ Bedtime bear
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~ movies
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~ Kinda
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~Kuromi
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~yes but no thunder
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~yes
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~no
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~dependent
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~ being around certain people
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~YES
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~ Monster high dolls
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~yes
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~no
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~ I have a long list on Amazon 😅
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~Joe my stuffie
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~Sippy cup
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~ I’d say joe cause he’s my most/only used
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~JOEEE
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~Too many to count 😅
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~ None cause I’m stubborn and only want joe
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~ amusement park 💖
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~ stuffed animals
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ kinda 2:30am 😅
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~ yes
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~ complicated but like no sadly
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~ paci
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~ night light 💡
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~ Bedtime stories
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~ swing set !
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~ cuddle joe in bed
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~ blanket fort
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~ walk
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~ dress up
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~of course
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~ Night owl
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~ indoors are safest
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~cold ❄️
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~ doggies
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~no 🥺
84💌 Favorite Animal ~PANDAS
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~ Halloween 🎃
86🐇 Favorite Season ~ Winter 🥶
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~ 21
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~ Chuck E. Cheese
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~ Playdoh 💕
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~ horror movie figures
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~ bubble bath
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~ Fem
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~yes I like to wave my hands a lot
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~ my room
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~I don’t have one
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~ discord/tumblr
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~ Mortician
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~ Gameboy color
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~ Disney princess vanity
100💡What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~ Space and nature
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comfy-sofa · 1 year
Should I do an episode rant today? I think I'm just gonna reblog others instead.
Edit: I have too many thoughts going through my soupy brain right now so fuck it RANT TIME
Ok, I had a theory for episodes 6-7 that Livio would appear but not Razlo as a sort of test subject. He fails his mission, gets called back by the EOM, and the next time we see Livio he'll be bigger/buffer and THEN we'll see Razlo. Well, I was right that the EOM would get him I guess...
Seeing the return of the animation for Wolfwood/Livio's memories is always good, give me more. Plus the fact that we're slowly getting some memories from Livio is good
RAZLO I SEE YOU BITCH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUUUUUU AGAIN he even looked like he had his older design too! PLEASE I BEG
Also when it comes to the L/R's mask, I'm starting to think the purpose is to suppress BOTH L/R making them easier to control and manipulate. Like the moment that thing breaks completely is when we get to see Razlo in action
I honestly like that Vash is a lot more physical/combat based in this. I feel like it adds to his "life is sacred" mindset and allows him to have more control when it comes to being in fights (I hope that makes sense)
WHERE IS BRILLIANT DYNAMITES NEON???? ORANGE IM IN YOUR WALLS also Kite isn't here either kinda missed the banter between him and Vash
That little photoshoot with the bad lads and Meryl was funny/cute more moments like this please
Also for this scene I was kinda confused on why Vash was inside the sandsteamer. I kinda have theory that he was going to the old control panel so he can stop the steamer that way but got sidetracked with Meryl and Roberto being there. So he decided to protect them first and get them out of harms way (I knew you cared about them Vash<3)
Legato just being a drama queen and just activating a WHOLE ASS CANON??? Speaking of the Canon WHY THE FUCK DOES THE STEAMER HAVE A CANON??? I'm at a loss with this one y'all
ZAZIE DOING BUG SHIT YESSSSS. If they fuck up L/R Zazie is going to be my new favorite (lol they always were)
I'm sorry but it's probably due to how serious everything was for the past 6 episodes why do they think they can carry this (once again) LARGE-ASS CANON??? Honestly, it made me laugh (no wonder Vash's prosthetic cracked like sIR)
THE PLANT...I kinda have mixed feelings on. While I like the design and how it unfurled itself (I guess...you can say...that plant bloomed...) but I was kinda hoping for a bit more y'know? Who knows maybe there's more to this version that we haven't seen yet
THE PLANT MARKINGS ON VASH 100/10 GOOD SHIT. And Meryl's reaction to it? Perfect now you know why ya boy looks the way he does (like y'all the markings are beautiful please I NEED MORE)
Speaking of Meryl YES BBYGIRL STAND YOUR GROUND, plus thank fuck they talked about Jenora Rock and Tonis losing his arm. Like please let Meryl have her character development so people can see that this girl is ALSO IMPORTANT TO THE STORY
Ok, I think I got everything. I'll edit if I forgot something but I'm looking forward to the next episode! I am scared of which backstory they're gonna use for Vash and Knives and please let it be me TriMax because the 98' anime one was one of the few things I despised.
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yesss you neon cunt YESSSSS
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bahamutgreen · 2 years
🖊 yesssss talk about an oc 😎
So I was thinking about some of the rooms for Axel the Alligator characters! I don't have all of their rooms thought up but I have some basic concepts for them.
Axel the Alligator: Axel's room is a total mess. It's filled with random games and comics that he likes. He sleeps on a regular mattress just sitting on the floor. Axel just sleeps in whatever he has on.
Gal the Gecko: Gal's room is MUCH prettier. It's pink, got lots of love all over the room. Tons of plushes, a nice full bed with pink sheets, and cute little lights put all around the walls. Gal sleeps in regular pajamas
Camilla the Chameleon: Camilla's room is VERY fancy. It's covered head to toe with various treasures her No-Names have stolen, and her bed is covered with beautiful fancy silky sheets. And she has that fancy thing over the bed where your bed has a curtain. Camilla sleeps in a silk nightgown and a sleep mask
Carnage the Crocodile + Behemoth the Battalion: I'm thinking these two actually share a room. Since Camilla lives in her secret hideout, she offers them both INCREDIBLY fancy bed rooms. But since they lived in a lab their whole lives, they actually opt to live in the basement of the hideout. It's dark and dinky, but they decorate it with lots of neon lights and various weapons they both like. They never sleep they're always staying up late playing with guns.
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