#yet i'm sitting here. crying my eyes out. while the incessant words 'i can't fucking do this anymore' ring in my head nonstop
goyurim · 11 months
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dyker-farmer · 5 years
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More bro fic.... angst fodder kind content.
Take that can away if you can
I never see Shane works that don't go all in for romance nor explore the more realistic ugly parts of recovery, and I kind of crave That TM. So let me have at it too with the self-insert whump mumbo jumbo; no romo version.
Set post-8 hearts event- not 10, jesus-, Farmer Uidelsib is two years or so in, full house built and married to Emily. They/them pronouns, same as me.
Diverges from then on, Shane-centric from an outside POV for the most part.
I also put it on Ao3.
A bitch bastard man and a bitch walk into a room... Chapter 1/2/3/4
"I think we should talk about this."
If the room was stifled before, this just causes the pin to drop, and the relative lull to shatter with it. I don't want a storm, but we can't pretend the sea's a slightly oversized pond if we want him not drowning in it- again, my mind supplies, unhelpful.
He's zoning out again, blurry eyes pointedly off me, preferring the turned-off TV.
Let's start easy. "Why did you come here, Shane?"
"I-I-" It sounds like an excuse building up and it bubbles out like a shaken can, "I don't- I shouldn't have-" he goes to up and leave, and we just can't have that.
I scrape my chair closer and grab his shoulder, same as before. Hopefully it's more placating than caging. "No, you should have. You did good. Seeking out, remember?"
He doesn't answer but stills.
"Like Dr.Campbell and Harvey said." I try again.
"Yeah… Yeah." Deep breathing. "I. Don't know." He searches for my face, not quite past the nose. I nod, ushering him on. "It's. Stupid." I frown and my eyebrow goes higher than before and he immediately doubles down. "I know- positiv' reinforchment and all that shit! But… It's hard." A tired hand wipes the most of moisture off his face, before it goes back to wriggle with the other on his lap. "It's so fuckin' hard. Didn't even last two seasons!-"
I cut him off. "Two seasons is a lot! One and a half too. Last time, you'd tried to go cold turkey on the spot. We know what that got us." Sea foam in the mouth and a shared cold in the early spring, on top of a Joja lawsuit. "Shit's hard, like you said. You lasted one and a half this time. Next time-"
"Why the fuck do you always think there's gonna be a next time."
This time, I still. My laidback demeanor mirror his, but so does the cold anger creeping in and tensing both our backs.
"Because. There is going to be a next time. And another after that. And another. Same way there's been next times before this one now."
What's left unsaid we don't touch.
All irritation floods from him like it's just pointless to keep it in anymore, and his forehead goes to thunk softly against the wooden surface he leaned on before. The table muffles his next words a little.
"I can't… keep doing that." I don't peep. "I can't keep rolling back down and then up and down, and up, and down. I- I just can't, Garcia- Uidel-"
"I'll drag you there." I shrug.
"But you shouldn't have to!" His voice raises and make the boards vibrate where his skin's still pressed. "You shouldn't have to-to fuckin'-" he sniffles, the following words drowned out in held-back sobs. "Fuck damn it, you- I said I- I wouldn't be a burden anymore!"
He's crying out loud now, open sorrow and no walls left. Out of all the things you could stick on the not-so amiable man sulking straight from bed to Jojamart to Stardrop Saloon to bed, you probably wouldn't think of "extreme scare of bothering anyone". Yet it's all here in how he collapses silently in the mattress, wake without a sound, keep his head down the whole time he crosses town, tries to merge himself in the fake-nice blue of the shelves at work, then corners himself right between the chimney and the bar on Emily's side, stuck in-between two sources of warmth that can never touch him unless he swings one way or the other. And he doesn't a lot, still keeping to himself strictly. You probably wouldn't think either of how dreamy he gets, hidden in his alcove but seeing everything from there.
When Harvey nerds out about classical, jazz and electro swing music down the bar to me, trying to catch me up on my fuzzy memories of arts history and the implications of breaking codes in the tempo and the leisure of each instruments; of how each note gets a specific response from the brain if done right, and can make up for caffeine deprivation in miraculous ways, when there are no more chances to push back the dread of midterms season at doctor school.
When Elliott, boisterous and drunk, arm-on-arm with an equally inebriated Leah, calls out to the whole place to hear out his latest soliloquy, and drags on the words too much, but with a voice that carries it well, all flamboyance and no limits, as his hair floats around him in a crown and he reigns over the room like a kind lion- Description all intoxicated words from your chicken man truly, not mine. I always get too caught up in the pendulum of Leah's braid and her crooked smile to quite appreciate his theatrics. But the recital rings clear, and everyone applauds the performance- because hey, you applaud a drunk guy showing off the prowess of not tripping a single word in a ten minutes tirade, but also because it really is that good! Everyone, even Shane, whose hands zipped to under his armpits the moment our eyes crossed and I met his pink cheeks with a clairvoyant smile.
Hey, what can I say. Dude's a sapiosexual. Hence why we'll never and cannot bang. That, and, uh, the being lesbian thing.
But all this is closed off and not for anyone to see behind see-through fogged windows, like those kitchen cabinets, when you can make out the piled plates all resting against the cold surface precariously, bound to crash and shatter the moment you open them.
It took a good wrecking ball of a fake-oblivious polite faced stranger and my incessant, hot pepper poppers-powered pestering, to even just crackles the glass.
The rest was all done out of his own volition. He can't see that because alcohol is a depressant, and guzzling it down leads to blurry concepts made softer always and pretty much lush in brain, and when he's off the thing, and that's rare, he instantly goes from not there to thinking he's everywhere, soiling everything and giving nothing.
His sobbing doesn't relent, and he whimpers issues of "trustworthy sack of shit", "not being worth the fucking shrink's money", "not being worth his aunt's troubles", "not being worth Jas". At some point he goes to grapple with his hair, and tugs brusquely once, then twice, then I have to reach for his wrist to make him stop, which he snatches back as soon as I make contact. But he doesn't grab anything to pull or pinch or punch again, so that's good. I stay on standby beside him, but don't touch him. He rasps more condemnations, struggles to breathe enough through the phlegm spreading in his respiratory system, and I start reenacting the steps to stop a hyperventilation in my head, and the first aid for choking, when he begins to cough violently, his entire frame upset with the movement.
He takes the tissue box i nudge with insistence toward him, and ends up spitting mouthfuls of mucus mixed with some bile in the basin under his feet. Most of it is clear and smells of fruits, not beer, so I'm not too worried. When I go to stabilize him by taking his shoulders, he grasps at my wrists to stop me- but let them stay here, while he clings. The tremors get to me now, and I remind myself that this is good, this is before the cliffs and him finding refuge to burst open, not glassily stare at the weeping clouds as he blabbers on the meaninglessness of his life.
This is… very alive.
I ought to be glad.
I let him come down at his rhythm, counting the pulses of his wrists as I feel mine numb with the blood circulation slowed down under his hold.
When he's back with a mind, I count to three, then let go. His arms flop back down, on his lap and hands dangling between his tighs. He blows his nose again.
"I'm so pathetic…"
"Yeah sure, and I'm a serial prom queen."
Instead of jabbing back and forth, we get interrupted by a soft mewling. Both of us turn to the door, that's opened slightly to let in Eryza, the pitter-patter of her paws on the stone flooring the only sound for a moment…
As we both stare in revulsion at her jaw, a single line of vomit dripping of it.
Shane puts his head down in shame, not even having the strenght to hide further.
"Nah, 's okay. She's already trash, anyway."
Eryza edges closer and rapidly tour around our legs- going back to Shane's feet twice, her whiskers tickling his exposed ankles. Purring loudly, she completely ignore my chastizing as I threaten to make her diet periwinkle-based to counter-act her literal potty mouth, and she scampers to do who-knows-what in the rooms.
"Your vibes are rancid, do you hear me?? Rancid, girl!" I call after her. "I swear to Yoba, Shane, your aunt might as well have brought me a raccoon."
Turning back to him, I can see the short-lived humor of the situation was, well, short-lived. I sigh.
It's late. We're both tired. Tomorrow is sunday. It's cool. We've got time.
I don't sit back down right away. First, I put a hand down on the nape of his neck, that slides to the top of his scalp, right where he'd tug. My quota, remember?
He sniffles some, a few teardrops make their way to the planks, unheard. We stay like this for a moment.
He doesn't shake me off, but in the slow tandem his body takes, rocking lightly from back to forth, I can tell it's enough, for now.
I sit back down on my chair.
I lean on the hand I'd put in his dark purple strands before, smelling cedar wood and pine trees. I don't assume. My farm has plenty of those to stumble through. And even if he went back to the cliff, another time again. I do that too. With my own cliffs back at not-home, but close. There's a sense, in staring down what couldn't take you.
Like visiting a scene crime that you've narrowly escaped from. And pride too. And the thrill of asking- "what if again? What if this time?"- and okay, I can see why it'd be worrying to have him go there a thrice time on his own late in the evening.
But last time was fine, the one before was made fine, and he might need a bitch for a friend right now, but not a watchdog.
His forehead is back against the table.
Three fingers massage my temple. I don't know how much he'll even remember tomorrow, but it's worth the try, always.
"Shane, dude, look at me." He doesn't.
Still doesn't budge. I knock the wood lightly.
"Yo, punk, my eyes are up here." I joke.
He snorts, or maybe he sniffles, and his chin's now resting on the table, peering through the forgotten drinks to watch me. His hands are hidden, probably still clutching his midsection. If I went on a rollercoaster toasted, I'd probably look the exact same.
"I told you before that you literally couldn't be a burden."
He snorts for sure this time, derisive. I knock wood again. "Don't look away from me when I talk, young man. Rude ass punk."
"Bitch." He throws.
"Bitch bastard man." I send back. "Anyways, as I was saying. If I choose you're my dumb of ass to keep around, that's me, that's my decision. You can't burden me if I choose the hard mode package and roll with it. So stop it. I literally told you before, it's not about you not making efforts or burdening people, it's about people who want to deal with you, out of free will."
"Oh shut up, you dramatic himbo wannabe."
"A what now?"
"Internet slang. Gotta admit you're closer to a dad bod type, but the energy's here, according to many."
He shuffles, self-conscious. "Y'don't need to remind me…"
"Oh hush you, you're perfectly fine. And Elliott would eat his dumb little lobster and pomegranate toasts off that belly if you'd grow out of your own shell and let him."
He sputters unintelligibly, red as a fecking pepper. Good. Flustered is better than self-depreciating.
But now he's pulled on his hood and the strings all the way out, and resumes to chanting me to fuck off, so that might be a good call for a break.
"I'm gonna change and clean up, you need anything? Do you think you'll go back to the ranch, or stay here for the night?" It's happened before, but you can count them on the fingers of one hand.
A long silence follows and I allow myself a quick look in the mirror. Yeah, we're skipping a shower tonight, but the simple hairbrush will not do. I look like a bird's nest that the birds fought in to know who'd keep the children when bird 2 takes off and bird 1 is left to mourn the empty space that'll never fill up the same again and the good times that won't be- wow, trauma lane much, not now, cowpal. First we buckle up our current rodeo. I walk back to the main room, now pajama-clad.
"I've got the beds for the possible kids up there, don't ask me why Robin put so many there, we're two people in a house, and I can lend you a Tee if you want."
He's anxious, chewing his thumb. "Emily won't mind?"
"She's out, sleeping at Haley's tonight. Girls' night and sisters catching up. It's important for her energy flow and karmic balance. Plus, you know she wouldn't mind, she likes you."
That makes him blush more, covering up the alcohol damage enough. I take note, but don't comment. Things for later. They pile up tonight.
"I- I can't go back to the ranch like this."
"You could. Marnie knows better than act as if you're doing this for fun, now. She'd have to understand. But you don't have to." I reassure him when agitated pupils jump up to me. Let's keep that ongoing panic attack at bay. "Either way, I won't mind."
I sit back. Stretch my arms between us. Catch his worrying hands into mine. Give him a squeeze. Tense appendages don't squeeze back, but don't pull back either. That's half a win. He stops torturing the poor things, and unfold with visible effort, like a crumpled up paper flower put on water. His head shakes, and I can't tell if it's conscious, him speaking with himself or trying to shake off a thought, or just a reflex. He visibly forces his shoulders to relax.
"I'm… not bothering you?" Righteous. Seeking vocal positive reinforcement, like a pro.
"Nope." I pop out the 'p'.
"... I think I'll, uh, stay for tonight."
My hands shoot into the air. "Woo! Sleepover, baby!"
I don't catch his hands curling back on themselves, trying to capture that leftover warmth in the late summer night.
--- to be continued.
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riyuu-bsd · 6 years
Love me! [Yandere!Dazai Osamu x Reader]
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"Love me, (Y/n)!~" Dazai chimed, sat opposite the (h/c)ette with his face resting on his pale, almost ghostly, knuckles.
"Dazai, what are you doing?" she asked plainly,
"Ne? What do you mean?" he asked, cocking his head to the side innocently with a smile,
"You're usually off trying to drown yourself by now, why bother me out of everyone here?" the lady sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as though in attempt to stop her obvious irritation to the bandaged male. The (h/c)ette rolled her eyes,
"And what's the deal with 'love me', it's not the best of opening sentences," she continued with a scowl.
"Because I want you to love me, plain and simple," he smiled, "Or have you still not gotten over Chuuya?"
"That's none of your business, Dazai," she retorted coldly, a furious glaze over gorgeous, (e/c) eyes.
"I was right," he chimed, before realing she probably was less likely to love him now.
He was going to have to help her get over Chuuya in his more.. Resourceful.. Method.
"Mackerel? The fuck are you doing here?!" Chuuya snapped, seeing Dazai enter his room,
"We have some.. Unfinished business," the brunette said, a somewhat sinister smirk forming on his face. The small red head whipped around, ready to engage in a fight with his comrade.
Until he felt the blade glide across his neck.
"W-what the fuck?" he whispered to himself, before looking up to see the taller male with a small, sharp blade, "YOU BASTARD!" he roared, feebly attempting to cover the wound. The brunette gripped at his shoulder, restraining his ability.
"You think she'll love me now?" Dazai asked, reverting from his enraged mood to his normal, irritatingly cheery one.
"Wh-who the fuck would ever love you?" Chuuya growled, kicking at him in attempt to free himself, coughs and splutters of crimson blood staining his shirt, seeming to avoid Dazai and leave him immaculate.
"That's what I found myself thinking about you," he chimed, before bringing the knife back to his throat, "Now answer me; now that you're out of the way, do you think (Y/n) will love me?"
"(Y/n)? How am I the obstacle?!" he scowled, feeling the blood pour from his wound.
"She still loves you, but if there's no you to love, she can come running to me!" he sighed dreamily,
"You're crazier than I thought.." Chuuya snapped, brows furrowed in fury.
"That's the wrong answer," Dazai smirked, running the blade painfully slowly across the shorter male's neck, clamping a hand over his mouth so he couldn't scream.
Seconds passed.
Seconds that dragged on far too long.
His body fell limp, eliciting a victorious smirk from his brunette rival.
Blood continued to drip from the corpse.
Tears filled large, blue eyes.
Tears filled with regrets he noticed in the final moments of his life.
The all too apathetic tone that Chuuya had resented sounded once more, seeing him off mockingly.
"Where's that wine you love so much? You did preserve it for a special occasion."
"Ah! I can't wait to see her again!" Dazai grinned to himself, swinging his legs absent mindedly on the chair.
"Who, Dazai-San?" Atsushi asked, naivety obvious in his tone,
"My beloved (Y/n)-Sama," he smiled, taking a sip from his seventh coffee that morning.
"Do you have a history with her?" the younger male pried, curious as to who someone Dazai referred to as a goddess would have to do.
"Remember how I was a mafia executive?" he began, resting his hands on pale, almost ghostly, knuckles.
"You were a mafia executive?!" the tiger boy exclaimed, looking at his mentor with a dhocked expression.
"Yeah, of course I w-"
"Dazai? Really? I told you to fuck off last time, besides, you're with these shitty detectives now," the (h/c)ette snapped, stepping through the door.
"(Y/n)-San! It's been a while," Dazai smiled, as if she hadn't just insulted him and his comrades,
"Can you just fuck off? And who's this piece of shit you're with?" she interrogated, statements conflicting.
Anger and curiosity swirled in her head, leaving her unsure of what to do and how to react.
"No, (Y/n), not until you tell me what I want to hear, and this is Atsushi, you may know him as the ma-"
"Dazai, who is this?" Kunikada snapped, pointing an accusihg finger at the lady in the doorway.
"This is (Y/n), my girlfriend!" Dazai smiled, jumping to her side and slinging an arm around her, "She's irritable, but I still love her.~"
She elicited no protest, knowing that no matter how much she hated Dazai for killing Chuuya, it was smarter to play along than be caught by the detective agency at this moment.
His hold on her felt like scolding iron, attempting to brand her as his own but merely causing her distress and anger.
They both hated it.
Dazai wanted her to know that he was the one she should be with.
Not Chuuya.
Not Mori.
Not Gin.
She was his, and only his.
He could encapsulate that forever in a Romeo and Juliet-esc double suicide.
(Y/n) wished he wouldn't attempt to make her his own.
She was allowed love.
She was allowed assistance.
She was allowed friendship.
Three things she would refuse from someone like him; suicide obsessed and having lost the plot.
"(Y/n), how's about we go on a date?" Dazai grinned, holding her hand tightly.
"..Sure.." she answered, attempting to free her hand from his,
"Great, let's go!"
Sat in silence, the lady felt tears well in her eyes.
"Why did you do it? Why did you kill him?" she demanded, ripping her hand from his vice-like grip and slamming him against a wall, fingers gripped tightly at his throat.
"Isn't it obvious? I did for you, so you would love me," the insane brunette smiled, holding her wrist and tracing patterns into it, "I invited you to sit with us and have a drink; it was his fabourite, you should've stayed with me and honoured him."
"You're one crazy son of a bitch," she seethed, gripping tighter.
"Asphyxiation? From someone as gorgeous as you? That's almost as good as the double suicide," Dazai choked, still smiling widely at the contact with her.
She scowled, punching him repeatedly.
He was left bruised and bleeding, she assumed for the dead.
"You're pathetic, gross, vile, now get the fuck out of my way," she snapped, landing a final kick where the sun doesn't shine.
Walking away from the male, she was struck with the memory of finding out.
Stepping into the somewhat lavish room without a knock, the (h/c)ette stared in horror. Her eyes were cast upon Chuuya's fresh corpse, blood splattered all over his attire and carpet. She couldn't scream. Couldn't shout. Couldn't cry for help. Couldn't move. She was helpless, paralysed in fear. The tone she least expected–or wanted–to hear at this moment spoke up,
"Oh! (Y/n)-Sama!" Dazai smiled, feigning a shocked expression, "Would you like to join us? It's his favourite wine, afterall."
"The fuck did you do to Chuuya?!" she snarled. An almost hurt expression formed on Dazai's features,
"Do you not like it?" he said, a whiny undertone to his voice.
His incessant whining tuned out, the lady observing the blood splattered walls with a twisted grimace. The stacks of hats he had collected was knocked over, covering picture frames of when they were together.
Had he still loved her, as well?
Dazai's irritating voice tuned back in,
"He scribbled your face out, you know," he said, looking down, "I don't think he ever loved you.."
She zoned back out, tears threatening to fall. Wine bottles lay scattered and broken on the floor, no less than shards of coloured glass he had treasured and hoarded. The wallpaper was covering in his own blood, messages from Dazai causing her to gag. The man had killed the one she loved, then mocked him in his own space, scrawling messages and insults onto the once pristine walls. Her eyes fixated on the table his corpse was slumped over, she looked on with a dark expression. Her legs began to move, stepping over to the black marble and kicking away the vase of roses laid out. She began to lash out at Dazai, screaming questions that availed with no answers. Tears flowed freely down her face, slamming the brunette's head off of the wall. He did nothing in retaliation.
"Theres the death you wanted so bad, suicidal freak," she snarled, pointing her gun to shoot him in the back of the head.
"Make me suffer," the male rasped, "Make me suffer the pain of living, (Y/n).. Living without y-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, BASTARD," she roared, shooting his arm repeatedly.
"There, now if I die it's you revenge, and if I live I'm without the most inportant thing to me," he whispered, vision blurring.
"I hope that whatever the fuck that is rots in hell."
Tears still threatened to fall, the memory alone enough to tip her over the edge.
Returning to the security of her room after a long day of assassinations, she sighed, dropping onto her bed. The events that occured earlier that week still remained fresh in her mind, like an ooen wound that refused to close because everytime she walked it was pulled further open. Everything reminded her of Chuuya, his death and her hatred for Dazai. She became more like the short read head, angered by mostly anything and with a passionate hatred for the brunette.
Crawling into nightwear and getting comfortable in her bed, she shivered as she felt arms wrap around her, warm breath against her neck and heard five simple words.
"Do you love me yet?"
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