#there are people fucking. dying in palestine
mieczyhale · 2 days
if you actually cared about palestinians, if you actually wanted to help people in gaza, you would donate to accredited organizations that are actually making a difference
throwing your money at every gofundme you get sent is performative, it's ignorant, it's a real 'head empty' move. something a child with no internet knowledge or common sense would do.
and to continue to defend doing that just shows that you don't actually care about helping people in gaza. you just don't want to be wrong. you don't want to admit that maybe you've been wasting your own money and the money of those who follow you and follow the links you share
you can't vet gofundme's. 'reverse image search' isn't actually vetting. and you can't trust every person on tumblr who says 'trust me!'
i can't believe any of this actually has to be pointed out in the first place, let alone driven home repeatedly because y'all refuse to even CONSIDER you JUST MIGHT be wrong. that you just might have fallen for propaganda and lies designed to hit your desire to do right, do good, and help (falling for those things btw is common. it's easy. you're not bad for getting caught up in it, but i am judging you if you refuse to consider that might be where you are.) (this actually applies to gofundme scams AND whatever heinous antisemitic alternate universe you're living in due to the non-facts you eat for every meal)
i'm not a zionist
i can't be. i'm not jewish.
but i am pro-peace, pro-two state solution, pro jewish self determination, pro palestine's continued existence, anti-ANYONE dying, and beyond fucking tired of y'all's bullshit
stop being fucking stupid
stop throwing your money in the trash
stop acting like your hate isn't hate
stop acting like you're on some fucking high horse and you have all the facts despite actually knowing absolutely fucking nothing because you refuse to listen to a single real non-token jew. you're antisemitic. i don't care that you don't think you are. you are. so many of you just are. and you don't get to decide you're not. just like a racist doesn't get to decide they aren't racist. if people in a group are calling you something there just might be a fucking reason for it, kathy
re-learn your internet safety, turn your brain back on, hop off the hate bandwagon, educate yourself beyond surface level shit the internet presents you with, make informed decisions based on facts, do things that will ACTUALLY help people in gaza.
be fucking better. do fucking better.
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softenedsunbeams · 2 days
people are being so damn weird about me blocking the palestine tags. i am fucking sorry but i can barely keep myself alive right now, i cannot help anyone else, and its causing me too much distress to see dead children every day. so im blocking the tag
and some people are acting like this automatically turns you into a zionist and like ???? first of all that's not even what that word means. second of all this is fucking tumblr. this is a dying social media characters website. it does not influence anything. i am 15, and i am not the one responsible for multiple genocides on the other side of the planet, and i am not destroying my own very fragile mental health trying to help others im sorry
and im not stopping any of you from reblogging them either. people acting like thats what im doing and like no if you are able to absolutely donate and share. i genuinely am unable to. i am not stopping you. i never said i was. so stop putting words in my mouth god damn
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goyurim · 11 months
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future-dregs · 10 months
How can you not care? How can you not care? Even if you can't do a single thing about it, how can you not fucking care?
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llovelymoonn · 11 months
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noor hindi fuck your lecture on craft, my people are dying
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naartjie-hijabi · 9 months
Can I just say something really quick?
Ever since that damned "Our Flag Means Death" was cancelled, mind you was this show even popular outside of the US because I legitimately have never even heard of it before, a lot of you so called "allies" have been showing your true colours.
The fact that you can raise $20k, create and sign petitions, even go as far as organising a billboard for a freaking show that has KNOWN zionists in its crew, but you couldn't spend even a portion of that energy for people who are actively facing a genocide says a lot about who you are as a person. The fact that you have the nerve to go into Palestinian spaces and try to justify your actions when they call you out, really where do any of you get the audacity?
These people are grieving. They have family and friends dying and fighting for their right to even exist and you have the damn nerve to go to their inboxes and whine about a fucking gay pirate show. If you felt offended by victims calling you out for your bullshit and made statements about reconsidering your stance on the on-going genocide, then guess what? You're not as great a person as you think you are.
Standing in solidarity with Palestine isn't some sort of trend or community project that you can just opt out of. Standing in solidarity with Palestine isn't something you can brag about or hold over the heads of actual Palestinians as if having basic human decency is something to be proud of.
If your allyship is that fragile, you're not actually an ally, you don't actually care about Palestine, all you are is an opportunist looking for some way to show off your white-savior complex.
Your opinions, believe it or not, does not matter more than the opinions of the victims of a 76-year occupation. If they tell you they're uncomfortable, you LISTEN. If they call you out for your bullshit, you LISTEN. No Palestinian owes you any explanation for their pain, so can you please stop looking for validation by leaving your shitty explanations in the inboxes of Palestinians? It's really not that hard to not be an ass.
The world has bigger problems than your pirate show, so get your head out of your ass and actually do something constructive.
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 4 months
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Woke up to this in my AO3 inbox (after getting a mere 5 hours of sleep). I’m gonna delete the comment and block the user, but just… do you honestly think changing your username and pfp on a fanfiction archive website is going to free Palestine? Or will you finally just admit it’s a fandom for you, with some suspiciously easy villains for you to hate?
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stoutguts · 4 months
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Croix says happy pride month, but more importantly free Palestine! 🇵🇸
No pride in genocide.
Just so you know, one way you can help out is you can visit a nifty little site called “arab.org”, there you can do a daily click, and each click donates money to a UN agency and it’s cost you nothing. Or you can spread the word by sharing this post, make your own, or visit “Gazafunds.com” to donate to fundraisers and directly help Palestinian people in need!
This needs to stop now, my hearts hurts for the people of Gaza and for Palestinians, I cannot imagine the pain and suffering they're going through right now.
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kristiliqua · 8 months
by the way ,
if you do not support palestine , get the fuck out .
/srs . you cannot be neutral on a genocide , and i’m sure as hell not going to let any pro-israel motherfuckers in here . get the fuck out . i don’t want you here , ever . thanks :)
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coryosbaby · 5 months
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Just a reminder of how shitty these ppl r !! If u won’t support Palestine bc of, idk, the fact that it’s basic human fucking decency to do so and because you want innocent civilians dead, then maybe your rotted brain might process that Israel and the American government funding this genocide affects YOU too 🫵🏻🥰
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It drives me completely fucking insane when people who are literally OUTSIDE OF THE FANDOM repeat the deranged conspiracy that Guz Khan got fired for Palestine support. Guz Khan as not said that. No one who works on Our Flag has said that. The only people who have said that were hiatus brained fandom types who were looking for a reason he got fired before they had the context of the 40% BUDGET CUT which was the actual reason he got laid off, owing to the fact that he was one of the most minor recurring characters on the show. Like you guys need to use your brains oh my god. Maybe you should go to an actual protest instead of making shit up.
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tootiecakes234 · 5 months
Free Congo.
They’ve been suffering for years with millions dead all for western capitalism and technology that they don’t benefit from. Women and children being SA’ed at extreme rates!
Free Palestine.
Thousands dead because Israel is committing a genocide to gain control of their lands. The only safe space they have left is being bombed RIGHT NOW with no ceasefire on the horizon!
Free Sudan.
They are going through a civil war with one side being funded by AMERICAN military aid with no peace in sight.
PEOPLE ARE DYING BY THE THOUSANDS, MILLIONS!!! And they are putting on a show with celebrities dressed in clothes that cost more than most of our salaries.
This world is fucked.
People care more about celebrity beef than the screams and pleas of dying men women and children!
These are human beings and under even the slightest shift in circumstances could be/can be you!
Speak up for the people that can’t speak up for themselves!
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nyaskitten · 8 months
Originally I was gonna make some post calling out how ridiculous Her behavior is, vandalizing the Chima Wiki and straight up lying about shit, and just being a very rude and toxic person, but I think at this point everyone knows she is in fact not a nice person.
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ratherpekewliar · 17 days
If you support Maduro or what he's doing to Venezuela get off my fucking blog btw
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disco-cola · 7 months
oh also at the berlinale the berlin film festival a documentary called "no other land" won which is an israeli-palestinian co-production about a man named basel adra in the occupied west bank and his life under apartheid. i'm very surprised they even let this one win in the first place tbh. anyway the israeli filmmaker and journalist yuval abraham who in his accepting speech criticized the apartheid and that even tho he and basel only live 30 minutes apart they both lead extremely different lives is now getting death threats. the berlin mayor, who is not jewish by the way, said what he said in his speech was "anti-semitic." a german non jewish politician called a jewish israeli man anti-semitic for calling for equal rights. yuval abraham sadly is part of a minority though and he is going back to israel tomorrow i think, i very much hope he will be safe after his return. israeli jews who have been outspoken about the oppression have fallen victims of their own society themselves way too many times. i dont know how many times i've said i cannot believe it but i simply really just cannot believe the absolute shit show this world is.
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