#the lack of gratitude
goyurim · 11 months
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voilaammayi · 9 months
us all, starting yet another one sherlock adaptation and telling ourselves it’s hope and not delusion to expect johnlock to happen maybe this time:
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pestorik · 3 months
of all the nice, funny, rude, cute, interesting, weird tags on the at designs, "thank you for your hard work op" really hit different :')
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
hitagi crab goes what if we immediately centralized the flawed, messy girl and explored her victimhood in interesting ways that are very real and grounded without shying away from any of its 'ugliness' but also not being too voyeuristic/gratuitous and relied on powerful imagery and metaphor to convey her pain and it's one of the best openings to anything ever. it's like it's specifically made in a lab to make me want to be mentally ill about the show
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coldswarkids · 6 months
in 2 days i start my new job i'm so nervous and excited!
literally insane to contemplate that since i entered the workforce 8 yrs ago, i have gone from passionate but overworked, extremely mentally ill, lonely teacher
to a 9-5 corpo-robot in the tech sector... thriving with a social life and hobbies and nearly entirely free of the weights which bore me down for years.
burdens which were nearly entirely invisible to me until they started actively killing me.
i'm not as fulfilled in my work, but because i have personal time and money outside of work, i am so much happier than i ever was before
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divinekangaroo · 6 months
Been in a weird state the last few days, the 7yo got admitted to hospital (discharged, admitted again, discharged, admitted again) with possible appendicitis, except they couldn’t find his appendix in an ultrasound, nothing on his bloods, he’d be ok then suddenly start screaming in pain on the floor; more tests and ‘liver’s out, he’s got hepatitis’, they test for that, actually no he hasn’t , actually we don’t know, let’s test for virals, can’t find anything….
so now he’s being sent home again with a ‘??? Not sure, only thing weird was liver results, watch for jaundice’
these stretches of utter boredom then intense frantic activity and panic
and then he’s sitting here insisting on spaghetti with peas for dinner after throwing up nonstop for two days???
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sheryl-lee · 2 years
waiting for the day when people realize that leaving comments like “you forgot [x]” “why did you include [x] but not [x]” and my personal favorite “i hate [x] and refuse to make my own post about it” on people’s gifsets/edits is not even remotely helpful, comes off as incredibly rude and condescending, and is a moot point because op usually didn’t “forget” to include anything; typically they either haven’t seen the particular piece of media or don’t care, and they are not going to edit their post just to please you and your bullshit “critiques”.
and REGARDLESS, it’s not your edit and it won’t be tailored to your specific requests, interests, creativity, etc. and creators won’t be able to please everyone. holding them to impossibly high standards will only further demotivate them from posting their edits. so shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself <3
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deathsweetblossoms · 8 months
Genuinely so sick of the vitriol this fandom throws at SJM. She literally cannot post anything without getting ripped to shreds for stupid reasons in her comments.
I once saw a drama-instigating comment saying a particular group of shippers didn’t deserve the books. You know who actually doesn’t deserve the books? People who trash on the author for *checks notes* not reading fan theories? For not writing exactly what you want?
I’m all for valuable, constructive criticism in reviews or just on a personal level if you didn’t enjoy how something was written (case in point, I hated ruthless vows and expressed that in reviews but not on Rebecca’s INSTAGRAM???), but the extremes this fandom goes to is appalling. I’ve NEVER seen this before in any fandom. It’s actually left me speechless. No wonder she doesn’t interact with fans and barely gives interviews anymore.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 7 months
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Hi Ralph, why do you think none of the 1d men have spoken out about Palestine?
I think there's a range of reasons and while there may be some similarities - I suspect the dynamics are very different. Reasons might include:
They feel like they don't know enough to comment - and they believe the idea put about that it's too complicated.
They know where they stand, but they think there will be economic/brand consequences so they are staying silent.
They know where they stand, but think there will be personal consequences that they do not feel able to carry at the moment.
The way their voice is automatically amplified as a celebrity feels un-navigable in a way that silence seems like the best option.
They have been avoiding learning about Palestine, either actively or passively, and don't actually know what is happening.
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tinyshe · 3 months
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It can feel hopeless to find yourself in a season where nothing seems to be going right and every effort only makes things worse. For every step forward there always manages to be ten steps back. But maybe that's the point of it all. Maybe we are experiencing this level of discomfort because God wants our attention. Maybe He wants us to focus on our mental health and things within, instead of getting wrapped up in the world and everything around us. Maybe He wants us to experience lack so we can truly appreciate the growth and abundance that is coming. Whatever the reason may be, find yourself grateful. Be grateful for the positives you have and the problems that you don't. Give thanks in your progress and focus only on moving forward. This journey has never been or will ever be about anyone else.
Morgan Richard Olivier - Blooming Bare
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sagurus · 2 months
shitty conservative family politics etc below
parents: we don't want you to feel like you can't talk to us! we don't want you to feel like you're unsafe around us!
parents: cheering about people supporting trump post-assassination attempt and acting as if people are finally beginning to stop being "brainwashed" and think for themselves.
meanwhile i have come out to them as queer. and surely they must be aware of the possibility of my rights being stripped away should trump resume his position in office.
yeah, guys. this really makes me feel like i can talk to you. doesn't alienate me at all.
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erabundus · 1 year
if i answer ... ten asks today ... i will allow myself to buy another enamel pin.
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morninkim · 1 year
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Bulk & Skull
Co-founders of the Power Rangers Fan Club and proud owners of a ClikClak account with a whopping 78 followers (and counting!), R4ngerN3T, meet Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier and Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch!
Bulk is on the football team with Jason and Zack, and has always wanted to be a superhero since he was a kid. He's a bit abrasive and hard to get along with at first. He's also very loud and outspoken, not afraid to put those he thinks deserve it in their face. Though underneath his obnoxious tough guy exterior is a passionate and driven young man who is determined to uncover the identities of the Power Rangers with the help of his boyfriend, Skull.
Skull's a little more mellow than Bulk, but only barely. He's not the brightest, mostly down to his problems staying focused on schoolwork, and relies on Bulk to help him out with studying (which is about as successful as it sounds). Though the one thing that immediately gets him excited and fixated is a new Ranger sighting, to which he'll pull out his phone and start bugging anyone and everyone with questions about it.
Together they started a ClikClak account to start documenting their search for the Power Rangers' identities, mostly to go viral when they eventually succeed (maybe, but probably not). They keep the page active with blurry photos, conspiracy theories about the Rangers and the monsters they fight, and dubious interviews from people around town. Despite some... precarious sources and stories, it's surprisingly good journalism.
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A controversial thought just occurred to me that I've tried to put into words many times now about my hero (Janis Joplin) and other musicians and people who died "tragically" (especially in a "self-inflicted" way), and that is: every time I see someone online, on Youtube or Facebook or wherever, say something (always unprompted/unrelated to what the video/photo/article/etc. is about) along the lines of, "What a waste of their talent/skill their death was," I think, What a waste their death was? What have you said of their life? Why do you only choose to comment on, and apparently highlight, their death? Did their life, and their accomplishments, and what they brought to the world while they were alive mean nothing to you? Have you not a SHRED of gratitude that they were alive at all?
I am quite sure that there is some sort of psychological explanation (and I say that with the confidence of only having a basic understanding of psychology) for why people focus particularly on people's (in this case, celebrities') "tragic" deaths, but is it not a tragedy in itself to reduce those people's lives to their deaths and the fact that they're dead? Why not appreciate what they were able to share with us while they were here? You know?
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