#i hate myself i just. i hate myself so much right now
moniquill · 3 days
Saving this because the thread is probably going to be deleted. Mild rearranging done to show the actual flow of conversation rather than tumblr's befuckened threading
The players are @balearicbitch , @ollieoneill, and myself - @moniquill
On the question of 'Should I donate to ao3'
balearicbitch: no also stop reading fanfics and grow up
moniquill: I'm sorry that your life is so lacking in joy.
balearicbitch: it isnt tho i just read normal books instead
moniquill: "other people are reading and enjoying independently published fiction and I have very strong opinions about that, driving me to declare those people immature" is some seriously joyless behavior. Are you ok?
ollieoneill: People can do both. You’re really gross and the one who needs to grow up.
ollieoneill: Lol they are definitely not okay. I want to feel bad for people like @balearicbitch but they’re so hateful and pathetic all I can do is shake my head
balearicbitch: i dont know what to tell you but if youre older than 16 and still play pretend with fictional characters try to have experiences in the real world?!
ollieoneill: Babe I’m a married 36yo and travel the world pretty much constantly and have a wonderful, full life. I also read fan fiction. You seriously need to grow up and get a life and stop telling other people how to enjoy theirs you utterly pathetic gremlin.
moniquill: I'm 41, I play pretend with fictional characters, and I've won a Nebula and a Hugo about it. Who do you think authors the 'normal books'?
balearicbitch: "other people are reading and enjoying independently published fiction" when the fiction in question is just creating scenarios based on other people work to fulfill your need of Media Consumer
balearicbitch: looks like anyone is getting awarded these days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
moniquill: You're the one who wanted to make a delineation between fanfiction and Normal Books.
balearicbitch: and i still stand by it. fanfiction isn't literature nor should be treated like it.
moniquill: Ok. I hear you. You're objectively incorrect, and welcome to be wrong in your wrongness. I'd say 'have fun with that' but it's clear that you're not having fun and that you don't want anyone else to have fun either. It must be a miserable way to exist, and I sincerely hope that you're able to move past it someday.
balearicbitch: have fun with your little blorbos, im sure what the literary world needs right now is another ali hazelwood
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paigebaby1 · 16 hours
You know you like that
paige x oc
summary: paige meets tallyn and falls in love with her
paiges pov
“azzi!” paige called her best friend to the room. “yeah” azzi said. “what time are we leaving because i need to see if i can get ready fast.” paige said thinking it was funny. azzi laughed a little and said “9:20” it was currently 9:00. “what i can’t get ready in 20 minutes.”
20 minutes later they are in the car ready to leave. “azzi i call the aux.” paige says and then azzi says “nope, my car my playlist!” this pisses paige off. “oh fuck you.” azzi looked at paige and rolls her eyes.
tallyns pov
“anna come on.” tallyn told her best friend because she was still in the car. “ok i’m coming!” they walked in the club together wanting to be hammered. “tallyn we will get drunk first and then dance and this will be easy for you because you are a lightweight.” tallyn smiled and laughed.
they both make their way to the bar and order two shots and two drinks. yall chugged those down so now yall are REALLY drunk. you so more than her.(because you are a lightweight) “i am gonna do dance.” your bestie said “ok, i have to pee so i will be at the bathroom.”
paige’s pov
“azzi i have to go to the bathroom right quick, i will be back soon.” paige said “ ok see you in a little bit.” azzi said back to the blonde girl.
paige was just walking to the bathroom when she bumped into the most prettiest girl she had ever saw. “oh my god i am so sorry.” “oh your fine it was an accident.” i am not looking at her yet but now that i am i don’t want to stop. “hi, umm my name is paige what’s your.” i ask genuinely curious. “my name is tallyn and hi.” “that is a really pretty name.” “thank you.” she says as she blushes.
tallyns pov
she is so pretty that is all i am thinking. “tallyn who is this.” i hear anna say “oh um this.. “i’m paige” paige cuts tallyn off. “rude much.” paige laughs to herself while noticing i am really drunk and so was she. “tallyn i will be right back i think i see nadage.” “okay” you said. nadage was your ex girlfriend and you hated her so much. “who is nadage?” paige asks so i tell her “oh she is just my ex.” you say embarrassed about your sexuality so you put your head down. then here comes nadage. “yo tallyn, who the fuck is this bitch?” “nadage don’t tell to me like that and this is paige we just bumped into each other.” “yeah right yall just bumped into each others pussies!” “NADAGE!” i say she pulls my arm and says “your coming home with me tonight and we can have fun.” “ no i am not.” paige grabs my arm and tells her to let me go and i do that same. at this nadage scoffs and walks away. “thanks for saving me from that.” “your welcome it looked and sounded like you didn’t want to go.”
a few minutes go by and i find myself slow dancing with paige. then she leans closer before whispering “may i kiss you?” you tilt your head to pretend you are thinking “fuck yes!” soon as those words leave my mouth her is on mine. after a few minutes we both pull back “that was the best lips i have ever kissed.” “stop with the corniness.” i say rolling my eyes.”
“oh please, you know you like that.”
this didn’t come out as good as i thought it would👎🏾
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tan1shere · 5 hours
I'm Sorry
Billie Eilish x female reader !
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A/n: saw this video on tiktok of this girl accidentally breaking a gift her bf got her and her being so apologetic, and I can just imagine how bill would be with you:(
Summary: Billie reassures you when you accidentally break her gift.
Warnings: none just fluff ! Kinda angst tho ??
It was time again. Your birthday, just another year of getting older. You were currently laying in bed, half asleep as the sun was shining through the curtains. You then feel hands on your shoulders. "Babyy, its your birthday!" Billie sings as she says that. You cover your face. "Does it have to be." She plops down on the bed. "Oh come on, it's not every day you're 21!" You open an eye to see she had a few gifts. Your other eye opens as you look at her. "Bubba, I thought we agreed on two at most." She puts her finger up to your lips. "I couldn't help myself."
You sigh with a bright smile, sitting up to prepare for her little gifts. She hands you the first one, some clothes you had been wanting. Next up, some skin care. She was always so thoughtful of the things you needed. And lastly, maybe your favorite. You open up the wrapping revealing a glass red rose. You marvel at it. "I know how much you love roses and how upset you get when they start to die, but this way you can have it all the time." She smiles at you. Your eyes meet hers as you almost have tears in them. You leap over to hug her tightly.
"Thank you baby! I love it so so much." She smiles. "Knew you would." Her hands grab your face, thumb swiping over your cheek. "Happy birthday angel." She leans in to kiss you softly, so glad you like the gifts. "Some of them came from your mother. I put them in a vase already for you." You then kiss her cheek, placing the glass rose down on the bedside table. "Thank you babe, I'll go smell them soon."
A few days pass and you honestly had the best birthday ever, Billie was spoiling you like crazy. Took you out for a nice meal too. Today you were working from home, doing some needed chores along the way. Bill was at Finneases working on some stuff in his studio. You did take a small break though. Getting into bed and scrolling for a glass case to put around your new gift. Just to make sure it's safe. You go to grab your water, but as you do. Eyes glued to your screen. You hear a shatter. Uh oh. Your head turns slowly.
Panic rising within you. "Fuck. No no no." You say frantically trying not to freak out. You get on the floor picking up the pieces. Shit. It was really broken. You cry. Cry because you broke the sweetest gift, given by the sweetest person and you broke it. You curse at yourself. You feel so stupid. You're an idiot your brain tells you.
You grab the pieces, but as you do you accidentally cut your finger. "Shit!" You winced. How could this get any worse. You pick up any remaining shards. Standing up and contemplating. She was gunna hate you. You thought. You don't blame her, you had only just got it. Your hands go to your hair, all these bad thoughts rushing through. You were going to have a shower after you got the case. But now you don't even need the case because you stupidly broke the rose. So. Stupid. Your tears still streaming down your face, you felt so awful. The image of Billie being so hurt right after she was so excited giving it to you.
You get into the shower, sliding down the wall. All you could think about was how she was going to react when she comes home. The hot water ran over your crying form. You hadn't even heard the front door open and Billie calling out like she always does. Until you hear faint footsteps and the bathroom door open. "Baby?" Had she seen it yet...
"Y-yeah.." You reply, she opens up the curtain to see you in the position you were in. Confused as anything. "What's going on love?" She always knew when something was bothering you. "I'm so sorry." You pathetically cry out. "Baby, talk to me." She says stopping the water from running. You just shake your head, lip quivering. "Sweetheart, please." You take a moment. "Don't hate me." You weakly say. "How could I ever?" Her bewilderment made your heart ache more for what you are about to tell her.
"Go look on my bedside floor." Your voice was hushed. So incredibly worried as she goes to do so. Her eyes land on the last little bits of glass, looking at the shattered mess on your table. Her heart breaks, but not because you broke it and most definitely by accident. It was because you were so upset, she hated seeing you upset. She comes back in the room to you still in tears. "Bub, hey. It's ok." - "it's not. Im so sorry I'm so-" She stops your apologies. "Baby. We can fix it. It's fixable. And if not I'll just buy you another. I swear to you. It's all ok."
Her voice was tender. So soft and reassuring. Your crying settles just a bit. "Are you sure?" She nods. "So incredibly sure. I'm not mad my girl, never ever would be." Her hand extends out for yours. You take it and get out of the shower. "Are you hurt?" You pout at how sweet she was, you loved this woman to absolute death. "What?" She chuckles. You just shake your head. "Youre just so kind, I love you." She brings you in for a hug, you wrap your arms tightly around her. She couldn't give a single fuck that your body was dripping wet.
It lasted for a long time, before she pulls back and looks at you. "I did just a tiny bit but I'm ok." You state. "Where abouts?" You show her the red mark on your thumb, she grabs it. Bringing it to her lips as kissing it gently. "Like I said before if we can't fix it I'll buy a new one, this time with a case."
"Great idea."
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hibiscusseaart · 13 hours
yesterday i had a glorious fucking migraine and i had thoughts about au of the time travel tobirama au
basically what if Tobirama fails and dies like about a year after the marriage with Madara. Konoha is building and everything, everyone is happy and then Tobirama fucking dies.
I didn't think of the reason, but maybe he was killed in battle or smth. Maybe by some clan like idk Shimura :)
(prob bc of Black Zetsu)
So, expectedly, Madara loses his fucking mind and it's even worse than when Izuna died, cuz they're supposed to be at peace what the fuck. Madara tries to raze the entire clan responsible for his sweet husband's death.
Hashirama doesn't let him do that and Madara leaves the village, where Black Zetsu catches onto him.
So basically, canon, but Tobirama was never Niidaime and Izuna lived.
The second Hokage would be, idk, Itama, who's fucking terrified and he didn't signed up for this shit!
But yeah, he's the Niidaime and he does everything in his power to implement everything Tobirama wanted to do for the village. And it's a lot. A LOT. Honestly like the dude knew he's gonna be a Hokage one day, he left MANY notes.
Itama appoints Kagami as his successor, cuz that's what Tobirama would want.
Danzo, being a bitch at the Uchiha clan, since Madara had a huge beef with his clan, kills Kagami, takes his eyes, makes it mission accident yada-yada, Itama appoints Hiruzen the next Hokage.
Idk why Itama left the position, but he never wanted it anyway. He did everything his brother wanted and peaced out to go smoke.
So, the canon happens.
The 4th war happens.
Orochimaru raises the dead Hokage, but not only him, Tobirama is there too, since he was super smart and his personal fav.
"Oh fuck, not again," Tobirama said, hiding his face in his hand. Everyone thought that's about the time Orochimaru made him fight in the Konoha crush on chuunin exams. He choose him over Itama, cuz even though Itama is a good Hokage, but he's a healer for the most part and not that useful on the battlefield.
Sasuke asks his questions and then he asks Tobirama.
"Uchiha Tobirama. The history says that you were married off to the Uchiha clan, to Madara, against your will and then took the suicide mission after a year in marriage. Is this true? You hated the Uchiha so much that you killed yourself?"
"I did what"
"Well, you were the one who created Uchiha Police Force..." Orochimaru said.
"First of all, I planned it to go further than the Uchiha and to supervise it myself. At the first stages it was supposed to be only Uchiha because it was one of the most competent clans to do this job and my clan that I trusted. Second of all, 'against my will'? Seriously?! I did not chase Madara since I was 9 to write our marriage off as a political marriage! What the fuck!"
Everyone, except Hashirama and Itama looked shocked at this confession.
"Where IS my husband? Trying to avenge my death to the whole world?"
"Uh, yeah.."
"Of fucking course. I should've left him a note specifically saying that he needs to be in the fucking village and take care of our clan. Now what? Our clan is just one a vengeful child!"
Tobirama paused, feeling up the battlefield.
"And one more Uchiha who lost his shit. Of fucking course"
Everyone shocked, cuz Tobirama had a reputation who hated Uchiha, cuz his brother married him off to them as a peace offering. Then Sasuke makes Hashirama talk about all this talk about village, Hokage, shinobi yada yada yada
Senju brothers are PISSED at Hiruzen and Danzo (thank fuck he's dead right). Hiruzen looked remorseful and said that he knew that everyone expected Kagami to become Hokage and not him.
Ok, so!
Tobirama was the fastest one to rush to the battle field. He had a feral husband to calm down.
He arrived and just stood before Madara, who froze in shock.
"Husband, come here," Tobirama said, opening his arms. Alliance is just standing there gaping cuz what the fuck
Madara didn't notice Tobirama at first, since he masked his chakra by habit. But even then he was exited to meet Hashirama and fight once more. But then he sees Tobirama and FUCK all these plans, his huband is here!!!
Madara just crushed into Tobirama. He had no idea that Tobirama could've been edo tensei'ed the whole time!
"Calm down, dear. What have you done here?" Tobirama asked, petting his husband's hair.
"I just wanted to bring you back..."
"Oh dear... You stupid, stupid man," Tobirama shook his head and kissed him, while the whole Alliance watches shocked.
And this is a story how Tobirama stopped the 4th war singlehandedly.
Ofc there's Obito, but they sic Naruto on him and it's all good. Though Black Zetsu tried something, but Tobirama is fucking READY for him. He will avenge his husband's sanity.
Before they go to Pure Lands again, Tobirama said to Tsunade, Kakashi and Naruto "Fucking fix your history books! I love my husband since I was 9!" (he actually didn't, but no one should know about it, okay)
And Madara is there just clinging to Tobirama with all his body and refusing to let go. He doesn't care about Eternal Tsukuyomi anymore, cuz he can hug his husband once more.
Migraine AUs sure are interesting
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solradguy · 2 days
Kind of heavy.
The other day I saw a video of a Russian soldier surrendering to a Ukrainian drone. He had gaunt cheeks, his leg was covered in blood, he had wide, staring, eyes. Someone pointed out he was wearing a wedding ring. There were bomb craters all around him. He cowered when the drone got too close. He couldn't have been much older than me.
One of the comments said something sort of like, "In the early internet you would have to go to specific websites to see grievously wounded children, graphic footage from wars, the last words of condemned men. Now you can find it on the front page of every social media site. You can rewatch the death of a human being with a family at home, with hobbies and a favorite meal, from thousands of miles away through the eyes of machines, recorded in languages you will never know."
And we encourage others to watch these videos and look at these photos. Why? Who is it really helping? Is feeling like we're sharing in their suffering by watching and spreading them through some morbid sense of justice as good as actually doing something? It is good to be aware of these issues, we need to know what's going on in places like Ukraine, Lebanon, and Palestine right now, but man... I can't take this anymore
I'm sorry if I unfollow some people. There is only so much I can blacklist and some things still get through it. I've been in a pit this entire year and I hop online to catch up with friends and interests and it's just endless death and doom. I follow some world news outlets and still get updates on things that way, but I seriously need to make changes to my personal online spaces.
The drone video I saw yesterday and the comment with it have been rattling around my mind for a few days now. Watching these things isn't helping anyone or anything. I know things are bad, I know people need help. Making myself watch these anyway, like it's raising some "awareness" or something, is just making me depressed, cranky, and isolationist.
I hardly draw anymore unless someone pays me to. My 3D printer has a layer of dust on it. Translations I could have done months ago sit unopened in my editor. I've been kind of downplaying how bad this year has been but it has been bad. I don't think I've been in a headspace like this since I was in high school. I'm like a friggin cat and don't like it when people worry for me so I stay quiet about it and just get grumpy instead lol
I hate unfollowing people and breaking mutuals with friends, but I seriously need to, and I'm sorry...
I understand I really didn't need to make a post like this and could have just quietly unfollowed people, but I'm making it anyway to hopefully encourage other people in dark mental pits to make similar changes for the better to their spaces.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 10 hours
Yet another draft pick. 😊
Nancy was with Jonathan and Argyle getting high when Eddie came upon them in Argyle's yellow pizza van. He decided to join, seeing how it was Nancy's first time getting high, and he was so curious. Well, she accidentally let slip to him that Steve totally likes to hold hands during sex. Now, that's all Eddie could think about. It's caused Eddie to give Steve some pretty intense stares and caused him to distance himself from Steve. Unfortunately, Steve took that to mean he hated him. . .
Eddie had let himself into Steve’s house one afternoon to hang out and to explain himself. He was finally going to tell Steve how he felt. Yes! Steve was home. His car was in the driveway, and there were signs that Robin was there, but no one was downstairs. Eddie frowned and started climbing the stairs. That's when he heard it. The sound of someone crying. He moved closer, and he could hear the sound of Steve crying on the other side of the bathroom. Okay, who did Eddie have to kill?
"I just don't know what I did, Robin, to make him hate me. I mean, you've seen the way he looks at me, right? He hates me," Steve said, sobbing.
Eddie scowled. Yeah, he was definitely killing someone. Who the fuck could hate an angel like Steve Harrington?
"Yeah, I've seen it and I don't fucking get it. What else do you have to do for him to like you? Carrying him out of hell? You did that. Nurse him back to health? Fucking check. Steve, there's nothing else you can do. If Eddie hates you, then it's on him, not on you because you did everything you could," Robin said. "It's not your responsibility anymore."
Fuck, they were talking about him? Eddie closed his eyes and cursed his face. It was because of the staring and it must have looked like. . .well, that he was glaring at him. It didn't help that Eddie needed some time to put together what he was going to say. Okay, yeah, it looked like Eddie hated Steve. Fuck. Eddie stepped back, squared his shoulders, and kicked the door open. Robin and Steve screamed, Steve quickly pulling his head away from Robin's lap.
"Eddie?!" Steve screamed.
"I HAVE ANOTHER REASON TO KILL YOU!" Robin screamed, clutching her chest.
"I don't fucking hate you! I am in love with you!" Eddie shrieked.
"Then why have you been glaring at me and pulling away?!" Steve exclaimed, wiping his face.
"Because I'm a fucking idiot!" Eddie yelled and sighed, sinking to his knees. "Nancy told me that you like to hold hands during sex and it's all I can think about. My face can look intense when I'm, uh, - "
"Turned on?" Steve asked.
"Yeah! It freaked me out at first, being attracted to you, a man, but also with you being Steve Harrington! It was always just women for me, or so I thought. After a long talk with my own platonic soulmate, Ronnie, she told me that she wasn't surprised, so I guess I just didn't want to admit that those bullying jocks were right about me: that I am a queer. I was feeling it all, and I ran away like I always did, but I'm not running away anymore. I want to run towards you," Eddie said.
Steve sat up on his knees in front of Eddie, smiling.
"It freaked me out, too, Eddie, and then not so much when I talked about it with Robin," Steve said. "I'm in love with you too."
Steve took Eddie's hands in his, holding them softly. Eddie felt giddy until he remembered. . .he inadvertently made Steve Harrington cry.
"I made you cry," Eddie said.
"It was a misunderstanding. I'm fine now," Steve smiled.
"I still made you cry. I deserve to be hit, and since I can't hit myself. . . Robin, do you want to do the honors?"
"I thought you'd never ask," Robin grinned and raised her fist.
"Robin! No!" Steve yelled.
"Aww! Can't I hit him a just little bit?" Robin asked.
"No! You can't hit my boyfriend!" Steve exclaimed.
"Ugh! Fine!"
Robin stood up, glared at Eddie, and then grinned wickedly. She leaned down and twisted Eddie's only nipple. He shrieked. Robin released it with a victorious smirk.
"Robin!" Steve yelled.
"You said I couldn't hit him. You never said anything about twisting his nipple," Robin said.
"I deserved it. Good one, Robin," Eddie gasped and rubbed his tit.
Robin patted Eddie's head and walked out of the room, leaving them alone.
"You okay?" Steve asked.
"Like I said, I deserved it. So. . . Boyfriend?" Eddie smirked.
"Yeah? Is that okay?" Steve asked.
"More than okay, big boy," Eddie smirked.
He cupped Steve’s face, leaned forward, and kissed him deeply. He could feel Steve smiling against his lips, and he couldn't help but smile, too. Steve moved his lips, trying to kiss one of his dimples. Goddamn it. Eddie Munson let out a fucking giggle. Steve pulled away, and Eddie realized they were still holding hands. He looked at Steve intensely, and he grinned.
"Let's take this to my bedroom, and I'll show you how well I hold hands," Steve said.
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latin5mamii · 19 hours
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warnings: cuteness (my heart literally melt)
genre:fluff; kylianxfem!reader
summary: Kylian can't stand kitten videos anymore, so what's better than actually gifting you one?
author's note: I’m really going to miss seeing our little croissant play for the next three weeks! It’s just so sad and i want to cry. Every time I watch him on the pitch, I find myself literally ADMIRING him , and honestly, it’s starting to worry me about my mental health...
˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩 ⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚₊˖ ᡣ𐭩
You’ve been dreaming about adopting a kitten for what feels like forever—weeks of obsessively sending Kylian video after video of fluffy kittens, each with the same unspoken message: “I need one.”
He’s honestly not sure how this kitten craze of yours even started. Maybe it was that time you found a kitty on the street and immediately dropped to your knees, practically begging him to take it home with you. He still remembers the way your face fell when you found out the kitten already had an owner. Ever since then, you’ve been on a mission.
It’s gotten kind of relentless. At first, Kylian thought it was cute, how every few hours you’d send him another kitten clip with heart eyes and a not-so-subtle, “Look at this one! Isn’t it adorable?” But now, it’s reached a point where every time his phone dings, he knows it’s another video of a kitten doing something cute, followed by your predictable "I want one so bad."
The man can only take so much.
And for Kylian, saying no to you is basically impossible. He could ignore the hints for a while, but the way you light up whenever the topic of kittens comes up? Yeah, there’s no way he’s letting this one slide much longer.
“Amour,” Kylian’s deep, playful voice echoes through your temporary apartment as he closes the door behind him. You barely glance up from your phone, lost in yet another kitten video that you’ll definitely be sending him in a few minutes.
But his tone catches your attention. There’s something different in it—something secretive.
“Amour,” he repeats, this time a bit more mischievous. “I have a surprise for you.”
That’s all it takes. Your heart skips a beat, and you scramble to your feet, tossing your phone onto the couch without a second thought. You rush down the hallway toward him, excitement bubbling up inside you.
“Kylian, what is it? What’s going on?” you ask breathlessly, practically bouncing on your toes. You’re not great with surprises, mainly because your curiosity knows no bounds, and Kylian knows that all too well.
He grins, clearly enjoying your impatience. “Patience, chérie,” he teases, holding his hands behind his back. “Close your eyes first.”
You let out an exaggerated groan but obey, squeezing your eyes shut. “You know I hate this, right?”
He chuckles, and you can hear him moving closer. “I know. But you’ll love this.”
There’s a moment of silence, and you feel like you’re going to explode from anticipation. Then, just as you’re about to cheat and peek, you hear it—a tiny, delicate meow.
Your eyes snap open before Kylian can even tell you to, and your breath catches in your throat. In his arms, nestled against his chest, is the most adorable, tiny kitten you’ve ever seen. Its fur is a mix of cream and gray, and its big, round blue eyes blink up at you with curiosity.
“Oh my God,” you gasp, your hands flying to your mouth as you stare in disbelief.
Kylian laughs softly, clearly proud of himself as he watches your reaction. “I couldn’t handle the constant kitten videos anymore,” he teases, shifting the tiny bundle of fur in his arms so you can get a better look. “So I figured I’d just… bring you one.”
You’re speechless, your hands trembling as you reach out to take the kitten from him. It’s so small, so delicate, and it lets out the tiniest purr as soon as it’s nestled in your arms, pressing its little head against your chest. 
“I love you,” you murmur, though you’re not entirely sure whether you’re saying it to Kylian or the kitten. Maybe both.
“I know,” he replies, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “But do you love me more than the kitten?”
You giggle, shaking your head as you hold the kitten closer. “Well, the kitten is pretty cute. You’ve got some competition now.”
He feigns offense, raising an eyebrow as if wounded, but the act doesn’t last long. Watching you tenderly cradle the tiny kitten in your lap, gently stroking its soft fur, his heart can’t help but melt.“So… have you thought of a name yet? Or are you just going to call it ‘kitten’ forever?”
You look down at the tiny fluff ball in your lap. A name? You hadn’t even gotten that far in your daydreams.
“Hm, I don’t know… I kind of like ‘kitten,’” you joke, earning a groan from Kylian. “No, seriously! Look at this face. It’s like pure kitten energy.”
“Amour, we are not calling it ‘kitten,’” Kylian says, though he can’t help but smile.
You tap your chin playfully, as if deep in thought, then look up at Kylian with a soft smile. “I think I need to really take my time with this,” you say, your tone serious but with a hint of teasing. “It’s a big decision, and I don’t want to rush it.”
Kylian raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. “You’re telling me we need to schedule a whole naming ceremony for this kitten?”
“Obviously,” you reply with a grin, gently stroking the kitten’s fur. “It’s an important choice. I’ll need some time… and maybe a little inspiration.”
Kylian leans in, his voice playful. “Oh? And how do you plan on finding this inspiration, chérie?”
You tilt your head and flash him a warm smile. “By cuddling with my two favorite babies,” you say softly, looking between him and the kitten. “That should give me all the inspiration I need.”
Kylian’s expression softens instantly, his eyes sparkling as he leans in closer, pressing a tender kiss to your temple. “Your two babies, huh?” he murmurs against your skin, his voice low and affectionate.
“Mm-hmm,” you hum, leaning into him as you settle against his chest. “My big baby and my little baby. Both equally important.”As you lean into Kylian’s embrace, you watch the tiny kitten stir slightly before making its way to his stomach. With a delicate hop, it settles right on top of him, curling into a tiny ball, its soft purring almost harmonizing with the rise and fall of Kylian’s breathing.
You can’t help but smile, feeling your heart practically melt at the sight. There’s something about seeing Kylian, this towering, athletic man, with such a delicate creature nestled on his chest that makes the moment even sweeter.
“Oh my God,” you whisper, your voice barely above a breath. “Look at her.”
Kylian glances down at the little fluff ball, a small chuckle escaping him. “She’s already making herself at home,” he says softly, his fingers lightly grazing the kitten’s fur. “Can’t say I blame her, though. I’m pretty comfortable, right?”
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swampgallows · 3 days
complaining here because i dont want to burden my friends but still want to collect validation in the form of little pixel hearts
my moms mental state has gotten so much worse and as a result her hoarding is becoming even worse and even more impossible to tolerate. i have tried to have more sympathy about it and to help her with it, sitting with her while she sorts "a box a day" or even just "one thing a day". ive gently recommended she get a new therapist but all she did was change her horse on the SSRI carousel and start smoking weed. i've linked her articles and books and videos, and when she doesnt look at any of them i try to relay to her in conversation what i learned from them when she bemoans "why am i like this?". none of it matters. she just complains that it's "too overwhelming" and she "can't help it" even though she refuses any help at all.
i know it is a mental disorder. i know it is overwhelming. i know it causes her physical pain to get rid of things and at the same time cripples her with guilt to keep it all. but as of right now all we're trying to get her to do is just rearrange the things so that they aren't turning our house into a fucking obstacle course, and she pushes back on that too. like she doesn't want to even organize the piles AS THEY ARE and condense them because she'd rather be "actually throwing things away and putting things away like a human being!"—the thing that she very specifically CANNOT do.
and if we consolidate it on our own? hooooly christ. she goes on a fucking rampage, slamming doors, screaming/sobbing, throwing shit (her shit. it's all her shit). because it's HER stuff and WE touched it and she feels guilty about all her stuff. she STILL talks about when my sister tidied the spice cabinet, convinced that "she threw everything away!" and that was years ago. (my sister is a different kind of insane and probably DID throw a bunch of shit away, but either way all it did was give my mom ammunition for the rest of her life to never do anything.)
this is long enough already so all i can say is that im disappointed in myself for losing more of my tolerance and sympathy. like at this point the only reason i care is because i have to fucking live here since i havent been able to stay employed or move out yet and my mental health is also incredibly bad. but also my mom's becoming much more intolerant and hateful as a human being, which makes me less inclined to keep trying. like she deliberately brings up incendiary topics (usually politics), whips herself up into a cyclone of hatred (every '-ism' you can think of) while preemptively apologizing for things that she thinks that we think about the politics that she "doesn't like talking about" despite blatantly shifting the conversation to bring them up, then devolves into histrionic crying or yelling at us for something she has imagined. this is almost every day. i know she's my mom so im trying but christ alive
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casanovawrites · 3 days
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 14
you’re still speaking in the present tense.
you barely know us.
i’m your best friend? you’ve known me for like four weeks.  
i was seeing someone and i fucked it up. i fucked it up because i’m fucked up.
you’re a fucking creep, i’m a fucking catch.
i’m charming as shit.
all i want is for people to like me, but i just keep hurting people instead.
that’s just what we do. we look out for each other.
my nightmares don’t usually serve breakfast.
you’re pretty much a pain in my ass. and most days, you suck.
delusions make me happy.
we can’t play defense forever.
i think i like you better than anyone i know.
nothing that i’ve been through is possible. i feel like my mind is breaking.
i know it’s dangerous here.
i’m sorry, are you invested in the happiness of someone else?
things change. here, it’s usually bad.
i hesitate to tell you this, because you’re pathologically overconfident, but you’re cute.
you’re a good person with all your bad qualities.
hope is what makes you willing to suffer.
i want to feel that full-blown compliment.
buddy, fuck off, okay?
fuck you, you really hurt my feelings, and i hope an air conditioner falls on you.
my heart’s belonged to you since the moment i met you.
when the fuck are we not at risk?
hot. you’re hot.
i don’t want to be like this. it’s terrifying.
you’re not fucked up. you’re like the most together person i know. 
all i am is a dumb motherfucker who keeps getting people killed.
my mom adores you.
great, you’re yelling at me again.
i think the only way you can be happy is if you’re yourself.
is it just physically impossible for you not to be an asshole for longer than 10 minutes?
i like you a lot better when you’re not yelling at me.
it’s real, and i’m fucking terrified.
i have done things i can’t undo.
i just feel like all i’ve been doing lately is hurting people.
you do not just get to come in here, dump a load of shit like that, and then walk away.
i don’t want to let this place decide when we get to be happy.
i promise i won’t cry on you if you sit next to me.
you are my home, and i would really like to be yours.
you look how i feel.
i don’t give a shit about your word.
i know their type. everything’s a personal attack, a goddamn battle.
you know it’s okay to tell people to fuck off every once in a while, including your friends.
she looked good. i mean, hateful. but good.
it’s poor form to blame the dead.
i’m bothered by people who don’t know how good they have it.
you’re trapped with me. in a fun way.
this place is haunted. everywhere i look, i see somewhere you lied to me.
i don’t feel better off. i just feel left.
i made my choices. so did you.
broken people don’t survive here.
i am exiting our one-sided relationship.
one failed marriage, who hasn’t been there?
i just need to know you’ve got your shit together.
i don’t need a pep talk. i just need to know that you’re back.
mostly everybody here’s depressed.
rule number one: never trust the love interest.
now i know how to take care of my problems.
i can’t uproot my life just to make you happy.
i was never rooting for you to be unhappy. i just wanted you to have more.
stop saying that everything’s going to be okay.
you are not some hopeless screw up.
no one listens to me. no one.
i’m not a problem for you. i’ve never been a problem for you.
there are no mistakes. just choices. and you chose what was right for you.
if someone came up to you right now and said, ‘do this one bad thing and everyone gets to go home,’ would you do it?
i don’t want to know the answer.
when we’re together, i feel a lot. and mostly, it’s good.
we don’t have time to be delicate.
actually, you might be the best thing in my life.
i don’t know what to do, and that really freaks me out.
i’m not gonna stand here and pretend it was a good day.
there are always gonna be monsters in the world. it doesn’t matter where you are. but i promised myself i would never let them scare the life out of me.
i don’t give a shit what you are.
i’m doing this for you. i’m doing it for all of us.
if this shit goes sideways, you have to be ready to step up.
i need you to do me a favor. cut yourself some slack.
you trust me to decide the rest of your life?
you have a sense of direction. 
when did life become this big monster we have to just constantly feed?
we don’t have to live like the sky is always falling.
i’m not afraid of the dark.
you think i’m a monster?
what’s happening to us?
what part of this is okay?
that was death, and it’s coming… right now.
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goyurim · 11 months
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
i'm in one of those phases where i really wish i believed in manifesting and spellcasting and things like that bc you know when you want something so bad you're literally praying for the universe to let it happen
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mitskiluvr · 5 months
replaying mystic messenger is so crazy because why am i gentle parenting these grown men and teaching them how to handle their feelings
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mysticalcats · 2 months
fellas. my friends said they ACTUALLY want to watch cats 2019 with me and i was SHOCKED because like. who would. want to do that. i am delighted. HOWEVER it will take everything in me to not pause it and clarify every five minutes about my opinions on the movie
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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I wanted to say that outside of semantics and divisions - I am simply happy to find communities that welcome with kindness - that welcome you by a good heart and not the ability to conform. I am happy for the opportunity to be surrounded by people who care. It's a funny world we live in - making the same mistakes over and over, multiplying the same suffering by billions. I don't think I hope for an utopia anymore, I don't think such a thing exists - but you can't call me hopeless either. And that's what matters.
As a side note - this piece is set in DanceAU, which might be better known to Patrons so far, but still it was the best and most fitting option for this occasion..... also there are 12 DanceAU pieces incoming, because I might be making another calendar so. get familiar with these mutts
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theswedishpajas · 1 year
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[Mii Maker Music]
!!Find the palette in this thread!!
#my art stuff#beetlejuice#cartoon#toonjuice#digital art#bugs#emoji#I made my own brush for the bugs so I can use them in the future#I’m trying to make art more enjoyable for myself and that means making it much less complicated and take less time#so I’m hoping to use this brush more in the future when drawing beej#or things in general#I’m getting better at lightning the weight I put on myself with my art#but it’s an upphills battle and I am STRUGGLING#I’ve been using this eene inker randomly for a while now and it’s making art so much easier to do for me somehow#but it looks so disgusting in my art. not cus it’s an ugly brush. I think it’s really nice-looking actually#but I have such a strong need for all my art to look clean and for every line to be intentionally put where it is#I have a tendancy to go in and fix singular pixels in EVERYTHING when I draw. even if just to make it intentionally look unintentional#but this brush does it on it’s own and I haven’t felt this relaxed while making digital art in MANY years and it’s STRESSING ME OUT#but it’s good that I can relax. That’s the goal. I want to be able to rnjoy drawing again.#The biggest hurdle is my autism hating change but once I’m past that I know I’ll be right as rain#in the meantime I hope people can still enjoy what little stuff I mannage to crank out randomly#also don’t ask me what the style is. my hand just went off with the “whatever just get it down real quick” mentality#I really need to draw the sweetheart more… I say when he is all I draw besides myself anymore-
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tsukasalover · 9 days
I can think of a lot of reasons why I like and have gotten attached to tsukasa more than any other fictional character and i think if i had to keep it simple (or else id be rambling for hours) id say
1. He’s so interesting. I usually pick up the extremely mischaracterized blonde characters anyways but he gets my brain working real hard. its almost 2am and i cant think straight but theres something about his duality that keeps me glued to him and the amount of Layers he has and how removing even one layer or completely ignoring how both his huge ego and kindness + selflessness coexist can really mess up your perception of him. There was something quite short i wrote about how both sides make him. Well. Him. back when his colofes dropped since i was so annoyed at the people Not getting it (while most never even read the STORIES 😁) anf ive been screaming this for a year now Please. Also the way his dream and being a good big brother go hand in hand have captured me. I really like fictional siblings and they fill something personal i miss and Looove looking at the roots of characters. Discovering where this and that and connecting events to what started their behaviors or helped their personality bloom. So seeing saki and toya play such an important role in his life keeps me HOOOKEDDD. I took the bait like tiny fish. Dont regret it. Never will. I like my fictional characters like layered cake. Thats basically how i see them. I had a yummy chocolate cake with so mant layers the other day 🤤 but anyways. I also really like when characters have to learn and grow as people after making really bad mistakes or being straight up assholes so it really took a while even after mainstory but once i got to see more of him with saki and read dazzling i was like. This is the guyyy. Youre mine now lets go. I dont like perfect characters but.. you see.. when characters who have (sometimes way too much) confidence and are dramatic yet are shown to truly be good people who enjoy making others happy… alright.. now im listening… Sign me up…
But really he has almost everything I’ve ever looked for in a character. Starting with the fact that he’s a theatre kid. And blonde. Of course emu nene and rui + more fictional characters have made their way into my heart and ive gotten attached to them on very Very personal levels but when it comes to this Idiot who wants to be a star and reminds me of a dog its something that i dont even know how to explain sometimes. Why is he here? What are you doing inside of my head. Ill never have one solid answer because he takes up too much space in my mind and i become incoherent too often when talking about him.
2. Ignoring my first answer, He is ugly. My favorite punching bag. Cartoon character. Begins floating when he smells pie. I dont know anymore
3. he just like me fr (Which is terrible i dont like that)
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