#yet no brainia scenes
owl-with-a-pen · 6 months
Kara had been juggling so many duties over the last few days, it had really started to feel like she had a secret identity all over again. Her fingers had been a constant blur across her phone screen, so much that she’d jumped into several meetings without knowing what they were even about or – for that matter – that she had meant to have been leading them. She could have gotten away with that as Kara Danvers, but people tended to notice when Kara Zor-El got distracted - probably because it usually meant an Earth-wide threat was imminent.
She’d already had to reassure five separate co-workers that wasn’t the case, even going as far as cutting her final editorial meeting thirty minutes short so that everyone could start their Fridays early. Maybe that just made them more suspicious of her, but she was running out of time. Alex had already sent her three warning texts:
Car’s packed up, where are you?
Don’t make me call a DEO emergency just to get your butt out of there!
⌚👈🏻 ???
Kara rolled her eyes, catching her tongue between her teeth as she scanned the most recent notification. She sent a quick ‘OMW’ before slinging her bag across her shoulder.
She was halfway out the office door when a voice stopped her in her tracks.
“So, any plans this weekend?”
Kara froze.
Cat Grant usually spent her Friday afternoons lamenting all the charity dinners and extracurriculars she’d be forced to attend while Kara nodded along with a well-practiced sympathetic grimace locked in place. She’d long since accepted this as a one-sided expectation. After all, Cat didn’t really do small talk. Call it the journalistic disposition, but no question of hers ever came without intention.
She’d posed this particular question with an expectant air, her fingers loosely linked beneath her chin as she watched Kara with cat-like patience from behind her desk.
Kara took a shallow breath, knowing already what those piercing eyes were trying to gauge. “Actually,” she said, treading carefully, “I’m out of town this weekend. I’m visiting my adoptive mom with my sister.”
Cat’s lips twitched with something predatory. She lifted her chin, snatching up a pen from her desk so that she could play idly with the clicker. Every click was as intentional as her question, drilling deep into Kara’s skull. “Ah,” she said, nodding slowly, “and so I suppose one would assume that there won’t be much Supergirl activity to account for, then?”
Kara laughed, fiddling nervously with the collar of her blouse. “Even Supergirl needs a vacation every once in a while. You’ve seen the figures, crime is at an all-time low, National City can last a weekend without me.”
Cat watched Kara without expression, still clicking out a calculated rhythm. “I suppose,” she conceded lightly. “Especially with that new DEO division headed by your… friend, right? John?”
“J’onn,” Kara corrected.
“Yes, yes, that’s the one.” Cat bit her lip. “Wide shoulders.” Her eyes lost focus before she shrugged suddenly, setting down her pen with a prompt snap. “I wonder what he’ll be up to.”
“You know the DEO doesn’t give interviews,” Kara reminded her, trying and failing to hide the strain in her voice. “Not even to Supergirl.”
“Of course.” Cat pondered for a moment, cocking her head. “And the little green one works there too, doesn’t he?”
Kara sighed, the purposeful ignorance wasn’t lost on her, just as Cat had intended. She tipped her head back, resigning herself to the conversation. “What are you getting at, Ms Grant?”
Cat blinked, perfectly innocent. “Just counting heads. I only wonder if we’ll be seeing much of your Super Friends over the next few days… with you out of town, of course.”
Kara pursed her lips, drumming her fingers against the doorframe. “Well, they’re more than capable of managing themselves without me.”
“So, we will be seeing them?”
Kara spluttered. She’d really stepped into that one. “It’s a big city,” she recovered quickly, “I’m sure there’ll be out there somewhere.”
“Interesting,” Cat said, dragging the word out long enough to make Kara uncomfortable. She hummed to herself, running her index finger delicately over the items on her desk until she found her phone, snatching it up. “I need to make a few calls,” she decided, shooing Kara out of the room with her other hand. “Have fun with your—mother.”
Kara took that as her cue, making an awkward albeit flustered goodbye as she elbowed her way out the door. She didn’t try to listen in on the conversation once she was gone – she didn’t need to - Cat had seen through her as plainly as she had her old disguise.
Technically, what Kara had told her wasn’t exactly a lie. She would be seeing Eliza this weekend – after all, she’d been invited to Nia and Brainy’s wedding, too.
It didn’t matter, Kara rationalised as she hurried into the elevator, Cat could call on every source she had available to her and she still wouldn’t be getting this scoop. No one would. Kara had been incredibly thorough about that, using fake names when it came to bookings, throwing out red herrings to rival news outlets, all to ensure that the media didn’t get even one whiff of what was going down. No one was getting a camera into the service on her watch – well, except the photographer, and Kara had already run a series of extensive background checks on her.   
As for general media speculation – well, she’d already warned the bride and groom to be that there really wasn’t much she could do about that. Every magazine in the country was currently building up the clicks with Superhero news and, right now, Dreamer and Brainiac-5 were trending across all channels. Cat certainly hadn’t helped with that; she’d sunk her claws into the story the second Dreamer had first been spotted out toting a Legion ring of her own. To avoid public knowledge of future events, the Legion was something of a forbidden topic when it came to interviews and so, for anyone outside of the loop, Dreamer suddenly wearing a ring matching Brainy’s was certainly turning heads.
Engagement had been thrown around hundreds of times, with other outlets outright claiming that she and Brainy had been married in secret. Nothing had been confirmed or denied by either party, but Kara had to admit it– you only needed eyes to see the chemistry between those two. They fought as one entity, complimenting each other’s stances, supporting each other in the field so that they always fell into step with each other. Just last week, Brainy had swept Dreamer into his arms amidst an explosion they’d narrowly escaped and the shot had been headlining every newspaper not twelve hours later. They were anything but discreet and, honestly, Kara had a hunch they were starting to enjoy all the attention. It certainly made her job as Maid of Honour that much harder.
Hiding this wedding was probably shaving years off her life.
At least it would be worth it when she got to see Nia go down that aisle.
When her phone pinged again with a fourth text from Alex, Kara groaned out loud.
You just lost shotgun privilege.
She just had to get there first.
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luthordamnvers · 3 months
1 for Mayhem fic & 9 for DEBS :)
1.Start to finish, how long did it take to plan and write? Did you take breaks during the process?
mayhem fic... it just downed on me that i wrote 3 fics for that... but i'm going to assume supercorp one... (tho i'll try to keep it from my pov, if snowy wants to do the game and add her experience) The idea had been in the idea doc for.... a while. So when we received the go ahead to cowrite for the event, we brainstormed a few ideas about what to write, I shared said doc with @snowydragonscave and she was immediately drawn to the soulmate trope, as she always wanted to write one. Still, I was in the middle of finishing my supercortober23 fic (mind you, it was mid-January) And my brain was still on that.. Still, I wrote 2 proposed outlines, one that was a single chapter, and the 3 chapter proposal that we ended up going with. This was my first co write, so honestly, I just wasn't sure about how it was going to work, and I have anxiety, so that was interesting. Snowy had been my editor for a while, so I wasn't necessarily nervous about writing with her, but more like the logistics of it. (we have 6+hours difference, so the overlap where we could actually write together was somewhat limited even without accounting for writers block and such) So, once I finished sctober in late February, we immediately jumped to mayhem. We decided for the 3 chapter thing, and the 3rd one being the true cowrite as it would be both characters and with the 2 previous ones giving us enough time to get into their mindset. Snowy is a Kara girl (in the sense that in my humble opinion, no other author in fandom describes her and her thoughts the way she does, that is so real and with such deepness, but i digress) so I proposed she'd take kara's chapter, as we had previously been talking about how she rarely writes AUs, and how she wanted to explore gender identity with Kara and some other things. And I was perfectly okay with exploring Lena's side of having 400 soulmates. There was a bit of miscommunication at the start, but again, my first cowrite and i'm pretty bad communicating stuff, but once we got over that it was a pretty smooth sailing. We felt incredibly bad for @rustingcat once she was assigned as our artist because we had... like 20k+ words and they hadn't even met so she had literally nothing to draw, but a ~vibe. Also, this fic kept expanding, and expanding, and yet we kept wanting to add more stuff that we felt was important. Like I wanted to keep exploring Lena's dynamic with Lex, and I had to actively restraint myself for adding more scenes about her relationship with both Jack and Andrea (like Lena's petty ass was going to tell her about meeting Andrea's soulmate during their fallout, if you know you know) But I had to remind myself that this was a supercorp fic, and thus they should be the focus. We published on May 31, I was done with chapter 3 by the 28th, Snowy still wanted to punch up stuff... all this to say.... around 3 months. We didn't take breaks, necessarily, but sometimes you need to take a step back (on said days, i wrote/drew the dansen one) And i kept fiddling with other programs to write... I wrote a lot of it by hand. So then I had to transcribe... it wasn't necessarily an easy writing, but I loved the journey and I'm pretty proud of the result.
9. Did you get stuck at any point? How did you get past that?
DEBS: Absolutely. It was my first fic, so sweet summer child me, really thought they could jot down a chapter a week, because chapter 1 and 2 were, all things considered, really fast and easy to write. Then i got to Chapter 4 and I always envisioned it as "dansen's chapter" and chapter 5 would be "nia's/brainia's chapter", I didn't found Alex or Nia's pov as easy to write as I found Kara and Lena's... And then I had to remind myself that this was a supercorp fic (do you see a trend here???) So I combined the two chapters, but then I found myself struggling with (now) chapter 5 because that was the smut chapter and.. turns out, I'm not very good at that. There was a month between chapter 3 and 4. And 2 months between each of the next 2 chapters. My saving was actually writing a different fic between chapters... I wrote self indulgence here, and I wrote my first dansen fic, i got pretty consistent and it worked for me. And then I hit six months between chapter 6 and 7/8. I got blocked, I wrote my first supercorptober because of that, to try and get out of it (also bitching about it on discord, that was important). i think it worked... though it took me a while to get back into that fic, but I was determined to finish it... I still have not been able to read it... hopefully soon.
Thanks for asking, dear 💜 tho I'm pretty sure you already knew all of this.
[ask game]
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innamorament0 · 11 months
20 questions game
Thank you, @luthordamnvers, for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
At this moment 9, though most of them are on hold and 1 is an art
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
206 916 at the moment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Supercorp with a dash of Dansen, Brainia and Rojarias as side pairings. No other pair had this much grip over me, so I would start writing fics for them. =D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
how to interrupt the spellcasting (Explicit, smut 1 shot) When you move, I'm moved (Explicit, Ice Dance AU, non-trad a/b/o, multichapter, ongoing) Cold never bothered me anyway (Explicit, smut 1 shot) When those walls come tumbling down (Mature (for now) post-season 6 canon compliant, my first work that I intend to rewrite because it's a mess) I hope you're the end of my story (Mature (for now) Cowboy Kara AU, non-trad a/b/o, on hold now, but I will finish it!)
yeah.... people like smut XD
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always reply! It may take me a day or two especially when I am busy at work but I read them and try to answer something more or less meaningful <3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am terrible at writing angst and all my fics ends well because I am a fluff-loving bitch =D
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have happy endings, but I think, the most satisfying is in I slithered here from Eden . Or I am just biased. But it's most domestic and hopeful.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Got some nasty comments, from some famous haters in a SC fandom
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
oh yes, that's my speciality XD Most of my fic contains explicit smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, not yet but I never say never!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I am not so popular too
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not officially, no, but I ran fics through the translator to read it many years ago when my English was worse.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not in the full meaning of this word, but I count my Beta as my co-writer because he does a lot of work to make it readable, because English is not my native language and the raw text is... terrifying not gonna lie.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Supercorp, I think they overshade all my previous favourite ships. But I can't say I love my other ships less, so <3 you Xena/Gabrielle, Sylvaina and Pharmercy!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I want to finish all my WIP's, I had a writing draught for a year because of an illness and now coming back to it and focusing on one/two at a time with the occasional 1-shot in the middle
16. What are your writing strengths?
I guess I am good at writing adventures ( thus I focus on action-heavy AU's) and smut. To be honest I needed to write smut first but I try not to seem too thirsty XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst. Idk, I just don't have a mental capacity for it I guess
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If we dismiss the fact that English is not my first or even second language, yes, I thought that when I will write Red Daughter I would write her dialogue in Russian ( which is another language I freely speak)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I never wrote for fandoms before, so my first texts were about my OC's
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I would say that it is From Eden . First of all it is full of action and I love writing combat scenes and adventures, second of all it was for SCBB and I never participated in anything like that so it added to the fun. And last - it is my only finished long work so I am kinda sorta proud of it =D
I think all writers I know are already tagged so I spread it to anyone who wants to fill it up! <3
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fazedlight · 1 year
RIFT FIC!!!!!!! :D
thank you for your lovely response and for science headcanon post, i especially enjoy when people take random bits of their own knowledge that isn’t so common (like the stable marriage/roommate problem you explained) and find a way to put that into their fics and headcanons. i actually laughed out loud when lena started talking mitochondrial dna in your fic (the not having any extra dna on hand bit made ZERO sense to me as well, especially since the show was written and aired after covid hit and every news program in the world had explained what PCR was ad nauseam). it just makes the world feel that much more real with these little details carefully thought through. excited for your other fics as well, both supercorp and otherwise!
i love how once you headcanon a character enough they will interrupt you to say ‘no, i wouldn’t do that, that makes no sense, i would do -this-‘ and completely derail what you had in mind for them also :D
and thank you for the encouragement re: posting fic!
follow-up question(s): have you ever contemplated the logistics of particular aus or crossovers? are there ships you are particularly fond of that aren’t supercorp? (whether shipping with kara/lena or any other characters)
👀 👀 👀
the show was written and aired after covid hit and every news program in the world had explained what PCR was ad nauseam
Oh my GOD!!! If I had been watching the show when it was airing, I think I would've actually gone insane about this 🤣
have you ever contemplated the logistics of particular aus or crossovers?
Hmm, I haven’t yet - I actually haven’t read many AUs in general, right now canon just has a grip on me that I can’t let go of!
are there ships you are particularly fond of that aren’t supercorp? (whether shipping with kara/lena or any other characters)
In Supergirl? Oh, plenty 👀
Brainia and Dansen are fantastic. I really wish Dansen had gotten more screen time.
For Lena (still with supercorp endgame): I headcanon Lena/Andrea in the past - I actually forget that it’s not canon, I cannot read the whole Titanic thing as anything but gay. I like Lena/Jack as a past ship, too.
For Kara (still with supercorp endgame): I think Kara/Lucy or Kara/Kate or Kara/Leslie all have potential, in that order. The LOSH movie gave me some affinity for Kara/Brainy, too, though I don’t really adopt that into the Arrowverse.
Non-supercorp non-canon ships: I like Imra/Gayle, Alex/Sam, Sam/Andrea, probably a few others that I'm forgetting...
For the most part, they don't kidnap my mind into creating a fic, but they're sort in the sea of tangent Supergirl thoughts (along with all the other scenes and snippets and story ideas... occasionally ideas in that sea start aggregating, and then I'm compelled to write a fic).
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God where do I even begin on 6x10? Random assortment of thoughts:
- I suppose it was Nia's turn to fuck up badly but she's so innocent about it I can't even be mad
- that PSA was hilarious but what's even funnier is the show trying to convince me that it's viewership is so high because of the message and not because of how awkward SG looked in it. Gen Z's are making TikToks out of that shit.
- also thinking about Nate from Legends screaming: I LIKE BROCCOLI!!!
- Kelly and Alex sparring? Give me that any day
- "get me on the ground" where was my chest to chest, panting in each other's faces and then full on macking and groping scene? Where was it?!?!?
- J'onn was pretty much useless in this episode
- Andrea made a 1 minute appearance but fuck did she imprint an image into my brain in that blouse. Holy shit
- can I just say that I'm actually digging the reporter colleague dynamic of William and Kara?
- but also I'm missing Kara being the wise sensei mentoring her student Nia. Like did the show forget that reporting was where Kara first started mentoring Nia? Not superhero shit!
- Orlando's speech was honestly the best part of this episode
- Nia's mom was so unhelpful. All that for what exactly? For her to point out how big Nia fucked up? We know goddammit. I'm glad the show is exploring Nia's hangups with her powers and her ability to make terrible choices but still.
- why is this show continuing to make Kara look like a complete idiot? That livechat was a trainwreck. Like the show does remember that Kara won a Pulitzer (tho for what idk because can't be the Lex expose this time)? A prize the likes of LOIS LANE has also won?
- citizen: *asks legitimate question*
kara: because....reasons!!!
- also kara acting like an expert on an issue she herself only became aware of five minutes ago? Sigh.
- does no one in this show have any level of general cynicism and suspicion? Or was that all used up on Lena in previous seasons?
- the Kelly screen time was down significantly in this episode and I'm not even sure why. What was it replaced with? I'll tell you: broccoli. They mention that fucking PSA every chance they get.
- the Nia scenes were so scattered and diluted, just like last week's
- NOBODY TOUCH MY CHAIR - god Brainy thank you for adding some gold to this episode
- since the tiger king looking people are back, does this mean that Kara remembers Nia and Brainy? Did anyone tell her about that time travel adventure? What info has and hasn't been shared?
- not that I want to see Lex but the way no one has even mentioned him in anyway since Kara's been back. Like does kara not want to know where this guy is so she can dangle him off a cliff and drop him?
- I guess we're done with the PZ trauma. The ice taking over the building would've been a perfect trigger for Kara since she talked about how the PZ literally felt like ice!!! How the fuck do you miss that opportunity???
- "only magic can defeat magic" so since Mxy obviously isn't sticking around until the end, I guess this really means Lena might be getting magic and I'm already tired
- but also, what I'm hearing is, Lena can protect Kara from pretty much everything she's vulnerable to and I think that's neat
- does Kelly not have military training tho? Even people not in the trenches have to go through training. They're acting like Kelly is some rando photojournalist with a flimsy blackbelt and no practical experience....oh wait
- Alex doesn't have powers, why do they talk as though she does? She has a shape shifting gaudy bracelet. That's it!
- Lena missing from this episode makes sense cuz she could've fixed the housing problem in 3 seconds flat
- Nia and Brainy in the same episode but no Brainia scenes? What even is this?
What can I say? The only positive here is that it continues from the previous episode and we got to see a little more Orlando. But everything else? The no Lena, the very little Andrea, the unsatisfactory Nia and her mom, that God awful PSA and even worse livechat, kara once again looking hella ignorant (you'd think after S4 she'd be so much more aware and skeptical)
Let's just say, I'm ready for Lena and doubles doubles and some random Newfie in what appears to be the same PZ cave Kara was in.
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oetravia · 3 years
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"So, you brought Nyxly out of the dream world, in exchange for seeing your mother?"
Every Brainia Scene Ever: 6x11 [4/14]
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
The GLAAD nomination
I’ve kind of kept out of this, other than a few posts, but I’m seeing some things that make me want to put down how I feel about it all, & I know others feel the same way.
Supergirl S5 for the LGBTQ representation was, to put it bluntly, absolutely fucking awful.
Saying that about the handing of the LGBTQ characters on the show, and the poor reflection, & therefore representation that brings, in no way diminishes the importance of the individual character representation. That means we can be happy as anyone for Azie, Nicole & Chyler, and celebrate with & for them, but equally be critical as to the why we don’t agree overall, when S5 was so bad.
If GLAAD are literally just going on the award on paper for the characters - then Supergirl has the right to be there. With not only Alex Danvers, but a Transgender hero & a Black woman - that sets them apart.
Even some episodes in S5 that they were involved in sets them apart, most notably Nicole’s episode. Why? Because as a household we face that kind of crap almost daily, so seeing Nicole being able to show some of what the transgender community faces was huge. If it’s on the merit of individual episodes, then Chyler & Azie had some great scenes, but that episode means Nicole should win it, hands down imo.
What doesn’t set Supergirl apart, is the rest of the failings around the LGBTQ characters & the LGBTQ audience in general.
Dansen had less 1 on 1 screen time over a 19 episode arc in S5, than they got in 6 episodes after Kelly was first introduced in S4. Hell, they barely made the minutes overall in S5 when others were on-screen with them compared to alone 1 on 1 screen time in S4. It was pitiful. No ifs, but or maybes.
Nia was - well, other than some Dreamer moments, pushed aside.
Don’t even start me on Brainia, because that one is exceptionally close to my heart. Why? As someone married to a transgender man, do you know how many times we have seen positive relationships like that on TV? Go on, I’ll wait for anyone to list it, it won’t take you long. And they had them break up! It doesn’t matter why, it happened. Boom, one area of hugely important rep for the transgender community pulled away as it barely started.
Kelly was missing for most of S5b, & until 5.18 you’d think she wasn’t even a main character for all you saw of her.
Alex at times was so ooc I wanted to scream.
And I don’t care if you hate Supercorp, the fact remains that Supergirl are & have blatantly queerbaited that fandom & this has been proven with parallels time & time again.
This queerbaiting got so bad, the Dansen Fans account actually had to Tweet out a link to The Trevor Project, because they had fans reaching out to them in crisis. Think about that. A fan account for a different ship, the canon ship - felt compelled to Tweet out for support to vulnerable SC fans, because of the way Supergirl handled things. The same thing happened when Chyler retweeted the Trevor project after Maggie left.
That is not a good sign of responsible representation towards your LGBTQ audience.
Look at Azie’s pinned Tweet! She knows. They all know.
That doesn’t mean though Azie, Chyler & Nicole can’t be proud of the characters.
For all of the positive ways Alex, Maggie, Kelly and Nia have helped the LGBTQ audience, Supergirl have undoubtedly caused harm to that same audience.
If you want to blindly celebrate & refuse to acknowledge the issues, you are merely allowing Supergirl to believe they can get away with the bare minimum.
Celebrate for Azie, Chyler & Nicole. I sure as hell do & will! They deserve it! Absolutely deserve it. Shit - the way they’ve risen above the crap & have shone is remarkable. They deserve so much recognition for it all.
But I’m also refusing to give Supergirl a free pass on the rest of it. Don’t use false equivalency to try & berate fans, who like me support the people who play the characters, & the characters themselves, yet refuse to allow the problems be ignored.
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korra-the-red-lion · 3 years
Supergirl 6x18: Truth or Consequences.
Hey y’all, it’s your girl Korra! There is only one week of Supergirl left and I’m not coping well with it, haha. This show...sigh, this show. I will always have a soft spot for it. I’m really going to miss it, warts and all. Alright, so how did this episode fair? Let’s find out, and as always, SPOILERS AHEAD.
The episode opens up with William telling the Superfriends about his secret meeting with Otis. This is setting up a few things right away. 1) William’s story this episode which we all know isn’t going to end well. 2) Alex’s story about her feelings about Esme. Not a bad way to start the episode.
Andrea leaked Lex’s journal to the media and put William’s name on it 💀. Understandably, Lex and William are both very upset. I did laugh when Nyxly said “they don’t even know me” when the reporters called her a psychopath haha. Girl, they don’t need to know you. You’ve caused so much damage to the city already.
William storms into Andrea’s office and rightfully chews her out for it. I think it was a little mean of him to compare her to Lex. William didn’t like working for Andrea, that’s been obvious since the beginning of this season, so I never understood why he didn’t just leave. Anyway, this speech right here...yeah, it’s his last hooray, so to speak.
I did love that Andrea spoke Spanish though. Points for that.
The Superfriends go to get the Totems from Nyxly and Lex. The action looks good but the CGI was a little wonky. Looking at this, I realized something. Brainy and J’onn both have been in make up more the last few episodes. I guess they’re using the budget for that instead of the CGI, which is fine lol. Just something that came to mind.
Brainy is talking to Winn but they didn’t want to pay Jeremy for voice work so instead it’s a bunch of moving lines lmfao. But Brainy’s face when he receives the news? OUCH.
Yet another Lexly scene. There are a lot of them this episode.
Alex and Kelly are cleaning Esme up after she blew up paint at the school because Chelsea was being rude to her. Girl, blow that paint up. Alex handles the moment really well and then we see the Love Totem mark on her skin. Uh oh. This is not a good thing.
THIS SCENE. F*ck. Last week I said I was worried that Brainy might be leaving at the end of the season to go back to the future and this happens!! UGH. I DIDN’T WANT TO BE RIGHT. I really, really, really, hope that they find a way that he can stay because I can’t handle Brainia breaking up in the finale. That would be way too sad. Jesse Rath also absolutely demolishes this scene. Ngl people, I cried. It was a lot. His “I AM A PART OF SOMETHING GREATER!!” hurts so damn much.
Not that I have a lot of hope for it, but there is a parallel between Supercorp here. Brainy looks at his phone in despair after future Brainy tells him he has to go back, and it’s a picture of Nia. Kara (or Lena, my memory is a little fuzzy on this) also did that at some point during s5.
Another Lexly scene. They go get the Truth Totem, which is hidden in the archives of the SG prop department lol. I honestly feeling like they were careful with the budget this episode because of the finale. Or at least I hope so.
Another parallel between Kara and Nyxly: Nyxly says she doesn’t want to be alone, not to be afraid that those who are close to her will betray her. Kara doesn’t want to be alone anymore and wants to be able to be herself. 
Danvers sisters are fighting. The thing is...Kara is only trying to help. This fight felt a little forced, in terms of I don’t think Alex would have been so defensive about this. I think this fight was supposed to be a build up for Kara’s identity reveal in the finale. Anyway, Kara and Alex both make some fair points, and again, I do feel like for the most part Kara is trying to help, but Alex gets angry and leaves, leaving Kara feeling guilty for her actions.
Nia is trying to locate Nyxly and the Totems, but ends up seeing Brainy’s time is coming to an end. You may have heard this a few times, but Jesse kills this scene. Nicole does too. This whole scene hurts. It was so well done.
So we’re 16 minutes into the episode and we’re having another Lexly scene. My biggest issue with this episode is exactly this. I don’t mind them. I even like that Lex isn’t taking over her as the villain. My problem is just that too much of the episode is focused on them, and building up their love story. You could have done this earlier in the season or something. It was just too much.
Andrea calls Lena, because the writers remembered they were friends lmao. Lena answers even though she’s supposedly busy. So they have a good conversation about why Andrea did what she did, and it was a good one to have. It just sucks that they could have been building up Andrea’s story this whole time but now it’s gonna be shoved into the last couple of episodes.
J’onn listens to Kara about why she is down about Esme and Alex. I’m glad that he does agree with her, but gently reminds her that they (Kelly and Alex) are her moms. I think this is good because it shows us that Kara did have good intentions and how hard it was being an alien.
I feel like Alex is a little short with Kara in this scene for no real reason. Like Kara is just saying not to cancel something because of this. Not a shining moment for Alex.
Kara and J’onn go the ship to get the Totems. Kara gets blasted by Lex and used TWO of her powers. I couldn’t believe it. She was a super badass this scene. Mitch attacks J’onn and he owns Mitch’s butt in like 10 seconds lol. Kara causes the ship to explode and they get the Totems! J’onn, who can fly through space, takes Kara back to Earth.
Esme wins the competition! William offers to babysit her so the others can party and I knew it was coming after this. My stomach dropped. It’s not a good feeling.
Alex and Kara make up and I’m glad. I still feel like the conflict was a little forced but overall it was well done. This conversation is really great and Melissa and Chyler kill it. I’m glad they had a heart to heart.
Lexly. Again. Nyxly realizes that she cares for Lex in this scene and they discover the Love Totem. I thought they were going to kiss and I’m so glad that they didn’t. Anyway, so they go to get the Totem.
So there’s a really fun Bachelorette party scene that doesn’t last very long. I did love the conversations they all had though, and the dancing was super fun. I just never want anyone to complain about the Flash Bachelorette episode to me every again lmfao. At least Iris and the girls got to be the focus.
Okay, before I really get into this, but why did J’onn not notice that they were at the Tower? So much for psychic overview. And William recorded this whole thing instead of calling for help??
Alright. So here is my biggest problem of the episode. We all knew William’s death was coming. Between the writing and BTS stuff, we knew. But I don’t care. I had no feelings when he died, and that’s on the writers. They introduced him as a douchebag at first, and claimed it was because he was undercover. Then had to turn around and make him into a nice guy. Then he was forced as Kara’s LI for a bit, which was horrible. That was all in s5. So s6 rolls around and I found him to be tolerable. He has a girlfriend now, and he’s just overall trying to be helpful while doing his job. But William had no real personality outside of that. With his skin tone we knew he was probably half Indian, but that was never mentioned until this episode. He was just the British baker who wanted to help. I’m not sad over his death. I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated that they killed him off, killed off yet another person of colour, when they could have just made him leave the show. His death was a plot device to motivate someone to finally get rid of Lex once and for all. William was a wasted character. All this time spent on him to make us feel bad really didn’t do much, so that was wasted time as well. Nothing about his death makes me happy or sad. I’m just angry at the writers.
The ending of the episode is good though. I do think they did a good job showing that the Superfriends cared about him. And obviously they’re worried about Esme as well. High stakes for the next episode.
Okay, so that’s it. I rewatched the episode and liked it a little better the second time. I still think that Lexly was just too much this episode, and William’s death was unnecessary. But overall, it sets some stuff up for the finale. It wasn’t a terrible episode, just not my favourite. Part of that is probably because I’ve been pissed about William’s dying for weeks now. Anyway, let’s see if the finale can pull this off. I really want SG to have a good ending. I think this season has been pretty fun for the most part. Way better than s5. If they stick the landing, I think SG will have a good rewatch value for me at least. But let’s see how it goes. Also, I’ll be doing episode 19 and 20 in separate posts because that’s gonna be a lot. 
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messyddl · 3 years
supercorp couldve went down as the biggest slow burn or the biggest queerbait and they chose queerbait like the homophobic fucks they are. yay to dansen & brainia endgame im so happy they decided to make brainia canon but come on.. you couldn’t add atleast another happy ship together? supercorp being canon is the bare minimum it wouldn’t affect you as much as it is now since you want to queerbait us on supercorps last scene together. and you couldnt elaborate on ‘lena luthor foundation’ or nias lgbt center?! all of those ads and you decide to waste our fucking time with some useless scenes than the meaningful ones? bringing back old characters that never mattered to the plot? the only thing that was good about the finale was cat grant coming back, dansen wedding + their vows (SO GOOD), brainia canon and possibly married in the future. and yet kara never got her perfect game night partner when lena was right there with her. also lets talk about the scene between supercorp where kara LITERALLY looked at lenas lips + said the word FRIEND?!?! (wasn’t needed at all) but the whole scene would’ve been perfect if they made supercorp kiss/endgame right there it would’ve been SOOOO perfect. the finale overall was OK for everyone but lena & kara. lena & karas was open ended + a whole lot more that i won’t get into..
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this interviewer biggest liar i know. katie mcgrath i love you but lies 😷
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a-lil-bi-furious · 4 years
Top 10 Ships Involving POC from 10 Different Fandoms
(Round Two!) Thanks for tagging me @welldressedllama
1) Nia Nal x Querl Dox (Brainia) - Supergirl
These two swiftly climbed my list of favorite ships. I think their dynamic is so sweet. They’re both such dorks but in different ways, and I love watching headstrong, outspoken Nia alongside brilliant, somewhat social-novice Brainy. I think they complement each other well.
Also, I think all the time about that scene in season 4 where Brainy is watching Nia’s interview and asks Lena, teary eyed, “What does love feel like?” Because it was Nia sharing herself with the world that cemented for him that he loved her. Their relationship is built on the both of them seeing one another for everything that they are and loving each other for it. And that’s beautiful.
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2) Sweet Pea x Fangs Fogarty (Swangs) - Riverdale
I’m hopeless. Anyway Toni/Sweet Pea/Fangs is the only main friend group I want from this awful show. Core Four is OUT, the Three Serpents are IN (and let Swangs officially date k thx). I just love the dynamic of the short sweeter one named after a sharp object and the tall violent one with “sweet” in his name.
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3) Maia Roberts x Simon Lewis (Saia) - Shadowhunters
They were really good for each other, and 100% they should have ended up together. (Though Jimon and that fucking “boop boop” get me every time...)
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4) Mason Hewitt x Corey Bryant (Morey) - Teen Wolf
They’re just so soft !! It was a hard choice between these two and Malira (or Scalira 👀). So many good options! But they win this round.
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5) Ximena Sinfuego x Calli Adams Foster (Calmena) - The Fosters
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 (couldn’t find a gif of them together, but...what a very non-platonic thing to say)
6) Victor Salazar x Benji Campbell (Venji) - Love, Victor
They had their impromptu dance party and I was a goner.
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7) Ellie Chu x Aster Flores (Ellster?) - The Half of It
This movie! This! Movie! We didn’t actually see a whole lot of Ellie and Aster interacting, but I love that their relationship is built on depth and mutual understanding and how this whole journey resulted in the two of them helping each other come to terms with who they are without actively trying to. (Aster didn’t even know she was writing Ellie until the end. And yet...)
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8) Octavia Blake x Lincoln Kom Trikru - The 100
A relationship built on valuing one another’s differences and learning to love by learning about one another and the cultural in-betweens? In a world where their people are planning to kill each other based on these differences? Yes, please. 
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9) Spencer James x Olivia Baker (Spelivia) - All American 
This one’s a new love for me. I was more for platonic Spelivia through my first watch, but now I dunno. 👀 And this whole dance sequence was hella cute!
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10) Claire Novak x Kaia Nieves (Dreamhunter) - Supernatural
Kaia (not dark!kaia) was in one (1) episode, and because Supernatural is allergic to anything but white men Claire isn’t in it a whole lot either. (The CW took one look at Wayward Sisters and said “nope. only toxic masculinity allowed in spn-verse”) BUT I loved every second they interacted on my screen. I fall too easily for the wlw.
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Bonus: Yusuf al-Kaysani (Joe) x Nicolò di Genova (Nicky) - The Old Guard
Here’s the deal....I really want to include them , but I must confess I still haven’t actually watched the movie. They’ve been high on my list of ships anyway for a while based on this quote alone: 
“He’s not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He’s the moon when I’m lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me even after a millennium. His heart overflows with a kindness of which this world is not worthy. I love this man beyond measure and reason. He’s not my boyfriend. He is all, and he is more.”
Tagging: @daughterofluthien , @sillyteecup , @spikeface​ , @19ninetyfive​ , @rhyslahey​ & @lightfiretomypaperwings​ to participate (if you want! No pressure at all, I just think these are fun!) 
For anyone else who wants to participate, I have good news: this is me tagging you. Go for it! (And please tag me, I would love to see :)
Round 1
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ovenproofowl · 3 years
At this point you’d think I’d be prepared for your tags on the Brainia scenes…apparently not because I was fully floored when reading your headcanon about Brainy giving Nia that scar.
It’s awful, it’s painful, but boy does it make sense! (How are there not more fics about that universe? It’s a goldmine of potential).
Anyway, thank you for my daily dose of heartbreak! ✌️❤️‍🩹
I'm always keeping ya on your toes!
I also started thinking about how Brainy might have come about injuring her like that. The obvious assumption might be that when he was first aligned, before Nia knew what had happened to him, perhaps he took her off guard. Maybe she came to save him from Lena, but it was already too late?
But then you still need to account for what he did to cause that sort of scar, because it almost looks like a partial sear on her skin.
Considering Brainy walks into that fight without a weapon, I'm working off the assumption that even aligned, he still relies heavily on hand-to-hand combat so, again, how could he possibly inflict that damage on Nia with only his fists?
Consider this: Brainy reflected Nia's own attack against him back towards her. Maybe he managed to redirect her lasso with just enough momentum to strike her right in the face, across her eye.
Brainy using Nia's own powers against her would be a betrayal of everything they had created together. Their romantic partnership as well as their superhero one. It'd certainly give Nia reason to believe Brainy was totally devoid of emotion, because he would never hurt her like that, never betray her trust like that, unless he was completley lost to her.
... And yet she never gives up trying to bring him back home.
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 years
Am I the only one that’s mad about the only Brainia moment in the courage totem episode being “I can’t wake Nia” but no scene of him actually trying? Cause like imagine how good that scene would’ve been.
He’s never not been able to wake her before; imagine how absolutely frantic he would be after the first few attempts giving him no response. You can see a little bit of that in the way he acts when he tells the others, but goddammit I would have adored watching that play out. I also wonder how long he was trying to wake her up before going to the others; probably a while, judging by how freaked out he looked that nothing had gotten her up.
Oh my god, I know! Brainy was so clearly distressed when he came out of the lift to explain what was going on, especially with the way he was fiddling with his ring before the doors even opened.
The fact Brainy was so concerned that he couldn't wake Nia implied that this was something he had normally been able to do 100% of the time. There are a lot of moments where Brainy is holding Nia as she comes out of a dream or hovering by her or being the first voice she hears and so, knowing all of that, it must have been terrifying to Brainy that nothing he normally did to wake her was working.
Nia being right there in front of him and yet being totally out of reach... how Brainy would have shifted from calmly trying to wake her at first, to alarmed when she wasn't waking, and then finally to frantic when he realised nothing he could do would wake her... the imagery alone is heart-breaking. Seeing it as a proper scene would have been so painful and yet so perfect. I really do wish we'd been able to see it. 😥
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shipping1addict · 3 years
This episode was really disappointing. I get that we already got an overload on supercorp scenes this season, but not even one moment between these two?
Honestly, I agreed with myself that if this episode wouldn't start hinting at supercorp in a maintext way, there wouldn't be a chance in the slightest, for them being endgame. But this episode was also some form of "emotional border" to the last two episodes, so it kinda feels natural that all the endgame stuff happens after.
Like, we have Brainy deciding to travel back to the future, the whole drama with Kara and her "advise", Esme getting kidnapped and William being dead.
On the positiv side, we also have the dansen bachelorette party. So that's at least something.
Those are all emotional plot points that need to get a conclusion. And they likely will. We don't know yet what happens on the brainia front, but Karas worries will likely end up being related to her courage gauntlet/ truth gauntlet. Esme is of course getting saved and we already know that Williams funeral will be highlighted by building a school (?) in his name.
Also the dansen wedding, if we're adding the positive side of that too.
So it's probably the last episode (maybe even the epilogue of the whole series) that all the things might be getting closure. And that might the the time we're getting a hint of supercorp.
I'm gonna be real and say, that we know this show. We've been knowing this shit show for years now and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. Supercorp is probably not gonna happen and this episode showed us just that.
That said, I'm still a clown and there is even an explanation and theory to my feelings, as shown above.
So do with that what you like.
I'm gonna head out, concentrate on shows that aren't as frustrating and try enjoy the finale. After all there is no supergirl anymore after next week.
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tht-lesbian-fangirl · 4 years
Do you ever 100% have those days when you believe supercorp is in fact canon in all the ways compared to the het tropes? But there’s the thorn on your side that’s “waiting” on everybody behind the show to “confirm” what we’ve been saying and preaching for years now? And if it highkey comes down to the show pulling a catradora on us with supercorp I’ll be totally fine with it because I’ll just take that as a big fat “I told you so” to the haters. Analysis GO OFF 😚
Dude, you have no idea how many little break downs I have every once in a while because I just feel so confident that Supercorp will happen! Everything in the Supercorp-specific writing, music, cinematic tropes, actress choices, etc. has shown that Kara and Lena will and should be canon. Look, I’m in graduate school for psychology and I haven’t taken a film class in my life. I’ve never even been a big “shipping” person. But I watched Supergirl live all throughout undergrad, often with my straight friends (who were less into the show) and even they noticed all the things that we "delusional" fans discuss.
Iconic Superhero/Love interest tropes
The Hero having to choose between saving their LI or kids/city/world, but miraculously save both. May I present Exhibit A:
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The LI standing between the Hero and their one weakness: literally every time Lena has built anti-kryptonite suits, protected Kara before she knew her identity, and specifically Exhibit B:
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Dramatic saves of the LI: I present the longing looks mid-rescue for Exhibit C:
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The Hero running flying toward certain death to save their LI: Kara disregards a kryptonite bomb in Exhibit D:
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The LI being the last to know the hero's identity, but Hero will still risk their identity to save the LI: Everyone say hello to Exhibit E:
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The Hero finding strength from their LI: the CW sure loves using El Mayarah in Supercorp posts! And social media aside, we've seen how confident and strong Lena makes Kara, both in dialogue and visually. (And it's a bonus that Kara makes Lena stronger too!)
Everything with food
Kara literally referred to food as a love language when talking to Nia. Only an episode or so away from bringing Lena food from 3 different countries. And let’s remember how Kara offered to fly to Italy for her first date with James...
Kara also always brought Lena food, even before season 5. That was their Thing.
We also have to talk about the absences of food: Kara dropping potstickers at Pulitzer ceremony when she sees Lena and not accepting Dansen’s invitation to get food after her falling out with Lena.
It was established all the way back in Season 1 (very much so in the fun Flash crossover) that Kara thinks food is more important than everything and will often use it as a coping mechanism when she’s sad (like in Season 2/3 about Mon). Yet, she’s so devastated over Lena that she can’t even eat her favorite foods? Interesting.
Color schemes and certain shots
The red/blue color scheme consistently used with Supercorp, with exception to the purple tones used in Season 5 to represent their conflict.
No other love interest for Kara has consistently used that iconic Super/LL color palet. Not James, Mon, William, or the two episodes with Adam.
I'd like to specifically remind everyone how Kara chose to wear purple with William, against Alex's explicit advice.
There are always lighting choices made with Supercorp shots. No other duo (besides dramatic Danvers sisters shots) seem to have such artistic care.
Do I even need to mention the balcony scenes? Both at the Pulitzer Ceremony and in scenes from multiple seasons where Kara has hovered over Lena's balcony-- most notably in 5x03.
Like seriously, do I need to mention the scene from 5x08 where Kara and Lena are looking longingly at the same picture of the two of them?
If I know anything as a musician, I know scores. And Blake Neely has created certain melodies just for Supercorp saves. There’s the typical “Supergirl hero” melody, but it’s rarely used for scenes with Lena (besides the one instance in 5x07 cliff scene, when Neely combines the Leviathan theme with the Supergirl theme).
If you want to listen to examples: the brief save in 2x15 and the plane save in 3x05. Both melodies are unique, unreleased scores that (to my musical knowledge) have not been repeated with other Kara rescues. 
Also, can we talk about how Supercorp has their own heroic theme, composed specifically for the 100th episode? Played by a live orchestra? For the one AU where Kara and Lena were partners from the start?
Decisions made by Melissa and Katie
We know they've known about Supercorp since at least the end of Season 2. Melissa showed Katie and they've been aware for years.
Yet, they play into the Supercorp dynamic. Longing stares, giggly dialogue, tear filled eyes, etc.
Regarding Melissa specifically: for her directorial debut she made two significant decisions. 1. She chose to have a camera pan over the room during Lex's speech, showing only Lena noticing Kara leaving and upset. 2. She dressed Lena in two comics Lois Lane outfits, one of which in red to parallel Kara's blue.
Melissa also has played Kara's interractions with Lena very similarly to how she played the Kara/James dynamic in Season 1. Something she chose not to do with Mon or William. But let's get into my next point...
Direct parallels with heterosexual superhero couples most on the CW
This includes Westallen, multiple iterations of Clois, Olicity, WonderTrev, Karolsen, PeterMJ, Deckerstar, Brainia, SpiderGwen, Lanolsen...need I go on??
On my blog, I have them tagged as: supercorp and hetero hero parallels
Individual ships are tagged as: [couple]/supercorp (ex. clois/supercorp)
Apologies for just giving links, but damn if I wrote all of the parallels out then it would probably take days and this post would be absurdly long.
And let’s not forget all the parallels Supercorp has with canon w/w
This includes Korrasami, Catradora, Clexa, Dansen, Avalance, Harlivy, Sanvers, etc.
I have these examples tagged similarly to the het examples: supercorp and canon sapphic parallels (same with individual ones)
You’ll notice there are actually more posts and parallels between Supercorp and het couples (the couples that most non-LGBT fans think of as more valid lmao), so take that as you will🙃
Despite the mistreatment of Supercorp fans, and LGBT fans in general, by some actors and crew, and despite the tone deaf plot lines and usage of characters, Supercorp has consistently held up with all of my points stated above. That's why I still have days where I can just feel it in my bones that Supergirl is playing the slow burn game with Supercorp. It clearly won't be as well-done as Catradora, because of how much sh*t they've pulled over the seasons. But just like you, I have days where I get strong feelings that maybe it’s all part of their poorly thought out plan and we’ll get that validation and happiness.
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Oh yes I agree with the other anon, these days they are doing it purposefully and fill SG tags with Lena or Katie, they just want to prove to everyone that Katie is the reason SG is running yet blame other actors when raring goes down. Lena was there in last episode and after not seeing her in Midvale episodes shouldn't be the views gone up? Instead it hit series low, so why didn't the audience tune in to watch the show for Lena? 🤣🤣 after missing her for two episodes. Eventhough Lena was tending in SM ratings hit low? So Trending doesn't mean shit. It means you are obsessed with Lena, that's all. General audience didn't give a fuck about her presence. So next time don't brag about Lena is trending blah blah because it means nothing!!
Also yes, they badly want Katie to be with a woman. It's not just Mel. They ship Katie with any woman that stands next to her. It will continue in the next show Katie gets cast. Whoever gets close to Katie in the next show she has been cast, they will ship that woman with Katie.
SC stans don't care about Kara or Mel. They just pretend like they do.. and after asking for Nia and Briany character development they were only tweeting about Lena comparing her with Kenny in the Midvale episodes ( she wasn't even in those Midvale episodes). They were foaming at their mouth terrified at the idea of Kenny being Kara's endgame. So all they did was call Kenny, the male version of Lena.
It's not just this, whenever there is a dansen, brainia scene all they do is compare their scenes with supercorp. They don't care about Nia, briany, Alex, Kelly. The sudden affection for Kelly is because they don't want William to take up the screentime.
Even after all this it's funny how threatened they are by the mere presence of William. Weren't you all bragging that Katie/Lena is the reason SG had 6 seasons? By this logic SC should have happened long back since only Lena stans are watching SG (According to SC stans)
Well, I guess you hit all the nails. 
But the saddest thing is, even after sg ends they will still shit on Chris and I think they will show their true colors and start hating more openly on Mel too. I hope I’m wrong, but...
Also, I’m sorry anon, I know I answer super late, but this message didn’t show in my in box, only after I got a notification on my email for some submission and clicked a link, beside the submission post I saw all old posts. Like? No idea why did it happen, but sorry!
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It's actually crazy when you think about Lex and Nyxly having an entire epic romance off-screen, in the future, and yet that's plausible enough for them to be canon.
It's actually crazy that William and his lady doctor got together in the span of what I'm assuming is a handful of weeks, prior to which he was being a creepy stalker to Kara and quoting shit she said to Supergirl unprompted. But that's totally fine too.
It's actually insane that James spent an entire season bad-mouthing and believing the worst in Lena (when he didn't even know her), going out of his way to prove that Lena is evil (his canon words and behaviour). But one self-less act (him taking a bullet for her when I'm sure James would've done it regardless because he's desparate to be seen as a hero) and one shared look is enough for a romantic relationship to form. The lack of chemistry, only one heartfelt scene when James opens up about racism he's faced and that was enough for this ship to set sail.
It's crazy how supercorp has had 5 years of gazing, instant and compelling chemistry, supporting each other, angst and heartbreak, extreme protectiveness, manic jealousy, rebuilding, subconscious leaning and lip biting, constant orbiting. Kara literally lighting up and wagging her imaginary tail when Lena enters a room. Lena sharing intimate things with only Kara even though she knows she has equal support from Brainy and Nia in particular.
It's crazy how the show itself has proven time and again that they are stronger together, that they (and the world) would be lost without each other. That Lex can only be stopped when Kara and Lena are united against him.
It's honestly crazy how Supercorp has all this development. It's crazy how their scenes in S6 alone have been more romantically coded than Brainia, an actual canon couple.
But yea, they're just friends. Now that is crazy.
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