#yet wants me to be super high energy when they share stuff with me
swagging-back-to · 3 months
people who put zero effort into their responses when you stop wasting your time on them
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Can I request 1. "Can you hug me" and 8. “Are you kidding me? I love cuddles” with Jake, if they haven't been asked yet? If they have, or just don't sit with you right, then just ignore this. Thank you in advance!
Hello love! Thanks for requesting. It's a bit sorter than what i planned but, it's cute! Here you have the result ❤️
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warnings: uranium mission stuff, the usual.
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jake Seresin hates cuddles. 
Not only cuddles, but any form of physical contact is not for him. Why would he spend hours lying on a sofa cuddling someone? What could he get out of it? It was something hard to understand for Jake. 
But there was something he didn’t think about. 
It’s not the act of cuddling, it’s the person you’re cuddling with. He didn’t understand what that meant, because all the relationships he had were one-night stands… He never had that kind of relationship where you let your walls down long enough to show them the most vulnerable side of your soul. Cuddling is about intimacy, and that’s why Jake hates it so much. 
No one stayed long enough for him to actually let his walls down. 
Maybe he doesn’t hate it. Maybe he just craves it so damn much that it makes him mad. 
You are the last to arrive at Top Gun. You get there two days after the team has started working on the mission. You weren’t called in the first place because, as a wizzo, you don’t get deployed unless your pilot does too. But when you got called back to Top Gun to be the temporary WSO of a pilot, you didn’t think too much about it and packed your things. 
Little did you know that the pilot was the one and only Hangman. 
The guy you’ve been crushing on for like... forever. 
It’s gonna be super fun. 
“Pops, are you okay?” 
It’s been a hell of two weeks, and preparations for this mission are exhausting, to say the least. Your body is not getting used to the high Gs, and it’s more than probable that you and Hangman are gonna end up flying this mission. 
Even if that means that you’re gonna end up passing out in the back seat. 
“It’s Poppy, not Pops.” You retort, looking up to see him approaching and standing next to your bed. “Look, I don’t have the energy to deal with your sarcastic ass today.” 
Jake sits in the bed next to you, a soft look on his face. “Hey, you know I’m not like that. I’m genuinely worried about you.” 
“This mission… It's a lot, Jake. I’m not sure I’m ready for this. I shouldn’t be here.” 
Jake sighs, scratching the back of his neck. “Look, I know I’m not the best with words, but you deserve to be here because you are one hell of a wizzo and your aim skills are outta this world.” 
You look at him, feeling the tears in the corner of your eyes. “You’re saying that just to make me feel better.” 
Jake scoffs. “Trust me, I don’t know how to make people feel better.” 
"So far, it's working," You mumble while staring at him, with a request pleading to be said, on the tip of your tongue. You shake your head and start unlacing your boots. 
“Say it.” 
You frown, raising your head again. “What?” 
“You want something. Say it.” 
“Can you hug me?” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. 
“You want me to hug you?” He repeats, as if just the thought of you wanting a hug from him were absolutely unbelievable. 
“Oh, yeah… You’re not a fan of cuddles. Forget I said anything.” 
Here it is. The opportunity Jake had been waiting for since he met you. The opportunity to become closer to you, to let the walls down, and, if he’s lucky and you share the same feelings he has, to start something with you. 
He can’t fuck it now. 
“Are you kidding me? I love cuddles. Move over.” 
“You’re serious?” 
“Dead serious.” He pats your leg to make you move, and lies down with you, opening his arms for you to cuddle in his chest. 
It takes you a second to find the perfect position, and you swear you’ve never felt more comfortable or safer in the world than here at this moment. 
“I might fall asleep.” You mumble, inhaling the minty essence of the pilot. 
“You could use a nap. I’ll stay here until you wake up.” He promises, his fingertips drawing circles over the free skin of your arm. 
“You’re not as bad as they say, Jake.” 
“I’m good, Poppy. In fact I’m too good to be true.” He remarks with a grin, chuckling when you slap his chest playfully. 
“Shut your mouth, Hangman.” You roll your eyes before closing them, rapidly drifting off to dreamland. 
“Yes ma’am.” He stops talking, but in his mind doesn’t stop running around with thousands of thoughts and ideas and all of them have something in common. 
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kustas · 3 months
For the silver eve arc in wha , what did you envision or think it would be like in comparison to other anime arcs , episodes or anime movies & manga? Or in other words could u share more on what energy/pacing/direction/visuals you wanted to see? Hope this makes sense !
Hi anon! Thank you for asking! Earlier arcs in WHA were super short, only a few chapters long, around an arc or two per volume when the transition was mid volume. Honestly, I have mixed feelings about arc structures in the first place because of stories like early WHA - "arcs" only feel like distinct, strong parts for specific long and often shonen type series. It seems like with the evolution of the story and stakes in WHA it's transforming into this. Because arcs are convenient I'll keep using them to answer though!
Purely in matters of what I like, raising the stakes is a problem. It's entirely subjective but I personally care less and less about stories the higher the stakes are. I like narratives centered around a small group of individuals and if it involves worldbuilding I like the worldbuilding to be expressed through everyday interactions. This is something early WHA excelled at and who continues to be a strong point in the series. The author has crafted a believable, engaging fantasy world who's intricacies are shown through personal problems first, before reattaching them to societal problems second. Instead of showing you it's witch society through grand info dumps of historical moments, you learn about it alongsides a little girl who's fascinated by the world the same way the reader can be.
What I thought the Silver Eve would be was a step back from the currently established factions (the atelier, the knights, iguin's brimmed caps) to consider the greater picture of how witches interact with outsiders. The arc was introduced by Tartah's proposal for a stand and the arrival of the Three Wise at the King's castle. I was expecting those two POVs to cover the duration of the festival: on one side, the atelier girls selling their wares and on the other the politicians organizing it all. Both were to answer the question raised with the phantasmal flame chapter: how do you regulate how to use magic? Outsiders want magic which and it is up to the witches, who's faction chose to control it exclusively, to decide how to distribute it. And from this stems the questions of corruption (Engendil), control (king vs Wise), poverty (Custas), yadda yadda.
This hyped me up a lot because it's an amazing opportunity for more worldbuilding including a major city we hadn't seen yet, politicians we hadn't seen yet and their POVs and outsiders! Asides of the first chapter with Coco, Custas&Dagda were pretty much the only outsider characters and their life conditions were pretty extreme. This arc promised to me to show way more "normal" magicless people and their associated takes on the witches. Think the chapter where Oru and Hiehart go to work and help both the nobleman and the poor kid. It also immediately started with teasing the king had other bigger plans, as well as introducing a potential new faction or brimhats with Ininia and her master. This was around chapter 40-45.
A few chapters later none of this was resolved at all. We still don't know what the king wants, or Restys. The subplot with Custas is without a resolution. To this kept being added more backstory material fleshing out more characters (don't like that either but it's a whole other can of worms) which usually prepares you for their big time of relevance but uh. That did not happen. Instead we have: the leech.
That leech was, imo, entirely unnecessary. It dropped at a moment where the stakes were already at an all time high with all old and new factions involved in a single event, at the same time, something the story had thus far entirely avoided with smaller more separate arcs. And it ballooned all stakes to city ending mass massacre stuff without resolving any of the established issues. I...don't thing WHA needs giant monsters. It's a story about a little girl learning things in a society she's uniquely placed to see the unfairness of. I like how human it is and I don't think kaiju battling will contribute to that. The human scale is literally and figuratively gone with something like that.
Pacing wise, I'd have liked for all those little individual groups of characters to continue being individual and indirectly influence each other via their role in society. I'd have wanted for subplots to be closed off one by one or allowed to bait for next story beats like was done before. I'd have kept the blood eating monster a small one off incident way further that'd have to be solved by a crew of characters. While not all subplots need final closure the earlier arcs did a great job of addressing a situation and moving on from it in 3-10 chapters. The silver eve isn't over and it's length is approaching to be longer than the rest of the arcs combined.
Visually, while the outfit and world designs continue to go hard, I dislike how the character art has simplified away from a semi realistic take to smoother, more ... "moe" characters. It's more conventional and I don't like it. I like my characters to look distinct and this includes the little everyday traits that are dismissed by many authors for not being conventionally attractive. While WHA makes a visible effort to be inclusive it's the unfortunate reality that while the author can draw old people, fat people, people with all skin tones and all sorts of scars and stubble she...does not. I want to see it more. I would have liked to see it from day 1 actually, instead of having extras like the adult woman helping the leech victims sporting those one off designs, I'd have wanted Qifrey or Olruggio to have her look. It's too late for this and I hope it gets slowly changed with how the series continues and grows.
I don't really read a lot of long manga and nearly don't watch anime so I can't compare much to other media, I hope otherwise I've answered your question and don't hesitate to ask me again if I haven't or if you want further details!
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darkstar225 · 11 months
Twice's 10th member has to go on a hiatus
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys lol! Sry for taking so long to post but the end of the semester is a whole event for me :D I hope that my friend ECKEYYY that gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: so this request super random, I was listening to this song (Promise by TWICE) and what if Reader went to hiatus due to mental health during Ready To Be era. Because Reader just only 17 year old so the members and fans don't know when will Reader coming back and what if Reader surprised them during their last concert in America. I just need you to make me crying xx
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The dimly lit dressing room was filled with bittersweet anticipation as the members of TWICE prepared for their last concert in America during the Ready To Be era. Their energy was a mix of excitement and sadness, as they knew it marked the end of a chapter in their journey as a group. However, one lingering question weighed heavily on their hearts, when would Y/N, their beloved 10th member and youngest, return from her unexpected hiatus?
It had been several months since the maknae had taken a break from the group due to her struggles with mental health. At just 17 years old, the pressure of their rigorous schedule had taken a toll on her, and the decision to go on hiatus had not been an easy one. The members understood and respected her need for time and space, but the uncertainty of her return left an ache in their hearts. As they gathered for a group hug before heading out on stage, they couldn't help but wonder if they would ever perform together as nine again. They had missed their angel dearly during their tour, and her absence was a constant reminder of the importance of mental health care. In the audience, the fans were also anxious and hopeful. Their love for Y/N was unconditional, and they yearned for her to come back stronger than ever. Signs and banners expressing their support for the young idol were held high, forming a sea of love and encouragement.
As TWICE's concert began, the energy of the crowd was electrifying. The members poured their hearts into each performance, their love for their fans evident in every move they made. The vibrant atmosphere warmed the room, yet a small void remained, the absence of TWICE's honey, the missing piece of the puzzle. Backstage, the other members took turns checking their phones, hoping for any news from their girl. Yet, there was still no sign of her. The uncertainty weighed heavily on their minds, but they knew that pressuring her to return before she was ready would do more harm than good. In the midst of the concert, as the members sang their hearts out, a familiar voice echoed through the hall, but it was not on stage, it came from a video message displayed on the giant screen behind them.
Y/N - Hello, ONCE! I hope you're all enjoying the concert. 
As Y/N spoke with her voice filled with sincerity, the crowd erupted into cheers and tears welled up in the members' eyes as they turned to see the video message.
Y/N - I miss you all so much, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there in person. But I promise, I'm getting better each day. 
The audience fell silent, hanging onto every word as the girl shared her struggles and her journey toward healing. Her vulnerability touched the hearts of everyone present, as they realized the toll the industry could take on young artists.
Y/N - I want to thank all the ONCEs for your endless support and love. It means the world to me, and I promise to come back stronger than ever.
As the video ended, the crowd erupted into cheers once more, chanting the youngest's name. The remaining members embraced each other, tears streaming down their faces. The weight of uncertainty had been lifted, replaced by hope and determination. The concert continued with a renewed energy, each song now carrying an even more profound meaning. The audience sang louder and danced with more vigour, and the members performed with all their hearts, knowing that TWICE's angel was watching and cheering them on. However, as the concert reached its climax, the stage fell dark for a moment, causing the crowd to fall silent. The members exchanged worried glances, unsure of what was happening. Then, a spotlight illuminated the centre stage, revealing Y/N standing there, a smile stretching across her face.
Gasps and tears filled the arena as the members rushed to Y/N, embracing her tightly. The crowd erupted into cheers, and the maknae's eyes glistened with tears of joy.
Y/N - I'm back loves!
The members and fans surrounded her with love and warmth, expressing their joy and relief at her return. Her journey had not been easy, but it was evident that she had emerged stronger and more resilient than before. For the rest of the concert, the stage belonged to all nine members once again. Their bond was unbreakable, and the love they shared was palpable. Every moment was filled with happiness, and the fans' unwavering support made it all the more special. As the final notes of their last song resonated through the venue, the members held hands, forming a tight circle. Tears streamed down their faces, but they were tears of gratitude and love. As the leader, Jihyo was the one to give a speech. 
Jihyo - Together, we are TWICE, and together, we will face whatever the future holds.
The girls nodded in unison, their hearts overflowing with love for each other and their fans. The concert was not just an end, it marked a new beginning, a promise that they would continue to support and care for one another, no matter what challenges lay ahead. As the lights dimmed, and the members took their final bow, they felt a renewed sense of purpose. The journey of TWICE and Y/N was far from over, but they knew that with the love and support of their fans and each other, they could face anything that came their way. With that, the girls looked around and could only have one thought:
We are proud of our chosen family.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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emometalhead · 8 months
Aftershock Day 2 Recap:
Yesterday was incredibly awesome and incredibly hot. It was 95°F/35°C, and I definitely felt like I was dying at some points, but it was entirely worth it.
We started off the day by seeing Fire From The Gods. I don't know their music super well, but I've enjoyed everything I've heard. They were great live! The singer's microphone was cutting out through the first couple songs, but after they resolved that issue the show was great!!
Next up was Memphis May Fire. They were SO GOOD!! I am really sad that we only caught about half of their set, but we wanted to get close for The Hu. They were the first band of the day to have pyro, and in addition to the good music that was cool to watch! Some bands struggle live, but these dudes sounded even better than on recording!!
This was my second time seeing The Hu, and it was even better than the first. Last time they were on one of the small stages, but this time they were on the big stage with a huge crowd! The crowd was super into the show, and there was lots of chanting. The band has such a cool vibe. Their energy is amazing, and I'm grateful to have witnessed it again. On another note, I've never seen so many crowdsurfers get dropped 😭. Idk why people kept trying after seeing so many people go down 😭.
We hung back in the shade for Skillet's set. I love Skillet, but we were all so damn hot that we needed a breather. I sat in the shade and vibed. They were fun just like last time! Plus I got to hear Psycho In My Head for the first time! We did end up leaving their set early to head over to Bad Omens.
Bad Omens had a huge crowd by time we got over there. It was so stinking hot, but I was jumping as soon as the first song started. It was so much fun!!! They are incredible live. If you don't listen to this band yet, check them out!! It was funny when the band came out, because they were all wearing black hoodies and masks. The crowd was like "they're going to die if they try to keep that on" lol.
I'm not lying or exaggerating when I say that seeing Limp Bizkit live was a highlight of my life. Their set was so damn fun. The energy was so high. A very high percentage of the crowd had never seen them live before, so we were all keeping each other hyped through this shared experience. Words can't describe how much fun I had during Nookie lol. Also they started AND ended the set with Break Stuff. It was awesome! Fred Durst was dressed as a cowboy, and did some weird hip thrusting dances lol. At one point the crowd chanted "no", and he asked if we were calling him a hoe. He also requested that no one flash their boobs because he is "allergic".
Holy cow Godsmack did not disappoint!! This was my second time seeing them, and I had a blast. I was jumping and headbanging like crazy the entire set. My friend and I managed to get really good spots. We could see the stage, and we still had space to move around + jump! They always put on such a great show. I also got horns from an older metalhead, and that was super cool. At the beginning of a song, I screamed really loudly and started jumping. This older woman looked at me, smiled, and put up horns.
My brain is kind of mush. I am very tired, but incapable of sleeping in beyond 7:30 lol. I am having the best time despite the exhaustion and heat though!!! The first picture is my wristband + bracelets I was given. My aunt made the FOB one, and one of my friends made the Aftershock one. Both glow in the dark!!! The next two pictures are Limp Bizkit. When the band came onstage, they had "nu metal cowboy" on the screen, then Fred Durst came out wearing a cowboy outfit 💀. The last picture is from Godsmack's set.
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shouta-aizawow · 2 years
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
I’m not gonna talk much about writing or the content these people create bc I’d never finish but:
@ihavenomoralsss You’re so strong in your beliefs and give peak protagonist from normal life being thrown into a fantasy novel vibes. You make me want to work harder (and be cooler), and not care about what others think.
@candleshopmenace You’re extremely passionate and your high energy pumps me up immensely. I love how intensely you support your friends, it’s super admirable.
@moli776 You’re very funny and thoughtful and I really enjoy whenever I get the chance to talk with you. I love seeing how you branch out and aren’t afraid to share your thoughts.
@i-want-to-rye I’m so proud of your growth and how you strive to do better. You’re super funny and extremely sweet and seeing you on my dash makes me happy.
@yeeterboi420 I absolutely love how you share your interests and likes, because you always have something meaningful to say. Seeing you talk about thinks you enjoy and drop fun facts during conversations never fails to make me smile. You’re such a bright spot in my life, and I find myself more excited about things because of you.
@thetrashthatsmilesback Your info dumps give me life. You never fail to teach me things I’d never known, and your passion for these topics and humor makes me even more interested in what you have to say. You never need to apologize for it, everyone loves it.
@dollsmyname We are the same person. For real though, you’re awesome. You’re so thoughtful in everything you do, and you’re always willing to throw hands for us when we’ve been wronged. You explain things so well and make me feel so accepted.
@ride-the-dinos You’re so incredibly hardworking, you inspire me to do better. You’re so cool and I think you’re an extremely admirable person. You’re definitely a protagonist in a zombie apocalypse movie. A leader and a friend through and through.
@notw1ththatatt1tude You’re so helpful and kind, and I know I said I wouldn’t mention content, but you brought so many of us together with The Kids Will be Alright Eventually, and in doing so, I’ve felt more supported than I ever had.
I tried my best to not repeat stuff too much, but all of y’all are so great and my vocabulary is so limited. I’m happy I met you guys!!! This is nowhere near a complete list, there’s so much more people I appreciate in this fandom, but my brain only has capacity for so much (yet as I type this, I keep thinking of more and more people ;~;)
I don’t want to @ you guys without having a paragraph, though, and with some, I can’t remember or don’t know the @. It wouldn’t be fair. Just know that if I follow you, you make my fandom experience better, and I enjoy speaking to you and seeing your posts immensely. If you follow me, you also make my fandom experience better. Y’all are all awesome 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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brattata · 2 years
AHH u dont know how happy i am to see an alphabet type of fic that isn’t exclusively nsfw, ty so much for doing something so nice!! may i request a matchup for jujutsu kaisen?
- i'm 18 & my pronouns are they/she, and i prefer men
- i space out a lot & tend to be quiet (not shy) but when i start talking i turn waay loud, i tend to dramatize small things but then have a stoic attitude towards big/unexpected stuff. i can be passive-aggressive a lot of times & show fondness by teasing/being a little shit. I plan a lot for the future and am internally organized.
- some positive attributes are: giving my undivided attention when listening (being quiet plays a huge role in this), my friends say i’m generous & go over the top when giving but definitely not with my food(unless i REALLY love u), i never lash out on anybody no matter the intensity of my emotions & distance myself before conversing, i’m pretty solid with keeping secrets & promises to others (not with myself tho-).
- negative attributes are: i overthink a lot & almost never share anything about it i can’t pry the energy out to explain most of the time, i’m generally very distant even when i’m in a good headspace and this often sends mixed signals, i’m very pessimistic, i have trouble opening up.
- i really love cooking & baking (biggest stress repellent), i often draw my recipes so it's easier for me to know what i’m making, i also read & write in my free time too!!
- i don’t have many dislikes but maybe not being listened to, and a dealbreaker would be if the person can get controlling bc i don’t like it when my plans/goals are disrupted.
- zodiac signs would be: gemini sun, aries moon, virgo rising, and gemini venus. and my love language is physical affection, quality time and absolutely spoiling with gifts!
- the letters i’ll pick would be: O, W, R
ty so much again!!
🦇 anon
You're very welcome, and thank you for joining the event! I've gotta admit, I do mostly write smut these days, but it's really nice to write some good old fluff sometimes too. ☺️
Anyway, I think you would pair really nicely with…
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Inumaki Toge!
The quiet yet chaotic couple. 😽 You both choose your words carefully (in his case because he has no choice 😅) and are unexpectedly fond of being teasing little shits. You’re very attentive and he’s very experienced with non-verbal communication, so you’re able to understand each other even when other people can’t. He appreciates your organization and forward thinking, and finds your dramatic tendencies adorable. And even if he can’t easily say how much he cares about you, he’s a very reliable, loyal, and comforting boyfriend when you’re feeling especially pessimistic.
O is for On Cloud Nine
He’s not super outwardly expressive, so the changes brought by being in love are pretty subtle to someone who doesn’t know what to look for - especially since that high collar is pretty good for hiding a blush. It’s a good thing one of your love languages is physical touch, because that’s the easiest way for him to express himself - being near you as much as he can, resting a hand on your shoulder or waist, etc. Maki and Panda will obviously give him so much shit for hooking up with a senpai. 😂
R is for Romance
Since Toge can’t exactly spout poetry to you or even just simply tell you he loves you, he has to get creative with the romance. Maybe the next time you open your sketch pad to draw a new recipe, you’ll find a cute doodle he made of the two of you. Or maybe when you head back to your dorm room after a hard day of training, you’ll find a new book you’ve been wanting waiting for you on the night stand. He won’t ask, but he secretly thinks it would be very romantic for you to read aloud to him, since you also don’t share your voice with just anybody.
W is for Wild Card
You get your own safe word: “tenmusu (tempura shrimp)” which is roughly “I love you” or a general expression of affection/admiration for you. 😘
I hope you enjoyed the matchup! 🥰 Inumaki is so cute/badass. Cuteass? 🤔
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atmymercy · 1 year
hii tea, how are you doing?
i woud love to participate in ur giveaway, also this one is super fun but have soooooo many music in this world that i got confused and indecisive so i will choose more than one for you... sorry i hate choose 1 thing i always got indecisive T.T
could be super wrong, but I have a perception that you are like the high priest because I see that you are kind to people and your writing is witty and fun, but you seem to me to have very intense energy,I can't explain it but you have something intense (like bjork vibe maybe loll?) that contrasts with your gentle aura like... nothing bad but i don't know how to explain... I think you know how to protect yourself!
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I hope you can read it.. I don't know if the quality of the image has dropped a lot)
so my tarot question is: I would like to ask what my future boo's passion is that he is pursuing, you once said that he's following a passion it's costing him a lot and and I'm curious about that 👀
P 🐇
hello p! princess p! i'm doing great! i hope you are too! and no worries! i don't mind if you send it a couple! i can get like that too so i get it! lol plus there's so much brilliant music out there! and i can't get enough of it! lol
and you're not wrong at all, honey! you are pretty much spot on! look at you following your intuition and reading my vibes! aww i'm so proud! though omg what's a bjork vibe? teach me! lol and i totally get it! i've been told that before and i l like to think of it as a compliment! a natural dark to my light! lol ps i'm so saving these! omg! thank you! no i really want a printer so i can print out cute stuff like this! omg!
for you and your moonology card (i read your other ask! ty!).
ah! i see! so that passion that is costing him so much right now? it looks very justice-orientated! most likely a police officer! i don't know how you feel about cops but it would seem that this passion is costing him a lot and making him feel very lonely yet busy out there! but why did he go into this? because he believes in keeping people safe and cared for. he may act like he's really hard but he's got all soft insides! lol but this passion is costing him because this is not a job to let your pride get the best of you and yet we all know what cops are trained to be like right now... so this is taxing on his mental health by having to fight his ego and pride in this job while trying to honor and respect people. plus fighting to feel good enough in all of this but don't worry too much about this! your spirit guides are reassuring that this will end in a win-win forecast. i see he either finds another job in this field or creates real change in the force. it matters how his heart decides but seeing as it hasn't yet, spirit doesn't want to say. lol
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! also please tell your friends if you enjoyed this! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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retphienix · 2 years
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I genuinely love all the different reactions to finding out who Joker is by our confidants :)
Chihaya is just proud as can be to surprise us with a fortune reading of sorts; And it's genuinely uplifting to have her reiterate how our convictions control our fates and how she will stand by us through it and all that jazz.
Hell yeah :)
Since this is literally the close of her story and all that I suppose I'll briefly share my thoughts on it which are pretty much "It's alright."
Most of the confidants have stuff going on that gets me 200% invested, she kinda didn't for me?
I DID end this confidant loving her, she's a hope filled individual and her dedication to spreading this form of internal strength is admirable- she's genuinely a great person and I like her for that :)
But her story was a bit uninteresting to me, which is probably just bias and the like.
She predicted a disaster in her old village as her fortune powers formed; Over time the village began blaming her for the disasters; She ran off to the "big city" and was "saved" (super intentional parenthesis on that second one) by a wannabe cult leader who convinced her she was saving people by using her powers and selling bullshit "remedies" to her fortunes.
We show up, we convince her fate isn't set, we collectively reveal the cult's brainwashy nonsense and save all the members via Chihaya's support.
It's basically just "Real Psychic used as tool by scummy cult" which is fine, it just wasn't too interesting to me.
I respond pretty well to personal motivations and more small picture narratives though- which would explain why the most impactful part of her story was literally this close, where she explains that one of her first fortunes was over her friend, and because she was convinced that fate was absolute this lead to their friendship dying because she didn't step in to control her own narrative / life.
Following that with "And now I know that we control fate! And I'm gonna go talk to her again!" is genuinely nice :)
Oh and she's yet another one of the adult confidants that Joker can date.
My thoughts on all that are well and truly spent with my extensive ramble earlier during Kawakami's confidant stuff- but SPECIFIC to THIS I will say that I wasn't skeeved half as often lol.
I obviously didn't follow the romance path- but unlike Kawakami who had a story I got really invested in but couldn't help but make things awkward Every Single Scene in the name of fanservice, Chihaya had like, half an awkward moment put in there. Max. And honesty it was more in line with my very first reaction to Kawakami- that whole segment where the boys are calling in the maid and it has very high (and very good!) "boys will be boys" energy that didn't make me feel gross at all- complete with the humor of the situation being built on how these 3 teens are SO STOKED but when the doorbell rings they all start immediately pissing their pants (god I genuinely think the first like 2/3rds of that scene are really good) until the devs peeked in and said "Oh no, we want it grosser, more manipulative-y, and more persistent"
Yeah that genuinely fun energy that I liked? There was a little in this one and that's the half scene I mention. At like Rank 7 or something she asks if you're into older women and the positive response is so over the top (It's literally "HELL YEAH I AM!!") that it rings of a lame teen trying to step into adulthood and I found it to be genuinely a funny bit :)
Anyways, Chihaya is pretty cool. Her story didn't enthrall me. I like her :) Rank 10, baybeeee!
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creat0r-cat · 2 years
Teen Gohan x Vegeta's Daughter! Neko! Reader - I Can't Wait To See You Again
[Before I begin, I would like to state that this takes place a bit before the begining of the Buu saga, and Goku didn't sacrifice himself. He's been with his family this entire time and all that stuff. Alright. Enjoy!]
(Vegeta's POV)
I sat in my and Bulma's shared room one rainy afternoon. Frowning, I looked at an old scanner on the dresser. As the rain hit the window pane with a comforting tapping sound my thoughts wandered and I wondered how my other family was doing.
'Should I talk to her? It's been about a week..' This device was the only way I could talk to my daughter. She was the offspring of my first wife, Celeste, and she was part of the the neko race. Unfortunately, my late bride died right after giving birth to my baby girl.
Her name is (Y/n). It sounds weird. Me, the prince of all saiyans, having a half Saiyan, half neko daughter, but she's incredibly sweet, and absolutely terrifying in battle.
Or so I've been told.
(Y/n) currently lived with her grandparents (her mother's parents) on the planet Nekorata. It had once been a planet ruled by Freiza, but it had been liberated soon after Kakarot defeated him.
I sighed thinking of the baby girl I had to leave behind after I was told to leave under Freiza's direct orders. I had given her grandparents, my mother and father-in-laws, another scanner so that we could keep in touch. Fortunately we had for many years, but lately, it's been mainly (Y/n) I talked to. She told me they hadn't been doing too well as of late, and the doctor told her they didn't have too much longer.
I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to know if she was okay. I need to know.
Bulma knew I had a wife before her. She even knew I had a daughter, and she's even gotten to talk to her. 'Bulma is technically her step mom, and Trunks her step brother.. maybe she could live with us? It wouldn't hurt to have another Saiyan on earth, even if she is half neko.'
I quickly got up from my sitting position and grabbed the scanner, placing it over my eye, I turned it on and started a call. Not even three blips after, I heard her voice. "Hello, father!" I smiled, "Hi there (Y/n), how are you?"
There was a small pause and a sigh. "Gran and Gramps passed away this morning."
I frowned, "I'm so sorry, Princess. Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah. I'm okay. Just a bit sad. I'll be alright though."
"So, are you still going to live at their house?"
"I don't know. Probably. I haven't decided yet."
I nodded. "Well, I haven't asked Bulma yet, but I was considering asking you to move in with me. I know it's a long journey to and from Nekorata and earth, but..."
I heard a gasp and a giggle from the other line. "Dad, that would be awesome, and no it won't be a long journey. I learned a technique called Instant transmission a week ago. I think humans call it teleportation. All I'd need you to do is raise your energy level super high."
"REALLY?!" I exclaimed in suprise. Bulma poked her head into the room, "Hey Vegeta, is everything okay?" I nodded, then quickly asked her before she left. "Bulma, could we have (Y/n) live with us?" She looked suprised for a second then smiled. "I don't see why not. There's plenty of room here."
"Oh my gosh really?!" Came (Y/n)'s voice over the scanner. She heard everything. Bulma laughed, "Of course sweetheart. Mi casa es su casa." Laughter could be heard from my daughter. "Thank you so much!"
I smiled and kissed Bulma's cheek. She blushed and left the room. "Do you want me to raise my power level now?" I asked and (Y/n) replied no. "Gran and Gramp's will still has to be read. And I have to decide what to do with the estate."
"Okay, contact me when you're ready okay? Can you give me an estimate maybe?"
"About a week, if that's okay. I'll update you if something is held back a bit.
I chatted a bit more before hanging up. It had been 18 years since I had last seen her and I was a bit nervous. It certainly would be different, but not unwelcome. 'I just have to wait a week.'
-Time Skip-
A week went by quickly and no difficulty reports had been given by (Y/n). Finally, the day came when I would see her again. Bulma had decided to invite some of the others over in celebration of her arrival. "So, who's coming to earth, Vegeta?" Asked Katarot looking at me expectantly. I rolled my eyes. "My daughter. Don't you ever pay attention?"
"I wonder how strong she is.."
I hit him in annoyance. "She's coming to earth for the first time and I'm going to be seeing her for the first time in 18 years and all you can think about is sparing with her?!"
There was a harty laugh from the others as suddenly the scanner rang. "Alright. Whenever you're ready, so am I." Came her happy voice. "Alright then." I hung up and turned to everyone. "Don't be suprised when she arrives. She's using instant transmission to get here." Goku nodded eagerly, probably happy someone else knew how to use that move too.
Flying into the air and closing my eyes, I raised my power level as high as it could go, powering up to Super Sayian 2. Suddenly I felt a high energy right in front of me. Opening my eyes, I saw a beautiful young woman with (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair, and (white/black/brown) cat ears and a matching tail. I couldn't help but smile as my power turned off and I returned to normal. "Hello father!" I smiled and brought her into a hug. This was a rare interaction for me, but I felt it was needed. Especially for her, and I smiled even more when she hugged back.
"Woah! It that his daughter? Her power level is so high!" Came Kakarot's voice and I sighed then chuckled as I heard a slap and a shrill voice telling him off for ruining the moment.
(Y/n) laughed and smiled as we floated down to the others. The first to greet her was Bulma who brought her into a hug, which was gladly returned. Second was a shy looking Trunks. (Y/n) got on one knee and smiled at him. "So you're my little brother? Wow, you remind me so much of dad. It's nice to meet you." He nodded shyly and she smiled.
The others were introduced, Kakarot being second last. "Hi, I'm Goku! It's nice to meet you! Are those cat ears and tail real? How powerful are you? Do you wanna spar with me sometime?" (Y/n) looked rather suprised and I growled in annoyance. "Really Kakarot?" Now she looked confused. "Wait. Is your name Goku or Kakarot?"
He sighed softly, "Well, my Saiyan name is Kakarot, and my earth name is Goku. I grew up on earth so..." (Y/n) nodded joyfully and her ears swiveled around, picking up multiple noises. "Alright then. Your name will be Goku! It's easier to remember." He smiled happily and I rolled my eyes.
Last was Kakrot's son, Gohan. He blushed quite a bit and shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you Miss (Y/n). My name's Son Gohan. The man you met before me is my father." He greeted her politely. 'Finally, someone with manners.' She blushed slightly too. "I assumed so. You two looked a lot alike. It's nice to meet you too Gohan."
-Time Skip-
(Gohan's POV)
By the time we had arrived home, I already wanted to go back. "Vegeta's daughter sure is a cutie, don't you think?" Said my mother happily as we walked through the door of our house. I only nodded as I remembered her beautiful eyes and the way she made me smile. 'She was so beautiful..' I thought dreamily as I got ready for bed.
(Y/n)'s POV)
I lay in bed for the first night on earth. 'The people here are so friendly. Especially that Gohan boy..' she blushed at the memory of the shy and polite boy who's eyes she could get lost in, and who's voice could lure her in more than a siren's could. 'I don't exactly belive in love at first sight, but I think I might be falling for you, Son Gohan..'
'I can't wait to see you again.'
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bloodycassian · 3 years
darkness defined - 
az or cass x reader idk if this makes sense or not but here we go, either az or cas POV where reader (their mate) was stuck under the mountain with rhys and doesn’t come back bc she is still locked in the dungeons (rhys just assumed she died, he doesn’t know she is still alive)  Switch to readers POV, a few months later where they think their mate and their family (the night court) has abandoned them bc nobody ever came looking for her. Reader is like on the verge of death and uses her last energy to send a pulse down the bond. Switch back to az or cas POV  who are basically freaking out with guilt and anger and worried-ness. Im sorry it’s super long don’t feel pressured to write this anytime soon idk if it even makes sense  
Cassian was a wreck. From the moment Rhys came home alone, and until the end of time it seemed to be. Azriel sighed, watching his brother down his second bottle of alcohol. His eyes were red, face gaunt and pale. The circles under those tortured eyes looked more like bruises. 
He hadn't talked to Rhys much since the news came that you were gone. Cassian had practically blown the roof off the house of wind, then disappeared for two weeks. The only reason Rhys had let him was because Az followed, far behind just to make sure he wasn't going to do anything drastic. 
Azriel watched his brother circle the mountain, only to have to turn away. Wards made by Helion himself refused entry to anyone while the mountain was still being evacuated of Fae. He glared daggers at the people streaming outside the shield. His heart was a painful stab in his chest constantly. His mate.. gone. He refused to believe it. And Azriel saw the denial there, plain as day. 
Azriel had only stopped him once. When he packed a bag and started his flight to Hybern. He earned a black eye and a verbal lashing for that, but it had saved Cassian from going on a suicide mission.
After a month of being out, he went to his brother. Rhys refused to ask Helion to lower the shields around the Mountain, and finally Cassian seemed to give up. He would have gone to Helion himself, but the wards around his court prevented him from doing so. Rhys was torn up over the entire experience of under the mountain, but losing you was one of the worst parts. He would never forgive himself for losing his brother's mate. 
Azriel watch his brother's eyes get more and more dull. Watched the bottles stack up. Rhys wasn't around much, busy regaining control over his city, getting updated. And keeping an eye on Spring Court.  Cassian sighed when the bitter liquid hit his tongue. He drank like it was salvation. Like it would lead him back to you. Plus, it helped him sleep. It was the only time he could sleep without seeing you, without feeling that pull - the command his instincts gave. "Find me, find me. I'm here. I love you. Please."  He often escaped to the cabin. To not have to talk to anyone, and to keep Rhys from stealing his bottles from him. Cassian was convinced Rhys was saving them to drink for himself. That's where he found himself flying, bottle of booze in hand. The guilt a lead weight in his stomach. 
The door shut, and he finished the first bottle in an hour. 
Mor appeared beside him, took the second bottle from his hand and had a long drink herself. He smiled drunkenly, showing too many teeth at her. He wasn't sure if she was actually glowing or if it was his eyes squinting too much. "Cheers." He slurred, taking the bottle back and downing more.
+ The walls were getting drier and drier with each passing day. The once cool winds that would cut through the stone dungeons were turning softer, warmer. It was a welcome relief, but without the muddy water from the walls...you knew you didn't have much left. Your spirit was crushed, on top of it. Death seemed like not a terrible option anymore.  Especially knowing that your court - your friends - your family had left you. They had just... forgotten. Thrown you aside like nothing. Didn't even try to find you. Like the Winter court skeleton in the cell beside you, just left to die.
  You pushed the thoughts back, knowing that logically that wasn't true. But you couldnt come up with a reason why they would leave you down here. You prayed, you tried sending thoughts down the bond. Nothing worked. Sometimes your mind got the better of you, and you would rush to the bars of your prison cell when you thought you heard faint footsteps. 
Then you would hear your own voice echo back, and no one else.  Eventually you stopped getting up. You let the fantasies keep you entertained while you lay on the floor. Not caring about the bugs that crawled on you. You were glad there wasn't a mirror to see yourself in. A wave of dizziness crashed over you, and you fell into darkness. 
When the water ran dry, you stopped bothering calling out for Cassian. The bond was there, but saturated. Trying to grasp it was like trying to hold wind. You were too exhausted. So you propped yourself up in a corner and let the dizziness pull you under again for a moment. Taking rattling breaths, you let your mind wander to that mind bridge. That once sturdy marble that would always remind you of Cassian. 
You sent out a final tug down that bond. Using the last of your energy, you put all your effort into it. "I'm here, I always will be. I love you. I'm sorry." The platform you imagined your bond being seemed to go dark, and lifeless. Empty.
+ Cassian shot upright, head spinning. Mor was asleep beside him, her feet on the table. He shook her, trying to shake the stupor. "Wake up. Wake up!" She groaned, weakly batting him away. He took a breath, trying to steady himself. He wobbled to the kitchen, dunked his head in the cold sink water and slapped himself a few times. The haziness from his stupor crawled away, slowly. 
Mor appeared in the archway, rubbing her eyes.
"Get Rhys. I need you to winnow us." He demanded, patting her face softly. Her eyebrows knit together but she stretched, and sleepily obliged.  + You assumed the crackling was just your starved imagination. Again. But the wind changed as well, and you tried not to let your hopes up. You weakly opened your eyes, to the same familiar cell. A silent tear slid down your cheek.  Then there were the shuffling of footsteps again, and you hid your face in your hands. It seemed like all the imagination tricks were attacking at once. You wanted it to stop. You wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep until you could see and hold Cassian again. Voices, now.
The sweet deep voice of a man who spoke another language. An ancient language. Your ears rang. You cracked your eyes again, to a blinding white light. You held a hand in front of your face, trying to see behind it. 
A thud, and scrape of metal. Then the scent hit you. It was similar to what you had imagined but somehow a million times better. Then, his arms were around you. "Mother above." He breathed. You would have thought the mother took you at last if it wasnt for the pain in your gut.
"We got you honey, I'm so sorry. Im-" He tried to hold back a sob. You smiled weakly at the familiar, yet different eyes that you loved. The marble platform you shared seemed to be lighting up with happiness. At the same time, crumbling and falling with shame. Anguish. 
Rhys began winnowing the group immediately, nodding to Helion. The high lord gave him a melancholy smile back, and winnowed himself in a flash of light. He would check the rest of the mountain with his forces and repair the wards before he returned to his home. 
Everyone surrounded the healer, watching her work. Mor was trying to stay calm, but her hands shook when she held Amrens. Rhys and Azriel both had jaws clenched, shoulders tense. Watching the way Cassian's tears fell on to your shoulder as he cradled you. The healer squeezed  his arm softly, silently requesting him to move. He didn't.
Azriel went to his brother, wrapping an arm around him. "Your mate needs you to be strong, Cas." He consoled, pulling him away gently. Cassian held you tighter, just for a second then nodded and let go. He held your hand firmly. His warmth missing from your body was a shock. You began shivering. Amren tugged a blanket off the guest couch nearby and placed it over your legs. 
"T-thanks." you muttered. Her eyes widened, but she nodded. Her and Rhys glanced to each other. A silent conversation. You didnt care. 
"Cas?" You squeezed his hand, and there he was. His pale face looked ragged. He seemed like he was struggling in every sort of way. You didnt want to imagine what he was looking at when he looked at your features. You could practically feel your cheeks sinking in, your bones losing their density. "I missed you." You smiled, trying to lift his mood. 
His lips quivered, and he nodded. He kissed the back of your hand. "You wouldnt believe how much I missed you. All of us did." he glanced to Rhys. His face was blank, but that steady stream of power seemed to be crackling outside. 
You let your eyes drift to each of your friends. Each of their tear stained faces were such a welcome relief. Over a month alone, their presence alone was enough to soothe that part of you that doubted their love. 
Cassian kissed your forehead, before the healer's light knocked you into a peaceful sleep. 
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I'm okay with a bunch of disorganized rambling honestly 😂. But if I had to narrow it down then I guess I want to know about main and side characters and how they compare to the original?
I know that tumblr is the Prime Site for disorganized rambling, but I have perfectionism issues. But that is a great question, nonnie, and I will be happy to ramble is a slightly less disorganized fashion.
When reading Maximum Ride as a somewhat-formed adult who discovered they enjoy English classes about 3.5 years ago, I noticed that JP, when writing, doesn't understand consistency. At all. Which means, in many ways, I have a free sandbox to work with.
Spoilers for my rewrite WIP, because I strongly believe that if a story would no longer be good if one had spoilers, then it wasn’t a good story in the first place.
I'm trying to keep the backstories the same, plus or minus the scientific method and a few characters (RIP my OCs. I want to bring you back so bad but it wouldn't fit with the thematic narrative). I've mostly kept their (starting) abilities the same, too. Without further ado, I'm going to introduce some WorldBuilding. (If I'm good at nothing else, I'm good at world building)
First off. Logically.
How are they getting Cable?
How are they getting internet?
How are they getting money to eat and stuff?
JP's answer: handwave it off. Sometimes you need to ignore logistics for the sake of plot. This is an answer I'd accept from an author that I like, such as Julie Kagawa, that makes amazing worlds, characters, and narratives that I will happily handwave a few things that wouldn't work in the real world. James Patterson, on the other hand, did not make any of that; he made a cool concept, some good rough-draft characters, and nothing else, and therefore this is an unforgivable sin.
Wasp's answer: They are not getting any of that.
Introducing Cottagecore.
The house is off the grid. Solar Panels and a wind turbine create electricity. They have their own well. They grow their own food, raise livestock for eggs, milk, and wool, and trap fish for meat. They get money through dumpster diving and pawning. They still have to steal half of the necessities they can’t make themselves. They do have a TV, but it can access about three channels on a clear day. Internet is only a thing when they go to the public library.
Giving the flock a background that’s heavy in farming and livestock rearing shores up the plot holes mentioned above, but in my opinion, ties the flock more tightly to the environment, thus giving them something tangible to lose when they have to leave the E-shaped house. Because they’re not just leaving a house and a safety net— they’re leaving their entire way of life with no promise of getting it back. It also gives them a tangible connection to the earth in case I want to actually pursue the global warming themes.
Main Characters
Maximum “Max” Ride (Birthname: nonexistent)
First off, I'm letting her be Latina, James Patterson.
In the original, Max was very much the headstrong, independent, action girl. Leaning into Strong Female Character (TM), but overall she had a strong, solid foundation and enough character consistency through the first three books for me to not have to just make an entire new character. However, I felt that she was, in some ways, a bit too Action-Girl and Strong and Capable. Yes, Max is incredible and competent, but she’s also fourteen. She’s a child.
In the rewrite, Max’s character is still headstrong, independent, capable, and sometimes not the best at listening to others. All of that’s the same. But she’s that way not because of girlboss energy, but because there’s no one else to do it. She doesn’t want to lead, necessarily. She wants to get some rest and let someone else handle the problems life keeps throwing at her. But she knows if she did that, the responsibility of leader would fall to Fang and Iggy, and she can’t ask that of them. She doesn’t want to place that burden on anyone else (Look, there’s a reason I chose Ayano’s Theory of Happiness as one of her signifier songs, okay?). Her narrative is very much centered around burden, and also around loss. She lost her cultural heritage when she was taken away from her birth family, she lost her childhood to being a leader, she lost a good deal of her friends to the school (RIP my OCs), she lost Jeb, and then she lost her stability. And she’s going to lose a lot more before the end of the story. So a lot of her character arc deals with learning that there are some things she can’t fix, some things that can’t be recovered. She can’t get the E-shaped house back. She can’t get her Little Baby Angel back, even after they rescue her. She can’t get her friends back from the school. And instead of working so hard to recover those or find something to replace them, she has to learn to live with that sense of loss and move on with her life without feeling guilty for leaving things behind. And she has to learn that asking for help and sharing her burden is selfish or weak.
Other changes I made that don’t necessarily fit into her narrative arc, but you asked for rambling so rambling you shall get:
Max hallucinates, because mental illness is also a prominent theme in the rewrite. She doesn’t have a psychotic disorder, but her C-PTSD causes visual/audio hallucinations, especially when she’s stressed or sleep deprived. 
Max ends up having a Gender Discovery throughout the story and goes by He/She pronouns eventually. I don’t know when, but it will happen.
As far as genetic modifications/special quirks go, she can fly faster than the rest of the flock, but not 300 miles per hour. She averages about sixty mph with diving speeds of 240. She cannot breathe underwater or shut down her organs on command. She also has the Super Special Power to predict the weather, but that’s not because of genetics, it’s because she has chronic pain in her right arm that gets worse when weather fronts change.
Her favored weapon is her trusty rebar that she picked up from a condemned building. I think she’s going to name it eventually but I don’t know what yet.
Fang (Birth name: Gabriel Xue)
In canon, Fang is characterized in early books by being the “dark, strong, silent type”. He’s probably the most reserved member of the flock, to the point of falling into the Brooding Mystery Man trope in parts of the book. They care a lot, but they’re not the best at conveying that, especially with the younger members of the flock, and at times their high empathy leads them to making mistakes. Despite the high empathy, he’s often compared to a robot due to his lack of expression and external emotions.
Well, first change is that they’re not a man, so jot that down—
If Max’s narrative is centered around burden and loss, I would probably say that Fang’s is centered around humanity and moving on. None of the flock was treated as human while in the school, but Fang was more often than not treated like a wild animal due to “behavioral issues”, and therefore had and continues to have a difficult time considering themselves real and alive, let alone human. This manifests through a several different ways— where in canon Fang definitely had a ‘fight’ reaction, in the re-write they have a ‘freeze’ or ‘shut down’ instinct. They’re selectively mute for multiple reasons (including derealization, jaw pain, the fact that they didn’t learn how to speak until they were 10, and genuinely forgetting it’s something they’re capable of), a period of Cotard’s syndrome, and a tendancy towards self-loathing and self-sacrifice. In short, Fang is still halfway stuck in the mindset that most of the flock grew out of when they escaped in the school, and doesn’t know how to move past it.
Much of their character arc revolves around not necessarily seeing themselves as human, but learning to treat themselves as human even when they don’t feel like one (or even feel real), and knowing that just because they don’t feel human all the time doesn’t mean anyone else can treat them the same. They never start easily expressing their emotions, and they’re always going to be selectively mute, but they learn to accept that those aspects of themself aren’t character flaws or signs that they’re sub-human. 
Other additions to Fang’s character include:
They don’t get their hair cut in New York. It stays long through the entire series. They have the longest hair in the flock by the end of the series, and they can wear it in so many styles.
Fang uses they/it pronouns because themes of reclaiming the weapons used against it and, more importantly, Gender.
They’re actually really good at spelling compared to the rest of the flock, because they and Iggy communicate with Print-On-Palm when they’re nonverbal, and they’re nonverbal for some pretty long stretches of time. 
They and Max have... zero romantic tension. At all. There is none. The number of times Max calls them her sibling/little sibling in the first arc alone is staggering, and that will not change.
Igneous “Iggy” (Birthname: Jamsetta “Jamie” Griffiths)
I’ve talked about Iggy before. Canon doesn’t give us much to go off of, but from what’s shown, he’s smart, sarcastic, has sharper edges than Fang and Max, and also has a sizable ruthless streak. So that’s what I have to go off of.
The big difference between Iggy and Fang&Max is that Iggy has a much better memory of the School. Most of the flock have areas (months or years) that they don’t remember, or people that they’ve blocked from their mind, but Iggy... doesn’t. So he’s the one that remembers all of the other AVIAN test subjects that were old enough to have names and identities but died due to complications. Max might have the burden of leadership, but he has the burden of memory. And that has lead to both a massive fucking guilt complex, because why did he survive when they didn’t, and, as mentioned above, a ruthless streak that he doesn’t shy away from.
Which is to say, by the end of the story, Iggy has the highest kill count.
I love, love writing Iggy next to Max and Fang. I love writing Iggy next to Gazzy and Nudge. Because, I say this with all of the love of the world, but Iggy is not a good person. He is loyalty and love incarnate, and the world can burn down if he and his siblings are safe. Max and Fang will always try to save as many people as they can. They will wonder what’s wrong with them the first time they kill and don’t have a mental breakdown about it. They are good in a way that Iggy is not. He’s okay with killing Erasers. He’s okay with killing humans. He’s okay with killing people who might not necessarily deserve it, if they show themselves as a threat or are simply in the blast radius. He knows perfectly well that most of those Erasers he’s murdering are four and five and he is okay with that, because a lot of the AVIANs were that age when they died. (Yeah, in the rewrite it’s not Fang who has an issue with Ari; it’s Iggy who wants the 7-year-old wolf-boy dead.) 
And this is, of course, juxtaposed with Iggy being really, really good with Nudge and Gazzy (especially in the beginning). Because, again, he actually remembers being a child. He remembers a lot of kids that died and is therefore fiercely protective of the kids that didn’t, as well as fiercely protective of the innocence that he never got. So he’s the one that cooks their favorite foods when they’re having a bad day, always makes time when they want to talk about something, and convinces Max to let them go to that toy store in New York because, yeah, he Max and Fang aren’t kids. They never were. But Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel can be. (And if he has to be a murderer to preserve that, then he’s perfectly okay with that.)
He and Angel don’t get along very well, though. The telepath doesn’t like hanging out with the person with the most clear memories of the school.
Other additions:
Iggy is trans and says trans rights
He also has paranoid episodes, because C-PTSD. Sometimes they’re very helpful. Sometimes they are not.
I actually decided that he’s one of the flock that doesn’t meet their parents. I know in canon he did, but I always found that very clunky because it didn’t add to his character. He was one of the characters who, until it was convenient for the plot, seemed to care the least about his family. I’d much rather give that to a character whose arc would benefit from it.
Iggy! Gets! Older Sibling Rights! Seriously, he’s two months younger than Fang, he is just as capable.
Iggy does not know braille because Jeb decided it wasn’t necessary for him to know. Iggy is also the best speller in the flock, because Print-on-Palm was the only way to talk to Fang for a solid year. Yes he mocks everyone over this.
Iggy is the only member of the flock that enjoys swimming and can take into the air from water. Everyone else in the flock is incredibly jealous.
Nudge (Birthname: Monique Robinson)
If Iggy is defined by his memories, Nudge is his polar opposite. She was seven when she left the School, but she has next to no memories of it. She is missing a lot of time in the first year she escaped. And that causes... a lot of things. It makes her feel disconnected from her older siblings, it gives her the ability to function in society in a way the other’s can’t, it lets her feel less grief over the ones that didn’t make it and she doesn’t remember, it makes her feel guilty that she doesn’t remember what she’s old enough to know. 
Basically, in order for me to keep the character of Nudge as I saw her (more extroverted, not afraid of the world, fascinated with humans like her siblings aren’t, desiring to fit in instead of isolate), I had to put a little bit of distance between her and the flock. Of course, she loves them— that will in no way change— but she’s old enough that she should remember the school (and her dead friends) unlike Gazzy and Angel, but she can’t, and she very much fears forgetting the flock if anything happens to them. So she’s trying desperately to keep the flock close and wants desperately to experience the world at the same time, and doesn’t know what to do when she can’t have both. That’s her biggest character conflict throughout the series, along with that in-between area where she’s not quite where her older siblings are but understands so much more than Gazzy and Angel, and where she stands in that.
So yeah. Nudge’s journey is that in looking for belonging in the world, in her family, and in herself.
This is why she’s one of the ones that gets to find her parent, James Patterson. 
Other additions include:
She never straightens her hair. Never. Her resources at the E-shaped house aren’t perfect, but she still has learned how to take care of her hair and has a few styles she cycles through.
She becomes the default person Max sics on people when the flock is trying to befriend them. Also their de-facto diplomat around strangers.
As in canon, she does take some time away from the flock to expirience ‘normal life’. This does not last long due to the stress of being separated from her siblings/not being able to help them and [REDACTED]
Nudge is... not the only person in her head. I’m not focusing on it much because she doesn’t actually know and neither does the flock (I don’t know if they ever figure it out during the series, either), but she has dissociative identity disorder. She’s not aware of her alter(s?). Her alter isn’t super aware of her, either. 
The alter that I’ve developed is named Oxy and is not super aware of the outside world. In her eyes, she’s still seven and they’re still at the School. She would not recognize the body as her own if she looked in a mirror.
Nudge actually leaves the flock for a while to pursue her dream of living a normal life. She deserves it. She learns how to make muffins and the basics of software development. These things are unrelated.
Gasman (Birthname: No first name, surname “Falk”)
Honestly, writing Gazzy is kind of hard for me. Partially because I’m not great at writing kids, and partially because I feel like he’s a pretty surface-level character in-series that... isn’t super compelling in canon. But even if that’s the case, I try to treat all of my characters with respect, so here we go. In my rewrite, he escaped when he was four, which was half a lifetime ago for him, so his memories are ill-defined. Therefore, he managed to circumvent a lot of the trauma that the rest of the kids have, and not in the way Nudge did, which is by creating an elaborate blockage in her memories. 
Which means Gazzy... really doesn’t know how to deal with all of this traumatic stuff happening. So much of his development turns out to be a coming-of-age narrative. Learning how to deal with the horrors of what his siblings grew up with. Learning the fears that they had the entire time. Losing his innocence when everyone around him never had it in the first place, and being so terribly alone because of it. Because, really, how can you explain such a deep loss to people who never had what he had? How can they help in a way that matters?
Also, relationship-wise, I’m slowly deteriorating the relationship between him and Iggy. Slowly. Or, changing it, at least. Gazzy hero-worships Iggy in-series, and for good reason, because Iggy is super cool, especially in the eyes of an eight-year-old, and especially when Iggy has taken care to cultivate parts of his behaviors to be child-friendly. Part of growing up is seeing the flaws in your heroes, and Gazzy has to learn how to deal with it. End of the series Gazzy is much less closer to Iggy than beginning of the series Gazzy, and neither of them are really okay with that, but they learn to live with it, because that’s really all they can do.
I’m keeping the mimickry! It plays a bit of a bigger role because that’s how Gazzy learned to talk. I’m debating whether or not he has his own voice or if he just borrows the flock’s as he sees fit. He also uses it to scream really loudly and occaisonally burst the eardrums of Erasers.
At one point he cosplays as Jessica Jones. No you don’t get any more context than this.
He has a horrible sense of fashion.
I’m changing his name eventually because it sucks. He’s either going to change it to Gannet, Garrison, or Ivy Mike temporarily, and permanently to Zephyr. (I never said I was going to make his name GOOD, because he’s eight, but it’s changing. You’re welcome.)
Angel (Birthname: No first name, surname “Falk”)
It’s just... a completely different character, at this point. I’ve changed so many things about her in an attempt to make her consistent and act like a six-year-old and work in the whole “telepath before she has a solid sense of identity”, so it’s a different character. Also, I’m tired of writing coherently or in paragraphs, so have some interesting facts.
She has epilepsy! Super severe epilepsy! I think she might also develop juvenile MS in the future because her brain has so many scars from being a fucking six-year-old telepath. There’s no way she could get out of that unscathed.
She has more memories of the school than Gazzy, but only because she keeps accidentally reading the minds of Max, Fang, and Iggy. On a related note, she interacts with Iggy as little as possible.
The mind reading means that she has a hard time developing as a normal child with a normal sense of identity or reality. She can’t tell how much people are individual people and how much they’re just extensions of her. Conversely, she can’t tell how much of herself is actually her instead of the thoughts/opinions/identities of someone else. It’s... kinda fucked? But also super not-her-fault. 
She’s albino because white wings. Also, because I thought it was cool. This also means that her vision sucks, though. Also she has the biggest straw sunhat and the most stylish sunglasses a six-year-old can have.
She’s responsible for Max shaving her hair off.
She has the highest swear count because I think it’s funny. She’s the only person allowed to say the fuck word in writing. Everyone else can only say ‘hell’ and the occasionally ‘damn’ but she can say whatever she wants for dramatic and comedic value.
Honorable Mentions
I’m skipping Jeb because of how little I care about him. He’s a little bitch, next character.
STILL HASN’T BEEN REVEALED AS AN ERASER. I’ve been writing for 50,000 words and he’s over here saying ‘nope nope not yet, not dramatic enough’. He’s had speaking lines but has refused to make himself known to Max. I am so frustrated with this seven-year-old wolf-child that I’ve already considered how I would kill him, if I decide I want to kill yet another child in my writing.
So, my main thoughts for Ari is that he... really just drew the short end of the stick in every possible way. While Jeb didn’t sign him up for Eraser expirimentation, he didn’t do anything to stop it, and pretty much cut his losses when he realized this expiriment made a wreck of his ‘perfect, unflawed’ son, because Jeb doesn’t consider children of any species to actually be humans. So, Ari really hates his dad, which makes things complicated, because he also really loves his dad and really wants his approval. 
Which means that he also really hates Max, because she’s the child that always got Jeb’s time and attention, even when Ari was human. I think, on some level, he knows that trying to tear Max down to a less-favored level isn’t actually going to help his situation— infighting for the love of an abusive parent won’t make them any less abusive— but he’s also seven, and his development is already severely stunted due to becoming an Eraser, and he doesn’t see ‘leaving ITEX’ as an option like the Flock does. ITEX is his everything. It’s all he’s ever known, and they tell him he’s doing the right thing, and he wants them to love him. He wants his father to love him. He knows that if he ever questions ITEX, his father will never love him. So it must be his older sister that’s ruining his life and being a horrible child, and once Ari drags her back down to his level, Jeb will realize who the best child is and love him properly again.
Ari, on an even deeper level, does care for Max quite a bit, because she’s his older sister and he wants that to mean something in a way that ‘Jeb being his father’ obviously doesn’t. He wants what she made for herself, and he hates the Flock because she loves them and obviously doesn’t love him. 
Ari, if anything, is the product of neglect, and both loves and hates everyone who shows a chance of caring about him. And he’s seven, so he can’t notice these patterns, let alone break them.
So. Notes!
He doesn’t look like an adult. I thought that was gross and unnecessary. He’s seven, but he looks closer to thirteen or fourteen. Still young enough that he looks like every Eraser’s little brother, and the Erasers high-key treat him like it.
On a related note, he’s the only Eraser who can talk. The others don’t have the mental capacity or vocal structure to replicate human speech, but they can understand language (at about the level of a two or three year old) and are very good at nonverbal communication. This is why Ari managed to climb the ranks despite only having three years of “service” and also looking like a tween.
He doesn’t have an expiration date because that is SUCH a stupid plot point.
I’m giving him a chainsaw! I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but he deserves to have a chainsaw and GODDAMN I will give it to him.
Emergency and Gene
The OCs that I love and also killed pre-series. They don’t have any scenes, because they’re dead, but their deaths greatly effected Max, Fang, and Iggy, and they are very commonly referenced. Their voices are probably Max’s most common hallucination, to the point where she sometimes pretends they’re ghosts that she can talk to. They’re not ghosts. They’re dead.
Dr. Valencia Martinez
I’m actually keeping her pretty close to canon— loving, supportive, the type of person to take in a gsw victim with minimal questions. The difference is that rather than kindness fueling her actions, it’s incredible guilt. She has three goals surrounding Max: Give her as much support in any way she can, teach her as much about chicane culture as possible, and never let Max know that she’s her birth parent.
(She’s probably going to fail at AT LEAST two of those, but it’s the thought that counts.)
She has a pet fox named Robin Hood that she rescued from an exotic animal salesman that got arrested.
I think I’m going to kill her. I don’t know yet, but it’s on the table.
Anne Walker
Y’know, the fake FBI Agent. Who’s not actually a fake in my story because I hated that plot point. She’s genuinely an FBI agent who put the Flock into pseudo-witness-protection in order to build a case against the Institute of Higher Living, accidentally got attached to her prime witnesses, raised them for a few months, realized a [SPOILER] and promptly had to let them get the hell out dodge.
I really like the Anne Walker that lives in my head. She is a VITAL part of the Flock’s development, their mental/emotional recovery, and adding to their safety net to fall back on. She serves them as their first adult role model, and is the first adult to show them what parent/child are supposed to look like from a healthy perspective. Though she has several fuck ups, she becomes someone that the Flock genuinely trusts and loves, which makes it all the more difficult for them to leave when [REDACTED].
She and Max do butt heads initially, because Max is paranoid and also afraid of becoming uneeded. This ends up being incredibly important because Max needs to learn how to live and find meaning in life without being the designated Leader/Parent/Big Sister
Anne, at one point, sits the entire flock down to teach them about consent, which was something no one ever talked about with them before. She goes in talking specifically about consent in a romantic/sexual sense (because they’re fourteen and that’s something they need to know), but quickly turns into a full-fledged no, people are NOT allowed to do that to you, what the FUCK.
She’s responsible for giving the flock a laptop. It’s because Angel is online schooled (bc telepathy makes actually learning difficult) and was therefore provided with a computer.
Anne is also allowed to swear, but only when it’s funny.
Michael “Grey” Rivers
Aka Grey from the Sewers Aka GR3Y H47 Aka Mike from the Bronx Aka Gifted Child Syndrome Incarnate Aka Would-be-in-MIT-if-his-parents-weren’t-horrible. He’s my son, your honour.
Basically, his backstory boils down to him being a genius, getting into MIT at 14, his (horrible) parents wanting a perfect child who could “make it out” of the Bronx and represent his family/neighborhood/borough to the world. When he inevitably failed their expectations due to stress, a schizophrenic-spectrum disorder that completely alienated him from the rest of his support network, and refusing to take his psych meds because the side effects were horrible and they made it harder to think (and therefore pass his classes), they kicked him out. He fully intends to go back to MIT when he turns 18 and has control of his finances/scholarships/medication/therapy.
So that’s how the flock meets him. 
Mike ends up in a very prominent support role for the flock both in technological persuits (helping them track their parents, helping them get information from ITEX, trying to disable Max’s chip and failing multiple times until it becomes a matter of personal honour—), in helping the older members of the flock figure out how to deal with hallucinations/delusions (because he’s actually been to therapy, unlike them), and in being one of the only people who talks to them and helps them without any ulterior motive. He’s not trying to build a case against ITEX/The Institute of Higher Learning, he’s not double crossing them, he’s not plagued with guilt. He just genuinely wants to help them, and they genuinely want to help him, and that’s their first introduction to a healthy, non-codependent relationship.
My many disorganized notes on Michael Rivers:
He’s from specifically Morris Heights, Bronx, NYC.
He would say that his last name is actually Rivera, but his grandparents changed it to Rivers so it would sound more English, and his family has been in America for so long that he doesn’t know much about any Latino heritage he may or may not have. He identifies as African American, not Afro-Latino. He’s just bitter that his family felt the need to change their surname to have better opportunities in New York.
Nudge aggressively befriends him pretty much the moment she meets him, bullies him into teaching her how to code, and he very quickly adopts her as his pseudo-little-sister.
His delusions in the book seemed to involve government conspiracies, but as that’s the one delusion that is proved correct in the book, I’ve decided it would be best if his delusions and reality intersected a bit less if I don’t want to write him having a manic/paranoid episode in the second scene he has screen time. So his delusions are more based on “none of this is real”, “someone is recording everything I do and setting me up to fail” and “my ill-wishes on people can and will come true if I dwell on them too long.”. Government conspiracies are one of things he is skeptical about because he thinks most conspiracies are either “CIA admitted to this twenty years ago” or “antisemitism”.
He’s taking online free college classes that don’t actually give him any college credit, but they have good information and help him feel like he’s working towards something. He plans to double major in computer sciences and electrical engineering, minor in marine biology. He’s wanted to join NOAA since he was twelve and he is nothing if not stubborn.
There you go. These are my characters, now. I have custody.
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lovetenya · 3 years
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝟏𝐚.
warnings: these are just headcanons mostly focused on them, but the reader is gn, of course!
note: this was suggested, and inspired by this. also, i haven’t written for some of these characters before, so i hope i do them justice!
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scenario: ua’s normal childcare professional is out sick, so you’re teamed up with another class 1a student to take care of the ua teacher’s kids while they’re at a hero banquet. all of the kids are well behaved, but most of these guys aren’t around kids much, so it’s a learning experience.
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mina ashido.
mina is great with kids because she fits right in with them and will listen to them babble about their interests for HOURS because it truly is interesting to her to learn what makes them happy
and she’ll ask you “wow! did ya hear that y/n? she just said that pelicans can turn their stomachs inside out! isn’t that great?”
she just wants to learn whatever she can from them, because she thinks that they have just as much to teach us
i feel like mina is the type of person who gently inserts self love rhetoric and feminist ideas into her conversations w the kids, because she just wants everyone to be uplifted and for them to notice their strengths without being held back by other people’s opinions
she’s always felt that it was easy to be outwardly excited and to have fun, so she’s really good at getting shy kids out of their shell and helping them to let loose, and will encourage you to open up to them a little bit and be a little warmer
she loves to dance, so she’ll host dance parties with the kids and start something goofy like a conga line and lead them around the common room, making them all giggle like crazy
tsuyu asui.
tsu doesn’t really like the loud noises that kids sometimes make, so she’s more likely to organize a game or put on a movie for the kids to watch to keep things calm and steady
she’d let em pick a nature program or an animal-related movie so that she could chime in & give little facts here & there and make them smile!
tsu is a good babysitter because she encourages kids to be curious about their surroundings, and doesn’t mind at all when kids ask questions about her quirk
she’ll show and tell them whatever they want to know, and will even leap out of excitement sometimes!! she’s so cute!!
katsuki bakugo.
contrary to what other people sometimes say, i don’t think that he’s going to be outright rude to kids or yell at them constantly. yes, i know, he was brash with them in those couple episodes, but he’s blunt—not a bad person. he’s not going to just scream at kids for no reason.
sure, he might get frustrated, but he still wants them to feel safe and protected. that’s what heroes do.
and what better way to keep them feeling safe than teaching them self defense techniques?
he’d be all serious like, “alright, so if a villain has you in a chokehold, what do you do?”
and they’re sitting in front of him, all wide eyed and starry lookin, entranced with what he’s teaching them
“who teaches kids this kind of stuff?” you think. (he does)
i also think katsuki is the kid of person who’s going to cook for them and keep them occupied in that way.
he usually likes making complicated stuff, but he has no problem making it less spicy if it means they’ll calm down for a little bit to eat
while everyone’s eating, you look over to him and see him helping a kid hold their chopsticks, before softly praising them, “there ya go. you’ve got it now.” and giving them a small high five
he’s not someone who’s going to be outwardly soft, so doing things for kids like teaching them things or cooking them meals is how he shows he cares.
tenya iida.
tenya likes to tell and read stories with kids, or help them with their homework if they’ve got any
he’ll do terrible voices for all the different characters and make all the kids laugh
he’ll sit patiently with them and will explain the stories or problems just like a teacher would
and he’ll notice if you sneak them any candy, and will call you out discreetly by holding out his hand for some and saying “what? you’re not going to give me one?”
any and all messes will be cleaned up by the kids, and they’ll be lined up & ready when the teachers are ready to come and get them
kyoka jirou.
i think she’d be better with older kids because they’re easier to maintain and entertain (in my opinion)
they don’t ask as many random questions, which sometimes overwhelm her, and they’re more likely to listen to what she has to say
i can see her being really flustered with the attention they give her, because they think she’s so cool, but she’s still pretty relaxed cuz she doesn’t wanna freak them out
she’ll let them have lots of snacks and would play music for them!!
“does anyone know what this instrument is called?”
“that’s right, good job! wanna hear what it sounds like?”
she’ll show them as many instruments as they wanna see, and tries not to blush too hard when they cheer and applaud
denki kaminari.
if you think kids bounce off the walls with energy, they’re about to meet their match with mr. denki kaminari.
he’s the kind of person to challenge them to foot races and to go way too hard in go fish
and he’d do little pranks where he let outs a little shock when they high five him
needless to say, the kids are exhausted when they make it back to their parents
eijirou kirishima.
he. loves. kids.
he thinks they’re so fun to be around and that they’re the next generation of heroes, and they’re full of endless potential!
he’s 100% willing to be a human jungle gym and will play wrestle with them to their heart’s content while making sure they’re not being too rough with each other
he’d compliment them for the smallest stuff, saying “wow! that was super manly, kiddo!” cuz he doesn’t want other people to question their abilities
he’s not the greatest cook, but he’s helpful, so he’ll help you cook for them!
he’ll encourage the kids to help however they can, and will let them stir the bowls while encouraging them!!
lots of high fives and “woo-hoo!”s
izuku midoriya.
izuku adores children’s curiosity and how their questions never seem to end
he can relate to it, because of course he loves compiling information and learning as much as he can about a topic
if one of the kids was a fan of all might??? they’re babbling together about all might’s greatest moments and they’re demonstrating how the move went and how the villain ran away pathetically
he’s very soft w kids because he knows how weird he is.
he agrees that it doesn’t make sense for someone of his size to be that strong, but reminds them that everyone’s quirk works differently, and that they shouldn’t judge people for their quirk or how it chooses to manifest
he’s so understanding and kind w the kids whose quirks haven’t manifested yet, because he knows how bad it feels to feel like you’re es than average, and assures them that it’ll come soon! and even if it doesn’t, you can still make a difference!
which is all the more reason for him to be as gentle as possible, following around the little ones like a mother hen and making sure they’re not gonna walk into something or put a toy into their mouth
would probably tire himself out trying to keep track of all of them and they would all fall asleep in a big hug pile 🥺
mashirao ojiro.
has a lot of fun with kids, because he’s used to being overshadowed by some of the higher achievers in class 1a
but kids think he’s cool because his quirk is so unique and they can’t help but be fascinated and ask a million questions on what he can do with it
he’s happy to share, because lots of people underestimate him and don’t pay attention to what he has to say
would give them rides on his tail and let them pet it (like denki does!)
hanta sero.
he just kinda lets them do their own thing and follows along to make sure that they don’t hurt themselves
would strap a baby to his chest with some tape just to keep them secure with him
and would answer a thousand questions about his quirk without tiring, because he remembers what it was like to be curious of peoples quirks, and he knows they’re not staring to be disrespectful
i think he’s another one that would cook for them, and feel really accomplished when they’re all satisfied
mezo shoji.
although he’s a badass, that’s exactly the reason why he’s the one most hesitant to deal with kids because he’s afraid that he’s going to scare them away
however, he didn’t account for them finding him to be the most fascinating person they’ve laid their eyes on
he would scoop them up in his arms and carry them around and let them use him like a jungle gym
he’s very very gentle with them because he tends to underestimate his strength and would never be able to forgive himself if he was to bring them harm, but he never does because he’s so careful
shoto todoroki.
shoto never really dealt with kids, so he’s hesitant about everything he does.
he’s seen the destruction that his quirk “causes”, and he’s horrified to thing of what could happen if he gets overwhelmed.
shoto underestimates his tolerance and patience. he’s very good with kids, and is very good at getting them to listen.
all it takes is a little flurry of snow and they’re suddenly at full attention for shoto.
ochaco uraraka.
she likes kids, but she’s not very good at being strict with them
they want to read another story? of course she can read another!
they want another snack? sure! why not?
she tries not to let them walk all over her, but they’re just so cute, and she can’t resist.
she’d make their toys float around the room to make them laugh
and they think she’s a princess because of her “magic” and how she wears pink :)
momo yaoyorozu.
momo is like a mom!
shes great at planning things for them to do and keeping them in line and occupied
games are organized and cooperative, so nobody loses!
although she’s not usually like this, she’s more than willing to give hugs and feel better kisses if someone is to bump their head :(
she would feel terrible if someone got hurt on her watch, so she’s encouraging them the be safe if they’re going to be active!
makes lots of fun little snacks for them to eat, with cute faces and stuff, and doesn’t mind to see her hard work enjoyed by such good kids!
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Self Indulgent B-Day HCs
It’s my birthday and Obey Me has watered by crops with 5 UR cards in a row and phone calls so have some fluff with NSFWish stuff at the end 
Presents the boys get you. (NSFWish)
A custom leather tote bag
Made with the softest leather and embroidered with your favorite pattern (And his pact mark on the inside cover so he can keep you safe)
It’s large enough for school and fashionable enough to be used for social outings
A private dinner at a restaurant of your choice
An evening alone at a high-end establishment
You pick a human realm restaurant you’d always dreamed of going to from all those travel shows you watch
He’s never been there either so it's a treat for both of you, sampling the regional and chief’s specialties before being whisked off to wherever else you wanted to go for dessert
Day ends in his bed- If you want it
He’s spent the day pampering you so why not the evening too
For once he lets you take the lead. Whatever you desire you get.
Ultimate service top for this occasion
If you say no that’s fine too. At least let him indulge in your company a bit more with some drinks and conversation. But it’s up to you.
It’s your special day after all
Personalized necklace
Don’t say the Great Mammon never got ya nothin’!
It’s a beautiful and simple piece. A slim gold chain with your birthstone embedded in the beak of a small crow. Gotta remind the other demons who is looking out for ya
What makes it doubly special is that you know he saved up to get you this. No witches, schemes or older brother’s involved in this
Private photoshoot
He’s got some connections and a few favors way past due
Let him treat ya.
You pick the theme, the dress, and the makeup. He’s got his whole crew there to make this perfect.
Has a blast posing next to you knowing that no one else in the realms will get to see these photos.
Just you and him. Like it should be.
Has his favorite framed and tucked away in his room so none of the other brothers can find it
Day ends in his bed- If you want it
A blushing bravado fueled mess when he asks. Palm sweaty in yours.
It’s how he would want his birthday to end so like obviously you’d want the same too, right?
If not, that cool. Can he at least cuddle with ya on his couch with a movie? He doesn’t want this day to end yet.
If you say yes well be ready for a ride! You ain’t lifting a finger. He reads your body like a book and makes sure you're happy and satisfied before turning to his own needs.
A video game
Not just any game of course! What do you take him for some kinda normie?
This game is a two-player with a twist. It’s only made for two players, the first two to ever log in are bound to it.No one else can play this with you but him.
Bonus! You can play it with him even after you have to return to the human realm. It’ll be like you never left.
He’ll spend hours showing you the ropes then another couple just enjoying a game with you and unlocking all the achievements.
Day at the beach
You're lucky he likes you. Leaving his room is an ordeal for him
But you’ve been begging for a while to go swimming with him in his demon form. You had heard he’s a great swimmer.
He can’t really say no to that now can he?
Takes you to collect seashells and deep diving for treasure (he knows a few spells so you could breathe underwater like him)
Day ends in his tub bed- If you want to
Like Mammon is an absolute mess at the idea
But is sweet about it if you say no. Well instead ask to just chill and cuddle. Probably drift off watching the sea creatures in his tank swim by in lazy circles.
If you say yes he is an enthusiastic demon and will treat you like the protagonist in all his favorite animes
A person book of poetry
He’s been around a while and has studied enough books that he is good with just about every form of literature
It’s a sweet gift. A slim leather-bound book, the pages embossed with gold and tiny runes that make the little cat doodles he’s drawn about the pages move on their own.
The book is filled with little poems or short letters that he has written over a year of getting to know you. Just little things like evenings out together or group misadventure.  
Trip to the human realm to visit any museum of your choosing
Taking him to a museum is the best idea. He knows all the little details that have been lost to time or that humans just couldn’t understand.
Takes special pride in talking about events he had witnessed first hand or caused.
Buys you a souvenir from all the places you visit and will drag you into a photo booth. Say hello to his new favorite bookmark
Day ends in his bed- If you want to
Won’t push the subject obviously. But his little kisses and touches are a clear giveaway to his intentions of the night.
If you decide otherwise then allow him to escort you to your room, or perhaps sit with him in the music room for a bit longer? High key just stole a good bottle of whiskey from Lucifer and he still has so many stories he wants to share.
If you say yes. You’re in for a helluva night. He could let you take the lead. But he’s not and you’ll thank him for it
Resort trip
He had this one booked in advance. Devildom hot springs and spas are a no-go for humans so he found the absolute perfect one in the human realm.
Got the honeymoon package bc he’s extra and wants to go all out. Plus this package has simply the cutest gourmet tea cakes and complimentary champagne.
Makes you spend the whole day relaxing with him. You’re always too tense in his eyes. Made for the skin. Come soak a bit with him!
Shopping spree
Whatever you want you got today! Within reason. He can’t let you buy anything ugly!
Helps pick out a few new outfits and highly recommended skincare products.
If you let him will buy you some tasteful lingerie. Trust him, whether it's for him or devil forbid one of his brothers he wants you looking fabulous.
Regales you with stories of his younger years and the different eras of fashion. Honestly, the corset wasn’t that bad! It made his waistline look so good! Lead makeup was a no- ugh could you image? Not on your pretty face!  
Day ends in bed- if you want to
If you want to give him a private showing of all the outfits you bought he won’t say no. If you want to show him the undergarments he will definitely be enthusiastic.
If not oh well! He has a strict sleep schedule so he’ll wind down for the night. You are welcome to join him in his bedroom if you want. He just changed his sheets for the season and they are as close to heaven as he’ll ever get again.
If you do how exciting. He has so many tips and tricks he knows you’ll appreciate. The pampering doesn’t stop until you can’t handle it anymore.
Breakfast in bed
This was a herculean effort for him. The first two meals got eaten on the way to your room :(
But when he gets it to you it’s the best! There is plenty to share too. He has a real talent for breakfast foods
Spends the time while you eat asking what you want to fo for your birthday if anything at all.
He has plans to take you cafe hopping and then a walk up the forest path
Cafe Hopping and a walk
He treats you to any fancy treat you like and walks you around the Devildom proper pointing at all the interesting historic monuments and places
He helps take lots of pics of all the fancy foods and cute presentations before digging in
If you need a break no worries from walking or just full from too much good food no problem. You want to sit or maybe a piggyback ride back to the house
A very low key birthday present but that the best kind sometimes
Day ends in bed- if you want to
Doesn’t really think about it until you hint at it. He’s dtf if you are. He is still kinda hungry ;)
Always sweet on you in and out of the bedroom and today is no different. He doesn’t want you to get hurt.
If you don’t bring it up he won’t bring it up. Would much rather just hang out and talk till you fall asleep then make you uncomfortable
Botanical Garden tour
Loves the Devildom one so maybe he will like the human realm ones too
The most energetic you’ve ever seen him. Sure he walks slow and sits down at every opportunity
Stops at the butterfly habitat it’s a mutual favorite.
Buys you a super soft plushie from the gift shop. Can’t have a birthday without a physical present
Movie night
No one else is invited. Not even Beel. He remembers you talking about your favorite movie once and bought the directors cut to watch with you.
Love or hate the film he tries his best to stay up for the whole thing
Only dozes off once
Day ends in bed- if you want to
He could sleep or spend the night with you whatevs.
If you want to watch another movie and sleep sweet
If you want to do more well-say no more
He’s got enough energy for some fun  
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ellewords · 3 years
hey elle! i saw your answers for the questions i sent—i love coffee and cookie dough ice cream too! i’ve found that i like a lot of coffee-flavored stuff like ice cream, cake, and candy lol. i also really love cookies and cream! i’d say that’d be my favorite with coffee and cookie dough being VERY CLOSE seconds
BABY DON’T STOP IS ICONIC WHEW but may i propose....haikyuu boys dancing to it.......
anyways today i’ve got some headcanons for a past written on the margins question! first it was a karaoke party with the seijoh 4, and now it’s a road trip! aka you and iwaizumi are the only ones with any braincells in this godforsaken car (they make you handle the gps stuff since you’re the best with it). i can imagine each of them rotating and driving for a set number of hours or at least until they reach a rest stop, especially on long trips. whoever’s sitting shotgun (they rotate between this seat too) has control over the radio and aux cord and oikawa jokes that it’s the best part of going on road trips (but is he really joking though...)
makki and mattsun pretend to groan when you sit shotgun, but in actuality they don’t mind and will probably sing along to some of the songs you play (if there’s a rap part in the song currently playing everyone makes mattsun rap along i feel like his voice just fits it) while oikawa would be like UGH FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME MUSIC TASTE just to get a rise out of the other boys (but he really does think those kpop songs you blast lowkey slap he’s been listening to some of them while he works out or goes on his morning runs). iwa generally doesn’t have much of a preference but i can see him being partial to more upbeat songs to keep him or whoever’s driving awake, but even during slow songs the rest of you guys sing loud enough and chaotic enough to prevent anyone from getting any shut-eye (oikawa, makki, and mattsun dramatically act out a whole SAGA)
when you guys reach any rest stop makki is the first one out of the car and he makes a beeline towards the bathroom because he drank a lot of water during you guys’ impromptu karaoke session (gotta keep those vocal chords taken care of!). oikawa and mattsun are usually the ones in charge of getting snacks, they always end up getting a lot but they make sure to get everyone’s favorites! the amount of snacks they buy seems overkill but they’re athletic boys with voracious appetites and getting this many snacks ensures that the car is never short on food. if this is during or post-timeskip iwa is probably a little more strict on the snacks everyone eats (especially with regards to oikawa, being a professional athlete and all) but eventually decides to let up a bit—it’s not everyday he gets to go on a trip with his close friends, plus all those calories are gonna get burned right away once you guys reach your destination and go from place to place.
god help anyone who actually falls asleep in the car because oikawa and makki are taking photos of whoever’s sleeping with their phones AND with the polarioid camera you brought. despite this, though, everyone makes a conscious effort to be quieter when someone’s napping, and the volume of the radio is turned a bit lower. one of your favorite pictures on your phone is a selfie you took of everyone while you were sitting in the passenger seat: mattsun was driving at the time and though he wasn’t looking at the camera, a smile is on his face as he makes a peace sign with one hand; oikawa, iwa, and makki are sleeping in the back seats with oikawa and makki leaning on iwa’s shoulders (he lost a few rounds of rock paper scissors and had to sit in the middle). this also extends to when you’re asleep in the car as well—oikawa jokingly made his phone background a selfie of you leaning on his shoulder while napping (featuring a blurry iwaizumi at the side) but he actually finds it quite cute and doesn’t want to change it to his usually background quite yet.
it’s evening when you guys finally reach your hotel and everyone’s a bit tired from being cooped up in the car all day but surprisingly enough no one’s really sleepy because everyone at one point had the opportunity to nap on the way there. if you’re dating one of the boys the others DEFINITELY make you two take one room while the other three take the room adjacent to it. after everyone’s gotten ready for bed you’re all gathered in one of the hotel rolls just vibing on your phones and you and oikawa decide it’s the perfect time to bring out The Sheet Masks™️ that you kept in the cooler in the car during the trip so they’d remain cold. many more goofy photos of everyone with the masks on their faces are taken.
by this point it’s late at night and eventually you guys fall into having some nice, genuine heart-to-heart conversations. if this is during or post-timeskip everyone’s sharing what they’ve been up to ever since graduation or ever since you guys last saw/talked to each other. it’s just such a nice and comforting environment to be in because everyone’s a little tired from the day’s events and so it’s not as loud and boisterous, but at the same time this tiredness and it being nighttime means everyone’s filters are a little looser than usual and you could ask for advice on just about anything and everyone else would chime in with both lighthearted and actual suggestions. the boys are just SOFTER during this time like you could bring up how you’ve been getting back into something you did during high school (like playing piano or guitar or something) and they’d want you to show them videos or pictures of what you’ve been up to! maybe one boy brings up something that’s been worrying them for a while and you and the others are giving him words of encouragement while also cracking jokes. it’s just really chill and nice and everyone likes these late night talks because they bring you all a little closer.
everyone ends up sleeping in the same hotel room. you wake up sandwiched between oikawa and mattsun (oikawa’s got an arm thrown around you and mattsun’s long leggies are literally on top of yours and you wonder how you managed to sleep soundly last night) and iwa and makki are on the pull out sofa bed and you’re like Hey Guys. What The Heck (makki takes this opportunity to snap a photo of the three of you wrapped up in the bedcovers) and when you guys go to get breakfast at the hotel buffet it’s strangely quiet because almost everyone is still sleepy lol.
after getting some food in your system and getting ready for the day you’re all back to your usual energetic selves! you snap a mirror selfie of everyone gathered around the sink in one of the hotel rooms because oikawa was finishing getting ready (he takes the longest i just know it) and the other boys were just hanging around him talking about what’s planned for the day. the schedule you guys have isn’t super specific but there’s a few choice locations that you guys looked into in advance and try to visit no matter what! a day out with them is definitely filled with photos. you’ve got a lot of them in which they’re trying to recreate some funny pose in a picture oikawa saw online (like the one of nct in the ask i sent you earlier!!) and they either turn out really great or really horrible (funny) because you have a knack for taking photos where everything looks normal but someone’s face would be really blurry. but they would also try and take some really nice photos too—they’ll all even help you if you want to take some solo shots! oikawa and makki know the best angles for aesthetically pleasing photos, mattsun has a knack for taking panorama photos that look perfect, and iwaizumi’s really good at taking those types of photos of you guys jumping in the air without them looking weird. you’ve basically got four tall hypemen it’s great!!
overall i think it’d be so fun to go on a trip with them because it’s the perfect balance!! they’re chaotic clowns but they also won’t hesitate to give you a piggyback ride if your feet really hurt or if your shoes are giving you blisters (oikawa will try and make iwa give him a piggyback ride too, though). you guys end up getting a lot closer and having a TON of photos and inside jokes at the end of the trip, and though you’re all reluctant to go back, you also all know that this is only the beginning of a lot more outings together! if you take little clips of various events throughout the trip and compile them all together into a little vlog they’ll all probably watch it together through zoom or discord screenshare or something loool
THIS IS SO LONG take a shot (of water) every time i say one of the guys’ names or if i say “everyone” or some variation of it FJDJSNS seijoh 4 brainrot things am i right.....i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing and thinking of this! i think in the future i might think of stuff for if you go on a trip with the miya twins (and maybe suna too?).....hmmm hmmm hmmm!!! —🌸
— from elle ! i love this so so much >_< like literally what do i have to do to go on a road trip with the seijoh four??? it would be so much fun and chaotic and i want that for me,, i love them and their friendship so much it's insane ;-; anyways, thoughts + additions under the cut <33 thank you for this !!
everyone who isn't driving makes it their mission to annoy the one who is; whether it's through repeatedly poking their cheek, asking how long of the drive they have left, etc. the person who can last the longest in driver's seat would probably be iwaizumi, all his years playing volleyball with them as prepared him for this moment — but also looked up breathing exercises to avoid getting angry.
the best person to have riding shotgun would most be mattsun, especially when it's really late or super early ; keeps the conversation going and doesn't fall asleep, even when everyone in the backseat is. he shotguns energy drinks every hour or so.
i love the idea of oikawa, makki, and mattsun acting out a whole saga in the backseat omg !! in my head it's a song like taylor swift's love story wherein makki is the love interest, oikawa is taylor, and mattsun is like the dad who doesn't want them together. they really go all out on the acting — oikawa might have let out a couple of tears — and even iwa cracks a lil smile from the driver's seat.
awe timeskip!iwa watching out for everyone's diets ;-; but i do agree that he's gonna let up a bit considering that everyone doesn't see each other all the time. but i feel like he gives everyone the look™ every now and then despite this.
aw cmon don't hit me with oikawa making his background me leaning on his shoulder as i sleep that's so adorable i might cry :<< but other photos taken during naps include : iwa leaning on oikawa’s shoulder, makki sleeping with his eyes halfway-open ??? mattsun’s face covered in stickers that you impulse-bought at a random stopover.
sheet masks with the boys ??? yes pls !! though iwa would definitely be the type to almost wash his face after and oikawa screeched just before he was able to splash water on his face.
but late in the night heart to hearts ??? ugh, peak softness from the boys — everyone cries at some point because woah all of you really grew so much since high school and it made everyone feel all warm and tender.
but at some point, without thinking, and also bec it’s late and what does he have to lose, iwa just goes “you know, i had a crush on you when we were in high school” at yn and everyone just goes ?!?!?!?!?
yn : what the hell i had a crush on you ????
and oikawa’s just cackling in the background like, “i knew it !!!! both of you kept saying i was crazy for pushing it i feel so vindicated rn” 
meanwhile makki hands mattsun some money because they bet on it years ago and they were finally getting answers — makki thought you would confess first and mattsun thought it would be iwa ; several years too late but at least ;//
also i would just love to fall asleep in between oikawa and mattsun,,, please how do i get that
also on mattsun’s panoramas: everyone likes moving around a lot when he takes those photos and it’s the perfect mix of weird and cool because yeah there are like five makki’s but one of them looks like he has a third arm and a triangular head
and the vlog and we all get to watch it together over discord ???? that’s it, that’s what i want ;-;
tldr; I would give anything to go on a road trip with the seijoh four ;((
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
a question: what are the hq characters like on a road trip?  |  written on the margins masterlist
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Stuck in the Game
Mafia!Dad!Yunhyeong x Mom!Reader ft. Mafia!ATEEZ, Mafia!iKON, Mafia!BTS
Summary: When your daughter, Soojin, finally finds someone she likes, her father freaks out because, despite his best efforts to keep her out of that life, the boy in question is also a mafia member. A rival group finds the couple and uses the relationship as blackmail.
Anon Request: a long and specific request that started with dad!Wonwoo but was changed to Yunhyeong and we edited the specifics together so idk what to put here anymore lol 
Word Count: 3.3-3.4K
Contains: mafia!AU, violence, guns, kidnapping, blackmail, reunion of old friends-turned-rivals, forced cooperation, fluff, angst
A/N: This took forever for me to get the energy to type out and format, I’m sorry, but I’m proud that I implemented all the aspects I wanted to in this.
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If 17-year-old you could see yourself now, you don't know whether the reaction would be amazement or fear. At age 23, you were a performer and bartender for a high-end bar famous for its mafia visitors. You'd often listen to their meetings whenever they requested "beautiful company," and that made you a very valuable person in the business, even without you trying to be.
When the day you feared finally came, your kidnappers wanted all the information you had from other mafia groups. They were very kind to you, treating you like a valuable treasure. They called themselves iKON, and the moniker was written in numerous places in the house. Their leader, B.I., insisted you be treated like royalty, but one of the boys enjoyed the chaos of going against the leader's requests. He was a charmer, and you fell for him quickly. Gradually, the romantic encounters turned into sexual encounters, and you found out that you were pregnant with his child shortly after.
Until the day you told him of the pregnancy, you only knew him by his mafia name, Song. When you revealed your secret, however, he happily disclosed that "Yunhyeong will be a good father. Don't worry." It was his way of disconnecting his mafia status from his child. You figured this out as he moved you out of the mafia base with B.I.'s approval and bought a good home for you both to stay.
You remember the day you gave birth as if it was yesterday. You remember the joy that swept away all the pain as you held your newborn daughter. You remember all the boys visiting you at different times, and you'll never forget how proud Yunhyeong looked as he introduced his squad to his daughter.
Soojin. You remember her baby face without issue, even though it was 17 years ago. Your daughter grew up so fast - as you're told they all do.
Soojin and her father get along so well. Both of them are trouble makers, so you always see them planning chaos or laughing about something together. You and your daughter talk about deeper subjects more often than not, so seeing her being carefree and enjoying life with Yunhyeong brings so much joy to your heart.
Today, however, you catch them fighting. You don't hear the topic, only Soojin storming out after her final jab at her father, "You don't understand me at all!"
Seeing the pain on Yunhyeong's face hurts, but you decide to check in with your daughter instead, knowing that Yunhyeong can handle himself. Following Soojin, you find her on the front porch, sitting with her arms wrapped around her legs and her head buried in her knees. You sit down next to her, the wooden patio revealing your presence with a creak. You don't say anything before she immediately begins ranting about her father.
"Why doesn't he understand? Why can't he just be happy that I found someone that makes me happy?"
This is the first time your daughter has ever mentioned anything along the lines of having a crush, so you know it must be important to her, "Soojin, you've found someone?" You try approaching the situation softly, opting to learn about her partner before thinking about why her father would be upset.
"Mom, he's amazing. He's really sweet and caring. He takes me to nice parks, and we message every single day. He's pretty tall and really cute, too."
"So, what's this boy's name?"
"Hyunwoo. Jeong Hyunwoo. He's a year older than I am, and he's technically in the mafia - he was born into it just like me - but he treats me so well."
Suddenly, you understand why Yunhyeong freaked out over Soojin's boyfriend, but you don't bring it up just yet, "Jeong Hyunwoo. He sounds nice. Have you met his family?"
"Yup! We hang out with his dad a lot. He's super cool. Makes lots of jokes. His mom died when he was younger, and he's an only child, so it's just the two of them. For some reason, though, dad freaked out on me when I told him. Something about dangerous relationships and hoping I'd never have to deal with this stuff. I have no idea what he's talking about. Ugh, it's not fair. Why can't he be cool about it like Hyunwoo's dad?"
"Honey, your father just wants to protect you. He'll come around. He just knows someone he has bad blood with that has the same last name. They used to be friends but the friend was recruited into a mafia group, which meant he never even said his goodbyes to your father."
"But dad's in the mafia, so what's the big deal?"
With a sigh, you reveal some of your husband's past, "Your dad didn't choose to join. He had to join or they would've killed him for the damages he caused as a teenager. He despises the lifestyle, but there's no way to leave once you become part of it. Your father accepted the life he was forced into and did his best with what was given to him. His friend, Yunho, on the other hand, was invited and willingly chose to join. He does want you to be happy, but he's worried about your life if you date a mafia member."
"Well, what about you? Why'd he date you if that was the case? He was okay involving you?"
You laugh and shake your head. You think back on the unconventional relationship you and your now-husband had before the marriage, but decide not to explain that quite yet, "That's a very long and complicated story for another day. Just know that your situation is extremely different from mine. If you truly love Hyunwoo, don't let your father's attitude affect the relationship. When he sees you truly happy, he'll support you. Believe me."
You could tell that Soojin wasn't quite convinced, but she was always head-strong, so you also know that she will continue her relationship. So, you weren't surprised when she came to you a few days after and announced that she had a date with Hyunwoo. Watching her walk out in her cute date outfit, you can't help but feel proud of her for following her heart.
During the date, you finally confront Yunhyeong, "She'll be okay, y'know? She's the daughter of two very strong people, and we've raised her well."
"I tried so hard to keep her out of the mafia life. And a Jeong of all people could ruin all of that."
You place a hand on his back, "Yunhyeong, you can't use your past against her future. Aren't you happy Soojin finally found her first love?"
"Well, yeah, but..." He sighs, deciding not to finish his complaint.
"She'll be fine."
Soojin meets with Hyunwoo at the coffee shop down the street. When he sees her, the smile shows on his whole face.
"You look so beautiful." He places a kiss on her head and takes the seat across from her.
"Thanks, Hyunwoo. My mom helped choose my outfit and styled my hair for me."
Unknown to the couple basking in their puppy love, a low-ranking member of another mafia group sits at the next table and recognizes Hyunwoo's name. To confirm that he's the right person, the member listens in on their conversation.
"How's training? Is your dad being hard on you?"
"Naw, it's pretty smooth. What about you, though? How'd your parents react when you told them?"
"My mom is understanding. She fell for a member, too, after all, so she can relate. My dad, on the other hand... Ugh, he's so difficult!"
At this point, the stranger decides to alert his higher-ups of this potential Achilles' heel for the ATEEZ mafia team.
"He doesn't approve?"
"He hates that I'm becoming part of a lifestyle he tried so hard to keep me out of. My mom said it has to do with your name, too. Apparently, my dad's childhood friend ended up willingly joining the mafia without saying goodbye, and his last name was Jeong."
No longer paying attention, the stranger has been communicating with other members about following the couple around for a kidnapping so they can blackmail their rival mafia group. When the couple leaves the cafe, he follows them to a nearby park, his last-second assignment to find her house underway.
At the end of the date, Hyunwoo walks Soojin back home, finding you sitting out on the porch, reading under the warm light.
"Hey. mom! I'm back!"
As you look up from the book, you find your daughter waving at you with one hand as her other arm links with a nervous-looking boy. You stand up to greet them, and you notice Hyunwoo relax a bit when he realizes how nice you are. You have a short chat before Hyunwoo claims he should get home before his father worries.
"Thank you for walking Soojin home. Get home safely."
You and your daughter watch as he leaves, then she enthusiastically recounts the events of the date. Seeing her this happy makes you smile, as she hasn't smiled this brightly since she was a young child. When the two of you head inside, she falls asleep the moment she lays down. You meet with your husband in your shared bedroom.
"How is he?"
"He seems sweet. He was clearly nervous when he saw me, and he genuinely seems to love her and wants to keep her safe."
"That's good." His robotic response ends the conversation, so you both get into bed.
A few weeks pass before Soojin and Hyunwoo have time for another date. You offer to drive her to the arcade, but she insists on walking to enjoy the nice weather. You kiss her forehead as you tell her to be safe, then watch her until she leaves your view.
Maybe an hour later, an exhausted Hyunwoo comes banging on your front door.
Between moments to catch his breath, he pleads, "Please... tell me Soojin is here... She never came..."
Even though you answered the door, Yunhyeong hears and freaks out. "I told you, Y/N! It's too dangerous for her! She might've been kidnapped!"
You quickly bring Hyunwoo inside, looking up and down the street before closing and locking the door. Once both boys have calmed down a bit, you try calling your daughter, but you're immediately sent to the voicemail. Moments later, Hyunwoo gets a call from his father, who sounds very confused but speaks urgently without revealing details. When Hyunwoo tells him where he is, his father hangs up. Ten minutes later, Yunho pulls up with his leader in the passenger seat. You let them in quickly, only for chaos to ensue the moment Yunhyeong sees Yunho.
He abruptly stands, the chair falling behind him, "Get out of my house."
"Babe, we both want the same things right now. Put the rivalry aside." You try.
"It's him, Y/N. This is the bastard who left without so much as a goodbye."
Time feels frozen as everyone's eyes go wide. Yunho sighs, breaking the silence.
"Hello, Song. It's been a while. You may hate me for the past, but your daughter has been kidnapped. She's being held as blackmail against my group. So, unless you want her to die there, I suggest you put that hatred aside so we can save her."
"I don't know what you've learned, Hyunwoo, but Song and I were best friends until I chose to join the group, which forced us to cut ties. Their group is a rival; there wasn't much choice in the matter." Yunho says it as if it was rehearsed for years, his eyes still transfixed on Yunhyeong's.
The ATEEZ leader clears his throat before moving forward with the information he has, "I'm HJ, and I received a link to this video earlier." He hits play on his tablet and talks over the soundless visual of your daughter tied down to a chair, "This was accompanied by a message demanding that we give up some of our fronts to them or she dies. I don't think they realize she's your daughter, or else they'd be blackmailing your group as well."
The four boys discuss further action while you listen, quietly analyzing the options. Hours pass without much progress being made. When you finally try to chime in about going to get her yourself, using the same tactics you used as a dancer, there's another knock on the door. The room instantly falls silent as Yunhyeong slinks toward the door, a hand on his gun. As he looks through the peephole, his body relaxes. Keeping his hand on the gun in case of ambush, he opens the door for B.I., who gives him a pitiful look before stepping inside.
"This doesn't look good, Song." The leader states as he pulls out an envelope addressed to iKON.
Opening it, Yunhyeong finds a lock of hair and a handwritten note:
iKON, we have one of your members. This member is a daughter of one of your high ranks. We suggest you follow the instructions on the back of this message if you want to see her ever again.
On the back, the instructions simply list a date, time, and place to meet, followed by their demands of a certain area under iKON's control. From the handwritten element, Yunhyeong quickly narrows down the suspects to two cocky newer groups: Bangtan or The Strays.
"Why is ATEEZ here?" B.I. asks when he reaches the others.
"Soojin is my girlfriend."
"And Hyunwoo is my son. It was easy blackmail for them."
HJ stands and holds out a hand to B.I., "Looks like we have to work together this time."
He reluctantly shakes his hand, gripping tightly, "Only this once. I don't want to lose that zone, but I can't risk Song going insane over his daughter's death either."
The debating and planning continue with more force, as the deadline doesn't give much time. Now that they can narrow down the subjects, they can plan in more depth. The two groups in question are much cockier, so they'll expect the ultimatum to be enough for cooperation. However, they're both smart enough to plan defenses in case of an ambush, and they have the numbers on their side. You're quick to point out that Bangtan's numbers don't show for power, as the top seven do everything themselves rather than relying on others, protective of everything they started together. Hyunwoo adds that The Strays don't have the same numbers as Bangtan, but that power is much more balanced, with each of the top members taking assistants by their side.
"We have to assume this is Bangtan. I don't think The Strays would be this aggressive. They'd take their sweet time with their attack. They'd probably kidnap Soojin and Hyunwoo together so that they have a larger upperhand." B.I. declares, repeating for clarity, "Bangtan do things on impulse like this. The Strays think too much."
Agreeing, you all begin fully planning the attack. Ultimately, Hyunwoo and Yunhyeong will attend the meeting, since they're the clear emotional targets in this scheme. You will infiltrate enemy lines if at all possible, with the support of the ATEEZ elite hacker, Yeosang. B.I. and HJ will join each group's top sniper, aiming at whoever joins the meeting on the opposite side, as well as keeping eye on anyone who comes into contact with you. Everyone wants this done as quickly and quietly as possible.
After two agonizingly-long days, the plans are put into action. Yeosang finds you an entrance around the side of the building, disabling its alarm long enough for you to get inside. You quickly find yourself in a group of other girls who are being given simple equipment. As you approach, the person hanging out guns asks for your member number. Without fail, iKON's intel expert spits out a number that you repeat with confidence.
"Kim Eunsoo." You relay the information you're given and receive a small handgun.
You follow the others, blindly acting like the rest of the pack. You don't have sight on the meeting, but you find yourself face-to-face with one of Bangtan's top members. He gives you a once-over before giving you the 'follow me' gesture with his fingers. Although you're scared, remembering rumors of him being the harshest of the members despite his sweet-sounding name.
When Suga finally leads you far enough from the others, he throws a hand around your throat and leans in close, "Do you think we're that dumb?"
He pulls your earpiece from your ear and breaks it under his foot before moving his hand to your hair, dragging you to the meeting. He cuffs your wrists behind your back before pushing you to the floor next to your daughter.
"Well, well, well. You actually did try some tricks. Good for you. Now, we have both of your girls, Song. You better give us what we want." RM, Bangtan's leader claims, a smirk plastered on his face the whole time.
He clearly sounds victorious, so you refuse to look up, hiding your proud smile since they're falling so easily into the trap everyone set. There were no disguises; you meant to get caught. As he continues his victory monologue, you fidget with the handcuffs, slipping out easily without letting them see. You press a button planted in the fake wedding ring you're wearing, alerting everyone that you've freed yourself and can continue the plan.
See, they neglected to take the loaded gun back, believing you wouldn't be able to use it anyway due to the constraints.
"RM, tell me. You think we're idiots for trying to beat you this time, right?" Hyunwoo mocks, cutting off the mafia boss mid-sentence, "You think we'd send Y/N in without a disguise and expect to get a win like that. Isn't that right, buddy?"
Right on queue, you point your gun at RM, and the snipers turn the scope lights on, revealing that the other members have targets on their chests. The leader chuckles and raises his hands.
"Oh no! They have us surrounded! Can you believe this, Jin?" Sarcasm flowing from every word, you realize he's planned for far more than you expected.
Understanding RM's plans at the same time, Hyunwoo lunges toward his girlfriend, shielding her body with his. Shots sound. Groans echo through the building as bullets pierce skin, followed quickly by shuffling feet to get the wounded out of harm's way.
When the dust settles, Yunho and B.I. quickly work to treat the wounded. As B.I. removes a bullet from your right shoulder, you tell him that you hit RM clean in the leg.
"It seemed like slow motion. I watched the bullet break his skin right before the pain hit my back."
"If you're such a good shot, we should train you properly. Dunno if your husband would approve, though."
Everyone made it back safely, so you're all exceptionally happy about how smooth it went. Only you and Hyunwoo actually got hit, and, luckily, neither shot hit anything vital. You also know Bangtan didn't suffer many injuries either, which gives you peace of mind.
Once B.I. finishes dressing the wound, you meet with Yunhyeong, who won't stop thanking Hyunwoo for jumping on top of Soojin and taking the bullet. You drag him away and have him meet with Yunho, who sits on the roof with a celebratory bottle of beer.
"Hey... Thanks for helping save our daughter." Yunhyeong nervously starts, sitting in between the two of you.
"Now, Yunho, so you want to tell Yunhyeong what you told me?"
Silence falls over the group momentarily.
"Nah, I think this speaks enough." Stubbornly, he takes another swig of his drink before laying back, "I'll help my friends, even if the companies we work for are rivals."
As silence creeps in again, you decide not to push for it anymore tonight. You already have a nice victory to sit on, so you feel no need to try for another. You lay down and let your mind drift as you stare up at the stars, knowing full well that Yunhyeong will accept Hyunwoo as family, meaning Yunho will slowly become part of the family as well.
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