#yg treasure angst
goddamnosamu · 1 year
Two Ghosts Falling
Part 2 of [12:49am]: Writing songs is not easy
Pairing: idol!Asahi x reader 
Word count: 1373
Warning: alcohol mention but nothing too serious
A/N: This was so long overdue, and I’m really sorry for that. It’s just been pretty hectic with stuff that’s going on in my life but I decided to at least make a part 2 of the story that I first wrote and posted in this account. I’m thankful for all the hearts and reblogs, it truly makes me happy that people continue to like my work even if I’m gone for a long time. I’ll try to post once things start to look up for me, but for now please enjoy this. I apologize for the pain LMAO I love angst <3 leave a comment, reblog, or heart if you enjoyed it.
“In short, I screwed up,” 
Of course, the shock that his members had on their faces was enough to tell that they were disappointed in him, albeit won’t really say it to his face. It was painfully obvious; who was even to blame for a relationship that felt one-sided despite the two loving each other? Asahi doesn’t even know what time it was when he finished telling his break-up story to the members. Without hearing a word from them, he left the room trying to calm himself down because he never really learned how to cope with the pain that he caused to both of you. Writing his thoughts didn’t help anymore, bottling up his feelings will only leave him crying for hours, and painting will only end up with art that resonates with his agony from both the stress of being an idol and losing you. Thinking back, he never really knew how to cope because he was always met with your comfort when he was stressed. 
It’s been months and he still can’t bring himself to go out. The only time he does go out is when he has a schedule for the day or one of the members promised free coffee. Anything other than that, he only checks the lives of other people on social media. Surprisingly, you didn’t block him in your account and you retained your account for the public to see. He could see you succeed in the stories you told him about, and even the little celebration posts. Asahi continues to see you striving in your own life without him, yet he is still miserable the day you left him. He wanted to patch things up with you; try to tell you that he needs you and he regrets his actions. But when that time does come, he’s afraid he’ll run out of things he can say to bring you back. 
At an early night, Asahi reluctantly agrees to spend a night in a bar with the other members. The members were pestering him about it and he only went just to get them off his back. He has been stressed enough already, but he really didn’t think that alcohol will solve his problems. Arriving at the local bar, Asahi was immediately welcomed by the strong scent of alcohol and the blaring music coming from the speakers around the bar. He was immediately dragged by Jihoon to the bartender and ordered a drink for the both of them. As soon as they got their drinks, where Asahi doesn’t even know what Jihoon got for him, he was left alone to ponder his thoughts and alcohol ready for his escape. 
Asahi doesn’t know how long they’ve been in here, but all he knows is he’s at his 4th cocktail. He was tipsy, but he manages to get a hold of himself for the time being in case the other members needed help going home. He admits to himself that the alcohol has helped a bit in forgetting; his mind is more focused on the music and seeing some of the members laugh their asses off on the dance floor. 
“Hamada Asahi. Here I thought you completely locked yourself up in the studio.”
It can’t be. 
“(y/n)?” Asahi said shakily, his eyes immediately filled with remorse. He knew it was inevitable that you’d meet each other, but he doesn’t expect it to be this early – denying the fact that he was just afraid to see you while he was still at his lowest. 
“How have you been?” you answered, completely unfazed by his heavy demeanor while you sat beside him. 
“Still locked in the studio, the others just dragged me here.” Asahi recovered from his shock, grabbing confidence from the alcohol he has. 
“How about you?’
“Oh, you know – same old, same old. Finally getting on track with my life and what I wanted to do,”
Asahi knew what you were talking about – of course, he does. The achievements on your social media, the updates about your life he hears when the others talk about you; you were practically there in every corner he looks. He looks at you as you waved to a person he’s unfamiliar with, probably a colleague you met from your now successful life. He’d wish for you to elaborate more, even if the stories were already told by you or others. It was too selfish for him to think of wanting to get back with you but needs to hear it from you, even if it meant that he was going to hurt again in the next couple of months.
“You know, I never wanted things to end,” he whispered, although you completely heard him. “All I ever wanted was to be by your side. I never knew how to write songs anymore because I lost all my inspiration for it. I’m sorry, but I can’t deal with the fact that you probably won’t talk about me to anyone or someone you wouldn’t want around or –”
“You are so fucking selfish.”
He looked at you in shock. Tears well up in your eyes as you bite your lip to prevent yourself from breaking down right then and there.
“You don’t get to decide what should I be in the relationship. You don’t even have the right to say that I’m the reason you’re miserable. How about me, Asahi? Did you ever stop and consider how I was feeling? The whole time in that relationship, I never even felt the love you bragged to others or the songs you wrote about me.” you stared at him while he can’t even bring himself to look at you. He knew you were right. This was what he wanted, right? For you to say what you’ve always wanted to say after the breakup. He looked at you as you continued. 
“And the worst part of all of that was that I still loved you.”
“I’m sorry.” pathetic, he thinks about himself.
“It’s already too late for that,” you murmured as you stared at your half-empty glass. 
“Look, I know I broke a lot of what I promised you when I dated you–”
“You didn’t just break promises, Asahi. You broke me, and honestly, I don’t know why I even continue to sit beside you right now and explain yourself.” you spat at him while paying for your drink. You were about to walk away when I suddenly grabbed your hand.
“Please don’t leave. I don’t know what I am now without you,” his tears were falling at this point. You both were probably getting stares but Asahi didn’t care. All he wanted was you, even if it meant that you both will try to remember how it feels to be one again.
“Let go, Asahi.”
“No, I don’t want to. Please just hear me out, I’ll–”
“And why the fuck should I listen to you? I said let go.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you” his voice quivered, full of hurt and despair. He didn’t know what else to say other than apologies and desperation. 
“But you fucking did, didn’t you? You fucking did,” you scowled at him as your tears were now running down your cheeks.
You removed his hand from your arm and immediately left. He continues to kneel on the floor, trying to process everything that happened while his hands were on his head. His head was pounding and his body felt like giving up, but his chest was the most painful of all. It was like his heart was breaking again after it was pieced together forcefully. He gets the feeling that you’ll never need him again – he knew you didn’t but what other choice did he have to at least get through the day? He continued to hope before today, but tonight and the days to come will definitely feel like falling into a hole of despair where he won’t know how to save himself anymore. When he looks up, he never saw you again. All he heard was one of the members trying to get him to come back to his senses but his mind was too focused on remembering how his heart was supposed to beat without you, forever.
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junghwcns · 7 months
Always been you
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☆ : pairing best friend!junghwan x gn!reader word count 1.2k    genre angst , best friends to lovers , non-idol au, fluff at the very end warnings not proofread , uses y/n, junghwan is kind of mean to reader in the beginning, tons of miscommunication/misunderstandings notes this is my first time writing angsty stuff like this so forgive me if it's not the best; req'd
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“Hey Hwan, can we talk?” you say as you lightly grab your best friend of several year's wrist to stop him from going up the stairs to class. 
“Oh, so now you want to talk?” He coughs out coldly.
“What?” you try your best to control your expression but you can’t help the hurt that briefly flashes in your eyes.
“Are you sure you’re not too busy with your guitar lessons with Jeongwoo? I don’t know, you two seemed really close. Maybe you should go talk to him.” he chides, yanking his wrist out of your grasp. At first, confusion and hurt clouds your mind, making it impossible for you to think about what could’ve made him act like this and then you remember. 
“Junghwan… I-” you start to say but Junghwan cuts your explanation short, not wanting to hear about your lessons with Jeongwoo. It was painful enough for him to witness it but for you to tell him about it yourself, he thinks his heart would break in two.
“Forget it. I have to go to class and you should too.” he whispers low enough for you to barely hear him and then he’s gone up the stairs. In your 7 years of being best friends, he’s never acted so cold and distant towards you and now that he has, you never want it to happen again. His few words cut like ice, making you wonder if you did something wrong or if you would ever get a chance to explain yourself. 
As the number of weeks since your encounter increases, so does the number of days it’s been since Junghwan last spoke to you. Having been friends for so long, you’ve never gone more than 3 days without talking to him so these weeks have felt like a lifetime of torture. Little do you know, it’s been torture for Junghwan as well. He had finally worked up the courage to tell you how he feels and then he sees you laughing and cuddling up to Jeongwoo? Everyone had convinced him that you liked him back and didn’t just view him as a friend but suddenly, all those words of encouragement turned into lies. How could you view him as more than just a friend if you liked Jeongwoo? He knew he had to get over you and the only way for him to do that was to avoid you at all costs. If he saw your beaming smile or heard the laugh that was music to his ears, he wouldn’t be able to let you go. So he tried his best but all he ended up doing was hurting you and himself in the end. 
my y/niee~ ❤️‍🩹 can we talk? Read 5:56 pm please? Read 5:56 pm just meet me at our spot on the playground where we first met Read 5:57 pm
hwaniee~ 💟🐶 ok.  Read 5:58 pm
When Junghwan sees you, his heart sinks. You have the hood of (his) sweatshirt that you’re wearing pulled over your head to hide your face but he can still see the redness of your cheeks and how your eyes are puffy from crying. All he wants to do is pull you into a hug and apologize but he can’t because if he does, he’ll fall right back into the routine of loving you. 
Feeling someone approach you, you look up from your seat on the floor of the playground where you and Junghwan first met all those years ago. 
“Junghwan?” you ask into the darkness, only seeing a figure that shares a familiar outline with your best friend. The figure steps into the light from the streetlamps surrounding the playground, revealing themself to be your best friend who is also in the same disheveled state as you. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t worry.” His voice cracks a little as it tries to hold back all of the different emotions he feels. You gesture for him and he walks over to take a seat next to you. Once he sits down, both of you start to speak at the same time. 
“You go first.” He says, motioning for you to continue what you were about to say.
“No, it’s okay. You can go first.” You whisper awkwardly before you squeak out a small laugh.
“What? Why are you laughing?” He questions but still starts to laugh along with you.
“It's nothing... We’ve just never been this awkward before. It’s kind of funny.” You say as you burst into a full on laugh that’s immediately followed by the sound of Junghwan’s. Once the laughter dies down, you know you have to explain yourself before the tears start to fall again.
“Junghwan… I-”
He cuts you off again, but this time, there’s no anger behind it, only remorse. “No, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain yourself.”
“But I do!” You exclaim, turning away from him to hide your face. “I can’t let you think something that’s not true! When you saw me and Jeongwoo together, he was teaching me the guitar. That part’s true, but it wasn’t because I wanted to get closer to him. We were together because I asked him to help me learn a song on the guitar, a song that was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday. Jeongwoo is only a friend who was helping another friend in need.” You turn back to look at him and see his eyes, full of regret. “The idea that you think I like someone else is tearing me up inside because you’re the one I like, Junghwan. It’s always been you.” You cry out, face full of tears. 
“Oh, Y/n. I am so sorry for making you upset. I saw you two laughing together and the thought that maybe you didn’t like me filled my mind.” He sighs and runs his hands through his long, brown hair. “I had finally worked up the courage to tell you how I felt after like 7 years and then I saw you with Jeongwoo and my whole world came crashing down. I avoided you because I knew that in order for me to be happy, I would have to let you go.  I am so sorry, Y/N… for everything. For making you cry and for making you think anything other than the truth, which is that I really, really like you. It’s always been you. From day one until now. I’ve never stopped.” he says, wrapping you in a hug. “Are you cold?” he asks, pulling away slightly to look at your face.
Through chattering teeth, you admit, “Just a little bit.” Junghwan laughs but still takes off his coat and places it on your shoulders to protect you from the cold. He offers you a hand to help you up from the floor and never lets go. Not on your walk home, not once you both entered your house and sat on the couch, and not for the rest of the night. You were finally together and he had absolutely no plans to leave.
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asahistime · 7 months
a/n : junghwan is your bestfriend, he’s in a relationship and you’re just in love.
i still need to learn how to use this app and write on here properly lol. anyways i was listening to sad love songs and i might have projected on here a bit… awkward
“i can’t love you in dark.” i spoke to junghwan. for once, he heard me.
“what are you talking about?” he made a confused face. a tear slipped from my left eye.
it took a long time to realize it was never going to be me. junghwan was always mine but i was never his. we were always going to be defeated.
“i still remember the day you told me about her.”
“dalia?” he looked down.
daila, his future girlfriend, wife, lover, everything. it’ll be okay, i’ll love you forever. but, who knows how long forever is?
“i don’t understand why i’m so scared about this. i always practiced how i was going to say but then dalia came in and suddenly i wasn’t even a thought. i didn’t mean to intrude about any of this. but i needed to say all of this because i would never and now that im saying this it feels like i’m losing you and myself on the way there.”
“i- ”
i cut him off, “don’t say anything. don’t ruin this for me because you feel bad because but i don’t. i feel relieved because i can finally let you go.”
“who said anything about letting you go?!” he blurted
“i can’t keep loving my best friend.” my voice cracked as i tried to look him in the eyes.
“no. we can still be friends!” he tried defending our friendship.
“it’s been a while since i last thought we were friends.” i confessed. i gave him his stupid friendship bracelet that made me cry when i got home because he was mine for a moment. i gave him his stupid sweater that gave me warmth on the loneliest and coldest nights. i gave him my all because it was all mine.
“i wish you had said something before. i.. i had something to tell you too. i always hoped that you stared longer, smiled longer, felt longer around me. i always wished it was you.” he smiled through his tears.
“i don’t think i’ll find someone like you. nobody compares to you. as a person or a lover. but i think i would prefer you as mine.” he started as he looked into my eyes.
i felt like i could finally breathe. it was enchanting and amazing and beautifully heartbreaking. suddenly, it felt like 10 years ago when i met him on that gloomy day. raining and depressing. and he was the sunshine that lit my life.
“you felt the same?” i sobbed out. i put my hand over my hand, i felt sick. he held me as i cried into his arms.
“don’t do this. please. i can’t lose you. i don’t want to lose my person.” junghwan voice cracked, “i’ll always look out for you and be there for you. you don’t have to give me these things back. i just want you back.”
i pulled away and looked around. this is their shared apartment with their shared photos and shared coffee and shared warmth. what am i doing? i can’t do this to another girl.
“what are we doing?” i questioned. i felt terrible and immediately started backing away. i shouldn’t even be here. i really shouldn’t.
“i don’t even understand why i am here. i don’t know why. i don’t deserve to come here and say these stupid feelings that i had and say them too late.”
“but you did and i thank you for it. i realized maybe we were right for each other. but maybe isn’t enough.” he added on.
“you know you were like stars in the dark for me. you always shined when nobody was there and only people who were out at the right time saw you. i tried to find other stars but you always shined the brightest.” he said. “i don’t think i could ever search for my star when she’s right here looking at me.”
you don’t need a star when you have the whole galaxy coming home soon. you don’t need me. i shouldn’t need you but i can’t stop loving the moon.
i smiled for the last time before saying, “junghwan, thank you for all the moments you made me laugh, smile, cry, love and made me feel so special. i thank you for letting me speak, but i hate you for letting me love you. and i hate you for loving you. and i hate you because you loved me.”
“i don’t think i’ll ever find someone like you and i hope i don’t because i’ll fall in love once again.”
i looked at him one more time, taking him in all my glory and for the first time in forever i wished i could kiss him goodbye.
“i’ll see you soon. i know i will.” junghwan held my hand as he uttered words.
i turned around, taking step by step. day by day, i’ll get over this childish love and stupid boy. but he won’t be a stupid boy. he’ll just be a boy.
the doorknob started twisting and turning and stomach did as well. the door opened and dalia was there, beautiful as always. her smile turned into a frown. “what happened? why are you crying?” her kindness will always live on in junghwan, i just hope he doesn’t forget about me.
“i think i lost something dear to me,” i turned around and looked at junghwan and back to dalia,”i hope you take care of it.”
dalia gave me her doe eyes, she has no clue what happened. “if i’ll find it, i’ll send it to you!” i just laughed and smiled. “i really hope you do.” i gave junghwan one last smile. and i finally mouthed,
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kpop-kitkat · 2 years
You Promised | Watanabe Haruto
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pairing | boyfriend!watanabe haruto x f!reader
genre/cw | angst, fluff, explicit language, argument, screaming, crying, busy schedule, haruto is a bit insensitive, hurt comfort, happy ending
wc | 1.1k
notes | none
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Watching the clock strike 10:00 p.m when her boyfriend had promised to be back by 7:30 p.m. As horrible as it sounded, this had become a regular thing for Y/n. 
Haruto was a busy, busy idol. And as of late, he had become somewhat of a perfectionist, always staying late at the studio. He had started to neglect his role as a boyfriend to Y/n, and she was devastated. She never woke up before Haruto. His side of the bed was empty when she woke up. And of course, she didn't expect him to be back by his promised time. It's not like he ever told the truth anyway. She was absolutely done, sick of this routine. 
Haruto unlocked the door to their apartment with only one thought: sleep. Nothing else mattered as he collapsed tiredly onto the bed, falling asleep almost instantly as his head hit the pillow. He didn't even take the time to notice the death glare his girlfriend was giving him from her spot on the sofa downstairs. She was filled with too many emotions to sleep in the same bed as him, so she got cozy on the couch. 
The next morning, Y/n was the first to wake. It was time to confront Haruto.
After he had descended the stairs and made his way to the kitchen, she cleared her throat.
"Ruto?" she called. 
He didn't even do as much as glance her way. He only gave a soft 'hmm' in response. 
"What are we?" she asked, not being able to look him in the eyes as he turned her way.
"Why would you ask? Don't you know?" he raised an eyebrow.
"No I don't," she snapped, anger, fear, and sadness quickly filling her. "Ruto, I've been invisible to you for the past month! You're never home, you overwork yourself, and the last text I sent you, you left me on read. I feel like I'm just a maid that keeps your apartment clean," she sighed, hanging her head.
Haruto scoffed, earning a painful frown from Y/n. "You're being dramatic. I'm just a little busier lately," he passed off her worries like they were nothing. And they were something.
He ignored her hurt expression as he poured himself some coffee. 
 "Are you fucking serious?!" she seethed, earning no response from him. 
 She sighed loudly as she walked over to him, took the coffee mug, and threw it to the ground, shattering it into a million pieces.
"What the hell?!" he gasped. "What is wrong with you?!" he yelled, grasping her shoulders, shaking her slightly. 
"Do you love me Haruto!?" she inquired angrily. 
He couldn't even bring himself to answer, and he didn't know why.
"Do you love me?!" she screamed, all of her built up emotions pouring out.
Haruto let go of her shoulders and looked at the floor. 
 "Y/n... I-
"You know what," she began stepping away from him and removing something from her right hand ring finger. Haruto's heart was shattered into even more pieces than the glass mug when he realized it was the promise ring he bought her for their one year anniversary. She slipped it off and threw it, hitting him in the chest. "You can keep that, but you can't keep any of your promises!"
She stormed up the stairs and slammed their bedroom door. 
Haruto bent down and moved some broken glass to the side to pick up the ring. He fell to his knees and realized everything he had just done.
"Fuck," he cried, covering his mouth with his free hand. He could care less about missing practice that day. Y/n was the only thing on his mind.
He thought about the past month. Y/n was absolutely right. Haruto had become a workaholic. And because of it, he became cold and ignorant towards someone he truly loved. He overworked himself and spent all of his time on anything besides time with his girlfriend. He didn't realize how worried Y/n and his members had become. He didn't realize that he was hurting not just them, but himself. He didn't realize... he was breaking her heart. And the sad reality became painfully clear as he held something that was given as proof of a promise, one that he failed to keep.
He wiped his tears and managed to make his way to the bedroom door. After having planned a ten page apology in his head, he entered the room. But it was vacant. He looked to see the open window, which wasn't open before. The window led to the fire escape which led to the roof. Haruto knew from experience that his girlfriend loved to sit on the roof when she felt sad. It made him feel all the more guilty and sorry. 
He ever so quietly ascended the fire escape and spotted Y/n, looking so ethereal sitting there. It was a sight Haruto could never give up. The way the wind blew her hair and dried her tears, how she hugged her knees and rested her chin on them, and how she chewed on her necklace when she was scared. Haruto figured she must've been scared of losing him. But that's something she'd never lose, not on his watch.
He sat next to her, accepting the fact that she wasn't in the mood to talk, or even be around him. She faced away from him and sighed shakily. Sadness and fear were taking over her anger, despite her will.
"You were right you know," Haruto began, as Y/n gave him a half glance. "It is all my fault that you feel this way, and that we are where we are," he admitted. "I don't know what happened to me, I just..." he paused, refusing to let the tears fall. "I felt useless to the group, like I wasn't enough, so I pushed myself. Before I knew, I had taken the whole thing too far and... I hurt you."
 Y/n was now looking deep into his eyes. They were evident with sorrow and the fear of losing her. 
 "I'm sorry for everything. I promised to always love you and take care of you," he said, taking out the promise ring from the pocket in his hoodie. "And I plan to keep that promise," he smiled, meeting her eyes.
Y/n smiled as a tear slid down her cheek. There was no way she could couldn't forgive him. She loved hi more than anything. She gave him her hand as he slipped the ring back on. She smiled and watched the diamond glisten in the light of the beautiful sunrise. She then closed her eyes and leaned into Haruto's chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her as rested his head atop hers.
 "I forgive you," she said, voice barely above a whisper. 
 "I love you," he replied, closing his eyes.
 "I know," she smirked.
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qyuoza · 2 years
Crush on you! (Choi Hyunsuk)
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"It's nothing, it was fun spending the day with you, just you and me, normal Hyunsuk and normal Y/n"
Genre: Fluff
AU: Influencer!au, Celebrity!au
Warnings: Hyunsuk is like really insecure and shy here (my poor baby), other than that nothing else really
Summary: Choi Hyunsuk is one of Korea's most well known youtubers and professional broadcasting jockeys. At the peak of his fame, he was offered a special collaboration with a company to start his own fashion brand. The cherry on top is, he does a photoshoot with his long time celebrity crush, Park Y/n.
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Jihoon rushed in behind Hyunsuk who was currently speed walking into the building they were going to have a photoshoot in. The whole team was almost late to the schedule itself and already had enough problems to think about today, so they could not afford to add another one onto it the list.
"How do you feel about modeling with Park Y/n? You've been a huge fan for awhile" Hongjoong, Hyunsuk's camera man, asked curiously as he set up the video equipment.
Hyunsuk huffed as they entered the dressing room, setting up the rest of the cameras and needing to manage everyone's condition before they started filming for the latest video.
"If you want me to fully be honest, I'd say I'm nervous. I've been her fan for who knows how long, been there since the launch of her brand, bought the clothes and kept up with most of the interviews she’s had" Hyunsuk confessed.
Hongjoong, who was satisfied with himself that he even caught that on camera, made a mental note to pass to their editor, Beomgyu, to put that clip in the video.
"You'll be alright hyung, best case scenario you get in contact with her and if anything goes wrong then it could just be her attitude or the photography team for all we know" Jihoon said as Hyunsuk plopped on the make up chair.
Then around two or three make up artists had rushed into the room to get Hyunsuk ready. "They're from Y/n's team, I guess this is your chance to ask them what she's like" Ana, Hyunsuk's PR manager, walked into the room with a shit eating grin on her face.
Hyunsuk looked at her and back at his phone, reminding himself to curse out his friends when this was all over with. How could they tease him at the time he had to remain professional.
"You're a fan of Y/n? No surprise to be honest, we've encountered a lot of people like that as well so feel free to ask us anything really" one of the make up artists chimed in.
Hongjoong and Jihoon were howling with laughter upon seeing Hyunsuk's face going beet red. Ana shushed them and passed Hyunsuk a coffee for his nerves and energy he would need for later.
"I mean is Y/n nice? I honestly have no idea what to ask since I'm helping Hyunsuk over here" Ana chuckled. Haeri, one of the other make up artists, nodded.
"She's super sweet to everyone and is the nicest person you could ever really meet, and I mean it. In my four years of working with her, not once has she ever been rude. She even took the staff out for dinner one time and paid for it all" Mina, the assistant make up artist mused.
Hyunsuk was spaced out at this point. Not only was he meeting his celebrity crush, she was also just as nice as he expected her to be.
"Hyunsuk hyung say something" Jihoon laughed. Hyunsuk's daze was cut short and he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry I'm so nervous, like I really don't know what to do" he replied, taking a sip of his coffee.
Once Hyunsuk's make up was done, Ana led him to the changing room to do his fitting.
"Wow, these clothes are so gorgeous" Ana and Hyunsuk turned towards a familiar voice that came from behind them, and lo and behold, there was Park Y/n standing behind them with an angelic smile.
She looked absolutely ethereal not only in Hyunsuk's eyes, but to the people around them as well.
"Oh my God! Y/n it's an absolute pleasure to meet you, I'm a huge fan of your work" Ana had completely abandoned Hyunsuk as she shook Y/n's hand.
He was awestruck, practically standing there gawking at the mere sight of her. "Pleasure's all mine, I'm actually quite a huge fan of Hyunsuk here as well" Y/n admitted shyly.
Ana smirked at Hyunsuk as he smiled at Y/n awkwardly, he just couldn't belive it, his dreams were coming true it seemed.
"No way a model like yourself is into the kind of videos I put out!" Hyunsuk said in disbelief. Y/n laughed at his reaction and shook her head.
"Oh believe me, I love your content. Most especially your fashion review videos as expected, but I've noticed that a good portion of your reviews consist of my clothes as well" she replied sweetly. Hyunsuk rubbed the back of his neck and nodded, she was so attentive it was hard not to believe that she didn't watch his content.
"I've been contacted by your team a few times and was fortunate enough to have the chance to review your collections. I love the uniqueness and characteristics your clothes carry, it's as if each piece holds a story" he replied passionately.
"I'm glad, I actually told my PR team to personally contact you a few times. Just the way you really handle and speak about the clothing itself really intrigued me" Y/n said. Ana was watching from the sidelines, grinning by herself.
Hyunsuk and Y/n were getting along quite well, this meant the shoot would go by like a breeze. "Were you guys here for fitting?" Y/n's personal assistant, Wooyoung, had suddenly chimed in so naturally.
"Yeah actually, and it's nice to meet you, I'm Ana. Hyunsuk's PR manager" Ana held out her hand towards Wooyoung, who eagerly shook it in return.
"Jung Wooyoung, Y/n's best friend and personal assistant" he introduced. Y/n briefly hit him on the shoulder as Wooyoung gave a high pitched laugh.
"Oh you work for your best friend?" Ana cocked her head to the side. Wooyoung nodded.
"I was fortunate enough to land a job under her since I was in a rough patch, but I'm thankful enough because Y/n really helped me financially and just through everything at the time" Hyunsuk swooned at the revelation.
Y/n wasn't only beautiful, independent and smart, but she was also kind and had a heart of gold. It was beyond what he could've ever imagined.
"I'll see you later then Hyunsuk, it was nice meeting you. I have to go do my fitting in a bit" Y/n waved as her Wooyoung walked past them, Wooyoung giving Ana a little wave as well.
"She's so, wow” Ana breathed out. Hyunsuk shifted next to her as they watched Y/n talk to the stylists.
"Tell me about it" he replied and walked over to the other dressing room where he was gonna do his fitting. A few minutes had gone by after the fitting and Y/n and Hyunsuk were ready, clad in the collaboration clothes.
Hyunsuk was wearing a black denim jacket with red designs of his own scattered all over it, the jacket being a little bit tattered and having red accents as well. It was paired with a simple white shirt and some black jeans designed by himself as well.
"They came out so well holy shit" Ana exclaimed from beside him. He laughed in reply as they waited for Y/n patiently.
The two then heard a door open as Y/n walked out in a dazzling black dress and some knee high boots, over the outfit was a blazer, not just any blazer though, it was Hyunsuk's favorite item overall in the entire collab.
It was a black and white tweed blazer that had silver specs with a small design of his on the chest pocket. Everyone was in awe while Wooyoung held in a laugh from behind Y/n.
"Are we ready then? Hyunsuk and Y/n, please stand over here. Don't be too pressured by the way, just make your poses natural this time around ok?" The photographer gave them a heads up as the rest of his team encouraged them as well.
"First time doing this?" Y/n smiled up at Hyunsuk. He nodded back with anxiousness written all over his face, which led Y/n to a brilliant idea.
"Here, why don't you stand like this and I'll stand here behind you" Y/n guided Hyunsuk to face towards the front of the camera, hands in his pockets, as she stood behind him, hands on his shoulders.
"Perfect! Hold that for me, now you can do as you please" The photographer spoke up again. Hyunsuk was flustered, he couldn't believe he was this close to Y/n. How could really survive the rest of the photoshoots like this?
An hour or so had finally gone by and Hyunsuk couldn't have been more relieved. Y/n was so gorgeous and looked after him the whole time, he had to hold himself back from acting all giddy towards her actions.
"Hyunsuk hey! Wait up a bit— Oh are you guys recording?" Y/n had come up to Hyunsuk in the middle of filming something, but he reassured her that he would just do another take.
"I hope I didn't intrude or anything, but before I leave I wanted to ask if I could have your number?" Jihoon had choked on his own spit from behind Hongjoong.
Y/n was asking for Hyunsuk's number? Now that would probably be something Hyunsuk would never live down, not after everything that's happened in the entire shoot itself.
"Of course, here let me put it in" Y/n handed Hyunsuk her phone shyly as Hongjoong had pretended to not record the whole interaction the entire time.
"Thanks again Hyunsuk! See you around, I'll be sure to purchase some of your clothing for this collab soon!" Y/n jogged up to Wooyoung and soon left to do whatever was on the rest of her itinerary for the day.
"What was all that about? God Hyunsuk you look like you've seen a ghost" Ana had put a hand on his shoulder. Hyunsuk then towards her, the biggest smile on his face, oh wow it finally broke him.
"Hyung you can't be serious, wipe that smile off your face so we can film the rest of the video before heading back to the studio" Jihoon looked at him as if he was a madman, but Hyunsuk really could care less. They continued recording smoothly and went off back to their studio.
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Over the next couple of weeks, Hyunsuk had been hesitant to contact Y/n. He had no idea why, but sales had also seemed to skyrocket when the pictures had dropped.
"Media says you and Y/n would make a great couple" Ana walked into Hyunsuk's office and handed him the ipad she was holding prior. He took it but was immediately bewildered at the comments that accompanied the article.
"'Y/n and Hyunsuk would make a great couple, this is wild'. 'Wait, so they aren't dating...?'" Hyunsuk had read some of the comments out loud, still shocked as ever.
Ana then snatched the iPad from him and rolled her eyes, couldn't he see that this was a good chance to finally get himself his crush and turn her into his girlfriend?
"Well? What are you waiting for ? You should go ask her out. You were too chicken the past few weeks and Jihoon's been saying you look miserable just staring at her contact all day long" Hyunsuk choked on his spit and leaned back on his chair with a sigh.
"It's complicated, I mean she probably has a boyfriend for all we know—" Ana had interrupted him with a scoff, to which Hyunsuk replied with an offended look.
"I know men in the fashion industry are gorgeous as hell Hyunsuk, but why not give it a shot? She's your fan and for what's it's worth just try it, we don't have forever and you've been single like since we met, live a little" Ana said encouragingly, she wanted Hyunsuk to finally live his life. Behind the videos he was all miserable and was in desperate need of something more in his life.
Hyunsuk massaged his temples. Maybe he should take what Ana said into consideration, he was always doing his work that he barely does anything else to spice up his life.
"Alright, this once ok?" Ana was thrilled and immediately ran out to go tell the others. Meanwhile, Hyunsuk was still in his office, finally monitoring the video of the behind the scenes from the photoshoot a few weeks prior.
"Piece of shit!" Hyunsuk yelled as he saw the clips of him and Y/n interacting. He didn't mind at all, but he was kind of embarrassed how a side of him, never seen before, had been shown. Then he started skimming the comments.
'Y/n looks so pretty! They're so adorable I'd honestly be surprised if they weren't dating by now' one comment read. Hyunsuk had turned beet red before continuing to scroll through more comments.
'Hyunsuk if you see this, I hope you date Y/n kkk' he read another comment and slammed his laptop shut upon reading it. Even his fans wanted him to ask her out at this point, so it took all the courage in him to finally message her, in hopes of maybe hanging out with her at least once.
[Hyunsuk 4:50 PM] hi y/n! this is hyunsuk, i hope you're not too busy but i was wondering if you would like to hangout soon?
Hyunsuk was about to slam his head on the table, was he too formal? Did he seem to pushy? Y/n was a very busy person after all. A few minutes after he beat himself up, he had received a reply from her.
[Y/n 4:52 PM] i'd love to! when and where? just so i can ask wooyoung to clear my schedule a bit so we can set a date :)
He sighed again, he felt guilty for asking Y/n to hangout on such short notice, but maybe this could lead to something more. So he took his chance and replied.
[Hyunsuk 4:54 PM] maybe this saturday? we can roam around cheongdam to shop and grab dinner afterwards
[Y/n 4:57 PM] sounds good! see you then hyunsuk :)
Hyunsuk was on cloud nine, he couldn't believe it. Y/n was actually going to meet up with him and go on a date.
"Guys! You won't believe it!" Hyunsuk ran out of his office and accidentally startled his editing team. Jihoon peered from behind the door of his own office and looked at him, eyebrow raised and questioning.
"Y/n and I are going out this weekend" Hyunsuk said proudly. Apparently the timing was just great as Ana walked in, dropping some of her things from the shock. "YOU AND Y/N ARE WHAT?" Hyunsuk only grinned at her before heading back into his office.
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The week had gone by pretty quickly and before Hyunsuk knew it, he was getting ready to meet Y/n in Cheongdam. His phone had then rang and he almost instantly knew.
"Hyunsuk hi, I'm already here I'm just waiting nearby Miu Miu right now" Y/n said, Hyunsuk softened at her voice before he replied.
"I'll be there in a few, I hope I'm not taking too long" he said, a bit guilty that he was still very much on his way, though he wasn't that far either.
"Don't worry I'll be ok, I can look around for a bit before we go" Y/n replied. She was such an angel, like how could someone be so understanding? Hyunsuk honestly didn't know.
A few stop lights later and Hyunsuk had finally arrived at Cheongdam. He entered the luxury fashion street and parked his car at a nearby valet, then he pulled out his phone to text Y/n that he had arrived.
[Hyunsuk 7:10 PM] im at miu miu do i just go in?
[Y/n 7:11 PM] yeah give me a second, im by the bags
Hyunsuk had walked into Miu Miu and saw Y/n closely inspecting a bag. He couldn't help but gawk again at how she looked.
What she was wearing was simple, it was just a tweed Chanel skirt and blazer set with a white cropped top underneath it, she paired it with a classic Chanel handbag and black boots.
"Hey Y/n" Hyunsuk approached her. She turned to him and smiled brightly, eyes turning into crescents.
"Hyunsuk! It's so nice to see you, just let me take one more look and we can finally go to a different store" Y/n then thanked the clerk as her and Hyunsuk left to go to else where in Cheongdam.
"I'm glad you agreed to hangout, I feel bad that you had to clear up your plans though" Hyunsuk said, guilt lacing his tone. Y/n turned to him as they head into the Chanel store.
"Don't be, it's actually nice to take a breather and escape from all the busy schedules once in awhile. They always see just the usual Park Y/n in the spotlight, but sometimes I just wanna be Y/n, a normal person who lives a normal life" she confessed softly while scanning the bags.
Hyunsuk softened upon hearing this. He completely understood how it felt to constantly be in the spotlight, and it's true how they needed a break from all that attention every now and then.
"I fully understand how you feel, having everyone's eyes on you and constantly being in the media here and there is definitely exhausting" Y/n looked up at him and smiled, Hyunsuk's heart started beating in his chest.
"You must be hungry! Let me go buy this bag and these shoes I've been eyeing and I'll be done in a bit" she said. The clerk had helped her as Hyunsuk walked right beside Y/n, who was heading to the counter.
"Will this be all ma'am?" Y/n nodded and fished out her wallet before pulling out a black card.
Hyunsuk visibly stiffened again, she was definitely in a different league and it made him feel unworthy to really be with her as of the moment, but of course he didn't have any guts to tell her, so he remained quiet. Only admiring her silently again.
After paying, Y/n and Hyunsuk walked over to Jungsik, a well known and expensive restaurant. Hyunsuk was determined to pay for everything else this time.
"I love this restaurant so much, last time I came I was with Wooyoung but it feels good to have a change of scenery" Y/n giggled as she skimmed through the menu.
"I'm paying this time alright? I was the one who asked you to hangout after all" Hyunsuk said boldly.
Y/n looked up at him and nodded, she was impressed by how much of a gentleman Hyunsuk was, he even carried her shopping bags a few moments prior.
"What could I get started for you two tonight?" A waiter had approached them, implying that he was going to take their order.
"One Ssam and Fillet Mignon please, and a regular aged steak for me, medium rare" the waiter nodded before taking their drinks. "Just wine thank you" Hyunsuk closed the menu as him and Y/n handed it over to the waiter.
"I'm impressed. You've been amazing so far Hyunsuk, I'd love to do this again some time soon" Y/n gave him a smile whole making direct eye contact with Hyunsuk.
She was elegant and cunning really, Y/n was well rounded and level headed. Hyunsuk wondered what her upbringing was like.
"Please it's my job to treat you like the lady you are for tonight, I'm fully thankful that you considered giving me your time" he gave her a cheeky grin and stared back at her, eyes filled with adoration and love. Y/n smiled back at him as their food had arrived.
Dinner had then finished like a breeze for Hyunsuk and Y/n, both seeming like long time friends already. "Here let me pay" Hyunsuk pulled out his card and handed the bill to the waiter.
Y/n obliged as she continued talking about a childhood memory with her best friend Wooyoung, Hyunsuk laughing along with the story. The bill was handed back to Hyunsuk, who took his card and carried Y/n's shopping bags, ready to leave.
By this time, they were both just walking around Cheongdam admiring the streets. "Thank you for today Hyunsuk, I appreciate it a lot" Y/n smiled, looping her arm around Hyunsuk's.
"It's nothing, it was fun spending the day with you, just you and me, normal Hyunsuk and normal Y/n" Hyunsuk cheekily replied. Suddenly Hyunsuk had stopped in front of a statue that looked interesting and immediately pulled out his phone.
"Let's take pictures to remember our first time out together" he said enthusiastically. Y/n sauntered over to the statue and immediately posed with her shopping bags, changing poses from time to time.
Hyunsuk continued taking photos, finding Y/n absolutely endearing when she would giggle each time she got shy. It was a huge one eighty from the Y/n who was constantly confident as ever in the studio.
"Send me the photos later! Now let me" Y/n took Hyunsuk's phone in her hand as he stood doing all the poses he could, even a few natural ones.
"You're like a pro, I seriously get shy when taking pictures so don't let the persona I have in the studio fool you" she handed him his phone back as he scrolled through the photos. They were just perfect.
"Shit, Hyunsuk I've got to go soon, Wooyoung's picking me up for our movie night at my place. I'll see you again some other time soon?" Hyunsuk quickly nodded as Y/n sighed in relief.
"For sure, and Y/n could I just say something? I'll be quick I promise" Y/n nodded and Hyunsuk breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
"I actually like you, a lot and I wanted to know if we could maybe become more than friends?" Y/n was shocked, but then a smile had painted her features.
"I've actually liked you too for a long time Hyunsuk, I hope we go out during better circumstances next time where it's you and me, but maybe not just as friends" she replied.
Hyunsuk was absolutely ecstatic, then he heard someone clear their throat. It was Wooyoung. "I'll see you then Hyunsuk! It'll be a date whenever!" Y/n then walked off with Wooyoung as Hyunsuk stood, smiling like an absolute idiot.
© qyuoza 2022 -. please refrain from plagiarizing any of my works and do not repost/copy onto any other sites.
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peachy-beomie · 1 year
(Mysterious Class Pt 3)
As far back as Jaehyuk can remember: Haruto has been there, to bring him tea just before bed. Every day he presents a new flavor, a new benefit, a new reason…
Haruto always brings him tea. Yet he himself is much more like coffee.
Jaehyuk now feels the withdrawals.
Episodes 1-7
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babysubinnie · 2 years
fated... or not? // kanemoto yoshinori (yoshi)
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💎 pairing:: kanemoto yoshinori (yoshi) x reader 💎 genre:: angst !, emotional  💎 summary: breaking up with your supposed soulmate was the worst mistake you had ever made in your entire life. it seemed too good to be true when fate had brought you to him, and his girlfriend... ——————————————————————————
“you guys what?”
“yeah you heard me. we broke up. what do you want me to tell you? that’s it.” i turned over my shoulder to look at the boys that were staring at me with pure shock. the real reason yoshi and i broke up was because we had way too many fights to even count at this point. i thought i could lie, but i couldn’t even lie straight about it either.
“i want you to tell me that it’s a joke. there’s no way you and yoshi broke up. you guys were a match made in heaven, you guys were soulmates for god sake.” jaehyuk looked at me batting his eyes at me praying to god that i was lying to him. then the door opened and there was the walking proof.
“i gotta go now. i hope you guys win all the awards ever. i know for a fact that you guys are going to be the most successful boy group in the fourth gen. i love you all.” i turned to each of them and then turned to yoshi.
“all of you. i will always love every single one of you and I know you’ll all do amazing things. you all deserve the world and i wish i could have been the one to give it to all of you but seeing as i can’t, i know teume will.” i bit the inside of my cheeks because now i was about to bawl into tears as if i didn’t already cry everything I had out with yoshi.
“y/n you did give us the world. you always did everything to make sure we were smiling even when the only thing we could do is scream at each other or cry.” hyunsuk put his arm around my shoulder turning me away from yoshi not knowing i could still see him in the mirror reflection.
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“yoshi do you even care about our relationship anymore?” i looked up at him from my fingers then looked up to the song he was working on. 
“baby you know i do. i know i’ve been busy and i’m sorry for that. i honestly wish that i could have all the time in the world for you.” when he spoke i knew he wasn’t lying. in my head i knew that if this was any other boy in the world i knew it would be a lie but yoshi? i knew he wasn’t.
“i know. the fact that i can even see you for this whole week is already amazing. i know it was hard to even get a day to be able to see me.” i smiled grabbing his hand intertwining our fingers.
“i’m so happy you’re here and i do hope you know that i care more about you than anything in the entire world.” he brought our hands to his lips pressing them to my hand. i smiled weakly then looked away from him.
“we both know that we’re avoiding the topic right now.” yoshi looked away from me trying not to look me in the eye because we both knew what was about to happen. we didn’t want to admit it but we knew it was going to happen eventually. 
“the fact that we argue all the time and it’s always the same topics over and over again? i know.” he put his hand on the top of my head biting his lip but i couldn’t fall for him anymore. i needed to end this for the mental health of the both of us. 
“yoshi, i can’t do this anymore. i’m so tired of fighting with you every single day, barely getting to see you, barely getting to talk to you even if we were calling on facetime. i’m sorry yoshi.” i bit my lip and stood up walking away from him. he stood up and grabbed onto my wrist, then pulled me towards him hugging me, knowing that if either of us let go, we would never get this chance again. 
“please don’t do this y/n.” 
“yoshi, you and i both know this needs to be done for the sake of our mental health. you know i’ll always love you, and i will always support you. and if we’re really meant to be, i’ll find you and love you all over again.” i pulled away from him then put both hands on his face pressing my lips to his for the last time. i promised from that day, i would never love anyone as much as i loved yoshi until i saw him again.
if we’re fated...
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i guess we were fated after all. but not in the type of fate i waited five years, four months and a day for. 
“it’s been a long time.” i smiled at him then turned to look at the girl who had called his name a few seconds after i had said his. she was the definition of gorgeous. i never throw that word around as if it’s nothing, but this girl was it. if you had looked up the word gorgeous in the dictionary, she would come up. 
“hi! i’m yoshi’s girlfriend bit-na! it’s nice to meet you...?” she signaled at wanting to know what my name was. i smiled like nothing was unusual, and laughed holding all the tears that were burning my eyes. my blood boiled even though yoshi and i weren’t together. 
“i’m y/n! it’s nice to meet you! yoshi, she’s very pretty.” i said without even needing to lie. she was.
“Y/N!!” i would recognize those voices anywhere. choi hyunsuk and park jihoon. my second parents.
“mom, dad.” i smirked then hugged both of them. they glared down bit-na and put their arm around me turning me away from the cute couple. 
“how come they like y/n and not me yoshi? it’s not fair. she’s not even pretty and they like her better.” i could practically hear her pouting from behind me. i turned around walking up to her but both hyunsuk and jihoon dragged me away. 
“don’t.” of course i’d seen jihoon mad before, i had never been really scared of him when he was mad, but the look he had given me, shut me up immediately. i nodded and looked down at my hands.
“i guess you two were fated to meet again after all.” 
“in the fucking worst way possible.” 
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femdomlieeh · 8 months
Younger!Haruto (Treasure) ✧ Older!Reader
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WC—2 k
THEMES—makeup artist x idol au ✧ younger!idol x older!reader ✧ jealousy ✧ fluffy
WARNING—cute shit ✧ jealous!Haruto ✧ tiny bit of angst ✧ pet names (miss, 누나, boyfriend)
NOW PLAYING—Never Felt So Alone ✧ Labrinth
A/N. 누나 (nuna) = older sister
M.LISTS—treasure ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
"That tickles a bit," Jihoon giggled a little as you patted his neck with a soft cushion. "Sorry, Jihoonie. I'm finished soon," you smiled at his smile, patting a bit faster. "Nooo it's OK. I like it," he winked. You laughed, Jihoon was not shy. Unbeknownst to you, on a chair beside Jihoon, sat an even taller blonde guy staring at the whole interaction with red eyes. Haruto, your boyfriend — who you would otherwise notice in a crowd — was sitting on Jihoon's left which meant your back was turned to the poor boy. Since YG had a dating ban, he couldn't say anything he wanted in this situation, like 'look at me instead' or '누나, stop laughing with that stupid guy, please' or 'pay attention to me' or 'can we switch makeup artists so I can be with my girlfriend?' because everyone knew that if he so much as hugged you or held your hand in front of other staff members they would betray the company for some money from dirty, disgusting Dispatch. All Haruto could do was sit and huff, hoping you would for no logical reason just turn around and see him and stop doing Jihoon's makeup to compliment his hair.
Done with Jihoon, you went to one of the tables with drinks to take a sip or your iced americano, thirsty af. While drinking you noticed Doyoung (who was also finished with his makeup) had smudged his lip tint when he drank from a chocolate milk packet without a straw and, naturally, you went up to him to repaint his lips as a makeup artist should do. Haruto was staring at you on the mirror as you focused on Doyoung's lips and lightly dapped them with your finger. It looked so intimate to him; your finger tips touching his lips. He knew it was part of your job and that to you this was a mundane action like cleaning your EarPods/headphones or scrolling through TikTok or doing laundry — but it still hurt a bit.
"Looks perfect now! No chocolate milk until after the VLive, OK Doyoungie?" you said, arms crossed jokingly, knowing the boy liked snacking. 'Doyoungie' pouted jokingly — and totally unnecessarily — as he nodded "Yes, 누나, don't worry." You laughed. Haruto was pouting now but unlike Doyoung it was not in a joking way. He wishes you were paying this much attention to him instead of his members. He knew it was your job to make sure everyone looked good but in this specific instance it still hurt his feelings. He had just coloured his hair blonde, which was a huge shift for him as he'd never had to colour his hair so dramatically for a comeback, and he didn't like it and needed all your reassurance. His hair stuck out like a sore thumb so how didn't you even notice him? How come you noticed such a small detail on Doyoung's makeup? Why were you even looking at his lips so attentively? Why didn't you notice Haruto who'd been only two meters away from you for the past half hour?
His makeup artist gave him a thumbs up, signalling she was finished with his makeup which meant he just had to wait until Hyunsuk's awful hairstylist was finished and then Treasure could finally start their VLive. Haruto sat down by one of the large tables with everyone's drinks, again only a few meters away from you, and moved a few blonde strands to look a bit awkward on purpose, hoping your hawk eye would notice so you'd come to correct his hair. But no! You were busy with complimenting Asahi on the pretty ring he got to wear for the VLive, so another stylist came to fix Haruto's hair, combing it a bit and moving some hair strands away from his eyes, in a way that would've felt romantic had it been you who did it instead — oh, how he wishes you were touching his hair instead and looking into his eyes.
During the VLive, the boys were celebrating their comeback and playing fun games to entertain the viewers. Some of the staff were monitoring the comments to see what games were popular or boring among the fans so they know what to plan for future VLives. You were in the styling room, the boys were in the room that had been decorated and prepared for the VLive, watching the live and laughing at Asahi's robot infamous dance that people kept asking him to do no matter how old it was and Junkyu's fun energy and Yoshi's lobster hat he had to wear as a punishment for losing a game. Out of curiousity, you looked at the comments, happy to see many positive comments drowning out the few bad ones — however, you noticed something a bit odd.
Junqt: 'Woahhh haruto is so cometitive!!!'
raffaello96: 'Haruto is teasing Doyoung so much lmao'
HwanJungle: 'Haruto looks so cute mad haha'
Ye_shihohoho: 'Jihoon and Haruto must've had an argument b4 the live lmaoooo'
JeongwooSayang<3: 'thank you Ruto for brining back asahi's robot dance ekgknrb'
What? You had noticed your boyfriend was a very active participant in this VLive, talking more than usual and joking around, coming up with the idea to play 야자 time so he could talk to his older members informally (especially Jihoon, Doyoung and Asahi for some weird reason), teasing Doyoung before Doyoung makes the first move to tease him, even pushing Jihoon lightly so he wouldn't win a point for his team. You hadn't thought too much of it until you saw the comments.
After the VLive the boys were exhausted, their social batteries lowered, smiles and laughs all spent to entertain the fans. Now they were all ready to have something to eat or take a nap (if you were Hyunsuk).
"Ahhh finally I can have my chocolate milk!" Doyoung exhaled, gulping down everything in one go, to which Haruto rolled his eyes.
You waved to him. He walked up to you, ruffling his hair a bit, hoping you'll fix it finally, "Did you see today's VLive, Miss?"
"Yeah, you acted a bit strange in the VLive today... Are you OK?"
"Strange? By that you mean my team won all games thanks to me. I did a good job, right Miss?"
"Of course, you did a really good job," you patted his arm, not sure if he was open to hugging in front of his members.
"Thanks, Miss," he smiled a bit, looking at the floor, making it very obvious you should look at his hair.
You giggled, grabbing his chin to make him look at you, "You don't need to keep calling me Miss you know? Only the members are here."
"You don't like it?"
"I mean, it's not bad but it's not good either. Feels a bit distant," you shrugged.
"Sorry, I just did it out of habit." That was a lie. He only ever referred to you as 'Miss' sometimes when managers or other staff, especially from outside companies, were present in meetings, after performances, interviews or at variety shows but after VLives he'd only ever call you 누나 since the styling room was only filled with his member and they knew about the relationship already.
"Are you hungry, Haruto?"
"Hm. A little."
"You feel like eating kimchi stew?"
He nodded.
"Ruto, are you coming?" Jaehyuk asked, holding the door open.
"No, sorry I'll see you guys later."
"OK, bye," everyone waved, leaving you two alone in the room.
"You never answered my question," you held his arm and dragged him to sit down with you on one of the empty sofas.
"What do you mean?" he looked down at his shoes.
"Are you OK?"
"Mhm," he avoided your eyes, finding it hard showing himself vulnerable in this way.
You sat closer to him and held his cheeks, turning him to look at you, "Something tells me my boyfriend isn't telling me the truth.
His cheeks and ears were turning red. Such a small touch meant so much to him right now, especially when you combed your fingers through his hair, making sure no hair strands were blocking your eye contact — oh and combine that with proudly calling him your boyfriend and now he's a strawberry. He felt his breathing changing, stopping for a moment before going faster.
"This is the first time you looked at me today, 누나," he pouted a bit.
"Oh... I'm sorry, Boyfriend, I didn't realise," you felt awful.
"I sat right beside Jihoon during makeup time, you know?" he made his pout bigger.
You were shocked, having been so focused on doing his makeup that you didn't even realise Haruto was right behind you.
"And then you noticed Doyoung's lips and complimented Asahi and stuff and I just got a bit jealous. It felt like I wasn't even your boyfriend but more like someone looking at your life from the outside."
You held his hand in yours, playing with it and squeezing gently. "I'm so sorry but it's also my job to do their makeup and when we're with other staff it's not safe for me to act like your girlfriend."
"I know and that's not the frustrating part, it's just you paid sooo much attention to them and none to me and I just felt ignored. Sometimes I just wish I could go up to you and ask for a hug or do anything a normal couple would," he still pouted, looking you in the eyes.
"I'm sorry, Boyfriend," you pecked his nose. That made him smile!
"I wish I could hold your hand and tell you encouraging words or give you a good luck kiss before every performance but I can't. Just know that I'm silently cheering for you and sending you lots of love." You pulled him into a hug and he kept his face in your neck, taking in your scent and warmth and closing his eyes, so comfortable.
His voice was muffled by your neck, "I understand that but 누나, please, pay attention to me more. Even in front of the stylists. I don't mean a kiss or hug— Even if it's just something as simple as fixing my clothes or makeup or hair. Anything. Please?"
"I will, Boyfriend," you placed a small kiss on the top of his head, he smiled.
"Also... Can you like not act so cutesy to the guys? That hurt a bit," he hid his face in your neck, a bit embarrassed to admit he's jealous.
You giggled, "Awww was my little boyfriend jealous?"
You loved calling him little since he was so tall and it made him blush.
"Mhm," he pouted, blushing now.
You cupped his cheek, "I understand," you gave him a small kiss on his nose, "I didn't notice I was being cute but I'll definitely give you a bit more attention instead."
He nodded cutely and kissed your lips quickly.
"Can we stay here for a little longer?"
"Of course," you kissed his forehead.
It was a little uncomfortable to keep hugging in this sitting position so you got up and sat on his lap, wrapping him in your arms, his face in your chest now. "You look so cute in blonde hair," you kissed the top of his head.
He smiled against your skin, "Thank you, 누나."
You stroked his back with one hand and petted his hair with the other, Haruto blushed, happy you couldn't see his strawberry cheeks. Right now you didn't even need to speak, just enjoying each other's touch and breathing. It wasn't awkward. Silence is very comfortable sometimes, especially with your introvert boyfriend. He placed his head on the left side of your chest, listening to your heartbeat. You smiled. "I love you."
"I love you too. So much."
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
❝ And I think, "What if we weren't ridin' and dyin' together?"
The whole world would fall apart
And I never felt so alone, felt so alone, na-na (never felt so alone, woo! Alone) ❞
—timothy lee mckenzie; 2023
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milkybonya · 2 years
♡ _ ʜᴏᴡ ᴄᴀɴ ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʙʀᴇᴀᴋ _ 아사히
order 048, anon: large matcha milk tea with fresh taro and fresh mango
#: idol!Asahi, idol!(gn)reader, ft. fanboy!Hyunsuk, some crack content, fluff, angst (angsty ending), kises, 1k+, kinda slow
note. this is so crap ugh i don't feel too great about this one.. anyways hi reader.. i hope you're taking care of yourself <3 i don't know if you need to hear this but you're allowed to be sad, to be happy, and to feel ♡ i love u endlessly
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after filming for a new episode of 'double collaboration' ends, you stumble back into your waiting room, wondering what you'll do. it has already been hard participating on this competitive show alone without your group members, but on top of that: now you have to prepare a performance with treasure's Asahi under the category of 'heartbreak?'
sure, being an idol involves always meeting new people, but you've never worked so closely and intimimately on music with anyone other than your members before.
as you're trying your best not to let these thoughts get to you, you hear a gentle knock on your waiting room door. you rush to open it and find a shy Asahi in the doorway, wringing his hands together, smiling slightly and avoiding your eyes. he still has his mic and makeup on, showing he rushed straight here after the filming ended.
"hello y/n! i don't want to bother you, but i was wondering if we could exchange phone numbers so we could set up a time to work on our duet together?" he asks.
his cat fangs show when he smiles and it makes his smile even more contagious. you take his phone from him with a slight grin as you type in your number.
"are you free thursday?" you ask him, and he nods, saying he can definitely free up time that day.
"great! contact me and we'll find a time for that day," you say.
Asahi nods and bows with a smile, quickly exiting so he won't disturb you.
Asahi (treasure): hello y/n, this is Asahi
Asahi (treasure): would you be okay to meet thursday at 10pm or is that too late?
you: hello! no, i prefer meeting later :)
Asahi (treasure): okay ! should we meet at one of our company buildings?
you: can i come to yg O.O i've always wanted to see it
you: and that famous convenience store inside
Asahi (treasure): of course! come at 10pm on thursday then :)
on thursday, your manager's car enters the yg parking lot. fans from yg café across the street crowd around, trying to get a better look at who may be inside, but your manager speedily drives to the door that opens for the car, leading you to the underground parking.
"usually the idols exit the car and enter via the main doors so they can say hello to fans, but since no one knows yet about your and Asahi's collaboration, we can't let them know you're here," your manager explains. you nod along.
you: i'm here! just parking the car~
Asahi (treasure): you're driving ?!
you: hehehe no!! my manager is~
you: he's parking the car
Asahi (treasure): ohh okay! i'll wait by the main floor elevators :-)
you put your phone away and exit the car, waiting for your manager to do the same before you walk towards the elevators and head to the main floor. there, Asahi stands right in front of the doors as they open, as promised. he greets you with a smile and wide eyes, bowing deeply while he shakes both your hand and your manager's hand.
Asahi turns to your manager and says, "y/n and i will probably be in my studio upstairs, so you can relax with my manager if that's what you prefer."
your manager is grateful for the break and agrees. once he's gone, Asahi turns to you with a smirk.
"let's go clear out the convenience store!" he declares, guiding you towards it.
inside, you find a seemingly infinite number of snacks, ramen, sweets, drinks, and everything else. while you take your time looking, Asahi quickly takes the things he wants and leaves them on the self-checkout counter.
once your done, you join him and start rummaging in your bag for your wallet.
"firstly, why did you take so little? go grab more! secondly, which guest dares to pay for their own food in the yg convenience store?! thirdly, i have Hyunsuk hyung's card. it's on me... or on him, should i say," Asahi says.
you laugh, shaking your head at the troublemaker but comply, grabbing a few extra things and watching as Asahi pays with Hyunsuk's card.
"and why do you have Hyunsuk's card?" you ask Asahi as you both leave the convenience store.
"he lost a bet to me and i get to keep it for a week," Asahi explains, moving his head from side to side to make you laugh.
suddenly, his phone starts ringing as you're on the escalator up to where his studio is. he softly ask if you can hold the convenience store bag for a second as he takes the call.
"ah, it's Hyunsuk hyung," he sighs, "yes hyung, you're on speaker."
"Sahi i know i lost a bet, but $57 dollars spent all in one sitting just at the convenience store?! are you good--wait. i'm on speaker? who's there?!" Hyunsuk rambles.
"i'm here with... is it okay if i tell him?" Asahi softly asks you. you nod and he continues, "i'm here with y/n from DIAMOND for our collaboration next week. i treated them to some stuff from the convenience store."
"wait, wait, wait. y-y/n? from DIAMOND? wait... you're at yg right now, right? are you in your studio?" Hyunsuk asks.
"yeah, we're heading there--"
"i'll be there! i'll be there! y/n, i'm such a fan, please spend as much on my card as you want!!" Hyunsuk says before hanging up.
you laugh at the sudden confession and Asahi shakes his head.
"i forgot to tell you, he's a huge fan. he respects your work a lot," Asahi explains.
you nod and look around in awe as the two of you leave the escalator, walking down a hallway to get to the studio. it's strange to believe you're im the yg building, and that a member of treasure, a group you love, harbours so much respect for you.
in the distance, you can see Hyunsuk standing in front of Asahi's studio door, bouncing up and down with albums in his hand, waiting to be signed. once he spots the two of you, his face breaks into a huge smile and he sprints over, stopping every few steps to bow.
"oh my gosh oh my gosh.. y-y/n... sunbaenim it's... an honour to meet you! may i shake your hand? wow oh my gosh."
you extend out your hand to him and giggle as he pulls away, holding his hand that touched you tightly against his chest, as if protecting it from the world.
Asahi rolls his eyes from the side, starting to feel annoyed for some reason.
"i-if you have time and if it won't be a bother, could you please sign these? it'll mean the world to me," Hyunsuk breathes out.
"of course!"
"let's go to the studio; you can do it more comfortably there," Asahi suggests, and the three of you start walking.
you end up in front with Asahi and Hyunsuk whispering behind you.
"why didn't you tell me you're collaborating with y/n?!" Hyunsuk asks Asahi.
"uhhh... surprise?"
"you idiot!" Hyunsuk jokes, lightly patting Asahi's head.
Asahi dramatically wails and you turn around, seeing Asahi pretend to be in pain while Hyunsuk shakes his head.
"don't befriend Hyunsuk, y/n. he's a bad guy," Asahi jokes.
"don't say that about your leader!" you say.
Asahi feels hurt that you're defending Hyunsuk instead of him.
in the studio, you sign Hyunsuk's albums for him and muster up the courage to also ask for Hyunsuk's signature.
"just.. my signature? do you want me to ask the rest of the members? i'll call them one by one--" Hyunsuk starts.
"no, no! it's okay, really!"
"wow, y/n. you don't want mine?" Asahi points on.
you choke on your words before Asahi tells you he's joking.
Hyunsuk signs in a corner of the album and Asahi does the same, each writing their own message down for you. then, Hyunsuk calls the members one by one to come provide their signature.
"hyung, can we do this later? we have a lot of work to do," Asahi explains.
"oh, come on! don't rush y/n into the work. Jeongwoo's in the shower so he'll come a bit later, but they'll all be on their way. i should leave now, though.. ah, y/n sunbaenim, can we take a photo?"
you agree and pose with Hyunsuk, then both Hyunsuk and Asahi.
"okay, go now hyung! we have work to do," Asahi tells Hyunsuk, who bows deeply before leaving.
"ugh, finally. just the two of us," Asahi says, but throughout your time in the studio, the treasure members all drop by one by one to greet you and sign the album. receiving their good energy cheers you up, and you're grateful for both Asahi and Hyunsuk for inviting the other members to sign the album.
you spend the most of the night brainstorming with Asahi.
"i feel like it shouldn't be a treasure or DIAMOND song, but something else..." you suggest.
"do we want to focus on the bright or dark side of love?" Asahi asks.
"hmm.. can we depict both? maybe have a storyline that shows how love starts beautifully and then ends in heartbreak," you say.
Asahi nods, typing it into his computer.
"i really love akmu.. can we do a song of theirs?" you suddenly blurt out.
Asahi nods aggressively and you laugh.
"akmu are good... should we go with 'how can i love the heartbreak'?" he asks.
"it's a classic... but that's good, 'cause then we can add our own twist!"
Asahi's hand meets yours in a high five, and you wonder if you've gone crazy or if that's electricity you felt just then.
the two if you continue working on a concept and sound, assigning parts and suggesting vague ideas for how you want the stage to look.
"do you want a coffee? yg coffee is pretty good!" Asahi asks.
he somehow still looks handsome even with the dark circles forming around his eyes, his hair messy from his fingers running through it and the way he's slouching in his seat.
"guess i can't pass up on it!" you say.
he nods and gets up, asking if you'd rather stay or go with him.
"i'll come with you and stretch my legs."
"oh... wait. actually. wanna take a break and play table tennis?" Asahi suggests.
"hey now. are you just flexing the fact that yg has a table tennis room?"
Asahi dies of laughter.
"no, i swear!" Asahi chokes out.
he takes you to make a coffee for you first, and for a second you let your mind wander, imagining he's the handsome barista who's making you your drink. his smooth arms show his veins at the back of his hands as he pours ice into a cup, and you wonder how someone could have been crafted so perfectly.
"stop watching me, y/n, i'm shy," Asahi says, jokingly turning his back to you.
"Sahi, can i call you that? you're just so pretty," you confess.
Sahi is left flustered, his face turning red as he giggles to himself.
"that's high praise coming from a monarch like you, y/n," he says.
he hands you a coffee, taking one for himself. it tastes delicious and you thank Sahi for it.
"now... let's go drain this buzz on table tennis!" he declares, gently taking your hand and runnning off with you to the table tennis room.
Asahi is usually shy and reserved. but somehow around you, even though you've only just met, he wants to talk and take your hand and spend time with you. he wants you all to himself.
he also doesn't hold back in table tennis as he manages to win in every round you play. but each time you frown, he runs over and gently uses his fingers to stretch your mouth into a smile.
"even if you lose, y/n, don't ever frown," he says.
back in the studio, the two of you continue developing your ideas until the sun rises and you fall asleep with your head on Asahi's shoulder. he doesn't move an inch, not wanting to wake you. instead, he continues quietly working on music until you wake up.
somehow, under the light of the monitor, you still look so pretty. he feels his heartbeat falter and he realizes he's in trouble as he watches his hand reach out to move a strand of hair out of your face.
"i give up, i can't do this," Asahi huffs, crumpling to the floor.
the two of you have finishing writing and recording the song. now, all that's left is the performance and choreography. Asahi and a few of the treasure members came to your company building to help work on it
"get up!" you demand, offering Asahi a hand. he takes it but pulls you down to the floor with him, catching you so you won't hurt yourself and laughing as you glare at him.
"i didn't come all the way here to watch grown people flirt" Jihoon huffs, crossing his arms.
"ah, let them be. plus, that's DIAMOND's y/n you're talking about... watch what you say," Hyunsuk says, defending you.
"c'mon kids! let's try that from the top," Jihoon says.
Hyunsuk and Jihoon watch as you and Asahi attempt the performance. there's a part where Asahi takes hold of your hands and you look into each other's eyes. practicing that makes you both flustered, but you strangely look up to it each time.
there are also parts where you're on stage and Asahi isn't a d vice versa, and during the moments when you watch Asahi from the sidelines, you constantly fall for him and his talent. he looks so pretty even when practicing, and you can't help but fall for him.
on a break, Hyunsuk and Jihoon leave to go back to the yg building due to some schedules. you and Asahi remain in your practice room, eating takeout on the ground.
"Sahi, i still feel like i'm not good enough for all this sometimes, you know? like do you ever feel like someone else should've debuted instead of you?" you suddenly tell Asahi, who stops chewing and nods.
"yeah, you're not alone for thinking that. but no one else should've debuted as y/n of DIAMOND but you. of course, everyone deserves to debut. but no one could've done this the way you do, no matter what you think."
the sparkle in Asahi's eyes as he speaks to you makes your heart rate speed up, and suddenly you want to kiss him. when you ask him if you can, he nods while in a daze.
you lean into him and it feels so right to be close to him like this as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer. his lips are soft and smooth, and you pull away to see his cheeks painted red.
"Sahi, i think i've fallen for you," you shyly confess.
"you think?!" he jokes before saying, "i've fallen for you, too."
you let yourself lay on his chest as he lays on his back on the floor, and you close your eyes.
none of this lasts long, though.
the whole world finds out about you and Asahi in an instant, all because of some stupid accident.
the two of you go on a late night walk to clear your heads and warm up for practicing the performance. Asahi works up the courage to slide his arm around your waist and pull you close as you mention to him that it's chilly, but right in that crucial moment, someone recognizes you and Asahi.
the instant is captured on camera and posted onto the internet within a matter of seconds, and netizens go wild with all sorts of claims.
both of your companies decide it would be in your best interests to publicly explain that what you had prior to the incident is no longer, and that you would be breaking up. however, your duet performance would continue and would be your last 'hurrah' with Asahi.
it's heartbreaking, but you find it in you to feel grateful for the chance to still perform with Asahi.
he calls you that night, after your companies have made their decisions.
"y/n, are you okay?" his soft voice reaches you through the speaker.
"no, but... well, are you?"
"i thought so, Sahi. but it's okay. let's make the most of this last performance," you say with a tearful smile.
"yes, y/n, let's."
"i don't think you should call me anymore... Asahi. just so we can get over each other with a bit more ease."
his heart breaks hearing you call him Asahi instead of Sahi, but he agrees. you're right--it's no use dragging this on any longer.
on the day of filming, you find yourself feeling nervous. not only do you want to do a good job, but seeing Asahi after a week of not seeing him is surreal. before being forced to break up, the two of you would meet everyday, using 'practice' as an excuse.
you're snapped out of your thoughts when a producer tells you it's time for you to go on stage.
Asahi meets you halfway in the hallway and takes hold of your hand, squeezing it.
"let's have fun one last time, y/n," he says, and you nod firmly in response.
performing 'how can i love the heartbreak, you're the one i love' after parting ways with Asahi makes it seem even more real. your eyes fill with tears as you sing and you even find yourself actually crying at some point. Asahi brushes his thumbs across your cheeks to bid the tears away when this happens, even though it was totally unplanned.
still, the performance finishes successfully, and you both end the stage with a bow.
all the participants are called up for the results to be announced, and you nervously stand beside Asahi, awaiting the announcement. you honestly don't care about winning at this point, but just don't want to leave your spot next to Asahi.
"the winner for this week is.... the Hui and Somin duo ! congratulations!" the judge calls out.
not hearing your names manages to make your stomach drop, but you still clap and congratulate the winner.
"even if you lose, y/n, don't ever frown," you remember Asahi saying.
so, despite having lost your duet performance, you stand there and grin like a fool. who knows when you'll see Asahi like this again. at least you go out of it smiling :)
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pixieminutes · 4 years
Hiii can I request fluff, angst blurb with Junkyu with 1, 20, 52 I really love your writings by the way thanks in advance 😊💕
김준규 + #1 + #20 + #52
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21:41 - “junkyu?” you asked, your voice soft as you approached the boy, “what are you still doing here?”
your boyfriend was sat in the corner of the practise room, his knees up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around his legs. his face was buried into his legs, as though he was trying to shut out the world.
“ah– don’t worry, you can go.”
“kyu, i’m not going anywhere,” you sighed.
“seriously, y/n, i promise. i’m all sweaty anyway, y-you wouldn’t want to be near me,” junkyu shook his head.
“it’s okay, you always smell so nice,” you smiled, approaching him, “if you really want me to go, i will, but if you’re just saying that then i’m not going anywhere.”
“i– it’s so hard.”
you furrowed your eyebrows, watching as junkyu’s tensed form became loose, his whole body shaking as the words left his mouth and he began to sob.
“kyu,” you gasped, pulling him into your arms, holding him; just holding him, “it’s okay, everything’s gonna be okay.”
junkyu sobbed into your chest, your arms wrapped around his head and shoulders, his finding rest on your legs. it was as though his body had just given up, so tired and so in need of someone just to hold it.
“don’t worry, i’m here,” you said, trying your hardest not to cry as you watched your boyfriend break down, “it’s okay, love. it’s just us, let it all out.”
“it’s so hard!” junkyu sobbed, “but why doesn’t everyone find it as hard as me?! i thought i was good.”
“you are good,” you cooed, “you’re such a natural talent, baby. your voice is so unique and soothing and your body just naturally moves with the music and even other things, like playing the piano, you’re an amazing person, kyu, at everything.”
“b–but why doesn’t everyone else do this? hyunsuk and jihoon are leaders and they’re still not!” junkyu cried, sitting up as he wiped his eyes.
“because they are leaders,” you shrugged, “they’d feel that they’d have lost something if they were to break down in front of you, no? they’re both not the sorts of people to do that.”
junkyu sniffled, a cute pout upon his lips.
“how long has that been building up?”
“so long,” junkyu chuckled, still holding in sobs.
“let it all go, love, please,” you sighed, “and tell me earlier next time, kyu. that’s what i’m here for.”
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seung-scrittore · 2 years
pollen. || k.dy × reader (teaser)
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≠ genre; rivals / enemies to lovers, slight angst
≠ pairing; florist!doyoung × gn!reader
≠ warning; mockery? (if i missed anything, let me know!)
≠ wc; 0.4k
≠ ( a/n; i wasnt going to release a teaser originally but rival!doyoung has rotted in my brain<3 + who could miss an opportunity to post on friday the 13th?? -even if it isnt a horror fic-)
≠ requested by @sunoo-bby
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That was about the third sneeze your coworker had let out in the past half hour, and quite frankly you were getting tired of saying;
"Bless you!"
"Thank you, I swear allergy season never hits me this hard," he chuckled, bringing his hand to the back of his neck in slight embarrassment.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine." It was in fact, not fine. You were more than irritated by the constant distractor that was your coworker. Not to mention since your manager had hired Doyoung, income had gone way up. Which was great for business but terrible for you.
See, your manager was resigning soon and the quaint store would need a new manager. Both you and Doyoung had come to the conclusion that the new manager was bound to be one of the two of you.
This possible promotion had sparked a subtle rivalry between the two of you, though you kept friendly faces, each of you knew that when one of you failed to make a sale or the other tripped over their words when talking to a customer, the other had an overwhelming feeling of relief.
Your usual relief was doubled the second you discovered that your current rival, who worked in a flower shop, had severe allergies during spring.
Despite your competitive nature, you didn't exactly hate Doyoung, so when he let out yet another sneeze, "Bless you," you sympathized, "Hey if you'd like, I can take care of that shipment of azaleas coming in later."
His eyes seemed to narrow in response, "Really?"
"Well I can't have you sneezing all over the delivery guy, can I? What would that say about business?" You chuckled whilst you flipped the front door sign so that the Open side faced the street.
Doyoung mimicked your chuckle, "And here I thought you were trying to look good, how considerate."
He said it with a smile and a light voice, but you didn't miss the underlying mockery.
Propping the door open with the small metal doorstop attached at the foot of the frame, you rolled your eyes. Once you'd turned back to him, you smiled and walked up to him, letting your hand rest on his shoulder.
"It's easy to confuse the actual meaning of things," you smiled and patted his shoulder, walking past him towards the cashier.
"Is that supposed the mean something ___?"
"Only if you want it to, personally I thought of our manager; taking our cries for a raise as a joke."
You chuckled through your response, though there was definitely no joy in your words.
That conversation sparked a new kind of rivalry between the two of you, a not-so-friendly one.
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tagging; @shysakuno , @sunoo-bby , @tbzloonar , @yedammi , @kdiarynet , @kflixnet
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→ treasure masterlist
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asahistime · 2 years
plot: watching asahi fall in love with someone else.
“you're so beautiful.” he lunged with all his breath. his face so handsome, yet only hid his true beauty. i stood in awe. i was mesmerized by his beauty. asahi’s dark hair, pale skin, thin lips, and beautiful eyes that watched the girl he outlined.
i stood watching as i held my breath. i watched as he held her hand under the sunset. the sunset so beautiful; once ours and now theirs; a symbol for our love; an everlasting one, or so we thought. he stood with all his ruined love, now reawakened, for her and only her. the sunset agreed with him as it; glowed with its radiant tones of red, orange, and yellow. but orange mainly dominated as it always did. the breeze of the young summer night sent a message throughout the city: the fall is coming soon; the transition of change, from warm to cold.
my heart fluttered at the thought of his touch, caressing my hair. just for a second. all though, his heart was named for her. “let’s go.” asahi said as he turned her around. they always met at the beach, the perfect stop to watch the sunset. he always did this; she would get too cold and he would always be there to warm her, like he did to me. it was his little romantic and heart-warming scheme to win her over; even if it’s for the millionth time. she nodded as she gave him a timid smile and let go of his hand. his expression softened and blinked, “hey! why’d you let go of my hand?” he scolded her as he reached for her hand.
“it was a joke!” she exclaimed as she giggled away. holding hands is their thing, always doing it as a form of their true love and affection towards one another. i watched them for so long that i didn’t notice small teardrops of rain; angel’s tears, coming down. i looked up and the sunset, once there, switched with the midlight sky night. is it bad to keep on watching them or mainly for him? to want, to long, for something i will never have ever again? their voices and laughs were swallowed by the wind as they walked away. they walked further and further away. and for a second, i could have swore, he saw me.
he turned his body around, as if he was searching for something. and, he suddenly froze when he saw me. his expression was merely the definition of; confusion and scared. his mouth became agape and his brows caved in. his eyes claim one thing, but his heart claims another. he let go of her hand. “what’s wrong?” her expression dropped into a state of confusion and worry. he rubbed his eyes. what are you trying to say, his heart said. she’s there, his eyes replied. but, after all, his mind cursed; she was never here. he stopped and turned to her. “nothing. just thought i saw someone.” he grimaced.
“still watching him, i see.” a voice shook me from my thoughts. i flinched a bit and shook my head. “no…yes.” i confessed. “you gotta stop watching him. it's not good for you or him.” junghwan, my friend appeared. “there’s no harm in it.” i replied, “after all, i'm just a ghost.”
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kpop-kitkat · 2 years
Hate that You’re Perfect | Kanemoto Yoshinori
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pairing | ex boyfriend!kanemoto yoshinori x jaehyuk sister f!reader
genre/cw | featuring TREASURE as characters of story, heavy angst, fluff, alcohol, self harm mention, scars, broken glass, crying, apology, exes to lovers, happy ending
wc | 2.4k
notes | jaehyuk hyung XD
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
TREASURE rushed to get their ear monitors in and get finishing touch ups with their makeup. They were performing ‘JIKJIN’ for their first ever world tour. They were currently in America.
”They said we’re on in five!” Hyunsuk announced as some members still scrambled to get ready.
Junkyu finally managed to get his ear monitor in the right way. Once he did, he looked around the room to see if any of his members needed help. His eyes fell upon Yoshi, who sat in the corner, completely ready appearance wise, but mentally, he wasn’t all there.
”Hey, are you okay?” Junkyu asked, sitting beside him and resting his hand on his back.
”It’s been a year Junkyu,” Yoshi sighed. “The feelings never went away, and I’m afraid I’ll mess everything up even more if I see her again,” he admitted. He was referring to his ex-girlfriend, Y/n. 
The two of them dated for two years in high school. Everyone thought they were soulmates, just destined in the stars. But after Yoshi became a trainee for YG Entertainment, they slowly grew apart. Yoshi eventually broke it off with her, saying he needed to focus on his career. He broke her heart, yet she never stopped loving him. And she never dated anyone else. 
If given the chance, Yoshi would redo his life and decide never to become a trainee. He lost someone he genuinely cared about. It wasn’t a lack of love that broke them up, it was Yoshi’s fears and insecurities. He knew it wouldn’t be easy for Y/n to date an idol, and he would feel terrible about being too busy to spend time with her. He thought he was making the right decision letting her go, but his heart told him otherwise. She was the only one he ever wanted. He hated that the perfect person for him was out of reach. Or so it seemed.
Junkyu knew that Y/n was at this concert because of her twin brother, Jaehyuk. And he was going to do his best to keep his friend’s mind off of his ex.
”You probably won’t even see her, okay?” he comforted.
”Junkyu…” he sighed. “The problem is, I do want to see her but… I’ll fall in love again and… I can’t do that to her. She’s the perfect person, just the wrong time,” he explained, wiping away a tear. “Plus she probably hates me. I’ve convinced myself I hate her too,” he pouted, crossing his arms. He wasn’t quite acting like himself.
Junkyu sighed and took inventory of the room, noticing an empty bottle of alcohol on the floor. He picked it up. “Is this yours?”
”What? N-no,” he replied.
”Yoshinori, we’re not allowed to drink. You could be in big trouble if the staff caught you,” he warned, throwing it into a nearby trash can, hearing the glass shatter at impact.
Yoshi stood up abruptly. “I can do whatever I want Junkyu! You’re not the boss of me!” he yelled, catching the attention of a nearby Jaehyuk.
”If you want to keep your position, I suggest you do!” Junkyu yelled back.
Yoshi came to his senses and realized what he just did. He also glanced down to his wrists and pulled his sleeves up, seeing the scars of many knife cuts. He realized everything he was doing to himself. All because he couldn’t be the one for his love.
He fell to his knees and cried, putting his face into his right hand. Junkyu felt sorry for his member and bent down to console him.
”Junkyu I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
”It’s alright,” he smiled.
Jaehyuk, who was watching from a distance, knew they were talking about his twin. He knew that, if Y/n knew, her heart would break, again. He remembered their most recent conversation.
“How is he? He’s probably forgotten me, right?”
”Nobody could forget you Y/n. And no, he remembers you. He feels terrible about not being able to love you the way he wanted to. He didn’t want to break your heart.”
”Yes! All of the members want you back because Yoshi has been so depressed. And, I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I think he’s been doing self harm as well. I found a bloody knife in the sink a couple days ago.”
”Are you serious? You need to say something to him!”
“I’ve tried Sis, it doesn’t work. You’re the only that could ever talk sense into Kanemoto Yoshinori. And that hasn’t changed. But I understand that you are uncomfortable around him, so I don’t ask anything of you.”
“I still love him, but I don’t think my heart could handle it.”
”I understand Y/n, you don’t have to explain.”
”Jaehyukie… does he… still love me?”
”He’s head over heels for you.”
Jaehyuk shook his head to return back to reality. He glanced over to the broken Yoshi, feeling a twist in his gut. He wanted the best for his sister. Yoshinori was the best for his sister. But Yoshi didn’t know it yet.
”Two minutes! Hurry up!” Hyunsuk yelled again.
Jaehyuk immediately tightened his headband and ran over to Junkyu and Yoshi.
”Let’s go,” he ushered.
The two stood up and Yoshi wiped his tears, careful not to ruin his makeup.
Teume screamed once the twelve were onto the stage. They waved their light sticks and cheered. The members waved and smiled, before taking their positions to perform. Yoshi sighed, trying to get his mind off Y/n. He remembered how Junkyu said, “You probably won’t even see her, okay?” It calmed him. But he was soon not so calm, as Y/n’s seat was right up front. Jaehyuk noticed this, and looked over at Yoshi, worriedly. Regardless, they all got into their starting positions and waited to the music to play.
The performance went very well, with one exception. Yoshi messed up the dance twice and sounded a little quiet and unenthusiastic when he rapped. Nevertheless, the fans cheered and expressed all of their love and appreciation.
The next performance was only five members. Yoshi, Jihoon, Hyunsuk, Haruto, and Jeongwoo. They were performing their song, ‘ORANGE'. It was difficult for Yoshi, because it was a love song.
I’d like to see you a minute and a second faster You’re always busy, so we spend a limited time again I’m so sorry, the happy time will go by soon I still like it, I like this better between us
Yoshi looked at Y/n with the sadness evident in his eyes. Y/n was looking at him too. The two looked down and away from each other. It was like having a stone wall between you and the one you love. You want them, but you could never be with them. But maybe this wall had a hole in it, just big enough to fit through.
I talk a lot of with you Then look at my watch, I'm surprised I don't want to send you home now But I can't do that
They hated each other, they’d convinced themselves. But maybe they didn’t convince each other.
You're colored in orange again I think I'll go back home, still feeling sorry I want to be with you more Like the sun sets and rises again I want to you tomorrow I think I'll go home sad Unfortunately, the sun began showing itself
Would Y/n forgive him for breaking her heart? Would Yoshi learn to take risks?
The orange shines, the wind is cool It draws us closer, I hold your hand You may say meaningless things But you're nervous and don't even look at me When the sun begins to set My face turns dark too Before you turn your back on me I think I should tell you today Like the sun that always shines I want you to smile like that ever day So that I could keep you forever Because you shine the brightest in my eyes
Yoshi decided he wasn’t afraid of the consequences of dating anymore. He was just too afraid to ask for Y/n’s forgiveness. 
It was all his fault…..
Time has stopped, like this I don't want the sun to set I hope you smile at me So that I can go home happy That sunshine says it's sorry Go ahead, I'll send you with a smile
As the song finished out, Yoshi looked at Y/n with teary eyes. 
TREASURE went on to perform ‘MY TREASURE and ‘MMM’ before closing. They all lined up to say things to the crowd of Teume before leaving. Yoshi was on the end of that line.
”I hope you continue to stream our music and support us. Thank you!” Mashiho said as he finished his message to the crowd. He then passed the mic to Yoshi.
Yoshi took it with his shaking hands, not knowing what he would say. He needed to tell her something, he just didn’t know how he was going to do it.
”Umm… first of all, thank you all for always being so kind and caring towards me and my members, I am very appreciative,” he smiled, making the crowd go crazy. “I never thought, when I became a trainee, that my group would become a hit and receive so much love and attention from around the world. I can’t express the way it makes me feel,” he explained. “On another note, there’s someone here today who is very special to me, and I’d like to tell her something,” he said, making the crowd roar. “I’m so sorry,” he got straight to the point, and got so emotional, he dropped to the ground crying. 
Mashiho, Hyunsuk, and Junghwan immediately dropped to his side and comforted him as his shoulders shook. His eyes were shut tight as he put his hand to his mouth to suppress his cries. The crowd made “Aww” sounds, as they felt terrible seeing their idol in such pain.
As Y/n watched, her heart ached. She hated seeing him cry and it brought tears to her own eyes. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to run up there and hug him. 
Once he had calmed down a little bit, he rose back to his feet and grabbed the mic from Hyunsuk’s hand.
”I broke your heart,” he continued. “And I still remember the day I left,” he sniffed. He took a deep breath before his next words, as they were very hard to say without breaking down again. “I would’ve turned back if I could redo that moment,” he said in a broken voice. By now, all of the members were gathered around Yoshi to comfort him. “I’m not afraid anymore. I’m not afraid of the consequences. I’m not afraid of the whole world knowing,” he admitted. “I love you. And I torture myself everyday by trying to convince myself I hate you or drink my problems away,” he explained, sounding so guilty and broken. “I never should’ve left you. I never should’ve broke you. I thought I was doing what was best for us, but I only did what was best for me,” he apologized, locking eyes with Y/n in the crowd, who was a crying mess. “It’s been a year now. Today would’ve been our anniversary. And because of me, we’re not celebrating it,” he cried. “I love you Y/n. I can’t go on like this, I need you. Could we start again?” he asked, giving a sad smile.
Y/n covered her mouth with her hands and nodded. By this time, everyone in the crowd knew where Y/n was. They cheered when she nodded her head. 
The security, knowing the situation, made a way for Y/n to make her way onto the stage, and so she did. She thanked the security and ran up the stairs. Yoshi was on the opposite side of the stage. The two had never run so fast as they both ran towards each other and embraced like the world was ending. The crowed cheered so loud, it could break your eardrums.
”I love you,” Y/n whispered.
Yoshi smiled and hugged her even tighter. 
“I love you too.”
Yoshi and Y/n sat on the couch, cuddling while catching up on lost time.
”You’re so cute,” Yoshi said, tickling her face with his nose and kissing her forehead.
“You’re cuter,” she tapped his nose.
Hyunsuk set down his Uno hand and looked at Jaehyuk. “Please tell your sister and her boyfriend to take it somewhere else,” he begged, returning to focus on the game.
”You heard them Sis!” Jaehyuk yelled from the kitchen as he assisted Yedam in making tteokbokki.
“Fine let’s go,” Yoshi said, helping her stand up.
 "Use protection! I'm too young to be an uncle!" Jaehyuk teased.
Y/n burried her face into Yoshi’s jacket, embarrassed.
Yedam elbowed Jaehyuk, causing a pained whine from him.
Yoshi lead Y/n to the balcony of the hotel they were all staying in. They put their arms on the ledge and looked at the stars. Y/n closed her eyes and leaned her head onto her boyfriend’s shoulder. He responded and leaned his head atop hers.
“It’s funny how fate has a way of working things out,” Y/n smiled. 
“Yeah,” he agreed. He reached across and grabbed her hand, rubbing circles on the back of it with his thumb. “I can’t believe it took me a year to admit to myself I couldn’t live without you.”
”Me neither,” she sighed. As Yoshi held her hand, she rolled up his sleeves to examine his scars. She traced her fingers along them. “Why did you do this to yourself,” she pouted.
”I was insecure. I’m sorry,” he sighed. 
“It’s okay,” she leaned up from his shoulder to look into his eyes. “Promise me you won’t do it again?” 
“I promise,” he smiled back, glancing down to her lips. He smiled as he leaned in and kissed her. He brought his hand up to her cheek.
They were so caught up in the moment, they didn’t realize the shooting star overhead. 
You're colored by the moonlight now I think I'll go back home, still feeling sorry I want to be with you more Like the sun sets and rises again I want to be with you tomorrow I think I'll go home sad Because I can’t be with you always
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h4chi · 2 years
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my love's so young, I'm young, at a sweet age, i can't only look at you. cold, I'm cold, a dark night, that even if it's beautiful, it's not warm. maybe I'm just fine on the outside. anyway, baby, I'm sorry for my young love
WARNINGS angst, breakup, unrequited love (yoshi doesn’t love u anymore), not proofread, english is not my first language
PAIRING yoshi x gn reader
NOTES tried writing angst…. this one’s inspired by stayc’s young luv ! so i suggest to listen to it while reading :) also tried writing gn reader wohooo this is my upgrade guys. AND I CANT ADD THE CUT AGAIN ??????? crying
your love for yoshi blossomed back in middle school, when you saw him for the first time. it was the first day of school, and he arrived late, his hair messy and his uniform’s buttons improperly tied.
you didn’t pay much mind to him, doing so when the teacher decided to seat him next to you. he was a diligent student, and he helped you occasionally when you would ask him to.
your friendship started to grow quickly, and before you knew it, you caught feelings.
catching feelings for yoshi was the best mistake you did, and it was something inevitable. he was just mesmerizing, his visuals breathtaking, his voice soothing and personality charming in many aspects. his words were enchanting and always managed to hit the sweetest spot in your poor heart. he was attentive to anything you did, anything you said and anything that happened to you.
he would always care for you more than you did for yourself. when you scratched your knee, he was already bandaging you with some cute hello kitty patches. when you forgot to do your homework, he would let you copy his, but only if you promised to buy him a snack, which wasn’t quite an inconvenience for you.
he was comforting, and helped you get past many sad moments in your life, some more serious than others. for example, when you got a bad grade in your favorite subject, he decided to buy you your favorite ice cream flavor and spend the evening binge watching movies.
he was devoted to the things he loved doing, music being at the top of all. he was always working on some new pieces and would always ask you to listen to them so you could give an honest review. he cherished your opinion, and that made you feel important.
he was extremely elegant, from the way he acted to the way he slept. while walking, he would look so regal despite being only in his pajamas, and when he would cook for the two of you, you could never stop your heart from beating so fast at such a sight.
he was just good at everything, and even more from your point of view. he glowed under your attentive gaze, his flawless features sparkling just like edward cullen under the warm rays of sun.
so when he confessed his love to you under a sakura tree just like in a romantic movie, you couldn’t refuse, not that you would’ve did anyways.
yoshi was a very dedicated partner. he was more at ease around you now that you were dating, and very much more clingy.
you loved him with every fiber of your heart, and you were every day that passed grateful such a good person chose you.
you two would go on cute picnic dates, have study sessions together, cook and try new recipes, and have movie nights, your place or his, it didn’t matter when you were together.
he was your pillar, always there when you needed him the most. your love was young. young and beautiful.
yet, as flowers bloom in spring, they also wither in autumn, just like your relationship did.
you were quick to notice how his behavior towards you changed, but you decided not to address it and wait for him to explain, avoiding to seem paranoid. yet he never had time to do so, much more to spend with you. he was slowly distancing himself, and you couldn’t stop it from happening.
“yn, we need to talk.”
you already knew what was about to come, and that’s why you didn’t feel sad. honestly, you felt relieved. relieved because you both wouldn’t have to fake anymore.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t be the one for you, yn.”
yoshi smiled sadly while hugging you one last time, breaking the physical contact to look you in the eyes. they showed both gratefulness and anger. gratefulness because you had the opportunity to be with someone like him, anger because you couldn’t keep him next you. anger because you failed.
“it’s okay, yosh. i’m sure you did your best.”
maybe you’re just fine on the outside. “anyway, i’m sorry for my young love.”
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© H4CHI 2022 do not copy or repost anywhere.
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peachy-beomie · 1 year
(Mysterious Class Pt 2)
You Broke Me First
Haruto is many things: he’s funny, he’s kind, he’s thoughtful, he’s handsome…
What he is not, is violent.
So how can it be him? How can he be the one who’s terrorized, who’s hurt, who’s deceived?
The other students are confident in their stance. There is a ghost in their classroom, but more than that: there’s a parasite. There is a threat.
They’ve chosen extermination, elimination…Jaehyuk is not so sure.
He prides himself on his intelligence, on his ability to see things rationally and factually; but this truth is almost paradoxical in nature. He’s happened upon information he wasn’t meant to know, and the knowledge aches. Jaehyuk’s mind is a hurricane of emotion. He spends days taking what he knows, piecing it together like a puzzle.
thinking, rethinking, overthinking—
until he finally comes to a conclusion:
Watanabe Haruto is a lot of things…
But he is Jaehyuk’s friend, above all else.
Episodes 3-6
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qyuoza · 2 years
Sweetener — Profiles 2: 왕자님즈
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Watanabe Haruto - Y/n’s boyfriend and Childhood best friend. A student under Applied Music in Hanlim Arts School. Partner in crime is Park Jeongwoo.
Park Jeongwoo - Under the Practical Music department in Seoul School of Performing Arts. Would do anything with Haruto, even if it was out of pocket. Has too much energy for an introvert.
Baekseung - A Practical Dance student at Hanlim Arts School. Tall as hell, how? We don’t know either. Well known pretty boy in their year.
Bang Junhyuk / Win - Under Applied Music in Hanlim Arts School. Was a Highschool Rapper 4 contestant, has more lines than his own screen time. Is making an upcoming disstrack towards mnet.
So Junghwan - Jeongwoo’s Iksan buddy. Goes to Seoul School of Performing Arts, under the Practical Dance department. He’s really just there to hang around.
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taglist (open, feel free to send an ask to be added): @yogurteume @bloomedberry @hiqhkey @enhacolor @luvrseung @noomin-noot
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