#ygo chocobox challenge
cinnamonconi · 2 years
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Reunion Second prompt for the ygo chocobox challenge ✨ This was not a sweet reunion tho. It's VKou's enemies arc!!
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heljay · 2 years
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I am very impatient with posting
More for the Chocobox Challenge! (alongside a second fic on my Ao3, cough) Prompt: Reunion
Yes I did make my main three contributions oops all Funny European Men, although I might manage to get out one or two more with a different ship if I find the time
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mirpuzzle · 2 years
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“Allow me to become your guide…”
YGO Chocobox Challenge | Prompt: Kissing Practice Occultshipping
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YGO Chocobox Event Day 5
Prompt: Lost in IKEA
Description: Ai/Yusaku. Ai and Yusaku get lost in the famous never-ending maze of strangely named furniture items together.
Word Count: 1056
Link to the AO3 Version if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45147313 
“Yusaku…” Ai raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure you know where we’re going?”
Yusaku let out a grunt. “Of course I know where we’re going, Ai,” he insisted, making yet another turn in this labyrinth of strangely named furniture.
“Really?” Ai sounded incredulous. “‘Cause it kinda feels like we’re lost.”
“We are NOT lost,” Yusaku insisted, pulling out his phone.
Yusaku: Kusanagi, we’re lost in IKEA. Please come get us.
“Are you sure, love?” Ai asked, resting his hand on a nearby couch. “I'm pretty sure we’ve passed this Nikkala thing at least once.”
“I… did that on purpose.”
Ai’s lip twitched up. “You’ve been intentionally walking us in circles?”
Yusaku stiffened. “We’ve been walking in circles and you didn’t tell me?!”
“Oh?” Ai tilted his head to the side. “I thought you said you knew where we were going.”
Yusaku looked away, his eyes narrowed with indignation.
Ai took Yusaku’s hand. “Did you lie to me Yusaku-dearest?” he asked, planting a kiss on the back of Yusaku’s palm.
Yusaku met his partner’s gaze with a glare icy enough to freeze him over. Ai broke into a giggle.
“I’ll take that as a yes then.”
Yusaku let out an annoyed grunt but didn’t protest.
“So basically…” Ai rested his hand on his chin, as though he were in deep contemplation. “When it comes to where to go, my guess is as good as yours.”
“I’d rather not become more lost, thanks.”
Ai let out an offended huff. Yusaku looked around, searching for arrows on the ground that might link them to the exit or at least activate the effect of making Yusaku look like he knew what the heck he was doing.
“Maybe we should follow that arrow,” Ai suggested, pointing in the opposite direction. “Arrows are always a good thing in duelling. Surely the same applies to IKEA.”
“IKEA is nothing like duelling,” Yusaku grumbled, following the arrow in question.
Ai took his hand as he continued beside him. “Isn’t it though? Both are stupidly complicated and have arrows pointing all over the place.”
Yusaku covered his mouth with a fist to hide his smile.
“Oh!” Ai suddenly stopped, his eyes bright as they fixed on something off to the side. “I found another similarity IKEA has to duelling!”
Yusaku raised an eyebrow. “And what would that be, Ai?”
Ai took both Yusaku’s hands, walking backward toward one of the couches along the wall.
“Both of them have a lot of love in the air,” Ai explained, pointing at the sign beside the couch.
The sign read: ‘The Loveseat Klippan.’
Yusaku facepalmed. “We are not getting that, Ai.”
“Why not?” Ai asked with an exaggerated frown. “It’s perfect for us.”
“Too expensive. Let’s go.” Yusaku began walking again, following the nearest arrow on the floor.
“Hmph.” Ai pouted, folding his arms. “You’re no fun.”
“Well, going broke to buy an expensive couch sounds like it would be even less fun, doesn’t it?”
“I guess…” Ai’s voice trailed off as he looked around. “What are we trying to find exactly?”
“The exit,” Yusaku answered bluntly.
“Without buying anything?” Ai asked, cocking his head.
“I only intended to look.”
Ai smiled, raising an eyebrow. “Couldn’t you have done that online?”
“Nothing ever looks the same as it looks online.”
“Not true.” Ai looped an arm around Yusaku as they walked. “You look just as handsome in real life as you do in Link VRAINS.”
“I literally look completely different as Playmaker.”
Ai shrugged. “Your hair maybe, but you’ve got the same cute face and big green eyes.” He stopped for a moment, looking around. “I don’t think we’ve been to this area, is that a good or a bad thing?”
Yusaku looked up. They appeared to be in the kids’ section, as the wall was lined with shelves of stuffed animals.
“Could be either,” Yusaku admitted. “This place has multiple exits.”
Ai suddenly let out a gasp. “Oh my gosh!”
He let go of Yusaku to book it toward the shelves of stuffed animals, grabbing an octopus plush.
“Look!” Ai beamed ear to ear as he put the stuffed animal on his head. “I’m an Octop-Ai!”
Yusaku let out a long sigh.
“Can I buy him?” Ai asked with a smile.
“Because he’s adorable! And not that costly!” Ai showed him the price tag, making a little pleading noise.
Yusaku let out a long sigh. “Fine.”
“Yes!” Ai cheered, throwing his hand in the air.
“You can buy it if we ever find a checkout,” Yusaku replied, walking off.
Yay!” Ai hopped after him.
Curious, and maybe a bit anxious, Yusaku opened his phone to see if Kusanagi had answered him. He was greeted with an entire wall of texts from several parties:
*Kusanagi created a group chat with Jin and Yusaku*
Kusanagi: Yusaku, I have gotten lost as well, I apologise. I’m calling Jin.
*Jin added Ryoken to the group chat*
Jin: Yusaku, Ch-Chi, the first room by the entrance is the kitchen section. I’m too scared to go much further in, just come to the kitchen section.
Ryoken: I’m not going to get lost, Jin.
Ryoken: …I’m… calling Spectre.
Ryoken: Too late, he and Takeru are on their way.
Jin: Good lord, is everyone going to get lost in here?!
*Ryoken added Takeru and Spectre to the group chat*
Ryoken: It seems that way.
Takeru: It’s not our fault Jin. This place is complicated.
Ryoken: …Takeru, are you telling me you already got lost?
Takeru: I was trying to get away from Spectre, his face unsettles me.
Jin: No guys, don’t fight :(
Takeru: Wait, did I actually kill your mom somehow? I’m so confused.
“That looks fun,” Ai commented, and Yusaku realised he’d been reading the texts from over his shoulder.
Yusaku facepalmed. This was going to be a long day indeed.
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters
Ship: Atem/Malik/Yugi/OC
Prompt: Feeling at home
Summary: Malik feels confuse having to travel between Japan and Egypt and not knowing where and if he wants to settle. Atem tries to reassure him.
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Malik was conflicted. It was difficult for him to live so far away from his partners. Their contact was mostly made of phone calls and messages, and even these were somewhat difficult on an international scale.
He really loved when they could travel and spend moments together. Like that Valentine’s morning, cuddling in the makeshift bed with his sleeping boyfriends at their girlfriend’s house - although he wished their girlfriend had stayed with them, instead of waking up earlier, but soon she would be back with breakfast in bed for the four of them, and she was the best cook among them, so he wouldn’t complain much - Malik felt at peace.
On the other hand, after everything that had happened, he wasn’t ready to be apart from his siblings for long, either, and he felt equally comfortable in Japan or Egypt, like it didn’t matter where he lived. Despite either bringing him memories of the past everyone insisted he’d better forget.
He thought of getting up and joining Amy in the kitchen to get away from his thoughts of the past, but it was hard to get himself out of the tangle of limbs that the three of them had ended up into without waking his boyfriends. Malik had barely moved when he felt the one at his back stir.
“Did Amy wake you?” Malik shivered upon hearing Atem’s husky voice by his ear.
Malik tried to turn around to face his boyfriend, but Yugi’s hold on him tightened. Atem chuckled.
“No. I woke up before her. Did I wake you?”
“I have been half awake since she left. What is bothering you?”
“Why do you think something is bothering me?”
“Because we never saw you wake up so early on your own when we’re together. Is it because you’re going back home tomorrow?”
At first Malik didn’t want to talk about it. But Atem would understand, right? He was, not only from another country, but from another time. And although most would argue he had no family to go back to because of that, he had been returned to them once, only to be brought back again but, after that, he made no effort to return again, and sometimes Malik had wondered if Atem resented Kaiba for prompting the accident that brought him back to life.
“Malik?” Atem called softly when the silence stretched, loosening his hold to prop himself up on one arm and peek at Malik’s face.
“Do you feel at home here?”
“Of course I do. Wherever I’m with someone I love, I am at home. Yugi taught me that. Do you feel at home?”
“I don’t know. I always felt the same, no matter where I was. In the beginning, everywhere bothered me, but it doesn’t anymore. But even though I’m comfortable everywhere, I’m never fully satisfied, would not only because I have to travel because I miss someone, I’m never satisfied with the place. Do you ever feel like this?”
“Sometimes, especially with the climate. I’m still not used to Domino’s winters. Maybe it is because I haven’t been here for more than a couple of years, at least in my own body, but sometimes I think I’ll never get used to it. There are also different customs of each country that I’m not used to either. But to me, Egypt isn’t very different from a foreign country either, because it is not the place it was in my time anymore.” Atem shifted back to lie down and embrace Malik from behind. “For now, it is okay for you to travel when you feel too bothered, though.”
“But I’ll have to choose, sometime.”
“And when that time comes, the four of us will do so together. And no matter what we chose, we are each other’s home, so we’ll be okay. Don’t you feel at home with us?”
Malik stayed in silence for a moment, not because he doubted his answer, but to enjoy the feeling of both his boyfriends’ holding him.
“There is no place I feel more at home.” He finally said, one hand holding Yugi closer, the other intertwining with one of Atem’s. “But…”
“You have another home with your siblings. That’s fine. We have as many homes as there are people we love. Sometimes we choose one to spend more time with, but that doesn’t invalidate the others.” Atem kissed the back of his neck. “Do you feel better?”
“A little. But I don’t have to worry about it right now. Amy will be here at any moment, and I just want to spend the day with you right now.”
Atem hummed in response, kissing him again. Before it could go too far, though, the door was pushed open and Amy came in, balancing a couple of trays with food.
“Boys, breakfast!” She called, cheerfully.
Yugi just grunted something in response, snuggling against Malik’s chest. Atem sat up and shook him.
“Yugi! Are you planning on sleeping all through Valentine’s?”
“But I’m comfortable here.” Yugi mumbled.
The other three laughed. Nothing unusual for a morning spent together. And Malik hoped these little things would never change.
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“How about a blind kiss?" Recoil Takeru/Ryoken oneshot and VERY crack-y. A new show similar to The Bachelor focuses on Kogami Ryoken and a cast of contestants originating from Den City. The twist? They have no idea who they've signed up to woo.
If Homura Takeru had known, he would've run. Instead he's blindfolded and sitting dangerously close to a voice he feels he should recognize.
Prompt: Reunion from the YGO ChocoBox Challenge!
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Rio Kamishiro for the ask meme
First impression: Oh boy So I'm jaded because I've done my fair share of internet traveling and female characters haven't been treated the best in fandom's past in my experience And I had no clue what to expect from Rio at first, I just knew she was beloved and she was Ryouga's sister, I saw her in a handful of fanart and OC/Canon art but that was all
Impression now: God I love that she's lowkey a girlfail instead of a girlboss, like she's tough and crushes an entire school's worth of clubs, but is absolutely terrified of cats, a legend like Duel Links shows her off in such a fun way where she's just acting all collected and "I'm just here for my brother :)" but she is OFF the hinges when she talks with everyone gjdsakl
Favorite moment: She has so few and yet it's so hard to choose one!! Her introduction will go down as one of the best in all of YGO, she wakes up to her brother losing a duel and ROASTS him
Idea for a story: The most I've written for her so far is a mini HolyIce prompt for the chocobox challenge but I'd love to try more! Rio is a very interesting character for post canon potential and her exploring her own agency always comes to mind Canon just having her agree with every word out of Ryouga's mouth out of nowhere was always... off to me, so the big I've thought about and written for her outside of fic has been focusing on her finding herself no matter how messy it gets
Unpopular opinion: I don't really know if many of us disagree on Rio opinions gjdasklj I guess I'm not huge on IVRio? If that's an opinion to be had? It's just one that I don't really think about rather than actively have any hatred towards, I know a ton of stans for it and love how passionate they are for them, they're doing the lords work putting those pieces together and writing their asses off I do wish her and Thomas actually HAD a conversation in canon and not just in Duel Links, imaging putting a girl in the hospital and then only have to potentially be confronted by her off screen
Favorite relationship: I LOVE RIO AND DURBE AH I LOVE THEM!!!! I WISH THEY GOT MORE TIME!!!!!! I love that Rio gets to have her two little families of Yuma and Co. AND the Barians Selling my soul for her and Kaito to have another conversation, her making him unsettled in Duel Links by calling him out for hiding Ryouga is SO funny There's one OC/Canon Rio pair too that I love everytime I see it come up eye emojis
Favorite headcanon: I don't really have many omfg I guess that she has struggles with her own identity the same way Ryouga does, but she internalizes it more where as Ryouga would be more outward with that
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duelistkingdom · 2 years
so scarlet it was...
Summary: "Yeah," Aki said softly, heat rising to her cheeks staining them a deep wine red. Against her burgundy hair and the rust colored top she wore against her pale skin, Yusei couldn't tell which shade of red she liked more. Yusei could drown in red. Shades of red, like the passionate rose, with scarlet lips that drew her in. Everything was like fire against the brick of the school's hallway.
Rating: T
Ships: Yusei Fudo/Aki Izayoi
Author’s note: for the ygo chocobox challenge! this one was finished last night, i just didn't publish it until now.
read on ao3 / consider supporting me on ko-fi / join my discord (18+)
She noticed everything about her. Not that Yusei would ever notice her back. Why would she? Yusei was Neo Domino Universities top student, the most amazing volleyball player that Aki had have ever seen, and easily one of the most popular girls on campus. Everyone wanted to know her, and everyone wanted to date her. Aki didn't even like volleyball and she turned up at games just to see Yusei in motion. Her legs looked amazing in the regulation shorts - long and tan. It made Aki feel almost a little bit insecure. Not only that, she knew Yusei was an engineering student. Clever, quick witted, and so, so quiet. Aki had cross paths with Yusei in class for the first time during a requisite math course for her studies. Aki was never very good at math, which made her resent the medical program for requiring so many of them.
Sure, she understood why they were required but that didn't mean that Aki had to like them. Aki liked her science classes more. Yusei showed up in those too, and from what she could tell, Yusei was taking them for fun. Yusei wound up being her lab pattern more than once, and Aki found herself looking foolish in front of her more than once. Not once did Yusei seem to judge her, however. Instead, Yusei was gentle in her corrections. It didn't help Aki's growing crush on her. She was scared that one day, she was going to simply blurt out that she was in love with the woman. And Aki couldn't handle the rejection that would come with that.
Little did Aki know, Yusei noticed everything about her. She noticed that Aki was guarded about her home life, and wondered why that was. She knew better than to pry, considering her own home life involving dead parents and a foster mother who worked hard to take care of everyone. It was what pushed Yusei into engineering - she wanted to return the favor to Martha for all those years of taking care of her. She wondered if Aki would like her mother. She wondered if Jack and Crow would approve of Aki. She saw the way Aki cared for the many cats roaming the campus, and wondered if Aki would want to raise a cat with her.
It was all those sorts of questions running through her mind that made her nervous around Aki. Did Aki think her help was overbearing? Rude? Unnecessary? Yusei was pining for knowledge that for once she didn't have. She needed to know if Aki liked her back, and she had no way of finding out. Aki's wine red hair was drowning Yusei in her dreams, and Yusei awoke at night wishing she could call Aki, text her, or even maybe cuddle up to her. All of these thoughts made Yusei feel guilty too, like a predator stalking its prey.
Eventually, a boiling point was reached one day when Yusei just happened to see Aki darting out from the gym after a tough win. Yusei couldn't help herself: she followed after her. In the middle of an empty hallway, with the muffled roaring sound of victory as their backdrop, Yusei blurted out, "Did you enjoy the game?"
Aki froze in her spot, unwilling to admit that she only showed up to watch Yusei play. It was humiliating. She couldn't bring herself to admit that she didn't know anything about volleyball, just that Yusei's dark, long legs looked really good in their school's blue and silver color scheme. "Uh," Aki said, trying to stall out as she turned to face Yusei. Yusei was standing at least ten feet away from her, also frozen in place. Aki took a step forward, trying to be brave. "It was okay. Seemed like an impressive win."
Yusei felt heat rising to her cheeks, grateful that she was not so obvious when she blushed. "Well, it was a pretty difficult game," Yusei said, mirroring Aki's single step forward. She would be brave. It was just one of her classmates. There was no reason to be nervous. "We managed to pull a win last minute, though."
Aki nodded, rubbing her arm, closing herself off. Surely this was a bad sign. Yusei should take the hint. She doesn't. "Yeah," Aki said softly, heat rising to her cheeks staining them a deep wine red. Against her burgundy hair and the rust colored top she wore against her pale skin, Yusei couldn't tell which shade of red she liked more. Yusei could drown in red. Shades of red, like the passionate rose, with scarlet lips that drew her in. Everything was like fire against the brick of the school's hallway. "You were impressive on the court. I bet every university wants you."
Yusei's eyes were so violet that Aki couldn't help but sneak peaks at them. The school's blue and white against the tan of her skin, and Aki couldn't imagine how anyone else could draw her in like Yusei. She could see stars, and Yusei was the brightest of them all. There was no doubt in her mind that every university wanted Yusei, the same way that Aki wanted Yusei. She wanted Yusei to want her. She had no idea that Yusei already did. Blue and red, fire and ice, and none of them made sense together. And suddenly Yusei's lips were against her, and Aki understood.
She understood everything.
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cinnamonconi · 2 years
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A Valentine's Day with VKou 💙💜 First theme for the ygo chocobox challenge event: Sweet Tooth!
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heljay · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Professor Cronos de Medici | Dr. Vellian Crowler/Napoleon | Jean-Louis Bonaparte Characters: Professor Cronos de Medici | Dr. Vellian Crowler, Napoleon | Jean-Louis Bonaparte Additional Tags: Drunk Texting, Texting, Parenting, Cronos takes a hard left down depression lane for the first bit of the convo, but then it jumps up to comedy, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Comedy, Fluff, Napoleon dropping very obvious hints that he wants Cronos to be Martin's stepdad Summary:
Post-Canon. Having your kids leave the nest is never easy for a parent; even if you're not actually their parent. Thankfully for Cronos, he has someone to talk to about it.
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mirpuzzle · 2 years
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"My home is where you are."
YGO ChocoBox Challenge | Prompt: Feeling at home Psychicshipping (platonic)
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mirpuzzle · 2 years
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"As long as you are by my side..."
YGO ChocoBox Challenge | Prompt: Conquering Fears Satake/Takaido | They don't have a ship name yet, I think, so I like to call it Starchipshipping.
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YGO Chocobox Event Day 1: Sunrise
Prompt: Sunrise
Description: Judai/Yubel. Judai wakes up early enough to watch the sunrise and shares the moment with his partner.
Word count: 686
Link to the AO3 Version if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45039739 
Sleeping under the stars wasn’t something Judai would’ve imagined doing as little as a few weeks ago. However, upon graduating Duel Academy, Judai had no desire to return to home. So, he wandered the country as a vagabond. He did the occasional odd job in order to buy food for himself and Pharaoh but when it came to sleep, all Judai needed was his sleeping bag and on a bad night, something above his head.
Tonight however, was not a bad night. There wasn’t a cloud in sight and without the light pollution of cities, the stars shone clear and bright against the pitch black background they inhabited. Starting a fire for himself, Judai laid in his sleeping bag to gaze at those stars. Pharaoh curled up beside his legs. A purr rose in the cat’s stomach, making Judai’s lips turn up in a smile.
“Goodnight Pharaoh,” he murmured, his eyes fluttering shut.
Yubel wasn’t in physical form right now but despite that, Judai could sense their presence, just as he always did, and it, along with the soft sounds of Pharaoh’s purring and the fire crackling, soothed him to sleep.
Judai awoke the next morning to the feeling of something soft brushing against his cheek. He lifted his head, blinking his heavy eyes open. Pharaoh was getting all up in his face, purring and rubbing against him rather insistently.
“Morning, kitty,” Judai greeted, running his hand along Pharaoh’s back.
The cat purred louder. Judai sat up in his sleeping bag, turning to stretch his arms out. He froze. The sun was barely peeking out over the horizon, lining only the bottom sliver of the sky in bright orange light.
“Wow…” Judai’s voice came out in a breath as he gazed in awe at the sky.
“What?” Yubel’s sarcastic voice responded from within him. “Never seen a sunrise before?”
Judai looked around expectantly for Yubel, even though he knew deep down he wouldn’t see them.
“Never been up early enough to see one,” he answered with a shrug. He let out a yawn before adding, “Not in years at least.”
Yubel let out a small chuckle. “Sleepyhead.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Judai rolled his eyes.
There was no wind yet Judai still shivered from the cold. The pitch black hue had lightened slightly from the early sun, now becoming a deep shade of indigo. It hadn’t risen enough to provide much more than a sliver of light.
Judai gazed at the empty space beside him. “Yubel… can you uh… take physical form?”
“Theoretically I could yes,” Yubel answered matter-of-factly.
“Like… right now?”
“If you want me to. Why?”
“I uh…” Judai twirled a piece of his hair around in his finger. “I want to watch the sunrise with you.”
Silence followed. An unbearably long… uncertain silence.
“I mean uh…” Judai rested his hand on the back of his neck. “I just… thought it might be nice to sit together and maybe… cuddle while we look at something this pretty?”
Yubel chuckled in amusement. “Very well, Judai.”
Beside him, Yubel appeared sitting beside him, looking almost ghostly and transparent at first before becoming more and more solid. Judai instantly scooted toward them, resting his head on their shoulder.
“O-oh…” Yubel sounded stunned. “Um…”
Yubel sat frozen for a few moments before slowly, their wing unfolded to drape over Judai like a blanket. Judai curled up beside Yubel, reaching for their hand.
“Ah… okay…” Yubel twitched a bit. “Careful, mind the claws.”
Judai snorted with laughter. “Yubel, I know I may seem it at times, but I’m not stupid.”
Yubel’s lip twitched up. “Could’ve fooled me.”
Judai rolled his eyes as he entwined his fingers with Yubel’s. Then his gaze returned to the sunrise. The sun fully appeared above the line of the horizon, like a small orb bathing the sky in hues of bright orange and blue. The air however remained as cold as before. That was just fine for Judai as he nuzzled further into Yubel’s casual yet soft embrace. It wasn’t often that Yubel took physical form so moments like this were worth savouring every second of…
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YGO Chocobox Event Day 4: The Things You Only Notice When You’re Close to Someone
Prompt: Birthmarks, scars, and other things you only see when you're intimate with someone
Description: Yuya/Yuzu. Yuzu notices some leftover quirks on Yuya's body from when he was Z-Arc.
Word count: 668
Link to the AO3 version if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45121270 
Yuya and Yuzu were sitting on the couch together in Yuya’s house. Outside, the wind was frigid, whipping around flakes of freshly fallen snow that slowly piled up on the sidewalks and painted the grass white. Even with the heat on the house, the chill could still be felt. Yuzu pulled the blanket she was sharing with Yuya further over herself, shifting closer to her boyfriend.
“Stupid snow,” she grunted, trying to fight back her shivers.
“Yeah…” Yuya sighed in exasperation.
He leaned closer, the side of his chin brushing against Yuzu’s forehead. Yuzu shifted to lean her head on Yuya’s shoulder. When she did, something almost sharp poked against her cheek. A small gasp slipped past her.
“Yuzu?” Yuya turned to her in concern.
Yuzu’s first thought was that Yuya’s shirt had gotten a thorn on it so she began observing his shoulder.
“Something poked me,” she explained, tracing her fingers slowly across Yuya’s shoulder blades. They were more pronounced than she remembered them being.
“Oh… that’s…” Yuya took Yuzu’s hand and moved it away.
Yuzu froze. Yuya was looking away, an almost pained look in his eyes.
“Yuya?” Yuzu took his hand in both hands. “What’s wrong?”
“Well… um…” Yuya put his hand over his shoulder. “What you touched was… part of my body.”
“Part of your body?”
Yuya let out a sigh, pulling back the sleeve of his shirt to reveal what looked like a small grey spike protruding from Yuya’s shoulder.
“Oh… is this from… when you were…?” Yuzu trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.
Yuya nodded. “From when I was Z-Arc, yes…”
“Oh…” Yuzu reached tentative hand toward Yuzu’s shoulder. “Can I um… touch it?”
Yuya shrugged. “Sure,” his voice was hardly more than a murmur as he looked away.
Yuzu slid her hand onto Yuya’s shoulder, resting her finger on the jagged grey spike. Yuya’s eyes fluttered shut. It was hard to fully process that this was a part of Yuya’s body; it looked so inhuman and unnatural, and stuck out from the rest of his body like a sore thumb. Beneath her hand, Yuya shivered and Yuzu suspected it wasn’t from the cold.
“Yuya…” Yuzu’s voice was soft. “Remember, your past as Z-Arc is behind you now.”
“I know…” Yuya’s head hung low. “But… it’s hard to forget when I still have these…” He rested his hand on the spike of his shoulder. “…reminders.”
“It’s just one little spike,” Yuzu insisted.
“Two,” Yuya corrected, resting his hand on his opposite shoulder. “And… well, the nails are easy enough to trim but…” Yuya slid his sleeve up, revealing a long red scar snaking up his forearm. “No matter what I do, the scars won’t go away… I’m… I’m guessing they’re from when I was Z-Arc and… and duelled my friends…”
“You weren’t yourself in that duel, Yuya…” 
“I… I know,” Yuya mumbled, sliding his sleeve back over his arm and pulling his legs into his chest. “It’s just… upsetting to think about…”
Yuzu couldn’t think of what to say. She hadn’t even been there when Yuya turned into Z-Arc and duelled everyone: all she knew was what others had told her. What could she possibly say?
After a few moments of uneasy silence, Yuzu felt a weight on her shoulder. Her face reddened. Yuya leaned on Yuzu, pressing his cheek against her shoulder and letting strands of his hair fall in front of his face. Yuzu brought a hand to Yuya’s face. Gently brushing his hair out of his eyes, she looped her other arm around him. Her hand rested on Yuya’s shoulder, just shy of his spike.
Yuya nuzzled further into the touch. Shifting closer, Yuzu pressed her lips against Yuya’s forehead, bringing her hand to the spike of his shoulder as his eyes fluttered shut. Yuya sighed softly at the touch. The pain in his expression had melted away, leaving him looking peaceful and maybe just a bit sleepy. Yuzu smiled. It seemed words hadn’t been needed after all…
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YGO Chocobox Event Day 3: Seemingly Unrequited Pining
Description: Cathy/Kotori. Cathy pines for Kotori, who’s currently in a relationship with Yuma. (Established Kotori/Yuma.)
Word count: 887
Link to the AO3 version if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45099949 
“Are you two ready?” Cathy whispered, peeking out from behind her camera lens.
“I am,” Yuma answered, folding his arms. “Kotori, your hair looks fine. You don’t need to spend twenty minutes brushing it just for a few pictures.”
“Yeah, just gimme a sec, Yuma,” Kotori grumbled, repeatedly running a comb through the bangs of her hair. “I wanna look my best for the photos.”
“You already look your best!” Yuma exclaimed, “You always look your best!”
Kotori snorted with laughter. “Yeah, to you maybe.”
And to me… -Cathy couldn’t say it out loud. Not ever, not to Kotori, and especially not with the girl’s boyfriend right there…
“There’s no need to rush,” Cathy insisted, “I don’t have any plans today so I can wait as long as you need me to.”
As she spoke, Cathy’s gaze was fixed on Kotori, who didn’t seem to notice her. No different from usual…
“I don’t wanna keep you waiting too long, Cathy,” Kotori insisted, pocketing her comb and turning to Yuma. “We can take them now.”
“Yes!” Yuma hopped with joy. “Couple’s photo time! You and me first, Tori!”
Tori… what a cute nickname, Cathy thought. They were so cute, Kotori and Yuma, the last thing Cathy wanted was to ruin things for them. They were her friends and she wanted their happiness.
So… why did the sight of that happiness make her heart ache so much?
Yuma looped an arm around Kotori's shoulder. Kotori nuzzled closer, smiling as she put two fingers over Yuma’s head to resemble bunny ears. It was hard to see behind his helmet like hair, but the attempt was there. Cathy slowly raised her camera.
“Ready?” she murmured.
“Yeah! Cheese!” Yuma exclaimed, smiling toothily.
Kotori gave a small smile as well, holding up a peace sign. Cathy snapped the photo. Yuma and Kotori pulled apart as Cathy turned to gaze at the photo, which showed the two of them smiling and holding each other. Cathy’s gaze, however, fixed specifically on Kotori. Even in a photo, she was beautiful. Her big hazel eyes, bouncy green hair, and bright smile seemed to deal piercing damage to Cathy’s heart points.
“How’d the picture turn out?” Yuma asked, shaking Cathy from her thoughts.
Cathy looked up at them. “Oh, uh, I think it’s good.” She flipped the photo around to show them. “You’re… both so… photogenic.”
“Oh, thanks…” Kotori looked away, looking confused and flustered.
“Uuuuuh,” Yuma tilted his head to the side. “What does ‘photogenic’ mean?”
Kotori faceplamed. “It means you look good in photos, Yuma.”
“Oh!” Yuma’s face lit up. “Thanks Cathy!”
“Haha yeah…” Cathy handed Yuma the photo and turned away.
“Cathy?” Kotori sounded concerned.
“Um…” Cathy gazed at the camera, which still showed the most recently taken picture. “Kotori… do you um…” Cathy turned to look at her. “Do you want to like… take a picture together? As friends?”
“Huh?” Kotori looked stunned for a moment. “Oh yeah, sure. You’ll just… have to show Yuma how to hold the camera, I have no idea how to-”
“No need.” Cathy turned the camera around to point it at herself. “C’mere.”
“Oh… uh…” Kotori stepped to Cathy’s side, gazing curiously into the camera lens.
Cathy held it further back. “Say cheese,” she instructed, wrapping an arm around Kotori’s shoulder.
Kotori smiled, humming happily. Cathy couldn’t help but smile as well as she snapped the photo. Then printed it out to look at it.
“Perfect,” Cathy mused.
“Hey, can you print more than one of those?” Kotori asked. “I want to keep one as well.”
Cathy’s face flushed. “Yeah, sure.”
She printed a second copy of the photo to hand to Kotori. Then with a sigh she turned away again.
“Well… enjoy the photos,” Cathy’s voice was low. “See you around.” And with that, she walked away.
“O-okay…” Kotori waved. “Later Cathy!”
Yuma stepped toward his girlfriend, having just watched the whole thing with a knowing smirk on his face. Now however he frowned in disappointment.
“Come on, Tori,” he grunted, “You had a golden opportunity just now to tell her. Why didn’t you?”
Kotori gasped, her cheeks turning bright pink. “Yuma! We’ve talked about this! Even if she’s not just being friendly, I can’t like her. I like you.”
“And I’m telling you that you can like both,” Yuma insisted, taking her hand. “I won’t be jealous.”
“Yeah, but Cathy might,” Kotori looked away, her heart aching at the thought. “If she isn’t already I mean, and I don’t wanna hurt her.”
“Would it really hurt her if you were just honest with her?” Yuma asked.
“I…” Kotori looked away. “I don’t know. Maybe I should…” She glanced off in the direction where Cathy had been. Then at the photo in her hand. “Maybe, but… not yet… not yet…”
“Tori, you’ve been saying that for weeks now!” Yuma exclaimed.
Kotori rolled her eyes. “Don’t exaggerate like that, Yuma.”
“No, really, it’s been exactly fourteen days.” Yuma pulled out a calendar, pointing to the lines of days he’d circled in red. “I’ve been counting.”
Kotori blinked. “Yuma… that’s only twelve.”
“Huh?!” Yuma looked at the calendar. “Well, whatever! That’s still a long time!”
“I know, I know…” Kotori dipped her head, letting out a sigh. “Okay fine, next time I see her… I’ll… try to tell her…”
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YGO Chocobox Event Day 2: Letters, Texts, and Other Forms for Correspondence
Description: Akiza/Crow. Post Ark Cradle time skip. Crow sent a letter to each of his old friends one day to catch up with them. Only Akiza sent a letter back.
Word count: 1195
Link to the AO3 Version if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45075409 
Crow sent a letter to each of his old friends one day to catch up with them. Only Akiza sent a letter back.
Dear Crow Hogan,
Hi! Nice hearing from you! I’ve been well, it was stressful at first as a full-fledged doctor but I’ve since gotten used to it and I do love helping patients. Glad to hear you’ve been happy as a professional turbo duelist. I miss it sometimes: the exhilaration and thrill of turbo duelling, but I feel like I’m doing something really important with my healing. I could never give it up. Not for anything.
Sincerely, Akiza Izinski
Hey Akiza,
I’ll admit, you weren’t the person I expected to hear from but I’m happy nonetheless. Glad to hear you’re doing well. I totally get what you mean: I can’t imagine anything more important than making kids all around the world smile with my duelling, especially the kids back in Neo Domino City. Maybe one day my duelling will lead me back there, I would love to duel Yusei again, or you if you’re up for it. Do you still have that duel runner? I’d understand if you don’t use it anymore, I’m just curious.
Signed, Crow
During the next month, receiving letters from and writing back to Akiza became the highlight of Crow’s week. Even as he did eventually receive replies from Yusei, Jack, Leo, and Luna, it was Akiza’s letters that made his heart flutter the most.
Hi Crow,
Yes I do still have my duel runner, I actually use it to get to work and back when the weather’s not too bad. No duelling though, I’m afraid. I still have my deck, I just don't have the time or opponents. I’d love to duel again sometime, against Yusei or you. I don’t believe the two of us have ever actually duelled each other, have we? We duelled together to defeat Sherry but I’m interested who would win between us. Perhaps I should fine tune my skills again so I can kick your butt when we meet again.
Signed, Akiza
Heya Akiza,
Right, the duel with Sherry… was that your final duel? Like ever? Not that it wasn’t a good duel, I think we made a pretty good team, but it was… well, a stressful duel for the fate of the world. Duels are sposta be fun, ya know? I’d love to duel you someday, maybe if the two of us can ever get vacation time and meet in Neo Domino City or something. I mean, doctors have vacations too, right?
Kind regards, Crow
Hey Crow,
Yes, our tag duel against Sherry was my final real duel. I say ‘real’ because I have had tabletop duels with my younger patients, but I don’t really know if those count. It’s just something I do sometimes to cheer them up, they’re not exactly very serious or competitive like yours are. I watched your duels in that tournament earlier this week, you’ve changed a bit from what I remember. Not too much, but enough to keep your opponents on their toes I imagine.
And to answer your question, yes, doctors do in fact have vacations. I’ve been saving up vacation time to visit Neo Domino City again for a few weeks, ideally to see the whole gang again. I haven’t heard from Jack, Leo, or Luna much, have you? I do wonder how they’ve been doing…
Warm regards, Akiza
Hi Akiza!
Jack’s been doing great actually, he and I have been talking lately since our duel is coming up. I also get occasional letters from Leo and Luna and they seem to be doing well too. Leo’s also a Turbo duelling champion while Luna’s in college majoring in duelling. Not sure whether she wants to go pro or go the teaching route. Honestly, it’s hard to keep up with everyone, even Yusei sometimes. You’ve been the most consistent person from the old gang, thanks for being a pal, Akiza.
Best regards, Crow
Eventually, letters grew to be too time consuming for them, both to write and wait for, so they exchanged cell phone numbers. From then on, the majority of their conversations were over text. It was far easier that way and more natural in a way as they were talking more directly, not just giving general updates to each other in a paragraph or two. It also saved quite a bit on postage.
In times of stress, Crow found himself returning to those messages. Sometimes to rant the stress away or sometimes just to ramble about nothing in particular to take his mind off it. Akiza was surprisingly easy to talk to. A bit awkward at times, Crow could tell she wasn’t used to casually socialising, but in a cute way. Cute… was it possible to think someone was cute based on their writing?
Akiza meanwhile began to have similar feelings. Crow was the one person she had who knew her as Akiza rather than ‘Doctor Izinski’ and was a consistent source of support and friendship despite the physical distance between them. Their conversations, even just the casual small talk, were always something she looked forward to.
Akiza’s phone went off. She opened it and smiled when she saw it was a message from Crow.
Crow: Is it possible to think a girl is cute from the way she writes?
Akiza: Yeah I don’t see why not.
Akiza: Wait, what do you mean wrong number?
Crow: …
Crow: Okay thanks.
Akiza: Who’s the girl you’re asking about?
Crow: No one. It was a hypothetical.
Crow: I was asking for a friend.
Akiza: Ok????
Crow: Wait, are you bi?
Akiza: Am I what?
Crow: You didn’t seem fazed by me asking you about a girl being cute.
Crow: Bi: attraction to both genders.
Akiza: …there’s a word for that?
Crow: Yup.
Akiza: Cool. Guess I am then.
Crow: Neat.
Crow: Um… have a picture of the flag I guess.
His next text was an empty message with only a low resolution picture of the bisexual flag attached. Akiza’s lip twitched up.
Akiza: Thanks Crow :)
Akiza: I have an early shift so I should probably go to sleep soon. Good luck with that girl of yours.
Crow: Thanks.
Akiza: Uh huh. Goodnight Crow.
Crow did not fall asleep. He spent the next few hours tossing and turning and thinking of Akiza. Eventually, Crow decided to forfeit this duel in his mind and admit defeat by sending one last text to her for the night:
Crow: Okay, you caught me. The girl I was talking about was you.
Many hours later, Akiza awoke to this message and it snapped her right out of her sleepiness. Smiling, she decided to text back.
Akiza: Yeah, I figured as much. You weren’t exactly very subtle about it.
Akiza: Guess we have another reason to meet in person again someday, huh? :)
Crow, startled awake by the phone he’d stupidly left beside him at full volume, swiftly sat up and texted back.
Crow: Wait do you mean…?
Akiza: <3
Crow: …oh.
Crow: <3
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