#ygo trivia
krakenshaped · 5 months
Tag Duel bios are so funny because they include so much dumbass trivia and a whole section on each character's love life for some reason? Trivia detailed below because it's SO funny.
(From Tag Force 2)
Judai: Apparently not only is Judai really disinterested in girls but no girl has ever hit on him before which is why Judai finds Rei scary ("It will be interesting to see how Jaden reacts to Blair Flannigan, who becomes really infatuated with him. No one like that has been around him before.") It's stated he's happy to eat everything. Not anything. Everything. Judai is an unstoppable gluttonous machine.
Sho: Honestly the funniest entry by far. Someone on this writing team just wants Sho to SUFFER and its lowkey hilarious. This kid exists to be in pain. Apparently he "tends to fall in love very easily. On top of that, he cares quite a lot about looks, making things even more difficult for himself." His favourite food is shrimp but can't stand spicy food. I don't know if this is a direct translation or a dub gag but apparently he changes his glasses on special occasions but nobody ever notices (lol)
Asuka: Asuka's crush on Judai is described as a mystery which is interesting. Apparently Asuka doesn't even know she has a crush on Judai which is so funny, I love you girl. Seeing Rei flirt with Judai apparently puts her in a bad mood. Apparently if she was to look for a partner, it would be someone who can put her mind at ease. ("More than maybe anything else, she needs a partner to give her peace of mind if they really want to support her") The bio makes a point of speculating whether or not she's good at cooking since Judai is Duel Academy's hungriest guy. She likes sweets! And healthy food and dislikes stuff with strong smells.
Manjoume: His bio is so funny. Like. So funny. The first paragraph basically calls him a tsundere (true). Canon use of bad language (whether or not this is cursing or just general Manjoume rudeness - LET HIM SAY FUCK!!!) He's described as being obsessed with Asuka - although not as infatuated as he used to be. Dude does NOT eat his veggies!!! He likes expensive food and hates vegetables!!! He is NOT growing big and strong!!!
Kenzan: Kenzan bio is really just contributing to sweet kid propaganda. I am a Kenzan fan and apologist he is one of my favourite characters. "Hassleberry stands out at Duel Academy due to his very muscular physique. Although he's probably very good in a fight, he's by no means a violent person. In fact, he's usually very kind and generous." YOU BET!!!! KENZAN IS A SWEETHEART!!! KENZAN NO.1 IN THE WORLD!!! He's apparently pretty fashionable, as on top of the bio rehashing that he modified his own uniform, it mentions that he would probably do the same to the Obelisk Blue Uniform. Which is interesting!!! Fun headcanon material! Apparently he has no dislikes but his favourite food is fish (another fishing enjoyer too)
Edo: This bio was the worst victim of dub translations as it reiterates the dub version where his father is kidnapped and not like dead LMAO. Other than that tho? Apparently he doesn't really show interest in romance since he was too busy hunting for revenge but now that it's been settled "Aster finally has time to look for love. It'll be really exciting to see he goes for it or not." According to the bio he's considered good looking in universe. His favourite food is steak and other meats.
Rei: Apparently Manjoume's entire room was just turned into a Red Girl's Dorm. Which is tbh. Hilarious. Not only did he get evicted by a toddler but his entire room that he stole his brother's credit card for was turned into a girls only space lmao. Apparently Rei is actually one of the best at dueling among the entirety of the first years (real I feel like people sleep on Rei's dueling abilities sometimes since she's. Yknow. Like that.) She likes sweet and spicy food.
Johan: Finally. Weirdo Johan propaganda. He's described as someone who's thoughtful but frank and says the craziest weirdest shit sometimes. His whole bio paints him as someone who's very composed but can be reckless or impulsive when he's in the heat of the moment or excited. Incredibly funny how the bio claims "Nobody knows what kind of girl he likes. If the right young lady does come on the scene though, we wonder if the Crystal Beasts will call a family meeting..." (LMAO.) His favourite food is... Bread stuffed with various unusual fillings. You know this guy makes the WORST, WEIRDEST sandwiches known to man.
Jim: interestingly, despite the game referring to Karen as Karen in Jim's dialogue, the bio calls her Shirely. More reasons why changing the name for the damn crocodile was so silly. We do not information about Jim's love life or favourite food in his bio :(
O'Brien: Not much is said about the non-Johan transfer students. Like. Nothing except information you could find the anime. Interestingly enough though, O'Brien likes cola and junk food.
Misawa: One paragraph. Mf gets one paragraph in his bio. Is described as having a good personality but isn't treated well by his peers. (I wonder why.)
Fubuki: "ALL THE WOMEN FLOCK TO HIM WHEN HE APPEARS!!!!" His bio also reiterates his friendship with Ryo and questions what it's like since "They seem like polar opposites"
Momoe and Junko have bios too!!! Although they're mostly described as growing apart a little from Asuka :( Although apparently Momoe hangs out with Judai's clique a lot. Junko on the other hand is influenced mostly by what Momoe does.
If I've missed anything, or somethings been lost in the English translation let me know! I love collecting trivia brbrbbr
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zeravmeta · 11 months
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this girl is a fucking LOSER
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angeat · 2 years
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the silly
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ygoartreviews · 1 year
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The Big Saturn
The first thing I have to say about this card is that it’s a giant, planet themed robot, and that of course means I love it right off the bat. Compared to the other Legendary Planet cards, however, it’s name is... Pretty lame. You get one adjective to describe a Saturn-based robot with, and you just go with Big? Really? Big? Alright. In contrast, I think it’s neat that they went with a spherical robot so that it vaguely resembles a planet, unlike most of the other Legendary Planets. And, of course, being the Saturn card, they gave it a giant energy ring, which is nice. My favorite parts have to be the head shape (fun, kinda reminds me of Gundams) and its big, detached arms (for punching, clearly).
Rating: 10/10, sorry everybody, I never stopped loving robots
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rosemirmir · 1 year
Thanks to @lunar-gltch I learned yesterday that both Toshiki Inoue and Yasuko Kobayashi wrote several episodes of the 1998 Yugioh anime and I cannot stop thinking about that bit of trivia
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dragontamer05 · 2 years
I often wonder how many people actually know the reason why the cards get changed in the dub- because I didn't for awhile.
For awhile I just chalked it up to an odd quirk- and hey it means they don't gotta try and translate/edit all that text - ngl I don't mind the look.
But truth is its not like 4kids purposefully changing it cause lazy or something. They're changed- to this day because they have to do it.
They legally can not keep the cards as due to FCC regulations -movies being in their own special category so they can get away with it.
So even if everyone at 4Kids/4KMedia wanted to leave things as is they can't.
Now does it excuse how sloppy some of those edits are or how they manage to edit in the wrong card in- somehow. No.
Benefit of the doubt it probably happened out of being rushed and perhaps some just not caring enough to double check cause gotta get them episodes out.
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cardsbizarreadventure · 5 months
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☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Finally finished this piece I was so eager to finally get it done. I tried really hard this time to match the whole YGO style and shading. Of course I was inspired by I think it's like a collab image with Kaiba and Yugi and I just decided to do my own version since I wanted to make something epic for the two of them. Of course this image has a little trivia and the meaning behind their cards of course. So I am going to leave it in an undercut in case anyone wants to read it . Thanks for my friend @stormcr0w yet again for this awesome idea !!
So magically apparently my brain just randomly decided to click together the whole story and @stormcr0w just basically fueled it even further. I was looking for a possible card to connect Val to since I want it to be her separate thing and have her Ka connected with something else entirely. I stumbled upon "Krystal Dragon" because I really enjoy the idea of it and I might pick up on more story on it. So the whole idea is (that I forgot that Kaiba uses TWO of them in DSOD) so this makes up for a perfect headcanon between the two of them. It actually symbolizes the idea upon how Val has an impact on Kaiba which that is why he has that card that holds dear. It basically shows that he is going through a change and that he is beginning to acknowledge his emotions more (and towards Val ). It's basically a precious symbol upon how he needs to stop living in the past and move on with his life and enjoy his future more. I have so much story to share about them , I promise I will come around to share more of it <3.
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ygozexalarchive · 10 months
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Illustrations of Yuma and Astral, as well as Shark by クシャビリア and Kaito by LB featured on posters in the 2015 Shanghai YGO Duel Karneval
Couldn't find the originals for Yuma and Astral :(
As far as I can tell, this is a large scale fan convention with no support from Konami, so technically this isn't "official art" but still cool stuff and trivia!
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pinkprimrose05 · 4 months
Info Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @angel-of-sweet-revenge, this actually seems kinda fun!
1- Three ships:
This is probably the number of ships I'm actively interested in at any given time lol. My picks are Fruitshipping (the good ol' classic), Spiderlilyshipping (kafblade, but I name all my ships the ygo way), and Wiltshipping (yomiren, my newest crackship of the year :D)
2- First ever ship:
Tough question... but I suppose that'd be Faithshipping, since Aki and Yuusei were the first "couple material" I was exposed to as a kid. I think I was like... 8 at the time? Yeesh, that was definitely a while ago.
3- Last Song:
Bling-Bang-Bang-Born. It's been popping up everywhere in all sorts of short videos... but I do admit it's a bit of a bop in its full version.
4- Last Movie:
The Jungle Book? I think? It's been quite a while since I sat to watch TV at all ngl.
5- Currently reading:
Psycho-logical, by Dean Burrett. It's been a somewhat insightful read, as far as I am into it.
6- Currently watching:
...Nothing. I'm planning to rush (lmao) through YuGiOh Go Rush in the holidays though, and have a few more animes like Beyblade X, Mashle and Spy x Family S2 on the radar.
7- Currently consuming:
The last dregs of awareness I have. Copious amounts of biological trivia videos, and a faint sprinkle of MVs and game theory threads.
8- Currently craving:
Something cheesy, as is always the case when I'm deprived of my regular dose of cheese. Oh, woe.
9 people to tag:
@team-frightfur, @artheresy, @trashyvanillabean, @mochinoodle, and of course, anyone else who wishes to participate. Have fun!
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cyberdragoninfinity · 9 months
do we have permission to try to contribute to the iceberg?
BY ALL MEANS god knows when I'll actually get around to doing it but i genuinelly like learning weird video game facts in general so yall feel free to holler your ygo video game trivia in the replies and/or my inbox so i can gather it into my little basket
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kira-quartz · 6 months
I will control myself this time for the ask meme and say 15, 18 and 21? Please!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Fandom Meme
15. How did you get into YGO?
I saw an episode of 5Ds in 2017 while I was in hospital recovering from back surgery, but unfortunately, it was in the middle of a Duel, probably in the middle of a multi-parter, in the middle of the season, so I had no idea what was going on, 😂. I still wanted to give it a chance, though, so when I found out that an episode of DM was coming up, I decided to watch it (I didn't know it was a different continuity, so I thought it'd explain some things). It was episode 13, which works pretty well by itself (didn't you say that was your first episode too?), I knew who Yugi was, I'd heard of the Bakurae (thanks, Bulbapedia) and Joey (thanks, random bit of trivia on Sailor Moon Wiki of all things, 😂), and there were some great moments for pretty much everyone. It just set something off in my brain, and I wanted to know more about it *right now*, so when I got home, I watched the whole series and it took over my entire existence! 🤣
18. A random headcanon
Weevil grows up to become a biology teacher. That's what I have in mind for him in my save, anyway. For some reason I can't think of any for the Carryshipping boys right now (100 tiny clones of me are running around my brain screaming "WE THREW OUT HER HEADCANONS!", 🤣).
21. Which Millennium Item would you want and why?
Probably none of them, to be honest, 😅. Like, the Ring's stuff-finding capabilities would be useful because I'm rubbish at looking for things, but it wouldn't be worth getting possessed all the time. Maybe the Necklace, but I'd be worried about causing some kind of future-vision-related paradox, 😂. But yeah, if I *had* to pick one, I think I'd pick the Necklace.
Thanks for asking! 😁
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krakenshaped · 5 months
Okay so more tag duel posting of cool things I've noticed on my first playthrough (as someone who chose Asuka as their duel partner)
Tag Duel 2 Spoilers ahead!!!
If not paired with the player, the other characters will pair themselves up as so (not sure about Asuka + Kenzan has Not Been Spotted Yet) (<- not sure if partners can change or randomise)
- Judai will partner up O'Brien. I've found them hanging outside the Osiris dorms in the morning, In the locker room next to the store at noon and in the dueling arena at night.
- Manjoume oddly enough partners up with Johan. I've found them in the classroom at night.
- Sho and Rei partner up. I've found them in the forest and on the volcano (if I'm remembering right, it was early game)
- I found Edo with Fubuki. Which is an interesting concept as well as a fun nod to the manga (maybe), Fubuki's win animation is that little thing they do when they poses, shake their tush and thumbs up. (The 10join classic) They're also found in the classroom at night.
- Kenzan has Not Been Found. He's missing in action.
- Jim partners up with Junko but I have a feeling it would have been Asuka had I not chosen her. They hang out at the harbour at night.
-Amon (lol) partners up with Napoleon (lol) because it seems a little obvious (lol) he couldn't find anyone to partner up with him (L bozo) he's having a baby tantrum in the card shop.
Other facts to note when considering when writing your ygo fanfiction (whether it be Asuka trivia or just map trivia)
Asuka likes grapes and steak sandwiches. She does not like gyoza or fermented cheese. Like. Girlie HATES gyoza and fermented cheese.
Asuka talks about Fubuki like he's still dead. Lmao. This can be written off as copy paste dialogue/win-lose quotes from TD1 but I think it's interesting to consider about what it says about their relationship.
Asuka has other reactions to areas around school at different times (which I'm assuming is the same for every character). One is the aforementioned harbour dialogue and the other, which happens during morning or noon, is Asuka hoping that nobody drew the golden eggwich yet.
In the first morning, Asuka chides you for sleeping in and gets angry at you for keeping her out too late, claiming its the girls curfew and she doesn't like staying out too late. This somewhat suggests Asuka is an early to bed early to rise sort of person as at least Judai and Edo don't comment on it.
Similarly if you try and skip class, Asuka will get angry at you and drag you to class anyway (honor student queen).
The abandoned dorm is easily one of the biggest maps in the game. Entering it plays some corpse party ass music. It's not scary but it is almost hilarious how Konami put their whole konamusi into the abandoned dorm while not even letting you enter the Yellow, Blue or Girl's dorm. (Which was what interested me the most since I was curious if there were rooms for each character.)
That being said, you can enter every room in Osiris including Manjoune's old room.
Oh right. Johan also confirms he's been living in the Red dorm in a stray piece of dialogue about how Ruby needs to lead him back to the Red dorm at night. This means he's probably staying with Judai and Manjoume (since at this point in time Manjoume was forcefully evicted out his own room by Rei.) Food for thought.
I'll probably update more trivia, tidbits and thoughts as i continue playing and tag it
-> #tag duel analysis
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pocketsonny · 1 year
8, 9, and 10
sonny choose violence today
8 - common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
it's been a while since i've seen it out in the wild but talking about vrains it was (is???) common for the "ryoken is ALSO to blame for the L.I incident!!" from ppl who don't like him which LOL that's dumb, he was a kid back then, this is a stupid take sorry. at most we can argue if he was used somehow back then by kogami to reach the L.I kids (like how he bumped into yusaku, we don't have much context on what happens after or if that was staged or not, which could explain part of the guilt ryoken carries over it!). like, hate him as a character all you want, i don't care, but ur wrong <3
also this is just my personal opinion (it's not a hill i die on like the previous one LOL) but rev and pm don't feel like THE vrains rivals. s1 establishes them as enemies and yusaku was too focused on revenge to care about having a rival; revolver was his enemy for most of the season. at the end when he finds out who he is, we can say he saw him as less of an enemy and more of a potential friend(?) but after s1 there's not rivalry feels between them. they never do duel again tho i wish they had but rivals are meant to push at each other and make each other stronger and i don't get that vibe from them? like THEY COULD HAVE BEEN but it didn't happen......you know who it did happen with, sobarevo, am i a bit biased, maybe
9 - worst part of canon
this varies from canon to canon tbh xD if we're talking ygo, for example in vrains i wish we had MORE SLICE OF LIFE EPISODES!!! MORE CHARACTER INTERACTION MOMENTS!! that for me is vrains' weakest point cause i wanted to see my faves being silly or in chill situations, no high stakes moments, they all deserve a break (which for example is something i really like in CFV where characters often got beach episodes or low stakes moments for character building)
honestly i think this can apply to a lot of media; give your characters breathing room! give them that beach episode, let them interact with each other outside of "story plot" ! those episodes often give random trivia abt characters that is so fun to know about.
10 - worst part of fanon
i understand that some fanon interpretations are popular for a reason but people who take those as CANON and shit on ppl who have headcanons that do not agree with the popular take irk me so much....bro we're all trying to have fun, chill!
also lots of fanon interpreations of characters just feel very bland and one dimensional/reducing a character to two characteristics only. people can enjoy content/shows/characters/etc however they want but for me it sucks when a cool character gets reduced to being one(1) thing only ("the mean one" "the angry one" "the dumb one" etc. sometimes canon suffers from this too!)
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ficmepod · 2 years
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Welcome to November darling listeners, come in and sit by the fire as we tell tales of our favorite OTPs and battle it out as to whose is the best of them all!
Highlights include: Defining OTPs across the multifandoms, Zara's predictable ship tastes, the Deviantart Fanfic Space, Crack ships, Fandom Bicycles, Remeniscing about 2018 Tumblr Cuphead ship blogs, anime to cartoon pipeline, tf2 shipping names, YGO shipping names, a spot of dane cook trivia, and Zara throwing unwarranted shade on the Osmosis Jones Fandom (affectionate).
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ygoartreviews · 1 year
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Number 13: Embodiment of Crime
SO... I saw this card in the newest Duel Links box and I thought it had the funniest name, but after reading about it... Let’s just say the lore behind this card is absolutely WILD and the English name does nothing to prepare you for it. The allusion to “Crime and Punishment” is pretty obvious when compared with this card’s counterpart, Number 31, but what isn’t obvious is that these two cards are a reference to Cain and Abel. That’s right. Bible Cain and Abel. This is Bible Cain btw. Ignoring any bible references, this guy clearly commits crimes. The evil aura surrounding its blood red chains. The pizza slicer with coolness enhancing spikes. Mystery red orb. Giant curved horns. Evil pointy beard (in blue!). It being the 13th number card. I wonder what crimes this guy hasn’t committed. The background is nice color-wise, but idk if it fits such an evil monster so well. Should note that the original artwork has a full cross in it, not just the fancy plus sign this version is holding captive (which further hides the bible reference).
Rating: 10/10, cards that put you on a rollercoaster
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assaultvvyvern · 10 months
officially making a ygo winx au masterpost thingy. im like, going to explain the basis by plot and then if it hits with the gays in the audience i might make more posts with character details, relationship, backstories etc (theres a LOT!!! i put my whole heart into this). for worldbuilding the one im using is the one im making for my rewrite and its probably all going to be under /#magical universe world building/. many things are the same some are different to also fit with ygo (like the millennium items, which here are the nymph items) and expand stuff. i will still share trivias tho bc i love those.
my ask is open is ur familiar with winx and wanna ask me smth btw!!! this au is my current hyperfixation :]]]
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