#yippee new chapter someday
suddenlymicah · 5 months
saw a news article that claims togashi said worldbuilding matters less than drama, and like i dont even know it he really said that but im just saying hxh would make a LOT more sense if he did
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Chapter 19- Part 8
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Oh, don’t be too hard on yourself, Victoria. It could be worse- you could’ve gotten the same treatment as Damien from Insurgence.
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Um? Um?? I know I said I wanted to rematch Victoria- like, a lot- but right now? I need to go to the Pokémon Center and buy stuff at the very least! We are allowed to say ‘No’ to go and prepare, right? That’s how it works in the official games, but for this game…I don’t know. Good thing I saved beforehand.
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Oh thank goodness, Victoria you’re a lifesaver- 
Now, I’d like to get my team up to Lv. 32 before challenging Victoria (since her Torracat, her ace, was Lv. 33), and for that, I’ll need to do a bit of grinding. Plus, it’ll give me extra money in addition to what I’ll get from selling the Star Piece.
And hey, I’m playing this game on a different day from when I usually do! That means there will probably be new Trainers at the Grand Hall! My luck when it comes to the Battle Corner has been atrocious, but on a day like today, it’s gotta be different and better, right? Let’s go and see! Yippee!!
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(One session of leveling later…)
So after everything, here’s what the team looks like:
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I decided to give the Focus Sash to Decibel for right now, given how…frail she is. 
Unfortunately, I had to use up my supply of my medium Exp. Candies and a good chunk of my small Exp. Candies, because…well, battling that one (1) Trainer in the Battle Corner wasn’t working out. 
By the way, that Trainer- I’m convinced he’s some kinda joke character. He’s got a team of Shiny Squirtle/Wartortle that look like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which at first I thought was neat! But then he just casually whipped out a LV. 38 POKÉMON. WHEN THE CURRENT LEVEL CAP IS LV. 35. I hate that guy! Throw the whole man out, I say!
But well, with my team leveled and with enough money to be a little more comfortable (even after buying a few more Super Potions), it’s time to battle Victoria for real.
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Pancham first? No problem- because guess who just got herself a new move?
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…Okay, I knew that wasn’t gonna do massive damage, but I thought it would do more than…that. Okay, new plan: send in the snake!
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As usual, we start by paralyzing it.
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And with that as well as the Attack drop, maybe Decibel and her Flying moves can deal with the Pancham without taking too much damage.
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Ooor not, and we can’t even rely on the Focus Sash with damage like that. Well, even so, maybe Wing Attack can deal the last amount of damage.
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Ooor not? High physical Defense, I guess-?
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Someday, Decibel will get to do stuff, but that day will not be today apparently. Back to Glare!
She also got a new move: Acid Spray! Let’s use that, shall we?
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That didn’t?? Do a ton of damage either?? How much bulk does this Pancham have!?
And now Victoria’s switching into…Pikachu?
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Well, this is much more manageable! Time for Crater to come in instead!
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gilears · 9 months
2, 12, 26 and 30 for the writing questions!
woohooo! thank you friend 😁
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
oh god thats a great question. ive published four, but in terms of fics ive worked on at All this year i would ballpark like. 20? 25?
12. What fic was the most difficult to write? Did you finish it?
i find different things difficult for different reasons, so id probably have a few answers to this question! but i started a couple fics for fringe (2008-2013) the best show of all time ever that my DEAR dear friend franny introduced me to this year, and i find it really really hard to get into the rhythm of writing new characters/worlds/voices so probably those fics were the toughest!! one is like. 99% finished (no clue why i havent just gotten the job done yet lol) and one is very much not. someday i will write my charlie francis grief olivia pov manifesto.
26. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
hands down without question the night i finished o&2. it was the end of the last chapter that id had in my head since 2021 and it was all coming out EXACTLY how i wanted it to, i had mood lighting and mood music that all culminated so perfectly it was a very special moment!! :')
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
i want to clear out some banger half-finished wips i started in 2021 and after that i am very much looking forward to seeing what inspiration junior year brings!!! yippee!!
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notsoguiltykpop · 7 years
The Ghost in Apartment 1403 pt8
Reader x Namjoon
Genre: Angst, supernatural, fluff, humor
Warnings: Mentions of death, dark themes, generally kind of sad at times. If you are concerned that it may be triggering for you, please feel free to message me about it and I can let you know in more detail exactly what happens <3
Short summary;
Namjoon was a (relatively speaking) normal music producer moving up in the world–until he became a ghost. With no memory of what happened, and no idea what he’s doing still on earth, he haunts his old apartment–consequently bothering its new inhabitant (who also happens to be the only person who can see or hear him).
Part 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
CHAPTER WARNING: There is nothing happy in this part, no jokes. It ended up very glum, I’m sorry. If you’re at all concerned about it triggering you, please message me and we can talk about it, or I would be happy to give you a summary of what happens so future parts will make sense <3
It didn’t take long to find everything you needed, Namjoon knew his computer well, and it was all saved to the thumb drive within fifteen minutes. 
“Let’s get out of here.” You said, closing the laptop once more before looking over to where Namjoon was staring blankly at a poster on the wall. “Namjoon?” You prompted, making your way over to him. You recognized the poster, it was for a band that was huge at the moment--though you couldn’t quite remember the name. 
“I produced the album that put them on the charts.” He said, his voice detached. “Even wrote a few of the songs.”
“Impressive.” You said, unsure of why Namjoon sounded so sad about this fact. 
“I spent so much of my time making other peoples music.” Namjoon said, more to himself than to you. “Since my senior year of high school, I worked non stop. Spent all day studying and all night writing. And what do I have to show for it?” He let out a humorless laugh. “Not a single damn thing.” 
“I’m sure that’s not true.” You said gently. 
“I always thought there’d be more time. I could make my album later, spend time with my parents later. Be somebody, later.”
“You certainly made an impression on your friends. They loved you a lot.” That much was clear to you, and you hoped that Namjoon could see it too.
Namjoon shook his head, but didn’t say anything more. The two of you stood in silence for a moment, before there was a light knock on the door and Jungkook stuck his head inside. 
“Sorry, I just...” 
“It’s fine.” You gave him a smile, grateful that you were long finished with Namjoons laptop. If Jungkook had walked in as you were transferring files, you had no idea how you would explain it. “I was about to leave.” 
Jungkook nodded. “We--Me, Taehyung and Yoongi--were going to see Namjoon today. You know, tell him how life has been. Taehyung says he can hear us, I don’t know... But anyway, I wanted to know if you’d like to come along?” 
The offer was heartbreaking. You wished there was some way to tell Jungkook the truth, some way to explain to him who you really were and why you were there. But you couldn’t, you knew that. You also knew that if you went with them, even if Yoongi didn’t call the cops, you would be intruding on something that you had no business in. 
“Jungkook--that’s really sweet of you to offer, but I...” Namjoon looked close to tears, and then suddenly, he was gone. He disappeared through the wall, abandoning you with Jungkook. “I don’t think I can today.” You finished, trying not to look as startled as you felt. “I wish I could--really I do, but...”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jungkook gave you a quick smile. “I get it. There are days I can’t be there, either. Maybe another time.” 
“Definitely.” You agreed. Namjoon was such a pain in the butt, you had no idea how he had such kind, understanding friends. 
“I should get going, then.” Jungkook took a step towards the door. “But let me know if there’s anything else I can do.” 
“Thank you--Oh, and Jungkook?” He was halfway through the door when you called his name, raising an eyebrow in question. “Could you not mention my being here to Yoongi?” 
“Yeah. Absolutely. Is there a reason why?” You could see why Yoongi was so protective of Jungkook--he was sweet, trusting, and gullible. It was going to get him into trouble someday. 
“Yoongi and I have a... Complicated relationship, if you know what I mean?” You weren’t even sure what you meant, but you hoped Jungkook would jump to enough conclusions not to ask too many more questions. 
“Not really.” He shook his head. “But don’t worry. As far as Yoongi knows, you were never here.” He gave you one last innocent smile before he was gone, leaving you completely alone in Namjoons office. 
“You should have gone with them.” You said when you returned to your apartment. Namjoon was laying across the couch watching some sappy movie. You knew the movie wasn’t why his cheeks were damp, but you weren’t about to ask him if he’d been crying--he’d tell you if he wanted to talk about it. 
“Why? So I wouldn’t be here, bothering you?” Namjoon asked, his voice bitter. 
“Because they’re at your grave talking to thin air while you could actually be listening to them.” You huffed, sitting down where his feet hovered. He didn’t complain like he usually did, however, just moved them out of the way. 
“And what good would that do?” Namjoon asked. “I can’t even water a damn house plant, what good would it do them for me to be there?” 
You wanted to argue, but couldn’t think of anything to say. “You should get started on finishing your music.” You said, putting the USB drive with all his songs on the coffee table. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” 
You left him sitting there, choosing to make dinner rather than sit with the moping ghost. There wasn’t anything more you could do for him for the time being, you knew that. All you could do was hope that releasing his music would let his soul rest.
“I want food.” Namjoon said from over your shoulder as you poured soup into a bowl. “I know I’m dead and all, but I think I must have died hungry and stayed that way.” 
Without saying anything, you got down another bowl out of the cabinet, filling it with soup as well. Then, you carried both bowls over to the table along with two spoons. 
Namjoon watched in silence, eventually seeming to figure out what you were doing. “Is that for me?” He asked, floating over to where you sat. 
“No, it’s for the other ghost in my apartment.” You said, taking a careful sip of the hot broth. “Sit. It’ll get cold.” 
“Thank you.” Namjoon said, so quietly it was almost inaudible as he sat across from you. 
“No problem.” You said, looking up from your food to give him a smile. But when you did so, he was much more faint than you had ever seen him. 
“I made a website.” Namjoon floated so he was directly in front of the TV, blocking your view. It had been a week since you stole Namjoons music files, and you were finally realizing that police weren’t going to come knocking on your door to arrest you. 
“Yippee.” You deadpanned. “Now move.” 
“I’m going to make a youtube channel too.” Namjoon continued. “And soundcloud. But first, I need a name.” 
“You have a name.” You blinked, picking up the remote and turning off the TV so you could hear Namjoon better. He was easier to see now, but his voice still wasn’t as loud as usual. Was it possible for ghosts to get sick?
“No, I need a stage name. I can’t publish something as me--I’m dead, remember?” 
“Didn’t you have some kind of stage name before?” You asked. “Or one you were going to use when you finished your album?” 
“Yeah, but it was my producing name, Runch Randa.” 
“Can’t use that...” You muttered. Too many people would could potentially recognize the name, it would look suspicious. 
“Right. So I was thinking, I rap, right?” 
“Okay.” You shrugged. You had yet to hear any of Namjoon finished music, he was keeping it a secret until it was done and published. 
“And I’m a ghost. So what if I called myself Rap Ghost.” 
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” You shook your head, unable to stop the laughter bubbling up. 
The next day, Namjoon informed you that his music was done, and he was ready to click upload. You could see the fear in his eyes, even though Namjoon was smiling. 
“Do you want me to do it?” You asked, sitting down next to him at the computer that evening. You noticed that the name Rap Monster was by the title of the song. It seemed like a very Namjoon name.
“Well, I can’t with you watching me anyway...” Namjoon shrugged, and you nodded. You moved the mouse, clicked the button, and waited.
Nothing happened. 
“I’m not gone.” Namjoon said flatly. 
“That was just Youtube.” You said, switching tabs. You felt a sudden rush of relief as you spoke, however. Namjoon wasn’t gone, and you were grateful for it. “Maybe soudcloud?” You uploaded the songs there, and once again, Namjoon stayed. He crossed his arms, frowning at the screen. 
“Maybe people have to hear it.” Namjoon said after a second. You left the room so he could share it to twitter, reply to people with links, tweet it to as many people as he could. 
But an hour later, he came floating through the wall to sit with you on your bed. 
“I’m still here.” He sighed. “So you’re going to be stuck with me for a while longer.” 
“We’ll figure something out.” You said at his sad expression. “You won’t be stuck here forever. I promise.”
“What if I like being stuck here?” He asked quietly. 
“Then you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.” You said, the words even surprising you a little as they left your mouth. But you found that you meant it, and the more you thought about it, the more you were sure you were going to miss Namjoon when he was gone. 
The views on Namjoons songs rose at an alarming speed, and you couldn’t believe how many comments they were getting. Though, you could understand why. The whole album (though you weren’t sure if it really was an album since you couldn’t buy it anywhere) was full of relatable songs about anything from heartbreak to equality issues to money problems. 
“Namjoon, these songs aren’t half bad.” You called into the other room, and Namjoon stuck his head through the door. 
“I know.” He said. “I wouldn’t have wanted to release them if they were crap.” 
But his cheeks turned a light pink, and once again, he became more translucent. You frowned. “Namjoon?” You asked slowly, closing your laptop. “Are you feeling alright?” 
Namjoon stepped further into the room, confusion on his face. “I’m feeling normal, I think.” He said with a shrug. “Why?” 
“You’re...” Your voice trailed off. “I can see through you.” 
“Yeah, I’m a ghost. Can’t you always see through me?” 
You shook your head. “No. Sometimes you’re as solid as if you were... Well, solid. But sometimes...” Even as you spoke, he faded in and out, sometimes hardly even an outline before coming back. “But maybe that’s a normal ghost thing.” 
“Are you worried?” Namjoon said teasingly, approaching the bed where you sat. 
“No.” You said quickly. 
“You are, aren’t you?” Namjoon smiled brilliantly, leaning down so he was eye level with you. “But you shouldn’t be. I’m dead, so it’s not like anything bad can happen to me.” 
“Oh, go away.” You waved your hand as though you were going to put it through his face and he stepped back quickly, but his smile didn’t budge. 
“You’re blushing.” 
“Am not.” You opened your laptop once more, trying your best to pretend you didn’t hear the laughter coming from the ghost standing in your bedroom. 
“I don’t understand it, how the hell could this happen?” Yoongi was on the edge of losing it, Namjoon could tell. He had decided to check in on the production team on a whim, and now he thought it might be because they were talking about him (Was that a thing? Could people summon him? He had no idea). 
“How should I know?” Jimin shook his head. “Are you sure it’s really his?” 
“Positive.” Yoongi drummed his fingers on the meeting room table. “Jungkook, you recognize Namjoons music too, don’t you?” 
Jungkook nodded wordlessly, staring at the wood of the table as though answers were written there. 
“So you’re telling me,” Jimin said. “That somehow, someone got their hands on Namjoons unfinished songs--ones that only the two of you and Taehyung knew he was even writing--finished them, and posted them online under a different name as their own.” 
“Yes.” Yoongi growled. “I can prove it, too. They’re all still on Namjoons laptop in his office.” 
“Yeah? And how did this person find his music, or even know to look for it? It had to have been posted somewhere.” 
“It wasn’t.” Jungkook said quietly, his eyes still wide. “He only ever saved it to his computer, and a backup he kept under his desk.” 
“If what you’re saying is true.” Jimin rubbed his eyes. “Then it had to be someone in this building--no one else has access to his computer, or office for that matter. And it’s only the two of you who knew he was working on an album, so...” Jimin looked between the two. 
“If you’re suggesting it was one of us, you can go to hell.” Yoongi said. 
“There isn’t anyone else it could be.” Jimin ran a hand through his hair.
“There is one person.” Jungkook said, looking like he might cry. “But she wouldn’t do that. She wouldn’t steal Namjoons music. Would she?” He looked up slowly, and Namjoon had no idea how he was going to fix this. 
A/N This was more angsty than normal, I feel like. I’m sorry. This is definitely one of the saddest/darkest things I’ve written, but believe it or not, I have a happy ending planned (I think it’s happy, anyway). There’s just a lot of angst before we get there. I’m going to keep dropping hints about it though, haha. Thank you for reading! And as always, let me know how you feel about it! I hope it didn’t make anyone too sad, and if it did, feel free to yell at me <3 <3 <3
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calledtokarip-blog · 7 years
First week on Bison Hill is complete!
I officially stayed away from home for a whole week! Mom said two weeks but then scheduled a nail appointment....thanks Lis! My first week on Bison Hill was absolutely amazing and I can’t thank the Lord enough for showing me that I am in the right place.
August 24, 2017 - First Day of Classes
8:20-9:10: Intro to Health and Human Performance
My actual degree will be in health and human performance and this class is designed to really narrow down what we want to do with our degrees. We have four lectures, each with a quiz at the end, and the rest of the class is all speakers! One day we’ll have an occupational therapist, one day we’ll have a nutritionist, one day we’ll have a physician’s assistant, etc. We also found out that the class will only last until fall break...YIPPEE! This class may be short and (hopefully somewhat) easy but it is near and dear to my heart. Why? It is taught by the lady that convinced me to go to OBU after my big decision not to play softball again occurred. Linda McIlroy (and Chad Payne) did an excellent job of truly selling OBU and it also worked on BDR! Class ratio at OBU is 15/20:1 but this class has 77. It is only offered once a year and at only one time of the week. Dr. Mac (No one knows her as Dr. McIlroy) told us that we needed four red scantrons for our four quizzes and to all go to the bookstore and buy them right now so she doesn’t have to get upset with us when we don’t have one. So yes, almost all 77 of us went to the bookstore immediately after class to buy four red scantrons. The poor ladies in the bookstore didn’t even know what to do! Side note: students--don’t take advantage of free scantrons. Someday, you’ll be buying your own.
11-12:15: New Testament
This class speaks for itself. However, the professor seems absolutely amazing at his job! I told Bryce after class one day that Dr. Kelley makes me truly excited to not only read the New Testament but understand it and know the context of everything. There are lots of cheerleaders and football players in my class...
2-2:50: Speech
Haha. With Mama Lis’s genes, this class SHOULD fly by. We have impromptu speeches, an informative speech, and one group project to do. My teacher made it seem like she hated her job when we first walked in but I think it was just a front. Once she started talking we all realized she was super chill. After going over the syllabus and introducing ourselves she said, “Now, three more things before you go...one...don’t forget to read chapter one for Tuesday...two...come to First Baptist church this weekend, I had to give my church a personal plug, people...and three...” she paused for a LONG time...then flipped the slide on her computer to now show a corn dog and said, “it’s 50 cent corndog day at Sonic...GET YOURSELF SOME CORNDOGS! Bye!”
After class, Kylie, Emily, and I went to workout at the Recreation and Wellness Center (AKA: The RAWC). We returned to the dorms to shower and clean up after our day. After I showered, Bryce told me to go ask the RA at the front desk if she had something for me...I thought that was a little strange but I’m curious so downstairs I went. I returned almost in tears with a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my sweetheart. The card said “Have a good first day. Bryce” Even Kylie said, “I wouldn’t blame you if you started balling, I know I would, so go for it.” How sweet is he?! After I collected myself, it was time for some food. With our meal plans, they allow one trade per day at either Chick-Fil-A or the Bison Grill. The girls wanted Chick-Fil-A but I opted to try the Bison Grill. I chose a bacon cheeseburger on a gluten free bun and a salad and I must say, it was VERY WORTH the meal trade! I think I’ll be doing that more often. Immediately after dinner was spotlight on Shawnee. It is a walk around type get together where businesses and churches from around the community get to showcase their services and amenities, as well as, handing out lots of free stuff. Free and college students always go hand in hand. At 8pm we went to chapel. After chapel, we were drained from our first real day and we all headed for bed.
August 25, 2017
8-8:50: Spanish 2
Again, this class speaks for itself. My professor is awesome and I have a lot of people I met during welcome week in my class. I haven’t taken Spanish in two years but Professor Swadley says not to fear. I did my first couple of assignments pretty easily...there’s definitely some rust but it’s not like I was “bad” at Spanish in high school. I’ll keep you updated...
9-9:50: Intro to Nutriton
I have to book it from one end of campus to another for this class but it is another class I’m very excited for. It kind of seems like it’s going to be a project/lab type class. Most of our assignments are long projects or labs on other people. i.e. writing meal plans, examining the cafeteria food and it’s nutrition content, etc. My teacher is the volleyball coach. When we introduced ourselves, we had to say our name, class, what activities we were in at OBU, and what we had for breakfast. At least she broke up the monotony of the introductions.
At 10am, the last chapel of our fall challenge series was going on so Kylie, Miranda, and I headed there. Then, Miranda and I went to lunch!
12-12:50: Care and Prevention of Injuries
You know it’s going to be a great semester when...
1) The teacher is late on the first day
2) The teacher is the athletic trainer
3) The teacher walks in and says, “This will be the last Friday you’ll come to class.”
4) Class lasts 18 minutes
To be in compliance with the university’s requirements for class, he have to do our worksheets “on Friday.”  The university also made our teacher “tone it down a few notches.” He said that a trained monkey could pass his class very easily BEFORE he had to do so, so now, you could sleep and still pass. We still have to come to class but it’s pretty lax, if you ask me. 
I got done with class very early...12:18 to be exact...and I was supposed to go run my ten miles on Saturday but decided to do it right then. I did my run, took a shower, worked on some homework, and went to eat.
Ah, another full day complete on Bison Hill!
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