scorbleeo · 1 year
Drama Review: Wedding Plan
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Source: Google Images
Namnuea and Sailom are wedding planner and groom-to-be. Unbeknownst to Namnuea, bride-to-be Yiwa and Sailom are being set up by their families. However, Yiwa already has a lover, Marine. No matter his feelings for Sailom, Namnuea's duties come first.
Source: MyDramaList (2023)
Just Skip This
Wedding Plan did not need seven episodes, it could just be an average-length film. Honestly speaking, if this was made into a movie instead, I probably might have liked it more. Now, it just feels like I've wasted my time watching those episodes.
Because of how this drama played out, I will not go into detail the plot because if you've read the drama's summary, that's just it. Literally, nothing else happens and for seven episodes to show that? It's unnecessarily longer than needed. I spent more than half this drama watching it on 2x speed. In addition to that, I wasn't always paying attention to the show and yet I missed nothing.
As for the cast, I thought the acting was okay, acceptable. Sunny and Pak's chemistry was good, they were the reason I did not give this drama a one-star rating. I rarely comment on kiss or sex scenes but I need to commend these two when Sailom and Namnuea were at it. Thai BL dramas these recent years have been overdoing sex, so many are oversexualising when the writers should focus on the plot instead. Wedding Plan or specifically Sailom and Namnuea scenes surprised me. Rather than being just all about sex, both actors poured chemistry, passion and I do believe, love when they made out. It wasn't just two nearly naked bodies going at it with tongues, it was actual passion and hella natural kissing and that is something I haven't seen in the Thai BLs I've watched recently. Also, Sailom working on Namnuea's neck is something other Thai BL actors and actresses should learn. I never understand why other Thai BLs can do hardcore french kissing, outright grinding but they always failed at neck kisses. Neck kisses are one of the most passionate kisses to exist and what have I been watching? Lips touching neck, leaving neck, touching neck and repeat that. Who kisses necks like that when they are making out?
Unfortunately, because Sunny and Pak's chemistry outshone everything about Wedding Plan, Yiwa and Marine fell short. I have no idea why Kate was casted as Marine but I could not see the chemistry between Aya and Kate, which made watching Yiwa and Marine's lovey dovey scenes awkward. I don't think I need to go on about their first kiss scene? I am aware this is Kate's first drama but she really needs to work on her acting skills. Aya did good as Yiwa but her partner is the reason despite doing good, the overall performance just isn't it.
I know this seems like a totally negative review. I mean, my list of complains is a lot longer than my list of what I enjoyed in Wedding Plan. However, I don't actually hate this show. It's just there, you know? Nothing fantastic to boast about and nothing horrific to flame about. But I stand by what I said right at the beginning, skip this drama, you're not missing anything.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (2.5/5)
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forkaround · 1 year
my only question is why does Yiwa need to marry Lom? She has a job and even if she gets fired coz of daddy's power, she can always go abroad given that I imagine she went to all the best schools. Maybe they've discussed it and they don't want to but I would really like it to be cleared up to the audience.
Perhaps it's an inheritance thing. She will get money once she gets married. Coz I can't imagine it's anything else that would keep Yiwa there. Although someone pointed out that it might be a more sentimental matter. That Yiwa wants/needs her mother's approval and it's very important for her to have that. So I could be totally off base. On the most physical levels I'm confused but if it is the sentimental thing I get it.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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sunshinechay · 1 year
Seeing Marine in the wedding dress is making me even more hopeful that the wedding is going to end up being Yiwa and Marine’s wedding.
Give us the surprise lesbian wedding Mame, I’m begging you
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aliceisathome · 9 months
Binge number whatever this holiday break was Wedding Plan - a slight offering from Mame. And one without some sort of traumatic sexual assault back story for once.
It was ok and ultimately forgettable but I did like the lesbian couple A Lot (plus of course our LITA boys cameos). Also Sailom's pecs - shallow? Me?
The brother and his faen are clearly from another Mame novel and I suspect if this had been as big a hit as LITA or Tharntype we'd have got their story next. And Yiwa's mother was magnificently monstrous (at least Lom's mum came round a bit in the end). I quite enjoyed their wedding catfight as well - it was all very lakorn.
So - another one ticked off the list of Things I Didn't Have Time To Watch Last year.
Next - Laws of Attraction and I Feel You Linger In The Air (although I'm a little scared about the ending of that one).
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This is the wrong gif but a. I can't delete or change it on the app and b. pecs is pecs and they're still nice.
Edit: @bengiyo showed me how to delete - thanks hon!
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Oh, my heart.
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Lom: *lies to Nuea about his engagement*
Yiwa: You should tell him the truth.
Yiwa: You should talk to Marine. She's been in Nuea's exact position before.
Me, screaming at my screen: YOU SHOULD TELL NUEA THE TRUTH
Lom: Perhaps.....how about we fuck instead?
Me: *rips my hair out*
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halliescomut · 1 year
They Met as CHILDREN!- A Wedding Plan discussion
So...I know a lot of people have feelings about the "they knew each other as children" trope, and that's fair. It has the potential of being done well, but a lot of times is used rather poorly. Jun & Jun I think is a good examples of what CAN be done, while Oh My Sunshine Night is a not great example. But I don't think that this is an attempt to use that trope in the same way. Let me explain...
The biggest emotional impact of the most recent episode was learning about what started Lom and Yiwa on the path they're on. Learning the story of how they discovered their parents had a fundamental hatred of who they were was their canon event. It changed their whole lives almost overnight. And could you argue that perhaps they could have gone to their parents? Sure, maybe. But as someone who watched more than one queer friend get kicked out of their home for coming out or being openly queer, I know that it is simply not that easy. And even if their parents are just flat out terrible people, and there was never going to be any changing their minds and they should just cut their losses...it's not that simple. Even an abusive parent is loved by their kids. And in a culture where family is something that holds so much importance, you can't discount the difficulty of that type of very permanent decision. I don't believe Yiwa and Lom stayed because they were afraid of losing their inheritance, maybe as kids, but not as adults. I believe they stayed and stayed closeted because they loved their parents so much they thought it would be better to pretend to be straight than risk losing them.
The flip side, or other side of the coin is the interactions we've seen between Nuea and his family. His mom and his cousins. Heck, even the interactions we've seen between the family and Lom. Nuea's complete lack of fear of judgement or reprisal when he revealed that he slept with a groom. That he was clearly openly out with all of his family and loved and supported. What his Mom said to Lom when they saw them off at the airport.
"You may have a hard future, but if you can't endure it, come home. Lom, you'll have a new family. This family will accept you."
So now take that sort of post-credit scene of Lom encountering Nuea when they were maybe 8-10 years old at most, and think about how different Lom's life would be if that hadn't been only a fleeting moment, but the start of their relationship. And I don't mean a romantic one, but simply a friendship. How different would Lom and Yiwa's life be if they had seen and been around a family that was loving AND open-minded. Perhaps at 15 and 13 they wouldn't have felt the need to hide forever. They would have known that they had somewhere to go and people to support them, if their parents remained close-minded. Because we see how confident Nuea is, both in his sexuality and his position in his family, his position at work. And yes he has a limited amount of privilege, but nowhere near what Lom has. And that privilege is part of the prison Lom had been trapped in, while Nuea was free to discover himself.
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So, I think that's the point of the scene. To be a sort of Sliding Doors moment, to give you pause and make you consider how different the life of a queer person CAN be when they have supportive loving families and communities. To remind us that there are still so many queer people stuck in unsafe homes with nowhere to go. And perhaps to give us a little reminder that it's important when you have the power and the privilege to speak up for those that don't.
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braceletofteeth · 1 year
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P'Lom must have taught you well, huh? Your slyness is straight from his book.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 8 months
Choi Yuna, Yiwa, Nara (La Pluie)
Oh ho ho ho bestie. Difficult fucking choices here
Wife: Nara
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Oh would you look at that, she's already wearing white. While Patts and Nara had their ups and downs, Nara has proven to be an effective communicator and I do think that is vital aspect of maintaining any relationship. And I know what you are thinking "what about Dream?" don't worry, that's what throuples are for.
One Night Stand: Choi Yuna
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She is so fucking hot. Choi Yuna is so fucking hot. Choi Yuna was a love at first sight kinda character for me, and I just know we'd have a good time. Look at that bisexual posture. Honestly, the only reason I am putting Choi Yuna in the ONS category instead of the wife category is because a) she does not seem like the kind of person who is at this point in her life interested in pursuing a committed relationship and b) because I do not think I have anywhere close to the suaveness, coolness, or sex appeal required to successfully bag Choi Yuna long-term.
Bestie: Yiwa
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The entire plot of Wedding Plan centers around the choices Sailom makes because of how much he loves Yiwa as a friend. The extent to which the Lavender Wedding proceeds, and the fact that Yiwa and Marine make the active choice to be the "bad guys" in the eyes of both Lom and Yiwa's families simply to free Sailom from any obligations and let him be with Nuea is a phenomenal indication to me that Yiwa is a wonderful friend.
Send Me a Trio for Husband Spouse/ONS/BFF
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negrowhat · 1 year
Now THAT is how you do a lip tint ad!
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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"I think I've been here before."
↳ requested by anonymous ♡ 
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sunshinechay · 1 year
Did literally everyone get to learn that the wedding is fake before Nuea?
Because I feel like he should have been the first to know that.
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gl-lla-beyond · 1 year
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Yiwa (ORAPAN PHONGMAYKIN aka AYA) is set to marry Sailom (a man) due to family pressure but enjoys time with the person she really loves. Her beautiful girlfriend Marine (SASISARUN PHIBOONRATTAPONG aka KATE)
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heretherebedork · 1 year
If I cared any less about Lom's little acting and pretending to be depressed bit... I don't actually know what I'd do but it would probably end with me skipping the entire episode and not just this scene.
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