llithiumstars · 2 years
I am caught up on the kirbycraft vods,,, i also. watched them in the wrong order bc the playlist is in the wrong order on yogslive sjkfhs oops
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dykebeckett · 7 months
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yogslive vods time with edward
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// look what the yogslive channel posted!! 😁😁
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spark-circuit · 6 years
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iranajian · 4 years
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[ Living Yoga Sadhana Online ] . Do something your future you will be thankful for! Join in Now! https://app.namastream.com/… At this turning point of history and challenging times, staying healthy and turning inwards to realize who we really are and what matters most is our priority and our own responsibility. More than ever it is needed to be awake, to bring our physical body to its best shape, to stay calm, centered, balanced and with a clear mind and intention. . Reflecting on this it is essential that we all offer what we can at this moment for the benefit of all beings. What we are good at, this we must offer to contribute to the healing and awakening of humanity. So, I am offering my teaching and guidance through this Living Yoga Sadhana Online. . Sādhanā, literally is "a means of accomplishing something", coming from the yogic tradition- it refers to a spiritual practice that is aimed at progressing the sādhaka towards the very ultimate expression of his or her life in this reality through living practices, self-knowledge, surrender, activities such as meditation, yoga, chanting or mantra and Pranayama and more. . My intention through this project is to build a Sādhanā as well as the tenacity to stay with it, until the best, strong, the pure you reveal. Guidance is essential to this process. Through a committed yoga practice, you will become stronger inside -out, calm, focused, joyful and conscious. when you are balanced and joyful from within your immune system is stronger and you become fearless. . It is my wish and my intention that you can realize the opportunity being offered in this course at these times of uncertainty. This is not about achieving yoga poses or fancy yoga. This is about enhancing your perception and your life. . This is a minimum 9-week commitment program to bring up the Sādhanā. However, i created the course in a way that you can sign up every week- one week@a time- for you to exercise your commitment or quit whenever you feel like. . The Sādhanā will be transmitted live once you Sign up, daily- from Monday to Saturday @6pm #yogslive #yogaonline #anapnoeyoga #RealYoga #sadhana #libingyohasadhana #stayhome #iranajianyoga (at Awakening Yoga Retreats & Trainings) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-i9RyWq5QJ/?igshid=79h49tq6rqnp
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brobot-boys · 7 years
SPG crossover AU with Contradiction: Spot The Liar! where The Spine is Detective Jenks
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yogpetshame · 3 years
On the topic of Daltos being a manchild - he just had a massive shitfit in the latest Civ stream in which he managed to antagonize literally everyone. Starts roughly at 45 minute mark
I went ahead and downloaded that clip but it'll probably be up on Yogslive shortly - for my reference and for yours this refers to a CIV V session that will be uploaded sometime around the week of July 13, 2021. It's too long for me to bother to re-host it, and, crucially, it's a fucking stupid conversation that goes on and on.
I can boil it down thusly:
Daltos: I shit-test people by telling them I think The Witcher 3 is a bad game. I didn't personally enjoy it, and so I tell them I didn't enjoy it and then if they react poorly I get some kind of gratification out of that. My reasons for not enjoying it are mainly that it just didn't scratch me the right way, more or less like how eating Mexican on a night you wanted Chinese feels.
Duncan: A series of words that were meant to be funny
Rythian: Why would you want to irritate people for fun? I find people get annoyed when you criticize a popular game just to be contrarian especially when, like you, the only reason you didn't seem to enjoy it was because it didn't strike your fancy.
Daltos: I am not a contrarian. Also, I am now tone policing those in twitch chat who disagree with me because I have a healthy relationship with my own opinions and those of others.
Lewis: Hey everyone watch me blatantly attempt to move the conversation on so people don't start wondering if this moment will end up on a Tumblr blog
Daltos, Duncan & Rythian: Golly Lewis that was a mature and responsible way of trying to rein us in but we don't respect you as a conductor of the stream so we're going to keep arguing for another three minutes.
I've seen this disease before. It's something that happens to content creators although I'm sure you could draw comparisons to other jobs or especially the behavior of toddlers or young dogs. Let's call it the All Attention Is Good Attention Feedback Loop.
If a content creator completely ignores whether people are responding to the things that they are doing positively or negatively, and only internalize how many people are responding to them, over time it shapes their behavior so dramatically it's like they're being possessed by a demented force. In actual fact they're just trained, like a bad dog. All Attention is Good Attention, so they behave to provoke a reaction and not to be liked.
Who starts fights on Twitter every week because they think people will like them for it? That's not the point, the point is the attention. Why announce a contrarian take in the middle of a Twitch stream if people in chat are going to hurl abuse at you for it? Because it doesn't even register as abuse, it only registers as attention. Bad video on purpose swamped with dislikes? Scrapping with trolls on social media in front of an enormous audience? Dumping on popular things and then literally saying you only do it because you want to find an upset reaction? Yay, attention!!
I think the only cure for All Attention Is Good Attention is to get off the internet, honestly. "Touch grass" might be overused but people are generally smarter than dogs, if you realize you're letting yourself be programmed to seek attention you can break that programming by distancing yourself from it. I think some people are especially prone to letting themselves get conditioned into thinking All Attention is Good Attention, but once you recognize it you can't just go "this is part of me, I'm just a contrarian" like Daltos does in the start of this argument. You have to recognize that it's bad, and that it's not part of you, before you can work on it.
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lewislover42-blog · 7 years
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Zylus playing Jackbox games these past couple of Sundays reminded me of a Jingle Jam stream from last December (Dec 16th, the Lunch Bunch stream, if you want to look it up on YogsLive) where Zylus played a couple of Jackbox games with Hannah and Caff, so I decided to make a couple screenshots from that stream <3 As you can see above, Zylus did quite a cute drawing of his face for his Drawful character, aww <3
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aleso124 · 7 years
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Jiutóu Zhìjī Jīng, almost succumbing to urges of the sentient bracer Crowrend, severs the destructive bond they formed, leaving it on the top of the elevens frost spire. See her in action in session 1 of Highrollers DnD on the Yogscast Twitch Channel 5pm GMT/BST every Sunday or see the whole stream few days after on the Yogslive YouTube Channel.
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marachime · 7 years
[20/6/17][prose][FFic][HR] Jiǔtóu’s Choice
[Author’s note: This drabble is based on knowledge up to episode 24 of High Rollers DnD. If you’ve not watched the stream before, Mark, Matt, Katie, Kim and Chris stream their homebrew DnD 5e campaign at 5pm GMT every Sunday on https://www.twitch.tv/yogscast, and they upload the streams to the YogsLive channel. It’s full of excellent stories and characters, with voices provided by Mark and the excellent music provided by Steve. If you like fantasy stories with heart and humour, and not without its tinges of beautiful darkness, you will love the stream! So check them out if you haven’t. This drabble was written because I love the themes of temptation and corruption and struggle, and as a chaotic neutral character, I’m interested to see what choice Kim will have Jiǔtóu make about Korak and Crownrend. Many thanks to the Yogs for creating such an awesome, inspiring world and especially to Mark for inspiring me to try DnD :3. <3] ~~~ She follows both figures as they battle up the elemental mountain. She is instinctively drawn towards the one fighting with fire; her own element; the element that came easiest to her. She watches the grace and power of the burning figure, their form made unrecognisable by their speed. They abruptly slam into the figure of water, creating shock-waves as each element tries to overcome their opposite. A spasm of light shrieks out of them, and then they separate again into the familiar dance, one of them dodging, the other lunging, always fast, always moving up the mountain, a blur of colour. She follows them up the firey side of the mountain, jumping and sprinting after them, keeping pace but never gaining on them, her eyes lingering on the flaming figure. But as she comes to stand at the top and hears the two red/gold dragonborn speak, both of them knelt before the modest wooden temple, she knows that the one in fire is evil; that if she allows herself to be lured in by his words, by her primary element, many innocents will be killed, perhaps including her... companions. Equally, if she douses the fire and accepts the water dragonborn’s words, she will always have that broken thing inside of her; that feeling of not-quite-whole-ness that has plagued her for her entire life; that feeling that she only became aware of when it was silenced by Crownrend clamping around her arm that first time. What should she choose. Her desires make her feel like she cannot move. A step towards one choice means a step away from the other, and she doesn’t want to let go of either. If she could just be allowed to stay without choosing (already a hellish prospect) or have both choices at once, then perhaps this feeling inside of her would subside. These stupid humans and their petty squabbles - why should their idiocy affect her in this way? She can feel, rather than see, her companions standing at the side of the dragonborn in water, but this does not stop her feeling those familiar, comforting flames lick her arm playfully, the arm on which Crownrend lies; Crownrend, whose presence, that first moment she lifted the case up, filled her with such a feeling of wholeness and calm, one she'd never recognised as being absent before then. The human and the others may have felt Crownrend's heat as though they were standing outside of a burning building, but to her, the warmth was so inviting, so needed, like stepping into a bath after a long, tiring journey. She can feel the claws push slowly into her skin, not quite piercing it, but hungry, waiting; the jewel flickers; he knows her thoughts, her desire for the fire. She can hear him whisper his promises in her mind and she closes her eyes, a smile growing on her lips despite her indecision. She takes a deep breath to steady herself. When she opens her eyes, they are ablaze.
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hrheaven · 8 years
Anyone who watches the live streams live can you tell me if there have been streams the last 2 weeks seeing as I can't see anything since the 12th Feb episode on Yogslive! Thank you 😊
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letgoofmygreggo · 8 years
When did Lewis say Filbert was gay? I gotta see this....!
On one of the Lewis and Ben save the world streams. I think it was the second xcom one. Yeah terror from the deep 2. You can find it on yogslive
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spark-circuit · 6 years
10 minutes left until Nilesy's Protessional Strem starts! Head to twitch.tv/yogscast to watch, and remember to donate to charity through the Humble Bundle!!!!!
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astro-413 · 8 years
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aleso124 · 7 years
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Cam Buckland, for thanks in helping find the real cause creating the sudden outbreak of ghouls, Johnathan Knightsbrook, leader of the Mournravens, gifts Cam with his own special Mournraven cloak of transformation, with that Cam can transform into a Raven for quite a long time. See him in action in session 1 of Highrollers DnD on the Yogscast Twitch Channel 5pm GMT/BST every Sunday or see the whole stream few days after on the Yogslive YouTube Channel.
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batmanmarch · 8 years
For those who missed CaffCast’s High Roller’s Stream - Here’s what I sent him about Trellimar!
The recent Sunday High Rollers stream that went out was conducted by CaffCast, as the majority of the Rollers were away. For those that missed it, the four of us all sent extra special detail about our characters and their backstories, which revealed snippets of and hints about the character’s pasts, which we don’t want you guys to miss out on. There was some awesome stuff in there. To catch the extra special detail regarding Cam, Elora and Jiutou, make sure you watch Caff’s stream when it’s uploaded to Yogslive. But for now, this is what I sent Caff. I hope you enjoy a little more detail about Trell’s mysterious life, and see what you can speculate from the little info I’ve given. ;)   Trellimar was born into the 8th Generation of the House of Aleath, and much like his ancestors he was in a position of servitude within the Temple of Lolth. His great grandfather, Juraxtyl, was a priest in the temple and none of Trell's family had ever achieved such a high position before or after Juraxtyl. The whispering voice that Trell hears has been with him since he was a child. His parents thought that this was a sign from Lolth that he was chosen to follow in the footsteps of his great grandfather, but the voice had a different, older origin than anyone suspected.   Trell was one of few to survive the attack from the Daeylkyr, how he managed to do this remains a mystery. Trell's quite, reflective nature comes from a lifetime of servitude and solace with the Temple of Lolth where he had little opportunity to develop the kind of relationships he currently has with his fellow travelers. His unusual attachment to items he has found comes from a life of having very few of his own possessions, and he will make use of any opportunity he can where there is gold or treasure involved. Upon the hatching of Granamyr, Trell felt a connection that he has not had with other creatures, possibly as a result of never seeing a creature like this in his underground home, as well as feeding into his possessive nature. When events take place that deviate from his mission, or the pursuit of treasure, Trell becomes disinterested and does not wish to get bogged down in the politics of others. He also carries with him a blade of Lolth, a purely decorative item that acts as a sign of each Drow's allegiance to their God.Having seen much death in his life, Trell showed little emotion to Jiuto's passing. Only one death in his pat has proved of any significance to him, and it is something that he keeps close to himself. However, when Jiuto's spirit saved Trell from the grip of death he was touched by this act of kindness, not anticipating that anyone would go to such lengths to save him. He now feels that Jiuto is a member of the party that should be protected, especially in her reduced form. Trell is looking for the Talisman of Fenriceer, a key to the powers of his patron. When he aligned himself with this force a streak of jet black appeared in his hair. - editional info. He’s so clumsy because he’s not use to the ‘above ground’ world around him!  - Remember to catch everyone else’s when Caff’s stream is uploaded to yogslive!  -Matt
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