sachiro · 7 years
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Suits in Yuri!!! on Ice - Victor and Yuuri Edition
So I may have missed #yoiappreciationday but that doesn’t mean I still can’t show my appreciation!
I’d like to dedicate this set to the wonderful @ingthing! Thank you for being an incredible artist, writer, creator, and most importantly, friend. I hope you enjoy this and please continue to be the amazing individual that you are! <3
Bonus because it is still a suit gif, right? ;)
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penciltrash-blog · 7 years
It’s #yoiappreciationday!
It’s a creator appreciation weekend in the YOI fandom and I want to thank all the lovely people who influenced my fandom life 💕 💕 💕
@@creemsicaal @iamatrashfan, @authormagrant, @phaytesworld, @yours-julie, @otabaeplisetsky, @blameotayuri, @blownwish-blog, @d2diamond, @madamredwrites @ghostmoonchild, @rosesnfeathers, @superspicy, @victuri-oh-nice, @severeminx, @kymbawee, @boxwineconfession, @neveraines, @eclair, @worldofcopperwings, @pllsetskyonice, @otasucc, @natsubutart, @onotherflights, @theinsanefox, @otayuriistheliteralbest, @francowitch, @ashiiblack, @zeldaismyhomegirl, @machinewithoutfeelings, @maddcocoa, @aphhun, @tvwrambling, @softieghost, @crescendotayuri. @the-stoned-ranger @kingotabek, @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin, @kawaiilo-ren, @dizzytea, @puppybek, @cherryfeather101, @voslenonice, @altisetsky, @alexadooodle, @raikovart, @murmurmy, @jesterry, @kamapon, @kaorudraws, @mitty3000, @libra-san-scribbles, @yingyingjiang, @kyomitsu, @meru90, @llyn-on-ice . @emeraldonyxdragon-draws  , @amberpeace, @aftgonice @joelsweet, @kanekkis, @itsthesinbinfriend💕 💕 💕
special thanks to - @sixspades for this amazing art!
(I know i’m missing so many)
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eclair · 7 years
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I brought out the gold and shiny because everyone in the fandom that I’ve interacted with have nothing but lovely people :) It’s #yoiappreciationday.
Special thanks to @otayuriistheliteralbest for the encouragement and love when I made a watercolored piece inspired by her fic Espressophile.
@victuri-oh-nice has opened up a new world of music in her AUs especially Unsteady (you should read it if you haven’t!) and her art posts have made me want to keep drawing and improving.
@phaytesworld knows some of my rare pairs and has indulged me hahaha! Thank you, Phayte <3 Your rare pair writing is always a joy to read.  And your crack fics are definitely unforgettable. XD You and @francowitch have really been fun to talk with about the rare pairs, among many other things!
@russianfeya and her fic Neon Pink Motorcycle will always have a special place in my heart. <3
@micaelavdb has made me so invested in her mafia AU Shadow People and she gave me my dream of baker boy Beka.
@kiazareni and @yours-julie have broken my heart a bunch of times and also put the pieces together about the same number of times.
@authormagrant, @antarespromise, @jbankai89, @nomanono, @2-weird-4, @justhereforthefanartbean , @onotherflights and @penciltrash - your works have always been wanting me to read more with each update! Keep writing :)
@ellipsesarefun and @madamredwrites - I love that we could talk about YOI and our other fandoms too! I can get super chatty. Thanks for listening! :D
This is really a long list but many artists have made me made me smile with their works: @kawaiilo-ren, @mitty3000, @superspicy, @natsubutart, @yanumii, @hana-tox, @binreiss, @ruiojousama, @deeyosa, @-fe, @saniika, @joelsweet , @husbandmurders, @worldofcopperwings, @neveraines and a whole lot more. This fandom has so many talented people. I think I might have missed out on some but just wanted to let you know you all are so good and make me want to keep drawing! And of course, I have to mention my sister, @5inbinary because she’s actually working on with people in the shitbang xD
This is probably the shortest this can get because the fandom is too big to be contained in one note. There might be another in the coming days, but in a different form :)
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yuurivoice · 7 years
for #yoiappreciationday, I'd love to thank you for all the yoi audios you've created, both crack, smutty, and anxiety/stress-help alike. I truly enjoy listening to them, your voice is very soothing and the sfw audios helped me feel okay more than one time. (Actually, I love all your audios, not only yoi, I'm deeply impressed how you can operate your voice so well as to voice act more than just one character. Good job, Kaleb, I wish you good luck and lots of inspiration for any future audios!
Oh gosh, thank you very much! I didn’t know there was an Appreciation Day thing going on but I’m flattered anyone would think of me for that sort of thing.
I have a lot to appreciate as well. Yuri on Ice quite literally changed my life. This series was the catalyst for so much positive change in my life. I have met so many loving, wonderful people. I’ve discovered this peculiar new hobby of mine, doing various things with my voice and even making some money at it. 
I don’t talk about it much, but when I started this blog I was at a very scary crossroads in my life. When you’ve spent 20+ years of your life fighting depression, anxiety, and some of the worst thoughts that come with them, you find yourself wondering...is this the time you’ll not be strong enough to keep going? I was quite literally ready to pull the plug on things, but one of the final things in life that I could find any joy in was recording my voice. I was done. I was gonna ride this last bit of interest into the sunset, and when it was gone, I don’t think there would have been anything left for me to stick around for.
Then this all happened. My horizon is filled with opportunity and hope. Even though I still have to fight on my bad days, I’ve got wind in my sails and so much more to fight for.
I know many people have stories of appreciation for Yuri on Ice that aren’t all that different to mine. This series showed up at just the right time for so many people, and I don’t know if we can ever really fully appreciate how special the series is. There are people out there who don’t get it, and that’s okay, because those of us out there who really experienced this phenomena know just how powerful it was.
In the end, my little corner of the fandom is probably one of the more cringey, even “gross” things you could find to do with the series...but if there’s anyone who feels like I paid the comfort and happiness that this series brought me forward, well, that’s really cool.
Thank you.
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ashiiblack · 7 years
YOI Appreciation
I feel like this has come at a great time, and I wanna spread the love to some of my favorite people in this fandom.
Okay this has literally gotten too long for me to keep without a cut.
First shoutout goes to one of the best people i know, @icicle33. I’m SO glad I made you watch YOI with me so we could fangirl over it. We both made the semi-migration from HP over to YOI and I’m glad I still have you with me. You’re the best beta and friend I could ever ask for.
@itscalledvichrisjfc I don’t know you at all but you bring all the ViChris I need to my dash!
@otayuriistheliteralbest is basically how I got involved with the YOI fandom. I met you briefly at Comic Con and saw you were on Tumblr and got really excited about all of the Otayuri stuff you shared. I’m so grateful for that, and I can’t wait to see you again at Saboten Con! Thanks for helping me become a multishipper!
@lusciouswhiteflame has the best Pliroy art. No joke I have scrolled through their entire blog five or six times just to admire all of the lovely Pliroy. And I have some fic ideas for their Pliroy + Alexandre headcanon art that I would love to write sometime if I ever get the courage to ask.
@alexadooodle‘s art ALWAYS makes me smile. I have the prank wars comic saved on my phone to look at when I’m feeling sad.
@phaytesworld is the fucking bomb. I remember reading Sins of the Flesh a few months ago and I was so intimidated to find that you were on the OWC discord...but then I discovered that you were the sweetest person ever. I will always encourage more Yu2 fic!!!
@theinsanefox was one of the first people I reached out to on Tumblr because you seemed really nice. And you are! And A Thorn in the Tiger’s Paw is so great!
@2-weird-4 is also an awesome human being who writes fantastic tennis AUs! You are another person who made me feel more comfortable in fandom, so thank you so much!
@blownwish-blog I really don’t know what else I can say to you that hasn’t already been said. You’re the fucking best, you write the best fucking Otapliroy, and I fucking adore you. I fully intend to podfic as many of your fics as I can.
@lazyblizzarddefendor introduced me to rarepairs by asking me to beta her JJSeung fic. At first I was like...wait there are ships besides Viktuuri? And then bam I was sucked into rare pair hell. I love it. She’s also the sweetest person in the Madness Discord.
A shoutout to my Otayuri people who are all awesome and I wish I had more energy to write more individual thank yous because you all deserve it @francowitch @worldofcopperwings @eclair @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin @thoughtsappear @softieghost @penciltrash and so many more!
Also major thanks to all of the people in the Madness Discord. I am so grateful to have been invited into this community, where I don’t have to worry about offending anyone over who I ship and what kinks I like. @yuris-on-ice @issushaim @prillalar @himitsumi @sacheland @farashasilver @shortprints @voslenonice @foxfireflamequeen and probably like thirty other wonderful people I’m forgetting!
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jubesy · 7 years
Okay, so I’m super late because I’m a literal trash person, but
I would like to first start off by thanking the entirety of the EmiMike/MichEmil Protection Squad (past and present):
@goddamnit-mira @michelecrispychip @emilnekolaappreciationsquad @cinderellie-cinderellie @emimiketrash @ghostmoonchild @dettsu [some of y’all changed your users grrr lol] @cheerismilesmostofthetime @fuckyourdokis @bookybookworm @dandymichele @puppybek @jackofpantrades @emilnekolakofola @shan101pi @darklordlester @honetsteve Y’all! If I missed any, it was because you changed your name or I’m garbage (one or the other)
Next, I would like to send some love to my translator(s) who helped my EmiMike fics come to life! (and make sense while doing so):
@nerily (goddess, love of my life) and @nunni-chan (not active)
I’d like to shout out a big ‘thank you’ to all of the yoi sprinters!! Especially @aftgonice for creating the group and @francowitch, who is almost always my writing partner, hehe. (sorry I didn’t tag everyone! you’re all wonderful!!!)
Next up, my betas!! Who will even read things without knowing who the heck the characters are on occasion:
@m-and-a-artist @michelecrispychip @cerberosthehellguard @nerily and anyone else I can get to read my junk, haha XD
I hope I didn’t forget anyone!! You are all truly amazing~♥
EDIT: I almost forgot to thank everyone who’s participated in my @emimikeweek events (both the week and the exchange)
EDIT 2: I added a few more because tumblr hates me and also, I totally forgot to mention EVERY PERSON WHO READS MY WORKS AND KUDOS, COMMENTS, LIKES, AND/OR REBLOGS. You’re the real MVP!!
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atelerixe · 7 years
@iruutciv thank you for creating amazing art based on your own ideas (especially those kisses) and based on fanfiction. At least one fic has been added to my to read list because your art brought it to life.
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angiwyn · 7 years
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The crazy long wait is over! My Yuuri is finally here!
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cutthroatpixie · 7 years
I totally forgot yesterday was #yoiappreciationday so shout out to all my bros @youremarvelous @kixboxer @kevystel @fireblazie @dadvans @hanabloemen @hockpock y'all make fandom excellent
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angstgods · 7 years
thank you so much for showing me so much love and support. im sorry to disappoint you, this isnt a very robust post. but i needed to at least say something. i care very deeply about the relationships i made with you guys, my life would be very different without you. thank you and have a lovely day. 
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childofhebe · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri/Original Male Character(s) Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, random mafia lords, Original Character Additional Tags: Based on a Creepypasta, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Dark!Viktor, Dark!Yuuri, Alpha!Viktor, Omega!Yuuri, Reference to Rape, Violence, Inspired by Footprints!, Forced Abortion, Non-Consensual Relationship, yoiappreciationday, CREEPYPASTA OKAY, Revenge, Forced Bonding, Forced Pregnancy, probs some vitayuu, use your imagination a lot, and READ FOOTPRINTS :3, Gift Fic, Heavy Angst, Blood and Gore, Emotional Manipulation, Mpreg, Cool Wedding Dress Summary:
You don't realize that bad things could happen to anyone, and that it can happen everywhere. It could be happening right now, just around the corner. It could be your neighbours. Family. Friends. It could happen to you someday.
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ninamyyly · 7 years
for #yoiappreciationday, I'd love to thank you for writing such amazing stories as "The L Words". Also, your blog is so great, and I have such great respect for you for creating your Eros cosplay? So amazing!
OMG, thank you so much! That feels so good to hear! :D
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yoyoplisetsky · 7 years
for #yoiappreciationday, I'd love to thank you for all the amazing stories you come up and say that, holy wow, I admire you for how much fanfic you write. Bless, your contribution to the fandom is so much appreciated :D
ahhh basia omg thank you so much
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iruutciv · 7 years
#yoiappreciationday your art makes me cry because it's so gorgeous, I just want to fill my blog with it--or no, wait, something bigger. Like my room. I deeply appreciate your contribution to the fandom and oh damn, what beautiful contribution it is
Oh my word I’m so flattered??? What did I do to deserve such praise 😭😭Thank you so much!!! Words cannot describe how happy I am to be able to contribute to this fandom❤️ 
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lavanderstarcatcher · 7 years
#yoiappreciationday hey hey hey!! you are so amazing and wonderful! and fantastic. I'm glad we met I appreciate you and your fics!! your fics are a wonderful blessing to this fandom!! THANK YOU THANK YOU
(^∀^) I could say the same about you! You never fail me to make me smile and I’m so happy we met (it feels like ages ago). Thank you so much for your never ending support, it makes writing so much more joyful (and worth it).
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youremarvelous · 7 years
Holy crap I actually slept for 20 hours straight so I 'm late for yoiappreciationday but I want you to know that you are one of my favourite writers and I have you on notifications because I love your content that much!!! (Not many write being in love and disgusting together and your jokes always make me laugh!) Here's to you having a most productive year and THANK YOU for putting out what you already have! (*♡*) SELAMAT BERJAYA DAN TERIMA KASIH!!!
oh my gosh!!! I hope you’re feeling better hahaha. You clearly needed the sleep! And thank you so much, honey!!! I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying my fics :) Thank you so much for your support 💖💖
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