#yomi modded
savefiledelta · 4 months
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Yomi Modded Personified: Lunatic
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theokusgallery · 5 months
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Arsenic with these tbh... 👀
Having normal thoughts that normal people have
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shadowrmidnight · 22 days
Insult for Yomi
Tomato head
Giant butt forehead
Yomi fookface
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forsetcabiri · 1 year
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FLOOR OF HUSTLE STAGE (Which I just finished making today)
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togos-oc-showdown · 7 months
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elina-sakura · 6 months
Spoilers up to the end of Chapter 4
I’m confused…
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I was reading through the wiki for information on Yomi for one of my fics, and I’m completely confuse where some of these informations came from?
Dr. Wisca?
Planning to get Kanai Ward and its inhabitants killed?
Are these from a separate resource I missed like that book that came out, or the manga? Neither of which are translated to English yet, mind you.
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modding Jade Harley into yomi Hustle continues to be going pretty great honestly.
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crowdsourcedloner · 10 months
What is your character's relationship like with their body? Are they confident in who they are, or do they experience any kind of dysphoria (not just limited to gender but, if they do, feel free to explain why that is)? Do you think this relationship has the capacity to improve or worsen over time?
(this is long lol. be warned.)
Yomi has the happiest relationship with her body, relatively speaking. She is proud of being au ra, she loves the shape of her horns, and she'll trace her own scales for comfort. The only discomfort she experiences is more related to loneliness - she doesn't have auri friends in Ul'dah so she has difficulty finding scale care supplies or receives strange looks for trying to affectionately horn bonk her adoptive family. To their credit, her adoptive sibling Zezene wears a pair of catoblepas horns to help her feel less alone, which has worked surprisingly well. She's decently confident in her appearance, though it's tempered by a healthy dose of modesty. The only way for her to feel even more comfortable with herself would be to get a few auri friends, but barring that its more likely she'll stay at the same level of self confidence.
Zezene is generally happy with their body. They were born female, but they don't have a strong attachment to any gender identity and greatly prefer being androgynous in presentation. They've considered what life would be like in a man's body, but came to the conclusion that nothing would change for them regarding their self image if they were physically male. Luckily them being a lalafell means there's not much of a physical difference either way. They radiate an easy confidence about themself that's more sincere than any word they say, and there's not much room for that view to improve. The rare dysphoria they do feel comes more from others assuming they are female by their name and addressing them as such, but this is increasingly rare as their reputation outpaces their activities.
Verre views her body as a tool, albeit one that's very well worn. She's comfortable in her skin to the point of not paying attention to it most of the time - she only let Yomi mess with her hair at first because she noticed it after the fact. There is room for her self confidence to go either way, but as her story is now she becomes more confident in her abilities rather than her appearance. In her eyes, why should she care for the appearance of a wrench if it does it's job?
Nailah has had a rocky relationship with herself overall, and her body is no exception to this. She dislikes having her appearance commented on in any way and, fearing insincerity or mockery, quickly dismisses compliments. Mirrors have a habit of showing her the tired and scared woman she is rather than the hardened mercenary she wants others to see, and she's avoided them almost religiously for years. She sees her arms as too thin, her chest as too small, her tail as too long, her height as too short - every part of her isn't good enough in her eyes.
One of the biggest conflicts regarding how she sees her body is how she scars - or rather, how she doesn't. Her body has an incredible amount of aether which, combined with her own skill at magick, means the overwhelming majority of her injuries are healed with no visible scars. She can feel them littering her body under her fur, and if someone were to touch her they would likely feel them as well, but an outsider wouldn't see what she knows is there. She has long since lost track of where each scar is from, but each passing remark of her coming out "unscathed" from one job or another rubs in a sense of wrongness that she can't shake.
It isn't until she's well established as the Warrior of Light and started opening up to the people around her that she's started reevaluating how she sees her body - going from absolute self loathing and disgust to something approaching neutrality. She's still very uncomfortable around compliments and reflective surfaces, and formal dress events or balls inspire dread and fear like no other, but she's slowly improving.
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bigkickguy · 1 year
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wip - started a yomi hustle mod for yesod (why do I do this with every game I play hahaaa)
He is playable with only a single attack right now and that's pierce I was planning on adding moves based around the ego cards! I'm not sure if I want to make them stances with their own normals or anything or just use them as specials? I'll figure it out eventually...
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omiyuri-replays · 7 months
Vixen vs Lumberjack. This remains one of the closest fights I've had in this game. It took over an hour. Also vixen is super fun, hugely recommended.
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citytrialost · 5 months
random game superlatives for 2023
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I just wanted a space to talk about the games that were special to me. I'll be updating it now and then, and even when finished will not be removing my Geocities Under Construction gifs.
game of the year - Pizza Tower, and it's not even close. I can't believe we got just a blisteringly fast platformer with this level of animation and such an incredible soundtrack. It is one of the best handling platformers I've ever played and it just lends itself to wanting to master the gameplay like nothing else.
mod of the year - Archipelago! Archipelago hosts cross-game randomizers for you and your friends. Want to play Pokemon Emerald while your friend plays Kingdom Hearts 2? Great! Instead of a gym badge, Norman gives Donald the ability to shoot lightning out of his ass (I don't play KH2) while your Surf HM is in some random treasure chest in their game. It really is incredible being able to play your favorite single player games with the goal of helping your friends progress. The game list is still growing, too, so definitely worth keeping tabs on.
weird game that heals my soul in the way that only something like Katamari could manage of the year - HUMANITY. Not a surprise coming from the devs of Tetris Effect, HUMANITY is just a fun, surreal experience where you play a shiba that tries to guide a crowd of people that at best behave like liquid and have a propensity for running off cliffs. I haven't finished the game yet, but it's been a beautiful experience that I've been saving for whenever life gets too stressful.
genre twist of the year - Your Only Move is Hustle (FKA YOMI Hustle). A turn-based fighting game experience that emulates fighting games so well I still panic at the exact same spots in the neutral whether it is YOMI or a traditional fighter. It's a time consuming and stressful experience, but still very rewarding when you have a good friend to play with. Also a decent Discord scene from what I hear. Also fuck it, YOMI gets fighting game of the year.
Spiritfall gets honorable mention here as a platform fighter roguelike. Honestly feels like a decent blend of floaty platform fighting and Hades. A lot of fun, and the dev team have been both openly communicating and updating the game frequently.
best character of the year - AKI (Street Fighter 6). Fighting games have such little room to add personality, but Capcom stepped their game up with SF6. AKI is just as weird and quirky as FANG (SFV), but a lot more sadistic. The added quirk of idolizing FANG goes a long way to giving her some fun flavor. I'm already biased towards characters with a poison archetype, but AKI is just fun in a "this character is delusional beyond saving" sort of way.
best game released from early access of the year - 30XX. It is a great roguelike that builds on 20XX in just about every way possible. It's improved graphically, in terms of gameplay, challenge, overall design. If 20XX asks "what if Mega Man was a roguelike?" then 30XX confidently tells you "Mega Man works as a roguelike." Fun solo, way better with co-op.
best 7/10 of the year - Exoprimal. Saw this concept trending and I think it's a great way to highlight an overlooked title this year. Among huge Capcom news like SF6 and a newly announced Monster Hunter, "what if Dino Crisis but it's a co-op hero shooter with muddled PvPvE and PvP modes" really doesn't stand out. Maybe it would have as a budget title, given how much it popped off on Game Pass. Regardless, the game was a lot of fun. I finished it's campaign, did a few of the challenge maps, found characters and archetypes I liked, and even had the familiar/classic TF2 "our team has four snipers, would somebody like to play a different class" conundrum. I'm glad I spent as much time on it as I did, and I hope I feel motivated to give it another run while it's still active.
best return to form - Armored Core VI. I honestly never thought we'd get another one of these. Waited a decade, and after the runaway success of the Souls series I never thought I'd get a new one. Some things have changed, but from the first mission I felt like I was a kid with a PS2 playing Silent Line all over again. Honestly got emotional from the nostalgia. Still need to finish the game, but I waited eleven years to play it so the game can wait a few months for me to get through it.
game that refuses to die award - Grim Dawn. Normally this game has a fixed statue of Terraria in its place, but after a huge community patch and the reveal of an entire expansion one or two years after claiming the game was dead, Crate Entertainment have given a seven year old game something new to look forward to.
Runner up goes to Killer Instinct. So happy for the sickos in the community that wouldn't let it stay dead, and even a balance patch is more than I expected. Had so much fun getting to see it at Evo. Fuck Rash lmao
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gessen-kinhelp · 1 year
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even more of @cocajimmycola’s april icon event! days and characters under the cut!
please like/rb/credit if you save or use!!
day 26: fave ship for angst - murakumo/yomi!
day 27: fave ship for fluff - ayame/katsuragi!
day 28: fave character for angst - miyabi!
day 29: fave character for fluff - minori!
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shadowrmidnight · 8 months
If you could get Yomi to do one thing, what would it be?
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forsetcabiri · 1 year
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FORSAKEN MOON STAGE for the One Last Hustle mod.
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wtf-amiru · 1 year
Sudden urge to give Yomi vallaslin (dalish [free and nomadic elves] facial tattoos that denote their dieties) out of nowhere. I think literally any of them would look fine except Andruil and Elgar'nan but y'all know I'm thinking of Mythal, Falon'Din and Ghilan'nain vallaslin. I doubt it would stick but I gotta try it now.
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