#yonghee anon
jemmo · 11 months
I need Seonwoo to figure out what HE wants because it’s so frustrating watching him constantly waffle when asked direct questions about his feelings and him not be able to articulate them in an understandable way at all. I understand they’re only in this house for like a week so I don’t expect everyone to immediately know who they like and stick with it, I’m fine with him and anyone else having feelings for multiple people. I also understand that there could be things lost in translation or cultural lenses I am not able to understand because I am not and do not speak Korean. But omg wow is it awkward to watch Seonwoo at this point. Again I feel like he’s insecure and such a people pleaser he’s not able to be direct unless someone basically forces him to be, and thus far no one that likes him has been able to force him to be direct. I feel like that’s the kind of person he needs, but I’m not sure Sungho or Yeonghee are that person, they try but never go far enough I think (side note: I always wonder if since Korea is such an age based society in their interactions and language, does that carry over into dating, like would Yeonghee be more comfortable pushing Seonwoo even more to be direct if they were the same age).
Yeonghee very clearly just wanted a yes or no answer about Seonwoo’s feelings, and he couldn’t even give him that. Same with talking about their age gap, Seonwoo says he doesn’t think he can overcome it (understandable) but then says he’s worried how other people would view it. I think that’s a valid concern for him, especially as he is someone who owns a business and therefore has to care about his image, but it’s interesting he seems more concerned with how others would view their age gap instead of how he himself feels about dating a 21/22 year old. I feel like what’s frustrating is I think Yeonghee could handle just being rejected. Maybe Seonwoo is afraid to hurt anyone’s feelings, or he didn’t want to talk about how he felt until the date was over, but if the latter is true he should’ve just said that. I feel like Yeonghee could handle that, or could even handle rejection, but the back and forth is confusing and frustrating and probably a little hurtful. Though I feel like Yeonghee is also close to giving up so who knows.
anon thank you for giving me the chance to rant about these two bc they’ve been on my mind non stop and me and my sister have been talking about them and their date any chance we get.
bc it’s just so interesting to me and yet I find it hard to dig into the intricacies of it bc my mind just gets stuck on how much I feel sorry for yonghee and want to comfort him. watching their date a second time esp after seeing all the others and having them fresh in my mind really put into perspective how much the vibes were just completely off. there was just no back and forth bc it felt like seonwoo wasn’t engaging with the date at all. it’s one thing to be shy, but we know seonwoo isn’t exactly shy, he’s one of the most outgoing people in the house, but still it might be different one on one in a date setting where there’s certain expectations and pressures that this means something, but doesn’t that just say it all. when he gets down to it, when he’s on a date and that means something, he can’t be that normal outgoing person. bc the whole time it feels like yonghee is in and engaged and trying to share his thoughts and feelings and he just gets met with a brick wall. seriously, go back and see how different it is, how seonwoo hardly ever asks him anything, how yonghee will talk despite seonwoo not prompting him too, and still seonwoo doesn’t engage in return, and when he asks if seonwoo has any questions, he literally turns it back on him, which infuriates me even more bc what’s the point in asking him anything when he doesn’t give a direct answer. it feels like they wasted this whole time where seonwoo should be exploring what his feelings are for yonghee and instead they’re just in the same place still. and the thing is, they didn’t even talk about normal date stuff. like where was the back and forth banter?? where were the talks about likes and dislikes, hobbies etc?? I feel like we just had this spiel from seonwoo at the start about how he feels being in the house, and then when they went to eat, it was all yonghee sharing his feelings and seonwoo giving nothing back. and I think this is my perfect example, when they were in his shop, and yonghee was talking about regrets while being on the show, and he says he has regrets, wishes he could’ve been better, more selfish, I can’t remember exactly what he says but something to that extent. and I think back to when he shared these insecurities and was vulnerable on his other dates with jungwook and hyungjin and how both of them comforted him, especially hyungjin with his age and where he is in life, and what that meant to him. and here, seonwoo just nods, says nothing, moves on. Idk if he was just too in his head about his stuff or just didn’t care, but to have someone be vulnerable and share doubts and not say anything, not give them any encouragement or comfort, that just rubs me the wrong way. I get he might be in his head but for god sake engage with the person in front of you. and it’s for that exact reason I need yonghee to see past that initial attraction and the surface level conversations with seonwoo and see that he’s had much better interactions with other people in the house and that they are options worth exploring. I get tunnel visioning, I mean junsung did it from day 1, but even if sungho never returned affection, he still engaged with him and they built up a relationship. I don’t see any of what yonghee has built with seonwoo, like what about that relationship is taking up all of yonghee’s focus?? what is it about seonwoo that has him so blinded??
and as for seonwoo’s feelings for yonghee… my sister had a good angle actually. she said it might touch a nerve for seonwoo to see yonghee, at his age, not only out, but so confident in how he is pursuing what he wants. similar to how I said he might feel that way watching junsung pursue sungho, wishing he could be that forward and confident with his own feelings, I think he doesn’t know what to do. bc he can’t be that confident in pursuing what he wants bc he doesn’t have that kind of faith in his own feelings, I feel like it takes him real time and consideration to figure out what he’s actually feeling, maybe bc he doubts his own feelings or has just never had to or had the chance to be that strong in trusting and pursuing his own feelings. and that might be why he can’t reconcile with the age gap. it’s not all out jealousy, but maybe he sees this kid out of the closet having this young adulthood he maybe never had a chance to have if he came out only recently. that, or I thought he just doesn’t know how to deal with the strength of yonghee’s feelings, maybe bc his age makes him feel like this is just some kid who’s feelings are strong bc he can afford to be reckless and go all in when he doesn’t have the same amount of relationship experience as others. and such, he feels like even if he was to indicate anything to yonghee, that might then give him too much, might make him come on stronger to the point it limits his chances with others, which I don’t think he wants bc he clearly enjoys exploring other options and wants to consider other people. the thing is, I can sit here theorising why why why until I’m blue in the face but I’ll never know, we’ll never know, yonghee will never know bc he just can’t articulate any of what’s going on in his head. and it aggravates me more and more bc his inability to communicate in a meaningful way is having more and more of an impact on more and more people in this house, and whatever is going on with you whatever, but I feel like there comes a point where you have to realise you have an effect on people, and therefore have a responsibility to communicate clearly for their sake. and the thing is, this behaviour doesn’t do him any favours, bc it makes me think is this just his personality or does he just love creating drama?? and maybe I wouldn’t feel so complicated about him if I had some clarity and could rule out his behaviour being just manipulation and game playing.
and let’s just say… my sister keeps saying that if yonghee and seonwoo did get together, their relationship would not be good, and it would probably change yonghee forever, but I’ll leave that headcanon for her
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hello!! i was wondering if you could write an angst scenario with yonghee, where you get into your first serious argument. if you’re not comfortable it’s completely okay (:
Nope, you’re all good!! I’d be happy to write it. Here ya go, and I hope it lives up to expectations!
You were dozing a little on the couch, book sat precariously on your lap, but you were feeling stubborn. You were going to stay up.
Even if it only saw him and spoke to him for five minutes before you knocked out, that was fine. It was enough. Last time, despite your best efforts, you had fallen asleep. Not this time, you thought.
He’d be home any minute now. All you had to do was stick it out.
As if the heavens heard your pleas, you heard the door keypad beeping, your password being typed in with expert hands, his memory of your anniversary date not failing him yet.
You felt relieved. You weren’t sure how much longer you could stay awake. At least now you could sleep soundly knowing that he was home safe and sound.
You closed your book, tossing it next to you on the couch and gazing expectantly at the door, a smile already pulling at your lips. There he was. Your guy.
He looked at you as he walked through the door, a small smile flashing across his face before disappearing. He must’ve had a rough day. “You could’ve gone to bed,” he said, hanging up his jacket and kicking off his shoes.
You pouted a little. “What, not even a hello?” you chastised, only half-joking. You know he didn’t mean anything by it, but it still hurt your feelings.
He let out a little sigh. “You’re right, I’m sorry,” he said, trying his best to put a welcoming smile on his face. “Hello, how are you?”
The question helped quell your mild irritation, though it still bugged you in the back of your sleep-deprived mind. “I’m okay,” you shrugged. “A little tried. You look worse, though.”
He gave a wry laugh. “I feel it.” A silence fell between you as you waited for him to elaborate.
“What did you work on today?” you asked, trying to keep the conversation going. “Something new, or..?”
Yonghee ran his fingers through his hair, doing his best to fluff it out after all the intense sweating from the day. It was useless. He’d probably just shower. “I… kinda just wanna go to bed,” he said, eyes trained on the floor. “Talk about it in the morning?”
You frowned. “Oh,” you said. “Okay, sure.” You knew that wasn’t going to happen. He knew you were busy with work and life just as much as he was, so he never woke you up if he didn’t have to.
The most you interacted in the mornings was a small kiss when you finally managed to pull yourself out of bed and him mentioning he left a piece of bacon for you on the stove and that he’d see you in the evening.
He could see the disappointment on your face. He sighed. “Listen, I’m sorry,” he said, a little sharper than he had probably intended. “I know you were expecting more from me, but you’re not the only one who’s tired, okay?”
You sat there, stunned by his outburst. “Okay, what’s with that tone?” you finally asked, feeling a bit defensive. “I never said you weren’t tired. I just wanted to talk to you a bit before bed. Is that too much to ask?”
He knew you were right, but that only lit a prideful fire within him. “Is it too much for me to ask for you to just go to bed?” he snapped. “I’m sick of carrying you to bed when my arms already feel like giving out from practice, and it’s so hard to relax in my own home with you groaning about your sore neck!”
You gaped at him. “Why are you being such an ass right now?” You threw your hands up, exasperated. “You know what? You go to bed. I’ll sleep here tonight.”
He scoffed. “Great—that way I can hear you complain some more in the morning.” He was regretting the words as they exited his mouth, but in the heat of the moment, they just kept spilling out—hot, stinging venom set on winning the petty little argument that was probably more emotionally charged than he realized.
“Why are you picking a fight with me?” you asked, voice raising a little. “Make me understand!”
“I’m annoyed!” he said, voice meeting your power. “Do I need another reason? I’m just annoyed.”
You clenched your jaw. “Why? Why are you annoyed?”
“Because I’m trying my best over here to be a good idol, friend, son, and boyfriend, and everyone’s expecting so freakin’ much from me!” he shouted, not even realizing that his eyes had begun water.
“Why is it not enough for you?” he continued. “Do I not make it obvious enough that I love you, even if I’m short on time? God damnit!” He stormed off to your shared room, slamming the door behind him.
You sat in stunned silence, frozen as you heard sniffling and muffled sobs filter their way down the hall and to your ears. Your first instinct was to drop everything and run to his side, but if you knew Yonghee at all, he needed that good cry to himself—no interruptions.
And if you knew yourself at all, you needed the same thing. Alone time.
Even if Yonghee had been the type of person that needed to be cared for hands-on in a situation like this, you didn’t have the confidence that you’d be able to provide that. You felt hurt.
He didn’t even ask how you felt.
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You gave each other space for the next couple of days, keeping interaction little to none.
You were kind of disappointed to find out how easy it was to pretend you didn’t even live in the same house.
If it wasn’t for his traces strewn about—a stray sock or a hoodie here and there, his toothbrush in the bathroom, a lock of distinctively pink colored hair stuck to the back of the couch—you wouldn’t have known he was there at all.
He didn’t leave food for you on the stove, didn’t wake you up to say goodnight when he got home, and his side of the bed was always cold by the time you opened your eyes.
If he managed to come home early, you avoided each other well during the day, because if you were working from home instead of on-site, you were always in your office anyway. It was more like you had a reclusive roommate than a boyfriend at this point.
Maybe you should have approached him first, but you were still holding out hope for him to come crawling back to you, talking about how sorry he was and how much he’d messed up.
A bit of a dark fantasy on your part, but all you wanted was an apology and a nice, level-headed discussion. Again, another fantastic reason for you to bring it up first, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
The cuts from this fight, no matter how brief, ran a little deeper than any of the other little spats you’d had before. Probably because it was the product of a bunch of small, unresolved things that you’d both let go and pile up without mentioning them.
Communication wasn’t either of your strong suits, despite it being the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. You were trying to be better about it, but perhaps not hard enough.
You sighed to yourself as you sat on the couch, donning your most comfortable clothes and munching on a bag of chips as you looked over some things for work.
You decided you were both pretty hopeless. One larger scale argument and you’d scared each other off.
Then, in a very ironic manner, you heard the familiar dinging of your front door’s keypad. He opened the door and stared at you, blinking for a moment as if he were stunned. You blinked back at him, having nothing to say.
After almost a week of silence and avoiding each other, seeing him face to face felt almost foreign. “You’re gonna get crumbs all over the couch,” Yonghee finally said, breaking the deafening silence.
In any other situation, you might’ve found his nagging annoying and uncalled for, but in this case, you were just happy to hear his voice. “I know,” you shrugged. “I’ll clean up after myself—I’m a big girl.”
The silence fell over you again.
“I’m sorry—“ you both started, talking over each other. After the initial stumbling and surprise, you both smiled in a sort of bittersweet way. You’d missed each other, but in a mix of pride and hurt, you chose to ignore one another.
He inched a few steps closer before opening his arms to you, a silent invitation for a long overdue hug. His eyes were trained on the floor, still a little ashamed to meet yours just yet.
You stood up from the couch, dusting yourself off and accepting his offer. You stood there for a minute or two, just drowning in his touch and letting yourself readjust to being so close to him.
Finally, you pulled away, wordlessly leading him by the arm to the couch and sitting him down. You stared down at your lap, resting one of your hands lightly on his. “Why were you so angry the other day?” you asked softly.
He felt himself shrink. He’d been so sure of himself at the start of the week—he’d even planned a whole speech to explain his feelings and why he did that. But as the deafening silence carried on, he kept invalidating himself to the point that he didn’t even know how he felt anymore.
“I dunno,” he said, voice small. He sighed leaning forward and resting his head on your shoulder, feeling exhausted. “I just feel overwhelmed these days.”
Without really thinking about it, you started petting his hair. “You hurt my feelings,” you said honestly. “I was just trying to be a good girlfriend.” You felt him stiffen a little. “And I’m sorry I complain so much, I just thought…” You sighed. “I thought you were someone I could complain to.”
After a pause he nuzzled closer to you, his nose pressing against the side of your neck. You could feel his hushed breath. “You can,” he said. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t make you feel bad for sharing your complaints with me. I think it just makes me feel small.”
You hummed, a form of a question. “I’m not as brave and open as you are,” he admitted. “You intimidate me sometimes. And I’m not actually upset that you stay up late to see me… I just feel inferior, ‘cause I can’t do that kind of stuff for you, even if I wanted to. I’m just not…”
He took a breath, and you could tell it was to compose himself. “…a very good boyfriend,” he finally breathed out. “And I don’t have time to be. And I don’t understand why you put up with me.”
You tutted at him. “How silly of you to think that,” you said. “I’m not the perfect girlfriend either, y’know.”
“But you’re nearly perfect,” he muttered. “You’re patient, and kind, and you stay up late for me, and I can’t even thank you properly for it, ‘cause for some reason it makes me feel uneasy.”
He swallowed, his mouth feeling dry and pilly. “I don’t like you sacrificing your health and rest for me. It makes me feel bad and like it’s my fault that you’re in pain or nodding off at work.”
You felt a pang in your chest. “Oh…” you said. “I didn’t know you felt that way.” You couldn’t tell if you felt hurt or if you were just overwhelmed by how much your usually private boyfriend was sharing with you. Maybe a mixture of both.
Yonghee sighed and lifted his head off your shoulder, eyes cast downward. “I’m sorry,” he said softly, almost a whisper. “I’ve hurt you again.”
You paused for a moment. Yes, it did hurt, but that’s what the truth often does, and you just couldn’t find it within yourself to get cross with him after he finally allowed himself the honesty your relationship deserved.
“It’s not your fault,” you said, a little choked up. He finally looked up to meet your eyes. “I’ve been trying too hard to make this relationship something it’s not. I knew what I was getting into when I started dating an idol—I should have known, at least.”
You felt yourself tearing up. “I just like you so much,” you admitted rawly. “I find myself wanting to do the things with you that normal couples do, y’know? The matching outfits, amusement park dates, movie nights. But we can’t do that. Matching outfits are too obvious, amusement parks are too public, and you’re usually too tired for movie nights.”
Yonghee furrowed his brows. “So… what are you saying?” he asked, a slight tremor in his voice.
You looked at his face. One look, that’s all it took. You knew what thoughts were going through his head, and you couldn’t say he was entirely wrong.
“I’m just saying…” you started in the softest tone, leading him gently into your sudden declaration. “Maybe we should start thinking about if this is really right for us.”
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seokka0o · 2 years
Ok but making out with yonghee after he comes back from being on tour—
You’re bugging him to get some rest because he’s tired and jet lagged but he reassures you he just wants to remind you how much he missed and loves you.
Plus he’s definitely horny after so long without you 😳
Yonghee sighing subtly against your lips, pulling you so close to him so you could feel how much he needs your touches, just like you need his "you'll me a good pet to me?" Maybe he'll put you on your knees for him so you can show him how much you miss him, choking on his dick
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yunhohours · 2 years
i'm the same anon from here! i'd like to claim the 🪐 anon if it's possible. >__< aha, i guess it's rare to find shippings according to birthcharts so i was intrigued when you're willing to do it, which i'm certainly very grateful of!
omg my ult groups besides girl groups are wei and cix actually! i might drop by here to talk more about them then. :D they're quite underrated, especially wei. who are your biases, if i may ask?
interesting how another person also told me that my birthchart is compatible with yongha's (and i myself agree too) hence i wasn't surprised when you mentioned him. 😆
i also agree about jinyoung's! i'm Always surrounded by taurus suns somehow so his taurus stellium made me a bit frustrated, but not in a That Bad way. 😂
thank you once again for your opinions and detailed description, it's fun to read! both yongha and jinyoung are actually my second biases in each group. you may guess my main biases from each group. [:
— 🪐
djskdksm you are so cute <3 and 🪐 anon is yours!
yes, i agree so much! cix is one of my ult groups and wei is a semi-ult for me so i love them both dearly! they deserve so much more love and attention for sure. 🫶🏻 you’re always welcome to come talk to me about them! i would talk about them more but most people don’t ask about them. i’ll need to make more time to write from the heart instead of fulfilling requests to incorporate them as much as i’d like to 😭
i actually bias the besties 🥹🫶🏻 hyunsuk and junseo! i was SO excited when i found out they wanted to meet and have been best friends ever since. it makes me unbelievably happy hahah. my bias understudies are seunghun and donghan. i feel i have to mention them because i love them so much too! and i know your second biases so.. ;)
hahahah believe me, i don’t blame you being frustrated by that taurus stellium. the first time i looked at his birth chart i was literally like 😐 you can’t tell this mf anything. he’s always right and you’re always wrong unless you agree with him 😭 but he seems way less annoying than his birth chart would suggest from watching him so i felt safe giving him to you hahah.
you’re very welcome! i’m glad i came close to your biases. i’ll guess either seokhwa or junseo for your wei bias and seunghun or hyunsuk for your cix bias! 🫶🏻
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blossominghunnie · 11 months
𝐁���𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞
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Pairing: Yonghee x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationship
Summary: Yonghee returns from tour very late at night, you tried to wait for him but ended up falling asleep.
Warning: None
Requested: Yes
Notes: Hope you like it, Anon. :) And I’m sorry it took so long.
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Yonghee had been away on tour for three months now. You missed him dearly but were super proud of him, it had been a huge world tour that included cities in Asia, United States, Europe and even Latin America.
The pink haired was supposed to arrive tonight, and you were going to go pick him up at the airport but due to the weather, their fight from Los Angeles was delayed a few hours.
He texted you and told you that it was better to stay at home and that he would see you there. He also specifically said not to wait for him up.
Fast forward a few hours, the idol finally arrived at his home. It was 3:30 am.
He tried not to make a lot of noise since he knew you would be sleeping, or hoping. He knew how stubborn you could be.
He took his shoes off by the door and carried both of his suitcases. He entered the living room and saw the tv on, he shook his head and walked towards the sofa that was located in front of the tv.
He saw your sleeping figure laying down on the coach, Avatar playing in the background.
As he kissed your cheek and was about to carry you, you opened your eyes sleepily.
“Yes, honey. Hi.” He said smiling tenderly.
“You’re home!”
He smiled softly. “I am, darling.”
You pulled him into your arms. “I missed you, so much.”
“I missed you, too.” You stayed like that for a while, enjoying each others presence. “Why aren’t you in bed? I told you not to wait up for me.”
“I knoow, baby. But I wanted to see you.” You pouted.
“Okay, valid.” He smiled. “Now let’s go to bed.”
You didn’t get a chance to get up because Yonghee carried you in his strong arms.
“You know I can walk by myself, right?”
“Shh, let me spoil you.” You just smiled, putting you head on the crook of his neck and snuggling more into him. Action that made him blush.
You arrived at your destination soon after, your boyfriend looked down to see you completely asleep, which made him smile.
He carefully put you under the covers and laid next to you, not even bothering changing into his pyjamas, he was too exhausted to do that. He put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Laying your head against his chest.
“I love you, my love.” He kissed you on the forehead and quickly fall asleep, with you on his arms.
It was good to be home.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Cix masterlist || Main masterlist
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yv17 · 2 years
after midnight - kim yonghee (김 용희)
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a/n: this one's requested by anon and i'm so happy cuz i don't really get that much requests??? i'm incredibly sorry it took so long to write, but i don't usually write longer pieces and the fact that this ended up being 2k words is incredible to me. i hope you'll enjoy it !!
warnings: swearing, cheating accusations, argument?? yonghee is a bit of a bitch towards y/n, mentions of stalking
genre: angst with a fluffy ending, non idol! au, also mentions of fromis_9's seoyeon as y/n's best friend
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the house was filled with the smell of a freshly cooked meal, the deliciously looking dinner waiting on the table. as always, your boyfriend yonghee went out of his way to prepare something nice for the both of you. and even though you should be feeling happy about it all, you felt as if there was something wrong, the tension thick in your shared apartment.
for the entirety of the day, yonghee felt distant, almost as if he didn't want to speak to you at all. and as much as you wanted to ignore it, his behavior was surely strange to you; he never acted this way, always the clingy, sweet type of boyfriend. so to see him barely speaking to you through the day, not even a kiss before work? it was weird.
you sat down at the table, your hands shaking slightly as yonghee sat down aswell, right across from you.
'thanks for the meal, honey' you said, smiling lightly at the boy in an attempt to loosen the tension up a bit. he gave you a small smile in response, a short 'mhm' escaping his lips.
he went straight to eating after that, trying his best to ignore your confused gaze on him. almost as he was pretending you weren't there.
'is there something wrong?' you finally asked, breaking the silence between the two of you. 'did something bad happen at work lately? some family issues?'
he sat silent for a few seconds, avoiding eye contact with you.
'i don't know, you tell me' yonghee said, looking up at you. you couldn't really read anything from his face, but his eyes showed a lot. sadness, betrayal and a slight but clearly noticeable hint of anger. and yet you had no idea where all these emotions came from.
'what do you mean?' you looked at him, a confused look painting on your face.
'maybe about the big flower bouquet that someone left in front of our apartment yesterday?' he said in an annoyed tone. 'or maybe the love letter that came along with it?'
'yonghee, what are you talking about?' you couldn't hide your confusion. for a second you thought he might've imagined something; you had no knowledge of any flowers, let alone love letters from anyone else but him.
'don't play dumb, y/n.' he said, the tone of his voice making you shiver. through the entirety of your relationship, he never spoke to you that way; it was something new, and definitely not something you enjoyed.
'i am not.' you said, the whole situation stressing the hell out of you. 'i truly have no goddamn idea of what you're talking about.'
'do you really?' his eyes focused on yours, his earlier resting face now expressing anger and annoyance 'or are you just hiding something from me?'
'honey, please calm down.' you stood up in an attempt to come up to your boyfriend, but he quickly shut you off.
'don't honey me right now, y/n.' yonghee spat, standing up to take a step awan from you. 'you're trying so fucking hard to pretend you're not cheating on me, it's almost funny.'
his words were like a punch straight to the face.
you couldn't believe he would actually accuse you of something like this. in that exact moment, you felt as if a stranger was standing right across from you, not your loving boyfriend. after all, your boyfriend trusted you, or so you thought. because whatever left his lips right now wasn't any signs of trust and you were 100% aware of it.
tears started gathering in your eyes, threatening to fall down every second. you felt as if someone just put a knife straight through your heart; all meanwhile you were trying your best not to burst out crying.
the room went silent, as yonghee slowly came to the realization of what he just said, and it scared him. he promised himself, so many times, to never gush out on you, and yet there he was; standing right across from you, a terrified, broken look on your face, looking like you're at the brink of breaking down.
and it was all because of him.
he wanted to apologize, say anything that would deny his previous words, but it felt as if his mouth was sealed, and no matter how much he tried, no words came out of him. 
and so he just had to watch as you bursted out crying, hiding your face in your hands as you walked out the kitchen, heading to the door. he watched frozen in place as you put on your shoes and coat, how you reached for your keys from the top shelf, where you would always put them. 
‘y/n-’ when he finally managed to say your name, it sounded more like a weak plead rather than his voice just minutes before, and all of a sudden he found himself at the brink of crying. 
he took a step towards you, an attempt to prevent you from leaving, but at the same time he knew that you would walk out the door either way. he fucked up, and your reaction was adequate to the situation you were in. 
he had no other choice but to let you leave. 
‘i’m going to seoyeon’s place.’ you said, trying to contain your crying just for a second. ‘just so you know where to find me, i guess.’
and you left, closing the door behind yourself, leaving yonghee to himself in an apartment that had never felt so empty before. it didn’t take long for him to break down just like you did a bit earlier; tears staining his cheeks as they rolled down, landing on the wooden floor. 
that night, yonghee didn’t sleep for even an hour straight. 
he was so mad at himself. for leashing out on you the way he did, for accusing you of something he knew you would absolutely never do. he risked losing you over something so stupid, too blinded by his own anger to even give you a second to explain yourself, to remind himself that you loved him too much to even come close to anything as terrible as cheating on your loved one. cheating on him.
he contemplated on whether to drive to seoyeon’s place or not, knowing well how overprotective of a friend she is. she probably wouldn’t even let him inside; not after hearing about what he did. 
yonghee didn’t waste any more time, not even bothering to change into something that wasn’t his yesterday's outfit. he looked quite miserable; hair messy, clothes creased, but at that time, it wasn’t really important for him. what was important was getting to your friend’s place as fast as he could. 
you didn’t really know what to expect when you saw your boyfriend in the doorway of seoyeon’s apartment, breathing heavily as if he was rushing up to get there. you didn’t have too much time to think about it, either; soon enough seoyeon’s head peeked out of the kitchen, and quickly rushed him to get inside. 
‘can we talk?’ he asked, his eyes focused on your face. before you were able to answer, though, your friend quickly got in the way of you two. 
‘before you even try to explain anything to her, i need to exchange a word with you.’ seoyeon looked serious like she never did before, yonghee shivering slightly at her cold and expressionless eyes staring daggers into him. ‘come outside with me for a minute.’
she looked over to you, her gaze immediately changing into a soft one, as she mouthed a quick ‘i’ve got this’, before disappearing behind the door. 
and so you waited in silence, with shaky hands and stress eating you from the inside, waiting for them to come back. 
you were grateful to have a friend like seoyeon for many reasons. one of them was that no matter the situation you were in, she would always help you out. just like she was doing it now. 
the night before, after she calmed you down and let you explain what had happened at your apartment, you asked her to talk to yonghee before talking with him yourself. she agreed immediately, knowing what the situation looked like, knowing why the argument even started in the first place. 
after all, you were well aware of the flowers and letters sent to you. you were just to afraid to tell yonghee about the whole situation.
the idea you could ever have a stalker never really crossed your mind, and yet here you were; receiving flowers, letters and other presents, first to your desk at work, then right to your doorstep. every single time before you had managed to somehow hide it from yonghee, afraid he wouldn't believe you if you told him about it, or that he would react the same way he did the night before; accusing you of cheating on him. 
and so you kept it to yourself. after a month, it became a routine for you; throwing out the presents you always got every day, extra careful not to let anyone see that there was anything wrong. 
but seoyeon obviously noticed. 
she had asked you about it one day at work, and you almost broke down in tears explaining the whole situation. even though you tried to play it cool all of the time, reality was this stalker thing was eating you from the inside. but having at least one person to help you deal with it was great, and you were grateful that she helped you with getting rid of every single thing your stalker got you. yet still, you didn’t want to listen to her with the most important thing, it obviously being telling your boyfriend about it. 
so you were incredibly relieved when seoyeon agreed to having that conversation with yonghee instead of you. she took a really big weight off your shoulders with that, and you couldn’t possibly comprehend how much you appreciated her for that. 
you heard the door open, snapping you out of your thoughts, and suddenly, the stress came back. but it seemed to die down immediately the moment you saw yonghee, his gaze soft and caring, just like it usually was. 
he immediately came up to you, closing you in a tight hug, one that you definitely needed at that moment. 
‘i’m sorry, honey.’ he said, resting his face on the crook of your neck. ‘for everything i said yesterday. for not taking time to think everything through. for gushing out on you like that. fuck- i’m so sorry.’
you smiled at him, your hand resting on top of his head, slowly stroking his head.
‘it’s okay, really’ you said, your hand continuing the movement. ‘it’s partially my fault for not telling you about the whole situation. i was’ you stopped for a second, taking a deep breath. ‘i was just scared you wouldn't believe me if i actually told you.’
‘please don’t feel that way, ever again’ he said, his eyes locking with yours. ‘and don’t think it’s your fault, y/n. it was me who’s in the wrong for gushing out on you this way, and i shouldn’t have done this. i’m here to support you, right? help you through every situation. after all, your problems are my problems too, you know?’
‘i’ll keep that in mind.’ you mumbled under your breath, just enough for yonghee to hear. he simled lightly, planting a quick kiss on your forehead. 
‘sorry to interrupt your moment’ seoyeon said, walking out of the kitchen with her phone in her hand ‘but are you guys staying for dinner? i planned on ordering pizza today, and there’s a discount if you buy more than one.’
you looked at eachother, laughing silently.
‘i’ll pay for it.’ yonghee said, his words sounding more like a fact than a suggestion. ‘it’s the least i can do for now.’
‘sounds good to me.’ seoyeon said, heading back into the kitchen ‘but don’t think you’ll buy yourself into my graces this way. i’ll have my eye on you!’
yonghee laughed at your friend’s remark, looking over to you.
‘don’t worry about that. i’ll prove to you i’m worthy of dating your best friend.’
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick <3
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© yv17, all rights reserved.
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
no bc I’m still occasionally thinking about yonghee after that one anon asked for smth about yonghee or hyunsuk…reminded me of him during tour and now I occasionally <3 think about how pretty he is and how I wanna please him
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restlessmaknae · 9 months
“ it’s dark outside, and it’s raining. my arms are much safer. “ with CIX Hyunsuk or Yonghee, thank you
Hi anon,
Thank you so much for your message! 😊
Do you have a blog to tag? As stated in my guide, for tagging reasons, I would kindly ask you all, lovely readers, to let me know about the blog you want me to tag. Otherwise, it will be hard for me to notify you about the published request. This is how I can track the 2 requests per person quota, too.
Hope you have a lovely day! 😊
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lght-shwr · 11 months
hello freya, ryujin&rosé bros anon here ! :) in fact, my ocs are half-sisters so the male fcs would be either ryujin or rosé's full sibling and the other's half-brother. so i guess you don't have to make two separate lists?? (so for the age range 96-02 it could be applicable for any suggestion.) thank u very much & i hope it's more clear like that ♡
🧚‍♀️ . . . FREYA IS HERE !
Hey there ! Below the cut are TWENTY TWO ( 22 ) possible half brothers for Rosé and Ryujin ! Due to age range issues ( around 4 to 5 years is my limit ), I have made the list from '97 to '01 . Everyone is Korean ! The italicized ones just indicate my personal favorites, so there's no need to pay mind to it ! I hope I found the ones to your liking !
NCT's Jung Yoonoh ( Jaehyun ) ! ( 1997 ) 
Golden Child's Lee Jangjun ! ( 1997 ) 
ASTRO's Lee Dongmin ( Cha Eunwoo ) ! ( 1997 ) 
OnlyOneOf's Lee Taeyeob ( Yoojung ) ! ( 1997 ) 
The Boyz's Kim Younghoon ! ( 1997 ) 
BTS' Jeon Jeongguk ( Jungkook ) ! ( 1997 ) 
The Boyz's Lee Jaehyun ( Hyunjae ) ! ( 1997 ) 
GOT7's Kim Yugyeom ! ( 1997 ) 
Stray Kids' Lee Minho ( Lee Know ) ! ( 1998 ) 
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WEi's Yoo Yongha ! ( 1999 ) 
SEVENTEEN's Lee Chan ( Dino ) ! ( 1999 ) 
CIX's Kim Seunghun ! ( 1999 ) 
OnlyOneOf's Lee Yongsoo ( Mill ) ! ( 1999 ) 
ATEEZ's Kang Yeosang ! ( 1999 ) 
DKB's Yang Heechan ! ( 1999 ) 
TEMPEST's Ahn Hyeongseop ! ( 1999 ) 
Stray Kids' Seo Changbin ! ( 1999 ) 
CIX's Kim Yonghee ! ( 2000 ) 
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NCT's Lee Jeno ! ( 2000 ) 
Golden Child's Choi Bomin ! ( 2000 ) 
TO1's Kim Jeyou ( J.You ) ! ( 2000 ) 
CRAVITY's Ham Wonjin ! ( 2001 )
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yong-jelly · 2 years
omg i think i sent the the wrong ask im anon who sent message about beach yonghee im so sorry please im so embarrassed rn 😔😔😔 i apologize for my mistake i hope you read this 😔😔😔 i really love your works too 😔😔😔
HELPPP ITS OKAY!!! i quite enjoyed the read actually!
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jemmo · 11 months
omg so one thing i noticed about the latest his man 2 eps was, like you said in another ask reply, seonwoo stuck his nose into hyungjun and minsung's business for absolutely no reason AND spilled stuff to hyungjun that minsung told him. he even told sungho what junsung said in the kitchen - the whole "i don't like people touching what's mine" and okay yeah whatever, apparently he loves creating drama even though he says he doesn't. however, on the other hand, when jeongwook asked junsung if he was the one yoonghee called, junsung just explained the whole misunderstanding and didn't even reveal who yoonghee actually wanted to call. isn't that common courtesy? isn't that also something seonwoo absolutely just doesn't think of doing? i'm really trying my best not to dislike seonwoo but every time he pulls someone to the side or corners them into a room to talk to them/reveal stuff people said to him, i just have to pause and ask myself "was that really necessary? why? what was the reason?" he's trying so hard to be the main character and it's getting on my nerves because this is a dating show. please focus on the person you're interested in, not your "rival" that you're forcing him to be and just let everyone else do their own thing naturally. god. anyway sorry for the rant, just needed to get this off my chest. 😭
this might just be my favourite his man 2 anon so far bc my dear you are so completely right and correct and valid for all of this I’m screaming for you 👏👏👏 like “was that really necessary?” is exactly what’s going through my head every time seonwoo has a conversation with someone
this comparison of how seonwoo and junsung handle information in the house is so beyond telling ESPECIALLY when you consider how they both handle sharing their own feelings vs sharing gossip/drama about other people, bc junsung handled that whole yonghee situation so perfectly, which sounds like an exaggeration bc it also wasn’t especially difficult, like yes if you know an error has been made, just sort it out with that person so they can do what they want with it and don’t share it with anyone else. you’re exactly right, it’s common curtesy, but also shows how seriously good hearted he is bc it never once ever occurred to him to use it against anyone or share it around as gossip. no, he just simply resolved the situation bc he does not care for the drama. let me say it again; HE DOES NOT CARE FOR THE DRAMA. seonwoo keeps trying to get under his skin and start shit and it gets on his nerves that junsung remains unphased. he entered this house and said I’m here for sungho, everyone else can do whatever, I’m gonna do my shit and just try and stop me. bc that’s the thing, he won’t disclose anyone else’s information or gossip but with his own feelings he will be so forward and direct and clear, precisely bc he doesn’t care for drama or misunderstandings, and bc he remains primarily concerned with himself and what he’s doing, knowing that if he stays true to himself and does what he wants, whatever happens at least then he won’t have any regrets.
seonwoo, on the other hand, will play so high and fast with other people’s words and gossip and drama and yet will hardly say a word about how he’s actually feeling. he will stick his nose into any situation and finds it so easy to just share not just what he’s said but what others have said in private conversations to others, and from what we see he doesn’t clarify whether this is information he can share. so yeah, sure, it’s cute he’s playing matchmaker for minsung and hyungjun, but did either of them ever ask him to? did either of them say hey can you help me out and be the go between telling him what I just said? bc minsung is still considering two options, and seonwoo just seems to be pushing hyungjun down his throat for i don’t even know what or if there is an ulterior motive, but no one is intruding on his situation with sungho and junsung so why he’s doing this I truly don’t know. I’m glad he seems to have a good friendship with minsung but at what point does he just start looking like a stirrer, like I swear how many of the conversations in eps 6 and 7 started bc seonwoo pulled someone to the side. and on top of that, from how many of those conversations did we actually learn how he feels about people. whenever he talks about sungho or yonghee, he says nice things that encourage his relationship with them, sure, but there’s only so many times I can hear “he’s special and not what I expected” and “I would like to try and date you sometime” before I’m asking ok but what does that mean?? how much are you interested and to what extent are you committed/willing to commit to this person??? the stuff that actually matters to the other people involved in these relationships. every conversation with him reminds me of jaewon in the eighth sense saying I’m not just gonna tell you my trauma, you have to coax it out of me and I’m sorry but you do not get the jaewon trauma pass.
and just to say… sungho isn’t out here starting drama either. in the kitchen, he simply says I talked to seonwoo to junsung, and doesn’t really go into anymore detail, bc he doesn’t feel the need to disclose everything. and in that conversation, they both hold a level of respect, junsung respecting the privacy of sungho’s conversation with seonwoo and sungho respecting the privacy of what seonwoo said. and yet without disclosing anything they manage to have a fruitful conversation that establishes where they’re all at, which is what the situation needs, clarity. and it just makes me mad that seonwoo doesn’t afford that same privacy to either of them. like it’s gone past a matter of intent for me, like whether he intends to or not, he is starting drama, and it’s too much.
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Ok ok but making out with tutor!yonghee when you’re supposed to be studying 😳
Okay, yes, ‘cause he would actually be trying genuinely hard to focus and teach you something worthwhile, and you would just be making it impossible—constantly nibbling your pencil, looking him dead in the eye with your pretty eyelashes batting at him, leaning in close and pressing against him when he was explaining something.
He honestly thought it was only him who was carrying ‘dark intentions’ (as he called them), which is why he resisted even harder—not realizing that you were literally TRYING to get his attention. In his mind, he’s like, “We’re here to study, she’s being perfectly normal, and I’m the one in the wrong :) Simple as that. I am a boy. A dog. Disgusting.”
So he pushes the thought down and just tries to convince himself to leave you in his memories as a pretty student, and that’s it. Then you muck it up by tossing your leg over his thigh, straddling his lap and staring deep into his eyes. He’s SO red and taken aback, you could probably cook an egg with the heat from his cheeks and ears.
“You don’t think badly of me, do you?” you ask, voice low.
He splutters again. “Sorry? I—“
“You don’t think I’m a whore or anything, right? It’s just…” You gave a pointed look downward. “I thought maybe you and I were thinking the same thing. Was I wrong?”
He chokes a little on his own spit. “I’m sorry, I…” And he just looks so cutely ashamed, you take pity on him, slipping his glasses off the bridge of his nose and laying them carefully on the table.
“It’s okay,” you say with a comforting but dangerous sweetness. “You’re not technically doing anything wrong.” You link your fingers together behind his slender, markable neck before leaning in close to his ear and whispering, “I have a biology exam coming up, too.”
And he feels a shiver run up his spine. It must’ve been visible, judging by the way you chuckle at him. “Just relax,” you say, smoothing over his chest which was just a little too broad for a cute nerd like him. “It’s my turn to teach you something.”
(A/N: Will elaborate if requested 👌🏼✨)
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seokka0o · 2 years
i keep thinking about being double penetrated by yonghee and hyunsuk and it’s driving me crazy
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They are like beasts, you have to be well prepared because it's going to be very violent, anon. Yonghee underneath, keeping you on top of him, ensuring you rest and enjoy without too much effort. Hyunsuk on top, fucking you from behind, watching your body contort and get into shapes he's never seen, he doesn't know if he's delirious with pleasure by the sensation of the two cocks compressing and tearing you, or maddened by the possibility of breaking you so easily, more than usual. As for yonghee I don't think he's vocal like Hyunsuk, but this boy is aggressive, keeps the sequence tight while Hyunsuk struggles to keep up, Yonghee punches deep, mercilessly, hitting your sweet spot, making you enter in your subspace in moments "y/n? Is everything okay?" And all that is able to come out of your lips are bewildered moans, your body reaching orgasm after orgasm, limp and tired, being invaded and filled mercilessly by the two boys.
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jeontaeil-archived · 2 years
there was a vlive of him with black hair, exposed forehead? i forgot, i lost the screenshots i took and i thought to myself.. this is the first time i take screenshots of him...
i think i know what you're talking about...also i stumbled across this clip of him during a live on my tiktok expedition
why is he so 🤌😩
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blossominghunnie · 9 months
Can you write something cute and fluffy for cix yonghee please thank you
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Pairing: idol!Yonghee x idol!fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationship
Summary: After a long day, you and your boyfriend do your favorite activity, sleeping.
Warning: None
Notes: Thanks for requesting, anon! Hope you like it. ☺️
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Today had been quite stressful for the both of you. You were days away from your first comeback as a soloist and Yonghee was preparing for his group’s comeback as well. So you had been practicing harder than usual.
You were so exhausted that the only thing you wanted to do was sleep for days straight while cuddling with your boyfriend.
You opened the door to your shared apartment, Yonghee trailing behind you. Took your shoes off and walked slowly to the coach.
Then you literally fell on it, too tired to get to your bed. You got yourself comfortable and closed your eyes.
Seconds later you felt a weight on top of you and a tender kiss being placed on your forehead.
“Hi, baby.” You opened your eyes and looked at him with a loving smile.
“Hi, my love.” He responded mirroring your smile and rested his head on your chest. “Let’s nap before we order something to eat, okay?”
You nodded, feeling your eyes heavy.
And with that, you both fall asleep in your favorite position. The black haired loved sleeping like this because he said you were pretty comfy and listening to your heartbeats helped him sleep.
A few hours later you woke up to a loud bang. You sleepily opened your eyes and rubbed your knuckle against your eye.
You couldn’t see your boyfriend, which was odd, since he never woke up before you.
You heard a low groan and looked down to the floor, seeing him sprawled on the carpet.
You couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “Honey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, it just hurts a little.”
“My poor baby.” You got up and helped him off the floor. You then laid next to each other on the coach and placed your arms around him. The black haired putting his on your waist, pulling you closer. “What happened?”
“I don’t know, I guess I just slipped.” He pouted. You laughed and kiss him softly.
“Hopefully like this you won’t fall again.” You both laughed and started to doze again, sleeping till the next day without any other inconvenience.
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yv17 · 2 years
📨 incoming ask game !
post a snippet of your drafts (atleast 5 if you have more) and let your readers guess what it's about !
although i have 14 (?) drafts i only started two of them sooo 💀💀
after midnight — kim yonghee (anon who requested if you're seeing this i'm really sorry it's taking so long)
the room went silent, as yonghee slowly came to the realization of what he just said, and it scared him. he promised himself, so many times, to never gush out on you, and yet there he was; standing right across from you, a terrified, broken look on your face, looking like you're at the brink of breaking down.
and it was all because of him.
i miss you, i'm sorry —kim mingyu (continuation of my old mingyu timestamp??? smh like this)
maybe seungkwan was right. maybe whatever big plan he had created with wonwoo (who won't admit to it, but it's obvious he was a part of it) wasn't going to be as bad as mingyu thought. they truly wanted to help their best friend out; it was still partially their fault that any of it happened in the first place. after all, they were the ones who came up with the bet, one which was relatively simple.
date you for five months, and get the money if you succeed.
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