#ofc I’m gonna answer a rant with another rant who do you think I am
jemmo · 1 year
omg so one thing i noticed about the latest his man 2 eps was, like you said in another ask reply, seonwoo stuck his nose into hyungjun and minsung's business for absolutely no reason AND spilled stuff to hyungjun that minsung told him. he even told sungho what junsung said in the kitchen - the whole "i don't like people touching what's mine" and okay yeah whatever, apparently he loves creating drama even though he says he doesn't. however, on the other hand, when jeongwook asked junsung if he was the one yoonghee called, junsung just explained the whole misunderstanding and didn't even reveal who yoonghee actually wanted to call. isn't that common courtesy? isn't that also something seonwoo absolutely just doesn't think of doing? i'm really trying my best not to dislike seonwoo but every time he pulls someone to the side or corners them into a room to talk to them/reveal stuff people said to him, i just have to pause and ask myself "was that really necessary? why? what was the reason?" he's trying so hard to be the main character and it's getting on my nerves because this is a dating show. please focus on the person you're interested in, not your "rival" that you're forcing him to be and just let everyone else do their own thing naturally. god. anyway sorry for the rant, just needed to get this off my chest. 😭
this might just be my favourite his man 2 anon so far bc my dear you are so completely right and correct and valid for all of this I’m screaming for you 👏👏👏 like “was that really necessary?” is exactly what’s going through my head every time seonwoo has a conversation with someone
this comparison of how seonwoo and junsung handle information in the house is so beyond telling ESPECIALLY when you consider how they both handle sharing their own feelings vs sharing gossip/drama about other people, bc junsung handled that whole yonghee situation so perfectly, which sounds like an exaggeration bc it also wasn’t especially difficult, like yes if you know an error has been made, just sort it out with that person so they can do what they want with it and don’t share it with anyone else. you’re exactly right, it’s common curtesy, but also shows how seriously good hearted he is bc it never once ever occurred to him to use it against anyone or share it around as gossip. no, he just simply resolved the situation bc he does not care for the drama. let me say it again; HE DOES NOT CARE FOR THE DRAMA. seonwoo keeps trying to get under his skin and start shit and it gets on his nerves that junsung remains unphased. he entered this house and said I’m here for sungho, everyone else can do whatever, I’m gonna do my shit and just try and stop me. bc that’s the thing, he won’t disclose anyone else’s information or gossip but with his own feelings he will be so forward and direct and clear, precisely bc he doesn’t care for drama or misunderstandings, and bc he remains primarily concerned with himself and what he’s doing, knowing that if he stays true to himself and does what he wants, whatever happens at least then he won’t have any regrets.
seonwoo, on the other hand, will play so high and fast with other people’s words and gossip and drama and yet will hardly say a word about how he’s actually feeling. he will stick his nose into any situation and finds it so easy to just share not just what he’s said but what others have said in private conversations to others, and from what we see he doesn’t clarify whether this is information he can share. so yeah, sure, it’s cute he’s playing matchmaker for minsung and hyungjun, but did either of them ever ask him to? did either of them say hey can you help me out and be the go between telling him what I just said? bc minsung is still considering two options, and seonwoo just seems to be pushing hyungjun down his throat for i don’t even know what or if there is an ulterior motive, but no one is intruding on his situation with sungho and junsung so why he’s doing this I truly don’t know. I’m glad he seems to have a good friendship with minsung but at what point does he just start looking like a stirrer, like I swear how many of the conversations in eps 6 and 7 started bc seonwoo pulled someone to the side. and on top of that, from how many of those conversations did we actually learn how he feels about people. whenever he talks about sungho or yonghee, he says nice things that encourage his relationship with them, sure, but there’s only so many times I can hear “he’s special and not what I expected” and “I would like to try and date you sometime” before I’m asking ok but what does that mean?? how much are you interested and to what extent are you committed/willing to commit to this person??? the stuff that actually matters to the other people involved in these relationships. every conversation with him reminds me of jaewon in the eighth sense saying I’m not just gonna tell you my trauma, you have to coax it out of me and I’m sorry but you do not get the jaewon trauma pass.
and just to say… sungho isn’t out here starting drama either. in the kitchen, he simply says I talked to seonwoo to junsung, and doesn’t really go into anymore detail, bc he doesn’t feel the need to disclose everything. and in that conversation, they both hold a level of respect, junsung respecting the privacy of sungho’s conversation with seonwoo and sungho respecting the privacy of what seonwoo said. and yet without disclosing anything they manage to have a fruitful conversation that establishes where they’re all at, which is what the situation needs, clarity. and it just makes me mad that seonwoo doesn’t afford that same privacy to either of them. like it’s gone past a matter of intent for me, like whether he intends to or not, he is starting drama, and it’s too much.
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justgleekout · 9 months
Just saw your tags on the episodes poll and would love to hear a rant about biota if you are willing? 👀
Heyy! Thanks for the ask! <33
I was debating if I wanted to write this rant, because I don’t like to be too negative on this blog, however I do like talking about my opinions and since you asked.... sure ;) here it is haha
I am putting it under the cut for those who don't want to be confronted with negativity though!
I'm not saying everything in this episode sucks. There were some scenes that definitely made me giggle, but the main thing with this this episode is that it's too chaotic for me. everyone is acting without thinking and making decisions that make me uncomfortable. I can’t really explain it, but the whole vibe is just off...
I really dislike the day-drinking and the performances under influence. I am not against drinking, it can be a lot of fun, it's just that irresponsible behavior with alcohol makes me nervous and feel out of control. I'm aware that those are just my personal issues, but its just not my type of humor.
another issue is that I dislike most of the songs in this episode... staring with my controversial opinion is that the song "blame it on the alcohol" sucks. I don’t like how it sounds and I don’t like the vibe (probably for the same reasons I mentioned above). I don’t like the "tick tock" performance and I just can’t stand vomiting. so yeah.. hated that part. The bourbon, scotch and beer song is just... idk, bad? Honestly "my headband" was the best song that episode.
I disliked the whole house party and almost everything that happens during it. People being dickish towards Rachel for not throwing a cool enough party, fuck that. bad friends. The whole spin the bottle scene makes me uncomfortable. The way Finn talks to Rachel as well as Rachel being really annoying, the music, the stereotypes, and again, the whole vibe.
Will's drunk dial. It's gross and creepy. ew.
The weird cowboy bar scene with Will and Beiste.
Burt was acting out of line towards Kurt about Blaine sleeping over. Kurt was in the right there.
The klaine fight and Kurt's biphobic comment. yeah... not it. What I dislike most with this, is that it was never resolved? They just ignored it all together.
Rachel is being a shitty friend to Kurt, dating the guy she KNOWS Kurt is in love with.
I think that about covers my issues with it... lets just say I wasn't the target audience for this episode.
But all this negativity asideeeee. It wouldn’t be me if I didn't end it on a positive note, so I am also gonna list the things I did like:
Kurt's party outfit??? holy fucking shit he looked hot. still can’t believe Blaine wasn't all over him, like what???
Tina just leaving her locker open because closing it would sound like a gun shot. that made me giggle
Kurt's silly dance moves, the little furt conversation panning to Blaine's dancing. incredible.
Santana's crying when Will tells the kids the dangers of alcohol after biota.
How pretty Rachel looks in the scene where her and Kurt they tidy up the house <33
and ofc the last scene: "Yup, I’m gay. 100% gay. Thank you so much for clearing that up for me Rachel." dying. dead. so fucking funny.
Thanks again for the ask! I like to talk so this was fun to answer ;)
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itsstrange · 3 years
Coffee Run & Green Eyes
Series: Spark Between Us
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x Skyline McNoir (OFC)
A/N: Hey everyone! I know it’s been a long time and I apologize for those waiting for more stories, but if you follow me on IG then you would know that this last week I was struck with a stomach flu which caused me to not have enough energy for various things. Luckily, I’ve recovered and feel much better. I also want to apologize to those who have requested me some stories, don’t worry I have Not forgotten about you! Just been dealing with some things!
But!! To not keep you guys in the dark I decided to post a Series I wrote for Ao3 on here, just to give y’all something to read meanwhile I work on some other works for y’all!! Hope y’all enjoy it!
Another thing, we have hit 105 followers y’all!!!! Thank you so much for all the love y’all continue in giving me!! I appreciate it so much!! 🥲💚
✨{Credits to owner for the gif}✨
Summary: Skyline McNoir tags along with a few friends who are attending a convention of some show she’s never watched. Little did she know, she would fall head over heels for the lead actor.
Word Count: 2.4 K
Warnings: Will contain Fluff, public sex, alcohol consumption, public fingering, just pure NSFW for all you Jensen fans out there 😊
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The blasting chorus of Follow Me Now by Jason Gleed, wakes Skyline up. Her Hazel eyes glare straight ahead at the coconut cream wall for a few seconds before bringing the cover above her head, trying to muffled the music. Which didn’t help. At all. Then to make the morning less fun, her bed begins to shake violently by her best friend who’s jumping up down awhile singing at the top of her lungs. Skyline groans into the covers and tries to bury herself deeper into the warmth, but before she can even hide, the covers are being shoved off her form. A shiver runs throughout her body from the coldness in the room.
“C’mon Sky! Today’s the day!” Erin yells as she hovers above,
Skyline groans once again, eyes closed shut when it’s far too bright in the room “Five more minutes,”
“No come on,” Erin says, slightly pushing Sky’s body with her foot, “Tiffany and Laila are already downstairs grabbing breakfast,”
Still not moving, Erin shoves her body once again with her foot, when that didn’t do the trick an evil smirk spreads on her face. Grabbing an unused pillow, she raises it above her head before roughly slamming it against Sky’s head, causing her to jerk upright. With sleep still in her eyes, Sky is only able to squint at her best friend.
“Erin! What the fu-,” Her words were cut off when a large pillow smacks her in the face,
Erin chuckles at her, ignoring the death stare as she hops off her bed, “Chop chop.. we got a busy day today!”
With a roll of her eyes and a loud groan, Sky rolls off the comforter and towards the bathroom. After taking care of her regular morning routines, she hops in the shower. Erin’s music still blasted through the speakers, as Sky took a quick shower and she honestly hoped none of their neighbors complained about their disturbance, she knew she would have if she was trying to get a few more hours of shut eye.
That’s all she ever really wanted at the moment, sleep. After months of studying, exams, piles upon piles of work, and busting all nighters she was finally in winter break. The feeling of being able to come home for the holidays and spending those days with her family sounded amazing and relaxing. However, after the second day of being home, she gets a call from Erin. Mentioning something about having another extra ticket for a convention to meet the cast of some show she’s never watched. She kindly declined the offer, wanting to spend her days off with her family sounded like a much better idea than meeting unknown actors. However, Sky often forgets Erin is not the type to take no for an answer and demanded her to hand the phone over to her mother.
Thinking her mother would defend her and find a way to convince Erin to try and find someone else to take to the convention, Sky hands the phone over to her mother. You can only imagine who won that argument.
Once out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body, Sky heads out the bathroom and towards her duffel bag. In the winter season of Austin, Texas, she decides on a plain long sleeve, black jeans, grey hoodie, black boots on her feet with a leather jacket on top. Once her hair is made and adds a couple splashes of makeup on her face, she grabs her phone and book from the small counter as she follows Erin out the room. After a few minutes later, they finally arrive in the breakfast buffet where Tiffany and Laila are already stuffing themselves with waffles and eggs. With a yawn, Sky makes her way over to the buffet with Erin right behind her. Once they both get their plates and sit down on the table, they dig in before getting on with their day.
8:45 am
“Oh my god!! I just hugged Speight!!” The sound of Laila coming around the corner interrupts Sky from her book,
The sight of Laila bouncing up and down on her feet with a wide grin makes a small chuckle escape from Skyline. As her friends beamed over this Speight guy, Sky returns her focus down on her book. Not really paying much attention at their excitement, but still having a smile on her lips as she reads the next chapter in her book. Even if she’s not having the same excitement as her friends, she is still having fun with them. Being around them in general for whatever reason always brightens her day. No matter how rough of a day she’s seems to be having, her girls always know just how to distract her and make her have fun.
“Ohh it’s almost time for Osric’s panel,” Tiffany says while looking down at her phone,
No longer able to focus on her book, Sky marks her spot before getting up from the floor.
“You guys go in, I’ve got auto’s for Kim at nine,”
It’s barely nine in the morning? Jesus. Sky thinks to herself, the day has felt extremely long she could have sworn it was already noon.
“Okay, let’s go Sky,” Laila motions her head to the side for her to follow,
“If you guys want me to continue tagging along, I’m gonna need an espresso,” Sky states, feeling yet another yawn creeping up her throat,
Her friends chuckle at her but agreed with her idea. They wouldn’t want her dragging her feet all over the convention, besides, coffee did sound like a great idea. Once writing down their preferred drinks in her notes, Sky leaves through the doors, down the steps and towards a coffee shop not too far away. It was only a couple blocks away, she should make it back in no time. Hugging her jacket closer to her body when the wind picks up, Sky quickens her movements to avoid its freezing weather but careful to not slip on the wet pavement. The last thing she needs is to fall flat on her ass, better yet get a concussion or go back home with a broken wrist.
Boy would her mom faint if she saw her daughter in a cast. Will most likely give her a lecture on why it’s important not to be on the phone during the most worst seasons. ‘If you weren’t on the phone this wouldn’t have happened Skyline’. Yep. She can definitely hear her ranting.
After a few blocks in the harsh winds, Skyline is finally reaching the small little coffee joint. Just as she reaches for the handle of the door, another, large, hand reaches at the same time. Thick fingers slightly touching her own, making her pull back with an apology.
“No it’s fine go ahead,” A deep voice says beside her, letting a shiver run down her body,
Most likely from the weather, what else would it be?
She looks up at the man. Dark beard, shades on his face, black hat on his head, with a black T-Shirt underneath a checkered navy flannel and black Levi’s jacket. Even under the dark shades she can tell he was good looking, handsome in fact.
“No you can go ahead,” Sky smiles at the man, stepping aside for him to enter,
He only shakes his head, gripping the door handle as he opens it for her, “Please I insist, my mom would throw a fit if she finds out I didn’t show my manners,”
Sky chuckles at him, “Well we wouldn’t want that now,”
The man chuckles back, smile forming on his lips. Man did that smile just make her stomach flip.
“No, we really wouldn’t,” Chuckling once more at him she accepts the offer with a thanks before entering the coffee shop,
As she walks inside, the change of temperature immediately hits her cold cheeks. Almost as if a heating furnace was suddenly shoved in her face, but she wasn’t complaining, the warmth was needed. Walking further into the coffee shop, she takes a glance over her shoulder to see if the man was behind her, but only lets a smile appear when she catches the moment of him allowing an elderly couple enter before him.
That’s sweet. She thinks to herself as she walks up to the counter. Once her drinks have been ordered and paid, she heads over to a small empty table near the window. Sitting on the chair she pulls out her book and continues where she left off as she waits for her drinks. A few minutes had passed and Sky was too engrossed in her book to notice her name being called out by the barista. Eventually though, she comes back to reality when someone places her drink in front her. Looking up from her book she meets eyes with bright emerald orbs, and noticing those breathtaking eyes belong to the same man from the door.
“I’m guessing your Skyline?,” The way her name rolls off his deep voice sends a shiver down her spine,
Definitely can’t be the air this time, absolutely not.
Eyeing the cup of coffee in front of her, she lifts a eyebrow at the man, teasing him. Even if she sees her name written on the side of the cup.
“And what makes you think that?” The way his lips slightly lift causes something to flip in her stomach,
“Well.. seeing how there’s hardly folks in here,” He looks around the shop for a few seconds before landing his eyes on hers again, “and you being the only one sitting down without a coffee.. I took a guess,”
Sky hums with a smile as she takes the cup, “Nice deduction,”
He shrugs a shoulder with a smile, “This seat taken?”
Sky shakes her head as she takes careful sips from her drink. With a small smile the man pulls out the chair with his other free hand, seeing how he has a cup of his own in one hand.
“I’m Ross by the way,” The man extends a hand once seated,
With a smile Sky accepts his hand, feeling it warm and rough as it wraps around her own.
“Nice to meet you,” Still smiling she pulls away from his firm hand,
“You around from here or just passing through?” He asks, taking careful sips from his cup,
Sky softly smiles at him as she wraps her hands around her coffee, trying to warm up her fingers.
“Born and raised,” He raises a brow at the small fact,
“No kidding?”
She nods, “Yeah but I’m just home for the holidays,”
He hums with a nod, “In the army or something?”
Sky couldn’t help the chuckle that escapes from her, definitely noticing how the corner of the mans lips slightly lift as well.
“More like college. My last year,”
“Really? What’re you studying?” He asks, taking another sip, never letting his eyes drift from her Hazel ones,
But does notice how they dart down towards his mouth before quickly looking back up to his eyes. A small smirk hides behind the cup, but doesn’t hide it when he pulls it away from his face.
“Biology,” He hums once again with a sincere smile, making her stomach flip,
It was such an odd feeling, especially when it was coming directly from a man she hardly knows. But for some reason, it felt right. Their conversations switched from topic to topic, never faltering. It just felt right, as if they were long time friends catching up with each other instead of two strangers who just met. Eventually, their conversation was cut short with the barista calling out her name once again with the rest of her drinks.
Getting up from her seat she walks over to the counter where her drinks waited. As she grabbed a cup holder and begins placing her drinks in each space, Ross, settles next to her. Getting a whiff of his cologne. Leaning on the counter he had both his and her coffee in either hand, which he hands over with a smile once all coffees were safely secured in place.
“I should get going,” She smiles up at his green orbs, and only then noticing how freckles are splashed on his face,
This man was literally dashing, no doubt about it.
“Yeah same here,” He says looking down at his watch, “Need a ride?”
She shakes her head with a smile, “I’m good thanks,”
“You sure? Heard it might rain,” He continues to lean on the counter as she places her coffee in an empty slot of the holder,
“I’m sure, it’s just a few blocks from here,”
“Well it can rain from those few blocks,” He argues as he gives her a smile, not wanting to end their little moment,
Neither did she, but she had friends waiting and the moment she tells them the reason why she took a little longer than expected, they wouldn’t leave her alone until she gives them the whole shebang.
She lets a small chuckle escape her lips as she picks up the coffees, “I’ll make a run for it,”
He softly chuckles at her comment, green eyes staring straight into her Hazel orbs that have slightly turned grey from her sweater. Definitely finding her and her eyes fascinating and beautiful.
“It was nice meeting you Ross,” She smiles at him as she walks away,
He smiles as he watches her, sending her a wave goodbye when she looks over her shoulder before walking out the door. Watching her leave didn’t feel like a loss, it felt the complete opposite actually. Why? Well for starters, he knew it wouldn’t be the last time he saw her considering she had the all too familiar Creation Entertainment wristband on her left hand. Also, he had her book inside his jacket, another reason on why he would see her again.
Both to retrieve her book and to have a reason to see her again. Don’t get him wrong, he was actually going to give it to her before she left, but the thought of holding it and having a reason to see her again sounded like great idea. He wanted to see her again, wanted to have a conversation longer than 10 minutes and just wanted to get to know her. She was different, in a good way, absolutely in a good way. The way she seemed to not know him or maybe she did but simply did not care made him feel relaxed, made him feel somewhat normal and he would give anything to feel that way again.
Even if it meant “stealing” her book to have an excuse to see her again.
-Hope y’all enjoyed this first part of the series!! Stay tuned for random updates for ‘Spark Between Us’ I won’t give an announcement on when I’ll update it so keep your eyes peeled on it!!
-Turn on Post Notifications!! 🔔 For more!!
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ephemeralgalaxies · 3 years
Loki Ep4 Spoilers (again)
TL;DR Mobius is a jealous loner desperate for a connection to heal his own broken self, but for all the crap he gives Loki about not being able to trust others and putting up walls, he's just as terrified of being known and then left behind.
Would just like to take note once again on Mobius refusing to listen to Loki, for once not being able to tell apart (on the surface) what are lies and what's the truth because Loki has done the impossible-- learned to love himself (kinda). For once, this is a part of Loki's life that Mobius doesn't get to witness, and it breaks him. He can't spend weeks analyzing each little tell, it's all right there in the moment. It's a different Loki than he's ever known. Before, in ep1, Mobius knew exactly what to say to get answers out of Loki-- he's studied this. But now? Now Loki is a regular, real person (in a sense... TVA is kinda weird in their "is this technically a part of reality") that went through another traumatic event without Mobius watching alongside. He's scared and doesn't trust himself. He's jumping to conclusions, he's pushing down all his typical questions, coming off harsher, less patience.
And then when he realizes that Loki has learned to care for/love Sylvie (in whatever way that is, this Loki has never truly loved anyone before-- always holding back in fear), it throws out everything he's ever known about Loki out the window. He is changing, not just into someone the TVA can use, but rather into a person of his own. And Mobius doesn't know how to process that immediately, instead resorting to trying to embarrass Loki about his "crush" on Sylvie, lashing out on idea of them forming a romantic relationship because Loki couldn't even form a proper friendship with him (in his mind, especially after Loki leaves the Supermarket with Sylvie in ep2).
He's getting jealous, defensive, angry. The only other time we've seen him remotely this "not-calm" was earlier in ep2 when Hunter B-15 instructs Loki to come with her instead. (my god, he really is just so jealous) (to be fair, though, his closest friend is a lying back-stabber who gives the order to prune him, so... not like this version of Mobius is really in the healthiest environment to begin with...)
And the fact that he just won't let go with that, freaking "I don't need you anymore... or as you might say, 'our interests are no longer aligned.'" Like, I'm sorry but that is a sure petty jab at Loki for choosing Sylvie and this "variant life" over staying and helping him at the TVA (as he's still refusing to believe that they are all variants like Loki/Sylvie say). Especially adding "Yeah, I guess you don't do partners. Unless, of course, it benefits you and you intend to betray them at some point," and "Why? Cause I lied about your 'girlfriend'?"
And if they could do that... then how good is the TVA, truly?
So instead, he has to twist this, find some way to be repulsed by Loki's development-- "this kind of sick, twisted romantic relationship" because how dare Mobius, even for a second, think that maybe there is more to this relationship between Loki and Sylvie than an "incredible seismic narcissist" only ever being able to fall in love with himself? To look in the reflection and see beauty-- not in the dagger and what it's bond, it's craft, it's story means, but rather in the image mirrored back through that love. The person loving, not the existence of love itself. That's why it stabs you in the back, that's why the metaphor failed, because at the time, Loki didn't understand real love, romantic, familial, platonic, or self. He cared for his mother, but he failed her-- he lost her. He always pushed her away enough to keep himself safe, never truly feeling it all. But with Sylvie? it's different. Sylvie understands him. Sylvie, in some ways, is him. Of course he has to learn to love her, to appreciate all she has accomplished despite her struggles. He has to love her so that he can understand that he, too, deserves love. If Sylvie, with the same childhood and parents as him, with trauma and blood on her hands like him, that same desperate attempt to be alone in order to save themselves from being abandoned... if he knows she is worthy of love and happiness, then why can't he be as well? Why does he always have to be alone?
And then when Mobius tells him that Sylvie's been pruned, it destroys him-- he's alone again. Because he can never return to his timeline, never have that Ragnarok bond with his brother, be a true Odinson, avenge his mother. Sylvie is dead-- the one person that could possibly love him because she was him and he's a narcissist (in his own words). Mobius no longer believes him, can no longer see through the lies, too blinded by his own rage and fear and pain. Loki, once again, has no one (the fact that you can pinpoint the exact moment he realizes all this too, ep4 23:06, while Mobius continues to brush his warnings aside and rant on Loki and Sylvie).
"Well, I'm gonna have to close this case now, 'cause I don't need you anymore."
And so, he takes one last jab at Mobius--
"Out of all the liars in this place, and there are a great many, you are the biggest."
M: "Why? 'Cause I lied about your girlfriend?" Because I told you she was dead, because you were terrified, because you don't know how to go on without her?
L: "Oh, no. That I can respect." Ofc you would, that's your job, get information out of me. Manipulate me into thinking I can trust you because you don't trust me enough to let me tell you on my own. Because everything I do is out of my own interest. Of course you would lie about that, so would I. "I mean the lies you tell yourself."
You refuse to believe me now, to think that I could care for you as well, that I am capable of more than loving myself or a version of me. That maybe, for once, I'm not just trying to look out for myself. That maybe knowing that you're trapped here after believing you actually had free will, to learn that no one in this universe-- this sick, twisted timeline --actually has free will. Please believe me, please let me help. I didn't give up on Sylvie, I won't give up on you if you just give me time.
Anyways, this episode absolutely destroyed me
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nanonkorapat · 4 years
eyes and wyel
I said "please don't make me do this" and then y'all had the audacity to make me do it, so here we all are.
So in this in depth rant analysis I'll discuss the way the concept of eyes/staring/looking is handled in where your eyes linger (you can find all episodes here, in case you missed it). You see I'm not really good at this and I've never written a post like that before, but I just can't stop thinking about it.
Anyway, let's start with a quick mention to the title of the series. As we all know the eyes are the window to the soul/a mirror of our heart (if you don't actually believe this, then this post will have no meaning to you). You see, I always found the fact that you can understand so many things about someone just by looking at their eyes very fascinating. But what does it mean when your eyes linger at something or someone? I feel like the most obvious answer to that question is that it shows desire or even love. That's it, you just can't tear your eyes away from that someone. You don't want to lost sight of them, not even for one second. But I think it can also mean something else. Have you ever really stared at someone because you were just trying to understand them? As if, if you stared long enough they would give you the answers you want, as if everything would be magically revealed.
I think in wyel, it might also be that case, alongside with the feeling of desire. I'm not saying Tae Joo and Kang Gook don't really know or understand each other. But I feel like they have both created in their minds an image of the other that might not be entirely accurate. Tae Joo will flirt with Kang Gook and Kang Gook will stare at him and think "Why? Why is he doing this? What does this little brat want now? Can't he see that it is killing me?" and Kang Gook will ask Tae Joo a favor, to not try and seduce him, and Tae Joo will stare at Kang Gook and think "Why? I don't understand. Why is he reacting like that? Why does it always feel that too many things are left unsaid? Why do I feel this anger and jealousy inside my heart? Does he feel the same way? Talk to me Kang Gook, talk to me, talk to me". What I'm trying to say is that some things are very hard to say out loud. Maybe sometimes they are trying to find the truth, to communicate, to understand each other by looks and touches.
And let's not forget what Kang Gook said in this scene.
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Aside from everything else, this is still Kang Gook's job. It is a master/servant relationship and Tae Joo is the only one who can't or doesn't want to see it. Kang Gook doesn't even have the freedom to look away, even if he wanted to. Even if what he is seeing is causing him so much pain, he can't look away. Of course, he might be using his job as an excuse to keep looking at Tae Joo. But in that scene we can also see how much he dislikes this situation. As I said on another post, he doesn't feel free. He isn't even allowed to make simple choices about his life. And as we now know they have been together for 15 years. He has been basically living as a shadow his whole life. But he can't look away now. He can't free himself and he is probably drowning in a pit of self loathing for that.
This is already getting too long and we haven't even talked about any of the actual episodes yet. I apologise to the 10 of you who will actually read this, but that's me! I ramble a lot.
Okay so when I started writing this I was planning to comment on some scenes from each episode, but as I was watching it again and taking screenshots, I noticed something interesting. These boys look at each other so much. Like a lot. Of course it’s normal to look at the person you are talking to, but they look at each other so much, even when they aren’t talking. If they are in the same room, they will look at each other. I can’t really explain it, you should see it yourself. It’s easy to see the difference when Kang Gook is on a date with Hyemi. They don’t look at each other as much as Kang Gook and Tae Joo look at each other. And I don’t mean only when Tae Joo comes and Kang Gook keeps stealing glances at him. Even when they talk or eat, they just don’t spend the same amount of time staring at each other. One might say it is because they just met. Well yeah, but also, just go and watch it again and you’ll understand what I’m on about (hopefully). 
ANYWAY let’s just get to the actual scenes. 
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#1: Okay damn let’s talk about this. This is the scene Tae Joo’s father hits Kang Gook and threatens Tae Joo that he’s gonna send him to England if he doesn’t behave. Look at the sadness in his eyes. After he gets hit Kang Gook turns at Tae Joo and gives him a strained smile. Tae Joo desperatly needs someone to comfort him, to tell him that his father isn’t going to send him away, that he won’t be separated with Kang Gook who has always been the person closest to him. I believe he feels sad Kang Gook is being punished at that moment because of him, but most importantly he just doesn’t want to go. Kang Gook has always been a constant in his life (except that one week in Japan maybe). I can see why Kang Gook said that Tae Joo sees him as him mother. He always was the one to comfort Tae Joo and put him back together and Tae Joo seems to always depend on Kang Gook for emotional support. 
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#2: Tae Joo’s face before and after Kang Gook says “If you are that good, maybe you don’t need a bodyguard anymore”. Again his whole face changes completely and he looks so shaken. The truth is he probably can’t imagine his life without Kang Gook, the thought alone terrifies him. Maybe he is even slightly hurt that Kang Gook even said something like this. Like this friendship, relationship, or whatever it is, isn’t as important to him as it is to Tae Joo. I-
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#3: Tae Joo asking if Kang Gook saw him and Mingyeong kiss the previous night. I believe Tae Joo probably knows Kang Gook did see them. And the fact that he brings it up like that makes Kang Gook so angry. He’s probably wondering why did he have to bring it up. And why is Tae Joo even asking when he knows his job is to always look after him and of course he saw it because he is his bodyguard and he must watch him 24/7. It hurts Kang Gook that he saw that kiss and that he didn’t have a choice. But he is also very angry because Tae Joo is oblivious to all of this and his feelings. 
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#4: I don’t have much to say about this. Look at the softness in Tae Joo’s eyes and how, although this is a kind of awkward situation, he isn’t averting his gaze. For fuck’s sake, where’s his oscar??
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#5: Now Tae Joo is experiencing all these confusing new feelings and he can’t stop thinking about Kang Gook. The famous shadow speech. You can see both confusion and maybe anger in his eyes. I am not sure if he is actually staring at Kang Gook or if he is seeing a shadow. That scene is just a really good example of a very confused boy. And all that hurt is turning into anger. 
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#6: I believe at this point Tae Joo has actually started realizing what his feelings mean. He gets into the restaurant and doesn’t look at Kang Gook at all. This is the first time he acknowledges them. Right after Hyemi asks if Kang Gook likes Tae Joo and then if Tae Joo likes Kang Gook. We basically know he hears everything they say so that can’t be random. He wants to hear the answer. So he looks at Kang Gook with the same sad eyes and waits. And then he hears the famous “master/servant relationship” response. 
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#7: So many things have already been said about this scene. They both realize the importance of what really happened. And it’s not just the “you were supposed to be protecting me” thing. Kang Gook mechanically went to Hyemi. It wasn’t even a concious choice. His instinct told him to protect her and not Tae Joo. He probably sees this as Kang Gook not caring enough about him, actually not caring at all. He would just let him get hurt. 
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#8: Nothing to say about this, I just had to include this. 
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#9: This. This parallel. Even when he was on a date with Hyemi, from the moment Tae Joo entered the place, Kang Gook couldn’t stop stealing glances at him. And ofc she noticed. I believe Hyemi is actually very smart and observant. Kang Gook probably really tried to like her and forget about Tae Joo, but his eyes betrayed him. You see, that’s what eyes do. You can’t control it. That’s why I think this is all very interesting. 
FINAL POINT I PROMISE. Look at the following screenshots. 
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#10: As I said, while watching it again to take these screenshots for this post, I noticed how much they look at each other. They literally can’t take their eyes away from each other. That’s why the moments that they DON’T stand out so much. Bet you didn’t see that coming, huh? I think it’s mostly Tae Joo trying to avoid Kang Gook every time he’s angry or upset and Kang Gook trying to avoid the topic of their feelings and hide the truth. Them not looking at each other though, feels me with so much sadness. You can feel something is clearly very very wrong. 
In conclusion, 
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many-gay-magpies · 3 years
i got tagged by @mari-kigold!! this was so much fun, thank u for the tag artzyy <3
1. why did you choose your url?
very simple actually. it was gay-jesus-official for the longest time but i needed a change of pace, SO here we are! im gay, i like birds, and my name is magpie—hence, many gay magpies.
(more under the cut)
2. any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
i have three but in only really use one of them sjfhdffgfgc
@bambihee, for moodboards! (it's mainly enhypen-centric at the moment, as is my main)
the other two are old blogs from back when i was in the koc. one of them was my koc "main" that is 99% dead, and the literal only reason i havent deactivated yet is because of the past messages with a close moot that i dont want to lose ;-; the other is a koc rant blog-turned-normal rant blog that i havent used in weeks, honestly i dont know why im keeping it. attachment? pretty jeonghan layout? who knows. anyways im not tagging either of them because theyre both dead af and there would be literally no point <3
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
hold on uhhhh *sounds of a gay doing math* i think like 19 or 20 months? cuz i joined in october of 2019
4. do you have a queue tag?
i barely use the queue BUT since i recently started making moodboards i have a tag for when i promote stuff from my moodboard blog which is just q: bambihee
but other than that no
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i'd been kind of wanting to do it for a while cuz i kept seeing screenshots of tumblr posts on pinterest and it seemed gloriously chaotic (it is), but what really made me take the ✨deep dive✨ was me wanting to see what the kpop, particularly stray kids, fandom was like on tumblr
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a picture of heeseung because i'm whipped for him and it's this PARTICULAR picture of heeseung because he just looks so soft in it :(( like seriously his eyes are so big and beautiful
7. why did you choose your header?
i don't have a header at the moment, BUT my last header was a screenshot of heeseung from the fever mv which i don't think requires an explanation <3
8. what's your post with the most notes?
i don't know for certain, but im guessing its the one onlyoneof post i made about the members' reactions to wooksung's ✨move✨ in the libidO dance practice
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i havent counted and i dont really care to to be honest
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
what, really, is the criteria for a shitpost? what is "shitposting"? what is our purpose in life?
(the answer is yes)
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
if i ever end up fighting somebody, even just over tumblr, i will probably cry, have a panic attack, or both. i would rather walk into a tree than engage in conflict with a person.
i did disappoint someone once and frankly i think that was just as bad
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i do not like them. i used to reblog like every one i saw because i was always like "but what if", but i have since decided that i will not be giving a fuck. i reblog your post when i want to, thank you very much, i dont care if madame zeroni or whoever the fuck curses me for all eternity, that shit is an unnecessary stressor for already plenty-stressed human beings and has no place on my blog
16. do you like tag games?
yes!! not that you'd know it from how little i actually participate in them svfhfhfgdg
i appreciate you tagging me very much i am just forgetful and stressed :<
17. do you like ask games?
ALSO yes! tho i dont get them that often tbh
the ones that are like 'mutuals send this emoji in an ask to see what your mutual thinks of you!' lowkey stress me out because im afraid i wont know what to say ghdhghvh (it doesn't stop me from doing them tho <3)
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uh. none of them? i dont know
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope, and i never have <3 (not a serious CRUSH-crush, anyway)
20. tags?
im gonna tag @ateezaligned @baby-dinobean @markismybxtch @sunghoonseyebrowcult and anyone else who wants to do this! you don't have to if you don't want to ofc ^^
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 25: The One where They Frolic in the Forest but like, Sad This Time
Okay folks, buckle up bc this one has a lot of Hetero Drama and Stupid Plot Things
But look!! I’ve made it to the halfway point of the show!! I’m so proud of myself
We’re gonna skip as much of that as possible
BUT this one has some EPIC moments to make up for it
We start at Lotus Pier
Stuff’s happening that we’re not interested in 
except for how our resident Disaster Het jzx comes by to invite the jiang clan to the jin clan’s awesome sleepover with sweet sweet party games
Plot plot plot
I guess that’s how they open sleepovers in Ancient Fantasy China?
Blegh, jgy is talking
And here the jin clan bring out their wen prisoners bc they think it’s fun to place them in front of the targets??? anD THEY GET AWAY WITH IT??
Wwx at least tried to protest but jc shut him down, bc their clan really isn’t strong enough to stir up trouble rn 
*takes a deep breath*
Okay, okay
I’m calm, i’m cool
So that happened
Jzx tries to show off by shooting an arrow and getting a bullseye without hitting any of the prisoners
And wwx sees this and is like, hmmmm, i can humiliate jzx AND discreetly protect the wen prisoners!!! (and give the audience a bite of wangxiantics)
Wwx: lan zhan, do me a favor
Lwj: what’s the matter?
Wwx: can i borrow your forehead ribbon?
Lwj just stares at him in response and wwx sulks but doesn’t push it
(lol, jc sees that go down and is just completely exasperated, like, one day, can we get one day when you don’t OVERTLY FLIRT WITH LWJ in front of EVERYONE??)
(the answer is no. no, he cannot do that, jc)
(he’s not allowed to not flirt with lwj)
Since he couldn’t get the super special forehead ribbon, he uses one of his own wrist ribbon things to blindfold himself
Wwx: nbd nbd, imma just shoot 5 arrows whilst blindfolded and hit every bullseye there is WITHOUT harming any of these innocent war victims.
It’s all in the twirl, baby
He does a Dramatic Twirl, Smirks™ and then releases those arrows like nothing
And afterwards he has this proud little grin on his face bc hell yeah, he just owned jzx’s smug ass AND prevented any harm from falling on innocent people
He sees wwx be a badass with a bow and arrow and immediately turns to lxc next to him with an expression like HOLY FUCKING SHIT, DID YOU SEE THAT, THAT WAS AWESOME and starts clapping like a madman
For future reference, this is the correct response to wwx all the time, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU BB
After all that, wwx struts back to stand next to lwj and gives him a proud little smile. It’s so cute, so cute.
Jgy is talking again BLEGH
Now we’re in the forest!! For hunting reasons!!
Wwx makes himself comfy by a tree and plays Magic Music on his demon flute and is all pretty while doing it and supposedly gets all this prey to jump into Jiang nets
we never actually see this happen but everyone says it happened and who am i to argue?
(actually i like to argue one-sidedly at the screen a lot but this was not important enough so whatever)
Also, side note, jc is KILLIN IT with his fashion choices in this ep. LOOKIN GOOD BRO
But we don’t care about any of this 
And then it gets sad. Sad times in the forest :(
Wwx was totally making a move to get lwj’s attention but he stops himself
Bc he remembers the conversation he had with lxc about how the ones he cares about can be hurt by his decisions
Thank goodness lwj notices him back
Wwx looks so surprised but also pleased the lwj sees him
And ofc lwj does not hesitate to go to wwx
Wwx: hey lan zhan, i heard you got tired of writing out the Lan Fam Rules~!
He’s happily engaging him in conversation!! He’s trying to tease him again!
Too bad lwj does not go along with it
This whole “let’s ruin wwx’s attempts for pleasant conversation by bringing up sad things” is getting really old lwj, stop that
Lwj: i made some progress in composing the music score and i’d like to share it with you to see if it works
eXCuSe mE??
Wwx: lan wangji, lan wangji
Noooo he’s reverted to calling him formally!!
And his tone went all flat!!
Wwx: who do you take me for? Why can’t you leave me alone?
The minute wwx asks him that, lwj lowers his gaze when previously he had his eyes glued to wwx’s face the whole time
Lwj: who do you take me for?
He says all somberly, STILL NOT LOOKING AT WWX
Oh god, their faces are breaking my heart
After lwj says that, wwx stares at him for a long moment before canting his eyes to the side AND THEY LOOK KIND OF TEARY??
Wwx: i once treated you as my lifelong confidant (AKA SOULMATE)
Lwj: i still am
Aaaaand the moment’s interrupted bc of stupid jzx and his Hetero Drama
Wwx hears someone approaching and he grabs lwj by the arm and drags him to a hiding spot where they can spy on jzx who just appeared with jyl
You know, i love how whenever wwx grabs lwj to drag him somewhere we get a bit of slo-mo stuff to, i guess, emphasize wwx is touching lwj or something
Not that we need the emphasis
It’s not like we’re not already hyper-aware of their EVERY INTERACTION
So now we get to watch wwx and lwj spy jzx and jyl
Lol, i wonder what lwj is thinking
Does he watch this and sympathize? Does he get secondhand embarrassment bc he knows he doesn’t do any better expressing his feelings to his soulmate??
I can’t imagine he has any actual interest in spying on Disaster Het jzx
Lwj is a Disaster Gay 
There can only be so much Disaster at a time, y’know?
or maybe he’s just thinking OMG WWX TOUCHED ME OMG WWX IS SO CLOSE
yeah, that’s probably it
Okay, there’s Hetero Drama going down 
Blah blah blah
BUT WAIT, jzx just made jyl tear up AGAIN
Wwx is all ready to tear jzx a new one but lwj holds him back before he could give away their location
Like, if asked, i’m sure lwj would say “oh, i stopped him to avoid an inter-clan incident” or whatever
But his REAL reason for holding him back was bc he was enjoying have wwx so physically close to him again
While secluded in a hidden spot
I mean, there’s less than a foot of space between them
I wouldn’t be so eager to give that up if i had wwx that close to me either
But lwj can’t hold him back for long bc jzx does another douchebaggy thing and wwx has had Enough
Wwx goes to defend his sister BC NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO MAKE JYL SAD, OKAY?
Wwx and jzx argue and then jzx draws his sword and takes a swing at wwx!!
Lol jzx is so confused as to why lwj is there suddenly
You just tried attacking his soulmate, bro
what did you think was gonna happen
Ugh more Hetero Drama
Gotta say, i do enjoy watching jzx get scolded by his mother
Asshole cousin starts stirring up trouble and throwing a hissy fit about how wwx used his demon flute to catch 30% of the prey and how it’s Dishonorable and Cheating behavior
Lwj turns to wwx for a moment here and is like “30%??” idk if he’s impressed or concerned here.
Maybe both
Lwj gets a lot of Feelings around wwx, okay?
Lol, while asshole cousin is ranting, wwx turns his back on him to look at lwj
Wwx: oh, lan zhan, i didn’t thank you earlier for blocking that attack for me! Thank you~!
Wwx is holding it together until asshole cousin accuses the jiang clan of having a corrupt or weak family or smth?
Then he starts getting all twitchy the way he does when Resentment kicks in
Asshole cousin continues to goad him and wwx starts to reach for his demon flute
Lwj flies to his side and grabs his arm!
Lwj: wei ying, concentrate. Wei ying, concentrate.
(wwx has a knack for making lwj repeat himself)
Jyl joins him to help wwx calm down
And now we take a break from wangxiantics for BADASS JYL TIME
Jyl goes and apologizes all sweetly to everyone for wwx’s supposedly rude behavior or whatever
And then turns to asshole cousin
Jyl: i might not know much about hunts, but i know there’s never been a rule about catching too much prey
Jyl: it’s not his fault you can’t hunt prey. He used a different method that he worked hard to learn
Jyl: FURTHERMORE, you called him the son of a servant when he is my dear little brother
Jyl: so i would like for you to apologize to wwx
Madam jin is like, ah, it’s not that big of a deal, let the boys squabble 
And jyl shuts that down by telling her that wwx is family, an insult to him is not a trivial matter for her
Blah blah plot blah blah jzx is a Disaster Het in front of Witnesses blah blah 
Gross, sect leader yao goes off on a rant
We’re gonna ignore him
We cut to wwx downing a jar of wine in the middle of town 
*sigh* i don’t even know why i bother telling him off at this point, he’s obviously not worried at all about alcoholism
Ooooh, and now we’re getting Lan Bro time. Very wangxiantic lan bro time
Lxc: lwj, i can tell you’re worried about something. What is it?
Lwj: …
Lwj: lxc, i..i want to bring a man to Cloud Recesses
(guys, the ellipses here actually happened. We actually hear lwj do a start-stop on his sentence)
(Our boy is Overcome with Feeling rn)
Lxc: bring a man back to Cloud Recesses?
Lwj: bring him back…and hide him there.
Lxc: hide him?
Lwj: …
Lxc: he may be unwilling to go, right?
Lwj stays silent here, and the lan bros manfully stare off to the distance
(I like to pretend that here lxc starts coming up with elaborate kidnapping plots bc he wants his lil bro to be happy and that’s only happening if he drags wwx back to their home)
(i mean, locking up your soulmate against their will is a Lan family tradition, isn’t it??)
This forest frolic was not nearly as fun as the last one :(
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jehaatiade · 5 years
Knight in Tarnished Armor
An Ezra x OFC fic
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, blood, description of injuries, drug misuse.
Summary: Ezra makes a new friend under fortuitous but less than fortunate circumstances.
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“Eight men,” Ezra mutters to himself as he slogs through the hip-high fronds of ferns heavy with sporangia. “I came to this hellacious veridian globe with eight men. Fourteen days from planetfall, and how many of them are left? Not a one. Just me.” 
He kicks a fallen log in passing, trying to vent his frustration. The rotten wood crumbles unsatisfyingly under his boot, and tiny pseudocrustaceans flee for cover as their shelter is destroyed. “Somehow,” he tells the absconding insectoids, “I imagined being the monster to be more gratifying than that.”
He plods on, moving through the small clearing and back into the dense arboraceous embrace of the forest. “No one to blame but myself, I suppose,” he says, continuing his monologue. “I should’ve known better than to sign on with a crew of kips. But they promised me a twenty-percent stake just to teach them how to dig. That could hardly be a herculean task, could it?”
He huffs out a short laugh at his own foolishness, and almost misses the brief crackle of static from his comm. Almost, but not quite. As he fiddles with the modulation settings, the conversation slowly becomes coherent.
“- told you it was a fifty-fifty chance of the cat blowing, and you said hit it!” A woman’s voice, irate, is the first to come through clearly.
“I swear to Kevva, woman, if you don’t fix this then I’m gonna carve you up like an aurelac sac and use your guts for fishing line,” a man growls back at her.
“Oh, fuck you!”
Ezra keys his transmitter, cutting in before the man can reply. “Loath as I am to interrupt a spirited debate, I could not help overhearing your dilemma. It so happens I have some mechanical equipment I am seeking to exchange for supplies.”
“Get the fuck off our channel, floater!” the man yells.
“What is your problem, Pásovec? You’re gonna tell somebody who might have parts we need to get lost just because you’re in a bad mood?” the woman asks. “You’re welcome to join us, friend. We’re at eight-oh-four point fifteen by thirty-seven point twenty-” The number is cut short by a yelp. “What are you doing? Get off me!”
“I have had it with your big fucking mouth,” Pásovec snarls. His statement is quickly followed by a cry from the woman. Ezra’s already at eight-oh-four point one by thirty-six point five; he can make it to their location in under three minutes if he drops his heavy supply-filled pack. “And your bleeding fucking heart!” Pásovec continues. Another cry, this one a short, high scream of pain. “You’re useless to me, and I’m sick of you using up the oxygen I paid for!”
Ezra shoves the pack under the bole of a toppled stump and runs.
The Green has never been more of an adversary than it is now. Vines underfoot grasp at his ankles. Broken branches snatch at his protective suit as he pushes through the trees. Dangling moss leaves protoplasmic ooze in smears across the faceplate of his helmet. Pásovec is muttering in a language Ezra doesn’t understand, but rage needs no translation. Every few breaths, the man’s rant is interspersed with another cry from his victim. Ezra is almost to the site, able to see a small ship through the trees, when her exclamations turn to desperate gasps: “No! No! Get off! No, don’t!”
He skids into the clearing, thrower already drawn, and sizes up what he sees in less than a second: one figure sprawled on the ground, and one figure kneeling on the other’s chest, trying to wrench the other’s helmet from them. He shoots the one on top, and they topple to the side in graceless languor mortis. The violent cacophony over the comms stops abruptly, leaving only the sound of someone hyperventilating.
“Are you all right?” Ezra asks. He holds his position, scanning the clearing for any other crew.
“Y-Yeah.” The woman’s voice belies her claim, shaking like a sapling in a high wind. The figure on the ground starts to leverage themselves into a sitting position, and she grunts with the effort. “You s-saved my life.”
The Green is still, other than the omnipresent dust, with no indication that there’s other living beings within any near distance. Ezra lowers his thrower and starts to approach. “It seemed in my own best interest to assist the individual amenable to trade,” he says as he moves closer.
She gives a sharp bark of laughter, then shudders and makes a noise akin to a sob. “He was gonna kill me,” she gasps. “F-Fuck, I knew he was an asshole but I didn’t th-think he was that crazy.”
“I dare say we have all misjudged someone’s character at some point.” He takes a knee beside the woman, his thrower pistol still in his hand but held casually at his side. She lifts her head to look at him. The inside of her faceplate is smeared with red from a bloody nose that still drips across her lips to trail toward her chin. Beneath the blood, her face is pale. She’s pretty in an angular fashion, especially with those sea-and-sky blue eyes. “Would I be far off the mark to surmise you’d welcome further aid?”
She swallows and shakes her head. “Help me get inside. I’ll make you a- a mutually beneficial proposition, how about that?”
“I do like a bold woman.” Ezra grins, holstering his thrower before he offers his hand to her. “Such a prodigious vocabulary is a marvelous supplement.”
“Oh, fuck you,” she says without malice. She clasps his forearm, and he stands to heave her to her feet. Something in the effort goes awry, alas, and she collapses into his arms with a scream that escapes from gritted teeth. “My knee,” she groans. “I can’t put any weight on it.”
“Don’t fret, now, little bird,” Ezra says, trying to reassure her as he draws her arm over his shoulders. He clasps his arm around her waist, taking as much of her weight as he can. “We’ll have you flying again in no time. Left foot first, now.” Her movement forward on her good leg is more like a hop than a step, but she makes it with only a stifled gasp.
Under mundane circumstances, the walk to the ship’s airlock and the lone step up would be a matter of no more than half a minute. Instead it’s a torturously slow process, punctuated with suppressed sounds of suffering from his new acquaintance. At last, the airlock doors close behind them and the filters begin to cycle.
“You know, you haven’t done me the courtesy of telling me your name,” Ezra says in the dimly red-lit closeness.
She’s still panting from the struggle of motion, and he counts her breaths, reaching four before she answers. “Leda.”
“A fine appellation, heavy with mythology. I myself am Ezra.”
“Ezra,” she repeats. The airlock doors in front of them hiss open, and she gestures forward with a nod of her head. “The med bay’s right there.”
“Then we had best proceed.”
The med bay door opens at a touch of Leda’s hand, and Ezra can’t help but take in the bounty with raised eyebrows. Spotless, sterile, and stocked with enough supplies for years, he can only imagine the amount of aurelac that harvesters would hand over for this level of medical attention. It’s far easier to picture the kind of violence they’d do to get access.
Leda shifts forward when he doesn’t move, listing precariously toward the examination table. Reminded of why he’s here, he helps her put her back to the table and then lifts her bodily to sit on it. She undoes the seals on her helmet, setting it aside, and Ezra follows suit. Free from the confines of the cover, her dark blonde hair just barely brushes her shoulders, and the evidence of her bloody nose is smeared all the way down her throat.
“I’m gonna need your help getting this off.” She pops the pressure seals on her suit, unzipping it down to her belly and shrugging out of the upper half. Underneath, she wears only a white tank top. Ezra notes with appreciation the corded muscles of her shoulders and arms; no mere miner’s mascot, this one. “I can push myself up, and you can pull it over my hips, yeah?”
“A sound plan,” he agrees. He moves closer, unzipping the suit a little more before he grasps the fabric at either side of her waist. “On three?” She nods briskly. He gives the count. On three, she pushes herself up off the cot, creating a few scant measures of space for Ezra to yank her suit down to her thighs. Without being asked, he crouches to remove her boots and free her legs from the heavy tangle. When he looks up, he’s on a level with her knees. He grimaces at the sight; her right knee is already swollen to half again the size of her left, and a dark angry red that heralds catastrophic bruising. “This is bad.”
“No fucking kidding!” she snaps, high and breathless. He raises a single eyebrow and stands once more. “Fuck, I’m sorry. That was uncalled-for.”
He accepts her apology with a nod. “It was hardly the most astute observation I’ve ever made.”
Leda returns his nod before she reaches for an item stored in a case on the wall. He recognizes it when she sets it in her lap: a diagnostor, latest generation, ten leads and a battery life of six months. It’s worth fifty thousand, at least. She unspools the leads from the body of the instrument, placing the unipolar heads on and around her knee gingerly. For the last lead, she pulls up the hem of her shorts to place the head on her inner thigh at her femoral vein. 
Ezra catches himself watching and turns away before she looks up, stepping back and starting to remove his own protective suit. The further he undresses, the more he feels out of place; his clothes are grubby and stained, and he stinks of dirt and sweat. One day I’ll have all this, he tells himself, same as he always does when he measures up against the rich and successful and finds himself falling short. One day I’ll have all this, and we’ll see who’s out of place then.
“Hey, would you do me a favor?” Leda’s question pulls him out of his thoughts.
“I suppose that would be contingent upon the specific request.” Ezra tucks his thrower into the waistband of his pants before he steps out of his boots and sets his suit aside. Turning back to face her, he finds himself trying to measure her up. Is this her ship? Her riches? What woman with this kind of money would come to the Green Moon to grub for more?
“There’s gauze in the first drawer on the right over there,” she says, pointing at the cabinets along the wall. “Would you grab a square and get it damp for me? I’d like to clean up.”
He does as she asks, removing the gauze from its packaging and wetting it with water from a squeeze bottle before bringing it over to her. She thanks him, taking it and starting to remove the drying blood from her face. Still in her lap, the diagnostor beeps quietly to itself as it works. “I find myself overcome with curiosity,” Ezra says as he watches Leda methodically wash her jaw and throat. “This breathtaking craft. Is it yours?”
“No, Pásovec’s,” she answers without the hesitation that would betray a lie. “But when I make it out of here, a few thousand in the right pockets will put the registration in my name.” She meets Ezra’s eyes and gives him a wolfish smile. “I knew one way or another, I was making a fortune on this job.”
“Speaking of a fortune, I believe you said something about a mutually beneficial proposition?”
Leda nods and sets the dirty square of gauze aside. “To borrow your turn of phrase in return, would I be far off the mark to surmise you’re out here on your own?”
Ezra crosses his arms, considering his answer before he gives it. Trusting a stranger in the Green is the surest way to get to Kevva quick. But she’s unarmed, unless she wants to hit him over the head with the diagnostor, and he’s sanguine about his odds of outrunning her. “I might be,” he finally allows.
“This isn’t my first time in the Green, handsome. You wouldn’t be looking to trade components for comestibles if you weren’t neck-deep in some form of bad luck.” She raises her brows expectantly.
Ezra sighs and rubs the back of his neck. Caught out by a pretty face. “The crew I came with got themselves killed, to a man, and got our ship blasted beyond use while they were at it. I’ve been looking to barter aurelac for a ride.”
“I’ve got supplies for twelve weeks, enough for me and a partner,” Leda says. He blinks at her, taken aback by her forthrightness. Sharing information on your supplies is akin to hanging a sign around your neck saying This is how much you’ll get if you kill me. “I can pilot, I can repair, and I can harvest. But the way my knee looks, I think it’s going to be a while before I can dig. I don’t want to leave here empty-handed. And as thanks for saving my life, I’m willing to go sixty-forty in your favor on takings before overhead.”
A smile slowly creeps across Ezra’s face. “I suppose it is my deed that has put you in the market for a new partner. Perhaps it would be only equitable to fill the position myself.”
“Shake on it?” Leda asks, holding out her hand. Ezra clasps it and gives her a firm shake. As soon as he releases her, the diagnostor trills to announce the completion of its task. Leda picks it up and starts to read from the screen: “Grade three medial collateral ligament injury. No surgical intervention required, estimated six weeks recovery time. Son of a bitch.” 
The last, Ezra presumes, is her own judgement. “What do you need?”
Leda huffs and starts to remove the diagnostor’s leads from her leg. “There should be crutches in that locker,” she says, pointing. “I need to get into the workspace and get the printer started on a brace. That’s going to take a couple of hours.”
“Anything else?” he asks as he retrieves the crutches. 
“There’s a cryotherapy unit in the locker two to the left of that one,” she continues. The unit is about the size of a shoebox, but considerably heavier; Ezra tucks it under his arm to carry it and the crutches over to his new partner. Leda sets the unit on the cot and accepts the crutches with a sigh. “And a painkiller shot, in case I fall off these things. First cupboard, bottom shelf, on the right.”
Ezra finds the box of syrettes easily and gives a low, appreciative whistle as he digs one out. “The good stuff. You are exceptionally well-stocked, my friend.”
“When Pásovec hired me, he said to send him a list of supplies. I wasn’t expecting him to buy everything on it. Not exactly an unpleasant surprise, though.” Leda takes the syrette and raises it in a parody of a toast. “Here’s to rich idiots, huh?”
“To rich idiots and the riches they leave behind,” Ezra agrees.
“I like you,” Leda says, and slams the syrette into her thigh with no further ceremony. She gives a groan and rolls her eyes as the medicine dispenses automatically. When the cartridge is empty, she removes it and places it in a sharps bin on the wall. “Okay. I need you to carry this-” She holds out the diagnostor. When Ezra takes it, she taps the case of the cryo-unit beside her. “And this, please.”
“Reduced to menial labor so early in our relationship,” Ezra sighs dramatically as he tucks the unit under his arm again. “This could bode ill for our continued collaboration.”
“Maybe I ought to bat my lashes and say how I find myself in desperate need of a big, strong man,” Leda replies. She shifts forward as Ezra laughs, carefully putting her weight on the crutches. After testing her balance, she moves toward the door, her gait punctuated by the click of the crutches. In the narrow ingress beyond, she turns to the right and limps through another door.
Ezra bites his tongue to keep from whistling again at the workspace. It’s state-of-the-art, more something he’d expect to see in a slick hi-tech zine than in any ship to set landing pads on the Green Moon. In the near corner, a printer large enough to fit a small child in its bay hums quietly to itself. There’s a workbench along the same wall, the space above it taken by shelves of neatly organized bins. Opposite the workbench is a modest kitchen unit, more storage, and a plush-looking L-shaped couch. A sturdy metal table stands in the middle of the room, flanked by plastic-and-steel-tube chairs.
“Do you know how to plug the diagnostor into the printer and tell it to make the recommended brace?” Leda asks, pulling his attention away from the extravagant accommodations.
Ezra eyes the printer. “At a guess, connect the printer’s data input cable to the diagnostor’s cat-six port and hit the big green button?”
“Look at that, beauty and brains.” Leda turns away and starts to click toward the couch. Ezra, in turn, approaches the printer. He’s only just taken the input cable from its slot beside the controls when there’s a thump and a groan behind him. He glances over his shoulder to see Leda slumped on the couch, her injured leg stretched across the cushions. He looks back to his work, but he’s still able to hear her speak, softly enough that he isn’t sure if she’s talking to him or to herself. “I should be more useful. I’m making a bad impression. First day back on the job, my boss breaks my leg and I make friends with the guy who shot him to death. At least I get the ship for my troubles.”
The printer cheerfully beeps confirmation of the design order and whirs to life. Ezra sets the diagnostor down and hefts the cryo-unit before he crosses the room to Leda’s side. “Where do you want this?” he asks.
“Just on the floor is good,” she says, still speaking softly. “I’m sorry, that shot was a lot stronger than I thought it was. I should’ve only done half.”
Ezra chuckles. “Flying high, little bird?” he teases as he pulls the tubing and straps from the unit. Leda sits up with a grunt when he places them in her lap, and starts to wrap the apparatus around her knee. “If you don’t need anything else, I had best head out and retrieve my pack. Won’t take me but a little while.”
“If you want a clean filter, they’re, um-” She gestures vaguely at the storage on the near wall. “Um. Third shelf, on the… left.” Instead of going to grab a filter, Ezra sits on the low metal caf table, watching Leda thread and tighten the straps with the excessive caution of the intoxicated. When she completes the task, he switches on the unit rather than make her lean over to get it. She hisses as the pressure in the tubing increases, the cryo-unit pumping ice-cold gel through the tubes and over her injury. “Thanks.”
“I do happen to have a few inquiries before I go, if you wouldn’t be troubled to resolve them.” Ezra cocks his head and gives a winning smile; Leda glances at him and gives a vague nod before she lays back down. “Now, I would be the first to confess that I rarely lay all my cards on the table in a negotiation, and it is not so much an accusation as a recognition of good business practice when I insinuate you may have done the same.”
Leda only blinks at him. It seems if he wants to take advantage of her brief pharmaceutical-induced vulnerability to interrogate her, he has to pander to her temporarily reduced faculties. 
“What haven’t you told me?” he rephrases. “Do you have other crew?”
“No, it was just me and the asshole. He was convinced there was a deposit near here worth hundreds of millions, but he needed somebody to do the prospecting.” She sighs and closes her eyes. “I figured he might try to kill me if I found the deposit, but I didn’t think he’d try before then.”
“What else? You were arguing when I found your channel.”
“The LXH catalyzer is bust,” Leda says, eyes still closed. “I can put something together to replace it, it’ll just take me a few days. I wouldn’t want to try and break high orbit on it, but it’ll get us up to the transport.”
“And the deposit? Do you know where it is?”
Leda shakes her head slowly. “It was Pásovec’s secret. He had a notebook he always kept on him.”
“Anything else? Anyone going to come looking for Pásovec?”
She opens her eyes to blink up at him for a moment before she shakes her head again. “Nobody knew anything. I’m pretty sure he killed the guy who told him about the deposit.”
“I’ll look for that notebook, then,” Ezra says. “You gonna be all right here on your own? Want me to grab you a thrower in case any uninvited visitors drop in?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Armory’s over there.” Ezra stands and retrieves a pistol from the locker beside the workbench. When he gives it over to his new partner, she checks the cassette with the swift muscle-memory of a professional. She sets the pistol on her stomach, her hand draped over it with a feigned nonchalance that conceals her readiness to draw. “I might fall asleep before you get back. Just shout when you come in so I don’t shoot you.”
“I will most certainly do that,” he promises.
Leda watches as he moves over to the nearby shelves to search out a new filter. The one currently hooked into his suit is adequate for a few more hours, but being forced to repeatedly purge and re-use the handful of functional filters he salvaged from the destroyed pod has left him with a vexatious persistent cough. A clean filter, fresh out of the packaging, is just what the non-existent physician ordered. “Would you do me another favor?” Leda asks as he starts to comb through the other storage bins to see what else he can find.
“I offer no guarantee but an inquisitive ear.” Ezra delves deeper into one container, digging out a shiny new hunter’s knife with a sheath that should attach nicely to the leg of his suit.
“If you’re going to take care of Pásovec’s body, would you give him a kick in the ribs on my behalf?” The request startles a laugh out of Ezra. “I know he won’t feel it, but it’ll make me feel better.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he assures her as he shoves the crate back into its place.
“Okay,” Leda says quietly. When he glances over at her, her eyes are closed again and the thrower on her belly rises and falls with her slow, even breaths. “I hope you don’t rob or murder me. You seem nice. I’m looking forward to working with you.”
“There’s no call to impugn my honor, now,” Ezra scolds, no more sincerely than she had spoken. “We shook on the deal, didn’t we?”
She smiles faintly. “You’re right. We did.”
(If you liked this fic, the best way to show it is by sending me prompts and requests! Tagging a few friends: @rzrcrst​ @tarrevizslas​ @lannister-slings-and-arrows​ @pascalisthepunkest​ )
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kae-karo · 4 years
Since you mentioned being in the mood for asks: I think I like my best friend. She knows I'm not straight. But has never actually said she's not straight but has discussed possibility of her sexuality being fluid? She doesn't open up to anyone. And so it's really hard to understand her feelings and I am always afraid of crossing the line by asking her too many questions? So I just avoid asking a question twice. I know our friendship will be ruined if I let her know about my feelings ( 1/2 )
But idk what to do with all these pent up feelings :( she gets close to me but then seems to be very distant after a while. Back and forth. Idk what to do. Especially with all this time in my hand during quarantine all I do is overthink about everything in my life including her. Oh no I'm ranting. Sorry have a great day !!! Love you Katie !!! 🖤🖤🖤 :) ( 2/2 )
hello dear!! 💜💜💜 okay first and foremost never never feel like you have to apologize for sending long/multi-part asks/rambling/etc i adore getting asks and it is never something you should feel bad about!!
now, onto advice here...there are a lot of different options ofc for what you could do, and i won’t say that there’s one right answer or one thing that’s better than another. i am and always will be an advocate for communication and honesty in relationships/friendships/etc, but i think the first thing that needs to happen is you need to decide what route you want to go
the kind of key directions would ofc be to 1. explain your feelings and see if she feels the same 2. decide that you do Not want your current friendship with her to change and that you would rather move on from being interested in her without mentioning that you have feelings or 3. keep on the same path you’re currently on and sort of just...wait it out
uhhh i will say that option 3 is usually...one to avoid, if you can. specifically bc this will probably leave you feeling Bad and that’d be something that’s uhhh not good lmao
so say you want to try telling her how you feel, naturally this comes with the risk (as you mentioned) that she might not feel the same/that you might ruin the friendship by saying something about it, but unfortunately...there’s not really much of a way around that risk. that said, and keeping in mind that idk her or how she tends to act/react to certain situations, there are probably ways to go about this that mitigate some of the risks
if i were in your shoes and decided i wanted to go this route, i might genuinely try to keep it as lowkey and casual as possible, and try to avoid making it some Big Thing™. i’d probs just say smth like ‘hey y’know i think i might have feelings for u beyond just friendship, i wanted to just let you know in case you felt the same, but if not, no worries! it doesn’t change that i still want to be friends with you, and i obviously am not gonna act any differently toward you if you don’t feel the same.’ like. i would try to make it clear that 1. i wouldn’t want anything to change if she didn’t feel the same and 2. that i have no expectations of her
especially since it sounds like she’s still figuring out who she might be into, i might also add something like ‘i totally understand you’re still figuring stuff out, i don’t want you to feel any added pressure, just wanted to be open and honest with you’ (sometimes being open can help others open up too!)
now, that said, it sounds like you might be erring more on the side of wanting to move on and get over your feelings for her - which is totally valid! or, ofc, if you tell her and she’s like ‘yeah man sorry i’m just not into you!’ then u would naturally want to move on without making things uncomfy. in that event, i have one very major recommendation: distractions
i get it! it’s hard with quarantine to keep your mind occupied with other things/people/etc, but unfortunately, moving on isn’t something that can just be done, it requires practice and patience and time
one thing you can try is choosing something you already enjoy and finding an aspect of that to dive deeper into. for example, fan of a show/book? go search for fanart or fanfic if you’re into that! come up with an oc just for fun in whatever universe that piece of media is in, even if u never show it to anyone. pick a few blogs you’ve seen who post a lot and check them out, maybe follow if they seem cool! write fic or draw art, whether it be of an oc or existing characters or even just scenes or something! especially try this out even if you’ve never done either of those things before - and don’t get discouraged if those things aren’t perfect, just give them a shot and you might find something you really enjoy! grab a character or ship you usually don’t give much attention to/haven’t seen before and go check out their tag!
along this route, i speak a lot about fandom/fictional media bc that is what i personally use as an escape, but the same goes for activism/politics/languages/animals/other subjects/literally anything that is of interest to you! there is almost always an unexplored aspect of something that you can dive into. but! in the event that you can’t or don’t find anything interesting...
another thing is to find something new! a show you’ve heard about but never watched (or a show you’ve literally never heard of before but like just keeps popping up on ur netflix page), a book you’ve been putting off reading, a youtuber that seems p cool, a skill or language or craft or really, literally anything you haven’t done, and trying it. invest a bit of time and energy and just see where it takes you, let yourself think about this new thing and follow your line of curiosity. some of the best (and worst/dumbest/most cursed) ideas i’ve ever had came from just. randomly following the line of curiosity in my head and seeing where it takes me. hell, that’s what led to me writing fic in the first place!
and be forgiving of yourself too, don’t associate thoughts about this person with any kind of ‘oh shit i’m not supposed to be thinking about her’ kind of reactions, just gently redirect your thoughts to that one episode you just watched, or the question you have about the universe it exists in, or what crocheting pattern you want to try out first, etc etc etc. again, this kind of thing takes time and patience and won’t happen overnight, but you absolutely can get there!
the last ‘distraction’ i tend to go for is revisiting old interests! that fic or book you read a long time ago but still have/still have bookmarked as a fave? pick it back up and give it a reread - the cool thing about stories is that, over time, our perspectives change, and the way we experience the story and the emotions we feel over it change as well. same goes for old shows, esp if it’s been a minute! you can even do this in tandem with the first distraction type and dig back into fandoms you haven’t seen in a while!
it can be hard to remember sometimes - esp while we’re in quarantine! - that worlds exist outside our current interests and spheres of influence. whatever you decide to do, dear, just remember that things will be okay in the end (even if they’re not okay at first) so long as you try to do what’s right for you and be thoughtful and caring along the way. i hope this helped at least a little!
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snarkwrites · 4 years
FFT: galentines; john shaw
Okay, so... Did I mention I totally fell in love with Dean Ambrose’s character John in the movie Lockdown? Because yeah, yeet, oops. This is a result of that. And maybe at some point, I might revisit this whole.. Idea.. of mine. Idk. For now, this is part 1 in a two part thing.
Valerie and John were a thing years ago. Now they work together. But there’s lack of closure and BOTH PARTIES are still in love. Maybe drinks are had and maybe John does the sober boss thing and takes Valerie home?
Detective John Shaw x OFC, Valerie.
alcohol tw, flirting and angst.
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“It’s over-commercialized bullshit, that’s what it is. No one is ever going to tell me any different.” Valerie was turning the glass upside down as soon as she slammed back her shot of tequila and shaking her head at the bitterness.
“Aren’t you worried you’ll get called into the station. By our boss and your partner, the hardass?” Tess teased Valerie just in the hopes that it’d get Valerie ranting and raving about her crush on the man in question because she was almost certain that she’d seen Officer Shaw walk into the bar earlier, flashing his badge around, looking all official. And Tess really, really, really wanted to see Valerie stick her foot right in her mouth at last. The tension between the two when they were all on the clock was almost enough to make everyone around them squirm in anticipation. It was almost as if they knew each other before they started working together on the force. Several times Tess got the feeling there was something neither of them were telling her, but she let it alone. She let them keep insisting things were complicated because somehow, she got the feeling they were beyond that.
For about 3 seconds, the words of her best friend almost sobered Valerie up. But she started to laugh and she shrugged. “I told him I get tonight off. Because Valentines Day.” Valerie giggled and shook her head, glaring at the rest of her friends when they immediately chimed in “Crime doesn’t take a night off.” her three best friends all mimicked Officer Shaw.
Valerie bit her lip, grabbing for the bottle of tequila between the four of them and after taking a lime wedge and shaking some salt onto the back of her hand, she took another shot. “Do you guys k-know how f-fucking hard it is w-working with John Shaw?”
“Oh god, here we go.”
“Hey, somebody should record this.”
“D-don’t y-you dare. With those f-fucking arms and those e-eyes, holy shit. Man is a walking w-wet dream. I c-can’t fuckin f-focus when he walks into my o-office.” Valerie was off to the races, ranting on without a care in the world and her friends were all sitting back and quietly giggling. At one point during the most filthy part of Valerie’s rant on the things she wanted Officer Shaw to do to her and a few things she wouldn’t mind doing to him, Tess caught sight of Valerie’s partner -and their boss, nursing a bottle of water and sitting at the edge of the bar, staring right at Valerie intently.
He did it all the time.
The next thing Tess knew, she was getting a text from an unknown number. The mystery was solved as soon as she opened the text though and Tess smirked to herself as her eyes scanned the message Officer Shaw sent her.
← Thought Valerie had a hot date or somethin’ tonight…
Tess had plans already, she was meeting a guy she swiped right and matched on Tinder with -if he bothered showing up. Their other two friends Rita and Addie had taken an Uber over to the bar after their shift at the hospital and were leaving as soon as their husbands got off work from a local steel factory. Tess had a feeling she knew exactly what Officer Shaw was getting at though, and just the thought that she might be right and this might be a damn good chance to play matchmaker between Shaw and Valerie. And that’s exactly what she set about doing, with her answering texts.
→ No sir. Not us. Never. ;P
→ Valerie got dumped earlier, so she’s havin’ a rough night. I think she started drinking at 5-ish?
→ I gave her a lift here, but if my Tinder guy ever shows, I’m getting outta here because I plan on getting l a i d tonight, sir. So.. Val is deffo gonna need a ride.
→  But then again, she’s the only one you were really askin’ about, am I right? ;P
As soon as she’d responded, she put away her phone. She spotted the red and black plaid scarf that her Tinder date mentioned he’d be wearing and she took two more rapid-fire shots, standing as she wiped her hands down the front of her jeans. “Ladies, my ride awaits. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do tonight. If you do, name it after me.. Or don’t. I’m outta here.”
Valerie gave a laugh and called out in a cheeky tone to her best friend, “ Wrap it up! You don’t know where that dick’s been, sweetheart!” her level of drunkenness making her usual drawl even thicker and much more pronounced. She stood, sliding off the barstool and she started to make her way towards the back, with Rita and Addie in tow.
Walking isn’t really a word for what she was doing. Stumbling was more like it. Rita and Addie flanked her on either side, holding her steady until she came to a stop in front of the old jukebox sitting next to a pool stick holder mounted to the back wall of the bar. After digging around in her pockets, she finally found a ten dollar bill and she set to straightening it, pouting and swearing when that task proved to be just a bit more difficult than she anticipated.
“Give me that, holy shit.” Addie reached out, taking the badly wrinkled bill, smoothing it over the edge of the machine before slipping it into the slot. “No stripper anthems tonight.”
“Aw, c’mon, whyyyy.” Valerie whined and pouted, but burst into laughter. “Fine. W-we’re listenin t-to metal.”
“Oh god.”
“She’s gonna be so hungover tomorrow. Christ, Rita, her hair is gonna hurt.” Addie grimaced as Rita glanced over towards the end of the bar. Spotting Valerie’s partner sitting there nursing a glass of water, she got Addie’s attention as Valerie wandered over to the rack of pool sticks and grabbed one, chalking the tip.
“Okay, so here’s my thought. Tess has already told the guy that Val is gonna need a lift. When Mike and Danny show, we’ll kinda herd her over there to him.”
“We can’t do that, Rita.”
“We can and we are. Because it’s about time they both acted on the way they feel. Guy’s always around, Addie. He wouldn’t show up here if it weren’t for our wildcat best friend. And you know what Tess keeps saying, they’re always fighting. Think, Addie.. How’d it start with you and Danny?”
“Ooh. Good point. Okay, fine. I’m in. But I don’t like it. And he better not be a dick about it.”
“Somehow I don’t think he will, Addie.” Rita mused as she nodded in the direction of Officer Shaw. Valerie’s laughter and Sad But True by Metallica shattered the otherwise quiet bar and Rita gave a wink to the officer sipping water as his gaze flickered from her to Valerie, settling on Valerie who was currently racking the table for a game while trying to sing along with the song and wiggling her hips to it.
“At least she’s not at home ugly sobbing into a pint of ice cream like with Ben.” Addie mused as Rita nodded in agreement and reached for a pool stick. “C’mon. I feel like tonight’s that night, Val. Tonight I’m gonna push you right off that champion throne.”
“R-rita, I l-love you but n-no. N-nope. You’re h-horrible at t-this.”
“No, you’re just a little hustler. That’s all.”
Valerie squealed, smiling at her in a goofy way. “Awww, bitch, y-you always say the sweetest shit.”
“Okay, sugar. Get the stick and get ready for your beating.”
They were about halfway into the game when Rita and Addie’s husbands showed up to collect them and Rita wandered past Officer Shaw, leaning in to whisper, “Okay, stud. She’s gonna need a lift. Don’t be an ass. It’s been a rough day for her. When you two got into it earlier? She’d just finished crying in the employee bathroom while textin’ me.”
John’s gaze left Rita and settled on Valerie, watching her like a hawk. Ozzy Osbourne was playing now and Valerie was taking a long sip from the forgotten bottle of tequila. He grimaced and nodded in her direction as he asked Rita, “Any reason why?”
“Yeah, her ass of an ex, Ben. He dumped her over text.”
John grimaced again, finishing off his bottled water as he glanced at the time on his phone screen and stood. “The four of ya be careful.” he told Rita as Rita nodded and then told him, “Have fun wrangling her, Officer. Use the cuffs if you have to.”
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sorenmarie87 · 5 years
Murphy’s Law states
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Summary:  Garth and Bess plan a New Year's Party with one goal in mind.
Square Filled: New Years (Genre)
Pairing(s)/Character(s): eventual Charlie x Reader. Previous Y/N x Connor (OMC). Garth x Bess  Sam and Dean.  Murphy (OFC)
Word Count: 2,107
Warning(s): Not a warning per se but everyone in this fic is a werewolf.
A/N:  This was written for @spngenrebingo .  Thank you @fictionalabyss and @coffee-obsessed-writer for all the help 💜  Unbeta’d - so all grammar mistakes are my own.  
I do not own any of the pictures I used in my aesthetic.
It was unusually warm for the end of December so you had all of your windows open.  You were hoping that fresh air would do your home some good.  November had been a rough month for you.  Not only did you lose your job of five years, you lost your mate.  Connor was in the wrong place at the wrong time, according to the detective that called you and needed you to identify the body.  At least you had help with the funeral.  Not from your fiancé’s family, but from your pack leader.  Garth was with you every step of the way.  
A gentle knock on your screen door pulled you away from your baking, and you smiled when you realized it was Garth.  He let himself in and when you turned around, you realized he was holding a tray of sandwiches, a small mixture of veggies and a pitcher of sweet tea. “The missus wanted me to bring this over and she expects you to eat everything.”
“Even the veggies?”
“Especially the veggies.”  
“How is Bess doing?  Is she going crazy from being on bed rest?”
“She loves that our pups will be here soon but she hates that she’s confined to the bed.”
Garth watched as you pulled a couple of glasses out of the lowest cabinet, and placed them on the kitchen counter.  “I know you didn’t come over just to bring me food, so what’s up?”  You picked up a sandwich, and sniffed it cautiously before taking a bite.  
“Whatcha doin’ for New Years Eve?”
“Probably nothing.”  You took another bite of your sandwich before Garth poured you a cup of tea and slid it towards you.  “Why?”
“Well Bess and I are hosting a sort of get together with one of the local packs, and we want you to come.”
“Do I have to?  You know, I haven’t really been around anyone since -”
“I know Y/N, I do, but you are a part of our pack.   I promise, it wouldn’t be a huge group of people.  You remember the Winchesters?”  You popped a cherry tomato in your mouth and nodded.  
“How many people are we talking, Garth?”  You picked up another tomato and just rolled it around in your hand before eating it.
“10 or more.”
“Garthhhhh.”  He chuckled as you threw a piece of broccoli at him.  “What's the point of going out for New Years Eve?  Even if I wanted to get drunk, I can’t…”
“Y/N, you have a perfectly good reason for not drinking.”  
“I’ll be the only sober kid at the party.”
“No you won’t.  Bess can’t drink, and I’m not drinking either.”
You snorted out a laugh.  “Are you really?”
“Yes ma’am.  You can always keep Bess company if you don’t want to talk to anyone.”
“That was my plan anyways.”  
Garth’s phone beeped, and he had to excuse himself.  “You’ll bring our dishes back later, right?”
“No, I’m gonna sell ‘em to the highest bidder on eBay.”  You rolled your eyes and grinned as he hovered in the doorway.  You walked a few steps and gave him a quick hug before pushing him out the door.  “Garth, don’t worry, I’ll bring ‘em back.  Now go, someone obviously needs you more than I do.”  
A few days later
>> Garth, what in the world am I supposed to wear tonight?  HELP ME.  
<<  Check your closet - there should be a dress and high heels in there.  << Don’t ask how they got there…  <<  Bess wants me to remind you that you’ll look beautiful in what she picked out.  Oh, and you better be wearing it when pick you up.  I'm not arguing with my pregnant wife, so just wear it, please?
>>  Fine.  What about accessories?  
<<  On your dresser. 
>>  Okay.
>> Thank you guys, I mean it.
<<  Anytime, you know that.   
>>  Are you guys here yet?  
>>  Because we might have a problem…
<<  What’s wrong? Does everything fit correctly?  Garth is driving so I’m answering for him.
>>  Everything fits perfectly, thank you Bess.  
>>  So I have a kitchen counter full of baked goods.
<< Y/N… << Wait, did you make pies?
>> Yeah, of course.
<< Bring everything wirh you
>> Wirh me?
<<  Shut up, Garth hit a bump.. 
>>  Are you guys - no wait, I think someone is knocking at the door.
<< Yeah, that’s Garth.  
<< He’s gonna help carry everything, because you shouldn’t be carrying anything.
>>  Okay mom, sheesh.  
>> I’ll be out in a second…
<< We’ll have fun tonight, I promise.
“Here you go ladies.”  The conversation with Bess pauses for a split second as the bubbly red-head sets down a drink in front of each of you.
“Is there alcohol in this?”  You reach for the glass in front of you and cautiously sniff at it.  
“I was told by your pack leader, who is the sweetest guy by the way, that you two weren’t drinking tonight and we didn’t want you to feel left out.   I promise you, there is not a drop of alcohol in there.”  Charlie watches as you cautiously take a sip and sighed.  “Good, right?”
“This is fantastic.  Bess, you need to try this.”  You pushed the other glass towards her with a grin.  Bess raised an eyebrow at the glass before picking it up to take a sip.    
“Oh, that is nice.  What’s in this, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Cucumber, coconut water, lime juice and mint.”  You finish off your drink and Charlie asks if you’d like a refill.  You nod with a shy smile on your face.  She promises she’ll be right back.
“Somebody likes youuu.”  You roll your eyes at Bess’s teasing.  
“No, she’s just being polite.  Unless you guys are tryin’ to set me up again.”
“I can neither confirm or deny anything.”
You smiled sadly and glance over at the bar where she was mixing up your drink.  “She seems like a sweet girl, and I’d be happy to have her as a friend.”
Bess took another sip of her drink and sets it on the stand sitting beside her.  “There’s an unspoken but there, what’s wrong?”
“I didn’t even introduce myself.”  You grab a pillow from the couch and place it over your face.  “Oh my god Bess, I don’t even know her name…”
“Charlie.”  You slowly lower the pillow and your face turns bright red as she stands behind the couch.  “Charlie Bradbury, it’s nice to meet you… ”  You keep your eyes on Charlie as she hands you your drink, and moves around the couch to take a seat next to you
“I’m Y/N L/N and that’s Bess Fitzgerald, our pack leader’s wife.”  
“It’s nice to meet the both of you.”
“I can promise you that she doesn’t bite.  I mean, she might, if you’re into that sort of thing.”  You heard him chuckle and then turned around to get a good look at who was talking to you.  He was standing with a bottle of beer in one hand and a plate filled with deserts in the other.  “You mind if I sit next to you?”
“Sure, go ahead.”  You quietly chuckle and take a sip of your newest drink.  
“Are you actually enjoying those things?” He gestured to your glass and you smiled.  
“They aren’t that bad.  This one is just 7-up and pineapple juice with sherbet.  It’s pretty good actually.”  
The two of you chatted and occasionally, Dean would go silent from eating something.  You smiled at the small noises he would make.  “I wanna meet whoever made this pie.  It’s the best thing I’ve had all night.”
“You don’t have to look that far.”  
“No way, you?”
“I made everything you have on that plate.  I tend to bake when I’m nervous…”
“Garth mentioned something like that.  You must be Y/N, then?”
“In the flesh, and you are..?”
“I’m Dean Winchester.”  
“So Dean, between you and Garth, who’s idea was it to set me and Charlie up?”  Dean was about to answer when Garth started shouting your name over and over from across the room.  You rolled your eyes and cupped your hands over your mouth to shout back at him.  “What do you want?”
“Come play Cards Against Humanity with us!!”
“I’ll be right there.”  Dean chuckled beside you.  “You owe me an answer, Winchester.”
“It was Garth actually.”  Dean brushed the crumbs off of his shirt as he stood up.  “He’s been worried about you.”
“It hasn’t been easy, I’ll admit but Garth and Bess made it easier.  I’m not ready to date, and I don’t know when I’ll be ready to again, but I want to get to know Charlie.”
“You can always start tonight.”  Dean nudged his head towards the table where everyone was waiting for the game to start.  He grinned as he watched you walk across the room and take the empty seat next to Charlie. 
It was getting closer and closer to midnight, and every time you tried to talk to Charlie, someone would interrupt the two of you. 
“Who did I piss off tonight?”  You mumbled to yourself as another drink was placed in front of you.  You gave a quiet thanks and sighed to yourself as the waitress walked away.  “You’d give me so much shit for this Connor, I know you would.  I love you, and I miss you but all I’m asking for is one uninterrupted conversation with her.  Is that asking too much?  Connor, you wanna help me out here?  You know what, I know exactly how you’d respond to that, so never mind.”  You took a nervous sip of your drink when you felt someone tapping on your shoulder.
“Am I interrupting?”  
“Of course not, I mean… I was just talking to myself.”
“I hope the conversation was good at least.”  You snorted into your drink and when you heard Charlie laughing,  you made eye contact with her.  “What, it’s a legitimate statement.”
“My fiancé said something similar to that when we first met.  Only I was ranting about something work related that pissed me off… You should’ve seen his face.”
“You ramble when you’re nervous, don’t you?”  You nodded your head and watched as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.  “It’s cute.  You’re cute, but Y/N?  You don’t have to be nervous around me.”
“Well, I know that now.”  And for the first time that night, you genuinely smiled.
More and more people were making their way outside to watch the fireworks that were set to go off at midnight, and you were relieved.  More bodies meant you wouldn’t do something stupid.  
Other couples were kissing at this point, and your face flushed.  It wasn’t until someone bumped into you hard, and sent you forward that you realized your lips were pressed against Charlie’s.  The two of you pulled apart and started laughing at what happened.  “I’d like to try that for real one day.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“It’s a date then.”  Charlie winked as she softly kissed your lips again and grabbed a hold of your hand.  
“Happy New Year!!”  
“So you’re telling me, that your first kiss with mom was a complete fluke?”  Murphy looked up at you when you finished braiding her hair. 
“Not a fluke, just a happy accident.”  
Murphy turned around in your lap and grinned at you.  “I know that’s how you met mom, but what brought you two together?”
“That my child is a story for another time.”  You hopped her on the nose and watched as she stood up and made her way over to her bed.  Murphy pulled the sheet over her body and yawned.  
“Yes dear?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Murphy.  Good night, baby.”  You kissed her on the forehead before flicking on her night light and leaving the door open a crack before exiting her room.  
You made your way downstairs towards the kitchen and you lingered in the doorway.  Charlie was quietly humming along with radio as she frosted yet another cupcake.  “Need some help?”
“Nah, I’m almost done.  Our baby is turning 8 tomorrow.   Where’d the time go?”
“That’s a fantastic question but I don’t have an answer.”  
"You wanna watch a movie before bed?  We can always multitask..”  Charlie waggled her eyebrows and you giggled quietly. 
“We have gift bags to put together missy.”  You paused with a smile tugging at the corner of your lips.  “But we can always work on those in the morning..”  You walked around the island to kiss Charlie on the cheek and darted out of the room with Charlie chasing after you.
Forever Tags - @lovetusk @coffee-obsessed-writer@justballoonfishthings@mirajanefairytailmage @kazosa @wings-of-a-raven @docharleythegeekqueen @clockworkmorningglory@lefthologramdeer @ellen-reincarnated1967@holyfuckloueh @idreamofplaid @buckyscrystalqueen @ilovetaquitosmmmm @n3rdybird @super-fan-of-all-things @disneymarina @sandlee44 @babykalika2001
21 notes · View notes
Battle of the Brains
Summary: Ronnie and Shuri have a verbal brawl.
Pairings: Bruce Banner x Daughter!OFC
Other Characters: Shuri, Vision
Word Count: 426
A/N: Here I am, developing another headcanon into a fanfic (this one, btw). I think I’ll make a part 2 where Ronnie and Shuri make up. Also, I gotta start writing either fluff or Ronnie x Peter stories, ‘cuz this is the third fic in a row where Ronnie threatens to hulk out… Oh yeah, and as for Ronnie’s contributions, I took the self-running generator from a Bruce x Daughter!Reader insert series by @str-spangled-banner, and the serum that lowers the heart rate from another reader insert series, this time by MissRainbow13 on AO3 (I think she has a Tumblr as well, but I don’t know the name).
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(GIF by @marveladdicts)
Shortly after arriving in Wakanda, Bruce, Ronnie, and Vision met up with Shuri, King T’Challa’s younger sister, who immediately scanned Vision to see how he was built.
“The structure is polymorphic…” Shuri commented in awe.
“Right, we– we had to attach each neuron non– non-sequentially,” Bruce explained. Ronnie nodded in agreement, impressed with Shuri’s intelligence, but not wanting to say the wrong thing, considering the latter was royalty.
“Why didn’t you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?” Shuri asked.
“That’s… actually a good point,” Ronnie agreed. “Why didn’t we do that?”
“Because… we… didn’t think of it?” Bruce tried to answer.
“I’m sure you did your best,” Shuri smiled.
At that moment, Ronnie’s face went from mildly impressed to completely blank. She didn’t just hear that… did she? The words kept echoing in Ronnie’s mind.
I’m sure you did your best.
Ronnie started laughing, but the laughter seemed unnatural and humorless, causing Bruce to look at her in concern.
“I'm sorry, but what's that supposed to mean?” Ronnie challenged. “You bet your ass he did his best!”
“Obviously, I know more than him,” Shuri countered.
“Really? And what have you done?”
“You must not know who I am. I designed my brother's suit and Wakanda's latest tech.”
“Clearly, you don’t know who I am. My name is Skylar Veronica Banner. I’m his daughter, and I’m just as smart as he is. Not to mention, I’m friends with a man who built his first suit of armor in a cave with a box of scraps and created a new element.
“As for me, I made a self-running generator prototype in my freshman year, as well as a serum that could safely lower my heart rate so that I won’t have to worry about transforming into a giant green rage beast when I get angry. Oh yeah, and I also helped with Vision here, so if you’re gonna critique him, then you're gonna have to critique me as well!” As Ronnie continued her rant, her veins began to turn green.
“Okay, Ronnie, that’s enough,” Bruce demanded firmly, placing a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. Ronnie immediately calmed down at her father’s touch.
“I’m sorry, Dad. I couldn’t let her get away with that!”
“It’s alright. Just know that there will be some people who might know more than you. Maybe the two of you can make up while you’re helping her get the Mind Stone out of Vision?”
Ronnie contemplated for a moment, then sighed in resignation.
“Fine, I might as well.”
Bruce smiled. “That's my girl.”
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Choking On Sapphires Pt. 3
Title & Song: Nail In My Coffin - The Kills
Characters: Alfie Solomons x OFC
Word Count: 4300+
Summary: Genevieve Durand is a force to be reckoned with. An intelligent, independent and brutal businesswoman. When she moves to London for a new chapter in her life, she finds herself very interested in the friends the father of her godson has found himself in business with. Surely these new business endeavors will be fruitful for all involved.
A/N: Every chapter of this story will have a song to work as the title and as a soundtrack. Chapter 3 song is Nail In My Coffin - The Kills . All text in italics is spoken in French.
Part 1: Thieves & Kings.  Pt. 2 Conquest
My Masterlist.
I have to thank my boi @jaegeeeeer who helps me brain when it don’t wanna make the words go. This story is in ways, our first child together and our weird brains and her great taste in music helped form this monster. So, thanks?
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"I won't be long, Tommy, calm down." Alfie groans as he sits next to the pale, dark clothed man with the agitated face next to him.
"What is it, Alfie? I'm very busy today." Tommy puts his pocket watch back into his coat. Alfie goes right into his line of questioning.
"Genevieve and I have gone into business together, yeah?" Tommy's eyes slide over to the other man, looking him over as this is new information for him. "As it were, it would seem I do not know as much about Miss Durand as I would prefer to. I know you two are close in your own way." he says, his voice gravelly and slow.
"I don't know what business you're doing Alfie, but Gen is a professional when it comes to her money so I have no doubt your venture will be successful. Is that all?" Alfie's face twitches, he looks out and away from Tommy, his mouth open as he considers the statement and noisily exhales.
"What the little minx's deal? Yeah?" his clasped hands around the end of his cane, settled between his outward facing knees. It rises and falls with a snap as he punctuates the emotion behind his question. It almost draws a smile on Tommy's face. "She looks like an angel and talks like the devil, right?" he shakes his head, his brow up and his lips pursed. "I've not known many women like this one before. Let alone, going into possibly," he drags the last word out with a hint of hesitation." questionable activities of an illegal nature with them." he hums at the end of that statement, one hand raised and moving as he spoke.
"I would be willing to put money down that you've never known a woman like her before, Alfie." Tommy looks away from Alfie's face that was screwing up at his words.
"Like that. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" he huffs out of his nostrils.
"If you're wondering if you can trust her..." Tommy returns to the other man's gaze and speaks more intently and quietly. "She's my boy's godmother if that answers your question."
"How'd she pull that? Gaining a Shelby's trust? Something elusive to so many such as myself from time to time."
"Only on by own fault, Alfie." Tommy shakes his head subtly, his eyebrows raised just slightly.
"That's true." his lips pucker out and he nods.
"She killed two Italians that were sent after Charlie shortly after Grace passed." Tommys neck tightens at the last words.
"She fuckin' what?" he says in disbelief, leaning forward to make Tommy look at him to see if he was lying.
"You heard me." Tommy says, his hands moving from his lap slightly to how his exasperation.
"That little, doe-eyed creature killed two men? Two fully grown, adult men, now? No short or little ones?" his words are more rushed in his surprise.
"Shot one in the head and smashed another's head in with the window frame until he was dead." Tommy states flatly, his lips pressed together as his eyes narrow at Alfie and his insistent nature on this information.
Alfie's chin pushes back into his chest. He sputters, his lips twitching quickly with his facial hair. He looks away and holds his arms up to no one in particular. "Well fuck me." he declares softly as his arms go back down to this cane. His back resting against the bench once again. "So she's not only smart as a fuckin' whip," his head shakes with empahsis and he pauses.
"She's lethal." Tommy nods. "I trust her but if you want to keep your tongue so you can continue to spin your pretty words I wouldn't cross her." he says seriously.
"So she's working with theft and murder, right. Busy girl." he grunts.
"Among other things." his voice infers enough to other sets of skills and Alfie's mind is reaching to consider all of them.
"Fuckin'-" he lets out a frustrated sound. "Among other things?" his voice is much more high pitched. "Fuckin' hell Tommy," he says with a scold to his voice for no reason in particular. "I ain't gonna regret lettin' this little fuckin' honey bee into my business, am I?" he says quietly, his bottom lip disappearing into his mustache as he contemplates how he feels about his decisions thus far.
"That would be entirely up to you, wouldn't it, Alfie?" Tommy replies with a corner of his mouth drawn back, his tone completely serious.
The job goes so well you find yourself suspicious afterward at the ease of it. The men he sent he must've put the fear into because they barely even spoke and did exactly as instructed. It had only been two days since the job but you find yourself with the money and in Camden after being driven around for meetings all day.
You arrive unannounced, planning to drop the money and leave. You go to his bakery first, seeing if you sight any familiar faces to inquire as to where he is. You didn't think it wise to prance yourself down into the warehouse without warning. You see the same smiling girl you always do when you come in and you ask her where you could find Mr. Solomons, that you didn't have an appointment but did have business to discuss. She disappears after taking your name and Ollie appears behind her when she returns. You thank her and move in the direction Ollie motions to with his hand.
"He's is in a right mood today, Miss Durand. I know he'll want to be seeing you but," he shrugs and looks in the direction of the quickly growing louder shouting you hear at the end of the hallway. "He's having himself a moment with the bakers," he says with a frown, his face soft. "One of the poor new lads mistook the salt for the sugar," he says shaking his head with a sigh as he moves towards an open door near him in the hall. "He won't shout at you, now, so you can go in and save those boys a lashing if you'd like or you can wait if that's more your style." You give him a small smile and nod.
"Thank you Ollie." and with your polite response, he disappears behind the door. You stand up tall to look through the circular window in the swinging door that leads to the room full of ovens and pans and currently, also full of men of various ages looking like they were about to piss themselves. Alfie is shouting at them. His cane hitting the hard floor to punctuate his words. He raises it to poke chests and hit countertops. You find yourself chewing the inside of your cheek at the display of authority. Not wanting to undermine him, you choose to wait. Hearing every curse-laden rant he went on, smirking to yourself as your arms cross under your chest and you lean against the hallway wall. He slams the door, huffing mad. He doesn't notice you so you speak. "Mr. Solomons?" you call out to him, uncrossing your arms. He freezes for just a second.
"What do ya fuckin' want now?" he spits before he's fully turned around. His arms go limp from their tense position and fall to his sides as your eyes meet. You keep the smirk on your face at his words, tilting your head slightly. "Oh c'mon now." he shakes his head and shuffles towards you, taking both your hands into his. "I didn't know you were here, Miss Durand." he sighs and shakes your gathered hands in his. "I didn't mean that for you, I am sorry, yeah?" You decide from the dejected look on his face that he is regretful so you give him a warm smile.
"I heard what you said to those poor boys in there, I think in comparison I got away with the better deal of the two." you take one of your hands from his, to pat atop his own.
"You heard all that shoutin' too?" his face winces slightly.
"Them boys are making my blood boil today. Fuckin' rocks in their heads." he shakes his head again, looking up at the ceiling.
"I empathize, Mr. Solomons. A few curses and shouted heated words aren't anything to scare me." you pat his hand again before withdrawing them both to clasp in front of you. "I'm sure I've said worse about less myself." you look off the side and retreat your warm smile, back to your usual neutral but serious expression.
"Either way, I don't want you thinkin' I'd address you in such a way under normal circumstances." he rubs the back of his neck and his arm lands at his side with a thud. "I didn't." you shake your head. "If I had I wouldn't be here now, would I?" you lean forward just slightly, compelled to ease his doubt.
"No I don't believe you would." he moves to the same door Ollie exited through earlier. "I was just about to have some tea, would you like to join me? We can talk about what's brought you to me today."
"Tea?" your surprise comes out in your voice to his invitation to spend his free time with you."That sounds lovely." you accept with a nod, following him down the stairs, through hallways to find yourself back in the warehouse and sitting at the table in the back of his office with the intoxicating smells of bread and tea.
You sit down after taking off your coat, you'd forgone a hat and gloves for the change to warmer weather. The smell of the food hits your empty stomach and your hand goes to it. He sits at the table after you, hitting his seat with a small groan. His thick fingers look strange around the small china teapot. You try to switch from business to pleasure, not wanting to let a more personal and less professional chance for building trust to pass you by unseized.
"I have been driving and in meetings all day today," you say, you let your agitation from hunger show slightly. "I haven't eaten a thing since breakfast this morning." you move your head slightly as you speak, his eyes stay focused on pouring you both tea. "So thank you for inviting me to join you." you say, not sure if felt too heavy-handed after it came out of your mouth.
"Thank you for so graciously accepting," he states with sincerity, sliding a blue and white cup towards you. You take two sugars and take the moments of gently stirring the liquid to take in the room from this new angle. Your eyes move across the numerous large leather books on the shelves.
"I had intended on only dropping off your money and leaving." you take a sip, your elbows resting on the top of the table. "I know I came unannounced, so I didn't want to take up much of your time."
"Why not?" he asks, you're surprised by the response. Your eyelashes flutter slightly to hold your face still as you consider how his posture mirrors your own.
"I know I'm very busy and I assumed the same of you." you say softly, trying to read if he was testing you or not. He usually was in some way. The way his brows sit in an almost relaxed expression make your muscles untense slightly, hoping he was just politely having tea with an acquaintance.
"That's very considerate of you, innit?" he nods, sitting the seemingly miniature against his hand, cup on the table. "And a day early, no less." he says, his inflection impressed.
"If there's one thing I don't fuck around on it's money." you let out a small chuckle. "I take my deadlines seriously." you give him a small smile, reaching into the pocket of your coat with the large rolls of bills. You sit it within his reach, out to the side of you both to avoid the food set up. "That would be for you, Mr. Solomons." you grin from behind your cup as he takes it and looks at it closely, his brows up, he brings his glasses up and onto his nose. "It's all there, the amount relayed to you earlier. Count it if you wish." you motion with your hand to show it would not offend you in the slightest.
"No, that's all right, mate." he says gruffly, putting it into his pocket. You're very surprised by this but now he's leaning forward, his chin on his clasped hands, his eyes staring into you. You lower your cup and post up to meet him.
"I appreciate your trust. I hope you also found that I compensated your men on a job, very well done, I might add." you move your chin as you speak to show your enthusiasm fr their performance.
"Yeah, they told me." he says slowly, his eyes narrowing just slightly.
"It went so well in fact that I started to think you'd somehow set me up and I'd find all my money and jewels to be missing if I so much as blinked." you give him a smirk and he returns it.
"No, no fucking around when it comes to you Miss Durand." you think you might've heard a hint of newly earned respect in his tone for you. "I hope my men did behave themselves." he moves his arms and sits back to sip his tea again as you pick which bread you're going to attempt to eat politely and not shove directly into your face like you truly wanted to do.
"They were gentlemen, yes." you grin as you find a pastry and squeeze it slightly with your fingers before you eat it. "Whatever you said or did to them before they came to me, you should continue to do because they shut up and did what I said." you shrug your shoulders with a half smile. "Two traits I don't find often enough in men." you give him a bigger grin, showing your teeth with a soft laugh before you take a large bite of the pastry.
He lets out a low chuckle at your warmer and sociable nature compared to your last interaction. "I find that to be true as well." he says with a lightness to his tone. You look at him with a cocked head and closed mouth smile, chewing your food, after he grins and looks away from you, you roll your eyes and shake your head. "But I am very happy to hear they met your, "he groans the last word," understandably high standards." he nods, his lips pursed together as he follows your lead and starts picking apart a roll.
"If I don't demand the best from people I'm settling for less than I deserve." you nod, taking a sip of your tea. His eyes slowly move across your face again, his eyes narrowing with a subtle nod in agreement. "However, I will never again have to settle with pastries because this is fuckin' brilliant, Alfie." you say, taking another bite. Your praise catches him by surprise and you get to hear another laugh of his caused by your actions.
"I reckon I won't ever get tired of hearing that." he says with a grin.
"Truth be told I have a bit of a sweet tooth." you nod, taking the last bite. Your fingers wiggle above the plate of fruit-filled baked goods.
"That right?" he says, you can tell he's stored this bit of information for later by the way he rubs his hands together.
"It is." you nod, looking at the plate and figuring out which you wanted next. "Look at these hotsy-totsy round ones." you giggle, he's watching you over clasped hands again."Probably best I had only tried your bread before." you chew and swallow again. "Or I'd have to drive all the way into town every day to get these little buggers." you pop the last bit into your mouth and return your gaze to his.
"I'll have 'em brought to ya then." your chin pushes back into your neck slightly at his suggestion. His tone wasn't teasing, his face was settled into a pleasant expression as he watched you enjoying yourself. You believed him to find your behavior endearing.
"Don't tease me, Alfie." you shake your head with a quiet huff of a laugh.
"I wouldn't tease ya now, yeah?" he says as if it were obvious, shaking his head back at you.
"I couldn't possibly," you say with a high pitched inflection. "My weakness happens to be something that you are plentiful in so don't exploit me, please." you say playfully but it was honest. He lets out a short laugh at your words.
"However...If I send 'em to ya, you'll never have to come get 'em, will ya?" his head nods. "and I'll only get ya in here to see me on business." he sits back in his chair, his hands outstretched as if presenting the idea before the set linked together on his stomach.
"Is that an official redaction of your previous offer?" you hold back and smile, settling back in your chair. If you kept eating sweets on an empty stomach you might get sick and you didn't want to chance that. You hold a roll between your fingers, picking bites off with your fingers gingerly. He grins at you but his eyes are mischievous.
"Afraid so. That's officially off the table now, innit?" he nods, looking around the room. "I don't know if you happened to see the amount of cash you handed me but if tea with you leads to more of those then I have to keep ya comin' to see me, don't I?" his face is still friendly but the smile has disappeared from it.
"Then I am regretful to inform you that I have no upcoming jobs planned right now." you subtly pout as if you're sad to give him the news. "Springs coming and I have lots of work to do with Abeille Company to keep me more than busy for awhile." your eyes widen to emphasize the amount of work that went into your legal business.
"May I ask what you've got going on with Abeille? Ya got a little farm with ya bees and what not?" he speaks with his hands, his voice seems genuinely curious.
"I wouldn't personally call it little." you shrug slightly with a mild smirk. "But I have my honey bees and I prefer to personally tend to them. I also have my berries, they don't take as much of my time because I have more people I pay to handle the stages of their care. It's the business aspect of the farming and gathering that takes the most time."
"And you like being around those buzzy bastards?" he says, his eyes focused on yours.
"I do." you give him a soft smile. "Mostly because they make me money, let's be honest." you let out a small huff of a laugh. His closed mouth smile that you assume he doesn't realize you notice tells you he agrees with the sentiment. "I find the sounds of them when they're happy to be relaxing."
"Bees can be happy?" he asks, tyring not to sound condescending.
"Of course they can. They sing, they dance, they remember people, they're fascinating." you say with genuine fondness for your workers. "My berries and garden wouldn't be nearly what they are without them either. They're the real stars of the company."
"Thus the name of your company." he says narrowing his eyes at you.
"Oui." you cheekily respond.
"If you like them so much, why, might I ask, do you partake in the business activities outside of Abeille?" he leans on the table, his voice is low and paced.
"Personal question, that." you hold your face to be more reserved.
"I wanna know what brought a sharp business minded person such as yourself to want to be in this sort of life." his voice is cool and collected. Sure he could use any and all information you choose to give him against you.
However, you found no malice in his voice. Although you found it hard to believe that someone like Alfie Solomons was taking time to get to know you without a reason. You take a deep breath and choose your words.
"I found myself to have a natural inclination to find trouble and yet always find my way out of it since I was a little girl." you return your gaze to his. "The money is a grand side affect of this natural inclination now." you let out a sigh. "But I also happen to be just..." you scrunch your nose just slightly to emphasize your upcoming words. "Very, very good at it. " your voice swings low, the grin and narrowing of your eyes in combination with the delivery of your confession brings a shift of energy between the two of you for a moment.
"That's what my men said too." he states with his voice dropping to match your own.
"Are you inclined to believe the same?" you ask with a tilt of your head, meeting his eyes without hesitation. His nose twitches at your question.
"From the retelling of what happened and seeing the fruits of your labor, now settled in my left pocket, I believe I am indeed inclined to agree, yeah." he speaks more slowly when he divulged bits of information about you, to you.
"The approval of Alfie Solomons." you grin. "Well that's something to write home about now, isn't it?" you're only slightly teasing him. In all honesty, you were thrilled to hear he'd reached this conclusion. You knew it was only a matter of time but you truly hadn't expected him to be so intelligent as to so quickly recognize your value and skill. You hoped his trust wasn't too far behind.
Ollie enters the office. "Your last appointment for the day has arrived, Mr. Solomons." you say softly with a polite nod.
"Alright. Let 'em sit, I'll be out in a minute," he says with a much more gruff tone that he'd used for the entirety of your conversation. "Well that's me then, yeah?" he says as he finishes his tea. Ollie leaves as quickly as he appeared.
"I'll take my cue then as well." you give him a warm smile, standing and putting your coat back on as his mustache twitches, you're assuming it's doing this at the thought of his next meeting.
"Yeah, right. Time to end this little tea party, innit?" he says with a groan as he stands to see you out.
"You make a much better party host than I anticipated. I dare to say I enjoyed it." you compliment him, standing tall as he approached you.
"Well thank you for making it so, yeah?" he leans down to give you a soft kiss from his lips to both your cheeks.
"Don't let your busy bee's keep you from coming to see me now." the way the corner of your mouth pulled back at his words wasn't entirly voluntary as he hovered over you, so close you felt the heat radiated from him.
"If they make a fuss at my absense then I'll tell them the orders are from Alfie Solomons and I'm sure they'll understand." you joke, your smiling showing teeth as you turn to head towards the door. You stop and quickly spin around as your hand reached for the knob. You saunter over to his desk that he's already tossed a heavy book upon. His eyes move slowly to yours, he's unsure of your motives for your behavior. "I forgot one small thing." you say reaching into your pockets.
"Oh yeah? What's that now?" he says, his hand resting on his desk as his full attention was on you. Just how you preferred it.
"In the thick of the robbery, since it went so smoothly, I happened upon something that caught my attention," you say enthusiastically, retrieving the large gold ring from your coat, holding it between your fingers. You half smile and hold the ring out towards him. "I have to say it reminded me distinctly of you at that moment and I knew I had to take it for myself," you explain. He takes the ring in his fingers, looking it over closely. His eyes smoothly move and focus back on you. "Consider it a little something extra from me personally. A thank you for your help, something celebratory if you will."
"Does who you stole the jewels for know you kept this?" he calculatedly responds, rubbing his beard with the hand not holding the ring. His fingers twist the ring back and forth between themselves.
You give him a devious smile. "Just don't get used to me leaving you with parting gifts, now, yeah?" you smirk and turn away from him, making a smooth exit.
Pt. 4 60 Feet Tall
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@fangirlfreakingout @jaegeeeeer​ @cosettewinchester​ @lookuptheskyisfalling-blog​
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
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As promised here are the rites of passage that Captain, Jinx, and Mikki wrote for the cast!
All of Jinx’s Messages: https://youtu.be/kbk2GI6nW-E
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Captain: hey khalid! its been a short 4 days with you but i know that ur such an amazing person and u have such a bubbly personality. i do wish we get to know each other more.. its a bit sucky that your schedule kinda prevented you from being a bit more active :((
Mikki: KHALID I DON’T KNOW IF YOU KNOW THIS BUT I DIDN’T WANT YOU TO BE FIRST BOOT. i really didn’t. You were so busy at the beginning and we didn’t talk a lot but the little time we did have talking to each other made me see how calm and good it felt to talk to you. I had such a good feeling and really wanted you to stay around longer but unfortunately it wasn’t anything i could do on my own. I hope we get another opportunity to get to know each other properly.
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Captain: we didn't meet each other in this game but i hope u had a fun time even though its short! and hopefully, we'll see each other around the community mwah!
Mikki: we never got to meet but you seem genuinely fun and i’m sad i never got to meet you!!!! I’m sorry we sent jinx to the outhouse during the tribal you were voted out on. Idk if them being there would have helped at all but ashjsajhasjh if it would have i’m sorry!!!!
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Captain: i've seen you around but we haven't rlly talked/met each other yet. u seem to be amazing and i hope we'll get to play together some day
. Mikki: i’m also sad we didn’t get to meet!!!!!! You really seemed super active and i’ve never seen you around before so i was hoping our paths would cross but unfortunately that never happened :(( 
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Captain: we haven't been able to meet so its such a missed opportunity to not get to play together. you seem to be very cool! hope u had fun in autumns world
Mikki: it was so nice to talk to you and i feel so bad about how unlucky you got in the tribe swap but i had to do what i needed to to keep my tribe and grey safe like i wanted.
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Captain: OMG BENJ sobs... urgh i wish you made the merge so that we could meet each other again and our trio of you/me/mikki would have streamrolled the season! i enjoyed every conversation we had and u rlly are such a dedicated player. and u deserved the BEST!! i wish you the best and i hope to see you around in the community and maybe we'll get to play together and go the end together WOOO! urgh.. ur so sweet sobs...
Mikki: *takes a deep breath* this is going to be the hardest one to write. And i don’t even know what to say because nothing i do say will properly express how fortunate i am that we got to actually properly meet and talk!!!!!! And become friends LIKE BENJ I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH and i’m so sad at how robbed you were. You were genuinely my number one and i looked forward to talking to you constantly every day. Talking to you was so easy and our plans for the future of the game MADE ME SO EXCITED and i was so ready to play with you and make moves and have fun and go far together. Your elimination made me really sad and i was in a big funk for a long time after and even at my worst in like f6 when i was ready to give up, autumn would ask me “what would benj say” and that one question made me snap out of it and fight further. When i found an idol at f5 and got to play it all i could think about was when you told me you wanted to find an idol to bring it to me to show me and i’m just :SOB: we really got robbed in getting to play together in merge and i really hope we get another chance to. I wish i did more to protect you. I should have done more and it was my biggest regret since. Thank you for being an incredible ally to me and reminding me what i love the most about games: making genuine friendships that mean more to me than the game itself. Ilysm <3
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Captain: i know we didn't end very well on cow and thats kinda the main thing that made me not fully trust you in this game. its probably my bad cause i think you really wanted to work with me but i mean in our short time here, we did work together! good luck with everything in your life blake!
Mikki: blake!!! It was so fun to play with you while we could. I’m sorry you felt so left out in the tribal we had together before you went out but i hope you understand it wasn’t anything personal and i really did just assume you and raffy were close. I’m sorry for not trusting you more.
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Captain: awww Lily! i rlly enjoyed our conversation! like you were the one that i felt that our conversation just flew naturally and i loved how u tried to talk to me and ur just the sweetest!! i'm happy we met here cause ur literally so cool and so nice. u have this calming energy that i don't know how to explain dsfsdfsdfdsf. but YEA!! i hope u feel the same way as me and hope to see you around in the community!!
Mikki: ahhhhh right before you left you told me that we will see if i made the right choice with who i sided with and sahsajhjhjas i like to think i did??? and i hope you agree. You were so so so kind and i’m sad we didn’t get to know each other before merge, i had to make a gut instinct kind of choice and it sucked that i had to make it so soon. I wonder how differently things would have been if i voted with og llih instead and kept you safe. You fought til the very end and it inspired me so much
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Captain: RAFFY! we were such a perfect pair when u told me ur also tired of talking to ppl dfsdfsdfsdf thats a big mood! urgh.. i rlly wish u could've gone a bit further because ik u trusted me a lot and i also trusted you... in some way just because i had other alliances. i tried so hard to save you but yea it didn't succeed. i hope ur doing great and hopefully we'll meet again
Mikki: screams RAFFY I DON’T KNOW IF YOU KNOW OR NOT BUT this whole season i’ve had one burning question on my mind Does Raffy Remember Me? BECAUSE we played together in a game once before but i didn’t REALISE it was you at first so we both said it was nice to meet each other but then i realised it was you !!!!! from bb glass but i never knew if you knew it was me or not and i didn’t bring it up because HJASHJASJH I WAS WORRIED IDK IT WAS JUST an ongoing thing and became kind of a meme and i’m so excited to know the answer. But anyways ashjashjs i’m sorry for trying to vote you out but i really meant it when i said i wanted to play with you after. I wish we could have!!! I wanted us to have a redemption arc and be allies for real so badly. But my alliance with jinx and chris changed their votes to you and were so paranoid but i think they just didn’t want to vote out grey HJASJHASJH and i ended up caving out of fear. I had so much fun playing with you tho!!! And the superidol was one of the most exciting moments of this game even tho it did mean i lost one of my closest allies.
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Captain: I wish we talked more tbh because u were the first person to dm me in the swap and i was like lily o is so cool and i liked lily o a lot! but then we just didn't talk after that. I know its partially my faults but ur fun to talk to when we got to talk to each other! u may not know this but u were kinda the part that made me put more effort into this game when i lied to you about wanting to target jinx/mikki and u told mikki about that and she told me back hehe! hope we see each other around lily!
Mikki: LILY YOU WERE ONE OF THE FUNNEST PEOPLE TO TALK TO!!!!! I had such a blast in our dms. I feel like we could talk about anything and it was fun. Hell you even explained the history of pacman to me and i was INVESTED in every part of it!!! Voting you out was partly fuelled by how good you are at comps and partly because i got bitter about the timezone advantage comment ashsahjsahj but nevertheless i found you incredible to talk to and play with and i’m so happy we could meet and have fun with each other while we did!!!
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Captain: JOEYYYYYY! i still feel bad about that pyramid challenge because u shouldnt have gotten me as ur pair lmaoo. i literally didn't know anything americans!! anyways!! our time together is for sure interesting. cause like ik ur with me but then u told jinx and monty that they need to be careful about mikki/captain and thats the reason why i didnt fully trust you in game! like ur a good ally but sometimes, ur doing too much. also, i appreciated u trying to talk to me a lot. I  wish i did the same with you but life was so crazy that i could only reply with like short answers that didnt give anything much. At least we made it to jury together this time!
Mikki: joey joey joey joey JOEY sjhhjsahjasahj oh my god it was a time and a half with you i swear. I would talk to you and then go into my conf and rant about how JOEY KEEPS SAYING I’M A THREAT GRRR IM SO ANNOYED and then i would talk to you more and go back in there after 2 minutes and be like “nevermind i love joey again” ahjashjsahj you are such a great friend joey and you give me so much joy to talk to. One of the things i’m most proud of is winning that endurance comp and i would have never done that if it wasn’t for you shjashj YOU PUSHED ME TO PLAY BETTER AND GO HARDER and i’ll never forget that. Thank you for helping me see what i’m capable of and for being a genuinely kind and fun person to be around.
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Captain: oh monty DFSDFDSFDS we didn't really talk much privately but most of the times i talked to you, i was always honest with you and i think u were the same way with me too so it kinda raised my eyebrows a bit when u told me that we're gonna be worried about captain/mikki later in the game fdsfsdfsdfsd i didn't talk much game with you but ik u played a good game even though i think u might not know whats going on most of the times lmaoo!! anyways, its been a fun time with you and ofc, u can't get rid of me cause im gonna be haunting u as an intern in CoW forever!!!
Mikki: PLS ASHJASHJA we didn’t talk much at all in this game apart from when tribals were happening and that was extremely iconic of us ashjashjasjh i appreciate and love you so much monty!!!! You’re one of the best people i know and i’m glad we got to play together for a hot second even if it wasn’t for long and it was just these super rushed convos before tribal while i was awake at a ridiculous hour ashashjas
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Captain: okay so ur vote is literally the HARDEST vote ever in my org history but it has to be done because you and jude were such a tight duo and yes i knew about u having 2 idols and giving jude one since the beginning of the merge. i feel like that was the right time to, as autumn said, blindside. but you know i LOVE you so much. my grandpa! You are literally one of the nicest people in this community and your words have helped me a lot in this season. it hurt me so much to vote for you but thats how the game goes and i hope u understand because i value our relationship so much. we've played together for 4 times now and i love you more and more each time we play together. i just love ur puns and like ur old ways of saying things fsfsdfsdf that #chrisstyle and i just love everything that is YOU. i know we're gonna be fine after this and i hope ur proud of me and forgive me for voting you out. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Chris i LOVE YOUUUUU. sobs. im so happy we got to play together again ahhhhh
Mikki: chris you are literally the nicest human i’ve ever known. You exude such a genuine kindness i can’t even comprehend it. Your messages always put a smile on my face and voting you out was the hardest vote i ever did and i literally wrote in my conf that voting you out would be like blindsiding your grandpa after he helps you move in and has a cup of tea with you :sob: like you’re just one of the best guys i’ve ever met and have this pure wholesome kind energy i’ve never encountered with anyone else. Playing with you was amazing and i loved our alliance with captain and jinx. But i knew your game was incredible and to see myself and captain get any further we had to do the unthinkable. You had the magician in my tarot readings for a reason and it’s because you’re so powerful!!!!! I can’t wait to ask you so many questions when this is over.
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Captain: bae- i still don't know why you had a crush on me but we had such a cute showmance arc in this series. i mean yes i targeted you for a few times just because we didn't talk before fsdfsdsdf like we communicated in the house chat but no one actually dm'ed each other first so im like i don't know where ur head is at and u seem to be dangerous to my game!! i mean u ended up not voting for me so thank you for that even though i can't do the same. i have to say that i enjoyed our convo a lot.. u always lit up my smile whenever u dm'ed me with tiktoks or like just ur random chit chat LMAO! the only downside was that we didn't rlly talk game much except for that one vote i think the lily o vote where we talked about getting joey out and ended up voting for lily o. but yes, i will miss our convo here a lot grey :(( u deserved BETTER!
Mikki: GREY OMG you’re one of the funniest people i’ve known. Our dms were so chaotic and you always broke the ice in the tribe chat by saying the randomest and funniest things. Thank you for making me laugh and for sharing your stories with me and chris and jinx on call. I really enjoyed getting to know you and i care so much for you. Also you appreciate captain and for that you have taste HJASHJSA
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Captain: JUDE!! you were such a powerhouse in this game like literally had u made the final 2, u would've won for sure and thats the reason why i fought so hard in the pressure cooker comp cause i couldn't risk you getting into the final 3 and potentially won the last IC. So i'm so sorry i had to vote you out. i had such a fun time getting to know you like just like i told you, i liked you since the premiere night when i watched ur intro vid and was like 'JUDE IS SO COOL' in my DR and i wanted to play with you.. then we got to play together and got to know each other. We didn't get to talk game much but like ik i could trust you in some ways! and again ur the coolest jude.. that pressure cooker will go down as one of the most iconic pressure cooker challenges in the tumblr survivor history for sure. hope to see u around the community
Mikki: JUDE i’m so sorry everything ended the way it did. I always meant what i said to you, that i would love to see you win. And you absolutely deserved to. Your game was amazing and i spent every second admiring you and everything you did. From the moment we played tic tac toe together i knew i was a jude stan and i’m so happy we got to have so much fun together and PLAYED PYRAMID TOO!!!! You’re absolutely remarkable and an easy person to love and want to protect, i can only dream of having your social game. You also never voted for me even when i thought you would BECAUSE I REALLY THOUGHT IT MADE THE MOST SENSE but you never did and i’m really emotional about that. I think so highly of you and i hope we can be friends after all of this <3
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Mikki: WE FINALLY GOT TO WASH AWAY OUR SAILOR MOON SINS CAN YOU BELIEVE ASHJHJASHJASAHJS we finally did it!!!!! YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME!!!!! I am so proud of the game you played and i know it wasn’t easy for you at all. You showed just how much you wanted this and you never took the easy route. I’m proud to have played alongside you and for all our nights watching survivor and 7th heaven YOU ARE ALSO ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS and i love you so much
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Mikki: you know how much you mean to me. I love you so much and i’m so happy we once again got to play together. I am SO proud of you and the game you played. You’re an under the radar genius who knows how to get your information and how to use it. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF LITERALLY ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO and i love seeing you constantly prove yourself wrong and show just how incredible you are. You always put me first and take care of me :pls: i am so lucky to have you as one of my best friends and i can’t tell you enough how much i love you. Thank you for being in my life <3
0 notes
moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
What if Gladnis did, the chapstick challenge? (If u don't know what that is there are tons of videos of it on Youtube)
I did have to check it out on YT because I had no idea what it was, and kept mentally picturing the Gladnis and DUDE, YES. (ノ*°▽°*)
I’m in for this!
Gladnis did the chapstick challenge and had a darn good time with it.
Did you know that they did it on a video, too, not just alone?
The video is up on Eostube, as well! It’s got over four million views already, and it’s in Prompto’s channel! That’s right, Prompto’s a vlogger. 
Since he doesn’t talk much with his parents and he has no other friends to share what he does with his friends, but wants so much to talk about it, then why the hell not talk to the camera?
And so he started vlogging! It wasn’t in his intention to grow famous, he only wanted someone to share his experiences and feelings with, and as he had no one in particular, then why not whoever wanted to listen? So of course he tossed all his videos onto Eostube.
He had no thematic at first, since he just shared random stuff and events.
People started liking and suscribing and asking him things, so he started making it much more formal and putting more of editing hours into it, and his suscriptions grew and grew and never stopped!
He films and takes photos of the places he goes and the things he does (without exposing his adress or anything too personal). As the channel grew, he started making some thematics into it: he has Q&A Fridays, ‘Chocobo Hunt’ (he’s just filming places where he spots a chocobo, whether real animal or not), ‘Dead or Alive’ (he goes to taste test to different stalls or restaurants and marks ‘dead’ or ‘alive’ according to whether he liked it or not), and, among some others, he has the space ‘Princefriending - A Common Friend.’
He’s gotten so used to Noctis as his friend that he just filmed the two of them doing things without giving weight or particular highlight that this is the prince, until the people in the comments recognized him. And ofc the Q&A went on and on until Prompto had to open that space just for things regarding his adventures with Noct and company!
At first it was only Noct, but Prom introduced Gladio & Ignis at some point.
Prompto has an adorable video of him ranting and reacting to the news that Gladio and Ignis are a couple (only released on his channel after Gladio and Ignis confirmed it was okay to make it public).
And so, while most of the videos focus on all 4 or Prom and each bro individually or etc., Prom has Gladio’s and Ignis’ Chapstick Challenge on his channel (ages; Prom - 19, Ignis - 21, Gladio - 22).
Coon has a special net that connects to Eostube, so I’m gonna describe it to you:
*www.eostube.lcs**Enter**Typing on Search Box: ‘Promptocobo Gladio and Ignis’**scrolling down**Clicks on thumbnail that shows the caption ‘Chapstick Challenge ROYAL edition!? /open-mouthed emoji/’**slams the heck out of the ‘Skip Ad’ box*
*8-bit Chocobo theme song playing; a toon Prompto dancing in the middle of the yellow, white and blue colored background; there’s a signature in a corner of the fanartist*
P: Hello and welcome to…. PROMPTOCOBO ヽ(・∀・)ノ
P: I am Prompto! And this is another video for… *sounds and visual effects* Princefriending! Or, videos where I rant and show you a commoner’s life as friend to the Lucian prince and company.
P: Today, in case you haven’t read the title, or the caption, or seen the thumbnail,or the description, I bring to you the so famous: Chap- stick  Cha- llenge! *sound effect of cheering*
P: Now, I know what you’re thinking: am I kissing Noctis? Is Noctis kissing me?
P: The answer is a magnificent No!  ☆ ~(‘▽^人)
*sound effect of sad Aaw*
P: *sigh* I know, I know. Pretty disappointing. He’s missing a lot.
P: So you can skip this video if that was what you were looking for, BUT, you’d miss the opportunity to see… “Cockatiel Chef” *picture of Ignis pops up* and “Boulder Bookworm” *picture of Gladio pops up* make out in front of the camera, oh yeah  („ಡωಡ„)
P: Please don’t tell them I called them that.
P: So as you know, Noct’s adviser and his Shield are dating-
P: Creepy.
P: -And they’re gonna give the Chapstick challenge a go!
P: *taking the camera off the tripod to carry it in hands* Let’s say hello to…Mr. Gladiolus Shield Amicitia, and Mr. Ignis Adviser Scientia!
*Prom turns the camera so instead of self-filming, he’s filming said guests.*
*They’re in a cozy apartment or home, nothing too extravagant; both are sat at the sofa, and it seems they had been casually talking before this, and they wave at the camera as casually and carefree as if though Prompto had as casually started filming this instead of this being prepared*
P: Say hello, you two!
G: Hello, you two!
P: That was lame.
I: Hello, everyone.
P: Ignis, classy as always.
P: *self filming again* Now, you may be wondering…how did Prompto get *visuals of a black background and big, thick captions in red appearing word per word as Prompto says with a dramatic voice* THE HOTTEST COUPLE OF EOS *black background turns into animated fire; screen goes back to Prompto as normal* to agree on Chapstick challenge? Gladio and Ignis, the relationship made public, still don’t often show PDA to the media or even at work at all, so- how did I get them to agree to not only kiss to the camera but also accept the Chapstick Challenge?
P: I did not!
P: Honestly the only thing I did was to say ‘Hey, why don’t you try the chapstick challenge?’ and they agreed before I even explained what it was.
P: *turns the camera to them* Wanna explain that?
G: Eh, yes. Thing is *points at Ignis* This idiot over here says that he’s got a more sensible and better developed sense of taste than I do. And obviously that can’t be.
I: Honestly, it can be and is. This twat over here *points at Gladio* thinks that only because between the two of us it is me who cooks and he who swallows the entire refrigerator at once-
G: I do not-
I: -he’s got a more sensible sense of taste than me. Which is obviously ridiculous.
G: See, what you say makes no sense. It’s obvious that the one that eats more has a better sense of taste, and that’s…me.
I: *sarcastic, elegant laugh* Gladiolus. Dear. *places fingertips to his own chest* I am the chef.
G: ….so?
I: So, it is obvious I’ve got a better sense. It’s not about how much you eat, but how many things you’ve tasted. As a cook, I’ve tasted many, many ingredients and a wide variety of dishes, most of which you couldn’t even pronounce the name of.
G: That was low. Right, okay, but it’s not about who’s eating more or better. It’s whose tongue is more sensible to the ART of the culinary art itself.
I: That makes no sense.
*G & I continue to argue*
P: *self-filming again* ……
P: So what happened is, these two have been arguing over this for days, I got exhausted, and I suggested-
P: sarcastically and not even expecting them to have heard
P: - “hey why don’t you make the Chapstick Challenge? I mean, it does have a lot to do with the ‘sense of taste’”, and because all their ‘arguments’ end up in them making-out anyway, why not argue, figure the answer, and make-out all at once?
P: Just when I said what it was about both screamed ‘YES’ and didn’t even question me or the game; they only needed to know there was a game where they could compete against each other and prove who’s better, and the rest doesn’t matter.
P: These two are so competitive over everything.
P: Honestly I’m not sure if I respect or fear them.
P: *sounds of the couple friendly arguing in the background* …
P: Okay just- let me control these two
*black screen, the chocobo theme, and the captions ‘84 hours later…’*
P: AAAAH! So, where were we? ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
P: Right!
P: *filming the couple, still sat at the sofa at a height that suggests Prompto put the tripod at a similar height as if the camera were his own eyes and he’s sat across them. Gladio and Ignis look at the camera, both smiling each their way; Ignis has a leg crossed, and Gladio rests the head against a hand. Both are paying attention*
P: So, what we will do is….here I have, packed and new-
G: *contains a laugh as Prom speaks, Ignis subtly nudges at him*
P: -*showing to the camera* twenty different chapsticks, all a different flavor. So I’m going to put them all in this bag *showing it to the camera*, we’re gonna, you know…shake it-
G: *is about to burst out laughing again; Ignis, once more, tries to subtly nudge at him but starts starting-to-laugh as well*
P: -and I’m going to pick a random one, so while one of them is blindfolded-
I: *snorts*
G: *laughs as quietly as possible*
P: …
P: ….
P:… ohmYGO-
*black screen, high pitched beep, and captions in white ‘We’re experimenting technical difficultitties, please stand by’ and a ‘lol u read that wrong’ pointing at the ‘difficultitties’*
*Back to the couple sat at the sofa, different poses, both are smiling as if recently done with laughter. Ignis’ expression could be saying ‘My gods, what the heck are we doing?’ but he looks amused*
P: So as I was saying, we put the chapsticks in the bag, one of them closes the eyes or wears this absolutely beautiful eye mask, I pick a random chapstick, I give it to the one that didn’t close the eyes, so he puts it on, they…do that thing with kissing, and the other tries to figure the flavor! Easy enough, guys?
G: Yep.
I: Understood.
P: Okay, so…who goes first?
G: Me, of course.
P: You’re not gonna fight that, Iggy?
I: Not really.
P: Okay, so, have the eye mask, Big Guy.
G: *while they talk unimportant stuff, takes the mask, sees it and laughs, puts it on. It’s got a pair of big Kenny-Crow eyes on them.*
I: *stares at him trying not to laugh*
G: So. How do I look?
I: Terrifyingly handsome.
G: I know. *smirks for a moment, and then starts making kissy gestures at Ignis*
I: *holds it only a moment, bursts out laughing and smacks Gladio in the face*
*change of moment, same scene*
P: Okay, so…I pick a random one and… *digging into the bag; takes one out, shows it to the camera. Works on the lense’s focus so it can be readable. It reads ‘Coconut’*
P: *shows it to Ignis*
I: *sigh* I am disappointed. This represents no challenge to either of us, but…
G: *talks unimportant matters while Ignis puts the chapstick on,who’s only replying sarcastic ‘Huh’s at Gladio’s ranting*
G: You’re not listening, are you?
I: Are you going to kiss me or not?
G: *short but exaggerated deep breath, moves towards Ignis blindly* Come ‘ere you loser.
I: *reaches closer to him and uses a fingertip under Gladio’s jaw to guide him*
G: *holds his face and pulls him close, holding him in place, and kisses him*
I: *smiles during the kiss*
G: *kisses him more*
*chibi-like Prompto’s head popping from a corner with the little caption OMG*
G: *pulls apart and licks own lips, making unnecessary/exaggerated noises of tasting*
I: *smiles, lips still ghosting and face still trapped in Gladio’s hands*
G: Hmm….this tastes and smells like your shampoo.
I: *rolls eyes, but keeps smiling*
G: That’s easy. This is coconut.
P: *cheering, at the time Fanfare song plays background and a chibi Prompto appears from the bottom of the screen, holding two little flags*
I: Okay. My turn.
G: HAH. See, I got it at the first try *pulls mask off* I am the master of this, Iggy, I don’t know why you still want to try.
I: Honestly, this one shouldn’t even count.
G: Oh, so you’re not gonna count it?
I: Yes, I am. But the only reason I’m counting it is because you’ll do so poorly with the next ones that it will embarrass me that your counter stays 0 by the end.
G: *exaggerated offended expresion*
G: That hurt.
I: Good.
P: *laughs*
G: You are so mean. What are you waiting for, put it on!
I: I am not putting that frightening mask on myself. I am beautiful as I am.
G: *rolls eyes* Put it on, it’s to be sure you won’t look and cheat.
I: I can just close my eyes.
G: Unfair.
I: What, do you not trust me?
G: No.
*background music stops playing at the time Ignis gasps; Gladio & Ignis hold eye contact in total silence, tense*
*dramatic piano music; screen shows a black and white picture of the couple as if it was about a poster for a dramatic movie, with captions ‘Are Gladnis breaking up!? Find out in Season 2′*
*back to normal screen, Gladnis friendly arguing lowly; Ignis ended up just closing the eyes*
*Prompto’s digging for a new chapstick and shows it to the camera; it reads ‘Ebony’*
G: UNFAIR. Pick another one.
I: That’s cheating.
G: Shut up, Scientia.
*dramatic zoom to Ignis’ face, as he raises an eyebrow. Chibi Prompto pops out with caption ‘LMAO Gladio gonna DIE’*
*Prompto takes out a new chapstick. It reads ‘cake batter’*
G: *exasperated sigh* My god, what did you buy, ‘Ignis’ choices of chapstick flavors’?
*the guys talk while Gladio puts the chapstick on; they friendly argue when Ignis asks him if he’s done, Gladio bursts into a Patience rant, and Ignis growls that that’s not what he meant*
G: Kay, I’m ready.
I: Okay. *awkward silence; voice louder as if nagging* Well would you be so KIND to come kiss me? I can’t see.
G: Didn’t know you kiss with the eyes.
P: *laughs*
I: That was lame.
G: Well, actually you do. You know your sweet, sweet gaze feels like a kiss to my heart, don’t you?
*background music stops playing, at the time Ignis turns the head in Gladio’s direction and smiles. Ignis puts a hand up and sweetly caresses the Shield’s face with his knuckles*
*Screen changes to a chibi Prompto that looks between terrified and disgusted*
*Back to normal screen. Gladio takes Ignis by the face again and brings him close, guiding him. He closes the eyes when their lips meet. Ignis kisses him very slowly only a few times; takes as long as Gladio did, except slower*
I: *pulls apart and stays quiet*
G: …so?
I: Hm. It’s tricky. I am going to assume this may be vanila?
I: What?
I: Seriously?
P: This says ‘Cake batter’, Iggy.
I: ….
I: Nonsense. That doesn’t taste like cake batter at all.
G: Loser.
I: It’s unfair, does it taste like cake batter to you?
G: Yes.
I: You don’t even know what cake batter tastes like, then.
G: You’re just claiming the flavor is nothing alike because you’re too proud to admit you’re mistaken; how is this not going to taste like it should, what is the point on naming it this then, what is-
*Prompto self-films a blank expression while the couple argues background*
*Next chapstick Prompto pulls reads ‘Ebony’. There are many complaints, but Ignis accepts it claiming he’s not a cheater ‘like some others’, puts it on and reaches for Gladio. The couple kisses for a while, and Gladio lingers on his lower lip, with a ‘Hmmm’ of thinking before he lets go of Ignis’ mouth.*
G: …that’s…I don’t know…bitter cocoa?
P: *bursts into quiet laughter*
I: *snorts*
G: What?
I: I feel personally offended, Gladiolus. By this point of our relationship you should be pretty acquaintanced with my favorite drink.
G: Wha- *pulls mask off, reaches for the chapstick on the table and reads it, shocked. He looks at it intensely like the more he stares could make the flavor change; eventually puts it down and turns to Ignis*
G: That doesn’t taste a single bit like Ebony!
I: *raising the pitch of his voice* ‘You’re just claiming the flavor is nothing alike because you’re too proud to admit you’re mistaken’
G: How DARE you use my own words against me, Scientia
I: See, these don’t even taste at all like they should. You lose this round.
G: Wha-!? Not fair! Bu- say, we’re still 1 - 0 to my favor. I’m winning. I lost the battle but not war.
I: A rough beginning tends to predict a sweeter victory for the one in disadvantage.
*Prompto continues to pull chapsticks from the bag, showing them to the camera, and handing them to the respective gamer. Eventually, the count is 5 - 6 to Ignis’ favor*
G: *exasperated sigh after losing again*
P: *laughing* Heeeey, Big Guy, what is the probleeeem? I thought you had this!?
G: Shut up, blondie.
I: Rough beginning; a sweeter victory.
G: You too shut up. Your turn, babe.
*Prompto digs through the chapstick; by this point Ignis has closed the eyes and is staring away, waiting; the mask has been thrown behind the sofa 3 chapsticks ago. Prompto murmurs a ‘what the f*ck?’ and shows the chapstick to the camera; it reads ‘Popcorn flavor’. He hands it to Gladio, who, after reading it, stares up at Prompto and makes a face that clearly asks ‘How in Eos is that even possible, wtf does this mean???’, but none share a word. Gladio shrugs and starts putting it on*
*Gladio finishes putting it on and turns to Ignis, claiming he’s ready*
*Ignis tries to get close but doesn’t get anywere when-*
G: *sigh* Iggy, this won’t work, it’s stupid and awkward-
*P and I are asking him separatedly what does he mean, but Gladio continues talking no interruptions*
G:- we’ve been sat side to side all awkward and it’s uncomfortable, if I’m going to be kissing you for like another two hours I want to be comfy and I want to hug you, so you have to come ‘re-
*Gladio’s hands sneak around Ignis’ hips and under his ass at the time the Shield turns to his side and tucks the legs onto the sofa, scoops Ignis up at the same time and pulls him onto his lap so he’s straddling him, his thighs at each of Gladio’s sides, even though camera doesn’t offer a sight of it, showing from torso to head, Ignis barely reacting or having time to do so*
G: *serious* See, much easier and comfy!
I: *blinks a bit startled at first, but immediately smiles softly. He gets secured in his place crossing the ankles behind Gladio’s back, without applying pressure, and rests his hands on the Shield’s shoulders*
I: Much easier and comfortable, indeed.
P: Eeew, you guys going to do the thing or are you turning this into a cheesy romantic video?
G: What, wasn’t this supposed to be so already?
I: *laughs very quietly*
G: Kay, chapstick’s on, Iggy. So, kiss me.
I: Make me.
G: *raises eyebrow; dramatic zoom to it; dramatic extra zoom and black and white filter along dramatic music for a few seconds*
*screen back to normal*
*Ignis reaches down to kiss Gladio; his hands still rest on Gladio’s shoulder and they caress subtly on them. He’s got the eyes softly closed, like the Shield. Both focus on the kiss for a moment. Gladio tries to break apart, but Ignis requests ‘One more’ and they lean into the kiss only an inch after separating.*
*Ignis asks Gladio for ‘one more’ around five times; by the fourth, Prompto’s face appears by the corner, with a disgusted expression; by the fifth and as they kiss the Shield widens a smile*
G: *not opening the eyes, lips still rubbing on Ignis’* You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t ya?
I: *soft chuckle* You wish. One more.
*Gladio laughs softly only for a second before leaning closer for another kiss.*
I: *a few seconds after breaking apart* This…is…new.
G: *smirks at him*
Ignis: …I don’t know. Honey?
G: Yes, sweetheart?
I: *smacks his shoulder; Gladio only laughs*
I: Is it honey flavour or not?
P: *sound of Fail/Rejection similar to a NYEH*
I: Wha-!? But why!?
G: *laughs* See, you suck at this game, too. It’s nowhere close, does it taste like honey to you?
I: Of course not, but-
G: Then why the hell would you say so?
I: -No, listen, it’s just- the Cake batter flavor didn’t taste like Cake batter, the Caramel didn’t taste like caramel at all, Sugar was almost the entire opposite, so if nothing tastes like its name suggests, Honey wouldn’t either so as this doesn’t taste like Honey but is similar to-
Gladio: Ohmygod, Ignis, it’s Popcorn.
I: How is that even a flavour!?
G: Look, I didn’t make the rules!
*Prompto self-films his blank expression again while the couple continues arguing background*
*The next that Prompto digs from the bag is Cherry. Ignis looks at it and smiles, and mouths at the camera that ‘Gladio will like this one’’; captions included for those not catching it and non-native speakers*
*Prompto has to get closer to hand it over to Ignis seen as both refuse to move from their “Comfy Love Nest”. Ignis takes it, argues with Gladio when the Shield gets worked up by Ignis’ telling him to ‘keep the eyes closed’, ranting about trust issues and going full fake drama on him while Ignis rolls the eyes and puts the chapstick on*
*Ignis hands it back to Prompto, and as he moves the lips to spread the chapstick on them real good, camera makes a zoom into his face and captions write ’Fabulous’. A note appear saying ‘Ignis got angry at me for that caption. He said I forgot to add ‘& Splendid’*
I: Okay *rests the forearms on Gladio’s shoulders* I’m ready.
G: Kay, come and kiss me. I miss you already.
*Quick appearance of doodle Prompto’s disgusted face*
I: *laughing softly and leaning down* Aren’t you the smooth talker?
*Gladio smiles but doesn’t reply; Ignis pressed their lips together and Gladio catches Iggy’s; they kiss only twice before they pull apart half-an-inch*
G: *shaky voice* Oh, my Six, I like this one.
I: *subtle turn to look at the camera and half-nods as if saying ‘Told you’*
*While Ignis did that Gladio had reached up for another kiss, but found Ignis’ cheek instead; the pressure makes Ignis’ cheek sink and grow rounder, and the adviser grins happily while Gladio complains on ‘where did your mouth go?’ Ignis turns to face him again, still happily smiling, before reaching to kiss him again*
*kisses lingers too much. background music stops playing to make this much moreawkward on purpose (for viewers, that is)*
*Gladio purrs out a ‘Hm, yeah’ after another kiss and doesn’t break apart. Ignis keeps smiling and lets Gladio kiss him long and slow. The Shield still hugs him by the waist, very softly, and Ignis moves the hands to Gladio’s face to cup it*
I: One more?
G: Just shut up.
*Ignis gets to laugh for only one second before locking the lips with Gladio’s again. Along the kiss Ignis asks ‘You done yet?’, ‘Got the answer?’, ‘Is that enough?’ and other similar questions, only to be answered with ‘Nope’s, ‘One More’s, and ‘I need another hint’ and similar responses*
*The kiss goes on for thirty slow seconds in silence and awkward.*
*Dramatic zoom in to the counter* *Dramatic zoom to the kissing couple* *Zoom into the time counter* *Zoom into the couple, and then a dramatic zoom into Ignis’ thumb (the one the camera can see) catching the subtle way it caresses Gladio’s face*
*Black screen with an entire white toon Prompto with a blank expression*
*Zoom into counter that reads 3 minutes into the kiss*
*Back to toon Prompto, this time terrified while screeching*
*Back to normal screen; the couple is still kissing, holding each other and mouths connected. Gladio looks rather serious and focused, Ignis looks happy and purely content*
P: *standing up and crossing the camera’s sight* That’s it, I can’t, I won’t stare at this all day.
G: Oi, blondie!
P: *stops and turns as if prepared to retake the game.*
G: *stretches a hand towards him, palm up* But leave that cherry chapstick with us.
*Screen with terrified, screeching Prompto again, zoomed in*
I: *sighs and closes eyes*
G: *smirks up at him* Can’t miss it. This one does taste of cherry.
I: Alright. That’s a point to you.
P: That makes the game even!
I: …*looks at a side*
I: …actually…that’s not quite correct.
P: Huh? Of course it is, it says on the-
I: *gestures for him to keep quiet, talks slowly and in a clear lie* No. Apologies. It is not cherry, Gladio.
G: Oh? *smirks and raises an eyebrow* It isn’t? *pecks Ignis on the lips* *fake gasp; talks with faked, flamboyant voice* You’re right. It is not cherry. I am afraid I can’t name it… Some come ‘ere, I gotta study this real good.
*Both lean into the kiss; this time, Ignis wraps his arms around Gladio’s neck and Gladio hugs him tighter*
P: *crosing the camera again in the opposite direction than before*
I: *not opening the eyes and basically mid kiss* You suggested we’d make this.
G: Can’t complain, sunshine boy *immediately retakes his slow kissing with Ignis*
*screen shows the couple for a few moments, before it turns blue & golden with jazz music background and captions ‘I came back thirty minutes later and found them-’ ; caption changes into a smirk emoji; changes to new captions reading: ‘NAPPING, THESE IDIOTS WERE NAPPING WTF I FEEL LEFT OUT >:’(*
*screen comes back to the living room, the couple is sat side by side on the sofa, holding hands; Gladio yawns heavily and Ignis, head rested on the Shield’s shoulder, sometimes rubs at his eyes; Prompto’s inventing a silly rant on how it is rude to nap on the prince’s couch without his permission, lecturing them like it’s a serious issue except he sounds silly and trying not to laugh*
*silence with the sleepy couple after Prompto shuts up; Gladio’s staring at Ignis and lazily plants a kiss on top of his head, and Ignis rubs at his eye from under his glasses once more before putting the fist down*
P: ….did you understand?
I: ….*sleepy* what?
Chibi Prompto appears at a corner, laughing
*same scene, different moment*
P: SO! We’re obviously not doing ALL the chapsticks we’ve got or this video would be like three hours long-
P: Especially with how long these two take with their smooching
P:- so we’re keeping it there! Are you guys content with the results?
G: *lazy smile* Yeah…
I: But you didn’t win.
G: So? You didn’t win either.
I: …true.
P: See, that must mean that I win. I was never mistaken.
G: *laughs* That doesn’t count.
I: He didn’t get any kiss. Let him have some triumph.
G: *histerically laughing*
*a :’( appears on screen*
P: that was mean. So mean. *Gladio’s still laughing* You know what guys, this is the last time I guest feature you in my channel. *another :’( appears* Why are you so mean to me
I: *Tenderly and quietly, with a little smile* We love you, Prompto.( ´ ▽ ` )
*A :’) appears*
P: Ohmygod, Iggy, that’s… *a ;A; appears on screen* That’s so nice, I love you too!
I: Really?
P: Yeah!
I: Nice :)
G: And do you guys love me?
P: Yeah!
I: No.
P: Oh. *pauses before bursting out in laughter*
*Gladio only lets out a little ‘Dammit’.
*screen goes back to Prompto as the video started, with the camera on the tripod, giving its back to the sofa/living room area, and Prompto as the focus, only the wall visible behind him*
P: Well, guys, that was it for the Chapstick Challenge, royal edition! Featuring Iggy and Gladio, the chamberlain and the Shield of the prince, but, more than just that, his friends and brothers, and who I’ve had the pleasure to know and befriend as well.
P: I hope you enjoyed this new video for ‘Princefriending - A Common Friend’ it was a pretty traumatic experience to me in some points, but- I had fun and they did too, so…hope you guys had fun too!
P: If you liked this video do consider liking it and suscribing in the buttons down below.
P: Like always, remember to stay well hydrated, stretch those legs, and-
P: *dramatic gesture of self-hugging*
P: Receive a TIGHT, TIGHT HUG from me-
P: And see you next-
P: *looking off screen, as if offended* O h  m y g o d, THEY FELL ASLEEP AGAIN>:’(
P: I can’t believe them, it’s like I don’t even exist-
P: *quiet*
P: *stares at both sides*
P: *stares at the camera*
P: * smirks and glares at the camera*
P: *same expression than before, but now he’s holding up a marker*
P: *same than before, but there’s a filter ofanimated fire and sound effect of a demon-like laughter*
P: *back to normal filter and happy looks as if nothing had happened*
P: So, see you next time!
P: *Kisses two of his fingertips and uses both hands to salute, waving them from his forehead to the outside; winks and says ‘See ya!’*
*screen changes to the blue&white background, 8-bit chocobo themeplaying, and a toon Prompto sits in a corner with a pet chocochick; two other thumbnails show rounded by their respective links*
*Three seconds of a photo of Gladio and Ignis asleep; Gladio lies on the couch, and Ignis sleeps on top of him, head to the Shield’s chest. They’re hugged during sleep. They’ve got whiskers, chocobos, little toon Promptos and little hearts all over their faces. Gladio has a unibro and Ignis was given a mustache*
*End of video*
Hahaha, well this was a lot of fun! I feel like this turned out rather ‘short’ compared to the time I feel I spent here, but I’m content with the result.
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! (o´▽`o)
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EPISODE 1 (Part 1) - “I'll be sharpening my knife just in case” - Eddie
im gay
The Cheshire Cat is back again
Ok it is only like 15 minutes into the game so I don't have anything to say but I love you Jay! So I am making a confessional <3
Im y'all putting me on a tribe with Jaiden who I have not talked to for months and who is in general probably the messiest org player you will find on the planet. I'm in vermont right now in at an inn with shitty service so I'm definitely ready to be booted out of this thing pretty quickly. But I'll be sharpening my knife just in case I can somehow make it a swap.
This season I'm going to write actually decent confessionals. At least I hope! This tribe is pretty lit and the people are so nice!  I obviously haven't had a lot of time  to get to know everyone but I cant wait! I really think this is going to be a great season!
I'm actually pretty content with the tribe I got placed on, because I only know Eddie. I could probably use that to my advantage but I don't know if he likes me so... good luck to me. I like playing in games where I know very few people but I am definitely a little worried about Keyonjay being on the other tribe because he will probably go out before I ever swap onto the same tribe as him, and that lowkey sucks. I'm also SUPER concerned about Ting Ting because I hear she's a huge threat and she and Seamus are like, dating IRL or something so hmm. Gonna keep that on my radar.
Five minutes in and I already hate my tribe, there isn't really anyone I can put my trust in, we better not lose the first immunity challenge, I'm not leaving first again...
um I hope i am okay in this game idk these people too well and I just hope i can stay a while I fucking hate not knowing the cast before but whatever can i just say I love Jay and that is all.
Our tribe is really talkative... which is horrible for me bc im not asdfghjkl. Oh well we have a lot of comp beasts on out tribe so we should be good.
I've never done this in a game before but let me do a little cast assessment. First let's start with my tribe, Namtso! Jared and I have a lil history in games where I always always always get him out somehow someway. Who knows if he'll trust me! I LOVE KENDALL, nuff said. I have no idea who all the others are but I hope I can make friends with them and have them not vote me off n stuff. In Kailash, I already have Carson added but idk them that well. I love Chrissa and I hope we both make merge or swap on a tribe together and be besties. Dani can go! I love Elena I hope we can acc work together earlier this time than I did in Pompeii. I'm not sure about Seb, he literally just evicted me as hoh in another game rofl. Everyone else idk but I hate that I know more ppl on this tribe than my own tribe. I guess I gotta get talking huh? The last tribe with the unreadable buff has Matt and Trysten. Matt's my fellow furry and Trysten is also semi-furry so I hope they can survive. As for Jaiden, FUCK him I hope he gets out before I even have to deal with his ass. And again idk everyone else.
Two confessionals in one night? Not surprising. I was really excited to have a non-messy tribe but for some reason, I'm put with two fellow normal people and four confirmed freaks. I don't even know who Johnny is yet but he's literally looped in with those weirdos until further notice. Let's do a quick cast assessment of my tribe, which I forgot its name already because ? flops only. EDDIE - Y'all really did this to me, huh? Eddie hasn't spoken to me since BEFORE October because that's the furthest our chat history even goes. It's me sending messages and him not responding and it's literally the most disappointing thing ever because now I have to work with him in order to exterminate the furries and dildo freaks of this tribe. He's a nice guy and I will only allow him to stick around premerge because he is also a huge threat and a bigger backstabber than I am. JAIDEN - flop JOHNNY - He is not here yet but I think he'll be cool to talk to later on I guess, because we're the same age but he seems more "put together" and like he has legitimate goals in his life. But he's also a college student so I don't expect him to be around much, so I just want to work with him until there is no more need for him if he truly is an inactive person. JULIA - Honestly? She's fucking annoying already lmao SORRY IF UR READING THIS but she talks about dildos and getting fucked in the ass by furries and it's just like... calm down. It's day one and she's already said about 500 things and it's 500 things too much. Definitely bottom of the tribe so far lmao. MATT - He IS loud and cocky and I think he's going to try really really hard to be the Tyson-esque villain this season, so he's also my least favorite because he is not going to be genuine or good at this game. He could go. TING TING -  She's sweet so far but she's really hard to talk to because her answers are so short and they can end a conversation in a second. I feel like she's the only person I like at the moment and that sucks so much because damn, she's not easy to talk to. I'm hoping that we have to go to tribal council first though and pump some of those strategic juices into the tribe because I feel like she'll open right up if that's the case. TRYSTEN - Okay I immediately want him to be first boot because he's the most annoying but in subtle ways. He's like "SOMEONE ALREADY THINKS IM AN ALT" and like well, maybe because you're so adamant that you aren't??? Like shut up. And he's saying that Dani is his sister or something in his cast intro and literally no one cares, but you're just a freak thats putting a huge target on their back for no reason. Anyways...enjoy being the only person to get 21st place in this series :o FLOP! So yeah, there's my cast assessment for this tribe. Hopefully I can fall into an alliance and not get first boot from this horrific tribe, but it could probably be worse on the other side. Wish me luck, and tell the VL to suck my left nut! xoxo
I really like my tribe a lot. I have a really good feeling about Nicholas, that he could be a strong ally down the road. Kendall is hilarious, I'm vibing with her pretty well. I've had a short conversation with Amanda. Ace is a fucking amazing artist, and newlyf is cool even though I don't even know their real first name and they haven't messaged me back lol. I like everybody so far and I'm making a conscious effort to get to know everybody unlike in my other games where I would wait for people to come to me. Maybe it's the power of the meesh avatar, but I really hope my social game is better this time around. Y'all wrong for making this the first challenge tho @hosts.
So I just wanna make a SHORT rant on how I feel about my tribemates. Eddie: Eddie my fellow Gorlley. You're cool and I hope we do get to work together moving forward here. Jaiden: Bruh, you're funny and you also seem cool af. Let's pray my opinion on you doesn't change Johnny: Why u no active? Julia: I really feel like you might become one of my best friends here. You're really cool to talk to Matt: You sexy monster you. *winks* Ting Ting: Just like Julia, you really might become one of my best friends here. Trysten: Stop lying about being an angel, I can see right into your soul.
So I really wasn't gonna do the day one alliance thing, but Kendall proposed we go into an alliance and ofc I'm gonna say yes. haha. I do actually like her a lot so that's good. She pulled in Ace, and I wanted to pull in Nicholas because I feel like me and him gel pretty well. Hopefully people see Kendall as the figurehead because my whole strategy was to fly UTR but things change like that in this game. Basically, I just wanna make friends with everybody so I'm not the target regardless, do well in the challenges, and not overthink things like I usually do.
I'm talking to Ally in PC and I swear I'm getting Mega vibes from her. I swear if Ally is Mega....
Hello. It's me. I've been wondering after all these years, if you'd like to me. To go over everything.... Yeah that's all I know, I mean sure I could look up the lyrics on Google but I am far too lazy. No wait I also know HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It has been ten billion years since my last confessional/game, which may seem mathematically impossible because I've only played survivor for one year but shut up because this is my confessional... bitch. Any who, I am back with two percent more evil and one percent more effectiveness. No longer will I be a drifter, just sort of hanging back and waiting for anyone to pick me up and drag me along, I will be the leader!!!!!!!! Despite having about zero charisma and even less interpersonal skills. But my mommy says I am special so there. Anyway I have made an alliance with people. Ew gross I know. But it has to be done. I've made a group of people who were speficially selected because of their incompetence in some areas. Ace the Squabit:  I've played with Ace in Pompeii, we aligned for a short period of time before Drew voted him out. He is incredibly intelligent but he isn't particularly social. Creating a bond with him shouldn't be too difficult because of this fact. Keyonjay Dixon: Aside from having a bitchin' name, Keyonjay has one of the rare characteristics of getting my sense of humor. He isn't very connected to the community so I don't have to worry about any pregame alliances he may have made. In a previous game, he stated to have "played for someone else," time will tell if he will repeat this mistake. And last but not least we have, Nicholas: I don't know him very well and I don't have as much control over him as I do the others. Which frightens me... but I think we get along just fine. I've recommended Survivor seasons to him because he hasn't seen the show so maybe that will bring a bond of some sort. As for the other tribe members, Amanda seems pretty chill and Newlyf is fucking hilarious. I'd like to avoid getting them out if I can. Jared on the other hand... I don't particularly care. He is so boring and has terrible spelling, two of the worst qualities. He called me a psycho in a PM to Ace, which is mildly amusing because I don't think he knows how far it really goes. He doesn't trust Ace, he doesn't like me, he was barely on for the first half of the game. Jared serves no use to me or anyone in my cult... sorry alliance lol auto correct. Anyway I will update when I get more information but until then... HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I really wanna trust these people, but I really cant. I literally have one ally and it's already almost day 2. Well, one ally is better than none I guess. I just really wanna win immunity. I'm not taking the risk of going to tribal council.
Basically Ting Ting is a queen and I'm  planning on making her my Sam of this game and I've pretty much let her know that. Although idk if she finds it sketchy that after once hour I said that but I honestly don't have as much time as a thought as I would so I need to leech myself to a strategically gifted iconic queen that will carry me through the beginning stages of the game into the merge. I honestly haven't decided if I'm going to stay loyal to Ting or not. But if I do vote her out it wouldn't be until the final 5 which is about the time that I probably should've cut Sam in bangladesh but I didn't cause I'm an emotionally human being. By that time though I'll probably have become way too close with Ting to cut her and I will probably make the same mistake I did in Bangladesh which is not taking out the clear jury threat and the person who will obviously win the game at the end. But that won't matter to me as long as I get to have fun bathing in the blood from all the other people who's demise I will cause. I'm going to busy these first rounds of the game but once things slow down and I settle into my city life I should be able to really get into it. I don't need other people knowing that though. Right now I'm just gonna play the sort of active, sort of inactive number for who ever is running the tribe (which will probably be ting which is why I decided to leech myself onto her). I believe Jaiden will try to run the tribe but he and I mean... he can think he is. But I will make sure Ting Ting knows all about his ruthless gameplay and the erratic and messy way he plays. She can do all the work rope in the numbers and I'll just be her little yes man. Whatever gets me to the swap tbh. Either way, I want to keep Jaiden on the outs while making him believe he's the leader. If I have it my he will be first boot, but if not I will coddle him and make him feel like I'm close with him right until I put the knife in his back which I'm hoping will he sooner rather than later, especially on a tribe with such small numbers. Idk how well that will work but it's worth a shot. I also have been talking to Roxy a bit and also matt. Im gonna go to them tomorrow on my drive home from vermont and be like "hey guys!!! Im a busy man!!!! Sorry couldn't talk to you last night!!!! And then talk to them all the way on the ride home and build up some type of bond or whatever.... Jaiden not being around tomorrow should make it even worse on him? Either way, I'm going to do a faceplant into Ting Tings ass. I have no shame in kissing someones ass just to get myself further in this game. That's what this is all about amiright? I'm honestly ready to be first boot, but if I'm not this should be fun.
I should be scared of the Pokemon Camp Community but I'm not really. Its true they are a force and nobody could stand against them if they are all together but I doubt half of them would make merge. Kendall and I are already planning on taking out Jared if we ever lose cuz he said he doesnt trust me and called Kendall a psycho (which is true in a good way~) Dani and Trysten might seem like a threat to others in tribe stage due to Trystan's bio I guess? I dunno. As for Seb idk why yall casted him cuz he's probably most likely 75% chance going to strike out and be removed anyway so nobody should worry about him.
So. It's been a day and someone has already asked to work with me. #Dani. I dont know where this is going to go i know I'm not committing myself to anything this drastic on day one. I guess it's nice to know I have one option! Dani seems really nice! So who knows
If we don't win this fucking reward challenge I will be PISSED, I busted my ass in that stupid ass unicorn game and pretended to enjoy that shit so other people would do it.
Honestly, I feel like I did good on this first challenge. I still trying to figure out who on my tribe would be the best for me to make an alliance with. In a sense, I am somewhat apprehensive because of Lazio and its endless tribe swaps....eh, time to snoop around.
0 notes