#you and your poor directorial choices
hwascripts · 1 year
A Yandere Love Letter from Mammon
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Wanna see more? Check out my directory.
The following post contains mentions of unhealthy relationships, manipulation and overall dark content. I do not condone or support the following behaviour, this is simply a work of fiction.
Are y’all interested in yandere Obey Me character asks or have any potential requests? What should I write?
It’s been a while, Treasure. How’ve you been doing up in the human realm? Or your ”home” as ya always liked to call it. You should know your home is here by my side, sweets.
The only reason I haven't marched right up there and brought ya right back into my arms is because of Lucifer and Diavolo. What giant pains in the ass, keepin’ the great Mammon’s greatest treasure away. It’s much worse than getting strung up to the ceiling by Lucifer, dollface.
But just because I can't venture up there myself doesn't mean I can't encourage you to come back home, treasure. Don't you worry sweet thing. I’ve got my ways.
How’s that paycheck looking, baby? Poor thing, you’ve been working so many extra shifts, too. It’s too bad all that money goes towards your “sudden” expenses.
The broken car, the leaking sink, the bills. I wonder how much more of that you can take, baby. Why is it that your luck is so bad right now?
Since I’m feeling so generous, why don't I let ya in on a secret? All of those pesky little expenses? They’re all me, dollface. You see, being the Avatar of Greed has its perks. I can easily influence someone's luck, and it just so happens that I’m badly influencing yours.
Please don't hate me, baby. I’m doing ya a favour, ya see? Without your first man around, who’s gonna protect you up there in the human realm? It's horrifying to think you’re up there all alone, with no protection. But if you come back to me, all of this can stop.
The choice is simple, sweets. Come back home to me, and all your problems will disappear. You’ll be under my care and protection. You’ll never have to worry that pretty head of yours again, doll.
Now I ain't a patient guy, never have been. Lucifer and the others remind me of that all the time. So make your choice fast, alright, babe?
I have no trouble believing you’ll make the right choice. But to remind you, your current situation will worsen if you disappoint me, m’kay?
I’ll be waiting for ya,
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the-witchs-cafe · 2 months
Directory | BYF | Witch Essays
Hello, hello! And welcome to the Witch's Cafe! Have you gotten weary? The crushing loneliness of your own self-torment became way too much? Fret not- this establishment is here for all witches; those who have fallen from the greatest of heights, to those who have been left with nothing at all.
Here in this little coffee bar settling between the cosmos, our customers have traveled far and wide just to socialize and find solace within their shared agonies- some managing to cross through universes; so be on the lookout for those whose faces you might have the luck to recognize!
We also herald our existence with this flag- oh, don't you worry! This flag is free for anyone to use, even if all our operations were to cease!
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With all that being said, I'm certain you would like to know the way through these halls;
#Witching Hours: The customer list! Go right ahead and greet yourself to these fine folks! Maybe you'll find more similarities between yourselves than you would intially assume. (Gen. tag for crossover witches made by other people)
#Registered Witches: What cafe would this be if we didn't have any regulars? Recognized their choices of beverages just like the back of my hands! If you wish for a story, they're your go-to's! (Witch essays written by either mod H.N Elly or mod Charlotte)
#Witch cards: Every now and then, familiar faces start popping up more than usual; not as much as our regulars, but it is fun to observe their activities, even if from a distance. (same as the above, but in the form of much smaller witch cards)
#Would Witch Out: Passerby's and their rumors...honestly, you couldn't blame a gal for eavesdropping every now and then, no? Not even while getting the latest scoop on who was the poor soul whose destiny caught up with them? (due to the shutdown of YFWWO and in order to give its mod a break, I've opened up operations here. Submissions are now closed! HOWEVER, the ask box is still open for those who would like to share their opinions on certain witch-related matters. We also encourage adding a reason behind their inevitable demise. The list of pending requests can be found here.)
#Would Survive PMMM: Of course, some folks do happen to be naturally lucky; finding a way and reason to keep going forwards even in the darkest of nights...it's admirable, maybe a little enviable, don't ya think? (The complete opposite of the above; if you know a character who would cakewalk through this universe's trials and tribulations, let us know with the full details regarding why!)
#There Is a Pipe Bomb in your Mailbox: Those lil' misfits out there and what tricks they got on their sleeves- ah, what fun would it be if I didn't allow any tomfoolery every now and then? (The joke submissions tag)
#There is no Secret Menu!: (The shitpost tag; hey, the great Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, had called his little self-insert fanfic in which he and Virgil went through all sects of the afterlife "The Divine Comedy" for a reason, right? We all need a reason to crack up since we're gonna be in our self-inflicted torment and punishments for some time.)
#You're now listening to . . .: Solace can be nice every once in a while, but a nice tune to distract yourself from the pain and get in the mood to continue working on your eternal goals is just as comforting! (general audio tag)
I do also have to warn ya'll that we also have to abide by the blacklist; yeah, we do try to cater to all that enter these doors, but an eldritch horror needs to have some standards, ya know?
Country Humans/Country Balls
Any of the media created by Okegom/DeepSeaPrisoner
Minecraft SMPs, especially Dream SMP
Building upon the above, we do not take requests for real world figures, unless if they were obvious jokes. This includes, and is not limited to, youtubers, musicians, pop idols, and individual game developers.
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
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beatrice-otter · 1 year
Fic: Revenge of the Zillo Beast
Title: Revenge of the Zillo Beast Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Characters: Mace Windu & Anakin Skywalker Written For: ExtraPenguin in FicInABox 2022 Length: Gen Rating: 4140 words Summary: Mace and Anakin have killed the Zillo Beast every way they can think of in different time loops. Maybe killing the Beast won't solve the problem? At AO3. On Dreamwidth. On Pillowfort.
Mace stared down at the Zillo Beast's corpse, wishing for the thousandth time that the time loop started earlier. They'd never been able to capture the beast alive, and how quickly or slowly they killed it did not matter. Nor did it matter which direction they tried to lead the beast off. If the loop started earlier, they would have had a chance to alter the strategic decisions regarding the Beast, which might actually have made a difference.
Anakin Skywalker walked up beside him, looked at the beast, and shook his head. "Lunch?"
"We've already tried all our favorite restaurants," Mace said. "Do we want to repeat one, or ask the directory for a random restaurant in this district?"
Anakin shrugged. "Your choice. But next time, we're going to Dex's."
Mace nodded. Diner food wasn't his favorite, but he didn't dislike it; and while they had long ago exhausted the Besalisk's information on their problem, he was a hospitable being, and friend of Anakin's. "Let's be adventurous," Mace said. "It's not like either of us have much time to sample good restaurants ordinarily."
They ended up in a little hole-in-the-wall dumpling shop down at the very bottom of the 'respectable, but poor' levels, barely one level up from the undercity. Mace didn't think the health certificate for the kitchen was valid, but the food was excellent.
"You know, this is better Naboo-style kluski than Chancellor Palpatine's chef makes," Anakin said, chowing down enthusiastically.
"I believe it," Mace said, savoring his Haruuni fritter. "I'll have to remember this place, once the loop stops."
"If it ever does," Anakin said darkly.
That was depressingly likely. "Speaking of which, do you have any suggestions for the next loop? I think we've done everything possible we can do to or about the Zillo Beast."
Anakin shrugged. "The only thing I can think of is that whatever the loop is about, it's not the Beast. The Beast is a distraction."
"You're probably right," Mace said. "The question is, how do we figure out what the actual cause of the time loop is? We've already had Jocasta Nu and the Senate archivists working on that question for several different loops, and none of them came up with anything—not even any leads we might use for further research on subsequent loops." Indeed, several loops—ten, Mace thought, though they were beginning to blend together—had been devoted to killing the Beast as quickly as possible to leave more time to research with the archivists before everything reset.
Anakin hmmed agreement through a mouthful of food, and they ate in a companionable silence. The first dozen loops, they had had a lot more friction, Anakin's need for action driving him even when (as now) there was nothing left to be done but wait for the next loop. The younger Jedi hadn't exactly learned patience, but he had learned to pace himself, to relax at the end of the loop so that they might both be better ready for the intensity of the loop's beginning. "We've tried logic and research, and they haven't worked," Anakin said. "Maybe we need to look to the Force?"
"Spend a loop meditating, you mean?" Mace said. "Ignore the beast?"
"But the Chancellor would die!" Anakin protested.
"Not permanently," Mace pointed out. He leaned back, trying to find a comfortable position on the worn and patched vinyl bench cushion.
"Yeah, but it still feels … wrong," Anakin said. "How would you feel if I suggested letting one of your friends die in a loop?"
"I wouldn't like it," Mace said. "But it's temporary, and at this point I'm ready to try anything that isn't obviously Dark."
Anakin sighed. "Me, too."
They lapsed back into silence.
"I think we've pretty conclusively proved that there's not much point asking for help from people outside the loop," Mace said.
"If anybody does have knowledge we need, they can't get it to us before the loop resets," Anakin said.
Besides asking the archivists at both the Temple and the Senate, they'd also spent a couple of loops calling for anyone else stuck in the loop with them. First, Mace had used Temple channels to ask all Jedi to report any strange phenomena, and then Anakin had used his war hero status to get on the Holonet and ask all Republic citizens who might have information to contact them. There had been a lot of crank calls, but nothing of any actual use.
"So what do we do if the thing causing the loops isn't on Coruscant at all?" Anakin asked.
Mace shrugged. "Hope that we can figure it out, and that there's a Jedi within eight hours' travel time of it. I suppose it's possible that this is the result of some Sith magic that Dooku was trying, but … I doubt it. If that were the case, why would you and I be the ones who remember the loop? I can't imagine a Sith would want two Jedi to be in the loop with a chance of figuring things out and fixing them."
"Unless it's a plot to make us absolutely crazy by the time they end the loop," Anakin said grimly.
"In which case, it's even more important for us to take care of ourselves so that no matter when the loop ends, we're fit to act," Mace said. "But still, if that were the goal, why only two Jedi? Why not the whole Council?"
"Maybe it's just easier to get the two of us," Anakin said. "I'm the Chosen One and you see shatterpoints—we're both a bit unique in our connection to the Force."
"Lots of Jedi are a bit unique in their connection to the Force," Mace pointed out, "but I take your point."
"So, meditation," Anakin said. "It's not really my thing. Why don't we try you meditating on the loop, and me killing the Zillo Beast and saving the Chancellor?"
"I have a feeling that you're right, and that we're both in the loop because of something that we share," Mace said. "In which case, a joint meditation would be more useful."
"I don't like it," Anakin said. He scraped the spoon along the side of the bowl to get the last of the sauce and licked it. "But I can't say you're wrong. If we want to be able to meditate, we'll need to be somewhere people won't think to look for us when the Beast gets loose."
"We've had archivists look for unusual things before," Mace said thoughtfully, "but never while one or both of us was there to meditate on what they found. Perhaps we should meditate in a quiet room in the archives and have your droid sort through the newsfeeds looking for anything worth our attention."
"Sounds like a plan," Anakin said. He checked his chrono. "We've got another couple of hours before the loop resets. Do you want to meditate now, or wait?"
Mace shrugged. "All the shatterpoints disappear after the Beast dies, I don't think there's much point meditating now."
"Fair enough," Anakin said. "You got to choose dinner, so I should get to choose our evening's entertainment. There's swoop racing ten levels down from here, and two miles to the east."
Mace considered this as he dug out credits to cover their meal. Illegal swoop racing wasn't how he'd prefer to spend the evening, but it was a change. Really, he missed Depa and his other friends, and would give a great deal to be able to spend the evening relaxing with them, but he and Anakin had both learned early on that it was eerie to spend time with those who did not remember all they had been through and would forget again when the loop reset. "Fastest way to get that far down is to jump."
Anakin grinned. "I like the way you think."
When the loop reset, it took very little time to sneak through the Temple to the Archives, and Anakin and his droid met him in a back room. The hardest part was evading Master Nu; the Temple was empty enough, these days, that Mace barely had to try to avoid the notice of other Jedi along the way.
"What did you bring?" Anakin asked, gesturing to his bag.
"Pillows," Mace said, pulling out two overstuffed cushions from his couch. "I don't meditate well sitting in chairs, and I'd prefer not to spend the next several hours sitting on the bare floor."
"Good thinking," Anakin said, though he was young enough it probably didn't matter much to him one way or the other. He turned to his astromech and explained what they wanted it to do while Mace arranged a meditation space on the floor. He'd also brought candles and a variety of meditation aids, and some water bottles.
Once the droid was plugged into the terminal, Anakin joined Mace on the cushions and together they started a joint meditation. As with all meditation these days, the Force was not welcoming; there were shadows all around them filled with danger, and Mace didn't blame Anakin for not liking meditation; things had been growing steadily murkier and harder for years, and by the time the younger man had joined the Jedi a decade and a half ago, it had already been a far cry from the tranquil, welcoming embrace it had been in Mace's youth.
Mace tended to lose track of time during meditation, so he had no idea how long they had been at it when the Force burst out around them, shatterpoints detonating by the thousands. Mace came back to himself, lying on the floor, with an astromech bending over him and beeping in dismay. He blinked up at the ceiling, trying to gather his wits.
To the side of him Anakin was sitting hunched over, head in his hands, muttering softly in a language that sounded vaguely similar to Huttese.
"Force be with us, what was that?" Mace asked.
"I don't know," Anakin said. "But it was big, whatever it was."
"It's something new, that hasn't happened in any previous loop," Mace said, wincing at himself for stating the obvious.
"Have you noticed the Force?" Anakin asked. "It feels … weird. Good, but weird."
Mace reached out, and smiled. "It feels like it did when I was a child in the creche, before the darkness started closing in so tightly."
"Oh," Anakin said. He looked over, and noticed that Mace was on the floor. "Are you okay?"
"I am … better than I've been in a long time," Mace said, laughing at how bright and clear the Force was.
"O … kay," Anakin said dubiously, staring at him.
"But we must find out what happened," Mace said. "It is possible that whatever it was did not end the loop, in which case we must learn what it was so that we may repeat it when the loop ends."
"Chancellor Palpatine!" Anakin gasped. "If it did break the loop, and the beast kills him!"
Mace dug out his commlink and turned it on. There were, as he expected, many missed calls.
Anakin was quicker off the mark. "Master Obi-Wan, what is it?"
"Anakin, where the hell have you been? The Zillo Beast got loose and has been rampaging across Coruscant!" Obi-Wan said.
"Sorry, no time to explain, where are you?" Anakin said.
"The Senate plaza, but I'm afraid you're too late."
"What happened?" Mace said into Anakin's commlink.
"Master Windu? I'm not … actually quite sure," Obi-Wan said. "The Zillo Beast went directly for Chancellor Palpatine, and we could neither stop it nor lure it away nor get the Chancellor to safety. It—it ate him, and as it bit down, there was … something like an explosion."
Anakin sagged, and almost dropped the commlink. Mace gently took it from him, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort.
"Everyone on the plaza was knocked down. The beast is … the beast is in several parts. And something has happened to the Force."
"We've noticed that," Mace said. "We'll be there as soon as we can. See if you can find the Chancellor's body."
"There's … the explosion seems to have been centered around the Zillo Beast's head," Obi-Wan said. "There may not be much left."
Anakin made a tortured sound, and Mace squeezed his shoulder. "Do what you can."
When Obi-Wan had signed off, Mace squeezed Anakin's shoulder again. "I'm sorry, Anakin."
"He—the loop might not be broken," Anakin said wetly. "It might be temporary. He might be back at the beginning of the next loop."
"Perhaps," Mace said. With each passing moment he was more sure that the loop had been broken, but he would not take Anakin's hope away from him until he had to. And he might be mistaken. Little though Mace had liked the Chancellor, the man had been a good friend and mentor to Anakin, and Mace honored that. "You don't have to come with me to see, if you don't want to. You could stay here, and rest."
"No," Anakin said. He looked up, and there were tears on his face. "I want to come. I want to see."
Anakin insisted on flying, which Mace was dubious about, but he had pulled himself together enough to function by the time they reached the hangar bay, and once they were in the air, he felt calmer in the Force.
"Nothing ever exploded before," Anakin said. "We've killed the Zillo Beast a hundred different ways, almost, and it always just died like any animal would. What caused the explosion?"
"Maybe the Chancellor had something on him that exploded," Mace said.
"He was a politician," Anakin said. "And not one like Padmé or Bail Organa—he never went into the field, and he always had guards. He wasn't trained in combat. He didn't wear weapons."
"If he were armed, and I doubt he was, it would have been a holdout blaster," Mace agreed. "Blasters don't explode like that unless you purposely bugger the cartridge. And even then, it wouldn't have been a big enough explosion to leave the Zillo in pieces."
"Did it eat something else, along the way?" Anakin wondered. "Something that it never did before?"
"Never in all the times we've fought it?" Mace said. "Possible, but unlikely. Besides, there's the fact that the explosion was in the Force itself, and left the Force around Coruscant clearer and brighter than it has been in longer than you've been alive. Could the Chancellor somehow have acquired a Sith artifact of some sort?"
"He would have told me, turned it over to the Jedi," Anakin said. "He knows—knew—how dangerous the Sith were."
"Not if he didn't know what it was," Mace said. "Or if his memory had been tampered with. He was a strong-willed man, but the Sith have ways of overriding that."
Anakin was quiet for a bit. "Dooku has always said that the Senate is under the sway of his Sith master," he said as they approached the Senate plaza. "Obi-Wan and I thought he was lying, but … if the Sith Master is on Coruscant, and if he had access to the Chancellor, that would explain a lot."
That was a frightening thought, but there was no time to discuss it further, for they were touching down.
"Anakin, I'm so sorry," Obi-Wan said as they climbed out of the speeder. They'd set down on the opposite side of the plaza from where the remains were, to avoid disturbing them. He embraced his former padawan.
Mace gave them a moment, studying the remains of the Beast from across the plaza. The explosion pattern did not match any of the common bombs or explosives he had become familiar with over the course of the war.
When Obi-Wan stepped up beside him, Mace pointed to the remains. "Does that remind you of the pattern left when a young Initiate has a tantrum and throws everything away from them with the Force?"
"Now that you mention it, yes," Obi-Wan said. "Could he have been an untrained Force-sensitive, reacting instinctively to fatal danger?" They began walking across the plaza toward it.
"But the Chancellor wasn't Force-sensitive," Anakin said. "I don't see how an artifact—even a Sith artifact—could have done that. Unless there was a Sith present? Did a Sith throw him into the maw of the beast, somehow?"
"I sensed no active Force-user besides myself," Obi-Wan said. "As far as we can tell, no explosives were used. But you may be right about the presence of a Sith or Sith artifact. Come see for yourself."
By the time they were within ten feet of the Beast, all three were grimacing. "I see what you mean," Anakin said. "That's foul. How could the Dark Side saturate this place so suddenly?"
"It's like all the darkness that has shrouded the galaxy's core for decades was concentrated into this one place," Mace said. He had a very bad feeling about the Chancellor. "We need to search his office, residence, and every other significant location we can find."
"To see if we can find evidence of the Sith Lord?" Anakin asked.
"Yes," Mace said.
Obi-Wan and Senator Amidala had remained at the plaza to deal with the Senate. Vice Chancellor Amedda would be sworn in as Interim Chancellor until the Senate could vote on a new Chancellor … and given the unexpectedness of the situation, the war, and everything else, it would be a contentious election.
But politics were not Mace's concern, right now. He and Anakin and the Coruscant Guard went to the Chancellor's office to search it.
"We've all been here many times before," Mace said as they strode through the corridors of the Senate building. "But don't let that make you complacent. The Sith are masters at remaining hidden. Anakin, you and I should evaluate every object with the Force; troopers, if you have any insights, please share them immediately."
"Yes, Sir," Commander Fox said briskly.
"There may not be anything here," Mace continued. "Any artifacts may be in his residence, or hidden elsewhere. Or, of course, my suspicions may be entirely wrong. But I intend to be very thorough, to be sure that we have found everything there is to be found."
"Right," Anakin said. "We don't want the Sith to slip through our fingers."
But, as it turned out, it was obvious they were not mistaken. When the doors of the office opened, Anakin turned green and clapped a hand to his mouth. Mace winced. The troopers didn't seem to react, but then, they were not Force-sensitive and their helmets covered their faces.
"How did we miss this?" Anakin said.
"I don't think it's actually that much worse than the rest of Coruscant was, before that explosion," Mace said. The intensity of it was already passing off, and it felt … almost normal and unremarkable. Familiar. It was the immediate contrast between it and the new clarity of the Force that had made it so noticeable.
"What did it do to him, to have this around him all the time?" Anakin wondered. "It can't have been good."
"If this Force-atmosphere you're talking about used to cover the whole planet, the Jedi would have been affected, too," Fox pointed out. "And everyone else on the planet."
"True," Anakin said. "And we weren't affected by it."
"Weren't we?" Mace said dryly. He shook his head. That could be pondered later. The door was flanked with large decorative vases in the heavy, dramatic, dark style Palpatine had always favored. He turned to one, placed a hand on it, and closed his eyes, reaching out with the Force.
cold dark
no? he was
he was he was. He was. He was! He was Mace Windu, Jedi Master—
Mace wrenched himself out of the thing's grasp, and found himself on the floor.
"Are you alright?"
Anakin was crouched beside him. Fox and his men had their blasters out, covering all angles; Fox and two others had them pointed directly at the vases.
It took Mace a few minutes to pull himself together enough to realize why the Force was telling him that was a bad idea.
"Lower your weapons," Mace said, forcing words out through a brain that didn't want to cooperate. "Sith artifacts are often boobytrapped. Shooting at it might make it more dangerous." He lay back and closed his eyes, wishing the lights would stop strobing.
"I'm calling for the healers," Anakin said.
Mace nodded. He could feel Anakin lay a hand on him, the pressure grounding him in his body. He started clenching and releasing his muscles so that he could feel his body and connect with it. If they'd been on a time-sensitive mission, he could have forced himself onto his feet and gone on, trusting the Force to sustain him. But the Sith was dead and the Force was humming contentedly and laying here waiting for the healers sounded … very good.
"Turn down the lights," Anakin said, "I think they're hurting him."
"Thanks," Mace said, as the light level lowered. Even with his eyes closed, it made a difference.
Anakin called the Temple for help.
"Nu," Mace said when he was done talking with the healers.
"You want me to call Madame Nu?" Anakin said. "Is it something she can research?"
"Maybe," Mace said. "I think it's a Spirit Urn."
"A Sith Spirit Urn?" Anakin said, voice rising. "Like out of the crecheling tales?"
"Think so," Mace said. "Could be wrong. But I'd like to know if there are any long-term effects I should be worrying about." He felt much better even after this short a time, but it was better to be safe than sorry and he would rather get the all-clear from the healers before doing anything else.
Anakin made a second comm call.
"What's a Sith Spirit Urn?" Fox asked, when he was done.
"A Sith device that sucks out peoples' souls," Anakin said. "Then tortures them for … as long as the Sith who owns it wants to torture them. In case torturing someone to death isn't enough, I guess. It starts out by trapping you in cold and despair so you feel like nothing and don't have the will to resist as it slowly detaches your spirit from your body and anchors it to the urn, leaving your body as a vegetative husk."
"Are you sure we shouldn't just blast it into pieces?" Fox said.
"It can't hurt anyone as long as they don't probe it with the Force or touch it with their bare skin," Mace said. He cracked his eyes open, and found the light was not distressing, so he opened them all the way. He was steadily feeling better, but he was going to have to spend weeks rebuilding his shields.
"Or as long as the Sith Master doesn't show up and start feeding people to it," Anakin said. "Aren't they supposed to be able to do that from, like, half a planet away?"
"I think he's dead," Mace said.
Anakin paused, and looked down. "You think Palpatine was the Sith Master," he said accusingly. It was a better reaction than Mace had hoped for. "But he loved archaeology and old artifacts! It could just be something someone dug up and that he thought looked nice!"
"Dug up where, Malachor?" Mace asked. "Korriban? That's not the kind of thing the Sith would have left just laying around. You'd have to excavate a Sith stronghold to find it, there would be ancient weapons and booby traps and hazards far beyond the normal archaeological issues. Even if, somehow, you managed to do it and not understand what you were dealing with … the urn itself is fatal to anyone who isn't a Sith who touches it with their bare skin. Do you think that out of everybody from the archaeologists to the antiquities dealers to the people handling the shipping to all the people in and out of this office every day, not one of them ever happened to brush up against it? Not even once?"
"But he was always so good to me," Anakin said, helplessly.
They would have to spend long sessions with Anakin, going over everything Palpatine had said and done in their private meetings, but Mace couldn't deal with that now. "The loop can't have been something he did."
"No," Anakin said.
"Thank the Force," Mace said. "We would never have caught him, never suspected him. Not really."
"I just can't believe—" Anakin said. He was quiet for a while. "That's not true. I don't want to believe. But … you're right. There's no other explanation for the Sith Spirit Urns. Or for the way the Force cleared when he died."
"We're saved, now," Mace said. "Thank the Force."
"And thank the Zillo Beast," Anakin said.
"That too," Mace said.
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queerticulate · 2 years
Don’t Worry Darling Spoilers
ShSo after lapping up all of the recent drama about Don’t Worry Darling, I went to see the actual movie.
Because everything about the promotion of the film and everything that has been surfacing about how it was made was so unprofessional, I expected a terrible movie. When I checked out the trailer I was actually intrigued - it was giving me a mix between Black Swan and Strange Angel. Still went to see it with the expectation of laughing at a train wreck... but I actually enjoyed it!
Here’s some of my thoughts (i’m trying to keep it spoiler light):
It’s promoted wrong: it’s a mindfuck movie. In fact, it could have been released under the name of Christopher Nolan and it might have gotten a lot of praise (if there hadn’t been so much bad press). Central to it the plot is gendered abuse. Why on earth the director - Olivia Wilde - is promoting it as a feminist movie and making ‘female pleasure’ such a strong talking point baffles me. See: gendered abuse. By the end of the story, I would qualify the sex that takes place as rape. If Olivia really believes what she says, that’s creepy as fuck.
There is some really disturbing imagery in the movie. Main themes are losing your mind, abuse, self-harm and gaslighting. Some of the scenes are graphic. Don’t go in unprepared just because you want to see a cute movie with Harry Styles (which it won’t be anyway).
Casting & Harry Styles: I think recasting Shia LaBeouf was a good choice, considering his real life and what’s been in the press about that. I think that would have left a viewer who knows that very uncomfortable at the end of the movie. Considering what the reviews have been saying about Harry’s acting, I expected him to be completely cringe all the time. He was actually okay in my opinion.
Chris Pine: This was the first time I’ve seen Chris Pine play a bad guy. It was an experience. I’ve followed this guy since Star Trek and I have a soft spot for him. Seeing him, successfully, play the sort of person that freaks me out was an experience.
Themes & Similar media: My original instinct that it would have somewhat similar vibes as Black Swan and Strange Angel were right. It also seems to take some elements from Hannibal, Upload, and The Truman Show. The way that the neighborhood is set up, in part stylistically, reminded me of the start of Fall Out III (the videogame) and say Tim Burton’s movies such as Edward Scissorhands. I liked these aspects. It might also have found some inspiration in the Handmaid’s Tale, but it can’t even hold a candle to that in a million years (which sometimes is also good, bc the Handmaid’s Tale is traumatizing AF in how hardcore it showcases certain premises).
Directorial criticisms: I tried to look really critically and there is some negative stuff to be said about Olivia Wilde as a director, but I don’t think it goes beyond flaws that can be pointed out in most movies. Several times the music felt a bit off for the scene. I didn’t like the camera angles often. Some scenes felt like there was a specific point to them, but the execution wasn’t quite it yet and sometimes thus came across a bit awkward. When I mentioned Hannibal, I specifically think they tried to recreate the flashing scary dream-like cutscenes and haunting music as part of the journey of a character losing their mind, but it was a poor copy (which is sad). 
Plot & directorial criticisms: The final plot is, in my opinion, really really cool. And it had a plottwist I didn’t see coming. I was intrigued enough with how it unfolded to really want to follow the movie closely. But the above-point does show up here too in the sense that the ideas where there, but sometimes I needed to make some stuff up in my head to make it work. Some of the stuff that bugged me sort of seemed to be explained in the end, sort of. The weak spot for me was that Alice’s reactions seemed overstated for what we as the viewer saw as the cause of them. The things that were odd that she found out about, did not support the questions she consequently raised and the distress she had about it. The speed and intensity with which she lost her mind also didn‘t feel justified. Maybe the point was that she knew more than she thought the whole time and we as the viewers knew, and maybe we were supposed to notice this as odd as a clue. Maybe some of what happened can be chalked up to a sort of glitches in the matrix. It didn’t ruin the movie either way, and I don’t hate extending upon what we see onscreen in my head, but I do think the movie might have been stronger with a bit more exposition/build-up on some things on screen.
I am very mad that they got Dita von Teese to star in this, doing her signature performance, and we barely got to see it because it was intercut with so much of Alice’s trauma memories/nightmarescape scenes. Full offense!
Ending: I am sad the movie ended right at the moment where Alice fully grasped what was going on. I would have liked to have seen a bit more of her dealing with the aftermath. I think that would have made a stronger emotional journey for the viewer.
World-building: I must admit I am really fascinated with the premise/world-building of the movie, and there are so many aspects of it that I would have enjoyed knowing more about. I’m sort of sad it wasn’t told in a TV format so there would have been room. I’m very curious about the creation of the Victory Project and Frank’s character motivations. I am also very curious about Shelley’s position in all of it. I am curious about the struggles that would come with maintaining the situation around Alice (which also raises the question about how time works for the Victory Project). I also would have loved to know more about the stories of the other residents - it could have some very powerful tales about gendered violence (e.g. think of the implications of the character who was referred to as ‘always pregnant’). I am also interested in beyond the domestic aspect, how much of the world-building is set up in such a way as to fulfill specific power fantasies for the men. Does Jack get a big promotion and the opportunity to dance in front of everyone, because that is what he desires? Also, to how much beyond the domestic trad!wife fantasy is the Victory Project intended to cater? What would happen if a guy applied who doesn’t want to bring a wife, maybe someone who just thinks the aesthetic is really neat? What happens if a gay man applied who wants to bring a husband?
Overall, I liked the movie. The premise / plot was great, the execution okay. I do think that if it hadn’t been tanked so hard by a bad rep created by all the negative things that have surfaced about its production and the horrible promotion of it, it might have done well. I think most of the flaws it displays tie to lack of experience or talent from the director. But I also do think that there is a chance it wouldn’t have been judged as harshly if it had been directed by a man.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Hi Luta!
Thank you so much for how you worded your feelings on the sex scene in ep 8. I didn’t read much of the novel but I got the same vibe you did, I definitely think the show made it seem less like a joke and a much higher stakes situation. I’m not a victim of SA nor do I have any experience in sex work so I wasn’t sure how to word my opinion in a way that was conscious of the fact that this was definitely (from Sky’s perspective) coercive.
I also think people are a little harsh on Prapai, he was making a joke (in his mind) about getting paid in sex. From what we see he’s pushy but not intimidating and has no problem picking people up when he wants sex. He had no context for Sky’s background or how sky would take his joke, so I don’t really blame him for sleeping with sky under those circumstances. From his perspective he met a cute guy and got him out of trouble, made a (definitely in poor taste) joke of a come on and the guy accepted. Consistently throughout them having sex he allows sky to set the pace and sky is an active and (apparently) enthusiastic participant, of course he thought they both had a good time! We couldn’t really expect more from him then that, considering he’s working with much less context than we as viewers are. He’s a fuck boy for sure but not a predator, he’s even shown in the episode to be a fairly considerate lover to his other hook ups.
Blegh sorry for the word vomit. I just am very frustrated about bad faith takes on what I saw as a poor choice in directorial/editing choices.
Thank you for giving me a reaction I can send to people to explain my thought process on the whole thing!! Im excited to see Pai grovel and wheedle his way into Sky’s heart as he learns more and realizes he needs to be mature for once! Here’s hoping this is a messy start to a good story
Hey nonnie!!!
Let me first say for my other readers here. I 100% respect anyone who saw the scene as sexual assault. The book could very well be covering my view point. I kept bringing up the book because I did want to help those who hadn't read it know that it isn't supposed to be sexual assault.
I truly believe the show handled this badly. Yet I'm in the mindset. It was handled badly but we know what it should be like. Let's move forward with that mindset. Hopefully we can salvage this.
To be fair guys. What is supposed to happen during sex in the book is that Sky is sad except when he has sex. That's what draws Pai in. Is this sad kid who lights up when having sex with him. Who is sensual and knows what he wants. I just don't think they were able to make that come across.
He's a total fuck boy. I can't wait to see the progress. I'm really excited to see this progress. This and the revenge part are the hardest part to transfer from book to show. The rest should be golden ✨️ So I'm looking forward to it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my jumbled thoughts. Glad you enjoyed it! 💜💜💜
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pc-eight-four · 2 years
False IDLE(s): Python's built in text editor is the ONE!
When I started to learn Python, I was working my way through a text book and an overwhelming supply of YouTube tutorials to try my hand at being a digital wizard. Now I won't be covering the fabled 'Tutorial Hell' that many of us who are self taught get trapped in, screaming for relief, surrounded by piles of abandoned code taunting us from every side. What I want to share was the never ending saga of code editor/environments pushed on you from all sides, also known as IDE's. Here's a snippet from CodeAcademy defining an IDE:
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Sounds pretty cool right? That's because it is! It seemed like every tutorial I read preferred on over another. 'Learn Python 3 the Hard Way' by Zed Shaw had me start out with ATOM text editor (goodnight sweet prince), it was simple, but to my newbie brain, full of settings i was sure I'd never understand. Then a few tutorials pointed out the amazing features and capabilities of PyCharm so I downloaded a free community edition right away! So sleek and flashy with cool highlighting, but what were all these weird files and directories showing up around my helloworld.py file? I was already up to my ears in esoteric ideas and syntax, no one said anything about surprise files and directories! All this AND the resources this program were using up was making for slow loading and I could hear my poor little laptop begging for mercy. VsCode was more aesthetically pleasing for me, and supported multiple languages but -there's those damn funky files again!
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There were some editors I found that were minimal , but they all had little things that bothered me or did something for me that I wanted to understand before handing over control to the automation gods!
As beginners we're at our most susceptible to marketing manipulation and advertising. The waves of information are hitting us from every side and everyone is offering safe harbor in their particular product and solution. It's the paralysis of choice! But fear not, because the Zen of Python can guide us here, reaching out through the darkness like the beam of a lighthouse:
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Just for the sake of this tutorial imagine that as soon as I read the Zen of Python, clouds parted and a serpent delivered a message, whispering in my ear "Look into the language for your answers".
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To my surprise, Python has an editor bundled into it BY DEFAULT that's simply called IDLE (Integrated Development Learning Environment) and if you are coding with Python, then you already have it at your fingertips!
But how easy is it to access?
How To: Python IDLE
In Mac or Linux, open a terminal by either searching for 'terminal' or often times CTRL + T will launch it automaticlally. Once you find it you should be looking at something like this:
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The little blinking block is waiting for you. Type all lowercase idle and hit Enter.
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For Windows you should have some menu shortcuts like these:
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Type, Click and that's it! You have just launched Python's very own text editor and development environment!
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You might wonder where the familiar text editor is since the window clearly says IDLE Shell at the top. The Python Shell aka REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) is an important tool and has it's uses, but I find myself most often opening IDLE for the text editor.
We can get to the text editor by finding the File drop-down and selecting New File. Alternately the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + N
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Voila! A blank canvas!
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Let's enable the numbered lines that we're used to seeing by selecting the Options drop-down and choosing Show Line Numbers
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Enter a Hello World program .....
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Before running the program we want to save. Navigate to the File drop-down and selectSave File or CTRL + S
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Once the program is saved, navigate to the Run drop-down menu, selecting Run Module to run the program. Once again you could just hit the F5 key to bring economy to your movements (if you forgot to save, IDLE will remind you before allowing you to continue)
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Looks like Mr. Worldwide has entered the chat!
Everything is working as it should! If you are coding along with this you may be wondering two things. Why is your editor so painfully WHITE (Bright light! Bright light!), while these examples are relaxing you with their cobalt blue. Why does your IDLE still launch into the Shel when opening?
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Like everything else so far, this is an easy fix.
Dip into that Options drop-down menu and select Configure IDLE. This brings you into the Settings menu where we change font size and face (I've tried a bunch of fonts, none seem to be as clear and pleasing as the default) and make many of the configuration changes to make our hearts sing.
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Let's take care of the 'Theme' first so our eyes can be awash in the deep blue of this little tutorial. Switch from Fonts/Tabs to Windows .
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The option you're looking for is right at the top. Select Open Edit Window
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Click Apply and your settings will be saved.
To get our initial configurations aligned to our delicate sensibilities, Switch from Windows to Highlights. Now to the right ( your right), click the drop-down menu and select IDLE Dark. Ahhhhhh...
Your eyes are already relaxing after searching for the perfect simple IDE for Python for so long.
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Click the Apply button after you make any changes and you are ready to code, leaving a little bit of the worry and complexities noobs are pounded with on our journey to high digital sorcery.
There will be a time in our growth as Python programmers when we will be ready for all the virtual environments, automated package importers and GIT integrations you can shake a stick at. In the mean time, IDLE is a perfect middle ground that is reliable, simple and is even written in the very language we are learning!
Every text editor and IDE has it's audience and it's place. You my find that Pycharm , Vims, VsCode or even Emacs is a perfect fit for your Python development and to you I say hurrah! What's important is that we find tools that feel comfortable for each of us and let us focus on learning and building rather than fumbling around endlessly with the tool itself.
Hopefully you find IDLE is a hidden gem of an IDE that serves you well in your learning journey.
One last thing weary traveler.....
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Happy Coding!
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retvenkos · 1 year
send me this emoji and a character ask game: 👑 + matthias helvar + fluff, please? :) <3
hello anon! i'm assuming you meant this emoji: 🚀 but if i'm wrong and you're pulling from a different ask game, just let me know, lololol. (i also respect how no matter the ask game, matthias helvar shows up in my inbox. i just think it's neat that we all love him so much <3 )
🚀 send me this emoji and a character, and i will tell you what fanfic trope/AU they best fit into
MATTHIAS HELVAR in a MODERN, FAKE DATING! AU. you and matthias are friends who met in college, through your mutual friend inej ghafa. he's always been the serious, polite, yet-easily-flustered type, and the two of you get along incredibly well. your conversations over the themes in literature and film are legendary (though your other friend, nina, complains that the two of you ruin every movie night as you try to debate the merits of directorial choices right in the middle of the film - either watch the film by yourselves or at least aggressively text your thoughts to the other, goddamn), your mutual obsession with Big Dogs is endearing, and your friendship is incredibly dear to the both of you. you'd never do anything to jeopardize what the two of you have... and yet, when it's time for your sibling or cousins wedding, and you just know your family is going to get on your case about your lack of a romantic partner (how old are you, again? and didn't you just graduate last year?), there's really only one person you can think of inviting to go with you, under the pretense that you're dating. bad decision? you sure do hope not, you already told your parents the lie and everything. and this is matthias we're talking about! he's not going to make any of this weird, right? i mean, he's going to be Very Against The Idea when you first propose it (because he's a man or morals or whatever *dramatic eye roll*), but he's malleable! He'd do anything for you - jesper laments about it all the time ("helvar doesn't do jack shit for me until (y/n) asks him to :(") - and it's not like you're going to fall in love with your best friend over a two week trip to hawai'i (and who even gets married in hawai'i anymore? how cliche can this almost-married couple be?), right? you can push that nagging feeling that you'd really like to date matthias for real to the back of your mind for just a little longer, right? i mean, choosing matthias was simply a strategic move. you're already incredibly close (he even knows about your poor ability to hold alcohol - and he doesn't mind the fact that you're a clingy drunk!!!); he has the cleanest track record of all of your friends (the last thing you want is to bring kaz brekker home to your parents, could you imagine the nuclear fallout); he's not doing anything important anyway (so then why does wylan keep looking at you like you've ruined his weekend plans?); and he's already featured on your instagram enough to make his boyfriend status a legitimate, though hidden, fact (it's not your fault that your dogs just love matthias more than you and that matthias looks insanely cute when playing with the puppies). yes, you're making a strategic choice. there's nothing else happening here... no, you aren't wishing there was something more happening here...
just two weeks... you can make it through two weeks...
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washingblog · 12 days
6 Ideas For Searching For Dependable External Cleansing Providers
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Employing external cleansing solutions may dramatically reduce your workload and make sure a sparkling environment for your home or business. Having said that, finding reputable companies in the middle of the myriad of choices could be intimidating.
Six Suggestions For Searching For Trustworthy External Cleaning Companies
1. Specify Your Demands
Prior to diving in to the search for external cleaning services solutions, it's vital to possess a clear understanding of your requirements. Determine the extent of the cleansing project, consisting of the frequency and particular activities included. Whether it is actually home window cleansing, pressure cleaning, seamless gutter cleaning, or even a mix of solutions, detailing your demands will definitely assist you connect properly along with potential company.
2. Research study Completely
Beginning your search by looking into exterior cleaning company in your place. Take advantage of on-line information such as internet search engine, business directory sites, and assessment sites to compile a list of prospective prospects. Pay out very close attention to client testimonials and also scores, as they provide beneficial understandings right into the quality of company and consumer fulfillment. In addition, seek referrals from good friends, family members, or even co-workers who have actually used cleaning company previously.
3. Check Out Qualifications and also Insurance
As soon as you've recognized numerous potential cleaning firms, it's important to verify their references and also insurance coverage. Make certain that the firm is accredited to run in your place as well as has a good reputation in the field. Request evidence of insurance policy, featuring liability as well as worker's payment coverage, to defend yourself from any sort of prospective liabilities in the event that of collisions or even problems in the course of the cleaning method.
4. Ask about Adventure and also Training
When reviewing cleansing service companies, make inquiries concerning their adventure as well as the instruction given to their team. A recognized company with years of adventure is most likely to provide trusted as well as high-grade company. Furthermore, ask them about the instruction treatments for their staff members to ensure that they are actually well-informed as well as efficient in the most recent cleansing approaches as well as security protocols.
5. Seek a Thorough Quote
Before making a last decision, demand an in-depth quote coming from each washing firm laying out the price of services and also any type of added costs or costs. Distrust extremely small cost, as they might suggest poor company or even concealed prices. A reliable external cleaning services company are going to deliver a clear and also extensive quote tailored to your particular requirements. Compare the quotes coming from different service providers to create a notified choice based upon both price as well as value.
6. Seek Promises as well as Contentment Plans
Lastly, inquire regarding guarantees and total satisfaction plans given by the cleansing firm. A dependable company ought to support their job and also agree to attend to any kind of concerns or even problems to guarantee your satisfaction. Ask them about their plans pertaining to re-cleaning or even reimbursements if you are not happy with the outcomes. Crystal clear communication and also a devotion to customer contentment are actually crucial indicators of a credible cleaning solution.
Final thought
Finding reputable external cleaning company requires mindful study and also point to consider of different aspects. By describing your requirements, conducting detailed investigation, checking out credentials, as well as seeking thorough quotes, you may narrow down your choices and decide on a trusted cleaning provider. In addition, focus on expertise, training, as well as customer fulfillment policies to ensure that you obtain the very best achievable company for your home or organization. Along with these suggestions in mind, you can with confidence employ exterior cleansing solutions that fulfill your requirements as well as surpass your desires.
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liam098 · 2 months
The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups
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In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the importance of regular dental check-ups. However, maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial not only for a sparkling smile but also for overall health and well-being. Finding a reliable dentist nearby is the first step towards ensuring optimal dental care. If you're in Zurich, Switzerland, you're fortunate to have access to a plethora of dental services. Let's delve into why prioritizing dental check-ups, finding a dentist in Zurich, and locating dental services near you are essential aspects of your healthcare routine.
Why Regular Dental Check-ups Matter
Regular dental check-ups are not just about getting your teeth cleaned or fixing cavities; they play a pivotal role in preventing dental problems and detecting issues early on. Your dentist can identify signs of gum disease, cavities, oral cancer, and other oral health issues during routine check-ups. Early detection often means simpler and less costly treatments, saving you from potential pain and discomfort down the road.
Moreover, poor oral health has been linked to various systemic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. By maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular dental check-ups, you're not only safeguarding your smile but also reducing the risk of developing these serious health problems.
Finding a Dentist in Zurich
Living in Zurich offers a multitude of advantages, and access to quality healthcare is certainly one of them. When it comes to dental care, Zurich boasts a diverse range of highly skilled and experienced dentists. Whether you're looking for a general dentist for routine check-ups or a specialist for specific treatments, you're sure to find the right fit in Zurich.
When choosing a dentist in Zurich, consider factors such as their qualifications, experience, range of services offered, and patient reviews. Many dental clinics in Zurich provide comprehensive services, including preventive care, restorative treatments, cosmetic dentistry, and orthodontics. By selecting a reputable dentist who offers the services you need, you can ensure that your dental health is in good hands.
Locating Dental Services Near You
Convenience is key when it comes to accessing dental care. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology and the proliferation of online resources, finding dental services near you has never been easier. A simple search for "dentist near me" will yield a list of dental clinics and practitioners in your vicinity.
In Zurich, numerous online platforms and directories provide listings of dental services, along with reviews and ratings from patients. These resources enable you to make informed decisions based on the experiences of others. Additionally, many dental clinics have user-friendly websites where you can learn more about their services, staff, and facilities before scheduling an appointment.
The Role of Technology in Modern Dentistry
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the field of dentistry, making treatments more precise, efficient, and comfortable for patients. From digital X-rays and intraoral cameras to laser dentistry and 3D printing, technology has transformed the way dental procedures are performed.
In Zurich, you'll find dental clinics equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care. Whether it's a routine cleaning or a complex dental implant procedure, modern technology enables dentists to deliver superior results while minimizing discomfort and recovery time.
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The Importance of Patient Education
An integral aspect of dental care is patient education. Your dentist plays a crucial role in educating you about proper oral hygiene practices, the importance of dietary choices, and the potential consequences of neglecting your dental health. By empowering patients with knowledge, dentists enable them to take proactive steps towards maintaining optimal oral health.
In Zurich, dental clinics prioritize patient education, offering informative resources, seminars, and one-on-one consultations to address any concerns and answer questions. By actively engaging in your oral health journey and following the advice of your dentist, you can achieve and sustain a healthy smile for years to come.
In conclusion, prioritizing regular dental check-ups, finding a reputable dentist in Zurich, and locating dental services near you are crucial components of maintaining good oral health. By scheduling routine check-ups, you can prevent dental problems, detect issues early on, and mitigate the risk of systemic health conditions. With the abundance of dental resources available in Zurich and the advancements in technology, accessing quality dental care has never been more convenient. Remember, your smile is worth investing in, so don't neglect your dental health—schedule a check-up today!
0 notes
hyperhivesblogspot · 2 months
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Mastering eBay Dropshipping: Your Ultimate Guide
Introduction: Dropshipping has revolutionized online business, offering entrepreneurs the chance to sell products without the hassle of inventory management. eBay, one of the largest online marketplaces, has become a hotspot for dropshipping enthusiasts. In this guide, we'll uncover the magic of eBay dropshipping software, its pivotal role, and how it can skyrocket your online business.
Understanding eBay Dropshipping: eBay dropshipping is the art of listing products for sale on eBay without holding physical inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, the seller buys the item from a third-party supplier who ships it directly to the customer. It's a low-risk, high-reward model that offers flexibility and scalability.
The Role of Software in eBay Dropshipping: eBay dropshipping software is the secret sauce that simplifies and automates the dropshipping process. From product research to order management and inventory tracking, these tools do it all. With eBay dropshipping software, sellers can save time, minimize errors, and make data-driven decisions.
Top eBay Dropshipping Software Tools:
SaleHoo: Discover profitable products and reliable suppliers with SaleHoo's extensive directory and research tools.
DSM Tool: Seamlessly integrate with eBay and automate listing and order management tasks with DSM Tool.
AutoDS: Maximize profits with AutoDS's advanced automation and analytics features for eBay dropshipping.
How to Choose the Right eBay Dropshipping Software: Consider factors like pricing, features, and user-friendliness when selecting eBay dropshipping software. Read reviews and testimonials to ensure you're making the right choice for your business.
Tips for Success in eBay Dropshipping with Software: Automate repetitive tasks, stay informed about market trends, and prioritize exceptional customer service to succeed in eBay dropshipping. Avoid common pitfalls like overselling and poor inventory management.
Future Trends in eBay Dropshipping Software: The future of eBay dropshipping software is bright, with advancements in AI and machine learning promising even more automation and efficiency. Expect integration with other eCommerce platforms and emerging marketplaces for expanded opportunities.
Conclusion: eBay dropshipping software is the key to unlocking your full potential on the platform. Whether you're a seasoned seller or just starting out, these tools can help you streamline your operations and stay ahead of the competition.
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first-digi-add · 3 months
Online Reputation Management for Small Businesses: A Practical Approach
In the quick-paced virtual landscape, on-line recognition plays a pivotal function within the achievement of small groups. In an era wherein consumers depend closely on the net to make knowledgeable decisions, a high-quality online photograph may be the linchpin for attracting and keeping customers. This is in which Online Reputation Management Company (ORM) emerges as a important side of virtual advertising services for small corporations.
Why Small Businesses Need to Manage Their Online Reputation
As a small business proprietor, your on-line reputation can make or break your business. Consumers rely on on-line evaluations and social media to make buying selections, and a negative on line presence can pressure ability customers away.
In fact, one observe discovered that groups hazard dropping up to 22% of their customers when just one bad article is located via customers considering shopping for their product. This highlights the significance of managing your online popularity effectively.
93% of purchasers study on-line evaluations earlier than creating a purchase choice.
87% of customers accept as true with on line reviews as a good deal as non-public pointers.
Negative opinions can price you customers, with seventy three% announcing they would not use a commercial enterprise with a low score.
Building a Positive Online Reputation:
Claim and Optimize Your Online Listings: Be present on applicable systems like Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, and industry-unique directories. Ensure your information is accurate, steady, and includes tremendous pix.
Encourage Positive Reviews: Actively solicit feedback from glad clients thru e-mail, social media, or in-man or woman requests. Make it clean for them to go away critiques on relevant platforms.
Respond to All Reviews: Thank high quality reviewers and address poor ones directly and professionally. Acknowledge their concerns, provide solutions if feasible, and display you take their remarks critically.
Engage with Your Audience: Participate in online conversations, solution questions, and cope with problems raised on-line. Show your human facet and build relationships with capability clients.
Create High-Quality Content: Share treasured records, blog posts, and consumer tales that showcase your expertise and construct consider.
Monitor Your Online Presence: Use equipment like Google Alerts or social media monitoring offerings to live informed approximately what humans are saying about your commercial enterprise on-line.
Be Proactive: Don't watch for a disaster to control your recognition. Proactive engagement and fantastic content material creation can save you negative perceptions from escalating.
Best Reputation Management Services
Finally, it’s important to have a plan for managing on-line recognition. It have to encompass clear recommendations for responding to bad comments, normal monitoring of your on line presence, and a method for constructing and keeping a fantastic standing.
In addition to imposing these techniques, businesses can also utilize offerings to help monitor and improve their on line presence. 
Businesses in the neighborhood service industries need to pay close attention to their on line reputation. You can improve your on-line recognition and get extra customers if you claim your business listings, check your critiques frequently, encourage customers to go away opinions, respond to all critiques (even the terrible ones), and give amazing service. Remember that handling your online popularity is an ongoing procedure, and reflect onconsideration on the use of equipment and offerings that will help you do it well.
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trexova · 4 months
A Holistic Approach to Diabetes Management and Weight Loss
In today's fast-paced society, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle has become more imperative than ever. Addressing health concerns like obesity and diabetes has become a priority for those who value their physical and emotional well-being. Among the plethora of methods available, one ancient practice stands out as a beacon of holistic health: yoga. This article explores the transformative benefits of yoga, unveiling its potential in weight loss and diabetes management. Additionally, we'll guide you in discovering yoga studios tailored specifically for women in your area. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the concealed secrets of yoga!
Utilizing Yoga for Weight Loss
In the quest for weight loss, yoga offers a distinctive and integrative strategy. While it may not be as physically demanding as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or weightlifting, yoga boasts numerous positive effects that contribute to weight control. Here's how yoga aids in shedding those extra pounds:
Boosting Metabolism
Certain yoga postures and sequences stimulate the endocrine system, particularly the thyroid gland. This stimulation enhances metabolic rate, leading to increased calorie expenditure, a valuable asset in weight loss.
Muscle Toning and Growth
Yoga's emphasis on stretching, balancing, and strength training engages various muscle groups, promoting lean muscle growth. The development of lean muscle mass contributes to weight management as maintaining muscle requires more calories than maintaining fat.
Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being
Stress and emotional eating often hinder weight loss. Yoga's focus on relaxation and awareness training equips practitioners with effective tools to cope with stress. By fostering a healthier connection with food and addressing emotional triggers, yoga indirectly aids in weight loss.
The Role of Yoga For Diabetes Management
Diabetes, a prevalent chronic metabolic condition, necessitates a multifaceted approach to control. In addition to medical interventions, adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Regular practice of yoga can significantly contribute to diabetes management, offering the following benefits:
Improved Insulin Sensitivity
Regular yoga practice has been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity, facilitating improved glucose uptake by cells. This, coupled with controlled breathing methods, positions yoga as an effective supplementary treatment for type 2 diabetes.
Cortisol and Stress Regulation
Yoga effectively lowers cortisol and alleviates chronic stress, both of which adversely affect glucose metabolism. The stress-reducing benefits of yoga aid in maintaining healthier blood sugar levels and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.
Enhanced Blood Flow and Nerve Function
Specific yoga asanas and pranayama are designed to improve blood circulation and nerve function. Given the prevalence of issues like poor circulation and nerve damage in diabetes, yoga emerges as a preventive or therapeutic exercise for diabetic neuropathy.
Yoga Classes Near Me Only For Ladies in Your Area
Recognizing the need for a safe and supportive space, women-only yoga studios have gained popularity. Here are effective strategies for finding these specialized classes:
Online Search:
Conduct a quick online search using terms like "women-only yoga classes" or "yoga classes for ladies near me." Utilize search engines and directories to discover yoga studios or teachers catering specifically to women.
Community Engagement:
Join local community groups or social media forums. Connect with like-minded individuals to gain recommendations for women-only yoga classes. The shared experiences and insights from these communities can be invaluable in making an informed choice.
Local Outreach:
Reach out to local yoga studios, wellness centers, and community facilities. Inquire about classes that cater to women's preferences. Word-of-mouth recommendations from women who have attended such classes can provide valuable insights.
Yoga, an ancient practice intertwining spirituality with physical and mental well-being, holds countless benefits for the body and mind. From enhanced metabolism and insulin sensitivity to stress reduction and heightened awareness, yoga offers a comprehensive approach to health. By seeking out women-only sessions, you can create a welcoming and inspiring space to embark on your yoga journey. If longevity, happiness, and fulfillment are what you seek in life, consider integrating yoga into your holistic well-being routine. Let yoga be the key to unlocking a longer, happier, and more fulfilling life.
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finecabcable · 5 months
Choosing the Best Electrical Cable Dealers in Hyderabad: A Buyer's Guide
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When it comes to electrical projects, you must have quality cables. They ensure protection and competence in all operations. Are you looking for superior electrical cables for your next projects? You must source these cables from reliable electrical cable dealers in Hyderabad.
However, you will find the myriad options available in the market when you are choosing an electrical cable dealer. Do not worry! This comprehensive guide will give you a brief idea of it. This information can make your selection process easy and simple.
What to Consider When Selecting Electrical Cable Dealers In Hyderabad?
Quality Standards- Undoubtedly, quality plays a key role when buying electrical cables. This is why a dealer should follow international quality standards and certifications. It ensures that the cables meet strict quality benchmarks. You can rest assured that the cables you purchased are durable and safe.
Product Varieties- An electric operation requires different types of cables. Reliable dealers offer a broad variety of cables for diverse applications. The dealership's inventory should include a broad spectrum to suit different customer requirements.
Reliability and Reputation- When you are hiring an electrical cable dealer, you should conduct thorough research to evaluate the reputation and reliability of a dealer in the market. Assess customer reviews and testimonials to know their credibility and client satisfaction levels. Remember, a professional dealer always focuses on delivering quality products at the best prices.
Technical Expertise- The electrical cable dealers should have vast technical expertise and knowledge. It can help you in choosing the right cables for specific applications. Reliable dealers ensure outstanding customer support and valuable advice even after the purchase. These qualities set them apart from the market.
Why Select The Best Electrical Cable Dealers In Hyderabad?
When it comes to Hyderabad, it is a thriving technological and industrial hub. Many construction and infrastructure projects are happening. Are you planning for a project in Hyderabad? Hiring a local dealer is a smart choice. It ensures that your projects are with quality cables. Having substandard cables comes with poor quality and frequent maintenance issues. It can be more costly for your projects.
Finding the Top Electrical Cable Dealers in Hyderabad-
Are you buying electrical cables? You must find the best electrical cable dealers for the best deal. It requires research and time. You can check different online platforms and directories as valuable resources. You can also ask industry experts or professionals for better recommendations
In addition, a cable dealer should be licensed and certified thus ensuring you have the right deal. Also, consider competitive pricing that should meet your budget.
Final Thoughts-
Choosing the best electrical cable dealers can change the entire game. They should ensure quality, consistency and expertise.
Finding the best electrical cable dealers in Hyderabad? Be it in the Public or Private Sectors, Industrial or Infrastructure, Railways, Roadways, Sea Ports or Airports, Commercial or Residential Buildings, we offer quality flexible cable wire and we have always strived to stay abreast of the technological changes. Visit website today!
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radinoplus1 · 5 months
Wholesale Purchase of Mobile and Computer Accessories: Elevate Your Retail Game
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Are you looking to stock up your shelves with the latest must-have mobile and computer accessories? Dive into the world of wholesale purchasing to revamp your retail offerings and stay ahead in the tech game. In today's fast-paced digital era, where gadgets have become an integral part of our lives, the demand for accessories that complement these devices is soaring. As a savvy retailer, tapping into the wholesale market for these accessories could be your gateway to success.
Understanding Wholesale Purchasing
What exactly is خرید محصولات کامپیوتر? Imagine it as a treasure trove where retailers can source products directly from manufacturers or distributors at a lower cost per unit. This buying strategy allows businesses to procure goods in bulk, slashing individual item costs and boosting profit margins. In the context of mobile and computer accessories, it means acquiring items like phone cases, chargers, screen protectors, laptop bags, and more, in large quantities at wholesale prices.
The Advantages of Wholesale Buying
Cost Efficiency and Increased Profit Margins
Wondering how wholesale purchase benefits your business financially? Well, think of it this way: buying in bulk significantly reduces the cost per unit. With lower expenses per item, you have the flexibility to set competitive retail prices while maintaining healthy profit margins. The secret sauce lies in purchasing power; the more you buy, the less you pay per piece, enabling you to offer enticing deals to your customers without compromising on your earnings.
Diverse Product Range and Market Flexibility
Ever felt constrained by limited product options? Wholesale purchasing expands your horizons. When you buy in bulk, you're not just buying quantities; you're unlocking a vast array of product choices. This diversity empowers you to cater to a broader customer base, catering to varying preferences and trends in the tech accessory market. Plus, having a diverse range of items enables you to pivot swiftly in response to evolving consumer demands.
Building Strong Supplier Relationships
In the realm of wholesale purchasing, fostering robust relationships with suppliers is akin to laying a sturdy foundation for your business. Reliable suppliers are the backbone of your inventory pipeline. When nurtured well, these connections can offer benefits like priority access to new products, preferential pricing, and even exclusive deals, giving your retail business a competitive edge.
Navigating the Wholesale Market
Finding Trustworthy Suppliers
How do you spot reputable suppliers in a sea of options? Research is key. Online directories, industry trade shows, and networking events are gold mines for discovering potential suppliers. Look for established companies with positive reviews, transparent pricing structures, and a track record of reliability. Dive deep into their product quality, shipping policies, and return procedures to ensure a smooth partnership.
Negotiating the Best Deals
Just like a seasoned negotiator, you can haggle for the best prices and terms when engaging with suppliers. Remember, it's not just about the cost per unit; consider factors like shipping fees, minimum order quantities, and payment terms. Negotiation is an art, and a well-strategized discussion can lead to more favorable terms, benefiting your bottom line in the long run.
Quality Control and Assurance
Ensuring top-notch quality is paramount, especially when dealing with tech accessories. Poor-quality products can tarnish your reputation and erode customer trust. Before sealing the deal with a supplier, request samples to evaluate the quality firsthand. Conduct thorough quality checks to ascertain that the products meet your standards and align with your brand's ethos.
Embracing the Trends
Staying Ahead of Tech Innovations
Technology evolves at lightning speed. As a retailer, staying abreast of the latest tech trends is non-negotiable. By leveraging wholesale purchasing, you can swiftly adapt to emerging technologies and accessory trends. Whether it's the newest wireless charging tech or eco-friendly phone cases, aligning your inventory with cutting-edge innovations keeps your offerings fresh and appealing to tech-savvy consumers.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Products
The modern consumer is increasingly conscious of the environmental footprint of their purchases. Embrace eco-friendly mobile and computer accessories to cater to this growing market segment. Wholesale buying allows you to explore and stock sustainable products like biodegradable phone cases, recyclable chargers, or energy-efficient laptop sleeves. Not only does this resonate with eco-conscious consumers, but it also showcases your commitment to sustainability.
Final Thoughts
Venturing into wholesale purchasing of mobile and computer accessories is a strategic move to elevate your retail business. It's a gateway to cost-effective procurement, diverse product ranges, and staying ahead in a dynamic market. But remember, success in wholesale buying hinges on building strong supplier relationships, ensuring product quality, and embracing evolving tech trends.
In conclusion, wholesale purchasing isn't just about buying in bulk; it's about leveraging opportunities, staying adaptable, and offering customers an array of top-quality accessories that complement their tech devices. Dive into this realm, seize the advantages, and transform your retail game. Are you ready to amplify your inventory and captivate tech enthusiasts with a diverse range of mobile and computer accessories? The wholesale market awaits your exploration.
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temerevaalisa · 7 months
Critical Self-Reflectivity for Graphic Designers
Critical self-reflection is the process of critically studying any of your own thoughts, actions and decisions. It seems to me that this is the same as introspection with conclusions, it includes an analysis and assessment of your beliefs, values and behavior in order to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your actions in order to understand how you can interact with yourself first of all and of course with the world around you.
During our class, we had an activity where we visited SimLim Square to analyze the design in the building. After careful observation and discussion, we reached several conclusions. One of the strengths we identified was that SimLim Square is one of the most iconic places to search for electronics and AV gadgets, which is guaranteed to attract customers. However, we also noticed some weaknesses, such as a poor directory that makes it difficult to navigate the building. Additionally, there were instances of clustered gadgets and parts on the floor, which could pose a minor hazard.
To address these issues, we propose creating new signs for each floor to provide a better directory. These signs could indicate specific sections like art shops, coffee shops, and clubs for specific gadgets, among others. By implementing these new signs, we can improve the overall navigation experience for visitors to SimLim Square.
Our lectures provided us with detailed instructions on how to analyze and reflect on design works, and this process has been extremely valuable. It has allowed us to critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of the design, and propose practical solutions for improvement. This reflective process has enhanced our understanding of design principles and has equipped us with valuable skills for future projects.
In the context of our profession as a graphic designers, critical self-reflection involves thinking about the choice of design and work, evaluating its effectiveness, and considering the impact of design on the target audience. This can help us both analyze our work, explore alternatives, and continually improve our skills and processes.
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starcleaning015 · 10 months
Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi: Ensuring Clean and Safe Water
Clean and safe water is essential for our daily lives. In a bustling city like Delhi, where water scarcity and pollution are persistent challenges, maintaining clean water tanks is of utmost importance. Regular cleaning and maintenance of water tanks not only ensure the supply of safe drinking water but also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and contaminants. In this article, we will explore the significance of water tank cleaning in Delhi and highlight the benefits of choosing professional cleaning for your water storage systems.
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Why Water Tank Cleaning Matters:
Water tanks serve as a vital source of water for households, commercial establishments, and industries. Over time, sediment, dirt, rust, and other impurities accumulate in these tanks, compromising water quality. The stagnant water and dark environment inside the tanks create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms, which can pose serious health risks if consumed. Regular cleaning of water tanks is necessary to:
Ensure Safe Drinking Water: Clean water tanks minimize the risk of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and gastrointestinal infections, which are prevalent in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene practices.
Remove Sediment and Impurities: Over time, sediment and impurities settle at the bottom of water tanks. Cleaning these tanks helps eliminate these contaminants, ensuring clear and pure water supply.
Prevent Bacterial Growth: Bacteria like E. coli and Legionella thrive in unclean water tanks. Regular cleaning and disinfection inhibit their growth, reducing the chances of water contamination and related health issues.
Enhance Water Quality: Cleaning water tanks improves the taste, odor, and appearance of the water, making it more appealing for consumption and other domestic uses.
Professional Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi:
When it comes to cleaning water tanks, it is crucial to enlist the services of professionals who possess the necessary expertise, equipment, and knowledge of best practices. Professional water tank cleaning services in Delhi offer a range of advantages:
Specialized Cleaning Techniques: Trained professionals employ advanced cleaning techniques, including high-pressure jetting, vacuum cleaning, and disinfection, to ensure thorough cleaning and removal of contaminants from water tanks.
Compliance with Safety Standards: Reliable water tank cleaning services adhere to strict safety and hygiene standards, using eco-friendly cleaning agents and protective gear to safeguard both their workers and the environment.
Regular Maintenance Schedules: Professional services can create customized maintenance schedules for regular cleaning and inspection of water tanks, ensuring their optimal performance and longevity.
Expert Evaluation: Trained technicians can assess the condition of water tanks, identify potential issues, and recommend appropriate solutions, such as repairs or upgrades, to improve the efficiency and safety of the system.
Water Tank Cleaning Service Near Me:
Finding a reputable water tank cleaning service near me you in Delhi is easier than ever. With the help of online directories, search engines, and local listings, you can quickly locate service providers specializing in water tank cleaning in your area. It is recommended to consider factors such as their reputation, experience, customer reviews, and pricing before making a choice.
Water tank cleaning is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and safe water supply in Delhi. By availing professional water tank cleaning services, you can ensure the removal of harmful contaminants and bacteria, providing clean water for domestic and commercial use. Prioritizing regular maintenance and cleaning of water tanks is a responsible step towards safeguarding the health and well-being of your family, employees, and the community at large.
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