#you can never save him and love him at the same time
yanderenightmare · 8 hours
Gojo Satoru
TW: implied noncon, yandere
fem reader
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The way Gojo Senpai is so obnoxious, he doesn’t understand his flirting is making you uncomfortable…
He seriously thinks he’s making you fall head over heels in love with him even when you give him nothing in return to make him think that. He just thinks you’re embarrassed and nervous, flustered by his attention, and that’s the reason you divert your gaze and bite your lip when he has you against the lockers, leaning on his hand with his shades gliding low on his nose—telling you that you have no shot becoming a sorcerer, but that you look too cute in the uniform not to give it your best try. 
“Don’t worry, just say my name, and I’ll come save you,” he’ll say. “You can be my personal assistant supervisor instead.” 
His game isn’t anything to brag about. It's more in line with bullying than flirting, but you pick up on the suggestiveness. That heated saccharine look within his blue eyes can only mean one thing if the way he plays with your hair isn’t enough of a hint already.
But his words are nothing short of derogatory, and all in all, he simply makes you feel gross—a sentiment you thought you put across, but it seems that having six eyes only makes you blind.
It takes Shoko telling him to leave the poor Kohai alone for him to finally understand that you don’t like him. And then he’s just confused and embarrassed.
And a tinge bit irritated.
Gojo knows for a fact he could make any girl want him. Even those who seem to hate him would melt if he gave them the same attention he’s been giving you. Any girl. He could have any girl, but he chose you. And you reject him?
No. He can’t accept that.
“Most girls would be grateful for my attention,” He states plainly after having tracked you down.
Your head snapped, jolting. “Gojo Senpai—” You dropped the mop in your hands with a clatter, having been deep in your own thoughts on classroom cleaning duty. You sighed as the scare settled, giving a breathy laugh, “You scared me—”
“Is that it?” he interrupted. “I scare you?”
You quirked a brow with a tilt of your head. “What?”
“Do I scare you?” he repeated, louder, posted on the threshold in a stance you’d never seen him in—stiff and squared, not his usual lazy laidbackness.
Confused, your eyes looked around as if searching for clues but came up emptyhanded, “Uhm, I don’t understand—”
“It’s a simple question,” he said, cutting you off again, this time with a step into the classroom. He talked slowly, cradling the next words, “Are you scared of me?”
Where it all came from, you hadn’t a clue. But then again, Gojo Senpai has always been rather strange. 
Were you scared of him? It’s not really something you’ve ever thought about. Sure, if you were to go one versus one with him, you’d probably piss yourself. But in a regular setting, you just found him to be as grating as the next person.
“I don’t think so?” you end up answering.
“Good. So what is it then?” His shades were low enough for his stare to skim over. Brighter than clear skies, and yet, somehow, so dark. “Why don’t you like me.”
Oh, so he’s figured it out on his own then. It’s about time. And thank fuck for it—saves you the trouble of breaking it to him yourself. Though you were still left with the unfair task of telling him why.
“Honestly, Gojo Senpai, I’m not, or well… you’re just not my type.”
Stick to the basics, is what you told yourself. There’s no need to drag this out.
“Yeah, I figured. I’m asking why,” he countered, in complete disagreement with your thought.
Still, you wanted to fight for it. “Does it really matter?”
This conversation was the last thing you wanted, but it seemed the white-haired prodigy wouldn’t leave without having it.
“Well…” you started, still pondering. Maybe he’d appreciate the honesty? He’s a rather straightforward guy himself. “I mean, there’s no way you don’t already know this, but—” You picked up the broom again mid-sentence. “You’re really obnoxious.”
He took a small second before he scoffed, “So? No one else cares.”
It reminded you of arguing with someone half your age—the petty anger in an ill-thought-through comment slung at you as if it carried all the weight in the world. But what everyone else thought of him hadn’t anything to do with you—and even so, out of the people on campus, you’re certain you’re not the only one who finds his attitude unpleasant—they just don’t tell it to his face. 
You had half the mind to tell him to go get a grip, but he was still your Senpai.
“Good for you, I guess?” You weren’t really looking to fight with him, after all. “So you can flirt with literally anyone else then,” you dismiss him and go back to finish cleaning the classroom—glad to have put it all behind you. You were starting to fear he’d never leave you alone.
There’s a woosh, then the hard thunk of your back hitting the wall. Both your upper arms are gripped tight, pinned. When you open your eyes again after adjusting to the impact, you look straight up into the full view of two crisp comet blues.
“You’re mighty rude for a Kohai. You know that?”
Your head stings. You blink crookedly.
“Maybe I’ve misjudged you. D’you have anythin’ for show to back that attitude up?” It’s eerie how he says it in the same flirty fashion he would otherwise—even the look in his eyes are the same. But his grip tightens.
“I don’t want to fight—”
“No?” he cuts you off with a pout. “I could've sworn you were asking for it—all but begging for it a second ago.”
You whimper, cowering at the sudden bite in his voice.
“What’s the matter, huh? I thought you said you weren’t scared?”
Your voice comes out weak, “Please, Gojo Senpai, I—”
“Please?” he questions brightly, eyes stark and burning like a stovetop. “Yeah, that’s got a nicer ring to it—suits you better.” The smile that splits across his face is nothing short of unhinged. “But it’s not enough for me to let your disrespect slide.” He licks his lips, and a chill runs up your spine, feeling like caught prey. “Lucky you, I know exactly what price to put on it.”
His mouth devour yours the same way—pouncing like a beast would, with teeth more than lips, then a tongue. You whine as you twist—it’s more instinctive than deliberate when your knee shoots up into the unprotected space between his legs—right into that thing that was rubbing and rutting against you.
You make a run for it as he staggers back with a hiss, but you don’t make it farther than three measly steps before you’re bent over the closest desk.
His fist wrangles your hair, using it to shove you face-down against the wood—the weight of his body on top of your back with his voice raspy against your ear. “We could’ve left this with a kiss, but I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy now.”
Tears spill hotly in a panic, but no matter how much strength you put into lifting yourself up, you remain down. Sobbing, “Let go—help—”
He snickers with a hand under your skirt, spidering delicately up your thigh. “Who’re you callin’ for help, hm? I’m already here.”
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♡ GOJO SATORU masterlist ♡ JUJUTSU KAISEN masterlist
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not-freyja · 3 days
New Zelda Game!
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Okay cool, cool cool cool cool, I am calm, I am so fucking calm. Looks like Nintendo is staying true to their word that Wild is not getting another game, so now the questions are, what Link is this, where are we in the Timeline, and what information about the game itself can we pick out of these crumbs?
Whose Zelda is it anyway?
So two options:
New boy.
Legend. It’s fucking Legend again sucks to suck bro
Case for new Link and Zelda:
Less messy for the Lore
That’s it, that is the only argument
Case for Leggy boy and Fable:
LA animation style! While it can be fun to bring back older styles of animation for nostalgia/artistic reasons, that seems like a poor choice for *LOZ* games, which are always on the edge of what a game can do. Moving “backwards,” so to speak, in any aspect, would be a disservice to the franchise. However, doing it to maintain consistency for a particular character, and to use the animation style to make sure the audience knows this is the same character from LA is a very simple but effective tactic.
The map! So that shot was so BOTW and so fun, but the view we got wasn’t just recognizable as “Hyrule,” is was, down to the relative heights on the mountain cliffs against each other, the map from ALTTP/ALBW. Nintendo has never repeated a map without it being the same Link. So! Checkmate motherfuckers.
The character designs. That… that was just Legend and Fable, come on. Look at the dress. Every Zelda has a slightly different costume design, and that was hers. Look at Link. Baby boy!
I want this. Let me have it.
Timeline positioning
Okay so if we assume that this is in fact Legend, the next question becomes, “When is it?” Leggy boy currently has 5 games that are canonically his. (Triforce Heroes could be a random other Link, so while we like to say 6 we can’t *prove it.*) So. Let’s break it down.
ALTTP: canonically his first game, can’t be before this one.
Oracles: canonically happen after ALTTP, and he is very much still a child in here.
LA: the game this one is artistically modeled after. Narratively this fits nicely right after Oracles, and in the canon timeline, fits between Oracles and ALBW, so I think a whole new game being crowbarred prior to this one would be… not great for the narrative.
ALBW: This is trickier. No canon time between LA and ALBW is given, it could be a week, it could be years. It is entirely possible that Echoes of Wisdom occurs prior to ALBW, which would make it a direct sequel to LA, which makes the art style make even more sense. It could also be after?
…hang on a fucking minute, lets get the fucking map.
Left, ALTTP. Right, ALBW
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Basically the same map! Duh, it’s the same Hyrule. But. BUT. Bottom right, in the lake. Do you see that?!
ALTTP: no log bridge. ALBW: Log bridge. Now, let’s look at the pretty picture from the EOW trailer.
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This is before ALBW. Therefore, the game order for The Hero of Legend is
*cue manic laughter*
Lore Implications
There being a Ganon at all actually has me pointing my finger at the Oracle games and screaming. The TL;DR in those is that there was a plot to resurrect Ganon, each game Twinrova gets closer, but Link stops them. Now, there were also supposed to be three of those games, which means that it is entirely possible that the third unseen Oracle plot—please Nintendo let Link and Farore hang out, I am on my knees barking like a dog—could have resulted in his resurrection. This is the only explanation I have that doesn’t break the Lore or involve Time Shenanigans.
Also, Link does KO the bitch in that opening scene in the trailer. His presence is either just that—a set-up plot point—or him and Link are currently duking it out in the hole. Fun!
Link and Zelda
Now this game is going to put their relationship in the front in the “I have to save them because I love them” way that we usually see from Link’s POV.
Getting it from Zelda’s POV is going to be very interesting. We might be getting a look into her head, into her feelings and thoughts about the whole ordeal of the Legend itself. I hope so. But also, this isn’t just Link and Zelda, this is *Fable and Legend* specifically. The two that were meant to be be siblings but the dialogue that established them as such was cut from the final version of ALTTP. So. This game has the possibility to do three things
Canonize the Prince Legend thing, like they were going to do in the nineties.
Not address the topic at all, leave it nebulous.
None of these are bad choices, but option two is definitely the safest. Both options one and three will cause an uproar from part of the fan base. I can already see the ship wars. Please don’t do this people. Please.
The Holes 🕳️
What are they? Where did they come from? Ganon’s Trident Where do they go? No actually, where do they go? The Dark World (doesn’t make sense in the Lore)? Lorule (that would be a choice)? The Twilight Realm (I am convinced that Lorule and the Twilight Realm are the same place actually and you cannot change my mind)? Some new never seen before parallel dimension? A non-place, like a gap between realities (sexiest option)? I have no idea!
That fucking “Fairy”
Tri? Don’t trust it. Will not trust it. Never trust that a companion in a LOZ game is what they first appear to be. Who does Nintendo take me for? A fucking amateur?!
Anyway, I am about 40% convinced that’s Link. I have evidence, but it is circumstantial.
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lucysarah-c · 3 days
I apologize if this has been asked before but what do you think Levi's kinks are? :)
Hi, sweetie! Oh, do not worry, no need to apologize! I haven’t received this ask before, and even if I did, it’s not a biggie. I could just attach a link to that ask here <3 Do not worry.
MH, Levi’s kinks… good question.
Power play for sure. Have you seen this man say that “pain is the best discipline”? He's always 100% down to teach you your place, at least in the bedroom. Outside of it, he deeply respects your position. Inside the room? Oh baby girl, he wants you to know he’s in charge and could spend his entire life reminding you of it.
…Shibari or tying up. Have you seen those uniforms? Levi sees that harness and deep down he wonders how pretty you would look all tied up. This one is a bit more tricky, so he and you may work around it to see how much of it you're both into.
Overstimulation, absolutely. Those Ackerman powers are a blessing; he knows he can last for hours. Can you? Oh, it's okay, baby, don’t be scared. He'll just have to keep fucking you, and if by any means you end up feeling like your legs are made of jelly from all the times he made you cum… well, I guess that’s the consequence of dating humanity’s strongest soldier. I think he could just feel getting hard, or getting cocky by feeling how you shake against his face as he keeps eating you out like a thirsty man who had been traveling across a desert. The idea that he left you completely and absolutely destroyed makes him feel so cocky. You can accuse this man of many things, but leaving you unsatisfied in bed isn’t one of them.
Degradation and praise kink. Depending on the situation and his mood, he can go either way or BOTH at the same time. “Aw, you look so pretty riding my cock. You’re doing amazing, girly. Mh? Enjoy that dick?” you will nod as you ride him with all your life “I bet. What a dirty little cock whore you turned out to be.”
Alright, maybe this one isn’t popular and maybe it's a bit OOC on my part… Corruption kink. At multiple times in his life, as the famous former thug who lived in the most dangerous part inside the walls, the idea of getting you, looking at him with doe eyes through your eyelashes, faking innocence or truly having it… I can literally picture him thinking, “Doesn’t matter if she doesn’t have much experience or doesn’t know how to make me feel good yet. I’m a very good and patient teacher… have an entire lifetime to mold her into perfection.” He likes to save the best for last; this man would enjoy every single little detail of seeing you fall into the beautiful dark pleasure he can show you.
Those are the ones that come to mind rather quickly…
I’ll give you (as if my ramblings are worthy material to be gifted, lmao) 2 kinks that I DON’T think Levi has and I believe are very popular.
Breeding kink. Like this one, maybe depending on the situation and if it’s a “game” kind of thing. But I feel Levi is a person who takes paternity very seriously; it has to be a VERY particular scenario for me (at least canon Levi) where he’s like, “fuck it, yeah let’s risk getting you pregnant.” BUT it’s a kink I can see A LOT more in Post-War Levi; it’s not that he doesn’t want to breed you… he’s just too responsible to take the risk.
Daddy. HAHA I feel like if you called Levi that in the middle of sex, he would freeze a little and be like, “Sir? Yes. Captain? Absolutely. What did you just say? Just… no.” I dare to say that if you bring it up playfully, perhaps as a joke, he will wrinkle his nose and say, “If you want to fuck Erwin, just say it, but don’t bring that shit into my bedroom.”
I had fun writing this one; I feel it’s a classic “Levi’s blog” ask that surprisingly I’ve never received before! Thank you for that! Hope this was good enough.
Have a lovely day.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @storiesofsung @galactict3a @twruui @lemonsupernova @r3becca_0 @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @hyuckwon-my-husbands Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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imaginaryf1shots · 2 days
Just Oscar | Oscar Piastri
WC: 900+
Oscar x Reader
Summery:(REQUESTED) On his day off, Oscar goes to a park and sees you struggling with your bike
Warning: none
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Since getting into Formula 1 Oscar rarely had time to do what he liked. He loves his job but sometimes all he wants is time for himself to just be with himself and relax. Living in the UK gave him access to parks, so with a cap and sunglasses Oscar decided to enjoy just being a normal man in his early 20s and head to the park near his house. He enjoyed the weather, surprisingly it was sunny. He blended in with the crowd, no one paid him any attention, he's just
another guy walking around.
As Oscar walked he noticed you, you were struggling with your bike near the fountain. He watched you struggle to fix the chain that fell but you weren't able to, so after debating it for a moment and waiting for someone to come help you and no one paying you any attention he walks up to you.
"Hey, need some help?" Oscar asked once he was close enough for you to hear him but far enough so he wouldn't be in your personal space. You look up from your spot on the ground beside your bike, and Oscar sees your face for the first time, you're beautiful, it takes him by surprise.
"Oh, please, can you?" You say standing up, you were grateful for any help. "It seems like this thing has a mind of its own." Oscar kneels down beside your bike and inspects it. "I'm y/n, by the way."
"Oscar." He gives you a smile, and you're unable to see his eyes but you bet they look as pretty as his smile.
"Thank you for stopping." In quick and swift movements Oscar fixed your bike, he made it all look so easy.
"There you go, good as new." Oscar stood up, his hands a bit greasy, your own hands are greasy, but with the tips of your fingers you get the wet wipes from your bag.
"Here you go." You hand Oscar the wipes and you both clean your hands.
"Thank you so much, I thought I'd be stuck here all day."
"It's no problem at all." Oscar replied wiping his hands. "I'm just happy to help."
You and Oscar walk to the trash bin and throw the wipes away, you're pulling your bike with you, and you found yourself talking. "Do you come here often?" You ask
him curious, you always come to this park and you've never seen him, but you don't see the same people a lot either way.
“Not as often as I'd like.” Oscar admitted. “But I always enjoy it when I do.”
“I get it, but it's nice to come and take a break from everything, every once and a while.”
”Absolutely." Oscar smiled and took off his sunglasses, allowing you a bigger view of his face, and just like you thought, his eyes look pretty. You continued to slowly stroll around the park, before you had to part and head your own ways.
"Thank you again, for saving me." You say with a smile, not wanting to walk away and not see him again, but you're too shy to ask for his number.
"No worries." He blushed a little, and he hesitated, he certainly wanted to see you again.
"So, same time next week?" You ask with a grin and Oscar laughs.
"Sure, same time next week."
With that you went on your way, waiting for next week to come already.
Time moves slowly when you have something you're looking forward to. And so next
week, you head to the park a bit earlier than when Oscar would be expecting you, just so that you wouldn't miss him. It seemed like Oscar had the same idea, because you found him already waiting for you when you arrived at the fountain he saw you at last week.
"I hope you weren't waiting long." You say smiling as you walked up to him, Oscar stood up from the bench with his own smile, his sunglasses are hooked to his shirt, giving you an undisturbed view of his eyes. You both walked around the park. Once more, talking and just getting to know each other. Oscar told you about Australia and you told him about you growing up, what you're doing now and so on.
"Can I, can I maybe get your number?" Oscar asked after a small pause in the conversation, you couldn't fight the grin from forming on your face.
"Of course." You both exchange phones and numbers, both smiling and blushing. Knowing that you're both interested in the other and would like to meet more now, the conversation flowed more as the blond between the two of you formed more.
Right as you were about to part ways once more, some girls walked up to Oscar with giddy smiles.
"Oscar, can we take a picture, please?" One of the girls asked,
and Oscar smiled, agreeing to take a photo. You stood to the side confused, you racked your brain as you tried to think about if you've seen him somewhere before. Is he an actor? A singer? A fashion designer? A youtuber or ticktoker? Maybe an athlete?
After they left, Oscar turned to you sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "I can't figure it out, how are you famous?"
"I uh, I'm a racecar driver." Oscar shrugged down playing his job.
"Huh, like NASCAR?" You asked him and he shook his head.
"Like Formula 1." Your eyes go wide and you sigh.
"You must think I'm stupid for not knowing." You mumble and give him a small smile.
"No, I was happy actually, I'm just Oscar the guy that helped you with your bike." Oscar says and you nod slowly, he puts his hands in his pockets and looks at the ground for a moment before he meets your eyes. I hope this doesn't affect us"
"No, no it doesn't, you're just Oscar to me"
"That's good.”
@gnatthefly . @mochimommy2002 . @llando4norris . @mrswolffs-blog . @barcelonaloverf1life . @c-losur3 . @xoscar03
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heartss4val · 3 days
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✦ synopsis: love is portrayed in vastly different ways, yet its charm endures, weaving its unpredictable spell through hearts and minds alike. in other words, how do they love? ✦ featuring: percy jackson, annabeth chase, leo valdez, clarisse la rue, jason grace, & luke castellan.
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percy jackson, who continues to love through the pain. it's a sight to see, how effortlessly he places his trust in you, despite the scars of betrayals, heartaches, and afflictions that he carries on his own. he opens his heart to you with ease, cracks and bruises and all, yet remains unguarded; trusting you to cradle and protect it with delicate hands, those same hands that tenderly run through his hair as night descends, and gently stroke his face to rouse him at dawn.
in the depth of your embrace, percy finds sanctuary—a haven from the monsters he's battled and the smiles of loved ones he can no longer see. despite a lifetime of experiences urging caution in trust, he feels his heart soar in your presence unfailingly. percy jackson, who almost struggles to maintain composure around you, masking his vulnerability behind an utterly content smile that seems ready to ascend to the heights of clouds at any moment.
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annabeth chase, who typically prioritizes facts over feelings, finds herself in a paradoxical state when it comes to you—where the boundaries between the two quickly blur. she wrestles with the sensation of her heart quickening its pace in your presence, a feeling she dislikes yet is inexplicably drawn to when it comes to you. the way her typically meticulously crafted sentences seem to dissolve into uncertainty when she's with you, a feeling she dislikes, contrasted with the admiration she holds for your patient gaze, which waits for her to regain composure.
to annabeth chase, love represents an expanse of uncertainty where the wisdom and knowledge she so often relies on, often falls flat. an area of vulnerability where her feelings, something she feels less adept at navigating, reign supreme. but for you? for you, she's willing to try.
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leo valdez, who is, in short, piteously romantic.
he sees you as nothing short of an angel, a divine reward for every good deed he's managed in his life, though he humbly doubts it's enough to deserve you.
leo spares no effort in treating you like royalty, albeit within the constraints of a teenager's budget and his remarkably adept pyrotechnic skills. he carefully saves those free pizza coupons for the new italian joint down the street, and spends his spare time in the forge carefully adorning your mirror with lights to accentuate your beauty to its fullest potential. with skilled finesse born of his pyrokinesis, he expertly toasts marshmallows over the campfire, achieving the perfect balance of crispiness and gooeyness just for you. (yes, this is romantic to him.) in other words, leo valdez is down bad. and he knows it.
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clarisse la rue who, much to her dismay, can't seem to shake the thoughts of you from her mind. ever since the daughter of ares gained some semblance of reason and logic, she's seen herself as driven by ambition alone. but next to you—someone who never confines their love within mere actions—she suddenly feels small.
it's a bitter truth to swallow, the depth of her love for you matched by her struggle to reveal it. nevertheless, she draws a deep breath, gathering courage from the core of her being. she's prepared to confront any obstacle if it means your hearts could beat as one. even as she wrestles with conflicting emotions, clarisse la rue reluctantly acknowledges that your presence alone possesses the power to stir her soul.
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jason grace, who loves like out of a novel. gentle, deliberate, and profoundly understanding. his love speaks through shared looks, softly held hands, and tender touches—words often unnecessary. to him, you are the reassuring anchor in life's tempest, the safe harbor in life's turbulent waters. you embody both the virtues and quirks that stir his heart to love without restraint. why wouldn't he adore an angel in motion? jason grace, who embodies the chivalrous knight in shining armor, the quintessential boy next door, every cliché imaginable, yet remains blissfully unaware his own charm.
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luke castellan, who engages in a delicate dance with vulnerability.
he craves it desperately yet fears the consequences of embracing it fully. his love often morphs into frustrating turmoil. in his mind, he imagines a parallel universe where he can hold you close without considering the shared burdens it might bring.
is it love or a form of harm to so easily accept someone's flaws? to pursue romance means to also confront deep pain and lifelong challenges.
but would any of that matter if it meant just one more second with you?
some might view it as romantic, how he weaves you into his daily existence, yet he apprehends it. love cruelly compels him to notice resemblances between what he cherishes and what he detests.
luke castellan, who wrestles with the fear that one day, he'll wake up harboring resentment towards you, not because of any fault of yours, but because own inner turmoil could poison what he holds dear.
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©heartss4val — do not steal, edit, or repost my works. plagiarism is prohibited.
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amourcheol · 1 day
filmbro-zoned (teaser)
❝Who knew all it takes is a hot girl with top-tier taste for a man to admit he's wrong?❞
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g e n r e : college! au, fluff, crack, suggestive
w o r d c o u n t : 1k for teaser (approx 20k words for full fic)
s u m m a r y : self-proclaimed movie mastermind chwe vernon minds his business—whether that be avoiding the popular, problematic kids in his college to reducing customer interest in his parents' film store. his plan of isolation, however, is completely destroyed when you, a seemingly insane disney fan, slams his perfect movie taste and ask for his help to take down an evil ex.
w a r n i n g s : loosely inspired by watching the neighbours, film major! vernon who owns an outdated film store, mc is the baddest (but also the craziest) bitch in this fic, vernon is a loser, film major! mingyu who will be violated many times in this fic sorry king, mentions of many filmbro films which will also be violated, self-indulgent mentions of some of my favourite films, kissing, mentions of sex but no actual sex because im fearing god today, barbenheimer reference <3
p l a y l i s t : if you're too shy (then let me know) by the 1975 || q&a by seventeen || wonderful women by the smiths || confidence by ocean alley
a u t h o r ' s n o t e : who would have thought i'd be writing a college au huh...alice will never let me live this down...also guys once again so sorry for constantly posting this hopefully i have found a way for the loophole...let us see if this teaser gets shown in the tags...
You squinted at the list, finding the names neverending. “Jeez, this list keeps going, huh?” 
He could not help the scoff. “And you called me a Filmbro.” He set his forearms on the counter, locking his hands together. “What do you need these movies for?”
“They’re for my ex-boyfriend.” 
The term had him pausing. Of course—the ex-boyfriend. How has he heard of this man, but not know a thing about him? Shit, he did not even know your name.
“This ex of yours has an…interesting taste,” he said slowly. “What’s he like?”
“I can tell you he attends the same college as you. Well, us,” you clarified, jerking your head towards the college colours of your server’s hoodie. “Film major. Just like you, actually.” 
“Oh?” Small world. “What’s the name?”
“Kim Mingyu. Do you know him?” 
Vernon Chwe nearly shit his oversized jeans.
A hesitant nod of his head. “I have a few classes with him.”
“Oh?” Your stare was a little more intense now. “What do you think of him?”
Another fated question—the people around him had to stop asking him such controversial questions, or else he was bound to piss someone off. You were already letting him off the hook too many times; one more judgemental comment, and he was having that Princess movie set smashed on his head.
Kim Mingyu. Fuckass Kim Mingyu. Film major—just like him. One of the most popular boys in the year—very unlike him. All the teachers love his essays, all the girls love his freakishly-perfect six-pack, which Vernon is extremely irritated (and devastatingly intimidated) by. 
What all these people failed to realise, though, was that Mingyu was the biggest piece of shit to grace the halls of his university—and the planet, if dramatics were in order. If you thought that Vernon was a filmbro, then Mingyu was Filmbrother. Filmcomrade. Filmnemesis. 
It was as if you could hear the thoughts churning in his head. “You can be honest, you know. He did dump me at the end of the day.” A smirk began to appear. “Say your worst.”
The reassurance did not help. “I mean,” he started, swiping your card, “He’s okay? I haven’t talked to him enough to have an opinion on him.” 
A half-truth—that should suffice. 
But because the fates like to shit on his head every now and then for kicks, they decided to leave you unsatisfied with his answer. “Or, you can keep lying!” 
Excellent intuition, really. “I’m not!” he exclaimed, slapping the card back on the counter. “I really don’t know much about him.”
The big man upstairs was testing him even further, when, with a determined gaze, you set your elbows atop the surface. You leaned closer, tilting your head to the side as you inspected him, and Vernon blinked back at the sheer lack of space you had created. His mouth twisted, eyes frantically darting at the features of your face, not quite taking in the entirety of your being. Your vision seemed to work perfectly, because it caught the slight flush at the tops of his cheeks, where it was just pale skin seconds before.
Your smirk deepened. “Judging by your blush, you’re either terrible at lying…or,” you offered, voice lowering a little as you drummed your fingers against the counter, “You’ve never had a hot girl this close to you.” 
Fuck everything and everyone, because that only made him blush more furiously. You could not help the chuckle that escaped, deciding to cease torturing him and take your card. “I’ll not say the answer, Mr. Filmbro, but I think you already know.”
Since he had no plans of turning into a human form of a ketchup bottle, he evaded the topic entirely, instead focusing on interrogating you. “You still haven’t told me how Mingyu is related to the movie list you made.”
That seemed to hold your interest. “Oh, of course!” Putting the list back into your bag, you began, “Well, the list holds my ex-boyfriend’s favourite films. I wanted to know your opinion on a few.”
He could not contain his sigh. Oh, he had an opinion on these films that you mentioned. Again, he would rather be buried with his thoughts on the specific genre than ever tell you. The curiosity, though, was eventually going to eat him alive.
So much for minding his business.
“I mean…” he began to think, trying to find the right words. “I don’t mind them? Godfather is a good film, but I’ve seen better from Brando. I like American Psycho, but again, people tend to miss the point of the movie.”
As you nodded, listening to his two-cents on the movies you mentioned, he paused, furrowing his brows. “Why do you care about my opinion?”
You smacked your lips together, folding the list back. “I don’t know much about you, Mr. Filmbro,” you began, “But you don’t run a filmstore without knowing a thing or two about the films you sell.”
“So?” He crossed his arms atop the counter. “Shouldn’t you have asked the guy who you made the list about?”
“Trust me,” you said, your smirk turning more into a rageful flash of teeth, “I know exactly what he thinks of these films.”
Don’t particularly know what to make of that comment. “Well, I don’t know what my opinion for these films is going to help you in any way.”
“It has helped.” You paused then, waiting to see if he would egg you on, asking how his seemingly tame opinions would play into the grand scheme of things. “All part of my master plan.”
Master plan? Vernon may have been interested before, but he was certain that, before, he could have hid it without letting you catch onto it. In a sudden flash, though, as if his mouth was beyond his control, he regrettably slipped out the words which had you smiling more than he would have liked.
“What master plan?”
He almost closed his eyes. Shit. Now I’m fucking invested.
The corners of your mouth, lifting upwards, had him almost nervous. “I was hoping you would say that.” 
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doliacuddles · 2 days
𝖨 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗐𝗈𝗆𝖺𝗇.
𝖧𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗇! 𝖠𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
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❝In our gazes lie the secrets of a love that never had its chance, trapped in a silence that screams the tragedy of what could have been and never was.❞
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Yes, I longed to be that woman, the mother of your children, and together walk hand in hand towards eternity. But in the end, what can I say? You have shattered me, an "us" was never real. That woman fell into an abyss, and you are not the one who promised to be my hero at the altar.
I stood in front of the mirror, observing my reflection. The woman I saw there was not the same one who once dreamed of a future full of love and fulfilled promises. My gaze was empty, my eyes dull, as if my soul had been slowly torn away, day by day, with each fake smile and each lonely night.
"Does this have an end? Will we become strangers to each other? Maybe the day will come when I forget you and you forget me…" I thought aloud, my voice barely a whisper. I wanted to believe that someday this pain would fade, that I could look back and feel that all this had been nothing but a nightmare.
I wished my father had been right, that there was that magic button that transported you to happiness, to an eternal honeymoon, a pastel pink world, full of clichés and sweet nonsense. But life was not a fairy tale, and my reality was a dark labyrinth from which I did not know how to escape.
I remembered the early days after our wedding when I still had hope that everything would get better. I tried to be the perfect wife, the woman I thought Alastor needed. But nothing I did seemed to be enough. His coldness, his distance, were like daggers piercing my heart again and again.
At some point, I lost count of the times I cried in silence, wishing he would notice my pain, that he would extend his hand and save me. But Alastor remained unchanged, trapped in his own world, a place I would never have access to.
The radio continued playing in the background, a melancholic melody that perfectly reflected my mood. I walked to the window and looked at the dark garden, remembering that night at the party when our words finally broke the silence. Yet even then, nothing changed. His words were like empty promises, as fleeting as the mist that dissipates with the first light of day.
"When did we lose ourselves?" I wondered. The answer was obvious, though painful to admit. We lost ourselves the day we stopped being ourselves, the day we let expectations and appearances come between us.
I looked at my reflection again, trying to find in my eyes some trace of the woman I once was, the woman Alastor had met in that distant childhood. But all I saw was a stranger, a shadow of what I once was.
"Maybe, someday, you'll remember who I was to you. Maybe, someday, you'll understand how much I loved you and how much I suffered for you," I thought, hoping that my thoughts could reach him somehow.
With a sigh, I turned away from the mirror and headed to the bed, the place where the distance between us was most palpable. I lay down and closed my eyes, letting the tears flow freely. I knew that, although the pain was unbearable, I had to find a way to keep going, to survive in this reality that I had to live.
Because, in the end, even if I was never the woman Alastor loved, I had to be the woman who clung to herself with desperation, to keep fighting without hope, vainly seeking a spark of light in the midst of crushing darkness.
And so, with the echo of my thoughts tormenting my mind, I sank into a restless sleep, fearing that, upon waking, the new day would only bring more strength to face a reality that was becoming increasingly unbearable.
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Intellectual property of @doliacuddles.
𝖳𝖺𝗀𝗌; @seraphiccharlie @catticora @verosikavibes @mo-0-o @alastorthirsty @its-a-dam-blue-brick @speedycoffeedelight @mantumuncher223
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paperdice · 3 days
hii !! heard that requests are open :] can i request sakura from winbre with a gn!reader who likes to cook? like they like to cook his favorite meals for him ! that's all, thank u so much <33
𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤 (𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭)
"you didn't have to be so nice, I would've liked you anyway.."
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ It was a small known fact that you knew how to cook, everyone knew but never made it a big deal unless you made something. So when Sakura came to town and tried your cooking he was shocked, but continued to eat it at a very concerning speed.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Of course that was before your guy's relationship, now it's basically the same but he now knows you can cook and loves every food you make. while eating it at a very concerning speed.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Everyone knows the saying "a way to a mans heart is through his stomach", well you never really thought of it much till after you two got together. Then and now he still gives you the same flushed face when you place down his favorite dish in front of him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He loves it, he loves how you make his favorite meals but everyone knows he's not just gonna say it aloud. Instead he mutters a "thank you.." while trying to avoid eye contact, just looking at you made his heart flare no way would he be able to say thank you with locked eyes.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Try and tease him about it and he'll cover it up with one of his poor defensive comebacks of whatevers, but you know he loves you way too much for him to handle. So you let him take his time, your impressed at the fact you even made him your boyfriend in the first place.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Sometimes you make snacks or lunches for him to eat without letting him know before hand, why does it matter? I don't know, Sakura was the one freaking out about it. His face bloomed the colors red and pink all over while he attempted to hush it down with a straight face.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ He does get used to the "surprises" overtime, his face not as rose red and the slight embarrassment cooled down too. But that didn't mean he didn't appreciate it or anything no, never had he ever once given you any of his left overs or had you even seen him with any.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ From what you hear from the others (mostly Suo and Nirei) he always finishes the food you give him, Suo teases how he always has a pleased expression on his face. He even compared Sakura to a child eating its mothers cooking, while Nirei just likes to make funny remarks of Sakura inhaling your food or how he tries to save it for a better time to enjoy it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Sakura will try basically anything you make, of course if it looks a little interesting he'll ask what's in it and eat it anyways. Never have you heard him complain about any of your cooking but it's not like you will anytime soon based off the empty plates, empty containers and plastic wrappings given back to you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ If only.. except for the fact that he leaves the damn vegetables behind. Yeah I mean he does eat the meal but no matter how many times you tell him or try to put it in his meals he never eats his vegetables. You can't even count how many times you've tried to talk to him or even force him to eat the damn greens.
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ At some point it resulted to you trying to blend the veggies in, so he doesn't even realize hes eating it you literally had to result to a parent method to make him eat it. Yet somehow this picky two toned boyfriend of yours manages to catch it everytime. Or at least, all except one, shh....
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Here it goes again, like always he hands you back a washed empty container.
"Did you like that one too? Jeez your some simplistic guy huh?" You teased, "What happened to the veggies? I know you didn't eat them." Rasing a brow for an answer, an answer you knew but wanted to hear it from himself.
"..Gave it to Nirei and Tsugeura since it was just sitting there." He huffed and looks elsewhere to avoid your stare..
"You mean since you didn't wanna eat it?" Sighing at his stubbornness, you knew you weren't going to make another veggie talk, he's grown enough to already know by now after all the past talks hes had to go through. You're both tired after this long day anyways.
"At least I didn't throw it away! Then it would've been wasted into the trash, I knew it was better giving it to them." He splattered out his protest not knowing that he already wasn't going to have another talk.
You hummed with the little energy you had left, pulling him into a soft embrace. Nuzzling ever so gently on Sakuras chest as if he was going to flinch from you touching the bruises he had endured after his fights. But no, he doesn't, and yet you still can't help yourself and worry that one of these days he will flinch. So it's better being careful.
His body relaxes, he loves when you hug him so carefully it feels as if you didn't wanna scare him off. He sighs and hugs back with the side of his cheek faintly rubbing on the upper side of your head. Then lowering his head down to bury itself into your neck, you can feel how hot his face is.
"..thank you, it was really good." He shyly whispered into your lower neck, "sorry about the vegetables though.."
".. let it go already, its fine."
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a windbreaker request about the pretty boy!! thank you for the request I hoped this was worth the wait, come again to roll another request anon <333
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Nothing Extraordinary - Dazai Osamu x Reader
Pairing: Dazai Osamu x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: (angst to) fluff Word Count: 2 360 Warnings: use of (y/n), mentions of dying (nobody dies tho), Reader is scared Dazai doesn't love them Summary: Even after a year of dating there are three words Dazai and you have yet to exchange A/N: Happy Birthday to Dazai, even though his birthday is already over in Japan...
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A soft exhale brushed over your slightly parted lips as you pressed “send” on the file you had spent the past three hours preparing. A look at the clock on your desktop screen told you, you it was only half past three, but the sun shining in through the windows of the Armed Detective Agency had already a strong orange tint.
Absentmindedly your gaze wandered over to your boyfriend’s desk, finding it empty. You wondered what kind of unimportant task Osamu had found this time to get around doing his paperwork.
Confused you tilted your head.
Taking a closer look at his desk that bordered yours, it seemed like the files Kunikida had piled on it this morning had already been moved to the “outgoing” folder, which meant he had at least made the effort to shift them around at one point. But had he actually done them?
Reaching over to his desk, you grabbed a bunch of the files out of the box, flipping them open. Indeed, they had all been processed neatly, in Osamu’s handwriting. What was wrong with him? Usually he only did them when Kunikida stood next to him, threatening him with exposing some kind of embarrassing secret of his to you.
The first time Kunikida had used that threat, Osamu had thought he had been bluffing, and thus you had learnt of the time Osamu had been ‘stuck’ in a restaurant’s bathroom for an hour straight because the clearly labelled door would have opened through pulling, not pushing. Of course you had thought Kunukida had made that up, after all, someone as clever and cunning as Osamu would never- but a glance at your then-boyfriend-of-three-weeks had revealed just how true Kunikida’s story was, the red flare of his cheeks having glowed under the cool blue light of the office’s illumination.
Ever since then Osamu knew to take Kunikida’s threats seriously. But since the blonde skill-user had not spent the better part of the day standing next to Osamu, supervising his work, you couldn’t help but wonder if your boyfriend had unlocked a new skill that allowed him to finish his paperwork within the blink of an eye.
Or maybe he was sick? No, if he were, he’d have clung to you the whole time, whining about how miserably he was feeling. Sometimes he really behaved like a huge child. Why did you put up with him again?
Because I love him. 
Yeah, only that you had never told him that. You had been dating for almost a year now, and Osamu had as good as moved in with you, but you had never told him you loved him, nor had he told you he loved you.
Of course, you made sure to express your feelings in action and a few times it almost would’ve slipped over your lips in moments when you were distracted or tired, causing you half a heart attack each time you caught your tongue in time. And as hard as it was sometimes to decipher his behaviour, you were fairly certain Osamu was at least somewhat emotionally attached to you.
But there was always this fear.
This fear that he’d pull away the moment you expressed how serious and deep your affection for him had grown. This fear that he’d take it as the sign to draw back and drop you like he dropped all these girls he had been meeting with before the two of you had almost died in each other’s arms during a mission, before he had pulled you into his chest and kissed you as if it were the last thing he would ever do before both of you suddenly had the same idea which had ended up saving your lives, before he had asked if saving each other’s lives qualified him for a date with you. As if you had been out of his league before that, when really he was the one who could barely save himself from suitors who were attracted by his intellect, his charm and of course also his good looks.
Tearing your thoughts back into the moment, you shook your head and took a deep breath, focusing back on the screen before you displaying the confirmation that your file had successfully been delivered.
Another glance at the clock. 15:35pm. You reached for the notepad besides your screen and ticked off the report you had sent just two minutes earlier. The next point on the list was… annoying. Not difficult or hard, just annoying. With a small sigh you went back to work.
Your eyes were trained on the screen, following the signs that appeared while your fingers were flying over keyboard, focusing on the words you strung together. You barely noticed the hand that carefully placed a plate with grapes and strawberries next to your keyboard, white bandages covering the skin from right underneath the thumb until they disappeared into the lazily rolled up sleeves of a dress shirt. A moment later the hand disappeared and a second, equally bandaged hand placed a cup of freshly brewed green tea next to the plate.
This time you noticed the movement from the corner of your eyes, glancing at the already retreating hand, unable and unwilling to hide the smile tucking at your lips. It didn’t happen often, but occasionally Osamu would bring you snacks while you were working. It were little things like these, the little efforts he made, every day, small things that accumulated over time which made your heart beat hard in your chest whenever you thought of him.
“Thank you, Osamu. I love you.”
The moment the last syllable had left your lips, you realized what you had just said, and froze up. There were reasons why you had never told him. You knew he struggled with forming permanent, close relationships, with opening himself up to others. If you came across as too eager, too clingy, too pushy,… he’d leave faster than you could blink.
All you could hope for now was that he hadn’t heard you, so you quickly continued typing, having barely missed a beat in your rhythm. Exhaling slowly, you relaxed your shoulders.
He hadn’t said anything, so he probably had snuck away and not heard your confession, otherwise he certainly would have snickered, or teased you. Only for you to come home to an apartment later that had been cleared of all his things. No, he hadn’t heard you. Most certainly not.
You had already typed another full line before a sudden voice right next to you startled you into interrupting your work once again, this time making you whip your head around to look at the man standing next to your desk.
“I love you, too.”
Osamu’s voice had been quiet, his eyes not fixed on you but instead a drawer of your desk, before he looked up almost hesitantly. There was something shimmering in his eyes which not even you, as his girlfriend of a year got to see often; a vulnerability and hesitancy, as if he wasn’t certain he had just trusted someone with a secret they would mock him for. You could never help but feel unsettled when this shimmer glossed over his eyes: Dazai Osamu wasn’t the kind of person to fear being mocked. Not by anyone. Not by anyone but you.
It took a moment for his words to register in your brain, until you had processed them, and you couldn’t help the way your eyes widened at the realization of his words.
“Osamu that’s- that’s not what I meant,” you quickly denied, before noticing how it had to sound to him. “I mean, I didn’t mean to pressure you into saying it back! I don’t want you to say things like that just because you feel obliged to-”
The soft smile that begun spreading over Osamu’s face irritated you enough to forget what you had meant to say.
Slowly he crouched down, placing his hand on the armrest of your chair and turned it enough to make you face him. Biting your lower lip, you watched him scan over your face, his hand subconsciously moving from the armrest to your knee. Warmth sept through the thin fabric of your fabric trousers, the elegantly cut kind Kunikida had advised you to wear when you had first started working for the Armed Detective Agency.
“It’s true though,” Osamu said, his voice so quiet that you’d be surprised if anyone but you could hear it right now. “I do. I’ve known for a while now. It’s not that kind of fleeting feeling of a crush, even though I wanted it to be only that. But the more I began to deny it, the more I realized that you have carved yourself into my heart and now it carries your name. Admitting it is scary though. What if you don’t feel the same?” He brought one of his hands up to your face, the backs of his fingers ghosting over your cheek, warm and familiarly gentle. “What if I allow myself to love you, and you leave, or get taken from me? To love you means to offer myself to the possibility of hurt and I don’t want to be hurt anymore. But I want to love you. I do love you. With all I have.”
Orange afternoon light caught in Osamu’s whiskey-coloured eyes, igniting his long lashes in warm auburn. Single hairs threw fine shadows over his skin, and all of a sudden you once again realized how delicate his features were, how beautiful his face, how warm his gaze.
His words echoed in your head, tumbled over one another, until you couldn’t grasp a clear thought anymore, so instead you bent forwards and gently touched your lips against his. The hand he had still placed at your cheek came to cup your chin, but he didn’t pull you closer, just held you.
Kisses like this were rare. Osamu was always excited and full of passion, and so were his kisses. And the times he wasn’t, when the shadows in the corners of the rooms got too long and deep, threatening to swallow him whole, his lips moved desperately against yours, demanding you to offer him a lifeline, a way out, a distraction from old memories coming back to claim him and pull him back into the dark.
Now he let the kiss linger, your faces close enough for your lips to touch, for warmth to be exchanged, for him to feel your pulse beneath the delicate skin of your lips. But nothing more.
When you pulled away after several seconds, you saw Osamu’s eyes had fluttered closed, and remained closed for a moment longer. While he couldn’t see, you instinctively darted your tongue out, wetting your lips; they tasted of him. Even such a short kiss was enough for him to leave his mark on you like this.
“Thank you.”
His eyes were still closed when he spoke, making you tilt your head at him.
“For what?”
“For making saying these words for the first time something… so normal. Nothing extraordinary. Just intertwined into our everyday lives. It lessens the anxiety.”
“I was scared too, you know.” You didn’t elaborate on the reasons. He didn’t have to know you thought he might not love you. But he was Dazai Osamu, always ready with another surprise up his sleeves.
“I know, my angel. I know. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier.”
“No, don’t be. It’s not your fault, nor mine. It just was. Just happened like this.”
“I like the way this happened.”
When he finally opened his eyes, they were gentle and warm, and the way he looked at you was nothing short of lovingly. Yes, lovingly. And this expression had been in his eyes for a while now, when he had looked at you, you just hadn’t been able to identify it. How long had it been there already? You were not sure. Most certainly not from the beginning on, when he had ignored you entirely for your first months at the agency. But it had been there for a long time, longer even than you had been dating. You knew you had seen it in his eyes, when he had lent in to desperately kiss you that time you had almost died together. You wondered if that had been the moment he had realized his feelings for you. One day you would ask him. But not now. Now you just wanted to know-
You had already opened your mouth to ask him if he wanted to take a small coffee break with you, when Kunikida’s booming voice interrupted you.
“Dazai! File OS0346 are missing the sketches I specifically asked for!”
Osamu, still crouching in front of you rolled his eyes, making you chuckle.
“Kunikidaaa,” he whined. “Can’t that wait until-”
“Of course it can wait,” Kunikida interrupted your whiny boyfriend. “But then I’ll tell (y/n) all about the time-”
“Nope, nope, no, I got it, I got it,” Osamu quickly jumped to his feet. “Already on my way. No reason to destroy my good image here.”
“Which good image,” Kunikida growled, throwing a file onto Osamu’s desk as he passed it.
You couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped your lips, earning a playfully scolding glance from your boyfriend, who slipped into his office chair, whining dramatically while doing so.
“Just so you know, Kunikidaaa, I’m signing out at exactly 5o’clock, and so will (y/n), and nobody will be able to contact us until tomorrow morning.”
Turning your chair back to face your desk, you glanced across the room, seeing Kunikida’s reddening face as he was staring daggers at Osamu. You chuckled again and tried focusing back on the report you were supposed to write.
Underneath the desk, something bumped against your foot and a moment later hooked around your ankle. Safe from Kunikida’s or anyone else’s eyes, Osamu had linked his feet around yours, shooting you a smile and a wink before both of you focused on your work again, the small contact at your feet a constant reminder that your lives were now inseparably intertwined.
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koishua · 1 day
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━━━━━━ 𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗜 𝗬𝗘𝗢𝗡𝗝𝗨𝗡 | 0.962k words. heavy angst, semi fluff ending. fear of abandonment. themes of lacking self worth.
━━━━━━ burned and hurt before, yeonjun had decided to break up with you and save himself from the pain he believed would inevitably come (as it always does), only to be welcomed again in a feat of unconditional love. (heavily inspire by the smile has left your eyes!)
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! © 𝗞𝗢𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗔 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰, 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗦 𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗥𝗩𝗘𝗗. reblog/feedback <3
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when the birds cease their serenade, time begins to slow down. seconds trickle down the glass in individual grains of sand, one by one when he locks eyes with the painting of heartbreak he'd left behind. when the subject of his dreams (when you—) look at him through the curtain of your lashes, darkened and damp, yeonjun wishes he dies a slow and agonizing death.
the light in his eyes had vanished into the depths of his sinking stomach, far too out of reach to ever return. not now, not after succumbing into his own fears and letting your hand go. an unnerving moment of silence floats by, the clouds casting a dark grey over the world as far as your eyes can perceive. yeonjun dares not weep in your presence, shame returning in folds when he remembers the words he'd left you with days ago in an attempt to save himself from what he believed would have been an impending pain anyway somewhere down the line. if not soon, then later (and in larger, monstrous waves).
"you told me to never return."
was that the murderous clap of a thunder or the sound of his crushed heart echoing in his ears? choi yeonjun is a man in sorrow. regret seeps out of him in almost visible rivers, down onto the floor and reaching the tips of your shoes. a beat goes by and he sighs, defeated.
"i did."
you take a tentative step forward and he catches the hesitation through the mess of strands over his eyes, blocking you once again. his knees almost crumble underneath him. he doesn't deserve another chance, and yet you're at his broken doorstep offering him one.
through the blur in your vision, your trembling hands reach for his slender and beautiful fingers (a memory resurges of him lulling you to sleep on the piano, his bed a safe haven despite the empty grey walls in shambles and the apparent lack of anything making a space liveable other than where you lay on and the miscellaneous small objects not belonging to a place someone calls a home).
the rain had stopped pouring just minutes ago, his clothes soaked through and skin ice cold. the warmth of your skin feels ugly to yeonjun. it's too inviting (too familiar, too kind, too easy to melt back into, too good to be true after every mistake he's ever made—) and he feels his lungs constrict inside their cage, refusing to breathe enough air as if to punish himself for ever believing he'd be loved.
but he is.
"don't leave me," the words clumsily part from his purple lips. yeonjun feels a tender hand against the back of his head pulling him into an embrace he'd prayed he'd be able to forget after running away from the life of peace that had terrified him.
you don't see his glazed, wide open eyes from your position, an arm around his neck and a hand running through his hair still dripping water on the nape of his neck, nevermind the shiver that runs down your spine from the cold sleeping through your shirt. a fist harshly squeezes your heart thinking about the man at your mercy.
there is no rain to blame the tears you feel collecting under your chin. a haggard breath of air inhaled, shoulders tense and trembling, a tug on the fabric of your shirt is enough to let you know that choi yeonjun is a man destroyed.
he's a man broken in more ways than one and one who is terrified of being held so compassionately, so fondly. petrified of being hurt again and yet so desperate for a semblance of affection. the weight of feeling unloved and fearing it at the same time weighed him down and chained him to the ground.
"i'll stay," your reassuring words reach his ears like a prayer answered, allowing him to collapse safely into your embrace like never before. once strong arms wrap around your waist as though he is bound to you for eternity, never to let go.
you sway together to the sound of the cars passing down below, unable to see them, standing so far away from the rooftop's railings and in a corner tucked away under the light above his doorway. your bodies mould into one synchronous being, complete like pieces of a puzzle.
yeonjun tightens his hold on you when you reach for the handle bar, pushing the creaky metal door open and into the safety of his small hideaway. finding it difficult to maneuver safely, he lifts you up and lets you wrap your legs around his torso to move you towards his bed, gently placing you down on the edge, letting you regain your bearings.
"please don't leave."
finally able to look into his eyes, yeonjun studies the expression on your face and the way your lips quiver. you bring your palm to cup his face, not needing to reach far as he crouches in front of you, his own hand wrapping over yours to bring you closer and lean further into your touch. his eyes flutter shut, feeling your soft lips press against his forehead, strands of hair brushed away.
"i love you."
"don't ever leave me, please."
"i love you."
"i love you, yeonjun."
"i never meant to hurt you."
"i love you."
"i was just scared. i never meant any of it."
"i know, i love you."
"please believe me."
"i do, i love you."
"i love you, too."
"i know."
"you always protect me even when i'm not looking."
"but i hurt you. i left."
"but you loved me then too."
"i did— i do. please forgive me. i'm so sorry."
"i love you, yeonjun."
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lovetei · 15 hours
first off, thank you so much for all the work you do for the fandom! your writing is amazing!
someone has probably requested this already but i just wanna request for a soulmate-reincarnation au, if its okay? like, they were MC's lover in the past and MC died, so they've been waiting and looking for them to reincarnate since then (it's been thousands of years or so) and then RAD happened and then they realized that MC is who they've been waiting for. that's all, haha
you can pick if it has angst or fluff or smut, or which character/s it will have
thank you again for your contribution to the fandom, i hope you have a lovely day!
After all that deranged smut, I've come back from the dead with some fluff
Update: I'm on Lucifer's part and the Fluff I'm planning took a dark turn, fortunately
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Soulmate-reincarnation universe in where they've lost you and won't let it happen again
Warnings: Grammatical errors, spelling errors, no proofreading, Mentions of death, Mentions of trauma, gruesome death, slight gore, Angst, possessive behavior
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
He can still remember the day you escaped his grasps
The day you stepped in front of Father and begged him "No, not him please! Don't kick him our, I'm begging you!" You pleaded.
Yet, he can't do anything about it as he watch the angels pull you inside their father's room.
He waited outside, pacing around in circles hoping, praying to any being out there to keel you safe.
And when the guard let him in, it's almost as if he can breath freely
Not until he saw you, face planted on the white marble floor as you lay on top of your own pool of blood.
Wings ripped out and in his father's hands
His knees weakened as Father handed him your wings
"Remember them Lucifer, you destroyed them."
Is the last thing Father said before the floor beneath you cracked
"Lucifer..." You mumbled out with a smile as you each out for him with your bloody hands
That is before you fell and died
He can still remember every detail like he's watching a movie
He still can't forget you, he never will
That is until he was viewing the possible candidates for the exchange program and he came across your application
And all so suddenly, nothing is important anymore
That's what he was thinking as he burnt all the other application forms
He'll get you back
No matter what it takes.
The time where Father caught them rebelling against the heavens, he'll never forget it
Not because it was the day where he fell
But because it was the day he found out how cruel the kind can be
How the kind made him choose, "Save yourself or sacrifice for your love?" Father looked at him then looked at you
With a spear in his hand, he didn't expect what you did next.
Running to Father without a single drop of hesitation and plunging the spear to your heart
Plunging his spear to your heart
His eyes filled with hatred and regret, his body numb with pain can only drop to the ground
Before his screams echoed and shook the she realm
Screams of pain that will never subside, or so he thought
He found out about this exchange student plan
And he saw you, with a different face, with a different hair color
It doesn't matter
It's you
And maybe, he did pull some strings and a few tricks for you to be picked
But when he saw how your eyes softened when you look at him in a room full of other men
He didn't have any regrets
You fought alongside them, beside him
Not because you support their ideology or anything
Just because he's there
He got hurt
And you swear you'll hunt down anyone who hurt him
And he'll do the same for you
So when he saw an arrow pierced your body and you fell
His wings lost its power and he fell with you
It was late when he realized what was happening and he flew as fast as he can to catch you
And he managed to before you landed straight to a flat rock near the shore
And so when he had you in his arms
He gently flew you down to the same rock and embraced your almost-lifeless body
Rocking you back and forth gently as if he was putting a child to sleep
And when you finally closed your eyes
He felt the last string of sanity snap and he looked up at the sky where the angels are fighting
And without a thought the warm and calm water was turned violent and drowned everything in its path
But sometimes, after the war, he would come back to the same shore
Where Mammon found him and informed him "They're back." He smirked at Leviathan
Of course, they are
He made sure to tell Lucifer he'll drown to death every other applicants they accepted until they admitted you.
And when he saw you standing there, frightened
He knew you can't remember him
But he's willing to take small steps with you until you remembered him again
Like an idiot, he fell in love with you
After all the hard work his brothers put in his head, trying to tell him not to love a mortal
He didn't listen
He would sneak out of Devildom and would meet you in the forest where you built your own small home
Where he saw you age until you can't even get out of bed
The home in where he sat beside your bed as he read you your last book an dpromsied you that he'll be beside you for all eternity, waiting for you.
The home in where he buried you in the backyard and placed lovely flowers on top
He tried so hard to get over you
He tried so hard to ease the pain in his heart for thousands of years
Until one day, he can't hold it in anymore and came back to your home
The rain mixing with soil, staining his hands as he dugged your grave with his bare hands and was surprised when he didn't see your remains
And then when he came back to the house of lamentation
When Lucifer informed him about the program something came up in his head
With his hands still stained with soil and his clothes wet from the rain, he digged through the file of applicants and saw...
Saw no one that resembles you
Until Lucifer told him that they've already picked an applicant
And held out a paper with a picture that looks just like you
The smile that crept up his face was desperate yet filled with love
He snatched the paper away from his hands and went to his room
Dropping on his knees on the ground as soon as he entered the room
He hugged the piece of paper and said "It won't be long till you're back to me..."
People often thought of you as nothing, honestly
People thought that Asmo didn't even love you
Or that he managed to move on soon after you died
But that's not how he views it
He views your death as his death
He promised himself that you both will love each other like swans
And the moment you died, he was ready to die too
The way he remembers how your fresh blood dripped off his arms
The way he remembers himself pointing the dagger that killed you on his throat
The way he remembered you saying "Don't... I'll come back." as you gently held his face and placed your lips on his
That was the only reason he kept his life
And when he remembered this strange, suffocating hope when Lucifer mentioned the program
It took every strand of his patient to not dig through the files and look for you
Because he remembered how much you believed in destiny, he believed that's what made you beautiful
The way that you believe that if it's what the universe wants, it's what will happen
So he bit his cheek and clawed his palms
The moment he was walking in circles waiting for this student, his heart filled with hope that it was filling his lungs
The moment he saw you standing there, seemingly looking for something, someone
He instinctively said "I'm here... Love..." as he raised his hands, the blood from his fingers from biting his nails dripping down
And then he went numb
When he saw your eyes soften and be filled with love
Because he knew, even the universe wants you to be with him
In every life.
You did your best, he knows it
Liliths death, he must admit, made him turn against Father and think about rebellion
But your death made him act on it
You begged Father to just give him and his brothers one more chance after disrespecting him
Father who said to accept it came up with one condition
And that's for your life
As soon as he over heard about ghat condition
He came out of his hiding and tried to attack father but you were held hostage
You were sitting on the marble floor with all the spears not pointed at the intruder, him, but to you, his most prized possession.
He can never forget how heavgy his heart is during that time
The way he can't even breath freely
"I was a fool..." Was what you said after you realized that even if you offered your life, Father will still kick them out.
And so you smiled at him "I will hold the virtues and give you some time to prepare..." then you opened your wings despite the spears piercing it.
"ESCAPE!" Was the last thing you said before you swung your wings and had the spears piercing their necks.
Then all he can remember is how him and his brothers managed to kill almost all the angels and archangels
But when they're about to enter the virtues domain, they stopped
And saw your head on the ground
The virtues praised you, saying how much love they felt as they fought with you
Now, it's still fresh on his mind
As soon as he saw you appear from the portal, unconscious
He was embracing your body as if wishing for you to remember him
He was gone, he turned bat shit insane
People might think he's okay
But the brothers knew better
For the past thousand of years, there's not a single day where he didn't spoke your name
He's comparing you to every girl they tried to introduce to him, "MC was prettier", "MC was better" and more
It's time to establish his position even more, and he can do it the fast way by marrying a noble
But even after introducing all women, married or not, not him
His answer was only, "MC is the only one that can be my bride."
The council argued over this, MC is dead, they said
But Belphegor is not one to give up easily
During the meeting about this exact matter, he proposed a deal
"If you can fulfill my only condition, I promise to secure my position as the avatar of sloth and the guaranteed success of the exchange program."
Everyone's ears perked at his suggestion, naturally, they asked, what is this condition?
Then he simply held up a form containing your profile
"Bring my wife to Devildom."
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creedslove · 24 hours
what about Javi P and reader being fwb but she catches feelings and while their *doing it* they reach their orgasms together she says that she loves him in the bliss of the moment and when they both realize what she said they froze and Javier pulls out of her, quickly gets dressed and storms out of her house? The rest is all up to you with everything (angst, hurt/comfort, fluffy, anything you want really)
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: I miss our sluttiest baby girl: Javi ❤️
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• being with Javier Peña is like playing with fire: it's exciting, inviting and thrilling, but you can get burned very quickly - not that either of you minded
• you just knew Javi didn't belong to anyone, he belonged to everyone, or that's how you felt, at the amount of women all around him all the time always made sure he wasn't yours to keep but there was a small part of you that told you he wasn't like that with anyone else but you and that filled your heart with hope, as much as it was stupid
• but truth to be told, Javi was shated by too many women, those who absolutely dove into his bedsheets and allowed him to do whatever he wanted, because as much as he was a man whore, he was also a gentleman, he was sweet, loving and it was so easy to hate him for his devious ways and also love him for himself
• or perhaps the sweet fantasy of having him, of being the only one he would open his heart to, at some point it was hard to distinguish between the real Javi and the Javi you created in your mind, the one you often dreamed of saving from an erratic life and helping him build a nice family
• it was so irreal and yet, you enjoyed allowing yourself to that sweet bliss, knowing how impossible it was and yet how you yearned for it; the way Javi grabbed you by the waist, his sweet kisses ghosting over your skin and how firm his hands were holding you closer, it was a sweet illusion you wish you'd never wake up from
• some days of the week were yours rightfully, that was when he had you all for himself, and he couldn't wait to see and feel you, but there was something about late Sunday nights that just hit deep, something special about them, more like intimate... Ending and starting the week with Javier, your Javi, to be able to see his sweet sleepy face, his annoying grumble once he realized another Monday began and he would have to do all over again
• not only that, the pleasure of putting on another shirt of his, the smell of his cologne, the aftershave and faints of smoking, which in under other circumstances you'd hate it, but not Javi's, his you simply loved it, it was every bit of him, lingering in your skin through the rest of the day
• the fact you got to cook him breakfast and picture a lifetime with him, even if you knew there were no chances of that happening, you allowed yourself some happiness even if it were for a few minutes, right before Javier would walk in, his hands once more on your body, arms snaking around your waist, lips on your neck, ghostly kisses spread and causing goosebumps distracting you from the food you had already forgotten
• it wasn't really the life you wanted with Javi, but it was better than not having him for yourself
• when another sunday night came, and with it your sweet routine with Javi, there was nothing that could stop you and your feelings from overflowing and dedicating them all to Javi, your sweet, handsome Javi, your man, the man you love, even if he didn't know it, but he could feel it somehow, that you were sure
• the way his hands roamed around you, how you felt him inside, his pulsating cock stretching you up and making you whimper for him, the way your hips moved against each other's, how his mouth looked for yours, you were so close to reaching your bliss you could feel it, as much as he could feel it as well, the knot forming in your lower belly, so close now, his hot seed filling you up good at the same time you were feeling your orgasm building, your feelings escaping through your pores and your words slipping...
"I love you, Javi"
• it escaped your lips, before you could even know what you were doing, Javi had stopped abruptly and looked at you, he was shocked, speechless to say the least
"Cariño, I-I..."
• he swallowed hard not knowing what to do or what to say, he ran his hands over his hair as he desperately looked for some help, but there was any, not when your eyes began watering and you covered yourself up, it broke his heart, he wished he could say it back, he wished with all his heart he could return you the feeling, the love and the affection, but you deserved it more than him, you deserved to be happy, you deserved something good for once and he wasn't it
• as you left his bed, he sighed, feeling unable to follow you, he wished he would be better for you, he wished he could love you with that, but that was so out of reach. For the two of you... 💔
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I haven't written in what it feels forever and it just made sense to come back to my first Pedro boy love: Javi ❤️
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yilinggusu · 2 days
Rak is down at the bottom of the ocean when he has flashback of his family and we find out why he doesn't believe in love. His mother paid his father to love him and still his father abandoned both of them. Even after Rak's father tells Rak's mother he will stay if she pays him it wasn't enough for Rak's father to stay. Then Rak is warned by his mother to never love anyone unless he wants to end up abandoned and alone even after paying someone to stay. The reminder of all of that is enough to send Rak into a panic because he is more or less doing the same thing with Mut by paying for his services.
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Boxed in by the cave entrance walls and the weight of the ocean pressing down on him he starts to panic as he remembers his mother fighting with his father. He remembers how his mother asks his father why can't he love her or his son. Rak's father tells her to pay him if she wants him to stay. Rak has a front row seat to the fight where he witnesses his mother say she gave his father everything she had and ask if he will abandon the two of them. Neither parent cares that Rak is seeing all of this while crying on the sofa. Rak remembers his mother's warning of to never love anyone if he doesn't want to end up like her.
It's enough to make Rak freeze and his air regulator (I don't know if that's what they are called) falls out of his mouth. Rak realizes what happened and he starts to panic before he starts to drown. The fact that he is all alone when it happens could symbolizes how Rak felt every day for a long time. All alone with no one to care about him or to help him when he needs it. Everyday he felt suffocated from the weight of his past along with the hurt and pain of going through what he went through at a young age.
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But this time he is not alone because then we see Mut who finds Rak in a panic and drowning. Mut reaches Rak just in time to save him from drowning. Mut literally gives him oxygen by breathing into his mouth so Rak can breathe before giving Rak his regulator back so he can put it into his mouth. When Rak calms down Mut helps Rak put his goggles back on before checking if he is okay.
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While Mut gives Rak mouth-to-mouth resuscitation the song lyrics can help convey what Rak is feeling and thinking.
'No matter how much I want to love you, my heart is afraid of reopening old wounds, despite my fears, deep down inside, I still hope that you won't reopen my old wounds'
It's fitting that the lyrics play over the scene where Mut helps Rak get his regulator into his mouth and his goggles back on his head. Deep down somewhere within himself Rak is not willing to admit or acknowledge that he wants Mut to love him, he wants to love Mut but Rak is so afraid of history repeating itself that he keeps Mut at a distance. It's probably why he 'pays' Rak for his services. He thinks Mut will only stay with him if he pays him. That if he pays Mut for his services like the way he asked Mut in the shower how much would he have to pay for Mut to sleep with him. Oh my poor Rak did you not see the way Mut looked at you in that shower when he said that he's expensive. The man was willing to fuck you for free because he's got it bad for you but he's willing to go along with what you want. Anyways back to this topic.
When Rak finally calms down and can breathe properly he then gives Mut the signal that he's good to go. Mut is right there in Rak's moment of need to help Rak when he needs it.
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Mut tightly holds Rak's scuba tank strap before he pulls him up with him towards the surface and does not let him go. Rak grabs onto Mut's arm like it's a lifeline. Not only was Rak physically drowning but he has been emotionally drowning for years with no one to help him until now. When Mut finds Rak he not only pulls Rak out of that dark place he is in not just physically but also emotionally. As Mut starts to swim up to the surface Rak tightly holds onto Mut's arm as they swim up to the surface. Mut has no intention of ever letting Rak go and will help Rak out of that dark place he is in emotionally. They just don't know it yet.
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How long has Rak been alone with those thoughts of feeling abandoned and alone. He doesn't believe in love and thinks no one will ever love him unless he pays for it just like his mother did all those years ago. To Rak love is a transaction. It's something to be bought and it can also used against you along with bringing so much pain leading to eventual abandonment. To Rak love means ending up alone and unloved and that he's only worth being with for his money and wealth. He believes that love is not real and it something that only belongs in his novels. He's always thinking of his mother's warning to not love anyone if he doesn't want to end up like her and his sister.
At the bottom of the ocean it's no wonder those flashback came out of nowhere. Things like that always do even when you least expect it or in a place you think it would never happen but it does. The brain is strange like that especially when it comes to past trauma.
Also at an underwater cave entrance the currents are very turbulent and the pressure of being so far down below the surface can be very daunting. The crushing silence can make your thoughts much louder making you remember the things you don't want to remember.
Rak probably feels that crushing weight on him every day. He wants love just not the kind his mother put up with for years. If he didn't want love then why does he write about it in his novels but says he doesn't believe in it. Then Mut comes into his life and willingly accepts Rak's terms and conditions and payments making Rak feel like history is repeating itself. It's another reason why he probably had those memories and had a panic attack. They always happen when you least expect it.
When Mut finds Rak at the bottom of the ocean Mut helps him breathe again both literally and figuratively. Rak grabs onto Mut's arm like it's a life line as they swim up to the surface. They swim up into the light and leave the darkness of the bottom of the ocean behind. The darkness of the bottom of the ocean is a symbolism of Rak's state of mind. He's been trapped at the bottom of an ocean for his whole life only the ocean is in his mind. Until now.
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On the boat Mut asks Rak if he okay. Mut looks concerned and genuinely worried about Rak because he clearly sees how shaken up Rak is after what just happened. Mut doesn't reprimand Rak for going down alone. He tells Rak he knows that he's a certified diver but still gently reminds Rak that amateurs should never go down alone and to go with a friend. My guess is that Rak is so used to being alone and doing things by himself for a long time that he didn't wait for Mut so Rak went ahead thinking he would be okay. Hyper-independence is very real and we can push people away thinking we don't need anyone especially their help so we keep people at a distance.
When Mut asks Rak why he panicked Rak just changes the conversation because it's too real to talk about what happened before Mut found him at the bottom of the ocean. Rak deflects and asks Mut why is he called Mahasamut. Mut sees Rak's deflection for what it is and goes with it so laughs as they fall into their playful bickering over their names. Mut tells Rak it's because their names rhyme while Rak tells him their names don't rhyme and asks him did he fail Thai. Mut laughs it off and becomes so warm and tender towards Rak that it's very obvious that Mut likes and cares for Rak a lot. Mut shows Rak a warmth that Rak has never received in his whole life until now.
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Rak is shocked at Mut making a play on their names by telling Rak that he has to love him. Mut says Tongrak's name which means must love before he points at himself and says Mahasamut which means ocean. Since Mut never does anything by halves and it's only episode two he tells Rak you must love me. Mut clearly likes Rak a lot and I think Fort confirmed that Mut liked Rak straight away but I could be wrong on that. I'm so glad they changed the 'you have to love me' scene from the Love Sea trailer from the beach to the boat because this one is a million times better and it has so much more impact after what happened in the ocean.
Rak as usual is floored by Mut's comment and he looks genuinely shocked at Mut telling him that he has to love the ocean meaning Rak has to love Mut. It's all just too much for Rak who falls back into deflecting and defensively points out to Mut that love is just a figment of our imagination. Rak is so uncomfortable and afraid over Mut's words and actions because he doesn't think all of that is possible or that it's possible for Mut to love him unconditionally and not expect anything in return. Rak also thinks it's not possible for Mut to love him because Mut only wants something in return which is his money. Rak feels like Mut is getting too close for comfort. It leaves Rak visibly uncomfortable and he deflects by standing up and telling Mut that he's hungry before walking away. He doesn't see Mut watching him with a disappointed look on his face. Mut knows something is up with Rak but he doesn't know what it is yet and he knows Rak isn't going to tell him either.
While Rak thinks love isn't real and a figment of our imaginations he also thinks that affection can only be received when it's bought just like his mother bought his father's love. Rak may write romance novels but he thinks unconditional love isn't real and belongs in fiction. Rak thinks Mut only stays around him because Rak is paying him and there is no way Mut could ever have genuine feelings for him at all. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out over the next eight episodes. Fort and Peat did absolutely amazing in this episode especially with the underwater scenes and I know they will continue to be amazing for the rest of the series.
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cat-autism-wizard · 2 days
five times danny's english class learned that he was phantom (and one time he had to reveal it)
2- paulina & star
paulina and star became inseparable at the start of the highschool. they talked about everything and anything. ever since phantom started to protect amity park they both admired him. paulina even had a crush on him only for her to realize it was just a comphet crush. when phantom saved paulina she noticed something about him. they way he talked was familiar.
she brought this up with star on one of their everyday gossip session. star never really noticed anything but promised to try to catch it.
star loved languages and how people talked. everyone had their own individual way to speak, putting emphasis on certain words and taking different times to breathe. she loved hearing everyones differences. and she would always info dump to paulina. hearing star talk too much about the differences between everyone's way of talking paulina also started to notice it. and hearing a familiar way of speaking from phantom was a weird experience.
paulina told star about the familiarity but couldnt understand why and they laughed mostly. still it did piqued star's interest.
next time star was on the attack range was on the park rather than in the school. phantom was fighting a ghost with a motorcycle and his shadow. star gave in to her curiosity as she hid behind a tree and listened to the fight.
"wheres kitty? did she dump your sorry ass again?" phantom asked with too much sass.
"no, we're going really steady right now. i even thinking about getting her some roses after i kick your ass." the ghost said and shadow attacked phantom.
"dude get her her favorite flowers to show that you care. roses are a safe option but favorite flowers are so much personal." phantom grunted out as he defended himself from shadow. johnny looked at him confused but he looked like he was considering what he said.
"i have a sister remember? i pick up a thing or two." johnny agreed and attacked him right after shadow.
star knew she heard enough to understand the speech pattern.
in the evening she called paulina to tell her what she gathered and what she heard from phantom. they laughed about it and continued to talk about other things. they didnt really pay it too much mind. they just thought it was cool to have that familiar feeling with a hero.
next day at school the first class was english. star sighed as she entered the classroom about five minutes earlier than mr lancer. dont get her wrong, english was her favorite class but as a first class? it was like a lullaby that was sang for them to fall back to sleep.
she sat next to paulina with a smile. paulina looked energetic even in the morning. star envied paulina. she always had energy. maybe it was the cheerleading but star knew even though herself was also more energetic than most people she still felt dull next paulina.
"you seem happy" star stated.
"how can i not be? after our talk last night i went online and bought that eyeliner you told me about. i cant wait for it to be delivered." paulina squealed. they talked about everything and anything until mr. lancer came.
"good morning kids. i hope everyone get enough sleep because i dont want anyone to fall asleep. your exams are close and today we'll get through the most important-" mr. lancer was cut by the late student.
"im so sorry mr. lancer."
star didnt have to look who it was to know that speech pattern. it surprised star to hear phantom and not any squeals though.
"let me guess mr. fenton. overslept?"
wait a minute. what? she turned to the source of the sound.
after an awkward chuckle danny walked to his desk and sat quietly.
"as i was saying before being interrupted. this lesson is important-" star stopped listening. she was only thinking about the speech patterns. she was sure of it. danny and phantom had the exact same pattern. but that was impossible right? she was wrong. she had to be.
after the bell rang star was still going through phantom's pattern in her mind. she had to be wrong. she probably heard fenton wrong, yeah that must be it. then she heard him again.
"im going insane. jazz wont leave me alone about my 'trauma through neglectful parents'. as if she is not my sister." danny vented to his friends, maybe too loud for his taste.
star's eyes widened. she didnt hear wrong. even the words were the same.
"paulina" she said shocked. paulina turned her attention to her.
"are you okay? you look like youve seen a ghost." paulina asked her best friend with concern.
"technically i may have." she mumbled close to a whisper. before paulina could pester her, star dragged paulina from the arm to the bathroom. star checked the bathroom booth before talking.
"star whats happening? im getting nervous."
"ive heard him. and im so sure, it sounds crazy but i am sure and honestly it makes so much sense now that im thinking." paulina looked at her with confusion. moved her hands like she was saying 'elaborate'.
"okay so you know how yesterday we talked about phantom. i heard him." paulina's eyes widened.
"what? who? is he in our class?"
"yes, its fenton." star exclaimed earning a dissapointed look.
"you sound like wes." paulina stated unimpressed.
"first of all, OUCH. second, do you really think i would lie to you about speech patterns? third, OUCH how dare you" star said slightly offended. paulina looked like she was considering something then her eyes widened again.
"holy shit."
"yeah!! so what do we do?" star asked for their next step.
"nothing." paulina sounded more sure than ever.
"we tell no one. we do nothing. i dont trust GIW nor do i know his parents that well. i dont like fenton that much but as phantom he protected all of us more than those nosy ghost hunter wannabes." paulina explained earning a nod from star.
"still we're going to distract people more so he can go his ghost things right?"
"oh yeah sure. he may not be lucky all the time."
both girls decided protect phantom in their own ways. whenever there was an attack they would scream loud so the attention would be on them and not on danny. they would distract everyone whenever wes made sense a little.
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mcflymemes · 11 hours
PROMPTS FROM BILLIE EILISH'S HIT ME HARD AND SOFT *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly adapted, adjust as necessary
baby, i think you were made for me.
i wish you the best for the rest of your life.
i need to confess, i told you a lie.
you were the love of my life.
i can't fall in love with you.
i see the way you want me.
i gotta be careful, gotta watch what i say.
god, i hope it all goes away.
did i break your heart?
you're just so sweet.
i don't need to breathe when you look at me.
keep it brief.
you seem so paranoid.
if this is how i die, that's all right.
open up the door for me.
i just want you to touch me.
i've never paid this much attention to you, ever.
i want you to stay.
i'll love you 'til the day i die.
i want you to see how you look to me.
you're so full of shit.
if you go, i'm going too.
we should stick together.
did you take my love away from me?
i never did you wrong.
fell in love for the first time with a friend.
it's a good time.
you told me it was war.
if it's forever, it's even better.
i don't know what i'm crying for.
call me when you're there.
i bought you something rare.
it's a craving, not a crush.
people say i look happy.
the old me is still me and maybe the real me.
i think she's pretty.
can you open up the door?
am i acting my age now?
i'll run a shower for you like you want.
if i'm allowed, i'll help you take them off.
bring that over here.
i need to be alone now, i'm taking a break.
am i already on the way out?
when i step off the stage, i'm a bird in a cage.
you said i was your secret.
the internet is hungry for the meanest kind of funny.
do you still cry?
i loved you for so long.
i could eat that girl for lunch.
tastes like she might be the one.
i don't know why i called.
i don't know you at all.
i could never get enough.
you need a seat? i'll volunteer.
i'm interested in more than just being your friend.
do you know how to bend?
when i come back around, will i know what to say?
there's a part of me that recognizes you.
do you feel it, too?
when you told me it was serious, were you serious?
they tell me it's all been a trap.
no, don't say that.
did i waste your time?
i tried to be there for you.
you said you'd never fall in love again because of me.
i love you, don't act so surprised.
things fall apart and time breaks your heart.
i wasn't there, but i know.
you don't need to remind me.
i should put it all behind me, shouldn't i?
did i cross the line?
good things don't last.
life moves so fast.
every time you touch me, i just wonder how she felt.
i know you didn't mean to hurt me, so i kept it to myself.
i'm trying my best to keep you satisfied.
you don't wanna know how alone i've been.
we don't have to fight when it's not worth fighting for.
you don't wanna know what i would've done.
i loved you and i still do.
just wanted passion from you.
it's not my fault, i did what i could.
you made it so hard like i knew you would.
after i left, it was obvious.
we're so glad it's over now.
say you miss me.
don't be afraid of me.
please don't call the cops.
bet i could change your life.
i tried to save you, but i failed.
i hope you'll read it this time.
i left a calling card so they would know that it was me.
i memorized your number.
if something happens to him, you can bet that it was me.
i'd like to mean it when i say i'm over you.
i thought we were the same.
he never learned to sympathize with anyone.
i don't blame you, but i can't change you.
it's over now.
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caffeinerabbit · 3 days
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(Note: I originally started to write this as a quick and dirty backstory for Latte, which explained why she was chosen as Benji's mentor, and why she behaves the way she does. Once I started writing, however, it was like some floodgate opened and now I have a full blown setting and story arc in my head. I'd love to turn it into a comic, but I don't think I have the patience for that, so I'm giving serious thought about turning it into a multi-chapter illustrated fanfic, with the occasional comic for fun.
In any case, here's the first piece of lore, possibly with more to come. The story continues under the cut, with potential spoilers for down the line - and please forgive the melodrama!)
Latte's Story
Latte is a veteran exploration team member, and in her prime she was considered one of the Guild’s elites. Even though she’s semi-retired now (for reasons) she’s still highly regarded as one of the best, and from time to time the Guild will seek her help when they have a difficult task in front of them.
She’s also a thoroughly unpleasant person. Sarcastic, aloof, and generally unfriendly to most people, she spends much of her time alone, either drinking her days away or just kind of blankly existing.
(And yes, this PMD setting has booze. You can’t tell me that a civilization whose diet consists of 90% berries and fruit hasn’t stumbled upon fermentation.)
When Benji the human-turned-buneary just happens to show up one day and the Guild becomes aware of him, past experience tells them that something bad is about to go down. They know that Benji and his partner Finn need to be brought up to snuff ASAP, and to that end they enlist Latte to act as the duo’s mentor, which she reluctantly accepts after much pleading.
From the moment their eyes meet, Latte and Benji can’t stand one another. Although she’s typically hard to get along with in general, for some reason she takes an immediate and intense dislike of Benji in particular, constantly snarking at him, mocking him when he messes up, and directing a weirdly immense amount of ire his way. For his part, Benji is utterly perplexed as to what exactly he did to piss off this giant rabbit woman, returning her vitriol in kind. Her being the final evolution of his new form doesn’t help matters either, since he’s mildly embarrassed by his current situation, and she’s a reminder of what he has to look forward to if he winds up stuck in the Pokémon world permanently.
Ostensibly, as a lopunny, Latte has a firmer understanding of Benji’s potential capabilities than most, and can train him better than anyone else could. That’s the excuse given, anyway, but it’s only a small part of the whole truth on why the Guild chose her.
Which is that Latte once had her own human partner, and that together they saved the world.
When Latte was still a young buneary, she stumbled upon a hapless human in pokémon form, much in the same way as Finn did with Benji. Although shy, withdrawn, and slow to make friends at the time, she easily formed a fast friendship with the outsider, and he was able to draw her out of her shell. After joining their local Guild and going on multiple adventures together, their bond grew ever closer, with Latte effectively viewing her partner as the center of her world.
Eventually, the big apocalyptic threat that always seems to accompany humans made itself known, and after much grit and determination, Latte and her partner were able to defeat it. Despite the hardship they’d faced up to that point, the relief, pride, and closeness to her partner she felt in that moment left her the happiest she’d ever been in her life, triggering her evolution into a lopunny right there on the spot – an evolution that probably never would have happened if she’d never met her friend and remained that sad, lonely girl back in her home village.
The joy, however, was short lived. With his task fulfilled and his original life waiting for him back home, the higher powers determined to return Latte’s partner to the human world. Not long after the pinnacle of her existence, she watched as her closest and only true friend, the person that gave her life meaning, purpose, and who she was secretly deeply in love with, evaporated into a wispy yellow flow of sparks and energy.
And unlike in the games, he never came back.
Latte’s world was devastated. As the initial shock wore off, in its place took anguish, and a desperate pleading with the higher powers to please, please bring her friend back to her. Pleading that went silently, but firmly, unanswered.
In time, the anguish itself faded into numbness, and Latte again found herself feeling utterly, completely alone. She wasn’t even able to celebrate and take solace in the victory that she and her partner had earned, since the Guild swore her to secrecy lest the populace at large learn just how close it had come to complete annihilation – and in turn learn that this has all happened before, and will likely happen again. Outside of the Guild masters, her vanishingly small circle of friends, and a handful of other people privy to the information, nobody knew that they all owed their lives to Latte and her partner.
Trying to fill the void in her soul and distract herself from depression, Latte doubled down on her Guild work, becoming one of the top Explorers and Rescuers in the world’s Guild system. She eventually realized that she couldn’t remain in her home village and ever hope to become whole again, because everything there reminded her of him. Packing up what little she had, she moved far away to another village whose Guild master was sympathetic to her plight, attempting to build herself a new life.
It didn’t take. Between Guild missions and the bottle, Latte’s life went more or less on auto pilot. She took on fewer and fewer jobs, and eventually only took work when the Guild sought her out specifically. Regardless of his advisors’ grumbling, calling her a freeloader and dead weight, the Guild master made no effort to force Latte to do anything. He knew of the sacrifice she had made, and letting her live her life in what little peace she could muster was the least he could do.
Out of Latte’s numbness, a sense of resentment also took root, growing over time. She and her partner were still effectively children when they went on their adventures, and like most children, the transformed human had an upbeat and unblemished view of the world. He would regale her with stories about his world, about things like airplanes, movies, video games, amusement parks, all the different kinds of food you could ever hope to eat and all the different places you could ever hope to visit - they’d even been to their moon! She held the Earth in awe, and wished that someday, somehow, she could go there as well.
But when the time came, he didn’t take her with him. He got to go home to paradise. She was stuck here.
In spite of herself, she found herself growing angry at her long-lost friend. A part of her knew that it wasn’t his fault, that he had no more say in the matter than she did, but nevertheless he had abandoned her. The hurt continued to grow, the resentment hardening ever stronger. How dare he. How dare he.
For several years, this was the internal stalemate in which Latte found herself. Going through the motions of life, doing what was needed of her when asked, drowning her sorrows when left to her own devices. The numbness dulled the resentment most of the time, and she had resigned herself to just playing out the clock on life.
That is, until he arrived.
From the first moment she laid eyes on him, Latte knew exactly what Benji was. His mannerisms, the way he moved, the way he talked, the way he held himself. Everyone else might have mistaken him for this clumsy, confused little first stage, but to her it was as glaringly obvious as though she were staring into the sun. And in tow he held another innocent, unsuspecting soul, one that undoubtedly worshiped the ground he walked on. One whose heart would inevitably be shattered into a million pieces and scattered into the wind, never to be made whole again.
All of the anger and resentment that she had fought so hard to bury came flooding back like a tidal wave. All of the broken dreams, all of the unfulfilled promises, of once bright future that now laid forever beyond her grasp. How dare this insipid little bastard come here and cause this to all play out once again. How dare he.
She knew what his being here meant, and knew what was at stake should he fail. With a generous amount of loathing she agreed to mentor the duo and train them for their appointed task, and to do so to the best of her ability. But she would be damned if she allowed history to repeat itself. All she wanted was to get this whole business over and done with, to send this little shit packing back to where he came from.
The sooner, the better.
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