#you can see I love old lore
sikiova · 1 year
Be careful with the horns :D
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jacobsbadwig · 10 months
I saw your tags on the other post and pls rant about Jessica Stanley being the main character. Kthankbye ✌🏻
I was trying to find a post on my blog that imagined Jessica as the Main character Twilight.
But frankly it all boils down to Smeyer using Bella as a self insert. Now a lot of people hate that criticism, but it’s not a criticism rather than a statement of fact. Her crime isn’t basing a character on herself (or a young version of herself) it’s refusing to kill her darlings. Bella’s book description is the same description of Stephenie Meyer. (See @panlight or @fuckmeyer for more information)
As for Jessica, it’s hard to figure out what Bellas (and Stephenies) beef with Jessica as a character. I would argue because we don’t get an inkling of how Bella’s friend group was in Arizona (or if she had many friends) that Jessica is another character foil how girls shouldn’t (I will link that post here) act. Of course this is a subconscious point that the narrative makes.
Jessica is this determined high schooler who likes boys (as far as we know) who is focused on her grades but is a bit of a gossip. At least from Bella’s prespective. Also, Bella is an unreliable narrator although the narrative and the author don’t treat her as such.
I think Jessica Stanley makes more sense as the main character mostly because she has more to lose than Bella, a character who doesn’t want to make connections and is only in town because of her self sacrificing mindset. (I will not go into Bella’s mother mostly because my interpretation is that she (her mother) only got worse because the narrative needed her to and then it didn’t really matter because she got to keep her family around anyway). (Also mini rant- It’s strange that a girl who was born in that town and spent summers there until she was 13 Doesn’t know any other teenagers before moving back there especially being the Chief’s daughter. I would assume she would know everyone since she wouldn’t have been left home alone. Whatever Steph)
Jessica has a family. She’s grown up in the town. She has worked so hard for her grades. It would be interesting to see all of that come crashing down because of her involvement with vampires.
@humans4vampires just made a post pointing out the adrenaline caused by Edward’s presence and its masking via Bella’s attraction to Edward. Who’s to say that couldn’t happen to Jessica in their initial meeting.
The narrative would be the Cullens moving to Forks. Jessica gets rejected by Edward. Yes, she’s heartbroken by it, but that’s the new boys problem she’s on a mission to get all A’s. Her tight knit friend group keeps her distracted. Then one day, she’s walking around in the woods taking a break from her studies or just for some quiet time and comes across Edward hunting and covered in blood.
Edward, of course, hearing her thoughts, panics. They just moved to Forks. He can’t just let her get away, but she’s well known in the town. It’s small. He can’t kill her. So (like a dingus), he runs off.
Jessica having seen something so frightening rushes home to calm down, and she plays sick for the next week.
Anyway, I just think Jessica has more to lose, and it will be real push and pull of narrative as she is not only protecting this secret from the rest of her friends. She has to get through high school without dying until she realizes that she won’t be able to live her dreams because she will be a vampire or be killed.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 2 months
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THE ORDER OF PALMS An order of holy folk that serve The Helm, working to create powerful Aasimar Paladins for the purpose of protecting any who hire their help. [BACKSTORY UNDER CUT]
One day, Gjör and her peers were lead by their mentor Opheria, to a mission far from their home. On the peak of that mountain village, they saw upon the horizon, the castle of their home go up in flames. Horrified and scared, the apprentices sought to follow their mentors guidance, and followed her lead into a small barn. It was there, that Opheria proceeded to slaughter each and everyone of the apprentices. It seemed she somehow had a hand in this sudden attack on the Order of Palms. Gjör D'annevual survived a sword through the 'heart', on account of a rare condition, that places her heart on the other side of her chest. When she finally managed to bring herself back home, the Order was insulted by her survival. She had so many better peers, why couldn't any of them have survived? This runt was seriously the only thing that survived Opherias wrath? It was better to just wash their hands clean of this. Thus the Order decided to banish Gjör from their ranks. She now travels the land in search of a purpose.
#luckys original content#dungeons and dragons#MY OCSSSS MY WONDERFUL OCSSS ITS BEEN SO LONGGGG!!this is a fairly old character that i made foreeeever ago#i was trying to go full on into DND LORE ONLY instead of makin up my own stuff. so when i was lookin around i learned abt THE HELM#the god of protection or watever it was. i also like playing paladin bc i love to hit things w my sword. i also like aasimars bc theyrprett#im sure i ahd other Min Maxy reasons for her but i dont have her sheet n ive forgotten everything. never got a chance to play her but yknow#maybe someday. I LIKE HER ALOT TOO. big and strong and well meaning but a lil dumb. justa lil dense n stupid. but she tries!!#I LIKE CHARACTERS THAT HAVE JUST SMALL THINGS DIFERENT ABT THEM. i knew some1 who had that condition. where everythings just flipped#aint that fucked up? that ur organs can just be flipped? and inever see it in fiction. its so neat. imagine finding out like THIS too#she had blacked out from the sword through the heart. the last thing she heard from her mentor was;#'you were a great student. that is why you above all else must die. i hope you understand' spoken through a gentle voice and a gentle smile#the very same that had guided Gjör so far through her journey.A BETRAYAL LIKE NO OTHER! she awoke utop a pile of comrades#each bloodied and dead and cold. she used her own magic to heal herself. to catch herself from the precipice of bleeding out#when she stepped out of the barn she had found that the village was burned to the ground#she was shellshocked!! it took her weeks to limp all the way back down that mountain. all the way back to the place she called home#only to be spit on and kicked back out. being a Paladin of the Palms was her entire life. what was she to do now?#OH SO THE ART. I RLY LIKE HER DESIGN.heavily based off of THE BABY SITTER from HALO LEGENDS. i fuckin love halo so much guys.....#i just love that trope of Big Strong Person in Armor that we all thought wasa fullgrown MAN takes off the helmet to revel shesa PRETTY GIRL#my favorite in the WORLD!! i also like the silly frilly pretty dress sorta motif in gjors armor. it hides all the stuff i dont wanna draw#thats all the ramble i got in me for now. PLEASE ENJOY. and ask me abt my ocs
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antirepurp · 2 months
in a perfect world frontiers would've leaned more heavily onto the elements of exploration and combat, taking the wonder rise of lyric wanted to create with the way it places the player into ancient ruins and abandoned facilities to learn more about them, and replicating the love that went into unleashed's werehog gameplay that gave us a fleshed out combo system and a competent beat-em-up. alas sega is a coward, and in this essay i will -
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
I hope all those people who claim to "love Yuta but not Hinata" thinking they're so right because "ooh, all the suffering he put his little brother through" know that Yuta himself would be the first person to hate them for that claim.
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nosferatufaggot · 4 months
I got season one on DVD. Haven't watched yet. Not to be the G3 hater people don't like, cuz truly I'm not, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched the live action movie when it first came out. I frankly really didn't like it other than Frankie. I love the original and didn't like all the changes and I still don't like the changes. So, I was already upset once the movie was over. Then the new show had it's premiere. Frankie wasn't voiced by the actor who played Frankie (and I was under the impression that this would be in the same universe as the movie so I was upset) AND THEN Toralei was posh british. That truly was the tipping point for me.
I really want to give this a fair shot because I know I would 100% love it if not for my already huge love of G1. I'm gonna watch this a few times. I know my first time watching this I'll just be a hater going "BUT THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO!" even though my mind and myself understand that this is different from G1. My heart will feel the betrayal and I'm just gonna have to get used to it. I so badly want to like this and I know I will once I jump over that hurdle. I've already seen a few episodes I like aswell.
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guckies · 6 months
Been seeing all the discussion about Tubbo being Em’s parents and…. 😬
It’s like we get a girl egg with all moms and it’s now feels like people are saying “she needs a dad!!” because a male is treating her like family…
I’m all for Tubbo being family to Empanada but being her dad?? It feels a lot like there are some misogynistic undertones there. Like family is not just parents it can be literally anything, same way Pepito has Foolish being grandma. Tubbo can have the same and be family in some way to Em.
But it’s like we have an all girl family but because the egg is interacting with others, people are inserting the males into it(the parent dynamic). Which just reads wrong when a majority of the island is male relationships and prominent male families where the girls are mainly just aunts to the children.
Have your headcannons but don’t try to insert them into the canon with your posts especially when a majority of the server relationships are male prominent.
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alchemiclee · 9 months
I hope someone writes a good fic about the high cloud quintet with all the messy pieces of lore we have because i'm very unsatisfied with what we got and I want MORE OF THEM. don't know why i'm so obsessed with this tragic group of friends but 😭 IM SO FEELINGS ABOUT THEM but also empty because they didn't satisfy me with what they gave us lmao I require more. but that was the end and i'll never get more....unless someone writes a great fic about them.....!
#hsr#lee text#one of the things that bothered me most was not seeing dan heng react to learning about blade/yingxing? hrm#everything in star rail seems super disconnected and rushed and i wish they could do the stories better#so i need someone to write a thing and fill in the gaps and add more and satisfy my need for a good story about these tragic losers#i want more baiheng because she seemed like the most adorable lovable thing 😭#i want more yingxing because i love him a lot for some reason i cant even figure out#i want jing yuan before he became a very sad and distant and lonely old man whose constant smile seems painfully fake.....#i want to see more of jing liu before she went crazy with mara#i want the gay and the lesbian hoyo cant give for legal reasons (xingyue/bailiu)#i want a story maybe starting with them meeting. becoming close and very good friends#maybe leading to their end dbdndnksksks it would hurt but im sure fandom writers can write it better than the game writers😅#im just rambling and reading makes me fall asleep and idk if anyone would ever write this but 😭#idk why my brain even clung onto them so much. theres other tragic friend stories this didnt happen with. why this one#i'd love a comic/manga about this group too but that even less likely than a fic. im sure other people like this group too#and maybe one is a fic writer. but an entire manga piece about them is unlikely 😅#its just easier for me to read when i can SEE it. thats just a preference tho#i feel like lore accurate fics arent as common tho? like taking all the lore you know and piecing it together into a whole story?#not that i read fics much so idk what im talking about but 99.9% if ones ive see are just ship fics only#what am i talking about i lost my train of thought lmao#anyway jingliu better come home. im at like 60 pity. where is she!!!!!!
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qsmprambling · 1 month
I am only seeing it in clips, but the trip to old spawn is just reaffirming my feeling that the cost of moving to the new spawn far outweighs the benefit...
#there was just so much lost#and very little gained comparatively#the new spawn building is cool but that could have literally just been built at the old spawn#like i get the point of trying to keep everyone on a similar level but it just doesn't work#there will always be players like bad and aypierre and tubbo who will bcome the richest and strongest in record time#resets only slow them slightly in that sense#so if youre not on every day youll never catch up#but you know what doesnt require constant daily log ins?#roleplay#lore#obviously you can fall behind but you can still be involved#quackity and roier and missa and jaiden and max and many others could disappear for weeks and then show up and do fun lore and it was great#bagi arrived alone and carved out such a huge place for herself in the lore#but the resets and events and changes just killed the story and momentum#the months of work building the qsmp world that everyone fell in love with was just abandoned#and though the playera made cool stuff at the new spawn there was always just this huge sense of loss#it hit me especially hard early on when seeing Cellbit at the new spawn#as a ghostie i was so hyper aware of everything lost to bad#but it hit really hard seeing Cellbit hanging out in spawn because all previous character stuff was just#gone#no order#no castle#no ordem rooms#no Cell arch conclusion#it just highlighted even more that all that story#all that hard work he had done for months and months and months#it was just abandoned#aaaaack#/neg#i guess sorry :'D
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poptartmochi · 9 months
in this house we love greek gods that preside over one specific thing and have fuckall to do for the rest of eternity <3
#sriracha.txt#creating some fuckt up little lady who presides Specifically over like. the point in which old crop is used to fertilize the new#thus playing into the whole cycle of life idea + giving her some foot to stand on as the kid of persephone and hades specifically#wrt the way old life supports the new? is this stepping on the toes of demeter and dionysus... yes...#but we pretend we do not see it.. i am overworked + low on spoons as it is and this is like.. niche lore for a character i am not paid to#play. i cannot dedicate much more effort to her. at least not right now#lament aside i think i will name her Rhoeas or something of that nature.. from what i can tell ῥόα is the word for pomegranates#which becomes ῥοιᾰ́ς for corn poppies..#now sit with me boy 🕴 we lose the plot here a little bit + also extrapolate from wikipedia alone for this BUT. in many cultures poppies are#heavily associated with death and love alike. and ofc they grow in disturbed soil.#SO... if you look at the original myth with a modern + loose lens. i think you could justify some kind of poppy child being like#a bridge between demeter and hades.. she comes from the literal disturbed soil that came when hades abducted persephone#+ has ties with death and love + love that can endure death which can be a fun allusion to the way that demeter's love for persephone#persists even through persephone's stay in hades which houses the dead... do you feel me comrades#i think you could even apply it to persephone and hades themselves - a love that endures death? but naur offense hades is NOT the focus her#</3 🤪 coming back to this theme of like. love persisting through death and being sewn in the wake of death/disrupted soil. we come back to#the anchor point of her character which is the old dead crops being used to fertilize the new growth. it's the love the dead has for the#living right!! to help it grow in a new and difficult world! i think that itself ties back into the central theme w the poppies#and also demeter has ties to poppies so i don't think it would be crazy for some grandchild of hers to have ties to poppies :-] i think thi#all somewhat feasible if you reaaaalllly squint. anyhow i'm too tired to go any further with it rn#corylana
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
Story Ideas that I need to elabroate eventually
Blonde Knight One: a lady knight swore loyalty to the crown, but after finding how vile and twisted her kingdom was, she swears loyalty to a tricksy witch and becomes her knight. The story follows the adventures of her and two magicians: a transgender sorcerer (she/her) called Adam (short for Adamite) who is very very cheesy and has a boosted ego, and her equally chaotic counterpart, a black trans bard called Eve who is way too flamboyant. The separated may be prime examples of magic casting, but together, they are so unhinged the knight's job is usually to keep them from getting them expelles from whatever kingdom they have a mission on. Based on random ideas from my daily life that somehow fit together, and Vibes.
Venera and [unnamed]: Venera is a russian lved in paranormal adventures with this nonbinary guy (clove motif) that has a more open and dumbass personality than him. They are a great contrast, but they work well together. Based on a design challenge.
The Chosen One: Victor is a chosen one hero from a prophecy in a fantasy world; he knows what his duty is, and hed be happy to comply, if there wasnt so much paperwork. Victor is supposed to slay The Dragon, but each time he gets close, he has to sign so much stuff and get so many appointments before getting close to actually killing it that hes in that for ages. Gabriel, on a fairly distant country, is a magician (he has his diplome) that uses his time helping passerbys and prophecy heroes that criss his path. He is quite poor and had a hard time paying for his magic scholarship, unlike his friend Toriel, a way wealthier magician. One day, Victor stumbles upon the bar where Gabriel usually hangs out, and after they meet, the three of them go in a mission to try and slay the dragon that has been terrorizing their kingdom for ages.
New one: Two freed slaves, a guard dog and a guy who was forced to do sex services, go on a journey together and the Romantic finds out he is actually a chosen one. And can fuel the power of The Seven Deadly Sins, that are the basis of the magic system on this world. Neither the guard dog nor the romantic have pleasant personalities, but now they'll have to save the world ^v^
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Me seeing the fanon hc that Kaon culture was a little more hesitant on the PDA stuff compared to other cybertron citystates and fucking rolling with it because i love fleshing out the little details.
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inanthesis · 6 months
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I'm gonna try and tackle some drafts today but bc of some nonsense I saw I twitter say it with me folks: Zhongli is the man he is today because of the many friends he's made and the many losses that have eroded him over his life and he was not solely influenced by one dead dust chick.
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thedeadthree · 9 months
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-`. i need to be more unhinged about her so here is yana in this picrew. 🥀🌸<3💀
#oc: anasyana an enaviryn#leg.ocs#t: picrews#*holda her up* hiiiiiii my murderous murder muffin <3#she’s a star elf! she’s an archfey warlock (tasha is her patron! she’s bhaals daughter! my dark urge! in love with one archduke !!!!)#fathers favorite daughter !!!!!!!!#i havent been as unhinged about her here so i bring her in this pic few i found while looking for pictures to intro my bg clowns 🌸💕#ye olde creative brain has been making clowns and her aesthetics i need to make EDITS of dearie i need to teach myself how to make gifs !!!!#I WANT TO MAKE PRETTY GIFS FOR YANA !!!!! (and learn how to mod for the yanagortash brainworms 🥀🥴 *giggles*)#what do you mean there’s blood on her it’s just strawberry syrup 🥀😌✨🍓#her house wished for a savior to see the return to their world that was lost to them and they got murder muffin 🌸💕✨😵‍💫🤭#(also sliiiightly unrelated bc the archduke has the braincell i plan to ship him as well with a few other nondurge clowns <3)#(i will offer lore soon but i love castellan and vaermina having ships with him !!!!!! yanagortash you’ll always have my heart but they’re!)#aaaaanyway y’all are welcome to send asks of my baby girlie i will never not want to talk till the cows come home about her 🌸🥀✨😖 MY BABY!!!!#she’s not evil she’s never done a wrong thing in her life <3#if yana and una were in the same verse they would be the best of friends i can feel it !!!!!!#she also has a thing with a*starion who i think’ll be ascended in her playthrough? they both should be allowed to be unhinged i think!#sarspira will get vampire pookie un ascended and will resist her urge <3#OH and she is not the one in my icon that is my sweet girl tissaia <3 i am so so stoked to intro her as well!!!!!!#reading word on the street that the d*urge was created purely by b*haal adds a whole new LAYER to her house wishing for a child of#destiny to save their world they lost bc RAHH at the thought he though OO here’s my opportunity + then created her + they got their ‘savior’#i think i read its in a note you find AND I HAVE TO FIND THAT NOTE 🥀😵‍💫✨ !!!!!!#like from his own viscera?? INCH RESTING for the lore for yana and what was meant for her VEERY#q#q: from the drafts
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abyssalpriest · 8 months
unrelated to that lmfao
i love being not (insert religions based on the kings and their people as ''demons'') but being adjacent to the communities while knowing the kings on a personal level because oh boy
#like i wont get into the Chrxstian God And The Kings' ''Fall'' rumour i did the other day but things like that and like#posts being like ''oh they love everyone all of us each of us'' and talking about The Lore of down there thats like. so clearly#twisted to be pro-(kings) propaganda and im like oh my god. if you worship them BECAUSE of these details you think are right then#im so fucking sorry they are way more complex and grey-moral than this#- i have to be clear. i do not know anything anyone says is false if its their worldview. Im not sitting here laughing because i think othe#s are Dumbdumb and cant get across the kings as Flawlessly as me uwu or some shit im explicitly talking about people saying#definitively that the chrxstian god did xyz thing and the kings are poor little meow meows and love everyone while also saying they#dont love everyone bc they vehemently disagree with chrxstians and stuff like. ''('demons') are actually the Pure sacred race theyre all#old gods theyre all pro-human and would never hurt a practitioner'' that type of stuff im like. ahhhhhhhh. so youve heard the propaganda#bc lets be real here i do NOT doubt any of these people's abilities its not my place so i dont even do it quietly to myself. very rarely#yes but like 1% of the time and its only when a bunch of red flags pop up but like. there are so many people on the kings' plane that#are telling humans these things bc......... well look at the goetic demons. royalty and people in power. who do people mainly go#to for demonolatry? The people in their society we understand to be kings. princes. dukes and duchesses. are they all these things? no#like Duke Vepar isnt a Duke lmfao i know her personally like she'll present like that but. imagine if that race wanted to talk to people of#our plane but only spoke to the english king/queen and dukes and duchesses and marquis and war generals and stuff to ask about#their civilisations. do you think that theyd get an unbiased view of the monarchy and the english religion and whatnot........#edit: so like we're really clear. its like seeing people brainwashed by fucked up politics bc. it is that.#sometimes you just have to laugh bc like god youre in deep and im so sorry#insert my ex (a spirit) lying to me and convincing me he was a video game character for five years like what else can you do but laugh#ramblings //
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fragmentedblade · 9 months
Fu Xuan calls March "young girl", which is understandable. But she also calls Chengjie "young man from the Artisanship Commission" and like... ma'am how old are you
#I know she is way older than she looks and given the lore she definitely isn't very young even for Xianzhou standards#Chengjie has been in the Artisanship Commission for two hundred years before we met him so he must be considerably older than that#This post really has no point other than to point this out because it's kind of funny#And it's clear that Fu Xuan is an adult woman but it makes her look ancient xD#Which tbh also makes sense. She definitely gives that air. She gives that air even to Qingque to some extent#Fu Xuan refers to Chengjie the same way Master Gongshu did‚ basically#You see her there and she talks to Chengjie as if he were a very young man. He is well over two hundred years#It's so funny and so... strange also compared to the other long-life species in the Xianzhou#Yukong is a mature woman. If it weren't for her lifespan‚ Fu Xuan would consider her a 'young girl'#I wonder if this strains the relationships between species somewhat#It seems it does. We see glimpses of that several times I think‚ like in the Poetic Genius Ingenium quest#The vidyadhara's love is always fresh and passionate and new and really can go on forever even if under different faces#But the Xianzhou native gets tired and drained and old#I don't know. I find this very interesting tbh. I understand them not being able to dwell on it for longer in the game#(longer than they already did) but it's so interesting to think about and how it could shape society in all its forms#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later
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