#you cant put sparkly in a box (watch me put sparkly in a box)
maidstew · 3 months
i am SO sorry lily for being annoying in ur ask box once again but i genuinely cannot get over dad!panlo..
like especially single dad!panlo who's doing it all on his own and he has no idea what he's doing...
doing face paint and dressing up w his girl and watching frozen and moana and crying at the end
him being really good at styling her hair because he has his own curly hair routine
making food that turns out to be kind of awful so he ends up just buying her takeout (he eventually learns to cook because sheaf teaches him vigorously)
he'd be trying to resist the urge to say yes to everything she requests like if she says we should get ice cream and get another dog he's like "that's not even a bad idea"
crying his eyes out on her first day of nursery/preschool
knitting and making clothes for her with the help of bobbin who taught him..
sheaf who babysits her when panlo has a long shift at the clinic (hc that panlo is a vet in modern!au) and she's like "ugh ok wtv" but ends up really getting into it and if ANYTHING happens to her lovely niece she will throw hands
sheaf being known as "aunty she" (because paisley cant pronounce sheaf yet)
panlo would take her to his family's farm and she'd love all the goats and cows :((
they'd go to the beach together as a family ugh lily this idea has actually rotted my brain in the best way possible ilysm
i have also not stopped thinking about dad!panlo so i am so pleased that i’ve spread the dad!panlo agenda
STOPP panlo is absolutely the most patient person in the world and he’s just so good with his daughter 😭
he’d 100% be the dad wearing a tiara and sipping pretend tea at one of those little tables with the other stuffed animal guests
and he lets her paint his nails and of course she always chooses a very sparkly pink
omg he would love pixar movies 😭 imagine paisley patting his head to comfort him while he’s crying over bing bong or something (because he absolutely would cry over bing bong)
omg not only does he always do her hair but he always puts the cutest little accessories in her hair
i just KNOW sheaf is the one whose really keeping things together 😂 if it weren’t for her panlo & paisley would be having mcdonald’s every night and have like 50 puppies
sheaf rolling her eyes while panlo is crying and taking first day of kindergarten pics (she says she has to step away to grab something, but really she’s totally tearing up too)
sometimes when sheaf is babysitting they’ll go visit panlo at work and panlo lets her see some of the animals (she doesn’t get to go back for a while because she starts sobbing when panlo explains that the animals belong to other people and they can’t keep them)
and omg the mention of bobbin has me thinking of the other tributes meeting paisley- i just know reaper ash is putty in her little hands
thank you for sharing i just love this little concept 😭
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another-stark-sub · 4 years
I have commeth to be Funny™ in your ask box. Don't ask why. Strap in and enjoy, add your own thoughts.
You're baby-faced and cute in that way that seems to attract creepy married forty-somethings like honey attracts flies. So, if you develop a sarcastic, biting attitude, it's only logical, right? Years of practice; rebuffing that shit comes naturally to you and the offensive remarks you get in reply do not bother you anymore, at all. What's important is that the creeps leave you alone, right?
Except, Tony Stark comes back for seconds and for thirds. He doesn't ask you out, doesn't offer you to look at his "paintings in the bedroom", he's just... There, getting snarked at. Tony smiles at you and sometimes brings his Avenger buddies with him. You even think that the Widow is impressed.
"Oh my God, Mr. Stark, it's like you've run out of things to get turned on by so you stop by my cubicle to get your daily dose of humiliation," You roll your eyes, you side-eye him, walking past him as if he's the potted plant next to your desk. Tony just keeps smiling. You think that for a genius, he looks dumb.
"I could make a million with it, you know. "Tony Stark and his verbal humiliation fetish" - it's catchy, right?" You pop the question to a blushing Bruce Banner, who, for some reason, had decided to keep Tony company during his daily rounds. Banner isn't Tony and just humbly chokes on his saliva. You snort.
"He'll sue you," The scientist finally finds his words; he's side-eyeing Tony, too, and his statement is more of a question directed at the engineer.
Tony shrugs. "No, I'd roll with it," Surprisingly unaffected, the engineer keeps on grinning. "Have you been on the internet lately? Men would line up to be stepped on by someone like Shortcake," As if he's discussing the weather, Tony finalizes his statement yet with another shrug.
You think Banner is going to seriously hurt himself and swallow his tongue. "Stepping on someone for free?" You scoff. "In this economy?" Your eyebrows rise and your head tilts. There's smiles all around: Banner seems to have at least a little humour in him, Tony keeps on playing dumb.
The next day, there's a Cartier gift box on your desk. You moan, you groan and tub your face when you open it. Diamonds, sparkling like the cleanest snow in bright sunlight.
"Tacky," You declare once the sleeve of Tony's designer blazer hangs over the divide of your cubicle. "What do I look like, a fuckin' Christmas tree?" His eyes are downright laughing this time, sparkling like - yes, the very same diamonds he's given you. "Fuck it, if you give me a reason, I'll show you what's really tacky if you're so inclined to feel embarrassed," You were thinking that one dress with sequins. Sparkly eyeshadow. You really have no shame. Rich people wear outrageous things.
"It's a date," Just like that, he's got you reeled in. He shows up at the end of your next work day, wearing a camouflage printed suit; you're bedazzled and sequinned under the oversized black blazer. Time stops. The snort escapes before you can stomp it down.
Your colleagues are staring. Hell, your manager is staring - they've gotten used to Tony showing up randomly, but not this.
Tony smiles. And smiles some more, until you double over - and then he's cackling too, until both of your faces are wet with the tears streaming down, your make-up smeared.
"Jeez, the circus left it's clown behind," You gasp out, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
"I'm booking you for Christmas Eve; you are to stand in my living room," Tony unceremoniously grabs your arm and all but drags you to the elevator. The rest is history.
~ - ~
The camo suit’s overcoat was unbelievably comfortable. Maybe the designer knew only people who didn’t care about fashion would wear this or the manufacturers ran out of stiff fabric. Either way, the coat was a great thing to wear around the house when lounging.
“Having fun there, honey?”
“Hm?” You looked away from your movie marathon to acknowledge your boyfriend of two years. “Oh, yes.” You looked back to the movie. “Can you bring some ice cream from the kitchen?”
“And who says I wanna watch some dumb movies with you?”
You snuggled into his large camo coat and gazed up at him through your eyelashes. With a small smile, you watched as Tony grew soft. He sighed and rolled his head just so you couldn’t see that awed look in his eye.
A few minutes later, Tony had changed from his button-up to his sweats with two pints of ice cream in hand. He jumped onto the couch and put his arm around your shoulders. “So, what are we watching?”
~ - ~
Hope you don’t mind I added a little fluff, just because a camo suit!!! That’s so funny and in character in a way I cant exactly explain. This was such a nice thing to see in my inbox, thank you for writing and sending this to me! Definitely made me giggle and smile <3333
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 19
Summary: New Years Eve for Roman and Reader...9 months into their lockdown. Reader walks down memory lane a bit, Roman joins her.
Note: Song lyrics from Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra & So Nice by Astrud Gilberto. And almost a complete excerpt from Creative Fervor when she remembers back to when Victor delivered her downstairs.
Leaning over you pressed a kiss on Roman’s scruffy cheek before easing out bed. With a sigh coming from you, you disappeared into a hot shower. Afterward, you slipped on a fresh pair of comfy pants and t-shirt and put your wet hair into a pony tail.
You looked over the rows of your shoes, blouses but you pause at your dresses.
Your hand landed on your wine colored wrap dress. That dress will always hold a special place for you.
You wore it the day, Victor delivered you downstairs. You could still remember what Roman was alike when he walked over to you. His stride had a lethalness to it that had made your heart beat hard. His hair was as dark as a midnight sky, his blue eyes were as turbulent as the ocean!
You could still feel as his gloved hand went under your chin, tilting your face upward so you would look up at him. You had shivered inwardly when he had finally spoke. “Hello, sorry about all that.” Little did you know that one day, years later you not only would you still be with him, but the two of you would be facing a global epidemic.
You went down your dresses further and stopped at one of of your favorites. Pushing the dress next to it aside, you let is hang there in all of its golden sparkly beauty.
“I remembering having that fitted for you.”
You jumped slightly and smiled as you turned to Roman.
“Still my jumpy baby.”
You nodded. “Always.”
His deep voice always a delight to your ears. He closed the distance and wrapping his arms around you, he rested his chin on your shoulder. You laid your hands over his.
“It had been the most beautiful dress I had ever laid my eyes on.” You tilted your head so it rested against his.
“That was the idea. It had to of it was going to be worn by the loviest girl in all of Gotham.”
When you had unwrapped the box on Roman’s bed, you had gasped. Now, the golden strapped heals had made sense.
“Do you like it?”
You jumped and a soft scream came from you.
Turning you found clad in a black and gold suit leaning in the doorway. You went over to him gently pushing him. His gloved hands caught your. “Hey now its not my fault you are so jumpy.“ He chuckled and kissed your knuckles.
You giggled and flushed. “That is true.” Then you gushed on the dress. “Oh Roman, is that really mine?”
A smirk curled his lips. “Yes.”
“It’s so lovely.”
“Just like you.”
You flushed harder.
“I want this to be a New Year’s eve to remember.”
You smiled up at up. “Our first one.”
His eyes moved over you. “The girls at the spa, actually listened and only showcased your beauty.” He smiled. “Now go, change let daddy see how amazing you look before we have head downstairs.”
He gave your hands a squeeze before letting you run off.
You had brought over an alluring pair of panties and bra, which you slipped into before slipping on the dress. You still couldn’t believe it was yours.
You gasped as you saw your reflection. “Oh Roman! I can’t believe it!” You called through the door.
“I believe it. Now just come and show me.”
“One more second!” You slipped on the golden heels. Wow, it all looks so amazing. Taking a breath, you finally opened the door.
“Oh baby. Beautiful.” You saw him flip on the mp3 player then he held out a hand to you.
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a, Jupiter and Mars
His gloves were an elegant black an gold like his suit. “Give me the pleasure of the first dance tonight?”
“I would love to.”
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me
As the words played you two dance easily. Before the song finished. He drew you into a kiss.
“That had been an amazing, New Year’s eve.” Roman said softly.
“It had been.” You sighed.
“I have an idea.”
“Oh?” You turned in his arms.
He nodded. “Come with me a moment.” He offered you one of his hands.
“Alright.” You took his hand and let him lead you out of your walk in closet.
He reached and once again, started the mp3 player.
Someone to love me right
That would be very nice
Someone to understand
“May I have the first dance?” His hair was all sorts of rumpled, sticking in at least two different directions. His plaid pajama pants hung low on his hips and his t-shirt was actually wrinkled.
“I would love to.” You smiled, there like you had a couple years back now, the two of you danced.
Each little dream in me
Someone to take my hand
The lyrics once again made your heart flutter since you knew they sometimes spoke where Roman could not.
Someone to cling to me
Stay with me right or wrong
This time he drew your hand up which the one that wore the engagement ring. He kissed your knuckle above the ring.
“You are this and more, you stayed around despite the darker sides of my nature. I promise you, life will be amazing and fun again.”
“I believe you Roman.” You laid your head on his chest.
“I have one more idea, will you indulge me baby?”
You smiled. “Of course.”
Sometime later, you were in the golden dress minus the golden heels and Roman in his black and golden suit, minus the belt. The two of you had cuddled up against a large amount of pillows on the bed.
His aftershave now tickled your nose while you both sipped on one of the finer champagnes he had in the building. In between soft kisses here and there you munched on some popcorn and watched some classic movies to celebrate the coming new year.
@spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @saphic-susperia @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @lemairepstuff @generallj
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criminally--reid · 5 years
Cam Girl
"The FBI agent who spies from your laptop"
I thought this was such a good concept but I didn't know how to go about it for the longest time🤧 hope I did it justice for u♡(m probably gonna have to do a pt. 2 to fill the rest of the request sososososo sorry :(( )
Warnings; solo spencer giving himself a handjob, voyeurism-ish
word count: 976:(( 
Spencer's second-opinion - self-written doctor's note - didn't fly too well with Hotch. His punishment? Staying at the office, aiding Garcia in her end of the case work. 
"You're my bitch now," Garcia delivers triumphantly as the rest of the team heads for the jet. 
Spencer clambers up onto his crutches, grumpily grabbing his case file and dragging behind Penelope to the office. He plops down in her spare office chair letting his crutches clank!+ to the floor and plopping his file onto the desk, letting out a sigh and running his hands through his hair. 
"Boy wonder," Garcia breathes out, "you are going to absolutely wreck my office." 
"I'm sorry-" 
"It's really not all that bad down here. We have my- my desk friends and pens with floofs at the end and multi-colored notepads and- look, Spencer, I know how bad you wanna be out in the field but you could never do your job out there properly if you don't let yourself heal. For the sake of you - and your sanity - please, give yourself time to heal." She rests a comforting hand on his shoulder, and he brings his opposite hand up to grasp hers. 
"Thanks, Garcia, really. I just feel like a part of me is missing when I'm not in the field-" 
"Maybe a cup of coffee will help?" 
"Yeah I'll take a cup. Thank you." 
"Of course," Garcis begins to walk out of the room before stopping abruptly and turning back on her heels. "Wait! Uh ah the- the job. Ok, boy wonder, while I go get coffee I need you to sit here and watch this." 
"What- uh what's 'this'?"
"I programmed this thing that's spanning every IP address within a 5 mile radius of the unsub's geo-profile. Long story short it's looking for a certain thing that may put said person in danger of being the next victim. Any suspicious online searches, interactions, etc. When it finds said IP, it'll pull up a video and audio feed of whatever the device can pick up. When or if it stops before I get back, just jot down what's going on and I'll work my magic when i return, 'kay?" 
"Think I can manage," Spencer replies with a light chuckle. "But, uh, the break room's right down the hall. It shouldnt take that long to-" 
"Oh-hhhho," Penelope laughs. "Oh no, I'm not torturing us with break room coffee." Turning back around, she quickly leaves; the sound of her clanking heels getting evermore faint the further away she goes. 
The IP searching seems to be taking forever. An endless sea of technological addresses, all which seem to be a dead end on their next suspected victim. 
Until suddenly it stops. 
A red alert box pops up in the top left hand corner of the monitor, followed by a live video feed right in the middle, accompanied by a live audio-strip window right below that. Spencer searches for something to write with and on; ending up scrawling the IP address on a bright pink sticky note with a sparkly purple pen. 
Spencer watches the video feed and gets ready to jot some things down… that is until a naked woman comes into frame. 
Spencer's breath catches in his throat, caught extremely off guard. The woman sashés around the room, running her fingertips over her skin. Up and down her sides, playing over her stomach, before coming up to cup and massage her breasts, then flying to tangle in her hair. 
She waltzes over to the bed, climbing up on her hands and knees, arching her back and pressing her chest flush with the bed covers. Spencer couldn't believe his eyes. More so, he couldn't believe he was getting turned on at a tile like this. Here he was looking at a woman that was supposedly a high-risk victim, and all he could think about was how good she'd feel wrapped around him. He palms himself through his jeans, yearning to feel sole sort of friction. He finds himself putting unnecessary pressure on his injured leg, thrusting up into his hand, chasing a far-away release. 
Palming himself through several layers of fabric andwas soon not enough. Spencer needed direct skin-on-skin contact. He undoes his belt and his zipper, pulling himself through and running his hand up and down his shaft slowly. 
The woman, now on her back, teasing herself by ghosting her fingertips up and down the innards of her thighs. Spenger licks a long stripe along his palm before moving to tend to his angry-red tip, oozing with precum. He throws his head back and his mouth gaped open as he moves faster over himself chasing his already-close high. 
Suddenly, her audio strip spikes as a high-pitched squeal escapes her. Dipping into her wat center, she cant control the sultry moans and groans that flow quickly from her plump lips. Spencer's grip on himself tightens and quickens as his grip on the current reality completely falls apart. He cums quickly, spilling into his hand and getting a droplet on his pants. Taking time to come down from his high would've been nice; if only he hadn't heard the clink-clank of Penelope's heels in the distance. Quickly tucking himself back in, he swipes his hand down the side of his pants, cleaning it off, then tucks himself back into his pants, zipping then back up, and redoing his belt. 
It starts to set in what he just so shamelessly got off to as Prbelops bursts through her office door with two, unhealthily large cupe of coffee. 
"Here.. ya go!" She chirps setting a cup down in front of Spencer. He clears his throat and begins to thank her before she cuts him off, realizing what was running through the video and audio feeds. "Oh, no… Spence?" 
"I think you just found a cam girl.." 
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rainbowshawn · 5 years
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(not my gif)
A/N: this was supposed to be pure fluff but got side tracked somewhere along the way. first time writing smut, feedback is appreciated 💓
Summary: teaching your boyfriend how to paint nails sounds innocent enough, right?
Warnings: fluffy smut, language, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks)
Word count: 2.9k
The strong smell of nail polish filled up your cozy room as you dragged the brush gently over each finger tip. Next to you was your boyfriend, comfortably curled up as you balanced an old magazine on your knee to keep your hand steady. His eyes watched you contently, as he was fighting off sleep.
You hold your hand up, eyes squinting at the red color that adorns your nails. A frustrated grunt escapes you as you grab your nail polish remover and a cotton pad. The sleepy boy’s head pops up in confusion.
“What’s wrong, honey?”
“My nails look stupid” you grumbled, a frustrated look decorating your face.
“Why do you think that?” he frowns.
“The color looks bad on me.”
Shawn couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out of his mouth when he saw your frazzled expression. You shot him a glare, “not funny” causing him to giggle even more. Until an idea popped into his head,
“Do you want me to paint them?” he says with a childlike grin and an excited glint in his eyes.
“Shawn, you don’t know how to paint nails”
“So! You can teach me, let me try” he pushes “pleeeeeeease”
He presses his hands in a pleading pose as he pushes his bottom lip out, giving you the eyes. Those sweet, puppy dog eyes that you fall for every time. He knows that’s your weakness and you could never say no. It’s his super power, really. He prides himself on how many times that trick has worked on you. Like his idea to skinny dip on your trip to greece last summer. You were completely opposed to it until that look came onto his face. Next thing you knew, you two were holding each other’s naked bodies in the water as your lips met in a heated kiss. He insisted it was his magic trick.
You contemplate the idea for a moment and quickly give in to his request. You grab your box of nail polishes and place them on the bed between the two of you. His eyes go wide as he takes in the amount of bottles that filled the box.
“Go on rockstar, help me pick a color”
He props himself up on his elbow as he eagerly starts to sift through them, looking at all the different colors. “Who needs all this nail polish?” He holds up a bright sparkly teal, eyeing it intently before making a disapproving face at the bottle. He goes through this process a few times before finally settling on a pretty, dusty pink.
“Does this look good to you?” he looks to you for approval.
A smile spreads across your face as you think of his dedication to finding the perfect color for you. You nod your head in approval “if you like it, I like it”
“I doooo” he says, shifting to sit in front of you.
He wiggles forward until his knees touch yours. He eagerly grabs both your hands and tugs them forward onto his knees.
“Woah, bubba, one at a time” you laugh
“Sorry, getting a little ahead of myself. Just excited to treat you good” he mumbled as he focused on getting the top of the nail polish off. You coo’d and grabbed his face in your hands, tugging him forward to place a few sweet kisses on his pink lips.
“Okay, okay” he snickered out between kisses “now show me what to do, woman”
You began explaining the process to him as you demonstrated on one finger. He seemed to be pretty confident and began to paint. You laughed as you felt his grip on your finger tighten.
“you don’t gotta put me in a death grip, bubs. I’m not going anywhere”
His focus didn’t shift but he did let up on the grip. His tongue poked out of his mouth in concentration as he painted across your nails. He stopped a few times to correct any polish that touched your skin by gently scraping it off with his own nail. He appreciated your patience with him. He always did. You swear the smile never fell off your face as you eyed him.
“so tiny” he whispered, mostly to himself. He was amazed at the size of your and in his. Shawn had always insisted that you were, in his words ‘teeny tiny’, but you both know he’s really just big. You revelled in his larger stature. Always feeling safe in his arms no matter where you were.
He finished up your first hand, pulling it up to his face to check over his work. He bowed his head down to place a kiss to your knuckles, “next hand, sweetheart”
While he painted your other hand, you observed his work. Honestly, you were impressed to say the least. The pink polish looked smooth, clean, and it really complimented your skin tone. You looked at him in amazement, “baby you’re actually super good!”
“liyah used to make me paint her nails when we were little, I remember it a little bit.”
Your heart swelled at the thought of a tiny shawn holding his baby sisters hand and painting her little nails, making her feel special. The thought of him with a little girl in the future was all that could come to your mind in that moment.
“You’re gonna be such a good dad...” you whispered
“I hope so,” he replied, a smile making its way onto his face “that’s all I want, really.”
He sat up a little straighter as he finished up his work on your nails.
“I feel like we’d have a little girl. Dunno why but I just know. God, I can’t wait to have tea parties and let her put clips in my hair.” he giggled.
You sighed at the thought, only imagining that sight in front of you. He was such a loving boy, never afraid to show his affection to those he loved. You see the way he treats his sister and you just know he would treat his children the same. Especially a little girl. He’d without a doubt be wrapped around her little finger.
“I cant wait either, that little girl is gonna have the best nails ever.” you smiled “these look amazing babe!”
“I think I should reconsider my career choices, huh?”
He leaned forward to place a kiss to your nose. You watched him in confusion as he moves to sit on the floor next to your bed, grabbing the bottle of polish on his way down.
“What are you doing?”
“Painting your toes,” he simply stated “they have to match.”
All you could do was look at him in disbelief as he pulled your cold feet down to his level. He noticed your icy toes and began to rub them to warm them up. His warm fingers working magic on the arches of both your feet. He alternated between the two, kissing your calves as he continued. He looked up at you as he kissed your bare legs, sighing deeply as he noticed you bite your lip.
He kept rubbing your cold skin as he moved onto his knees, raising himself to kiss up your thigh. You gasped as he nipped at your inner thigh a little bit. You parted your legs a little more, willing him to go further. He switched legs and grabbed your other soft foot in his hand as he repeated his loving treatment.
“mmm shawn I thought you were gonna paint my toes” you muttered, breathlessly.
He didn’t stop kissing you for a second “I’ll get to it, just wanna love on my girl for a little bit”
And really, who were you to deny that? He reached a hand up to press into your chest, gently pushing you to lay back. Your hands found their way into his unruly curls, tugging gently as his kisses got closer and closer to your aching core.
His kisses spread to your tummy, leaving slightly wet patches behind as he started to lightly suck on the skin dressing your hipbones. Soft hums continued to roll out of your chest. You felt your tummy fluttering in anticipation from his soft lips. You lifted your head up to see him completely focused on loving on you. He just wanted you to feel good today.
His warm, big hands that were rubbing your hips and thighs moved to your panties, fingers hooking onto the sides. “Is this okay?” he asks. You eagerly nod your head yes and hum in approval.
Once he drags the material off your legs, he lifts them by your knees to spread you open for him. He bites his lip at the sight of your dripping center. He drops his head to nip at the crease between your leg and where you needed him the most. You groan, “don’t tease..... please baby” arching your back at the feeling.
Suddenly you feel his tongue slide into your wet folds. He groans at the pleasure of making you feel good, becoming very aware of the aching in his pants. He palms himself through his boxers as he focuses on his lips against you. His tongue slips up and down your clit quickly, making you moan lightly. His lips suck your clit into his mouth applying perfect pressure as his tongue continues to work against you. You can’t process the bliss you feel, overwhelmed by the feeling and the wet sounds coming from the act.
You arch your back and gasp as he grazes his teeth against you lightly. “taste so good baby,” he says lowly, “I could do this all day.”
You groan in response as his fingers come up to push into you, the slight stretch was enough to have you reeling.
“oh fuck, don’t stop” you grunt as he picks up his pace. His mouth sucking so perfectly, making your stomach flip and walls tighten. You go completely silent, breath hitching as you feel your orgasm begin to come to a head. And as you get to that ledge, you’re quickly tugged off before you can fall. Shawn quickly removes his fingers and his sweet mouth from your center. You groan at the loss.
“Not so fast, baby, need you to cum on my cock. Think you can do that for me?”
At this point you’re too far gone to do anything but whimper and nod your head. He stands up and strips you of your top, moaning at the sight of your bare chest laid out in front of him. “So beautiful... can’t believe you’re mine” he breathes, pressing a gentle kiss between your breasts. Shawn never failed to make you feel beautiful, loved, and worthy. You frequently felt like your heart would burst at any moment if he looked at you so affectionately for too long. Now was no exception, as you shyly giggled and covered your breasts with your hands, turning your red face away from him.
Placing his hand on yours, he tugged your hands away from yourself, “don’t hide, honey, wanna see you...” he looks at you with those eyes again and you’re a goner. His hands trail up your sides sending shivers through your body. Once his hands get up high enough he palms your breasts in those big hands of his and cranes his head back as his presses his still clothed dick into your sensitive mound. You buck your hips up to get more friction but he presses you back down and stops you.
His mouth meets yours in a heated kiss as his continues to knead your breasts. Your tongues dance together as he lays into you a bit more, rubbing his cock against you. He grinds his hips into you as he rolls your nipples in his fingers, further teasing you. You get lost as the friction distracts you, mouth falling open as he tries to continue the heated kiss.
He tugs his boxers down just enough to free his painfully hard cock. He continues to grind into you, moaning at the feeling of your wetness on him.
“Fuck babygirl, I can’t wait to be inside you” he groans into your neck as he sucks and kisses there. He pushes his black boxers the rest of the way down, kicking them onto the floor.
“Give it to me shawn, I cant wait anymore” you beg. He can’t deny you, he’s just as fucked for you as you are for him. He slides his thick cock up and down your wet folds a little bit, making sure you’re ready for him. He slowly pushes in watching your face to make sure you’re comfortable. His brows furrow as he focuses on going slow to let you adjust to his size. He swears he’ll never get over the feeling of being inside of you. Often saying he thinks that’s what heaven feels like.
Your mouth drops open as he slips in, a breathless grunt leaving your chest. His length is stretching you out causing a comfortable burn. His lips meet yours as he tries to distract you from the slight pain. He hopes you can feel the love he feels radiating off of his body in waves. Sometimes he swears he doesn’t know what to do with all of it.
He waits until you tell him he can move and once you give him the green light, he’s off. His thrusts slowly increase as he leans over you. He kisses you the best he can while moving at a good pace for you. He brushes some hair from your face as he looks so lovingly into your eyes. His length drags in and out of you so well you’re seeing stars.
“Faster, Shawn I need more,” you moan into his ear “so good to me”
He pulls your knees up and spreads you nice and wide in front of him as he starts to rail into you at an even quicker speed. You didn’t think he could get any deeper but this position proved you wrong. You think you can feel him in every part of you. The feeling is intoxicating and the only thing you can think about is him, him, him. Your mouth fell open as your walls started to tighten around him.
His hand coming up to play with your clit hurdled you towards the edge. “love you so fucking much.... you don’t know what you do to me” he breathed into your ear as his speed never faltered “gonna make you feel so good”
“you do, you do, baby, you always do” you groaned quickly, eyes screwing shut as your orgasm began to creep up on you again. The feeling of your tight and warm walls was pushing him further and further towards the edge. You looked up at his moving figure, moaning as you saw him watching his length disappear into your dripping pussy. His face was completely blissed out, lost in loving you. His low moans filled your ears as you took shallow breaths.
His hips slammed into yours, angling a bit to reach that one special spot better. Your back arched immediately at the contact and your walls began to pulse around him. Your moans got louder and louder for him, a sound he would never in his whole life get tired of hearing.
“Come on babygirl, thats right” he moaned “cum on this cock, you feel like fucking heaven.”
That was all it took for you to come crashing down in waves. Your back arched as little screams left your lips, his lips coming down to catch the sounds in his mouth. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you felt his thrusts continue, fucking you through your orgasm. He continued in search of his own release until his movements become erratic.
“Gonna cum, you make me feel so fucking good” he moans. All it takes is a few more thrusts and he’s spilling into you, breathing heavily into your ear. You feel his his cock twitch and warmth spill inside you and moan at the delicious feeling. His body falls limply into you, his length still in you. Hips still rolling slowly, fucking his cum deeper into you.
You both took time coming down, pressing kisses against your bare skin. Your hands searched each other eagerly, not wanting to lose contact. Eventually Shawn pulls out slowly and rolls off next to you.
“That was amazing....”
“as usual,” you say as you lay next to him, laying your head on his chest and tracing patterns onto his slightly sweaty tummy “so good to me.”
You’re both so sleepy from your high, you forget about your toenails. His hand traces up your bare spine as he kisses your hair softly.
“love you so much,” he mutters listening to your breathing.
“I love you too Shawn. so so so much.”
“I meant what I said earlier. I cant wait til I have a little version of our love running around.”
All you can do is hum at the thought, smiling to yourself as your eyes start to close slowly. Finding that safety you loved so much in his arms. You feel so content in this moment. Your thoughts running wild with your love for him. You both don’t know what to do with it all.
Your breathing gets deeper and deeper as you both fall asleep in each other’s arms. Both feeling full to the brim in love.
“I didn’t forget about your toes by the way.”
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Happy Birthday @luck-over-logic !!!!
To the most wonderful James Tiberius Kirk in the TOS RP community!!!!!
I've now known you for a year and change and I'm ever so very glad I ran into you!! The muse has been silent as the grave of late, but have some Birthday minific! I did Fourth of July Last year, so this year have Pride. And I hope I have to think of summer themes for you for many years to come!!!
Spock liked talking walks during the hottest part of the day. Jim had always known that, but as they got older he began to realize the true implication of the habit. It meant that all damn summer Jim was going to sweat like a horse. Why it was only June 30th, and it was only 11 am, and he was only wearing a t-shirt and lo and behalf he was damn near soaking through it, and was starting to get a little self conscious about the fabric clinging to what it aughtn't, and really he probably shouldn’t be wearing shorts at all at his age, and he wouldn’t have if it wasn’t so hot; he just wasn’t as trim as he’d once been. Bones had taken to calling him good old fashioned fat. He stared at a well built young man in short shorts and a painted on tank top, chatting loudly on his phone as he jogged past them, clearly late for something. He remembered when he looked like that….
“You look perfectly fine to me.” Spock said softly, giving Jim a start. But he smiled at the sentiment. Spock could read his mind even when he wasn’t….well….reading his mind. But he could be a little frustrating when it came to looks, for even in this weather he looked dignified in all blacks and greys and never a day over 50.
Spock reached down and squeezed his hand. Jim, as always, squeezed back, returning the gentle pulse of adoration Spock had sent his way and they carried on.
A minute later a young woman bathed in pink, purple and blue glitter bounced past them, accompanied by a tall man in corresponding pastel pink, blue and white glitter. Spock observed them with quiet curiosity, that peaked when the sparkly pair met up with a girl wearing rainbow body paint, and little else at the end of the block.
“Human youth culture never ceases to amaze.” The Vulcan observed quietly. “Where could they possibly be going looking that conspicuous?”
But when they reached the end of the block and looked uptown, they got their answer. They were nearly bowled over by a wall of sound, emanating from a seething, screaming crowd of people flamboyantly dressed people, all congregated under a massive rainbow banner that read 'San Fran Pride'. Jim laughed aloud. Spocks eyebrows shot up so high they nearly disappeared into his bangs and his grip on Jim’s hand tightened.
“I forgot about LGBT history month!” Jim said. Spock stared at him in a way that indicated his comment had in no way explained the multicolored cabal of glitter and feathers that had appeared before them. “Humans used to be kinda awful to each other, remember? And homosexuality used to be kinda an issue.” He explained.
“I am well aware of your history…” Spock replied, with a gaze canted uncomfortably towards the parade impling Jim’s explanation had not in fact explained a damn thing about the mass of humanity doing their best impersonation of so many birds of paradise. Just then the obligatory Stonewall float passed by, and that was how Jim Kirk found himself shout-explaining the history of pride, from riot, to protest, to party, to historic commemoration, a few feet from the current incarnation of the event. The era when it was a protest. When corporations tried to take it. When it was declared a History Month, like it always should have been. Spock listened with his typical intensity, regarding the display of flamboyance with changing opinion and increasing regard as Jim spoke.
He was just beginning his own tale of “Why, I remember my first Pride. I was about seventeen. I hadn’t quite figured out what I was feeling for men yet and my friend from……..” He trailed off as a float grabbed his eyes and stole all his attention.
The Starfleet sponsored float was topped with a beautiful starship made of iridescent sequins, and the float below was covered in pictures honoring LGBT figures from Starfleet history. The First Homosexual Captain. The First Trans Captain. The first Asexual Captain. But Jim's eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the fifth photo.
The youngest Captain on Record. And his First Officer.
“Now you see here!” He hollered so loud that everyone in the vicinity turned to look at him. “I’m not history yet! I’m still right here!”
Everyone around them was staring, looking back and forth between the oversized image in the approaching float and the pair of old men standing in the back of the parade crowd. Finally someone declared the obvious.
“Holy shit…..it’s them!!! It’s Captain Kirk and Commander Spock!!” someone yelled.
“Admiral and Captain.” Spock corrected, but his insistence on precision was lost in the deafening cry of shrieks that rose up from the crowd around them, loud enough to draw the attention of the older man Marshaling the Starfleet float. The man, who neither of them recognized at first, immediately signaled for the float to stop and started waving like mad.
“Kirk!!!” He shouted, vaulting himself off the float with a spry leap that seemed inappropriate for his advanced years, and bolted to the edge of the Parade barricades. “Jim! Spock!”
It was Spock who saw through the rainbow wig and over the top makeup first. “Captain Sulu?”
“Yes!!!” He shouted back. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? You’d have had a place ON the float!! C’mon! Get up here!! C’mon guys!! Let the infamous Captain James T. Kirk and Commander Spock up here with us!”
Jim tried to insist that they hadn’t planned this at all, but his words of protest were lost in the happy cries of the crowd as they shuffled him and Spock forward and helped them climb the barricade into the parade proper, where Sulu took the Captain’s hand and yanked him up onto the float as it started moving again. Spock, who was still, clinging to Jim’s arm, got dragged along with and was surprised to find himself and Jim’s presence getting aggressively cheered.
Sulu immediately began fussing over their appearance, swapping out Jim’s t shirt for a multicolored tank with the image of a frying pan on it that they both found hilarious but Spock found confusing. Spock, to his great displeasure, had a tub of glitter dumped on him after he’d selected for himself on a small, tasteful button that read “Elder Queer” from the box Sulu had pulled Jim’s new shirt from. But once the parade got going again, they both had to admit that the energy was infections. And people were so very happy to see the pair of them, Riding together astride the great glittering starship float.
“You mean so much to them.” Sulu beamed at the pair at one point. “Not just the gay couples….but the interspecies couples. The offworld queers. You’re icons to them. And watching the two of you, always at the forefront…..you give them so much hope.” After that comment Spock was a little more visible about his affections with Jim, even managing a human kiss when they reached the grandstand.
And Jim? He was having the time of his life, playing back and forth with the crowds, throwing out rainbow Starfleet insignias, and rousing cheers every time he touched Spock. Gone we’re his previous doubts about his age. His looks. Everything. As he so eloquently put it…he wasn’t history yet.
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thethespacecoyote · 6 years
A little late, but here’s Day 4 for @kyluxromanceweek with “Secret Crush.” More office AUs, because why not. 
Hux can’t help but scowl when he returns to his cubicle, fresh cup of coffee in hand, to find a little wrapped box sitting just in front of his keyboard.
He narrows his eyes at it, as if his stare could wither the sparkly red bow sitting innocently atop the shiny golden paper. It’s not the first strange gift he’s received in the past few weeks, and honestly? They’re starting to wear on his nerves.
He growls as he sets his steaming coffee cup on the desk and picks up the box, looking down his nose at it as he turns it over in his hands. Of course there’s no tag. Whoever is doing this clearly doesn’t want to be found out.
Hux shakes the gift, considering just dumping it in the trash and forgetting about it altogether, but instead he pulls at the red bow and slips it off before tearing into the paper. Beneath he finds a silky red box, a name Hux recognizes from the high-end grocery store he occasionally frequents scrawled in gold on top. He pries open the lid and wrinkles his nose at the fancy chocolates nestled inside—the kind of heavy, indulgent sweets that Hux hardly partook in. He scowls and stuffs them into his laptop bag, trying to put the gift far from his mind so he could get the afternoon’s work done.
Whoever thought it funny to play such a joke wasn’t going to get a rise out of Hux that easily.
The following day Hux returns from a trip to the bathroom to find a single rose, lovingly wrapped in red ribbon, siting in his mesh pencil holder. Hux frowns, plucking the rose out and peering around the wall of his cubicle to where Phasma sits at her desk, phone cradled against her shoulder. She shoots Hux a quizzical look, signing off from the call and setting it back in its cradle.
“What is it?”
“Did you see who left this?” He brandishes the rose at her, eyebrows furrowed. She glances at the rose for a moment, before smirking.
“You got an admirer?”
“Of course not,” Hux hisses, shaking the stupid flower. “Someone is obviously trying to make a joke out of me. Make me look like some kind of lovesick fool.”
Phasma laughs, turning around in her chair to face him.
“You know, most people would be happy to get free gifts, even if it was from a stranger.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Lighten up a little.”
Hux scowls, folding his arms.
“I’ll ‘lighten up’ as soon as I figure out who is doing this. I want you to keep your eyes and ears open next time I leave my desk, see if whoever they are shows themselves.”
“Yes sir,” Phasma taunts as he storms back to his cubicle, stuffing the rose in one of his drawers before getting back to work. He gets up to grab coffee , but to his surprise and slight disappointment no new gifts grace his desk, and Phasma tells him she didn’t notice anything.  
When Hux comes to work early the next morning, there’s a massive bouquet of roses sitting daringly in his chair.
The gifts only grow more extravagant as the days go on. A little gift bag filled with delicate macarons and rolls of fruit pastilles. More flowers, this time a striking bunch of black lilies. A half-sized bottle of Prosecco. A small porcelain figure of a cat—which, despite himself, Hux actually likes, and sits on the little shelf above his computer as soon as he unwraps it.
And still he’s been unable to figure out who’s responsible, or why they’re doing it.
He’s sure it must be a prank, but there’s no one in the office he believes would go to such lengths. These kind of gifts are expensive, nothing even the most dedicated would throw away on some silly joke.
Then why?
Periodically he considers Phasma’s suggestion, that he has a true admirer—but he isn’t exactly well-liked among his coworkers. He’s more than competent in his work but rather cold when it comes to socializing, not interested in gossip or debate with the rest of the office. Hux is the type to keep his personal life far removed from his professional life, disinterested in indulging his colleagues’ incessant need for small-talk.
He can’t imagine any of them wanting to become—romantically involved with him.
So maybe it really is a joke at his expense. Perhaps the entire office pooled their funds together, just to lead Hux on, make him believe anyone could ever be interested in him. Maybe they were just waiting for him to fall for it, so they could
Honestly, Hux can’t wait for the weekend, where he might be free of all this nonsense for two blissful days. He checks his watch as he returns from his lunch break, hoping the next few hours will fly by, so he can spend his time in the solitude of his apartment with his cat and favorite books.
But as Hux approaches his cubicle he stops dead in his tracks, lips parting in surprise at what he sees—not another bouquet of roses nor box of chocolates, but a besuited man with long, dark hair barely tamed back against his head.
Hux recognizes him instantly.
Ren, one of the upper managers that Hux rarely even saw in his department, though he certainly heard plenty of rumors about the man. He apparently came from a wealthy family, and Hux has heard grumblings that may have influenced his appointment. From the few times Hux has encountered him, he seems a touch too changeable for such a position, but otherwise he’d never given the man much thought.
Until now, when he notices the wrapped box in Ren’s hand, topped with the same kind of red ribbon as all the other gifts Hux has received.
“You’re kidding,” is the first thing to come out of Hux’s mouth, in a wholly unprofessional manner but he can’t hold back. He stares at the gift in Ren’s hands, then up to the man’s face, feeling a conflict of emotions roil in his stomach at the amused expression he finds there.
“Nope. Just really good at sneaking around.” Ren smirks, looking quite satisfied with himself. Hux frowns, heart fluttering even as his mind reels in denial.
“I thought this was all a joke…it’s not a joke, is it?” He asks, taking a step back. Ren’s face falls slightly, frowning.
“No? Why would you think it was a joke?” He fidgets with the gift, confident posture taking a slight hit. “Did you not like the things I got you?”
“I—that’s not—that’s beside the point,” Hux stammers, regretting the flush he can feel crawling to his cheeks. “But I didn’t realize anyone here would be…serious about me. Much less a junior manager.”
He’d gone through a list of suspects in his head several times and had at least considered Ren, but quickly dismissed the possibility. Hux can’t wrap his head around the fact that Ren was responsible for this all along—but perhaps he’d been just that good at concealing his feelings. Biding his time, plying Hux with little gifts and presents until he felt confident enough to confront him.
It’s a little endearing—which is not a word he ever thought he’d ever ascribe to someone like Ren.
“I’m serious. Very serious.” Hux takes the wrapped box as Ren holds it out to him. His heart beats a little quickly as he pulls at the bow, taking the little lid off. His eyes widen at what he sees underneath, lips parting in surprise.
Nestled in a bed of white silk are a pair of golden cufflinks, dotted in the center with a dark red stone. Truthfully they’re a little too gaudy for Hux’s taste but he’s still bewildered by the gesture.
Alright. It’s definitely not a joke.
Ren moves in closer, and as Hux inhales sharply he can detect the strong scent of his cologne.
“Wear them tonight?”
“Tonight?” Hux looks up, raising his eyebrow. “What’s tonight?”
“A date. Well, hopefully.” Ren shrugs, closing Hux’s hand over the box. “If you’ll indulge me.”
Hux balks, eyes widening at his audacity. His first instinct is to say no, remembering his plans of solitude and relaxation for the weekend, but—
—It has been quite awhile since Hux has been on a proper date, and part of him feels curiosity at just what further sort of pampering Ren has in store for him. After a moment’s hesitation he composes himself with a nod.
“I don’t have a car. You’ll have to pick me up.” Despite himself, Hux feels his heartbeat pick up in his chest. The grin returns to Ren’s face, looking excited as a schoolboy with a crush.
“Deal. See you tonight, Armitage.” And with an affectionate pat to the hand he turns away and walks away, leaving Hux to ponder over what exactly he’s gotten himself into this evening.
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retro-pure-jdonica · 7 years
Everything Wrong With The Peathers Pilot
Ok so I wrote this as I was watching the pilot so there’s probably a lot of spelling errors but just bear with me here
The episode opens by playing Que sera sera and zooming in on a croquet set on a front porch before going into the house where we see Shannon Doherty with a red scrunchie, all things that suggest that Heathers (1989) occurred and this is Heather Duke now but then they’re like lol jk that’s jds mom
Speaking of jds mom, they have her kill herself by lighting the house on fire and shooting herself, nothing involving his father’s business which messes with why jd dislikes his father
They COMPLETELY switched the characters of Heather McNamara and Heather Duke. When Heather McNamara starts talking in the lunchroom Heather Chandler says “god Heather, are we already making this about you?” But says nothing bitchy to Heather Duke
Heather Chandler is some social justice warrior and it’s awful. We meet Ram when he is in the cafeteria wearing a shirt that says “Remington squaws” with a (very very red skin toned) depiction of a Native American and Heather is like “ummmmm that’s so offensive. I know that kid over there and he is 1/16th “First Nations peoples”” and when the kid stands up to say it doesn’t offend him she yells at him “this isn’t about you” (bonus in the background they tried to recreate that airy chime kinda music from the original and its shit)
J.D. has been in Sherwood for a while. He doesn’t move from school to school because of his dads business, he keeps getting expelled
At the art exhibit (equivalent to Remington party/Kurt homecoming party) Veronica meets this guy named Jacob who they very purposefully dressed like jd (trench coat, dark hair) and then she asks him if he has a car and then it cuts to him eating her out in a car while she sits on her phone?????? I don’t even know?????
Instead of throwing up on Heather Chandler, Veronica dumps a giant bottle of hull clean on her
Jd and Veronica don’t have sex???? They are in no form of relationship so when jd kills Heather Chandler, Veronica has absolutely no reason to stay with him at all which is just SHIT PLOT PEATHERS GET IT TOGETHER
Jd has only lived in THREE states, NOT SEVEN, NOT TEN, THREE!!! They totally screwed over his background with this and with his mom’s Suicide so now he only has shitty motives. Also, his dad isn’t Big Bud Dean Construction, it’s Big Bud Dean Oil and Gas????
Jd and Veronica don’t give Heather Chandler a bottle of drain cleaner, he pulls an ich luge type thing with some “vomit inducing pills Hitler carried around”. Then when Heather Chandler “dies” he’s like oh crap I must have given her the wrong pills but it’s GENUINE. JD SERIOUSLY DID NOT TRY TO KILL HEATHER CHANDLER but then SURPRISE at the end of the episode we see Heather Chandler wake up because she actually didn’t die because jd did give her the vomit pills, the pills just somehow made her pass out which they weren’t supposed to. Also, she saw that Veronica and jd tried to fake her Suicide (they posted her Suicide note on Instagram and she would remember them coming to her house) but then sees that the post got 27 million likes so she decides to not snitch them out because she’s famous but from now on ANY PERSON THAT “KILLS THEMSELVES” AND JD AND VERONICA SET UP TO LOOK LIKE A SUICIDE, HEATHER CHANDLER WILL KNOW IT WAS JD AND VERONICA SO I DONT KNOW HOW THEY’RE GOING TO DO ANYTHING WITH THAT BUT ALRIGHT
You may be thinking, how did JD get Heather Chandler to take a pill? Well, HE PUT IT IN A BAG OF CORN NUTS AND DARED HER TO EAT THE WHOLE BAG IN FIVE SECONDS OR ELSE HE WOULD POST A PICTURE OF HER WITH A NAZI CAP ON. Also on this topic, they had Heather Chandler start gagging before crashing through the glass table but she shouldn’t be gagging, if anything she should be choking from the food and she would have bitten into the pill while eating the corn nuts and it’s a whole mess peathers please get your story straight
At school after Heather Chandler’s “suicide” all of the students are like “omg this is so sad(for the most part, they are still kinda making it about themselves)” and Mrs. Flemming is like “look at all of the publicity about this” which is just??? So wrong????
After Heather Chandler “dies” Betty Finn takes over the role instead of Heather Duke???? AHHHHH WHAT and when Veronica invites betty over for croquet she’s like “Ummm, I’m busy” like wtf peathers you cant make up an ENTIRELY new character and just call her Betty??? This Betty does not have a single similar characteristic to the original Betty except for the fact that she and Veronica were friends in elementary school, like this Betty used to be friends with Heather Chandler and UGH
Okay jd SMILES while telling Veronica in detail how his mother killed himself, Do I even need to explain how wrong this is??
Lick it up fatty, lick it up (bonus, which was followed by: d-did you just fat shame me in public??)
If you’re gonna openly be a flooze
What is your bother wound, Heather? (What does that even mean????)
Corporate monogamy keeps me sane
Big Bud Dean Oil and Gas
I’m gonna be experimenting with lesbianism at (some place) instead of (another place)
The matches jds mom uses to light the house on fire say “hot probs” on the box
At the art exhibit, Veronica and Heather Chandler go to, two of the pieces are a bottle of “hull clean” liquid drainer and a massive replica of the book “The Bell Jar”
Big fun is a chip brand
They replaced “very” with “just” and only in this episode they said just 4 times, JUST IN THIS EPISODE
J.D. literally says the phrase “my dear” 4 times JUST IN THIS EPISODE and he’s giving off these Walmart Great Value knockoff type Leonardo DiCaprio Romeo and Juliet vibes and I hate it it’s so weird
Heather Chandler refers to Ram as “the Auschwitz of hate that goes on in Westerburg”
Heather McNamara isn’t even a lesbian! She lied about it to seem cool (Do I even need to explain how terrible and inaccurate and demonizing this is?)
Heather Duke literally says “oh my clit”
Heather Chandler literally says “what the queef”
“Let’s snort Adderall, make out, and get slushies”- JD, again, do I even need to explain?
Kurt gives Ram all of the shit jd and Veronica use at the fake Suicide in the movie to cheer him up (the candy dish, stud puppy, etc) also if you haven’t heard by now, Kurt is gay
Okay, at the 7-11 when JD is saying “a pile of dirt” he looks Veronica up and down liKE WHAT?????
“Sad face emoji, pill emoji, the powerful last words of Heather Chandler” -some teacher
When jd and Veronica are going to post a video on Heather Chandler’s Instagram to make the Suicide more believable (Okay it literally pained me to write that), Veronica says “oh my god I can’t believe we’re doing this, also trim the video it will get more views if it’s under ten seconds”???? This is so terrible  (bonus jd responds to this with “That’s my girl” and ew) (bonus bonus after they finish setting up the Suicide Veronica says “come on, we’re gonna be late for school” ugh peathers stop making the show into a massive joke)
When writing in her diary, Veronica starts to write “I’m just a … girl who has been manipulated by a guy into-“ which is very true for actual Heathers but then cuts off and says “no that sounds like I’m enforcing gender stereotypes” and I don’t know if that was supposed to be some shitty commentary about the original but WHAT
They tried to pull a dream scene for Veronica where everything is weird but it was terrible, everyone was wearing red plastic glasses and pointing at Veronica and pop music was playing, it was a mess
Okay the Heathers keep doing this thing where they unnecessarily say the other one’s name while talking (like in the opening for Heathers (1989) where Heather Chandler says “no Heather, it’s Heathers turn” but they do it almost every single line and it’s really annoying)
Also I don’t know if this was on purpose, judging by the mental capacity of the producers it probably wasn’t, but after Heather Chandler dies when Betty is walking down the hall with her gang it plays the same music that was playing when the Heathers first walk into the cafeteria and I don’t know if that was meant to show that Betty is officially the new Heather Chandler but I HATE IT
When Veronica goes to jds house after Heather Chandler’s “death” jds dad walks in with a FUCKING SHAKE WEIGHT and they do the weird father-son switch thing but jd gets his dad to leave by saying some shit like “your presence was wonderful but my girlfriend and I would like to engage in sexual intercourse now” and just, what the fuck?????
Just FYI, this in Arial font size 11 is FOUR PAGES LONG and this is just the first episode
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Adoption and marriage
So I wrote a ficlet of Dean and Cas adopting toddler Claire. They also finally get married. And they eventually adopt baby Jack. This is nothing but fluff.
I originally planned for it to be short, but kind of got carried away with it.
Word count: 4,265 words.
Will be under the cut. Hope you enjoy.
When Dean and Cas first decided to adopt, they both were a little apprehensive about it.
But the minute they met Claire, the little girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes and a killer attitude, they fell in love.
“Cas, she literally has your eyes.” Dean says, fastening Claire into her car seat.
“Yeah, well she has your attitude, Dean.” Cas says placing the diaper bag on the backseat.
Dean glances up and smiles, “Yeah, isn’t it great?” Cas rolls his eyes, “It’s bad enough I have to deal with your attitude, now I have to deal with a mini you.”
Mini me, dean thinks to himself, “I like the sound of that. But Cas, you can’t say she’s not a mini you too. Her eyes are as blue as the oceans, so are yours. And her features, I swear she has your nose.”
Cas shuts the door and makes his way to Dean’s side and glances at their daughter sleeping in her car seat, “Okay, maybe she does kind of, sorta, maybe look like me.” He says with a smile.
Dean covers Claire with a pink blanket, smooths her hair out of her face and softly shuts the car door, he turns and looks at Cas, “She does, and she’s officially ours. I can’t believe it.”
Cas smiles and grabs deans hand, “It’s been a long and bumpy road, but it’s been worth it. She finally gets to grow up in a stable and loving home. I can’t wait for Sam to meet her.”
“Sammy is going to love her.” Dean says softly, a smile blossoming across his face.
“Let’s go home.” Cas says kissing Dean on the tip on his nose.
They get in the car and take their daughter home.
Just as they thought, Sam fell in love with her. Claire and Sam are inseparable.
A few weeks later, Sam is watching Claire while Dean and Cas are on a hunt.
“Uncle Sam.” The toddler calls out to her uncle, holding her arms up.
 am picks Claire up and tickles her. Claire squeals and giggles, “Yes, Claire bear?”
“Why aren’t dad and daddy married? Do they not love each other?” She asks softly.
Sam thinks for a second, “Why do you think they don’t love each other?”
Claire tilts her head, “I dunno. But when two people love each other, don’t they usually get married?” She asks.
For Claire being three years old, she’s definitely smart for her age, “Well, yeah. But sometimes it’s complicated.” He tells her.
“Oh, okay.” She says looking disappointed.
“You know what? Let’s go get some ice cream.” He says with a smile.
Claire perks up at the words ice cream, “ICE CREAM!” She squeals.
 Sam carries her to the car and they go and get ice cream.
A couple weeks after that, Claire doesn’t give up on the whole her daddies aren’t married thing.
So, one night when Dean is giving Claire a bath she asks him.
“Daddy?” She asks.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
She closes her eyes when Dean pour water on her head and massages shampoo into her hair, “Why aren’t you and dada married?”
Dean stops massaging her hair, “Claire, it’s complicated.” He says softly continuing to massage the shampoo in.
She opens her eyes and stares up at him, “How is it comp, com-, that big word.” She says giving up.
“Because it just is. There are some things that you just won’t understand honey.” He says softly, grabbing the cup and filling it with water.
Claire nods and tilts her head back and shuts her eyes tight, so dean can wash the shampoo out of her hair.
After her bath Dean dries her off and wraps her up in a soft, fluffy towel and carries her to her room.
Cas is sitting on the floor waiting for them and smiles when they walk into the room.
“There’s my two favorite people.” He says grinning.
Dean smiles and sits down on the floor, cradling Claire in his arms. He takes a seat across from Cas.
“Hi Dada.” She says smiling.
Cas holds out his arms and Dean hands Claire over, “My sweet Claire.”
She smiles and looks at Dean and back at Cas, “Dada?” She asks.
Cas looks down at her and kisses her nose, “Yes?”
“Why aren’t you and daddy married?” She asks softly.
Cas looks up at Dean and he just shrugs. Cas looks back at Cas and sighs.
“Honey, it’s complicated.” He tells her.
She sighs, “First Uncle Sam tells me that. Then daddy and now you. Just get married. Don’t you guys love each other?”
“We do. Very much.” Dean and Cas say at the same time.
“Then just get married already.” She says with an attitude.
Cas laughs, “Told you she is a mini you,” He says looking at Dean, “But we’ll talk about it sweetheart. But right now, it’s time to get ready for bed.” He says standing her up.
Dean and Cas dress her and tuck her into together and even reads her a bedtime story. By time they are done with their routine, they fall into bed and fall asleep shortly after.
A few weeks later Dean and Claire are sitting in Claire’s room, playing with barbies, “Hey, Claire bear.”
Claire looks up from her dollhouse, “Yes, Daddy?”
Dean sets his Barbie down and stands up, “How would you like to help me plan a surprise for dada?” He asks.
She drops her Barbie and gets to her feet, “Okay!” She says excitedly.
Dean picks her up and carries her out of the room. They walk to their room and he places Claire on their bed.
He walks over to his night stand and pulls out and box and kneels in front or Claire.
“What’s in the box?” She asks looking up at her Dad.
Dean smiles and opens the box, “I’m going to ask your dad to marry me.” He says showing off the ring in the box.
Claire stand up on the bed and jumps up and down, “Yay!!!! Daddy and dada are getting married!” She screams.
Dean pockets the box and grabs Claire, “Shhh, sweetheart. Dad doesn’t know.”
Claire puts her hand over her mouth and whispers, “Sorry, daddy. Please don’t be mad.”
Dean kisses her cheek, “I’m not mad sweetheart. Come on, let’s go ask dad to marry me.”
She nods, and they exit the room.
After Dean dresses Claire in a pretty blue dress and hands her the sign to hold as she enters the library, the ball starts rolling on the proposal.
Cas is sitting in the library reading a lore book when Claire enters the room.
“Dada.” She says walking over to him.
Cas closes his book and turns toward her, “Hi, honey. What-” he trails off seeing the sign in Claire’s hands, “-what’s going on?” He asks her softly.
“Read the sign dada.” She says.
Cas reads the sign five times, “Dada will you marry daddy?” The sign reads.
“What-“ he starts when dean enters the room holding a single rose and a little box in his hand.
He walks over to Claire and hands her to rose to hold and gets down on one knee and opens the box.
Tears start rolling down Cas’s face.
“Cas, I love you and Claire so damn much. I don’t want to go another day without being married to you. So, will please marry me?” He asks, tears falling down his face as well.
Cas nods, “Yes, yes I’ll marry you!” He flings himself at Dean and they fall to the floor.
Dean grabs Cas’s face and pulls him in for a kiss.
Claire drops her sign and rose and jumps on them, “My daddies are getting married!” She shouts.
Dean and Cas laugh, “Claire, get up honey.” They say softly.
Claire climbs off them and Cas pulls himself off Dean kneeling on his knees. Dean sits up and grabs Cas’s left hand and slides the ring on his finger.
Claire throws her little arms around their necks. Dean and Cas wrap their arms around her and each other and share a family hug.
A few months later their wedding day arrives. All their friends and family are gathered in the church waiting to share their day with them.
Dean is standing at the alter with Sam next to his side and Gabriel standing behind him.
Charlie walks down the aisle in a pretty blue gown and winks at dean as she takes her place.
Next Eileen walks down the aisle in a pretty green gown and the entire time she has her eyes locked on Sam.
Dean smiles, thinking to himself They are next.
Next Claire walks down the aisle in a pretty, white, sparkly flower girl dress. She has a flower crown in her hair and the biggest smile on her face. Instead of a flower basket, like Dean thought she would have she has a wooden sign.
It reads, “Here comes Dad.” With a little heart next to it.
By time Claire reaches Eileen he’s crying.
The music starts, and the church doors open and in walks Cas.
He’s in a black suit, with a blue tie, making his bright blue eyes pop even more. He has a red rose pinned to his suit and a big smile on his face.
His hair is tousled, and his tan is noticeable with him wearing his dark suit. The suit hugs Cas in all the right ways. From his broad shoulders, to his muscles arms. To his thick, muscular thighs.
And his big, soft hands that handle Dean and their daughter with such care, but can smite a demon and crush their skull, are locked together and in front of him.
He’s taking his time walking down the aisle, but Dean would wait a lifetime if he had to.
When he finally reaches the alter he smiles at Dean and whispers, “Hello, Dean.”
Dean wipes his eyes, “You look beautiful, Cas.” He chokes out.
The reverend motions for everyone to takes their seats and dean and Cas turn towards each other and holds hands.
The ceremony is short and sweet, and they chose traditional vows.
Cas slides the ring on Deans finger and the blue and green diamonds encrusted in the band catches his eye and makes him cry again.
The reverend tells them they can kiss, so Dean cups Cas’s cheek and softly plants his lips on Cas’s soft, plump lips. It starts out soft and slow, and their friends and family claps. But then the kiss picks up when Cas runs his tongue along the bottom of Deans lip. Dean is apprehensive about it but opens up for him. Cas slips is tongue in and licks Deans mouth. Their tongues do a back and forth dance and their friends and family starts whistling.
“Get a room!” Gabriel shouts.
They break apart and the reverend turns them towards their friends and family and pronounces them Mr. and Mr. Winchester.
Dean and Cas lock hands and rub down the aisle.
The party takes place in a hotel ball room and everyone has a great time.
Dean and Cas do their first dance as husbands and then they both dance with Claire and everyone is all teary eyed.
After a few hours or dancing and mingling with their friends and family Cas tells Dean it’s time to go.
They walk over to Sam and Eileen who are dancing with Claire.
“Sammy, you better take extra good care of my Claire bear, while we’re gone.” Dean says patting him on the back.
“Don’t worry Dean, she’s in good hand.” Eileen tells him.
“Yeah, Dean. You know I love Claire with all my heart.” Sam tells him.
“Hey Claire.” Dean says.
Claire stops dancing and runs to her dad. Dean scoops her up and hugs her tight, “You be good for Uncle Sam, okay?” He asks.
She nods, “Yes, daddy.”
“Good, now give me a kiss.” She kisses her dad and Dean hands her to Cas.
“Okay my little angel. You be good. We’ll see you in a week. We love you.” Cas tells her hugging her tight.
Claire kisses his cheek, “I love you to dada. Now please put me down so I can dance!”
Cas chuckles and sets her down, she runs back to Eileen and grabs her hand and continues to dance.
“She’s going to sleep so good tonight. Remember Sam, no letting her stay up late, no matter how much she begs.” Dean says.
Sam rolls his eyes and hugs his brother, “Yeah, yeah. Now you two better get going before you miss you flight. I’ll see you in a week.”
Dean nods and watches Sam and Cas hug. Cas returns to Deans side and grabs his hand and they run out of the room with everyone applauding.
When they arrive at the airport, Dean is shocked when he finds out Cas is taking him to Paris.
“But, how-,” he starts, “-thank you.” He says kissing Cas on the cheek.
Cas smiles, “We might only get to see Paris for a day or two though.” He tells him.
Dean looks confused, “Why?”
Cas kisses his husband’s cheek and whispers in his ear and grabs his husband’s ass, “Because, I don’t plan on leaving our hotel room.”
Dean gulps and nods. God, can we be alone already. Dean thinks to himself.
They arrive in Paris and the first thing they do is make love all over their hotel room. They start as soon as they walk into the room with Dean pinning Cas against the wall and taking him right then and there.
Then they make love of the sofa.
Then they end up on the floor.
Next is the shower and Jacuzzi tub.
Then they make their way out to the balcony and Dean fucks Cas right against the railing, both not caring who see or hears them.
And then they finally make it to the bed.
They both are laying on their backs, hands intertwined panting and sated.
“Dean, you’ve been holding back.” Cas says after catching his breath.
Dean rolls on his side and props himself up on his elbow, “Yeah, well when we have a three-year-old that takes ninety percent of our time and hunting takes up the other ten percent, it’s hard to let loose like that.”
Cas rolls on his side and places his hand on Deans hip, “I know. We haven’t had much time for ourselves.” He says softly rubbing circles on Dean’s hip.
“Hey,” Dean pauses waiting for Cas’s eyes to meet his, when Cas looks up he continues, “It’s okay. It happens. If you can’t tell, I still want you. I’ll always want you.” As if on cue, Dean’s dick hardens.
Cas chuckles, “I know. I know you do. We just have to make sure we make time for one another.”
Dean nods and climbs on top of Cas, “Now is a great time to start.” He says dipping his head and kissing Cas’s neck.
Cas chuckles, “Dean, we just finished having sex for the seventh time.”
Dean nips his neck and nuzzles it with his nose, “So? Are you telling me you don’t want me, Mr. Winchester?”
Mr. Winchester, Cas loves the sound of that, “No, Mr. Winchester. In fact, I’d love it if you’d make love to me.” he says softly.
Dean pulls back and cups Cas’s cheek, “I love you.” He whispers and captures Cas’s lips with his own.
They spend the first two days of their honeymoon in their hotel room making love.
On third day they go exploring and don’t return until later.
On the fourth day Cas takes Dean to the Eiffel Tower. They spend the day climbing the stairs to the top and their day having dinner there.
On the fifth day Cas wants to tour The Louvre and the Notre Dam-de Paris.
On the sixth day they walk the streets of Paris and have dinner at a quiet little restaurant.
Over dinner Cas decides to bring up an email he received.
“Dean.” Cas says after taking a sip of his wine.
“Yeah?” He asks.
Cas grabs his phone and opens his email, “I received an email from the adoption agency, where we got Claire.” He tells him.
“Okay, and?”
“And, Claire’s birth mother is pregnant and wants us to adopt the baby after it’s born.” He says, sliding his phone over to Dean so he can view the email. 
Dean grabs Cas’s phone and reads the email. When he’s finished he hands Cas his phone and smiles.
“So, what are your thoughts?” Cas asks.
Dean reaches his hand across the table and Cas places his hand in Deans, “Let’s do it.” He says smiling.
Cas perks up, “Really?” He asks.
Dean nods, “Yes, I want to adopt Claire’s sibling.”
Cas smiles, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They finish their dinner and head back to the hotel room.
The next morning, they wake up and pack before they head to the airport.
They are sad to be leaving, but they can’t wait to get home and see their daughter.
When they pull into the bunkers garage, before Dean can put the impala in park Cas is throwing himself out the Car and running into the bunker.
Dean shakes his head, parks the car, and leaves the bags in the trunk.
He enters the bunker and sees Cas hugging Claire.
When Claire sees Dean, she asks Cas to put her down and comes running over to him, “DADDY!” She screams throwing herself into his arms.
He scoops her up and hugs her tight, “Hi, Sweetheart.”
When they pull into the bunkers garage, before Dean can put the impala in park Cas is throwing himself out the Car and running into the bunker.
Dean shakes his head, parks the car, and leaves the bags in the trunk.
He enters the bunker and sees Cas hugging Claire.
When Claire sees Dean, she asks Cas to put her down and comes running over to him, “DADDY!” She screams throwing herself into his arms.
He scoops her up and hugs her tight, “Hi, Sweetheart.”
“I missed you.” She says.
“And we missed you. Now tell me, where you good for uncle Sam?” He asks softly.
Claire nods, “I didn’t even ask him to stay up past my bed time. And I kept my room clean.”
Dean nods, “Where is uncle Sam?”
She points to the hallway, “Him and aunt Eileen are in my room. We were playing barbies. But he’s not as good as you and dad.” She whispers.
Dean chuckles and sets her down. She takes off towards her room.
Dean holds his hand out to Cas and he walks over and links their fingers. They walk down the hall and enter Claire’s room.
“Uncle Sam, you can’t put those shoes with that dress.” Claire tells Sam.
“Yes, you can! They match the dress perfectly!” He argues.
“Gee Sam, I didn’t peg you as a fashion expert.” Dean chuckles. 
Sam whips his head and sees Dean and Cas standing in the doorway, “Hey! Your back!”
They enter the room and sit on the floor between Sam and Eileen, “Yeah, we are. Hi Eileen.” Dean says, signing hi to Eileen.
“Hi Dean. Welcome back Mr. and Mr. Winchester.” She says.
“How was Paris?” Sam asks.
Dean and Cas share a smile, “Amazing.” They say in unison.
Sam cringes, “Next time, I won’t ask.”
Dean places a hand on his shoulder, “Oh come on Sammy. When you and Eileen get married, you’ll be doing the same thing.”
“Ha, yeah.” Sam says.
Cas clears his throat, “We have something important to tell you both.”
Sam and Eileen lean in and Cas and Dean share a look, “We got an email saying Claire’s birth mom is expecting again. And she asked us to adopt the baby. She doesn’t want anyone else.” They explain.
“And?” Sam asks.
“And, we decided we’re going to.” They say together.
Eileen and Sam smile, “Congratulations!” They say together.
“Thanks. We still have to tell Claire.” Dean says.
“But we agreed to do it in a special way.” Cas explains.
Sam and Eileen nod and agree to keep quiet about it.
They spend the rest of the day catching up and spending time with their daughter.
A week later Dean and Cas make an appointment with the adoption agency and Claire’s birth mother.
They find out she’s due in a couple of weeks and is having a boy.
So, after Dean and Cas go to the baby store and purchases everything they will need for a newborn, plus more. All the furniture will be delivered later that day. So, they go and get decorations for the nursery and a bunch of baby clothes.
Before they head home, they stop at the t-shirt store to pick up the custom t-shirt they made for Claire.
When they get home, they leave everything besides the t-shirt in the car.
Claire is sitting in her room, playing with her kitchen set when Dean and Cas enter.
“Claire bear.” Dean says in a sing song voice.
“Yes, daddy?” She says turning around.
“Come here, we have a present for you.”
Claire runs over and excitedly holds her hands out. Dean takes the bag out from behind his back and hands it to Claire.
Dean and Cas grip each other tight and smile brightly at her.
She rips the tissue paper out of the bag and pulls out the purple shirt with butterflies on it.
“It’s so pretty! Thank you!” She tells them.
“Read what is says, Claire.” Cas tells her.
She holds it up and reads it out loud, “Big Sister. What does that mean?” She asks them.
Dean and Cas kneel, so they are eye level with her, “Well honey, that means you’re going to have a little sibling in a couple of weeks.” Dean says softly.
“What daddy means is, we are adopting a baby boy. You’re going to be a big sister.” Cas explains.
She looks at them and smiles, “Really?” she asks.
They nod, “Yes really.”
She squeals and throws her little arms around their necks, “I am so happy!”
A few weeks later, they get a phone call in the middle of the night saying Claire’s mother is in labor with their son.
Dean and Cas jump out of bed and get dressed.
They wake up Sam and Eileen to tell them the exciting news and tell them they will call when the baby is here, so they can bring Claire out to meet her brother.
Dean speeds to the hospital and go in to tell Claire’s mother she’ll do great and to thank her for choosing them to adopt her son.
A few hours later a nurse comes out to the waiting room to tell Dean and Cas their son is waiting to meet them.
They follow her into a little room and the nurse picks the baby up out of the bassinet and hands him to Dean.
“At 7:43 am on September 19th, your son was born. He weighed in at 8lbs 7oz and 19 and 1/2 inches long.” The nurse tells him.
Dean and Cas look down and their beautiful, healthy son and they start crying.
“What do you plan on naming him?” She asks, clipboard in hand.
Dean and Cas share a look and Dean nods, “Jack Winchester.” Cas tells her.
The lady nods, “You’ll be able to take him home in a few days. We want to make sure he’s all good to go and go over the procedures with you on how to change a diaper, bottle feed him and so forth.” She explains.
They nod, and she exits the room giving them privacy.
Dean hands Jack to Cas and pulls out his phone to call Sam.
Before he calls Sam, he snaps a picture of Cs holding Jack and looking at him lovingly.
He calls Sam and tells him to bring Claire out whenever she wakes up.
A few hours later Sam, Eileen, and Claire arrive at the hospital.
Cas goes out to meet them and brings them to the room.
Dean’s holding Jack while Cas comes in the room holding Claire, Sam and Eileen following close behind.
Dean looks at Claire, “Hi, sweetheart. Dad and I have someone we want you to meet.”
Cas comes over with Claire and she stares at the sleeping baby.
“Claire, this is your baby brother Jack.” Dean tells her softly.
“Jack? I like that name.” She says.
Dean and Cas chuckle, “Good to know.”
“Can I give him a kiss?” She asks.
Dean nods and holds Jack, so Claire can give her brother a kiss. When she does they hear a click of a camera and looks at Eileen.
“Sorry, I brought my camera. I wanted to capture some shots of you guys with Jack and Claire meeting him.”
Dean and Cas smile, grateful someone thought to capture the precious moment and spend some time getting their pictures taken.
After Sam and Eileen leaves, Dean and Cas are sitting on the couch in the room.
Claire is snuggled in Cas’s arms, and Jack is cuddled in Deans arms.
Dean looks at his beautiful family, “What did I do to get so lucky to have such a beautiful family?” He asks softly.
Cas lays his head on Dean’s shoulder, “Just by being you, Dean.”
Dean smiles and kisses the top of Cas’s head, “I love you, Cas.”
“I love you too, Dean.”
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enibly · 3 years
DCOM and Dessert: The Cheetah Girls
here begins my livewatch of the The Cheetah Girls.
first observation: this feels like just yesterday! this movie does not look old at all
i would totally wear any of their outfits even today. I used to want to dress like Aqua as a kid but now I think I kinda dress like Chanel
Raven doing a Jamaican accent, oh no
Galleria’s mom: “comin’ up with this cheetah chatter!”
“ka ching ka ching, bling bling bling”
this movie is so quotable
I think Chanel was my favorite character when I first watched this (which was the world premiere in August 2003!) and I think she’s still my favorite character- what a sweet kid~
I still feel sad seeing Chanel’s mom being too self-absorbed to pay attention to her daughter :(  hits too close to home in some ways :(((
ewwww this guy is so gross (and I think Galleria knows this in her gay heart)
ok there’s like waaaay too much to liveblog about this movie. i may have to stop just so i can watch properly. plus Cinderella is coming up!!!!!!!!!! what a jam!!!!!!!!!!
oh my gosh, I just learned that Drinka is played by a trans actress! <3
Galleria’s mom is such a power player, wow. i would love to have her as a boss, but damn is she intense as a mom
ok so they’re making upside down cheetah mini-cakes for the baking portion. should... should i be making this right now?
ad time: hmm kidz-bop must have slim pickings cause they’re releasing an all-time greatest hits cd instead of their usual kidz bop vol. 300
galleria and her mom fighting... could use some NVC skills
reminds me of me and mom when we fight... we could use some NVC skills
oh no Chanel’s mom just dropped the bomb of moving like that??!?!? not ok
Galleria’s award-winning solution: “tell her no chance, no dance”
Galleria really wants money/luxury huh...
what about the art? what about the stage? i’m kinda getting the sense that what she really wants is to be a producer or agent (but she has such a talent for songwriting!)
Galleria: “if he can’t respect my art, he can’t have my heart“
also Aqua thinks that those rival upperclassmen are “fine” which is just nonsensical
aww Galleria and Chanel are such a cute pair <3
but will Galleria’s ambition tear them apart??!?
Jackal wants to record the track in just a week? hm
ok Galleria is so funny when she’s full of herself- being hilarious when being annoying is really Raven-Symone’s specialty as an actress
does chompcheetah.com work?
Aqua got way too mean girl when telling Chanel to reign her wife, i mean best friend, in. I remember thinking that was not good friend behavior when I was little
ad break: hahahaha Skye Katz has a commercial with Tony the Tiger. I don’t know why that’s kinda fun
apparently some people have gotten promo boxes for DCOM and Dessert?? how are they getting these???
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photo credit: https://twitter.com/minkus/status/1381684466150600705
oh Galleria, if only you had better interpersonal skills...
Dorinda dance time [music emoji]
Chanel is a precious baby <3  stop neglecting her Mama Chanel!!
ok, did “Breakthrough” ever get play on the radio? cause i swear i thought it was a regular, non-Cheetah Girls song cause I heard it so much. am i just imagining this? am i confusing it with those other dozens of songs like it that were on 2003 radio?
Dorinda having a crisis about what race she is didn’t make sense to me when I was little, but I totally get what she means now
aww, the Cheetah Girls are a chosen family <3
and Dorinda and Chanel are such a sweet pair <3
oh my god i forgot about that cd cover BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Galleria is so transparent
snapshot of the music exec’s pitch: “kids love endangered species. kids wanna party.” classic
also dude you’re an adult putting your arms around a teen girl. GET OFF HER!!!
this film is definitely missing several scenes where Galleria shoves these dudes’ arms off her
made mistakes before, but
i know i’m not perfect,
but it’s ok cause
i SO wanted Aqua’s outfit in “Girl Power” when i was a kid
also, the bridges in all these rock. i mean, EVERY part of each of these songs is incredible, but i’m always amazed by how strong those bridges are in particular
i know that “All Around the World” is supposed to be cheap pop schlock, but like, I love cheap pop schlock so I don’t hate it heh
Aqua’s going mean girl again :/  the way she communicates really stresses me out
I can’t believe this movie is over halfway done! it goes so fast!!!
hmm, Chanel it’s lovely that’s you want to show that you’re grateful to your mom, but like, I think you have some problems you still need to talk about. you gotta speak your truth! she needs to hear in detail about all the things that have been bothering you!
now everyone on twitter is getting all emotional watching the Cheetah Girls, and you know, i feel it- this movie gets really real
wait, for this recipe for upside down cheetah cakes, are these cakes or english muffins?? they do not look like what i expected
time for Galleria’s soulful piano ballad in the auditorium. very theatre kid of her
ah, blond kid doesn’t like pop music, i see. he will never fit in with a gay like Galleria.
Galleria’s talking about lipsynching like she was asked to dance with the devil at midnight
now blond kid is trying to tell Galleria about the path of a true artist. these kids!
the detail of Galleria’s favorite movie being The Wizard of Oz is really cute tho
wow, they got Global Get Down to market in like, 2 days. what kind of racket is Jackal Johnson running?
Galleria just slammed into a cop and made him drop his donut: Cheetah Girls say ACAB
never mind, the police are helping get Toto out- they responded way more positively to a black teen in a pink cheetah print jumpsuit than they would in real life. Cheetah Girls do not say ACAB :(
bahahahahahaha Sonic Chaos is on stage- white boy’s rapping. how can he say that Galleria’s pop music is fluff when this is his work???!?!?!? what a hypocrite. or... he’s trying to mess with Galleria’s head to take her out of the competition!!!! insidious
ppppfpfpfajipfeqpsihqpeihvdapiejdvpajfiodacj the white boy’s dance moves!!!!!! SO LAME BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Trinka was about to tell us a story about going to the movies with the Captain and Tennille and I’m kinda curious?
the way the power comes on and then Galleria’s face is blown up on screen is so funny ahahahaha
all the adults in this movie are so New York heh
hooray Toto is saved by the power of music!!
when blond boy isn’t posturing, he’s ok actually, but he is really posturing almost all the time. also he’s supposed to be a sophomore in high school but he looks like he’s 24. ah well, whatever
time for a ballad of sisterhood in the streets T-T
chills down my spine
ghahahahahahaha I forgot about that guitar solo
oh my gosh what a song to end on though!!!
and with all the smoke and lights and the choreo aaaaaaa
wait i totally forgot about this dance break, except for Toto’s dance in it
“Cheetah Girls, Cheetah Sisters” = an anthem of cross-community solidarity
cheetah por vida indeed
hooray they won the talent show!!! and everyone’s happy about it!!!
but guys, I think Jackal Johnson might have hung up by now
and what sparkly beautiful fireworks to end on <3
what a wonderful film!!!!!!!!!!!!
also i want to look up some of the other songs the music ppl on this film made cause, damn, they really did an INCREDIBLE JOB!!!!!!
(also i was hoping there would be some interview portions but it’s ok- when it comes to the cheetah girls, we’ve already got plenty of hot goss)
and that’s the end! AND ZENON IS NEXT WEEK I CANT WAIT
0 notes
kandjimagines-blog · 7 years
just the beginning // (h.w imagine)
Anonymous said: Harrison where he gives you a promise ring
       Harrison and I haven’t dated as long as some couples, there’s no use pretending that we’re goals because we’ve only been together for five months. However, when I found a bag from the jewelry store in the trash, I started thinking about it more. Harrison’s always been a perfect gentleman, a hopeless romantic, everything I do, to him, is lovely and wonderful, we hardly fight and we’re always doing things together. I hide the bag back in the trash and Harrison walks past me in the kitchen, “What are ya up to?” “I dunno, just looking for something to eat.” “In the trash?” I giggle nervously and he opens his pantry for me, “Wanna split some crisps?” “Sure.” We walk back over to his couch, lounging together and eating a bag of chips together. He looks at me, “You look a little sneaky love, what’s up?” “What do you mean?” “You just look like you’ve got something to say.” He leans back, admiring me, “You’re so beautiful.” “Thanks Harrison, so are you.” He laughs a little, “Thank you.” I kiss his cheek and I shrug, “I guess I’m just thinking a lot.” “Hopefully about good stuff?” “Very good stuff.” He smiles, pleased with that answer as he lays back on the couch, smiling at me as we turn on the TV.
       It’s dark out when Harrison looks to me, “Let’s go into town.” “What? Why?” “Just to explore.” He’s always so adventurous, I grin, “Alright.” I look at my basic lazy day outfit, “Should I get changed?” He shrugs, “I’m going to, but you don’t have to.” He looks good enough as is, very handsome in this sort of sleepy way. We go upstairs to his room, picking out clothes for each other to wear and I cant help but think about that bag I found in the trash, I can’t ask though, maybe I’m forgetting something, maybe it’s his mother’s birthday soon and he got her some earrings, that’d make sense, wouldn’t it?
        We get dressed and we walk downstairs together, Anderson’s on the couch and he turns, “Where are you guys going?” “Into town, wanna come?” Harrison looks to me, opening his mouth to say something but instead is quiet, smiling softly at me as Anderson stands, “Yeah! I wanna go into town and get a new phone case.” Harrison looks annoyed but has grown quiet as he grabs his keys and we walk out to the car, Anderson and I fighting over the passenger seat but I let Anderson have it, giving Harrison a sheepish grin as I get into the backseat and we drive off. It takes us only a couple minutes and we’re right in the heart of town, shops lining the entire street and Anderson directs Harrison, “Open space over there! Harrison over there!” “Bean if you yell one more time I swear-” “HARRISON!” Anderson’s shouting, pointing at an open space as Harrison parks, looking irritated now as we all get out of the car, he takes my hand and he points to this fountain in the middle of the town, “Let’s go over there.” “Harrison, the shop’s over there thoooough-” “Anderson why don’t you go get your case and then meet up with us, we’ll be over there.” We split up, Harrison holding my hand as we walk to the fountain, sitting on the edge of it together.
           Harrison’s silent, just looking around and I nudge him, “I hope you’re not mad that I invited your brother.” “It’s alright, I did kind of want it to be just us though.” “Why’s that?” He shrugs it off, “No reason.” He puts his arm around me, kissing me gently and I decide it’s now or never, “Is it your mom’s birthday soon?” Harrison raises an eyebrow, “No? Why?” “I found this...I dunno, it’s silly now that I think about it but I saw this bag in the trash and-” “What bag?” “The bag from the jewelry store.” Now Harrison’s the one to blush, “You saw that?” “Yeah, so I was worried I had forgotten her-” “Babe her birthday’s months away.” “Oh.” He kisses my forehead, “I got something for you.” “For me?” He nods slowly, pulling away with me and pulling something from his pocket, a box, a blue velvet box, I can’t help but start to think, “Oh Harrison-” “It’s not what you think, why don’t you open it?” I open it, seeing a ring inside and my first instinct is to spout on about how we’ve only been dating for five months and my family would kill me if I got engaged this fast and Harrison laughs, “No no, it’s not an engagement ring.” “Huh?” “It’s...well, it’s a promise ring.” He blushes, looking kind of embarrassed, “I know it’s dumb but, I saw it and I knew that it’d be perfect...” He takes the box from my hand and takes the ring out, slipping it on my finger and I can’t help but to start tearing up, “For fucksake, making me cry...” “You’re gonna make me cry,” His own brown eyes are watering as he wipes his eyes, “You mean so much to me, and all I’m trying to say is, that I promise to love you, forever.” “I’ll love you forever too.” He kisses me, “You’re just everything to me, you are the most beautiful, most talented person I’ve ever met.” I kiss his cheek and he hugs me close, “Do you like it?” I look at the ring on my finger, it’s silver, very sparkly with a diamond in the middle, small but beautiful, I hug around his neck, “You’re the cutest boyfriend ever.” “I love you.” “I love you more.” I kiss him again, sitting with him and excitedly taking photos with him, god it feels so good to know he’s just as crazy about me.
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