#you ever think abt how that's something she went thru
bleachbleachbleach · 5 months
Saw your reblog on tragic unrequited platonic love and technically, that trope definitely applies to the betrayed trio, especially on Hinamori’s end (depends on whether or not you subscribe to the view that she was crushing on Aizen). The way I saw it in my initial viewing of bleach, it was more of the type of intense admiration for an authority figure that can be misconstrued as a crush cuz you (the devotee) lack the ways to properly articulate it. Like how u feel abt the rlly cool English teacher u sometimes eat lunch with before they get arrested for like fraud or something. After experiencing the Horrors, of course Kira and Hinamori are going to imprint hard on the first semblance of stability and symbol of safety at the time. So that what they went thru meant something. Also, let me take this moment to briefly gush abt the headcanon u presented in the B3 fic cinematic universe abt hinamori’s fixating on squad 5 because it offers her the knowledge beyond her town that she’s lowkey seeking + the values she wants to strive towards (source: from afar). These nerds just wanted to be mentored so badddd!! Thus, the reveal of the fact that they were only a means to an end, specifically chosen on where they fall on the “easy to manipulate” scale hits HARDER. All that devotion?? Loss of work life balance and for WHATTT? Extended medical leave ? 😭 oh bleach my fave workplace sitcom AND workplace drama u will always be famous
PS: thank u for tagging me in that post!! In the process of drafting my response. It was so lovely of you.
You're right! That totally works here. It's interesting because (and I'll just focus on Hinamori here, because otherwise I'd feel compelled to honor the distinctions between her and Aizen vs. Kira and Ichimaru and Hisagi and Tousen, and this would probably end up reading very convolutedly) I think it kind of asks a question about when the platonic pining would have happened.
Is the pining part of suddenly realizing the disjuncture between what Hinamori thought something was and what Aizen did, and mourning something lost (and something that never really was)?
Or was there also pining when things were Good? We see Aizen be reassuring to Hinamori and generous with his time, etc. and we see Hinamori happy to receive from him, and quite devoted both to her VCship as well as to Aizen on a person level (or as he put it, "as a man" lol). We know she's well-respected by her division, and esteemed by her colleagues (okay, Kira and Hitsugaya may have some bias in this arena, but they both describe her as highly skilled).
But was she needed? Was she doing, and did she get the opportunity to do, things that Aizen couldn't do better? Did she have opportunities to express things that Aizen found interesting or outside of his expertise? Even as they are not equals--and there is no expectation that they should be--in the most fruitful mentorships, both parties have things to teach and learn.
Did Hinamori ever look at other Captain/VC relationships and yearn for pieces of what those looked like to her? Nanao would probably say "god i hope not" because Kyouraku's "reliance" on her often takes the shape of her having to do all the busywork and also herd cats, but in spite of this there's an intimacy there, an openness or trust, that Hinamori might yearn for. And that's taking Kyouraku--shadowy and full of many surfaces himself--into account. Hitsugaya and Matsumoto also have something that both Hitsugaya and Matsumoto probably complain about to Hinamori, but there's a degree of mutualism and collaboration to whatever's going on at the 10th that Hinamori might not mind a taste of, too. Renji has been Byakuya's VC for a month but Hinamori has probably already thought to herself "Kuchiki-taichou let him do WHAT" at least twice. Even though Byakuya is Byakuya, judging by how they handled their "meeting Ichigo in the street" mission, it seems like Byakuya lets Renji have his little projects. Like Renji is part of his investment portfolio and Byakuya feels very comfortable considering Renji a volatile but potentially valuable property and in order to get that ROI you need to stick with him through several honorless tech startup busts and commit long-term to the thing. Er, but I digress. My point is, Renji gets projects. "Develop training menu." Creative opportunity! With a result that has Renji all over it.
Does Hinamori get projects? Does it ever feel like she's pushing the envelope of what the 5th can be and how it can function on her own, without it being something Aizen already predicted the outcome of, or was actually his idea that he let her propose and take nominal ownership of anyway? Despite being completely blindsided by the actuality of Aizen, was there already that sense of inevitability/Aizen all over everything that happens at the 5th? (Competing, of course, with Hinamori's self-concept as a creative person; and her love of Aizen as a person, not just as a boss and mentor; and feeling as though she just needs to excel more and be creative better and she'll eventually meet this need she feels--it's not the environment that's the issue. She's happy here. Mostly. She doesn't need to leave, she simply needs to surpass--)
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camphorror · 2 months
ok so hello people of tumblr. who wants to know what happened since i last regularly posted here????
i became friends with this girl at work i was loooowkey crushing on, we became too close way too quickly. she confided in me a month and a half into out friendship how she had a crush on a***d which caused her a sexuality crisis bc she was convinced she was gay until then. i felt weird but loved her too much to let something silly like this ruin the friendship. he started hanging out with us, i felt real fucking baaaaaad. life situations led me into telling a***d i liked him for ages. he said we're too good friends to ruin it, we're beyond that point! if i had said something earlier then maybe! then i found out he liked her!!! but he decided because of me he would stop talking to her!! i was living thru insanity bc of it. then me and him spent a month and a half being friends but also more than friends? but also "it's just good friends it's nothing romantic bc i said i don't feel the same i don't wanna ruin it you're one of the utmost important people in my life up there with my childhood friends blahblah" and we cuddled and hugged every time we met, texted every day after work until late at night, went thru a kissing/making out one evening after drinking a lot of alcohol drama. he initiated all of this!!! always!! i was in this weird grey area and thought everything is Fine because i know it's not a good idea
then almost a month ago he decided to ask her out! he didn't tell me in advance (despite the fact i told him if you ever choose to act about your feelings just say so). she did not tell me about it despite me being transparent with her all along, and despite telling me she thinks friendship is more important than all of this. so this went on for a week and a half, without me being told, whilst i was feeling weird asf and convincing myself i'm going crazy because of my anxiety bc everything was Normal. and then i found out thursday march 28th (haha a month ago exactly.. what a coincidence) because we were together and he said he can't wait for a "right time" like she wanted to. all of life collapsed from the feeling of betrayal from and anger at both of them. first i hated her, now i realised i hate him because he was at fault for all this messed up shit and took zero responsibility the one time we talked. i gave 2 of them chances to talk as some closure and we haven't spoken since. i truly hate him and think he's a shit person.
took a whole week off work after that first happened. was depressed at home. one day i decided to dress nicely and go meet my friend who just came back from abroad at the city of christ..... told her everything. then she took me to see a cool hostel i'd like bc it's in an ancient building. guy who works there studied with us but i didn't remember him lol. we talked & had wine then i got tipsy i overshared everything. he was the most charming and cute person i met.... (& a proper proper leftist too). we spent 3 hours there with him despite my friend wanting to kill me bc that WASN'T the plan. he was overly friendly, had a very interesting vibe.. esp abt the situation... then he told me how he's going abroad the next day and perhaps is gonna break up with his ldr gf... we sat together whilst my friend was in another room/on the side on her phone (I APOLOGISED PROFOUNDLY) and he even showed me pics of him from the gym... my biggest regret is when we left, had food with my friend and just got on the bus, he texted me on ig that i should come back to say bye again.. i didnt... then he came back from abroad last week and sort of said if i got the time i should come visit.. so of ci did lol but the Vibe was gone (as like... he didnt break up with the gf and therefore there was no vibe & i was fine with it lol). he asked me if i want him to teach me how to fight and i said yeah so besides updating him again on my woes we also literally fought with each other which was fucking fun. like he was properly teaching me what to do in a fight. i'm still feeling sore (that was 2 days ago) he is so cool and i wanna be his friend now that i am not cr*shing on him...
besides that life is still grim and i am going back to work in a day and gonna have to see those 2 people who ruined my life again aaaaand i know my mental health will take a dive. what do you even do when this shit happens
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dootznbootz · 5 months
hi! im so curious abt whether or not you have any hcs/thoughts abt when helen and penelope found out abt what happened to agamemnon and then later clytemnestra? (srry if youve answered smth similar before! i looked thru the tags and didnt seem to find anything)
With Penelope, I kind of have it planned where I go into a bit with how Nauplius, the father of Palamedes, goes and fucks with the other kings by going to their homelands and telling their wives they're bringing back a new bride so that the queens would, you know, take on a lover or boot out the king when he comes back.
I think it's funny af that Palamedes' dad went around trying to fuck with the other king's kingdoms and it worked as most of their wives had affairs but then you have Penelope, the WIFE of the guy who set your son up to get murdered, and she wasn't buying it. Got revenge on all the kings except for the one who was truly responsible because his wife was too cool.
I love imagining him trying to convince Penelope, who's already like "You're telling me, my husband, the embodiment of simping, is going to replace me? When he knows I'm the best thing that ever happened to him?"
But when she realizes who this man is??? She's fucking FURIOUS. this is the father of the man who put their CHILD in such a dangerous situation and is the reason why her husband is away from her. She throws him out but Nauplius gets to Odysseus' parents and...tells them he died. He lied so at least he could hurt Odysseus in some way at least...Also Ironic as Palamedes I'm pretty sure is a distant descendant of Poseidon. There's something there >:D
But idk for sure how EXACTLY I'm going to have it go down but I like the thought of the family at least COMMUNICATING and sometimes visiting each other. Maybe Penelope visiting Hermione as her auntie kind of. Maybe visiting her siblings, mother, and father (until he tries to convince her to remarry again. then she avoids him :( ). Same with Clytemnestra. And idk for SURE but everyone has an inkling that she's having an affair with Aegisthus but no one knows for sure. Penelope tries to bring up Nauplius but...isn't able to get anywhere (can't spoil everything!)
When she finds out what happens it's a "I KNEW IT!" and anger as she's saddened as she cared for both these people so much as she grew up with them nearby. First Helen was kidnapped, her husband is gone, she can't see her siblings as often, now another person she grew up with and cared about is not only dead but also the one who killed them was another person she cared about! And she doesn't know how Ithaca, being a smaller island as a whole, could help their children. She's sad for them but also knows that she already has so much on her plate that she can't really help them. (also somewhat selfish :P Her and Odysseus are like-minded)
There's a part of me that thinks that, being the somewhat "I will do whatever I have to do to get on top" part of her would just "play along" to get resources from Mycenae while deep down feeling like "There will be consequences" or she would completely ignore and no longer do things with them until Orestes takes it back. She's got a lot going on with the suitors as well so idk for sure yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WITH HELEN, that's much more complicated. She's been gone so long, and has to worry about getting back to her kingdom and looking forward to seeing her family again only to realize that some of her family has done something horrendous. Her sister killed her Brother-in-law! Menelaus' brother!! She grew up caring for Agamemnon as well! And also her husband is grieving!!! There is...SO MUCH going on. She's probably able to grieve a bit while in Egypt (because if I remember correctly they find out through Proteus, yeah?) There's grief for the sister she knew. She was ripped away from Hermione, how could her own sister not only kill her husband, but also send her children away and be so horrible to them?! But kind of in the same way as Penelope, so much on their plate with just returning, that they don't know how much they can do until later. I don't think they would be willing to do any sort of interaction with Mycenae afterward though. :P
Little side thing, but since I love MenOdy's BROTP, I'd like to think that Menelaus, being told by Proteus, a deity, where Odysseus was at, was kind of "mind-wiped" until Telemachus comes as "it's not the right time yet" with the gods. Menelaus and Helen realize afterward of "HoLY FUCK WE SHOULD'VE TOLD PENELOPE!!!" as they care about both Odysseus and Penelope. Also doesn't help that yeah, gotten news about bro/brother in law being murdered so there's a LOT going on. but I don't like to think they simply forgot??? when for one thing, I plan to write them as all very close?? NO >:(
It was just prophecy shit of "Hey, it HAS to be 20 years, mm'kay?"
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chocolatespyro · 9 months
Me learning to not give people the benefit of the doubt when they've been given the benefit of the doubt about 50 times already
(III 15 edition. Spoilers under the cut if you still haven't seen it somehow.)
EDIT: Took out the part about them not mentioning her disability since Bot does say that they wouldn't want Cabby to forget iirc, also about them not thinking kids would understand disability since I wasn't happy with those points and I feel they were inaccurate or somewhat off-topic. That's pretty much it though.
The more I think abt it the more I can see how the Bot apology sucks lmaoooo
Dunno if this was a point made on Twitter (I've heard there's been discontent there? I dont have Twitter tho but I'd LOVE to hear more from other Cabby fans abt what's going on there. u can leave comments on this post if u want or u can just rb and do it thru tags.)
Anyways, to my main points: Bot just says they're sorry for... forcing Cabby to get permission to use her files?
What about them lying to Cabby? I don't believe they ever really apologized for that. OR TOLD HER THAT THEY LIED??
Bot also doesn't really apologize for the other main points people were upset for I think?
I don't think bot ever really takes full accountability for judging Cabby either. No one does really. Like... at least an
"I'm sorry. I really screwed up, and so did a lot of the other contestants. We were too harsh and judgmental towards you for no reason, and our insecurities shouldn't have gotten in the way of you being able to remember. This was supposed to be a fun and welcoming environment and vacation... but it became a nightmare for you instead. I know this won't make up for all the damage done, but I hope this file is useful to you."
(maybe reworded some to fit Bot's personality better, but the apology shouldn't have just been this quick one-off moment taken to the side like in canon.)
To kinda add to the above, I also think it would've been nice if Bot fully noticed and acknowledged HOW other people haven't been treating Cabby very kindly too by giving examples of where nobody stood up for her. Lifering was a great supportive person in the episode, but Bot was there for some of the shit that was pulled against Cabby, ESPECIALLY in episode 7. I so wish that that was acknowledged here. And the fact that Test Tube went directly behind Cabby's back to do that. Where does Bot think Test Tube got those files from?
There's also the fact that Test Tube never approaches to apologize for judging Cabby for no reason. Like she just stares at Cabby and Bot hugging for a few seconds after Bot apologizes that's it. And she... doesn't accuse Cabby. That's the barest fucking minimum she could've done.
Also... the "inaccurate depictions" thing wasn't even true outside of Baseball's file... and that was a bunch of contrived bs. Like Suitcase literally had this whole thing where she stood up to Nickel and I guess... Cabby glossed over that somehow??? I can't suspend my disbelief this much sorry all. Idk where the "Manipulated by Balloon" shit came from. Correct me if I'm wrong bcus I haven't seen season 2.
The only reason why it was inaccurate with Bot is because Cabby thought Bot was Bow, something Cabby IMMEDIATELY corrected herself on. Bot coulda just... reminded Cabby that it wasn't her fault because she didn't know Bot and Bow were two different objects and told Cabby to just... start a new file like others said??? So that shit didn't make sense.
The apology just... kinda feels shallow. Cabby didn't do anything wrong here. She's beaten herself up over this shit. It just hurts to watch.
Bot only really apologized for a single thing and we don't get any acknowledgement towards the lying or the mistreatment or Cabby destroying Bow's file as some sort of garbage symbolism attempt.
Bot's apology was kinda supposed to tie everything together and top everything off nicely in a better and at least slightly more satisfying way than whatever the fuck 14 did, but it just... doesn't. It barely acknowledges the issues. They don't really show how seriously they screwed up with Cabby.
I wanna believe that AE has the best intentions here, but they're on very thin ice in my eyes. If they screw up any next steps with Cabby and/or never address Cabby's issues with Test Tube ever again, I think I'm done having any kind of faith in AE. Even Cabby winning wouldn't save it.
Yeah sorry this got really depressing, this situation is just sad
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the fuck you MEAN Lila’s hair is a wig?!
- a person who refuses to go back to watching mlb but is still curious about the wackassery of it all
She just puts on a wig and contact lenses for the lila persona or some shit. also she has a ton of wigs and colored contacts like shes in some kinda spy thriller shes insane shes constantly like undercover as like 5 different ppl idk
also she has two moms??? or like. lila rossi's mom and the Second (Secret) Mom??? (who uses sign language!! neat! :3) and i dont think lila rossis mom knows about her REAL(????) mom (sign language mom) but sign language mom knows abt lila rossi mom which makes me slightly concerned that lila/cerise stole the identity of the REAL lila rossi like a decade ago and has been living as a lila rossi stand-in for the past 10 years after she buried the body idfk lol (joke theory. not an actual theory. but lets just say that the fact that this "lila killed someone and stole their identity" theory is semi-believable is already enough to show how bonkers season 5 was)
but yea she just disguises herself like Constantly and turns out lila rossi was just one of her evil spy personas. she also has an evil spy basement lair with like hacking equipment or sth. and she used Remote Spy Manipulation (an earpiece and strategic wording lmfao) to manipulate chloe into becoming the mayor of paris for like a week. chloe then proceeded to sicc robot cops on everyone's asses
also also after gabriel kicked the bucket and went to heaven together with emelie or whatever the fuck nooroo's miraculous was lost (it fell into the water at the bottom of gabriel's evil basement) but its revealed at the end of the finale that surprise surprise! cerise/lila/weirdospygirl has the brooch and will presumably be the big bad for the foreseeable future. IF she survives being possessed or some shit. idk she got attacked by a white light or sth and she was like "GASP D:" and then the season ended ¯\_(:/)_/¯ 
other fun things that happened this season:
adrinette ACTUALLY CANON (NO YEA FOR REAL) ok ok so basically. at the start of s5 marinette gets a crush on chat noir and adrien crushes on marinette instead of ladybug. eventually marinette allows herself to love adrien again and adrinette slowly get together like halfway thru s5 or sth. everyone ships it. and no. they do NOT know each others secret identities :')
luka knows the identities of both chat noir and ladybug as established in... season 4...? iirc? unfortunately halfway thru s5 gabriel figured out that luka knows so luka fled the country and went on a fun father-son-crocodile bonding trip (so like. with jagged stone, penny, and fang) to become tibetan monks. under the guidance of master fu's superior who we got introduced to last season (one of the monks who were like magically frozen in stone for 150 years or whatever)
tikki and plag biblically accurate angels confirmed. they can combine into ANOTHER biblically accurate angel called gimmi. gimmi granted gabriel his wish and now the world ended, gabriel is dead, etc etc adrinette lives happily ever after or sth
oh yea also felix kagami and adrien are sentimonsters. if you remember last year on twitter when thomas astruc swore up and down that senti!adrien theory was bullshit? yea so. he lied. he played a longcon. felix and kagami are in a relationship and both know that theyre sentis but adrien is like,,,, VERY HEAVILY FUCKING IMPLIED to also be a sentimonster except he doesnt know that yet. rip adrien. i think marinette knows abt kagami and felix being sentimonsters!??!?!?!??!? it was a VERY confusing scene like felix and kagami explained it to marinette thru interpretative dance T_T
OH YEA ALSO ladybug (fused w the cat miraculous. i forgot what name she gave herself) WAIT NO. BUGNOIR OR SOMETHING. ok so bugnoir fought hawk SHIT NO shadowmoth one-on-one and discovered he was gabriel and also saw his evil lair and emilie in the fridge coffin yanno. but yea adrien doesnt know. gabriel died and paris assumes he was the hero who defeated haw-SHADOWMOTH and adrien thinks so too. marinette is i think? the only one who knows gabriel was the big bad. aside from lila/cerise bc she knows everything with her stupid evil spy skills 🙄 oh yea lila also got a hold of all of gabriels secret files, including his photocopies of the grimoire
ON THAT NOTE gabriel was suuuppeerrr manipulatively nice to adrien this season and nathalie came SOOOOO SO SO SOOO CLOSE to throttling him on like at LEAST 5 occasions bc she cares for adrien more than she does for gabriel and she was SO gaslight gatekeep girlboss this season it was great like shes a few hours away from dying herself and she STILL tried to shoot gabriel with a crossbow lmao
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jaeger-pups · 1 month
Zekeren scenario: Secret’s out?
Cw: just some femboy!eren, anti grisha, and brocon zekeren. if those aren’t your things that’s cool :)
E: So um. 😓
E: Dad saw the skirt.
E: The pretty pleated one you got me that came w the leg warmers?
Z: Ah. 🫤Uuh… everything ok?
E: Well he didn’t blow up
E: but he did ask a lot of questions
E: mom was folding laundry and… idk. I guess I didn’t think to get it out to tuck away in my room before he got in from work?
Z: What’d he ask?
E: I mean just like… the obvious things at first. Whether I’ve been sneaking anyone over; that kinda stuff.
Z: Reasonable.
E: right, which I told him I wasn’t but.
E: the thing is… I told mom. Last summer. About the whole… you know.
Z: About how you like skirts.
E: Yeah. Well just uh… like wearing pretty, aesthetic things in general ig. From time to time.
Z: Right, you’ve told me.
E: Yea. I was nervous but she let me talk around it for a bit before i finally told her
E: Dunno why I was so worried. she was more open minded ab it — even if she knew dad wouldn’t like it.
E: anyway, mom‘s keeping it secret (i told her I bought it myself last time I went out w Mikasa and Armin), but that’s what made it harder to lie to dad.
Z: Think you should’ve told him the truth? 😉
E: And give him reason to forbid I ever speak to you again? 😳
E: hard pass.
Z: Lol, So what’d you actually tell him?
E: At first that I didn’t know what he was talking ab
Z: He read thru that though.
E: ofc, and after so many questions I just told him it was Mikasa’s
Z: Decent save, at least
E: you’d think. Except Kasa and Jean have been dating for almost like six months now.
Z: Lol ur telling me our dear old man is aware of things that *don’t* pertain to his career? 😂
Z: I’m actually impressed.
E: Well he seems to be aware of that much, at least. Prolly doesn’t help Jean’s been over w her when we’ve hung out here a few times.
Z: Ah, so he didn’t believe you.
E: Worst. He literally asked me outright if i was hiding something from him😩
Z: Oh. 😶 what’d you tell him?
E: …I got kinda stuck ig. Couldn’t come up w/ a better lie.
Z: something happen?
E: I finally told him it was mine
E: but there was a lot of pressure, mind you! 😫
E: I didn’t wanna put mom in a tough spot if he asked her
Z: He flip out?
E: By that point he may as well have. He didn’t yell, but I could tell he was …surprised.
E: Or like idk, disappointed…? 😔
Z: hm …I’m sorry.
E: I mean it’s fine. It’s not like I expected him to think it was ok
Z: Still. If Carla could find a way to understand, he can too
E: yeah but I knew what to expect well before this point
E: I should’ve been more careful honestly. Secrets out now ig.
Z: His loss. Nothing wrong w what you wear. I liked the pictures you posted. You seemed happy.
E: I was. I mean it’s not like it hurts anyone. Mom even helps me w my hair for certain styles sometimes.
E: I think he’s more concerned abt his reputation 😓
Z: Isn’t he always?
E: yea but… this kinda like, stings? 😅 idk
E: I’m used to him being on the opposition when I wanna do anything different
E: but *this* makes me a little more self conscious I think?
E: idk what he’s more upset abt; that my clothing preference just isn’t 100% masculine or that I told him it’s not the first time I’ve worn something like it.
Z: lol trying to give the old man a heart attack?
E: Not even 🫤 Really thought I was just being transparent, if anything. Anyhow, *that* pissed him off.
Z: Oh? Things get bad?
E: He was all, “I won’t pretend it’s something I understand,” and all this crap ab generational differences. 🙄
E: then went all totalitarian on me w, “as long as you live in *my* home, you’ll dress aPPrOpRiAtEly.”
Z: Good god, Grisha😮‍💨
E: Right? 🫣 Is it *really* that big a deal?
Z: Not the way he’s making it out to be.
E: I didn’t expect him to be okay w it. I’m not stupid. But like,,,, the gender conformism I can do w/o.
Z: I hear you.
Z: you looked comfortable in the leg warmers in the pics.
E: I was actually. Thank you for getting them for me. It gets cold fast in Paradis in the Fall.
Z: Yeah ofc.
Z: I know what you mean; Winters are brutal here. Trust me any Marleyan would prefer a winter in Eldia
E: Yeah? lol I felt pretty :)
Z: You were.
E: 🫶🏻hehe.
Z: Don’t worry abt what Grisha thinks tho
Z: it’ll be easier once you’ve moved out; able to make your own decisions
E: Yea I know. I’m not gonna let it stress me out.
E: it’d just ruin the whole concept for me. the whole reason I like it in the first place
Z: understandable.
E: at least you and mom have been open minded. Mikasa and Armin, too.
E: even *Jean*, Zeke lol
E: And he’s a dickhead. I don’t make the rules. 😅
Z: lol, healthy circle
E: Exactly 😌 so dad can just deal w it or fuck off.
Z: Seems like you’ve made your mind up then 😉
E: yea, I can be compliant while I’m still living at home; it’s fair
E: meaning I’ve just gotta be stealthy until I’m in my own place
Z: I feel a little bad
E: for? :o
Z: 😅well for setting the old man off w/o meaning to by buying you something he doesn’t approve of for one
E: 😕you got me a gift, Zeke. Me personally. I do not need his consent to accept or appreciate a gift from my brother?
E: Also he doesn’t even know it was from you. Mom, either. We can definitely keep that between us.
Z: And then thinking the gift was harmless in encouraging and supporting how you prefer to dress?
Z: Maybe it was over the line. I didn’t think it was a bad gesture
E: I’m seventeen, and as the recipient, it wasn’t a “bad gesture” imo; I loved the skirt. I love the warmers.
E: I’m not letting him dictate how I should feel abt this. I can like things.
Z: ofc you can like things, Eren.
Z: I just feel a little guilty to think I’m getting you in trouble over something like this
E: lol me and dad bump heads often enough for one thing or another anyhow
E: esp after I told him I don’t wanna go to med school so…
E: you’re not upsetting any kind of balance trust me
Z: Well just so we’re clear I’m fine w you dressing the way you please when you visit
Z: wear what you like. I don’t have a reputation I could prioritize over you.
E: lol aw he’d hate that, thank you.🤭
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Nastasya Filippovna: 1, 4, 5, 12, 14, 22, 23, 25 (you don’t have to answer them all I just went crazy)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
kind of the logical progression for character for me to be obsessed with after all the femme fatales i was obsessed with a year and a half ago really shes just my type. i also relate to her a lot sadgirl mentally ill style . and yuouknow. the complexities. shes just so well written shes such a WOMAN OF EVER!! and also im lesbianism for her . shallow reason but i am in love wth her for real.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
THINKIE... im putting her in WINNIE THE POOH. she needs to take a walk in the hundred acre woods and calm down a little bit. any lighthearted calming enviroment would benefit her. none of the other medias im obsessed with bc that would be too upsetting she doesnt need to be in any more murder suicide tragic plots. she needs to eat some honey.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
my love all mine by mitski :-) i think a lot of people assign this to blorbos who dont deserve it its literally her
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
this is hard to answer bc i have so many i have to flip through the brain catalogue. she is an opera girlie and when shes alone she sings and is good at it:-) this one makes me happy unlike many thoughts abt her that make me SAD!
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
sanrio goth . kuromi. idk if thats the actual term but it is to me. pastel goth maybe.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
i am nawt a fic reader unforunatly if i read fics about her it would only make me sick in the head /neg i dont want to read abt other people writing abt her because im attached to her in a weird way
23. Favorite picture of this character?
looking thru the folder in my phone thinkie. Probably this one it’s on my wal in the Nastasya corner and I just think she is so. She is so. She is so. I think I hauve cholera
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
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This was the first annotation I made abt her I pretty much knew right away I was going to be obsessed with her and I was right. My impression now is that she’s my second favorite (you know. Varvara has to be first) dussy character ever and she’s so so so important to me and I think about her all the time so yeah. A general good impression. My special girl.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Haruka's cringe compilation also includes him seeing Ene, probably thinking she looks very pretty, but instead of rekindling his high school romance he's living through the worst adaptation of "new phone who dis" ever conceived by man or snake
LMAOOO please and in that point in time haruka also technically spent a lot of time watching konoha try to get hibiya and hiyori out of the timeloop for god knows how long. we dont talk abt this enough. haruka can see everything konoha sees so like... erm. bitch also saw these kids getting killed over and over. lol! (descent into insanity complete as i think abt haruka and hibihiyo dynamic post str)
so like. last haruka saw of takane was her dead body, he had no reason to NOT think she wasn't in a similar state as him. like in some limbo place. bc tbh does haruka even know where he is... and from watching everything thru konoha he might know as much as kenjirou being a danger but that's it. cuz we don't know if he ever explicitly did anything to reveal in front of konoha that he is not Really kenjirou. ofc there are the hcs that the people inside the daze move freely and can see each other but personally i never interpreted it like this. i like the hc theyre all alone bc makes for better post str angst and i like the idea that ayano CAN do this but doesn't because she is too upset she could not save haruka and takane and is too ashamed to face haruka. and also something something self punishment i dont deserve to hang out with my friend and receive updates from what he can see with awakening eyes (but doesnt stop to think it'd be nice for haruka to have someone). i think ayano probably shows up to haruka at least once Largely based on his line in the eighth novel when she appears. he says "she was always unannounced" or something like that and yeah maybe he meant back then when they were alive ayano had always been kind of sudden and unexpected idk lol but i like to interpret it as in ayano suddenly showing up in haruka's daze like. hi. (cries a lil bit then immediately leaves)
ERM. SORRY I GOT SIDETRACKED. LIKE ALWAYS. i think haruka Knows where he is bc ayano told him, but it's also so appealing to me that he's just confused the whole 2 years (plus the 10 years it feels he's watching hibiya and hiyori die) cuz. heh. angst. but yeah i think he'd know but not much (until konoha meets the dan yknow)
ANYWAYS YEAH my point was he just went through all that, been alone for 2 years plus all the time worth in the hibihiyo timeloop and finally. HE GETS TO SEE TAKANE. except he is not really himself and konoha is just making her freak out and cry and haruka's just having a mental breakdown bc he's been in this place for so damn long where he cant feel tired or sleep or eat and he is just laying there in a room perfectly designed to fit his worst nightmare like he is by all means dead but alive enough to be tortured like this lolllll and now he gets to see the person he's been begging to see all this time like YOU KNOW in the third novel the first konohas state of the world chapter he says "if i had a final wish i would reach out to that girl who used to yell at me all the time" (insanity) like i truly think the i want to see you takane bit from the anime is from there. anyways. the fact that line happens while konoha is actively trying to stop the timeloop for hibiya and hiyori AUGGHH
um. yeah he gets to see her again. but all his other self is doing is making her cry lmaooo
but also i think haruka is rly touched that takane refuses to see konoha as him and calls him a fake LOL bc haruka hates konoha bc it acts so much like him, clueless to those around him and just being a burden but takane refuses to see it as haruka because it's NOT haruka like she knew immediately it wasn't him. and maybe from takane's pov its just her in denial of haruka having his memories erased but still she was right, it wasnt haruka in his body. and i think he would be so touched abt this (which is why he's so desperate for her company post str not only for obvious reasons like he loves takane and he was alone for god knows how long inside the daze but ALSO BECAUSE.. everyone else became great friends with konoha and he feels so bad replacing it and fears the dan resents him hehehehehfhejdjjdjfiekdkoeoeo
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baekhvuns · 9 months
I almost thought I forgot to send you an ask, dw abt the timing tho. it happens to me a lot 😭 I forget if I had done something and then i question it?
IKR HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY IRKS ME SO MUCH BUT THEN HIS FACE?? HIS FACEEEE!!! 😩😩 he's such a hypocrite honestly, and each time he makes a dumb fucking decision I want to punch him in the face so bad!! BUT THEN I RMR THT ONE CHAPTER WHERE NAVIER'S HAVING A FLASHBACK TO WHEN THEY WERE KIDS AND- 😭 I CANT-
Bcz...this just got too real? 🫣
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😒 don't even talk abt tht selfish piece of shit, I hate her. The audacity she has, like she literally just said "there's not a woman in the whole world that wouldn't sulk if his lover is spending time with another woman." 😃 miss girl YOU are the OTHER WOMAN! He is spending time with his WIFE! On her BIRTHDAY. Jail. I want to see her in jail. I'm glad Heinrey knows the kinda person she is, he and the empress are the only ones putting her in her place. Like it annoys me so damn much how she cries over every damn thing, idc whatever shit she went thru, it didn't give her any right to become a homewrecker. And soveishu is dumb enough. And navier?
....she's. Etheral. How to be her? How to hv a man like hers? How to be bold like her? How to BE NAVIER??
OMG GURL YES I READ IT 😭 I CANT BELIEVE SOVEISHU KISSED NAVIER'S NECK?!?!?!?! 😭 IM- IDK THT MAKES ME LIKE HIM MORE DESPITE HIS SHITTY ATTITUDE?? WHAT DO I DO 😭 but respectfully, he should fuck off....you lost the chance man. You lost her. No Bcz what does he want frm navier??? Does he think she has a heart of stone? As if she doesn't hv feelings??? He gets all riled up if she even talks with some other guy and look at him, going out with a strange girl he has no idea who tf she even is.
I'm telling you rashta is the downfall of the empire. Girl I'm telling ya, if I see a strange woman running to hug my man like tht..id throw hands idc what my status would be, I would THROW HANDS. (On both, my man, and the girl) Navier is so strong. BWAHAHAHAHA AND HIS GUTS TO SAY "IM A GOOD MAN" 😭🤚 STOPH- HES THE MOST DELULU PERSON EVER! Rashta is like that one annoying cousin. LIKE SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO WEAR THE SAME DRESS AS NAVIER?!?!? FASION POLICE- YOU GOTTA ARREST HER! BCZ THT IS PLAGIARISM 😭
I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him, I'm really gonna kill him I HATE HIM SO MUCH! NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HAS A CHARACTER MADE MY BLOOD BOIL THIS BAD!
Navier no...the potion has worn off, Duke Kaufmann likes you 😭
No way you fell asleep on the stairs...was it Bcz it was comfortable or you were just too tired to walk till your bed? 😭 (OMG I WROTE THIS THINKING YOU WROTE "I FELL ASLEEP ON THE STAIRS" AND I WAS LIKE ?!?! WHAT- I READ IT WRONG 😭😭 but this is so funny so I kept it in the ask, i cn be so silly sometimes)
NO WAY DROP THE NAME OF THE MOVIE! controversial? I'm questioning my tastes-
Ikr it's so wholesome and cute, the last episode ended on sung ho offering haebom to drink with him, man I'm totally up for everything that's coming next, Bcz haebom, is already in love and he might not realize it yet, Bcz the way he blushes EVERYTIME he sees sung ho. LIKE WHEN HE DROPPED HIM AT THE DAYCARE CENTRE HE THOUGHT "DID WE JUST LOOK LIKE A COUPLE RN??" NOW TELL ME THIS MF DOESN'T THINK ABT IT ALL THE TIME 😭😭 dw I'll update you once the new episode comes.
I don't wanna go to work tomorrow AND I DONT WANNA GO TO UNI I wanna fall in love with someone IM SO LOVESICK 🤧
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please stop. im in a public setting this picture to picture comparison is taking me out pls don’t let me do this bc i have this draft where the reader is an undercover empress and san’s a thief w heinry’s personality
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no srs as much of a goof heinry is he is quick to check someone like rashta or whoever disrespects navier like that,,,, rashta needs to go to jail esp for what she did to that maid???? gOD 😭😭😭 ITS ON SIGHT WITH HER AND THE WAY SHES COPYING NAVIERS STYLE AND HAIR ?????? CRYING honestly soveishu puts her in place sometimes and it makes me feel so good omg i just spoiled it for u
NAVIER IS THE PERSONA OF ELEGANCE !!! THE EMPRESS, ur asking the right questions bc when will fate put us under her fate 😭😭
duke kaufman is so 🥰☺️🥰 id be w him ngl very mingi coded
NO LMFAOOO THIS IS SO CUTE FHWJD 😭😭😭 I FELL ON THE STAIRS LIKE GOING UP THE STAIRS did not fall asleep but i was transferring from my couch (where i slept on) to my room and i thought the platform of the stairs was there and i took a step and boom im collapsing <3 my eyes were closed yes bc i have this thing that if i open them while i transfer my sleep will vanish <3
omg ok it’s a 2006 bollywood movie w srk in it, it was extremely controversial bc of the concept but i think if it were released today it would’ve gotten a better reaction nonetheless
manifesting a ceo who does ur taxes and handles everything for u <3
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
Hello! Saw your last post and got me thinking: What do you think Vace and Lin would be like as parents? I imagine that fatherhood wouldn't come to him as easily, but I think he would earnestly try to be better than both his parents 😁
oh yeah absolutely i think post therapy vace is a better dad than his family (low bar) and i think in therapy he has like the self awareness? to try and push past that
actually therapy vace is very fun in general bc like. i think one of vace's qualities regardless of therapy is how he pushes himself to be The Best it's just like a reframing of what The Best is u kno. there's a reason his cards are vace's confidence u kno. and that confidence is in some ways genuinely earned like!!! he IS the best soldier on the helio!!! like!!!! he has all those awards and he's very smart and like. it makes sense!!!
but then he goes to therapy and he starts like. reframing some of his stuff re:being Good and like what it means to be not just Good At Things but a Good Person and like. thats so much more difficult for him u kno in ways that other stuff wouldnt necessarily be. esp bc a lot of the stuff involved is like, him moving to be more vulnerable and show weakness and forgive ppl and those are not things he's good at naturally which is like. just very fun wwww
the reason i bring this up re:his parenting: i dont think he'd want to be a parent until he's really dealt with a lot of the worst of his shit. he mentions this in his 100 right: he's aware his whole thing comes from his dad who he has an IMMESNELY complicated rship w/. (i say this bc like. in his 50 he mentions hating his dad right. and yet he still has a picture of him u kno. lmfao. god) i dont think he'd ever want to subject his kids to what he went thru. i think he's aware of what he's done and how much worse he could've been u kno. the monster under the bed is who he is without sol
and even then it still takes work u kno. this comes up in the endcards abt how on his worst days he's still just like he was and how it takes times to break past that and find someone to meet him halfway. i have him meet lin when he's like early 30's bc i really do think it takes him a Long Fucking Time to hit a point like that. a lot of relationships. u kno. takes Work. takes time.
BUT THE POINT OF THIS.... to answer your actual q..........
i do actually think vace is a pretty good dad in these circumstances! i think he's protective and caring and i think in context w/rship with lin especially where he's got a partner that's good at reframing issues from "you versus me" to "you and me against the problem" it helps him get in that mindset with kids as well u kno.
i think tho in some ways he's better w/them when they're little GLKHSDLKGH i think he might be a bit overprotective when theyre older. i am shy talkign abt lin but im even shyer talking abt the fankids i made for them but i DO think its immensely funny for him to have his daughter hit adolescence and be like. ok im not calling u daddy anymore. and not bc she's embarrassed abt being a daddys girl or antying she just needs him to realize shes practically an ADULT NOW (vace meanwhile is there like. you are Not an adult jesus christ)
ok thats the serious analysis now here is my stuff thats for Me (sparkle emojis) ive talked abt this with alm before and in some ways i think vace is the parent the kids rely on for most every day stuff bc i do think he spoils his kids a little u kno. daughter shows up asking for a snack and he Prepares something for her meanwhile lin is like (gets smth preprepared from the fridge or tells her to wait for mealtime) takes them shopping teaches them to tie their shoes all that kind of stuff u kno
lin meanwhile is like...... practical wwww ive talked abt this in other places but he has difficulty with people sometimes bc of his augment. he's not great at comforting tbh! i think if the kids are upset adn htey want hugs abt it they go to vace. lin tho i think is the parent they turn towards for more serious stuff? bc vace despite everything still is very emotional while lin is very Not that u kno. so they can be like. uh. papa. ive fucked up. and lin is like (guy whose response to literally Everyhting is How Do We Fix This) How Do We F
in some ways as well i think the kids and lin grow closer as they get older. not to say i think they necessarily grow Away from vace but the way you interact w/small kids versus when u interact w/older ones means i think vace would do better w/the really younger ones while there'd be a bit of disconnect btwn them and lin until they're older u kno. lin is bad at mirroring and coddling and part of the thing abt his rship w/vace is it does help him get better at dealing w/other ppl w/strong emotions, part of that also relies on vace understnading that lin is trying u kno. and that's not a capacity kids really have at such young ages?
overall tho. i do think they are pretty good parents wwwww vace does hover too much but lin i think helps him dial it back wwww and lin struggles more at first but he gets there. their kids i think grow up well! and that's what matters!
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caatws · 11 months
Even with blind spots and favoritism towards Rocket from a basic understanding of writing and how these types of films work Gunn would have to know Gamora's role went south in vol 3. I think that's why I'm having a hard time letting any of this slide. He knows there's a difference between being on the Avengers team in The Avengers film vs not on or part of the team. He understands the business side too in terms of promotion. He has to get which characters would end up on a lunchbox vs which ones likely wouldn't. The Ravagers were never major players and nothing suggested being around after vol 2. I feel like a baby could see what it would mean to have Gamora be made one of them instead of a Guardian and how comments like "she's dead to us" said with apathy would come across. I do understand creative freedom and all that jazz but why would anyone want a heartfelt trilogy to end with so much confusion around a main characters death, relationships and contributions. He said in the commentary he wasn't sure if everyone understood how much Gamora was like a mom to Groot. If that's what he thinks then why not make it more clear in the final film rather than ambiguous as to whether any of the characters were close to her besides her sister and grieving boyfriend.
ok if i could just emphasize your last part here:
He said in the commentary he wasn't sure if everyone understood how much Gamora was like a mom to Groot. If that's what he thinks then why not make it more clear in the final film rather than ambiguous as to whether any of the characters were close to her besides her sister and grieving boyfriend.
bc THISSSS IS EXACTLYYY HOW I FEELLLL. i haven't said it as much bc i've seen other ppl be like "well they just don't get gotg if they don't get that and that's a skill issue" and like. its one thing to need the most basic of basic story things explained to you like you're five, but it's another thing for some things in canon to be a little Too deeply planted for audiences to pick up. generally, the more ppl confused abt something, the more likely it isn't clear.
and like, this isn't an arthouse film. it's literally a disney/marvel ip commercial for comics and toys and disneyland. audiences shouldn't have to dissect the film to understand such a seemingly major aspect of gamora, groot, and their relationship—like, just look at how gamora and groot interacted in vol 2, their mother-son relationship was SOOO much clearer there in the ways gamora interacted with groot. in vol 3, with a gamora who never experienced being like a mother to groot, the burden of showing that relationship again fell onto groot's shoulders—only for it to be squeezed into a single, 30-second dialogue exchange at the tail-end of the film.
gunn is the one who keeps saying how he made vol 3 to stand/be watched alone without needing to see the previous films, and yet how would viewers who watched only vol 3 ever pick up on groot seeing gamora as his mom and grieving the loss of his mom etc? like ROFL my guy if you'd focused on gamora even just a teensy bit more your viewers Actually could've probably understood the tragedy of gamora from watching only this movie instead of needing to depend on vol 1 thru iw, but here we are!
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missflufffanfics · 2 years
Okay time for my Chenford 5x02 thoughts!!!
Okay I LOVED Nyla being a fucking crocodile 🐊 poking her head out from the birth pool and basically her totally destroying that guy (not in the dirty way you fools in the badass cop way)!!
Okay I didn’t think I’d tolerate Chris as much as I did, aka i didn’t want to throw up every seen he was in. Like obviously Chris and Lucy aren’t endgame and maybe I’m just projecting, pretending Chris is Tim in some weird AU in my head, but The only part I was ever grossed out during the Chris scenes was when Lucy called him baby. Also I always assumed Lucy was rlly distant with Chris in there relationship but it appears they r kinda closer than I thought.
Anyway I haven’t seen anyone talk abt this but Chris called Tim. Chris. Called. Tim. When Chris wasn’t getting thru to Lucy he went ‘oh I should call tim he will prob be able to get thru to her’. Like oh poor Chris how does he not see that he’s a third wheel… Also how do we think Chris had time number in the first place?? Would love to see a Drabble where it’s a bunch of moments in which Chris calls tim with something related to being worried abt Lucy and Chris telling tim to see if he could get thru to her 💖🥰 that’d be cute i might write that
Also next ep is gonna be AMAZING if u have seen the promo yk what I’m talking abt an du rlly hope they bring up some ptsd for Lucy cuz she’ll br locked in an enclosed space again….
my dad can’t deal with the fact that Lucy left her apartment door open at the beginning since she’s a cop an all lol
and also Tim and Lucy admitted there intentions when walking into the apartment that night with the door open while Chris was like feet away on the couch probably hearing all of this
I needed them to hug at the end of the hallway talk 😭😭😭
anyway I have some Drabble ideas so get ready for those fics…
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alazyparallelworld · 2 years
Lore stuff . mostly abt underdevelopment. not angsty, more in, 'I have Been thinking abt this.'
being the Village Idiot: ostracized by lit. everyone you meet. anyone that is kind overemphasizes how "smart you are... considering" or that you are "intelligent in your own way" -
which, like, you dont realize what is happening here. Everyone can tell that you are slow, behind, both in socialities, body development, and the practicals of math, language, sci, history. during my parent-teacher conferences my dad would, point blank, answer with a precise timelines n examples re: "did she miss any development milestones?" and i couldnt comprehend it despite. i saw this person he was describing as an "other"
probably the most glaring example that shouldve cued me into - i am, Behind - is that when middleschool-me was tested for gifted, i was near immediately put into the special needs classes afterwards.
i did realize it was abnormal - i confronted the teacher, but i thought - "im here because you think i have depression!" - to which she went... o_o ...
like. absolute 0 logic connects happening here. i was cycled thru kindergarten classes n appropriate while i was in the third/fourth grade- and i didnt realize that is. Weird. until a few days ago.
also, homework started in - second gradeish - and I thought it was "optional" despite, you know, everyone handing theirs in and going over it in class. it wasnt until fifth that i was told that no, I, Too, needed to do HW - and i struggled bc I Hadn't ever done it before.
and to be clear. it was Village Idiot, i'm not - exaggerating, Everyone Knew. there was a test, in my elem classes, that - everyone flunked, sans one person. and the teacher went, do you know who passed? i was pointed out, named, and everyone was like. What. my success made everyone else feel even more of a failure - "she, the Token Stupid, passed. you all should feel ashamed n embarrassed of yourselves" to which they were
me: :D and i passed bc i double-checked my answers for once!!
as i got older i did better in, 'filling in the blanks'. i became very good at the - memoric, portion, of school - this exact same scenario happened in my teenage years. "everyone sans one failed." and my classmates' eyes slid to me, =_=, bc i always passed
i think now it's a bit hard to comprehend me as, 'stupid,' thanks to in some form of masking. it takes... a bit of, 'getting close,' to go. Something Went Wrong Here.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
i know u asked for sherlock and iris for the character relationshjips ask game SO if someone else hasnt sent them yet do them but i want to hear you ramble abotu homumiko also. [holding you at gunpoint]
as you know i got a homumiko ask already but everyone look at it again “basil its long and incomprehensible and most of your followers dont even really know who these guys are” LOOK AT THEM. THEYRE KINDA WEIRD
ANYWAY !!!!!!! YAYYAYAYAYA IRIS AND SHERLOCK YAAAAAAAY. this post is probably gonna get long too so heres my eyecatch so people who dont wanna read all that are still forced to see them
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describe their canon relationship/dynamic
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
tumblr is being buggy with this post.
God…. how do i…. they have so much going on …. lets start with the basics hes her dad. Obviously. thats her dad. he was handed a baby and just went Ok!!!!!!!! and took care of her forever. thats her dad. Iris’ main, initial frame of reference for The World and Being A Person is This Fucking Guy.
There is also the fact that thru most of the games she is not Calling Him her dad </3 consequences of. him telling her hes not her dad ansbJSHJSNSJSNSJSNWJS. even still as ryuu & susato say they have a parent child relationship … for the jokes abt iris being more lkke the parent of course which Is True and a Straightforward Joke But Still Really Funny. but he still is. like. The Dad Equivalent. Her Guardian. even when not actually Her Dad. they have a mutual duty of care. Sherlock makes sure they have money to buy food & Iris actually Makes Edible Food and thats about it you know.
they have the funniest fucking dynamic. Ever,. they treat each other like Equals. they talk to each other like Colleagues. They literally try to steal money from each other. iris bullies him all of the time and he also sort of bullies her back. Iris walks around loudly announcing embarrassing facts about him in public and Sherlock yells at her about it and no one feels bad and they love each other. and she kicks him. theyre so funny
Basically just. thats her dad. they are also best friends being each others constant companions for ten years (Because he raised her from birth). they steadfastly look out and care for each other. and every morning they wake up and try to invent new ways to be mean to each other
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
in terms of Their Relationship Dynamic there is no way to improve upon it. there is nothing to change. theyre perfect. this is the best relationship ever. but i still of course have lots of headcanons about them. where do i even begin
for one thing as is probably already clear i thimk every day abt what capcom refuses to give us answers on: Iris’ Early Childhood and The Process Of Sherlock Raising Her. please i wanna know what that was like. And continues to be like tbh its just not something we see much bc its not relevant to ryuus side of things…… First of all: he has undeniably tried his best to take care of her and done an overall good job. look at her. Mikotoba would not have trusted sherlock with an entire fucking baby if he was not confident the man could like. Handle It. Successfully keep another human alive and make sure she comes out overall well adjusted and all that. But hes still. Sherlock Holmes (Ace Attorney Character). He. again. does not seem to have any perspective on what to prioritize. I just think he went “okay time to teach iris The Basics” and then jumped straight from “heres how to write your name” to giving her lectures on something he learned the other day about aerodynamics and skipped over a bunch of stuff in between and didn’t really realize until she, like, saw an owl and went UNAUTHORIZED FUCKING BEAST? because she was like 5 and had still never heard of an owl.
Also im glad everyone in the world independently got up and thought “he definitely took that baby to crime scenes” because he definitely took that baby to crime scenes. Like. As everyone has said 200 times. What the hell else is he gonna do? He has to take cases or he DIES. There is no one he is close enough to for him to go Hey take my baby for a while. He’s broke as fuck permanently he cant PAY someone to watch her. Come on 8 month old child who’s still figuring out how to, like, Exist, let’s go Solve A Mystery. I don’t think she’s ever, like, seen a dead body, though. It’s all in my head, you understand, I have the whole escalation of it in my mind - when shes a Really Tiny Baby he has to just focus on Watching Her and can only take the kind of cases that can be solved sitting in the living room (he is going insane), then when he gets past the “what if i stop paying attention to her for ONE SECOND and she EXPLODES” phase he can do stuff that actually requires Investigation, then the second she’s able to Talk he goes Yeah that probably means she can Help with investigations now. and shes iris so hes right. I think 1-5 is prrrrrrobably her first Murder Investigation though. shes a little girl! you don’t take a little girl to a murder scene! Except under special circumstances!
This veered in … some slightly different direction than just Their Relationship i guess but fuck dude it was fun. Like. I like them. I think about them. i think sherlock went oh god oh fuck i dont know what children are like whats good for children *thinks about him as a child* I WAS WEIRD WASNT I THAT WONT WORK *iris turns out to be Just Like Him* Oh thank god here 4 year old child take this chemistry set and scrap metal. Go wild.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
I swear to god ive probably said this on 80% of these ask game responses: I like family. They family. all ace attorney games kind of have a Found Family cast in the end, but they dont generally refer to characters who dont have clear cut straightforward straight up family relationships As Family, except DGS, which has ryuu explicitly call them His Family, and, and, I don’t know that the themes of The Importance Of Family & Family Being Something You Can Choose play a huge role in the story of dgs itself in most places, esp the Chosen Family bit, but its THERE, in ryuu calling the gang his wonderful family & iris adopting him and susato as her siblings & mikotoba caring for asougi like his son and Most Prominently, Iris Calling Sherlock Her Dad. which i will elaborate on the importance of in a minute but anyway i just think theyre really cute and really funny
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
YOU REMEMBER THAT THING I SAID BRIEFLY IN THE HOMUMIKO ASK ABT MEETING SOMEONE RIGHT WHEN U REALLY NEED IT. *pulls out yet another pepe silvia style conspiracy board* Here i actually made a chart.
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I don’t remember almost anything abt the mainline AA series, only remember this bc I’ve seen it mentioned so much, and don’t even remember it clearly enough to know for sure if it’s Dialogue From The Game or just Conclusions People Reached but you know that shit about, Phoenix gets disbarred and its A Bad Time For Him but its Less Bad Than It Could Have Been because at the same time he gets Trucy and now he has Trucy. Like. Same concept. “Accidental Child Acquisition leading to Better Ability To Cope With The Shit That Just Happened In Your Life” is more common than you might think apparently. Inspiring! Every Day This Man Holds Off Emotional Breakdown Until AFTER His Baby Is Fed
If i was ever going to say more about his side of things thanjudt. All That. i forgor. shes dotter. incontext the “i raised you well!!” line is just , a joke abt him being proud of her for something He Very Much Does Not Ever Do Himself but still like WAH . proud of dotter.
Anyway originally i was like, what the hell can I say about iris? That’s her dad and that’s about it. And then I went Simon are you fucking STUPID? THATS HER DAD. THATS THE POINT. God… oh my god …….
Basically!! Returning to the point about Choosing Who Your Family Is and how Sherlock & Iris and specifically Iris calling him her dad for the first time (since we met her) is the most prominent example in the game!!!
Iris’s Whole Deal™️ is she got her World Changed by finding out sherlock wasn’t her “real” dad and her dad was Some Guy She’s Never Met and now she goes then who the fuck IS my dad? Where do I come from? Who Am I? and her Search For Her Dad, Desire To Meet Him, & Attempt To Feel Closer To Him By Reading His Notes And Putting Herself In His Shoes is like. a big part of her identity. For like maybe almost half her life up to this point too!! And …… then she gets closer & farther away & closer & farther away and she decides Susie & Ryuu r her Siblings and somewhere in all of this. decides it doesnt matter quite That much who her “Real” Dad is because shes not defined by her biological father and she already. Has a dad. cries. And. And. And because of the time she spent Not Thinking Of Sherlock As Her Dad it means hes her dad ultimately because She Decided It . not bc he or anyone else said it should be like that but bc she decided he is her dad.
So like . you know. starts sobbing in the streets. anyway they r just both very very important to each other
favorite interaction they have in canon
First prize goes to the off-screen interaction Iris mentions in the credits where she gave him a note that just said like “thank you for everything daddy!” and he read it and started crying. Its like. The ONE thing about dgs2 i remembered with Clarity. in the years between my first & second times watching dgs i thought about it often and i still do.
Second prize goes to her going “oh its just a wax figure see *KICKS HIM AS HARD AS SHE CAN*” itsso fucking funny. that was not necessary. at all. she just wanted to kick him huh
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
FUCK UMMM. UHHHHH. i already kind of talked about it but even though i dont think its really even IMPLIED? that sherlock has ever taken her to Investigate A Case? she just stays at home generally? In my heart she goes with him and helps out somet8mes. i want to see it.
what else. obvious and not really the kind of thing id put in this category generally but like Iris finds out her dad was klimt when. hey fuckos!! When r u going to tell her !!!
alsgo i have a weakness for Older Iris content like ough my god 🥺🥺 ou my goed 🥺🥺😭 She growed. one day she will not be the most powerful 10 year old in the world she will be the most powerful 20 year old in the world. show me !! show me !! I want to see!! she is going to do so fuckinf much its unreal!!
Finally, i thought of this ages ago for reasons now forgotten to me and just remembered it today. sherlock & iris & date & mizuki hangout. tehyre *checks notes* girls who do violence on their dads sometimes and that’s about it but its funny right
In conclusion: kiss on top of iris little baby head. appreciate her
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alwastakenofc · 21 days
WOWIE ZOWIE it’s a good thing that tumblr keeps u logged in for FOREVER bc i would NOT have remembered that this was my username LMFAOOOO.
anyways !!! i’m just here to rant now to see if it’ll still help me like it used to. just scrolled thru all my personal tagged posts and MAN was i going thru it from 2013-2016 LOL. im glad life is better now. different, but better. me and that guy that i posted abt a lot and would rant abt how he was hanging with that girl all the time broke up in 2016 THANK GOD, that was a sick and toxic and abusive relationship that went way longer than it needed to. i moved back home with my parents and got a few years with both of them before they passed away from different circumstances (fuck alcoholism and fuck cancer). now i live with my roomie/friend and she evicted the other roomie we had that was Toxic As Fuck and a literal Man Child so WAHOO! it’s been nice.
i’m going back to college this year i think, and im both so excited and also Terrified to finish. i only have 1-2 semesters left and then i gotta go get an actual CAREER.
being famous never took off, as expected LMFAO. i don’t stream to get popular anymore, it’s just a genuine hobby i enjoy that gives me an excuse to keep playing video games and having fun. but i don’t mind not having a genuine job off of it anymore; probably should’ve attempted streaming when i was posting abt it so much a decade ago, Honestly Probably Would have taken off a bit more and actually had a chance to make money off it BUT alas, i was too lazy and worried abt public perceptions lmfao
i still have that worry abt public perception especially since i now identify as non-binary (she/they). i wish to be perceived as an amorphous blob that moseys through life, ya know? i only keep the “she/her” pronouns bc a) i’m not fully out to Everyone, and b) i just know some ppl are more used to it and i Do Not mind. i would honestly probably say i don’t prefer ANY pronouns, call me he/she/they i just do Not care, but finding ppl that would reference me as “he” while being respectful just is daunting to think abt and i do not care enough, just call me whatever. but don’t perceive me as a woman exclusively ya know LOL. i don’t identify as a woman or man, i have more feminine days and more masculine days but calling myself a woman sincerely just feels … icky and weird LOL idk like i said. AMORPHOUS BLOB SQUAD, RISE! idk how else to explain it LMAO
also discovered asexuality is a thing like 6-7 years ago which has been LIFE CHANGING !! being told you are broken by ur partner for years, being made to feel like something is Wrong with you because you don’t get why everyone is All About Sex and why tf everyone actually Enjoys Sex…. MANNNNN when i discovered asexuality i don’t think ive ever had a moment in my life where i just said “oh my GOD. it’s ME. i GET MYSELF NOW.” (until i fully understood and embraced being nb about 2 years later lmao). idk i just feel so much more confident in myself and it’s great.
hmmmm what else… i guess i had a stint of struggling with alcohol and weed, but have managed to cut it back. currently on week 2 of no smoking, gonna go a couple more weeks then maybe i’ll buy a pen and edibles. NO MORE DABS! wax just Annihilated my tolerance and not even smoking 3 full joints or eating 250mg of edibles could get me high. it was BAD. but that’s what happens when u do Multiple dabs a day, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for 5+ years !! sooooooo that’s a thing too now. i try to Only drink on weekends now (and only 2 weekends per month, instead of Every weekend, is the new goal) and know i can’t trust myself to buy alcohol on a weekday and hold it to the weekend, which honestly Go Me for that self reflection and understanding that my brain doesn’t have the ability to Not drink alcohol/do shots if it’s in my fridge lol. well, not yet at least. maybe in a couple months i’ll be able to put some vodka in my fridge on a tuesday and be able to keep it there til the weekend without touching it, but for now i still don’t fully trust myself.
BUT! i’m trying to be healthy! i did get a treadmill and jump rope and even tho ive been neglecting jumping rope (maybe i will today idk maybe not LOL) i do still try to walk on my treadmill at least every other day!! i did a mile walk today and i was So Sweaty lol it’s crazy how outta shape i am but im hoping that cutting down on weed and alcohol helps with that too overall. i miss having abs. i miss not being flabby. i have awful body dysmorphia already bc of my boobs and getting bigger has made Them bigger too and it just makes me feel Horrified when i see myself in the mirror. or see my stomach, or double chin, or jiggly arms, or WHATEVER. i just need to be healthy again UGH. anyways.
MANNNNNNNNN i’m so scared of college LOL. i’m not double majoring anymore (also not even in art college anymore HELLO lmao, i dropped out of art school and got my associates degree from community college then transferred to a university where i was originally double majoring in International Relations and Japanese)! i just am gonna drop my Japanese major down to a minor so i still at least know Some Japanese. and ill study on my own post graduation (I HOPE!!!!!) and get better. i took a 2 year break when my mom died and its just so Daunting to think of going back LOL
i really, really… REALLY need to get better with procrastination and laziness and being at a standstill/comfortable. like, i KNOW there’s more to life but i just. UGH. idk. it’s so Hard after everything that’s happened these last few years. if i didn’t lose my dad in 2018 then my mom in 2022 i think it would be a lot better. HELL, if i didn’t lose my mom to cancer in 2022 things would be SOOOOOO different!! i would’ve probably graduated with my double major and had a kickass job and my mom would’ve seen me walk the stage UGHHHHHHHH ill never forget how i lit said “you prolly won’t see me get married but you gotta stick around to watch me walk the stage” and she said “WHERE ELSE WOULD I GO????” and IDK I JUST WISH I NEVER JINXED IT UGHHHHH. i have a lot of unaddressed trauma from both my parents’ deaths that im sure therapy would definitely help with but FOR NOW, i just gotta get thru college and see wtf is waiting for me on the other side.
ALLLLLRIGHT well this went on a LOT longer than i expected and …… idk if it helped??? idk if i feel any better after typing it all out but MEHHHHHHH. it’s nice to just throw it all out into the ether and not have a ton of questions or assumptions or embarrassment or shame come from feeling like im taking up space. i think that’s been the biggest thing ive struggled with since my mom died; i can’t even post my random thoughts on twitter anymore bc the anxiety of “well who even cares, who would even care about you saying anything, why would you even post at all? what’s the point?” just gets SO damn overwhelming. ive become a COMPLETE recluse and i haven’t done ANYTHING like this rant in at Least half a decade LOL. so. idk.
typing this all out therapeutic in a way but again, i just feel kinda anxious at the same time and idk if it’s really helped me out overall. bc why does anyone care? what’s the point?… but also WHY do i feel like People Need To Care ?!?! why can’t i just go back to my old mindset where i did not give a single fuck about what i posted bc i just liked throwing my thoughts out for everyone to read?!?! idk. maybe tumblr is gonna be the bridge to help me get better with voicing random mundane thoughts that don’t matter in the long run LOL. bc WHY is that so scary to me, man….
ANYWAYS i’m done okay. wowie. what a rant. PHEW.
hope u enjoyed reading about my last 6-7 years 😎
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1d1195 · 2 months
omggg nooooo !!!! never let anyone make you feel insane i’ve literally dreamed abt moving up there. you’re so right i don’t think the south is for me either :// i was actually born up north but my parents moved when i was little and we’ve been here ever since i think a piece of me stayed up there tho bc ive ALWAYS loved the new england area
i used to watch gilmore girls and think “oh my god i need to live somewhere like that it would be perfect for me”
dw there’s no specific way you need to listen to it and the songs themselves are actually pretty self-explanatory but a little backstory:
taylor was dating a man named joe thru 2016-2023 and at firsttt we all thought it was sunshine and rainbows. they were vry private and we (swifties) thought that’s what she wanted !! we thought she’d found her forever !! and she thought so too :( but apparently there were comittment issues (among many other things). she wanted to take the next step, marriage & babies & whatnot. he DIDNT (there were multiple songs on lover that mentioned marriage and engagement) ((there was a song released last year with the lyric; “and i wouldn’t marry me either. a pathological people pleaser. who only wanted you to see her.”))
fast forward to the start of the eras tour breakup announcements are EVERYWHERE and she’s seen with some other guy ! oh who’s this one ? THE LEAD SINGER OF THE 1975 !!!! they went out for a few weeks and APPARENTLYYYY according to what i’ve seen all the other fans posting, HE MANAGED TO DO THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE THAT TOOK JOE 6 YEARS. HE DID THAT IN ABT A MONTH OR TWO. (they had a history together BEFORE this andddd they worked on music for midnights sooo it seems he was privy to all the inside details abt her relationship with joe and he might’ve used that to his advantage)
basically all this to say, she was going through a LOT last year and before that. so this album has ALL the feels. losing your sense of self, processing the deepest betrayals, learning to let go of something when all you want to do is hang on as tight as possible, not knowing who cares about you anymore, but eventually finding yourself at the end.
the song ‘i can do it with a broken heart’ has a lyric video on youtube and the clips are all clips for HER TOUR while she’s singing about her being miserable the whole time😭😭😭😭 BUT PUSHING THROUGH IT😭😭😭😭😭 it BROKE my heart to see that.
there’s nothing wrong with you and everything wrong with 14 year olds trustttt omg i don’t know what is in the air for these younger teens but they’re insane. and how was your vacation ?
~ 🎶
I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS I love that for you! I hope you move if that’s what you want 💕
I knew about Joe and Matty but not in detail like that. Honestly I was obsessed with the show/book Normal People and subsequently watched Conversations with Friends and I thought Joe was about as personable as a towel sitting in the rain and Taylor is way more talented and dimensional than what I saw so I can’t even imagine what happened behind the scenes. Matty seemed like too much of a bad boy tbh for her as well. I saw something about people feeling bad that they were going to The Eras Tour when she wasn’t feeling her best. It made me sad (no shade to anyone that went to the tour. She obvs wouldn’t have gone if she couldn’t do it ya know?) I’m excited to listen—waiting to have adequate time to really digest it)
My vacation was good! Relaxing and productive. A good combo. It’s gonna be a long couple of months. Trying to balance a lot of things and not go insane. Hope you’re doing well! 💕 tell me what’s going on in your life!
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