#you fave hates adachi
So we know Jo is your number 1 fav but who would you say are the other nine with reason?
always illegal to ask me who my faves are but nine's a healthy number so like. in no particular order it's gotta go
mine genuinely i do not need to fucking. i have enough essays on why i like him ok dont ask me to write nine comprehensive essays my brain doesnt work ever. tl;dr alexa play Lay All Your Love On Me
daigo i just think his character development is really cool and overlooked and underappreciated and how the idolization he has for kiryu affects him is wild and makes me insane
masato he used to be goth and he hates his body and wishes people liked him and you can just tell he hates himself so much wow hes just like me fr but he also sucks which is not like me fr. he traded his emo swag for lungs, should be deducting points for that one tbh
ichiban im goign to start crying if i even try to explain why i like him im so deadass just please know i love him with my whole heart and if i type anymore the tears WILL start
arakawa peepaw:) he was a theater kid once :) plus the horrors that come with being a parent and trying to get connect with your son but then gradually having to watch him grow up to commit Horrors and trying to figure out how this couldve happened and ouuguggghhh.. also the only good dad aside from HIS dad in this goddamn franchise jesus fucking chri
tanimura sorry i like cop stories where one dude tries to figure out why everyone sucks, plus his plot was the only part of y4 that had me invested. and he speaks tagalog and i want his jacket and i just think hes cool shoot me officer
kiryu i dont even know. i dont know where to start. he's so silly but so serious and he's not a horrible father but his priorities are so fucking Im Going To Kill You and he has such a savior complex Oh Kiryu......... im hitting you with a rock but can we go fishing later
shinada he loves boobs and i love him. also he likes baseball and his vibes are immaculate. i also want his jacket.
adachi big fan of his vibes :) team grandpa
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pr1ncesspopstar · 1 year
As of tonight I have watched/read/played every piece of media in relation to the base story of Persona 4 and here is just a random grab bag of thoughts from that experience. Spoilers abound, mostly for the animation and manga.
-the best way to experience the story outside of just playing the game, if you want to do what for some reason, is reading the manga then watching the Golden anime. The OG anime is a lot of mediocre to bad with pockmarks of good, not worth a full sit down.
-that said if you want to watch some of the OG anime go with all the episodes up to Yukiko being saved (1-4), mitsuo’s dungeon and the summer vacation duology right after (11-14), the justice and hierophant focused episode (18), and then all of endgame (21-26).
These episodes either do a really good job expanding on what was already there, introduce new ideas and scenarios definitely not possible within the constraints of a video game, do a super solid job covering and even improving upon iconic and memorable moments in ways only the medium of an animation retelling can provide, or just have fun or funny bits. My fave is def episode 13, where Nanako becomes a little detective trying to investigate Yu’s hectic life.
-I really appreciate how each version of Yu is wildly different in these medium’s. P4A Yu is kind of a dick and lame at many points, but has the capacity to be open hearted. Manga Yu starts as cold and distant but eventually becomes an emotional and expressive individual that fights for his feelings. And P4GA Yu feels the ‘manliest’ of the bunch with very strong convictions and a level-head with no fear to speak his mind or thoughts. A lot of tiny differences to enjoy.
-there is the consistent fear of abandonment and loss of friends in Yu’s character each series captures so differently but uses nonetheless. P4A Yu also abandons the truth because of his fear and even develops a shadow that represents that. Manga Yu goes between acting rashly and angrily or withdrawing and hiding his hurt when confronted with the possible loss. P4GA Yu gets emotional and trapped in the idea of what’s the point if he risks using everyone, feeling a burden of needing to protect those bonds at all costs.
-also the fact Yu is 100% ride or die for any wild scheme, even the ones he knows won’t work is a trait I’m glad exists in every version of him. He’s just happy to be involved.
-Also Adachi, the supplementary material really made me finally appreciate Adachi as a character. After interacting with him in the game I was never too sure how to feel about him, but the anime(s)/manga finally helped me grasp his character and how I feel about him. As well as why I see the various interpretations of him that I do.
-Marie being included in more things in the Golden animation was sorely needed and a welcomed addition. When the Investigation Team was saying how Marie is also their friend I could not help but think how the team as a whole had only met Marie around 5-6 times at most through her social link. By putting her in more major scenes this actually made her feel like an unofficial member of the group and I believed they were friends.
-I very much enjoyed the way P4GA handled the unification of Izanami’s two halves. I’m probably just a sap but I very much love concepts of accepting the rage and hate-filled parts of yourself and that binging them joy and peace, quelling that fury. Izanami can be quite the tragic character from interpretation to interpretation, so to see them take a stance where it’s not a fight but a comforting hug given by Marie to Izanami that defeats her, I’m a sucker for it.
-Yu needing to free Marie from a bamboo forest and the ultimate Persona associated with Marie being Kaguya is Good Symbolism and Foreshadowing™.
-while it was definitely only done for cool factor in the manga/anime, but within the context of game mechanics Adachi being able to control and get aid from multiple Reapers in his dungeon is mortifying.
-I have come to the conclusion Yukiko and Rise are mini-gremlins in two different fonts. Yukiko will do and say the silliest to the wildest things because it brings her joy. Rise is attention seeking in a pampered cat kind of way. I cannot expand on this sadly but I hope the vibes can be expressed.
-Naoto being very perceptive but socially oblivious and one track minded is actually quite funny and charming. This is best illustrated in the Christmas episode of which I will say no more, it’s a fun little experience.
-the ‘ame-no-sagiri’ in shadow Teddie’s head’ contributed nothing to the plot/story though. Kinda actually takes away from shadow Teddie tbh but that’s more a nitpick than anything.
-the anime shadow fights are good, but they are GREAT in the manga. They feel so much more personal and productive than ‘beat the thing so it goes back to normal so you can accept it,’ while also carrying they same wonderful flow and dynamics you can see in the animation.
I might post more thoughts if I have any later. I could do an analysis but tbh I would just be repeating what a lot of people have already gone over. I’d rather focus on my own projects because this means now my research is done and I can start writing my fanfiction! I’ll talk about that more later. Can’t wait to share it~
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xnoel · 1 year
For the ask game: 13, 19, 23
Thank you!
13. What are 5 least favorite tropes?
I don't know if it's my top 5 but I hate:
Jealousy/possesiveness (in a relationship)
Love triangle (unless it ends in polyamory)
Forceful kiss
19. Did you drop any shows this year?
So many (since I'm extremely picky about what I want to watch): About Youth, Enchanté, Love in the Air, DNA Says Love You, Triage, Vice Versa, Mood Indigo, Between Us, Plus & Minus, War of Y and Senpai, Danjite Koidewa!
23. Who was the softest character/pairing in QL this year? Which pairing had the best communication?
Softest character: Takumi from Kimi no Hana ni Naru (the show isn't QL but he's bi so I'm including him)
Softest pairing: Maybe Adachi/Kurosawa from Cherry Magic the movie or Cake/Eiw from My Only 12%.
Best communication: Pat/Pran from Bad Buddy (if they count as this year). I could also nominate them for softest pairing since they're my faves.
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yourfavehatesadachi · 5 years
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Nino Nijiro from Idol Time Pripara hates Adachi so much that she will destroy him! 
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danaty-consolation · 4 years
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Cross Game - Screenshot redraw
My love for Cross game of Adachi Mitsuru’s knows no limits, please watch and read cross-game, is such a beautiful slice of life romance story with baseball.
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disaster-j · 2 years
Hi, I'm completely new to BL shows, just started Not Me and I love it!! So I wanted to ask what your favorite BL shows are, to get deeper into the genre, maybe some featuring Gun? He really stands out, I like him a lot. Thank you!!
Hiii! I made a BL rec list for my more obscure faves recently but as always tumblr hates me and is pretending it doesn't exist so I'm making a new one :))) since you're new here I'll just include all of my top faves atm, in no particular order-
(Note that this is just the shows I personally really loved and isn't meant to be an objective ranking. If your faves aren't on here don't take it personally.)
1. Theory of Love - Thai BL
It's my all time favourite BL and I think it will always occupy the top spot on the list for me. This was the show that made me fall in love with romance as a genre. It's such a well executed story that really explores love in it's many forms and was back then one of the first times I watched a romance and felt that I understood exactly why the main characters loved each other so much. A lot of people have differing opinions on this show but for me it's almost perfect. It's also an OffGun bl so if you're craving Gun's acting this will satisfy that for sure. They're both great in this.
2. A Tale of a Thousand Stars - Thai BL
Another great romance imo. Not an OffGun show but the main leads had incredible chemistry. The story was a bit clichéd at times but in a way that was very enjoyable. I liked the slow burn build up of their relationship and the heavier moments really added some much needed depth to the whole narrative. Watching this show as it aired was a great experience and Tian will forever be one of my all time favourite thai characters.
3. 3 Will Be Free - not a BL but a must watch
This was one of the first thai shows I ever watched and it will forever be one of my faves. The story is about three people from very different worlds ending up on the run from the mafia together and ending up falling in love. No shitty triangles tho, ot3 all the way! Mild, my favourite thai actress, is so iconic in this and it's Jennie's best role for sure. Everything about this show was amazing, iconic, never been done before, best thing ever!!!
4. Bad Buddy - Thai BL
Now this one is a bit... idk if you look at my posts on the show near the end it'll seem like I don't care for it. The ending wasn't what I'd hoped for. It felt disingenuous and unsatisfactory to me. Other people loved it tho so it's definitely about personal opinion. I really loved this show in a this can do no wrong sort of way up until half-way through until some things happened that made me lose some of that obsession. Still, it's a really cute romeo juliet style romcom and there's a wlw side ship that I would die for so I will definitely recommend trying it out! Just be prepared for a couple things to not make sense...
5. To My Star - Korean BL
Short and sweet story about a celebrity falling in love with his chef roommate. Loved every second of this. It was so adorable. Not much to say here except that s2 comes out soon so definitely watch it before that!
6. Cherry Magic - Japanese BL
The story of Adachi who wakes up on his 30th birthday to discover his virginity had landed him mind reading powers which reveal his perfect co-worker's secret crush on him. This show is super sweet and wholesome and funny. Absolutely delightful in every single way I cannot recommend this enough. There's also canon aroace rep! Can you believe!?!? It's amazing.
7. Dark Blue Kiss - Thai BL
This one is hella divisive. People either love the main ship or hate em. I'm sure you can guess where my allegiances lie... For me, PeteKao both represented some very real struggles of being in a long-term closeted relationship. I felt that their story was relatable, realistic despite the dramatisation, and one that was important to be told. People often misrepresent this show as a petty jealousy plot when it's really about dealing with your own insecurities over a secret relationship (for Pete) and learning to overcome your internalised homophobia and fear of being rejected by your loved ones (for Kao). So yeah, I'm definitely recommend it but I won't guarantee that you'll like it.
8. Light On Me - Korean BL
Love triangle done very right. I absolutely love this show. It was so simple and grounded and also cute and fluffy. All of the romantic and platonic relationships explored in the show were top-notch and it really had me so completely invested in every single character and their relationships. Overall, very good watch must recommend.
9. Puppy Honey - Thai Show w/ OffGun
Now while this isn't actually a BL show a lot of people still count it as one simply because it was OffGun's first show together. Puppy Honey is a short, 2 season show about a pair of best friends who all fall in love in the backdrop of their club. Emma and Rome are freshers while Porsche and Pick are their super seniors (that's the concept). While both ships are cute and fun in s1 I do recommend skipping the straights in s2 for optimal viewing experience bc their storyline is both boring and completely inconsequential to the rest of the plot. Still, PickRome were OffGun's first ship and it's always got a place in the fandom's hearts because of that.
10. Colour Rush - Korean BL
I really, really loved this one when it aired. It's such an interesting take on the colour based soulbonds concept. S1 was amazing. The storyline, cinematography and chemistry were all amazing. But then a lot of things changed in s2 and I've been too scared to watch it so... I highly recommend watching s1 but won't speak on s2 yet...
I have A Lot more but I'll stop at ten for now bc it's 4 am and I really should sleep. But do check out my currently watching (link in my bio) for what I'm watching rn along with Not Me bc most of those shows are amazing too!
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sunset-bridge · 2 years
persona 4 for the blorbo
YES persona 4 worms in my head..........
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
YOSUKE if you couldnt already tell by my url and blog in general asdhbhsdah. hes babie and also a fool but i love him sm <3. i also think about Yu a lot hes just a dusty guy i made a plush of him if that says anything.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
NANAKO NO CONTEST NANAKO 100% NANAKOOOO she gives me mother instincts i didnt know i had help
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Ok is Chie super popular? i feel shes definetly not as popular as say, Yosuke perhaps. Also Teddie :3 hes a funny bear but theres so much more to him and his whole concept tingles my brain. ALSO look i know Naoto is pretty popular but i feel people dont quiiiiiite appreciate their whole character? Then again this is just me seeing myself perhaps too much in a character but i have a lot of Feelings for Naoto.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
OK naoki (saki-senpais brother) like.. hello?? i thought he was just going to be an asshole with me all the time but my man just wanted to talk to someone and hes like so awkward but so genuine.....help i really like him i hope he has a good life and also doing his bond just help me give more strenght to my hate for the murderer <3 fuck you you ruined this families life fuck you fuck you
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
(i think for certain individuals yosuke qualifies here but for some kinda Personal reasons i really respect the guy and while i admit hes a bit of an absolute idiot sometimes i wouldnt call him pathetic)
BUT OK well, i appreciate Adachi's CHARACTER but hes such a fucking bastard lmao ksajdkjdhaaj. as a person i hate his guts but as a character hes a very interesting guy so i want to put him in a shoebox and shake him around a bit
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
again adachi i already said it jhsdhhgaash. put him on the dishwasher maybe he will be a better person.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
uh triple adachi time baby?? also that stupid ass nurse on the hospital bitch my dad is a police officer im getting yo ass in JAIL (thats what happened in my canon actually ahdsjbagshdhaj)
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gremlin4goro · 3 years
You get Persona 4, because I bet someone else will send you and ask about Yakuza :)
As of replying to this, no Yakuza ask has come, but I'm waiting. ;)
I'll state few things from the start because we're in Tumblr and I don't wanna get cancelled because of some misunderstanding: As most of the characters talked here are underage by shipping I mean teen-appropriate stuff like hugs, kisses and nice words, and if I say I like character it means something like me thinking they're cool both in attitude and looks and I might wanna hang out with them platonically.
I'll also strike over some lines that might be spoilery so if you're reading this without knowledge of series you might wanna skip 'em.
the first character i ever fell in love with: Kanji! And you knew it coming as soon as I got into the game, didn't you?
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: I had some not-so-nice thoughts of some of the stuff Yosuke said, but I mean considering the game is old and Japanese I could still think of it as bad writing and maybe translators being uneducated rather than the dude himself being gross. Also Adachi.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I don't really have all that strong shippy feels of this game. I guess I kinda liked the idea of Protag/Kanji but then Naoto came to play and they're much better suited with Kanji than Protag.
my ultimate favorite character™: Kanji my boy!
prettiest character: Yukiko. I really dig that ice-lady who's actually quite cool (pun intended) once you get to know her. Also cute laughter.
my most hated character: Besides the obvious hatred for Adachi, I'm gonna say I had some nasty vibes from uhh hwhat was her name again... Ai Ebihara. But I'd still say hate is too strong word, dislike's better.
my OTP: Kanji/Naoto
my NOTP: Anything involving Nanako 'cause she's just a kid! If Kanji/Yosuke is a thing that's also no (I have a feeling this is a thing). Even when I excused Yosuke's lines somewhat, slapping him together with Kanji and pulling the good old "Yosuke's only like that 'cause he's in denial about him being gay himself" is awful idea.
favorite episode: The camping trip was really wholesome and chill change of phase in the midst of all the chaos. Also lots of hilarious things happened.
saddest death: Without spoiling, the one from bad ending at the hospital.
favorite season: I don't think this one's appliciable here.
least favorite season: skippity skip this as well
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I'm not that much in the fandom so I'm half-guessing here. Rise. And again, dislike is better word for this than hatred.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Teddie!!!! Sure he can be one annoying fucker but also very precious.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Nanako, absolutely. Also Kanji, mostly that Yosuke didn't have to bully him.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: Nothing comes to mind, sorry. I guess closest thing to this could be Protag/Kanji? Like I like the idea of Kanji with Naoto the most but I'm also greedy so I wouldn't oppose being able to romance him in the game.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Well I mean all of the ships of this game. Maybe once I play it again some time I might wanna get more invested and actually write a small fic or two (no promises tho!).
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heat-riser · 3 years
Some weird analysis of when you knew me.
I’ve thought about doing this for a while. One part screaming into the void, one part for anyone who was on tumblr in it’s heyday and watched me be strange and into- frankly- the worst characters and really terrible ships. I’m 26 now and understand a bit more about myself after finally finding a good therapist who specialized in sexual trauma and delving into the deepest darkest parts. Maybe it’s part insight for people who were friends with my at the time- and by ‘at that time’, I guess I mean any point in my life up until a couple years ago. From around 5 years on- I was in a constant state of incredibly deep sadness and anxiety but was too numb to even really consciously feel it. I learned some of the worst things about people and became acquainted with some of the worst things a person can feel at 5, and then again multiple times around 9 due to rape by two different boys. The first, my family and people around me knew about pretty immediately. The second was completely unknown to people until recently. It’s not an easy thing telling your parents another neighbor boy who was a ‘friend’ raped you too. I can’t really explain properly how deeply this effects a person and how people don’t really understand it. Things as little as not being able to be outside my house without a jacket and full pants to cover my whole body because I internalized that showing your body is vulnerability opened up the possibility of sexualization and therefore- attack. All the way to now with everything being resurfaced and having nearly no sex drive and being unable to feel arousal without more anxiety coming in and overpowering the arousal feeling. It was recently recommended to me by my therapist to not play horror games because the feelings of arousal and fear are so tightly linked. I’ve been with the therapist for three years and anticipate at very least another 3-5 and she has clients who have been seeing her 10+ years for having experienced childhood sexual abuse. I can’t remember if I’ve talked publicly here about any of that but most of my friends are aware of the first one (it’s not really something I want to throw out there randomly and conversations in covid time are strange). I was only aware of the first one up until a couple years back. When talking about buried memories, how they come up, how to tell if they’re legit, I halfway thought “what if there was more” and felt sick to my stomach. One of the sure signs of a memory being true is an emotional response. I’m in the process of reclaiming the memories of the events involving the second neighbor boy. But point being- I learned the world was awful very early on and it became the background for all future development (sexual, social, self, etc. etc.). I began to numb myself after the first event and went through half of elementary school and middle school angry, sad, and hateful- I especially hated men, but also just the world at large. By high school, I had learned to shove all of that down. I can’t really recall feeling much of anything in high school. So the people that knew me at the time really only knew a weird ghost of a person. Then there’s this thing called trauma reenactment- where victims are drawn to things relating to the trauma situation. So this is what takes me to explaining the characters I was interested in. 1- Adachi. I now see as little more than a sad incel but it does say a lot about where I was at the time to be so fascinated with him. He shared my resentment towards the world, the idea that anyone who wasn’t depressed simply didn’t understand, and saw more of a problem with the world than his current state of being. Of course that was relatable. I very clearly remember in middle school believing people that weren’t depressed simply had no idea what was going on around them. Of course I thought that and still struggle with that mentality. All I had really known was deep despair and numbing myself from the world. I didn’t understand how other people didn’t realize that but now know what the emotional world I was living in was not typical of children. So here was someone that knew how bad everything around was and how bad the world felt and I clung onto him the same way I did my own idealizations. With what I’ve been processing more recently, the dude needed therapy and to unlearn that depression was cool and correct but had shown multiple times he was unwilling to challenge any of his issues and just started killing people. There were a lot of favorite characters through this but one that sticks out as another really fucked up example of where I was was Damon Gant. I look back at liking him as the ultimate symbol of trauma reenactment. He’s older, he had power, he was creepy, intimidating, unsettling, and controlling. Everything my predators had been to me at the time. So- all of those things were in a way intertwined with my own sexuality as they’re what I first learned with anything ‘sexual’. Some of my favorite ships are due to the same reasoning. Gant and Lana- again, kind of inherently controlling, imbalance of power, and ends horribly and tragically. I always found something intriguing and beautiful about the most horrific and sad feelings. And I’ll touch on it just for the record. Cyrus is big fucked up- but I think he is, though maybe incorrect, well intentioned with his main goal being what he believes will actually be better for everyone cause of his projection of the awful things he feels on everyone. He doesn’t go out of his way to hurt anyone and certainly doesn’t enjoy other people’s pain but rather wants to eliminate what he sees as the reason for people hurting others with and end justifies the means mindset. His numbing/attempts to numb, hatred of emotion, and hatred of people inflicting pain on others is all incredibly familiar and I’m certain a part of me in middle school knew that when picking him as a fave. As I progress, I’m more interested his potential to relearn people and start opening up to feeling. (Pokemon Master’s definitely more than hinted at him changing and I’m hoping that means they’ll go that route with remakes.) I should note that during my most ‘numb’ parts would sneak out and I would be very- and increasingly over time starting with 6th grade- suicidal and became addicted to cutting and self harm (which I realize now are both just further numbing techniques). I described the feeling at the time as a parasite controlling your brain and a part of yourself knowing you had to fight against it. There was a period I was certain of how I would die, it was just when I would finally snap. I should also say how much people are able to numb themselves. I can remember getting so anxious that my heart would race and the world felt fast- I would get to the point of gagging but can’t remember ‘feeling’ any ounce of anxiety consciously. When first becoming sexually active, I had extended, horrific anxiety that would have hospitalized me for a couple weeks if not for my mom being able to stay home with me (also out of work for a couple months and left addicted to xanax for a bit). And still didn’t quite believe her all the way when she suggested it was anxiety. And I sure as hell didn’t make any connections to any possible mental issues around sex. So I’ve ranted enough but saved this bit for the end cause it hits kinda hard. People tend to feel the same things they felt in locations. Curiosity got the best of me and I drove around parts of my childhood I spend a lot of time at and specific routes I would take. (It’s called state dependent memory if anyone’s interested). I’m learning just how much I was numb to everything and wondering just what it was I was covering up my whole life. This isn’t easy to really type out cause of how fucked it is with the realization that I didn’t really experience childhood to a degree. During my drive, past my high school, up near my friends houses, the route I would take coming back from college- I was deeply, and very profoundly sad in my core. Nothing near what a person should have felt through their childhood. I missed so much. And I’m sorry to my friends at the time who only got to know a strange, numb, trauma reenacting, ghost of myself. I’m not going to be able to relive those times in a better light but I can at very least do some work to prevent a future spent numb and profoundly sad. But my brain is finally allowing me to remember some things because it’s deemed that I can handle it, I’m learning more about myself and my past, learning how to listen to what my brain and body are telling me and why, and getting better at expressing grief and real, raw, sadness and a touch of deep-seated anger so I think I might be starting to turn this around.
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glaciemdraco · 4 years
Them literally saying Akechi can be either alive or dead just because they want the haters to also be happy is still bad writing. I'm sure there's people who hate Adachi, a character I think was worse, and he still got to live. They should commit to something with a character. It's why I don't get why Shuake fans are praising the interview for "making it canon" when it also literally confirms they're leaving it vague? It's cowardly storytelling. He' being treated weird like FEMC.
Oh, Adachi has haters absolutely and yet we have more confirmed canon with him than Goro, it’s just plain annoying. On top of that, Adachi did everything he did because he wanted to, Goro? Not so much. I feel like Goro only receives hate from a lot of male players compared to Adachi because he is a ‘pretty boy’. Probably salty that women and girls dare to like a character they don’t, with how some male Persona fans are, it wouldn’t surprise me. Or those who put themselves in Joker’s shoes… those fans will always make me wonder why I bother to be a Persona fan, sometimes. There is self-insert and then there is acting like the game’s plot is real and Goro is ‘horrible’ and all that, tbh.
I especially love when male players say we only like Goro because he is ‘pretty’ as though the same can’t be said for like most of them with their one dimensional personality waifus. Hypocrites at their best, I guess. It’s only bad if a girl/woman likes a character, in this fandom :)
Still, Goro does have some male fans as well, so there is that.
But yeah, he has been. It doesn’t make sense either since he is ‘canon’ (and so is she, since the SMT/Persona multiverse is canon) and yet… 
… it’s just annoying. I don’t understand why they are not focusing on the fans instead of the haters but I guess that’s just Atlus? Why make the fans of a character happy when you can focus on the haters? :D
At this point, I guess I should hope for all the Persona 6 party members to be one dimensional cinnamon rolls with no personality to them if I want to see my faves get any sort of content in canon and that very idea makes me sad… :(
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northernscruffycat · 4 years
PURSE OWNER and also dr stone and my hero :)
I got a separate one for My Hero so I’ll space them out, but here’s PURSE OWNER and the Senku is a Smart Boy ShowPersona:the first character i ever fell in love with: We started with Persona 5 and while I now love a lot of the characters introduced at the beginning of the game, the first one who really connected for me was Yusuke once they got him away from evil artist teacher and his TRUE ASEXUAL DORKINESS started shining througha character that i used to love/like, but now do not: idk I initially thought Makoto was okay, but then she got boring pretty quickly for mea ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I’ve only been on this series for two minutes, so all the ships I liked to start with I still like now. It’ll be interesting to check back in like a year and see if I still feel the same way thomy ultimate favorite character™: It’s HARD to choose between Teddie, Akihiko, Mitsuru, Elizabeth, Adachi and Yusuke, but like one of themprettiest character: Mitsuru is gorgeous. even when you put her in the silly outfits in the dancing game she still rocks itmy most hated character: Yukari. I hate Yukari with the intensity that I would’ve hated a character when I was 13 and that’s pretty impressive. Also all the creepy men in P5.my OTP: Mitsuru/Akihiko(/Shijiro)my NOTP: Yukari/Minatofavorite episode: the part where Teddie comes to live in the Dojima house as Yu’s house husband in P4Gsaddest death: CHIDORI ACTUALLY. Like, Shijiro’s death was sad as well, but I appreciate the development it meant Akihiko could have, whereas Chidori’s death and learning that Junpei still dreams of proposing to her 3 years later was HEARTBREAKINGfavorite season: Gonna cheat and say that so far P3 is my fave for story, P4 is my fave for characters/gameplay and P5 is my fave for styleleast favorite season: The gameplay in P2 so farcharacter that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: idk enough about fandom?? I like Chie fine but I’m not as into her as all the dudebros I see are?my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Adachi is the only right answer for this tbhmy ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Literally all the female cast deserve better tbh, but I feel like Fuuka and Haru in particular needed more room for their stories to grow. NAOTO DESERVED TO BE INTENTIONALLY WRITTEN AS A TRANS CHARACTER AND NOT WHAT WE GOT, poor naoto D:my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: idk I like the concept of Yu having a one-sided crush on Adachi, but I don’t want it to be requitedmy ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Joker/Yusuke is cute, but there’s other ships I like more for both charactersDr. Stone:the first character i ever fell in love with: senku was amazing from the very starta character that i used to love/like, but now do not: at first i thought tsukasa might be okay, but so far he’s been a pretty boring villaina ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: again, i still like all the ships i did to start withmy ultimate favorite character™: OOOHHHH SORRY SENKU BUT IT ACTUALLY IS GINROU SOBprettiest character: Sorry Gen, but Senku, Yuzuriha and Taiju all beat you in this category for memy most hated character: uuuhhh all those boring buff guys tsukasa sent after senku?my OTP: SENGENmy NOTP: Senku/Kohakufavorite episode: The one where Senku seduces Gen with colasaddest death: The only manga spoiler I’ve seen is that one of my best boys dies, but apparently this show loves death cheats, so I’m trying to stay hopefulfavorite season: There’s only one season of the anime so far, so that one?least favorite season: I like the one season I’ve seen lolcharacter that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I don’t hate them, but I wish Ruri and Kohaku weren’t just there for fan servicemy ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: GINROUmy ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Suica!my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: That Ginrou/Chrome RP we had was full of NASTY LOL but I’m kinda into them now. also as a joke ship chrome/the old man lmaomy ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Chrome/Ruri? man we need the next season so I can learn more about all these other characters I keep seeing from the manga and have opinions on ships with them
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yourfavehatesadachi · 5 years
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WE ALL hate Adachi!!!
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fluff-support · 5 years
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@kitucan you’ve inspired me.... your fave hates adachi flag! for when you hate adachi! the colors of the flag is the bastard man’s color palette inverted! 
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crackinthewhip · 5 years
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wow, that was... an Episode™
thoughts on ep 3 below the cut!!!
k, um. i went in knowing i was gonna be kind to abel because i dig being compassionate to enemies. it’s one of my fave tropes so i went in knowing what i would do. but. goddamn. he became so much more sympathetic than i thought? his VA did such a good job portraying relatable fear and despair. my heart honestly broke. abel is by no means my favorite character, but i can’t say he’s one of my least favorites, either. i just. wow. that hit me hard. and AJ being there made it harder. more on that later.
does it bother anyone else that clementine can read bible passages perfectly when she didn’t move past the first grade?
the passing bdsm reference made me laugh, though. stay classy, abel
i saved louis in ep 2, and i don’t have any regrets. more thoughts on that later, too.
i still hear adachi/ichigo in james’s voice and it makes me laugh every time. especially with adachi (from persona 4). like, bitch. don’t tell me not to kill walkers. (i still didn’t)
i absolutely loved the “party” the kids threw. it was sweet, and we got some development for them (ruby and louis/violet in particular).
the uh, masturbation line was... weird.
louis’s backstory was so sad and honestly believable and unique. it’s something i can see a stupid spoiled kid doing, and you can tell he’s sorry.
THE SONG... god, the song!! i got the piano version with louis, but god!! it was so pretty!!
i went with the platonic louis route and i still got to hug him. fuck yeah.
james having a bf was cute. <3
i’ve been raising AJ to be kind/merciful to people, so idk if he had this reaction in every playthrough, but his whole “3 types of eyes” speech was very deep and introspective. him feeling sorry for abel too was very sweet. i’m proud of who he’s becoming.
violet hates me now.... sorry, vi. it’s better than louis not having a tongue.
minerva is... very interesting. that’s all i can really say about her at this time.
i didn’t kill lilly, mostly for AJ. i like lilly, don’t get me wrong, but she has done nothing to gain my favor this season, and i’m angry with her. however, i’m training AJ to not be a killer, and my clem is not a killer.
poor james.... rip adachi/ichigo.
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bonnie-beebee · 6 years
Hellooooo~ I'm here to send couple more characters~ First one: Ryotaro Dojima from Persona 4 BY
Oof - hitting me with all my weaknesses, Michi; you know me well !! (人´∀`) ❤ general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my lifehotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | Infinite/10 would smooch/marry/banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff best quality: His sense of justice, the love he has for family, how he isn’t afraid to be emotional - there’s so many things I love about him as a whole, it’s hard to pick one. He is basically everything I love in a person, that thinking about him, my heart swells with love lmbh;hworst quality: While he isn’t afraid to be emotional, he can’t always put it in to words which leads to misunderstandings; some that he may become unsure how to fix. He later learns from this but during the time he hasn’t, it’s painful and I want to simultaneously smack him lightly round the head, then hug him tight.ship them with: OTP is with Adachi (tho I hate his guts) , their chemistry is the best in the game, and like … since Dojima seems happy, I’m happy. brotp them with: I dunno if the bond he has with his nephew could count as a brotp since they’re family - it’s my fave platonic relationship for sure. So I’m gonna bend the rules of canon and say Sojiro Sakura from P5 because they’d definitelybond over stuff like coffee and their crazy bunch of kids.needs to stay away from: aNYTHING THAT PUTS HIM IN DANGER LIKE …. BABY PLEASE, HOW AM I MEANT TO KEEP YOU SAFE WHEN YOU KEEP GETTING YOURSELF INTO DANGEROUS SITUATIONSSSSS!!!misc. thoughts: He is an absolute comfort character; he makes me feel safe just by looking at him, for me he’s a symbol of calm and safety. Like honestly??? if a guy was exactly like him, would probably consider a romantic relationship despite me being very much attracted to females - and if not that, then certainly a platonic relationship because having more people like that in my life would do wonders for my state of mind on my worst days. I love him dearly and I could even say that he’s my most favourite character of anything ever.
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chisaki · 6 years
Need more Persona on my dash!
It’s been awhile since I made a post like this, but please like/reblog if you post Persona (any Persona will do) and I’ll definitely check your blog out. My favorite ships and characters are stated below (bolded are ones I really care about). Bonus points if you post about them the most.
Yukino Mayuzumi
Eriko Kirishima
Eikichi Mishina
Minato Arisato/Yuuki Makoto
Akihiko Sanada
Chidori Yoshino
Ryoji Mochizuki
Souji Seta/Yuu Narukami
Yosuke Hanamura
Kanji Tatsumi
Naoto Shirogane
Tohru Adachi
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
Yusuke Kitagawa
Makoto Niijima
Futaba Sakura
Haru Okumura
Goro Akechi
Caroline and Justine
Literally all of the confidants (Mishima, Iwai, Takemi, Hifumi, Sae, and Sojiro are my faves though)
P3 MC x Aigis
FeMC x Akihiko
Chidori x Junpei
P4 MC x Yosuke
Kanji x Naoto
One other P4 ship but I’m not gonna say to avoid hate. You can prolly figure it out though.
P4 MC x Rise
P4 MC x Naoto
P4 MC x Marie
P5 MC x Ryuji
Ryuji x Everyone (except for characters like Morgana)
P5 MC x Akechi
P5 MC x Makoto
P5 MC x Futaba
P5 MC x Takemi
P5 MC x Hifumi
Makoto x Ann
Futaba x Yusuke
P5 MC x Mishima
Sorry for the unnecessary long post!
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