#you go on there and the mpreg is inescapable
yea-baiyi · 11 months
I’m not on twitter but I see this type of sentiment commonly on here and I have to ask - what are they posting over there that gets people here in such frustration??
mpreg. animal hybrids. omegaverse. really weird and ooc modern aus. the worst most surface level character takes you’ve ever seen in your life.
things i listed above are in descending order of frequency by the way. (why is there so much mpreg on there. why. why are they so obsessed with men getting pregnant. it is inescapable.)
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15-lizards · 1 year
ASOIAF Tumblr Simulator
Mutual 1: I need Stannis’ old man hole NOW
Mutual 2: If Dany doesn’t get to plant a lemon tree I am going to kill myself
Mutual 4: ugh why does no one ever talk about my faves on here :( *the faves in question are Nimble Dick, Cotter Pyke, Misina Whent, and 12 Blackfyres who died in childhood*
Mutuals 5 and 6: hey guys here’s my dead dove erotic Targaryen fan fiction, it’s an mpreg about Maegor getting Aenys pregnant in the dragon pit
Mutual 7: if Jon doesn’t get to see Bran and Arya again I am going to kill myself
Mutual 8: I wrote a little something just for funsies [20 page paper on how ASOIAF is a Greek tragedy]
Mutual 9: Do you guys think Qyburn fucks
Mutual 10: *screenshot of the worst tweet you’ve ever seen* Theon
Mutual 11: Gender is such a complex thing in this story, I see it as a commentary on the inherent violence inescapable in this medieval monarchical society, and how that violence is tied so closely to gender. it is so cruel nobody is safe not even the lovely queen or a golden knight of the kingsguard. Time and time again we see the idea of gender subverted and twisted and played with until GRRM really makes it a character of its own.
Mutual 12: I need Roose Bolton weird blood guy penis NOW
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thotful-opinions4u · 2 years
Fanfiction "Would you rather?"
Questions taken from this video by @whimsquirksandstuff
tagged by: @future-dregs
Friends to lovers, or enemies to lovers? - Friends to lovers. Exactly, exactly what future-dregs said: you gotta like who you love. And while enemies to lovers can do that, I prefer friends to lovers.
Be forced to watch a terrible movie adaptation of your favorite fanfic, or an amazing adaptation of your least favorite fanfic? - An amazing adaption of my least favorite fanfic. Not sure what that would be, but the movie version could potentially impress me whereas the other scenario is a surefire disappointment.
Read fanfic chapters backwards, last to first, or read them as parsed from google translate? - Translate. I'm bad at keeping timelines straight, let alone out or order. I'm really not a fan of non-chronological timelines - with only a small handful of exceptions.
Consume every fanfic as an audiobook read by a monotone narrator, or have to read every fanfic on a tiny printed piece of paper written in yellow highlighter? - I have issues with audio, so I'd take the tiny highlighted paper but I would hate it. It'd be a lot of work to read.
Get a tattoo on your body of every fanfic title you read, or never read fanfic again? - Wouldn't fit?? I mean I pick tattoos; I just don't know how that'd work. I've read - I don't know how many. And my own long titles would wipe out a big fraction of my skin real estate lol
Vampire AU or Werewolf AU? - I would say vampire, I think. Both could be fun.
Get sold to a boy band, or be stuck in a time loop with your love interest? - Time loop. I would hate it because of the inescapability and inevitably, and it'd be weird because I haven't had a love interest since I was around 15. so idk if it'd be the same one? A new one? Either option is a little uncomfortable.
But I think anxiety-wise a time loop would be so satisfying to try again and again. Like the 'what if I had done this' anxiety would be a really interesting effect because (depending on how long the time loop is) you could squish those anxieties by trying to do better. Or just having a fantastic day doing things you normally wouldn't do.
I guess you do have to interact with the love interest, which is a downside. And, ethically, I do think it's a little creepy to keep redoing, like, the first date until you 'get it right' BUT I would take at least a few time loops to even realize I was in a loop + and then a LOT more to ever consider going to them because I'd try to break the loop on my own countless times before I went to them. But to be fair, maybe if I had a current love interest I'd be more worried about time loops ethics in forming a romantic relationship rather than being forced to reunite with someone I no longer know.
Kill your favorite character, or marry your least favorite character? - I'm not sure who either is tbh. Right now maybe my favorite chracter is OFMD's Lucius or Mash's Hawkeye. Least favorite? Mash's Frank Burns or someone obvious I'm forgetting. Irl? I guess marry my least favorite character because divorce is an option and because I wouldn't kill someone. In fic? No hesitation, kill favorite character. What's a little "major character death"s between friends?
Meet your love interest in a coffee shop AU or a college AU? - Coffee shop. Easily. But with the bonus factor of then I'd tell my friends that my life is that one song. Can't thin of the name; it's about falling in love in a coffee shop - okay, now that I'm saying it, there's probably thousands of songs like that so.
Have your fic history leaked, or never read another fanfic again? - Right, future-dregs is right: to who? Like I'd still pick leaked regardless though.
Be able to read amazing fanfiction but it always has an mpreg plot twist, or only read bad fanfiction for the rest of your life? - Okay I'd get tired of it being every plot twist but the mpreg. Especially as it implies it'd be done well.
Gay ships or straight ships? - Admittedly I tend to read more gay ships, but in theory I don't have a preference. But I think I read a staggeringly weighted amount of gay ships rather than straight. so I guess I do have a preference and didn't realize it.
Ship a rarepair with almost no content, or a pair with lots of content but almost all of it is cracky nightmare smut? - Rarepair!! Those can be frustrating but fun too. And it's like "same hat" if you do find content for it.
See your OTP shatter years after their happily ever after, or never have the happily ever after happen in the first place? - Never have it happen in the first place. It's almost worse to see the first one. If it's a well done tragedy, maybe, but that's not my usual cup of tea.
Read a poorly written but complete fanfic, or a literary masterpiece last updated June 2013? - 2013 literary masterpiece! I don't mind incomplete fics but especially not when they're a masterpiece! There's so many fics that I love - as is! - and whether or not they ever update won't effect how much I already love them.
Read SSSS++++ tier smut with almost 11k words, or 70k words worth of fluff? - Oh those are both a lot of words for my current attention span. I don't like smut so I'd choose the 70k fluff - unless it was a story that had a plot too so not all 11k is smut.
Read only alternate universe fanfics, or only canon fanfics? - Canon. Easily. AUs are good and fun but there's no contest.
Introduce fanfics to your normie friend with an ongoing smut fic with great writing, or a complete fluff fic with terrible writing? - I don't really have normie friends because they're all writers, so. But I think as a first fic, I'd do the fluff because as a starter fic it's complete AND then you can send 'better' ones after that once you see if that's even a genre your friend likes.
Read your NOTP with all your favorite tropes and perfect characterization, or your OTP with tropes you despise and inconsistent characterization? - NOTP. I've read fics with pairings I thought I didn't like and the fics were still enjoyable. Just has to be written well. Some NOTPs the canon characterization IS the problem so having good characterization wouldn't help those ones but for the most part, yeah I try to have an open mind.
Read a fic with an interesting concept but very poor writing, or read a fic with an uninteresting concept with really good writing? - This is a really. really tough question. An interesting concept but poor writing could lend itself to me mulling it over and creating a 'better' version of it in my mind. Which is very fun. But an uninteresting concept with really good writing would be far more satisfying to read - especially in the moment - and I think even 'boring' concepts when well written can be wildly entertaining.
Alright, yeah, I pick uninterseting concept with really good writing.
Have a major character death, or have a bed sharing scene but it's a ship you hate? - Major character death. Sometimes angst is very much the flavor I'm looking for. I don't tend to read major character deaths but I'd prefer it over a bed sharing scene with a ship I hate because the major character death would intentionally make me upset.
Read a fanfic that has consistent grammar and spelling mistakes, or one that the characters are wildly different than canon? - Consistent spelling and grammar mistakes. When the characterization is too off, it's not as fun to read. Unless, of course, it's off in a way that IS fun to read. But I don't mind spelling and grammar issues as long as I can read it.
Every fanfic includes Jackson Wang, or every fanfic includes at least one NSFW moment? - One NSFW moment. Same, I don't know who Jackson Wang is, but that sounds like it'd really old really fast. Maybe especially since I don't know who that is, it'd get annoying quicker.
Read the most absolutely messed up dead dove with your most wholesome fic, or subject yourself to 100,000 words of your NOTP all written in a solid block with no punctuation and horrible grammar? - I can't do 100,000 solid block with no punctuation. It's too inaccessible. I have to pick the first one.
Have the power to read every fanfic in existence, or have the power to make any ship canon? - I think I'd go mad with power if I could do the second one. So I pick the ability to read every fanfic. Especially because I have such a long to-read list and I'm behind on a LOT of fics I want to read.
Have your OTP get together in canon but one of them dies in a tragic way, or all members of your OTP survive but get together with other people? - Survive. Honestly, if they get into a romance I dislike. I can more easily pretend they didn't than pretend they didn't die.
Read a cringy 70 chapter Harry Styles mafia AU, or a highschool Kpop AU y/n fic horrible grammar? - Well both of them are about irl people? Well I think mafia AUs can be fun (it's like a cheesy action movie) so I'd pick that one, even if the kpop had good grammar. But that's so long BUT the highshcool AU doesn't list a length so in theory it could also be 70 chapters.
Accidentally send your boss a super detailed smut fic, or read a super detailed smut fic about your boss? - I'd read it since I think sending unprompted smut fics to people is a little invasive.
Read smut fanfic aloud to your parents, or submit fanfic to the employer of your dream job? - Submit fanfic.
Pine after an oblivious love interest, or be the oblivious love interest being pined after? - Pine. I've done it and I was fine. It's even nice, in ts own way. Also, the thought of someone pining after me and I just don't notice is... a little odd. Don't think I want that, since sometimes other people get sad when they pine.
Hanahaki disease, or your soulmates first words to you tattooed on your body (and they're really stupid)? - Tattoo. I really wouldn't mind if the words were stupid! It'd be like an inside joke once you met them! Honestly I think it'd become endearing, no matter how stupid the words.
But also yeah I agree with future-dregs: the return the love or death is a little forced for me.
Be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega in omegaverse? - Beta. In some omegaverses they don't do anything, right? Then that.
Read a fanfic where the characters turn into furries, or a fanfic where the characters all get pregnant? - I don't know anything about furries but the characters all being pregnant for just one fanfic isn't too bad, so I pick all pregnant I guess.
Be able to resurrect dead fics, or have the power to create of plethora of new fics effortlessly? - The power to create a plethora of new fics effortlessly. There is just SO MUCH I wanted to do but didn't have the time + energy for. I'd never stop just churning out fics.
Very long, yes, but thank you for thinking of me!
Anyone who'd like to do this, tag me back if/when you do so I can see
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fvckyouimaprophet · 4 years
P, S, T for the fanfic asks?
ty joley! you’ve opened the floodgates and are about to find out how picky i am with reading fics, whoops.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I’m a little bit of both. I’ve lately been doing more outlines, and it is helpful! I also write headcanons for the characters in my notes app a lot of the time. Even if they never come up, it helps the characters feel more real.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Stoner fics, fake dating, enemies to lovers, and out-there AUs.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Parent fics: Children are rarely written well, and most of the ship dynamics I like don’t lend themselves well to the characters having children.
Childhood friendship fics: Children’s voices are hard to capture, and it’s just not the type of fluff I’m super interested in.
Season/book rewrites: I’m really not interested in seeing a bunch of scenes I already recognize but with different character dynamics. I lean more towards AU anyway.
First-person POV fics: 95% of the time, it doesn’t work for me. I feel like it’s hard to do it masterfully where you really get in the character’s head. Both in writing and reading, I like the openess that third-person omniscient allows.
A/B/O: I was in the Teen Wolf fandom for a while, and this was the bane of my existance. There's so much dub-con involved, and I don't love a lot of the sub-tropes that come with it—in heat, knotting, self-lubrication, mpreg.
Mpreg: Speaking of mpreg... It’s always weirdly transphobic and feels like a weird, hellish mix of weight gain kink and lactation kink with the way it’s written.
Crossover: I don’t think I’ve ever once gotten into a crossover fic. I like specific ship and friend dynamics, and crossovers always throw those off-balance. I’m not picky with headcanons, but I won’t read or write those fics (unless given a prompt).
Self-Insert/Reader-Insert Fics: The second-person of it all always gets to me. Also, domestic or sexual, it just doesn’t appeal to me!
Sickfic: For terminal/major illnesses, tbh, I feel like they’re weirdly insensitive about illnesses and romanticize death/tragedy. I used to write them as a teen, but even in the best case scenarios, they feel like an easy method of emotional manipulation. For colds, broken bones, etc, I think they’re totally fine and get why they’d be appealing, but they’re just not my jam.
Addict Fics: Again, 99% of the time, they’re insensitive, inaccurate, and easy emotional manipulation. Also, it’s really funny when you read something and it’s just... not how drugs work both in effect and dosage.
Lyricfics: This feels like it’s less common than it was 10 years ago, but in the days of fanfiction.net, I feel like they were inescapable. I use songs as inspiration, but I find it really distracting when someone pastes the entierty of a song into a fic and alternates between 1-3 paragraphs of fic and 1 stanza of song. It also just feels like it’s whacking you in the face with the mood of the fic.
There are more, but I’m gonna stop there because that’s already like 10, lol.
Send me a fanfiction letter ask.
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thedeadflag · 5 years
G!P characters aren't necessarily trans, it seems pretty offensive that just because they share the same genital configuration as trans people (sometimes temporarily) do, that they should be deemed trans. There is so much more to being a trans person, especially the identity struggle that is just not in these characters.
You’re literally thisclose to understanding. 
There is absolutely more to being trans than our typical genital configuration at birth. You don’t need to tell me that, I’m a trans woman, I know this intrinsically.
When it comes to the g!p trope, he’s some major points of what we know:
It became a known, if rare trope as trans porn started taking off in the late 80s and early 90s. As trans porn became more popular, it also became more prevalent in wlw fandom, solidifying its presence in the late 90s/early 00s, making a bit of a jump in popularity when the a/b/o trope took off during the height of the Supernatural fandom.
As a trope, its sexual content heavily mirrors the core elements of trans porn. It doesn’t deviate from that framework. 
The g!p characters overwhelmingly possess the major aspects of transmisogynistic stigmas that get passed off as erotic taboo elements for people who aren’t us. The same things that amplify the cis gaze’s taboo fantasy gets us abused, exploited, hurt, isolated, and killed.  
I could go on for a few hours on everything that makes g!p function as a trope, but I’ll limit myself and leave you those to chew on. You can look through my archived posts for some more detail on the nuances and specifics if you want.
But here’s what we also know:
Trans women are the overwhelming majority of women with penises. We’re virtually the only women with penises that cis people and trans people alike have come across in any form of media content. 
This means that we are the framework worked off of when people think of women with penises, and we are the ones affected by media representation of women with penises.
When people create media including women with penises, the penis generally exists in that content as a vehicle for a variety of desires. When a marginalized person is desired for various physical aspects of themselves, with the substance of their character, their lived experiences, their diversity all tossed away? That is called fetishization.
Your argument breaks down to be essentially that because people fetishize trans women’s bodies and create media content through that fetishized lens, that those g!p characters aren’t necessarily trans, because there’s more to being trans than those fetishized parts of us. It’s an argument that fetishized caricatures of marginalized people aren’t necessarily those marginalized peoples.
It’s a very cart-before-the-horse surface level perspective. Think of all the harmful media stereotypes out there and ask yourself if people shouldn’t be upset about them because they clearly don’t reflect the reality and complexity of the people they’re negatively representing.
Let’s take the well known character of Jame Gumb/Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal Lecter, at one point, remarks that Jame isn’t a trans woman. But every frame of Buffalo Bill’s existence in that film works to play on transmisogynistic stereotypes. Every single scene with that character sends the message that trans women are delusional, dangerous sexual predators. But since an authoritative character claims Buffalo Bill isn’t trans, am I supposed to declare the film free of transmisogynistic representation? 
What about Rocky Horror Picture Show? Again, the main villain is an amalgamation of all the common transmisogynistic stigmas at that period in time, fused into a single murderous, rapist, alien entity. We also know the creator of RHPS considers (in the nicest light it can be stated) trans women to be cross dressing ‘third sex’ individuals, not actual women, and doesn’t believe anyone assigned one binary gender can actually be the other binary gender. But apparently, since it doesn’t explicitly say Frank N Furter is a trans woman, it’s not a problem? It’s not transmisogynistic representation?
No. Media literacy has taught us enough to know that there’s tremendous transmisogyny afoot in those two cases. 
So there’s parallels with g!p, obviously. You get a lot of folks literally removing part of a trans woman’s experience and playing around with it and experimenting with it through people who aren’t explicitly trans women. They’re treating trans women as a collection of ideas and kink potential to be picked apart like a berry patch instead of real human beings. Even if they say it’s not a trans woman, the result of their effort is a character that is all the fetishized trans woman elements, often a fair bit of the stigmatized elements, minus all the meaningful experiences. If I carve a pumpkin and empty all the insides out of it, and put a candle in there, it’s still a pumpkin. A Jack o Lantern, sure, but still a 100% pumpkin.
And that’s bound to happen. It’s inescapable.
I mean, when 99% of cis folks don’t understand how trans women tend to be sexually intimate… when they don’t understand what dysphoria is and how it works and how it can affect us physically and emotionally…when they don’t understand almost any of our lived experiences…then they’re not going to be able to accurately portray us even if they wanted to.
And I’ve read enough G!P fics where authors wrote those as a means of trying to add trans rep. but because they didn’t understand us at all, it wasn’t remotely representative, and it was entirely fetishistic.
So while the g!p trope was built on the foundation of trans women’s fetishization, and all such characters are inherently and implicitly trans women if not explicitly, they absolutely don’t reflect our realities, whether because of a lack of understanding, or an overriding fetish, or a cissexist & fetishistic mix-and-match approach, or what have you.
It is trans fetishization, it is transmisogyny, and they are erasing us through these works by overwhelmingly flooding the market with misinformation and messaging that ultimately does come back to bite us in the form of sexual violence, community exclusion, enhanced cissexism, .
Because it’s late and I’m exhausted after working and commuting, I’ll cut things a bit short and I’ll quote trans guy user SynthDicks here on his take on Mpreg a ways back, which was very on point and relevant to this discussion
like… you cant write about pregnant men in a way thats divorced from trans men. writing about one way in which bodies adjacent to trans manhood are sexy or fun or desirable, while writing some complicated world in which the rest of the ways trans male bodies are characterised are done away with is creepy and transphobic. all it means is that both bits of the revulsion/fetishisation complex that trans bodies are placed under happens at the same time …
and using trans manhood purely for a pregnancy arc- erasing all the experiences that come from being a trans man- for the purpose of focusing on that one aspect of trans bodies is dehumanising and fetishising. its a fetishisation of trans bodies and a revulsion at trans experiences. these arent opposing statements. theyre the same statements
I really, truly hope you’re a little closer to understanding how this all works after all this rambling. If I had the energy to make a properly structured and cohesive post, I would, but alas. 
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Sterek Mpreg AU. Derek is tricked by a big bad into sleeping with them through disguising themselves as Stiles. Derek gets pregnant from the encounter, and this is when he tells Stiles what he wants to do with this discovery. _______________________________________________________________________
Derek tells Stiles while sitting on the bathroom floor smelling of vomit.
He tells Stiles after throwing up for the third time in less than an hour, and after two weeks of heavy silences trying to muddle through the mess of emotions in his head.
Stomach still churning, throat burning, eyes tearing up from the inescapable nausea, Derek leans his head against cool porcelain and lets frustration and exhaustion push the words out of his lips.
“I don’t want it,” he breathes out like confession.
Tearful hazel eyes look up at Stiles brimming with guilt and shame.
“I don’t want it,” he says again, voice breaking.
There’s more, there’s something else he means to say but can’t find it in him to voice out loud. Stiles seems to hear it anyway.
“Okay.” Stiles consoles, hand still rubbing Derek’s back, the surprise in his eyes there and gone just like that. “Okay. Let’s get you up and back to the bed first, alright?”
He helps his mate off the floor and settled in bed. Derek squeezes his eyes shut for a second against the persistent dizziness, half from the morning sickness and half from emotional distress. When he opens them again Stiles is coming back from cleaning up their bathroom.
His mate lays down beside him and pulls him close. Derek turns around and burrows into Stiles’ chest, desperate to hide from everything.
Stiles continues running a comforting hand down his back, kisses his forehead, does everything to keep him calm.
Stiles waits. He lets Derek take his time.
“I don’t want it,” Derek repeats, voice raspy as he failingly tries to hold back the tears and the sobs wanting out of him.
Stiles hums in reply. He waits for the rest.
Derek grabs a fistful of Stiles’ shirt, resisting the urge to runaway and shut down. “The fire,” he blurts out. He feels Stiles’ hand stop its calming motion on his back. “Sometimes...sometimes it still feels like it’s my fault. Like I helped Kate burn my family. I let Laura go back alone. I killed Peter. Erica and Boyd. Aiden.”
“I know.” He exclaims, cutting Stiles off. He tightens his embrace, trying to get the message across. “I know. It’s just...”
Stiles pushes Derek away a little to take a good look at his sourwolf. “You can tell me.”
Derek makes the mistake of meeting Stiles’ eyes. The words break free with the tears.
He feels like he’s being selfish, choosing his own comfort over this new life. All those years of believing that he was the reason for his family’s death, that he was responsible for the loss of so many innocent lives. Making this choice now feels like justifying that belief.
“I feel like I’m proving them right,” he whispers, “I feel like all I’m good for...is killing my family.”
Everything stills. For a moment, everything in their tiny bubble stills. Derek tries to remember how normal people breathe, when he does, sobs spill from his lips together with the guilt and the shame he’s been keeping inside of him.
That night is one of the few times in his life that Stiles cannot find anything to say. So he doesn’t say anything. He just holds Derek close.
Through the agonising endeavour of watching a loved one hurt from a pain you cannot fix, Stiles holds Derek close. Come the morning, he still doesn’t let go.
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bibliosexxual · 7 years
I love the nsfw-fluff fic. Did you write omegaverse o would you like to write one?
the nsfw-fluff fic
Thanks! :)
I've actually never written an A/b/o fic, or felt much impulse to. Although I've read and enjoyed a number of omegaverse fics and could easily write up a fic rec list for it, I've been kind of surprised by its popularity. I’m going to put in a ‘read more’ just in case anyone doesn’t want to see a lot of informal thoughts about A/b/o below.
tl;dr: I probably wouldn't dabble in omegaverse except as a reader.
In a way, A/b/o is interesting. It creates the possibility of bending traditional gender roles in unusual ways, and there have been some cool fics using the trope to explore social justice issues, which is totally my jam.
Overall, though, the trope holds limited appeal for me, and usually if I like an omegaverse fic it's mostly in spite of A/b/o elements, or because the fic is in some way a commentary on or inversion of the trope. 
In some cases (not going to name any specific examples) omegaverse stuff actually turns me off. That's especially the case if I feel like the writer's interpretation of the trope makes characters too OOC, if the situation creates squicky consent issues, or if the trope feels too heteronormative.
By that last point I mean, sometimes slash writers replace the traditional gender hierarchy with an A/b/o hierarchy and it rubs me the wrong way. I like that LGBTQ+ relationships in fic tend to deviate from traditional hetero roles, and I dislike that sometimes A/b/o feels like it's putting that kind of normative dynamic back into the picture, if that makes sense. 
Then there's the mpreg aspect of A/b/o... I've read some mpreg fics that I've liked well enough, so it's not a total dealbreaker for me, but I don’t actively seek out mpreg reads, and I can't see myself writing such a fic. Pregnancy/lactation/etc. squicks me out, and (with some exceptions) I'm almost never into kid!fic.
I think, too, that part of my lukewarm feelings about A/b/o stem from the fact that I'm nonbinary. This one is a bit hard to explain, but I’ll try. I know some people like the trope for seeming to break gender out of a binary because hey, there's male and female, alpha and beta and omega, six possible combinations, and reproductive biology can work differently than in real life. But some of these fics feel just the opposite to me. More so than other fanfic tropes, the central emphasis of many of these fics is on how these characters' identity is tied strongly/inescapably to their biology in this 'verse. Not my idea of escapism or wish fulfillment.
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thishasbeencary · 7 years
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
Tagged by: @queenofaburiedkingdom, @n3rdlif343va and @kasumi-chou
Lily’s questions:
What is your favorite part of the day? (This can be a time, like the morning, or an action, like seeing your pet)
That moment when I’m about to fall asleep, and I’m just lying in bed with absolutely no thoughts.
What is something you’ve always wanted someone to do for you, but never told them?
I don’t know ?? I like when people create, but I don’t necessarily want them to create for me, you know?
If you could do something for the rest of your life without fear of going broke/getting hurt, what would it be?
I was about to say “swim with the manatees”, but then I noticed it said “for the rest of your life” not just “something you want to do”. Maybe just… explore.
Can you describe the color blue without using the word? (I’m so ready to hear these responses aye)
(Imagine for a second that you’re not afraid of a fish trying to eat your foot, and step deeper into the water. At first, it’s murky, and all you can see is the mud you’ve brought up by dragging your feet along the rocky bottom. Careful! The rocks are sharp, and you need to know better, you need to make sure that your feet don’t start to bleed, so you don’t bring out the sharks. Go further, and start to pretend like you can float. Watch the water in front of you, take in a deep breath, and go under. Hold your breath until –
Now keep going, letting the scales wrap around your legs and letting yourself go deeper and deeper. Explore, see the fish, the coral, but then come up. You’re in the wide open see, and as you float on your back, you see the same echoed above you in color – the sky, with the sun still shining bright, though setting more and more by the second. The clouds are a soft floating cotton against the color, and it brings peace.
You go upright in the water, simple strokes of tail and arms keeping you afloat. All around you is a vast expanse of softly ripping waves, and as you stop for a moment, just floating there, you look, and you see.
And then you dive back under, met with the darker shade of the same color. It’s home, and even as you swim back to the shore the next day, you know to seek it. You can’t avoid the sea, and you see it everywhere. In the sky, in your friend’s eyes, in the too-revealing bikini of the teenager who arrived on the sand, diving into the waves.
You may blend in with the rest, but the color of the sea surrounds, inescapable.)
Best compliment you ever received? 
I’m gonna go with when @thebookofsands drew me as a manatee mermaid. Like I don’t know if that’s necessarily a compliment in the strictest sense, but I still smile when I see it.
What is your favorite au trope?
Mistaken identity/wrong number aus. I love them.
What is your favorite memory?
One of them is my last time in orchestra for a musical in high school, we had professionals play with us every year because enough people never signed up. And one of the professionals, who played saxophone, and so sat next to me every year, told me that he’d really appreciated that I did orchestra and that he’d miss me next year and I was just… very thankful, because orchestra was a struggle sometimes since I was often alone and forgotten.
What is something you’ve always secretly wanted people to compliment you on?
I’d usually say my writing, but people do compliment that a lot. I feel like… people genuinely compliment me a lot, and that’s not even me bragging, I’m just ?? people are very sweet to me, and I appreciate it so much.
Hogwarts house?
What is your favorite song at the moment? (Or your #1 played song on your phone if you don’t have one)
Honestly, idk. I don’t listen to that much music that isn’t the Jurassic Park soundtrack rn so if that counts, the Jurassic Park theme. Like, the main theme. The one that makes you feel really pumped up to get eaten by some dinosaurs.
Do you cry during movies/tv shows/while reading books/fanfics?
Not usually.
 n3rdlif343va’s questions:
What super power would you most like to have and why?
Telepathy. It’s a risk, because there are good thoughts and there are bad thoughts that you’d pick up on, but it’d be very interesting to be able to pick up on what people are actually thinking. How often have you been in a situation where you just wanted to know, for better or for worse. Plus, I mean, I’ve already got the wheelchair. What else do I need to become Charles Xavier?
If you could cuddle with any fandom character, who would you pick?
Oh god. That’s a hard one. I’m gonna say Viktor Nikiforov right now.
Which Ninja Turtle are you?
Tbh I know very little about the Ninja Turtles but I googled and Donatello is the purple one, so that’s me. I like purple.
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
At least 1.
Which one horrible fashion trend would you rock (in public) for a full 24 hours?
Bro, I have picked them all up already. I wore some mad hair feathers. What even is fashion right now? I dislike croptops, and that’s all I can think of.
What is your least favorite trope?
A/B/O. I just dislike mpreg, so that’s why. I have read a couple to support friends, though.
What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
JURASSIC PARK or star wars. But. Jurassic Park.
Who is your favorite ship of all time?
Oooh that’s a hard one, oh man. Han/Leia, probably.
What color are your socks?
I am not wearing socks today. My shoes were black!
Plane, train or automobile?
Train. I’ve never been on one before and I’d love to. :)
Do you like you like Green Eggs and Ham?
Well, I like eggs, and I like ham, so how bad can they be?
(I may just like them, Sam I am.)
 Kasumi’s questions:
First letter of your real name
I just nearly said 18, I am a mess. I’m twenty, and my birthday is January 26th.
Favourite season (weather if you don’t get it)
Favourite fruit
Do you have short, medium or long hair?
Long. It’s basically down to my butt.
Hanahaki or soulmate?
Soulmate <3
Angst or Fluff?
Ahhh there’s a hard one. I’m gonna go with angst even though all I’ve written lately is fluff.
Soundboard (help the writer with ideas) or beta (help the writer with wording/grammar)?
You know the answer to this one ;) But soundboard. I don’t pick up on grammar while I’m reading.
Do you still have an active ff.net? If yes, link
Oh god no. But here’s my old one if yu want to cringe at my Vampirates fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/2275402/manateesandmishacollins
Would you trade one of Phichit’s hamsters to bring Vicchan back to life?
I’m allergic to dogs, so my gut instinct says no, but I also want my son to be happy, so I’ll say yes. But also, Phichit.
Should Victor and Yuuri both wear white at their wedding?
Wear whatever they want! White, pink, blue, orange, black, yellow? Do whatever! Wear a dress! Wear a suit! Just get married, and do it quick.
As you can tell, I was tagged by too many people, and they tagged like everyone else I’d attack, and I don’t want to come up with my own question, so here you go. If I did have questions, I’d tag @somehcpe @thetiniestkotorfan and @maximumhetalia at least but questions are effort so I’m letting y’all off easy.
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