#you guys can answer in replies
cheeriecherry · 2 years
more characters maybe + potentially moving blogs
If I were to expand the five somethings prompts to other characters as well, who would you guys most want to read about?
This is theoretical though. I’m only considering expanding the character list to Beyond Just Viktor, but if I can get a feel for who you guys might want to request, then I can potentially do some deep dives into character studies.
News: I am slowly recovering from illness, and slowly working on fics!
About the ‘moving blogs’ thing. So this blog where I post all my fics is a Side Blog - meaning I can’t reply to any of you guys when you leave cute messages on my fics. But I really really want to! I want to engage with this sweet little community we’ve got, but I’m Chronically Nervous about people knowing who I actually am.
I have my face and name on my main blog, and so many random posts, old stuff, and people I know in real life. I know we’re all weird little goblins here on this site, and I love that for us; I also still struggle with letting people see my ‘cringe’ interests - they’re not cringe, I’m just absolutely terrified of judgement, and that’s another reason why I like having a separate fic blog. I’m able to sort of like, I dunno, compartmentalize my stress?
Fandom is stressful, and I have -in the past- had interactions with some not so nice people. And I love writing, but I also fear being judged for my creations, even though they’re just harmless fun. Having a separate space for my fics, and working under an alias, allows me to do the writing I enjoy without taking personally any snide remarks that might come.
All this to say: people scare me and I want some anonymity while still being able to engage with you guys and do some goofs.
So again this is still something I’m only considering, but would you guys be cool with this blog moving over to another account? Not closing, or deleting anything, just. Reposting everything over in one big go (or several small goes), leaving links to the new blog, and basically letting cobwebs collect on the current blog.
Thank you all for taking the time to read!
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humming-doodles · 3 months
Did you get bored with Greed? 🥺
Oh not at all, I just have a clinical need to make a name for myself shitposting in as many fandoms as I can so sometimes the older ones go on hiatus for a bit, I'm greedy like that
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cherryys · 2 months
why do you think yuuji isn't gonna make it? i have a lot of bets put on itafushi both dying or living (for Reasons i'm not gonna be annoying abt rn lol) so i like to hear why others believe otherwise
Oh god okay so
There are ALOT of death flags around yuuji, more than the people that actually died had lol but if i had to compose a list:
1. In Chapter 1, these are Yuuji's grandfather's dying words to him:
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And i feel this statement of "when it's your time to go, make sure you're surrounded by others." Is going to play a big part in the ending, especially paired with the "save anyone you can, even if it's just one person" this translation doesn't say those exact words but the anime did so im gonna roll with it lol (if anyone knows what the og japanese version said please let me know!!!)
I think Yuuji is going to die by saving Megumi, surrounded by him (and others like Yuuta and Todo but im more focusing on Megumi because he is the start and the end of Yuuji's entire life purpose and ideals) and that would fulfill his grandfather's dying words of "save whoever you can, even if it's just one person. don't end up like me, [alone]. Die surrounded by loved ones" and i think that would truly be the best ending Yuuji would get after that, better than any hollow victory of killing sukuna but still outliving everyone else, alone. He had suffered enough in those few months, i think it would be cruel of Gege if he lets him outlive everyone else and still keep going with how much he's lost and witnessed.
This falls in line with the purpose he set for himself in Chapter 2:
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He had already accepted that his life ends with Sukuna. That moment is when, for him, Itadori Yuuji ceased to exist and instead, Sukuna's Vessel. (Though the people around him try to convince him otherwise). Him doing those two things (Killing Sukuna and Saving People) as what his character's purpose in the story is, not living to see his 16th birthday (as despressing as that may be 💔)
2. In Chapter 203, Kenjaku says this:
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This sort of ties into my earlier point of him and Sukuna's lifespans being interconnected thematically. Kenjaku here specifies Yuuji coexisting with Sukuna. As long as they are both alive, the cycle of curses (and suffering & pain) will never end. Even if Yuuji were to live on, he still has Sukuna's essence burned into him (whether that be because he'd been a vessel for so long or because of his lineage). He cannot get rid of the entirety of Sukuna, all his remains and all his ugliness, without getting rid of the one inside him first. That's why to completely get rid of Sukuna, he has to take himself out too.
Shoko even says this in Chapter 220:
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By a narrative standpoint, he technically counts as an extra finger, still housing his Technique and his Evil Dredges, sort of speak. To completely defeat Sukuna, he has to go too.
3. A little fun fact about JJK, it was under threat of being cancelled all the way back since the Cursed Womb Arc. Because of that, Gege rushed to write that arc along with Chapter 9 as its subsequent "end" (though we know now Shonen Jump continued releasing it) and coupled with the fact that Gege said a while ago he already has the end of the story in mind, it's not a stretch to say that the end is going to parallel that Chapter somehow, with Yuuji sacrificing himself to save Megumi and them sharing a quiet moment (under the rain, or snow since its Dec 24 lol) where Megumi tells him again that he had never once regretted saving him, even after all the turmoil and pain it caused Megumi.
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I think that would also be a nice send-off for Yuuji, the last face he sees is the one person he actually succeeded in saving and the one that saved him back, telling him that despite all the guilt he felt, all the pain he made himself responsible for (despite it not being his fault), he—who had a moral code so strict that he'd never save anyone that would kill someone in the future, yet saved him anyways, and stuck by his side after all that happened in Shibuya and told him to share the burden, the one person who never left him alone—never once regretted saving him, that the good Megumi knows is in Yuuji was worth it. And that despite the pain Megumi went through (and the pain Yuuji feels responsible for) he doesn't blame him nor regret that choice. And that he'd do it again even knowing everything.
I could go more into the other side of this argument of why Megumi being the one to die wouldn't make sense but i'd be rambling on for too long lmao i tend to go on restlessly 😞 im just really passionate about jjk and its themes
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regsaysstuff · 2 months
okay, so this is an important question I have...
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sshcomic · 9 months
You have given me a great joy in life with your Renkaza au
May I ask, what happened to the rest of the Kamado family? Did they get their canon ending or are they with Nezuko as they try to deal with her new demonification?
oh yay im glad you're enjoying it so far! 🥰
nezuko's actually with her brother in the box, like in canon lol. i just havent drawn her--or inosuke or zenitsu--in the panels we've seen, but they're there!
as for the rest of the kamados... i actually havent decided LOL. my instinct is to save everyone, since this is a light-hearted comic strip, but also i'm not sure i'd be able to reliably write that since it involves more plot than the "stupid jokes loosely following canon" i mostly have written down aha. so i suppose it's a surprise for now, even for myself.
i guess we'll see!
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Dustin teaches Steve and Eddie how to bake. Why Dustin? Because ‘its a science guys come on!’ he’s spent countless afternoons in the kitchen with his mum and is excited to show his cool older friends something so close to his heart.
Steve wants to learn because Robin's birthday is coming up and Eddie joins in because Wayne always talks about how he misses his nana's banana bread and he wants to do something meaningful for his uncle.
Dustin thinks he'll start with something easy, a box mix, just to let them get the feel for it. They both scoff at him saying that Dustin is babying them. The box mix comes out burnt on the outside and raw in the middle with bits of egg shell sprinkled throughout. Eddie and Steve bickered the whole way through but unanimously decided that turning the oven high would make it cook quicker so naturally they put the oven to the maximum temperature. The pair of them are distraught when they see the mess emerge from the oven.
But still they persist and Dustin works with them. Eventually, they start to work together, they are by no means good bakers but they aren't bad. Dustin is happy with his students but even happier with the fact that he can claim ownership over Eddie and Steve finally realising their feelings for each other. He likes to brag that he noticed it from the start but in truth he had been conspiring with Robin and Gareth for months to get to this point. He's keeping bragging rights though, he didn’t taste countless dry and somehow sour cookies, ‘risking his physical health in the name of love’ for nothing.
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
im kinda curious about what is your comment about Damien and Rakiel's first meeting in the arena. like. the tension is....something.
it most certainly is
like. what is this.
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was it really necessary to have rakiel compare seeing damian in person to experiencing love for the first time? like?? surely they could've gone with something else??? like reading about a place and then seeing for yourself??? or a extreme experience like free-falling or going on a rollercoaster and then experiencing it first hand???? as it is this conveys the feeling perfectly but damn does it sound a bit romantic lol
and then there's the actual conversation where we actually get a feel for damian for the first time and it's. rough. he's been hurt for so long that he doesn't really trust anyone and he's wary of strangers, especially someone like rakiel that offers treatment for his pain, something that many before had lied about.
but there's this line when rakiel is trying to get damian to trust him enough to begin his treatment that i think kinda encapsulates the role rakiel will play in damian's life from then on
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it's the,,, appealing to what little remains of damian's trust in people that gets to me. rakiel knows better than anyone what damian has and will go through, he knows the pain he's in and the abuse he's had to endure, hell he even outright says that it's almost certain damian has PTSD. but he also knows that if damian can't bring himself to trust him he will go through even worse so he appeals to the very, very small part of damian that is still hesitantly willing to trust in the word of someone he doesn't know.
and damian does. warily, hesitantly, with the promise to himself to make rakiel understand real pain if he's lying to him but he does. and it pays off. for the first time in a very long time damian gets to experience true relief from the pain that crippled him enough to make him addicted to painkillers.
and it's just,,,, characters experiencing kindness for the first time in a long time just get to me okay???
and like this?? it's really the beginning of what will eventually evolve to damian trusting rakiel unconditionally. damian comes from a place that would absolutely justify it if he never trusts anyone else in his entire life, but rakiel appealing to the tiny, hurt part of him that wants to rely on someone else gives him the opportunity to have a relationship that allows him to put his complete trust in someone and not be let down by them.
which is a good thing later on when it turns out damian can't really trust most of what he thought were his memories and,,, general existence because now he has rakiel. now he has someone he trusts implicitly and without doubt. someone he knows is trying to help and has never let him down before. someone he can guide himself by when nothing else around him feels truly real.
and then there's the reaction of damian once rakiel treats him and it turns out he was telling the truth which is??? kinda of really cute???
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i don't know!! i just think it's kinda of really cute how quickly he softens up to rakiel even if it's in a small way! he's been very standoffish with rakiel the entire conversation, with good reason, but then the moment rakiel proves that he wasn't lying to him and was genuinely trying to help, he starts being more polite and wanting to know his name, not even getting mad when he thinks he's being given a fake one just asking him to please tell him his real one when they meet again.
and it's like,,, you have this person who has been, to quote, 'forsaken by the world' and he's wary and paranoid and rightfully distrusting of the people around him,,, and then he experiences genuine help from someone, not even someone he thinks is doing out of the kindness of his heart, just someone he believes is working for the same people as him and is doing his job, and he just,,, does a complete 180º in attitude. just one act of helpfulness and damian goes from thinking about breaking rakiel's arms if he's lying to him to being polite and respectful and wanting to know more about him.
and while i wouldn't go as far as to say damian got attached to him for that one moment, i do think it's very telling that for all the hurt he went through he still didn't close off completely from people in general. like. a small part of him still wanted to have someone to trust and maybe even befriend, which i think shows in the way he treats rakiel after getting treated.
so like. maybe it wasn't an instant connection. but you can see the seeds being planted of what their relationship will eventually be.
i don't know! i just think they're neat :3
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chilfucked · 10 days
might be a little absent again today i wanna work on the fic lmao
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personinthepalace · 1 year
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Okay some OddTube lore for @jayzhine and anyone else interested :) Back when OddTube first premiered on the PBS Kids Youtube channel in 2016 (good gravy where has the time gone??), people were able to leave questions in the comments section, and Olympia would leave a message in a pinned comment on the next video that answered some questions that people left from the last video. I left a question on Oona Fills In, and Olympia replied back in the next video, Otis Fills In. I freaked out about it bc it was the only question I ever sent through OddTube and I got a reply! And it was a reply on my personal favorite episode (c’mon we got to see Otis dance hahaha). Sadly, as we all know now, YouTube disabled comments on kids content a few years ago so all the comments left on OddTube have disappeared. Sadly, at the time I didn’t think to screenshot any of Olympia’s messages so those are gone :( However, I do have a copy of my message saved thanks to Google Plus (ironic considering that that also disappeared). Basically, I was part of the Odd Squad Fan Club (hey if anyone was in there please say hi :) ), and one of the mods posted Olympia’s answer to my question. Here is a screenshot of my email notification of it (yeah I dug through my emails haha). I believe my question was something along the lines of “Do you and Oona hang out outside of work?” The crossed out part is my name haha. But yeah that was definitely like the best thing that happened to me that year 😆
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yanlei-a · 1 year
pspspsps mains pspspsps
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redysetdare · 9 months
I know you can't exactly be the most serious on polling if you're creating a poll on tumblr but if you want some semblance of validity to your poll then I have 1 tip: Get rid of the "not Applicable/see results" option. If you want to actually have a somewhat accurate and useful poll that actually measures something then get rid of the "Not applicable/see results" options. Unless you are polling to see the difference between two groups then do not allow an option for the out group to vote on. Skewed results are bad results and letting people click a option that says "im not in this group" you automatically skew the results to be favorable towards the people not in the group you are polling. So again, get rid of the "not applicable" option. I don't care how much people want to be nosy and see the results, their nosiness should not outweigh accuracy. You should not purposefully allow your result to be skewed because there are nosy people who don't want to wait until the poll is over to see the results.
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petrichoraline · 1 year
i underestimated the amount of questions in my inbox :') and my disgustinggg tendency to overexplain and overthink
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it’s your girl’s birthday todaayyy 🥳
care to take a guess how old i am? lolz
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frozenambiguity · 2 years
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Ooc; Lately, I've been thinking about whether or not I should start answering asks via creating new text posts. What would you guys prefer?
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what are ur thoughts on the winners room trope?
ooooo okay surface level analysis: i like winner’s room fics :)
etwas tieferes: i think it’s cool that it’s (afaik) unique to hockey fandom and i enjoy the way it integrates a lot of unspoken rules in hockey with desire/makes them a physical/tangible reality… also the narrative potentials/world-building it opens up can be fun because there’s not really a set of rules for the “winner’s room” trope. are there in-universe rules? who gets chosen? who’s exempt? who gets to pick? where’s it going down? is it the entire room or one guy? what if your (ex)boyfriend is on another team? does somebody need to be taught a lesson or do you need to remind someone who got traded you still love them? also, most important, winner’s room gives you the chance to put two random-ass guys you saw interact for 0.002 seconds and went “hmmm. interesting” about into a Situation and i love that
#yeah buddy!! i love answering questions!!! unironically i have so many opinions!!!!#refraining from putting this in the main text but had to go: yeah who doesn’t love a good g*ngb*ng#it also doesn’t just have to be a bunch of dudes fucking though per always: i think winner’s room fics can bring up interesting dialogues#about the idea of bodily autonomy and self-sacrifice or sacrifice in sports#every fic can utilize a trope their own way so you might have lighter versions or heavier versions and#tw: sa#dub-con/CNC elements which. given the truth of SA and abuse in hockey it’s valuable to have tools to explore and i feel like i need to#address that when i talk about this? obvi dead dove do not eat for some fics re:winner’s room but i think a lot of them do talk about#control and power to some extent if you were to do a deep literary analysis. which we don’t need to. sometimes it’s enough to read a fic one#time because you liked the main pairing and didn’t know SHIT about the flyers and then come back to it years later and absolutely lose your#goddamn mind about the fact that actually you DID know about travis konecny before you thought you did and at one point there were all these#guys that you now know and love who were just like. random fuckers in the sides of the fic. i tend to do that a lot bc i will read for#nearly everything (if i love u. i will read your works even if i don’t know anything about the fandom and also i am always willing to jump#on new ships) so also tangentially i think winner’s room fics are a lot of fun because you can see a lot of different interactions between a#lot of guys like not only is it this guy and this guy but also this guy and that guy and these two interacting around the sacrifice etc etc#tangled web many layers und so weiter. not sure if any of that makes sense but also i’m gonna tag for mentions of sa/wjc/hockey canada stuff#i don’t even really know if winner’s room functions as well even in other sports bc of the Team Identity in hockey & cultural context#liv in the replies#winner’s room can be layered with SO many other kinks and tropes and aus and also just like. i like it & that’s probably all i needed to say#also obvi re: rules for trope there aren’t ever any there’s just some popular variations and we can kinda see some of those forming#but i’m not even sure if winner’s room has its own tag on the archive? i’d have to check i know i have a few saved in my bookmarks at least#OH also if you made it this far. wasn’t sure if this was like a ‘do u got recs’ or a ‘what’s your moral stance’ or ‘hey is this something ur#into’ so. good faith good vibes y’all and if this wasn’t what u meant please elaborate the question i do love answering things#ty for the ask!!!!#for the record i do watch hockey like the leonardo dicaprio pointing meme finding milliseconds of interaction to go HAHA GAY NARRATIVE about
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chocolatewoosh · 1 year
zombie arc is best arc ever
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