#i have anon available
cheeriecherry · 2 years
more characters maybe + potentially moving blogs
If I were to expand the five somethings prompts to other characters as well, who would you guys most want to read about?
This is theoretical though. I’m only considering expanding the character list to Beyond Just Viktor, but if I can get a feel for who you guys might want to request, then I can potentially do some deep dives into character studies.
News: I am slowly recovering from illness, and slowly working on fics!
About the ‘moving blogs’ thing. So this blog where I post all my fics is a Side Blog - meaning I can’t reply to any of you guys when you leave cute messages on my fics. But I really really want to! I want to engage with this sweet little community we’ve got, but I’m Chronically Nervous about people knowing who I actually am.
I have my face and name on my main blog, and so many random posts, old stuff, and people I know in real life. I know we’re all weird little goblins here on this site, and I love that for us; I also still struggle with letting people see my ‘cringe’ interests - they’re not cringe, I’m just absolutely terrified of judgement, and that’s another reason why I like having a separate fic blog. I’m able to sort of like, I dunno, compartmentalize my stress?
Fandom is stressful, and I have -in the past- had interactions with some not so nice people. And I love writing, but I also fear being judged for my creations, even though they’re just harmless fun. Having a separate space for my fics, and working under an alias, allows me to do the writing I enjoy without taking personally any snide remarks that might come.
All this to say: people scare me and I want some anonymity while still being able to engage with you guys and do some goofs.
So again this is still something I’m only considering, but would you guys be cool with this blog moving over to another account? Not closing, or deleting anything, just. Reposting everything over in one big go (or several small goes), leaving links to the new blog, and basically letting cobwebs collect on the current blog.
Thank you all for taking the time to read!
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shepscapades · 5 months
okay i understand that we're going for comedy but i cant help myself here
so double life is the third life series, and in the canon of the life series, dl is the first time joel has gotten a partner and has not been alone (i could go on and on about how that affects his relationship with etho but we don't have the time for that)
but in dbhc, he gets what is essentially a robot as a partner, devoid of human affection and intimacies (at least for now), after 3rd life where he had no team, and last life, where his team was broken on the second episode
hes starting to wonder if he's not meant to have anyone after all
WELL!!!!! An in-depth analysis on Joel is really not what i was expecting here but you uh! you make an excellent point. that's um. yeah okay that's fine, i'm fine about that !!! <me when i lie
(rest assured, when joel finds out how jealous Bdubs is of him being partnered with etho, he goes from annoyed to delighted and finds many a way to have fun with Etho despite Etho not really being... himself. He at least has a good time because Etho is more or less there to agree with his plans and go along with whatever he wants to do DSFLKGJSDF)
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jinkamuraisqueen · 3 months
hello, id like to request if you have the chibis for obscuary! theyve been on my mind so much omg
hello!! sorry for the late reply, I don't really understand tumblr so I'm rarely active here😭
anyway, the chibi for obscuary hasn't been implemented in the game yet, so i currently dont have it</3
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as you can see, they're still censored in the game itself😭 i think they'll be available by the time we can pick lyca and ed at the start of the game! when that time comes, I'll post them:)
in the meantime, you can see them (although in bad quality) here♡ I'll go check the files if the other obscuary chibis are available in the game
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uncanny-tranny · 12 days
hey, i’d like some advice if you have any. i’d REALLY like to go on T… i look at folks on T and i’m just… enamored with their bodies. i look at tbears and i want to live within them. i spend a LOT of time looking at bottom growth pics. i love a lot of things about my body, but… having a small clitoris… lacking chest & tummy hair… i look at people who’ve made the leap and it aches, not to look like them. that’s the only way to describe it: a deep, howling ache. i love my breasts and my curves and sometimes i really love being a girl and a dyke but i know that i need these changes. i really need them.
but i love my voice. only occasionally it seems abrasively high or nasal… but i really, really love my voice. at some point recently i started to sing again after a long, long time of shaming myself out of it, and i had forgotten that my voice is beautiful. and it’s me. i love my voice. i’m not averse to the idea of sounding deeper… but it’ll come at the cost of losing my upper range. i’ll NEVER be able to sound like that again. i’ll try to go high and it’ll feel like my voice is being replaced. i don’t know if i’ll really hate it when my voice changes… but i’m scared. i think i’ll probably like how i’ll sound, but what if it doesn’t feel like me? is there any way to prepare myself? what if there’s just no way for me to live with both a body and voice of my own?
this is a lot of heavy stuff. my best idea at the moment is to talk to a doctor about all this, hope they have some suggestions, and try to get compounded testosterone cream, since that can supposedly help prioritize bottom growth over other changes. but i’m really scared and lonely about this. i don’t know anyone else who grew up a girl and wants to be a girl on T… i only know two trans people. i know very few people in general. and i’m too scared to try and talk to anyone about all of these feelings. the way you talk about this stuff is always so full of love, in a way that makes love feel possible, so if there’s anything you can say to help guide me or validate me here, i would really appreciate it. this is really difficult for me to talk about.
I totally understand where you are coming from; the very nature of medical transition is based on possibilities and uncertainties.
I think the thing we tend to do is assume that these changes will happen almost instantly. However, the vocal changes are very gradual, at least in my experience.
I'll remind everyone that I am not a medical expert, and my thoughts come from personal experience and observation and listening to fellow people on testosterone.
I'll list some highlights of my experience to illustrate this and include a chart of my voice drop:
The first voice-related change was actually soreness when I spoke, but not really a true drop
I had many voice cracks, and they were sometimes painful
The changes started gradually from month one or two to around the year mark give or take
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My initial dose: 0.25mg IM/weekly
My current: 0.35mg IM/weekly
If you choose a testosterone regimen, I would suggest considering micro dosing. That way, you have a bit more control over how gradual the changes are. The testosterone will still change your endocrine system, but it won't be as sudden as it would be with a "typical" dose. My testosterone reached a typical perisex man's at approximately month six with my dosage, and by then, I had many changes begin to mature (such as bottom growth, the beginning of new hair growth, and my voice beginning to mature with more finality).
I honestly don't know how I really prepared myself for the changes I wasn't too sure about... I mostly came at it with a sense of desperation, and so I get where you are coming from. I truly hope you can get a medical team which will give you some options that best fit you. If you have any other questions or want me to expand, I am happy to do so, because I do genuinely want to show support. You're going to find something that works, I think. I have so much hope and faith in you, and I wish you only the best on this journey.
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pcktknife · 7 months
thoughts on MH skulltimate secrets series 4 leak?
cleo eatin everybody tf up as per usual
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alluralater · 2 months
I don’t know what I want you to do to me or what I wanna do to you all I know is I want you.
why don’t you and i rent out a cabin in the middle of nowhere for a few days and find out <3
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cjbolan · 2 months
wait what was anti-science about twisters?
It’s not anti-science (quite the opposite!) but anti-education I think.
The male lead proudly boasts that his storm wrangling team don’t have or need “fancy PhDs” to do their job, while being very reluctant to discuss his college background . He and his less educated team are the good guys, giving free food and using their earnings from selling tornado merchandise to offer tornado disaster relief.
Meanwhile the more educated academic team, Storm Par, are all boring snobby squares, and idiots unknowingly giving their data to evil real estate developers who exploit tornado victims. The only two likeable Storm Par members (Kate and Javi), are the ones who switch sides to help the other “hillbillies” team.
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hertwood · 4 months
I am still not over all the sargebon we got in lap of legends
!!!!!! i wasnt even expecting alex until i saw his name in the opening credits !!!!!! everything everyone is comparing the logan/alex gym scene in the tags of my gifs is right: thai bl, skam, teen wolf, a porno intro?? you're all right and they DID fuck in that gym and i hope to see fanfic about it SOON
anyway scREAMED when i realized alex was his engineer that was such a cute choice and i love them for it. ALSO would love fic abt that as an au
overall alex's inclusion was just so so adorable i'm glad he got to participate as a lil side character and i LOVE how every man there was obsessed with logan i hope he got passed around tbh
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
I think it’s very ironic that the user who dogpiled on me for making a post defending outdoor dogs when they are properly cared for and enriched and whose followers implied I was a pedophile for posting anti-censorship articles about library book bans on my main is defending sled dogs on that sled dog post.
Like hey. Pssssst. All those dogs live happily on chains outside btw.
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i-am-church-the-cat · 4 months
Sorry church I'm frantically averting my eyes from your blog while i desperately try and find out where I can watch it in Australia but once i have seen it i will return and reblog so much
Lolol you are so good. I think it was really weird they only aired it live in the US? It’s supposed to be available for streaming later, but I’m not sure when. Williams just said it would be “distributed” in 28 countries.
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Will there be explicit sex scenes with Jules and the other ros
Yes. There will be at least one explicit scene with every ro.
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Congrats on getting Arlecchino! I'm still trying to hopefully get the update to fit onto my phone lololol. My life will be complete if I can get her, haha.
~ The anon who wanted Kaveh but didn't want Baizhu or Ganyu
thank you!!!! i'm surprised she came home so soon, i usually have to go to soft pity at least but Father really showed up after 20 pulls (it's because we are MARRIED and she WANTED TO /lh)
aaaaaa come on phone!!!!! make space for genshin, we need Arlecchino and we need her NOW
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buckera · 5 months
Hiii just dropping in to be a little petty again :) 911abc follows lou now but not edy - guess we know who's gonna stick around and who won't
oooooooh. well isn't that interesting. 🤭
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omegalomania · 5 months
wait, do people think you hate patrick??? my vibe i always got from the tags was like “this is the baby brother so he will be subjected to Baby Brother Bullying”.
believe me i have nothing but affection for that funky little white boy. maybe that doesn't come through in text but the 4000+ posts i have dedicated to him certainly should imply as such
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dailyfigures · 1 year
Hello!! I am thinking of getting a vocaloid figure for my birthday, so i was wondering if you had any favorites?? Specifically Miku, Luka, or Len
oh that sounds nice, happy birthday anon! some of my favs have an expensive aftermarket price so i will also list some recent releases of different price points to be more helpful to you!
my favourite luka figure is this one. some nice available ones are her nendoroid ($50ish) and this scale fig ($120ish). she is also getting a new price figure and a new scale figure soon!
my favourite len figure is this one. a nice available one is his nendoroid ($50ish). he is also getting a new scale figure soon!
my favourite miku is probably this one (still available for $100ish). recommendations is a little harder since there are just so many options. some recent releases/upcoming preorders i like are this one ($150ish), this one ($140ish), this one ($100ish), this one ($55ish), this one ($38ish), this one ($30ish), this one, ($20ish) or any noodlestopper by furyu (like this one for $15ish).
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may12324 · 1 year
hi there! i see in your faq that your etsy shop is currently closed, and following you on insta i know that you've got some conventions going on. unfortunately i live very far away from australia, so i'm wondering if there's anywhere else online that you have prints available for purchase, or if you will in the future? would LOVE to get some of your pieces as gifts for friends if possible! :)
Yes I will have prints available online in a few months! I have recently been doing spaced out shop updates- like opening my store online every 3 or 4 months. That way I am not overwhelmed with shop orders all the time- as I am only one person and I often get loads of orders when I open my store.
that being said! I plan to have my next shop opening in August! Probably the first week of August- but I will make a post on my social media pages when it is closer to the date - to remind folks and such.
I'll also have the links and whatnot in those posts too.
So stay tuned!
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