#you guys don’t even know what this goose has done to me
vespers-night-sky · 9 months
I need a fanfic or something where you get to be with both Gideon and Julie, and like they’re both evil and they want to take over the world and stuff and you’re just all like “Yeah I’m evil too! Check it, I just took this GUM from WALMART and I DIDN’T PAY FOR IT” and they’re just like “Amazing. Beautiful.”
Gideon comes back from work having stalked all the peopleses or whatever the heck he does all day, and you run up to him and give him a picture you’ve just drawn of you, Gideon, and Julie all holding hands in front of the company building thing, all drawn in crayon or something, with an arrow pointed at the crudely drawn trio saying ‘just committed tax evasion! :D’
Gideon probably cries or something, it’s great.
Julie is like a combination of ‘No one messes with them but me’ and that one meme thing where it’s like ‘Heh, that idiot is jumping off the bungee swing. nO WAIT THAT’S MY IDIOT-’
She’s just super protective and stuff of both you and Gideon, and watching her steer the both of you is like watching someone herd cats.
I need this so badly, you don’t even know. I want some nice hugs from the both of the evil, messed up, adorable couple.
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whumpy-wyrms · 9 months
can someone just like spam me with tllr things you want me to draw. can be anything i just neeeed motivationnn
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nats-firefly · 7 months
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i touch my phone as if it's your face
natasha romanoff x reader
summary: nat's on a mission every valentine's day. this time she can call you. right?
warnings: none really, just kinda sad
a/n: happy valentine's day to all my long distance gays. i feel your pain. this was something i very quickly put together. vent fic, sue me.
words: 750 | feedback is always welcome | masterlist
divider source | gif source
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You smiled at your reflection in the mirror, swiping the tip of your index finger under your lip to fix your lipstick. It had been over an hour since you started getting ready, the anticipation of seeing your girlfriend growing bigger every second that ticked by. 
Valentine’s day is apparently a surprisingly busy time for superheroes, in all the years the two of you have been together, Natasha has been away for all of them. But this year she promised you you’d be able to call and have dinner together. She was undercover as some unreasonably rich guy’s assistant like she had been for Tony back in the day. While he was enjoying the night with his girlfriend, she’d have the chance to call you after doing recon in his private study. Allegedly. 
Natasha being away meant you didn’t get to talk or text or see her very often. It also meant since this was your first time seeing her in months, you wanted to dress up for her. You even put on a special set of lingerie under your clothes so you could give her a show after dinner. 
You had spent the better part of the day preparing for your date with Natasha. You made a hearty plate of pasta, poured yourself a glass of wine. You even lit a candle. Then you waited. 
You picked up your phone to check your messages to see if Natasha had said anything. 
Can’t wait for our date tonight. Delivered.
She hadn’t texted you back since you sent her that text this morning. You didn’t know which part of the world she was in, but from the small details she’d told you it didn’t seem like she was out of the country. Maybe it was just not dinnertime for her yet. Maybe something was wrong. Maybe she’d been caught.
You checked your phone again, but nothing had changed. Maybe you just needed to get your mind off of it. You took your glass of wine and settled yourself on the couch, putting on an episode of your favorite show. One glass turned into two, which turned into three. It was late at night, so you decided to reheat your cold and forgotten plate of pasta. 
As you slumped against the kitchen counter waiting for your food to reheat, your phone screen lights up, followed by the repeated vibrations signaling a video call. Your face lit up and your heart beat loudly in your chest as you clicked answer.
“Baby,” Natasha breathed in relief when she saw your face pop up on her phone. She had been looking forward to talking to you all day. Her ‘boss’ had sent her on a wild last minute goose chase to set up a Valentine’s surprise for his girlfriend. In true rich guy fashion he had done none of the work, but Natasha needed to stay on his good side for a little while longer. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Nat,” Your finger slides over her cheek and down the side of your phone. Your eyes tear up a bit. Your chest aches and your lip trembles. “I really miss you.”
“Me too, angel,” Natasha says, she notices the change in your expression. She thinks about quitting her job. “Happy Valentine’s Day, malysh.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” You answer. The microwave beeps, but you ignore it, deciding to focus on the redhead on your phone instead. You want to crawl through the screen. Desperation rises in your chest. You don’t know what to do with yourself. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Natasha feels a knot in her throat. She hates being away from you. “Tell me how you’ve been, baby. How’s work? Did that guy in accounting get fired?”
“Oh, Tom? Yeah he-” You were interrupted by a muffled male voice. Then things happened very quickly.
“Oh,” Natasha said, being caught off guard then briefly looking at you with an almost apologetic look.
“Natalie, can you fi-” Call disconnected. 
You stared back at your reflection on the phone screen. You got two minutes with her. 
You went to bed still wearing the clothes and lingerie that were supposed to end up on the floor that night. With the plate of pasta forgotten in the microwave, and mascara stains on your pillow.
As you numbly scrolled through your phone every Valentine’s day post was like a slap to the face. 
Everyone had their someone. Except you. 
Happy fucking Valentine’s Day.
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suashii · 11 months
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info ⭑ suna rintaro x reader. 1.4 wc. sfw ノ fluff ノ alcohol 
note ⭑ repost from last halloween :3
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you can’t count the number of times you’ve heard that name in the past thirty minutes and it’s really starting to bother you. you haven’t been able to go from one room to the next without someone stopping you to bring up this suna figure. did you and suna come together? i didn’t know you and suna were so close. oh my gosh, you and suna are the cutest! every mention of the name confuses you because 1) you have no idea who suna is and 2) what the hell does he have to do with you?
it was easy to brush off at first but the more you drank and the more his name came up, it was beginning to get a little harder to quietly sit back and ignore. after all, it’s difficult to enjoy a party when every other person that passes you is asking you about some guy you don’t know. so, in an attempt to save your fun, and in the holiday spirit, you decide to take on the mystery that is suna.
you quickly learn that the task is a lot easier said than done.
firstly, you aren’t even sure of what you’re looking for. you’ve never heard of this guy’s name before tonight so it’s a safe bet to assume that you don’t know what he looks like. and on top of that, the large crowd and your tipsy state don’t make your search for the elusive man any easier.
running into suna’s friends seems to be much more likely than actually coming across the man himself. when you canvas the game room, you meet atsumu who tells you that suna is probably tucked away (by himself, on his phone) in a corner of the living room. you don’t find him there but you do find komori who suggests peeking into the bedrooms upstairs—parties have never really been suna’s thing, he tells you. the rooms that aren’t locked on the second floor are vacant and with no new guide appearing to hand over a helpful clue, the last thing you can do is check the growing line for the bathroom.
shocker—he isn’t there either.
after this wild goose chase that has yielded absolutely nothing, you’re beginning to think that everyone at this party came together to play an elaborate prank on you. suna must be a ghost or not exist at all because it’s impossible to have not found him after looking for so long. you’ve never considered yourself to be a quitter, but it’s starting to sound like a pretty tempting title as you sit at the counter in the mostly empty kitchen sipping from your solo cup.
maybe i should just give up, you think.
yes, it’ll be annoying to spend the rest of halloween as the package deal to some random dude but as soon as you come to the realization that he’s probably putting up with the same strange treatment, you think it can’t be that bad—at least there’s someone to share your suffering with. the thought is meant to be reassuring but it only makes you want to find this guy even more. though, at this point, it would take a miracle from an angel for you to run into him before the night is over.
“there’s my angel.” the unfamiliar voice (and the seemingly telepathic abilities of its host) causes you to stiffen before you regain your composure and turn around to see who’s addressing you. if the descriptions you got from atsumu and komori were accurate, this has to be suna. there are plenty of guys on campus with dark hair but you doubt any of them have eyes similar to the gray-yellow ones currently staring you down.
you’re about to ask if he’s the suna you’ve been hearing about all night when you get a look at what he’s wearing. atop his thick strands of dark hair sits a headband with red curved horns and you can just barely see a matching pointed tail sticking out from the waistband of his pants. he’s even spinning a trident lazily in his hand. it’s only then that you realize why he called you angel; you’re decked out in white with a pair of wings attached to your back and a fluffy halo hovering over your head. you click your tongue. “you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“woah,” he raises his hands in mock surrender, a smirk pulling at his lips, “this angel has quite the potty mouth.”
the furrow in your brow deepens with his remark which only makes suna’s grin widen. he has to admit, the unwarranted assumptions of his “new relationship” he’d been hearing about all night piqued his curiosity. he couldn’t have imagined the reason everyone kept approaching him with questions and their congratulations was that the two of you wore an accidental couple’s costume. suna finds the fiasco and your reaction to it hilarious. you, on the other hand, aren’t as entertained.
in fact, you’re a little irked that you wasted a chunk of your night away because someone just so happened to wear a costume that complimented yours. if you had been a little less inebriated, you would have apologized for your uncalled-for outburst and tried to enjoy the rest of the party but the swimming feeling in your head brought on by the punch you’ve had a little too much of has other plans.
you swallow down the remaining contents of your cup, licking your lips to collect the sticky liquid that lingers. your eyes find suna’s before you ask him, “where have you been? i was starting to think you weren’t real.”
“around,” he replies with a shrug and then smiles upon seeing the way your lips part in annoyance at his answer—or lack-there-of. he clears his throat to keep the laugh bubbling up from spilling out. there’s a wobbly smile plastered on his face as he continues, “it was kinda funny, watching you roam around looking for me.”
you’re beginning to question whether or not the horns and tail attached to suna really are fake because he truly is devious. “you chose a fitting costume.”
“thank you,” he says despite your statement not being a compliment. he purses his lips in deep thought, spinning the triton in his hand. “you’re not really living up to your angelic image, though. are you sure you dressed appropriately?”
that, you can’t help but laugh at. in all honestly, you think that this exchange would have been a lot more pleasant on your end if you had run into suna earlier—before you started drinking, before people made the connection that you two were matching, before he had time to play that game of cat and mouse with you.
you have a feeling you might regret this decision tomorrow when you’re sober, but after putting so much time and effort into finding him, it wouldn’t make sense not to give suna a chance to get to know you. for the first time since you’ve seen him, you smile at suna. “stick around and you’ll find out.”
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hihi~ manon here :3 ! thank you for giving this a read! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment! much love from me to you ❤︎
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Sooo I was thinking of Tomas trying to learn how to flirt because he wants to impress the reader however the reader (who has feelings in return) catches him flirting with another female Shirai Ryu member and mistakes it as he has feelings for someone else, cries about it to Kuai Liang who decides to help the reader out by taking her on a "date" to make Smoke jealous. When Smoke sees them together on their "date", he becomes consume with jealousy that fires him up to tackle Kuai Liang and bluntly tells the reader how he feels. 😅😅
It Should Be Me!
Prior notes: Oooh i like this one. I hope you don’t mind me using my oc as a place holder for the female Shirai Ryu member.
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader, and Kuai Liang is there I guess
Warnings ‼️: Silly goose, there is none! I think
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Who fell harder: You or Tomas? Could be both. You sure do like each other a whole lot.
Conversation that last for hours. Training together even though he should be focusing on the others. Showing each other your favorite genres of music. Oh the memories get you kicking your feet and rolling around in bed. Everyone thinks you two would look cute together. A perfect match really. But one of you has got to confess already. Ah but it won’t be you.
You are brave enough to take a horde of assassins head on. Confessing to someone that you like them takes a whole different kind of braveness. A kind that you have to build up. For now you will carry on with the hope that no one else tries to take your man. Actually, now would be the usual time you would meet up with him. Get to it, honey!
You were about to round the corner until you heard Tomas. You stopped yourself, peeking your head out to see who he was talking to. He was talking to the new girl. There was something strange going on. Her giggling, his closeness to her, that look he was giving her, that tone in his voice. Oh no! He’s flirting with her.
You heard it, compliments about her eyes and how any man would be lucky enough to have a funny girl like her around. You practically felt your heart rip apart. It hurt to hear those words being told to another girl. You always wished he would say such things to you. A wish that may never come true now. To you it was already over. It seemed he picked another girl over you and you’re left questioning what did she do that you didn’t.
Your eyes started to grow watery and the last thing you wanted was for Tomas to see you cry over this. It was his decision on who to date, you can’t change that fact. You silently walked away while you sniffled and wiped your tears with your sleeve. The only person you trusted to share this heartbreak with was Kuai Liang. At least you knew he wouldn’t judge you since he’s not that kind of guy.
But wait! You made a mistake! You didn’t hear the rest of their conversation.
“Ah Tomas, you’re getting better every day with your pick up lines. Soon enough you’ll be getting more girls than Johnny does.” The girl complimented him.
“Aw thanks, Kris. But you know I’m only doing this for you know who.” He whispered the last part, unsure if you were around or not.
“Oh yes, yes, yes. Well I can certainly say that she will fall for your charm easily now, if she hasn’t already done so. When do you plan on asking her out?”
“Tomorrow. There’s a festival going on and I was hoping she would say yes to going with me. When we are there I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend.”
The look of Tomas’ face showed how enthusiastic he was to ask you out. He was clueless to the fact that there was some miscommunication before he could communicate to you. That girl was already hyping him up to go find you and ask if you wanna go to the festival tomorrow. You were already in Kuai Liang’s office when they were done talking.
“I don’t know what happened. I thought he liked me.” You cried into your hands while Kuai Liang just sat there awkward.
Therapist was not in his occupation but looks like he has to play that role for you. He is somewhat confused of Tomas’ actions. He thought his brother liked you a lot considering how much he gushed over you. If his brother changed his mind suddenly he had no idea about it.
Kuai Liang lightly patted your back to soothe you, “I am unsure of what to tell you. Just…please stop crying, it will be okay.”
He wasn’t being mean he just didn’t want anything bad between you guys. Kuai Liang conjured a plan in his head of what to do while still trying to soothe you. An idea popped up in his head. It may have seemed extreme but he wanted to fix the issue fast and effectively.
“Okay, how about this. I take you on a “date” to the festival tomorrow. Someone will tell Tomas where you are and the thought of being with me might make him realize he wants you instead.” He tried to sound confident with this plan like it could actually work.
“Your plan is to make him jealous?” You asked as your crying died down.
“I guess you could say that. Do you have anything better?”
You immediately nodded your head no. Even if the plan didn’t work out at least you could get out for once. Spending time wouldn’t be bad either. You just wished it was with Tomas.
Will you ever recover from this sorrow?
Plans were set into motion. You had your plan and Tomas had his. Tomas was preparing himself to ask you to go to the festival with him. He was all giddy and he came walking up to you with a warm smile on his face. His heart was pumping just thinking about you saying yes. His emotions made him miss the sour expression on your face.
“Hey! I’ve been looking for you. I had something important to ask you.” He started off.
“Oh yeah…what is it?” You seemed dismissive but once again his emotions made him miss that.
“I was wondering if you and I could go to the festival tomorrow. I thought it would be nice. Plus I’d love to go out with a pretty girl like you.”
He thought his flirting would really get you this time. This should have been easy but what you said next shocked him to his core.
“No, I’m already going out with your brother. It’s a date.” You said it so casually before walking off as if you didn’t just crush this man.
How could this happen? This was a joke right? Yeah, this had to be. You were joking with him and you would actually come around later to tell him to come with you to the festival. Oh you’re so silly…right?
Tomas was in a daze throughout the rest of the day which continued over to the next. You saw the plan was actually working so you planned to continue with it. Though it still saddened you that he didn’t try to stop you already or ask why you were doing this.
Have patience, soon he will take action.
He was pacing around in his room, blabbering to the same girl he was practicing his flirting with about how you were just messing with him.
“I mean it just doesn’t make any sense. The two are close but never would I think they were that close. We are the ones who are that close. Oh what am I thinking? I’m sure she will be coming around soon and just tell me it was a prank and then we’ll go out there and I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend.” Yeah, yeah that should be right.
“They’re leaving.” The girl pointed her thumb to the window where Tomas saw you and Kuai Liang leaving for the festival.
Tomas immediately bolted out the door. He didn’t care if he looked crazy to the other clan members for running out into the world, he had to catch you.
You sighed in disappointment. The festival seemed wonderful with warm lighting around and yummy smelling food. If only you could’ve spent the time with Tomas. You kept walking with Kuai Liang, arms locked as if you two were on an actual date. He looked at you with a concerned expression. He was hoped this would go differently but he’ll do his best to make the most of it for you.
“I’m sorry about the outcome. I was sure my brother would come after you once he found out you were going with me.” Kuai Liang apologized since he didn’t want you feeling heartbroken.
“It’s not your fault. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.” Your voice cracked a little when you said that.
Kuai Liang brought you in a hug, having your head rest on his shoulders. He whispered to you that it will be alright and he’ll buy you some food. That should help.
Unbeknownst to both of you, Tomas was nearby watching you two. He really couldn’t believe you were out with his brother. When Kuai Liang pulled you into a hug it damn near drove the man crazy. He could never hurt his brother but this was the first time he has ever felt the need to destroy him. And when Kuai Liang started to rest his head on top of your head Tomas thought he was going in to kiss you.
A blaze of fury ignited in his body. Hell hath no fury like a man who is after a woman. By the gods he was pissed!
When Kuai Liang pulled away from you, Tomas saw that as the opportunity to attack his brother. Kuai Liang had no time to react as he heard the quick footsteps coming right towards him. His brother slammed into him, tackling him to the ground with a harsh thud emitting from the crash. Kuai Liang was in a daze as Tomas grabbed him by the collar of his uniform.
“How could you?! You know how much I like her! How could my own brother do this to me?” He kept shaking Kuai Liang.
Like? Wait, did you hear that right? Did he just say that he likes you a lot?
Tomas turned his full attention towards you now while still on his knees.
“Please don’t do this to me. Don’t go out with my brother. I’m the one who loves you. Don’t you remember all those nights we would listen to music together? I want to have many more nights like those but with you as my girlfriend instead of just being my friend. I love you.” He announced.
You looked down at him with shock. His eyes are begging you to accept his affection. His tone showed he was desperate and possibly even worried you wouldn’t date him.
“Bu-but I thought you were trying to go after Kris. I heard you flirting with her.”
“No,” he started to get back on his feet, “She was teaching me how to flirt. I was hoping to impress you. I just really wanted you to be my girlfriend and I didn’t want to ruin my chances.”
A blush crept onto his cheeks as he felt embarrassed for admitting that. He was also embarrassed that he was caught before and that the incident caused this great confusion.
Knowing the truth, your heart started to flutter as you realized he was doing all that just to get with you. In a way those words that he said to that girl were actually meant for you. He truly is the sweetest guy around.
You practically leapt onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips attacked his lips in a passionate kiss. You were overjoyed by the fact he wants you as his girlfriend. The extent he went through just to better his chances showed he is committed to you. This is like a dream come true for you.
Tomas was surprised by the hug and kiss but happily accepted it. His arms wrapped around your waist. This was a magical moment for him. It didn’t go as planned but he is happy that the outcome still gained him a wonderful girlfriend. He placed you back on the ground while smiling at you. And then he remembered what he just did to his brother. He swiftly turned around and saw his brother wasn’t lying on the ground anymore.
“He must have walked off. Don’t worry, he’s capable of taking a hit.” You tried to calm Tomas’ concerns which luckily worked.
“Yeah, that must be it,” He started looking around, “Well, I would hate to waste this opportunity with you. How about we explore the festival together. As girlfriend and boyfriend.”
“I would like that a lot.” You smiled at him as you two locked arms.
The night ended off on a good note. You enjoyed your time with Tomas at the festival. A warmth enveloped you as you recognize that this is no dream but a reality. A reality where you and him are happy. Just the way you guys both want it.
Bonus ending
“Damn! You got knocked the fuck out.”
Kuai Liang heard a familiar voice speak to him as they grunted from yanking on his body. Warm liquid spilled on his face and when he opened his eyes he saw Kris dragging him while drooling over the grilled squid she had in her mouth. He grimaced as he wiped her drool off his face.
“What happened?” He asked.
“Like I said you got knocked the fuck out. Yup, Tomas done fucked you up.” She responded very casually.
“Kris, please refrain from cursing it’s improper. Now help me up.”
He expected Kris to do as he said but she just dropped him.
“What are you talkin about? It’s not improper. I’m just puttin some fuckin love in there. You can drag your ass back home yourself, grandmaster.”
He watched as she started to walk away, more focused on the grilled squid on a stick. When did she even have time to get that?
“Alright! You can curse. Just help me up.”
She listened this time and yanked him to his feet. Poor Kuai Liang, may the elder gods help him.
After notes: I got a 90 on my asl final yippie! And I should have been working on final papers but instead I was finishing this fic at school. Pick and choose, people, pick and choose. Now I better get my ass to communications even tho I hate it. Adiós!
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mvltixcc · 7 months
Girls Like Girls - Robin Buckley X Cheerleader!Reader
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Summary: Robin has a crush on the new girl in town. Y/N is also a new member of the cheer squad, which means Robin sees her all the time at games and other school events. Unfortunately, Robin is put in a tough situation. She's scared to talk to her because the cheerleaders have a reputation of being mean girls and she fears that Y/N may not feel the same. Little does Robin know that Y/N does not appear as she seems. Y/N becomes best friends with Eddie, which seems unlikely at the surface due to different social circles. This leads to rumors of course and word spreads like wildfire here at Hawkins, which then makes Robin's feelings even more confusing. After hanging out with Steve and the gang, Robin starts to see a different side to Y/N. Will they end up together or will they just remain friends?
Word Count: 1.3k
Pinterest board for inspiration
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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“You know what Buckley, if you’re gonna criticize the way I do my job why don’t you just do it yourself.” Steve said jokingly, handing Robin a vhs tape and headed back to the counter. 
“It’s not my fault you don’t know anything about movies.” She chuckled as she put the movies away. 
“Well you have fun with that, I’m gonna go man the register.” Steve said as he continued to walk away from his friend. Robin continued to put away the tapes, a few people came in here and there but it was mostly dead on this particular Friday night. Which was odd, all things considered. It was around 8 o'clock when a group of people had walked in. 
“Welcome to Family Video, let me know if you need help finding any-, oh great here we go.” Steve said as the group walked in. “What?”  Robin asked, as she was restocking the candy display. She stopped in her tracks for a moment, looking up from her spot. “Oh uh hey there.”  Robin stammered.
“Hi Robin!” Y/N said excitedly. Robin had a hard time putting words together. You usually came here at the same time every Friday to pick out a movie. Robin almost thought you weren't coming because it had gotten so late. But there you were, standing in front of her in your cheer uniform. 'Practice must have gone late." Robin thought to herself. She stood from her spot to get a better look at you. ‘God she looks so pretty.’ She thought. A few people walked in the store, causing a slight breeze to head in your direction. She caught a scent of your perfume. She closed her eyes for a moment as she took in the smell, it was sweet and gentle. It smelled of vanilla. “Are you gonna pick a movie or what Y/N?” Eddie interrupted, bringing Robin out of her thoughts.
“Yeah yeah yeah, just give me a minute you goose.” Y/N turned to her friend and said jokingly. She walked over to the movies and went section by section to find the right one. 
“Okay let's not destroy the display guys.” Steve said dreadfully as he walked over to the rest of the Hellfire club trying to clean up the mess of his hard work he had done earlier. 
“Boooo, you’re no fun Harrington.” Gareth had mocked. Steve picked up the last item, sarcastically laughing back the comment. “I’m fun, I’m Steve Harrington for god sakes.” He muttered under his breath as he walked back behind the counter. 
Robin watched you as you pondered for the right film. You had gone aisle by aisle with no luck. Then suddenly you had picked up a movie and scrunched your nose as you had inspected it. Robin felt a smile creep upon her face, she couldn't help but look down in hopes you or anyone else could see her. 
“Now why are you making that face?” Eddie questioned as you held up the movie to show him why you had said expression written upon your face. It was a copy of My Bloody Valentine.
“What about it?” Eddie continued to question. 
“Do you see what section we’re in!?” Y/N proclaimed, pointing to the sign that had said ‘romance’. 
“Oh god are you gonna make us watch a girly flick? Sam made us watch one of those last week, okay we don't need a repeat of that!” Eddie groaned. 
"I can hear you, you know!" Sam stated from across the store.
“No you goose, this movie is in the wrong section.” She laughed walking over to the counter to check out the film.
“Did you guys find everything alright?” Robin asked as she scanned your items. “Yeah we found everything okay.” Y/N said getting her money out of her wallet. “That's not true, this was in the wrong section.” Eddie stated pointing to the movie.
Robin groaned, “Damn you Harrington.” 
“What is this pick on Steve day?!?” Steve had proclaimed. 
Robin finished checking you out, she couldn't help but admire how beautiful you looked under the light. She was soon interrupted from pondering as you had said your goodbye’s, waving and flashing a small smile to Robin. She had waved back and gave the same smile in return, but that soon faded as she saw Eddie put his arm around your waist as your group walked out of the store. Robin let out a sigh and hunched over the counter, letting her head fall into her hands.
“You okay?” Steve asked his friend, giving her a small nudge. 
“Yeah I’m fine.” Robin said, picking her head up and brushing the hair out of her face. “Yeah that’s a load of bullshit and you know it.” Steve said, sitting up on the counter. “You like her don’t you?” He questioned.
“Does it really matter? She’s with Eddie, she’s not interested in girls.” Robin stated, messing with the string coming off of her sweater. Steve couldn’t help but feel sad for his friend. He couldn't imagine how hard it is for her to try and find someone during times like this. I mean this is the 80’s and a small town in Indiana for crying out loud. “Have you even asked her?” He questioned.
“Oh yeah let me just go up to the most beautiful woman ever and just say ‘wow nice weather we’re having here, oh hey by the way do you like to kiss girls?’ Do you know how stupid that sounds?!” Robin got nervous just thinking about it and when she got nervous, she rambled.
“Well don’t talk about the weather with her for starters.” Steve chuckled.
“You know what I mean dingus!” Robin said, giving her friend a slight shove. 
“Look, you won't know unless you ask, who knows maybe she likes you back? You thought that she was mean and scary because of her being a cheerleader, you were wrong about that weren’t you?” Steve stated, he tried to remain hopeful for Robin. He wanted his friend to be happy. She shrugged, Robin’s hopes in finding a girlfriend became low after everything that had happened with Vickie. She was happy that the two could remain friends, but it still stung nonetheless. 
“Next time you see her, you should ask her to hang out. It’s a start to get to know her and to know for sure right?” Steve asked, now facing her. 
“I guess, I just don’t wanna go through that kind of heartache again.” Robin said, looking down at her feet.
“Well no matter what, I’ve got your back.” Steve said, bumping into Robin. This caused her to chuckle. 
“Alright alright, let's get back to work so we can get out of here. You owe me a bite to eat after this for making me clean up your mess of your so-called organization.” Robin laughed as she went to organize the returned tapes.
“You’re never gonna let that go are you?” Steve asked. 
“Nope.” Robin yelled from the back.
Next chapter
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Pregnant reader reading Rooster 🐓 that man has a family kink I just know it. For Strictly Scandalous.
😲 Yes. I’m down to clown for this one.
“Ohhhh fuck, mamma—“ Roosters got his hands on your hips helping to guide you up and down his length. “Feels so fucking good, holy shit—“ Roosters mouth fell open as he let his body relax against the pillows propped up against the headboard. “What did I do to deserve this huh?”
It wasn’t that Rooster had particularly done anything on purpose to receive some kind of special treatment, but more-so that he’d done it just because he cared enough about you to make sure whoever was giving you a hard time knew about it.
“Nothing Roo, you’re just so good to me.” You cooed as you circled your hips. Your unborn child had just hit the five minute mark. You were getting big, but you still had enough momentum and stamina to ride your husband. “Especially when you defend my honour.”
“Christ your so fucking perfect mamma.” Rooster was quickly starting to unravel underneath you. He couldn’t help but to get of on the fact he’d gotten you pregnant, something he knew he was going to do time and time again. “Love seeing you all swollen and riding me—“
There’d be a guy at the Hard Deck earlier that same Sunday. Rooster had taken you out for a quiet lunch. Some burgers and a casual few rounds if pool. He’d started to noticed how hard to was becoming for you to play. You know—with little goose riding shot gun.
“You’re gonna be popping that baby out before you sink a ball sweetheart.” The guy who looked like the reincarnation of Santa from every children’s drawing ever said with a gruff as he stood by drinking what could very easily have been his last beer if Penny had been in ear shot. “Wanna start wrapping it up so the rest of us can have a go?”
You looked at Rooster who was just completely gobsmacked someone would talk to his wife with such casual disrespect. Deciding to pass you back the cue—kissing your temple and telling you to keep playing. He’d played out for the hour at the bar. An hour you’d have.
“It’s lieutenant sweetheart actually.” Rooster puffed his chest, eyeing off the man with fury in his golden irises. “Are we gonna have a problem?” Yep—that’ll make your pussy throb.
“Gonna have a whole brood with you when I’m finished with you.” Rooster moaned as he bent his knees and planted the heels of his feet into the mattress. Bucking up into you when he noticed your energy fading. “Love how you just glow when your carrying my child—“
“Always knew you had a breeding kink.” Chuckling as you steadied yourself still on top of your husband. Your nails digging into his chest, surely there would be marks left in their wake tomorrow. “Come on Bradshaw fill me.”
“Oh my god baby don’t tempt me now I’m so fucking close.” Rooster could feel himself just about ready to release, he just wanted to hear you talk about getting you pregnant all over again. Even though you hadn’t even had your first.
“Gonna fill me up aren’t you baby? Wanna watch it drip between my thighs? Or should I let you finger fuck your cum back inside me?”
“Oh god yes!!” Rooster stilled with only finally thrust. “Yes yes yes yes—!” Spilling his load inside you as your thighs gripped against his side. Coming down with heavenly sighs and long exhales before Rooster was gently laying you on your back. Throwing your legs up over his shoulders.
“Your turn mamma—“ Bradley beamed as he laid in his stomach, diving right in as he lapped away his own load from your drilling pussy. Determined to have you screaming his name.
Strictly Scandalous // Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
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honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick Masterlist
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Teacher's Pet [Hangman x Reader] Summary: You need to come up with a lesson plan to teach your eighth graders about aerodynamics, only, you barely understand a word of it yourself. Luckily for you, your boyfriend has a pretty decent knowledge of the subject.
Afterburn [Hangman x Reader] Summary: It had been clear from the moment you got inside a cockpit that you were going to be something special. You certainly weren’t the youngest Naval Aviator to be invited to TOPGUN, but you had been the youngest to graduate at number one in more than thirty years. Which is all the more reason why it was so tragic that you would never, ever, be able to fly again.
Meet You All The Way [Rooster x OC/Reader] Summary: Now that they had reconciled, Rooster is struggling to figure out the right way to tell Maverick that he had a family all of his own now.
Hold The Line [Platonic Hangman x OC/Reader] Summary: Jake presses his lips together as he lets out a sigh. He leans forward on the railing again, eyes once more following the little boy who was quite happily playing by himself in the sand. “I just thought that Baby Goose deserved to grow up knowing his dad.”
Line of Sight [Hangman x Reader] COMPLETE Summary: You’re almost certain that Jake Seresin could care less about you, that is, until you’re in a tight spot and the one guy you assume will hang you out to dry, instead comes to your rescue.
Cont. ↓
How it's Done [Hangman x Aviator!Reader] Summary: “Like me? I didn’t even think you wanted me as a squadmate, let alone–” you stop speaking, but only because Hangman cuts his eyes sharply away from you to glare out at the ocean. “Well, I do.” He says kind of indignantly, all things considered, and eyes you almost sourly. “You can just say no if you don’t–” “–No, I do!” you quickly cut him off, because at the end of it all, you’re a little too much of a hopeless romantic to let this moment pass you by.
What You Want [Rooster x Reader] Summary: Rooster is aware that despite working together for a little over six months now, he doesn’t really know you all that well. One late night walk to your car later, Rooster realises he’d like that to change.
Goodness! Gracious! [Rooster x Reader] Summary: You wouldn’t say you were trying to give your 'Uncle’ Mav a taste of his own medicine, after all, it was him who introduced you to Rooster in the first place, but you weren’t exactly trying to spare the man, either.
Good In Bed [Hangman x Reader] Summary: Jake has made it crystal clear to you that you’re only friends with benefits, so why did he go and delete your dating apps?
Checkmate [Hangman x Reader] Summary: You’ve been transferred to Dagger Squad, which is both good and bad. Good, because it meant the brass felt you belonged with the best. Bad, because the best already had a tight friendship group, and you were not yet apart of that. And you may never be, if you keep making fun of a certain someone’s callsign.
In Sickness... [Hangman x Reader] Summary: Jake feels his pulse jump and his stomach fly when he talks to or about you. Obviously, this must mean he’s gravely ill.
...And In Health [Hangman x Reader] Summary: A year after Jake has come to terms with his sickness, he might just have the opportunity to find the cure.
Devil In Disguise [Hangman x Reader] Summary: in which Jake finds out the female officer he’s been eye fucking for half an hour is actually JAG.
Big Girl [Hangman x Reader] Summary: Jake Seresin doesn’t believe you should hide your light under a bushel, no.
SunKissing [Hangman x Reader] Summary: Eight and a half months Dagger had been at sea, which is honestly one of the shorter deployments Jake had been on, certainly not one he’d have usually complained about, except that this time, for the first time, Jake had somewhere else he wanted to be aside from in his jet.
Flight Risk [Hangman x Reader] Summary: The sky beyond the baking tarmac is cloudless, and washed with deep reds and oranges, the way it always is by the time Jake lands when the monthly inter-squad training simulation has drawn to a close. Almost always. Today, the sky had been a bright Carolina blue.
Today, Hangman had been shot down.
Take Care Of Business [40s AU Hangman x Reader] The last time you met Lieutenant Jake Seresin, the war was still ongoing and you’d been in a floundering engagement. Back then you’d seen the possibility for more in his eyes, and now? Well, now you could explore it.
All This Love [Hangman x Reader] “Congratulations?” Rooster half-praises, half-questions, side-eying Jake, who stiffens just slightly, but finds himself relaxing when he looks back up at the grainy ultrasound. “Thanks,” he says, feeling his stomach flutter at the memory of the first time he saw it.
When Jake Met Polly [Hangman x Reader] Jake likes to flirt with his Air Traffic Controller or Jake Seresin has never seen When Harry Met Sally.
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mqverick · 11 months
Waking On Air || chapter 4
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Three whole days accompanied by swollen puffy eyes, night sobbing and restless mornings had passed ever since your fight with Iceman. You’d put it as a personal goal to isolate yourself from everyone, mostly Maverick, which you had successfully accomplished. You’d seen him looking at you in Top Gun academy, quite an amount of times, but dodged every single one of his looks and disappeared into thin air whenever you caught him walking towards your figure.
You missed Tom, but not as much as you missed Maverick, which had been a shock to you at first — had you been lying.
The fact that Tom hadn’t reached out to you ever since, though, was making you sick to your stomach. You never meant to hurt him the way you did and you’d expected yourself to be more civilized than to go cry off to Pete Mitchell, for crying out loud. However, having in mind that he needed time to think and process just as bad as you did, you came to the conclusion that begging for forgiveness was not going to work.
There you were now, pushing around the dreadful food in your plate with your fork, all alone in the lunch hall. The weight of another person sitting next to you slightly scared you off as you flinched a little, hoping it would be either member of the messed up love triangle you’d gotten yourself into. The tiniest hint of a relieved smile formed on your face when you looked up to see Goose.
“My girl, Roger,” he greeted with a hug, lingering a bit longer, providing you the comfort you needed the most at that specific time in your life.
“Oh, Nick,” you sighed, burying your face in your hands. “I’ve screwed up. I don’t know what the fuck to do, it’s driving me restless. Not even flying makes me happy anymore and it used to be my only way to escape from reality.”
“Hey, there,” Goose said sympathetically, running his hand up and down the length of your back. “Uncle Goose is here. I’d ask you to tell me what’s bothering you but I’m pretty sure I’ve painted quite the picture in my head. You know, with Maverick up my ass and all.”
“I don’t even want to know his name.”
“You don’t mean that, Roger.”
“You’re wrong,” you argued, coming off too strong. “Ever since that guy showed up in my life, everything between me and Ice has been going downhill — and I like Tom so much. Now he probably fucking despises me.”
“Iceman is a tough guy, but he surely doesn’t hate you. His ego probably got hurt after he heard you’re going out with his biggest opponent.”
“I’m not going out with Maverick.”
“He seems to believe otherwise.”
“He can believe whatever the fuck he wants, I’m done ruining things I already have and love for his sake. He’s not all that either, to be honest.”
Goose exhaled rather loudly as he shifted closer to you, giving you a soft nudge. “You know how much I love you, Roger, but I also love Maverick. Look, I get it, he’s a little too much than anyone can handle, he’s not famous for being good with words and sometimes his attitude doesn’t help him make the greatest first impression, but once you get to know him, he’s actually a really nice guy.”
“You’re biased, Goose.”
“Maybe. But all I’m asking for is to not break his heart. He’d probably kill me if he knew what I’m telling you right now, but he’s not just trying to get in your pants. He genuinely cares about you — a lot — more than I’ve seen him care about anyone in his life before. I mean it; he’s constantly looking for an excuse to bring you up in the most random conversation.” You blushed at Goose’s revelations about Maverick, finding the idea of the cocky aviator being so caught up in you so incredibly distracting. Truth is, you’d been kind of feeling the same way about him. “Just, please, don’t lead him on if there’s a zero chance with him.”
“I don’t know,” you sighed, eyes burning and stinging with tears. You were so torn, so unable to decide, so incapable of thinking straight.
“As much as I’d love to see my two best friends together, I’m not here to convince you to date Maverick. That’s your own decision, but just know that if you ever need to talk to someone, my door will always be open for you,” Goose reassured you with a bright beam, which you weakly reflected.
“I meant what I said about Ice, Nick. He’s been treating me like royalty ever since we started going out. He’s a completely different person than the one you get to see here, but…” you clenched your jaw, eyes dropping back on your plate, scanning it as if it were the most interesting thing you’d seen in your life. “See? That’s the problem; there shouldn’t even be a but.”
“Do you feel like something’s missing?”
“Yeah. I mean, no — maybe? All I know is that whatever that but represents, it goes away when I’m with Maverick. And it terrifies me, Bradshaw.”
Goose chuckled. “Maverick terrifies you?”
“The way he makes me feel does. It’s like I’m seventeen all over again and I’m experiencing this unruly and intense wave of overwhelming emotions that I can’t control. It’s like I’m flying so freely and fast, but at the same time, I’m about to crash and catch on fire. He’s… he’s special and he knows it.” For a split second, you let yourself wander through the fantasy of being with Pete, forgetting all about the present actuality. You dreamt of hugging him, telling him how he made you feel, kissing him. It was growing into something that was beyond physical attraction, beyond than an innocent middle school crush.
Goose looked down, trying to cover the knowing smile on his face. “You deserve to be in a perfect relationship, Roger. You deserve to have someone who’ll make you happy.” And with that, he patted your back, giving you a quick peck on the forehead before heading back to his table.
Making difficult decisions is a common occurrence in life, you decided. Your eyes were burning, shutting as you combed your fingers through the roots of your hair. Goose’s words were replaying through your mind, driving you close to insanity. He was surely right about one thing though; and that was that in the end, it was your life and your choice whom you wanted to spend it with. You weighed every advantage and disadvantage of the situation, but still found yourself unable to audibly make a decision.
Your heart only had one person, one choice, one future. It was beating into the rhythm of three familiar syllables of a certain call sign, sending a wave of unsettling feelings in your stomach.
Were you actually about to do this?
Go big or go home, your inner voice encouraged as you stood up, eyes locked into the reckless aviator that went by the name Maverick.
Out of the blue, you felt yourself glue on the floor, knees trembling at the sound of Tom’s voice. He hadn’t talked or even looked at you for the past three days — you thought he’d cut you off — but there he was, hands nervously shaped into fists against his sides, pupils scanning the ground. You didn’t even know how to respond. “Yeah?”
“I feel like we’ve got some things to discuss about.”
What was it with you and the monosyllabic words that came out of your mouth in the most unfazed tone of voice? Tom grabbed your hand and dragged you all the way to the lockers, making sure no one else was there. He then proceeded to hug you; an action you hesitantly and half-heartedly returned as your eyes pricked with tears for the bazillionth time that morning.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he breathed against your neck. You wanted to reciprocate, tell him you missed him too, more than anything else in the world — but he wasn’t Maverick.
“Tom, before you say anything—”
“No, let me speak first,” he interrupted and you sighed. “I acted like a douche to you. So much anger bubbled up inside me that it fogged my brain and I couldn’t think straight. All I could picture was losing you to Maverick and it drove me over the edge. You’re the most important person in my life and I had a very different and more romantic way of telling you this in my mind, but I love you. I love you and I don’t want to let my jealousy affect what we have again. I swear to you, I’m trying to be a better, more positive and compatible person and I think it’s working — only because you motivate me to be the best version of myself.”
With your jaw slightly hanging, you stared at Tom speechless. Never had you ever been expecting such a heartfelt apology from him and you were pleasantly shocked. You liked him, you liked him so much and you’d remind that to yourself until it would actually become true.
“I’m sorry as well. I should’ve never talked to Maverick behind your back, let alone to meet up with him. But Tom, about what you just said—”
“I understand it might be a little too soon, you don’t have to worry about saying anything back. I just wanted you to know.”
Your face steeped in guilt, bitterly regretting every interaction between you and Maverick. Why were you so afraid of owning up to your own feelings? Pangs of sweat washed the back of your neck as you gulped what felt like a rock covered with thorns roll down your esophagus.
Tom Kazansky was a great guy and an even greater boyfriend, but could you imagine yourself falling in love with him the same way you’d already been doing with Pete Mitchell?
“Look, Ice,” his call sign rolled out of your tongue with a hint of uneasiness — and lord, you wished the ground would swallow you from the face of earth. “I like you a lot, but…” your trail of thoughts died down the moment his expression dropped when you mentioned a certain three-lettered word he’d been hoping not to hear from you.
“There’s a but,” he noticed, struggling to hide the fact that you’d somewhat crashed his dreams.
“It’s not your fault,” you attempted to comfort the blond pilot, but the sadness written all over his face was giving you such a hard time to come up with an excuse that your body intuitively lunched at his, arms wrapping around his neck hurriedly as your lips silenced whatever else you’d been about to blurt by landing right on his. Though you’d shared loads of kisses with Tom before, none of them had the same awkwardness and force of that one. He seemed to be quite enjoying it, pulling you closer to him as his hands snaked around your middle, but you, on the other hand, were suppressing tears of frustration (you were furious with yourself for not being able to handle such a hardship, let alone the fact that said hardship should’ve lead to a breakup).
Nevertheless, you were not opposed to giving Tom a second chance. Maybe you could take it from the top, go slow, reignite the fire. Yeah, you could do that, your inner voice convinced as you pulled away from him with a small smile, rubbing his shoulder a little bit as he leaned his temple against yours.
Little did you know that by opting not to break Iceman’s heart, you’d subconsciously gone against Goose’s earlier pleads and had broken Maverick’s instead, who’d stood frozen during the entire scene across from where you and Tom were, words strangling in his throat as his eyes blurred achingly at the sight of you smiling in his opponent’s arms.
Chapter 5
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Falling and Never Landing | 1. at least it's the clever one
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Nick “Goose” Bradshaw x fem!reader (reader has a call sign, so not use of y/n if i can avoid it)
WARNINGS: guys being idiots in 1986, and people being idiots towards barbie. WORD COUNT: 2k
If you want to be added to the taglist let me know in the comments!
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It turns out it wasn’t as fun as you thought it was going to be. There were pilots who refused to fly with you during the exercises, and you always ended up flying with Mav and Goose or Ice and Slider. They are the only ones who don’t care about your gender, only your skills. 
And you’ve been grateful for that. 
But it’s a bit complicated to become the best when you have to wait until either Mav or Ice are free to work with you. It’s not fair. You have worked your ass off to make it here. You’ve been given the cold shoulder since the very same day you said you wanted to be an aviator. Nobody has made things easier for you just because you are a girl. 
They should be praising you for entering the academy, not making things harder for you. 
But this isn’t an ideal world. This is a man's world. And you’re just living in it. 
"Okay, so,” starts Luke, sitting down in front of you at the cafeteria. “Are you going to jump his bones, or do I have to tell him?” 
You put your hand so fast against his mouth to stop him from keeping talking that you could say that it was a slap. “Can you not be so loud about it?” 
“Oh, come on! We all see how he looks at you,” he mutters, grabbing his fork to start eating what is supposed to look like mac ‘n’ cheese but doesn’t look like that at all. “And honestly? You look at him the same way.” 
You roll your eyes, looking at your food. “I don’t look at Goose in any way.” 
“I’d like to disagree,” states Iceman, sitting down in front of you two, Slider trailing behind him. “At least you fell for the clever one.” 
“Clever one?” 
“Barbs, Maverick isn’t what I would call a genius.” Slider comments, taking a sip of his water bottle. 
You open your mouth to protest, but he has done a lot of stupid things in the last week. “I can’t defend him.” 
“But, as I said, at least it’s the clever one.” He repeats himself, smiling and showing his approval. 
“I didn’t fall for anyone, you hear me?” You point at him with your fork, but all he does is chuckle and keep eating. 
“Maybe I could learn how to be a truck driver,” Goose says, entering the cafeteria following Mav, who seems to be avoiding him. “Mav, you have the number of that truck-driving school we saw on TV? Truck Master, I think it is.” 
Mav keeps ignoring him and sits down next to Ice on the table, leaving Goose to sit in the only place available on the table: next to you. “Hi, Barbs.” 
“Hi, Goosie.” 
Ice and Luke share a look, rolling their eyes at the exchange. “And she doesn’t have a crush.” 
Maverick looks between the pilot and the RIO but decides not to comment about it. Not yet. He knows who they’re talking about, but it’s not the moment to dig into the matter. 
“What was this truck thing you were talking about?” You ask, turning to Goose. 
He glares at Mav. “Someone had to break the Hard Deck and do a flyby!” 
All of you turn to look at Maverick, not really surprised by the flyby but for breaking the Hard Deck. “You did what?” 
Luke voices what all of you are thinking, but Maverick, rather than being ashamed of his actions, proudly smiles. “But we got Jester!” 
“It’s like his brain can’t register words.” Goose tells you, facepalming at his friend’s attitude. 
“How do you do it?” 
Goose tilts his head in your direction. He is so close to you that you can feel his breath on your skin. “Do what, honey?” 
You swear that every time he uses that term, something in your brain starts malfunctioning, and you can’t even think. “D-deal with Maverick’s ass.” 
“I think that it’s because I love that man to pieces. He’s like my brother. And as much as you want to punch your brother, you don’t do it.” 
You chuckle, leaning even closer to him, and get lost in that small bubble that always surrounds you two when you talk. “I’m sure you wouldn’t be able to punch him.” 
“Oh, I did once, on the very first day we were paired up together,” he comments, not offering an explanation after that. You wait, but he doesn’t say anything. Only when you slap his arm does he say something. “You want to know, right?” 
“Of course!” 
“What do I get in return?” 
“Not being slapped again?” You offer with a smirk. 
“Maybe I’m into that,” he teases, reminding you how you can never give better comebacks than him. 
“Woah, woah, woah. I’m gonna need to stop you two right there.” Luke says, standing and pulling you two away from each other. “As Barbs’ best friend, I need to stop this. You keep looking at her like that, and you’re gonna get her pregnant.” 
You can feel your face heat up at Luke’s words. “I have to go get changed.” 
You stand up, ready to leave, when Maverick reminds you about the volleyball match this afternoon. You simply nod, running away to avoid the stares from Goose and Mav and the knowing smiles from Ice and Slider. 
Goose stares at Luke, almost burning a hole in his head. “What.”
“It was the first time in a week that she actually talked to me. I was about to ask her out on a date!” Goose whines, closing his eyes. 
Luke’s lips tighten in a line, feeling bad about crashing Goose’s advances. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay. Maybe I’ll get to talk to her at our graduation. If we even get to graduate.” Goose says, looking at Mav, who just gets up and walks away when he sees Charlie passing by. 
“Well, you’re gonna be able to talk to her this afternoon. She won’t be playing volleyball with us.” Luke mutters, collecting his tray and yours. 
“Why?” Ice and Goose ask at the same time. 
“She’s not allowed to fraternize with fellow aviators outside work hours,” the RIO explains, leaving them all with confused expressions and more questions than answers. 
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Later that afternoon, you sit down on the benches, observing the aviators jumping around, howling, and, overall, having a good time. It makes you jealous, in both a good and bad way. 
You've been craving all your life to be one of them. These boys, even if they argue with each other, have each other's backs. They're ready to fight and die to protect the others. They're brothers. Family. Thicker than blood. 
It's sad to know that you would never fit in. You'll always be you. 
A girl. 
An outsider. 
"Are you really wearing jeans in this weather? Honey, if I had those legs, I'd be running around in shorts all day!" Goose quips, sitting down next to you while Luke enters the game, making a team with Mav. 
"I...  don't have another option." 
Your confession makes him frown, and you can see in his eyes the internal debate. Should he ask or not? "Why?" 
You sigh. "There were rules. Rules I have to follow if I want to keep being a Top Gun student." 
Crossing his arms over his chest, Nick looks between you and the match but ultimately decides to focus his eyes elsewhere, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or pressured to talk under his stare. "You can tell me whatever you're comfortable sharing, Barbs. And if not, that's okay." 
"They called them "rules of engagement". I call them bullshit." You mutter while playing with your dog tags. "Between the many absurd rules, there are some really stupid ones. I can't wear skirts or dresses. I can't get drunk. Well, I can't drink alcohol." 
Goose's eyes grow wider the more you tell him. "I'm sorry, what?" 
"Oh, there's more. If I have to be in a room full of men, Luke has to be with me. I can't wear low necklines or close-fitting clothes if I'm going to hang out with other aviators, even if Luke is with me." 
"I'm really close to punching someone's face," Goose sighs while patting your back. 
"And I can't have sex." 
That seems to be the final blow. "Beg your pardon? How are they going to know if you get laid or not?" 
You shrug. "Luke thinks that someone around here is constantly watching my every move, waiting for me to fuck up a bit so they can kick me out." 
"But… but what if you fall in love?" He asks a bit nervously, feeling that all his long hours of thinking if he should try again to be in a relationship might have been for nothing. 
"Oh, that's not allowed either." You chuckle nervously, knowing that the feelings you're developing towards the man sitting next to you are extremely close to being 'illegal'. 
“I don’t understand why. Why are they forcing you to do all these things? Well, forcing you to not do them, actually.” 
You look at your hands, thinking about it for a second before actually answering. “They don’t want me to distract any of you. A girl could distract or tempt a fellow aviator.” You say this, making your voice sound gravelly and serious, probably imitating some higher rank that told you all these stupid rules. 
“So rather than telling the boys to act with you respectfully, they forbid you from doing the most normal things like... wearing a fucking dress?” Goose is standing now, pacing in front of you. He’s fuming. 
“I’m sure things will change eventually but for now...” You sigh, knowing damn well that if it changes, it’s going to be for the next promotion. If the next girl can have a normal experience at Top Gun, you’re willing to go through this hell. 
Out of nowhere, Goose’s face lit up like it was the Fourth of July. Okay, so you cannot wear normal clothes while being at Top Gun, right?” 
You nod. “Yeah.” 
“But nobody said anything about what you can wear outside of Top Gun.” 
You feel a slow smile forming on your face. “Go on.” 
“I know this fancy restaurant a few miles away from the academy… We could go.” 
“So you’re asking me on a date.” 
He smiles. “Think about it. You get to wear a beautiful dress and have a nice time outside this… prison.” 
“Okay.” You agree, ignoring the small voice in the back of your mind that tells you that this is a really bad idea. If someone finds out… 
“Yeah? I’ll pick you up tonight. But you have to wear a nice sundress and a pretty accessory.” 
“I don’t think I have any jewelry here.” 
He leans closer, grabbing his sunglasses that were sitting next to you on the bench. “I’m the accessory, honey.” 
“Oh.” You giggle and get up from the bench. “I’ll see you tonight, then.” 
“I can’t wait.” He winks at you before putting on his glasses and entering the game again. 
Luke sits down next to you, as Goose takes his place again. “Did you two have a nice talk?” 
“Oh, yeah. I even have a nice date tonight.” 
“What?! Oh my god, Barbs. That’s amazing!” He hugs you quickly, and then pushes you away even faster. “You didn’t bring any dresses.” 
“No, I didn’t. Wanna go shopping?” You plea, hoping that he wants to accompany you. 
“Don’t tell my wife I go shopping with another woman, she might get jealous.” He says, collecting his stuff. 
“Your wife loves me more than he loves you.” You remind him, watching as Goose talks to Mav, and the pilot doesn’t waste a second to hug his friend. He looks really happy for him. 
“Damn right, she does.” He checks that he has everything before turning to you. “Ready?” 
“Yeah, let’s go.”
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
A plan set in motion
Evil trio x reader, yandere cullens x reader
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You sat with Victorias head on your lap in your room as the tv played. The four of you had gone further into Seattle and changed motels but Vicky still wanted you to room with her.
You had come to find that the group was pretty nomadic. They preferred to travel than to stay in one place. This was a lifestyle you could see yourself liking, you had always wanted to explore.
“(N/n) which of these guys would you date?” Victoria questioned out of no where while pointing at the tv the two of you were watching
“Why?” You questioned with a puzzled look
“Well if I’m gonna help you find a mate, I need to know your type of guy” she said nonchalantly
“Who says I need a mate” you asked confused
“I do” she announces “having a mate will bring out your happiest self, it’s like you’ve finally found a piece of yourself you always needed. I want that for you”
“I’m pretty happy here” you reassured as you went to play with her hair admiringly
“Just humour me” she says playfully
“Fine” you sigh out “I guess id go with joey”
You pointed to the darkly dressed boy on the tv screen. He was a bounty hunter who tested the limits of his team and questioned authority.
“Oo someone likes a bad boy” Vicky giggled out
“Shut up” you throw a pillow at her face
She pulls an offended look before hitting you back. The attack only stopped when the door opened and James with Laurent walked in
“Sorry to bother you ladies” James said as he sat down, Victoria instantly joined him and he put his arm around her
Laurent came to sit next to you, he ruffled your hair affectionately and you laughed gently.
“What’s up” Victoria asked with a kiss to James’s cheek
“We wanted to discuss you, y/n” Laurent said as he turned to look at you with a serious look
“What about me?” You asked before a panicked thought crossed your mind “your not sending me back are you?!”
“Of course not” Victoria reassured while Laurent gently stroked your hand
“We wanted to talk about what the cullens did to you” James clarified
“I’ve told you everything, I promise” you say quickly
“We know, but there’s some stuff they’ve done to you that you don’t know is wrong” Victoria said “we just want to make sure you know what they did”
“What do you mean?” You asked fearfully
“They shouldn’t have binded your chest” Victoria says with disgust in her eyes “they were trying to keep you younger, if you were a human it could have seriously hurt you with how tight they wrapped the bandages”
“It’s fucking disgusting” James scoffs out angrily
There’s a moment of silence as you contemplate what they said, you knew the cullens were abusive but some things they did to you went completely over you head.
“We want to help you” Laurent breaks the silence
“You’ve already helped me, I’m away from them” you said with relief on your face
“But they will never stop looking for you” James said and you felt an anxious feeling build up “even now they have connections looking for you”
“What do we do then?” You asked and James and Victoria share a look
“We kill them” Victoria states
“Impossible” you dismiss the idea “many clans have tried and failed”
“But many clans don’t have they’re prized possession with them” James corrects
“And with the human pet they have, they’re vulnerable” Victoria says with excitement
“How would we even do this?” You question doubtfully
“We make the cullens think James is after the human” Victoria explains “they’ll rush her off and prepare for a fight which gets her away from lover boy and has the family separated”
“I’ll then lure the human away with threats of killing you, that gets her to a location away from the other vampires where I will drink her blood and kill her” James carried on “this puts Edward in a vulnerable spot but also while the others are on a wild goose chase looking for the girl, we pick them off one by one”
“We start with Alice, so she can’t see the rest of our plans” Laurent pipes up “then Victoria will target Rosalie and I will take on esme”
“With the women gone, it puts the men in vulnerable positions because of the mate bond” you say as the plan pieces itself together
“Exactly” James says with a proud smile “I will take on Edward and Victoria will handle Emmett all while Laurent kills off Jasper”
“What about Carlisle?” You ask fearfully
“We leave him for you” Vicky says with a smirk
“I won’t be able to take him on alone, I’m too weak I was never taught to fight like the rest” you confessed
“We will be there to help, we just need his precious daughter to distract him until we get there” Laurent explains “but you will kill him, it’s your right”
“We’ll train you to fight” Victoria reassured “and we’ll make sure you get to be the one to kill him”
“I don’t know if I can” you say sadly, not because you cared for Carlisle but because your fear of the patriarch paralysed you
“Aren’t you angry?” James questioned with confusion “these people humiliated you, abused you and exploited you and you don’t feel rage over it?”
“Of course I’m angry” you defended yourself “I’m furious, but anger doesn’t make me a better fighter”
“But we will” Victoria jumps in “we will teach you to use your anger, to make it your power”
“Take this revenge and know for the rest of eternity that you won against those sick bastards” James encourages “know that you fought back and won after they disgraced you over and over again”
You feel motivation and rage fill every pore. You see they’re eyes on you and feel happiness come to you. They want to help you, to protect you
“Are you in?” James asked expectingly
You imagined tearing Carlisle head from his shoulders, lighting ablaze his pot like body and watching it burn.
“Yes” you nod your head “I’m in”
And with that, your revenge had formed into a plan
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙩 | 𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙧𝙞𝙤 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣
𝙅𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙭 𝙈𝘾. [Jake is bigger than MC and the mysterious hacker (?)]
A/n: Did anyone say self indulgent, shitty, comforting Jake x MC scenario? No? But I did. Don’t mind me. So here. Ok this is really nothing special, it’s small and somehow makes sense but somehow no sense but I needed it. Hope you like it too. Ignore the mistakes. Have fun. Bye. 💚
Warnings: None
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When you turn into a corridor in the supermarket, you see a small group of people and quickly realize that it is the group you were with during school time.
After your graduation, however, and after your case in Duskwood, the contact has been lost, and even if you have nothing against them, you have pulled back socially strongly and would rather avoid them.
Especially because you are not interested in having the typical conversations about 'How is your life?' or 'Where do you work?' etc..
But before you can quickly withdraw, you have already been noticed.
"MC?" your former friend notes rather questioningly.
"Oh, hi guys." you greet them all a little forced.
"Wow, how nice to see you’re still alive." Although it was meant more as a joke to you, you have the feeling to hear a little reproach in his voice.
"Yes, haha", you answer: "I’m still alive, you apparently also?"
What a stupid question, MC.
"How are you? What happened? We haven’t heard from you in a long time, don’t you live here anymore?"
"Not much happened, to be honest." Hah, liar. 'I was only wanted by the government because my friend is a hacker who hacked their important and secret Servers.' "And yes, actually I still live here, I’m just often somewhere else."
"Oh, so, sounds like you found a boyfriend?" you don’t know if you’re imagining it because the situation is so uncomfortable for you, but you think you can hear a little mockery in her voice.
And before you can answer, suddenly from behind, a hand stroke over the left side of your hip and stayed there.
"Are you ready?"
Far too fast and a little scared you look over your right shoulder where no less than Jake is standing.
If he weren’t so close to you, you wouldn’t be able to see his piercing ice blue eyes. But luckily for you, he looked directly at you and you could almost immediately lose yourself in his gaze.
As always, he had pulled his hood so deep into his face that his eyes were covered by the shadow. All others could see was a piece of his nose and his beautiful lips.
His slightly rough voice, which appeared far too close to your ear, gave you goose bumps and you almost had to swallow when your body immediately reacted with pure happiness to his presence.
You feel the scrutinizing looks on you and your boyfriend who is, as always, dressed in all black.
The black high boots you love so much, the black jeans, the black hoodie and the jacket, the same he wore in your first call but only in black instead of dark blue.
Four rings rested on his finger, two on each hand.
On the back of his right hand that was placed on your hip, the Nymos-Eye tattoo shimmered and together with the black rings it gave a pretty nice picture.
Thanks to the small distance between your faces, you can feel his peppermint smelling breath on your face and as every time you are close to him, you feel the nervousness growing in you.
The situation with your former friends who all looked a little surprised didn’t make the whole situation any better.
Your eyes fell on Jake’s lips as he moistened them with his tongue as he waited for a response from you.
"Oh, uh- yeah, yeah, I’m ready."
"Perfect" he spoke softly, then his gaze wandered upwards and he scanned the group that was still facing you and had not moved an inch.
"Do you know these people?" Jake asks and looks back down at you.
You nod: "we went to school together."
Again Jake looks up and nods to the group once briefly as a greeting, then he steps away from you, but immediately grabs your hand: "Can we leave? Nymos notified me, my program is done."
"Sure," you answer him, then you turn to your former friends while Jake has already dragged you some steps with him, "Sorry," you start a little embarrassed: "We have to go. Nice meeting you guys."
You wave quickly, then both of you have already disappeared from their field of vision.
Jake gives you a slightly skeptical look.
"You didn’t look happy talking to them, I thought I’d save you."
You smile at him: "Thank you for the help, my hero."
"The one girl looked pretty shocked" he jokes and you roll your eyes.
"No wonder, you know exactly what effect you have on people, we talked about it often enough."
"As long as I have the right effect on you, I don’t care about anything else."
With these words he led your hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on your tingling skin.
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shakespearseclipse · 1 year
Cause I know that it’s delicate
Summary: Nikolai and y/n have been friends and nothing more. But what happens, when the feelings between them change? Part ll of Is it chill that you’re in my head?
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: After WEEKS I finally present part two. Constructive criticism is always appreciated since this is the first thing I've posted online.
Nikolai regretted leaving you standing at the lake within five minutes, but he found it quite stupid to go back now. So, he continued his walk towards his room. His mind couldn’t decide what to think about. It was like watching a tennis match between you in that dress and that stupid guy that had asked you out and whether you said yes or no.
He was such an idiot. He should’ve done something to stop that Inferni from asking you out. Nikolai didn’t trust that guy and besides, his best friend deserved something better. Like a king maybe. There was a slight possibility that Tamar had been right and he did have feelings for y/n. After brooding for what seemed to be another hour, he decided to seek you out.
You hadn’t been on any dates for quite a while. Trying to help your new king, you spent most of your time with Nikolai, not having a lot of time for your love life. The prospect of going on a date filled you with anticipation, though your thoughts always swayed back to a certain blond. The way he looked today seemed to be glued to the inside of your brain. Your mind kept switching between thinking about his arms, his back and his abs. God you felt like your head was going to explode with how red your cheeks were. Genya, whom you had asked to help you get ready, misinterpreted your more than noticeable blush.
“The way you’re looking right now, this guy has to be the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen.”
“What? No, I wasn’t thinking about… Actually, I was thinking about the way Nikolai acted today. It was a little confusing.”
Genya had a huge smirk plastered on her face.
“You’re about to go on a date with someone, and everything you can think about is Nikolai?”
“Don’t say it like that.”
Genya’s smirk grew even more, if possible.
“Oh, come on, everyone knows how infatuated you are with each other.”
“He’s not infatuated with me, we are friends and nothing more.”
“Y/n darling I hate to break it to you, but you can be as oblivious as a goose.”
“A goose?”
“Oh, you know what I mean. Did you know that some of us have bets going on about who will confess their feelings first.”
“Well, that’s lovely. You’re telling me my love life is so pathetic you guys are betting on it?”
You were growing a little impatient with Genya. First, she was trying to tell you that Nikolai was in love with you, which was impossible, right? Yes, he was often flirting with you, but that was just how your friendship worked. Plus, he was king and couldn’t be in a relationship with a heartrender. While Grisha were generally more accepted in Ravka than for example in Fjerda, a Grisha could never sit on the Throne. Why were you even thinking about this? Genya had really gotten into your head. Nikolai wasn’t in love with you, end of discussion.
“Either way, I have to be on my way now or I’ll be late to my date with Dmitri.”
“Dmitri? He’s a nice guy. Although I suppose a certain king is a little more appealing to you, considering how hard you were staring at him the second he took off his shirt.”
“You were at the lake today?”
Genya snickered. “Oh, yes. Though I could have probably seen your staring from a mile away.”
“Will you stop it? You’ve obviously been in the workshops with David too often and lost your mind.”
“If that makes you happy. Have fun on your date.”
Dmitri and you had a lot of fun and tons of things to talk about, and the hours between afternoon and evening had become blurry by the time the two of you decided to eat dinner together. Walking side by side, his hand occasionally brushing yours, you couldn’t help but think about how nice this felt. Even though you had banished Nikolai from your mind during the date, thoughts of him were in the back of your head, waiting to jump back into the front of your mind. But you wouldn’t think of him. Not when you were having such a great time with Dmitri. After a dinner with lots of laughter and jokes, Dmitri offered to bring you back to your room.
“So, I had a great time today.” you tentatively began.
“Yes! Me too. I’d like to go out with you again if you’re up for it.” He seemed happy that you had brought the topic up. Before you could open the door to your room, he quickly took your hand and placed a chaste kiss on the top of your hand.
He was gone before you could reply. Cheeks still a little rosy from his kiss, you went into your room and closed the door behind you.
"How was your date?"
"Saints! Nikolai what are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you obviously. So, how was your date?"
Nikolai was laying on your bed as if it was his. Well, since he was the king, it probably did belong to him. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to answer his question.
"It was ... nice"
He nodded slowly, as if in deep thought.
"So, what did you want to talk about?"
His eyes snapped up to yours as he started to make his way over to you. A grin was forming on his stupidly beautiful face.
"I wanted to talk about how freakishly handsome I am." You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from your lips.
"I always knew you were vain but breaking into my bedroom to talk about your appearance seems like a new low to me."
By now he had reached you, standing close, leaning slightly towards you, so that your faces were only breaths apart. Both of your faces turned serious again, both breathing the same air.
"Y/n, when you agreed to going on a date with this guy I could only think of two things. How much I hated that guy and how stupid I was for letting him get to you first. I wanted to be the one to make you laugh. I wanted to be the one to take you out for dinner. If you don't feel the same -"
"Shut up" You breathed out before grabbing the kings collar and pulling his lips against yours. He immediately answered your kiss. Wrapping his arms around your waist while yours were tangled in his hair. When you both broke apart to catch your breath, Nikolai looked very happy with himself.
"Now lets get back to the reason I came in here." You raised your eyebrows in question.
"To talk about how freakishly handsome I am"
"Oh shut up" You said before pulling him in for another kiss. He smiled against your lips and you felt as if you were on top of the world.
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The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Decisions
Chapter Six of Sweet Home Alabama
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OC (Linley Mitchell/Floyd), Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x OC (Linley Mitchell/Floyd)
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Description: You're starting to really hate being back in Pigeon Creek. You'd know it wouldn't be easy to get Jake to give you what you so desperately want. But you're not expecting a night filled with alcohol and old friends. Nor are you expecting Jake to be as frustrating as he is at this moment. There's a reason why they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions after all. Your intentions are good. But your decisions aren't.
Themes: angst, love, smut, attraction
Warnings: This is where my warning of cheating from way back when comes true.
Word Count: 3381
A/N: This is officially the chapter where this Sweet Home Alabama AU diverges from the canon events of Sweet Home Alabama. Anyone who remembers the movie will remember that Mel outs Bobby Ray during the scene in the bar. I hate that scene so I rewrote it to be something more like what Linley and Jake would fight over. Because it's not Bob.
AO3: Cross-posted here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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You don’t even get the chance to order the drink you so desperately want before you’re folded into a tight embrace. You stiffen automatically before the scent of lilacs and hoppy beer fills your nose. It’s a scent you’d know anywhere and you relax into the only motherly embrace you’ve ever known. When you finally pull away, you’re smiling from ear to ear as you see Penny Benjamin before you.
“Batten down the hatches, boys! Trouble just walked straight back into my life disguised as my favorite daughter-in-law!” You have to laugh at her words, even as you hug her again.
“Hi, Penny. I’m not going to be your daughter-in-law for long, actually.” You waggle your left hand at her, smiling as she grabs your hand and whistles approvingly.
“Who’s the lucky guy, sugar?”  You can’t read the sudden serious turn on her face with how fast it morphs back into Penny’s normally smiling countenance.
“His name’s Bradley. He’s in politics and I love him so much.”
“It’s good to see you, sugar, and not just cause you’re here for Jake.” She cups your face in her hands, dragging you in and kissing your forehead, before proclaiming to the bartender, “You give her whatever she wants, it’s all on me”, before turning back to you with beers in her hands and disappearing through the crowd.
You walk up to the bar, absently noting the girl with her head buried in a textbook next to you, and order a Grey Goose Martini. If your drinks are on Penny, then they’re damn well going to be good ones. It's as you're looking for Jake that you feel a hand on your bare arm. You turn in that direction, surprised to see that it’s the teenager who has her hand on you. Something about her is familiar. Her green eyes and upturned nose are just like someone else you know. You stare at her in shock, your brain working overtime because you should know who she is. It’s not until you’ve gotten your martini that you remember the sweetheart who this teenager used to be.
"Amelia? Amelia Benjamin is that you? You've grown up, kid!" You can barely recognize the lanky girl sitting on the stool in front of you. "And you're in a bar?!"
"Yeah, Linley. It's been seven years since you saw me. I'm not the same four-year-old who was the flower girl at your wedding." The anger in her voice is something you definitely weren’t expecting. Amelia used to look at you like you were one of her favorite people. There isn’t even a hint of affection in her gaze now.
"And, of course, I'm in the bar. Mom owns it. Or did you forget that the same way you forgot all of us? Dad's driving an eighteen-wheeler somewhere in Kansas, Mom's got the closing shift here, Jake's on a date, and Mom hasn't let me spend time with Mav since you ran out on Pigeon Creek. So where else am I supposed to get my homework done?"
You really don't have an answer to that. Her entire family is really on the premises.
"Anyways," God, you can hear every bit of sass in her tone. "You look great. Are you here to finally divorce my brother and run off into the sunset with your new boyfriend? Brady or Brandon or whoever, right?"
"It's Bradley, actually." You sip on your martini to hide your discomfort. You're getting called out on your decisions and life by an eleven-year-old!
"Huh, whatever. Mom tells me you're designing clothes now?" At your nod, she continues. "Did you design that top? I hope not, 'cause it looks like something you could buy at K-Mart."
You have actually designed and sewn the top you're wearing, and that comment cuts deep. You down the rest of the martini in one swig and ask for another, tuning out how Amelia seems intent on getting on your last nerve.
"Anyways, if you're looking for my brother, he and his date are over by the pool tables." You turn to go but are stopped by one more insistent tug on your arm. "If you do this, that's it. You will never be welcome in our family again. My brother's the best man in the world, and if you can't see that, it's your loss."
You know she's right that you're closing a door for the last time, but there's another one open for you. Bradley's waiting for you. You haven’t wanted another thing like Bradley since you were a new bride with a new life growing to the beat of your heart and Jake at the tips of your fingers. Those feelings don't stick around very long once you see the perky blonde hanging on Jake's every word. Instead, you're filled with something cloying that sticks jagged spikes in your chest, a bitter taste lying on your tongue that all the swigs of your martini can't wash away.
You can't help cataloging all of the ways this girl, because she is a girl, is different from you. She's young and giggly; the shirt she's wearing is tied under her breasts, paired with low-rise jeans and cowboy boots. The idiots you've known all of your life are drooling over her, but Jake, Jake just looks bored. Meanwhile, you know you couldn’t ever hope to be that naive, that innocent, not anymore. You plaster an easy smile on your face and make a beeline for the pool tables. The guys you’ve known your whole life are whispering the minute they see you, but you’re a woman on a mission. It’s high time Jake remembers what you can be like when you’re going after what you want. You let Bob wrap an arm around your shoulders and kiss your temple in hello before you stalk towards Jake, martini held limply in your hand. 
“Hey, y’all! Mind if I join you?” You’re exuding Southern charm yet again. Jake ignores you, as expected, but the blonde, his sweet, innocent blonde date, just dimples at you. 
“Hiya!” Even her voice is too sweet for words. “I’m Leigh-Anne! I don’t think I’ve seen you around the Hard Deck before.” 
“C’mon darling,” Jake drapes himself over her before you can say a single word. “You don’t need to introduce yourself to her. She’s not anybody important.”
Looking at the smirk on his face, you decide tonight will be fun, no matter how much he thinks he will win.
“Naw, he’s right. I’m not anybody important.” It gives you a vindictive sense of joy to see how taken aback Jake looks. “Leigh-Anne, was it?” You stir your martini primly with the skewered olives and take a sip. “I’m his wife. He calls me a snotty, Yankee bitch, but he refuses to give me a divorce even though I’m engaged to be married to another man!”
Leigh-Anne, bless her heart, is immediately fawning over your left hand, and the glower on Jake’s face makes having her cloying perfume in your space worth it.
“Honey,” He’s got an insincere smile on his face as he tows Leigh-Anne close. “D’you want to go refresh our drinks?”
“Sure!” Bless her because she chirpily asks you what you want instead of realizing that Jake meant her drink and his own! You hide your snicker as she walks past you, but you can’t resist laughing in Jake’s face.
“Where the hell did you get her from, Jake?” He looks uncomfortable at your frank question. “What, have you blown through every other girl in Pigeon Creek, and she’s all that’s left?”
Before you can let loose at him, Bob’s tugging you under his arm and handing you a pool cue. 
“Calm down, Lin. I know you want answers from him, but don’t go about getting ‘em like how Old Man Fowler’s bulldog used to go for his favorite bones.” You grumble under your breath but accept his words as he says, “You’re with me, New York. Let’s see if you still remember how to hustle.”
“That’s not something I’m likely to forget.” It’s true. You can’t count the number of times you and Natasha have hustled drinks out of guys in bars in New York. 
But just like you haven’t forgotten how to play, neither has Jake. If anything, he’s even better than he was when you left. He looks so calm and collected, despite the crowd around the table. There’s just enough of a perimeter around the table for you and Jake to move about as you play. The alcohol’s been flowing all night, and if you don’t focus on the table, you can see two of everything floating in front of your eyes. You’re not sure where Leigh-Anne went, but you frankly don’t care. Good riddance. Maybe she can find another country hick to sink her claws into. But Jake’s yours, at least as long as it takes to get the divorce you’re so desperate for.
“Jake, c’mon! One more shot and you can win it! It’s just like our last football game in high school! One touch down, and we’re undefeated for the season!” It’s one of the guys from the football team, somebody who, as drunk as you are, you can’t remember the name of. “Hey Linley! Do you remember that game? It was a great one, wasn’t it?”
"Of course, I remember that game. Why, that was the night that your old buddy Jake, here, got me pregnant." Your tone must be far louder than you think because it goes silent around the pool table.
"What, you trying to go public with all this shit?" You remember a time, probably on or around the night, when your whole life changed when you would never have wanted to make Jake angry. Or hurt him. Or make him sad. But that was when you didn’t care about how you felt and hid everything to make Jake happy - because he was yours, and you were his. But you’re not that Linley anymore. She died when her baby did.
"It's not like everyone here doesn't know anyway." You shrug sloppily, having to catch yourself on your pool cue before you fall. 
"And," Your voice is cruel as you spit the words out, "it's not like you weren't fucking every woman in sight even afterward, right? I mean, it figures that nobody in this town can keep secrets because you remember Missy? She worked reception at the Doctor’s office when I went in to see Dr. Grace about the baby. She let it all spill.” 
You’ve been waiting seven years to tell Jake exactly how little an impact he’s had on your life. You knock back one of the shots of whiskey Bob carries by, blowing him a kiss.
“About how you used to go to the old barn up past the Peterson Farm and roll around in the hay.” You can see his face flush, red rising up his neck as your words hit the target, exactly how your dad told you he used to hit the enemy with the jets he flew when he was with the Navy. You turn, leaning towards one of Jake’s old teammates, someone who looks way too interested in what you’re saying. “Say Jake, did any of those other girls cotton on to how if you get really, really excited …” 
But you don’t get to finish blurting the words out since there’s a hand covering your mouth. It takes you far too long to fight your way out of the grip holding you close, and you’re seeing red when you whirl around.
“Shut up.” It’s Jake, because of course it is, and he looks angry, sad, and lonely all at once.
“Why the hell should I, Seresin?” You pretend not to notice the pain in his eyes when you spit his last name out like you can’t stand to have it in your mouth. 
“Because what happened is between you and me, not anybody else.” His eyes flash dangerously, and you want nothing more than to see him snap. But instead, he raises his voice and, oh so loudly, condescendingly says, “Now, now, darlin’, let the nice folks at the bar here have a good time. Ain’t nobody wants to hear your squeaky little voice when you’re having a snit.”
Now you know you must’ve entered an alternate universe. Jake was the only person who you’d told when a bunch of the girls at school used to pick on you about everything about you, from your hand-me-down cast-offs, things your dad got from Mrs. Floyd from Bob’s sisters while working as a mechanic for the family, to your unruly pigtail hair and the way your voice always got high pitched when Jake was around. Of course, you’d never told him why your voice sometimes got a little squeaky. You’ve never known what happened because you walked into school one day and those girls ignored you. And that was just fine by you. So the fact that Jake resorts to childish insults and taunts has you seeing red. 
He is the only person who knows that those girls had told everyone how poor your family was when you were in school. Jake is the only person who knows how much it hurt when the guidance counselor dragged you out of class to find out if you were getting enough food to eat. That same guidance counselor had the gall to accuse your dad of being unable to take care of you. Which was false for anybody who knew Pete Mitchell to assume. He’d rather go hungry than see you go without something you needed.
You’re still seeing red when he walks away. You just know he’s got a smirk on his face and that there’s a toothpick in his mouth. As you list on your feet, you're not sure what possesses you, but you grab one of the pool balls and launch it at his head. It doesn't hit its mark because, well, your aim isn't all that great, to begin with, forget when mostly drunk, but it does thwack solidly into the back of his shoulder, the sound ringing in your ears.
When he turns around, you’re not surprised at all to see the rage on his face as he tugs a splintered toothpick out of his mouth. 
“Now, now, darlin’. Watch what you do.” He’s got this superior look on his face like he knows exactly how and when to shut you up. And maybe he used to. But not anymore.
“Or what?” You don’t know why you’re taunting him, but there is something unspeakable bursting in your veins that you haven’t felt in years. Even Bob’s harsh whisper of, “Don’t do something you’ll regret in the morning, doll.” goes unheeded.
“Or, everyone will know exactly what you sounded like the night of that big football game you were so eager to lambast me over. Do you really want all of Pigeon Creek to know just how bad you were in bed?” Instead of deigning him with a response, you pluck Bob’s half-empty pint out of his hand, step forward, and launch the liquid right into Jake’s smug, smiling face. To add insult to injury, you hand him the empty pint glass before you flounce away.
Standing back up near the bar, you order shot after shot, intent on ignoring the whispering your rage-fueled retreat from the pool tables have sent up throughout the bar. The stinging burn of the liquor dripping down your throat is echoed by the stinging pain in your heart. How could Jake do that to you? Say those things to you? When you thought he knew you better than anyone else. 
As you walk back towards the pool tables, everything swims in front of your eyes. Jake’s not wearing that sage green plaid shirt anymore. It’s hanging off of his belt loops, drying out from the beer bath you’d given it, and Leigh-Anne is hanging off of him again. It’s not a conscious decision that has you walking up to her and socking her right in her pretty little face. She goes down hard, and when she stands back up again, unsteadily, there are tears dripping from her pretty blue eyes and a bruise coming up around her eye. 
You lunge at her again but meet solid skin. It’s Jake because, of course, it is, and seeing him defend Leigh-Anne makes the flames of your anger burn even hotter. You start screeching and yelling and clawing in earnest because you’re damned if you let someone else have him. Jake’s right in your face, yelling right back. But you’re crying yourself and babbling about how he never loved you, and honestly, it feels like all the thoughts are too much.
That’s when everything flips upside down. Your mind is spinning, your stomach roiling when you’re finally set back on your feet. Your eyes can barely comprehend what you’re seeing. But your heart has known what you’re seeing far longer than it has known what love is.
“Jake.” Your hands are alcohol dazed as they clutch at his arms as you regain your balance. 
He’s livid, looming over you, with his hands grasping at air by his side.
“You know, sweetheart, I can forgive a lot of things. But the one thing I could never forgive is that you didn’t realize how much I loved you. How much I’ve always loved you. I never once strayed with another woman, not once I had you.” There’s something that looks a lot like pain in his green eyes.
“Bullshit.” You have to fight the bile crawling up your esophagus as you heave the word out. 
“Missy was lying. She wanted to break us up.” His voice is so quiet that if it weren’t for how close he is to you, you’re sure you wouldn’t have heard him at all.
“We didn’t need Missy at all, Jake. All we needed was my stupid fucking body. And my stupid fucking smart mouth. That was enough. My world fell apart, and the one person who was supposed to be there suddenly couldn’t stand to see me around anymore. What was I supposed to think?”
“So you left.” You’ve never been able to read this particular emotion on his face.
“So I left.” Your voice is a soft whisper in the humid night air. 
Your head is swimming, captivated by the fading scents of Jake’s cologne in the air, as well as the alcohol in your system. 
“What would you have said if I told you back then how much what happened gutted me, too?” Why’s he dredging up all of this now? When you’re finally happy? When you’ve finally put aside the pain in your past? When you have finally fallen in love again? Why?
“It doesn’t matter, Seresin.” You push past him, trying to wrestle your bag from the secure grasp he’s got on it. “I’m going home.” 
But you might as well be a kitten fighting against a tiger. Your weak tugs don’t budge the bag, no matter what you do.
"No. You are not driving when you're this drunk and killing yourself." Jake sounds fondly patient, like a parent with their toddler, and you kind of hate it. Even if, in your drunken state, you know it’s a bad idea, you give up on pulling on your bag and get right into his space.
Jake’s eyes glow in the low light like lamps. His lips are chapped yet glistening in the low light. All you can smell is Jake’s cologne and the scent of the laundry detergent he still uses, even after all these years. At one glance, everything around you seems to go silent. It feels like you’re the only two people in the world. You feel like that young girl again, the one who was in love, the one so sure she had the love that was supposed to conquer all. Your fingers are gentle as you trail the pads across his cheek.
Jake’s mouth parts like he’s going to say something, but before he does, you curl your hand around the back of his neck and smash your mouth to his. If Bradley’s kisses feel good, Jake’s kisses feel like getting struck by lightning.
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the 1996 Disney film Aladdin: The King of Thieves. change & alter as needed.
“Somebody’s gonna be late for his own wedding!”
“It’s a bachelor party, big boy!”
“This is for the wedding.”
“It belonged to my father.”
“He died a long time ago.”
“[Name], are you getting cold feet?”
“What do I know about families? What if I’m no good at it?”
“If your father were here, he’d be as proud of you as I am.”
“Someone has to keep a cool head, [name].”
“Someone will have no head if this turns out to be another wild goose chase.”
“I can see fine from back here.”
“I’m not gonna cry. I’m not.”
“I thought the earth wasn’t supposed to move until the honeymoon.”
“So this isn’t a bad day for you, really, is it?”
“It must be here somewhere.”
“You have a lot of spirit. And a lot of mouth.”
“Stay out of my way, boy, and you won’t get hurt.”
“That was for ruining my wedding.”
“This is not my fault! This was not built to code!”
“Good luck getting back the catering deposit.”
“Hey, I want to see some resumes on these guys.”
“I am so sorry about all this, [name].”
“With all the other great stuff, why go for this thing?”
“Did someone say ‘treasure’?”
“I see all that has been, and all that will be.”
“Okay, you know all, so tell all.”
“I know what my future is. My future is you.”
“I have no idea where I come from.”
“I don’t think you can help me.”
“My father is alive?”
“What kind of man leaves his son?”
“How can you be so sure?”
“How bad is it?”
“I want to get in, get out, and go home.”
“If you’re talking about spilling my blood... well, I just don’t see that happening.”
“Like it or not, boy, we’re blood.”
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
“Yes, [name], mercy would be so like you — soft, and weak.”
“A test? That’s not so bad. Maybe it’ll be multiple-choice!”
“Knock ’im dead, kid. Seriously.”
“You would know if [name] was in trouble, wouldn’t you?”
“I thought he’d be back by now.”
“It’s a joke! ...I do that.”
“Thanks for cheering me up.”
“You did your old man proud, [name].”
“I was just trying to stay alive.”
“We never hurt the innocent.”
“That’s just a myth!”
“You don’t know what it’s like to have nothing!”
“I thought my family was lost forever.”
“I wanted a father. I still do.”
“[Name] may not understand, but it just wouldn’t work. I don’t belong in his world.”
“Get off that thing before you break your neck!”
“This creep’s got a yellow sheet as long as my arm.”
“You are most definitely [name]’s father.”
“All he needed was a second chance.”
“It’s a slap-on-the-wrist and community-service kind of thing.”
“I thought I could change him. I had to try.”
“You can change my clothes, [name]. You can’t change who I am.”
“There are some wishes that even I can’t make come true.”
“Everything was perfect before he came into my life.”
“It’s the cape talking, isn’t it?”
“I’ve come to say goodbye.”
“We don’t have much time.”
“They can’t catch me.”
“I want him dead or alive.”
“We shall see if [name] wants you in his family now.”
“Keep your hands off my son!”
“I did lose my lunch back there.”
“By then, we’ll be long gone.”
“I’m sorry for what you’ve lost, but you can’t go back now. You know that.”
“I’m not going with you.”
“You ran away from your family!”
“It’s a good day to die.”
“They’re my family. My only family.”
“Frankly, my boy, your actions were most disappointing.”
“What you have done... well, you did it out of love.”
“I know your dad made a lot of bad choices, but that doesn’t mean you have to.”
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beaker1636 · 8 months
The Scavenger Hunt Pt. 6: First Time Meeting Your Family
“I don’t have to remind you where to go for this one right? Because you were there with us for this one, but I guess it probably didn’t mean as much to you as it did for me so maybe you don’t,” you mumble as you look at your sister, waving goodbye to Chris as he left the house at the same time that you did.
“I do remember, one, you invited me to move to town with you and I did, and two, I wanted to meet this guy that you always talked about.  I could tell that something was different this time, I can’t really explain it other than I could just tell that he meant something more to you than anyone else by the way that you talked.  And before you asked, yes, mom and dad flew in to be a part of all of this,” she says, making the drive towards the restaurant.  Both of you are quiet, enjoying the music for the time in the car, falling in a comfortable silence.
You smile to yourself when Another Life comes on the radio, turning it up slightly while you sing along.  You swear that this is a sign, having one of his songs playing randomly on the radio during the middle of all of this. Your sister had the same idea in her head, also wondering if it was the sign that her helping with this, giving him her permission to ask you was meant to be.
When you pull into the restaurant and walk in, your parents are already at a table, standing up to give both of you big hugs when they notice you and your sister.
“It has been way too long since we have been able to visit you, how are you?” Your sister asks you, giving you a huge hug before kissing the top of your head, just like she always did when you were a child.
“It has, I am so happy that you are here, that you are a part of whatever this thing is,” you answer back, unable to help the smile that is on your face.
“We couldn’t say no when he called us about this, we are so happy for you.  Now, let's sit down and have lunch.  You have a ways to go yet if I remember correctly,” you father says with a smile, giving you a hug before moving on to your sister as you all sit down.
“Yeah, he gave me a lot to get done apparently, even if I have no clue what all it is that I am supposed to do yet.  And clearly you are in on it because I see my letter and rose sitting there next to you.  Did he tell you what all is happening because Kayla swears he didn’t tell her much,” you say, glancing down at your menu.
“Oh we know all about this plan, but we have been sworn to secrecy.  All I will say is that it will all be worth it when you are done, promise.” Your mom says with a smile, telling the waitress her order while the rest of you decide what you want and order it as well.
“Of course you have been, everyone knows but me.  I swear that you better not be lying to me about it being worth it because I am starting to get really annoyed with this goose chase.  It is fun thinking about all the memories but I just want to see him already, I miss him so much,” you say softly, looking down at the table.
“Hey, no being sad today.  Why don’t we think of happy times, like when we first met him.  Remember how nervous you were about us meeting him? That somehow he would be scared away or that we wouldn’t like him?” Your sister asks, squeezing your hand in support of everything, reminding you that she is there for you.
“Oh god yeah, he was the first guy I introduced mom and dad to since highschool, of course I was worried that they wouldn’t approve.  No offense, but he doesn’t look like a guy most parents would want their daughters coming home with,” you respond with a laugh. “The tattooed, long haired rocker guy isn’t exactly what all fathers want for their little girls.”
“Nope, it isn’t.  But I could tell that he made you happy that first meeting, and I also could tell that he cared about you.  The way he looked at you, the way he still does.  I will admit that I was nervous at first, that he wouldn’t be able to take care of you with his job in the future but he’s proved me wrong.  I’m just happy to see you happy,” your father says, taking a sip of his water after.
“He does make me happy, and it makes me happy that you like him and approve of him.  I was very glad that day when you told me that you approved, I could tell that you were still hesitant but I like to think that he proved himself.  But to be fair, I had just moved out of state to come here, and then suddenly had a boyfriend a couple months later.  It was a lot of change and I can understand why as parents you might be protective,” you admit with a smile.
“And to make shit worse you two also announced that our other daughter was moving here with you, out of state and away from us.  It was hard, but you both have grown as adults here, we can tell you are happy away from the farm and doing your own things,” your mom says, her eyes meeting yours. “I have a feeling after today we are going to be visiting here a lot more.”  She winks at you, making you blush.
“I have a feeling I know what is going to happen when this is done, and if I am right I will be needing you to come out here more to help me with things if you can.” You say, thanking your waitress as she sets your plate down.
The four of you sit down and continue laughing and catching up while you eat your lunch, this being the first time in about 6 months that you have seen your family, you almost wish that you had more time with them but an hour later you have finished your lunch and your mother was handing your letter and rose to you with a smile.
“I don’t want to read it, I am not ready to leave the two of you,” you say softly, moving so that you can give your mom another hug.
“Trust me, we will be seeing you again soon.  Now read your letter, I have been waiting for this,” she says excitedly.  
I hope you enjoyed getting to see your parents, I know you have been missing them and waiting for your vacation time to build up so that you could visit home again soon.  It only made sense that I made them a part of this day as close as you are with them.  I hope that you don’t mind I had nothing for you to do minus lunch here, but I wanted you to enjoy your time with them and get to focus on your time with them.
But to stick with our theme that is why I had you meet them there, choosing the place that I met them for the first time.  I know you were a bit nervous that day, but I was very anxious about it because I knew that you were very close with them.  I didn’t know what they would think, their small farm grown daughter coming home with the tattooed rocker.  I knew that I was probably not what they would prefer for you, so I was prepared to leave feeling defeated.
Instead your mom instantly greeted me with a hug, thanking me for making you happy and helping you adjust to life out here.  She made me feel like I was part of the family almost instantly, your dad on the other hand… Well, we warmed up to each other by the end of the meal.  
I wish you could have heard how excited they were when I planned this, when I called them with this idea and asked them to join us for this.  They were happy and booked a flight almost immediately, and when I met them last night to tell them all the details your dad gave me a huge hug and thanked me for all of this.  I never would have guessed that your dad would have responded how he did.  I wish I could tell you more but then it would be even more obvious what is going on.  I’m sure that you have already probably figured it out, because you are one of the smartest people I have ever met, but continue to humor me. 
Because there was no puzzle, this next step will be easy, I am just telling you where to go for the next location.  I want you to go to where you first met my found family, the guys.  They will be there with your next puzzle, and your next clue. 
I Love You, 
“He said too much, god, is he trying to get caught?” You sister groans, rolling her eyes after hearing you read the letter out loud.
“Really, you think that I haven’t already figured out what is going on? I have, I am just waiting to see how it all goes the rest of the way, but I am pretty sure I know what he is doing.  And I must say, this is much better than I ever could have expected and wanted this to go if it is that,” you answer, nudging her shoulder with your own.
“Yeah, it probably is pretty obvious by now but just humor him honey.  He put a lot of thought and work into this for you,” your mom says, standing to give you another hug before she hands you the rose. Your dad gives you a hug as well before promising that he will see you in a little bit.
This rose reading, “I love how your family accepted me, made me a part of it without any questions when I met them.”
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