#you have earned my respect
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daily-hanamura · 7 months
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#p4#persona 4#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#EVERYDAY IM HOWLING. EVERYDAY IM SCREAMING.#for context this comes at the heel of yosuke charging at mitsuo kubo in rage because of his flippance towards killing saki and he's hit har#but souji and kanji jump in to protect him#like ok a lot of things going on here such as the obvious OH MY GODDDD yosuke being yosuke and taking things on for himself#because he doesn't want to bother people?? because he's made it his own responsibility? because his survivor's guilt is still lingering?#i mean don't tell me he doesn't look at how he surrendered to his shadow like apart from his self-sacrificing propensity#i low key feel like everytime yosuke demands answers about saki's death from the murderer/god/etc there's this undertone of how#he would rather it have been him#he cheapens his own life so much and for what#BUT ALSO!! ALSO!! not just souji jumping in because we know he would he's down bad for yosuke BUT ALSO KANJI#listen you've all heard me talk so much about how i adore kanji yosuke friendships#i can't really tell whether it's kanji or souji that says “haven't we earned your trust yet” but it's a line that hits SO HARD#regardless of which one of them was saying it and i think it hits hard in slightly different manners#it's kanji's admiration and how he looks up to yosuke and how he wants to be closer to yosuke as a friend/kouhai/whatever you want#tatsumi “who's your partner now!” kanji has so much respect for yosuke he wants yosuke to rely on him too!!!#and this stands out because kanji is very conscious of social hierarchies and such but as a kouhai as yosuke's junior#he's so specific about wanting yosuke to treat him as an equal#i smtimes feel bad for kanji because he has a bit of that vibe of a poor puppy trailing after souyo because he wants to be in their convos!#he wants to be included! but critically he also just! wants them to SEE him!!#going a lil off tangent but i think kanji's attitude towards souji is very much one of kouhai respect like he understands his place#of like deferring to souji or getting advice from him and just generally regarding him as a reliable mentor#and it's the same with chie and yukiko? but idk man. with yosuke. guys. with yosuke i always feel like kanji wants to break that hierarchy#that convention. that social norm. to cross a line and be closer to yosuke.#he's more willing to tease yosuke in a way he doesn't with the other 2nd years. and this isn't coming from a place of disrespect either#AGAIN. KANJI REALLY LIKES YOSUKE. he wants to protect yosuke!!! he jumps at the opportunity for yosuke to rely on him!!#i'm getting delulu but there's those hints of “yosuke senpai i want you to see me as a man!!!” kind of energy here and i'm it's yknow hmm
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rickybaby · 4 months
Mekies: “On one hand, we have Daniel who brings race winning experience to the team and OUTSTANDING technical capabilities and sensitivities for what the car is doing. You have the incredible energy that he brings to the whole team and it helps all of us to deliver 101%”
Daniel: “I feel good. I feel like it’s early days of my career again. I have that enthusiasm and that real love for the sport again. I just feel like a better version of myself.
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homoeroticgrappling · 1 month
Spent the whole match going "but what if they kissed"
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infinityinakiss · 2 years
maybe it’s because i’m so starved for sapphic attraction, but i’m only now realizing how much ava was holding back with bea. ava unashamedly flirted with jc and literally tried every possible trick in the book. my girl actually took drugs to try and get lucky, ffs (all for some cardboard stick. come on, ava, at least simp for a man with a personality.)
with bea, on the other hand, ava’s affection slips through the cracks. she falls for bea and quickly realizes that she’s not allowed that, she can’t fall for her best friend. so she loves quietly, or as quietly as she can manage. she lets herself have the little things, and she takes what she can steal. she loves so wholly and she wants to show it, but she can’t. she lives off the crumbs she allows herself, paints her love as friendship, and no one was the wiser.
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nollimet · 10 months
A quick PSA as this has happened multiple times now:
Like my work and feel inspired to make something similar? Great! Have fun with it! Want to reference my work’s composition/colors/pose/concept/style? Go right on ahead! I hope it’s inspiring and helps you in your process! But please, do not trace my work and call it your own.
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a-victorian-girl · 11 months
Look at this AMAZING ART!!! 😱
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It was made by @phoenix27884 (I found you on Twitter! 🥰)
This gorgeous portrait of Ben was made using just little diamonds!!
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Here is the 🧵 with the complete process. It's insanely beautiful!! ❤️
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starredforlife · 4 months
sorry I’m just actually sick to death of being told I’m intimidating . I know it’s scary when a woman talks without apologizing for herself constantly but maybe uhhhhh grow up!!!
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fuwaprince · 6 months
When somebody only uses my chosen name while putting me down, it kind of makes me wish I didn't have a name at all.
And when somebody only uses my pronouns when they try to coerce me into something, then switch back to they/them when talking about me to anybody else, it kind of makes me uncomfortable af.
I sincerely do not enjoy being labeled or referred to. Being referred to is such a negative experience for me irl.
Yet not giving people a set of name/pronouns when they ask automatically seems to make them think you're secretly a serial killer trying to cover up something?????? Or like you're untrustworthy and must be hiding because you're a Bad Person instead of just not wanting to label yourself.
Can I just please not be forced to label myself for everybody else's comfort?
I feel like that information is so personally intimate anyways like unless you know me and we're close, why do you even care? I don't think it's necessary for the first stages of getting to know somebody even though in this culture we've normalized it to be that way.
Plus if I don't give you a name then I have the opportunity to earn one. Give me a name that you think I deserve and let it be what you honor me by instead! How about that? It's probably the only way I'll be comfortably perceived since some people will change my labels as they see fit regardless. Just call me what you like, I feel like my name/pronouns have been corrupted as is
#i feel weird about having a name and a gender and pronouns assigned to me.... such a weird thing to make a big deal#i mean it's a big deal as in you need to write names down for job apps#and when i walked in to request for emergency aid the person looking at my case asked for my pronouns#which just felt so irrelevant and it didn't make me feel any more respected#and i can tell some people are so uncomfortable using the pronouns that i say are mine that they'll opt out for ones they give me instead#which is like WHY DID YOU ASK IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO DO THAT ANYWAYS#silly things just don't make sense and to me they bring more trouble than they're worth#those things have been used as weapons against me so why keep giving ammo yk?#also i like the process of earning a nickname#one time this girl got offended that i reffered to her as snake girl the second time we met and i was like???#imagine being offended that somebody remembered you for having 4 corn snakes instead of using your boring old name#like when people call me fuwa i feel like they're honoring me as a blogger#i get it i get it this culture is just so strictly uncreative and boring#if i had a cool new name from each person who knew me i would be so cool with that#like if somebody i met found out i liked sasuke and then started referencing to me as sasuke boy i would actually be so happy#idk dude#also sorry to that girl for calling her snake girl but honestly her loving her 4 snakes actually felt more significant to me than her name#in other cultures they refer to parents as “[insert child's name]'s mom/dad” and it's actually seen as being so respectful#like it's the family bond that gets honored instead of the individual and idk maybe some people take that to be a negative thing but#imagine as a parent loving your kid so much and then everybody identifies you as the parent who loves their kid#maybe that's dehumanizing in a sense idk#i see it as an honorable thing to be bestowed by others#yeah maybe people can be mean and call you “poop boy” for the one time you shit your pants while drunk#i get not liking being called “poop boy” but like dude... you're a legend and the story behind you earning that name would be legendary#idk i guess it's all about perspective#i don't know if I'm making sense#feel free to share thoughts#late night blogging
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colonizers will call themselves first world countries like they didn't lose a whole ass war against big bird
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
silly little man commuting from one job to his other less suspect job almost busted by the fucking cops, but don’t worry: he’s come prepared. more at 12
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3-aem · 1 year
Women in stem thingz ♥️💗💝💗💘💓💖💞💖💕💖💓💘💗💘💞💝💓💘✨✨✨✨: trying all day not to burst into tears at werk and failing at it so you gotta go into the restroom every 5 minutes
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worstloki · 2 years
Thor would want to kiss Loki and then to make it less weird kiss evry1 else in his friend group.
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helianthus21 · 4 days
wait wait wait so when Paolo says "Vincenzo, my friend. My brother" Vin only answers with "Paolo, my brother"
vs. Han-seo saying "sitting here with you feels like drinking with a friend, and you feel like a brother to me"
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vexangle · 3 months
its so funny when someone tries to exert authority over me and unless being uncooperative could literally kill me im just like. no. you think im going to reward this behavior? absolutely not. i am not reinforcing that shit. you dont get to talk to me like that. sit down and think about your attitude.
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handern · 1 year
not to be all european speaking a language with formal and informal ways to address people, but I think one of the many evils of capitalism is making bosses and directors comfortable with being friendly and using informal with their employees who they talked to three times all in all and who are more than two ranks lower than them on the company's ladder
back in my grandpa's days it was workers who used informal towards their bosses because they had never used formal in their lives and it made their bosses uncomfortable, I think we should go back to that
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