#I’m not Scary on purpose literally I don’t fucking. growl at people
starredforlife · 7 months
sorry I’m just actually sick to death of being told I’m intimidating . I know it’s scary when a woman talks without apologizing for herself constantly but maybe uhhhhh grow up!!!
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kyun-toast · 3 years
[ATEEZ] Mafia!Hongjoong - Fateful
word count: 2.2k warnings: explicit language, gun use, death, mentions of alcohol summary: a feisty baby for a feisty scorpio a/n: I started writing this so loyal to mafia!ateez but now that I’ve watched kingdom, I’ve changed my mind - I wanna be a pirate hoe.
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“You forgot your toothbrush.” You said, sat by the desk, arms crossed. “Good thing I didn’t finish unpacking right, you can take your shit just the way it came in the boxes, hmm?” You didn’t get angry very often due to the pure fact that your expectations for your boyfriend were so low at this point. The way that your words, let alone your face, held no emotion terrified the boy. He shuffled around your apartment, gathering his things with eyes to the ground in guilt.
“Can you hurry up? I have places to be.” You said, fingers massaging your temple.
Stopping in his tracks, the boy turned to you with pleading eyes for the nth time today, “Baby, I’m so sorry, please, I didn’t mean to hurt you like tha-”
“I’m sorry, what? You disrespected me, not hurt me, there’s a difference-”
“Why are you doing this to me? You know I love you.” He pleaded.
“Is that a serious question right now? You cheated with my assistant in your first week as intern at my firm, then tried and miserably failed to gaslight and manipulate me into believing your lies which I find pretty bold considering that I’m literally a lawyer. I respect the attempt though.”
“Baby, it was an acci-”
“No, shut up, I’m not done speaking. And you did this while I bought out this apartment for you because I felt bad for your sorry ass having to live with your dumb friends. I had to spoon feed you through law school and now through life too? You should be grateful that I’m letting you leave with all your things considering I bought them all too.”
He stood there with his hands gathered, staring back at the floor again.
“What. You got nothing to say? I thought so. You gonna leave now or what?” You questioned. He took his boxes, feet dragging across the floor to the door. You rolled your eyes as you closed the door on him. Before needing to look for a new intern and a new assistant, you needed a drink more than anything.
It was a regular Friday evening at the bar for Hongjoong and the boys. In celebration of Ateez’s successful expansion of their ‘business ventures’, Hongjoong had decided to spend the rest of the day at their usual spot. Despite having been set up for the sole purpose of laundering their dirty money, Bar 1117 was doing ironically well. Due to the nightlife business booming, Hongjoong had gained another alibi to keep him under the radar and he couldn’t be more comfortable with where his life was at.
“No, I reckon it’s Yeosang” San said, bringing the glass of whisky to his lips.
“I back that, he’s not got the emotional capacity for it.” Woo agreed, laughing.
“Yeah, just because I don’t take any of your shit doesn’t mean I’ll do the same to my wife. I bet Mingi. He’s definitely getting married last.” Yeo rebutted.
“What wh-”
Before Mingi could finish, Seonghwa cut through, “Considering our line of work, no one’s gonna be getting married any time soon. Right Joong?”
Turning to the leader of the boys, Seonghwa saw that Hongjoong had his head turned away from the conversation, eyes scanning up and down a figure at the bar. Hongjoong was never a man to be distracted by anything or anyone, always focused on his business so it was a rare occurrence for him to be looking so intently at a person. The boys catching onto this, they followed his gaze to a man sat so close to the lucky person’s face, his facial expressions showing his desperation for a way to break down their walls.
“This might be interesting…” Wooyoung smirked.
“I genuinely couldn’t care less.” You said, head cocked to the side in your hand, staring dead straight into the man’s eyes. However, the man had no intention of ever stopping his speech as he sat next to you at the bar.
“Come on, you really don’t know my father? He was in today’s paper?” He carried on as you zoned out of the conversation and occasionally cringed at the man’s stale breath, wondering how many more men were going to be responsible for the deepening wrinkles between your brows. As you took a sip from your drink, you locked eyes with a blonde-haired man across the room. His features were delicate yet sharp like the thorn of a rose, or a shard of glass, eyes twinkling with mischief. He raised his glass at you and smirked, amused by the situation that you were in.
“Listen here, bitch-” The man grabbed your wrist, forcing your attention back to him, “You’re gonna take the drinks I buy you, listen when I speak and sit pretty like a woman is supposed to.” He spat.
“Grrrr, scary.” You crudely imitated the growl in the man’s voice, still uninterested, “What a man your mother raised. I bet she’s proud, hmm?”
Anger radiating from the man’s body, he grabbed the glass out of your hand and threw it at the wall behind you, missing your face by inches.
“Oh, so now you’re going to scare me into sleeping with you? You need to brush up on some people skills.” You laughed, throwing you head back. You only composed yourself to grab the man’s collar, causing him to stumble off his stool. “You want to throw another glass at me? Try it.”
You hadn’t noticed the blonde-haired man stroll up to your table seeing that you were so caught up in the situation.
“Hi, I’m Hongjoong. How’s your night going? Anything I can help you with?” He asked, rubbing his hands together, surprisingly composed despite the mess. You let go of the man as the name triggered something in your head, remembering it being mentioned a few times behind closed-door meetings with your father.
“Are all the whores around here like this? I came here for some fun and this is how I’m treated? Fuck this place and every one of you here.” The man started at Hongjoong. You sat there, curling your fists ready to punch the man this time but Hongjoong noticed and interjected.
He placed his hands on the ledge of the table, leaning forward to obstruct the space between you and the man. As he did, you noticed the glimpse of a gun hanging from inside his fitted jacket, the slick shine of the metal winking at you in the light.
“I’d rather die than come to this shithole again.” The man carried on and you noticed the mischievous glint that was once in Hongjoong’s eyes finally fade to black.
“Oh, sure thing, I don’t think I want to see you here again anyway.” Hongjoong muttered and what happened in the next few seconds flew by so fast it barely registered in your brain.
The blonde-haired man reached into his jacket to pull the handgun out and shoot the man clean between the brows. At the same time, you pointed the small pistol you always kept concealed on your body at Hongjoong in reflex, having been taught to react to the sound of gunmetal in this way since you were a child.
Once you realised that the bullet wasn’t intended for you, you sensed seven pairs of eyes trained on you. Out of the corner of your vision, you saw that the boys once sat at Hongjoong’s table were all stood up, half of their guns out pointed to the man, and the other half at you, the next possible threat to their leader.
It was then that you realised that this man was the leader of Ateez, Seoul’s biggest underground organization responsible for the running of the city. It may have been politicians and businessmen in the spotlight, but behind the curtains, it was Ateez pulling at their puppet strings.
“Easy with that, angel.” Hongjoong turned to you smiling and raised a hand at the boys to lower their weapons. He continued chuckling, “I felt like you might have an attitude, but I didn’t expect this from you.”
As if it were a regular occurrence, two barmen came round to dispose of the body and your eyes followed, gun still pointing at the blonde man. Using the tip of his fingers, he gently lowered your gun to point at the floor.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” he said, “I know some people that can sort that out.”
“Yeah those people are my paralegals paying off police in their missing persons hunts and forging their death certificates.”
Everything had fallen into place for you in that brief encounter. You knew that your father and his firm were involved in some dark business, but you never questioned it. Respecting your father’s wishes in telling you that keeping you in the dark was keeping you safe, you let it go.
However, it was only a few years ago that he had begun to tell you about his private dealings as consigliere to the organisation Ateez. That recently, his age-old friend had stepped down as mob boss and handed everything down to his son. Chuckling at how much he saw the image of his friend in the young blood, he mentioned that you would be in a similar position, that you too would be handed the law firm and become consigliere by tradition.
You had always expected to take up this mantle since you were young, as you figured that the men coming to your house for private meetings while you played in the garden did not treat you with unparalleled respect for no reason. You just didn’t realise that it would mean for you to be so heavily tied with the illicit world of the mafia then.
From then on, you trained close by your father’s side, learning the ins and outs of the world of jurisdiction, though you were never exposed directly to the ongoings with the mafia as your father had said, “the time will come when it needs to.”
“Then I guess today is the day.” You whispered to yourself smiling, you held your hand out to Hongjoong. “I’m Y/N L/N, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, my father has always spoken very highly of you.”
Confused at first, a spark was ignited in Hongjoong as the shine returned to his eyes, and the amused smirk to his lips, your name triggering something in him. Realising that you were the daughter to one of the men he most respected in his life, he took your hand and brought it to his face to kiss gently, “And it’s a pleasure to meet you too, I’ve heard a great deal about you as well, but who knew my future right-hand man would be so hot.” He said as he flashed a sly smile.
The more he observed, the flames within Hongjoong only grew as he could sense the fire in you too. The most beautiful person he had ever set eyes on was to be his consigliere? Couldn’t be any more perfect. He wondered what more you could achieve together and pictured only pure wildfire.
“You better watch your mouth Mr. Kim, unless you want to start a war between the family before I even take up my position.”
“Of course, I have nothing but respect for you and your father. I was told that I wouldn’t be meeting you until he was to step down from his position, but I guess my lucky stars have aligned perfectly tonight.”
“Also, I’m more than capable of dealing with these things myself, there was no need for you to play knight in shining armour.”
“Sure, holed up in your guarded palace of a law firm, you’ve never had experience in the real world. Things are different here and what happened at this bar is just the cusp of it, princess.” He rebutted voice dripping honey, flirting his way through the conversation.
“But who is it advising your every action and saving your asses in the courtrooms, hmm?”
You and Hongjoong continued to jab at each other while the boys sat back in disbelief at the situation. Common people would have run the other way as soon as a gun was shot in their vicinity. So for you to have pulled one out in retaliation and furthering that, started arguing with their Captain, it was a sight to see.
“Bets on who’s going to win this one?” Yunho broke the silence.
“I’m betting tonight’s drinks on the lady.” Mingi said, throwing his black card onto the table.
“Me too, Hongjoong hyung looks too smitten for pride games right now.” Jongho agreed.
“Looks like we’ve got our first to tie the knot then.” San chuckled, nudging at Wooyoung who replied, “Hmmm, she doesn’t look like the typical housewife type though.” Analysing the unmatched confidence exuding from your body language.
Soon after, Hongjoong led you to the table of boys, pulling a chair out for you.
“Guys, this is Y/N L/N, future consigliere to Ateez, and not to mention, my future wife.” He smirked, eyes glowing.
“Carry on and I’ll be future Captain by regicide, Hongjoong,” you shot him a glare as you took your seat, “considering our fateful encounter, it looks like I’ll be seeing you more often with my father now, I hope we can get along.”
You poured yourself a glass of whisky and smiled while Hongjoong could already sense the eventful days ahead with none other than you by his side. -
Mafia AU Masterlist
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katsumiiii · 4 years
When they’re jealous
Katsuki Bakugou x fem! black reader
Eijirou Kirishima x fem! black reader
Denki Kaminari x fem! black reader
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Katsuki Bakugou:
now contrary to popular belief Katsuki isn’t one to get jealous
he has full trust in you and doesn’t doubt your loyalty
it’s OTHER people he doesn’t trust
especially when they blatantly flirt like he isn’t standing right there
he hates being ignored
we all know Katsuki isn’t one for PDA
but when he’s jealous that’s a different story
first he gets silent
glaring at the person who’s dumb enough to flirt with his girl
he watches how you react
seeing if the man is causing you discomfort
so he knows how hard he has to kick his ass
then he listens in on the convo
probably growling at his words like an animal
and finally when he’s had enough he steps up to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder
he definitely barks at the guy
like not on purpose...it’s kinda of a reflex
“who the fuck is this extra? he bothering you?”
“no it’s fine, he was just leaving actually.”
he loves that you’re capable of handling your own shit
finds it really attractive
but still wants to beat this guys ass
“you heard the woman, scram before I beat your fucking ass.”
once he’s gone Katsuki roughly kisses you to let people know to back off
“fuck off.”
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Eijirou Kirishima:
look at this sweetheart
do you really think he’d be the type to get jealous ?
yeah no he actually gets jealous a lot
he has a lot of internal insecurities that he’s yet to work out yet
but knows you would never cheat on him or anything like that
he tends to get a bit aggressive
but like it’s not obvious he’s annoyed or anything
he’d still have that cute smile on his face
but deep down is literally so fucking close to bashing this dudes face into the nearest wall
he’d probably size the dude up while smiling politely
immediately asks you if you’re okay
that’s his main priority
god forbid this man put his hands on you
no nice Kirishima after that
“hey babe, whose your new friend?”
the look in his eye is legit terrifying
“oh no one, he’s unimportant.”
he got butterflies from that statement
fell so much more in love with you in that moment
“yeah dude, I think it’s best if you leave. Don’t you?”
trust me, he’s not coming back
“no way! it’s not manly to not trust your girlfriend in situations like this!”
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Denki Kaminari:
um yeah literally gets jealous on a daily basis
i mean come on, look at you
he has every right to be worried
constantly has his eyes on every male in the building once you enter a public setting
drags you away if he thinks someone might be interested in you
“wait babe I saw this really cool store we should try out instead!”
“what? but I’m hungry!”
“we can come back later!”
thinks you don’t know what he’s doing but you definitely do
you’re not fucking dumb
but anyways, y’all are at the mall and he went to buy you guys ice cream
comes back to this guy leaning against his chair
you look angry as fuck
like you’re about to kick this guys ass angry as fuck
so he decided that it would be best if he stepped in now
“hey babe, got the ice cream!”
“thanks Denki.”
the guy still doesn’t get the memo
“listen dude, I’d leave pronto if I were you. my girl is kinda scary when shes angry.”
points to your seething expression
the asshole finally gets the hint and leaves
Denkis literally crying from laughter
he’s a sucker for strong women
“shit babe that was hilarious!”
“I was this close from rocking his shit.”
guess he doesn’t have to be jealous after all
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youalexturnermeon · 4 years
Warm Beer and Cold Women Pt. 2 (Johnny Lawrence x Reader)
Click for Part 1
Request: Hi! I absolutely love your work and I was wondering if I could get a Cobra Kai Johnny imagine where the reader is a bartender and starts crushing on him since he’s a regular and he flirts with her all the time and she pretends to hate it but she actually loves it? by Anon
A/N: First part is basically just the request, the second part is more angsty and more heated. Johnny protects the reader from some creeps in the bar and they get finally closer
Warnings: badass reader, drinking, DUI, swearing, violence and sexual harassment
Wordcount: 3174
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Friday nights were busier, much busier than any of the other days of the week. You didn’t know how much busier than the other fancy bars in L.A. but for you it was most certainly busy enough. Mostly, middle-aged men came by, construction workers above all, who decided to celebrate the end of the week by getting black-out drunk. The bar was much noisier and loud music blasted through the old shabby speakers on the walls. You didn’t particularly like the big groups of men. They weren’t the nicest and they were the definition of a patriarchal dick comparison that mostly consisted of hitting on the female barkeepers. They were a huge pain in the ass, but at least, the drunker they got, the better they tipped. And you needed the money. Compared to them Johnny was a literal angel.
You didn’t show much enthusiasm when you walked around with a tray, picking up dirty glasses, taking new orders tipped with a few disgusting comments and bringing new drinks over to the tables. Usually, you liked being behind the counter more. Firstly, because you didn’t have to move much, also you loved making cocktails, and secondly because of Johnny who was always an annoyingly good company, although you were never willing to admit that. However, he seemed off today. He still was full on hitting on you and complimenting your today’s choice of clothing, he said he loved how you looked in your shorts and fishnets, but you could see that someothing was going on with him. He was staring into space more than usual and he didn’t pick fights with the construction workers who accidentally bumped into him from time to time. You wanted to ask him about it, because you genuinely were interested in him but as soon as you walked past him with a new full tray, to bring it to a table with three men, he gave you a dirty wink. And the wish to know something about him just vanished, so you made your way.
“Alright,” you said in your overly nice server’s voice as you started placing down the drinks on the table, trying to ignore the looks on your body. You were used to it, you were attractive and being that whilst working as a barkeeper just came with nasty comments and occasional sexual harassment.
“We have three beers, one dark and two Lager, two Whisky on the rocks and one Vodka soda.” Everyone tried to grab their drink from your hands, which you hated but that was okay, some people just didn’t know better, they thought they were helping out that way. When you were putting down the last of the beers on the table and leaned down, a rough hand suddenly brushed over your chest. You might have imagined it, you thought, that was probably an accident. After all, the man, still in his dirty work clothes, probably just tried to grab his dark beer. Yet you stopped for a second, eyes wide, then you cleared your throat and pulled yourself together.
“You alright, love?” he asked, and you nodded, “Yeah, sure, enjoy!”
The man who did that wasn’t even looking at you, you missed his dirty smirk by seconds. You just shook if off, you had thick skin and turned around to go back to your beloved counter. Yet, the minute you turned your back to the men sitting, you instantly felt it. A hand on your ass, a squeeze and you heard laughter, then - a slap. You snapped back and slammed the tray on their table, glasses clanking.
“Get you fucking hands off me, you asshole!” you yelled, your breath suddenly quicker, anger rising in you. So, you haven’t imagined it, he touched your breasts before. Bad pick-up lines were okay, but this was too far. Groping was the last straw for you.
“Or what?” he retorted immediately and now you were seeing the disgusting grin on his sweaty wrinkled face, full of self-admiration, he was so proud of himself “Are you gonna chop them off with that sharp tongue of yours?”
You let out a hateful laugh, he probably was expecting you to leave it be, after all he was a customer and you’re a simple barkeeper. But not with you.
“No, I’m gonna bite your fucking tiny dick off!”
“Ohhh,”, the men growled together, “That’s a feisty one. Wanna see it? It’s not that tiny. You’ll like it.”, the bald sweaty one said and gestured to his crotch.
“I’m gonna bite your dick off. Then I’m going to go to your house and I’m gonna fuck your wife. And I’m gonna fuck her so good, she’ll leave your sorry dickless, spineless ass!”
Suddenly, your groper was on his feet, he was so close to you, you could smell his boozy breath, although he towered inches above you. He didn’t like being talked to like that. And his glance was full of fury.
“Leave my wife out of that, you slut!” he grunted through his teeth and took another threatening step towards you, nervously fiddling with his wedding ring. You didn’t back off, you were in your bar.
“I’m gonna leave her out of it if you apologize for being a piece of shit to me, you do not fucking touch your server!”
“Maybe you shouldn’t walk around in these tiny shorts of yours, showing off your legs if you don’t want men to appreciate it.”
You took a deep breath, this was not really happening right now. You felt so dirty.
“Is there a problem, (Y/N)?” you heard a familiar voice out of a sudden and felt a hand on your shoulder. And that’s when you understood how tense you were, but the soft touch helped, you relaxed. You didn’t even realize that as soon as you started yelling, Johnny sprung off his seat and rushed over to you.
“I…” you started but you had lost your words. It was the first time he touched you.
“Leave her the fuck alone!” Johnny growled, now shifting his attention from you to the three men who were bothering you. His voice was so ominous that it made you shiver. You had never seen him mad before. Protectively he stood in front of you, shielding you from their gaze, since he, too, was much taller than you. In the back Kenny was making his way to the scene as well.
“You scumbags should really pack your stuff and leave this fucking bar before I kill someone. You better watch how the fuck you are talking to her!”
“And who’s that? Your daddy?”, another spiteful remark from your tormenter. Johnny’s arms started trembling, he clenched his fist and the grip on your shoulder tightened, it almost hurt you. At the same it was calming you down.
“Yeah, and I’m her little brother” you heard yet another to you well-known voice and saw Kenny, who also stood there like a mountain, arms crossed in front of his chest, glaring down on the three construction workers, whilst his leather jacket crackled from where he tensed his muscles. He was fucking scary which made the men on appear so tiny whereas the one standing leapt back a couple steps, clearly intimidated by Kenny’s appearance and Johnny’s rage.
“And you better apologize to this lady before I give you a ban!”
And funnily enough, this helped. They muttered something about how they were sorry. But you didn’t even listen to it anymore, you were already walking back, Johnny following you, Kenny staying. You didn’t want to hear any more of that conversation. You wanted your safe space behind the bar with no one around you at best.
“Are you okay?” Johnny asked, seemingly concerned and took a seat at the other side of the counter. You were avoiding his eyes as you nodded, you didn’t want his pity. You just wanted a drink.
“That happens all the time, don’t worry,” you lied “As someone working here, I have to deal with it every fucking day. And you, my little drunk friend, are also part of the problem.”
“Ouch,” Johnny said and smiled, “At least, I never touched you!” “Seriously Johnny?” you laughed and saw how glad he was that you were able do that after the fight at the table, “The first time you came here, you bumped into me, hard.” “But not too hard.”
“And on purpose!”
“You can’t prove that,” he said grinning, “But it’s nice to hear that you still remember the first time we met. That has to mean something, right? Something like that we’re meant for each other.”
You rolled your eyes and poured yourself a whisky, you drank it and immediately another, “Not now, Johnny.”
“Sorry,” he said apologetically, and you were almost surprised to hear that from him “By the way, I really loved you threatening to fuck this asshole’s wife. That was badass. Just be careful next time, though, okay?”
“Is he bothering you, too?”, Kenny who suddenly appeared asked also pouring himself a whisky but in a much bigger glass than yours and a second in a smaller one.
“If I say yes, are you going to kill him?”
“Not necessarily kill him but cripple him real good.”
You heard Johnny gulp. He wasn’t afraid of three man but of Kenny. But Kenny laughed and placed a Whisky in front of Johnny, “That’s for protecting my (Y/N). After all you’re not as bad as she says.”
For the rest of the night, Kenny has sent you into the office, he wanted you to adjust the schedule for next week. You knew that it was only an excuse to get you out of the bar for a couple of hours, since the shifts you and the others had were always the same for years now. And you didn’t mind, although you wouldn’t have minded staying with Johnny either. Funnily enough, he calmed you down. Nevertheless, he was now making friends with Kenny whom he never really liked, so you knew, he was in good hands. It was around two o’clock in the morning when Kenny finally came in to tell you that you were free to go home if you did him the favour of bringing the garbage out and close the bar. This you didn’t mind as well. You dragged the bags behind you into the backyard where the bins were and that was also when Kenny said his goodbye.
“Are you going to be okay?” he asked as he got on his bike and let the motor roar.
“Yeah,” you waved at him “Go home, I’ll be fine.”
And just like that, he was gone. You sighed and heaved the trash into the bins. Before you made your way back inside to get your bag to finally go home and sleep you decided to smoke a cigarette. And maybe that was your mistake.
“Well, well, well, if this isn’t the feisty little bitch,” you suddenly heard a slurring voice behind you, followed by laughter as were about to light a cigarette. You didn’t even have to turn around to know exactly to whom it belonged. This time, there was no anger rising in you, you didn’t dare to say a thing, there was only fear. You dropped your cigarette.
“Where are your friends now?”
“Kenny is still inside,” you answered trying to sound calm but your voice was shaky and so were your hands “And the other one is wai-“
“Bullshit!” exclaimed the man who acted that he was so sorry to have groped you only hours before. He was even drunker now and his thin lips crowned a spiteful grin. You were fucked.
“We just saw the big guy leaving on his motorbike. You’re all alone now.” And they were right. You tried to pull yourself together, to think of a plan to get you out of this situation but everything you could think of was calling the cops and on top of that your phone was still inside. You just have to fight back, your brain kept telling you!
“And what are you going to do? Beat me up? Rape me?” you tried to sound confident, but it was pretty difficult now that you were not in the bar anymore but outside in the backyard between some dumpsters. Your voice was failing you.
“Maybe a little bit of both?” one of the men said amused and shrugged while another one was now far too close to you, so close that he could grab your wrist. His grip was so tight that you cried out in pain and that was when you took all your courage, lashed out and punched him with all your might in the face. Your hand hurt as hell but now you saw blood.
“Shit, this bitch broke my nose!” your victim cried out in pain and now, with two other man leaping towards you, you were done with your plan, you just closed your eyes and…
“What the fuck did I tell you?”, a scream and then a loud thump. When you dared to open your eyes, you could not believe them. Johnny who managed to throw himself between you and the group was now in pretty hardcore fist fight. Although at the second glance you realized that he was not only throwing one strong punch after another but also full-on kicking the kicking the shit out of the assholes who were threatening you. He must’ve known some Martial Arts or something, you thought because this looked like being straight out of an action film. You couldn’t even follow the fight with your eyes that’s how quick Johnny was moving. Yet, some time you saw him being punched as well but it was nothing compared to how he dealt blows. And it that moment, you knew, you could never be not grateful to this man in your life ever again.
It might’ve taken just second or maybe hours but after a while, the men were gone, you didn’t even realize how they fled Johnny, and there were only you two left.
Johnny was panting when he came over to you, where you still stood motionless with your back pressed against the wall.
“Are you okay?”, he asked breathing quickly, holding out his hand to you. Without thinking you grabbed it and let yourself lead to a curb stone where you two sat down. You didn’t answer you just took out another cigarette and lit it, letting the smoke calming your lungs.
“I’m okay,” you said finally coming back to you and finding your voice, offering him a cigarette as well which he gladly accepted.
“Are you?” you asked while you studied him. He was the only one that had to be asked. Johnny looked rough. His blonde hair was all messy, his clothes now dirty and jeans ripped at the knees, but above all it was his face that concerned you. Blood was dripping from his chin, coming from his burst lip. Also, it already crusted on the cheekbone where a fresh scratch was on top of a purple bruise. And in the dim light you were not completely sure, but you could see a black eye being there tomorrow.
“I mean, you look like shit.” “Thanks, you’re always so kind to me. I can clearly see why I like you so much,” he joked “But yeah, I’m fine. Believe it or not but I always get into fights, this shit kinda follows me.”
“How did you beat them up like that anyways? Was that Krav Maga or something?”
“Karate” Johnny answered proudly and took a relieving drag from his cigarette.
“You never told me you did Karate.”
“You never asked me,” he smiled at you and protectively put and arm around your shoulders. He must’ve noticed how you shivered. And you didn’t object. You weren’t really cold but you just wanted be held by him.
“Well, to be fair, I never ask you anything besides your order. But I’ll guess I’m gonna start from now on. There’s obviously more to you than being a noisy bastard.” “Oh I’m honoured to be the one who finally melted the infamous (Y/N)’s heart.”
“No Johnny, seriously, you didn’t melt my heart, but you saved my ass. Thank you,” you laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes “I don’t even wanna know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there.”
“You don’t have to,” Johnny said softly and stroked your hair “Because I was there! And you’re save with me.”
You were, you felt save and you sighed. There was only one thing left to do.
“Now, c’mon, let’s patch you up so we can finally call it a day” you said and stood up.
Half an hour later you could finally close the doors to the damn bar, it was relieving. “Do you need a ride?”, Johnny asked when stopped for a second and gestured over to a black car in the distance “Because I’m not leaving you alone here anymore, not today, not ever.”
You rolled your eyes, but you smiled.  After all, it was an amazing feeling to know that Johnny cared about you. That he wasn’t just one freak you liked because he was nice to you but genuinely wanted you to be happy. However, you just couldn’t help yourself but being a sarcastic little shit again.
“No, thank you,” you answered, “I’m not really interested in being involved in DUI again.”
“And there she is, (Y/N) being herself again,” Johnny laughed but he didn’t seem to mind. Instead, he threw his keys at you “You’re driving then.” You clumsily caught but immediately threw them back at him.
“I’m also not driving. I don’t have a license, lost it a few months ago.” “For DUI?”
“For DUI,” you answered. The curse of working in a bar.
“So how are you getting home? Because I’m really not leaving you alone.”
“I called myself an Uber and there it is” you saw the only moving car in the distance and pointed at it.
“Thanks again,” you said when you were walking towards your Uber and Johnny made his way to his.
“No problem”
And something in you told you, that you two weren’t done yet. As you watched him walking you suddenly realized what it was. “Johnny!” you called out and he stopped.
“What is it, (Y/N)?”
“Tomorrow for sure, I’m gonna finally let you buy me that fucking drink. And I want to know everything about your Karate. Is that a deal?”
“You bet!”, he yelled back, and the brightest smile appeared on his face. He finally made it. “See you tomorrow!”
“See you tomorrow.” You whispered back. And on your face also appeared a smile. Tomorrow would be the day, you thought and finally got in the car.
But Johnny didn’t come tomorrow, and he didn’t come the day after. That was unusual. You were waiting for him, but he didn’t show himself for almost two weeks.
Part 3
Sooooooo, let me know what you all think about this fuckery
Taglist: @lililolli​
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ladydimitrescuspet · 4 years
What About What I Want? Chapter 2
ao3 link! enjoy!
You woke up to an empty bed which wasn't a surprise. Alcina rarely slept at night so was always out and about around the castle waiting for you to come and find her. But this time you panicked slightly, worried that she'd gone to the village without you, and upset that you may have missed out on the opportunity to speak to Heisenberg. You climbed out of the bed and made your way into the hallway. You quietly padded down to the staircase, but stopped when you heard the clicking and clacking of Alcina's heels. She was carrying a tray in her hand and you smiled at yourself before rushing back to the room as quickly and quietly as possible, getting back into bed and closing your eyes.
"Y/N?" Alcina asked as she entered the room. "Dear, I know you're awake." She said.
You groaned a little and smiled as you rolled over. "How do you always know that I'm awake?" You ask her as you sit up in the bed.
Alcina just shook her head as she walked over to the little table on the far side of the room and set the tray down. "Your breathing is different when you're sleeping, it's even, it's at a nice pace. When you're awake, your breathing changes and when I walked into the room it quickened, just as it did when you saw me walking back from the kitchen." Alcina replied. She looked over her shoulder at you, her golden orbs locking eyes with yours. "Come eat, we'll be leaving soon. I'll see you in the library when you're done." Alcina said before going to leave the room.
"Alci?" You called out. Your voice was soft and made her stop and turn to face you. "What about Heisenberg?" You asked.
Alcina, more like Lady Dimitrescu, raised her eyebrow. "What about Heisenberg?" She asked, repeating your question, but with more emphasis.
You cleared your throat. "We are going to go see him, right?" You asked, making your way over to the table.
Lady Dimitrescu gave a curt nod. "Of course, my dear. It's what you wanted, yes?" Lady Dimitrescu asked. You nodded your head. "It'll be our first stop, no sense in going to get what I need before seeing my brother." Lady Dimitrescu replied before turning back around and heading out of the room.
You almost called her name out again, but the door closed. You sighed. She didn't sound to happy about the idea of seeing her brother, but she was doing it for you. For the baby that you'd soon be carrying. The thought made you smile as you brought your hand to your belly. Your belly, in response, growled signalling that it was hungry. You simply nodded your head and complied with the demand, willingly of course. After you finished your breakfast, you dressed yourself before heading out to the library.
"What have I told you about keeping me waiting, Y/N?" Lady Dimitrescu asked.
You rolled your eyes at the question. "I set my own pace, Alcina. If you don't like it then dispose of me." You replied. It was a bold response, yes, but Lady Dimitrescu didn't expect anything less from you.
Her eyes snapped up to you, narrowing as she took in your appearance. "I don't appreciate that tone, my dear, you know that." Lady Dimitrescu replied.
"I'm well aware of that, My Lady." Now you were teasing her, you knew she wouldn't like that. Teasing and mocking were things she was not fond of, but you did it anyway to get under her skin. Lady Dimitrescu let out a low growl. "Shall we leave for your brother's house, my dear?" You asked, a small smile settling on your face.
Lady Dimitrescu set the book down that she was reading or at least trying to read as she waited for you and stood up. "I expect you to be on your best behaviour, Y/N. Failure to do so will result in punishment." Lady Dimitrescu said, ushering you out of the library.
"Oh, boy, I'll be punished? Well, don't be surprised if I act up on purpose." You replied. God, what was wrong with you.
Lady Dimittrescu spun you around so fast and leaned down to your level. "Y/N, I'm only going to tell you this once so heed my warning. It would be in your best interest to be on your best behaviour. I expect you to do as I say and I expect nothing less. I tolerate your words, but there is a line and I would love it if you didn't cross it. And I simply will dispose of you if you keep this attitude up." Lady Dimitrescu said, her voice low.
You gulped. Maybe you'd gotten a little carried away, you tend to do that sometimes, but she's never gotten upset with you about it. "Is it because you don't want your brother to think you've gone soft? Nor the people in the village?" You asked out loud. It was mostly to yourself, but also for her.
She sighed and rested her forehead against yours, her hands cupping your cheeks. "In part, yes. But I also don't want you thinking that you can say and do whatever you please. I have rules and you must follow them, Y/N. And if those rules don't get followed, I simply must punish you and you wouldn't like the ones that I had out for bad behaviour." She replied. She kissed your nose and stood up straight. "Have I made myself clear, Y/N?" Lady Dimitrescu asked.
You nodded your head before looking up at her. "Yes, My Lady. I'll do my best to keep myself in check, I promise." You replied. She smiled at you before ushering you outside.
The weather was actually pleasant for once. It still looked gloomy around the castle and the village, but the sun was shining and you could see how colourful the grass, flowers, and trees were. You made your way over to where the carriage was before a hand on your shoulder stopped you forcing you to turn and face the Lady of the castle.
"I thought we'd walk, if that's alright with you, darling." Alcina said. Her voice was soft and sounded like honey to you. You preferred it over Lady Dimitrescu's tone which was always firm and a bit scary. You nodded your head, smiling as you placed your hand in hers. Her hands were much bigger than yours, but you still enjoyed holding hands with her.
"Promise not to walk too fast." You said as the two of you made your way down to wherever her brother's house was located.
"I promise. But Heisenberg's house is a ways away so if your legs start to get tired, let me know." Alcina said. You nodded your head. It wouldn't be long before you got tired of walking, not because your legs ached, but because you liked it with Alcina carried you. Which is what happened about 30 minutes into your walk. "Sometimes I think you lie about your legs being tired just so you don't have to walk anymore." Alcina said with a laugh.
You buried your face into her neck. "That's not always the case, Alci. And my legs do hurt this time, it's hard keeping up with your long strides sometimes." You say, your words slightly muffled.
"One day you'll make the walk to the village all without my help." Alcina said. You shook your head. "Shake your head all you want, dear, but it won't change the fact. One day I'm going to tell you no and I won't carry you."
You sighed. "But why?" You whined. "I thought you liked carrying me as much as I like you carrying me." You stated.
"Of course I do dear, but I get tired too." She replied. That you did know, but it still took you by surprise. "Anyway, My brother's house is close so I'm going to put you down."
You wrapped your arms around her neck. "No." You protested. Alcina chuckled. "It's not funny, I don't want to be put down." You said.
"No, you're right, it's not funny, but it is adorable, Y/N." Alcina said as you lifted your head to look at her. "Remember what I said about being good and do as I say."
You sighed and loosened your grip and she put you down. "You're mean." You posted as the two of you walked the rest of the way to Heisenberg's house.
"I'm mean?" Alcina asked. You nodded your head. "I see, I'll keep that in mind, pet." Lady Dimitrescu said.
Fuck. You definitely fucked up if she was calling you pet.
"I didn't m-" Lady Dimitrescu cut you off.
"Knock." Lady Dimitrescu instructed as the two of you stopped in front of a house, implying that you had arrived at your destination.
You knocked on the door. You glanced up at Alcina who didn't meet your gaze. "Alci?" You asked. She ignored you causing you to sigh. You really shouldn't have said that she was mean.
The door opened before you could call her name again.
"As I live and breath. If it isn't my dear sister." Heisenberg grumbled out as he held the door open for the two of you.
Lady Dimitrescu rolled her eyes. "Heisenberg, I assume you're well." She said.
"I've been better." Heisenberg replied. He glanced at you for a second before following his sister. "What brings you to my humble abode, Alcina?" Heisenberg asked.
Lady Dimitrescu made her way over to a chair and sat. You went to stand next to her, like the good little pet that you were.
"Y/N wanted to speak to you." Lady Dimitrescu replied.
You gulped a bit as you felt Heisenberg's eyes land on you. "Is that so? Whatever would your help want to speak to me about, Alcina?" Heisenberg asked.
Lady Dimitrescu looked to you. "Speak, Y/N." Lady Dimitrescu said as she stood up. She'd literally just sat down, why was she getting up? "Unfortunately, I have more pressing matters to attend to so the two of you will keep each other company while I am out." Lady Dimitrescu said.
Your brows furrowed a bit. "Alci?" You asked as she made her way back to the door. She ignored you. "Alcina?" You called after her. Again, she ignored. "Alcina, what the fuck?" You asked, this got her attention. Specifically the last word.
"What more do you want, Y/N? You asked to speak to my brother and I'm giving you the opportunity to do that while I go get what I need." Lady Dimitrescu said.
You frowned. "But I thought we were going to do this together?" You said, it was more of a question. She shook her head. "Fine."
Lady Dimitrescu patted your head. "Good girl, my dear pet." Lady Dimitrescu said. "Maybe if I get back before the sun is down, you'll get a treat when we get back to the castle."
That should've excited you, but it didn't, Lady Dimitrescu noticed, but didn't address it.
"What do you mean if you're back before sunrise?" You questioned.
"The sun sets rather quickly here, I'm sure you noticed that, pet." Lady Dimitrescu replied. There she goes again, calling you pet. "Heisenberg, if I'm not back, you're to keep Y/N here for the night until I can come back in the morning." Lady Dimitrescu ordered.
Heisenberg nodded his head. "Of course, Alcina." Heisenberg said.
Your eyes widened a bit. You couldn't imagine a night away from Alcina. "Alci, you'll be back before dark, won't you?" You asked.
Lady Dimitrescu leaned down to look at you face to face, as she had done earlier. "I'll try my best pet. And while I'm gone, you'll be sure to be good for that idiot over there." She said.
"Is this a test?" You asked. Lady Dimitrescu raised her eyebrow. "Are you trying to see how well Heisenberg can take care of me or are you trying to see how good I can be even if I'm not in your presence?" You asked, breaking down your previous question.
Lady Dimitrescu smiled at you. "Both. Now, I really must get going, I really don't think you want to be stuck with my brother until morning. Bye, darling." Lady Dimitrescu said before she left you all alone with her brother.
You turned to face him. "Now, what'd you want to talk to me about, Y/N?" Heisenberg asked with a toothy grin.
You sighed. Alcina had been right, you did want to speak with him. This was all your decision and she was just giving you what you requested. You made your way over to the chair that Alcina had been sitting in and sat down.
"I have an important question to ask. It's very personal and very serious." You said. You hoped that Heisenberg would say yes to what you were going to ask. You were counting on it. He nodded his head signalling for you to continue. "Well, I want a baby and I was won-" She was cut off.
Heisenberg let out a laugh, like a loud one. "You want a baby?" You nodded your head. "And my sister is fine with that?" You nodded your head again. Heisenberg nodded his head.
He didn't say anything for a bit so you did. "Will you watch the baby whenever we ask?" You asked. The question caught him off guard.
"You want me to be a babysitter?" Heisenberg asked. You nodded her head. "And my sister is okay with that?" He asked.
"More or less. She told me that you never got to watch the girls as they grew up." You explained. "I mean, that was after I suggested you, but still."
"Wait, you suggested me up as a babysitter? Even though you barely know me?" Heisenberg asked.
You nodded your head. "Yeah. I think you'd be a great babysitter and an uncle." You replied.
Heisenberg smiled at that. "I appreciate that, Y/N." Heisenberg said.
"So will you?" You asked.
"If my sister is absolutely okay with then absolutely." Heisenberg replied.
You smiled. "Thank you." You said.
Heisenberg nodded his head. "No problem. Can't wait to teach the kiddo different ways to annoy Alcina." Heisenberg said.
You laughed. "Now I know why Alci never let you watched her daughters." You said, laughing.
Your conversation with Heisenberg never died down even after four hours of talking. It was starting to get late though and you were worried that Alcina may not be back before it got dark outside, leaving you to spend the night with her brother. That worry kind of went away when there was a knock on the door. Heisenberg went to go open and sure enough your Mistress was on the other side of it.
"Y/N, Heisenberg." Lady Dimitrescu greeted. "Is everything alright?" She asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine." You replied with a small yawn.
Lady Dimitrescu nodded her head. "Was she a good girl for you, Heisenberg?" Lady Dimitrescu asked.
"Oh just the best. You got a good one, Alcina." Heisenberg replied. His compliment made you flush a bit.
"Good, good. Well, my dear, we best make our way back to the castle. Come." Lady Dimitrescu commanded. You quickly made your way over to where she was standing. "Have a good evening, Heisenberg."
Heisenberg tipped his hat. "You too, Alcina. And thanks for your company, Y/N, I appreciated it and you are welcome here any time." Heisenberg said.
You smiled at him and gave him a small wave before he shut the door.
"I take it you got the answer you were hoping for, my dear?" Alcina asked as the two of you walked away from her brother's house. You nodded your head, too tired to give a verbal answer. "Shall I carry you back to the castle, Y/N? You seem to be falling asleep on your feet."
"No, no, I got it. I can make the walk." You said in a sleepy tone. Alcina hummed. "I want to prove to you that I don't need your help to make the trek to and from the castle." You said.
Alcina hummed again. "Of course." She said as she stopped you. "Arms up." Alcina ordered and you obeyed lifting your arms up and Alcina lifted you off the ground.
You laid your head down on her shoulder as she continued to make the journey back to Castle Dimitrescu. You yawned. "I could've made it." You mumbled against her neck.
"I know, I know." Alcina said softly. "Sleep, Y/N, you need it." Alcina said, but you were already asleep, snoring softly causing her to let out a small chuckle. She found it endearing how adorable you looked as you slept. It was a sight that would forever be burned into her memory and she wouldn't have it any other way.
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Raise the Stakes, Part 4
This one's a kind of "interlude" before we get back to the full story but I wanted to at least get SOMETHING posted here because I want people to know I'm alive and writing. So not a lot of plot advancement.
If you want to understand what's going on here, you'll probably want to read:
Place Your Bets
And, of course, Raise the Stakes Part One, Two, and Three
Pairing: Jay White x OFC (obliquely referenced David Finlay x OFC)
Word count: 1,028
Content advisory: sexual content
That’s it, you’re done with sex.
It’s the first thought that comes into your head when you wake up or come to, whichever it is, the next morning. You honestly can’t imagine how wrestlers do it, fighting night after night, because you’ve had two nights of rolling around, stretching, and scratching but not even doing anything that’s intended to hurt and you feel like you might need a wheelchair. You wonder if you’re going to be scuttling around looking like an inverted Y for the next several days.
More importantly, though, you can tell by the light outside that it’s later than you’d normally get up and that means that there’s probably already work piling up, unanswered messages accumulating on your phone. You slide gingerly towards the edge of the bed but immediately, Jay’s arm locks around you.
He grunts softly but says nothing, doesn’t even open his eyes as he pulls you back against his chest.
“Jay, I have to get up… work,” you plead.
“No,” he mumbles, his arm constricting around your ribcage.
“This is for your sake. You’re the one who needs me to get things done for you.”
A low growl rises from his chest and he opens his eyes, which are already rolling back in annoyance. He rolls himself on top of you, pushing his hair out of his face before both of his arms close around you again.
“Your job is to keep me happy. And the only thing that’s going to make me happy right now is if you stay right here.”
He nuzzles his face into yours before he starts kissing your neck and jaw, tickling the sides of your stomach as he does and laughing when it makes you scream and wriggle helplessly underneath him. He grinds his hips against yours, which makes you wince.
“You cannot possibly… I feel like I got attacked by a pack of wild animals, you horny bastard.”
He licks and nips at your collarbone, laughing at your undignified squeaks when he probes at one of the many bruises he’s left on you. He slides his hand between your legs and presses two fingers into your aching pussy, laughing when you yelp in pain. He swirls them just inside you and you’re almost ashamed at the realization that you’re wet- very wet- even though the idea of having sex again is terrifying. After a minute, he withdraws his hand and lifts his fingers to his lips, sucking and licking them clean like a child with an ice cream cone.
“Say you’re staying here with me.”
So unlike him to phrase it that way, as if you’re the one with the power. You’ve seen Jay be needy, desperate for praise and validation, but never in this way. This time, it feels like what he needs is you. In the blur of last night, that’s what stands out to you, the sense that he was trying to fuck you so hard and so well that by the end of it he’d own you.
“If things get screwed up, you’re not allowed to yell at me,” you chide. “I can’t fix everything the way you want if I’m in bed with you.”
“What makes you think I need you to fix anything?”
He buries his face in your neck and you can feel him sucking at the skin hard enough to leave marks. You hope you remembered to pack a turtleneck because you’re going to look like you have a skin condition for days.
“That is literally the purpose of my existence. I make everything work the way you like it.”
He kisses you passionately and as much as you want to respond in kind, your jaw hurts just like the rest of you, and you whimper, making him pull back.
“How is it possible that you’re not hurting the way I am?” you whine.
“I am,” he responds with a wicked smile. “I just can’t stop myself. I guess I just care about you more than you care about me. And you're so mean that you make me pay to keep you here.”
“Oh, you can just-”
He cuts you off with another kiss and this time you can’t help but respond, pressing your aching body against his and holding him close.
He rolls back onto his side, pulling you up against him and running his fingers through your hair.
“Ok, maybe I’m a little sore,” he says with a wink. “Can we just lay here and kiss or something?”
“Definitely,” you giggle. “Grown-ups don’t make out enough.”
“Are we grown-ups?”
“Yes, Jay White, I’m afraid we are.”
The two of you kiss slowly, languidly, romantically, running your hands over each other’s bodies as if you were strangers. In a way, it feels like you are strangers because you don’t ever remember feeling like he’s been this focused on you. You’d never thought that he’d be so insecure at the thought of losing his position in your life that it would push all other concerns from his mind, but that’s apparently what’s happening. Is he just so obsessed with maintaining control over what he perceives as his? Or is it that his obnoxious behavior has been a cover for real feelings, a way of keeping you wanting him because he thought it was the only way to keep you close?
You’ll both have to get up eventually, of course. There are things that work demands from both of you. But the truth is that the world isn’t going to stop if the two of you fall off the radar for a few hours more. If he’s happy, the company is happy, and that means you’re doing your job. Nevertheless, there’s still a part of you, a sad, naive part, that wants to check your phone to see if there’s a message from someone else, someone who’s made you feel as beautiful and desirable as Jay does, but without the self-doubt and self-loathing.
That isn’t for you, you remind yourself, grinding into Jay’s body and moaning as you feel his fingers dig into the flesh of your ass. Other girls get to have that sweet, uncomplicated love. You’re meant for this: passion cut with the inevitable pain.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Come play with me Part 2
Tumblr media
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, cursing, allusion to non-con.
Words: 2060.
Summary: Having to deal with Bucky Barnes, a talented head engineer who you have to convince cooperating with your boss, you suddenly discover his psychopathic tendencies. Worse, he has taken an eerie interest in you.
Part 1
P.S. More references to “Death Machine” movie I saw when I was a kid 🙈
Nervously glancing around a messy room full of odd equipment, screwdrivers, nails, military clothing like combat pants, and scary drawings hanging on the walls, you sat on an empty chair Barnes had offered you. In fact, it was the only empty chair in the room.
“Yeah, I need to clean up, I know.” He muttered under his breath, grabbing a pile of papers on his seat and dropping them to the floor close to his table as he started typing something on his laptop. “Never have time for this.”
You nodded, pretending you cared. Actually, the only thing you wanted was getting away as far as you could from Barnes, a man who had completely turned your life upside down in a matter of hours.
First, as you tried fighting him, he had blocked all your cards and literally stripped you of all your money - you couldn’t understand how the bank security overlooked the transfer, but all you had left were ten dollars on your account. When you got hysterical, crying and pleading Bucky to get it all back, he carefully explained to you that all you needed to do was to listen to him. You were still furious, remembering how he talked to you as if you were a child.
Then Barnes told you he would have what he wanted anyway, but he didn’t need to break you in the process. It wasn’t fun, he said, albeit having you cry under him as he sat on top of you laying on your bed. When you finally submitted, knowing you couldn’t overpower him, that bull of a man, Bucky returned you your money, adding a few thousand dollars “for the trouble”. You had never felt so humiliated in your entire life.
You chose not to think of what had happened after that.
“Shit, they fucked it up again.” Bucky growled in frustration, rubbing his eyes as he stared into one of several monitors on his desk. “Baby, can you make me coffee while I’m dealing with this shit?”
What? Coffee? Did he bring you here for this?
Clenching your fists, you kept your mouth shut as you glanced over the room, quickly finding a dirty coffee maker in the corner. Trying to convince yourself it was better than giving him a blowjob while he was working, you moved from your seat and went to have a look at the little glass kettle. It definitely needed a good wash, so you disconnected it and headed to the door. While passing beside Bucky’s back, you were abruptly stopped by him tugging on your pencil skirt.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He growled, narrowing his eyes at you. There was something carnivorous in his gaze as he watched you freezing in place.
Showing him the coffee maker, you nervously said, “It’s dirty. I want to clean it before making coffee for you.”
He blinked for a few times and let go of your skirt. Lifting his eyes to your face, he softened, motioning to you, “Kitchen’s on your left. Thanks.” As he turned back to the monitor, making no attempt to stop you, you carefully moved forward, stopping yourself from running away.
When the door closed beside you, you finally exhaled as if you escaped the death room with a deranged psycho with an axe in it. Well, the deranged psycho was actually there, but without a weapon, you hoped. Not that you saw any.
Speeding up, you found a kitchen on your left just as Barnes said, relieved no one was there - for some reason, you were afraid of his co-workers since none of them had reported Bucky before... Come to think of it, maybe they did. But HYDRA wiped everything out because Barnes was irreplaceable, and until he murdered someone the company was probably okay with pretty much everything he was doing if he continued to work for them. Or were there any boundaries at all? If Barnes was a murderer, would the company cover him up just because he was the one making billions for them?
You threw away the used filter and placed the kettle into the sink. You needed to find a way to leave him, but as careful as possible. No one knew what Barnes was capable of.
The smell of coffee made Bucky finally snap back to reality as he inhaled the aroma, stretching his arms while you watched his muscles flexing. Despite him looking pretty good, you were more scared rather than aroused.
“Here.” You said, placing a cup of black coffee in front of him - no milk, no sugar just like he instructed you.
Barnes grinned at you, tucking a strand of his dark hair behind the ear, and the next moment you ended up on his lap as he gripped you by the waist, then taking his coffee like it was something completely natural. Stilling, you squirmed uncomfortably, unwilling to be so close to him. He was acting as if you were his girlfriend, and you were not okay with it, but preferred being silent rather than having an argument that could lead to Barnes becoming violent.
“Thank you, doll.” He whispered, leaving a quick kiss on your cheek, and you winced from a sudden feeling of his three-days beard brushing against your sensitive skin. Bucky proceeded to sip his coffee and stare into the monitor, a dozen of blueprints opened at the same time didn’t bother him, seemingly.
You had been tense for a couple of minutes before you realized Barnes was completely absorbed by his work, caressing you through your clothes with his hand from time to time, but doing little else. All he saw were numerous reports and blueprints. Sometimes Bucky was getting upset when a small window with a chat popped up above his programs, and he hurriedly typed a message to some of his colleagues, you supposed.
Since there was nothing much left to do, you tried to understand what Bucky was working on. In the end, it was going to be your job - he had already submitted all the forms to get you a position of a project manager. You didn’t know how HYDRA’s executives was gonna react, but something told you Barnes could convince them to do as he pleased. Even the thought of that was frightening to you.
The more you watched, the more you thought the new project didn’t remind you the weapon control system but the weapon itself. Of course, you weren’t an engineer, but you had a good knowledge of HYDRA’s already existing active protection systems. This wasn’t it even in the slightest. It was more of some weird cyborg thing, you thought as you kept looking at what appeared to be biomechatronic body parts.
Was he working on some side project now? Was it even HYDRA’s project?
As you leaned closer to the monitor, trying to understand what this was and why Barnes was working on it, your heard the man chuckling.
“Interested?” He asked, making you lean back into him with his hand pressed to your chest.
“I thought you were working on the new weapon control system. What’s this?”
“Oh, this is the best thing I’ve ever done, baby. It will bring HYDRA to the top of the world.” Grinning, he closed the blueprint he was working on and opened a different one, a colored 3D model of a heavily armed man wearing something that almost looked like a futuristic military suit. “This is the Supersoldier project, the top-secret thing Pierce wants me to be the lead of.”
Pierce. Alexander Pierce, the new CEO of the corporation who took this position after Fury’s dismissal. Did he give Barnes a secret project? Why on Earth did he want HYDRA to be involved into weapon production? It was beyond corporation’s reach. They simply didn’t have the permission, never cooperating with military for this purpose. What Barnes was doing was illegal.
“So, is this why you don’t submit the new reports?” You asked, trembling slightly on his lap and almost missing a kiss Bucky left on the back of your neck. It was better not to ask too many questions.
“You don’t understand.” He laughed, making you turn your face to him as he caressed it with his gloved hand. “There can be no reports because there is no new weapon control system. It had never been planned. Your boss won’t have any details, because there are none.”
You felt your head spinning. What? What? How could it be? The Board of Directors wanted that project. You were sure most of them knew nothing about the thing Barnes was working on now. It was simply unbelievable. The head engineer of HYDRA’s Corp was involved in an illegal project to create a cybernetically-enhanced soldier, and no one knew of it.
You were becoming involved in something very, very dangerous. People like Alexander Pierce and the ones he was doing this project for were much scarier than a psychopathic genius Bucky Barnes.
Fuck. You were in deep, deep trouble.
“Mr. Simons will get fired then, I see.” You mumbled, trying to find words and talk about something that wouldn’t involve the Supersoldier project. The more you knew, the shorter your life would be, you feared.
“Sorry about that, doll.” Barnes’ smirk was irritating at best. “But I really need you here with me. This project is quite stressful, and when I’m stressed, I don’t work well. Last time I’ve fucked up my arm completely.”
“Your arm?”
“Huh, you didn’t see?”
Oh, you didn’t like it. You didn’t like it when Barnes lifted his arm and took his leather glove off, revealing a metal hand instead of a flesh one. He then rolled the sleeve of his thick hoodie further, and you realized his whole arm was made out of metal.
Barnes was experimenting on himself. He was that first supersoldier Pierce wanted.
As you looked at him with an expression of utter horror written on your face, Barnes chuckled, making you lean closer to him and kissing you deeply, his tongue licking the insides of your mouth shamelessly while you froze, unable to accept the truth. When you touched his metal fingers, they radiated heat as if they were of flesh and blood. How was it possible? Why Barnes was doing this? Didn’t he understand why Pierce wanted him to work on this project and what he was going to do with it once Bucky finished?
No, Barnes knew. He was anything but stupid. Maybe he wanted HYDRA to have its own supersoldiers. Maybe Bucky wanted this power.
“I’m a war vet, baby. I’ve lost my arm around ten years ago.” He said as he touched your skin with his metal hand. “Dealing with those shitty prostheses was a nightmare, believe me. But look at this - it’s perfect. I can draw with it - and I can crack Pierce’s skull just as easily. Isn’t a miracle? You didn’t even realize what I had there until I showed you.”
“I don’t think people will call it miracle when Mr. Pierce makes his personal cyborgs army.” You said quietly and shivered from the thought. It was unbelievable, like a plot of a sci-fi movie or something, yet you were staring at Barnes’ metal arm now. If anyone could make this horror a reality, it was him. “Why are you doing this? Don’t you understand what’s going to happen?”
“What? Like a war or something?” He asked with irritation, watching you frown. “Since I’ve returned home, there was not a year without a war somewhere on Earth. This peace pacifists are talking about exists only in their idle imagination. So why not to be prepared in advance, huh? Besides, it’s so much fun, baby. You’ll see soon.”
As you attempted to stand up, he squeezed you with his solid, beefy arms, bringing you closer so you sat back on his lap, spreading your legs while Bucky made you face him, caressing your thighs. Your face was burning hot as your skirt got up, baring your silk stockings.
“I’ll show you everything you want to know.” He breathed into your face, and you felt Barnes was becoming hard, his dick brushing against your core covered by pretty black laced panties as he made you roll your hips, touching your back. “But let’s do it after a small break, ok?”
Tags: @finleyjayne​ @alexakeyloveloki​   ​@helenaeisenhower​ @villanellevi​ @hurricanerin​ ​@void-hoechlin​ @abyssaint​ @heeeyitskay​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @navegandoaciegas​ @rosalynshields​ @brattycherubwrites​ @sllooney​ @angrythingstarlight​ @iheartsebastianstan​ @soleil-dor​ @iheartsebastianstan​​ @lookiamtrying​​ @buckysbunny​​
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iamnotsensical · 4 years
You Should Have Seen That Coming
@innocentbi-stander sent:   “I saw your witcher writing prompt post! If you’re interested, I’m a total sucker for a BAMf jaskier who actually does know how to fight with weapons but his it from geralt, then the truth comes out. Hmmmmm maybe there’s something where he’s also actually part elf or fae? I’m always looking for an excuse for an immortal jaskier 😂Maybe his fighting skills get revealed when they’re being attacked? I love jaskier who can fight with daggers or a short sword.”
I may have gone a little longer on this one than usual, but I really loved the concept! (I hope you enjoy it! <3)
(Edit: I learned how to add a cut. So I did. Whoot!)
Geralt should have known. The moment he came into this town. Those looks. Looks that were usually only directed at him. Looks that extended this time even to Jaskier. Who stood closer to Geralt than usual. 
He should have known when the contract extended was easy. Ridiculously so. A single harpy? Jaskier was suspicious. He didn’t trust a town so full of hate and judgement to be willing to employ Geralt for something so seemingly easy to deal with. Though he was biased. His night of playing was rough and he didn't trust shitty patrons with shifty eyes. 
Regardless, Geralt went out, dealt with the problem at hand and then headed back to the tavern beneath the inn where they were staying. To clean up before going to the man who employed him. When Geralt returned, he found Jaskier in the tavern and stopped to let him know the plan. To ask him to start packing. They were interrupted by the barmaid, an angry old woman with a look of disgust. "Your employer is waiting for you. In the town square. Go collect your coin so you can be on your way."
"We are talking.” Jaskier said cooly, “He’s helped your town. You won't even let him stop to clean up and eat-" Jaskier starts. He knew Geralt needed time to let the adrenaline wear off, knew the less than pleasant response to collecting payment while still covered in blood. 
However, Geralt shook his head at Jaskier and regarded the woman carefully. He nodded his understanding and turned to Jaksier, promising that he'll return. Then he is on his way. 
He really should have known when he saw the man, standing in the middle of the town with an odd ring of metal poles slammed into the ground around him. They stand up in a circle, stabbed into the ground like those spears knights push into the earth, and then skewer the heads of the monsters they’ve slain on to. The spears and heads always stand as a warning. 
Geralt really should have known. 
But he was tired and this town made him uncomfortable. He and Jaskier both wanted to leave. So, he walked up to the man and explained in short detail how he dispatched the 'scary flying thing' he had been sent to kill. Even brought its wings back. If it hadn't been so vicious he may have spared it, but somethings were simply incapable of not killing. 
The man's eyes shifted around as Geralt spoke, making it even harder to focus. Geralt huffed and wrapped his arms over his chest. "I did as the contract expected, I'll take my payment-" he started only to stutter and choke as a loud sound resonated in his head. Geralt's hand flew up, pressing against his temple as though that would alleviate some of the pressure from the noise. It only got louder. Geralt tore his eyes from the man to look around and see a group of villagers surrounding them. They stood around the circle, clashing various tools and things against the metal poles in the ground. Metal on metal, an echoing clang that had Geralt falling to one knee. 
The man looked down at Geralt with a sneer. "You're not the first we've gotten rid of.” He spat. Quite literally, and Geralt wanted to scrub the dampness from his skin. These people . . . They, what? Set traps for witchers? “You won't be the last.” The man continued. “You abominations are brought here only by your own greed. In search of money to take from innocent humans. You're disgusting! And so is your friend- I'd be willing to bet that we don't even need the pipes to distract him, without you there I think he'll be taken care of quite easily-"
Geralt growled viciously but the noise of the poles served well in its purpose to incapacitate him. He could do no more than to focus his efforts on fighting the nausea rather than this bigot. 
He was trying to figure out the easiest way to get out of here, with the least amount of death. And then, from seemingly nowhere a voice called out, "You know. Of all the ways I've been called easy that one is the laziest, most hateful, and least true." Geralt looked up to see Jaskier walking into the circle. 
The clanging slowly stopped as the mob seemed to fall into an incredulous silence watching Jaskier. They looked to the man for some sort of instruction. 
Jaskier kept his eyes trained on the man as well, despite the urge to look at and take care of Geralt. "Come on now. Let us be reasonable. I shall take my companion from this town, free of charge despite his work. Call off your goons, and we'll be on our way."
"You,” the man sneered, “Are just as perverted as he is if you defend him over your own kind," the man retorted. 
Jaskier laughed, "You are wrong in more ways than you could possibly know." He said. 
And then many things happened. 
The clanging started again as the mob of angry people decided they’d had enough of Jaskier’s smart commentary, deciding without the man in charge that they wouldn’t stand for such disrespect. 
Geralt shifted on his knee to face Jaskier and tell him to leave, to get out of this town and wait for him somewhere else. Much to his surprise at that exact moment, Jaskier pulled a knife from seemingly nowhere. He flipped it in his hand with a practiced ease and then turned and flicked his wrist. It soared through the air and landed directly in the skull of a man who’d been trying to catch Jaskier off guard. He slowly sank to one knee, sputtering in his last moments.
In fury, a man nearly as large as Geralt charged towards Jaskier, roaring in his anger as his companion fell. Jaskier used the position to lunge forward, step on the man's propped up leg, and use it to jump off of. It provided him the perfect height to plunge another knife into the tall man’s eye. Geralt’s head was still pounding, but he was trying desperately to figure out where the hell these knives were coming from.  
Though the group was predominantly men, a woman full of hate pulled one of the poles from the ground and swung it at Jaskier. Geralt must have made a noise of distress, because Jaskier turned just in time to catch it before it connected with his head. It must have hit his hands hard because he winced. Geralt simply couldn’t sit back and watch this. Despite the noise he tried to stand, “Jaskier-” He started. The bard glanced over and shook his head. He pulled the pole from the woman’s hands and hit her hard in the ribs with it. She doubled over and Jaskier sidestepped over to Geralt. 
“Duck,” He said to Geralt and then shoved Geralt over. Later, Geralt would blame the nausea and disoriented mess for being the reason he was so easily knocked over. In the moment however, he simply found his face in the ground. 
Head swimming, with a mouthful of dirt, Geralt almost missed the feeling of warmth spreading over his back, pushing through the town square with substantial power. Yet, when he lifted his head he saw that many of the people who’d just been making such obnoxious noise were sent flying back and he heard that the noise had stopped. What happened after that he wasn’t sure. He remembered vague flashes of warmth and kind words from Jaskier. He smelled the familiar and soothing scent of Roach’s mane. He knew they were moving . . . and then? Nothing. 
Geralt wasn't sure when he closed his eyes, or for how long, but when he opened them again they were out in the forest. Jaskier had found them a small clearing, set up camp, started a fire, and started their dinner. The bard was sitting with his back mostly to the bedroll that Geralt has been laid out on. He was holding onto some animal, impaled on a stick, roasting it over the fire. 
"Jask-" Geralt started to speak, his voice coming out even more hoarse and gravel like than usual. He shifted to sit up. 
Jaskier turned to Geralt and shook his head, "Hey there, you big brute.” He said fondly, “Don't move alright? You were still swaying when we got here. And you had a terrible ache in your head. Just. Try to relax." Jaskier advised gently. "Try being the operative word, though I know you struggle with things that could bring you comfort." He said, a faint smile on his face. It was less easy than Jaskier’s usual grin, and he made no move to come closer to Geralt. Geralt wasn’t sure why.
Geralt grunted and finished sitting up. "The noise." He muttered. 
"Is what caught you off guard? Yes. I know. You needn’t defend yourself to me. Those awful poles. I saw them. Well. I heard them first, which is why I went off to find you. I figured it would be enough to hurt your ears, I'll admit I was surprised to see that such an ignorant town created such a clever trap. I didn't realize it was common knowledge that sensory overload was your weakness, obviously it was something I knew-" 
"And yet. You won't shut up." Geralt snapped. It wasn't unusual for Geralt to snap like that. He awaited the snarky response of irritation from his companion. 
Instead he got, "Mm, well. Yes. That's a good point." And then . . . Silence. 
Geralt looked over to Jaskier carefully, and slowly the details of the fight came back into his mind. Jaskier with the daggers. Jaskier stabbing a man in the eye. Jaskier somehow throwing back a dozen grown men . . . "What the fuck happened back there? How did you do- . . . All of that? Any of that?" Geralt asked slowly, clearly unsure how to word his questions to get himself the answers he wanted. "What did you do, towards the end- all I felt was heat-" 
Jaskier kept his eyes trained on the fire and nodded slowly. "Energy." He corrected. 
"All you felt- it was energy. Not necessarily heat. Not that they are dissimilar. Perhaps it was a gratuitous amendment, I just meant to clarify, but magic that makes heat often burns which is far more destructive than anything I can do- Than anything I want to do-" 
Geralt's mind faltered. He was still trying to wrap his head around seeing Jaskier be proficient in protecting himself against a large group of opponents, with daggers no less. But, "Magic?" Geralt asked, his foggy mind slowly clearing as he started to catch up with the conversation they were having.
". . . Yes." He said slowly. 
Jaskier's expression was guarded, careful. "Yes. I used magic. I wasn't really intending to but you got yourself into a rather tricky mess and I wanted to keep you safe so it seemed like the option I had at the time-" 
"Jaskier." Geralt interrupted, he didn’t have the capacity to listen to the rambling right now. "How can you use magic?” He asked directly. “You are . . . Just a bard." 
And if, for a moment, something like hurt broke the careful mask Jaskier had set in place? Well. The moment was brief and Jaskier quickly seemed impassive again. "I am a bard, but not just. I also happen to be- part fae." He said slowly. "Which- I'm aware. Is vague. But other than the slight magic and the never aging thing I don't know many details, what with my mother having to raise me as though the Viscount of Lettenhove was my father rather than whatever mystery man she was with when I was conceived." He said, his tone bitter and frustrated. “Perhaps if I knew more about it all I would have said something sooner, but I don’t know the details and if I happened to be one of the things that you are supposed to kill, I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of informing you-”
Geralt listened intently, his eyes searching Jaskier for the way that this revelation should change his appearance. For the tell tale sign that he was different now that Geralt knew the truth. There was none. He was still Jaskier. Jaskier who believed that Geralt could ever hurt him. Geralt deflated slightly. Perhaps he would have to work on convincing Jaskier of his own- significance in Geralt’s life. Then, Geralt's eyes hit Jaskier's hands, still holding the stick their dinner was on. They were red. Raw. Shaking. He reached out, carefully setting the stick and meat off to the side. Gently, he pulled Jaskier's hands into his lap and looked at them. "How did you burn yourself?" Geralt asked. 
"The uh- the poles were iron." Jaskier responded quietly. Iron was a well known repellent for fae-folk of many kinds.
Geralt frowned and gently held Jaskier's wrists. "Can I bandage them for you?" He asked quietly. And despite the tension in the air Jaskier recognized that request for what it was. A silent Thank You.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
The Kings’ Pet Princess- Royal! BTS x Reader Series Part 4- Hoseok 1
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New Part! No announcements today.
“That’s a good girl.” 
One of the horses ate a treat from your hand, sniffing your glove in appreciation. You were basically hiding for the day and it was driving you crazy having to watch your back. Namjoon and Jungkook had gotten the best of you and you’d be damned if you let anyone else sink their claws into you. 
You were grateful your pets were allowed to come with you into the kingdom. You owned a few horses and were dead scared they wouldn’t be allowed. Of course you had to convince them to let your lion join the party.
Yes , a lion, she was pregnant and she needed you around at all times. (and she was trained to come running when you called, that would be good for you.) You wondered how the gentle beast was going anyways, you hadn’t visited her in a while. She was probably lonely without you. Your wolf however, he was independent. Until he felt like a child and was glued to your side all day. You also had an owl...now he was just a brat.
Yes, being royal came with a lot of gifts, you loved your pets so it was okay.
However, it seemed as if the king’s horses and pets were a little foreign to the concept of affection, since they had backed away from you the second you walked into the stables. It made you wonder if the kings even thought of them as pets or just a means of transports out of the kingdom.
“It sort of makes you feel small doesn’t it?” you asked aloud, not knowing whether or not Namjoon’s horse could even understand you. “Treated as nothing more than an object.” you sighed. “A token of something that gets them ahead without a concern for you or how it makes you feel to know that you’re just a pawn for the bigger picture.” you sighed. “You serve a bigger purpose...you own him...not the other way around.” you sighed, stepping back from the horse. 
You walked over to the opposite end of the stable to check on your other pet. 
“How you doin, girl?” You opened the cage gate and knelt next to the resting lion. “You doin’ good?” You asked her and she looked up at you. 
Before you could do anything else, someone had entered the stables. You turned around to find Hoseok walked in with a few buckets. He met your eyes, looking unenthusiastic as ever.
“Fancy seeing you here.” You scoffed.
“I always come here.” Hoseok rolled his eyes at you. “Thought you’d be bent over a counter or something.”
Oh what a low fucking blow.
“Is someone jealous they didn’t take their chance when they had it.” you retorted. “Next time you see me why don’t you take the chance while you have it.” you joked visciously.
You heard a growl erupt from (What should her pet lion’s name be? My favorite choice will get a shout-out!). You rubbed the side of her face.
“Easy girl, you can’t rip his face off right now.” you sighed. 
“I don’t know why you even have that thing.” he laughed aloud. “Lions are big scary monsters that assert dominance through intimidation.”
“Oh, and that doesn’t sound familiar!” you scoffed. “Have you tried looking in a fucking mirror? Say what you want about me but my pets and my home are off limits, unless you’d love an arrow between the eyes.” you snarled. You heard another growl erupt from your pained pet. “Hey, I said rest.” you gave her a warning glance. “You need to keep your energy, got it?”
“You seem to care for an...animal more than your future husbands.” he smirked, setting the bucket down in front of who you assumed to be his horse. A black and white speckled cutie. “Why do you even care about them so much.”
“Humans don’t deserve affection from such beautiful creatures.” you snapped. “My pets are my livelihood, whether considered beasts or not. I care for them because of people like you who don’t believe they are worthy of love.”
“It makes you think doesn’t it...” he smirked, walking up to you. “A creature, filled with beauty, grace, and power without knowing she possesses it.” She doesn’t see how powerful of a ruler she can be, she prefers to stay small and quiet, seemingly afraid to seem intimidating.”
“Exactly.” you rolled your eyes, still under the pretence he was referring to the lioness. “She’s graceful, beautiful, and she doesn’t need the validation of others. When she ultimately gives birth, she’ll still be the most fierce and powerful she’ll ever be...and she’s doesn’t need you to tell her because she already knows and she if in fact the most intimidating lioness you will ever meet” you pointed up at him. “So what do you say about that?”
“I’ve yet to meet such a lioness Y/N.” he chuckled darkly still hovering over you. “Are you sure this lioness is even real?”
“You’re looking right at her?” you crossed your, STILL thinking he was talking about the literal 400 pound beast casually resting in her little den even though his smug expression and sudden desire to tower over you was very evidence it had been you he was referring you.
“Well I look forward to seeing the outcome” he winked.
You stormed out the stables, running into the other six men of Bangtan.
“What a marvelous surprise.” Seokjin chimed. 
“Fuck....you..” you said. “Stay away from my horse and we won’t have an issue!” you grumbled as you bumped shoulders.
You sat on one of the counters in the kitchen. The bright lights lit up the room, allowing you to view the wide area. The kitchens were just as cool looking as the rest of the castle. Everything about this castle was huge.
“Miss Y/N?” you looked up to find a male staff member walking into the kitchen. “Here you are!”
You looked over and saw the cook holding a plate of sweets with some coffee (or tea, whatever tickles your fancy). With a light smile on your face, you hopped down from the counter, taking the plate and the glass. You put them down on the counter where you had been sitting and turned to the cook. 
“Thanks, I feel bad for waking you up.” you said sheepishly.
Maybe it was the headache building up or the fact that you haven’t had a good sleep since your welcoming party, but you had the biggest craving for something. It was two in the morning when you got hungry. You were going to search for something super quick but one of the cooks had heard you walking and had woken up. “You really didn’t have to bake anything.” you motioned to the fact that he had prepared you some sweets from scratch as opposed to just getting you something super simple.
“Please, you are to be our future queen. I live to serve you.” he replied. You withheld the urge to cringe your shoulders.
“Well thank you.” you smiled as he bowed. “I’ll be fine, you go ahead and get back to sleep.” with another bow he turned around and walked off. You picked up one of the cookies and took a bite. You would be queen soon, which meant you’d marry those seven evil assholes. They were cold and mean and...
You had already let Namjoon and Jungkook get the best of you, no way in hell were you letting it happen with the rest of these assholes. Namjoon had caught you off guard, Jungkook had managed to get you in a compromising position. You could only wonder what would happen next.
Or maybe you just loved getting seduced like the crazy woman you refused to believe you were.
You stared up the window up at the moon. It was full and bright, much like you were before you came here. You could only breathe in relief that you were alone. It would be the only peaceful time you’d have for a while.
The thought of becoming queen of this place was enough to make you lose the appetite you had. “No use fighting it.” you sighed. “This is my fate.”
Suddenly, you heard a shuffling noise, followed by low grumbling. You weren’t sure who it was, so you readied yourself. By that you meant you made it look like you didn’t care.
“AND HURRY UP!” Hoseok’s voice rang through your ears. He must have been talking to a cook. You raised an eyebrow just as he smirked at you.
“Why are you here?” he asked, wiping the sleep from your eyes. “Nice shorts.” he bit his lip.
“I live here.” you mumbled. “How quickly you forget” you mumbled. 
“You’re usually asleep at this time.” he mumbled.
“I couldn’t sleep.” you mumbled. 
“I can see that.” Hoseok commented as if his very presence wasn’t annoying. He grabbed one of your cookies off your plate, making you whine.
“That was mine!’ you huffed. “Back off!”
“Sharing is caring little Y/N.” he winked, still eating the cookie anyway. You rolled your eyes and turned away from him, crossing your arms. “Why are you up anyways.”
“Not that it’s any of your concern but I’m worried.” you sighed.
“What about?”
You slowly turned towards him and walked a little closer. “Do you really want to know?”
“...Yeah, entertain me.”
“The fact that I’m being forced to become a queen to a kingdom I have no interest in joining forces with.” you replied as if you had rehearsed everything you had just said. “I have a pregnant lion whose due any day now and the father is still back in my kingdom. My horse is sick so I can’t ride him and he gets really bad anxiety when he’s can’t ride. My siblings are probably worried sick about me and on top of that I HAVE TO MARRY MY MORTAL ENEMIES WITHIN THE NEXT Y-” 
You were cut off by Hoseok, suddenly trapping you in his space, slamming his hands on either side of the kitchen counter. You were instantly silenced as Hoseok got so close that your noses were barely touching.
“You talk too much.” he chuckled. “You stress too much too.” he breathed. “Haven’t you ever just lost yourself?”
“...I haven’t had the chance to do that. So much pressure put on m-” you began to say. “I can’t let my guard down especially.”
Even though that had already happened twice...and would probably happen again.
“Even if you want to?”he asked.
“Even if I want to.” you repeated. “I refuse.”
“Well...what if I tell you what’s gonna happen in advance?”
You would deny you ever said it, but the way Hoseok’s hair shone off the fluorescent kitchen light made him look almost angelic. “I’d appreciate it.” you replied.
You were weak, in the knees, in the heart and in your brain. You weren’t even sure if you had a damn brain anymore! Hoseok’s head dipped down to kissed up your shoulder. You turned your head towards the hallway, anyone could come around the corner at any second. Hoseok didn’t seem to care though, he kissed up the length of your neck, running his tongue over the shell of your ear
“W-what are you-” you breathed. Hoseok’s body gently pushed up against yours. “I-in the kitchen.” you asked. “Y-you’re kidding right? I mean I wouldn’t put it past you but...”
“Why not, I’m a fucking king. If anyone has anything to say about it. They answer to me.” he said. “Besides, I might not be able to have you to myself. Knowing the other’s they’re just waiting for a chance to get you all the themselves...I want my turn...and I want it right now.”
Hoseok’s lips met yours before you could say anything. You were still trapped between him and the counter. Surprisingly, compared to your previous adventures, Hoseok had been the most and unexpectedly gentle. You stiffened up, feeling his tongue flick against your bottom lip. “Answer me something?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“Why exactly is it that you hate us much?” he asked, kissing a line down your jaw.
“G-good question.” 
“An even better question would be why are you letting someone you supposedly hate, do this to you.”
“Namjoon asked me the same thing.” you rolled your eyes. “T-the reason I d-do things aren’t of your concern!” 
Truthfully, you didn’t hate them....you were intimidated...okay maybe you did hate them a little bit too.
“Just like the reason you’re letting me...” his hands creeped down your pajama shorts as his lips found yours again. “Just admit you like being used by us...” he spoke. 
“Never.” you said flatly. “I don’t enjoy being used.”
“Then how..’pleased’ and ‘taken care of’.” his knuckled grazed your heat. “It’s obvious you like it.” he smirked. “You , at the mercy of me.” he raised an eyebrow. “How exciting.”
“But in the kitchen though?!” your voice got way too high pitched for you to be telling the truth. 
“That’s the fun part. We’re so unpredictable. No one’s gonna stop us anyways.”
You knew he was done with the small talk when he crashed his hot mouth over yours. You had long forgotten about your midnight snack much like he had probably forgotten what he came in here for too. You only hoped no one would see such a compromising position. 
“Hm...I wonder if anyone bothered to tend to your needs yet?” he mused, lowering himself to his knees.
“Excuse me?” you nearly flatlined at his words.
“Had anyone bothered to take care of you or am I the first.” he asked in a baby-ish voice. “Has anyone taken care of down here?” He pulled at the waistband of your shorts, making your eyes widen. I’ll take that as a no?” Your shorts pooled at your ankles.
He grabbed your leg and put it over his shoulder. Once again...in the kitchen?
“I can smell your wetness...” he looked up at you. You took note how his eyes darkened with lust. You saw him clench his knuckles and watched as his body shook at he got to eye level with your nether-regions. “It’s so...intoxicatingly...mmf-” Hoseok didn’t finish his own sentence before he lashed his tongue up your slit, making exaggerated moans as he dug his nails into your thighs.
A loud gasp left your body as Hoseok laid sloppy, open mouthed against your pussy. Hand you hands not been on the counter behind you, you probably would have fallen back.
 You were surprised the over-dramatized water sounds didn’t echo throughout the kitchen. It was almost as he he wanted you to hear from every angle. You could hear a shallow laughter coming from Hoseok as he swirled his tongue around your clit. You could feel your water dripping down your leg.
Hoseok’s fingers had slipped into your tight, dripping hole, slowly thrusting his fingers in and out. in and out
“H-hoseok.” you stammered. “You’re making a mess.” 
“Good.” He growled before thrusting his finger’s deeper into your wetness. “Fuck you taste so good.” he snarled. “I want more. I want you to make a mess all over me, baby.” 
You whimpered, throwing your head back. You couldn’t help yourself anymore your hands entangled in his hair. The cord in your stomach had snapped and you had let go. You had also stopped trying to be quiet.
“H-ho-seok.” you bucked your hips against his mouth and your felt your release crash over you. A low groaned erupted from Hoseok’s throat as he lapped up every single drop of your water. Hoseok stood up, pulling you towards him with a smug grin on his face.
“Hm...How’s that for a midnight snack.” he smiled. “But I’m not done...” Hoseok slapped your ass. He hooked his arms around your legs and lifted your up onto the counter, furiously grabbing at his pajama bottoms.
You were only noticing how painfully tight his member had seemed to harden against his pants. As his member was freed, he tilted your head up to meet his again. His mouth crashed over yours, his kiss needy and hot.
“The difference between me and them...is that I know what I want.” Hoseok breathed into your mouth. “I don’t fight my urges or lie to myself.” he nibbled at your bottom lip. “And Y/N...I’ve wanted you for a long time. Of course those other fools would never admit their desires for you but I’m a different man.” he smirked, aligning himself to meet your (still dripping well) hole. “You’re going to be so good, I can tell...” he grunted, sliding his cock painfully slowly into your hole. “Sweet, sweet Y/N...”
You couldn’t register a response, mostly because Hoseok had your tongue prisoner and because you really didn’t know how to respond.
“So here’s what you’re gonna do...my sweet pet. Wrap your arms around your king...and let him take you.”
(Who gave me 660 followers though? Like where y’all coming frommmm. Either way hi and I hate myself for writing this oh my god.
So you guys the next chapter is gonna be kinda dark...like yeah so prepare We’re doing Yoongi’s part next and I got a plan...for hims...so like...ye)
153 notes · View notes
hollandroos · 6 years
Run To Me; Part Twenty | Final
Summary: Dad!Mob!Tom. Sequel to BAK but you don’t have to read that one first. If you wish too, the link is in my bio masterlist!! Where old feelings arise but other things get in the way. Whether it’s kids, fears or things from your past coming back to haunt you.
Run To Me: Series Masterlist!
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: It’s literally mostly good.
A/N: Right, here it is... the last chapter. Let me tell you I literally cried like three times writing this. These characters have been a part of my life for the last few months (whenever I started BAK) and if you’re a writer and spend as long as I do writing them then I’m sure you understand that letting them go can be hard– and this was definitely hard, ask @spiderrrling and @dej-okay I was literally sobbing over this.
I wanna thank you all that continuously supported me throughout these two books. I know they were a huge mess at times and just... a product of my very active imagination but thank you to everyone that left notes and comments and sent asks and just kept motivating me to finish this series. There is a two-part epilogue so keep an eye out!! You’ll want to read it.
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Tom didn’t know what he was expecting to walk into when he rammed your front door open. But it wasn’t you holding a gun over Aiden who was on his knees, practically begging for his life. Though everyone in that room knew that you wouldn’t pull the trigger, especially Tom. However, Aiden was a fool. A whining, begging fool who had made a vast selection of mistakes.
Rosie sat on the barstool with her back facing the scene per your wishes and you were glad that she was abiding for once, colouring in a picture for Tom with the words ‘Dad’ scribbled on the bottom in bright pink pencil. They were the pencils that she had left here, most of them blunt and stubby. She didn’t look shocked but he saw the remains on tears on her cheeks, evidence of her previously being upset.
The dad and husband rushed over, heart practically beating out of his chest and your eyes didn’t move off of Aiden for a single second, keeping the weapon trained on the dangerous man and Tom would easily say that it was a site he never wanted to see, one of you looking so distraught and terrified and unknowing of what to do next.
“Darling, give me the gun.” He prompts. Aiden's eyes widen even more if that was possible, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water and if he didn’t realise that he’d fucked up before, then he definitely had now.
Two men walked in behind Tom, each his guys that he trusted– not as much as Z and Jacob or Sam, but trusted nonetheless. They stood tall, cracking their knuckles and snarled at the sight of the guy on his knees.
You didn’t reply to Tom but he didn’t miss the gentle sob that escaped your lips, and the way you passed the weapon with a shaky hand, or the way you stepped back hurriedly, nearly tripling up on the living room rug as you went over to Rosie, cradling her into your chest and she dropped the pencil with a gentle thud, arms going around your neck. Tom held the power now, and Aiden looked goddamn terrified. Rightfully so.
It reminded you of the first time you met. He had been stone cold, glaring at both your father and you and had tapped that pencil obnoxiously on the desk. You had been unaware of what you had gotten yourself into, and who exactly. But now, even in your state of shock, you saw a man that would go to the very ends of the Earth for his family.
“Should’ve let me kill her.” The man on his knees growls, spitting towards the carpet. You wanted to punch him, to use him as a personal boxing bag and put him through every ounce of pain that he’d put your family through. But violence wasn’t the answer and Rosie was snuggled under your arms, her curls pressed tightly against your clothing.
Tom laughs maniacally. “You would never have pulled the trigger, you’re weak.” He narrows his eyes, nodding his two men forward. He gets down on his two knees, one hand against the rug. “You’re fucking weak and that’s what got you here in the first place, you listened to a man that nearly got you killed then you were given another chance and you fucked up again. It’s over, Wilson, it’s done.”
Aiden doesn’t say anything else but he sends glares towards all three of you– Rosie included and you didn’t see the glimmer of mischief you used to see in his eyes, but pure anger and frustration. It was scary, like every ounce of the man you used to know was gone.
Toms men take him, grabbing onto one arm each and he hands one of them the gun, watching them walk towards the door because a part of him wanted to end the man himself this time, to make sure that the job got done but he doesn’t. Because he had a priority as well as a purpose, and that wasn’t it.
“What about your dad?” You sniffle, running one hand down Rosies back. She was tired, slowly drifting off then and there. Admittedly she hadn’t slept much last night. Rosie wouldn’t tell either of you this but she was still playing with her dolls at eleven.
“Sam and Harry have it, they have everything under control.” Tom leans against the counter, but he was clearly tense. “That was quite a big scare, there.”
“But you need to be there, you said so yourself and I should have sorted this, I know I could’ve done it by myself like you and him taught me.” You shrug off his last comment, speaking softly as Rosie nods off. You also thought that it’d help conceal the way your voice shook, but you were wrong.
“Darling, they’re seeing to it, and I’m sure they’re doing a better job then I would be.” He replies, laughing lightly to break the tension. But fails. He hated this– that his job put you in so much danger. That it pushed you to the point of struggling to breathe and think clearly. “You’re okay.”
“Don’t thank me, I should have done that a long time ago.” He says truthfully, regrets including not dealing with the parasite sooner. Though he couldn’t tell if he was about to make the same mistakes this time, or doing the right thing.
He holds a hand out for you to take, “Should we go home?”
“Can we stay a little longer? I want to grab a few things.”  You deny his outstretched hand, hoisting the sleeping girl into your arms and look around the place, seeing colouring ins and little toys, clothes and small memories that you didn’t want to forget.
He was shocked that you wanted to stay but nods nonetheless, already stepping away from the counter. “Take all the time in the world.”
“Want me to take her?” He extends his arms towards Rosie and you nod hesitantly, handing her over. You were only hesitant considering you had just seen how easy it was for the two of you to be taken away from each other. The second he takes her, she stirs. “Hey, sweetheart.”
Rosie peeks an eye open, tear-stained cheeks puffy and warm against his chest.
“Daddy?” She mumbles, looking up. Tom would never cease to be amazed at the similarities between the two of them, and how her eyes were like pools of honey, captivating. He still found himself lost in her voice every time she said that five letter word, a part of him not believing it for a second because it was all so new and surreal to him.
“Yeah?” He murmurs, bounding her up and down softly. He pads around the living room slowly while you scurried off down the hall, taking a moment just to bask in her and all that she was– and the little girl she was slowly becoming.
“Are you a superhero?” Rosie questions, easily in and out of sleep as she spoke but to her the question was serious. Tom chuckled to himself, pressing his lips to her cheeks. He was gentle with her.
Tom had to think about it, not because superheroes weren't real because they surely were– superheroes were the people that helped other on a daily basis, like the person down the street that ran for charity or the man next door that helped you move into your apartment on the first day and the parents that comfort their distraught children. After all, the definition of a superhero in the Cambridge dictionary was ‘someone who has done something very brave to help someone else’
Tom had to think about it because he had done bad things, if anything he felt that he was a villain but maybe just for today, he could be a hero.
“I am.”
The girl in his arms was the girl that he’d grown close to in a matter of months, who had gravitated towards him with so much ease and he was proud. Tom had done a lot of things in his life, but the thing he was most proud of was easily becoming a father.
She easily began to drift off in his arms again, finding comfort in the man’s arms with her head resting on his shoulder. He was tough built, yes, but his coat made him just squashy enough for her to lay there contently and not for a single second did she want to wriggle away and find comfort on the couch, or her old bed. She would grow up to be like him in more ways then way, gaining all of his best traits and yeah, you were definitely right. She was a daddy's girl.
And somehow over the course of the last few months, the girl had learnt to accept embraces from both her mum and newfound dad. She craved it now whereas before she would have squirmed away, demanding she does her own thing. Now, she found nothing better than being hoisted up and wrapped up in a pair of secure arms.
“Hey, you ready?”
He sees you walk out with a bag under your arm, clearly not filled with lots but the important stuff he assumed. It was filled with Aiden's things for you to burn, to chuck into scolding, crimson flames and watch them disappear as a way to get closure. But he’d find that out later– and god knows Tom would be willing to participate.
You nod and bite your lip, looking around the room before back to him. “Can we talk before we go? There are just a few things I–” Your voice cracks. “I need to get off of my chest.”
Tom nods and the two of you head towards one of the couches, the smaller of the two and sit down. He was nervous because things had gone south once more and your relationship had never had a moment to settle, there was never a moment just for the two of you to look around and be content. Not even five years ago. Everything was always up and down, a roller coaster of emotions and goods and bads.
Maybe that was just the way it’d be, though.
Rosie was sent to spend time with Sam (He would deal with the aftermath of what the other boys had done at the warehouse later) who had arrived not long ago to mumble and talk things that made no sense to him but he’d still listen anyway, maybe prompting her to count blocks in the car or try and read a first grade book. She was smart like that. And you, you sat on one of the couches with Tom, in a state of utter shock that had only set in just after Tom arrived.
Because when you held the gun, and when Aiden’s hands were on you, you didn’t have time to think about what was exactly happening and the many possible outcomes. Truth be told you had been in a haze, fight or flight mode and now that it was settling in– the previous events, you were thinking over everything three times, four, then six. You found yourself comparing events and wishing you could do it all over again but handle it better.
Tom didn’t touch you, keeping his hands on his own lap and didn’t for a moment think about how the couch at his home was way comfier, or how there were scribbles on the walls and mouldy fruits on the bench. Though he realised that maybe he should have sent someone to clean the place after the three of you left in a hurry. But now the boy was too consumed by you, and your distressed state.
“I thought I was going to die this time.” Your sobs are silent as you speak, warm tears staining your puffy cheeks. “And I thought that I wasn’t going to get to live the life we were working towards. I got my hopes up for something more than this… then the mob and I thought it was about to be taken away from me and Rosie.”
Tom wanted to soothe you, to pull you into his arms and maybe run a hand through your hair, or down your arm or back but instead, he sat there and watched you pull the blanket tightly around your figure until you were drapped into the grey woollen cover. But he didn’t want to make your frightened state any worse so he sat with crossed legs– just like yours, and he waited for you to make the first move to enforce any kind of physical contact.
Though he couldn’t comfort you physically, he’d do his best to do it verbally. “You did amazing, you saved your life and Rosies.”
“Do you see that, Tom? That little bullet hole in the couch?” You ask, nodding towards the hole that pierces the fabric of the couch you’d spent plenty of nights on, sipping from scolding hot chocolates, teaching Rosie to read and watching reruns of tv shows.  He nods. “She was so close to that– that could have been here because I didn’t look after her and she put herself in front of a gun, a loaded weapon.”
Rosie had jumped out of the way out of pure fright when she had heard the gunshot, nearly falling to the floor. She had smacked her arm against the chair, whimpering in pain as the plaster smacked against the wood.
His heart shattered seeing warm tears welling in your eyes, you were clearly shaking. “She survived, yeah? I swear that girl could survive anything. You and her are the strongest women I know and that hasn’t changed after tonight.”
“If she died I’d never forgive myself.” You shake your head, thinking about the other hundred outcomes that could have occurred today.
“She didn’t die, neither did you. The two of you are still alive and breathing and Aiden will never, ever hurt you again, you hear me?” Tom says, making you nod your head this time– sniffles competing with the rain that beats against the roof of the room. He brushes a few strands of hair back.
“I just can’t deal with any more loss, Tommy, I can’t do it.” You wiggle forward until your crossed knees were touching, it was the slightest bit of contact but just enough. “I lost my mum, and we lost Harrison and my dad… you guys are all I have and I can’t live like this, with guns and violence and constant danger.”
He swallowed harshly at the mention of Harrison and your father– then your mother. He still felt guilty about the death of all three.
“They’re proud of us, and what we’ve overcome to get here today.
“You know, my dad used to always tell me that I was still in love with you,” You suck in a deep breath. “He used to tell me that if I was so in love, I should just go back. He liked you, he did, no matter what you did– or what your family did in the past. Because for a while back then you made me so happy.” Your voice cracks, Words falling before you can even think about it.
Tom felt a little better knowing that your father liked him, considering he always felt that the man despised him. “You did what was best for you and now we’re here, we’re back together. I guess that’s meant to be, right?”
“We are, like soulmates or something.” You reach over, lacing your hands together. You sniffled every few moments, basking in each others touch for a few moments before you speak up again. “I don’t want us to live like this anymore. With danger everywhere.”
“We don’t have to.”
“You have so much to look after, Tom. I love you and I’ll stick with you no matter how long you stay in the mob, but it’s hard on us.” By us, you meant you and Rosie, and Tom knew that. Your words weren’t meant to cut deep, they were simply common sense for the two of you now and Tom got that. “I can’t lose anyone else, especially the two of you.”
Maybe it was too soon to tell you about his plans because a hundred things were already going on in your head and a few more would be nearly enough to make it explode. But hearing that… that was enough to bring a set of warm tears to his own eyes. Because you weren’t going to lose him. Not to a gunshot to the chest, or being beaten by rival gangs.
Tom was excited for a fresh start away from this and he couldn’t keep it secret any longer.
“You won’t lose me, got it? Or Rosie either–” He stops, pulling his phone out of his pocket and goes to his camera roll where there’s a selection of photos, at least seven. You stay silent, watching with hazy eyes and a tired soul. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room just enough for two adults and a small child. A backyard for a swing set or a treehouse. He hands you the phone. “What do you think of this?”
You look at the photos, furrowing your eyebrows together as you swipe. The place was beautiful, homely, and nothing like you’d seen before. But you were confused by what he meant– why he was showing you photos of the house.
“I– what?” You respond, looking up from the phone to glance at Tom. He wet his lips.
“That’s ours.” He murmurs, watching you take another flick through the photos. Tom felt a pang of happiness– no, more than just a pang. He practically felt his heart explode as you gazed for the first time, at the sight of your future.
“No, it’s not.” You reply cautiously. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to get your hopes up or maybe it was because it seemed all too good to be true. That something good that finally come out of all the bad and you were just waiting for it to be torn away.
“I got that for us.” Hesitantly, confidently he continues. “We can never have the normal, suburban lifestyle. But we can have this. It’s a house two bedrooms and an acre of land. It’s pretty closed off but…. It’s the best I could do while making sure we were also safe. No mobs, no violence. There’s a school for Rosie and some shops just twenty minutes away.”
“Are you serious?” You ask, handing the phone back. He nods, tucking it back into his jeans. “That– that’s amazing, how did you do that behind my back?”
He laughs lightly, chest rumbling as he rests one hand on your still crossed knee, stroking the clothed skin softly. “Are you surprised?
“No.” You shake your head, being honest with him. “You’re not kidding, are you? You’re serious about giving up the mob? That’s what you worked for, Tom, you shouldn’t have to if you don’t want to–”
Your excitement overcomes your nerves, though Tom could still tell that you were wary of this. Not about moving, and starting a new, much safer life, but him leaving everything he’d ever known behind. It was definitely scary, but long, long overdue.
“I want this, god I want to leave that behind more then anything and just have a normal life, or as normal as we can have. I’ve told Harry and Sam… or at least I wrote it down for them, they’ve got this and we can finally have a life of our own.” He sucks in a breath. “It’s our turn now.”
You practically dive into his arms, the woollen blanket falling around your waist as arms snake around his shoulders. Tom jolted back slightly, shocked before he returns the hug. It’s a feeling that was growing on you, one you didn’t mind that much anymore. Comfort.  He embraced every second of it as you rested your head on his chest, counting each steady heartbeat with an arched back.
“We’re going to be a family.” You tell him, in a haze that felt all too good to be true.
“We already are, we’re just going to be a safer family. The house will need lots of security and stuff but… we can make it work.” He brushes a strand of hair away from your eyes, gazing into your so familiar orbs. “You won’t have to worry about us getting hurt at any moment, or Rosie getting lost in the halls anymore or stumbling across something you’re not supposed to.”  
Deep down you knew that you’d always worry about it because you would always be a target and Tom would always be a threat. But hearing him say that you’d be safe and that you could finally have all that you’d ever wanted– the stuff you only dreamed about as a kid made you nearly jump with joy. You practically did jump right into his arms without a second thought.
Because while he talked about that, your mind drifted from Aiden and Dominic and Harrison and Nick and your father, and you called that utter bliss for a moment. Not that you wanted to ever forget Harrison, but the survivor's guilt you happened to live with every day was dull for a moment, and the thought of never seeing your father again– never telling him you loved him was gone, sitting in the very back of your brain as you planned your future. If this was the feeling Tom gave you… the effect he had, then it had to be meant to be, right?
You and Tom being placed back together wasn’t the universe's way of trying to put you back through that hell you experienced years ago, nor its way of trying to put Tom back into his place when it comes to being a solid leader, but it was about overcoming and healing, closing old wounds. You were just too blind to see that at first but now the pieces had fallen together and you were given another chance– one that you were grasping onto.
It was about doing the things you were afraid to do such as loving again, learning to give yourself to someone else and for Tom it was about giving up the mob and he was doing that– and for the first time in twenty-something years, he was prepared to give up anything to laugh, love, and live the life he wanted. He was prepared to cling onto happiness and his happiness was you.
Yeah, things with Aiden and Dominic had ended quickly and maybe something worse could’ve happened. Lives could have been lost and heck, people could have ended up in hospital but it didn’t take that for you and Tom to realise that you needed to hold onto each other. You were looking forward when you’d always looked back, looking at how you could improve instead of how to fix past mistakes.
Gazing up, you press one hand against his cheek, brushing his bottom lip with your thumb and smile.
“I think this just proves that I’d choose you time and time again, Tom Holland.”
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Epilogue part 1
Everything tags: @cosmetologynerd @holland-ish @smexylemony @thewiseandfree @zendayacolemen @dej-okay @hollandsletters @ive-got-some-lies-to-tell @liz-gayllen @marvelismylifffe @lovelyh0lland @tomhollandandmarvelsworld @woah-jess @southsidefandoms @justannothermonday @its-claire-louise @sophiatomlinson23 @mockingjaygirl1221 @joyfullyjenny @damnhisfaceisliketheskyatnight  @bride-of-loki-odinson @in-the-corner-coffee-please @futuremrsb-r-main @spideyyypeter @saturn-aka-six @c0prolalia @buckykinz @ashtonsbandannas @dennasaur @amyyleblanc1999 @fnosidam @randomfangirl1701@maybeandperhaps @acciorinn @marvel-language @micki-smiles @justmesadgirl @converseskyline @niall2017 @gavemylifetotomholland @tomuchmarvel @leslieandjensen @painted-soulss @practicallylivesonline @mischiefmanaged49 @its-the-unknownspidey @holyrose96 @for-my-mind @mlxbm @erindillon11 @captainbuckyy @shawnandhisroses @converseskyline @smitten0-0kitten @parkeroos @whileinparis @unicornio-vomita-mierdas @draqcnheartstrinq @rainyboo-posts @mikalaka @petxrpxrker @tony-starks-ego @thedaydreamingwriter @peter-quackson @kateelyse96 @lesbian-jesus-jr @wheresmyquill @elyshugh @hollanderheart @tomshufflepuff @marvelismylifffe @tomsh0lland @obsessed-fandoms @girl-in-the-chair @trashqueenbitch @dramatic-and-young @honey-honey-5644 @parkerluvs @chingonaconcha @captainbuckyy @jes-sica1 @tomsfireheart @Rainbow-marvel @spideysimpossiblegirl @spideys-gurl @thomasstanley-holland @mlxbm @ixchel-9275 @parkerssweb @peter-parkersbb @tom-hollands-eyelash @starlightfound @vldlvj  @paradoxparker @lustfulcry  @mlxbm @musiclover1263 @justatheatredork @peterparkerscamera @fandomnerdsarecool @thequeensardine @cutesy-angst @httplayer @mischiefmanaged49 @loca-lola @softboyparkerr @desir-ae @dangerousluv1 @t-hotland @laucontrerasv @peter-parkersbb @whatdafricklefrackle @thatblondebelgiangirl @fairydustparker @they-call-me-le @jamiemac26
BAK: @aussie-mantle @highladyjel @revivalbenito @spider-mendes @iris1697 @theamuz @zseonlydavinci @bridiereads @sophie2003003 @parkeret @baby-baker @marvelgladers @dreamsofbeingsomeoneelse @sighaislin @marvel-zip @oreosrockover18 @whystopkeepon@barnsism @trashqueenbitch @gab-spidey @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @peterparkerdeservesbetter @ambrosmar @calmdownyall @xxxxdelenaxxxx @deadlyaffairs @stop-wonder-think @butcanyoujustimagine @leni-lion-luke-larb-logic @highladyjel @study-at-the-disco @r-i-d-g-e-s @giuliavxox @dreams-in-different-colours @spideynblackcat  @vividcelestia @okayypotato @unknxwn-intrxvert @highkeymood @tra2embrel shqueenbitch @imahuricane @thefanbasewhore @lyssilinn @thebittygirl @spn-worm @theamuz @hollandsmuse @theromanmockingbird @revivalbenito @asfaraslifegets @avahodge @eternallovers65 @rosecoloredshawn @spoofagoofonyou @soldmysoultofandomshelp @wintersoldierbaby @lizzie-143 @laucontrerasv @heavydartysoul @noakantor14 @themegatron1999 @galcxykisscd @majestichoechlin @yellow--inlove  @fragcc @chasingsuperheroes @petersunderroos @letrashailen @eclecticbooktaster @hiccups-are-better @bubbles1642  @lydiasobrien @qtest-trash @carrotsunshine @ccold-as-ice @friedwhisperstheorist @moopai @naria-hime @dafnouche @ellebella1238 @ashram12 @jasxn-txdd-8-14 @laucontrerasv @lovee-roaslie @anytimebitches  @teenage-book-lover @moopai @bored-green @curlshawnholland @tryn25 @xx-fandom-potato-xx @lowkeyspideyyy @fandomnerdsarecool  @fvckjamesbarnes @taylorjrs13 @cthoodaf @modern-day-citrus-cowboy @hellodarknessmysweetfriend  @hailhydrabarnes @overdramatic-teen @spideyboiiiiiiii @baileyxrudesalx @briefzipperapricotbagel @parker-underoos @officialchainreaction @aubreylovesthegames @shipitliketheussenterprise @your-1up-girl @peterparkerstolemyheart @dej-okay @0hanx @all-my-friends-are-german @captain-loki-xavier @teenwolfsdream @hazydespair @rosecoloredyelyah @shipitliketheussenterprise @death-gives-free-hugs @justanotherfangurlz @paigeypooo @rose4958 @tommyswolves @spideyboiiiiiiii @idkanymore-lol @space-starz @its-justmaya @fuckmerunningtomholland @shoytai @accio-chosen-one @beccababy2003 @thomaslefteyebrow @softhollandhoe @so-many-freaking-ships @triedstudent @roses-hxlland @fortheloveofdougnuts @penguinsparker @minishala @dej-okay @thestoriofmylife @maakeme-up @ofmusicandbooks @angiegami @aylone @fangirly27 @ginapeanutbutterbean @softpetcrparker @loveablesocio @kneelbitches-ftloki @cutehollands @whymarvelwhyy @spcesebstn @danieeeeeeereyy @livingincompletesilence @whovian1077 @austins-baby-girl1233 @wirth-jackshit @verypolicecollector-843ec253 @milkywayheartcupcake @simple-slytherin-artist @yikies15 @littleladdty @truthfulchange @laucontrerasv @stuck-in-wonderland @tswiftownsme @antaraxy @live-in-the-now10 @yikies15 @theholyholland @obsessed-fandoms @1life-4hope @delusionsofnostalgia @minipeach101 @shilohrudd98 @sterolinelover13 @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @lorewin @castellandiangelo @the-crime-fighting-spider @justagirlwho-believes13 @therealwatermelon @wrandi55 @hither-to-undreamt-of @emaywhyayy @magical-fandoms @stuckonswan @etudaire @magical-fandoms @emi-holland28 @unreasonablyexcited  @thumper-darling @lill-ana  @mmeyers915 @maddieisdreaming @avengersgirllorianna @natasha-hoemanoff @take-a-look-the-invisible-girl @teamfreewillatefobatthedisco @xgreenpandax @gladerofcabin4  @loveyourmockingbird @rinnysblog @thenameisdani @capamericaevans @xoxohollands @emily-antognoli @redickystuff @yagirlspiderman @canyounotkaia @xstarbae @fvck-this-shiit @drxgnel @iamanhotcheeto @jcy-jcyyy @calumhood0824 @izzy206-2001 @superimpossiblecollectordaze @x-parker-holland-x @sydsimss @sp00der-m00n @sci-fibitch @kneelbitches-ftloki @untainted-memories @obsessed-fandoms @burn-brighter-than-fire @louis-tomlinson-is-fucking-hot @brookesamford @errorloadinghappiness  @titankilling-longtermbootycall @kayaaaa @always-late-worth-the-wait @starsandjimin @drxgnel @penisparkernmj @dunbarxmendes @themollyfritz @tomsfireheart @lavavampin @spoookygirl666 @lill-ana @webslingerholland @toeholland @queenophelia @so-many-freaking-ships @a-bit-of-contained-galaxies @spookyskeletonsposts @itsjusttrash23 @rougedemigods @spiderdudeparker @soda610 @missybroox @cam-piper1998 @theactualscarletwitch @aesthetic-fan-96 @sophie-rebecca17 @angelfiregaming @aintnoladyjustgrizzly @tom-parkers-girl @queen-rcm @xxqueenofdemonsxx @playbillsss @extra-terrestrial-et @ghosthiam @i-the-fangirl @peacefulpeonies @spacedoutsher @adi-elese @wastedheartnat @spideyboiiiiiiii @theofficialhufflepuff @peterismyspideybaby @exorcismes @southsiderepresent @talk-geek-to-me @catlover092402152 @phandicktrash-1 @fnosidam @starlightfound @loser-marsh @hollandxlans @live-4-happiness @annascorpia @xxqueenofdemonsxx @litospants @phandicktrash-1 @lolpeterparker @yourwonderbelle @socially-collapsed @deleteidentity @hollandahlia @elizabethrheeder @justalittletumbleweed @wastedheartnat @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @rumoured-whispers @dej-okay @loverholland
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nyanzaya · 5 years
@if-that-so inquired · an hour ago: You talk about shizaya astrological signs before, what about zuiza???? Like i know if i dig deeper into this blog i'll found it but we need more content!!! We need you to rant more these thing that you're passionate about!!! And tbh i replied a little bit in the group chat when you about akashiki but tumblr being the stupid mofo like it always did won't let the reply sent.
For the Shizaya astrological signs, I just talked about one part of their compatibility which was just the modality which basically is your basic quality ontop of what your star sign is and never mind your moon, venus, mars, saturn, mercury, neptune uranus and pluto LOL It’s very complicated but it’s more simple than it actually is.
I’ve got some things about them though most of it is about Iza LOL
Iza’s 1 / 2 / 3 / and honestly these aspects and house placements are so important for someone to understand if they want a relationship with Iza because heck, he’ll give his everything after he trusts them and falls for them but oof lol
Then for Zuo and Iza’s charts overlaying each other and what it means: 1 / Believe me, this is all accurate for them when they were together LOL it’s almost scary accruate
so for, Iza and Zuo I’ll also just talk about their similarities and their differences of course.
Positive: Active, self-motivated, insightful, ambitious and independent. Negative: Hasty, Impulsive, Inconsiderate, Domineering, difficulty following through.
As we can see, already they have more in common than they would probably like to admit. They are both active in their own ways. Zuo is more inclined to be active physically during the day, such as being outside, playing sports or even fighting. Iza is more inclined to be active during the night, such as being active with his mind and keeping himself mentally stimulated. Even going outside every once in a while to partake in an activity, whether that means he’s “taking an interest in someone”, sunbathing and “hunting”. With them both being active this in turn means they are self-motivated. Though, they both can have trouble following through with things like promises and various other things. Both of them are more insightful that what some people would give them credit for.
Iza’s very insightful in people; he can read and understand body language so easily that he has come to rely on that resource he has to protect himself. He’s so insightful that he could probably psycho-analyze a person and he has before and whether he was right or wrong about the other person is up for debate. You would think that Zuo isn’t insightful, but he is. He had to handcraft his own weapons. He had this deep wisdom from past lives that he can tap into if he sat down and actually tried. Zuo has some insight into people as well, he can read and understand their expressions, something that Iza can’t do, and even adding onto his understanding of body language. Of course, this could make them impulsive on their judgement of people and maybe even a little inconsiderate. 
For how ambitious they are; I mean. Iza had to be ambitious if he wanted to social climb to get to where he is now. He wanted to gain power and have some control over his life and he did it. He didn’t want to be someone’s pet anymore and I guess you could say that maybe something in him did “snap” because he became so...cruel and cold and bloodthristy but this all can stem from his treatment from his second and even his third. Then we look at Zuo. He didn’t want to be a pitfighter anymore and what did he do? Cause a rebellion and got himself and several others out of that life. He took leadership and his ambition to free himself and others kind of radiated and people are attracted to a confident person. Of course, as a result of this when he finally got out he was so...hyper-aggressive and defensive. He wasn’t as bloodthristy as Iza but if he felt provoked he wouldn’t hesitate in outright killing someone but as he learned to regulate himself his aggression levels dropped (and i mean, honestly he was just scared?) I mean in a way you could say they both felt so protective of themselves that they felt they had no other way to express this but to control and become domineering over other people. Of course, they did eventually learn to not be so aggressive and it did result in them being feral because they weren’t exactly socialized. (Of course this also goes into them being half-cat. If they aren’t properly socialized they kind of tend to be a little aggressive and defensive especially if they are being provoked but that’s something for a different time LOL) 
Then comes the independence. I can’t simply explain why or how independent they are. In fact, they feel so independent that they feel like they don’t need anyone else. Of course, after they figure out “Oh, maybe I do need someone so I don’t feel so lonely.” Because fact is, both Iza and Zuo are actually kind of lonely. Maybe Zuo not so much but Iza especially. Zuo is pretty healthy when it comes to his independence he can set up his boundaries quite easily with other people and even partners. But Iza? Holy shit. He actually makes me cry because he as put himself so high up on a pedastool that he purposely keeps himself out of arm’s reach emotionally because he literally can not comprehend that it’s okay for him to feel vulnerable but his biggest issue is he has so much difficulty setting up boundaries. Iza literally, can’t say no to someone if they are approaching him with the intent to get intimate. The only people he can say no to is women and even then? If something happens and he finds himself in that kind of situation he just-- lets it happen. And he hates feeling powerless and that’s where his difficulty in following through really comes in. Iza can do just about everything but when it comes to emotions and actually being vulnerable in a healthy way he finds it extremely difficult. Like, consider yourself fucking BLESSED if he even tells you how he feels. Of course, this stems from how he was raised and such so of course he felt really helpless about what he can and can’t do in sexual situations but he’s learning. I mean, really learning to say no and say what he likes and dislikes. Like, bruh if I had Iza at 18/19 god. It would be like 100% worse because he just, gets tense and lets it happen even if he doesn’t like it because back then he really felt like he couldn’t say no. But now that he’s 27 he’s more confident in his ability to say “No.” And if that don’t work, hell you’re going to get claws or a kick to the face.
But as you can see, they both have the same positive and negative traits and with the fact that they are opposite signs (Aries/Libra) how they express those traits is almost opposite too. Their dynamic is a lot like Balance(libra) and Chaos(Aries) or Love(Libra) and War(Aries). 
Then you bring these two together. Opposite signs can either be a hit or miss/Love and hate. With Zuo and Iza it really was a hit but then Zuo saw Iza in a different light and quickly it turned to hate. I mean:
Iza’s ears twitched. Rejection was a bitter taste. “I’m doing you a favor, Dear. Isn’t the scent wonderful? It tells us that we are survivors. So, why don’t you draw some blood as well?”
A light flickered and suddenly Zuo felt a pain on his cheek. His brows furrowed. Iza flung a blade a him. The smell of iron further increased his rage. He didn’t want to return to being a brawler. Zuo was done being a gladiator for the entertainment of others and he sure as hell was not going to give into what Iza wanted. He brought a hand to his wounded cheek before he looked at his hand. Zuo saw the blood on his fingers. 
“Enough..” He spoke softly, his hand was shaking. 
Iza was quiet, watching Zuo. “Enough? Enough of what? This is the only way.”
“How is this the only way?” Zuo’s closed his blood-tipped hand, as if to show his resolve on the situation. 
The black feline paced, taking a blade out of his pocket and twirled it between his fingers. “How? Haven’t you heard of the saying: ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?’ To allow these...humans to continue to use us and further lower our quality of life and longevity would be horrendous, no? We are just as capable as they are.”
“Fuck off with your ‘we’ shit! There is no ‘we’. It’s just you against everyone else.” Zuo growled, flexing his hands before he brought them together to crack his knuckles.
Iza stopped pacing taking in Zuo’s words. No we? He understood now. Even Zuo was an enemy of his now. This feeling in his chest hurt. It hurt to feel how Zuo rejected him. They were together, though Iza supposed that was impossible. There was a sting in his eyes but he wasn’t going to let Zuo see him fall into tears. Without thinking, Iza flung his knife. He almost missed his target, but his blade had impaled itself in Zuo’s shoulder.
“Well, well. If there is no ‘we’ then there can never be an ‘us’.” 
Zuo knew Iza twisted his words. That wasn’t what he meant but if that’s what Iza saw, then all he could do now was to stop them from this senseless killing.
These were innocent people. All Zuo saw in front of him was someone who was crazed, lusting after more bloodshed. Someone who, Zuo was fond of. It hurt to see Iza turn into someone he didn’t know, or perhaps he had known who he was all along but had never seen it from a different perspective. Perhaps, Zuo had tolerated this behavior until it was too much. 
How could he save them? 
The cream-colored feline pulled the knife from his shoulder. “You threw your knife at me. So, I’ll assume you meant to hit a pressure point. That’s what you do, huh? So, that means you wanted to disable me to kill me then, huh?” 
Iza’s ears leaned back. 
Zuo brought his other hand to the other side of the blade, snapping it in half before dropping it to the floor. Another solid resolve. Zuo was going to be the one to stop Iza. He had to be. To let the black feline running wild with power? He understood now that Iza couldn’t handle the power; the rush of the high of being on top of the world. 
Zuo would bring them back to earth. Even if it meant that this was their fate: To fight and oppose each other until the end. 
Iza furrowed his brows when his blade was snapped. He would never be afraid of Zuo. The black feline thought of them as something beautiful, worth praising and keeping. Iza knew Zuo was powerful and he wanted to use that power. Was it shallow of him? Perhaps but he needed it. Iza needed Zuo.
Iza laughed out loud again, raising yet another blade. “That’s exactly what I wanted to do.” He lied. “If you look so determined to stop me, then come after me.” Iza threw his blade before he turned in his heels to dash 
Zuo’s fur stood on end again hearing Iza say that. Feeling the blade bite into his leg, he roared before he chased after him Zuo punched the wall holding his weapon, the pole that he had thrown before. 
Once that was in hand, he chased after his lost love.
You could say this is where they broke up but as you get to know more they still are deeply in love with each other? Like right after this scene, I write this:
“Ah…” His table was broken. Zuo didn’t realize he had snapped it in half. He pulled out his catnip cigarettes, craving for a wave of calm. With the stick between his lips he lit it and inhaled, closing his eyes before he finally exhaled. 
Better. Everything was okay now. 
He looked at the table he had broken. The gift was still intact surprisingly. Zuo picked up it. He may as well open it considering how much trouble it had caused him. 
The feline ripped it open and popped open the box to find a card and a ring and quickly Zuo found he could open it up and turn it into a sphere. There were inscriptions and astrology signs. He then read the card. 
[ I still believe in fate. Do you? This was meant to be, even if it’s...bitter. Happy Birthday, Zuo. ]
Maybe there was still chance. Zuo did believe in fate and past lives. If this was how they ended up, perhaps it was always how it was meant to be. They were fated to be on oppositions. If The Scales and The Ram had anything to do with how clear their oppositions where, Zuo wouldn’t know what would show it off any better than that. 
It’s clear that Iza understands that maybe this was how it was supposed to be but he hates that how it is. Zuo understands that they have their differences but they can still love each other and as much as he says he hates Iza, he honestly really cares for him. He’d say something like “I hate him. But don’t you hurt him, only I can do that.”. Zuo’s always been a little possessive over things he thinks are his after all, and this is the same for Iza. 
I mean: 
However difficult it might be to reconcile these two natures, remember that this is a primal opposition that represents partners by signification. Aries and Libra are the couple of the zodiac, as much as any other opposing signs, for they are each other’s seventh house, house of relationships. Even more so if we acknowledge the fact that Libra is the sign of relationships in general. Any problem they might have with each other is something to be worked on, because it shows what their personal problem with any relationship is. When they are madly attracted to each other and fall in love, there is almost nothing that could separate them, no matter the differences. Wouldn’t we all like to find the middle ground with our loved one? They need to work on their bond, that’s a fact, but their relationship is a promise of a perfect fit of two souls meant to be together.
You each have a distinct role, but you’re a tag team, too. With an opposite sign, you’re challenged to grow as a person and take responsibility for your part of the relationship. It’s like taking a big step back to get a clear perspective of your life. We tend to view things from a close-up, missing the whole picture by hyper-focusing on a detail or two. With an opposite sign, your life appears in full relief, like a finished painting. Suddenly, it all makes sense. This can be a little uncomfortable, but if you’ve manifested an opposite sign partnership, it means you’re ready to grow up.
Kind of makes you wonder if maybe they aren’t ready to grow up yet. Consider they both hadn’t had much of a childhood, huh?
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solastia · 6 years
If You insist
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Pairing: B.I/Hanbin x Reader 
Word Count: 3,366 (Another episode of Solastia saying these requests are going to be drabbles but then she goes overboard) 
Genre & Warnings: Basically just an excuse for iKON smut. Friends to lovers au, so there’s a bit of fluff too? 
Notes: Requested, but it was really open so I just kinda did what I wanted lol. 
“I’m so bored, entertain me!” 
You were visiting your friend Hanbin, which really meant you’d invited yourself over, plopped on the couch, stole the remote, and kept up a one-sided conversation while he wrote in his lyric notebook and occasionally grunted to act like he was listening. 
“If you’re bored, I’m sure you have plenty of stuff to do at your own place. Why don’t you try there?” The first full sentence you’d heard from him in half an hour, and he’s kicking you out. 
“Nope. I’m doing my part to keep you healthy by trying to drag you away from work. I'm a good friend. Tell me about the date last night. Did you like her? Was she nice? Jennie wouldn’t tell me anything.” 
Not that you really wanted to know. You were head over heels for Hanbin, but you knew he was way out of your league. So you kept setting him up on dates with people that you thought would be good enough for him since he never went out of his way to date on his own. Jennie Kim was perfect for him, in your opinion. Nevermind that the thought of seeing the two of them together made you want to cry. 
Hanbin sighs and finally looks up from his notebook long enough to send you an exasperated glare. 
“Remember when you thought I was scary and were too intimidated to talk to me? Let’s go back to those times. That was a fun time.” 
You pout and poke him in the thigh with your foot. “Tell me.” 
Hanbin sighs, “She was nice, whatever that means. I just wasn’t feeling it. And I’m pretty sure I dated her friend Lisa. Can you stop setting me up with your friends now? It’s really awkward, and you always set them up before you tell me so I can’t politely back out beforehand.” 
“I just want you to be happy. I haven’t seen you date once on your own since we’ve been friends, and that’s been like, what? Two years? I just think it’s a shame for you to be burying yourself in work when I know you’d probably be like, the most romantic boyfriend on the planet. I know you can be shy sometimes but...is it maybe because they are girls? You’ve never said anything, and I never wanted to pry, but I do have this cute friend Jongin. He has this adorable smile and h....”
“I’m going to stop you right there. No. Maybe I just already like someone. Leave it alone,” he snapped then went back to scribbling in his notebook.
Meanwhile, your jaw had dropped at the information he’d just dumped unwittingly. Hanbin liked someone? 
“Really? Who? If you liked someone you just had to tell me. I wouldn’t have set you up like that if I’d known. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about it,” he muttered.
“It is a big deal. If it’s someone that you like, they must be something special. I thought we were friends. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” you moan loudly and go back to poking his thigh with your foot, giggling quietly when his pencil would slip and prompt him to glare at you. 
“You’re so overdramatic. Hush. If you let me finish this bridge, I’ll order some food, and we can watch a movie or something, alright?” 
You knew you were being annoying, but you did it on purpose. Sometimes it was the only way to get him out of work mode. More often than not, you let him work in peace, as you were proud of how hardworking and talented he was, and you were usually content enough just to be in the same room as him. However, you knew he’d been working on that same page of lyrics for almost a week now, so that combined with your burning need to know who he was crushing on prompted you to be extra annoying today. And extra annoying called for extreme measures. 
You eyeballed his lyric notebook. It was an untouchable object, only handled by him and producers. He rarely even let the other members touch it. You were about to be in so much shit, but it was hopefully going to be worth it. You jump up and grab the notebook out of his hands, raising it above your head. It wouldn’t take much for him to stand up and grab it back, but you had to try. 
“Are you being serious right now? Are you five?” He growled, gawking at you in surprise and not a little irritation. 
“You wrote the same sentence three times. You’re not writing a bridge, you’re avoiding the conversation. Tell me who you like! It’s that trainee girl I saw flirting with you a couple weeks ago, right? What’s her name? Mai...something. I don’t remember, but she has huge...” 
“Y/N. The notebook. Now,” his narrowed gaze burned into you, and you couldn’t help the little shiver that came from the low voiced command. 
“Oh, feisty. You want me to give you your notebook back? Make me,” You tease with a grin, thinking he was just going to sigh and give in. You were not prepared for him to smirk right back and reach up to firmly grasp your wrist. 
“If You insist.” 
He quickly pulls you toward him, and in your surprise you go without a fight, landing across his lap. Before your brain registers the position you are in, a stinging slap against your ass echoes through the room. A moan escapes you before you can stop it and you instinctually raise your hips up for more. 
“Fuck...” Hanbin grunts, his hand not moving from your ass. Instead, his grip on your right cheek tightens, almost kneading the flesh beneath his hands. 
“I’m...I’m sorry, Hanbin. If I made you uncomfortable. Um, it’s just...” You’re not really sure how to explain to your friend that you were entirely in love with that you’d dreamed of him touching you so much that your body went into auto mode, making sounds that just a friend shouldn’t be hearing. You also didn’t know how to explain to yourself why his hand wasn’t moving. 
You glance over your shoulder and find Hanbin staring at his hand on your ass in awe. He glances over and notices you watching, quirking an eyebrow before taking his hand off. You think that’s the end of it and begin trying to scoot off of him, only for him to bring his hand down with even more force on your left cheek. You whimper and buck into the hand, feeling yourself growing damp. You had to get off of him fast before he noticed. The shorts you were wearing wouldn’t hide the evidence. 
“All this time, this is all I had to do? Were you a brat on purpose so I’d do this? Here I was trying to figure out how to get you, trying to plan out romantic ideas like taking you to the tower or writing you a song, and all I had to do was spank you like a little brat to get you writhing under my hands.” Hanbin murmured as he traced his fingers down to caress your upper thighs and right under the hem of your shorts. 
“Get me? Hanbin, I don’t understand,” your mind was becoming fuzzy as you grew overwhelmed, your body soaking in his touch like it was starved. 
He leaned over to whisper in your ear. “I’ll make you understand if you’ll let me. Can I show you? Can I touch you more?” 
Can he? Of fucking course. “Please.” You didn’t understand this turn of events, but if he was willing to give you a taste of what you’d craved for so long, you wouldn’t turn him down. 
“I knew you’d be a good girl. Fuck, look at you. Already dripping and making a mess in your cute little shorts. You know, I’ve always hated when you wore these. You’d bend over and do all sorts of stupid shit, and I could see practically everything. I don’t know if you thought I was a fucking monk or what,” he grumbles as he hooks a finger into your shorts and pulls both the shorts and your undies taut, and it takes you a moment to realize he’s grabbed scissors and is cutting dangerously close to your lady parts. 
“What are you doing?” You huff and squirm, trying to distance yourself from the sharp blades. 
Hanbin smacks your ass lightly. “Hold still, I don’t want to hurt you. I’ll buy you new ones, but I don’t have the patience to wait to get to you right now. I need to fucking see you.” 
You were flattered, but as the realization of the situation you were in began to register, your cheeks were flaming. Your “friend” Hanbin was desperately cutting your clothes just to get to your pussy. That was absolutely drenched from just a few smacks of his hand and some complimentary words. You heard a clatter as he threw the scissors on the coffee table then felt a flutter of air as he pulled the fabric away from you, exposing your core. 
Hanbin hissed and propped your hips up higher, trailing a finger through your folds. 
“You are perfect. So pretty, so wet. Are you this wet for me?” He whispered softly as he teased you. You tried to move your hips around to hint where you wanted his fingers to be but uses one of his hands to hold you down. 
“Answer me, Y/N. Who are you this wet for?” 
You whine, anxious for him to just get to it already and embarrassed to reveal how into him you are. Ridiculous considering your current position.
“You. It’s because of you.” You finally whisper, glad that you are laying in a way that your hair is concealing your face, so he can’t see how red you’re getting. 
“Because you like me too?” Hanbin asked in a low voice, and you thought he sounded slightly unsure. 
Too? You got that he liked you enough to apparently want sex, but you weren’t sure what he wanted to hear. How could he be unsure of your feelings though, when he was literally looking at the evidence dripping onto his lap? 
“Tell me the truth, or I’ll stop. Do you like me beyond what I’m doing right now? If I ask you to date me after this, will you say yes?” 
You gasp, surprised by him. Date him? As in this wasn’t a spur of the moment one-time thing? Please don’t let this be a dream. 
“I...yes. Okay, I will. Please don’t stop.” 
Your desperate plea seemed to do the trick because he went back to moving his finger, teasing you but not entering. He hummed in amusement as you whimpered and tried to buck into his touch. 
“I don’t know if I believe you. I think you just want me to finger your sopping cunt so bad you’ll say anything. Tell me how you really feel,” he ordered with a deep teasing tone. You had a feeling he was just playing with you now, but you were so desperate you’d play his game if it meant he’d give you more. 
“Goddammit. I fucking love you, okay? I’ve always loved you, and I sit around like a pathetic person pining after you,” you snap, the both of you falling silent when you realized you said love instead of like. 
After a few seconds of you wondering if he was going to tell you to get off, he finally chuckled softly. “That’s a lot of ‘P’ words.” 
“You know what else is a ‘P’ word? Pussy. And I’d really like you to either get your fingers in it or fuck off.” 
“If you insist.” 
And with that, two fingers went right inside of you with ease. You inhale sharply at the sudden intrusion and grab onto the side of the couch as he pumps his fingers into you vigorously. 
"Look at you, taking my fingers in so easily,” he drawls, speaking so low you can barely hear him over the sound of your leaking pussy. 
He changes the angle of his fingers so he can go even faster and you can’t even describe the sound that comes out of you. Something between a growl and a purr. 
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make,” Hanbin groans and leans over to kiss your exposed shoulder. 
Your body begins to shudder as you feel yourself getting close to finishing, and he must have felt it too because he quickly pulls his fingers out of you with an embarrassingly wet pop. You whine out of frustration, and he merely huffs a laugh and pulls you up into a sitting position, right on top of his very prominent bulge. 
“Sit up here. Will you kiss me?” Hanbin asks as he stares at your lips, giving you a sweet smile when you shyly nod. 
You slowly lean towards him, memorizing the look of absolute want on his face. Want directed towards you. You kiss him softly at first, testing and enjoying the softness of his lips. He is kissing you back but apparently letting you lead. You groan and deepen the kiss, licking across his bottom lip. He tightens his hands on your hips and slowly rocks you across his bulge, and you’re sure that you’re making a mess all over his jeans. 
“More,” you whisper breathlessly against his lips. 
“More? The things that I want to do to you, baby. I’ll save all that for later, though. Right now I need to be inside of you. Can I...is that okay?” 
“If you stop right now I will kill you,” you growl and grind hard onto the hard bulge underneath you. 
Hanbin hisses and bucks slightly. “I don’t have any co...”
“On the pill and I’m clean.” 
“Fuck, I’ve never gone raw before. Okay, shit you’re perfect.” 
He slides you off of him and chuckles at your confused pouting. He turns you around and positions you so you’re bent over the couch, and you hear the slide of his zipper. 
“Grab onto the back of the couch and hold tight. I’ll go all slow and romantic another time. This time, I’m just going to fuck your pretty little pussy until you’re screaming.” 
Jesus. If you’d known Hanbin could be like this, your period of pining would have been a lot shorter. 
You stand awkwardly for a few moments before you glance behind you and find him just ogling your exposed core. While your lady bits didn’t seem to mind the attention, you wanted him in you already. 
“Hanbin, please.” 
He jerks up to look at you with a sheepish grin and finishes pulling his jeans down to his ankles while you watch. He was pretty all over it seemed, and he tugged on his hard, leaking cock as he positioned himself behind you. 
“Do you know how often I’ve thought about you like this, begging me to fuck you sounding exactly like that? So much that I’m still not 100% sure I’m not dreaming right now.” 
“Me too. I’ve...wanted you for a long time too.” 
You blush and nod shyly, which prompts him to reach over and peck you quickly on the lips before he gets back into position. 
He rubs the tip of his cock around your entrance to make it nice and wet then slowly slides inside. You hiss at the stretch but revel in the feeling. Because holy shit, Hanbin’s penis is inside of you. 
“There we go. God, you feel amazing.” Hanbin groans as he bottoms out, stroking your lower back and buttocks as he stands still behind you. You can feel him pulsing inside of you, and you just wanted him to move. 
“I thought you said you were going to fuck me?” You mock teasingly, throwing a smirk over your shoulder. 
Hanbin narrows his eyes. “Even now, still a brat.” Glaring at you like he’s daring you to look away, he pulls out until just the tip is left and slams right back inside. You exhale heavily as you’re practically pounded into the couch and dig your fingers into the fabric as you realize he’s not stopping. 
Hanbin thrusts fast and hard, over and over, until the room becomes a symphony of grunts and moans, skin slapping against skin, and the ever-increasing wetness between your legs. 
“You feel so good. Please, so close,” you beg as you feel yourself drawing nearer to the edge. You just needed a little push. 
Hanbin grunts and reaches his hand around and rubs his fingers around your clit hard. “Cum for me, sweetheart,” he groans with a heavy breath. 
After a few moments, your body tightens, and you groan his name as you cum, your pussy tightening and fluttering around his cock enough that he follows with a loud grunt, pumping three times as he fills you up. He pulls out, jerking to release some on top of your pussy before plunging back inside. He grasps your hips and positions the both of you so that he’s sitting on the couch with you on top of him, the both of you breathing heavily but very content. 
He pulls you back so that you’re leaning against his shoulder and he kisses the side of your neck. You’re amazed that you can still feel him twitching inside of you. 
“Comfy?” You ask with a teasing laugh. 
He grins shyly and shrugs. “Being inside of you is amazing, and I have a feeling it’s going to take awhile before I go fully soft. Lil Bin likes it in there too much.” 
“Did you really just call it ‘Lil Bin’? 
“He’s a gangsta.” 
“I take it all back. Get out of me.” 
Hanbin wraps his arms around you and crushes you to his chest. 
“Never. I want to live the rest of my life just like this, cuddling with you with my cock buried deep inside of you.” 
“How did you manage to make that sound romantic?” You scoff. 
“I write songs for a living.” 
The two of you chuckle softly and fall into a contented silence as Hanbin sways you slightly back and forth, humming into the side of your neck. Finally, he clears his throat. 
“I meant all the other stuff, too, by the way. I really do want to actually date you. I’ve liked you for a long time. Will you go out with me tomorrow? Like, the whole deal with dinner and ice cream, embarrassing couple shirts, and a stroll around the river or something?” 
“I’d love to. You do realize you’re going to have to let me up sometime so we can do that?” 
“Mmm, I’m not done with you yet though. I have two years of fantasies to work on right now.” Hanbin nips the side of your neck and grips onto your thighs. You sigh happily and lean into his touch. 
And as you feel him swell inside of you, you realize you’re in for a very long night. 
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xxwinterchillxx · 6 years
Halloween Dance and Some Unfortunate Events
Levi is willing to go all the way to get Eren to go with him to the Halloween Dance. But things get complicated since Levi cannot show any sign of intelligence around the German hottie. However, he isn’t taking no for an answer.
Rating - Teen and Up Audiences
Categories - M/M
Relationships - Levi/Eren, background relationships, Moblit/Hanji, Armin/Erwin, Krista|Historia/Ymir
Chapters - 3/?
Read below cut or read on AO3
Chapter 3 : You free tonight?
Last week was kind of a mess. Krista believed us and didn’t stir up any more trouble. Anyway, I think the incident kind of broke her spirit for now cause apparently, she doesn’t feel like going to the dance anymore. But there was a lot of unnecessary drama and shit. So, I’m really looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
The guilt will eventually creep in but for now, I’m just really glad that there’s one less competition.
6 days left till the dance.
I’m not even sure that I’ll be going to this thing though, honestly. It’s very complicated. I mean, I want to go but only with Eren. And I’m not fucking confessing to my crush.  God, it’s so embarrassing just thinking about it. And I go all gooey once I see him. Assuming that I ask him out, what if I go gooey while we’re dancing? Oh shit, I just realised. I can’t even fucking dance.
This is just too much. I’m just gonna go and take a nap.
 Tring~ Tring~
“Huh? Wa-?” I shot up, my mind hazed and clouded. I felt like a dehydrated zombie, which is why you should never take afternoon naps. “Mom! Someone’s calling!” I managed to shout, despite my sore throat.
Tring~ Tring~
A muffled voice came from the next room, “Pick it up for me, will you, hon? Mommy’s in the shower.”
I stumbled out of my bed and literally rolled down the stairs when I tripped on the blanket I wrapped myself with.
“Ouch!” I winced when my head banged against the floor on the last step.
I could distinctly hear mom saying, “Are you okay, Levi?” Yeah, sure.
I picked up the phone and rubbed my eyes, mumbling sheepishly, “Ah…hello… thi- this’… Levi.”  
I could hear some sort of muffled voices on the other end and someone whisper-shouting, “Quiet! Quiet! Shhh!”
Honestly, I’m too tired to deal with Isabel and her bullshit. So, I was about to put it back on the holder before-
“Uh!...-uhm h-hey Levi, It’s Eren.”
I could hear someone on his side mimicking him, “IT’S EREN!!” And then sounds of hitting each other.
“Oh Isabel, fuck you.”
“No no, it is me! Eren!! We sit together in some of the classes, remember?” the person on the other end quipped.
I looked at the caller ID. And my eyes literally went from half dead to shot alive. I could literally feel my stomach drop-     ‘Jaeger’
“Levi? Are you still there?”
In response, I giggled out, “Uh-huh, nyyesss~?” Oh my fucking god, I giggled. I giggled. What’s wrong with mmeeee????
“Oh, uh. I’m having a party tonight-”
“Dumbass, it’s tomorrow,” someone whispered.
“Ah right, fudge. I’m… having a party on Sturdy- Saturday night. And it’s kind of like a costume party, no biggie. Soo it’s gonna be super cool and I want you there…”
I think he said some more stuff about whether I could come or some shit, but my useless brain just stopped at ‘I want you’.
“What did one beach say to the other? Shore.” I made a gun-click sound with my tongue.
I didn’t wait for his response as I literally smashed the phone into the wall, face fuming. Why am I like this? Why am I like this? Oh god, why the fu-
Mom came down the stairs, “Honey? Why is your face all red? And why are you curled up in the middle of the living room?”
I looked at her distastefully. She probably doesn’t even know I’m gay. Huh, I don’t even know if I’m gay. I dated this girl, Annie for 8 months, which is pretty long for a high-schooler. But it kind of just faded away. We haven’t talked in like forever. Huh, we haven’t even broken up. Eh but I guess it’s kinda implied?
Well, whatever. I yanked out my iPhone from the charger and sped up to my room, making sure to close the door.
“Hanji, you’re not gonna believe this!” I chattered out happily, plopping down on the bed and squishing my pillow.
“No no, wait, don’t tell me. Lemme guess.” I could hear her shuffling through something and then a thud sound.
“What are you even doing?”
Not bothering to answer my question, she asked, “Is it Moblit?” I mentally head banged myself.
Moblit. Moblit. It’s always Moblit with her. What’s up with that? Don’t get me wrong, I love that my friend’s in a relationship but please for the love of God, stop. Even I don’t talk that much about Ere- wait, nevermind.
“No, it’s about Eren.”
She hummed, “Did he refuse?”
“What? The fuck, no, Hanji, he didn’t refuse-”
“Gee, alright, don’t get so worked up.”
It’s so hard to not yell at her sometimes.
Taking a large patient breath, I said, “He asked me to come to his costume party tomorrow night. At his house!”
“Whoa, holy shit. Hold up, Levi. I’m coming over.”
And that’s how we ended up in my room. She brought along Petra and Erwin and much to my horror, she brought Armin along. We were actually supposed to discuss my costume but having that blonde brat there made it so damn suffocating, especially since he is Eren’s best friend.
Dragging Hanji into a room, I hissed, “Why did you bring that moron?!”
Hanji viciously hissed back, “What was I supposed to do, huh, Levi? Erwin was making out with him when I climbed to his window.”
Swallowing back my vomit, I gagged, “Ew, don’t tell me that.”
We were spitting out hurtful insults at each other (you know, just like friends do) when Armin came up to us, smiling sweetly, “Can I get refill on the tea? It tastes amazing.”
Hanji and I looked at him for like a full minute before I moved, “Yeah, sure.” He isn’t a bad kid really but now, whenever I look at him, I see a very disturbing mental image of Erwin giving it to him hard. Gag. I led him into the kitchen and poured out another cup of tea. Armin sat on one of the chairs near the kitchen island.
“Eren expects you at the party, you know.” Slip. Crash.
“Jesus! Shit- W-what did you say?” I tried to play it cool as I mopped up the spilled boiling tea carefully.
“He doesn’t invite a lot of people. Well, not directly.”
I hummed positively in response as I handed him his tea. A million thoughts were processing through my head and every one of them had Armin as my very supportive wingman. After all, he is Eren’s best friend. I wanted to ask him so many things. I just couldn’t figure out how to bring it up. I wanted to ask mainly about stuff like ‘What does Eren say about me?’ ‘Have you, by chance, seen his-’
“So, what are you wearing?”
A bulb went off in my head and I almost wanted to French make out with Armin, “Oh, I don’t know…um… what.. what does he like?”
Armin scratched his head, not suspecting even a tiny thing, “He likes lots of things. Mainly stuff like superheroes, cars, transformers…” He laughed out lightly, “You know, everything a 10-year old would like, haha.”
I pretended to smile and pressured him more, “Any idea what he’s wearing?”
“A cop, I heard. He thinks it’s cool, protecting stuff.”  
I smiled. Handcuffs. Dear god, I’m so fucking gay.
“He likes cute things though. You know, small, tiny and cute?” He made a gesture with his hand as if to signal I’m short.
I cocked an eyebrow and growled, “What? You calling me tiny?”
I could see Armin was starting to panic when Erwin came in, “God, you two were in here so long. What were you talking about?”
I hopped down from the counter and headed up to my room, whispering bitterly into Erwin’s ear as I passed by, “Your tiny dick.”
 I sat on my sofa, swimming through dozens of my old Halloween costumes. Most of them were really crappy, to be honest. A coat and a cap (Sherlock Holmes), something greenish (Elves or Peter Pan, I don’t care) and some others. I mean, I like Halloween for the scary movies, not for candy. As a kid, I never liked going trick-or-treating that much. I liked to stay home and mooch off the candies we keep at home. Much to mom’s annoyance.
Hanji came out from my closet wearing a frown, “Don’t you have anything else?”
I looked up from an old magazine, “No.”
“Jeez, you’re fun.”
When I made no reply, Hanji walked over and plopped down next to me on the floor, “Then we’ve to buy something.”
Ignoring me, she continued, “Something petite and cute… cute and tiny… hmm”
I listened to her humming for a split second before flipping another page of the magazine. There was a whole page advertisement for a pet shop or something. Flipping to the next page, I sighed, “I wish I could get a rabbit.”
“Say what?”
I grunted nonchalantly in response. Hanji ripped out the book from my hands earning a distraught ‘hey!’ from me.
“This is it!!”
“I was reading that, you know.”
“A bunny!! It’s cute and tiny, with its little nose and you’re so cute and ti-”
I cut her off, “Bunny costumes scream – hey, what’s up? Let’s fuck.”
Hanji winked at me, “For Eren?”
My face steamed to bright red before I screeched, “Shut up!”
And that’s how I ended up ordering a bunny costume from Hanji’s (shady) ‘guy’ or so she calls. Hanji promised me that it wasn’t one of those revealing sexy types. She said it bent more towards the ‘cute’ side, with ears and a fluffy tail.
I don’t know about the ears but I’m cutting off the tail once that thing gets here. I don’t need people wondering if a cloud was attached to my ass all night long. According to what Hanji said, Armin told Hanji that Eren likes people who acts cute in general. So currently, I am revising the habits of the ‘school cutie’ Krista. She sort of bounces her head around, smiles and makes a lot of weird noises. Not creepy ones like I do, but noises like ah’s and oh’s.
I tried practicing my smile. Tried.
The rest of the afternoon, I tried out different looks with myself. The only thing it did was to remind me why I should stick to my style. Then I talked with myself in front of the mirror, you know, for conversational purposes. It was actually really beneficial cause I found out that if I laugh too freely, my eyebrows raise up weirdly and I make noises like a pig. I also found out my eyes look cooler when I apply some eyeliner. At the end, I had everything planed out – how I’ll smile, what to talk about, how to approach Eren and pull off the ‘cute’ rabbit look like a boss.
Hell yeah, I’m the boss.
That night, I lathered my face with some herbal fluid mom made. She said my face will glow like a princess in the morning if I keep it on overnight. Ha, I’m a princess.  
I kind of looked like Shrek at the moment though so I Facetimed Hanji. As soon as she picked up, I yelled at the top of my voice, “GET OUT OF MY SWAMP!”
Hanji laughed tensely in return. I looked at the screen for a moment before retorting, “What? Don’t you get it? I have a green face.”
On the other screen, Hanji scratched her head nervously and croaked, “I get it! … hehe… Levi you’ll find this funny…. But umm…”
I stopped goofing around. Taking in a deep breath, I glared at the screen and prepared myself.
“You know that sexy cute bunny costume we ordered?”
“Yeah, the one I paid for. What about it?”
“Well, it came at 6 in the evening today and…”
“That’s great. I’ll pick it up in the morning.”
“Well, it’s not exactly sexy…or high school…ish.”
“What do you mean ‘not high scho-’ Oh my god.”
All the strength left my knees as I gazed upon the monstrosity that Hanji was holding up. I must not have done a great job at hiding my shock because Hanji started looking all worried and she tried to console me, “At least it’s cute. Right? Right?”
She was holding up a motherfucking bright pink rabbit jumpsuit. No, Hanji. It’s not cute.
 Hanji and I spent all morning trying to fix the costume. The measurements were too big and I looked like I was wearing an oversized onesie pyjama that I occasionally use as a sleeping bed. In other words, it looked absolutely horrifying.  
I bleached the whole suit and put it in the washer for like, 6 hours. Fortunately, the shocking bright pink colour faded to a soft whitish-pink hue which looked less in-your-face. Mom took care of the rest. But the costume proportions were so wrong she practically sewed the whole thing over.
However, I still had a onesie by the end of the day.
Distraught, I looked at the mirror in vain. My hands felt around the costume and I felt my heart sinking. One of the rabbit ears flopped over to the side while the other stayed upright. The hood fell to my shoulders and the fluffy cloth hung around my tiny frame.
Hanji quipped from the other room, “You look cute, okay? So, stop worrying.”
The party was in an hour. I sighed heavily, my hands patting the giant rabbit ears. I look like a freak. Only my whiskers were on point, drawn on by Hanji.
“Oh, and I’ve been meaning to ask you this since morning.”
I turned away from the mirror and looked at Hanji, “What?”
“Why is your face so damn smooth?”
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waywardsuns · 7 years
“I’m fine, it’s not my blood.”
I was sent this request a little bit ago. I decided to write it how the anon asked, because I was feeling particularly inspired at the moment. It’s also much longer than I first expected. Anon, I hope you see this. 
Word count: 1.4K
Warnings: sexual harassment, mention of panic attack
Tagged: @daddysassquash (single man tear) 
A/N: First of all, I’d like to thank you for asking about my comfort level in writing something like this. As a person who has experienced an instance of frightening sexual harassment, a lot of people might not be okay with writing something like this. I however am because I’m angry, and I’d love for more people to be aware of this disgusting thing that some people think is okay to do. I did change this to instead of her walking to the bunker, she was walking to a motel where they were on a case.
Being a Winchester made you very aware of your surroundings. You heard every little noise, saw every flash of something in a dark corner. This also meant that when walking home alone one night, you most definitely noticed someone following you.
You were only a few minutes away from the motel when you first noticed the looming presence behind you. You glanced over your shoulder a few times but didn’t seem to notice anyone around and brushed off the uncomfortableness. The motel was only a few more blocks and you were most likely just freaked out because you guys always stayed in dark, not-so-safe parts of the neighborhood.
You heard an empty can rattle across the sidewalk behind you as if someone had kicked it and when you turned your head once more you saw a glimpse of something dipping into a side street; out of your view. You pulled the switchblade you carried out of your pocket and held it in your hand and hoped that it was nothing.
It wasn’t nothing. You heard them again following you; now they were making their presence known. They knew you saw them so they had no reason to duck into alleys and dark places anymore. And they were closer - fifty feet behind you - but that was already too close. You thought of them possibly being demons or some other thing that goes bump in the night but quickly dismissed that idea. There was no one around, a monster would have already attacked. They were human.
“One more block.” You whispered quietly to yourself.
“Hey pretty thing.” You whipped your head around to one of the gross, middle aged men crooning ‘pretty thing’ at you. And they were not more than seven feet from you.
Your brain wasn’t working but apparently your mouth still was.
“Get the fuck away from me.”
Your brain started back up as if it was a computer that froze. One had greasy brown hair, covered by a red truckers hat. He was thin, but tall. He’d still be the easiest to take out first. The other one was blond and bigger, not fat - built. He’d be a challenge.
‘You’ve take out things way tougher than some douchebags; you’re fine, Y/N.’ You thought to yourself.
“This one’s got a mouth on ‘er.” The bigger one spoke. A thick southern accent cut through the evening and chills went down your spine.
It was still dark, a few street lights were illuminating the night but they had picked the darkest around place to confront you, most definitely on purpose. There was a gravel parking lot to your left. If they grabbed you and they had a car waiting back there….
“Seriously; probably don’t want to mess with me.” Your voice was steadier than you felt. The blood was rushing so quickly to your brain you thought you would pass out.
They smirked and looked at each other. You flipped the switch blade out and held it next to you so they could see it.
The moment was in slow motion. It was as if you were fighting a monster with your brothers, except this time if you got into trouble, they were nowhere around to help you.
The thinner one lunged for you first. Big mistake. You swiped at him with the blade and cut his chest. A line of blood appeared on the stained white t-shirt, and he clutched at it like he’d been shot. Had it been a less scary moment you might have chuckled.
But the big blond guy had grabbed you from behind. You screamed and stabbed wildly behind you, eventually catching something. He groaned and let go. You grabbed at the knife, which was lodged hilt deep in his thigh and yanked it out and ran.
Their blood was all over your hands, dripping down your arms, but you just ran. You had even dropped the library book you had gotten for research (which was the whole reason why you were out in the first place) and the piece of apple pie you had stopped to get for Dean. You realized that’s probably where they had spotted you. You had just been prey to them.
It took a minute for you to reach the motel sprinting and thirty more seconds for you to get to your red motel door, shove it open and slam it behind you. Sam and Dean physically jumped when you rushed in. You turned around and put the chain on the door for good measure when you noticed just how bloody your hands were. They trembled as you stared at them and turned around. Sam took in your wild eyes and then your shaking hands; the switchblade clattered to the ground.
“What the fuck happened?”
You stepped over the blade and rushed to the bathroom. You yanked the hot water faucet handle so hard it nearly came off in your hand. You scrubbed your hands with the bar of soap so vigorously that you were sure it would take off a few layers of skin.
The blood was barely coming off, some of it had already dried. The water was still red when you looked up at yourself in the mirror. Your pupils were dilated and your bottom lip was quivering. You looked behind you at your brothers who now looked extremely concerned. Dean pushed past his younger brother and stood next to you in the tiny bathroom.
The water was pink now.
“Y/N, what the hell happened? Why are you bleeding?”
“Th- They just fucking tried to mess with me.” You stuttered out. You had that choking feeling in your throat and you willed yourself not to cry.
“What tried to mess with you?” Sam asked. He seemed a little confused. You’d been a hunter for a while now, you’ve killed a lot of things. Why was this any different?
“No, no.” You shook your head fast. “Who, Sam. Who. They were people. They like, followed me all the way back here. I don’t know, but oh my god,” You turned around and looked Sam directly in the eyes. You let the stained bar of soap slip out of your hands into the sink. “I fucking stabbed one of them.”
“What?!” Dean exclaimed.
“It’s not my blood.” You wandered out back into the room and grabbed the knife on the floor, it was still bloody so you picked it up by the end with two fingers.
“I stabbed one of them. What if they try to come after me?” You sank into a chair.
“Nobody’s coming for you with us here.” Dean promised
Sam sat across from you. “Start from the beginning.” His hand rested on your knee and most of the time it would feel comforting, but now it just felt suffocating.
“I don’t know, I think they saw me at the diner. I stopped there after the library to get you a piece of pie, just ‘cause.” You told Dean.
He kind of smirked at Sam and Sam rolled his eyes.
You turned around and looked at the door. “Oh man, and I dropped it when he grabbed me..”
“Wait, he touched you?” Sam asked.
You blinked, “Yeah and I dropped-”
“I’m going fucking rip his lungs out!” Dean growled.
You just stared at your brother as he paced angrily. He went over to his pillow and pulled the gun out from under it. He took out the clip and slammed it back inside.
“Dean, you’re never going to find him again.” Sam started.
“Sam, I’m going out there and I am going to knock down every single goddamn door in this town until I find them. You can come with or not.”
You covered your face with your hands and tried to control your breathing. For some reason your heart was pounding. “Stop,”
Dean froze where he stood. He looked around his taller brother to you. He tucked the gun into the waistband of his jeans.
“He touched you, Y/N. He deserved a lot worse than being stabbed with a little knife.”
“I just don’t want to talk about it anymore or I’m literally going to have a panic attack.” That choking feeling returned and now made its way to your chest. You stood up.
“I don’t want to think about it. I’m just glad it was me and not someone else, because I was able to defend myself.” A little tear slipped down your cheek.
Dean pulled you in for a tight hug. “Me too, kid.”
Once again, I love using italics. Hope you enjoy!!
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geeisafleabag · 7 years
My Full Review Of “It (2017)”
So yesterday I got to see the high anticipated movie IT staring one of my favorite actors, Bill Skarsgard. Before I go any further, let me explain to you guys that I was a fan of this story line (and watched the original and read half of the book -- don't judge me it was over a thousand fucking pages) so my opinion is based just as much on the lore as it is on the performances of all actors. I'm gonna put the rest of this under a read more because I'll be mentioning things that are a HUGE spoiler warning for people who haven't seen it and I am not gonna be that person, okay?
So the movie basically starts with the set up of Bill (the character) making a boat for his brother, Georgie. I think we all know by now what happens to the poor kid in the rain coat as the scene with Pennywise and Georgie was released -- though not in full, but i'll explain this statement later. Of course, you can't just sail a paper boat in water, so Georgie must go down to the basement to get some wax for Bill to pain the boat with to protect it. So there's this whole creepy scene of the deep dark basement, which basically is like showing the bad that's bound to happen, but it doesn't happen here, folks. Georgie gets his wax and runs back up the stairs.
Okay cool. I'm feeling a little sentimental. I have a little brother of my own. I can relate. So he finishes the boat and Georgie goes out to play in the rain. This is where shit gets real, okay? The audience laughs at the poor kid hitting his head on the sign, but that laughter fades out when we all see Pennywise on the big screen for the first time. And oh my god he's beautiful.
The changing of his eye color to lure him in is the most painful part. I found it ironic though that he taunted him for a statement he said "Bill is gonna kill me". I couldn't help but chuckle because...in an ironic sense...Bill...did kil him...but Bill as in Skarsgard. Da dum tss.. okay I'm not funny. Anyways, so Pennywise is being all funny. POP POP POP and giggling with this little boy and then he just...stops. Like he even growls a little bit and I'm sat here like...I am both horrified and...aroused...because I have a problem okay.
So he's like don't you want your boat back? And this dumb ass fucker reaches for it. He should have known that when that fucker pulled it back that he was playing some games. I would have retrieved my arm right then and there and ran my bitch ass home, but not Georgie. So of course, with his whole live arm inside of the damn drain, rows of teeth come out of this damn clown's mouth and he literally bites his whole fucking arm off!
Let me put an aside that I've watched all seasons of American Horror Story. Roanoke was one of the most gorey and I pushed through that without shedding a tear. So how come this boy gets his arm bit the fuck off and I start crying? Like he starts screaming and he tries to get away finally but falls over. So there's blood in this damn rain and this fucker reaches his whole live hand out of the sewer and pulls this boy into the damn sewer.
So here's me, crying like hell because of that poor boy. But I was not ready for the shit storm that was about to happen. So we meet the Losers Club. Bill is the boy with the stutter and he's got this obsession trying to find Georgie. For whatever reason, he still thinks the boy is alive and anyone who says otherwise will get a very angry stuttering boy at them. I can relate to this. I can imagine losing my brother and being angry. Accepting death isn't something a child can so easily accept.
So anyways, we've got the asshole bullies who I hate with a passion. Though I see the long haired one (hell i suck at names) with dark hair and I instantly say to myself...that's Teen Kylo Ren right there. Angst seeps through his pores. Anyways, but yeah we meet Eddie who is the funniest little shit you'll ever meet. He's the smallest but has the smartest mouth and an overbearing mother. Then Richie who always has something to say. Basically this whole movie is full of smart ass kids who curse a lot.
I felt bad mostly though for Beverly and Mike, as they were the two I related the heaviest to. Bev for her walk into womanhood and Mike for the blatant racism he had to face. I'm not gonna sum up the whole movie because that would take forever, but honestly, these kids did amazing and I was literally so emotionally invested in these kids.
I'll admit though that the whole movie I wanted Ben x Bev and got Bill x Bev instead and I was hella toasty about it. Ben is a babe who deserves the absolute world. I recited the poem with him when he wrote it on a post card. Your hair is winter fire. January Embers. My heart burns there too. UGH SO GOOD!
Anyways!! So Besides that, I was constantly cringing at Bev's nasty father and I wanted to punch every boy for sexualizing her. Home girl barely had any tits leave her the fuck alone.
But it was so great to see the group come together and more importantly realize that they couldn't fight this thing one on one. The importance of their friendship is what kept them from falling into the hands of the clown. Bev was kind of the glue that kept them together and though there was an attempt to break the losers club apart, Pennywise taking her is what brought them back together.
These boys were playing no games. But of course, this led them into that creepy ass house and led to another scene that literally made me cry. I don't know what it is about Georgie, but he's the reason for all of my pain. He appears to Bill a few times. The "You'll float too" scene was the literal worst (in a good way). Which ends up happening in the basement btw there's that thing i mentioned early. My writing is so messy, because my thoughts are everywhere. But yeah so they go down the well and they're in the sewers and pennywise is purposely trying to split them up.
He almost get's Stanley and like sucks his fucking face or some shit but the crew comes in and saves the day. So Bill gets lured off by Georgie. He finds Bev and this fucker is like...I'll come back for you. aka the main reason he didn't deserve jack shit from her. Like I get it, you thought you saw your lost brother but he's dead, man. Help the living first??
But this whole horrible scene happens where Georgie is like...he let me have my boat back...and then this fucker...starts crying...PLEASE TAKE ME HOME! and by this point the tears are streaming and Bill...fucking takings the gun that Mike brought that like...kills sheep or whatever and is like "You're not Georgie" and shoots that fucker in the head and he drops like a fucking dead body like my heart stopped.
So I'm thinking maybe this fucker survived and now he's dead because of his dumb ass brother so I am crying so hard ok and then this fucker starts fucking vibrating. This shit ends up looking like something out of a dr seuss movie or some shit because he changes into the clown and I'm like oh thank god. (also flash back to Pennywise fucking dancing for Bev because that was fucking hilarious) but basically this fucker is like lets go so they all fight him okay. And he's switching back and forth to all the shit that scares them. But you can't scare them all at once asshole and some of them just make them angry.
So he's getting a beat down but he fucking gets Bill and says...leave...I'll eat Bill and yall can go grow old and these fuckers are like we can't and he gets that ass beat again and none of them are scared of him so he turns into nothingness or whatever. So then it turns into them making a blood promise to come back and Bev and Bill have their moment and i'm just like bitch really??? so the lights come on and i am literally shaking.
The movie is two hours and it felt so short, but I've drunk all of my damn drink and I have to pee, but I AM SHAKING!!!
Basically, this is what I've gotta say. My emotions were played with in the best of ways. Bill Skarsgard and all of the kids did so fucking amazing and I just want to thank Andy so much for directing such a wonderful movie and keeping that nasty gang bang scene out because Bev deserves better!
I'd give it 9 out of 10. I don't know if I didn't find it truly scary because I was like mmf that's my dad in all that make up or what, but that's really the only reason it's not a solid 10.
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lupy22 · 7 years
In The Flesh 4
Pairing: Casifer x Reader
Summary: Reader flees and attempts to hide from the Devil that is still in disguise of Castiel but there is no hiding from the Devil. Especially when they Winchester’s believe him to be their best friend and trusty Angel.
Word Count: 3,943
Warnings: Language, oral (reader receiving), Casifer teasing the Reader, Possessive!Casifer, gonna put trigger as a warning just in case because Casifer ends up “burning off a tattooed sigil on the Reader” so please don’t read if it will upset you!
A/N: you will notice something strange in this chapter but know that it is meant to be that way and it is not at all random. You will find out more about it in the next chapter.
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It almost scared you how much you slept. Maybe it was because you felt you had no other option or it was just that the bed was so damn comfy. Either way your comfort and your situation didn’t stop you from jumping into almost a damn full on panic attack. Your heart beat was echoing in your eardrums and you knew something was coming. There was a strange tingle in the back of your mind and your vision flashed. You closed your eyes and then you saw it.
Something that could go against Amara. A hand of God. You weren’t sure if it was even real but you had to give it a chance. The only question was how did you get the valuable information to your friends? How did you escape without Lucifer finding you. Before you would have wanted to give the information to him but you saw Lucifer for the snake he really was. He went back on your deal by kidnapping you so you were going to do the same by running away.
A sign flashed in your vision and you knew what it was. A sigil. Lucifer still was technically an angel so a sigil would help keep you under his radar. Now all you had to do was find your way out of the house to escape, get the sigil, contact  the Winchesters and presto! All would be good.
You forced yourself to get out of the bed and immediately went to the window. You  didn’t see any demons outside. Maybe it would be better to just climb out your window and run. But then again you wouldn’t want to break a leg or something. You frowned at the idea and then walked over to your door as quietly as possible.
“Do you think she’s still asleep?” A man’s voice came through the door.
“Probably. I don’t get why we’re babysitting a stupid human.” A deeper voice rumbled in response.
“I don’t know but she smells fucking good.” The first voice replied.
“It’s taking everything not to crush her between my teeth. I bet she would taste good.” The deep voice agreed.
You slowly backed away from the door. Far be it from you to just sit around and wait for one of them demons to have you for a snack. You unlocked the window and slowly slid the window up. It let out a loud squeal and you cringed. When the door knob began to rattle you wasted no time climbing out the window and crawling off the first rooftop which was a dark blue color. When you found the edge you looked at the ground and forced yourself to jump.
An ache spread through your feet up to your ankles. You let out a quiet grunt and continued running through the yards of the neighbors. As easy as it would be to just beat on a door and plea for help you didn’t want any innocent people getting killed by demons just because of you. No, you had to be on your own until you were sure you didn’t have anyone following you.
“There she is!” The deep voice came from behind you.
A pair of arms engulfed your waist and you were brought to someone’s chest. You closed your eyes and kicked your legs.
“Let go of me! Get off me!” You cried out.
“I’m gonna make you wish you didn’t do that. And I’m going to enjoy it.” A voice by your ear made you shudder and not in a good kind of way.
Suddenly, the ground beneath you trembled and when you opened your eyes you saw a bright white light illuminating the grass. Your eyes widened and whichever demon was holding you dropped you. A loud roar rumbled through the ground and you ran. Whatever it was, it managed to get the demons off your back and you were free. The bright light died out but you kept running.
Whatever THAT was, was fucking scary and you weren’t waiting to find out what that exactly was. You literally ran until the bottom of your feet  couldn’t take it anymore. The asphalt  made blisters form and it got to the point you were limping as if you were walking on hot coals. Then you saw a Motel 4 U sign and you let out a breath of relief.
You limped into the office, trying to catch your breath. There was a teenage boy on his phone, leaning against the cheap counter. He popped his chewing gum and brought his blue eyes to yours.
“Can I help you?” He asked.
“Can I please… Use your phone.” You tried speaking through your rugged breaths.
He slid the phone motel phone over to you. “Press 7 first then the number you want to call.”
You dialed the numbers and pressed the black phone to your ear. Out of the blue your stomach let out a loud growl and the teenage boy looked at you with raised eyebrows. You ignored his looks and fumbled with the wire attached to the phone.
“Hello?” Dean’s gruff voice came from the other line.
“Dean, thank God. I need you to come pick me up.” You spoke quickly.
“Where the hell have you been Y/N?” Dean chastised. “We been looking for you.”
You looked at the walls of the cheap motel for any clues as to where you even were. But all there was, was cheap fading yellow paint. You tapped on the cou terms to get the boys attention. He looked at you annoyed.
“Where am I?” You asked.
“Middletown, Maryland. Would you like to know who is president too?”
You shot the boy a glare. “Listen, I’m at Middletown, Maryland. I have no phone, no money, nothing and I need to get back to the bunker now. I-I don’t even know how I got here!”
You felt bad about lying to your friend but you couldn’t tell him that Lucifer kidnapped you. And you certainly couldn’t mention that you happened to have had sex with him. What’s worse was that you fucking enjoyed it.
“Okay, okay. Just hang tight Sam and I are on the way.”
*** You waited outside the motel for the rest of the night and when the sun finally came up you were treated with the sight of the black impala pulling into the parking lot. You fed the boys a big lie and mentioned to them that there were demons after you, and about that weird light that had came from the ground. While Sam wondered if it was Lucifer trying to use you to break free you of his cage since it was a little  damaged. It would have made sense if Lucifer wasn’t wearing Cas. But he was, so while you acted like you supported his theory you secretly questioned what else the possibilities were.
Since the boys believed that Lucifer was going after you they stopped at the closest tattoo shop and told you to get a sigil tattooed on you. No objections came from your mouth. If it would help you stay off Lucifer’s radar then that would be your first step to get out of the deal you made. When you showed the female tattoo artist what exactly you wanted she suggested putting it somewhere on your thigh. But you didn’t want a tattoo there, oh no. You insisted on having it placed on the skin patch right above your hip bone.
It almost felt disappointing, knowing that Lucifer wouldn’t be able to find you again, he wouldn’t be able to kiss your neck, grip your hips so tightly, or fuck you so good like before. But you had to remember it was for a good reason.
After a nice hot shower and a change into actual clothes you decided it was time to let the boys know at least one of your secrets. They were both researching in the little meeting room when you stepped in and forced the words out.
“I had a vision of something that could help us with taking down Amara.”
Dean looked at you with wide eyes.
“You…had a vision?” Dean asked.
You nodded your head. “Yes. It’s called a hand of God. I don’t know necessarily where it is, but in my vision it had to with some kind of old submarine.”
Dean looked at Sam and then pulled out his cellphone. You were about to pick out a historical book when you heard Dean speaking to someone on the phone.
“Cas, we got something on Amara. Why don’t you head on over here-” “Don’t!” You shouted.
Both Winchesters looked at you with confused glances. You froze, unsure of what to say. Castiel was the only angel that they had on their side. Why wouldn’t you want them to call him over to the bunker? You couldn’t explain that it wasn’t Cas. Not yet.
Dean hung the phone up and leaned on the table. “Y/N, you disappear for two days with a story full of holes and now you don’t want Cas helping us? What the hell is going on with you?”
You were surprised by Dean’s words. You had been gone for two whole days? Was that even possible?
“I just didn’t think Cas could help with this and I didn’t want him getting hurt.”
Your answer didn’t really make sense and the brothers were catching on that you were hiding something. So instead of burying yourself in a deeper hole you just apologized and used the whole “I’m tired” excuse. Maybe if you were hiding in your room Lucifer wouldn’t know that you were back at the bunker. You turned on your heel and nearly knocked yourself right into the archangel’s chest.
“Hello Y/N.” Lucifer spoke in Castiel’s voice.
You widened your eyes and watched as he put on a small smile. Shit. All that effort to hide yourself from him and he found you all because of a phone call from Dean.
“How did you get here so fast?” Dean asked behind you.
“I was close by.” Lucifer answered but kept his cold blue eyes on you.
“You were able to teleport? I thought you couldn’t do that.” Sam commented.
“It comes and goes.” Lucifer finally dragged his eyes to over by the Winchesters.
While you were still shaken up it was at least relieving to know that he keeping his Castiel facade. That meant he wouldn’t hurt you for now.
“So what was it you were saying on the phone?” Lucifer purposely brushed into your shoulder and you almost stumbled.
The power resonating around him made you feel like you were drunk. And with the constant wondering what he would do to you when no one was around, oh that made your insides quiver. So you kept your back to the boys and listened.
“Y/N got a vision of an object that holds a little bit of God’s power in it. It’s  a-”
“A hand of God…it’s perfect.” You felt his eyes burning holes in your back.
It took a lot of courage to turn and look at them. Lucifer was relaxing in a chair, his eyes staring deep at you. You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Good job, Y/N. I’m really relieved that you figured this out, just in the nick of time.”
His calm but rough voice didn’t miss a beat. Damn he was a good actor. But his eyes that were sending quiet threats made you suppress a shudder. You had to find a way out of this before he tortured you.
“Trust me Cas, me too. I’m starting to think that I’m coming down with something. I’m going to go lay down.” You went to walk away.
“As soon as we figure this out, I’ll find you and see if I can make you feel better.”
It was Castiel’s voice but the words sent tingles down your spine and you got the message loud and clear. After mumbling a thank you your blistered feet padded their way to your room where you shut the door and locked it with trembling hands. It would be ineffective at keeping the devil away from you but you had to find something to stop you from screaming in fear. There had to be another place you could go to stay safe.
You stayed pressed against the door, hyperventilating in fear. Your heartbeat echoed in your ears as a harsh cramping came to your stomach. This wasn’t going to end well for you. That much was for certain.
So you stayed locked in your room until the cramping let up a little. He was gone. Lucifer had disappeared, you were positive because of your little gift. With quiet footsteps you went back out only to be greeted by a worried Sam.
“Sam, where is Dean?” You questioned.
“He went to get the hand of God with Castiel. We tracked it down on a sub back during the cold war.” Sam started gathering books.
“Let me guess, Dean wanted you to stay incase something bad happened because the sub that has the hand of God went to the bottom of the ocean.” You guessed.
Sam looked at you, impressed.
“Yeah, how did you know?”
You pointed at your head. “I just do.”
He gave off a sly smile. “Right.” He shifted and put a hand on his waist. “You seem to be getting better at that.”
You nodded. “Kinda. It’s a working progress.”
The sound of metal creaking and slamming brought your attention to the top of the staircase. There was a figure up at the top of the stairs and then you heard wet squishing sounds and when you saw him your eyes widened. Lucifer slowly walked down the stairs with water pouring off of him. He left little puddles on every step.
“Cas? What happened?” Sam asked.
You remained silent and stared at him with wide eyes. You watched as water dripped off his eyebrow and his blue eyes went from you to Sam.
“We made the leap. He got on, I didn’t.” He began walking closer and you tried staying out of his way. There was a small sense of hope that maybe if you stayed out of his sight then you stayed out of his mind.
“Angel wards?” Sam asked and lucifer nodded his head in response. “You should get yourself dried off. I’ll get you one of Dean’s suits.” Sam turned to leave.
“Actually, Y/N can get that for me.”
You swore the room dropped in dramatic temperature. Who could do what?
“I’ll try to make her feel better while we’re at it.” Lucifer continued.
“Oh, don’t worry about me, Cas. I’m feeling alot better and Sam knows where everything is. Plus I don’t want you to use up all your angel ju-ju.” You tried stepping away inconspicuously but he grabbed your shoulder and squeezed it just a little too tight.
“Nonsense Y/N. Plenty to go around.” He looked into your eyes and your breath caught in your throat.
*** Lucifer stood in the middle of your room with his arms spread out as if he was an eagle. Your hands trembled as you pulled off his soaked jacket and began untying his tie. You tried to avoid all contact but when his hand jumped up and gripped your wrist in a bruising grip you gasped in pain and forced yourself to look into his eyes.
“You have a sigil tattooed on you so I couldn’t find you.” He observed.
“Yes. I knew after I ran that you would find me.” You confessed.
“Clever. But incredibly stupid. I thought I made it clear that you were not to leave yet you betrayed me. You ran.” He spoke in his soft and smooth tone.
You closed your eyes as he tightened his grip even more. “I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not. Not yet, but you will be.” A sick smile spread across his face as he released his grip on you.
You kept eye contact as he finally put his arms at his sides. “As you were.”
Again you started unbuttoning his white shirt while he stood completely still, watching your every move. When you pulled his shirt down his arms he quickly flipped the material behind you and used it to reel you closer. Chest to chest, you analyzed his face and you found yourself so attracted to the evil angel that was holding you captive. He smirked in a hypnotic kind of way.
A warmth came between your thighs and your heart leaped to your throat. Raw adrenaline pumped through your entire body as the archangel brought his eyes to your lips. You did your best to keep your hands at your sides. Even though he was calm and was smirking you could feel  his rage. He was angry and he was going to make you pay for going back on your deal. It was a big mistake to make a deal with him and an even bigger mistake to break that deal. You were at his mercy before but now he was letting you know that he was going  to be merciless with his next actions.
“You told the Winchester’s about your vision before telling me.” He whispered.
“Lucifer, I can’t tell you how sorry I am for that-”
He released his shirt and you let out a breath of relief all too soon. Because he gripped your back and you felt his sharp nails digging into your flesh.
“Ah!” You cried out.
“And you and Sam were alone while I was gone. It looked like my little Lamb was getting just a little too close for comfort with my true vessel.”
He dragged his nails down your back and you whimpered from the pain. “Finish getting me out of these wet clothes and then I will remind you just who you belong to.”
You reached down and began unbuckling the leather belt. Then came the slacks.  And when he finally kicked them off he was left in a pair of soaked boxers.
“Do you like my vessel Y/N?” Lucifer asked in disdain.
“He’s a friend, Lucifer. Nothing else. He will never be anything but that.” You looked up at him and noticed the look of disgust on his face.
“You talk to him while I’m out of the room again and I’ll paint the wall with his intestines.”
You felt your eyes water and you nodded your head.“After I get the hand of God from Dean I’ll be bringing  you with me. You’ll have a chance to make your misbehavior up to me. I suggest you do it with the best intentions and make it your priority to prove yourself to me otherwise you just won’t make it out of this deal alive. I’m afraid I’ll have to use too much force to remind you who it is you’re in debt to.” He dug his nails in deeper and you felt your skin break.
You cringed in pain and choked back a scream. He released you and cupped your face.
“Sshh, it’s okay little Lamb. I promise to handle you as gently as possible IF you show me where the sigil is.” He whispered in your ear.
You gripped the material of your shirt and lifted the bottom just a little so he could see that it was just above your hip bone. He got to his knees, the simple fluid motion of it made a spark ignite and your panties instantly moisten. Even with him hurting you, you wanted him. His pain left you resonating with a soft hum of pleasure, and God forgive you, you enjoyed it a little too much.
“Such beautiful, perfect skin.” He eyed the fresh tattoo and even ran his fingers over it before bringing his eyes back up to your face. “I want you to understand Y/N, it doesn’t please me to do this but I HAVE to.”
At first you were confused. Then you felt something hot burning into your tattoo. The smell of burning flesh came to your nose and involuntarily you gripped his shoulders and cried out in sheer pain. But it didn’t stop there. Your tattoo sizzled and the burning only got hotter. Lucifer gripped your hips and continued shushing you as the tattoo literally burned off your skin.
You kept expecting Sam to come and save you but he never came. It was just you and Lucifer. Just you screaming in pain with warm tears streaming down your cheeks.
“He’s not here with you Y/N. But I am. I’m here with you Y/N and I always will be. It’s ok. Shh.”
When the hot burning feeling finally stopped you feared you would pass out. Somewhere among his torture you forgot to breath through the pain.
“Shh, breathe Y/N. Just breathe.” He got back on his feet to pull you into his chest for a comforting hug.
“Please. I’m sorry.” You cried in his warm bare chest and to your surprise he gave you a gentle kiss on your head.
“It’s ok Y/N, I’ll make you feel better. I promise.”
You didn’t even have a chance to question  him because he was already back on his knees, pulling your pants and moistened panties down your legs. He didn’t have say another word to you, you just stepped out of your clothing and allowed him to hook one of your legs over his shoulder. He pressed a soft kiss over your thigh and slowly made his way to your heat. His lips just barely grazed you and you gripped his hair, preparing for his next move. This was going to feel so fucking good.
Just like his promise, he began sliding his tongue between your delicate folds. All your pain disappeared and was replaced with pleasure. He dipped his tongue in your entrance before swirling his tongue up to your clit. He just barely grazed it and you instantly became alive. If what you were doing was sin, then you were prepared to take a spot in Hell because he made it feel so delicious. So tempting, so beautiful.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you wiggled your hips into his face. Your orgasm was building and oh it was going to be glorious. It was going to be the best one yet. It was-
Lucifer pulled away and stood back up with the biggest shit eating grin ever. “Now, get me dressed before Sam realizes how long we’ve been.” Lucifer demanded.
You whimpered and put your clothes back on. He shook his head and waited for you to put on his dry suit.
Oh yes, Lucifer knew just how to torture people and he was making his way on finding the perfect way to torture you. Over and over again.
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