#you have gained my attention with those posts im interested now
im-sorry-what-ii · 9 months
Starting to think I should watch mission impossible
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templetogavage · 4 months
Weekly Weighing (01/07/24 to 01/13/24)
A week late (again! perhaps this is a pattern). Here are 7 posts I enjoyed from the week of 01/07/24 to 01/13/2024.
1. January 7th 12:43: https://www.tumblr.com/eatdeepfriedgrits/738878440272494592/i-appreciate-your-tracking-consumption-thats
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For all those who enjoy watching a gainer track numbers, here is @eatdeepfriedgritsdeepfried with some calorie counts.
2. January 7th 14:46: https://www.tumblr.com/reverack/738886194268618752/wish-i-could-do-a-year-comparison-like-everyone
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For nine months, this gain is nothing to sneeze at! Looking forward to February's update, @reverack.
3. January 8th 18:14: https://www.tumblr.com/bulking-texan/738989887938822144/im-the-fattest-i-have-ever-been-heres-to-a
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@bulking-texan showing off his gut in the only kind of shirt a guy his side needs- it's a flattering look.
4. January 10th 15:44: https://www.tumblr.com/ginger-binge/739161666666807296/size-l-shirt-i-got-for-christmasmight-need-to-go
@ginger-binge provides us with a simple shirt try on video. I've rewatched this one a couple of times, so its spot here is well-earned.
5. January 10th 18:53: https://www.tumblr.com/allfattenedup/739173515872354304/damn-lardass-your-double-chin-looks-huge-you
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Hot comparison photo. I love facial gains, and @allfattenedup has certainly had quite a noticeable one.
6. January 11th 17:55: https://www.tumblr.com/thegrowingrussian/739260499163856896/login-instagram
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Click through the link to listen to @thegrowingrussian in a podcast interview about gaining as a kink- it's a pretty broad strokes conversation aimed at outsiders, so it's full of some interesting questions from the curious (but respectful) civilian podcast hosts.
7. January 12th 16:22: https://www.tumblr.com/belliesnass/739345195561254912/lady-gagas-boyfriend-has-clearly-packed-on-a-lot
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I'm not going to apologize for ending on a celebrity gain. I've never seen Lady Gaga's boyfriend before, but I'm certainly paying attention now. I hope if there are any updates worth seeing, @belliesnass gets them on my dash again.
And that's... last week's...Weekly Weighing!
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windvexer · 2 months
Hi chicken! Apologizes if this is something you have answered in the past, but how would one get rid of entity attachments? Why do they occur and how do you identify if it’s attached? Additionally, for example, if something followed you home and won’t leave even after banishing and it got through your protections and wards, what do you do in this case?
(Entity attachment anon!) I forgot to ask, is it possible for entities to attach even if you’ve layered personal protections on? I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anyone having this problem but I’m deeply curious.
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Hi, Anon! Major UPG post alert ^-^
So this is a huge topic and I'm afraid there are no easy answers. If we're talking about entity attachments, what I've mostly experienced are entities who are just targeting people because they've already got a foothold.
I find the "energy cord" theory to be more effect than cause. In other words, if a linking energy cord is present it's because the spirit is haunting a person; the cord doesn't cause the haunting, but rather reflects and demonstrates the relationship between two or more things.
I don't know if I really believe in "attachments," specifically. Sometimes, certain spirits can become fixated on a person in the interest of causing harm or for deleterious personal gain, but this doesn't necessarily mean there is any special magical link between the spirit and the person being haunted. It's not an attachment so much as it is targeted harassment.
But I'm also a little hesitant on the topic because IME, it's very easy to interpret "a spirit is upset in my vicinity" to "I am being victimized by a negative spiritual attachment."
Also, if it sounds like something the Warrens would say, I'm extra hesitant to adopt it into my worldview.
For example, plenty of unpleasant spirit encounters happen because a spirit accidentally got trapped inside of a household. It's upset and it wants to leave, but the practitioner is taking steps contrary to solving the actual issue. If a spirit is trapped inside the house and the practitioner responds by redoubling wards and commanding the spirit to leave, the issue becomes intransigent; the practitioner doesn't understand why the problem is happening, so they are taking actions that seem rational, but in actuality can't solve the problem.
My take on resolving unwanted spiritual intrusions is therefore a pretty practical, but boring one: resolving them requires an understanding of why they are happening, and how to form an appropriate action plan centered around effective sorcerous techniques.
There are plenty of reasons why a person could have attracted unwanted spiritual attention, and they're all boring stuff too: You stole something from nature that wasn't yours to take, you worked magic in a place you shouldn't have worked magic in, you targeted someone who has their own spiritual protectors, you're behaving like someone who needs to learn a lesson and the lesson has arrived, you accidentally opened doorways that spirits stepped through, you modified the spell without understanding the steps, you started getting involved in things that were none of your business and now business is getting involved with you, and so on.
It's never "an evil spirit followed me home for no reason and walked through all of my wards and now it's attached to me."
It's always "oh yeah, last year I made a promise to a nature spirit in that park to bring it offerings every week, but I forgot, but trees are supposed to be cool, right? No, I don't remember the promise ritual I performed, but I do remember that I invited the spirit to come visit me whenever it wanted. Hey, wait, is that why it could walk past my wards?"
From time to time, the exact cause of an unwanted spirit haunting can't be discovered, or doesn't matter. Some times unwanted spirits kind of just do float in and start causing problems, but those problems are resolved through effective sorcery. This means not only casting effective spells, but also employing an effective strategy.
If the banishing didn't work, it was either an ineffective spell, or an ineffective strategy. The angry dryad isn't being banished because the jar wards you put up 18 months ago have a clause about always protecting invited guests from harmful magic. It doesn't matter if you're casting a good banishment; it's a bad strategy to resolve the situation.
This is probably going to sound a little mean of me, but if someone said that a spirit just walked through all of their protections and wards and can't be banished, my immediate assumption is not that it's a powerful spirit who has become specially attached. My assumption is that the person is working with ineffective magical techniques.
So a lot of dealing with unwanted spiritual intrusions isn't just attack and defense. It's also investigation, diplomacy, and strategy.
You ask if it's possible for a spirit to become "attached" to a person even if they have lots of personal protections, but I'm not sure my beliefs agree with the question itself. Could a spirit force a harmful connection with someone who is extremely well-protected? Maybe, but I doubt it. At a certain point, a point not even very difficult to reach, protection becomes so all-encompassing that it is transformative.
But also, having many protection amulets isn't the end-all, be-all of protection against unwanted spiritual attention. I suffered from unwanted contact for years that my strongest banishing and protection couldn't touch, and then immediately resolved it with a basic spell that employed an entirely different strategy.
At the end of the day, though, effectively dealing with unwanted spiritual intrusions can be complex and require a lot of different skills to appropriately tackle, even if the situation is easy to resolve once you understand what's going on.
So if you've found yourself in a pickle and there don't appear to be any doors leading out of the fun house, then I'd recommend just hitting up a spirit doctor. Not to speak too broadly, but it's the job of such folks to remedy problems caused by spirits.
Various doctors have various specializations, but many of them are able to directly intercede on your behalf or at least provide the information necessary to resolve the issue.
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sassykinzonline · 21 days
"het sasuke" and this blog
honestly the thing that was most hurtful about that situation is not them threatening to kill me for betraying their favourite ship (i didnt), them admitting to harassing me and others for entertainment/because they were jealous i was talking to people other than them, or them thinking they can give me ultimatums on what to do
it was one throw away line that turned out to be a much bigger piece of the puzzle: "i asked someone else and they also are uncomfortable by you."
this person knew extensively of my anxiety how it affected me. i had discussed it with them privately and publicly. in an attempt to manipulate me, they went around not only to our group of friends but to others to lie about the situation, misrepresent me, and gain ammo to "convince me" to do what they want exclusively. mind you, this is a straight man whose blog is full of porn of anime girls and thinks gay people cant have children.
so now, coincidentally all of a sudden im seeing posts about "hating sasuke being mischaracterized as heterosexual" from blogs and freaking out because this person planted the idea in my head that people secretly hate my blog. i have been on the internet for a long time and have experienced a lot of things, one of them being how a small lie can turn into a harassment campaign. i also personally have experience with someone cyberstalking me to abuse me based on their interpretation of the content.
for my own peace of mind i'm just going to clarify a couple things:
the first instance of "heterosexuality" was a friend saying they got more notifs from me than someone they were romantically pursuing and they were nervous, i tried to make them feel better by saying logically that means we are dating instead. this person has 0 romantic interest in me, so i made the joke knowing theyd react in ire and it would be a fun back and forth to take their mind off the situation.
the second instance of "heterosexuality" is another friend who is not romantically interested in me (in fact theyre interested in itachi, so part of this started as me wanting to beat itachi) that had offered to be a surrogate and godmother to sasunaru children. thats it. thats the context behind jokes between us.
the third instance of "heterosexuality" was me making fun of people's (of all genders) interest in me. it wasnt a serious appeal.
now at the end of the day i justify these choices with these three ideas: "sasuke regularly uses teasing and banter to throw friends off kilter for amusement" "sasuke's only longterm interactions with women are women who disrespect and objectify him" "sasuke's priority is the people he cares about, and is more comfortable around such people". i dont think these ideas are mischaracterizations.
more than anything though, i recognize that as an autistic person with anxiety, this situation has successfully stressed me out to the point where im scared to interact with my blog at all. i cannot tell how serious these posts about hating/being angry about a "heterosexual sasuke" or a "sasuke who doesnt hate women" are. i dont know whether these are people who interact with me/that i interact with but secretly hate me. i cannot tell if people are genuinely angry with me, but i also cannot ask because it would draw attention to me that i dont want. but because this person intentionally put me into a triggered state over it, im starting to care about things i normally wouldnt. i recognize that on its face, being "accused of being too straight" is ridiculous. in order to not be a hypocrite, i personally block people before i criticize something theyve said or done.
so im going to take an indefinite break from posting/interacting until i can calm down from that state. thanks and sorry to those who supported me the past few days.
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iraprince · 1 year
Heyo! Any advice on struggling to get your art seen in the world? I feel like no matter how much I post, or what I post, people never see it or seem to like it. I love art and am pursuing it as a career (hence why Im getting a degree in it currently lmao) but its kind of disheartening to work really hard on something, post it, and no one sees it.
oh, man. i'm afraid for this one i don't feel like i have a lot of solid advice. having a large-ish following online feels like something that kind of just, like, Happened to me, mostly on accident/in ways outside of my control, and even if i had some ideas on how to potentially replicate those gains i don't think they'd work consistently. (also, a lot of my large jumps in follower count came from mental health related work going viral bc it's #relatable; this is something i have complicated feelings about and it's absolutely not a viable, like, "strategy" or something that i would recommend, in the way that ppl can say like, "fanart gets attention!" or stuff like that.)
so, i don't have advice for how to actually GET those eyes on your art; i can maybe help with making ppl more likely to STAY once they do find you, and how to build a following that will actually help you maintain a living from your work -- bc i have TONS of peers w a following a fraction of the size of mine who get more jobs than me, are doing cooler/more "professional" stuff than me, etc! (heads up that most of my experience is on twitter; i know less than nothing about places like instagram + tiktok, and while tumblr functions very differently from twitter i feel like i handle things mostly the same here, aside from doing less personal posting/being less talkative and not 'networking' or following many people).
a very important thing, especially professionally: it HAS to be easy to see what you do. (this is easier here on tumblr, where u can have a designated art tag etc, than on twitter, which is an awful website that sucks. <- guy who makes all his money on twitter) this means, like -- if i see something from you and get curious and click your profile, it should only take one more click to quickly see at least SOME of your art. on a professional account, it's probably best for your icon to be your own work, something snappy and memorable and eye-catching that reads well at a small size; people shouldn't have to dig for 20 minutes before they can start browsing your art. on twitter, this means TRY not to gunk up your media tab with a ton of reaction images/screencaps of your gacha pulls/etc; on here, it means make your art tag easy to find; on any website, a portfolio link, prominently displayed, is the best bet. (i am still working on that one myself lmao and i've been working professionally full time for a few years now so like, there are outliers and wiggle room on all of this).
next! it's great when your audience finds you, but you have to find them, too. find artists who do similar stuff to you and get into their stuff -- sincerely, not just as "networking." (like only do this with ppl whose stuff you actually think is cool, not just trying to get in mutuals with everyone you see in hopes of a bump, obviously.) get interested in other indie artists, find the people who are working/publishing in the spaces that are exciting and aspirational for you, and support them! i don't want it to sound cynical when i say there's a kind of give-and-take built into this; the point is not "well, if i reblog/retweet a bunch of YOUR stuff, maybe you'll feel obligated to boost mine in return," but that when you find other artists/creatives who are on the same wavelength as you, you will naturally stumble into pools of people who want to support art like yours, and you and your newfound peers will help each other when you hype each other's stuff up and direct followers to each other! (again re: things going differently on dif websites: this is twitter-specific for me, bc i use my tumblr as a gallery/portfolio. that doesn't mean it doesn't happen here tho! it can and does happen everywhere!)
it is really not a competition. i know that SOMETIMES it is in like, a really nitty-gritty numbers sense; people only have so much money to spare, they will make choices about whose patreon they can afford/what comic to buy/etc, that's true. but to me that's not competition. people who are sincerely into your stuff will hang on until they can afford it; maybe that means someone follows you for two whole years before the planets align and they have the budget/opportunity to commission you. by hanging out in similar circles you are not taking potential business or opportunities away from anyone else, nor are you risking leading your own audience to Someone They'll Like Better; you're just offering more options, and the internet is VAST and endless, and EVENTUALLY people will show up who are into YOUR STUFF, SPECIFICALLY. helping each other is never going to stifle or delay that!!
and my final chunk of advice is the one i give constantly that everyone is probably super sick of hearing but i just seriously seriously believe in it, even tho i know it's slow to pay off and hard to follow: keep doing exactly what you want to. keep doing it!!! you have to!!! yes, i mean the stuff that's getting like, 2 likes and 0 reblogs! the stuff that 'nobody likes!'
earlier i mentioned i have gotten big follower bumps from like adhd comics and stuff like that going viral. the thing is that, from a professional standpoint: my follower count has like, more than quintupled from where it was at a few years ago; my patreon income has absolutely NOT quintupled lmfao. it has less than doubled, over that same period of like... i wanna say over 4 years. that's still good, i'm grateful for it, and i owe a lot of it to the sheer numbers game (the more ppl see ur work, the more likely it is you'll reach someone who decides to support you), but there is absolutely not an actual direct correlation between numbers and career success/stability.
where there IS a direct correlation is between "people who give a shit about the art i really truly love making" and "people who like my art enough to support me professionally." HUGE chunks of the followers i get any time something goes viral slough off over time; there's nothing wrong with that, they just follow me bc something was funny/interesting and end up realizing my work's not actually their thing. but the ppl who follow me bc they're into all the stuff i post most consistently, the stuff i care about and am passionate about, stick around. and i would not have found them if i wasn't posting the shit i care about!
out there there are people who will be 100% crazy about the stuff that is 100% what you want to make. it's like actually statistically impossible for there not to be. the more niche your thing is, the longer it will take to find them, but they absolutely exist. but if you give up before you find them -- if you start saying, "well, i'll put in 50% of this idea that i love, but the other 50% is too weird and nobody's gonna like it and it'll flop" -- well, in that case, you can only ever find the ppl who are 50% into what you do. don't fuck yourself like that!! you cannot deny yourself the possibility (the INEVITABILITY!!! IMO!!!!!) of finding the people who will 100% get what you're doing.
so: on a pragmatic level, i'm sure there will be ppl who disagree with me on this, and who think it's absolutely mandatory to do fanart as a crowd draw or learn about algorithms and posting times and get on tiktok and do the visibility grind and everything and that it's stupid and irresponsible to tell people not to. i'm sure it's also easy to point out that i'm speaking from a place where i now have more eyes on my stuff than i know what to fucking do with so maybe i'm just totally out of touch and being naive or something. but for me the most important part of doing art now, ESPECIALLY as a career, is to keep loving it and to believe in what i'm doing and to build an audience that cares about the same things i do. and i think it is really really vital to make that your top priority. bc if you don't, then even if you DO crack the code to suddenly getting tons of notes on everything etc -- will you even keep wanting to do it?
this job is hard. it's lonely, in my experience; i spend so much time sitting in front of my computer alone. it's unstable, which is stressful and can be frightening. it's emotionally taxing, for me, because art is so important to me that it's hard to set boundaries and separate my identity from it and actually treat it like a job. it has taken me a long time to find success doing this; maybe i could have gotten there faster if i had tried to find ways to draw an audience specifically, but i think if i had somehow managed to get a big patreon following/tons of commissioners/etc by doing something formulaic or doing stuff that specifically gets tons of attention, but isn't what's natural for me -- i don't think i would have lasted very long that way. this is already hard and complicated enough; i don't think it's sustainable to give up any unnecessary ground on doing exactly what you're passionate about, bc at least in my case, that's mandatory for this even being a livable career for me. i would burn out and decide to do something else very quickly if the only way to succeed was to chase numbers/engagement.
doing it this way is very slow. if i hadn't been able to lean on family/my wife while starting up, i would have had to have a day job for much longer (like, years, probably) while saving up and preparing to go full time; for as long as you struggle to get traction, it may mean going full time has to be on the backburner. but the thing is that there's nothing wrong with that, it's the reality for the vast majority of us (from what i've seen) -- and you'll eventually build a career that can last way longer, i think.
okay oh my god i'm done. sorry about that. like i said this job is pretty lonely and i sit here all day and think about this stuff and then generally do not talk about it with anyone until somebody asks me about it and then i repeat myself at length again. like i did here. anyway have a good night sincerely and i hope some part of this was helpful!!!
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mephinomaly · 6 months
[TL] BIOHAZARD/Chapter 10
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Kaoru: So to sum up, everything’s Sakuma-san’s fault.
Rei: Eh~? Yupyup, everything’s lil’ ol’ me’s fault~♪
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Rei: My attitude was so bad!?
Koga: Even now I get fooled by the old man shit you do, but your manners 'n attitude are still bad sometimes.
Puttin’ yer feet up on desks, takin’ life easy.
Rei: Ritsu also does that. Isn’t that nice, brothers having the same habits ♪ We’re such good friends ♪ Doesn’t that make for a heartwarming story?
Koga: True. Ricchii sometimes kicks me ‘n goes ‘move out the way’.
Rei: I suppose since we are rather high ranking amongst our relatives, there is no-one to scold us for such rude behaviour.
Koga: Hmph. You're way too soft on him. You’re suppose t’be his older brother yet you can’t even tell him off.
Adonis: Shh. There’s something that seems interesting is about to happen.
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Kaoru: After that Deadmanz live the other day, Sakuma-san fled overseas without even saying a word to anyone—
Rei: When work calls. I’d rather focus on doin’ stuff overseas.
Kaoru: That’s all good and all but you left all your devotees here and they started acting out.
Keito: Devotees?
Koga: W-What you lookin’ at me for?
Kaoru: Ahaha. At the live, Sakuma-san brought all of his delinquent friends with him.
Rei: Ah right. Well, that’s just how things go. So, what’s the problem?
Kaoru: The problem is, there seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding.
They all think they're friends with superstar Sakuma Rei who’s recognised globally.
Rei: Uhuh–
Kaoru: And those who got too invested in the whole thing started calling themselves ‘vampires’. They keep ordering food and leaving without paying, and generally being nuisances.
Saying things like “We’re the disciples of Sakuma Rei, we’re so cool! Let’s not hold back!”
I just wanna know– are you making them do all of this, Sakuma-san?
The ones that call themselves ‘vampires’ say “if you’ve got a complaint, tell it to our boss Sakuma Rei!”
Rei: Are you stupid? What do I gain by makin’ them do shit like that? They’re just morons who’ve got the wrong idea ‘n are doin’ whatever they want.
They’re attention whores tryna ride on my coattails…Haa, this whole thing is weirder than I thought it was.
Kaoru: I thought as much. Those guys are just like vampires; they gather other delinquents and introduce them into the group. It’s pretty obvious.
Based on the size and their vibes, they’re like those groups of hooligans who all wore the same colours.[1]
If people are eating without paying, and hanging around the front of the store acting violently, it’s bad for business. We’re already going through a recession, we don’t need anything else adding to it.
I get it. It’s the whole “it’s your own responsibility” thing, right?
You cause them all to do this, so you should be the one to do something about it, right? Just to be safe, I’ve spoken to some nearby shops and prepared a reward.
By the way. I’m the one telling you this because we go to the same school, but I’d like to think other people around this place agree with me.
Of course, if push comes to shove, I’ll call the police. A lot of the parents of kids that go to Yumenosaki are influential people—
–so I don’t know if the police will actually do anything.
I’d prefer it if you guys could sort it out for me.
Could you ‘exterminate’ those ‘vampires’ for me? ♪
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Rei: Ahaha. Might jus’ be a coincidence, but I never thought I’d be out here actin’ like Van Helsing.
Keito: If anything, you’re more like Count Dracula.
Rei: …Welp, I get what you mean. I thought that's how it would go down so I’ve been a bit proactive.
Look. Poor thing, to be left alone like this, but here's the guy behind it all.
Adonis: ...
Keito: That doesn’t make sense. What do you mean it was Otogari?
Rei: This guy’s the boss of the ‘vampires’.
To make a Count Draculua reference, you use a wooden stake to the heart to stop him movin’, ‘n cut his head off t’kill ‘im.
And it’ll be this guy’s head we’ll be cuttin’.
So basically, if we deal with him, everythin’ will be right as rain. Simple, ain’t it ♪
Adonis: ...
[ ☆ ]
he says カラーギャング or ‘color gang’, which were groups of hoodlums whose members all wear clothes in the same colour. Its associated with Ikebukuro in the late 1990s
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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keepthisholykiss · 8 months
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i swear to god i am not an alarmist nor do i want to sound like one but time is a circle and history repeats blah blah but i think its important we recognize that the satanic panic IS back and we might be about to face those horrible fucking things all over again (imo satanic panic actually never ended but thats a tumblr essay for another day) researching the satanic panic was a fairly in-depth special interest of mine for a few years and i am seeing a number of very concerning headlines that lead me to believe the current conservative narrative paired with major headline murders will eventually lead to the same issues (or worse) than the 70s and 80s. tw for anything related to true crime/death below the fold im assuming this will get suppressed because of the topic also so feel free to reblog if you are so inclined.
there are two major court cases and one social media movement that lead me to this conclusion currently given their media coverage within a calendar year. i HOPE i am overexaggerating but i AM deeply concerned.
aiden fucci - this teen was recently sentenced after pleading guilty to murdering another teen in 2021. coverage of this case heightened when evidence was shown in the sentencing hearings which included "satanic" drawings. this was the first case i saw to raise my red flags.
the delphi murders which recently (like yesterday) had a major update which is what prompted me to make this post. this is a case of two girls in delphi, indiana who were murdered but managed to capture the potential killer on snapchat. the suspect was recently found and has now released a 100 page affidavit detailing why the girls were killed. this affidavit details sacrificial ceremonies and a cult of odinism. this case has received a large amount of interest over the years as it was long considered an unsolved case, this case will receive much larger attention nationally than cases like aiden fucci and may be the beginning of the panic "properly."
also worth mentioning is bryan kohberger - while this case has not taken the full panic on yet i am not counting it out as trial has not started. this is the idaho four murder suspect out of pellman washington. his case has gained notoriety and he is still awaiting trial as he just waived his speedy trial rights. you may have heard about this case prior to kohberger's arrest when a tiktok psychic claimed a professor committed the murders out of lesbian rage. this was proven to be untrue and kohberger is currently the only suspect on record. but how is this related to satanic panic? this case is currently being devoured by conservative journalists and "lone wolf" media figures who are convinced the entire case is a police cover-up for everything from drug abuse to cp to trafficking itself. major incel groups are flooding to content surrounding the case, littering their videos with dog whistles, to try and change the narrative. this is not currently a major satanic panic foundation to me but this coverage has gone so many different ways and the coverage is so fucked that i have my eye on it. as for social media, recent years have seen a rise in christian influencers. this has been, in-part though not solely because, "cringe" reaction channels or commentary channels have platformed many of these influencers. these influencers have used their newfound holy fame to create videos exposing "satan" in media. we may look at them and laugh but they are spreading true fear that at least some people believe. this is extremely harmful when we consider that real, convicted murder cases are supporting these ideas. we've seen this story before just decades earlier without the internet.
if you're reading this freaking out over the possibility of another widespread campaign to eliminate non-christians, queer people, and poc then i encourage you to read about the satanic panic of the past to better inform yourself. get better at identifying ai-generated articles, images, and conservative fear mongering. here are my personal reading recommendations. if i am afraid for no reason then hey at least you have some reading reccs. again i hope im wrong, i never want to see that shit repeated but fuck if i dont absolutely fear this next election year and what it may bring out. books on the satanic panic and/or its lead-up: unmask alice by rick emerson satan's silence by debbie nathan satanic panic: pop cultural paranoia in the 1980s chaos by tom o'neill books on misinformation or conspiracy: trust the plan by will sommer the midnight kingdom by jared sexton the storm is upon us by mike rothschild
not-books that you can also check out: you're wrong about the satanic panic conviction: american panic shanspeare 'doja cat and the return of the satanic panic'
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
please talk to us about your ocs 💕💗💕💗💕
I am currently praying this post dosen't get eatean by tumblr because this is the third time i'm writting it ╭( ๐_๐)╮
First of all i want to thanks you guys for genuinly asking because i really didn't tought it would interest ppl as i am never sure, so once again, thanks you for asking ♡
Euhm euhm....
Nda : english is not my first language so i excuse myself in advance for possible typos.
Second nda : because this post is already long enough, Valentin is getting a separated post about her design.
Before starting the analysis there are informations that needs to be given first! When creating my mc I only had a summary of the game: for example, didn't know who Lizzie would be but chose my me to look similar to her by accident, making them looks even more like siblings.
Cerise name was chosen because I wanted her to have a name/appearance fruit inspired, choosing the French translation of Cherry as her name and a mandarine based design. Her last name ( fourth ) comes from the fact that every time I replayed the game I updated her last name to make it easier to differentiated my saves, the fourth run being my favorite. She doesn't have any specific ethnicity and her color palette was chosen to fit in the summer aesthetic, but also an autumn palette aesthetic.
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The autumn colors are more present during stressful periods (end of high school, start of step 4) mainly because of the start of adulthood and leaving sunset bird.
Patterns usually associated with Cerise are fruits patern, dots, and ribbons. Cerise also has a very visible scar on her face (the backstory of the scar here) this scar is in the middle of her forehead, it's massive and one of the first features of her you can see, this is im portant for her character.
Now last important info before going on analysis step by step : Cerise was written as a nonverbal autistic child, this and other little details of mannerisms make her a very closeted person. Her character evolve with time, but through the shaping of it, her looks change too.
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In step 1 Cerise only had her scar for a year now. She's scared of interacting with people and her prominent feature drowns too much attention into her, so she does what every 8 year old kid think is best; hide it.
Cerise's face is always covered with her hair. It's messy and nonpractical but showing her bareface is too much for her, the idea of people looking at her is just too scary for her.
She usually wears shift dresses because the loose fabric is comfortable and feels right.
She also wear platform sandal, she likes to feel tall and be the same height as her big sister.
The dominant color of her childhood clothes is green, white, and blue. Those color are chosen because little cerise likes her town, she likes the sky, the hill and the ocean.
As time passed by, Cerise now having a friend ( no siloh did not pass the friendship test, Cove is her first friend ), she feels less self conscious about her face. As she grew up she felt less scared and gained bit of self confidence.
But growing up means, Cerise entered middle school, and here started her complicated relathionship with school. Between the terrible stress of work being very hard for her and everyone not being little kid anymore, many thing changed and so did she.
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In step 2, influenced by all the people around her, Cerise wants to look pretty and tries to put more effort into her appearance. As she never cut her hair they are very long so she starts by that: trying different hairstyles, her most common one is the side braid ponytail. She's still scared but she's not a kid anymore, Cerise is now able to go out her face not covered.
Now older she was allowed get her ears pierced and so she did.
Growing up she chose yellow as her favorite color because "it has a positive vibe" but secretly it was also because it reminded her of her sister.
Her wardrobe was filled with pretty clothe, ribbons, pretty cutted shirt and flowers patern. Although she intended to wear pretty clothes the types stayed the same : practical shorts and shirt.
She tries to be more feminine with little details like nail polish, hair accessories to look nice.
At the age of 13 years old, Cerise started having a noticeable chest and she hated it. Every clothes she felt too revealing was never wore again, everything that brang attention to her body was hided: tank top got banned from her wardrobe.
Fun fact : she ended up getting a sport shirt because it reminded her of Derek
Middle school is a period of self reflexion, and questioning herself that what she did. Moving to high school her anxiety didn't left but self confidence started to rise now that she felt pretty trough the help of accessories . She felt comfortable in her appearance but still worried of people's opinion, still unsure of what to feel about her body.
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Summer 2016 or like they named it... The year of the incident... After 18 years of keeping her extremely long hair, Cerise's cut her hair short to try a new look. Out of highschool, she was worried and lost about herself and her possible future, this new hairstyle marked the start of a new search of self. ( cove discovered it when he came back from his mom and was quite in shock )
This last vacation of her tern year's was bittersweet and she spent it terrified of what the future may hold. Not a kid but not an adult, everything was scary and it reflected into her color scheme who gained more dull and earthy tones.
Her love for accessories grew with her and she started wearing rings, chockers but mainly a lot of bracelet, lot of which she shared with other.
Her love for yellow shifted to green, she tried to feel more adult to feel less scared about the future
Her discomfort with showing skin got mixed with her liking of wearing layered clothes. Her wardrobe got filled with long skirts and overalls dresses.
Her habit of wearing nail polish stayed but instead of the funky color she settled for the same dark green.
Fun facts : she traded one of her rings with one of Baxter's.
She has as multiple friendship bracelet handmade that she shares with Cove.
At the end of Summer, Cerise still scared of what the futur could bring, took the scariest but best decision of her life : moving out of Sunset bird.
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Cerise took a year gap after high school and went traveling abroad. She did it to face her biggest fears and focus on herself. It was the decision that shifted her life like she needed. The experience helped her a lot and she grew up to become who she always dreamed of to be. She was not scared of people anymore, she found who she wanted to be and was happy with herself. She went back to appreciate what she used to like : bright color, feminine and comfy clothes, accessories, the ocean, the hills, her home town. Her scar didn't meant anything to her anymore, she liked who she was regardless of exterior opinion.
Inspired by internet fashion, Cerise developed an interest for cottage core and many other soft aesthetic .
She has 3 piercing each ear but often wear just two set of earrings.
She went back into liking yellow as one of her favorite color, but kept green along side of it.
She still wear green nail polish .
Her favorites clothes are long summer dresses.
She feels comfortable to show some skin after a long time of self hatred, now embracing any type of clothes regardless of if it's brings attention to her.
She dosen't wear her accessories as much as she used to but still hold an important love toward it.
Cerise became Cerise and accepted her likes and dislikes to become the best version of herself when it comes to her appearance.
If you read that much i thanks you for it ! Hope you'll have a nice day and here, a little Cerise to end this post
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
it is funny seeing now what ppl have surged in popularity in fandom, namely the ppl i watched years back mindcrack era that i dont feel like even got that much attention in the (much smaller) fandom. like at least fandomwise i never felt like bdubs or etho were that popular in regards to fics and stuff, mostly comparing to others at that time- tho bdubs and his later roleplaying (bteam) did gain him more attention i think. and like, nebtho was certainly a dyanmic ppl liked but it was otherwise pretty contained to those few moments and the fics were very much nonexistent even tho that fun pair. when i did see etho it was often with team canada as a whole. and in similarity w bdubs i feel like etho got more attention during more of that kinda phase (but nothing comparable to now). and ofc im speaking from experience of the ever tiny tumblr community... undoubtedly ppl leaned towards certain guys and it just kinda encouraged more focus on those people.
but i was curious if i could see how correct my memories were. while ao3 is a thing with tags im not sure if itd be skewed due to other things these people are in, so i thought itd be interesting to go to the salad and take a look since it was one of the most contained places for mindcrack fics i used back then
(under the cut bc this got even longer. sorry i can shut up abt fandom analysis and how things change <3)
some of these tags usages can be like... minor appearances. but at first i was surprised to see bdubs with a whole 478 tagged fics... but then the etho tag has a whopping 895. i think hes mentioned in a lot of fics in passing, but still thats a lot more tagged than i wouldve thought in the end. but i can say i really do remember bdubs getting very little attention in the fic area back then so. some of the other notably highly tagged people were beef (601), guude (753), kurt (731), nebris (662), pause (715), vechs (985), and zisteau (860).
leaving vechs at #1, etho at #2, and zisteau at #3. i was not a vechs reader but goddamn he really was everywhere fandom wise i recall, so that adds up. z and etho were definitely people i saw getting more attention at the end of my mindcrack era too (mostly z with vechs). of course some of this again should be taken w a the note that there are likely a lot of background appearances/minor ones. regardless, to know that even some of them were mentioned enough to add up like that is kinda wild when you think about it. i had some blinders on because i cared mostly about kurt and zisteau, and no surprise they have been tagged 700-800 times either- sms wasnt the most popular, but i know it came up quite a bit.
i did take a quick look at the mindcrack tag on ao3 but it houses wayyy less fics (466 right now) than the salad so, i guess its a better idea, mostly because it is what was popular back when these ppl werent as popular!
but in terms of now??? what got me back to watching these guys was being surprised at a post about bdubs that had like, 5k notes. so obvious things have changed A Lot. i mean hell. the salad has 2,578 fics tagged. ao3 has ummm 10k+ hermitcraft fics and 3k+ last life fics.... and for both etho and bdubs, theyre tagged in over 1k hermitcraft fics (2k, if you count last life as separate). actually an even more amusing comparison is Doc- on salad theres 213 tags and hes never someone i considered writing about or reading about (shockingly i did write him once) but in the hermitcraft tag on ao3 hes up as one of the most tagged with 1,940.
i find it so interesting how things change direction. bdubs was kinda early on the rping ideas and its no shock people caught on to him more- but etho is someone im surprised has exploded in popularity now? but also not? like im surprised interest like now didnt catch on until recently. the way people have molded a character and Vibe with him now Makes Sense. i think i always saw him in similar ways years ago, but that fandom attitude hadnt caught up, the fanbase was too small. but its wild to go from a few sporadic fics focused on one of these guys to like..... very very consistent interest, headcanons, fan art, fics, etc. fucking wild.
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shotorozu · 3 years
hellolololo!¡! so i recently saw this video where their
s/o goes on to omegle and the other person from omegle like goes “hi ur cute” or “u have snap?” and then their boyfriend just enters the frame,, can u do that to todobakudeku separately :3
if u dont understand u can check this out 😭 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJdEqc7V/ tyy ❤️❤️
“ur kinda cute” on omegle
(tiktok prank)
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku (bnha)
part two — part three
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, crack — ‘x reader’
note(s) : i love these types of requests 🤩 so i plan on making 3 parts with this (oh and don’t worry, i’ll finish the other tiktok prank series i have going on at the moment)
also, there’s no proofread on this so if there’s any typos or mistakes, sorry! i’ll be editing them in the morning
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todoroki shouto
okay so, the entire tiktok idea was planned— but the part where shouto came in surely wasn’t staged
so, being a curious young person— you wanted to make a tiktok, where you went on omegle just to speak to people for fun
and inside of your head, you’re kinda thinking that “this is dumb, omg im going to get flashed on there.” also while you were setting up your laptop
but you just used the appropriate tags and !! you were set off for an adventure
you set your phone aside, and you filmed most of the experience— cutting out the not so interesting encounters out of your tiktok
and then came on a dude, who had a,, unique reaction. he didn’t seem all that fishy— until he asked you for your snap (your social medias, essentially)
“you’re kinda cute, y’know. how did i not see you before?”
you shake your head, “oh no no! i appreciate your compliment, but i’m very much taken!” your mind immediately flashing back to the image of your icyhot boyfriend
“nahh you’re lying! i don’t see any dude back there”
oh,, and that was because shouto was out getting snacks 🧎 “no really dude, i appreciate it! i’m very much taken and being disloyal is out of the question!”
this dude just kept insisting and insisting, and due to the struggle— you weren’t able to hear the door knob jiggle
it seemed to be that his advances came to an end, and your lover made an entrance— a mop of red and white peaked out from the door frame
and the dude literally got scared and ended the conversation 💀 because you really weren’t lying!
you also figured that it was time to end your omegle shenanigans, and finish the tiktok— because your boyfriend was already there “hi love, who were you talking to?”
you closed your laptop, and offered him a smile “i was on omegle for a tiktok! i’m glad you’re back.” you discard your phone, wrapping your arms around his torso (and also making sure you don’t delete the draft)
shouto doesn’t say a lot, but he immediately accepts your touch, setting the groceries aside.
he doesn’t question the fact that you were on omegle because well,, he had to get used to your shenanigans on tiktok SOMEHOW
a few hours later, you posted the tiktok— and almost immediately, the tiktok gains a lot of attention
“i love how your boyfriend drove the last dude away 💀💀” “man the last dude didn’t take the hint 🗿” “your boyfriend indirectly protected you! we need more guys like him.”
you snicker at the comments, which ultimately gathered shouto’s attention “what’s up, love?”
you show him the tiktok, “the tiktok did well.” he’ll comment calmly, but shouto’s lowkey MAD ?? that a dude had the audacity. but he’s just glad that you’re happy just maybe,, don’t go on omegle anymore 💀
“love— next time, let me in on your tiktoks.” he says, running a thumb along your cheek lightly. because he was actually quite entertained, putting everything aside
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bakugou katsuki
as if bakugou katsuki would let you go on OMEGLE, a place that’s known for having the sketchiest people to ever exist— but make it virtual
but being with you made him realize that well,, if you want to do something, you’ll go through lengths just to do it.
even the great bakugou katsuki can’t really stop you. whatever makes you happy— but oh, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t highly discourage it
which lead you to go on omegle for a tiktok in the other room, while bakugou exercised in the very next room.
when you told him that you wanted to film a tiktok, bakugou only shrugged— “don’t do overly dumb shit.” was what he only told you and he left the door open too
you then set up your phone and laptop, applied the appropriate tags— and went off to make your tiktok
you only filmed the interesting encounters, and the people you met on there were very diverse in personality and just,, in general.
after the 4th encounter, then came a rather interesting dude. he didn’t seem all that ordinary but he wasn’t spectacular. he was just nice
and the conversation was rather normal— until he started asking for your socials “putting everything aside, do you have social media? you’re really cute.”
you reject immediately, “oh no, i appreciate your words but— i already have a boyfriend.”
you just have to hope that he noticed bakugou walking back and forth with equipment, but with his next words— that doesn’t seem to be the case
“i didn’t see anyone back there, a simple no would’ve been sufficient instead.” uh oh
“no really, i—” and before things escalated, katsuki’s head peaked through the door frame, freshly out of the shower “are you almost done, idiot?”
the dude literally looked behind you, and thought “oh shit, their boyfriend is bakugou fucking katsuki.” because bakugou is famous for,, multiple different reasons
the dude’s camera shakes in terror, “oh uhm,, it was nice meeting you!” not long before he dips from of the conversation, never to be seen again.
closing your laptop— you end the tiktok while bursting into laughter, and this action just confused katsuki ever further. he heard you speaking to someone, and when he looked, the person was nowhere to be seen
“what are you laughing at??”
“nothing katsuki, i was laughing at the tiktok i just made.”
then— you figured that it would be best to tell katsuki now that you were on omegle (long story short, he wasn’t pleased)
he scolded you that you shouldn’t be on omegle, but let’s be honest, he couldn’t stay mad at you— so he just cuddles the frustration away
when you upload the tiktok the following hours, it blows up pretty quickly—with comments like “LOL IS THAT BAKUGOU KATSUKI??” “he had guts until he saw bakugou katsuki 💀” “tbh i’d be scared too”
and when you report the news the katsuki, he smirks— “as he should be.”
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midoriya izuku
at this point, izuku is very much used to your shenanigans on tiktok. he’s very supportive of whatever you do all in all
but, about omegle,,, yeah,, as much as he trusts you— he does not trust omegle. he’s aware that it’s a shady place, and he doesn’t advise that you do go on that website bc he cares
so when you brought up the tiktok idea, he proposed that he’d be there, right beside you just to monitor if anyone’s being weird :)
and that’s great! because you also wanted to ask if he wanted to be a reoccuring guest in your tiktok— and of course, what kind of boyfriend would he be if he opposed?
he helps you set up your laptop and phone— all of that sort of stuff, and then you guys were off to make an interesting tiktok
oh, but izuku did apply the appropriate tags because he didn’t want you to see odd things he was secretly nervous but,, you were very ethusiastic, so he was too.
the first several people were interesting in their own way— especially with their reactions to your boyfriend appearing on screen
usually, they’d back off with, and comment on how cute your boyfriend is— wishing the both of you well before calmly leaving to meet new people,
that was how it was, until you met this person in particular.
he sounded very,, egotistical— i wouldn’t say that because you’ve just met the dude, but he acted like everyone wanted him or it sounded like that
then he says, “you definitely have a phone number, right? you’re cute, just my type.” wkdksmd this is awkward since izuku’s right beside you, but he’s just outside of the frame
then, izuku pops out of the frame— in all his cute ass glory, he gives a small wave to the not so pleased stranger
“please, that’s your boyfriend?” he scoffs, “with those arms, he looks like he could be your little brother! now let me ask again—”
it’s really weird?? because have you seen izuku’s gainz?? and this dude’s audacity is extraordinary.
but little did this guy know, he’s looking at midoriya izuku— and,, you’ve seen his performance in the sports festival.
the dude takes another glance at your boyfriend, who’s sitting there right beside you— and he realizes who he was talking to
“oh shit, you’re—” and before the both of you could realize it, he nopes out of the conversation.
after that encounter, you burst into a fit of laughter— the look on izuku’s face being priceless. “you should’ve seen your reaction!”
“haha, i guess he knew who i was,” he says bashfully, cheeks warming up. because it registered in his mind that people actually knew who he was. “can you,, upload the tiktok later? i want to hug you— i mean! if that’s fine.”
of course it’s fine! you oblige, and give him all the hugs he could ever need
after cuddling with izuku, you do upload the tiktok— and an hour later, your tiktok notifications blow up
the tiktok all in all gathered 1M views, 780K likes, and over 1,500 comments— most of them saying stuff like
“your boyfriend’s reaction was so cute?? i know he looked like he was going to punch him through the screen but 👀” “last dude was just not it.” “LMAO HE REALLY TRIED IT” “is your boyfriend IZUKU MIDORIYA??”
when you excitingly showed him the tiktok’s results, he was certainly pleased— because most of the comments were positive, and also because the tiktok’s results made you happy
“i’m glad that it did well!” he’ll sigh in relief, pressing a kiss against your temple, let’s just not go on there ever again
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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slothcapsule · 3 years
Curious for your YouTube algorithm thoughts
THANK YOU RANDOM CITIZEN OK SO this is gonna be messy asf bc im on phone but i need it out there so. im gonna talk about just like Dream specifically because yes. this is gonna be a long post you can skip past it
so like the thing is about dream blowing up so quickly is that he knew and was confident that he was in fact going to blow up and he talks about it as a matter of fact like, he even said he told Sapnap and George to come along with him like he was confident that its gonna happen and 1. we love us a cocky man and 2. i wanted to know why so i went through his channel and old videos and i cannot stress how perfectly he executed manipulating the YouTube algorithm in his favour.
Most of it wasn't really luck, but there did have to be a certain point of skills for him to gain as much attention as he did, like obviously being cracked at the game but also being charismatic, he has an easy good personality and him being at something that so many people love was such a good set up like. minecraft was the perfect base for him to gain attention because it has such a wide audience and so many people love interacting with any of its content, its practically too easy. so its not really luck, just a happy coincidence.
That's the setup, just Minecraft and then we have the first few videos on his channel which are again- perfect for people to find his channel, and i like to imagine he had sort of a set plan before he started his channel of what he's gonna do, probably long the lines of something like this:
short videos that draw people to watch them in like 4am when theyre bored - clickbait someone everyone knows (in his case pewdiepie) those will make people discover his channel and gain him a lot of views because people are going to want to figure out what seed he used and they'd be curious about that, and some people would actually look for it.
there was also the "cursed video" era, they were satirical and funny and unoriginal and glorious because people love them, and they're the type of stuff that get recommended to minecraft enjoyers.
slightly more original content but isnt new if you think about it - slightly longer videos but in a subject that people are curious about (as he's done it- "the unsolved mystery of...." and a bunch of others, those will make people actually click his channel to seek more videos of the same idea
and then its a cycle of those two for a while, keeps people engaged and grow fond of his channel
but then he throws a couple of videos that will make people stay there for him and not the content. aka the "minecraft but xray is on series" and it works, he keeps a level of engagement throughout the video and make people grow fond of him without them losing interest and draws out the video for around 20 minutes and thats when the mod videos started coming in
fully original content, with friends to keep the video from being dull (minecraft but... series)
and at that point he's practically made it, he just needed that little push to make all people flock to his content. thats where manhunt came in, in its early points at least.
i wholeheartedly believe that the speedrunning thing wasnt originally meant to be something to draw clout, if it was i reckon he wouldve made speedrunning videos before- but he started adding some speedrun videos and that helped people see just how good he was at the game.
but that's just like a very rough idea of it from what ive seen by scrolling through his channel, and he also talked about his name in anthony's interview, he said that Dream was a name he picked because everyone knew it, everyone knew how its spelled and its easy to remember, its just so well thought out and he just reached a point where he doesnt need those deliberate moves because now people use him for clickbait, hell even pewdiepie did.
it just. blows my mind no one else or not many other people really thought to do it the way Dream did or didn't manage to execute it as well because its such like, an easy thing to do sort of yk? you just need to have basic knowledge of how algorithms work. But thats just my opinion on it! feel free to add more if you want or if theres anything else you want to point out :D
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rafeyybabyy · 3 years
I found myself while loving you
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Summary: Draco Malfoy, Slytherin King, one of the meanest boys at Hogwarts finds he might not be who thinks he is after all 
Pairing: Draco X Hufflepuff reader
Word Count: 2153
A/N: Helllooo loves!! So this is my first time EVER writing a fic so please go easy on me. Im so nervous to post this, but I want to start writing and I have to start somewhere! and see if I’m even good at it!! Honestly I don’t know if any of my followers read HP fandom fics but if you do please check this out, tell me what you think! AHHH anyways I hope you like it
Growing up we typically believe our parents can do no wrong. We hold them above everything and everyone. We learn to turn a blind eye to the wrong they sometimes do, even go as far as justifying it. 
This is exactly what Draco did when it came to his father. Mr. Malfoy could do no wrong in the eyes of his little boy, even though all he did was wrong. 
The only thing Draco wanted to do in life was to make his father proud, to be the spitting image of the man. He spoke like him, walked like him, held his head as high as he did. This didn't go unnoticed by his father, but this was not a “proud dad moment” type of situation. Lucious Malfoy took this as an opportunity to shape Draco into everything he wanted him to be, for his own personal gain.  
Draco being in one of the most infamous death eater families meant a dark light was shed on him. Welcoming this with open arms Draco became the meanest student at Hogwarts, from the very moment he stepped onto the train the first day of first year. 
Going into his fifth year, nothing has changed. 
Draco sat with his gang of Slytherins in the Great Hall, back pressed to the table, his long legs crossed at the ankles stretched out in front of him, waiting for the newest first years to enter and get sorted into their houses. He threw his head back in laughter at a joke Blaise made. As his head was falling back into place, the smile on his face disappeared and his eyes widening. ‘That couldn't possibly be Y/N Y/L/N… absolutely couldn't be.’ He thought to himself as you walked into the room. You had not looked as you did last year. You had not been ugly by any means, just you, nothing special. You matured quite a lot over the short summer break, turning into a very beautiful young woman. 
And he had definitely noticed. 
He couldn't take his eyes off of you. In his shock, he leaned over and roughly shook Blaise by his shoulder, “Is that Y/N?” 
“What? Merlin it is, she sure did change this summer.” Blaise said adding a whistle. 
You were the true definition of a Hufflepuff, hard-working, patient, loyal, and one of the sweetest girls you would ever meet. Your Y/E/C eyes constantly shine with happiness, sending sweet smiles to everyone who walked by, no matter the scowls or disgusted looks they gave. 
You made your way past the Slytherin table, eyes falling on Draco and sending him a small grin, tucking your hair behind your ear in nervousness. He had never looked at you like that before. Only taking notice of you when he was giving you an odd scowl as you walked past him and his friends in the hallway during previous years with a smile permanently etched on your face. You on the other hand had always taken notice of the Slytherin King. It was quite an odd thing, the sweetest Hufflepuff finding herself swooning over the meanest boy in their year. But you couldn't help it, you were simply intrigued by him. Wondering what made him the way he was. Wondering what had to have happened to make him so cold to others.  And also wondering what kind of things made him smile, and how you wished you could do those things, wished you could make him smile. You sort of felt like a creep, due to the fact that you had never even really spoken to each other outside of being partnered with each other for a Transfiguration project last year. But you couldn't help the butterflies you felt whenever you saw him.
Something inside Draco changed that very moment. For the past two years he had noticed you, not a lot, but just enough to wonder about you from time to time. It was like he was seeing you for the very first time and he needed to know you, to know everything about you. 
Throughout the entire sorting ceremony he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, where he was seated he had a perfect view of your side profile. He took notice in the way your eyelashes curled up, the soft freckles that dusted over our nose and cheeks, the way your head was slightly tilted as you watched the students with interest as they were sorted. 
Simply breathtaking he thought. 
As the first few weeks passed, things did not change. Draco spent every chance he got looking at you, trying to come up with an excuse to speak with you. Once again you had Transfigurations together. “Today you will be working in pairs to vanish a group of mice.” instructed Professor Mcgonnagal, “You may choose who you partner up with, begin.” 
Before he even realized what he was doing Draco had jumped up from his chair and was standing over your desk saying “Would you like to be my partner?” 
He was sure he shared the same shocked expression on your face. Cheeks turning a light pink you agreed. 
Neither of you spoke much during the class, stealing quick glances at one another more than words. After successfully vanishing all of your mice in record time, you turned to him, “Well I can see you have very much improved since last year” a small teasing smirk playing on your lips. 
“I'd like to think so,” he said shyly. This had to have been a mistake you thought, Draco Malfoy shy? Around you? No way, not possible. 
As the thoughts were running through your head you heard him speak again, “Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? It's the first trip of the year.” 
It seemed you forgot how to speak, your mouth opened and then closed, your mind suddenly completely blank. 
“Nevermind, that was stupid, why would someone like you want to..” 
“I'd love to go with you” you practically yelled as you realized he was spiraling, probably thinking you would want to do anything but spend time with him. 
And then there it was, the smile that you rarely got to see, and you felt like your heart could burst. The bell rang and he stood up, “I'll meet you in front of the Great Hall after breakfast Saturday then,” he said, a smile still in full view. All you could do was nood, an expression of utter disbelief on your face. 
The rest of the week flew by and next thing you knew you were walking out of the doors of Hogwarts with Draco by your side. The two of you spent the day walking around the shops, and stopping for a Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. You were surprised by how easy it was to talk to him. As much as you didn’t want to, you had always thought he had to be just as everyone said he was, mean. But you were completely wrong. As you got to know him more and more during your short time, you had a feeling there was a lot more to the boy. 
As the months past your time spent with Draco increased. Meeting in the corridors before and after classes, sneaking you to the Slytherin table during meals, and sneaking you into his dorm for late night cuddles every so often.
This was completely out of character for you by others standards but with him you had never felt more yourself. 
And Draco was feeling the exact same way. Slowly but surely his bad guy persona was fading, and people were starting to take notice. Word was getting around that he was becoming a different person. But he did not care anymore. 
“He has to be faking it, he has always been the nastiest boy to walk these halls.” 
“If his family could see him now they would not even recognize him..”
There was no way for him to not hear these things being said about him as he walked from class to class with you on his arm. And one day it finally hit him. They were right, he was not the same boy he had been the previous years, and he had you to thank for that. He realized now that this was him, this is how he was meant to be. 
He had spent his whole life before this trying to live up to his fathers attitude and beliefs that he had become something he wasn't. But he was done, he was done trying to please him, constantly miserable from never seeming to be able to. He was himself now.
Word about the way Draco changed so drastically had finally gotten to his father. And it could not have happened at a worse time. This Hogsmead trip he had asked his mother and father to meet him, wanting to introduce you to them. Surprisingly he was not at all nervous, just excited to finally have you meet his family, thinking they would love you just like everyone else did. 
The two of you sat in Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop waiting for them to arrive. The door opened and Draco shot straight up, straightening his shirt and hair as his parents walked in. “Father, Mother, it's good to see you. You both look well.” he said. “As do you,” his father said simply. His mother sent him a small smile, from her position behind her husband. Sitting down Mr. Malfoy wasted no time speaking of the rumors he had been hearing about his son. “It has come to my attention that you have changed Draco, and not in a way I would categorize as acceptable.” “You've lost your mind if you think I am going to let you lose yourself,” he sent you a nasty side eyed look, “because of a silly girl.”
You felt Draco tense beside you and instinctively interlaced your fingers with his to try to calm him down. This did not faze you , you know the reputation his father had and did not fool yourself with the thought of him being overjoyed at his son's new attitude. 
Draco spoke as calmly as he could “The way I have been acting is certainly because of Y/N, in the sense that she has made me realize I do not want to be like my miserable father anymore.” He no longer cared if this was supposed to be a happy meeting, introducing his girl to his parents, no this was it, this was where he was going to break free of the hold his father had on him. This was where he was getting the stain of his family's name off of him. 
This seemed to shake his father to the core, realization hit him that he did not have control over his boy anymore, and he was now his own person. His mothers head was tilted down but Y/N could see the small smile on her face. She knew what Dracocould be, and she was proud he was becoming his own person. 
Without saying another word his father got up and stormed out of the shop, his mother throwing him a proud smile as she ran after his father. 
“Draco I’m so sorry, I never meant for this to happen,” You said sadly. 
Without saying anything he stood you up and pulled you into a kiss, breaking away to say “Let's get out of here,” with a smile on his face. 
You sat by the fire in the Slytherin common room late that night wrapped up in Draco’s arms. He was still reeling from the day's events, he had never felt more happy with himself. “I can't remember the last time I felt this good...” he spoke so softly you almost didn't hear him. You turned to look at him, waiting for him to continue. “I've spent as long as I can remember tied up in the idea that I needed to be just like my father to make him love me, but I don't want to do that anymore. I want to be who I am with you all the time, with everyone. It's much easier than being miserable all the time.” 
 You took his face in hands, your thumbs stroking his jawline, “I always knew there was more under that hard exterior, I'm happy I was able to help you let it out.” 
He dropped his forehead against yours, breathing deep, his lips landed on yours in the sweetest but most passionate kiss you had shared. It took your breath away and you were slightly panting as you broke apart. 
“The only love I ever wanted was from my father. But now, the only love I want is yours. An… and i love you more than i can tell you.” 
“And I love you just as much.”
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kimsnnn · 3 years
Part 1
Disclaimer: This post is in favor of my ship, Elriel. No hate, just an opinion. This is what makes sense to me. If this isn't your cup of tea, and it came up on your feed, no worries just skip please. 
If you look at it this way:
If the series were to officially end at ACOWAR then that would mean that there would be no need to add any more books due to the majority of the plot being resolved. If there were slight questions or plot holes that were left open, we as readers can basically create our own conclusion based of where these characters and their stories were left off at. That’s the beauty of being a reader, being able to use our imagination to extend the stories based on canon information to infer or even speculate what happened to those beloved characters of ours.
If its easy to answer these questions, fill these plot holes and resolve any issues within that story, then there would be no need for any additional books, and lets say there were questions that were pressing but not complicated to answer, a simple extra book could be added to resolve that like ACOFAS. ACOFAS could’ve concluded everything. She could’ve also showed Feyre or whoever freeing Vassa and then created a whole spin off on Vassa and her adventures including the plot of her defeating her captor Koschei while also dealing with the queens and humans basically introducing us to a whole new world and continent with new fae/fae territories (like chaol introduced in his book from ToG). Her LI would most likely be Jurian because Lucien would have ended up with Elain which we know because she resolved that in ACOFAS.
That’s not at all what happened. Things were not answered/resolved during ACOFAS.
The author which in this case is SJM knew that whatever obvious inferences/speculation we the fandom would have is not the accurate ending she had for these characters. So she decided to introduce far more books into the series as standalones but, still part of the overarching plot to truly get the full scope of what she has in store for these characters. Why make additional books based on the obvious ?  She’s a writer, she knows the importance of creating mystery or writing plot twists that we either didn’t or decided not to realize or even accept. So ACOFAS and even ACOWAR wasn’t there to answer last minute questions, to show us that our favorite ships did end up together, no it was there to be used to set up future stories like SJM said and be as close as can be as opposite of obvious.
At the End of ACOWAR we have :
-THAT Nessian moment 🥰  (& Nessian moments in general in ACOWAR)
We can infer based on where those characters were left off that :
-They would end up together eventually.  I mean come on, Cass’s line *chef’s kiss*.
BUT what people forget is that was also her breaking point (trauma) 
-We didn’t know how her trauma would affect her, her life and loved ones, & how she’d heal Or what were even her powers. These questions were built up throughout all of ACOWAR
So what did SJM do?
-She wrote the answers to those questions in ACOSF while also resolving questions about Nessian’s status especially since Nesta first had to start healing to let herself be loved.
The evidence ? The set up to gain support to find these answers ? Its in ACOFAS
-Nesta’s drinking, isolation, rage, fear, loneliness and self hate
-Nesta’s avoidance of her sisters, the IC and Cassian
-Cassian’s persistence, confusion. Feeling helpless.
Same thing can be seen for Elain
At the end of ACOWAR
-Civilness between E and L.  She seems more at peach and want to plan gardens/rebuild
We can infer
-Elain talked to Lucien so she forgave him or is on track to forgive him. From this we can assume the possibility of Elucien being endgame.
Elain also must be healed because she smiled and wants to help rebuild. So that all equals acceptance of her powers (on occasionally seeing things and that it, that’s her power), her new life and bond
BUT what we forget is the iconic Elriel moments (Hybern camp & truth teller connection), Elain’s world/future going up in flames, the consequences/trauma of having been gifted these powers
-We don’t know the full scope of her powers, why the cauldron adores her, how she feels, why were we given blooming moments between Elriel 
So again what will SJM probably do?
-Set Elriel to be endgame. Cause civility/friendship/forgiveness/CLOSURE between Elain and Lucien. Get In depth about her powers, her trauma and how it has affected the life she thought she would have. Have her come into her role in the NC and have self growth. 
The evidence? Its in ACOFAS & ACOSF
-Elain’s anger and desperation to have a choice, to have her own agency
-Elain’s avoidance, tolerance, discomfort of Lucien ( she wilts and regresses)
-Elain’s push to contribute more and firmly declare she’s a member of the NC
-Elriel’s tension & build up ( glances, smiles, blushing, gifts, humor, awareness, longing, protectiveness, attraction, actively trying to distract themselves, etc I could go on and on)
-Confirmation of Elain’s power still existing. Her whereabouts: where is Elain when the IC are facing obstacles?
-Her visions still to happen. The fourth dead trove needs to be found: it makes sense that it would be found by Elain (& Az) ( the crown: Braiylln, the harp & mask: Nesta, the fourth trove: Elain)
*If there are 3 cauldron made and Braiylln found one (& is now dead), Nesta found 2 but couldn't get a good read of the fourth, that means it'll be up to Elain & Azriel because they are basically the only two in the IC who closely work with shadows and even mist. Maybe Nuala and Cerridwen would also join in searching which id love.
Now let’s ignore the evidence.
From that moment at the end of ACOWAR again: 1) we see Elain who seems better and 2)we have Elain and Lucien who seem to be in a civil place 
So we assume she’s healed or on track, and her relationship with Lucien is looking up. So why would SJM write a whole standalone on the obvious?
If she’s healed and okay, if she and Lucien will be a sailing ship why be so secretive and unclear on Elain’s story, on who she ends up with?
Nessian was so clear, there was no REAL doubt that they would not end up together despite the obstacles between them, two of them being her rage and trauma. But Nessian would be and are endgame period. All the other “prospects” were just for angst, development and humor. Not real threats.
She wrote Nesta’s story because the worry and question wasn’t on Nessian’s validity, she established their validity and their romance when Nesta prepared to die with Cassian, when Cassian promised to find more time with her, when Nesta called for Cassian, when Nesta Wass worried for Cassian, when Nesta would constantly pay attention to him without realizing it (his wings) when Cassian ran after her during solstice, when Cassian bought her a gift etc. The worry and questions were ALWAYS on and about Nesta’s role, powers, and trauma because they were the influencing factor that affected everyone’s future, Nesta’s life/health and Nessian’s ability to finally able to come together.
If Elucien were endgame we as a fandom would know without a doubt that they are. There would be many more moments of ooh’s and hmmm’s and less mystery and confusion on their validity. There would be far more angst and these characters would have be seen more often together (seeking each other out, but Elain never does) or at least have them have more than one scene of mutual civilness where they dont talk awkwardly, and have a real conversation not one that seems forced, especially by Feyre. Even with the obstacles between them and their distance (because of the obvious elephant in the room) we should have scenes that showcases clear interest between them but we don’t. There is only one true scene where we have that and its at the end of ACOWAR, Im not blind i could see where people might interpret it as Elucien confirmation and who knows maybe I'm wrong and it is but, I read that differently. That to me was confirmation that a friendship between them is possible. Something completely platonic but just as sweet in a different way. That scene to me wasn’t charged it was not even a slow burn or even a spark it was healing and the foreshadowing of a possible friendship.
*Possible ToG spoiler below*
I don’t think it’s too far fetched to assume that Vassien is a thing. And in all honestly I also don’t think its too far fetched to have Lucien (& Vassa) have their own book like Chaol (& Yrene) did. Chaol was an important/original main character from the very beginning of the series who ended up doing grave mistakes. He found himself lost in life to later finding himself gaining a new purpose outlook & perspective when he left the continent to only meet his new LI Yrene freaking Towers who SERIOUSLY changed the whole game ( I freaking love her) and was extremely valuable to winning that war. This is so similar to Lucien’s story so far and Vassa (the firebird) who I expect to resemble Yrene in value and vitalness  BUT it is important to state that Lucien is nothing like Chaol and is far more SUPERIOR. So No this is not me saying Lucien is like Chaol. This is just me seeing the resemblance in their journeys so far, which might be due to SJM possibly reusing the same template on purpose.
Part 2
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rebel-pogue · 4 years
Stretch Marks
JJ Maybank X plussize!Reader
request: kinda...?
warnings: cussing, issues with body image, angst, fluff
summary: After a fight with your parents about your health, you plan to spend the rest of your day to yourself until a certain blue eyed blonde finds you on your deck.
a/n: from @maybanktho​ they made a wonderful list of imagine ideas and I had to jump onto this one... tho I do have a couple others from the list im working on as well! I hope you guys enjoy! This one was enjoyable bc it felt really personable but idk... let me know what you think and if you’d like any specific imagine!!
wc: 1.5k
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There were plenty of things in the world that you never understood. One, why bras were so insanely expensive. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that they were conditioned into wearing one to be presentable to the public. They were uncomfortable, no matter how “high quality” they were, broke way too easily for anyone’s own well being, and even if you bought one to look cute for someone else, it’s not like it stayed on your body very long in those instances. Another thing you just didn’t get was why or how anybody could be interested in you or your body. Emphasis on the latter.
You’ve always been bigger than everyone else, in size and height. You never knew what it was like to be able to just pull something off the shelf at a store and it fit, nor to have something fit perfectly without it being too loose on your waist, or not fit over your hips and butt at all. Growing up you were constantly surrounded by smaller, prettier girls, magazines that glorified a specific body type, and TV shows and movies that were never inclusive to plus size women. Even if they had one character who was plus size, they were always the butt of the joke. You didn’t know what it was like to love the body you lived in growing up.
As you got older, it got easier. A lot of it was thanks to yourself just generally being tired of being told you didn’t fit “a look”, though more appearances of plus sized characters in TV shows, movies, and magazines helped as well. Instead of feeling that separation between the women who ran the world, you felt a connection finally. However, it didn’t take much for a single comment to plummet your confidence. Then you met the one boy you never realized you needed in your life, JJ Maybank.
“Hey gorgeous.” The smooth drawl gained all of your attention away from the music you were listening to as you relaxed on the deck from your house. Your eyes landed on the smooth-talking blonde who stood at the steps, leaning against one of the wooden posts that lined the short pier that you often escaped to when life was too much to handle.
You couldn’t help the natural smile that came to your lips as you lifted the sunglasses from your eyes to greet the insanely attractive male, “Well, hello to you too. I thought you had work today?” You questioned, watching his movements as he stepped closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours.
He rested into a seated position beside you, and his eyes travelled your body. You loved and hated when he did this. Your conflicted emotions could never fully convince you if he actually enjoyed what he saw or not, but today he couldn’t see much anyways, which you were thankful for.
“Got out early, Pogues were thinking about taking a ride out to swim...” he slowed his words his eyes finally matching back up with yours again, “Why are you wearing sweatpants? It’s hot as balls outside!”
Your hands instantly found their way to the hem of your shirt, toying with it nervously, “Haven’t had the best morning so far.” You commented casually, not wanting to continue much of the conversation. You hadn’t planned on doing anything with your day after the conversation you’d had with your shitty parents that morning.
JJ tilted his head slightly, reaching up and brushing some loose strands of hair that had whipped to the front of your face. You flinched slightly at his touch, not because you were scared of him but because the small gesture of affection was hard for you to accept sometimes. He frowned slightly, but didn’t bring attention to it.
“Was it your parents again?” He asked, averting his eyes from yours so he wasn’t putting too much pressure on you to answer. You could never fully explain how or why JJ always knew what to say or ask.
Sighing heavily, you pushed your body up, pulling your knees to your chest, instinctively covering your stomach with your arms, “They made their usual comments about how I needed to take better care of myself, how I shouldn’t be wearing such ‘revealing’ clothes, that I should use my money for gym memberships instead of, oh I don’t know, saving money for COLLEGE?!” Your voice grew in intensity and volume as the anger returned to your mind, tears stinging the edges of your eyes. “I mean, it’s like I can’t do anything in life if I look like this.” You gestured towards your body, regaining eye contact with JJ and regretted it immediately.
His bright cerulean eyes were too soft, too concerned, and too focused on everything you had just said. His normally striking and strong features relaxed into an empathic position causing you to involuntarily take a sharp inhale.
“Never-mind, JJ. Don’t worry about it, it’s not your problem.” You said quickly, trying to deescalate the situation and make it seem less important. You stretched your legs out in front of you, the bright sun disappearing into the black sweatpants that hung on your legs. Your mind began to spiral as the memories from that morning circled back and how you had just complained to JJ about something he could never understand.
Pushing yourself off of the old wooden deck, you stood fast, keeping your eyes away from his. Today had started off horrible, and it seemed it was just going to continue in that fashion no matter what you did. You couldn’t fix your body, you couldn’t fix your parents, you couldn’t fix you. As you began to step over JJ, his hand reached out for you, clasping onto your wrist where your hand still clung tightly to the hem of your shirt.
“I don’t get it, like, I really don’t…” You were waiting for the usual ‘I understand how you’re feeling but it’s not that serious’ comment to spill from his lips. You kept your eyes on the ground, not wanting to watch him crush your mentality anymore than it already was.
“JJ I don’t need your sympathy-“ You began, a small tear rolling down your cheek.
JJ stood quickly, grabbing your shoulders to bring your attention back to him, “It’s not sympathy (y/n)! I don’t get how people can look at you and not be blown away! How they can’t just look at every inch of you and fall completely head over heels for you, how they couldn’t fall in love by just seeing how beautiful you are!!” He was breathing heavily, his eyes wide and honest.
Your breath hitched in your throat as more tears fell from your eyes, this gorgeous, beautiful, fit boy just confessed to you right? Is that what just happened?? You didn’t know what or how to process what was coming from his mouth, but he continued, “The first time I saw you, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Your smile was just… nothing like I had ever seen before. Hell yeah I noticed your body, I noticed your hips, your chest…your ass! It’s because I saw one glance and I knew I needed you in my life… and I couldn’t have been more right, for once in my life.”
His hand landed on your waist, resting easily and comfortable above your hip. Your shirt lifted slightly and you could feel the heat from his hand on your side. “…are you sure? Are you sure you want this?” You asked quietly, still not able to tear your eyes away from his beautiful blue ones.
He scoffed loudly, his eyebrows knitting together almost angrily at what you had said, “I don’t want anyone or anything else.” You stated matter of factly and slammed his lips into yours.
It was rough at first, but the passion overtook the both of you and you lost yourself in him. Your hands found their way to his blonde locks, his hands reaching behind you, grabbing onto you and holding you tight. Your lips moved together in motion, his tongue easily making its way through your lips and dancing with yours. You didn’t know how long the two of you stood there in each others embrace, but when you finally broke you both had to catch your breaths. Resting his forehead against yours, he pressed one more quick kiss to you.
“Do you really think my ass looks good?” You asked, looking up into his eyes curiously.
The grin that landed on his face made you swoon, “Oh baby, I would throw away everything if I could just hold onto your ass.” You both chuckled softly, falling comfortably into silence.
A small while later you found yourselves making the short walk towards your house, your hands grasped in his own large ones. “So, you said we’re going swimming right?” You asked, glancing sideways towards him.
“Maybe later, no offense but after talking about you I’m so fucking horny right now and you gotta take responsibility.” He pulled you after him, rushing into your house and towards your room.
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justalitlecreacher · 3 years
Ok as much as I hate the events of the Rako Hardeen arc in Clone Wars and deeply wish that the council/Obi-Wan had at the very least told Anakin and Ahsoka what they were planning, I feel like the arc represents a very important turning point in Anakin’s fall and actually shows an important bit of character growth from Attack of the Clones.
Tl;Dr: The Rako Hardeen arc is my favorite and least favorite arc in all of Clone Wars because while it puts Anakin through unnecessary pain it also gives a lot of insight into why he may have fallen in Revenge of the Sith and shows some important character growth
Ok; the most important part of this post/analysis (I think) is to remember how close Anakin and Obi-Wan are. Anakin was placed in Obi-Wan’s care at the age of 9 and from then on Obi-Wan practically raised him. In Attack of the Clones we see Anakin refer to Obi-Wan as the closest thing he has to a father not once, but twice, and one of those two times was directly to Obi-Wan.”OBI-WAN:  Why do I think you are going to be the death of me?! ANAKIN:  Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain.”(Attack of the Clones) and later to Padmé “...He's [Obi-Wan] like my father,...”. This is especially important because when Anakin leaves his mother to become a Jedi in The Phantom Menace, Obi-Wan is literally the only friendly/familiar face in the Temple. Plus in the comics (disclaimer: I have not read all the comics just bits and pieces) we get a glimpse of Anakin training with the other padawans and it’s made clear that at least some of them don’t like Anakin at all. One padawan even refers to him as “just a slave” when shit talking him during training.(which like super fucked up; they def should’ve gotten in trouble cause that don’t seem very Jedi of them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Anyway; we’ve established Anakin and Obi-Wan’s bond. So let’s turn our attention towards someone who deserved so much better; Shmi Skywalker. Her death in Attack of the Clones was the first major turning point in Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side. There is really no excuse for Anakin’s actions after Shmi’s death; he goes to a very dark place, and likely taps into the dark side of the force during the massacre of the Tusken Raiders. But that’s not what we’re talking about rn so back on track.
I bring Shmi’s death up to say that while Anakin was tracking down Obi-Wan’s “murderer” I didn’t fully realize that Obi-Wan had disguised himself as Hardeen and I was genuinely worried that Anakin was about to unalive an innocent man. I really believe that the only thing that stopped Anakin from trying (and maybe succeeding) to kill Obi/Rako was like he said: he knew that Obi-Wan wouldn’t have wanted him to. This is important because the last time Anakin lost a family member he brutally murdered an entire village of Tusken Raiders, children included, and I think it’s safe to say that Shmi “the biggest problem in the universe is nobody helps each other” Skywalker would not have wanted that. I’ve finally arrived at one of my main points; this arc shows a crucial bit of character growth by showing an Anakin that is capable of thinking his actions through and not just reacting out of anger even after the loss of one of the most important people in his life; something he was previously shown incapable of when his anger and grief blind him. This turns this arc into an sort of midway point on Anakin’s fall; he’s clearly tempted to give into his anger and pain again, but he is able to resist this time. A younger Anakin may have killed “Hardeen” then and there. 
This scene really contrasts with Anakin’s actions in Revenge of the Sith in a way im not sure how i feel about yet. On one hand it has potential to make Anakin’s actions in Revenge of the Sith feel too out of character. We just saw Anakin able to see past his own emotions in the wake of the death of a loved one so what makes this different? On the other hand this arc can be used to show just how desperate Anakin is to not have to feel that way ever again. It’s also good for showing how much influence Palpatine has had on Anakin in the space between this arc and Revenge of the Sith. As for why Anakin may be unable to think past his own feelings in Revenge of the Sith when he appeared perfectly capable in the arc, a likely reason is that there really wasn't anything Anakin thought he could do for Obi-Wan anymore because he believed him to be dead, but with Padmé, Anakin knew she could be saved if he could just get her the proper care. But his fear of being exiled from the Jedi Order, and his increasing lack of faith in the council led him to believe that he had no choice other than to trust in Palpatine. And no hate to Yoda but im sure when Anakin did try to reach out (even as vaguely as he did) Yoda’s response of “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” didn't appear to be very helpful (especially considering that he is well aware that listening to Ahsoka’s visions and responding appropriately saved Padmé’s life (not sure if Anakin knows about that though)). These three episodes show pretty well how/why Anakin may have felt that he had nowhere to turn but Palpatine.
These groups of episodes actually show negative character growth (is that the right term?) in Anakin. He goes from commiting mass murder rated E for everyone to understanding that his loved ones would not want him to seek revenge in this way, but then he backslides into this lightsaber is rated E for everyone by Revenge of the Sith. Logically he should know that Padmé would never have wanted him to do what he did; he has to know what he’s doing is wrong, but he’s incapable of seeing another way out because he cannot handle even the thought of losing Padmé. He’s too desperate to not lose her, and so sure that there’s no other option that he manages to convince himself that he needs to do this for her. I find this entire arc really interesting but unless i want to be here all day the most i can do here is point out that it exists and that it peaks in the Rako Hardeen arc. Surprisingly i do have a life outside of writing long posts, and i lack the time and energy to analyze all of Clone Wars and write about every event that led to Darth Vader (there are so many). On top of that i actually haven’t seen all of Clone Wars; just the episodes most important to understanding Anakin’s fall.
Onto my next point, we just talked about the growth Anakin showed in this episode; now onto why i believe that this arc was instrumental in Anakin’s fall. (Disclaimer: I do not think that removing this arc alone could have saved Anakin, but i do believe it would have helped a good bit). I’ve already touched on Anakin and Obi-Wan’s bond so im not gonna do that again. 
Ive said it before and i will say it again; it was super fucked up of Obi-Wan and everyone else on the Council to use Anakin’s (and Ahsoka’s) reactions Obi-Wan’s “death” for their own gain. It was super manipulative and they absolutely knew what they were doing.  Obi-Wan even explicitly says, “Keeping Anakin on the outside was critical. Everyone knows how close we are. It was his reaction that sold the sniper. I'm sure of it.”(Deception season 2 episode 15). He knows just how devastated Anakin would be by his death, and he uses like Anakin and his mental and emotional well-being mean nothing to him (I know this isn’t true but its probably not hard to believe that someone doesn't care about your feelings when they’ve just tricked you into thinking they’ve died for their own gain). The Council really proves time and time again that they do not care about Anakin’s (or maybe anyone’s; Anakin was far from the only one close to Obi-Wan left unaware of his deception) mental or emotional wellbeing, but tbh i think this is the worst example of how callous the Council can be. And on top of all of that it was Obi-Wan who decided to keep Anakin in the dark Obi-Wan who should have known better; if we assume that Anakin is at least 20 in Clone Wars; Obi-Wan has known Anakin for at least 10 years, and has practically raised him from the age of 9, and yet somehow, somehow he had this idea and didn't see a single thing wrong with it. (And they really picked the worst possible person for this; like yea let’s trick the most unstable Jedi we have into thinking his closest friend/ father figure was murdered)
This arc’s main purpose (IMO) is to really show the beginnings of Anakin losing faith in the Jedi and putting more and more faith in Palpatine. Anakin trusted Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan betrayed that trust. Beyond that Palpatine is able to make Anakin begin to doubt how much the Council is telling him if they didnt tell him something as crucial as this. We even see Anakin parroting Palpatine’s “concerns” of the council not telling Anakin the full truth the Obi-Wan and the end of the arc. This arc is instrumental is establishing Anakin’s loss of faith in the council and shows how much he trusts Palpatine and sees him as a real friend.
Anyway I’m sure I had more I wanted to touch onand if I remember I will definitely edit this post but for the now I just wanna say. A) I love Obi-Wan a lot; this arc just really was not it. I do not understand how he thought this was in any way acceptable but I do still really like him. B) i fully understand that Anakin’s actions are his own and he does take a share of the blame for his own fall.
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det395 · 3 years
a self-indulgent writing wrap up post
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(thank you @jestbee​ for the word count tracker) 
i was less good at following daily goals than i was just having a few odd days binge-writing and catching up. quarantine made me lose motivation for school and work but i funnelled a lot of my energy into writing fic to ignore the world which is super responsible obviously
Fics posted:
Starlight (Star Wars, Poe/Finn)
Elegy to the Void (Star Wars, Poe/Finn)
Stay The Same (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley)
Love (Fleabag, gen sorta)
Jigsaw Falling Into Place (Dan/Phil)
Dreams Tonight (Dan/Phil)
Love that I give (Dan/Phil)
Make Me Feel (Dan/Phil/original characters)
as long as i’m here (Dan/Phil)
I never wanted any other way to spend our lives (Dan/Phil)
Trapped in the dark, you found me (Dan/Phil)
Glitch (Dan/Phil)
The sun will always shine (Phil/original character)
I see it in your eyes (Dan/Phil)
In my arms I’ll catch you (Dan/Phil)
Whisper (The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue Series, Monty/Percy)
the sky is falling in (Hannibal, Hannibal/Will)
Bathe in the glow (Hannibal, Alana/Margot)
This beast that you're after (Hannibal, Hannibal/Will)
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks (Hannibal, Hannibal/Will)
scattered thoughts:
i wrote exactly 20 fics which satisfies me to find out they fit on one ao3 page
i posted 157,654 words on ao3. i have so many wips in docs rip
the first four fics i wrote were from various media that i watched and didn’t feel quite satisfied with and then after getting those thoughts out, my interest halted and i was at peace
recently i’ve been less invested in the phandom (though i’ll probably linger forever as my interest ebbs and flows, can’t abandon my first fandom or where all my best pals are) but i was surprised to see that over half of the fics i wrote this year were still for them. time is strange. remember the fun moodboard trend? i also have an unposted, mostly finished ginormous wip from summer that will see the light of day one day too bc it is my child that i am neglecting
i felt like jigsaw falling into place was underrated (am i allowed to say that about my own writing?) but that’s just bc it was essentially a confusing diary ramble 
i’m very proud of make me feel
why do i barely remember writing some of these fics? it was me being zoned out for half of quarantine i think
in my arms i’ll catch you is one of the most creative things i’ve written
writing hannibal fic has opened my eyes to the fun of writing surreal, almost supernatural elements and all of the potential there is in dark metaphors. my life is changed forever and my new kinks terrify everyone
i have so many ideas for hannibal fics. someone needs to stop me 
i am most proud of the sky is falling in. i had ambitious plans that i was sure were going to fall apart but it ended up pulling together in a way i am super happy with. i never lost momentum on it and it is now the longest story i have ever written. i got completely lost in it. this is one of the only fics i sometimes reread parts of and it feels like my child
tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks is the most recent thing i posted and the most popular thing i wrote all year based on kudos. also the 2nd most popular thing ive ever posted, which is cool and kind of funny that it’s had the least time to gain attention. not to toot my own horn again but it was one of those fics where when i wrote it, it just came out exactly how i wanted it to. and i made myself cry. i am so invested that i have almost 10k written of a sequel making everything worse.
i wish id written more fics about women. i wanted to write for killing eve but i struggled with their voices and didn’t have strong enough idea for them getting together. i also had an idea for waverly/nicole that didn’t pan out well. i have 6.4k of an abigail-centric and heavy-on-alana fic written that i also think is intimidatingly ambitious so i might mix it as a co-POV fic but we’ll see how it goes. i did read more f/f than i wrote this year but i guess i still have complicated feelings
the only consistency i have in fic title format is that all of them are based on songs
i may never be the grammar queen but i feel like my writing improved a lot this year and im proud of myself for getting so much out onto a page in some manner
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