#you have one waffle house waffle for the first time since earlier this year and suddenly your live changes
veloriium · 9 months
i think owning a waffle maker would save me
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unforeseen-idiot · 10 months
Check Please as a secret Supernatural hunters AU
A while ago I had the idea of a group of amicable bros who hunt supernatural stuff for fun, protection, advancement of human knowledge and then eat and Denny’s after or something. The actual story involved some farm boy asking for their help regarding a werewolf and him becoming close friends with them. This never fully panned out (just one of those story ideas you get in a burst of creativity and than have a hard time fleshing out) but I realized I basically imagined the supernatural group as the cast of Check Please. So I figure why not make some related head-canons (good god why was this opening so long).
•So basically a lot of supernatural crap happens in Samwell Massachusetts (it is New England after all), so many groups have been formed in the past, but most couldn’t quite work together well or were just friends who knew jack about beasts and magic.
• That is until we get a perfect combination to start a paranormal investigation business: a metaphysical and superstitious jock type guy, a foul mouthed Bostonian who doesn’t know a whole lot of supernatural stuff but who’s loyal to a daily and will literally do anything, and a stoic yet caring French Canadian who has that classic “legacy of monster hunters” (like in this AU Bad Bob killed vampires) and a prolific Journal.
• So anyway say Shitty and Johnson are already friends and say a witch or something is really messing with their lives. They try to deal with it themselves but they bite off more than they can chew and almost die, that is until mysterious Jack Zimmerman shows up out of nowhere and pulls some cool supernatural stuff to get the witch, but it doesn’t quite work.
•Shitty and Johnson thank Jack (Johnson probably says some crap about how the story can finally start getting good), but Jack is all angry and stoic cuz this is Year 1 Jack mixed with your typical “monster Hunter who probably has a super sad backstory involving his parents and monsters” so yeah things are slow at first but Shitty and Johnson insist on working with him since the Witch was really pissing them off (and Johnson needs this AU to go somewhere).
•cue an epic series where the three of them work together to hunt down the witch and all bond over random crap, and Jack opens up about his tragic backstory a little bit, and there’s world building regarding how they hunt monsters. Eventually they track the witch down to some crazy looking house and after an epic and very emotional battle they banish her using the same thing Jack tried earlier but it works cuz it’s with all three of them since teamworks cures all. After that they decide that they should do this more often and decide to make the old, decrepit house into an old decrepit Haus.
That’s all I got, I know it’s painfully unoriginal but I had a lot of fun and like the AU (who knows maybe I may actually write it someday). And then I can make sequels that bring in Ransom, Holster, Lardo, Bitty, Olly and Wicky, the Frogs, the Tadpoles, Waffles, Tater probably, and Kent Parson cuz of course he’s involved somehow.
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duskwoodgirl4life · 1 year
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I got this idea from watching the mentalist towards the end when Patrick and Teresa declare their live for one another. I've changed a few things to make it work how I want it there will be 2 more chapters coming hope you all enjoy this short story.
Chapter 1
MC and Jake had just wrapped up another case for the FBI, Jake had booked a hotel for the time they were in Miami. Laid out on the bed in MCs room were 3 different dresses and a smile spread across her face as she picked each dress up. She picked out the light pink dress that flowed down her legs. She thought a lot of Jake was always surprising her at every turn. As she walked down the stairs to dinner she saw Jake sat at the table with 2 other agents. He looked up and saw how beautiful she looked, she went over to the reception to ask a question. "Hi, the bathrobes in the room my boyfriend would love one, are they available to buy?" The receptionist looked up with a smile. "they are part of the package that Mr Dalton booked last week"
MC turned around and walked over to where Jake was sitting "you bastard, you set this whole case up to get me to delay going to DC" MC picks up a glass of water and throws it at Jake slamming the glass down she turns and walks away going back to her room. Jake dried his face with the napkin putting it back down on the table. "I better go talk to her" Jake got up from his seat and went to try and talk with MC. "MC? Please let me explain" Jake knocked on the door waiting for a response from the other side. "Go away Jake! I don't want to hear it" a tear fell from MCs eye and she packed her things. "Please MC let me in so we can talk about this" Jake pleaded with MC to let him in.
"I know you're still there I can hear you breathing" Jake moved away from the door and went into his room closing the door behind him. MC grabbed her bag and left the hotel getting into the taxi to take her to the airport. MC pulled out her phone and dialed her boyfriend's number. "Hey, you know what let's do it let's get married, I'm on my way to the airport now" she had concern and regret laced all her face after what she said. "Hunni, that's fantastic. I can't wait for you to get to DC. text me your flight info and I will meet you at the airport" MC pulled the phone away from her ear as Mark was talking and talking about all the things they can do once she arrives.
2 months earlier
The serial killer had been caught that murdered so many people including Jake's wife and daughter. It had been 10 years of trying to discover just who red eye is. It had been 10 years since Jake made the mistake of talking about red eye on national TV. Jake had come to work for the FBI all those years ago to bring down red eye. He had been getting closer to MC for some time now but still he couldn't break down the walls around his heart. They had been working on a case involving a robbery at an art gallery. The team that deals with stolen art asked for help with catching them.
They set up a fake party at a house the FBI had seized during a drugs bust, the plan was set in motion one of the agents would head to a bar and make friends with one of the criminals. Once the first part of the plan was in full swing the agent suggested he knew a place where the party never stopped. The next day the next stage of the plan got put into place. The FBI monitored the break in and waited for their moment to move in the next few hours the gang had been arrested and got taken into custody. Mark saw MC sat in the canteen eating a slice of pizza he walked over and sat down next to her. "Hey MC, you did amazing before that was some moves you have" MC put the slice of pizza down cleaning her hands on a napkin. "Thank you, it was just another day at the office" Mark smiled at MC with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Do you want to maybe go get something to eat? I know a great place that does amazing waffles" MC paused for a moment thinking about what to say. "You know what, I'd love to"
They both got up from their seats and MC went over to her desk to grab her jacket, Jake came walking over with a small smile on his face. "Hey, where are we going?" MC looked at Jake. She knew what he meant but didn't dare say anything. "Oh we were just heading out to go get waffles, you are welcome to join us" Jake's smile fell from his face and he backed away a little. "Oh no you guys go I'll be okay have fun" Jake watched MC walking towards the elevator with a heavy heart he put his head back in the chair and closed his eyes.
MC and Mark continued to date. They were getting closer every day, Jake watched on as MC and Mark shared a kiss. The jealousy kept rising up inside him he had never felt like this before. He was starting to get feelings for MC but he didn't know what to do with them. The last person he loved so much died. He didn't know how to let himself get closer to anyone. He didn't know how to let anyone in; he kept up the walls around his heart pushing anyone away that dared to get close.
MC and Mark continued to get closer. Mark had just been offered a job in DC to head up his own department. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and he jumped at the chance. Later that day MC met up with Mark for coffee as they had not had time to properly see each other this morning. "MC, I've been offered to head up my own team in DC" MC smiled from ear to ear at the news. "Wow that's amazing Mark congratulations" MC stood up from her seat and wrapped her arms around him. "I've been thinking, I want you to come with me to DC" MC was taken back by what Mark had said. "What? Really? You want me to come with you? Wow I don't know what to say" Mark took MCs hand in his and drew circles with his thumb on her hand. "It's okay it's a lot to take in, take your time and let me know what you want to do"
MC looked at Mark lovingly and smiled. Was her future really with Mark? What would Jake say when she breaks the news to him. She was glad of the time Mark gave her but would she be able to decide what to do?
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kyndaris · 2 years
Imperial Wedding March
In society, marriages are considered sacred ceremonies where two people are joined together and are considered as one. For many, it’s a commitment to each other at the expense of all others. But in these modern age, there are some that enjoy an open marriage that gives each the freedom to pursue their interests while still having someone to return to. 
Marriages also serve another purpose. They are spectacle, bringing people together to celebrate a wondrous occasion with good food, good company and copious amounts of libations.
Not that I partake, mind you!
Now in my third decade of life, I’ve been to quite a few weddings. At least, ones that I can remember. In fact, in one of my earlier posts, I detailed my experience as a bridesmaid for a high school friend.
This time round, however, I was safely ensconced in the role of ‘guest.’ That meant not having to wake up at the crack of dawn to have my hair done or have a thick layer of make-up applied to my face - both things that I’ve never much liked ever since I was young.
It also meant taking my time to wander around as I waited for the reception instead of rushing around for photos.
Thankfully, the ceremony and reception were held in two locations that were easily reachable via public transport. The ceremony was at St Andrews Cathedral. For those not in the know, this hulking piece of Gothic architecture sits at the heart of Sydney, right next to Town Hall. Better yet, it’s a stone’s throw away from the Galeries where a rather small and lesser known book store calls home: Kinokuniya.
The reception, too, wasn’t very far (although there was trackwork that prevented me from taking a direct train over - instead, I needed to take a bus replacement). It was just across the Coat Hangar at the Kirribilli Club. And while the speeches from the parents were a tad waffling, with a non-subtle hint that children be pumped out immediately, it was still a joyous occasion full of music, laughs and conversation.
True, no one got to rip up the dance floor (a missed opportunity for Ay, Ay, Ay, I’m your little butterfly shenanigans), but it was a tasteful and refined affair.
No two people could have been well matched in their union.
And it got me thinking properly of my future. My mother has always wanted me to find a life companion. It’s always been her fervent belief that having a man in one’s life brings with it several benefits. One being a handyman that can help around the house (or, you know, to kill all those bloody spiders that manage to find their way into a person’s home).
Never had there really been a discussion of what I want or need.
While it’s true that I’ve redownloaded Hinge to try my luck on the dating market, I can’t help feeling that this whole pursuit of romance and happily-ever-afters might not be for me. There’s just something about romance and doing the deed that doesn’t entice me. Am I aromantic and/ or asexual? I’m not sure.
Ever since my high school years, I’d struggled with the concept of ‘falling in love’ with someone else. What did it mean to have a crush? How did you know you wanted to be with someone else? Why didn’t I have this gooey feeling inside me that others have described is the precursor to liking another person?
Despite that, I’ve also planned to wear a suit or a steampunk-inspired wedding dress should it ever occur.
Marriage might be sacred among many circles but for me, I’d rather less pomp and ceremony that seems synonymous with the event. Indeed, what I want would be something that’s personal and branded with my own unique and quirky sense of identity that continue with what other people have done ad nauseum. 
And honestly? A pagan binding ritual feels so much more enticing for this eccentric blogger.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. First of all, I need to find a person that is willing to deal with all my idiosyncrasies that even my mother and grandmother can’t seem to accept. I need someone who can put up with my anxieties and be able to reassure the neurotic Asian lady that’s having a mental breakdown in the corner, and growing dank mushrooms, that everything is going to be all right (but yes, that Asian lady is me!)
Before all that, though, I’ll need to sort out whatever baggage that is weighing me down that makes me feel unworthy of anything and anyone.
Small steps, right?
And besides, who needs therapy when I can shout everything out into the void of the internet?
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shadowednavi · 2 years
Since I’ve stopped using twitter and turned back to tumblr as my main platform, I want to go back to using this as some sort of blog/journal to keep track of some of my daily life thoughts! I’ll tag these as “.tricia thoughts” and keep them behind a readmore if anyone wants to mute or scroll past :D
I had no idea how easy it was to set up Stepmania, and I wish I’d done it a long time ago, because playing DDR again has been so nostalgic. I haven’t played it regularly in uhhhhhh 15 years? Since I lived with my parents at least, though I do recall playing it a bit in my first apartment back in 2010. The hardest part about playing PS2 DDR on modern TVs is the latency between a component cable to HDMI, which required making weird timing adjustments, and that was such a pain in the ass, that it became obsolete and we eventually stopped playing altogether.
The other issue came from the fact we weren’t living on the main floor anymore, which meant dealing with neighbors below us, and my anxiety ass was always worried about bothering people. (somehow Camden never dealt with that, even though she started playing on her own PS2 back in London living in a 5th floor flat lmao. Maybe that’s just the difference between growing up in apartments vs. houses.)
Either way, now that bridal season has slowed down for the winter, I’m only in the shop two days a week, which means I’m home for the other five days and doing jack all. Even then, sewing is a pretty sedentary job, so I’ve needed to find some way of getting regular exercise in for a LONG TIME. I was going to the gym for awhile when I had a membership through my apartment complex, but COVID and policy changes completely rekt that.
Anytime I wanted to check out Stepmania, I was held back by hurdles of expensive setups, wondering if it was even compatible with my computer, and basically other excuses disguised as “I wish....”
So finally I sat down and said FUCK IT I’M DOING THIS. I bought myself a cheap ass USB plastic pad that looks like it came straight out of 2002. I found a site that had stepcharts for literally every DDR song in existence. I loaded up a bunch of songs I remember enjoying back in the day.
and boy howdy it’s been a humbling experience.
I was far from the best player in my immediate friend circle, but played very comfortably at a medium-hard difficulty. Now, I’m lucky to play some of these songs harder than easy mode lol. That first entire week I was literally locked on novice, with a couple easy songs mixed in for some spice. But after playing for a month, I’ve been able to graduate to several medium songs, and even a couple heavy songs!!
My biggest limiter at the moment is the jump steps. I don’t feel comfortable doing jump-heavy songs until 1) I no longer have neighbors below me, and 2) I have a sturdier dance pad that won’t slip around, potentially with a back bar for support. Thankfully that first one will change within the year, and I promised myself if I can keep this up, I’ll invest in a professional dance pad which will fix the second issue.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the materialistic side of hobbies, that FOMO mindset where if you don’t have the fancy tools, it’s not worth pursuing. I ran into that earlier this year when my old ass cintiq kicked the bucket. For six months I kept waffling on whether I should drop $800 on a tool I wasn’t even sure if I would use, when all I wanted to do was do digital art for fun. I ended up getting a regular mid-range huion and a second monitor for a fraction of that price, and I don’t even miss having a screen tablet anymore. I just wanted to draw, and holy shit I’m drawing!!
It’s not about the tool. It’s about the technique.
and I’m just happy to be drawing and dancing again.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Worth the wait
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Severus Snape x fem! professor! reader
[Requested – see request here]
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Summary: Y/n has been friends with Severus since they were 11, much like him she suffered from a one-sided love but will that change that they are now professors?
Warnings: swearing, kissing, mentions of sex and suggestive themes
A/n: 4.2k words, this is set bit before Harry comes to Hogwarts, non voldy au and the reader is an ex Slytherin. Tamara and Caleb are made up characters. It’s my first time writing for Snape so I hope you like it and let me know how I did x
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Tamara’s writing – italics
Caleb’s writing – bold italics
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You picked up one of the shards of chalk from the pot and began writing the plan for your first lesson whist casually taking bites of the muffin you had quickly swiped from the kitchens earlier. As you wrote you failed to see the body that was standing just inside the door, so when they spoke it startled you, making you break the chalk against the bored
“You misspelled Animagus”
You swivel around eyeing your old friend before turning back to see you indeed spelt it wrong and not only that you also wrote the incantation around the wrong way as well “Bugger” you curse making him let out a small huff of a laugh at you
You pick up the duster and clear the whole board deciding to redo the whole thing but with a spell instead, giggling after you mutter the incantation “There goes trying to add a personal touch” you shrug turning back to him
“You were always a better talker than writer” he notes
“I had to be, have you heard yourself talk? I love you, but your voice is dreadfully boring” you tease crunching up your nose at the end
He rolls his eyes “I was coming to ask if you got breakfast but I see you already stole some” he shakes his head “As per usual”
“It’s technically not stealing anymore, I’m a professor now” you give him a triumphant look as you take a bite
“Hiya Miss” one of the boys from your class strolls in casually but tenses seeing his other professor “Sir” he shakily nods walking quietly over to his desk
Merlin Sev, you’re like their boogieman, you lower your usual ward to let him hear your thoughts to which he gives you a look, almost like he’s proud of how scared the kids are of him before heading to leave “Goodbye Professor Y/l/n” he says formally
“Bye Professor…” Sevy “…Snape” you smile to yourself, you don’t even need to see his face to feel the eye roll “Morning” you turn to greet the boy who seems more like his usual self now Snape has left
He gives you a smile as you take a seat at your desk, observing the rest of the class the pour in looking rather groggy, although it was a Monday morning what did you expect? While you sat pretending to look busy when in reality you were doodling, you let yourself daydream about the man who just left your classroom.
You and Severus had known each other since you were 11, after you just so happened to sit next to each other at the welcome feast in first year. You remembered it well, his miserable face as you were eating dinner, to which you later learned was because he was apart from his current best friend at the time. You hated seeing people sad so at breakfast the next day you sat next to him again and made a little waffle house which managed to make him crack a small smile, from then on out you had joined his and Lily duo becoming an unlikely trio.
Although you were a pureblood you were lucky your parents were quite like the Greengrass’, who taught you not to believe in pure-blooded superiority. As the years passed you grew fond of your best friends, one more than the other, around your 4thyear you developed a crush on him, maybe it was the way his hair had grown out or his growth spurt but your little heart fluttered every time you saw him. Of course, with the flutter came the ache as you watched him tirelessly pine after Lily, the same ache you felt when he gushed to you about how he loved her or cried in your arms when he had lost her to James.
You didn’t mind that she dated James, they made perfect sense together but what you never forgave her for was all those years she led him on. She never had to say it but you knew she was aware of his feelings and fuelled them with every ‘I hate potter’ rant she went on. When he called her a mudblood and left him, you didn’t blame her, in fact you refused to talk to him for almost a month before you finally forgave him, as unlike her you understood the pressure he was under as everyone that wore a green tie did.
As your memories of the man flooded your brain you were brought back to the present by one of your students huffing as they half slammed their bag down as they sat “Ugh I hate him!” she hisses to her friend
You look up with a tilted head “Hate who?” you inquire making her jump and go wide eyed, clearly not thinking you would hear her “Come on, give me the goss it’s been rather dull lately” you say earning small giggles from the class
“Professor Snape just gave me a detention” she huffs as your eyebrows lift, now why doesn’t that surprise me?
“Whatever for?” you question with small smile
“I didn’t even do anything wrong” she complains “I just tripped and hit my funny bone off of the wall and yelp ‘fuck’ in pain”
You start laughing before you remember you are supposed to be professional “Sorry…” you compose yourself “Perhaps I can have a word with him and get you out of that” you throw her a wink to which she smiles before a hand goes up across the room “Yes?”
“Miss, I don’t mean to be rude but how do you work with him, he’s so…” the boy trails off as he tries to word it
“Mean” someone else finishes bluntly
“And scary” another adds
You chuckle “He wasn’t always this grumpy, sadly that trait came with age” you joke rolling your eyes making the students look at you in confusion
“How long have you known him?” one asks
“I was in his year, same house” you explain with a smile
“Wait, you were a Slytherin?” someone asks in complete shock
“Yes” you smirk “Why do I not seem very Slytherin-y” you knew full well you weren’t a typical Slytherin, in fact many would mistake your happy nature for that of a Hufflepuff or your wit for a Gryffindor
“Well you’re just so light and breezy” one answers making the rest of the class nod in agreement
“Yeah you’re like the anti-Snape” that one makes you giggle because it was true, you two were polar opposites yet you worked perfectly
“Plus, you wear a lot of yellow” you turn to look at the boy
“Wear a lot of yellow?” you exclaim, moving your cloak revealing your rather lovey yellow jumper “Where could you have possibly gotten that idea from?” you question with a smirk
The class chuckles before a boy called Caleb speaks up “So what was he like in school?”
“Well he was always a bit doom and gloom but he had his moments” you start smiling “Like one time I managed to convince him to sneak into the kitchens for food or made him throw a dungbomb into the classroom of that bitch of a professor that used to teach Ancient Runes” you shake your head, merlin did you hate that women
The class erupts in laughter before the girl, Tamara, next to Caleb speaks up “You really convinced him to do all that?” she looks at you stunned
“I did bat my eyelashes a bit and give my best puppy eyes…but eventually yeah” you say proudly nodding
“So, were you too ever…you know…more than friends?” Tamara asks hesitantly as the rest of the class leans in
That ache returned as you gave a fake smile to hide the hurt and disappointment which flashed across your face for a mere second “No” you shake your head “We’ve always been friends, nothing more…now” you clap your hands together “Lets teach you troublemakers how to cause more trouble as Animagi”
The sadness in your tone doesn’t go over everyone’s head, Caleb and Tamara pick up on it writing little notes on the margin of the former’s parchment
I think she used to fancy him
You think? Who would want to bone that miserable sod
As you speak you hear a small giggle from Tamara but that was nothing new, her and Caleb were good students so you overlooked the little messages and continued to teach
What if that’s why he’s a miserable sod? He just needs a girl to make him all soft, you heard her she managed to convince him to do all that stuff
We have him tomorrow maybe we could bring her up?
Good plan, hey we are kinda like Emma
Like the book Emma from Jane, Tamara sees his confusion crossing it out, never mind she was a matchmaker
Maybe we could match each other up too x
Ew gross
Offence taken doll
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The next day Tamara and Caleb take their seats in class getting there early so they can speak with Snape who was currently sitting at his desk waiting for the rest of the class to slowly filter in
“Sir” Caleb gains his attention
Snape sighs closing his eyes “Yes?” he replies not bothering to look up
“Did you know Miss Y/l/n while you were at school?” he asks watching his professors expressionless face closely, both he and Tamara noting the small upwards twitch of his lips when your name is said
“Yes, we were in the same year” he says plainly
“She told us she was a Slytherin but that doesn’t really make sense” Tamara speaks up, her words making the man glance up at her for a mere second
“She was in Slytherin. I’m sure if you both did your research you would know people are put into houses for the qualities they have and/or values they accept, not their personalities” he says shortly
“So what values does Miss Y/l/n possess that makes her Slytherin instead of say…a Hufflepuff like us?” the boy asks trying his best to claw any kind of emotion from this stone of a man
Snape took a deep breath, if he was being honest even he had doubted why you were in Slytherin to start, hell even Dumbledore had forgotten when he met you again for your interview “Miss Y/l/n is… intelligent, can read people rather well” or a bullshit detector as she would call it “and she’s very determined when he puts her mind to something she will always succeed”
The young duo listen intently, noticing his usual monotone voice is a little lighter than before, as well as the corners of his lips turning up as he spoke about you, as he finishes he returns to his cold exterior once more “Enough questions, if you asked these many questions in class many both of you would actually pass”
The two students nod quickly, taking the rather direct hint allowing him to go back to his writing, while he mindlessly grades papers letting his body go into autopilot his mind wanders. When he first saw you, it was at the welcome feast in his first year whilst he was rather upset he still remembered you cheering him up the next day. He always liked that you never prodded or forced him to say why he was so sad that night, the reason of course was Lily, it wasn’t that she shouldn’t have been in Gryffindor, or that there was anything wrong with it, but it was the fear that the house difference would eventually tear them apart
He remembered your happy expression as you tried to introduce yourself, you seemed too light to be in Slytherin, it was like there was no darkness in your heart at all. This was proved right time and time again, you were one of the few people that could actually make him crack a smile and fewer who could make him laugh out loud. As time went on his feelings for Lily kept growing, she was his first love, the love he wanted returned more than anything, he would have done anything to have her. As for you, he trusted you most, you were a constant that made him feel safe and if he was being honest with himself, you were his best friend.
He didn’t blame you for not talking to him after he slashed out at Lily, nor did he blame her after he had calmed down, he just was so embarrassed after James had embarrassed him publicly, in front of her for the umpteenth time. He was miserable for that month you didn’t talk to him, so much he took Barty and Evan up on their offer to drink his sorrows one night, which was how he stumbled his way up to your dorm and begged for you to be his friend again. Back then his drunken self was adamant on going to you and only you, the redhead never crossing his mind in that moment, of course he never worked out why that was until he was much older.
You, much to his delight, forgave him but not before you gave him a good telling. During those years he knew now he didn’t appreciate you enough, nor did he treat you the way you deserved. It wasn’t until after Hogwarts he ran into someone from school who asked if you and he were still together, apparently everyone, even Lily and James, thought you both were an item at one point. The conversation made him final see it, every fake smile, every twinge of disappointment, every little glint of heartbreak in your eye, and how he had broken your heart over and over again
He knew missed his chance with you, too busy pinning hopelessly after another to see you were there and so much better for him that Lily ever was. She brought out his obsessive, jealous, darker side while you made him feel safe, light and sure of himself. You both still kept in touch after Hogwarts but through letters as you decided to travel for a bit and during those years apart he missed you dearly. Eventually he did reconcile with Lily, even becoming Godfather to her second child.
He was offered the position as potions master a few years before you took the job as McGonagall’s teaching assistance and then offered a full-time position. When he saw you again you were all grown up, yet personality wise you were exactly the same and his stomach filled with the familiar butterflies he used to feel around Lily accept these were much stronger. He was sure your crush was long gone by now and he thought maybe his would dissipate with time however he was wrong, as the crush faded away it turned into something else, love but a pure untainted one this time
As his mind returned to the class room and he began the lesson, two makeshift matchmakers were scheming
He likes her, you saw this face that’s the first time I’ve seen him show a positive emotion
Okay now we know she fancies him and he fancies her so we need to get them together, they sit in thought for a minute, any ideas?
None, you?
Not one, lets meet tonight and think x
Okay but this isn’t a date
Of course doll, call it anything you want ©
You’re an arse
Love you t       , Tamara pulls the parchment away from him and shoves it in her bag
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Over the next weeks you and Severus kept running into each other more often, both called to the some disaster or emergency that was 9 times out of 10 not even happening, once you both ended up locked in the store room together. Tamara and Caleb were running out of ideas, clearly their idea to make you spend more time together alone wasn’t working. Neither one of you was going to confess this way and with Snape’s ability to use non-verbal magic and their locking skills rather obsolete, they couldn’t lock you in a room long enough. They were going to have to think of something big and that something big happened to be a little bit of paper
You sauntered into Severus’ classroom, his last class of the day had ended so you decided to annoy him until it was time for dinner. Walking up and around his desk you hopped onto it, patiently waiting for him to finish the paper he was grading. He didn’t need to look up to know it was you, besides he’d recognise your perfume anywhere. He quickly finished what he was writing, placing his quill carefully to the side before he looked up at you, you were smiling away as you absentmindedly looked over all of the potions displayed on the wall.
His class room was always very dark and dingy, but the light reflected off of the glass vials and your presence brought life into it. You looked pretty like that, little crinkles at your eyes as your let your legs swing almost childlike from his desk, he couldn’t help but smile a little.
Almost feeling his eyes, you turn your head and look down at him happily “Done?” you ask
“Almost” he sits back in his chair, back achy from grading terrible papers for the last few hours whilst the class had private study for their upcoming exams
You nod “How about you take a break for a bit, it’s almost dinner anyway” you convince him but little did you know he’d probably do anything you said, within reason of course, if you asked him to kill someone he’d question it a bit first, it’s you though, you’d most likely have a good reason to commit murder
What are you thinking about Sevy? You leave your thoughts open and unguarded
Snape let out a small laugh, he had taught you how to shield your thoughts from legilimens like him, and much like a lot of things you used it for comedic purposes, like the times you would think funny things or images to make him laugh in class which you still did now as professor but at teacher meetings instead, but you also used it for general conversation like this or to check on him from afar
“I’m thinking you’re right” he stands up, closing his eyes as he stretches missing the way. your eyes trail over him before returning to his face as he reopens them “Would you like to…” he stops spotting something on the floor
Your eyebrows knit together “What is it?” you ask watching curiously as he walking over and picks up a fallen piece of parchment
Snape huffs as he picks it up, unfolding it as he expects this must he someone’s notes or homework but is greeted with yes notes from his class but also a conversation in the margin
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You really think she still fancies him?
Miss Y/l/n?
Yeah duh
You heard her when she was talking about him in class it’s obvious
You think he likes her?
We should ask her more tomorrow she seemed to cut the conversation short and get a bit upset when we asked if they were a couple
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You watched his mouth part in shock as he read it and you could swear you could see an actual dusting of blush on his cheeks “What’s so interesting?” you ask startling him out of his daze “Come on what’s the gossip?” you hop off of the desk and walk up to him attempting to grab the parchment but he rips it away folding it “Hey!”
“Umm” he tries to find the words “It’s nothing of interest just some…” he pauses thinking of something “…inappropriate drawings”
You tilt you head starting to laugh at your friend’s embarrassment “Well now you have to show me” you look at him with an amused smile “Come on, gimmie” you make grabby hands at the piece of paper
Your words barley register, mind too busy running around with the fantasy of you and him together, a fantasy until now he hadn’t let himself hope could become reality. Could you really still like him, even love him after all this time?
“Sev?” he turns back to look at you who still has their hand out waiting for him to give it over but now as a concerned pout “I swear if they’ve said anything bad about you I’ll dye their robes pink, they’ll never know it was me” you put your hands up defensively as you try to make him laugh to which you succeed
He places the piece of paper down on the desk behind him before turning back to you with a look you had never seen before. His eyes filled with something you’d only ever imagined in your head, Sev? You think but he moves a little closer making you back up until you hit the desk behind you. Letting out a gasp as your hands reach back to grip the edge of the table, watching your friend closely, what are you doing?
His body is barley inches from yours as he looks down at you looking up at him confused yet with soft eyes “Something I should have done a very long time ago” he leans forward a little
You gulp a little as he edges closer, are we going to…, you think as your noses are mere millimetres from touching
“Yes” he breaths out as he captures your lips, it’s gentle, tender at first before you begin to melt into him, as you do his hands find their way over yours as he deepens the kiss
After a few mind-blowing seconds your kiss is interrupted by the sound of a door hitting the wall making Severus step away from you quickly, chest heaving a he tries to compose himself, turning away to walk back to his desk letting you deal with it.
You turn to two familiar students, letting out a chuckle as you see Tamara hitting Caleb as he must have been the one to cause the small ruckus “Can I help you?” you say with a smile plastered on your face living off of the high that the love of your life just kissed you
“Sorry Miss…we…” Caleb seems to struggle to find a good excuse to Tamara steps up to his rescue
“I left some of my notes here” she explains
You nod, eyeing Severus who has his head down pretending to work before walking over to the table and picking up the parchment holding it up “This it?” the girl nods as you unfold it quickly scanning the contents before you approach and hand it over “Thank you” you whisper to both of them making them grin “But please keep this to yourself until we tell Professor Dumbledore” you ask
“Yes miss” “Of course” they reply quickly taking their leave and looking rather proud of themselves before Caleb attempts to slip his hand into her which causing her to swat it away playfully before actually taking it
You close the door to the classroom, letting out a small giggle as you turn back to Severus who has finally looked up, his bright red cheeks slowly fading. You head back to the desk, standing in front of his chair as he swivels it out and around to look at you, watching with furrowed eyebrows as you take your wand out and mutter spell on the door to lock it
“What are you doing” he tilts his head, corners of his lips turning up as he the mischief in your eye
“Something I’ve been dreaming of doing for a long time …and…” you glide your fingers over the edge of his desk while swaying noticing his eyes scanning over your motions “…something I may have fantasized about the moment I saw you behind this desk for the first time” you confess, tugging your lip between your teeth
“And what would that be?” he eyes you
“This” you say shortly as you plop yourself on his lap, legs straddling his own
You giggle at his eyes going comically wide for a moment before his hands go to steady your hips as your own settle on his chest playing with the edge of his robes “You could take me on a date first” he jests making you make a false shocked expression
“Professor Snape! I am a classy girl get those dirty thoughts out of your…mhm” your cut off by one of his hands leaving your hip to pull your jaw in for a kiss
As you pull apart you see him grinning “I like this” he notes
“I should hope so” you mutter pouting
“Of course I like this” he squeezes your hips “I meant I like that I finally have a way to shut you up”
“You little…mhm” he cuts you off with a kiss making you pull back “Hey you can’t just…” he does it again “…kiss me…” and again “…to shut me…” yet again “…fuck it” you concede letting your hands glide up into his hair as his pull you closer by the waist
After a few minutes you break away to catch your breaths, I’ve loved you since we were 15, you confess taking one of his hands off your hip and clasping your own around it, looking down at them as you rub little circles with your thumbs
He smiles as his heart flutters using his free hand to tilt your head back up as he leans you’re his forehead against yours, I love you too, more than you could ever imagine, and I’m sorry for taking so long to realise you were always the one for me, always
You smile brightly as you hear his words in your mind, words you had been dreaming about hearing for so long, nudging your nose with his as your reply, you were always worth the wait, always, he smiles nudging his own nose with yours before capturing your lips once more
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honeykngdom · 2 years
𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 | 𝚎. 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 | 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎
Pairing: Embry Call x Original Character Summary: Join Ainsley and Embry as they embark on a journey where they are forced to question everything they thought they knew, and embrace the pain that is inevitable to avoid in love. An imprint story. Self-discovery. Angst and romance.Word Count: 3.8k Warnings: none, just a birthday party for billy black :) A/N: Hi! I've been writing for Twilight for many years, and this was originally written as a Paul imprint story several years ago. Since then, I've come up with something separate for Paul that I plan on eventually bringing to life - in the meantime, Embry has always been my absolutely favourite (next to our boy Jacob, ofc!) simply because of his personality. I am obsessed with Embry's lineage mystery; him not having a certain family tie made writing him into fanfiction all the more intriguing. With that all said, I hope you enjoy this very fluffy (& if you know me, fluff doesn't come without a whole lotta angst) multi-chapter series 💜 --- xoxo, Lee! next chapter
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Another rainy morning had come along; clouds hung low and appeared gray while the gentle breeze bit at the exposed skin of my cheeks. La Push had always been more considerably beautiful than any other place my family lived for one simple fact: it was a beacon of nature. The tree tops peaked in the distance from where I stood on the back porch, magnificent lush green stretching as far as I could see on either side. Despite the chained fence that squared off the property, the inviting underbrush sat a few yards away, leafy and welcoming. I preferred this scenery far more than the high-tops of buildings and the busy sound of traffic; for the first time in years, my mind felt quiet. 
Iyah sniffed the ground, snorting in a sort of disapproval every odd moment. The puppy was still too small to fit into all of the skin his body held, but considering the definition in his legs, it was telling that the boys had been taking Iyah on their runs with them. 
Folding my arms across my chest, I impatiently tapped my foot while I watched the animal paw at the ground just outside the fence. “Iyah! Enough!” I scolded, pulling my brows together. 
The terrier halted his movements for a brief moment, pausing to glance over his shoulder with a single cocked ear. His head tilted to the right for a short while, watching me expectantly before his tongue lolled out from the side and he happily trotted towards the deck. He hadn’t even peed. 
With the bitter windchill sending a shiver up my spine, I couldn’t be bothered to stand in the cold any longer; despite the calendar that printed 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑, colder weather always seemed to crawl around earlier each passing year. Before we moved to Canada many years ago, the warm humidity of the summer clung to the air well into October; nine years later, my summer wardrobe was still tucked away in the top of my closet upon our arrival back to the reservation. The last two weeks had not provided as much sunshine as I anticipated, making the return home all the more fitting. 
I held the door open for the pup, watching him shake off the excess water before he slipped into the house. Once inside, I carefully locked the back door behind me and shrugged out of my jacket.
“It’s freezing in here.” I mumbled aloud, pushing my feet into some slippers to pad down the tiled hallway into the kitchen. Trenton, my oldest brother, sat in his usual seat against the wall with his nose deep in the paper, chewing loudly around a mouthful of cereal. I tried not to notice the sound too much as I pushed the lid down on the Keurig and slipped two waffles into the toaster. “TJ left early today?” I asked casually, noticing the missing pair of keys from the hook just beside the archway. 
Trent offered a quiet ‘mhm’ , dropping his spoon back into the bowl noisily. Most mornings were like this: Trent, our father TJ and myself were usually the first to get up and show any sign of human life. Trent and TJ worked stable jobs, but I always felt less accomplished with my day if I spent the time laying in bed. It was part of my whole ‘fresh start’ motif since our move back. 
“And Travis?” I asked, stirring the creamer into the large mug placed in front of me. 
“Still sleeping.” He mused, folding the paper in half and sliding it to the center of the table. “Y’know, he purposely picked electives with later starts so he could get an extra three hours of sleep?” 
I definitely believed it. As passionate as Travis was about criminal justice, he was certainly less passionate about being awake before nine-o’clock. Early mornings had never been something that interested my other brother. More often than not, I spent most of my mornings as a child watching cartoons with Trent before school instead of Travis simply because he would sleep through his alarm clock (or shut it off) and arrive late to school. It became less of an issue when Travis hit high school and Jennie stopped caring. As long as he showed up, that was enough for her. 
I sat in my place parallel to Trent and doused my waffles in syrup. They might not have been fresh, but they were warm and delicious nonetheless. “Are we still going to Billy’s this afternoon? For the birthday thing?” 
Every year for as long as I could remember, Billy Black mailed out invitations for a small barbecue he hosted for himself in celebration of his birthday. Sarah, his late wife, wasn’t around to throw them herself and everyone had expected the festivities to continue. Safe to say, Billy didn’t like to disappoint. 
In the last few years, our family had been absent from the reservation and was unable to partake. This year, Jennie had been hellbent on reminding the three of us that we better pull through for her and make a good impression. 
I wasn’t overly concerned about it; my relationship with Billy was pretty standard. He was my favourite uncle by default. He was the father of my favourite cousins, and as the years wore on, Billy spent a lot of time paying attention to me once Jacob, Travis and Trent were too busy with their own adventures to include the tagalong. I hadn’t seen my cousins in nearly eight years. The last I saw Jacob was the summer before he went into the ninth grade. Back when I was still too young to hangout with Rebecca and Rachel, so instead I’d spend time with Trent, Travis, Jacob and their friends. Travis might’ve been younger than the others, but he made good on his word to be just as responsible. 
He never tattled, he never cried, and he always put up a good fight. 
“As far as I know. Dad should be home before three. Jennie should be coming home soon, her shift ended almost forty minutes ago.” 
Admittedly, I admired my mother’s stamina. She worked as a registered nurse at the hospital in Forks, made the long drive there and back without many complaints, and worked overtime when necessary. The hospital had been short-staffed in the last few months, leaving Jennie working night-shifts to cover for those who had young children at home. As my brothers and I were fully capable of fending for ourselves, time away from home was a small sacrifice she was willing to make. 
We finished our breakfasts in silence, with Trent offering to clear the table. After a moment, he looked over his shoulder. “You should shower, Ains. You stink.” 
I skewered my face in offense. “I do not.” I grumbled lowly, pulling a few strands of my hair to my face to inhale quickly. Smelled fine. I glared at the back of Trent’s figure as the faucet turned to life and I huffed under my breath, “Don’t be a dick.” 
Trent waved my words away with a soapy hand and I rolled my eyes. 
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
The clock illuminated 𝟸:𝟹𝟾 𝙿𝙼  from the desk in my room. I already finished my reading for the day, had showered as Trent suggested, and found the time to make Jennie lunch. I was putting off having to clean my room, gnawing on my bottom lip as I continuously glanced at the two boxes full of clean, folded laundry followed by the mounting heap of dirty clothing on the floor. 
Iyah was curled up beside me on the bed, stretched out over the white duvet. For years, Jennie insisted we needed a family pet and for years the family had reminded her that no one really had the patience or the time to take care of an animal. It wasn’t until Trent and I found Iyah hiding in the underbrush on a beach in Tofino that we talked as a family about reopening that topic of discussion. His ears were still dopey, making him far less frightening than other pitbull terriers who had to ‘look tough’. His coat was gray and shiny, save for the strip of white on the underside of his belly and around his paws. He was gorgeous and easily my favourite companion. 
“Hey, Ains?” I heard the light octave of Jennie’s voice call from across the hall, “Could you come here for a minute?” 
A satisfied sigh slipped past my lips with the momentary release from my responsibilities; I leaned down to press a kiss to Iyah’s head and rolled off the bed. The house was quiet, save for the gentle melody of the radio coming from Jennie’s room. Upon entering, I could see her phone flipped upright on the bedside table. 
“What’s up?” I asked, immediately crawling over the heaping pile of blankets in my mother’s bed. 
“I’m gonna head over to Billy’s early. Did you wanna come?” I very much enjoyed that Jennie always asked; some kids in my neighbourhood had grown up without very much choice or say, and I always appreciated that Jennie gave me the option. She always respected me when I said no, but that was a very rare occurrence. 
“Sure.” I smiled, propping my head up on my knuckles. “Who’s all going to be there this evening?” 
Jennie was rummaging around in her closet, pulling articles of clothing from boxes as she went. “Apart from your uncle, Jacob and Rachel, there will be Sue Clearwater and her new husband.” Right. Harry died almost 8 years ago. “And you remember Sue and Harry’s kids, right?”
“Seth and Leah.” I responded with a nod.
“Plus some new additions, I suppose. Sam Uley and his wife will be there with their daughter, along with Jared,” Jared was a distant relative of some sort, from what I remembered. “and his fiancee, Quil and Embry,” Individuals that Trent and Travis frequently got into trouble with, “Rachel’s engaged to Paul now, so he’ll be there, too, and some other members from the tribe.” 
Jennie finally exited the closet wearing a royal blue shirt and a pair of dark jeans. It was very rare that I saw my mother in anything other than her pale green scrubs, and I couldn’t help but beam at the sight of her. “Look’s good. TJ will really like the top.” I pointed to the fringe embellishment around her collar. 
Jennie smiled, leaning forward to press a kiss to my forehead before she turned towards the bathroom. “Can you help me with my hair? I can never get the braid straight.” 
Forty-five minutes later, the two of us could be seen hurrying through the rain towards my Jeep at the end of the driveway against the curb. I spent so much time helping my mother look her best, that I was unable to have any time for myself. Still, I thought I did a pretty decent job with pulling myself together with a dress and sleek ponytail. It definitely made up for the lack of effort I put into my face. 
“Travis won’t be joining us until after his last class at six,” I glanced down to the dashboard; that wouldn’t be for almost another two hours, “and Trent and TJ are both leaving work now, so they should be there soon.” 
The ride to Billy’s house was familiar. I had never personally driven down the streets of La Push myself, but remembered being squished in between my brothers in the backseat in my early childhood years. The reservation hadn’t changed much; neither had Billy’s. The garage still sat open and heavily used in the distance, but the wooden ramp was a newer addition to the front porch. As I pulled onto the property, I remembered Jennie talking about how Billy’s diabetes had given him some complications, and he now relied on a wheelchair to get him around. 
It was difficult to believe it had really been that long.
I parked as close as I could to the house, saving the paved driveway for cars that couldn’t roll through the mud quite as easily as my Jeep could. I awkwardly climbed over the console and followed my mother’s footsteps to the deck, and then bolted inside in cover of the looming rain.
The home was a lot smaller than I remembered, but perhaps that was because there had always been less people present. The kitchen was overflowing with food, laughs streaming into my ears from the living room. One thing I noticed about the group of people as I entered the room was this: they were certainly a family. They were grouped together, while all very different in many ways, they were all very similar, too. In some way, each being in this room was connected by the tribe and the blood of our ancestors.
The next thing I noticed was that it was particularly warm, despite the cold weather and rain on the other side of the window. I brushed it off as body heat due to the close proximity of each individual in the room, and smiled when my eyes landed on Billy’s warm smile. 
“There’s my girl!” He boomed, wheeling himself forward with one out-stretched hand. “Look at you, you’re more beautiful than your mother when she was your age.” 
I bent down to wrap my arms around his frame, squeezing a second longer than I originally intended before I pulled away and looked him over. “You look good, man. Not a day over forty-five.” I was being nice; Billy looked more his age now than ever before.
“Oh, hush you.” Billy squinted, turning his attention to Jennie. I filtered my eyes across the hordes of bodies in the room; mainly unfamiliar faces, which put me at unease — until I landed on a pair of russet eyes. He looked much different than I remembered; his hair was cut short and his body had grown nearly an entire two feet. Jacob’s frame looked too big as he leaned against the archway, offering an impish grin when he met my searching gaze. 
I stepped forward, narrowing my eyes in his direction in disbelief. “Jacob Black,” I started, folding my arms over my chest. “You look,” I paused, at a loss for the right words. I shook my head, “I don’t know what Billy’s been cooking at these barbecues for the last eight years, but if it’ll make me grow another three inches, I’ll have seconds.” 
Jacob offered a loud laugh, letting his head fall back momentarily before he shot an arm out and pulled me into his side. He was definitely overheated, too. 
We spent twenty-minutes talking about everything; Jacob mentioned that he had fallen behind in school and was homeschooled for his senior year, but still finished on time. He graduated from college last summer, and had opened his own shop in the town working with some of his friends. He introduced me to most of the others; I vaguely remembered Seth, Leah and Sue. Quil was present, but remained preoccupied following a nine-year-old he was babysitting. I spent a small amount of time paying Emily attention; it wasn’t to be rude, but Sam seemed to notice my staring and every so often I could feel his gaze in a way that made me feel incredibly small. 
It was a quarter after six, and the last of the group was just arriving. The rain had stopped long enough for the sun to peek through the gray clouds in the sky, which resulted in a shift in the crowd. Some gathered in the kitchen and on the porch, all windows and doors wide open. I kept myself close to my brothers, who seemed to be falling into place easily with their old school friends. 
“Look how buff you are, Trav.”
“Trav? Have you seen the biceps on Trent?” 
One of the boys yelled, “He’s massive!” 
You’re all massive. I thought to myself, gaze scanning over the crowd again. The majority of the men that Travis and Trent grew up with were all marked with the same black ink on their right-hand shoulder. They all towered over six feet, and equally solid in raw muscle mass. Despite their age, and their incessant need to cling onto their youth, there was particular seriousness that loomed over the group. I could at least feel some calm in that. 
“Well, well, well.” Jared tsked, sitting up straight, “look who finally showed up!” 
All eyes looked to the back door, watching the last of the stragglers enter the kitchen. I recognized Collin - he was another cousin that was my age - followed by another young man and Embry.
“Embry had some business to take care of,” Collin announced, pulling one of the plastic plates off the counter to begin scooping food onto. 
I sat in my place in the corner, barely watching as the men moved shoulder to shoulder, playfully shoving each other into walls and countertops. Their conversation grew loud and boisterous, mimicking the slurred laughs and words of the parents sitting just outside. I looked through the window to where Jennie and TJ sat, curled up next to each other on the stairs. Jennie might not have found true love with my father, but I was certain she had love now. It always made me sad to think about, but I couldn’t imagine anyone loving me the way TJ loved my mother. 
The sun was setting behind the trees, and the bonfire had already started when Trent finally broke away from his friends in the family room to rejoin me in the kitchen. No one seemed to notice I had stayed behind to clear the countertops and tie the trash bags. I didn’t mind, really. While this place felt like something familiar and these people were certainly my family, I couldn’t find myself fitting in. In turn, I saw no reason to force it. 
“Here, let me take that.” Trent offered, pulling the heavy garbage bag away from my hands. “Why don’t you go and sit with Travis. Jacob’s been asking for you.” 
I shrugged, looking around the kitchen for the cupboard that hid unused bags. “These are your people, Trent, not mine.” I mused quietly, feeling stupid for saying it. “Besides, someone has to make sure the adults don’t set themselves on fire.” I gestured my hand towards all of the empty beer bottles on the kitchen table, which led Trent to lean over the sink to look out of the window at the group who lounged on logs settled around the large fire in the backyard.
Voices from the living room picked up, the conversation trailing into the kitchen as three of the men reentered with the last of the remaining dishes. “Leave her alone, T. If she wants to pout in the corner, let her.” Travis sniggered, tossing his dirty dish into the warm water.
I felt my shoulders drop slightly, forcing my eyes to focus on scrubbing the cups in the soapy water. 
“Who is this anyway?” I heard someone ask, which was promptly followed by a smack. 
Trent folded his arms next to me, shaking his head slightly as Travis spoke. “This,” Travis started, moving forward to wrap an arm around my neck, “is my baby sister.” I appreciated the certain pride he had in his words, but winced slightly under the word baby . 
“So, she’s off limits?” 
This time, I let out a laugh and dropped my sponge in the water. 
“Yes. She’s off limits.” Trent continued, watching me from the corner of his eye. There was a chuckle, followed by another smack. 
“Give it up, Seth!” Jacob warned from the living room. 
“Now, that’s not fair,” a new voice replied, entering the already cramped kitchen. Was it just me, or was it hot in here? “Seth hardly gets the opportunity to meet anyone new, he’s just excited.”
I turned to glance at the newcomer over my shoulder, and I paused. This was the first time in nearly eight years I was looking at Embry — really looking at him. As much as he resembled the other Native in the house, face full of the Quileute gene, he also looked nothing like them. His eyes were a warm amber, appearing as though they were two milk chocolate pools with flecks of gold swimming along the surface. My eyes swept the length of his body quickly: his shirt all but clung to his body, the russet colour of his skin seeping through the thin white material. His fists slowly opened and relaxed, shoulders dropping with each breath he took. Truthfully, Embry looked deadly, but absolutely gorgeous in his very own way. I brought my eyes to his again, the heat colouring my cheeks when I realized his gaze remained fixed and unmoving from my face. 
“What —” his mouth hung open, pulling his brows together in the middle. From my peripheral, I watched Trenton shift uneasily, his eyes narrowing in on Embry’s just as mine had done a few moments ago. 
There was a loud snap! that broke through the air, causing everyone to turn their heads towards the window. “C’mon!” Billy called from his place next to Sue, waving at the lot of us inside the kitchen, “Bring me another beer, would ya?” 
One by one, bodies trudged from the home and out into the backyard. Embry remained in place, his eyes carefully watching my movements as I wiped my hands on a cloth and maneuvered past him. 
Suddenly, warm fingers wrapped around my wrist, forcing me to turn around and face him. I twisted my hand out from his grip, holding it in shock. Not because he had hurt me, but because the warmth of his touch seemed to burn through my skin into my veins. 
“Ainsley?” He asked quietly, reaching for my wrist once more. 
I took a slow step back, blinking frantically as I held my wrist against my chest. “Embry.” I replied in a whisper, watching his face relax at the sound of my voice. I tried not to linger any longer than necessary, reluctantly turning to push out the door out of my way to join my family. When I looked back, Embry stood frozen where I left him in the kitchen, hand still stretched out, eyes drilling into my core despite the darkness of the night engulfing me entirely.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Umbrella Girl (part 5)
Your first date with Cillian, and the aftermath...
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth
Warnings - language, and there's smut in this one 😉
You felt your pulse start to race. The nerves flowing through you like a river. You hadn't been on a date for more than 6 years. Steph had come over to help you get ready and calm your nerves.
"So where's he taking you?" Steph asked as she straightened the back of your hair. You sat at your mum's dressing table with a glass of wine.
"He wouldn't tell me, just said to wear something comfortable and be ready for 6:30," you smiled taking a sip of wine.
"And his revelation?" Steph raised an eyebrow at you in the mirror. You'd told her about it the next day, Steph was your sister and you trusted her with your life.
"It wasn't his fault, anyone in their right mind would know that. I plan on talking to him properly tonight, he needs to decide what he's going to do. Hiding from it will just make it worse." You remembered how upset he'd been and felt your eyes watering again.
"Don't you dare, that mascara isn't waterproof!" Steph pointed the straighteners at you, making you laugh. "You're right though. He's the sweetest guy on set. I knew you two would hit it off." Your turn to raise an eyebrow now.
"You planned this, didn't you?"
"Maybe. Worked though, didn't it?" She smirked. Your sister was devious, not that you minded. The doorbell suddenly rang, making you jump.
"Shit.. he's here!" Steph ran down the stairs to let him in, you heard her say to wait in the lounge while you finished putting your makeup on. Steph came back into the room with a lipstick.
"Y/n... He looks amazing.. and he has a purple shirt on. You NEED this lipstick." She handed it to you, a beautiful shade of pale mauve. Perfect.
Once you were ready, you made your way downstairs. Your flowing black summer dress now accentuated with a pale purple necklace and matching earrings (loaned from Steph) and a black handbag and heels. Your feet were already aching from the heels - you never wore them - but you'd manage. There would likely be a restaurant involved at some point, you be seated for the most part.
Cillian was waiting in the living room in his purple shirt, smart dark blue jeans and boots, Emily sat next to him on the sofa, your mum watching them play I-Spy from the armchair. He glanced at you, and back at Emily.
"I spy with my little eye.... Something beautiful." He said, and Emily looked around the room and saw you, her mouth dropping. She'd never seen you like this.
"Mommy!!!" She ran over to you and wrapped her arms round your waist.
"Well I was going to say you Emily, but I guess your mama looks okay," he smiled, standing up to kiss your cheek softly. You batted his arm playfully, before picking your girl up to hug her tight.
"You be a good girl for Aunty Steph, okay?" Emily smiled and nodded. You turned to Steph and hugged her. "Thank you..."
Steph took Emily from you and smiled. "I've got snacks, movies, games, and.... I may have bought pancakes and waffles for breakfast..." Emily squealed with delight - sleepovers with Aunty Steph ALWAYS meant pancakes for breakfast! Your mum stood up in her nurses uniform and grabbed her bag. Normally she would have had Emily for you but she had a night shift tonight, hence Emily going to Steph's. It was easier for her to sleep there tonight rather than disturb her later.
"Have a great time y/n, and be careful, okay?" She kissed your cheek and squeezed Cillian's arm warmly. He nodded, and promised her you'd have a good night and he'd get you home safe. Your mum smiled and headed out the door to drive to work. Steph followed, with Emily and her overnight bag, leaving you and Cillian alone. He pulled you close and kissed your lips.
"Where are you taking me then Mr Murphy?"
"It's a surprise, but you need new shoes. Those heels look like agony!" He laughed. You agreed, and changed to a smaller, more comfortable pair.
Sitting in his car later that night, you smiled at the view. You'd been to the coast plenty of times before with Emily, but never at night. It looked so peaceful and tranquil. You had spent the evening in a small Italian restaurant in town, sharing a pizza and a bottle of wine. Cillian only had one as he was driving, but you were happy to finish the rest - although you were slightly slightly tipsy leaving the restaurant, you'd sobered up a little now.
"We need to talk about this Cillian, you can't avoid it forever." The alcohol making you feel braver, as you broached the subject he'd been so desperate to avoid all evening. He took your hand across the centre console.
"I've been thinking about it non stop since that talk in Sophie's trailer. I can't allow her to control me and my life - I'm sick of walking on eggshells. Afraid to move forward. I need to just get on with it, I'll just have to deal with the consequences won't I.." his voice trailed off and you squeezed his hand.
"I'm here too? You're not dealing with it on your own." He looked over at you and smiled, leaning in to kiss your lips softly. It soon intensified, both of you leaning into each other somewhat awkwardly over the gear stick and centre console trying to get to the other. You pulled away and looked into his eyes.
"I thought we were taking it slowly... If you keep kissing me like that I'm gonna break my promise..." He whispered, and turned on the ignition. You sat back in your seat, feeling the heat burning in your core. There was no way you were taking it slow, you needed him and soon.
15 minutes later you were outside your house on the doorstep, tongues down each others throats while his hands roamed over your back and down your legs. You fumbled in your bag for your keys, opening the door and crashing inside, bodies pressed together in the hallway. You pushed him back to catch your breath, before checking your watch.
"My mom won't be home for at least 3 hours..."
"You're seriously overestimating my stamina here y/n..." You giggled and led him upstairs to your room, thanking your earlier self for tidying it the day before. Your bodies fell together again when you closed the door, he lifted you off the floor and wrapped your legs round his waist, pressing you against the wall.
"I want you..." You almost growled in his ear as his erection pressed against your heat. He led you over to the bed, pulling your dress over your head and his shirt over his, trailing kisses down your neck and over your breasts. He lay you down, unclipping your bra as his mouth took one of your breasts, circling your nipple with his tongue. Your head pushed back against the mattress, hands gripping his hair as you pushed your hips up to meet him.
"Steady now.. I'll get there, don't worry..." And get there he did. Slowly moving his mouth lower, before peeling your panties down your legs, his lips brushing over your core lightly, teasing you.
"Cillian... Please...." He chuckled lightly before opening your legs as wide as they could. No one had ever done this to you before, you were both nervous and excited. In fact, no one else had actually given you an orgasm - you'd only been with one man, Emily's father, and he wasn't exactly hot on the foreplay side of things. Your thoughts were broken by Cillian's tongue suddenly on your clit, and you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself crying out his name. Your hips were grinding against his face now, mouth open as he took you to new levels of pleasure.
"Oh my god..." Your core was on fire as he pushed a finger inside slowly, followed by a second. Hooking them forwards, you felt an unfamiliar but incredible surge of heat. "Don't you dare stop...."
"Keep making those noises... Fuck... you taste and feel incredible..." he was back on you, sucking and licking harder now, his fingers pounding deep. Your orgasm built quickly, and you came hard - your back arched against the bed panting his name over and over. Once you'd calmed, his body was over you, your hands reaching down, pulling his jeans and boxer shorts down over his hips.
"Are you -"
"I've had the coil for three years, I was checked after my ex walked out.. you -"
"Checks done after the witch.. no one since.. ah shit...." he groaned, pushing into you agonisingly slow, filling you completely. You both stayed still for a while, just enjoying the feeling of being connected.
"I need you... Fuck me Cillian, please..." his hips moved, in and out before increasing the pace and the pressure. You could feel wetness leaking from you as he thrusted into you. You raised your hips to meet each thrust, sending you both closer to the edge.
"This isn't gonna be my best performance y/n... You're too beautiful... Feels too good..."
"If you think you're done after this you have a screw loose Murphy..." His thrusts were almost primal, your nails scraping over his back - Steph was going to have a hard time covering those in makeup on Monday..
"I'm gonna come y/n..."
It hit you like a steam train - you suddenly came hard with him, and felt his breathing labour as he spilled into you, his cum covering your walls.
"Jesus y/n.. you okay?" He was still inside you, kissing your neck softly.
"I'm amazing.. never better... Don't move.." you wrapped your legs round his waist keeping him inside as long as possible. He laughed, and rested his forehead on yours.
"You meant what you said?"
"About what?"
"I'm not done am I?"
"Fuck no. I haven't had sex in 6 years Murphy, buckle up." He chuckled and you could feel him harden inside you again as you clenched your muscles around him. His lips were on yours quickly, this was going to be a long night.
The following morning you woke from the deepest sleep you'd had in years. Cillian's body was gone though, which confused you. You stretched and climbed out of bed, you could smell breakfast being cooked which was odd. You looked at your watch, 8am, your mum would still be in bed...
Walking into the kitchen you found him knocking up bacon, eggs and sausages. A coffee cup on the counter waiting for you.
"What are you doing up? I was planning on bringing this up to you?" He felt your hands wrap around his waist as you kissed his back through his t shirt.
"What are YOU doing?"
"I went to the corner shop an hour ago - thought the least I can do is cook breakfast. Might stop your mam from killing me when she finds out I'm here?"
"You're something else, you know that?" His phone rang before you could kiss his lips. He frowned, answering it. He handed you the cooking utensils and walked into the living room to take the call. A few minutes later he walked back in, a worried look in his eyes.
"You're on Facebook, right? Can you have a look on there please?" You opened the app on your phone and gasped. There was a photo of the two of you all over facebook - you were leaving the restaurant hand in hand, another of the two of you kissing, another of his hand on your backside after a cheeky pinch when he opened the car door for you, someone must have spotted you and followed you back to your house - the final photo being of the two of you all over each other on your front doorstep. You couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Well... This kisses goodbye to 'taking it slow' doesn't it?" You smiled.
"We kissed goodbye to that last night y/n... I'm so sorry..."
"Why? I knew what I was getting into?"
"Because Lisa is gonna see this, and it's about to get ugly, that's why."
"Bring it on Murphy. Remember, we're in this together." You linked your fingers with his and kissed him. Ready to face it, side by side.
How bad could it be, really?
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taexual · 4 years
i’d love you to stay but that’s simply insane // JJK (14)
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  jungkook is an uncontrollable lead vocalist of the campus band, and you’re a goal-oriented top student that’s known his rich and complicated family since childhood. you don’t want anything to do with each other, until each other is exactly what you want to do.
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: college au
warnings: it’s time they got down to business… or isn’t it 😳
words: 6.2k
  chapter fourteen
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You spent nearly the whole Saturday on the phone with Inna – because she refused to let you hang up until you gave her a play-by-play of last night’s party (and all that happened after) – and, by the time you finally ended the phone call, you were half-deaf from all of her—supportive but rather alarming—screaming.
And then, before you were ready for it, you and Jungkook had another Sunday night dinner at his parents’ house.
Admittedly, you thought you’d feel uncomfortable seeing his parents again after having learnt that they gave the push that convinced Jungkook to cut his ties with you off, but this feeling only clouded your mind for about fifteen minutes – or, in other words, for the period of time that it took for Jungkook to arrive from his house to your dormitory.
By the time he got here, all that was left in your mind – and in the air around you as soon as you opened the door to let him in – was ease. Routine.
Like you were supposed to spend every Sunday night with his family, holding hands with him under the dinner table. Like this wasn’t somehow weird or unusual, or even awkward. Like this was how it’d always been – with no seven-year-long gaps – and how it was always supposed to be.
Even touching Jungkook after the last time you’d seen him was, most surprisingly, not at all different from touching him before your last conversation. It still caused lighting bolts to explode inside of your stomach, and you were used to the sensation by now.
The only difference was that now you knew.
And knowing allowed you to truly come back to the life you were once a part of.
It felt like the last time you’d been to his house, you only allowed yourself to set one foot in, holding yourself back in case this would all go wrong and hurt you, but now you were ready to try again. Now you were ready to go into it with your whole body – open chest and all.
Sure, the possibility of getting hurt was still there – even if it didn’t feel like it when Jungkook joked about how his mom was more excited to see you than him – but sometimes you had to believe—not just hope—that nothing bad was going to happen, in order to make it true.
And truly nothing bad seemed on the horizon as Jungkook – true to the promise he’d made earlier this week – took you to the ice cream shop near his home as soon as dinner was over so you could pick up some desserts for yourselves. You found the chocolate-chip cookie-flavored ice cream – the one he knew you loved – and all was bliss.
“What is it with you,” you asked him when the two of you walked out of the shop and Jungkook was happily licking two different flavors on his cone – strawberry and mint, “and these flavors?”
“They’re good together,” he defended, pushing his cone towards you. “Want to try?”
You scrunched your nose. “No. I’ll stick with my chocolate—”
“Hey,” you gave him a look, unaware of the chocolate around the corners of your lips and how utterly irresistible it made you look to him, “you’ve been picking the sweetest flavors of ice cream ever since we were kids. Don’t call me boring if I choose to postpone my diabetes diagnosis.”
“Neither of us is getting diabetes,” he said, absentmindedly extending his hand to wipe the chocolate from your lips and then sucking his thumb into his mouth.
You forgot what you were talking about for a moment as you looked away from him, your face burning hot at the sight, but your hands freezing cold from the ice cream.
Jungkook didn’t notice and carried on. 
“Do you remember when we used to collect those wooden popsicle sticks for no reason when we were kids?” he asked.
“I—yeah, I remember,” you said, taking a distracted bite your ice cream and then wincing when your temples froze. “I-I’m pretty sure we had a reason, though. You said you wanted to build a Trojan horse.”
“Oh, that’s right!” his face lit up just like it did that day when you were eight and you told him you’d help him build it. “I never had enough patience for a project like that. Why did you get on board with it?”
“Because you were really excited for it,” you replied as nonchalantly as you could manage – even though you could see it in his eyes when you looked at him, he did not think this was nothing; it was important to him – and then hid your face in your ice cream again.
Jungkook watched you for another moment, his heart beating peacefully but his mind buzzing with memories. You always ate your ice cream the same way – nearly all of it at once – ever since you were a little kid. He’d always made fun of you for it – not cruelly, because seeing the exhilaration in your eyes and your ice-cream-covered face always made him feel inexplicably warm inside – but now he wanted to grab your hand, stop you, and clean your lips with his own.
“I still have the popsicle sticks in my room,” he said while his ice cream melted in the paper cup in his hand.
“You do?” you asked, turning to look at him and making his suffering so much worse when you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. “Why did you keep them all this time?”
Jungkook was glad you’d reached the gate of his house because that meant he could turn his back to you as he fumbled with the lock – it wasn’t a complicated mechanism, he just needed to look at something else for a bit – and tried to get his lungs to function properly again.
“I don’t know,” he said, finally opening the gate. “I guess I was hoping to still build that horse one day.”
You scoffed at this – Jungkook gave you a dignified look in return – and lingered by the gate for a second before you realized that he’d stopped to let you enter first.
“I’m not mocking,” you explained in response to the look on his face. “It’s actually great that you kept it.”
His mouth dried up when he closed the gate and turned around to walk towards the house before noticing how warm your gaze was. Then, to avoid you reading through him and figuring out what he was feeling, he stuffed a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth.
“It is?” he asked with a slight lisp and then hissed as the freezing sensation went straight to his brain.
“Yeah,” you nodded, a more wary look in your eyes now that Jungkook was in pain from the self-inflicted brain-freeze. “It shows that you’re waiting until you’re mature enough to be able to invest your time into something that requires a lot of patience.”
Jungkook exhaled shakily – you assumed it was from the cold – and lead you past the impeccably-kept bushes in his front-yard, and towards the entrance into his house.
“Yeah, no,” he said, finishing his ice cream in a few large bites that must have very literally frozen his throat. He tried not to let it show as he said in a very breathy voice, “I don’t think it’s that deep.”
You shrugged your shoulders, slowly finishing your own ice cream as you brought your free hand over the vines that ran alongside the front wall of his house. “Maybe you don’t realize it.”
“Or maybe I kept the sticks because they reminded me of you.”
You stopped in front of his porch steps, unsure if you heard him right.
Swallowing the final bite of the chocolate-filled waffle cone, you looked at him in confusion – that was easy to mistake for disbelief, “hmm?”
Jungkook climbed up the steps – two at a time because he was always too impatient but, this time, also because he felt like he’d spoken too soon and he needed to put more distance between himself and you – and did not turn around to look at you until he fished his keys out from the pocket of his jeans, and unlocked the door.
“Yeah,” he said then, only giving you a glance as he opened the door and nodded his head inside, waiting for you to walk in first. “I still have a framed picture of us from middle school on my dresser.”
“Really?” you asked, looking at him even though he was now obviously avoiding your eyes.
There was even more surprise in your voice and it stung – you shouldn’t have been surprised about the fact that he cared enough to keep pictures that immortalized your friendship; but you were, and that was his fault – making him feel more self-conscious than he already was.
“Yeah,” Jungkook said and, smiling nervously, he stretched his hand behind his neck to scratch a nonexistent itch. “You want to see it?”
“Oh,” you were still standing on his doorstep while he was inviting you to his room. “Sure, yeah.”
You’d been to his room before – many times, in fact – so you hated the way the hairs on your skin stood up in anticipation. This wasn’t supposed to be any different from any other time you’d been in his room – was it? – and yet, you couldn’t help but remember that this was what you’d told yourself the last time you’d been there, too.
You two weren’t even the only people in his room that day – to celebrate the end of middle school, he’d invited his whole class – but, in your memory, everyone else was blurred and so dim that, sometimes, when you thought back on that day, you weren’t sure anyone else was even there. Or anywhere, for that matter. It’d felt like it was just you and him.
Clearing his throat, Jungkook suddenly brought you back to the present – and helped you realize just how hot your body was in spite of the excited shivers that ran down your back when you remembered his invitation – and you blinked before staggering inside.
Unaware of the several trips down memory lane that you’d taken while simply standing by his door, Jungkook extended a hand for you to take – and you took it, the movement automatic, as though you were in a well-rehearsed dance – and lead you towards the staircase.
You walked into his father on your way up the stairs, but he was on the phone so he merely gave his son a nod – and a smile for you – and then went on his way.
“You know, usually,” Jungkook said, sneering at the dismissal from his father, “parents would tell their kids to keep the door of their room open.”
Shivering again – but acting like you were most certainly not affected by the feeling of his palm against yours – you cocked an eyebrow at him.
“They would,” you said, licking your lips in an unconscious attempt to conceal the effect his not-at-all-innocent observation had on you, “but you’re twenty-three years old.”
He peered at you over his shoulder as he lead you down the second-floor hallway – nearly tripping over his feet when he saw you lick your lips – and then turned towards his room.
“Yes,” he said, “thank you for the newsflash,” and, stopping outside of his bedroom, he explained, “I meant, my parents never said that sort of thing to me. Not once.”
“Oh,” you caught on and lowered your eyes. “So, you brought a lot of people over, then?”
Jungkook smirked – you didn’t see this at first, but, when you raised your head again a minute later, confused by his silence, the smirk was still there – obviously very pleased to hear the not particularly well concealed shades of jealousy in your voice.
“None, actually. You’re the only one of my friends who’s been here,” he said then. “And I’ve already told you, I’ve never dated before.”
You were still unsure if he was pulling your leg. “Well, you don’t have to be dating people to bring them over to your—”
He pulled you into his room by your hand, not letting you finish your question. He closed the door and, this time, you two were really the only people here.
“I’m not like that,” he told you then, “but I understand where you’re coming from.”
You weren’t sure what you were asking him when you spoke, “you do?”
“Yeah,” he said, putting the paper cup of ice cream – that was as empty as your mind when Jungkook kept on holding your hand even though, now that you were in his room, there was no reason for it – on his desk, and then leaning against it to look at you. “It’s a nice campus tale, me constantly having girls over. But the only times I did sleep with someone, I didn’t do it in a place I lived. Nothing against that, I’m just a private person in that way, I guess.”
“Okay,” you nodded your head once and turned away from him, choosing to watch the starved pigeons, which crept around his backyard, through the window. “That sure makes your reputation better.”
Jungkook snickered, reluctantly letting go of your hand – but only because you were unconsciously pulling away from him – and attempting to explain, “I don’t mean to say I have sex outside—”
“No, I-I…” you cut him off – your flustered state intrigued him further – as you walked over to the dresser that he’d mentioned before. “I get what you mean. It’s an interesting version of “don’t shit where you eat”, but—”
He laughed, the sound taking you by surprise and cutting you off.
“I didn’t think of it that way,” he said, his eyes glistening with humor. “But the saying fits, I guess.”
He plopped down on his bed as he said this and the conversation about how many people he’d slept with had run out – which was good, since you hadn’t braced yourself for a discussion about your experiences in this particular area.
Instead, you took a minute to take the rest of his room in; it had changed so little since the last time you’d seen it. But it was the picture – that was right there where he said it was – that really took you back to the time when you spent nearly every afternoon in this room.
Jungkook smiled as he watched you reminisce, but not because he liked to see the way your features softened as you admired the picture from your childhood, but because you fit in this room far better than he did.
“Are you here a lot?” you asked as if having read his mind.
“How do you mean?”
“Well, you told me you moved out a while ago…” you said, “and the room looks just as I remember it, so I just—”
“Oh. No, I’m—I’m not here a lot,” he admitted. “But I do come when I visit my parents.”
“Which is once a year?”
He acknowledged the jab by pursing his lips and retorting, “a lot more than that now that I have you with me.”
You hummed in response but your mind was already elsewhere as you pointed at the ceremoniously locked nightstand in the corner next to his bed, “what’s this?”
It looked so eccentric and out-of-place – not the stand itself, but the chain that ran along both sides of it, a trusty lock in the middle – that you couldn’t help but feel curious.
Jungkook, however, leaped on all fours and crawled over his bed to guard the nightstand with his hands – as if you were Cyclops and were about to burn through the stand with a laser beam from your eyes – a defensive look on his face.
“It’s nothing,” he said even though this was obviously the most interesting piece of furniture in his whole room, “just a decoration.”
“With chains—?” you tried to ask but Jungkook jumped back to his previous position and patted the spot on the bed next to himself.
“Come on,” he said. “Sit. Do you remember the last time you were here?”
He knew this was the only way to change the topic – and the defeated look on your face confirmed his expectations – but, when you remained standing across the room, he patted the bed again, more eagerly this time.
“We celebrated our graduation from middle school with the other kids,” he said because you didn’t show any other sign to let him know whether you remembered or not. Jungkook could feel that you did, but, regardless, he still continued, “we played Truth or Dare. Remember?”
It was ridiculous he even had to ask that. Some days – and even more frequently now that you were talking again – your middle school graduation was all you could think about, even all of these years later.
“Barely,” you replied but you both knew it was a lie. “It was a long time ago, lots have happened since—”
“Someone dared you to kiss me,” he said with an innocent expression on his face – because he was just refreshing your memory – but it was quickly replaced by an amused grin when your eyes widened in surprise – not because you were shocked he’d said it, but because saying it aloud conjured up a much clearer image of that day; probably because now you knew that the memory of that day was as fresh in his mind as it was in yours.
“Sure,” you said, laughing weakly to hide how warm your hands, your face, and your whole body was. “That was a thing that, uh… happened.”
“So,” Jungkook was grinning but it was only an attempt to conceal his own anxiety – if he stopped grinning, he was going to have to handle the rapid beating of his heart inside of his chest, and he wasn’t quite sure how to do that just yet. “Truth or dare?”
The question sobered you up from the intoxicating memory and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“We’re not fourteen and in middle school anymore,” you said. “What are you doing?”
“Come on,” he urged you again, “truth or dare?”
You knew better than to insist he dropped this – there were barely any people more demanding and frustrating than him; you couldn’t even name one – so you didn’t waste your breath trying.
Groaning because you knew he wouldn’t be pleased with your answer – just like you weren’t pleased with him even suggesting this game – you said, “truth.”
Jungkook smiled knowingly because – just like you’d predicted – he was absolutely expecting this and had, therefore, prepared accordingly.
“Who was your first kiss?” he asked without wasting a second.
God, this was going to be a long night, you started to realize. Now you weren’t sure if the ice cream was even worth it – maybe you should have left after dinner.
Meeting his expectant gaze, you tried your hardest to convey all of your hatred for this game through your eyes – but Jungkook wasn’t watching them, he was watching your lips as he waited for your answer – and then you finally said, “you.”
You were almost expecting triumphant fanfares to go off somewhere outside of his house but, instead of that, Jungkook’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, indicating that your answer had surprised him – even though it really shouldn’t have; you may not have been his first kiss, but you had never even wanted to kiss anyone who wasn’t him.
He was obviously going to inquire about this further – but what was there to ask, honestly? – but you were categorically not going to let him.
“Truth or dare?” you fired.
Jungkook closed his mouth, decided – begrudgingly – that this was a fair play, and then, true to himself, replied, “dare.”
“Show me your mysterious nightstand.”
He looked disappointed and more than ready to refuse – good, now he knew how you felt – but got up from the bed nevertheless.
He walked over to his desk first and got a singular key out from under the fake-bottom of the top drawer – courtesy of his Death Note phase – before slowly sliding it into the lock on the nightstand across the room. Turning it until you both heard a pleasant click, Jungkook took the chains off and huffed as he looked at you before doing anything else.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting to see inside so you couldn’t brace yourself for anything but, as Jungkook opened the door of the nightstand, you realized there was no possible way for you to prepare for this anyway.
There were piles of pictures inside – polaroids, of you and him at the lakehouse your families used to rent out every summer – old cut-outs from the school newspaper, showing you, as the president of the Student Council, and the principal of the school. There were the old dog tags you two had gotten together at a fair one spring – because he kept accidentally ripping every friendship bracelet you two ever had – and there were the remote-controlled cars that you’d gotten him for his tenth birthday – you’d been saving up for them that whole year.
Scanning the contents of the nightstand – while Jungkook watched you, biting his lip – you noticed that he had a copy of almost every single movie you’d ever shown him – the DVD of The Sixth Sense, of course, resting at the very front – and, more than that, he had post-it notes glued to all of them with notes ranging from as obscure as, “She said it’s good” to direct quotes from you, “She said I would like it because it’s violent enough to keep me at the edge of my seat but it also has meaning. She smiled a lot when she told me about it.”
And then, as if your heart wasn’t already beating fast enough, you saw the popsicle sticks on the very bottom of the nightstand. Most of them were just scattered there, long forgotten, but some were glued together in what was supposed to be the base of the Trojan horse you two had never gotten to build.
You pulled back, feeling like every time you inhaled, a new memory returned to you, each heavier than the one before. When you finally removed your eyes from the mementos of the past and looked at him, your chest was so full, it was weighing you down.
“You—” you started but the words got lost on their way out of your throat. You tried again, “you kept all of this—”
“Of course,” he said, closing the nightstand now that you weren’t looking at it anymore – he didn’t bother with the chain – and then returning to his previous spot on the bed. “I couldn’t bring it all with me when I left the house because I didn’t know where I was going to go. And I couldn’t leave it all hanging around my room because… well, because I didn’t want my parents to turn the room into a home gym and throw everything out.”
“B-but why—”
“Because it’s important to me,” he replied, knowing what you were going to say, “because these are the things that you and I did together. It’s us. You and me. I kept everything that reminded me of you.”
His words soothed the old wounds but it opened up new ones, too, because, in the seven years that you didn’t have any contact with him, you’d done everything you could to erase him from your life completely – throwing anything that reminded you of him out, until your room and your whole house was void of any connection to him – while he did the complete opposite and attempted to preserve as much of your past friendship as it was possible.
“My turn,” Jungkook said, his voice shakier than it’d been before. “Truth or dare?”
You didn’t want to play anymore. You felt like you physically couldn’t play anymore.
“Truth or dare?” he repeated, more persistent this time.
Sighing because this was hopeless, you replied, “truth.”
He shook his head. “You can’t pick truth twice in a row.”
You should have seen it coming and yet you still felt a pang of annoyance that completely broke you out of the blissful state the contents of the nightstand had put you in before.
“Yes, I can,” you protested. “You just watched me do it.”
He didn’t give in. “That’s against the rules.”
“There are no rules in this game.”
“Yes, there are.”
You rolled your eyes. “Who made them?”
“Me,” Jungkook said, crossing his legs to find a more comfortable position. “My house, my rules. You can’t pick truth twice in a row.”
“Fine, you dick,” you replied – he almost smiled at the name – and settled,  “dare, then.”
It was almost funny, really, how easily the words came to Jungkook as he dared you, “kiss me.”
If you’d have turned your head to the old clock on his wall by the desk, you would have noticed how the arrows had stopped – they stopped long before tonight but, in that moment only, they showed the right time. Almost as if Jungkook wasn’t the only one who’d been waiting to say this to you. Everything in his room had been waiting, too.
Jungkook thought you’d do it -- he thought you’d turn your head, look away. Look for an excuse to back out of this. 
That’s why he didn’t kiss you but gave you an opening to do it yourself, using the game as an excuse. And, in the quiet moment that passed, he waited for your eyes to leave his, refusing the opportunity. But they never did.
You didn’t think you could tear your eyes away from his yearning gaze – just like gravity prevented you from floating off into space, the force of his eyes prevented you from pulling away. Instead, they pulled you in. 
And so you kissed him again, seven years later.
It was just a touch first – you barely registered the feeling of his lips against yours – but, before a chance to pull away even presented itself, the touch melted, locking your lips together.
He tasted like the strawberry mint gum he kept in his car.
He tasted like the flavor of the ice cream he’d picked today.
And, although you’d refused to try it when he offered outside of the ice cream shop, you couldn’t deny it when you were kissing him – strawberry and mint went so incredibly well together.
He tasted like the best friend you’d day-dreamed of kissing before you went to sleep at night.
He tasted like everything you’d ever wanted.
And, belatedly, the triumphant fanfares did go off somewhere in the distance – although it could have just been the sound of your hearts, calling out to each other through your chests – but the only sound you could hear clearly was the sound of his mouth moving against yours as he deepened the kiss, standing up on his knees on the bed and gently pushing you forwards until you landed on your back and he was leaning on his elbows on either side of you.
There were many things you knew about Jungkook – your knowledge coming from all of the days you’d spend together as children – but there were also several things that you didn’t know.
For one thing, you didn’t know what his kisses felt like when there was no one watching.
And now you did as his tongue tenderly brushed against yours, growing more impatient by the second, until you had to hold onto his chest with one hand and wrap the other one around his neck to prevent yourself from completely melting under him.
Furthermore, you didn’t know how long he’s waited for this.
And now you did as his warm body pressed against yours, freezing cold and almost screaming in the parts where he couldn’t physically touch you.
Kissing him felt relieving because you’d waited for this, too, and uselessly tried to convince yourself that you didn’t need his arms around you as much as you did.
It felt freeing because now you could finally admit to yourself how much you’d wanted to kiss him and have him catch his breath against your neck before bringing his lips back to yours again.
But it also felt dangerous because you couldn’t stop – you didn’t want to stop – and, not being in control of your surroundings and, most importantly, of yourself, was something that you knew would have dire consequences. You needed to prepare for this beforehand, consider every possible outcome and—
But then Jungkook pushed one of his thighs between your legs, kissing you harder—deeper—and you no longer cared about being in control of the situation. 
Sighing into the kiss – until he nearly passed out because he’d imagined this before and, for half a moment, he was afraid this was all happening in his head again – you abandoned all of your inhibitions and held onto him tighter, kissing him back with matching intensity.
And that moment – the one moment when you gave in to him completely – was precisely when someone knocked on his door.
However, even though you had both heard it, neither of you reacted to it, your mouths not pausing for a moment and his fingers never leaving the spot under your shirt – right above your waist – where they’d come to rest.
A moment later, you thought you’d only imagined the knock – the sound was already so far away in the distance, it didn’t even feel like you’d really heard it.
In his case, precisely because this – kissing on his bed in his childhood room – was actually real and not just a figment of his imagination, Jungkook simply assumed that everything else had to be happening in some other world where he wasn’t kissing you. In a world that didn’t exist. In a world that didn’t matter.
And so, naturally, he didn’t pay attention to any foreign sounds, focusing on the feeling of your skin, your lips, your touch, you, instead.
But then the knock came again. Shameless, truly, because it had to be obvious what was happening inside; it was impossible not to hear someone knock on the door of a room that was as empty as Jungkook’s bedroom.
This time, you both paused. But Jungkook – who hadn’t lived with his parents in a long time and, therefore, couldn’t remember their habits – was curious if, perhaps, the knocking would go away if unanswered, and so he went back to kissing you a second later.
Much to his—and yours—irritation, however, it didn’t seem like the knocking was going to stop. If anything, it started to get more intense and your hand – the one that pulled him closer to you by his shirt – ended up having to push him away slightly.
“Jungkook?” his mother’s uncertain voice reached your ears, but when you saw his face when he pulled away from you, you felt like you may as well have imagined that sound, too, because the sight of his puffy lips and wide, blown-out pupils made you lean forward to connect your lips again, if only for just a moment.
Jungkook was convinced you hadn’t yet grasped the effect you had on him; he couldn’t just stop kissing you out of the blue like that. And so he leaned back in, pressing his lips to yours until he felt you kiss him back. And then you broke the spell by turning your face towards the door as you tried to speak.
“It’s your mom,” you said, completely out of breath. “You should open it.”
Growling with frustration, he pushed himself off of you and climbed off the bed, not giving you a second to get up and make your activities less obvious before he was throwing the door open a lot more aggressively than he’d intended.
“Oh, I wasn’t sure if you two were back yet,” his mother said, seemingly unfazed by her son’s obvious frustration. “I just got the pie out of the oven, so the dessert is ready. Your dad and I were waiting downstairs, are you two—”
“We got ice cream,” he reminded his mother in a surprisingly gentle tone – even if his body remained stoic – and then glanced over his shoulder at you. “Unless you’d like to grab a slice?”
“Uh, I—thank you,” you said, standing up from the bed and desperately attempting to fix your hair while still remaining polite, “but I still feel full from the ice cream. A-and your dinner was wonderful, too, of course.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” his mother smiled at you and then gave her son a nod. “If you feel like getting tea with us, we’ll be in the kitchen, okay? Sorry I barged in on you like that, you didn’t tell me when you came back home, so I didn’t—”
“Yeah, sorry,” Jungkook said, still in a hurry. “We ran into dad, though. He knew we were back.”
“He did?” this seemed to surprise her. “Huh. He didn’t tell me.”
Huh, indeed. Maybe his father had his own ways of making sure Jungkook kept the door of his bedroom open.
“Well, no matter,” his mother added. “I’ll leave now. Sorry again!”
She smiled at you once more before she walked back to the staircase. You couldn’t tell if her eyes had been glittering because of the few glasses of wine that she’d had with dinner, or because she was able to tell what had been going on in this room before she came in.
Or maybe she was just happy that you were both home, safe and sound, and hanging out in his room – just like back in the day.
“Well,” Jungkook said after closing the door of his room. He wasn’t trying to conceal his disappointment, “that was my mom and her perfect timing.”
You chuckled. “Ah, she could have come in later. That would have been worse.”
“Yeah?” he liked to hear that you’d been imagining what could have happened later, as he walked back to you. “What do you think we’d have been doing?”
“Anything,” you replied, ignoring the fratboy in him but allowing his arms to comfortably wrap themselves around your waist. You replied to his smile with one of your own but did not dare to close the distance between you, only choosing to carefully rest your hands on his shoulders. “Do you know what time it is?”
Jungkook groaned, knowing that you must have understood his mother’s arrival as a sign that it was time for you to go home. “No, don’t start with the time!”
“What?” you asked, surprised by his agitation. “Why not?”
“Because it’s always the time that interrupts us,” he said, knowing how pointless it was but still cursing the time, the place, and almost the entire universe. “The night always ends before I’m ready for it.”
“Are you ever ready for it?” you asked but, in all actuality, you were asking him something else.
“No,” he said, answering both of your questions. “I’m never ready to leave you. You could stay over, you know.”
He’d once called you the most ambitious person he’d ever known, and yet there was nothing you wanted more than to stay here. Stay for a night. For however many nights it was possible.
But there were too many things to think about, too many outcomes to consider. You’d barely grown used to your relationship as old-friends-who-were-fake-dating before you kissed – mostly unprovoked and largely because you wanted to, not because he’d dared you to – and opened up the door to a whole new world.
“I…” you spoke, swallowing slowly. You knew you were someone who had to learn how to maneuver the magical carpet first, before hopping on it and flying away. That was who you were. “Thank you. But I think it’d be best if I went home tonight.”
Jungkook nodded, knowing and fully expecting you to say this. He wasn’t going to object because you’d already taken a huge step—a leap, really—over your own self when you responded and kissed him, and he didn’t want to pressure you into giving in and making any similar decisions before you were ready, no matter how much he wanted you to make them. No matter how much he wanted you.
But he was still going to give you a hard time about this. Because that was who he was.
“Leaving me wanting more, yeah?” he teased.
“Not leaving you,” you said. “Just leaving.”
He loved the way this sounded like a promise – and he would keep replaying your words in his head until the next time he saw you – but he didn’t show it, taking you by the hand instead.
“Let me take you home then,” he said and then threatened, “you should know before we go, though – I am fully determined to make you feel bad for abandoning me when I needed you the most.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t expect anything else from you,” you replied, making him smile in appreciation before leaning in to press a quick—almost chaste—kiss to your cheek.
He pulled away to open the door of his room and then walked outside, taking small steps and deep sighs, his theatrics always very sharp.
“Off I go,” Jungkook began, “starting my journey of loneliness—”
“Is that from a song?” you asked, interrupting his improvised monologue as you followed after him.
“It’s from my life,” he replied shortly. You tried to suppress your laughter and he continued, more dramatic now that he’d noticed he was entertaining you, “off I go, into the dark cavern of solitude. All by myself, all over again...”
Each one of your involuntary giggles only encouraged him, so Jungkook kept this up all the way to your dorm and then he found a way to keep going over text messages, spamming you with his Shakespearean delusions until you threatened to block his number if he didn’t stop.
And then, after testing you for another half an hour, he finally did stop and went to sleep – alone, but with the memory of you that was so strong, it was like you were there with him.
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HASO, “Milkshake.”
You guys seem to be enjoying it, so here is some more fluff with Eris .
Hope you enjoy!
Eris sat on the couch in the living room; the TV was on, but she wasn’t really paying attention as her eyes kept drifting towards the front window which looked out on the front lawn and the street beyond that. Jim was sitting across the room for her and Martha was working on another clothing pattern for Eris. She had really latched onto the idea of making clothing that was comfortable for her, which Eris appreciated immensely though she wasn’t sure if she'd be confident in wearing them.
People would think she was weird.
She glanced out the window again, hoping to see a car pull up.
He said he would be here today sometime in the afternoon. She knew it was only 11, but she desperately wanted to see him again despite her nerves and her continual feeling of isolation. Why did she care about this man so much? Yes he had saved her life, yes he had provided half of her DNA, but no, he hadn’t chosen to have her, no she hadn’t grow up the normal way with him as a father figure, and no he still wasn’t really in her life.
He was a busy man.
He was important.
And what was she to get in the way of that? 
Nothing, that was the answer. He was big, important and successful, and she was a violation of his privacy.
These thoughts rolled around in her head as she sat on that couch. She knew the vast majority of them were irrational, made by her own mind to make herself feel inadequate, but she just couldn’t push the thoughts away. She wondered when she had turned into this person, someone who wondered about their adequacy and worried about their appearance. Once upon a time she remembered being powerful and terrifying to the people who had wronged her and her little family.
She remembered being confident in what she was doing.
Perhaps it was the loss of her goals and purpose that had driven her to this.
Once the others started getting adopted and brought into new families her work had grown less and less, and she became obsolete and lost in a universe that was vast and unknowable. The others were being taken care of, but no one had returned for her.
No one had seemed to consider that she was just like the others.
She had been created against her will and had never been given time to grow up.
With all the responsibility of other people’s thoughts in her head.
What was she doing?
It was only then that a sudden thought from Jim jogged her from her spiraling self doubt. With his human hearing, he could make out a car pulling into the driveway. She quickly got to her feet and turned to look at the window as the car stopped and the door opened.
Her heart jumped in her chest as Adam stepped out into the early morning sun. He was a little different than she remembered. He stood straighter and held his head higher. He still wore the eye patch she remembered and still had the same messy hair, but there was something about him that changed in the months since she had last seen him.
Behind him, a large blue shape exited the vehicle as well and stepped onto the pavement.
It was him, Sunny, the little doctor named krill, and Adam’s dog.
The dog’s mind was very very strange, driven by impulses and instincts as she snuffled around in the grass, but when she turned back to look at Adam, there was such an intense feeling of love and admiration, Eris had to pull away.
Adam rubbed the dog’s ears and walked up towards the house as the other two followed behind.
Martha got up to grab the door and Jim turned in his seat.
The door opened, and the group of them stepped inside, waffles, the dog, running in to greet Jim, who she had an unusual affinity for.
Martha hugged Adam tight, “So good to see you.” She pulled back hands to his arms, patting them with a frown on her face, “You’ve been working out.”
He smiled slightly, “Thank the Neo-Spartans for that.”
He reached over and shook his father’s hand, as his arms were busy with the pile of dog that had scooted her way halfway onto his lap, “Looking good.”
He nodded to Sunny who stood behind Adam, “I heard about your Sainthood. Congratulations. That’s a big accomplishment.”
Eris felt the pride radiating from Sunny as she lifted her head into the air, “Thank you Jim.”
Martha nodded, “You’ve come along way since we first met.” She gave sunny a hug too 
Martha’s thoughts, once cold towards Sunny had warmed up over the past year. A small part of her even began to see Sunny as another daughter, thought that was the fact about Martha Eris had come to notice. She tended to adopt any little lonely thing she happened to meet; even the little doctor who walked in last.
She smiled, “Dr. Krill I see you haven’t died of complications relating to stress yet.”
The Vrul’s antenna twitched a little and he hummed his amusement, “Not for all of your son’s trying.” Despite how calm the little creature seemed, Eris could see in his head as a myriad of emotions flew through him. He thought that this place was a complete death trap, and had to constantly remind himself that humans were more durable than they looked.
In a way she thought it was kind of cute that he would worry about his companions so much.
Then Adam’s eyes turned to her.
She tried not to listen in on his thoughts, really tried. She didn’t like to pry into people’s minds. A lot of people didn’t like that when they knew what she could do, but she couldn’t help as the flood of strange emotions came pouring from the man’s head. He was a little different than other humans, he had a lot going on in there, and his thoughts and Emotions hit him hard and fast.
What did she expect.
She was invading his privacy, injecting herself into a family she had never been invited into. WOuld he resent her for that? 
But instead she felt.
What did he have to be nervous about.
The man walked over, and to her surprise picked her up into a crushing hug lifting her feet completely off the floor. She marveled for a moment at how strong he was, forgetting that humans tended to be on the strong side, second only to drev. He set her down smiling, and she felt a jenuine well of happiness wash over her tinted slightly with guilt, though he did a good job at keeping that to the back of his mind.
“You know what, I think you’ve gotten taller.”
She smiled, “Or you’ve gotten shorter.”
He laughed, “That is a complete possibility.” She continued to smile as he patted his chest, “I am getting old after all.” He looked over towards Jim, “Aging like my old man.”
“Shut up.” Jim harumphed, “I can still kick your ass.”
Martha frowned, “Are you implying that I am old Adam.”
He turned to smile at her, “Not a day past 21 mother.”
Martha crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, “Someone is looking for brownie points.”
“That depends, did you make brownies?”
She rolled her eyes, “No, I did not make brownies.”
He frowned.
“But I did muffins.”
“Score.” He said flopping down on the couch next to Eris as Krill floated to sit in the chair next to Jim.
The two of them watched the game, Jim seeming to enjoy Krill grimacing at every play and screaming at the TV for letting the humans knock each other out. He especially seemed to enjoy the medical descriptions of all the horrible issues they were probably having from all of that running into each other.
“So, how are you liking earth.” Adam asked, draping one of his large arms over her shoulders. Eris was struck with how nice the gesture felt and looked up at him, his head tilted to the side.
She smiled slightly, “I like it, it’s so warm and bright, and you have good food.”
“You can eat human food huh?”
She smiled and nodded, “We haven’t tried everything yet, but I really like strawberry ice cream.”
He snorted, “Lord she developed David’s poor taste in cold flavored delectables.” 
For a moment she worried she had really upset him but was soon proven wrong when she could tell he was just teasing her, “So how are you a herbivore or a carnivore.”
Eris felt herself blanch a little bit. If her blood had been more visible through her marble Starborn skin, she might have gone pale.
“I uh…. I haven’t tried eating….. An animal yet.” She shivered at the thought. How could she? How could she eat something that used to be alive?
He smiled seeing the look on her face3, “Don’t worry, no one is going to force you too, though I dare say meat is good, your probably won’t regret trying it at least once.”
From across the room she could hear dr. Krill’s thoughts. He was more similar to a plant than he was to an animal, and the thought of consuming something that was living also baffled him, Though a part of him admired how “metal” It sounded. Eris frowned as she looked at the little doctor.
She had red the mind of Vrul before.
They had been strange to her, very alien in their processes, but Krill.
Well she might have thought he was just a very strange human had she not been able to see him.
The humanizing phenomenon perhaps>?
She couldn't be sure.
“So Eris, how about my offer from earlier, how would you like to go see where I grew up.”
She turned to look at Adam, who was staring at her expectantly. 
She shuffled her feet awkwardly, “I would like that.”
“I will show you all the great and wonderful places I got beaten up. It will be a grand time.” She looked inside to see that he was just joking again. He did have some bad memories associated with the town, though the vast majority of them were good. She could see and feel the vibrant joy of fireworks and colorful parades as they passed through his memory. She could see cold calm lakes and feel wind blowing through the forest.
She nodded.
Martha turned to look at Sunny, “I’d like to keep you and Krill behind tomorrow if you don’t mind.”
Sunny looked up from here she was staring intently at the TV yelling over Jim’s shoulder at the reff who, to her, had made a very poor call.
“Of course, what do you need us for?”
“Alternative clothing designs for aliens. I think there is a large untapped market, and I want to see what I can do with it.”’
Adam grinned across the room at sunny, “Ah, she has finally roped you into being one of her guinea pigs. Enjoy.”
“Adam was such a good little guinea pig, and looked so good in a dress.”
Adam snorted and waved a hand, “I rocked the regency period as I have said before and so I shall say again.”
Eris leaned her head against Adam’s side as she listened to the ongoing banter between the group of people.
She tried not to pry but couldn’t help soak up the memories that popped to the surface of his head. Warm sunlight through an open window, the sound of a sprinkler, and the yell of children’s voices in the distance.
For a moment she became jealous of it before hiding that away in the back of her head.
THere was no use resenting others for something that wouldn’t change.
She would make the best of what she had.
That night, Eris slept in the same room as Sunny, whose memories were remarkably less pleasant than Adam’s, while Adam got his old room back. He would have shared with Krill, though Krill didn’t sleep, and spent most of the night watching late night television, which he found both strange and haunting in ways he wasn’t so sure was good.
She drifted in and out.
She wasn’[t entirely sure if her sleeping patterns were normal. She needed to recharge like the humans did, but seemed to go into a trance rather than into real sleeping. She dreamed, but hose dreams were more hallucinations which appeared about the room around her. Occasionally, she learned that she was able to share the dreams of others, and so took a ride along with Adam as he was joyfully able to fly without the need for a jet or a jetpack.
The feeling was so vivid she jolted awake when it was all over, sure she was going to find herself hurtling through the air.
That morning they had muffins, which melted in her mouth and made her insides growl. They weren’t as vocal as human innards, but apparently the smell of the muffins woke something deep within her.
Sunny was presented with a bowl of dandelions Jim had picked from the backyard that morning.
He was a little nervous that it might seem rude or degrading, but Sunny definitely seemed to appreciate the gesture. Krill didn’t need anything other than a glass of water, though Martha opened the curtain on the back sliding door to let in the early morning sun.
It fell across both her and krill, and her body hummed with its energy.
Adam stood and turned to look at his father when breakfast was over, “Can I borrow the car keys.”
Jim looked over at him skeptically, “You… drive… I don’t know about that.”
Adam frowned, “Oh come on, I fly spaceships for a living.”
Jim snorted, “yet, somehow every time you get in a vehicle that has wheels on it, you turn into my granny with a led foot.”
“Promise I will be safe.”
Eris smiled,  his memories reminding him of all the jokes about being a bad driver .
Jim just rested his hand on his forehead and looked at Eris, “Lord knows I have never known a man with such poor command of motor vehicles. Ans you see if have seen this boy fly a jet in formation with seven other jets four feet apart and his hands are rock steady, but put him in a car, and he overcorrects into the ditch.”
Adam frowned, “That was my FIRST time driving.”
Jim finally relinquished the keys to him, “take the car, it’s an automatic. Everyone knows you shake her brains out if you tried to take the truck.”
Adam grumbled and took the keys, “Its the 41st century dad why do you even still need a stick shift.”
He crossed his arms, “If we are ever attacked by an EMP burst, that car is the only thing that is still going to be running, now get out of here.”
Eris followed Adam out the door, her little black cloak swishing behind her.. She hadn’t wanted to wear anything to obvious yet, so martha had grudgingly decided to at least make her something that looked better than her old ratty sweatshirt. It was a short cloak thing with a hood, and she thought it looked kind of nice,   though she kept the hood low over her face. Adam slid into the driver’s seat of the car and Eris got into the other seat clipping on her seatbelt as he turned and began backing out of the driveway.
They jolted a bit as he moved into first and he glanced over at her, “Don’t tell my dad.”
She smiled somewhat as he inched forward and then began to pick up speed. The look of concentration on his face, and the white knuckles of his hands almost made her laugh. She could see him flying in his memories.
But for a man who loved to fly, he sure hated to drive.
“I’ll show you around the two first, than we can get lunch and after that we will find places to get out of the car and take a look around. Does that sound good?”
She nodded, though she wouldn’t have argued with him if he wanted to ride in circles all day. It was nice being here with him. Since they had last met his thoughts had calmed down significantly.
In the back of the car, his dog waffles sneezed and then rested her chin on the console.
Eris looked sideways at her sensing that the animal was looking for attention. She reached out a nervous hand and stroked the dog’s ears. In the back seat her tail thumped against the upholstery, and she grumbled happily.
“And out your right side of the window is the local high school  or what I like to call the department of corrections against happiness. Eris winced, there was a lot of thought coming out of that building, and none of it very pleasant.
“Thank goodness I only went there for like a year.” he grinned, “I was flying planes after that.” He tapped his chin, “I can never decide if it counts as me dropping out of high school or graduating early, or transferring schools.” he shrugged and kept going, “That’s the middle school on the left, arguably just as bad as the high school but with younger people, and right next to that is the elementary school.”
“So many?”
He shrugged, “Yeah I have no idea why they do it this way, but that’s the way it has been done for a very long time.”
Eris had obviously never gone to school. She didn’t really need to.
She could know anything she wanted to know as long as someone else around her knew it. She could read and write and do math well enough. It was a little harder with muscle memory as that wasn’t something she could read. So, while she knew how to make most of the clothes that Martha could make, she might not be so good with a sewing machine.
“That’s the park. I used to like climbing up to the top of that tree in the middle, and down over there is the drive in movie theater. It’s one of the only ones left in this country, kind of more for nostalgia than anything..” he was able to lift his hand rom the steering wheel and point over at something else, “You have the grocery store over there and then that parking lot is where all the redneck kids used to go to get drunk.”
Eris leaned forward feeding off the memories those strange places gave him. He showed her little hidden spots down by the rivers where his brothers and him used to go swim. He showed her places of significance for the town, and even those locations where he had been sure he had seen an alien. The thought made her smile considering he had one in his car now.
Eventually he turned away and pulled into a small diner on the edge of the town.
He looked over at her, “Best place to eat in town, I know it doesn’t look like much, but trust me get yourself a milkshake at the very least.”
She nodded and nervously got out of the car with him, walking by his side as he made his way across the parking lot and to the little building. A bell dinged as they walked in,  and she found only a few people sitting inside this time of day. The two of them seated themselves at a booth and Eris looked around,
It wasn’t like the many other buildings Eris had seen. It was old with a checkered floor pattern, and red upholstered bar stools. All of it looked new enough and clean enough, though something about it just felt old.
There was a jukebox playing music in the corner, something that had been obsolete for almost two thousand years. No wonder Adam and Martha liked this place. Martha with her doctorate degree in the information age, and Adam with his obsession over turn of the century rock music.
They were greeted just then by a pleasant faced portly little woman with grey hair.
Hermemory was a vibrant one.
She had worked here for a very long time, a sweet southern bell moved up from the south and married to a man in town. She had worked at this diner for over three decades and seen everything that passed through. Adam remembered her as someone who had been a fixture of the town, and his memories were pleasant.
When he had been alone and hurting, he had come here just to be in a safe environment, and this woman had had pity on him and made him a milkshake for free before sitting and talking with him when her shift would allow.
He smiled up at her and she lit up in surprise.
“Why if it isn’t sweet little Adam!” She looked him up and down, “Not so little anymore, lord it was only yesterday you and your brothers were in here causing trouble.”
He smiled, “And you angela, looking as beautiful as the day I met you.:
She snorted and waved a hand, “Oh stop, I’m old and wrinkly.”
“Old, you don’t look a day over twenty five.”
She laughed again, “Your flattery won’t work here dear. I know you have a penthouse on the moon.”
He snapped his fingers, “Pity.”
She turned her head to look at Eris, “And who is your friend.”
He looked across the table, “I uh, this is Eris.” Eris hunkered down in her hood a bit, “She’s my…. Daughter?”
Angela looked skeptical, “Boy i’ve never seen you look at a woman sideways, so forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
Adam smiled a bit ruefully, “Well it’s complicated.
Eris slowly raised her eyes towards the woman’s curiosity and as soon as Angela saw her face she put a hand over her heart and held up a hand, “Lord have mercy!” Eris braced herself for the disparaging thoughts, but instead the woman sat down next to her, “Why dear, why don’t you take off that hood and show us your pretty face.” There we go, and look at that long gorgeous black hair. You know them fancy modeling places in the city might just eat you up.”
She turned to look at Adam, “Aliens? Really?”
“She was grown from my DNA, but…..” He paused mulling something over before deciding to speak.
“But I WAS dating a different alien for a while.”
Angela did not seem surprised.
“For a while? Something went wrong?”
“I screwed it up.” he sighed, “Still trying to see if I can get back in her good graces, but who knows.”
Angela just smiled and shook her head, “You were never going to be normal, Adam, but not that that’s a bad thin.: She stood and looked down at Eris, “What can I get for you.”
Eris cleared her throat and in a small voice, “A milkshake””
Adam nodded up at her, “Strawberry, that’s her favorite.”
She nodded, “And your usual?” 
“Yes please.”
She smiled at them and walked off with a pleasant wave. When she came back Eris learned he was right about their milkshakes. It was so good and filled her mouth with just enough flavor. He polished off a milkshake and a Hamburger, and Eris really had no idea where iit all went. He was a black hole when it came to food.
Angela gave him a hug on his way out, and even spared one for Eris before commenting on her hair again, which Eris would have blushed at if she could blush.
Afterwards he took her just a little out of town to the top of a tall hill. On this hill there was a tree and a tire swing with a picnic table. Clouds rolled lazily over the sun as he sat down in the grass and she sat next to him. She could hear dogs barking in the distance, and somewhere the elementary school was out for recess.
Adam closed his eyes and leaned back in the grass.
“Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my love for space that I forget just how much I love Earth.” He sighed and the two of them could smell freshly mowed grass and pine trees.
She lay back with him.
“I was thinking about maybe staying here with your parents for a while.”
“Your grandparents.” he corrected eyes still closed.
She felt her heart beat faster, “Yeah, if they’re ok with that.”
“I don’t see why not. Mom always liked having someone around to help her with her projects. She uses dad when she can and he suffers silently for her, but I think she'd enjoy your company.”
“You do?” Eris wondered 
“Well I don’t see how she couldn't. I enjoy your company.”
She felt a thrill through her insides.
He turned to look at her, “I AM sorry I can’t be…. more. “ his words didn’t say as much as his thoughts could, and it were those  that helped her understand what he really meant. He would offer to take her in any day of the week, but that would mean her being alone more often than not while he was away, and he didn’ want to do that to her. 
He thought she deserved better.
She wouldn’t argue with him about that, for she understood his reasoning and sentiment and tended to agree.
Both of them knew that his parents were a pretty great idea.
She could be happy here
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swiftiesimonriley · 3 years
it only takes a moment (modern! maxwell lord x f! reader - only one bed!)
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modern! maxwell lord x f! reader ft. only one bed!
summary: after a planned trip goes awry, what happens when you, Alistair’s nanny, and max only have one bed to share?
warnings: mentions of drinking and sex (no smut in this work), mentions of bad weather and turbulence on a plane, anxiety
a/n: this is my first maxwell oneshot!! thank you to the anon who suggested it! my masterlist is here and my requests are open! also this is not beta read - we die like men KSJDHAKKS
To say this was one of the longest days ever would be an understatement.
Your day started like any other. Waking up around 6:15am, you quietly pad into your bathroom and wash your face, taking a few minutes to complete your skincare routine and brush your teeth before making your way back into your bedroom.
Going over to your desk, you pick up your outfit you laid out the night before, a comfortable pair of leggings and an oversized crew neck with the name of the college you went to on it.
You hold the wooly sweatshirt in your hands, a smile tugging at your lips at the memories of your time back on campus. While it’s been less than a year since you graduated, you still hold the memories close.
One memory in particular plays on a loop in your head.
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It was last May. You were sat in a back booth with some friends of your favorite bar in the city.
You were celebrating the new job you had just been hired at - as a full-time nanny for a single father with a young boy.
It was no secret that you had struggled finding a job after graduation. You had put in a lot of work at your time here at school, but you felt a pit of sadness in your heart at graduation when all of your friends had already secured jobs and a future for themselves.
You felt the sadness when you didn’t know how you were going to make ends meet - you had student loans, bills and other things piling more and more stress on - but when you found an ad for a nanny job, you were over the moon.
After your interview with the assistant to the single father, who must be very busy or important if he has an assistant, you were thrilled when you got the news you were hired.
The assistant explained her boss was a high-profile man, and that he wanted to be the one to introduce himself to you, which you had no problem with. You also would be a live in nanny, meaning you would have your own space within the house.
With the job starting tomorrow, your friends decided tonight would be the night to celebrate, wanting to “send you off” with one last night out before your job started.
A couple of rounds of drinks in, you felt a sudden burst of energy - whether it be a real energy boost or the tension leaving your body from the numerous drinks you’ve had throughout the night - but suddenly you make your way over to the makeshift dance floor.
You feel the beat of the music flow through you as your friends come and dance with you for a while, losing track of time in the small bar as the night goes on. It’s after several more songs that you feel a set of big hands rest gently on your hips and a strong, yet comforting scent of cologne filling your nose.
“I hope you don’t mind me being a bit forward angel, but I couldn’t help but notice you from across the bar, and I have to say you are absolutely gorgeous,” the man says confidently, his fingers rubbing a soft pattern into the flesh of your hips.
You turn your head to the side to lock eyes with the handsome stranger, his brown eyes like swirls of chocolate and honey reflect the colorful lights of the bar back into your own.
A smile plays at his lips as you take in his styled appearance, his clothes fitting him in all of the right places, almost like they were made just for him.
“You see something you like darling?” he asks soothingly, the smile on his face morphing to a playful smirk as you nod back at him faster than you can say something.
He lets out a hearty chuckle and gives one of your hips a squeeze as he presses his front firmly up against your back, a small gasp leaving your lips as you feel how he is pressed against your ass, and you have to stop yourself from arching into his chest.
“Let’s get out of here,” you whimper, feeling the room get hotter as he stays close to your body, wanting to get some privacy with him before you drop to your knees right here on the sticky floor of the bar.
He nods along with your suggestion, gently grasping your hand in his and leading you to an awaiting taxi.
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A shiver runs down your spine at the memory of that night. The more your mind lingers on that night, you swear you can almost feel him back between your legs and hear the whimpers of praise in your ear.
But of course that once in a lifetime high from your hookup turned into a nightmare the next day, when you realized that the gorgeous man next to you was not only the famous Maxwell Lord, but that he is the man you were to work under as a nanny.
Sure it was awkward when you came back to Max's house in the morning after sneaking out a few hours earlier, preteding that the two of you didn't have mindblowing sex the night before, instead opting to focus on the specifics of the job. 
Max explained that he was a very busy man - something you already knew - and that he really appreciates what you are doing for him and Alistair, and that he knows his son will love spending time with you.
That was a year ago.
Now the tension had gone down significantly, but you would be lying to yourself if you said you still didn't think about Max in the way you did that night with him. There were times when you caught him staring at you from across the room, feeling his eyes on you as you played with his son, a smile tugging at his lips.
There were nights where you laid lonely in your bedroom, wondering what would happen if you went down the hall to the master bedroom and joined your boss, but you stopped yourself from picturing what could happen.
You slip on your sweatshirt, brush out and twist your hair, opting to put it in one of you claw clips, a few stray pieces framing your face in all of the right ways.
Making your way out of your room you head down the hallway to Alistair’s room, knocking lightly before peeking your head in and letting him know it’s time to start waking up.
Today was a travel day.
Max was attending a conference down in DC and decided to bring you and Alistair along so he could spend some time with his son, as well as turn this little trip into a mini vacation. He planned on visiting several museums that he knows Ali will love, like the natural history museum and air and space museum, but also the national gallery of art for you as well.
He didn’t tell you he rented out the museum so it would be just the three of you. He wanted that to be a surprise.
You grab your small duffel bag for travel and make your way down the grand staircase, placing the bag near the front door as you head to the kitchen, starting to grab the ingredients to make belgian waffles - Alistair’s favorite.
Turning on the coffee pot, you hum to yourself as you mix the ingredients together to make breakfast, making sure to lay out three plates. As you pour the batter into the waffle maker, you make quick work of cutting up some fresh strawberries to serve on the side.
Hearing two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs, as well as an accompanying giggle, you turn to see Max chasing Alistair through the foyer and towards the kitchen island, with Max laughing as he picks up his son and plops him down onto the barstool in front of him.
A smile pulls at your lips as you slide Max a mug of coffee, getting a nod of appreciation in return before he helps you plate up breakfast, encouraging his son to eat up so you all can get going.
Max had arranged for one of his private planes to fly the three of you out, telling you it would be much more relaxing than taking a normal flight, to which you rolled your eyes.
No matter how long you had been working for Max, you still aren’t used to how causal he is with spending his wealth. Especially when it came to you.
It was no secret Max had a sweet spot for you.
How could he not? It wasn’t all about that first night - sure he still thinks about it when he’s alone - but it’s about all of you. He loves the way that when he comes home it feels so domestic - you and Alistair either running around the house playing games or cooking or baking together - something about it feels so right to him.
But he doesn’t want to make things weird between the two of you.
He hopes this special trip will help him out a little bit.
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“Alright, the only room we have left is room 5. Is that ok Mr. Lord?”
Max nods as the small bed and breakfast owner hands over the key. He turns to look at you with tired eyes, seeing Alistair leaning up against you, barely awake.
Grabbing your bags, Max makes quick work of guiding you and Ali down the long hallway of numbered rooms until the three of you were gathered outside of room five.
Opening the door with the key, Max leads the two of you inside the small two room suite, dropping the bags unceremoniously onto the carpet as Ali lays down on the couch in the “living room” which consisted of a small kitchenette, a couch and two comfy chairs, a tv, and kitchen table with chairs.
“I knew he was tired, but not that tired,” you chuckle, pointing to the couch where Ali is fast asleep, one of the stuffed animals you had bought for him tucked under his arm.
Max let’s out a huff of frustration as he sits down on one of the soft chairs, running a hand through his now messy locks.
“Hey,” you say soothingly, making your way to the chair next to Max’s and sit down. You reach out a hand and place it on Max’s shoulder and give it a comforting squeeze.
At the feeling of your touch, a pair of brown eyes looks up and lock with yours, Max’s brow furrowed in not only frustration but stress.
The past several hours didn’t go as any of you planned.
The plane ride started out as usual, Max siting comfortingly in his seat and looking over some documents for his upcoming meeting. You and Alistair were sat in your own seats, playing with a new copy of Mad Libs, with Alistair giggling as you read out the story he created.
You were probably in the air for about 45 minutes when you hit a patch of bad weather, the plane going through a bit of turbulence.
Feeling the plane rock, your hand immediately shoots out to grab onto Max’s, your eyes locking with his in fear as he squeezes your hand, sending a small wave of comfort throughout your body.
The pilot comes over the speaker to inform you that he needs to make an emergency landing while the weather passes, and you feel your heartbeat pick up as the plane begins to descend, hearing Max comfort Ali from his seat.
It’s when the plane is grounded, that you begin to process what just happened - you find it hard to catch your breath as your bags are unloaded from the plane.
“Hey hey hey,” a soothing, familiar deep voice says, “we’re okay, alright? Let’s find somewhere we can stay so you and Ali can rest.”
“What about you? You need rest too after today,” you sigh, feeling Max place his hand on the small of your back, grabbing a few bags and grabbing Ali’s hand as the three of you make your way towards the taxi the small airport called for you.
“I’m not too worried about it,” Max reassures, helping you load everything into the taxi before helping you inside.
The bed and breakfast you were staying at was hours outside of DC, but you could always find a cat tomorrow and drive down to make it to Max’s meeting. It was the only place nearby with availability, even if it was only one room.
You break eye contact with Max, telling him you are going to run to the bathroom real quick. You stand up and walk over to the door to the bedroom, turning the knob open and gasping as you look inside.
“What’s wrong?” Max worriedly presses, still on edge from earlier. He jumps up and makes his way over, ready to face whatever danger may be behind the door, but feels his eyes widen as he sees the one singular bed in the center of the room.
“Oh,” he sighs, seeing you have the same reaction. The two of you haven’t shared a bed since that first night, and the two of you never spoke of it again.
“I can sleep in one of the chairs,” you blurt out, not fully thinking before the words come out. You can’t imagine sharing a bed with your boss, with Max, after what happened last time. It just would be too awkward.
“No no, you don’t have to do that,” he reassures, “I’ll sleep on the chair,” he suggests, getting a head shake from you. You don’t want him to be uncomfortable because of you, but you also don’t want to push the boundaries.
He lets out a sigh as he runs his hand through his hair again, something he would do when stressed over something such as a business proposal or shareholder meeting, but this was different.
You take a deep breath and turn to look at the tall man, watching as his eyes look down to meet yours. God he was so pretty. Has he always been this pretty?
“How about we just both sleep in the bed Max, that way we can both be comfortable and get some sleep before our drive tomorrow,” you rush out, looking down at your feet to avoid his gaze.
Max stays quiet for a moment, thinking over the benefits of actually sleeping in a bed, with you in it. After today, he feels like he could fall asleep instantly, so maybe it’ll be that way in the bed.
“Alright,” he sighs, “I’m going to change in the bathroom.”
You nod as he reaches down to grab his designer travel bag, heading off to the attached bathroom before shutting the door, missing the way your face heats up at the thought of sharing a bed with him.
You will yourself to get changed quickly, not wanting Max to walk in on you changing, even if he’s seen you undressed before.
Grabbing your bag, you search through for your pajamas, which consist of a pair of striped sleep shorts and an old oversized tshirt. Letting your hair down, you feel a heavy weight of exhaustion flow over you like an ocean wave, and your body subconsciously makes it’s way over to the small bed and lets you settle in.
Max walks out of the en-suite bathroom a few moments later, clad in his custom Armani pajamas and makes his way over to the bed, seeing you already tucked under the covers and turned away from him.
He lets out a sigh as he peels back his side of the covers, letting his body slip into his side of the bed and relax, the bed feeling like a cloud under his tense muscles. Letting his eyes flutter closed, he wills himself to fall asleep fast.
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“Max?” you whisper, turning over to lay on your back.
The older man lets out a quiet groan, flipping over to face you. “Yes?”
“Why don’t you date?”
The question nearly makes his eyes shoot out of his head. Was he dreaming?
“I uh-,” he starts, letting out a small cough and staring up at the ceiling. “I haven’t found someone i’d want to bring home.”
He doesn’t miss the small “mhm” you let out, the air becoming thick with tension.
“Why don’t you date?” He questions back, feeling a little bold. If you could ask him, why couldn’t he ask you.
You let out a small laugh, “Of course you’d ask,” you laugh, taking a deep breath before closing your eyes. It’s now or never. After the turbulence situation, it made you realize that things aren’t guaranteed. Hell, if it bothers him Max can find another nanny.
“I haven’t found anyone i’d want to bring home since I met you.”
Max feels his throat tighten up. He immediately turns towards you and sees you have opened your eyes back up, and are looking right at him. Fuck, is this really happening?
“Me?” he asks excitedly, trying to stay calm as his nanny confesses her true feelings right before his very eyes.
“Yes you, unless there is some other Maxwell Lord that I have slept with and work for!” you laugh, feeling the anxiety in your chest start to fade away. You watch Max closely, swearing you can see stars in his eyes as your confession escapes your lips.
Max smiles to himself, letting out a small chuckle to himself before looking back at you. He scoots a little closer to you, not wanting to overcrowd you, but wanting to close the space between you two. He reaches forward and brushes a stray piece of hair away from your face, watching as a faint blush rises upon your cheeks.
“Can I hold you?” He asks softly, almost as if you would disappear if he spoke louder. You nod back at him, turning on your side so that your back is pressed up against his front.
Adjusting the covers around you both, Max brings you closer to his body and places his strong arm around your waist, holding you softly, yet securely, as if he would never let go. He settles his face into your neck and takes in your soft scent of coconut and something else sweet, never wanting to forget the scent.
You both let your eyes flutter shut, set on getting some rest. Feeling Max rubbing a familiar pattern on your hip, you feel yourself start to drift off comfortably, only feeling butterflies in your tummy, but the good kind.
Tomorrow you both can talk about your feelings, but right now you just want to lie in Max’s arms, and never have him let you go
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taglist: @salome-c @jasterslegacy @marydjarin @hnt-escape
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scvrllet · 4 years
fairtytales / j.p
Pairing: James Potter x Fem!Reader
Summary: James always loved fairytales but one day, he finally learns why he shouldn’t believe in them so much
Prompt: “I can’t pretend about something that feels too real.” 
This is a submission for @approved-by-dentists‘ writing challenge which I’m so sorry for taking forever to finish
James Potter Tags: @hec1930 @jellybeanduck99 @jjklefttoe @mads-bri @dracoo-malfoy @niniabc
General HP Tags: @birdie-writes @lunaralpha270 @tinylumpiaa @slytherin-chaser @bloodblossom73 @pcseidcnsvoid @mischiefsemimanaged @accio-rogers @iamak20 @klaus-m-trash @obsessedwithrandomthings @susceptible-but-siriusexual @masterofthedarkness @lupins-sweater @hariosborn @vernon-dursley @slytherinwriter618 @missmulti @sambucky8 @a-c-lee @criesinlies @sokkasdarling
Permanent Tags: @sleep-i-ness @emmaloo21 @62442-am @flowersgrewbackasth0rns @un-limit-edd @angelicbabybutterfly @a-golden-sunflower-vol-6 @aliyahcat111 @hogswartshoe22 
Key: (Y/H/C) = your house colour
White lily flower petals littered the green grass, acting as an aisle for the bride to walk down as the guests waited impatiently in their seats. 
James was probably the most anxious out of everyone there. He had been in-love with you since sixth year back at Hogwarts and now here he was waiting for you to arrive at the wedding. 
Silver chairs were wrapped with pieces of white and ivory fabric, a combination you’ve always adored, and white tulips lined the aisle. There was a makeshift stage in front of them, where the bride and groom would stand and finally be one. The setting looked like something straight out of a fairytale. 
After a few minutes, you had apparated along with your parents. Since it was still in the midst of a war, you opted out of the traditional wedding dress your parents had wished for and opted for a simple but elegant dress instead. James held his breath as he watched your father walk you down the aisle and right pass him. 
Christmas was always your favourite holiday. Back home with your parents, the days counting down to Christmas were spent together as a family and gift exchanges were the best. You would’ve thought that this tradition would end after you got accepted into Hogwarts but your muggle parents had managed to get used to using the owl and were able to share the experience with you. 
With Christmas just a week away, your parents had already sent 7 owls, making the house elves who tended to the school owls very exhausted, and were sending another owl soon.
“They seem to really enjoy using owls.” James said as he watched an owl fly in through the Common Room and drop off a package into your lap. 
“I thought they would’ve been wary of using animals to send stuff but turns out I was wrong.” You replied as you opened the paper package. Since you were away from school, your parents had decided to switch the order of activities you’d all do. You were supposed to be baking cookies with your mom while your dad sang Christmas songs around the kitchen on this day.
Inside the package were two knitted sweaters, one a deep crimson and the other a (Y/H/C). Raising a brow at the second sweater, you searched the package for a note and found it in-between the two. 
Dear (Y/N),
Hi honey, your father and I hope you’re doing well at school. 
We know that today was supposed to be baking but we’ve heard that it’s been getting pretty cold up there in the highlands so we decided to send you your sweater earlier. Your father had also decided to knit an extra one for that James boy you’re always mentioning. We hope you both like them and we can’t wait to have you back home in two days! 
Love you.  Mom and dad. P.S: Why not bring James home for Christmas? We’re always happy to have guests over.
“You alright there (Y/N)?” James asked, causing you to look at him. You hadn't noticed that you were so focused on the letter in front of you until James pointed it out. “What’d they send today?”
“Oh just sweaters. They also knitted one for you.” 
James' face lit up and he practically dived into the spot beside you on the couch to grab said sweater. He held it up to look at it before quickly putting it on. It fit him perfectly. 
He had always loved the sweaters your parents knitted so now that he was able to have one of his own he couldn’t seem to hide the smile that graced his features. It suited him, both the sweater and the smile. He smiled often but it was more mischievous but this one was genuine. You liked seeing him like this. 
“I need to thank them. What’s a good gift I could get them?” James' question broke you out of your daydream. 
“You could come over?” It sounded more like you were reading off of a script rather than just asking him. Merlin why were you so nervous around this boy. 
“For Christmas dinner. My parents wanted to invite you to our Christmas dinner. You don’t have to go of course, they were just suggesting it since I-”
“I’d love to.” 
Realizing what you were about to reveal, you were thankful for James cutting you off. You simply smiled at him and tried your best to contain your excitement as he went back to marveling at the sweater. 
“Bollocks, I have practice in ten,” James sighed. Pulling the sweater off his head you couldn’t but stare at the bit of exposed skin as his undershirt rose. “I’ll see you after practice love. Oh and the dinner! Send me an owl what time.” He said as he ran out of the Common Room a little too loudly. A few students shushed at him but by then he was already running down the halls towards the changerooms. 
“(Y/N) are you done yet?” Your mother called from downstairs. 
You were in your bathroom after your sixth outfit change of the night. For some reason the first five outfits weren’t what you had envisioned them to look like. After an hour of hair, makeup and six outfit changes, you finally felt content with your appearance and was finally  ready to go downstairs. 
James was supposed to arrive in less than an hour which meant you had more than enough time to get the table set and help put up any last minute decorations. Perhaps your parents took Christmas a little too seriously you thought to yourself, looking out the window at the giant candy canes and lights that lit up the entire yard. It looked like something out of a bloody Christmas story. 
“I’ll get it!” Your father announced after hearing the doorbell ring. Your mother chuckled and walked to join him at the door while you stood behind them, silently praying that they won’t embarrass themselves in front of the boy they knew you liked. 
“You must be James.” You heard your father say in a monotone voice. From the small space between your parents, you could see James' charming smile falter as he grew nervous. 
“Yes sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N).” He said, surprisingly without stuttering, as he offered his hand out for them to shake. 
“Come in dear, you must be freezing.” Your mother said. Pushing your father to the side, she pulled him inside and offered to hang up his jacket. He politely declined and did it himself. 
Your father looked back at you and nodded at you causing you to roll your eyes. Tonight was going to be interesting.
“(Y/N)!” You heard James call out. Turning your head in his direction, you watched as he approached you with open arms and a smile. Wrapping your arms around him, you pulled him into a warm hug which made you shiver when you realized that he was freezing. “I got this for you and your parents.” He said as he handed you a fairly large gift bag. 
Setting it on the couch, you opened it up to see a few bottles from his parents beauty line along with some baked goods. He even bought two candles in your favourite scent and candy. He knew you too well. 
“Dinner is ready!” 
Perhaps your parents were a little too excited for this dinner. Their eyes went wide as they watched James pull out the chair for you before taking the one beside you, facing your parents. While your father grabbed food for himself and your mom, James filled up your plate with foods he knew you liked. Your parents shared a knowing look before starting to pester the poor boy with questions. 
The questions started off as generic: What are your goals, what is your plan for the future, what are your favourite classes, what house are you in and etc. Your parents acted as if they hadn’t already known the answer to these questions due to the amount of times you’ve told them about him.
“Are you dating anybody?” Your father had decided to ask, ignoring how your eyes went wide and signed for him to stop. 
“Oh I actually am.” James replied and your father raised a brow. Your mother looked both shocked and hurt for you. “She’s in Gryffindor like me, Lily Evans. We’ve been dating for two weeks so far.” 
“That’s great, I’m sure she’s lovely.” Your mother quickly regretted saying that as the rest of the dinner was spent talking about Lily Evans. James would not shut up for a second talking about how lovely and amazing she was that you were more than relieved when he noticed the time and had to leave. 
After the door closed behind him, your parents barely had a chance to call for you as you ran up the stairs and into your room. You didn’t come out until the following afternoon when they bribed you with waffles despite it being 3 pm. 
After the Christmas dinner with James the news of his new relationship quickly spread. You started isolating yourself from him, not that you had to even try considering he’d spend all his time with Lily. As weeks went by you’d start talking to Remus, who you grew a sibling-like relationship with the more you talked ot each-other. It started off with complaining about how James essentially ditched you and his friends to spend all his time with Lily and barely even remembering to say hi to them. Then as it progressed you both started to actually spend time with each-other and talk without any mention of James Potter or Lily Evans. 
During this time, James' two other friends, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew, were still trying to get a word with James but after one too many failed attempts, decided to join Remus. You quickly befriended them both, just like how you did with Remus, and the four of you spent if not all, most of your free time outside of classes together. It was like you had replaced the void James’ left in their group. 
Before his relationship, James was often said to act like a mother to the boys but when you joined, it was actually Remus who became the mother hen. He was the one nagging you to study and telling Sirius to actually pay attention in class and stopping Peter from wanting to raid the kitchen every other hour. As much as he’s grown to love you, he did not hesitate to complain about how childish you acted but you would only stick your tongue out at him before finally starting to do what you were supposed to. You really did become the sister he never had and despite him getting annoyed every few minutes, he truly did love you and wanted the best for you. 
Maybe that was why he had snapped at James when the boy came crawling back to his friends. News spread like wildfire around Hogwarts that James had broken up with Lily and despite you being one of the first few people to hear about it, you didn’t care.
“What do you mean I can’t tell her?” James asked. Remus and Peter were in their dorms, previously in a conversation before James barged into the room asking for their forgiveness of how he’s been treating them the past few months. 
“I said, you’re not going to tell (Y/N) that you’re in-love with her.” Remus replied calmly before turning back to Peter. 
“But why.”
“Because she’s dating Sirius now that’s why!” James fell silent and could only look at Remus in shock. “The two people you’ve hurt the most are together now. And they’re happy as well so there is no way in hell I’m going to let you ruin it.” 
“Moony I’m in-love with her, what do you want me to do.?”
“Suck it up. Act like you’re not. You were amazing at completely ignoring us for the past few months anyways.”
“This is different I can’t pretend about something that feels too real. Moony you’ve got to understand that I’m in-love with her.” 
“Well that’s too bad,” Remus said as he stood up. Regardless of how much he loved his friend, he not only hurt him but others in ways that no one deserved to ever go through. “Because I’m not letting you ruin what they have going on. You actually had a chance, back when she gave you that sweater. She was still in-love with you until-”
“The dinner.” 
Remus nodded and motioned for Peter to stand up. “I’m sorry.” He said before walking out the door with Peter in tow. 
James watched as his friends left the room. He didn’t even know he was crying until he had tasted the tears on his tongue  but just like his feelings, he realized a little too late. 
You walked right past him and onto the makeshift stage with the help of your husband-to-be, Sirius Black. Standing behind him was Remus, the best-man, who had a bright smile as he watched his two best-friends finally get married. 
James tried his best to be happy. He really did. But how was he supposed to be happy when he was attending the girl he’s been in-love with for years, especially when he wasn’t the one she was getting married to. Sure he was able to make amends with them but that was about it. He went back to being her friend when he could’ve been more. He was even given the chance at one point but he blew it. This is all my fault. He thought to himself as he watched the newly wedded Mr. and Mrs. Black walk back down the aisle as the guests threw petals in the air. 
The scene before him looked like an image straight out of a fairytale. James used to love hearing fairytales growing up but today he learned something about them; they aren’t real.
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nerdyfangirl67 · 4 years
Home for Christmas - Criminal Minds Reader Insert (12 Days of Christmas)
Pairing: Hotch x fem!reader, Jack Hotchner x reader (maternal relationship
Warnings: angsty at the beginning, lots of Jack x reader moments, fluff ending!
Word count: 2431
A/N: Y/F/C/M stands for your favorite Christmas Movie and Y/N/N stands for your nickname. I also believe that Aaron is the kind of person who texts with correct grammar, although he may use sentence fragments if he is short on time, so that is incorporated into this one-shot. This one came to me while listening to a Christmas song, called “Home” by Blake Shelton and Michael Bublé (linked below). I really enjoyed the idea of this one (it may have gotten away from me a bit!)
Home by Blake Shelton ft. Michael Bublé
So here it is, hope y’all enjoy it! If you’re looking for another Christmas fic to read, check out my Mini-Series masterlist, where the rest of my Christmas one-shots are. 
I know there aren’t any Aaron x Jack moments in the story but this was the GIF I thought fit best :)
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“Y/N, it 's Aaron. I, uh, I won’t be making it home in time for Christmas. We have yet to get a break in the case, so it could be another week before I’m home. I know you had a lot planned for Christmas, and I’m sorry I won’t be able to celebrate with you. I’ll try to call, but I can’t promise anything. I love you. Tell Jack I love him.” Aaron’s voice crackles in your ear as you listen to the voicemail he’d left you earlier, as in 3 am, that morning for the eighth time.
It had been the first time you had heard his voice in almost a week and part of you was overjoyed. The other part of you was exasperated. You knew he was dedicated to his work, you had known it since the two of you had started dating, but it still hurt. Every time he worked late and didn’t let you know hurt. Every time a case went longer than expected, it hurt. Every time you went to bed alone, his side of the bed untouched and cold, hurt. And it didn’t hurt any less now, despite your suspicions upon hearing the team had taken another case, so close to Christmas, that he would miss the holiday altogether. 
You let out a sigh as you stand up from where you had been sitting on the couch, wrapped in a Christmas throw blanket. You take your empty glass, which had been filled with your favorite holiday drink, into the kitchen and place it in the sink. You double-check the apartment door, making sure it was both deadbolted and locked (something Aaron had ingrained in you to do while he was away), before making your way towards the master bedroom. You stop at the door to Jack’s bedroom, cracking it open and using the light of the hallway to look at him. 
Jack was sprawled out in his bed, fast asleep. Tiptoeing into the room so as not to wake him, you reach his bed and pull the discarded comforter up off the floor, placing it on top of Jack and gently tucking him in. “Your daddy loves you Jack, and so do I.” You say softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead, giving him a long look, before making your way back out of his room. 
Upon reaching your bedroom, you head to Aaron’s dresser. You find one of his sweatshirts, well-worn and baggy, grab it from the drawer, and pull it on as you climb into bed. You didn’t typically wear his sweatshirts while he was home, but whenever he was away, it helped ease the ache created by his absence. After getting settled underneath the covers with your nose pressed into Aaron’s pillow, you soon fall asleep.
You are up early the next morning, quickly climbing out of bed before you realize that you have the next few days off, the 23rd (today) through the 26th for Christmas. You had used a few vacation days to extend your Christmas ‘vacation’, as you and Aaron (who had thought he would have had Christmas case-free) had wanted to spend time with Jack, as a family.
You couldn’t bring yourself to climb back into bed so you head downstairs, the idea of making breakfast for Jack coming to mind. Even though Aaron wouldn’t be home for Christmas, you still wished to make this Christmas special for Jack, just as you had planned to with Aaron. After going through your email and having a cup of your favorite morning beverage, you head into the kitchen. A few minutes of looking and you find your recipe for gingerbread waffles, a favorite from your childhood, and start gathering the ingredients.
Fifteen minutes later and you have your first batch of waffles made, bacon sizzling in a pan on the stove, and orange juice in glasses on the table. Christmas music is playing softly in the background when a small voice has you whipping around.
Jack is standing in the middle of the kitchen, his hair standing up at different angles on his head, and one of his hands sleepily rubbing his eyes. “Good mornin’ mama.” Despite not being his birth mother, Jack had been calling you mama since you had moved in with him and Aaron, over a year ago now. And every time you heard it, you were still overcome by joy.
You pull the boy into your arms, giving him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Hi bud. How’d you sleep?”
“I slept good mama. What are you making?” He asks curiously, peering around you to look at the stove. 
You stand and briskly stride back to the stove to flip the bacon and check on the waffle you had cooking before you turn back to Jack. “Gingerbread waffles and bacon.” You answer, plating one of the waffles and some bacon before bringing it to the table. “Here buddy. Eat up.” You said, placing the plate next to the glass of orange juice. Jack bounces to the table, sitting down and quickly digging in.
After breakfast, and a few games of twenty questions, you decide to take Jack to the ice skating rink not too far from the apartment. The two of you bundle up and hail a cab to the rink. You spend the five minute ride to the ice plex with Jack in your arms as the two of you play a game of “I Spy.” 
The cab reaches the ice rink, and after paying the driver you and Jack venture inside. You let out a laugh as he exclaims in excitement at all the trophies, fancy ice skates, and photos of skaters in the lobby. You rent a pair of skates for the two of you, before leading jack out to the seating around the rink. It takes you a few minutes to get skates on, and to help Jack with his but a few short minutes later the two of you are out on the ice. 
It is apparent that you are out of practice and try as you might, you fall several times. Jack is actually skating better than you and soon he is ‘teaching you’. 
“Mama, make sure you aren’t leaning backwards. That might be why you’re falling.” The nine, almost ten, year-old’s advice was helping you to stay on your feet for longer than thirty seconds. You had even started to move cautiously along the edge of the rink, with Jack skating confidently in front of you. The two of you stay out on the ice until Jack tells you he is cold. Admittedly, you were starting to get cold yourself, but you didn’t want to end Jack’s fun early. 
After ice skating, the two of you go to Jack’s favorite pizza place, a little Italian place (the boy had developed sophisticated taste buds, thanks to a certain David Rossi), within walking distance from the apartment. The two of you have a lunch filled with cheesy pizza, endless breadsticks (which both you and Jack enjoyed thoroughly), and lots of laughs.
Then, upon returning to the apartment, the two of you cuddle up on the couch and watch Christmas classics. You share with Jack some of the movies you had grown up watching (Y/F/C/M and Y/F/C/M) and he shares some his favorites with you (The Grinch and Santa Buddies).Your movie marathon only stops when you whip up a quick dinner, which the two of you eat in about ten minutes at the table, and when you get up and pop some popcorn for one of the movies. Jack stays up way past his bedtime, but knowing that neither of you have to get up early the next morning has you being more lenient with his bedtime. 
The next day passes in much of the same fashion. You and Jack take a walk, intent on finding the best Christmas decorations within walking distance. Although you had found some pretty cool decorations, Jack definitely won when he spotted the house decked out with a 12 Days of Christmas theme. Then the two of you stopped for lunch at one of the sidewalk vendors, something that Aaron probably would frown upon. 
After lunch, you and Jack went to a Christmas pop-up village, where you watched the ‘elves’ wrap presents and people take pictures with Santa. The two of you ordered deluxe hot chocolates and sat on a bench, listening to a choir sing Christmas carols. Jack sang along to the ones he knew and he even convinced you to sing along with some too. 
You two return to the apartment in late afternoon, shortly after which, the two of you start making Christmas cookies. You roll out the dough, while Jack stamps the cookie cutters into it, creating a variety of Christmas themed cookies. As the several batches of cookies bake, Jack reads to you from the kitchen’s small island as you follow the recipe for a sugar cookie frosting. When the cookies, and the frosting, are finished, you and Jack set to decorating the cookies. 
Three hours and an order of takeout later, and you have four dozen frosted cookies scattered across the kitchen counter tops, three bags of mostly eaten takeout, two empty mugs, and one frosting and crumb covered boy fast asleep on the couch.
You can’t help but smile as you look at the plate of cookies Jack decorated, not for Santa, but for Aaron when he returned from the case he was working on.There were several Santas, a Rudolph reindeer, a present, and a Christmas tree. As you cover the plate in plastic wrap, you can’t help but think that you would give just about anything to talk to Aaron for a while. It had been two days since he had left the voicemail, and since then all you had gotten were a few short texts. 
“Case progressing. Miss you and Jack.”
“Finally developed a profile. Love you Y/N/N.”
“Thought we had an unsub, but looks like we were wrong.”
“I love you and Jack. Wish I could be holding you both in my arms.”
You heave out a sigh and get to work doing the dishes from dinner and your baking escapade with Jack. The dishes, and tidying up of the kitchen, takes far longer than you want and it’s close to ten before you are gently waking Jack from the couch. You tenderly guide him down the hallway, making a pit stop in the bathroom to help wash some of the frosting off of Jack’s hands and face. After Jack is frosting free, with freshly brushed teeth and clean pajamas, you get him settled in bed. You read him “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” and listen to him sleepily tell you about the gifts he thought might be under the tree, after which you tuck him in and give him a kiss good night. 
You take your time getting ready for bed, wishing the entire time that you would be crawling into bed with Aaron, where you would spend the rest of the night in his arms. But, alas, you are greeted with a cold, empty bed, which you reluctantly climb into as you shoot Aaron a quick text, wishing him a happy Christmas Eve and adding a short ‘I love you.’ You try to read a few pages in your latest book, but your mind isn’t into it. Instead you stare at the softly blinking Christmas lights shining in from the hallway, through the small crack between the door and the door jam, letting the rhythmic changing of the lights lull you to sleep.
You wake up to what sounds like the heavy apartment door swinging shut and the floorboards creaking, followed by a low thud and a muttering voice, which you can’t quite make out. Your heart is thudding wildly in your chest as you anxiously climb from the bed and tiptoe to the door of the bedroom. You can’t see any figures in the hallway, so you creep across the hall, placing a hand on the doorknob to Jack’s bedroom and noiselessly start to turn it open. You are so focused on opening the door and getting to Jack that you don’t notice the figure coming down the hallway towards you. A soft hand on your shoulder has you whipping around, landing a heavy hit with the heel of your hand to the intruder’s face. 
“Son of a-” You immediately recognize the voice as Aaron’s, which makes you gasp in shock.
“Aaron. I didn’t know it was you. I’m so sorry.” You say, as you start to fuss over him. You try to guide him to the bathroom, in hopes that you might be able to help him there, but his hands stop you. 
“Y/N, I’ll be alright. All I need is you in my arms.” His words, albeit a bit slurred (probably from the present throbbing in his face) bring a warm, fuzzy feeling into your chest and a cheesy grin to your face. You start to move towards the bedroom, but he pulls you close, scooping you up and easily carrying you back to the bed. The heat created by his body only leaves for a moment as you watch him, in the dull light, strip off his suit jacket and tie, before returning to your side. He pulls you incredibly close, his face in the crook of your neck breathing you in.
You don’t say anything, rather you just take comfort in his presence as you play with the small hairs at the back of his neck. “Gosh, I missed you.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to your collarbone before looking up into your eyes. One of his hands comes to rest on your cheek, his thumb tracing soft circles on your cheekbone. 
“Merry Christmas Y/N.” He says, giving you another kiss, this time on the lips. His kiss is slow and tender, as if he wanted to savor the moment and make it last as long as possible. 
Once you pull back, and catch your breath, you whisper, “Merry Christmas Aaron.”
He smiles at you, pressing another, much shorter, kiss to your lips. “I think I’ll wait for later in the morning to let Jack know I’m home; let it be a Christmas surprise for him.” He says, tightening his hold on you.
You smile back at him. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. For now, let me just appreciate my Christmas surprise.”
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (8)
Warnings: hoo boi.
Word Count: 2k 
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"Y/n?" Chan gently shook your shoulder. "Come on baby, you've got to wake up."
You peeled your eyes open, cheeks flushing as you noticed how close Chan's face was to yours.
"Good, you're awake. Listen...I've got to go to the airport and pick up my parents, and your mom was blowing up your phone just a few minutes ago." The corner of his lips twitched in amusement as your phone started vibrating. "Well, there she goes again. Sounds important, you should answer." He straightened up, handing you your phone and heading to the kitchen. "I’ll be making breakfast."
You smiled as he left, expression dropping as you answered your phone.
"Yes, mom...?"
"Oh! My baby! Thank god you answered, finally...I'm so sorry about last night, darling..."
"It's oka-"
"No it wasn't! I'm a terrible mother. I'm sorry, it's just, he was so hot, and I was super intoxicated. We're going to go on a second date! Whose place did you stay at, by the way? A boy answered the phone earlier." She asked, her tone dripping with suggestiveness. You could almost see her wiggling her eyebrows.
"Ew, gross, mom! He's just a friend." You said as Chan came back into the room with a plate of waffles, raising an eyebrow.
"Sure, darling, whatever you say. Although I'm certainly not opposed to you getting laid, it was long overdue anyw-"
"Haha okay, bye mom!" You cut the call, shuddering as Chan giggled, passing you the plate.
"Just a friend? Do friends kiss each other the way we did last night?"
"Shut up." You smiled, digging into your waffles.
You watched Chan's car leave as he left for the airport, standing there until he became a speck in the distance before turning around to enter your house.
You found your mom sitting on the couch...but this time, she wasn't passed out with drool running down her chin and clutching a bottle of beer- she was sitting with an odd sense of poise, wearing a pretty summer dress and a huge smile.
"Y/n! You're home! How was your night?" She grinned, winking. You narrowed your eyes, her cheerfulness catching you off guard. Your gaze drifted to the table, on which rested some plates and two empty wine glasses.
"Nowhere near as good as yours." You said pointedly, tearing your gaze away from the table as you moved to go upstairs.
Flopping on your bed, you scrolled through your text messages. Nothing new from Chan. You sighed, reminding yourself that there was probably no Wi-Fi at the airport.
Suddenly your phone dinged with a new text message. Oh. A response to your tutor ad. You'd put it up a long while ago and had honestly forgotten all about it. Well, you definitely needed the extra money. You replied affirmatively to the text and tossed your phone next to you on the mattress.
It had been a while since Chan had had dinner with the boys. The conversation was light, and he had missed his friends..however he found himself missing you more, despite having seen you that morning.
"Minho, I don't know how you get away with making out with her in the hallway. I can barely hold hands with my girlfriend without some teacher giving us detention-"
Chan looked up as Felix shoved Changbin's arm, making him stop mid-sentence. Changbin raised an eyebrow, realization dawning on him.
"Ah sorry, Chan. I didn't mean to rub it in."
"Seriously, though." Jisung rolled his eyes. "It's been weeks, and you aren't any closer to getting that book. I hate to say it bro, but I don't think Miyoung would want to be with you even if Minho breaks up with her."
Hyunjin nodded, glancing up from his phone. "I've noticed her and Y/n are really buddying it up. It's girl code not to date your friend's ex."
"Of course, you're the expert on girl code, Hyunjin."
A small squabble broke out and Chan wanted to slither onto the floor and just...stay there. He glared at his plate, deciding he’d had enough.
"Stop it!”
Jisung and Hyunjin stopped talking, staring at Chan in surprise.
"I will get that book soon. I love Miyoung, and I'll make sure she's mine, through any means possible. I don’t care about your opinions, so you guys can just shut the fuck up." He hated lying through his teeth, but there was no way he was going to tell these judgmental burdens he called his friends that he loved you- at least not yet.
Chan relished the silence as he continued eating, trying his best to ignore Minho's burning, inquisitive gaze directed right at him.
You sat in bed, clutching your blue book as you tapped your pencil, your head filled with thoughts of Chan. In all your 17 years of life, you'd never known what love felt like...but now you did. And as a result, you were completely consumed with the burning need to tell Chan exactly how you felt.
When you'd moved to this town, you really hadn't expected for it to one day feel like home. But it did, and you were sure it was all because of Chan. His presence somehow made you feel safe, and protected, and you hadn't felt this secure since your dad left you.
You wanted- no, you needed to know if Chan felt the same way about you. You pushed the self-doubt deep inside as you imagined telling him.
You turned red just thinking about it. Fuck it, you were too shy. You'd be a blubbering mess two words in.
Sighing, you looked back down at your book...when an idea struck in your head.
Uncapping your pen with your teeth, you placed the nib on the paper and inhaled, letting all your feelings flow out onto the page. It felt kind of cliché, writing a love letter like this, but you always did have a tendency to over-romanticize everything.
Besides; it was more of a love poem. Gah, was that worse? You hoped to god he wouldn't find it cheesy, especially since you'd bared your heart to him with these words. As you finished, your eyes ran over the last sentence. 
"If you feel the same, please meet me behind the tree near the lake, where we had our first conversation, and where I started falling for you."
You shut the book and placed it on your bedside table, flicking the lamp off and rolling over. You nuzzled your pillow, your mind drifting to last night, the memory of Chan's lips and body pressed against yours still fresh.
It was a bit early to be having an ice cream date, but neither of you could honestly care less. As soon as you'd woken up in the morning, Chan had texted you to meet him at the ice cream parlour near his house.
"I can't believe you like salted caramel. Its such an old person flavor." He laughed, staring at you fondly.
"Like mint chocolate is any better." You rolled your eyes.
"Fine fine, let's just accept we have different tastes in ice cream."
You smiled. "That I can get on board with."
There was a comfortable silence as the two of you ate. You glanced up from time to time, your heart pounding as you psyched yourself up. Come on, this was the moment. You can do it, Y/n.
"Hey, Chan...?"
"Mm?" He asked, pausing with the spoon halfway to his mouth.
"Uh...are you free tonight?"
"Tonight? Oh, I'm playing soccer with the guys. You could come watch, though."
"Oh no, I have a tutoring appointment in the evening." You muttered.
Chan quirked his eyebrow. "Why'd you ask in the first place, then?"
"Uh, I just wanted to know. I mean-" You groaned, letting out an exasperated sigh. Bending down, you grabbed your bag from the floor and put it on your lap.
Confused, Chan watched as you pulled out your book, the book, swallowing. Slowly, you slid it over to him.
"I...what's this?" Chan asked as nonchalantly as he could, running a hand through his hair.
"It's...kind of my diary. I just-" you inhaled. "Look, I've bookmarked a page. When you go home- and please don't open it before then- read what I've written." You gulped, as Chan didn't make any move to take the book.
"Look, Y/n, I-"
"Please, just take it. Don't ask any questions." You looked down, trying to hide your flushed cheeks, trying to calm the beating of your heart.
Chan sighed, fingers reaching out and slowly curling over the book as he took it into his hands, tucking it into his pocket as you let yourself smile.
"Thank you."
Huh. This was definitely not what you'd been expecting. The house was a lot smaller than you'd imagined it to be, especially knowing how much you were charging.
You breathed in and came forward, knocking on the door and waiting. A few minutes later, a young girl opened it.
"Hi! Are you Dea?"
"How do you know that?" She asks, scrunching her nose, her hand gripping the handle tightly. "Mom says not to talk to strangers."
You shook your head quickly before she could close the door. "Sweetheart, I'm your tutor."
"Prove it."
You sighed, straightening and looking past her. "Is your mom here?"
The girl paused for a second before shaking her head, moving to slam the door closed, when a woman showed up from behind the corner.
"Oh good, it's the tutor!" The woman placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder, smiling at you. "Come in, Y/n. I've actually got someplace to be, but I'll be back in two hours. I assume you'll be done by then?"
"Yeah, most probably." You smiled and let her take you in, leading you to Dea's bedroom. The girl herself followed cautiously, and you found yourself a little amused.
"Right, this is her desk." The mom ran a hand through her hair, gesturing to the table. She glanced at her watch and swore, shooting you an apologetic glance.
"In sorry Y/n, I've got to get going soon- please focus on her maths, it's really bad. We'll discuss your fees and other logistics when I get back, okay?" She smiled at you, waving at her daughter before hurrying out the door.
You watched her leave, frowning slowly as she walked away. Something was niggling away at the back of your mind. Why did she look so familiar?
Turning back to the girl, you sighed inwardly at her knitted eyebrows and scowl. She was avoiding your stare, fiddling with her pencil and muttering under her breath.
This was going to be tough.
Minho sighed, watching Miyoung wave from the bleachers. Fuck, it was like she was physically incapable of giving him some fucking space.
He glanced over to Chan, clad in his uniform as he chugged water from the bottle Felix handed to him. When was this asshole going to get that fucking book? He couldn't stand having to date Miyoung any longer.
As the girl blew him an exaggerated kiss, Minho decided he had had enough. Needing to be alone, he turned around and went to the locker room. Just a moment to breathe, that was all he was asking for.
As Minho entered the cool, air-conditioned locker room, he let out a sigh of relief. He went over to sit one of the benches, planning to rest in solitude for just a few minutes... until he noticed Chan's clothing lying on one.
His shirt and jeans were carelessly strewn on the seat, and Minho narrowed his eyes as a flash of blue caught his eye, almost immediately.
Peeking out from the pocket was a very familiar looking little blue book.
He came closer, slowly pulling the book out and inspecting it. Could it be? The bastard had your book all along? Opening it, he flipped through the pages with a smirk slowly growing on his face. Yup, it was yours.
It was like the gods were smiling down on him, finally.
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themadlostgirl · 4 years
When It’s Cold (2)
*Horny teens are horny. Mild smut mentions ahead.*
I laid in bed watching the lightning flash outside my windows as thunder shook the room and rain poured down. As a child a storm like this would have had me hiding under my covers. Tonight though I watched the storm, every inch of my body on alert with every crack of lightning and thunder. The doors to my room burst open with a roll of thunder. A shadowed figured stood in the hallway. My heart hammered fast as I tried to see through the darkness at my intruder. A flash of lightning illuminated the once dark room and I recognized the jagged line down my visitor’s face.
“Felix?” I sat up straighter. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to make sure you weren’t scared.” He prowled closer, a wicked grin on his face as he got to the foot of my bed. “You always were so scared of storms.”
“I was…” I murmured. He was dressed only in a pair of pants. That same chiseled torso I had gawked at earlier on full display.
He crawled onto the bed until he was hovering over me. “Do you want me to stay?” His voice purred in my ear, “I can keep you warm if it gets cold.”
“Yes please,” I let the robe around me fall from my shoulders leaving me exposed. “Keep me warm, Felix.”
“Gladly.” He swooped down upon me.
I woke with a start. My body was wound up tight and I was tangled in the blankets on my bed. I gazed around me confused before the previous day’s events caught up to me. It felt like a dream that Felix and I had found this mansion last night.
The real dream came back to me with stark detail. What had that been all about? I’ve never had a dream like that before. I never have dreams in the first place. Even when I do they’re nothing like that and most certainly do not feature Felix. Yet he had been the epicenter.
Half naked with a devilish grin looking down at my own nude body. I had wanted him to--to--
I buried my face in my pillow. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t gone to his room last night and saw him coming out of the bathroom. Why did I have to see that? Now I was having borderline erotic dreams about him. Oh screw borderline! I knew exactly what I had been hoping to happen and the aching between my legs only solidified it.
It’s not like I never found Felix ugly or anything. He was pleasant to look at. I dare say at times he was handsome but I never dwelled on it. Maybe a stray intrusive thought or two but they never went so far as my dream had. I couldn’t stop picturing it. Felix and I in bed, his large hands on my body, his lips caressing my skin…
I pressed my legs together as the image took root in my head. Maybe I deserve to indulge a little. For right now there is nothing to worry about. Besides, it’s not like Felix will ever know. My hand dipped between my legs as I let myself fall back into the dream. My body was extra sensitive since I hadn’t been able to indulge in this particular past time since Neverland. Not that I got to do it a whole lot there either. I swear there is absolutely no privacy on that island.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
And none here either it seems.
With a small whine I swung out of bed and pulled my robe in tight. I opened the door and Felix was waiting on the other side already dressed. Could it be considered poetic irony that the boy I had just a moment ago been masturbating to interrupted said masturbation?
“Did you just wake up?” Felix looked me up and down.
“Kinda. I figured I was allowed to sleep in. What do you want?” I stepped back and started collecting my clothes from the floor. 
“Get dressed. I discovered something you’re gonna wanna see.”
“Can’t you just tell me?”
“No. Now hurry up.” He closed the door and left.
With a sigh a pulled my clothes back on and followed Felix up a set of stairs to a hallway that led to a dead end. “This is what you wanted to show me? A wall with a picture on it?”
“Watch this,” He pulled the light fixture next to the painting and suddenly the wall came loose and rotated opening up a passageway into a whole new room.
“This place has secret rooms now. Very cool.” I stepped inside. “A library?” I looked at the books but there were no names on the spines. I pulled one off and flipped through it but all the pages were blank. “I will say I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Oh but it gets better.” Felix went over to the desk at the end of the room and pulled open the drawer. There was a button inside. He pressed it and a section of the floor popped up. I knelt down and opened the hatch and my eyes went wide. It was a safe!
I turned the latch and nearly cried at what I saw. Money. Just stacks and stacks of money! One less thing to worry about. We wouldn’t need to scrape by or get jobs. This safe could keep us comfortable for months! Years even!
“How did you find this?” I asked Felix.
“I like puzzles and I like to snoop.” He grinned pulling out a stack of hundreds. The band around it said ten thousand. Ten thousand dollars and there were easily a hundred or more just like it from what I could tell from the naked eye. We have someplace warm to sleep and we have money for food.
I started sniffling and I could sense Felix watching me befuddled. “Sorry, I just--” I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes, “We’re going to survive the winter. We don’t have to be hungry or cold again.”
“I know,” Felix pulled a few hundreds from the stack and dropped the rest back in the safe. “Now how about we go do that grocery shopping you were so insistent on?”
“Yes!” I hopped to my feet. We put everything back in place and left the room. I found a pad of paper and started making a list of everything we would need. Unlike Felix who had spent so much time on Neverland that he couldn’t remember who he had been before being a Lost Boy , I did remember who I was. I remembered the responsibilities I had before Neverland. What was needed when I was made to go to market. The grocery store wasn’t like the open air markets I was used to but it was still the same general concept.
Felix and I got weird looks as we entered the store and I took one of the trollies. My first stop was to grab some toiletries. Toilet paper, shampoo, body wash, loofah, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, and even a set of razors in case Felix wanted to shave. Next we grabbed laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels, spray cleaner, trash bags, aluminum, and hangers. We would need to go to a different store for clothes. Lastly, food. Now, being the designated responsible person out of the two of us I know we couldn’t just indulge in the sweets and other delicious yet not necessarily healthy food for us.
I sped up and down the aisles with Felix trailing after me as I dumped stuff into the trolley. Chicken, beef, bacon, vegetables, fruits, a ten pound bag of potatoes, bread, milk, two dozen eggs, pasta, rice, butter, flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, vanilla, yeast (it’s been forever since I baked anything but I figured I could give it a try), orange juice, apple juice, cheese, canola oil, olive oil, and spices. Then came on the things I knew less about, peanut butter, chocolate chips, gummy candies, dressings, chips, ice cream, instant brownie mix, pizza rolls (they sounded good), cans of soup, yogurt, pancake/waffle mix, whipped cream, cereal, granola bars, pretzels, and tea bags.
Our trolley was overflowing with items as we wheeled our way over to the register. The man bagging our items looked at us strangely as we started unloading our groceries onto the counter. Several minutes and a trolley full of groceries later we were given our grand total. I was scared that we wouldn’t have enough but thankfully we did. We left the store and looked at our haul.
“Hey, Felix,” I paused as we were halfway through the parking lot, “How are we gonna get all this back to the mansion?”
“We steal the cart.” He said it like it was obvious. “Who is gonna stop us?”
“True.” We started out trip back to the mansion and pushed the trolley into the house. We spent the next several minute cramming things into cabinets and the icebox. I pushed the trolley back outside and went to put my toiletries away while Felix took the laundry items down to the basement. I would also need to learn how to use the electronic washers they had here if I wanted clean clothes.
Speaking of clean clothes, “Felix!” I shouted down the steps, “We’re not done yet today. We need to go clothes shopping.”
“Because I didn’t bring any extra sets of clothes with me when we left Neverland and I’m sick of wearing these dirty rags. Now get a move on!”
Felix came upstairs with a scowl. “Don’t pout. Even if we kept these clothes clean they stand out too much. I think it’s part of the reason everyone glares at us. We’ll arise less suspicion if we blend in. Especially since our mission is to find a way out of here and back to Neverland.”
“Fine.” Felix grumbled. He counted the remaining money in his pocket. “Let me grab a few more bills from the library just to be safe.”
My stomach grumbled and I decided to grab a granola bar to settle my stomach while I waited for Felix. This house was so strange. They didn’t have any dish soap but they had pots and pans. No shampoo but they had combs. Not a lick of food but a cabinet dedicated to what looked like a very fragile table set.
Felix came back a few hundred dollars richer and we made our way back into town for the second time that day. The clothes store was emptier than the grocery store which put me more at ease. Felix and I went our separate ways as I perused around the racks and racks of clothing. I grabbed a few shirts, pajamas, sweatshirts, sweat pants, underwear, socks, gloves, a scarf, hat, a thick jacket, a new pair of boots, and a large messenger bag. When I went to try on some pants though I was thoroughly disappointed. They fit fine but the pockets on them were tiny! I could barely get my hand in them. Was this what pants were like here? Why?!
I went over to the men’s section and found Felix also trying on some new clothes. It was a simple black t-shirt and a pair of dark denim jeans but it looked really good on him. He almost looked less foreboding. Maybe that was just due to the fact that he didn’t have his cloak hood up like usual.
“You look mad,” Felix chuckled upon seeing me stomp up to him.
“I am! Look at this.” I squeezed a few of my fingers into my jeans pocket. “These pants have absolutely no room! Are yours like this as well?”
“Mine?” he stuck his entire hand in his pocket up to the middle of his forearm. “Nope.”
“What the hell?” I stuck my hand in his other pocket. These were so much roomier than mine! “Why are these better than the ones in my section?”
“I don’t know,” Felix pulled my hand out of his pocket, his face was red with anger again and he wouldn’t look me in the eye, “You can stop invading my personal space though.”
“Oops, sorry.” I snatched my hand back to my chest. What had I been thinking? I essentially stuck my hand down his pants and for what? Because I was jealous of the size of his pockets? I grabbed a few pants from his section that looked to be my size and raced back to the dressing rooms in my section. These fit just as well as the ones I was wearing now but the pockets were much roomier so I chucked the others away and got the men’s pants.
Felix met me at the registers when he was done browsing. He still wasn’t looking at me. I think I made things between us really uncomfortable. We paid for the clothes but had no trolley this time so had to carry everything in large bags back to the mansion. After we got back Felix disappeared into his room. I changed into a pair of the comfy new clothes I bought and went downstairs to make myself something to eat.
I heated a can of soup up and sat down to eat. I wasn’t in the mood to be so adventurous as to make a full blown meal. Now that we had all the essentials Felix and I could start our search for a way back to Neverland in earnest.
I didn’t see Felix for the rest of the night. Figures he wouldn’t want to be around me after we spent all day together. I drew myself another hot bath and this time was able to actually wash myself with the soap and shampoo we had bought. I felt truly clean for the first time in a long time as I slid on the pajamas I bought and crawled back into bed.
Rain pattered outside and I was reminded of my dream from this morning. A part of me dreading and hoping that I would have another just like it.
Fucking hell! You were killing him! You had to be trying to kill him! That’s what Felix concluded as he locked himself in the master bedroom of the mansion.
Ever since Felix had let himself be talked into going to Storybrooke with you he had been forced by your side. You were the only Lost One in Storybrooke still loyal to Pan when all the others had run off to find families for themselves. He told himself he was tagging along instead of staying in Neverland to enact revenge on those that murdered Pan but that was only half of the story.
He should have never followed you though. Revenge aside. It hadn’t worked out anyway. Even after he learned that Pan was still alive, albeit in someone else’s body, it wasn’t enough. Pan died anyway before he got to enact the curse that would have turned this worthless town into a new Neverland. Now everyone was happy and safe and you and Felix were both very much stranded.
Finding this mansion had been a sweet turn of luck. He knew you were right when you mentioned needing a better place to stay over winter. Felix didn’t like the cold either but he could tolerate it better than you. Every night since you two got here you would shiver the night away at your camp. The night before it had been so cold that even Felix was cursing the wind. While he shivered though he glanced across the fire pit at you. You were huddled in so tight to yourself. Teeth chattering and body convulsing.
He was glad that you didn’t make any mention of him giving you his cloak as an extra form of warmth that night. He didn’t want to try explaining why he had done it. Terrible complicated feelings that he refused to acknowledge. He pushed them down hard, stomped them into dust so they could never rear their ugly head again.
Then he had gotten out of the bath. Truly clean for the first time in years he had left the bathroom and all those complicated feelings from before shot to the surface at the scene laid out before him. You knelt on the ground with only a towel barely covering you. Your wet hair leaving drops of water rolling down your shoulders and back.
His jaw clenched and he fumbled to maintain some composure as you explained what you were doing practically naked in his room. He had found the robe in the master bathroom and was planning on wearing it to bed himself but when he caught sight of you he was only too happy to chuck it into your arms. He needed you to cover up. He needed you clothed and out of his room that instant!
He was far from relaxed after you had left that night. The sight of you knelt over, the towel just barely covering your ass was burned into his brain. He ignored the stirring under his towel and dove into the large bed. He tossed and turned most of the night trying to rid the image and the thoughts he was having. His mind betrayed him though as it brought him much more vivid fantasies of you on his bed wearing nothing at all and beckoning him to take you.
He woke soon after breathing hard and his hand around his cock. Felix cursed the fact that he had a lewd dream about you of all people. He tried to ignore the images flashing in his head but when he closed his eyes there you were on all fours again with a teasing smile. He jumped into the bathroom and turned on the shower hoping a cold jolt would snap him back to sense but then he was thinking of you in this shower with him. Water rolling down your body, that same teasing smile and sultry voice begging him to take you against the wall.
For a few minutes he swallowed his embarrassment and let the fantasy play out fucking into his fist and pretending it was you squeezing around him instead. He thought of your moans and whimpers egging him on. Begging him to be harder, faster, rougher. He bit his lip to keep from shouting as he finally spent himself and started coming down from his high.
He felt more relaxed afterwards but the release of tension didn’t make him feel better knowing he had masturbated to you. You were his...friend? You two had never been friends before coming to Storybrooke and he doubted that you two were that now. Whatever you were to him he shouldn’t be thinking about you like that. You both wanted to get back to Neverland and having obscene fantasies of you was not the way to go about that.
It was still fairly early but he was too wound up to go back to bed. So he got dressed and went exploring throughout the mansion. That’s how he had found the secret library full of blank books and that secret vault under the floorboards. He put everything back in place before racing to wake you up and show you. He had almost forgotten about his dream until you opened the door and he was met with your sleepy face and bedhead. Had you always been this attractive or was it just the layers of dirt that had gotten washed away last night that made you much more appealing to him suddenly? He decided not to dwell on why he was having these thoughts and instead took you down to see the stash of money he had found.
You were so giddy at the knowledge that you could actually have a roof over your head and food in your belly that he found himself smiling too. Your smile was so infectious. He let you take the lead when you went shopping. He didn’t recognize half the stuff he saw in that store but trusted your judgement when you dropped something in the cart.
Then there was when you went to go clothes shopping. Felix wouldn’t admit that he was getting a little worn out of his Neverland attire. It was functional but that was all he could say about it. The smell of it after he had gotten out of the bath the night before almost made him gag. Perhaps this was the reason no one wanted you or him around. You both reeked of years of living in a jungle.
You two were on totally opposite ends of the clothing store so Felix thought he was safe until you came charging into his dressing room ranting about the tiny pockets on your pants. The tight fitted pants that hugged your legs and ass perfectly. Then when you unceremoniously stuffed your hand down his pocket to see how deep they were it took all his self control and thoughts of rotting animal carcasses to not pop an erection right there in the store.
You were trying to make him burst a blood vessel and you didn’t even seem to notice! Which is why he was back in his room sitting on his bed hungry and horny. He was waiting until after he was sure you had gone to bed to get some food. He really didn’t want to chance running into you again and risk those impure thoughts bubbling to the surface once more.
Hopefully today had just been a spoof and tomorrow all these strange new thoughts and feelings would be gone. You two had a mission after all. Get back to Neverland. Lust wasn’t going to help that mission.
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emelywrites · 4 years
Diego Hargreeves imagine where his siblings discover that he has a girlfriend/wife and a kid(s)?
Hi! Thank you for the request! I think I got a bit carried away, but I hope you like it.
Warnings: Language, mentions of drugs, rehab, relapse (Klaus), mention of death (Reginald), I don’t know how rehab works
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You were sitting on the couch in your pajamas having just gotten your son to go to sleep while your husband was out being a vigilante. You were reading a book while the tv was on, showing the news. You weren’t really paying too much attention to it but the name of your father-in-law caught your attention. You had never really met him because your husband wasn’t close to his father, just like the rest of the Hargreeves-kids. Reginald Hargreeves was dead and you didn’t really know what to think. What would Diego think?
Just five minutes after the news had been on your screen the door to your apartment opened and Diego came in, going straight to the bathroom to clean himself up. You followed him.
„Did you hear it yet?“, you asked.
„That dad died? Yeah, it was on the news“, he replied, not seeming fazed at all.
„Do you wanna talk about it?“
„Not really. I don’t really care. It’s not like we were close.“
„You wouldn’t want someone talking shit about you after your death, babe. I know you didn’t like him much but shouldn’t you treat this with a little more respect?“
He leaned against the shower wall, where he was about to get in and glanced at you.
„You think someone hates me like we hated dad?“, his voice was small, like he was genuinely scared about your answer.
„No, Diego, it’s just- he’s your dad. You probably wouldn’t be the man you are today if he wasn’t. Who knows where you would be. We may have never met.“
„Don’t say that. Don’t try to protect him. He was a bitch but I guess I’ll go back to the Academy. There will be some funeral. We’ll pretend he was a good man and then we’ll go our separate ways again.“
„Maybe Vanya’s book wasn’t so wrong after all.“
„Shut up, that book was shit. Now get in here with me“, he held his hand out to you.
„No, you’re dirty and I already showered. Finish up and then come to bed with me“, you smiled and took off to your bedroom.
„Now that sounds like a deal to me“, he smirked.
A couple days later he was tying up his shoes to leave for the funeral of his father. You walked past him in the hallway, going to wake up your son before you had to head to work. He wore his typical black outfit, including all of his knives.
„Are you sure that’s an appropriate outfit for a funeral?“
„Not for any funeral but for the old man’s it should be good enough. He’s lucky I’m even coming.“
You sighed but didn’t say anything else. When he was stepping out you called after him again.
„Diego, if Klaus needs it, offer him the couch and some dinner, okay? He just got out again, but don’t make it a big deal.“
You had met Diego when he had dragged Klaus into rehab about six years ago. You had just started working there after having gotten your psychology degree and were the first person they encountered there.
„This crackhead needs some fucking help“, the man dressed in all black said, dragging another man with him who was wearing a fur coat and a long skirt.
„Okay, well, first off, it rarely helps the patients when we call them crackheads“, you started.
„You see, Diego, you need to stop insulting me, she said it, it’s your fault I’m always high.“
„We also don’t like to play the blame game. But if you would go over there to the reception desk and sign him in, we’ll take care of him here.“
Diego slumped his brother into one of the chairs and went to the reception to pick up the papers. You stuck around to help him out and when a nurse came to bring Klaus to his room you accompanied Diego on his way out.
„You did the right thing. Your brother will thank you for it when he’s clean“, you told him.
„If he gets clean“, Diego corrected.
„That’s really not the way of thinking around here“, you smiled.
„Hey, maybe“, he hesitated, „Maybe we could get a coffee sometime“, he looked at you, „You know, s-so you- you can tell me h-how he’s doing.“
You laid a hand onto his arm and smiled. „I’d like that.“
Klaus came back to rehab many times but Diego and you stuck with each other. Two years after that meeting you had gotten married and another year later you had a son together who idolized his father. Klaus was also the only one of Diego’s siblings who was at your wedding and knew about his brother’s life. Klaus and his nephew got along amazingly, mostly due to the fact that (Y/S/N) saw a boy his age in his uncle.
„I will. But if he relapses-,“
„You’ll love him just the same and we’ll help him out because you’re just as much a softie for Klaus as you are for me and (Y/S/N)“, you smiled and came to the door to press a kiss to his lips before he left.
He rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face. That night, when you were on your way to bed Klaus and Diego came through the door and Klaus immediately came to hug you, complimenting the amazing waffles you always made, thereby telling you he wanted waffles in the middle of the night. You, being his friend and sister-in-law, complied and then tucked him in on the couch with the help of your husband. When you woke up the next morning both of them were gone. You didn’t worry about Diego, you know he could take care of himself. You were worried about your recently-rehabilitated junkie of a brother-in-law. 
So after you had taken (Y/S/N) to kindergarten you left to go looking for Klaus. After searching through the city and not finding him you resorted to the last place on your list that you had never been to in your life. The Umbrella Academy. You were surprised to find out you could just enter without keys. The first ‚person‘ you encountered was Grace, Diego’s robot mom, who you were sure knew everything about you that Diego knew, simply because that man loved his mother more than anything in this world.
„Oh, hello, (Y/N). It is such a pleasure to finally meet you“, she smiled.
„Hello“, you were a bit taken aback, „I am looking for Klaus actually. Is he here?“
She paused for a moment and stared into the distance. „He should be in his room.“
Then she went about her business again. You hadn’t learned much about Klaus’ whereabouts because it could probably take hours to find his room in this mansion. When you were about to ascend the stairs you got lucky though and met yet another person.
„Oh, hi, you’re Vanya, right? Loved your book. Could you tell me where Klaus is?“, you asked.
„Uhm-, I don’t know, who are you?“, she looked you up and down.
„I’m (Y/N), I’m- I’m his doctor. From rehab. Just worried“, you smiled, knowing that Diego probably didn’t want all of his siblings knowing about his private life but everyone knew about Klaus’ problems.
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. „Since when do you do house visits?“
„Since his third stay probably. Listen, I’m just worried about him. I care about him and-,“
„Oh my god, why, are you, like, dating him or something?“, she widened her eyes in shock.
You paused and then started laughing. „Oh god, no.“
She left you to it, still not telling you where Klaus’ room was and you realized that looking for him had no point but you did need to get to work so you needed to leave, hoping you wouldn’t have to treat Klaus again anytime soon.
Two days later you received a text from your husband. „They wanna turn mom off, help“. You stared at the text in confusion and went to pick up your son before you went to the Umbrella Academy again. It seemed very unlike Diego to invite you to his childhood home like that. When you arrived your son wiggled out of your arms and ran after Grace.
„Oh, hello, (Y/S/N), I was just about to make some cookies. Would you like to help me?“, she smiled and took his hand.
Your son nodded eagerly and skipped alongside his grandmother. You in turn saw Vanya and Diego standing in the doorway to the living room or whatever kind of room that was supposed to be.
„Are you okay, love?“, you asked, putting a hand on his arm.
He pulled you close. „She’s our mom. How can they even argue about that?“, he mumbled into your hair.
„Wait, hold on. You’re Diego’s girlfriend?“, Vanya asked.
„Wife, actually. And it’s none of your business“, Diego lifted his head to look at her.
„Diego, seriously? Shouldn’t you guys stick together right now? This is your mom. You shouldn’t argue with your siblings when you’re trying to avoid your mom’s death“, you jumped in.
„You can’t just throw that word around like that. But you’re right. At least she doesn’t want to kill mom.“
„Diego? Married? To you? Seems fake, but okay“, a tall, beautiful woman you identified as Alison came up to your group.
„Diego is married? What? Are you a robot like mom? Then again, he probably couldn’t build that, could he?“, a man who was probably two meters tall, Luther, came up beside Alison.
„(Y/N), my dearest, these two are evil“, Klaus said throwing himself onto you and pulling you out of Diego’s grasp in the process.
„Granny Grace and I made cookies, daddy, look“, (Y/S/N) came back from the direction he had taken off into earlier, Grace following him.
As your son proudly held a plate of cookies out to his dad and Klaus started nibbling on one the rest of the siblings stared at the scene in shock.
Grace smiled. „Is there a problem?“
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