#you have whatever the fuck was going on between sanji and gin
the baratie arc is really the moment where one piece embraces its homoerotic pirate plot
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
How about an allsan au where almoat everyman he meets absolutely fumbles for him when they spend only 5 minutes with him, he ofcourse is oblivious (hes not even bi in denial he's just stupid)
It starts ofcourse with zoro seeing him hold up a marine by the throat, Gin and Luffy being given food out of kindness and nothing else, Ace, crocodile being impressed by the mr prince tricks and so on so on
Also lots of men flirt with him on island but are quickly chased away by a glare and a sword to the throat or a guy wrapping around the pretty boy demanding food (or the good old possessive hat placement)
You decide the end couple but the whole of blue fumble for Sanji fr fr
Give this man all the simps.
Zoro choking on his drink as watches Sanji lift a marine by the throat which makes Usopp and Nami giggle at him. Gin falling for him as he eats the best food he's ever had in his whole fucking life that's keeping him from starving to death. Luffy falls in love with the way he talks about the All Blue and cares about his job and others. He's so fucking kind.
Ace falls for the guy who takes care of the others and doesn't let guests work, who spoils the handful of a little brother he has. Sir Crocodile who thinks the blond is cute and clever, who set up chances for his captain to save the crew and then him. Koza who sees how well he's taken care of his princess and the help he's given to take back Alabasta. He still insists on helping to serve and cook and Cobra is giving Koza knowing looks that make him flush and avert his eyes from the king and the cook.
Maybe it's after the time skip, after Dressrosa when Barto is literally drooling over the 'ONLY ALIVE' poster that Law is flustered and asking Luffy and Zoro about the cook. They're staring at him as Robin is giggling to herself because they are possessive. Both of them. It's the Monster Trio. Sanji is oblivious. Both of them are grumbling about Sanji not seeing their obvious interest but it's Sanji. If someone doesn't hit him over the head with a four by four he's not going to take the hint. Ask all of Tashigi's men from Punk Hazard who were crying at the cook not taking their advances. Okay maybe he just needs to be beaten with said four by four. Pedro straight up sacrifices himself for Sanji and Sanji only feels bad he's dead and that his life ended coming to get him.
You got the rest of the North Blue Boys who are obsessing over Stealth Black and Law feels like throwing up if it wouldn't insult the cook, he's so fucking excited. Luffy is over the fucking moon to see it in action. Yamato looking at Sanji from across the party and Luffy asks him what's up and he's just like Law with the whole 'the cook' thing. MARCO KNOWS better, he knows how to make an impression so at one point he's just talking to Sanji and Sanji keeps looking between Marco and whatever he thinks he needs to be doing so Marco just lightly grabs Sanji's chin and says it's rude to not focus on the person you're talking with. Sanji is so red and stuttering as Luffy wraps a rubber arm around Sanji screaming for meat as Sanji is ripped from in front of Marco to like the other side of the room.
Maybe it would end with zolusan or whatever the ship is called. Zoro asks if they have to do what Marco did after all the flirting he and Luffy have been doing for all of their sailing together and Sanji just being confused at what they're talking about.
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trixree · 3 years
At about two in the afternoon, the worst people Sanji has ever met walk through the doors of the Baratie.
A short kid with dark hair, a furiously red jacket, and a straw-hat of all things tumbles through the door with a loud, wordless shout. He’s got a phone in his hand and he’s shouting at the screen, typing vigorously. Behind him comes perhaps the beefiest man Sanji has ever seen. He’d even call him handsome, if the guy didn’t have the most obnoxious hair color ever (green, like… what the fuck, even) and if he didn’t positively exude an aura of general brutishness.
What two kids probably no older than him are doing in the Baratie, Sanji has no fucking idea. He doesn’t want to know, goddamnit.
Patty seats them in his section.
Patty is an irredeemable asshole.
“Welcome to the Baratie. My name is—”
“Oh, wow! That looks good,” the kid in the straw-hat yells, face buried in the menu. The guy with the green hair promptly kicks him in the shin under the table, hard enough to jolt the cutlery with a metallic clang.
With a mumbled, “ow”, the kid seems to finally notice that he’s there and turns to him with impossibly Bambi-wide eyes. There is a faint, silvery scar under his right eye. (Sanji does not let his eyes linger there, wondering what could have made such a mark.)
“Oh, hi! I want this.” He shoves the menu in Sanji’s face, almost hitting him with it.
“The lobster is only on our dinner menu, sir,” Sanji tells him. And doesn’t the sir feel like the biggest joke to ever leave his lips? This kid is no more a sir than Sanji is a ma’am.
“What’s that matter?” His companion finally says, voice deep and as stern as steel.
You look like a plant, Sanji does not say, because this is his job and he is a professional. Instead he says to the plant, “It’s two in the afternoon. Dinner items are not served until dinner time.” After a beat, “...sir.”
The kid sighs. “Crap, I wanted lobster. Hey,” and something about his eyes just pin Sanji right there to the floor. He smells faintly like sunscreen. Maybe that’s why he’s wearing a fucking ridiculous straw-hat like a middle-aged mother out at the beach. “What’s good here?”
The Baratie is a five-star restaurant. Everything is good here. Sanji resists the urge to turn on his heel and fling himself out the nearest window, nevermind that they’re on the first floor.
“It’s all good,” he says in a feat of impressive restraint.
The kid smiles up at him like he just discovered sunshine itself. Inexplicably, he’s wearing sandals. In February.
“Sure, but what do you recommend? What do you like?”
I’d like to disappear off the face of the Earth and start a new life where no one knows me, no one I know can find me, and I’ll just live by the sea and cook until I wither up and die, smoked into an early grave.
Sanji smiles, brittle and fake. He points out something that he thinks will satisfy, barely processing the words on the page. He stomps away and back into the kitchen, gruffly telling Carne, “you fucking handle them.” He takes his smoke break early and doesn’t come back in until late. Fortunately, by the time he does, they’re gone.
Unfortunately, Sanji's day continues to absolutely suck ass, and Gin manages to corner him outside of his last class of the day.
“Fuck off, Gin. I’m not fucking doing this with you again.”
It’s late and Sanji’s fucking tired. His stupid supply-chain management class got out late, his group project is a fucking failure, and Judge is going to rip him a new asshole when he gets home. Gin stopped him between the engineering department and the phys-ed building, looking kind of gross right out of his boxing class or whatever and kind of hot at the same time, because Gin is like that.
Hot even when he’s gross.
“Sanji, babe. C’mon, I said I was sorry,” Gin wheedles.
“I’m not your babe,” Sanji hisses. “I told you, that’s it. I’m done.”
“Look, I didn’t mean it! You helped me out of a tough spot and I should have… I should have done the same for you, alright?” His face crinkles with upsetness and Sanji just wants to hit him, just a little. Just a light hitting. A minor attack. A smidgen of a punch.
“Yeah, you should have.”
“Hey, I know you don’t wanna go home, yeah? Let me make it up to you. Come back to mine—”
“Are you still fucking working for Krieg?” Sanji snaps, impatient, toes freezing even in his boots. It’s cold as shit outside. Gin’s face crumples and yeah, there it is. Sanji drops his cigarette butt to the ground and grinds it out with his heel. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Sanji, you know that I—” Gin reaches out, snags him by the sleeve of his jacket and Sanji feels himself bristling like a fucking cat. He whirls on him, seething.
“Leave me alone! I told you, I don’t want to be involved in that shady shit, I told you Kreig is bad fucking news, I told you to quit it or I’d quit you because the last fucking thing I need is more problems. Fuck off.”
And, alright, maybe the last “fuck off” was unnecessary. But, c’mon. As if this day hasn’t been long enough.
“Hey!” a voice interrupts, way too cheerful for almost seven at night. The voice itself is familiar, but not strikingly so. At least not until a kid in a bright red jacket and a ridiculous straw hat comes jogging over, waving like he’s trying to single-handedly direct an airplane to a landing strip.
It’s cold enough that as the kid runs up panting, Sanji can see his breath in the air. People should not be allowed to smile like that, Sanji decides. It’s downright criminal, especially after five-pm.
“It’s you!” he exclaims, rocking back and forth on his heels like an over-excited puppy.
“You’re wearing sandals,” Sanji deadpans. He’s at a loss for anything else to say.
He looks down at his feet and then back up at Sanji, shrugging a bit before continuing as if he hadn’t been interrupted at all. “You were at the Bar-el-ie, right? I wanted to tell you but you never came back: the sandwich was amazing.”
“Uh,” Gin offers.
“Is this a friend of yours?” The guy asks, turning that thousand-watt smile over to Gin.
“No,” Sanji says.
“Hey, c’mon,” Gin starts, clearly pissed off. He moves to step forward towards Sanji, reaching out again, but somehow, this guy is faster. He doesn’t even come up to Gin’s shoulders height-wise, yet with one step forward he effortlessly puts himself between the two of them, smile still fixed but suddenly different.
“He said no.”
An impossibly tense moment passes.
Gin sighs. “I guess we’ll talk later.”
“No, we won’t,” Sanji all-but shouts.
“Fine. Have it your way.” Gin looks at him one last time, assessing, and looks at the guy in between them. “Whatever, Sanji. Good luck with shit.”
As soon as Gin walks away and out of sight, Sanji lets out a breath he didn’t even know he had been holding. Maybe it wasn’t the best course of action for him to piss off a kinda-sorta-ex-boyfriend-ex-hookup with criminal connections, but whatever. It’s not like Sanji is renowned for making good choices.
“You didn’t have to do that,” he offers into the space that’s grown between them.
The kid shrugs. “I’m Luffy, by the way.”
“Luffy. With F’s. Your name is Sanji?” He nods. “Cool. Where’ you headed?” He rocks back on his heels again, looking imploringly up at Sanji through his hair and the brim of his hat both. Damn, he’s short.
“Do you wanna’ go get food?”
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Prompt answer for anon who requested
“may I ask for a Gin/Sanji that's happy? I loved how super sad it was in the au but I would really like Gin meeting the crew/Luffy without it being so horribly sad. (also sanji going "hey so this is my bf" amuses me)” 
SO ENJOY THE SANGIN I wrote this in a possessed haze last night.
Also @junemel this has elements from that one conversation that we had about gin meeting Duval its not close to it but I was this close to putting gin smacking the ever living shit out of Duval in it - this close
Anyway, enjoy! Sorry it took so long anon! Its a lil angsty but its very happy after that lol
Also on Ao3!
Six months after Gin’s life was changed by a hot meal and cigarette smoke on the Baratie of all places, he’s out on the Grand Line, chasing his dream – to escape from the life Krieg built, and create one better, one that is a true pirate’s life.
And six months after Gin last saw him, he sees Sanji’s grey blue eyes again… in the most hideous wanted poster he’s ever seen.
He promptly spits out his coffee when his first mate gives the paper with it to him at breakfast.
“What the fuck-“
Kinzo has the patience of a saint as he speaks while washing the coffee from his face (how the hell is the man not screaming from the hot liquid?)
“Straw Hat Luffy and crew razed Ennies Lobby to the ground eight days ago while seizing Devil Child Nico Robin from custody. All crew members received bounties and escaped Vice Admiral Garp on their way out of Water Seven, and are currently at large. Isn’t…” And here, a small smile breaks out on Kinzo’s face. “Sanji on that crew? It appears he has a bounty higher than yours’s now captain. 77,000,000 Belli?”
“That’s not Sanji.”
It can’t be.
The wanted poster is hand drawn, but the artist must be blind because there is no way Sanji’s nose looks like that, or his lips, and his eyes are sea blue not whatever that is.
The only thing they got right even slightly is his eyebrow, but even that could take some criticism.
“You sure captain?” Hashi asks from his corner of the galley. “Seems like he fits the description – blue eyes, blond hair, smoker, weird eye brow.”
“That’s NOT Sanji! It’s – its- “ Gin can’t even finish his sentence. It’s only been six months, surely Sanji hasn’t changed that much? Getting stronger he can picture (The paper is vague, doesn’t tell a lot, damn marine supporters, but isn’t Ennies Lobby the supposed home of CP9?) but this? No.
“It’s a stranger? Doesn’t have heaven made food?”
“Smile sent from heaven?”
“Eyes like the sea?”
“Super soft hands?”
“The kindest voice on earth?”
“SHUT UP! How do you even know all that?” His face is red. Man Demon Gin has never been so humiliated.
“You talk about him a lot when you’re… inebriated.” Kinzo states, taking a sip of his own coffee (is it boiling? Its boiling. Does his first mate have secret devil fruit powers or does he have no pain receptors?) to avoid continuing.
“CAPTAIN HAS A CRUSH!~” He is going to toss Hashi overboard, devil fruit or not.
“EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Gin slaps a hand to his head. “Breakfast is over, I do not have a crush, and that is not what Sanji looks like – and do you really want to insult a man who is worth twice all of your bounties and just smacked CP9 into the ground?”
Finally, his crew shuts up.
“Like I thought. Get to your stations – weather looks dark outside, might be a storm.”
And the Silver Horn Pirates rush to do as their captain orders – but not without a few passing remarks.
“Captain and Sanji Kissing in a tree – K – I – S – S –“
Another two months go by, full of teasing and laughter from his crew about Sanji, but it’s been quiet for the most part. The Straw hats haven’t made any big news officially, but there are rumors that Moira’s been kicked out of his position, and there’s only one crew crazy enough to do that unintentionally, so Gin’s sure that their doing all right.
Then the newspaper flops in his lap. It’s Kinzo again, and Sanji half expects it to be another Sanji poster – he likes to give him them, as if whoever on that poster can take the place of Sanji, but something in his face tells Gin otherwise.
He sets his cup down, and opens the paper.
Oh no – Sanji. Luffy. The rest of them – oh no.
There’s an odd note in his voice as he looks up at Kinzo. “Tell the crew to prepare to set sail. We head for Sabaody in three hours.”
Kinzo only nods – they’re five islands away, possible more because this is the Grand Line of all places, but half the crew is from Don Krieg’s armada.
They were at the Baratie when Luffy saved them, when Sanji gave them food. They know what’s at stake – they have to help the Straw Hats.
And so they will.
Three weeks later, Fire Fist Ace and Whitebeard are dead, and Straw Hat has reappeared at Marineford to ring in a new era.
Gin has tears in his eyes when he learns that Straw Hat is okay, because if he knows anyone, he knows that Straw Hat will never leave his nakama behind, and Sanji is nakama.
Sanji is alive.
(And the other straw hats, but forgive Gin for being biases, alright?)
Now he just has to find him.
On Sabaody, he does not meet Sanji – instead, he finds the face on the wanted poster, protecting Sanji’s ship.
“Duval?” Gin asks dubiously, as the man before him grins and attempts to wink, showing off his new face with the old wanted poster as comparison.
“In the handsome flesh! Are you friends of the Straw hats?”
“Yeah… One moment please?”
Gin turns to his crew with the most shit-eating grin.
“I told you it wasn’t Sanji.”
He turns back to Duval, not without catching a glimpse of resignation from his crew. He was right.
“So Duval –“
“You know when the Straw Hats are going to meet back up?” Gin wasn’t stupid. He’s seen the face of a king, and Sanji was on that King’s crew. There was no way they would be down for long.
Duval looks sad, or at least as sad as he can get with that face. “No, we do not… We don’t even know if they are coming back all.”
Again, Gin’s not stupid. Or maybe he is, he just has unwavering faith in a captain that isn’t his and a cook he’d only met once.
“But we will protect their beloved ship! Whatever it takes!”  There’s a fire in Duval’s eyes, one Gin’s sure is matched on his own face.
“Of course – but do you have any idea where they are now?”
Duval doesn’t have an answer, but he does have a rumor, and that rumor is that the Straw Hats were scattered to the winds with a swipe of a paw, more literal than the papers stated.
Gin figured it would go like this. The Straw Hats went at their own pace (their own world-toppling, war declaring, impossible pace that no one else could keep up with-) and it was unlikely that they would be seen before they wanted to be seen.
Likely in an international incident.
That doesn’t mean Gin won’t stop searching and training for the day he meets Sanji again.
He doesn’t know what the other is doing, but it has something to do with Straw Hat’s message – and Gin doesn’t think Sanji would take the death of his captain’s brother lying down.
Sanji’s getting stronger out there somewhere on the grand line, and like hell if Gin is falling behind.
It takes two and a half years to find him, but at least by then he can show his crew an actual picture of Sanji’s face – if in that stupid caricature he gets around girls.
Kinzo smiles at it, hands deep in boiling water as he washes the plates after dinner, and asks genteelly “That your man Captain?”
Gin blushes very, very hard before changing the topic entirely. “Yeah – but I’m wondering about the Only Alive bit – what do you think it means?”
“No clue – but its no surprise the bounty went up – Sabaody’s a wreck from what I here, and Fish Man Island’s got a new protectorate.”
“Rumors say Straw Hat ticked off Big Mom.”
“Only one Island in in the New World and this is what they do? Damn.”
“We better catch up then, aye Kinzo?” Gin grins.
“Aye Captain.”
Vinsmoke Sanji, the papers say, and Gin thinks back to the flowing restaurant in the East Blue and crosses it out. In its place is Black Leg, stark and true, and it’s a much better fit.
Black Leg Sanji’s Captain better get him back or Gin’s going to have to fight an Emperor and he and his crew are all going to die because Sanji went to go get married.
A week later, and Luffy had apparently plotted to assassinate Big Mom and ended up defeated two of her Sweet Commanders.
Sanji has a new bounty, and Gin doesn’t know why he even bothered to worry.
When he pictured meeting Sanji again, he imagined it in battle, showing off his new skills and he and Sanji fighting back to back.
He did not picture it in the back alley of some bar in the New World, where he was taking a break from the commotion inside.
Apparently, someone had died in the middle of eating and then rose again. Gin doesn’t want to know, so he goes out to smoke a bit.
“Damnit” he mutters, realizing he doesn’t have his lighter on him.
“Need a light?”
“Yea actually, Tha-” Gin stops dead, and stares at the face in front of him that’s gently smiling beneath a mop of blond hair.
The eyebrows are as distinct as ever, if on a different side, and the blue of his eyes stands out even now. (Privately, Gin thinks they might be the color of the All Blue that mythic ocean that Sanji plans to find – he has no doubt he will.) There’s a goatee beneath his lips, quirked up in a smile while biting on an unlit cigarette. The suit and tie is a fashion statement few wear so well on the Grand Line and that just means the person standing in front of him is none other than –
“Sanji,” Gin breathes and feels his heart swell.
“Hey Gin – long time no see.” A hand reaches out to light the cigarette between Gin’s teeth and then his own, and Sanji is almost as tall as him now, and smiling, and strong and –
A giant dork.
They found a cafe two streets over from the bar where they are now currently sitting, eating something other than greasy bar food and probably poisoned drinks.
According to Sanji, it was his Captain who had collapsed in his food and caused the commotion.
“He’s fine,” Sanji tells Gin carelessly, a smile on his face still – he hasn’t stopped smiling since he met Gin again, something Gin is not so secretly proud of – “Shitty rubber captain just does that sometimes. You get used to it. Chopper’s trying to work something out though –“
“Chopper? Isn’t he your pet?”
Sanji laughs, bright and bold, and he’s so much more than he ever was on the Baratie. “I forgot! You haven’t seen us since the Baratie have you? We have a lot more people on our crew –“
“Are they anything like their wanted posters? I’ve been trying to find you by them and it hasn’t been working out so well…”
Heck. He just admitted he had been trying to find Sanji. Way to go you dumb shit.
But Sanji just dusts the ashes off his cigarette and nods to him. “I knew you’d find us. You promised, didn’t you?”
I’ll grow stronger, without Don Krieg, and meet you all on the Grand Line!
He had, hadn’t he? And the Straw Hats put a lot of faith in promises.
“I guess I did – I definitely grew stronger too. And I have my own crew – though they aren’t as weird as yours.”
“Gin. We have a walking, talking, shitting skeleton pop star on our crew and our doctor is a reindeer. Nothing’s weirder than our crew.”
“You have a what for your doctor?” Oh god, he’s missed so much. He hates the newspaper.
Eventually, Sanji convinces Gin to introduce him to his crew after learning that Gin became his own pirate captain.
“No one can order you around, now, right?” There’s an innuendo in there somewhere, but frankly, Gin’s too nervous to care.
His crew always takes great joy in embarrassing him, and introducing him to Sanji, where most of the teasing stems from, is going to be hell.
Whatever. He’ll have proved them wrong at least. – and the rest of the crew who had only gotten glimpses of Sanji at the Baratie when he was smacking down the rest of the crew, will get the chance to meet him.
He entertains the thought of reaching for Sanji’s hand, but settles for brushing his knuckles and shoulders with him instead.
At the Baratie, he hadn’t known this man long – not long enough – and now, he’s endlessly curious to know more.
(What’s his favorite food? His favorite color? Memory? Place? What does he think of me? He thinks, casting glances at the man beside him as they talk about anything and everything down the streets, fitting like two puzzle pieces with frayed ends – perfectly matching but too old to quite click perfectly immediately.
He wonders, too, what Sanji will think of the crew.)
Eventually, they reach the Silver Serpent (sue him – he like’s the silver motif, its better than the demon one at any rate. (There are too many demons on this wretched sea anyway.)), its masts. Reaching high into the sky with the skull waving in the breeze. Sanji smiles at the engravings on the side (waves with metal inlays – Gin wanted this ship to carry them for years, and its grand enough to do so.)
“Nice ship,” He compliments and Gin grins in return.
“Wait till you see the crew.” He cups his mouth and prepares to shout. “MEN! THERE’S SOMEONE YOU NEED TO MEET!”
Heads pop up all over the ship, peering at Gin before wild expressions cross their faces.
“Holy Shit-“
“Is that who I think it is?”
“Captains brought a guy home!”
“Is that him?”
“Kinzo – Kinzo wake up you need to see this” Hashi nudges the first mate awake before pointing at the plank that Sanji and Gin are climbing up. “It’s him.”
Sanji looks positively bewildered, more so when Gin offers a meager explanation. “I, uh, may have talked about you. A lot, actually. Maybe?”
Sanji snickers, and goes to introduce himself to the crew, leaving Gin to contemplate his life decisions.
“Hello everyone, the name’s Sanji – though I hear you already know that?”
“Damn right we do – Captain won’t shut up about you.” Kinzo answers for the entirety of the crew. “I’m Kinzo, the Silver Horn Pirate’s first mate.”
“Nice to meet you then.”
“And I’m Hashi! Cook aboard this ship! Tell me your secrets!”
“Hashi, stop, damn it you can get cooking lessons later.”
“Actually,” Sanji interjects, before Gin can direct his crew to bring out food and such, “You can have them now. Luffy will want to meet all of you, and that means a party.”
In true pirate fashion, the deck explodes with joy.
“On the Sunny of course – I’ve been wanting to show you it.” And doesn’t that send butterflies down Gin’s spine. “Follow me!”
And the crew charges after the man who saved Gin’s life, leaving him to catch up.
Gin’s seen the Sunny before, not that Sanji knows, but seeing her with her crew aboard is something entirely different. The Soul King’s providing music, and there is a reindeer with chopsticks up his nose while a cyborg with two extra arms cheers him on. The owner of those arms is chuckling as she watches Sanji and a green haired swordsman – still wrapped in as many bandages as he had been at the Baratie – fight with fire and steel.
That’s nothing on the captain of the crew, whose downing ten-times his body weight in meat alone who. Laughs hysterically with the story telling sniper as the navigator punches Zoro and Sanji on the head to get them to stop.
The effect is instantaneous as Zoro. Immediately grumbles about witches and Sanji becomes pliant to her demands.
Thousand Sunny is so much more livelier now, with her crew filling up the empty space on deck and lanterns strung about the rigging. There’s platters of food and music and life and joy, things Gin had experienced before but never quite to this magnitude.
And according to Usopp, this is a small-scale party.
Bonfires on Sky Islands, parties at the Ryugu Palace, dancing with former zombies on a floating island ship in the middle of the Floridian triangle-
This crew has been everywhere.
(And, Gin knows, they are going to the end – to Raftel – and if he knows anything, they will find a way to go beyond that as well.)
“So,” Sanji startles him, now broken away from the mosshead, “What do you think?” And there’s something in his eyes that says I want you to like them but also They are mine and I won’t care if don’t. Gin understands the feeling.
“They’re wild.” Gin grins – he’s been doing that a lot today, hasn’t he? More than usual? “I like them.”
“Good!” They are close enough that Gin can smell the alcohol on Sanji’s breath, and he can see the droplets that have spattered on his impeccable suit and tie – loose now, that the party is in full swing, but still giving him an air of I know what the fuck I’m doing.
Sanji’s just like that, he guesses.
Suddenly, Sanji blinks around, noticing the crew and how Luffy has been distracted from the food by now by the swordsman’s cheering of ‘Sogeking’s theme’.
“Come on,” He says, hauling Gin to his feet, “I want to show you something.”
Gin thinks about making a dick joke, but decides to follow Sanji instead.
They go to the back of the Sunny, where the party’s music is only a mute faded sound, and the water lapping on the edge of the boat in their harmony.  The sun has just set, so there’s still pink in the sky, but the moon is already casting light upon the quiet waves of this tropical port town cove.
It’s nice as they lean arms crossed over the railing.
(It’s a good place for a confession.)
Sanji offers Gin a smoke and when he declines, shrugs and lights one for himself.
“Your crew tells me you were talking about me?”
Sanji’s trying to be suave again. Its working. Gin is so screwed.
“Maybe. What about it?” He deflects.
Sanji flicks some ashes out to the water. “Just wanted to know if it was true. If you really thought I was all that.”
“Why?” Sanji’s quiet after this.
Gin doesn’t speak up to offer an explanation, to say yes I do think you’re the most amazing cook I ever met, and that time where we held hands on the Baratie was the best in my life, and every other island we go to I hear about how kind you were, and who couldn’t think you were all that?
Because Gin doesn’t really speak in waxing poetry unless he’s had a few to many drinks, and he’s only had two tonight, shoved into his hands by the man next to him himself.
He does, however, hope Sanji understands all that.
By the look that he’s giving Gin, he does. And finally, he speaks. “Cause it depends if I want to do this or not.”
As he says that enunciated this, he reaches over and grabs Gin’s hand where its gripping the railing.
Here’s the thing. Sanji and Gin knew each other for five days before Don Krieg was defeated. In that time, Sanji cooked Gin the best meal he had ever had in his life, and shared a room with him as Giin washed dishes to work off the debt.
(Someone had to, as the new chore boy kept dropping them instead of washing them.)
On the last day, Gin had left and brought his former captain on to the Baratie, feeling so sick about what he was doing, and then left the Baratie freed and ready to create his own crew.
Before that, Gin and Sanji talked, and held hands, and it felt like a cheesy teen romance but somehow Gin had found his other half, in a way.
It’s a small history, and history that has not gone away despite the many ports they’ve visited.
Gin’s thankful for that, because it means he can smile as he grabs Sanji’s hands back, and say “Yeah. I meant it.”
And Sanji’s smile as he leans in for a kiss means everything to him.
He tastes like smoke and alcohol and the aftermath of a Straw Hat party, and something explodes in Gin’s chests.
Hell, he’s happy.
Of course, that isn’t the end of it. After a couple more heated kisses and quiet moments, Sanji jumps up and drags Gin back to the party.
“HEY!” He shouts, loud and clear from the upper deck. “HEY EVERYONE! LOOK!”
Everyone looks.
“THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND NOW!” And he holds Gin’s hand up in the air, because maybe they snuck into the kitchen before coming out here and stole drinks from Zoro’s stash, because he doesn’t think Sanji would want to raise Gin’s hand like it was a wrestling champion winner.
There’s a moment of silence after the announcement, before the deck explodes into motion and raucous cheering.
“WOOHOO! YAY! SANJI!” Gin doesn’t care though, not now, and not next morning when he has the worst headache of his life and the most handsome man in the world at his side.
Sanji smiles at him, and he smiles back.
Happy, with the man he searched for at last.
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mosseatenrobot · 7 years
bit of an outline for the cryptid piece au, beginning of the baratie arc
major thing is that a) fullbody is unimportant until he gets clowned on by sanji because no one’s a pirate at this point, and b) luffy doesn’t become a chore boy because he doesn’t engage in reckless property damage
he’s still a couple of steps ahead of the merry, so goes in a for a meal, sits in the very back with a clear view of all exits and as far away from all the other patrons as he can. sanji’s immediate response to this is “uhhh?”
sanji goes to clown on fullbody, kid still hasn’t been served and he’s looking kind of um, stressed? sanji’s going to go with stressed because there’s not another way he knows of to describe how the kid’s holding the menu away from him like he’s waiting for it to come alive and maul him. also just, the blankness? yeah
so sanji’s been pretty bemused this whole time but now he’s starting to actually get concerned, walks up and is like, hey ill be your server etc etc, only more fancy idk
it takes a minute for the kid to say anything, eyes keep bouncing between sanji, the menu, and general everything, and sanji’s starting to get annoyed at this point, waiting to get anything beyond a stammer and a side-glance. then there’s a commotion from the kitchen, crashes dishes and some shouting - accidents don’t happen often at the baratie but they’re not nonexistent. sanji looks away from the kitchen and back to the kid, pretty fed up with this entire situation, and stops short, because the kid’s eyes are focused for the first time since he walked in, and he’s still looking at the source of the noise after everyone else has turned away. sanji stares for a bit, brow furrowed, then taps his pen on the table when it’s clear that the kid’s completely forgotten about his existence.
sanji gentles a bit after that, starting to get Suspicious, and again asks what he would like to order. kid visibly rallies himself, drops the menu, digs out his wallet, and pulls out every last bill. tells sanji he would like as much food as this money can buy him. it sure as shit isn’t enough for a three course meal, but there’s enough to buy him at least one, and it’s obviously all the money that the kid has - the kid who looks to be a year or two younger than sanji, who’s by himself, who hasn’t looked relaxed this entire time, especially not after the brief ruckus from the kitchen.
(EDIT: forgot that one bit of this was sanji looking incredulously at the kid pulling all of his money and asking semi sarcastically, any preferences, and when the kid just shakes his head a bit sanji’s expression flattens out as his brain warnings go from bwe bwe bwe to BWEM BWEM BWEM and he thinks, hmm don’t like this)
 sanji closes the notebook with a snap, says “right away”, and walks back to the kitchen to indulge in the red alert signal that’s been firing in the back of his brain for the past five minute. enters the kitchen and takes off his jacket and says he’ll be cooking the meal for table whatever - actually i cant remember if sanji was just the baratie waiter or if he was a cook as well? anyways sanji’s going to cook for this specific customer and ignores the resulting arguing, and when zeff walks up to him and asks him what he thinks he’s doing, sanji’s like just look at the table and tell me what you see, zeff does and what he sees is a brat, tells sanji exactly that, who huffs a frustrated breath and says a brat by himself that’s been twitchy this entire time, who asked for as much food as he could buy, im making the meal. zeff stares for a second before nodding and walking off, leaving sanji to it (zeff of course noticed all of these things and more, he just wanted sanji to use his fucking words and explain it)
sanji makes the food, goes off menu while still making just a single dish, makes it has filling and nutritious as he possibly can - he might be off the mark with his assessment of the situation (doubtful) but he’d rather go overboard than leave someone hungry. goes back, serves the meal, and watches as the kid takes a bite and finally.. calms down? if this is his own personal version of calming down it’s kind of pathetic, but fuck if it doesn’t look miles better than whatever was happening before. kid actually smiles, and tells sanji how good the food is. sanji smiles back, says glad to hear it, and goes to serve another customer.
ten minutes pass, usopp, nami, and zoro walk in, order their food, get served, and when sanji finally has time to check back in on the kid every plate is practically licked clean (they probably were), the kid’s gone, and all of the money is on the table (actually luffy probably doesnt have a single goddamn idea how tips work, so no tips for you, sorry sanji). and sanji’s all goddammit i was gonna give him a discount, guess all this money is mine?? whatever
then in walks gin begging for food and sanji’s next clear thought is god fucking dammit, and cut to that whole scene
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