#you just gotta accept that you don't interact with shit you stumble on that you don't like
bhaalsdeepbat · 7 months
honestly the best way to experience BG3 fandom is to split up between reddit and tumblr. tumblr is there for your in depth scene and character analysis, but reddit is there with all the lore and specific plot point details. like they're ON IT collecting canon info lmao
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ashs-cardboard-box · 6 months
Bark; don't bite
~ Sean MacGuire/Male!Reader
~ Platonic or romantic
~ 1.2k words
Request :3
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Loneliness. A word that stung in each and every which way and yet, it’s how you felt more often than not. To put it simply, you were terrifying. Easily towering over the gang by a good few inches depending on the person. Built like a tree that had just been through the worst of storms, intimidating was an understatement. Skin tainted with scars and blemishes alike. 
You had been in the gang for a long while, though you can count on one hand the amount of interactions you’ve had with everyone aside from Dutch and Susan respectively. While they didn’t outright fear you, it’d be a stretch to assume they’d go out of their way for a casual conversation. 
You were, essentially, a guard dog. Anyone in their right mind would shit their pants if they saw you coming towards them. As such, you don’t leave camp much. On the rare occasion you do, you’re put up front. Acting as the silent brute you’re built as. You’re not even sure if your family, the gang, has heard your voice.
While you appreciate their company, their stares said more. You were self conscious in your own right. Having people, friends, family, and foes, gawk at you and prod for answers on which injuries you got when...not fun. 
You couldn’t necessarily fault them either. You kept to yourself for a reason. A confidential, disturbing reason. Spending most of your days doing mindless chores around camp and whatever favors people asked of you like lifting a wagon to put a wheel back on, or scaring people into their word. It felt like Dutch was the only one who could withstand your stare most days. On the plus side, you’d never have to deal with the real annoying folk like Micah.
That was, at least, until an Irishman by the name of Sean MacGuire joined the gang not so recently. If you could describe that man in one word, it’d be loud-mouthed. You never paid him mind all too much, considering you were out on a stagecoach robbery with Charles and John when Dutch brought the redhead in.
When you got back, Dutch all but shoved Sean in your direction, causing him to stumble slightly with an offended “oi!” Glaring over his shoulder towards Dutch before the latter makes a gesture towards you, causing him to turn right back around.
Sean’s eyes widen subtly as he comes face to face with your pecs before he cranes his neck to look up towards you. A slow grin begins to spread across his face, his eyes practically twinkling incredulously. “Holy Mother of Mary.. bet your ma fed ya the good shit, didn’t she?” He jokes causing you to crack a hint of a smile, much to Dutch’s amazement.
“Well I’ll be damned..” Dutch mutters. Remembering his presence, you’re quick to dig into your pockets and pull out what little money the stagecoach carried, passing half up to Dutch. Unfortunately not nearly enough, causing the heist to be a dud. Charles and John walk back into camp as if the whole debacle never happened– you can’t blame them. 
Dutch accepts the money and flips through the bills, only to sigh in disappointment and pockets it. “Ya gotta name, big lad?” Sean pipes up once again, causing you to look back down towards him. “Y/N.” you respond curtly as you stuff your money back into your pocket as Dutch walks off to do something you don’t care to ask about.
“Y/N..” Sean echoes with a bark of a laugh. You can’t deny he’s a change of pace around camp. He has a spark you haven’t seen in a long, long time. Sean grins and extends his hand forth to be shaken, to which you echo his motion and grip his smaller hand in yours, giving it a firm shake.
“Sean MacGuire.. but the ladies call me the Irish Terrier. If ya know what I mean.” He flaunts, seeming proud of that title. You hadn’t a god damn clue on what that meant, but his laughter was contagious, causing you to chuckle lightly, of which Sean points out in a teasing manner. “Hadn’t a clue mountains could laugh.” He lets go of your hand and playfully backhands you in the chest.
You weren’t sure why Sean was being so polite with you. You weren’t used to it whatsoever. You were scary and fucked up to the highest caliber. And yet, here Sean is. Not only relentlessly teasing you, but actually conversing. That’s more than you could say for most people around camp.
Your dynamic was a strange one. Sean could talk so much that it would make anyone want to tear their ears off by hand. You talked so little that your presence would easily be forgotten, had you not been built like a brick shithouse.
He often spoke up for you. You kept your head down and stayed silent at almost any instance of judgement or staring. Sean, however, wouldn’t have that. It was like a chihuahua standing up for a great dane. Amusing, yet not exactly effective.
He would go on and on and on, for hours if he could, blatantly threatening and causing a ruckus on anyone who stared. He didn’t quite understand your distaste for leaving camp, but he sure tried. His bickering often ended up with you having to stand up for him without a word. Towering over him and staring down at whomever Sean picked a fight with was more than enough.
“Serves ‘em right. Oughta carve their eyes from their sockets for starin’, I will. They don’t got a clue on ya, lad. Taller than the Heavens above, ya are but yer a damn sweetheart.” Sean huffs as he folds his arms over his chest, turning to look up at you instead of the person you scared shitless.
You could feel your cold heart melt just a bit at that. You were scary. You’d been through more than even you could comprehend. Yet Sean saw through all of that. He saw the man who liked to draw in his journal or embroider patterns onto patches of cloth. He saw the man that would drop off random flowers for him without batting an eye.
You chuckle as you push the brim of his hat down over his eyes, causing him to scoff and lift it back up. You only had him to thank for pulling you out of your shell as much as he has– even if it’s nowhere near enough to make a difference to anyone else.
The two of you acted on the other’s behalf should either not be able to do something. For him, it was speaking up for you. For you, it was picking up his slack. You loved him, but he was damn lazy. Despite that, you enjoyed helping out. Especially when your efforts were paid in cheek kisses..and maybe a couple dollars.
He was overconfident in his abilities, though you didn’t humble him. Instead, you silently taught him how to shoot better. Pressing your hands on different parts of his body and forcing him to straighten out. Unfortunately, he struck two of six bottles.
Instead of being disappointed like anyone normally would, he seemed prideful and arrogant. Impressed with himself for even getting that. His antics amused you, as much as you cared for him. You were starting to consider that maybe, gang life wouldn’t be so bad with him around. Now all that’s left to do is plan for the upcoming trip to Rhodes.
Thank you for the request !! this was a really cute prompt !! :3 I hope you like it !!
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prettyflyshyguy · 2 months
If anyone needs me I'll be on the floor, in a pile of emotional goop, thinking about the VA line delivery of "But I'm not human, am I? Not anymore." and what could have been if we had a little more of the alienation, disconnection and isolation of being so completely different and being spited by that despite how hard you try to still be good and be human in the Blue Karma storyline.
Like I love and adore the Blue Karma storyline but I just really really wish we got a little more of the pain built up from all the shit Cole went through in inF1 and we got a little more nuance of that pain coming out.
I get why they went for such a stark contrast of tone between the two runs because it'd be a nightmare to try and inject more subtle variety depending on karma level at any given moment (and having worked on a videogame with a strict one-go linear story I couldn't imagine trying to effectively make two different ones) but it just leaves me feeling so hungry for a little more gradual degradation. A little more grey morality takes.
What if we had an inF1 Good run that turned into a Red run of 2 slowly. Cole goes through so much, arrives in New Marais, and something begins to snap. He hit his breaking point at the end of 1/start of 2 and the cracks have formed and it's a beautiful, tragic, downward spiral of him getting worse. It starts off subtle. "I don't have time to help any random person on the street" - gradually turns into complete spite for how he's treated, fully accepting and embracing he's the Demon of Empire City.
And to elaborate - I want to see a Blue run where he snaps a little. Not so much in actions but in emotion. People either look at him like he's a monster or he's the second coming of christ but no one see's him as a person. He's a figurehead to be crucified one way or another. He's a de-facto hero of the people whenever anything goes wrong.
He no longer has any autonomy over his life.
Bouncing between people praising him and demonising him when they literally do not know him. He can't go anywhere without being recognised. No interaction is normal anymore. People are afraid of him. People smother him. He sticks to the rooftops cause no one looks up and it's the only place to find peace. He can't wander the streets for long until a group of protesters shows up chanting for his death and spitting in his face.
He is distinctly something other, everyone views him as something other (good and bad) - he's not like everyone else so therefore, he's not truly human anymore. Conduit, not human.
And fuck, man, that's gotta get to you. Sonic the hedgehog effect - you slow down too long the horrors catch up to you and you're forced to address them. Think about them. You keep running and maybe you can escape them. And yeah, he runs a lot in 2, but I want to see him stumble a little.
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cmen5150 · 7 months
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Art by the lovely joltergeist
In character WOD/VTM RP blog, sister account to @mxldito AKA Coyote's tumblr account. 18+ only!! The other is for long form and more serious-ish RP.
If you're a normal person who has stumbled upon this blog, I'm so sorry.
Tzimisce weirdo @plays-doctor. Tzimisce little shit @knuckleduster333. Tzimisce girlboss @baroquelatrodectus TOTALLY NOT a Nosferatu @tortasderata Tremere "normal" guy @hesinpartiies
Coyote is a 32 year old 10th generation Malkavian (They/Them ONLY). Anarch Baron of London (Alternatively, potentially, New Orleans, it is no done deal yet). Full character information here and here (for mobile users)! The rules on this account are more relaxed than they are on the main since this account's mostly for silliness.
Some rules below the cut!
Coyote's horny and might reblog pinups or have adult discussions. The tag to blacklist is NS/FW
Mun is Ravis, all pronouns, 21+.
V5-based with sprinklings of V20.
We don't gotta be mutuals to interact! I'm sorta new to this form of RP so I'm just kinda goin with it.
Coyote disliking your character doesn't mean I dislike you. Bleed happens sometimes but don't be weird about it, please.
Should go without saying but bigotry of any sort will not be tolerated. Coyote and I are both of the same ethnic/cultural background and genderqueer. I will take any offenses extremely seriously.
Do not argue with me about who is "the good/bad guy". WOD is not the setting for good vs. bad narratives. Coyote's not a good guy, not entirely evil, but not good. They're a backstabbing, sadistic, egotistical, conniving terrorist who firmly believes they're doing the right thing.
Coyote is addicted to being annoying and thinks they're funny (they are sometimes but that's besides the point). Be ready for them to spew outlandish shit they might not mean. Additionally, they play stupid as part of the act. I promise they're not an idiot.
WOD is full of all sorts of gross shit a lot of which I include in my writing. I can accept it and stomach it when handled correctly. My line in the sand is the sexualization of child/teen characters. I don't care if they're technically 18+, I don't care if they're literal Elders. Looks like a child, acts like a child, that's a child in my book.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Unintentional Love Story Eps 7 & 8 Stray Thoughts
Last time, everyone finally expressed their feelings in the open, and Hotae rose in the rankings. We had some incredible hands content thanks to a pottery wheel. We left at the beach trip, and I'm waiting for the company issue to come for the fore. I continue to struggle at recalling the previous events of this show each week with any specificity.
Episode 7
Oh right. Wonyoung thought he was maybe alone in his attraction.
I really like the way Taejoon talks to Wonyoung. He's a considerate and gentle man.
Why are they hiding from Hotae??
Donghee is so valid for being annoyed that his party is a bust.
It really is a relief to have a character like Wonyoung that can explain his own feelings when asked.
Holy shit Taejoon is cheesy and I love it.
I'm kinda over the manager's calls.
Flirting when both people have admitted they like each other is just so much more fun to watch.
I've admittedly been struggling to stay invested in this show, but seeing a lonely character come out of his shell for the man he likes is something I very much enjoy.
I feel like I recognize the Yeonghee actress.
This man gets so jealous. I'll accept it for BL, but y'all need to trust people if you want things to last.
Of course Wonyoung can't just come clean without additional mess stumbling through the door. I hate this dude. I don't remember his name, but he's slimy.
"We dated for five years. I can't say it was a good relationship, but it was a steady one," may be one of the most jaded lines I've ever heard in a BL. We need so many more older characters in the genre.
Oh, Wonyoung. I know the timing seems wrong, but I really want you to tell him the truth.
I gotta be honest, the heavy drinking in K-BL really bothers me.
He really put this man to bed under blankets with a whole cardigan on, only to be like, "Endure it."
I feel like Taejoon is right to be so bothered by the sudden disappearance.
This whole process to tell Taejoon the truth is taking too long for my nerves.
Mhmm, and he didn't tell him before the manager showed up. Tedious.
Episode 8
I don't even feel sorry for Wonyoung about how any of this is going to go down. I only feel for Taejoon, who feels betrayed and used once again.
The disappointment on Taejoon is palpable.
Oh shit, the storming back in was so intense that I started holding my breath. Taejoon has been so gentle this whole time, so the loss of composure hits hard.
Oh, Wonyoung, "you can't fool me with those crocodile tears."
I'm excited to see how these two reconcile, because finding the lamp he made for him left outside was devastating.
I love Taejoon. He is bitter and hurt, and this is going to be Wonyoung's problem too. Still, it hurts that he has to accept that he can't avoid the art world. I appreciate the poetry of giving someone who betrayed you what they thought they wanted.
Watching Hotae and Donghee interact in all this green has me thinking about @respectthepetty describing Green Boys during Our Dating Sim. I feel like this is an untapped space I'd like to see from Thailand and Japan as well.
I'm certain some viewers will struggle with Taejoon's behavior, but I get him completely and will defend all of his responses to this situation.
Oh what's this weird green spec on the screen around 22:20? Was there a problem with the lens and they missed it?
I love Donghee as well for continuing to push both of them.
I don't like Wonyoung returning to a company that thought he was part of a corruption scandal under circumstances like this.
The shot of the two of them looking at each other with other blurred people walking past is one of my favorites in romantic cinema.
I love when sad characters retreat into a tough persona and lie about not having anymore feelings for their person anymore.
Oh, Ji Wonyoung, I like the way you fight. I'm glad we had an old friend who had a crush on him return just to remind us that he's sincere.
Cha Seo Won is pretty good. I'm enjoying him a lot.
It's interesting how this is one of the longer shows we've had in a bit. We're getting towards what I think folks want from a full length K-BL. I like a lot of the ideas here, even if I think the show is a bit slow in a way that doesn't always feel contemplative.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 1)
"The Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat"
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"OH!! KELLS!!"
Ashley yells from across the living room.
"I forgot to tell you, I invited my girl Luna out with us tonight. She's a bad ass chick whose an artist too. She shoots the most intimate pictures. You'll love her mus...."
Colson is sitting at the large dining room table rolling up joints for his birthday party tonight. He's listening but honestly he doesn't care who's gonna be there. His main objective is to get fuuuucked up tonight. Last year before The Big One.
"You mean Luna Smith, That Brooklyn Bitch!?!" Pete interrupts Ashley excitetedly. "I FUCKING LOVE HER!!! Dude, she's like one of my greatest friends. We go back to before I was doing stand up. She's one of the first people to push and shoot me."
"ME TOOOO!!!" laughs Ashley "I didn't know you knew her, that's crazy!"
In unison, "You ain't shit, until you've been shot by a Lunatic!!" they shout, laughing.
Colson fires up a joint as he vaguely listens to Pete and Ashley swap stories about this Luna chick. Running around Brooklyn, late night missions, this show here, that show there, .... all basic punk, riot gurl shit.... But wait.....? Talking her way outta a B&E AND resisting arrest charges!? Colson's ears perk up. He's just about to join the conversation when he's distracted by Dom, Ashley's boyfriend, plunking down beside him.
"Happy Fooking Birthday, Mate!!" he says as he helps out rolling and shots begin to flow. Colson's mind loses any thoughts of Luna.
An hour or so passes. The rest of the band shows up and a few close friends too. They're all over to pregame before dinner and the killer house party planned for afterwards. Over the bump of the music Colson hears the door bell. Needing a break and wondering who the fuck is at his door, he yells "I've got it."
He opens the door to find the back of a tiny body in a black leather jacket with long golden blonde hair cascading down it. There's a short, flowing red dress under it, booty popping out, tattooed legs and chunky heeled combat boots.
"My kinda style..." he thinks to himself, looking her up and down.
She turns around revealing bright, blue eyes. "HI!!!" She says, a wide smile spreading acrossed her face, making her eyes dance. "I'm Luna, Ashley's friend. You must be Colson." She continues, sticking her hand out to shake his. "Uh, yeah..." He stumbles, running his hand through his blonde hair subconsciously after he shakes her hand. "C'mon on in...." He steps back to allow her inside.
"Fuck Dude. Where have I seen her before??? He wonders to himself. "GOD, I KNOW I FUCKING KNOW HER. FUCK, FUCK, FUUUCK. God she's beautiful. I hope I wasn't an asshole. Fuck."
As Luna follows Colson inside she gently grabs his wrist. When he turns to her, she says "Ash told me it was your birthday. I hope you don't mind but I made you a gift."
"Wow. Thank you." Colson says, caught even more off gaurd.
"Wanna see it?" She asks.
"FUCK YEAH!" he replies with a huge grin.
"Cool." She says with a smile. "I need a table."
"Oh, it's like that???"
"It's like that." She shrugs.
Colson guides Luna to the dining table which now is littered with liquor bottles, cans of monster, rolling papers, joints and jars of bud. He clears off a space for the black leather portfolio case he just notices that she has been carrying.
"I hope you like it." She says, looking up into his sparkling blue eyes with a tiny smile.
She unzips the leather case exposing a canvas with the logo from his Lace Up album painted as the background. In the middle is a black and white photo of a young Colson looking directly at the camera from side stage. It's safety pinned on top of a peice of studded leather. Scattered through out the canvas are cut outs displaying little negatives. The top showcases his stage name MGK and under the picture is a ripped ticket stub. Luna steps aside, watching Colson's eyes light up in excitement and disbelief.
"HOLY. FUUCK." He says, looking over at her. "This is fucking amazing. Thank you".
He reaches to hug her but she ducks out of his grasp.
"Wait, wait, wait..." She says, lifting the art peice out. She touches the bottom of the canvas, making all the negatives light up bright to be clearly seen. They are of him performing during the same show.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!" He yells bouncing around the room, geeking for a second. "THAT IS FUCKING BAD ASS!" he exclaims. Without thinking Colson grabs Luna tightly around the waist, lifting her up and spinning her around. She laughs loudly, pleased with his happiness. "Thank you." He softly says again, kissing her lightly on the forehead as he puts her down, blushing. She can't help but notice how delicious he smells, with his long arm draped around her shoulder and his 6'4 body towering over her 5'2 frame. He engulfs her as he leans in to take a closer look. He recognizes that night immediately. Leaning back and staring so deeply into her eyes he can see the ring of yellow around her irises for the first time.
"Two things. Your eyes are fucking insane. And who took these?" He asks directly.
"Uhm... Thank you? And I did, at The Gramercy, I believe. It's on the stub on the bottom." She replies.
As Colson looks at the ticket stub his heart is racing. It confirms what he knows. "It's her. It's her. It's her." His mind keeps repeating. "Holy Fuck, she's The Girl in Cheetah Print Coat!!!" his brain can't help but scream. "Fuck it" he thinks "Shoot your shot."
"You gotta boyfriend?" Colson asks Luna ducking down closer to her face, mustering all his bravery, while his left arm is still around her.
"No." She says quietly, lightly shaking her head with a look of intrigue.
With that he craddles the side of her face with his whole right hand, kissing her deeply.
Luna's body had been warm since he first scooped her up but it immediately sets on fire the moment his mouth presses upon hers. She feels a wave wash over her, making her nipples hard and vagina plump. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?? I haven't since Just..." She thinks with a flash of pain in her heart before she allows herself to give into Colson completely and the electricity he sends pulsing through her body.
She kisses him back fully. Tongues dancing and exploring each other's warm mouths. Ending it with a long, intimate kiss on the lips, Colson stares at her deeply again.
"Be my birthday date?" He asks
"Yes." She answers without hesitation.
From across the room Ashley and Pete stand side by side watching their friends interact. "Well, THAT was unexpected." Ashley says. "Yeah." Pete replies. He and Ashley know both Luna and Colson very well. As good friends do. "They're either gonna soar or crash and burn. Either way, it's gonna be one hell of a ride." Ashley goes on. Pete stands with his hands in his pockets. "Yep.....and I blame it all on you." He jokes, lightly jabbing her in the ribs. She shoots him a 'bitch please' look. "They've both been through a lot." Ashley says. Pete sighs. "I know." As they make their way over to their newly acquainted friends.
"LOOOOOONS!!!!!!!!!" Pete and Ashley both scream.
"What she make you, Kells? Ashley asks while grabbing a laughing Luna for a tight hug.
"Yeah, she makes the best presents..." Pete chimes in, waiting his turn to hug and greet his friend.
"DUDES. Check this shit out." Colson says. Picking up the canvas and displaying it proudly in front of him.
"Damn, Loons!! You really out did yourself with this one!" exclaims Ashley. "How'd you do the lights???"
Luna beams. "Thanks, Ash. I just cut the canvas and ran a little watch battery powered strand of lights around the inside of the frame to put behind the negatives. It really wasn't that hard."
"It's fucking bad ass art is what it is. Thank you again." Colson says leaning in to kiss her directly in front of their friends. Luna blushes when she catches Ashley's eye afterwards. Ashley smiles back, happy for her friend.
"NOW WHO'S READY TO GET THIS FUCKING NIGHT STARTED!!!!" Colson yells as he carefully puts his gift back into its case. "Yo, Bro" he says turning to Pete. "You mind running this up to my room so it doesn't get fucked up? Thanks, Man." He finishes as Pete agrees and takes the case.
Colson turns to Luna. "You are something else, aren't you?" He half asks, half declares to her, while holding her face with both of his huge hands. She smiles as he slides his warm tongue back into her willing mouth.
"I could kiss her all night." He thinks.
Pete interrupts them when he returns. Colson kisses Luna hard before breaking away and declaring "AND WE OUT!!". He grabs Luna's hand tightly and leads her into the night.
At TAO everyone is laughing, eating and drinking. Luna is set between Colson and Ashley. Across from Pete and Rook, whom she just met but immediately decides she likes when he brings his drumsticks to dinner.
"Why do they call you That Brooklyn Bitch?" Rook asks.
Pete laughs "Because Loons over here is the ultimate underground scene queen. She knows you're hot before YOU know you're hot. Plus, her grandparents are Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe. AND, she'll fuck you up, no questions asked. You don't get anymore Brooklyn than that." Pete continues laughing.
Luna rolls her eyes and smiles. "Thanks, Bud. You describe me so well. Fuck that I'm an artist. I make people cooool" Luna smiles, giving Pete the finger. "And of course you just gotta fit my lineage in there, hunh? Fucking Ass." She says laughing, throwing a peice of bread at him. "No," she continues, still smiling, turning to look at Rook. "I've had that nickname since I was a kid. It started because I was never afraid to throw down. No matter where you or I are. If you are my friend and there is a problem, you can count on that bitch from Brooklyn to be there."
"TRUTH!!" Shouts Ashley next to her. The girls laugh, as Ashley raises her glass to Luna's, cheersing all the shit they have experienced together through out the years.
Luna turns back to Rook "Ultimately it morphed and took on a life of it's own. I eventually began using it as my pen name when I first started putting my work out because I wanted to succeed on my merit, not my name. None of my art... visual, audio, none of it, is signed with my real name. It's all That Brooklyn Bitch."
Rook nods his head in acceptance. "Scraper trying to make it on her own name. I can dig it."
"Hold up. You're Patti Smith's granddaughter. Like THE Patti Smith?" Colson chimes in.
Even though his hand was on her thigh, Luna didn't realize he was listening. "Mhm." She replies.
"That's crazy. I'm reading Just Kids right now. I didn't know they had a kid. I thought he was gay????"
Luna chuckles at his confusion. Smiling she says "Yes, yes he was gay. But yes, they did have a baby. My mom's not in the book upon my request. They had put her up for adoption and only reconnected when I was young, shortly before she died. That's how I ended up with my Mom-mom's last name. She adopted and raised me afterwards."
"Damn Babe, I'm sorry." Colson says putting his arm around her shoulder.
"No need, I'm ok.... As long as you don't ever call me Babe again, you're much more creative than that." She says with a smirk, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.
"Word. We'll come up with something special." He says with a smile kissing her on the lips. "You ready to party?" he asks as he stands up lifting one of the dozens of shots of Patron that have magically appeared on the table. "To a great night. Great friends, and to an upcoming great year!! Let's get FUCKED up! The only thing I wanna remember from tonight..." he continues, looking down at Luna "is that tonight was the night I finally met Luna Smith, That Brooklyn Fucking Bitch!!!"
Laughing everyone cheers and slams the celebratory shot.
To be continued.... Because after dinner is the ride to the birthday party and after the birthday party is the after party.... And exactly what is up with The Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat????
🎉😈 🎉
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 39)
"Murder Motel"
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The flight to Rockingham, NC on Thursday evening was smooth. There was a problem with the booking of their rooms though and they all ended up at some creepy motel called the Sunrise Inn.
Colson's complaining about the room as Luna laughs, pulling things out of her bag. She lights a few candles, throws scarves over the lamp shades and a soft blanket onto the bed. She cracks him a beer. Taking it from her, he notices how she's changed the ambiance of the room. Cracking her own beer, she stands on the bed, pulling him to her by his shirt. "C'mon Bunny, Murder Motel's not too bad."
"Murder Motel?" He laughs as she clinks her beer against his before kissing him deeply.
"She's Fucking amazing." He muses, kissing her back happily.
"Where's your guitar?" I wanna show you something." She kisses him long on the lips before jumping off the bed. Colson always has an acoustic with him. She finds it easily.
He sits on the bed with her while she tunes it. Facing each other, legs crossed Indian style. She smiles at him when she looks up. "Alright, it's just something I'm fucking around with, I'm pretty sure it's a chorus to something, if anything." She says suddenly shy. He watches her cheeks flush as he swigs his beer and she begins to strum.
🎶He said//Kitten I think//You should leave//Come to California be//A freak//Like me// Too//Screw your anonymity//Loving me//Is all you need//To feel//What we do🎶
🎶We can//Slow dance//To rock music//Kiss//While we do it//Talk//Till we both turn//Blue🎶
Colson feels his dick harden as her voice slides over the lyrics. "She's singing about the night we met."
🎶He said Kitten//I think you should leave//Come back//To California//To me//Be a freak//Like you're//Meant too🎶
She giggles as she finishes. What do you think?" She asks reaching for a joint. He takes the guitar from her.
🎶Moon reflecting//Off your thighs//You're my only Ride or Die🎶 He throws out, playing her melody.
"Ahh!" She shrieks happily, jumping on the bed, hitting the joint.
"Where you think you're going?" He laughs pulling for her. She playfully shrieks again, jumping off the bed. Grabbing her beer. Both laughing, he chases after her, around the room, across the couch, strumming the guitar at her like a playful weapon. Throwing out random lyrics 🎶Smile bright//Eyes//Brillant Blue//I Wanna//Fuck the shit//Outta you🎶
Laughing too hard, she stumbles trying to make it across the bed, where he catches her. Setting the guitar on the floor, he pounces on her, she tries to wiggle away as he pins her down. Kissing her rapidly all over her face and neck. Still laughing, she wraps her legs around his waist, accepting the attack with smiles.
After a minute, he puts both hands on the sides of her face, brushing her hair away. "I missed you." He says lovingly, looking into her eyes.
Smiling, she says "Me too." Throwing her arms around him, kissing him passionately. Passion quickly turns to hunger as they sloppily kiss each other all over.
Colson doesn't even bother with her shoulder. He rips her plain white T wide open, revealing her perky breasts dressed in a black lace bra.
Luna lips are plump and full for him as he buries his face in her tits. She unhooks her bra for his eager mouth to reach her nipples. He nibbles at their piercings as she pulls at his shirt. He lifts up to take it off as she unbuckles his pants. She slides her jeans and panties off as he kicks his off too.
Biting the scorpion tattoo on her stomach, he moves down, nipping the insides of both of her thighs. He chuckles as she jerks on the bed from his teeth.
He then throws her legs over his shoulders before opening his tongue wide. Running it from the bottom of her pussy to the top. Sliding it in between her folds until he hits her clit. She arches her back, moaning as he swirls his tongue around it, sucking firmly on her pussy. She bucks against his face when he pushes his middle finger inside of her.
"OH FUUUCCCKK, BUNNY!" She cries out. Pulling his head up to her by his hair.
Dick raging, he kisses her body as she drags him up to her mouth. "Who's pussy is it?" He dares her.
"MMMMM...Your pussy." She moans to him as he guides himself inside of her. He pushes in deep. Staying there for a moment, enjoying her body quivering around his cock. "Welcome home, Bunny." She purrs into his ear.
"Oh, KITTEN." He moans. Thrusting hard he pins her right arm above her head, careful but still annoyed by her shoulder. He drags his free thumb across her wet, red stained mouth, she licks it with her tongue, pulling out into her mouth. This makes him throb as her walls clench around him in pleasure, shifting her hips, pushing him harder into her. Both fucking the other, hard, fast and hungry. As he puts his hand around her throat, she bucks fiercely.
"Not yet." He warns her. She can't control herself though, cummimg all over him. Feeling her shake and tight pussy pulsate, he can't either. Exploding before gently collapsing on her. Both breathing hard. They lay together, catching their breath, kissing parts of the others body that their mouth can reach with only slight movement.
Slightly floating off, Colson startles Luna when he pops up suddenly. "Wanna get real weird in Murder Motel?" He asks with a devilish smile.
"Always." She responds amused.
His weird is actually really sweet. He takes the candles into the bathroom and draws a bath. Before climbing in, they both bump two 30s, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, cigarettes and joints.
Sitting across from each other sharing a joint in the tiny tub, she asks him why he wanted to take a bath. "I don't know." He says, feeling the warmth of the perc kick in. "Because it reminded me of being poor and I think that's important." He hits the joint. "Plus, I've never sat in the tub with someone I love before. So, get the fuck over here!"
"You loooove me." She teases. They laugh at each other, slashing water out of the tub as he spins her around, pulling her back into his chest. He brings the joint to her lips as they lay together in the warm water. Bodies tingling from love and drugs.
"So, tell me. Why'd you hit Phem?" He lazily asks her.
Luna's high. Giggling, she puts her hands in her face. "I dont knowwwww." Colson laughs at her, handing her the bottle. "I do, I do." She says after hitting the bottle, still giggling. "I know why... It was her attitude towards Us and the ludicrous thought that you could control me." They laugh together hard. The joints out.
"No one can fucking control you, Looney Tunes." They both can't stop giggling. Both high as fuck.
She perks up. "Oh!" Cranking her neck around to kiss him. "That's a new one. I like it." She tells him as she settles back into his chest. She lights a Newport. "My turn. Why was she hanging on you like that?" She leans back, lifting the cigarette to his mouth.
She feels him take a solid drag from under her. "Honestly... Bad judgment and bad timing." He says exhaling "She had only walked up on me, like, RIGHT before you did. I said something like, 'Can you not.' and went back to my conversation with Dave, thinking she'd catch the hint."
They pass the Newport back and forth until it's out. "Some bitches are like feral cats, Bunny. You gotta shake 'em the fuck of you immediately." He chuckles at her metaphor, knowing she's right.
"I'm sorry." He tells her, kissing her on her neck. She can feel his sincerity flowing from his body.
"I know." She assures him. "We both play different roles in our lives. How we interact with our co-workers and ex-lovers shouldn't be the same as how we do with our fans or each other. You know?"
"I do." He agrees. Kissing her now on her warm cheek.
"Anyone else I should know about?" She asks. Colson hesitates. "All in, Bunny." She reminds him.
"There's a girl Bleta. Before I met you, we'd been fucking around on and off for the last couple of years. She wasn't happy when I texted her the day after my party telling her I was with someone now."
"The DAY after?" She teases him.
"Fuck, yeah. I knew you were mine the moment I kissed you." He says cockily.
She spins to face him. Legs bent along his sides, sitting in his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck and a smile, huge on her face. She asks "Really?"
He touches the Tiffany's necklace he'd given her while looking into her eyes. "Luna, I loved you for 10yrs before I even knew your name." He pulls her into him for a deep meaningful kiss. The kiss moves to each other's faces and necks. Touches amplified by a million from the 30s. Sucking and kissing on one another. She feels her body rush and heat up as his dick grows under her. Moving her arms from around him, she lifts herself up and works him into her slowly, shifting her body and hips. Once in, she rides him steady to his pleasure. Kissing, whispering, giggling and cumming with each other as they lose most of their water in the tub at the Murder Motel.
To be continued......
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