#you know my biggest concern with travelling to those places by myself is the language problem they dont be speaking english over there ahfj
navramanan · 2 years
I have said this before several times but i miss andalucia man
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
Should Hiro Mashima die?
My answer is no. 
Though, this isn't about actually killing Hiro Mashima. Kinda got you with the title, though, huh? (This was originally going to be titled “Is Hiro Mashima dead?” and released on his birthday. You’re welcome.)
This post is about a widely debated topic of analysis known as the "death of the author." I've talked about this a few different times in passing in a few posts over the years. You could argue that this belongs in my series rewriting Fairy Tail and I considered placing it there. However, I feel that it's better that I keep this detached from that series. This topic concerns criticism of any series. Naturally, being a Fairy Tail blog, I plan on engaging this with the context of Fairy Tail's author being dead or not, hence the title. Still, this is helpful to think about for analysis of plenty of other series.
Again, though, my answer is still no.
Let's start with the origin of this term. The term comes from an essay by Roland Barthes called "La mort de l'auteur". Use your best guess as to what that translates to. I highly encourage you to read the essay as it's pretty short. It's about six or seven pages, depending on the version. There are three main points to his essay.
Creative works are products of the culture they come from and less original than people expect. 
The idea of the author as the sole creator and authority of creative works is fairly modern. 
The author's interpretation of a work shouldn't be considered the main or only interpretation of a work.
Of these three points, I'm sure you recognize the last point. But first, I want to talk about the other points. I believe it is important to understand the arguments being made as a whole.
The first point should be fairly uncontroversial. The vast majority of creative works use established language, tropes, and elements to create a new thing. I wouldn't go as far as Barthes does in this regard. Not to mention, this is somewhat weird to know considering his third point. However, I agree that creative works should be considered products of the culture and genre they come from.
The second point is a bit trickier for me. To be clear, the point is true. You only have to look at various cultural mythologies as an example. There isn't a single version of the Greek myths. There are several versions and interpretations of the various stories and myths. 
Even recent popular fictional characters have had several different interpretations. This is especially true with comics. There have been multiple different Batman interpretations, Spiderman runs, and X-Men teams that fans love. Fans even love and appreciate numerous forms of established characters like Frankenstein's monster and Sherlock Holmes. So, as a consumer and critic of art, I can understand this.
My problem is as a creator of art. I understand this being contentious when it comes to something like religious myths. But, if I create something, I want to get the credit for it. I want people to love my music or writing. But I also want people to recognize me for my skill in crafting it.
This is true even if you hold to the first point Barthes made.  Even if you believe that no art is truly unique, isn't the skill of synthesizing the various tropes and influences around a person worthy of credit in and of itself?
Then again, I am not without bias in this. Barthes says that the modern interpretation of the author is a product of the Protestant Reformation. As a Protestant myself, I get that my background plays no part in my view of this. Barthes also blames English empiricism and French rationalism, but personal faith is the biggest influence on me that Barthes lists.
That being said, there's also something Barthes completely misses in his essay. In the past, stories were passed down by oral tradition. As the stories were passed down from generation to generation, they slowly evolved and became what they are known today. Scholars today can gather a general consensus of what a story was meant to be and some traditions were more faithful about passing traditions down than others. However, you can't always tell the original author of a mythological story the same way we know who gave us stuff like the Quran or the Bible. 
As time passed, stories were written down. With this, it was easy to share single versions of a story and identify its creator. We know who made certain writing of works even before the 1500s. For example, we have the Travels of Marco Polo and Dante's Inferno and know their authors. We could tell the authors of works were before the Protestant Reformation. 
By the way, the Reformation happened to coincide with one of the most important inventions in human history: the printing press. Now you can easily make copies of an individual's works and you don't have to rely on word of mouth to share stories.
I can't stress how important an omission this is. The printing press changed the way we interact with media as a whole and might be the most important invention on this side of the wheel. And yet Barthes doesn't even mention as even a potential factor in "the modern concept of the author"? In his essay about understanding written media? That’s like ignoring Jim Crow in your essay about Birth of a Nation bringing back the KKK.
Now, we get to the final point. The author's original intentions of their works are not the main interpretation. This is understood as being the case after they create the series. Once the work is written and sent into the public, they cease to be an authority on it.
It's worth recognizing how this flows from the other two points. Barthes argued that works of fiction are products of their culture and our current understanding of an author is fairly modern. Therefore, the interpretation of the reader is just as valuable as that of the author. As Barthes himself wrote, "the birth of the reader must be at cost of the death of the author." 
At best, this means that a reader can come away with an interpretation of a work that isn't the one intended. With Fairy Tail, my mind goes to the final moments of the Grand Magic Games. My view of Gray's line "I've got to smile for her sake" has to do with romantic feelings for Ultear. I don't know of a single person who agrees with this. Mashima certainly hasn't come out and affirmed this as the right view.
It's good to recognize that a work can have more meanings behind it than the ones intended by its creator. Part of the performing process is coming to a personal interpretation of a work. In many cases, two different performances will have different interpretations of the same work, neither of which went through the creator's mind. At the same time, both work and are valid.
That being said, there is an obvious problem with this: readers are idiots. Not all readers are necessarily idiots. But enough of them are idiots. The views of idiots should have as much weight as that of the creator. Full stop. Frankly, I maintain that idiots are the worst possible sources to gauge anything of note. (At the very least, policy decisions.)
I know this as a reader who has not been alone in misunderstanding a work. I know this as an analyst who has had to sift through all kinds of cold takes on Fairy Tail. (Takes that are proven wrong simply by going through it a second time. Or a first.) And I definitely know this as a creator who has to see people butcher my works through nonsensical "interpretations."
At the same time, the argument Barthes made comes with an important caveat. He also argued that works are the products of the culture and surroundings of the author. Barthes isn’t making the argument that author’s arguments don’t matter.
As far as I can tell, Barthes doesn't take this to mean that those influences are worth analyzing. Doing so would be giving life to the author. However, there should be some recognition that a creative work didn't come to exist out of nowhere. There's a sense in which Fairy Tail didn't just wash up on the shore chapter by chapter or episode by episode. It came to be as part of the culture it came from.
Now, you'll never guess what happened. Over the years, the concept of "death of the author" lost its original intent. Nowadays, people usually only care about the third point. "Death of the author" is only brought up to dismiss "word of God" explanations of work, after its release. I'd venture to guess that most people using the term casually don't know anything about its roots. I honestly don't know how Barthes would feel about this.
I can understand what might fuel this view. A writer should do their best to write their intended meanings in a work. It would be wrong of a writer to make up for their poor writing after the fact. I don't love Mashima's "Lucy's dreams" explanation for omakes. I know Harry Potter fans don't love the stuff J.K. Rowling has said over the years.
At the same time, my (admittedly Protestant) understanding of "word of God" and "canon" is that they have the same authority. After all, the canon IS the word of God. It is a small section of what God has said, but it isn't less than that.
Of course, it's worth recognizing that nearly every writer we're talking about isn't even remotely divinely inspired or incapable of contradiction. This understanding should cut two ways. An author should never contradict their work in talking about it. Write what you want and make clear what you want to. On the other hand, writers can't fit everything they want to in a work. I'll get to this soon, but their interpretation should be treated with some value.
By the way, people will do this while throwing out the other arguments made by Barthes in the same essay. People will outright ignore the culture and context that a work comes from in order to justify their views. Creators are worshiped and praised for their works or seen as the sole problem for the bad views on works.
What worries me most about this modern interpretation of "the death of the author" is its use in fan analysis. People seem to outright not care about the author's intent in writing a story. They only care about their own interpretation of the work. Worse still, people will insist that any explanation an author gives is them covering up their mistakes. Naturally, this often leads to negative views of the work in question.
This is just something I'll never fully understand. It's one thing if you don't like something. If you don't get why something happened, shouldn't your first move be to figure out what the author was thinking? Instead, people move to the idea that it makes no sense and the writer's a hack.
If all of this seems too heady, let's try to bring this down to earth. Should Hiro Mashima die so that his readers can be born?
Hiro Mashima is one of many mangakas who were influenced by Akira and Dragon Ball. He considers J.R.R. Tolkien to be one of his favorite writers. Monster Hunter is one of his favorite game series. He's even written a manga series with the world in mind. 
It would make sense to look at Fairy Tail purely through this lens. You could see Fairy Tail as a shonen action guild story. Rather than seeing the guild as a hub for its members, Fairy Tail's members treat those within it as family. Rather than focusing on one overarching quest, the story is about how various smaller quests relating to its main characters threaten their guild. Adopting this view wouldn't necessarily be an incorrect way to engage with the series. (Mind you, I haven’t seen this view shared by many people who “kill Mashima”.)
Though, there's more to Fairy Tail than the various tropes that make it up. If you were to divorce Fairy Tail entirely from its creator, you'd miss out on understanding them. There are ways Mashima has written bits of himself into the series. Things that go farther than Rave Master cameos and references.
My favorite example is motion sickness. I often think back to Craftsdwarf mocking motion sickness as a useless quirk Dragon Slayers have. It turns out that its origin comes from his personal life. Apparently, one of his friends gets motion sickness. He decided to write this as part of his world.
This gets to the biggest reason I don't love "death of the author" as a framework for analysis. I believe the biggest question analysts should answer is why. Why did an author make certain decisions? You can't do this kind of thing well if you shut out the author's interpretation of their own work. Maybe that can work for some things, but not everything.
I've had tons of fun going through Fairy Tail and talking about it over the past seven years. More recently, I've been going through the series with the intent to rewrite the series. I've made it clear multiple times in that series that I'm trying to understand and explain Mashima's decisions in the series. I don't always agree with what I find. However, trying to understand what happened in Fairy Tail is very important to me.
It's gotten to the point that I love interacting with Mashima's writing. I talk about EZ on my main blog. I can't tell you how much fun I've been having. I'll see things and go "man, that's so Mashima" or "wow, I didn't expect that from him." HERO'S was one of my favorite things of last year and I regularly revisit it for fun. It's the simplest microcosm of what makes each series which Mashima has made both similar and distinct.
Barthes was on to something with his essay. I think there should be a sense where people should feel that their views of the media they consume are valid. This should be true even if we disagree with the author's views on the series. But I don't know that the solution is to treat the author's word on their own work as irrelevant.
There's a sense where I think we should mesh the understandings of media engagement. We recognize that Mashima wrote Fairy Tail. There are reasons that he wrote the series as we got it and they're worth knowing and understanding. However, our own interpretation of the series doesn't have to be exactly what Mashima intended. We can even disagree with how Mashima did things. 
I know fans who do this all the time. They love whatever series they follow, but wish things happened differently. Fans of Your Lie in April will joke about [situation redacted] as well as write stories where it never happens. You love a series, warts and all, but wish for the series to get cosmetic surgery, or take matters into your own hands.
And who knows? It's not as if fans haven't affected an author's writing of a series. Mashima's the perfect example. I've said this a few times before, but Fairy Tail has gone well past its original end at Phantom Lord (or Daphne for the anime fans). Levy rose to importance as fans wanted to see more of her.
Could Mashima have done that if we killed him?
Before the conclusion, I should mention another way “death of the author“ comes up. People will invoke “death of the author“ to encourage people to enjoy works they love made by messed up people. Given everything we’ve said up to this point, that’s obviously not what should be intended by its use. For now, though, I do think that we can admit that we like the works of someone even if we don’t agree with everything they did as a person. (Another rant for another day.)
In Conclusion:
“Death of the Author” is an imperfect concept, but it’s not without its points. I don’t think we should throw out the author’s intent behind a work. However, we should be able to have our disagreements with the author’s views without killing them.
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
One piece matchup for @basilisa-scorpii / @some-piece​ 
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I’m 25 cis woman. Bisexual, however, I tend to lean more towards men or more “masculine” women, when it comes to physical attraction. I’m a tall gal (180cm/5’11) and on the chubby side of the scale, especially when it comes to boobs (I’m outranking OP girls, I’m afraid, rip my back xD), apple body shape, long legs. Dark, almost black, wavy hair, dark eyes, olive-ish complexion. Pierced girl here: 3 in left ear, one in right and a labret; totally planning more as well as tattoos. Rather tomboyish with a huge love for punk style, I like wearing black clothes and “break” them with something warm and vivid, like yellow or red.
ISTJ and Capricorn. Extremely introverted. Shy and reserved towards “stranger danger”, but I like people in general and I like company, as long as I’m having a safe distance and the “people time” is balanced with solitude. I have a huge tendency to be gloomy, can come across as rude and insensitive to people who don’t know me well, since I don’t really care about social boundaries, I’m sarcastic and have quite a morbid sense of humor. I am horribly hot-headed, but I do my best to tame it, so I rarely explode… But when I do, then it is indeed an explosion. Around the right people, I tend to get softer (aka the face people usually see on my blogs, doing my best to not be a bitch lmao) and more chaotic. Once I become close to someone, I am loyal to death and kind of overprotective. I’m not really affectionate and can’t express emotions well, my love language is an act of service. Biggest flaws: stubborn af, clumsy, oblivious, over-cautious, control freak, workaholic.
I love reading (sci-fi, fantasy, thriller, crime stories, magical realism, comics), travelling, history and archeology (ancient and medieval Europe), ornithology, stargazing and astrophysics, mythologies and folklore, cooking, writing, Greek history, language and culture. 
I also like: wandering around early in the morning/at night, reading on a windowsill, visiting random places in my city and around, rainy summer days and storms, birds, cloudless nights, dark chocolate, when someone plays with my hair, freedom of choice, meditating, good hot tea, hiking, sitting in water (hooot baths!), tattoos, piercing and body art, liquor, atmospheric bars with good music, good beer and good, small company.
I hate: crowd, clingy and noisy people, being told what to do and when, covering my neck and chest, being touched without asking for permission first, hot and sunny weather, losing control over situations or myself, cruelty against animals, kids and weaker people; bigotry, judgemental people, injustice, symmetrism, sterility, overly spicy food.
Any additional info you would like to share, fun facts, etc.
I’m neurodivergent (autistic and I suspect I might have ADHD in addition, though it both can go together and shares some similarities so who knows).
Used to be very sport oriented (trained basketball and for short time fencing) but because of health issues I can’t do that anymore. I do like being active whenever my mental and physical states allow me to (I just love yoga cause I can flex how flexible I am lmao)... But I need to be watched cause die hard or do nothing and I end in even worse condition, so yeah, someone with one more brain cell than me is needed around xD
I have a very high tolerance for toxic substances, such as alcohol, drugs, lots of meds… And luckily very good pain tolerance, cause most painkillers don’t work on me and whoa boy.
(No wonder I hate dentists with passion.)
I get along better with people who are straightforward and honest, even if sometimes they might tell me something I do not wish to hear. I will sniff bullshit out on a mile and if someone lies to me once, it’s over. And on top of that, I just don’t get hints, implications, allusions. Also, since I absorb emotions like a sponge, people who act too dramatically quickly overwhelm me, either it’s negative or positive emotions. 
I’d be the definition of a slowborn protagonist… Because it’d take me ages to realize someone has a crush on me and even longer to open enough to accept them lmao I’m a horrible, hopeless case.
I match you with... 
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Trafalgar Law!
Bas. I kid you not. I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out if your match should’ve been Law or Zoro. Went down my list as usual, ended up with those two anyway. And here I wanted to surprise you ☹ Anyway, here’s why I picked Law:
Law is very calm, levelheaded and in general, not noisy at all. He’s a balanced person who generally won’t overwhelm you with his own feelings and emotions. He’s straightforward with his words and actions, because who has time (or energy) for beating around the bush? When Law says something, he means it. What also makes him a good match for you is that he is very calm, even in emotional situations, so he can step in before you explode.
A relationship with Law is very much drama-free. He’s a doctor, a captain and an insomniac gremlin, he doesn’t have the time nor energy for fights. You’re both adults, and problems will be handled as adults, by talking. Law won’t raise his voice unless you do so first and even then, it’ll take a while. In the rare case a fight escalates, he'll just walk away and wait for the situation to cool down.
Law is very patient with you. He’s not a person who will quickly get attached. Once he falls in love with someone, it’s unconditional. If you’re in disbelief he’ll show you through his words and actions that he’s serious. If you can’t accept it, he’ll wait until you can. He’ll give you all the time and space you need. Be prepared for some teasing about that way later in the relationship when you’re both comfortable with it though.
Law shares in your dislike of crowds, so dates will usually be something away from them, or something where you can easily get away from should it be overwhelming. Much like you, he too has times where he needs to recharge from social interactions by having some alone time, and he will never judge you or guilt you for needing some time for yourself.
Let’s not forget Law is a doctor. He understands your health, both physical and even to a degree mental, and will help you where needed, mostly by telling you not to push yourself and stopping you when you’re doing so anyway. He’s concerned about you but not in an overbearing way, trusting you to know what your limits are. Be prepared for a little nagging when you do know better but do things anyway.
Law’s love languages are quality time and acts of service, preferring to show this feelings for you through actions rather than through words or physical affection. He's happy you're not too clingy either, though that doesn't mean some affection isn't needed from time to time.
In general, Law will always respect your independence and even encourage you to do things with people beside him. He knows he's very busy and sometimes won't have enough time for you, so he wants you to have other people as well that you can enjoy yourself with. He doesn't easily get jealous either, though he is curious about your friends, wanting to meet them at least once, if only so he knows who you're talking about when you tell him about your day.
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astoldbycrimson · 5 years
The Language of Love & Longing
Summary: Reader is a blind force sensitive Dathomirian (and kinda maybe a jedi). You don't know where you stand with Din Djarin, but another injury gives you the answer you need.
Just a heads up that I made up many parts of the reader's native language, Paecian, because we have only been given 2 words. So I took it upon myself to make stuff up as I go. And the reader is in place of my own character from this series I am writing. Feel free to ask questions if you want backstory. There is a lot of backstory missing from this.
Pairing: Mando/Din Djarin x Reader
Warnings: Violence, injuries, near death experiences, angst, and some fluff
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4.5
Din was a man of action and little words. While his face was hidden beneath his helmet, his body language gave away his expressions. His tone, even with the modulator, conveyed his emotions. There was a way to read the mysterious Mandalorian and you felt you could decipher his code with ease now.
The hunter cared for you, that was obvious in the way he spoke a little softer and relaxed in your presence. In the way he always kept an eye on you while you were on solid ground, guiding you cautiously without giving your weakness away. How he worried about you during fights, sometimes a little more than necessary for what was once traveling companions.
You noticed how he'd tried to keep the ship tidy and in the way you had memorized it, to prevent you from stumbling or stubbing your foot. How there was a place for everything and everything was always in its place, so you could find exactly what you needed whenever you needed it. 
Many of his acquaintances didn't give him enough credit, condemning him to be just another arrogant, disinterested hunter. While he was that way towards most others, he was quite soft and lively with you.
You constantly wondered where you stood with the Mandalorian. Were you together? Just close friends? Your answer changed daily because you honestly didn't know. Without Din explicitly stating how he felt, you'd never know for sure.
However, you did know that you were head over heels and in over your head. Fallen hard from where you had started. He had grown attentive to your needs, both biological and emotional. Din always made sure you had enough food to prepare a meal or two a day. Always ensuring you had access to clean water and a shower when you needed it. And all this just made you love him more.
As confident as you were in your own feelings, you shied from confronting him about it. You didn't want to make the situation awkward or uncomfortable to point that he'd have to ditch you at the next stop to avoid it all.
It wasn't until this last bounty that you finally started to piece things together.
The gunman had an advantage and was ready to strike, but you jumped in the way, taking several shots to the back and shoulder as your body shielded him from the assault. Then, without collapsing, you had called upon your saber and swiftly relieved the gunman of his head. And, high on adrenaline, you managed to headshot each of the lackeys with your blaster.
Once all enemies were accounted for, you turned to face Din, who was back on his feet. You raised a shaky hand to touch the side of his helmet. "I'm glad you're okay… mulovda." Then your eyes closed as you fell forward, right into his arms.
You heard him frantically call your name as you drifted into unconscious. You slipped in and out for a while after that, hearing bits and pieces of what your Mandalorian was saying as he rushed you back to the ship. 
"Kriff, (Y/N). Stay with me—open your eyes. Kriff. (Y/N), hold on. Almost there. You—me now… You're all—left… Kriff. KRIFF. (Y/N), cyar'ika, please, I—you."
It was a while before you finally regained consciousness. You laid still a moment as you felt the familiar rumble of the Razor Crest and the comforting presence of Din. You tried to sit up, eyes fluttering open, before you hissed in pain.
"Jyunta," you cursed, laying back down.
Din was by your side in an instant. "Careful, (Y/N). Just… stay there. Don't move just yet." There was obvious concern in his voice, as best as the modulator could manage, as his hand brushed your arm. "How're you feeling?" 
"Like a herd of mudhorn ran me over, but I'll manage," you tried to laugh, but it hurt too much.
"Stop doing that!" He said with a little more force than was needed, than he intended, moving to pace around you.
"What? I can't crack jokes?" 
Din took in a sharp breath before stopping to give you what you could only imagine was a glare. "Stop… making light of this."
"I'm wounded, not dead, Guns. It's not that big of a deal." You rolled your eyes at him.
You heard the hitch in his breath before a gloved hand collide with the wall beside you. "Haar'chak! Can you be serious about this for 5 seconds, (Y/N)? You could've died!"
You jumped at the sound. You hadn't seen Din like this... well, ever. Never heard him filled with so much anger. The sudden jolt of your body had elicited a groan of pain as your injuries made themselves known once more.
And with that he was back at your side, kneeling to check on you. "Kriff," he huffed, "I'm sorry, I…" He couldn't find the right words to say. 
After a moment of tense silence, you finally opened your mouth. "I'm very aware of what could've happened, but that will never change how I handle things. I'm not gonna let you die, Din." You closed your eyes and turned your head away from him. "I won't apologize for what I did either." 
Of course he didn't expect you to. You were as stubborn as you were strong. You had made a habit of protecting him. It was how you two came to be. But he didn't like you repeatedly putting yourself in danger either. Not for his sake. He didn't deserve that kindness. You didn't owe him your life…
But why was he so upset by all this? How could one woman boil his blood so much? And why did his heart stop every time you got hurt? Why did it beat so loudly when you smiled or laughed? Din couldn't comprehend how one person could have so much power over him. He had so many questions and so little answers.
"Moo...luvduh…?" He finally broke the silence. Din knew he was butchering the language of your people, but he needed to know. 
This made your head snap back in his direction, eyes wide with curiosity. "Are you trying to say 'mulovda'?"
"You said that before you blacked out. What does it mean?" 
You silenced immediately as your cheeks flushed. You didn't recall saying that at all. And knowing he remembered it made your heart pound. Your mind was racing, trying to decide if you should be honest with him or lie to hide it all. He'd have no way of knowing the real translation or if you were lying. You could easily make something up to cover your little slip up.
But, as much as you feared saying it aloud and knowing the implications, you didn't want to lie to him. Or rather, you couldn't. "It means… 'my love'…" you replied, voice barely a whisper as you looked away, cheeks flushing even redder than before.
Din remained quiet. He had thought it meant something like that, well, maybe he hoped it did. That maybe you cared for him that deeply. And as you had laid dying in his arms, he had voiced his own response. He couldn't deny his feelings any longer then, knowing that you may die on him… because you had protected him like his family had many many cycles ago.
You had always found the good in him. Despite all the bad he did as a bounty hunter, all the death and blood, you always saw him. The quiet, honest type. The armor clad hunter with a surprisingly soft heart. A man who'd been broken and was just trying to live despite it all. You saw all the parts of him that he had carefully hidden beneath the reflective metal of his armor. 
Part of him worried about your words and the weight behind them. You were practically saying you loved him. Love meant closeness. Attachment. Vulnerability. Weakness. Those who wanted his life would mercilessly use you as a means to get to him. You would become his biggest weakness. Your love for him could ultimately be the death of you. Could he handle the weight of that? And if he couldn't… would he really be able to let you go?
"What does 'cyar'ika' mean?" You whispered, slowly turning back towards him after having endured minutes of deafening silence.
Din's cheeks flushed and his breath caught in his throat upon hearing that word. His heart hammered against his ribs at your perfect pronunciation. Like you'd been speaking his language your whole life. And despite having been gravely wounded, practically dying in his arms, you had managed to hear that single word and remembered it. Kriff. Maybe it was a sign from the Maker... 
He opened and closed his mouth many times, eyes darting between you and his hands. "...Basically… it means...it's the Mando'a equivalent to… mulovda." 
Your blind eyes widened and your cheeks glowed brighter than a newborn star. You raised a hand to touch the cold steel of his helmet, smile tugging at the edges of your tired face. "I like it. The way you say it... Can you call me that again?"
He felt as though someone had shot him straight through the chest. Like he was suddenly exposed to the entire world, without his helmet or armor to hide behind. The thought was utterly terrifying, but Din couldn't stop his hand from moving to cup yours. "Cyar'ika."
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stylesnews · 5 years
Harry in Conversation with Steve Lacy for Man About Town Magazine
Steve Lacy is a rare creative talent. Having been nominated for a Grammy in his teens for his work with his genre-defying band The Internet, and on the back of a critical acclaimed album — Apollo XXI — this year, the young star takes time out of his tour to chat with Harry Styles.
HS: Hey Steve!
SL: What’s up, Harry?
HS: I’m good, man. How are you?
SL: I’m good. I’m in bed, in my tour bus.
HS: [Laughs] Oh, yeah? Where are you on the way to?
SL: We’re our way to Boston.
HS: I like Boston! Boston’s like, not trying to be… it’s just… Boston. And it’s great. How’s your tour been so far?
SL: It’s been really good. It’s a big learning experience I guess, doing it by myself. But it’s been sick.
HS: What do you find is the biggest difference for you? I mean obviously being on stage by yourself, or the touring part? Travelling, the off-time…
SL: I think it’s probably just as easy, because as far as travelling and everything, we have the same team. I have the same tour manager and the same techs, so that’s easy. And then being on my stage is super easy, because I didn’t find another band — it’s just a DJ and me. So I kind of treat it like a rapper, who plays an instrument and sings melodies to people. Because I really want it to be as easy as possible, or else I’m just going to cancel. I really didn’t want to leave my house after I came back from the other tour with The Internet [laughs], so my tour had to be at ease for me to leave!
HS: What do you usually do between shows and stuff?
SL: I’m usually sleeping. Or I’m walking around. Like yesterday, I walked around a little bit, and I shopped. I ran into this guy that was a fan — this Korean dude — and I ended up getting food with him [laughs]. Then we went to Balenciaga and played dress up for like an hour. My days off are pretty spontaneous! I might make some music; I write. But yeah, it’s pretty cool to hang out with everyone.
HS: [Laughing] How was the dress up?
SL: It was good! I always throw on at least 8-10 looks in there. Throw on some dresses...it’s real nice.
HS: How do you find you relationship between fashion and music? Do you feel like one usually influences the other, or do you feel like they both end up influencing each other? And how much do you find it to be an important part of performing and being on stage, and being in music in general?
SL: I feel like they flow from the same river. They come from the same place of self-expression. I’ve always admired style, so, yeah, I think I appreciate it just as much. I don’t know if one inspires me more than the other, but I think they come from the same place. They kind of just mesh. But it’s definitely important for me to appear a certain way to perform. I don’t know, I just like to feel… I guess like characters. So I like to separate the stage presence from the person off stage. It’s like a little mind game I play with myself. But it makes me feel more like a... star.
HS: You put your suit on and do your thing, right?
SL: Exactly. And then take it off. I love it. I think it’s good to separate the two.
HS: Yeah, totally. Like Prince. How much are you inspired by him with fashion, with music; does he play a big part? Is it seeing people like him do stuff like that that’s played a part in it, do you think?
SL: I think a little bit, yeah. He inspired me more musically than fashion-wise, I think. He did have a couple of fashion looks that I liked and am yet to explore. But it was a look he did for… do you know the Dirty Mind Tour? Have you ever seen the concert clips from that?
HS: Yeah!
SL: Well he had like, this thong/panty thing. With these long socks that go up to his thigh, like right under where his panties were. With these boots. And a trench-coat. That’s a look I’ve yet to explore, but I’m definitely inspired by that one. And the music inspired me after he died, actually. I didn’t grow up listening to him. But the guy who taught me how to play guitar, some years back — I guess right after Prince died — he asked me [if I] was listening to Prince. And I was like: ‘’No, not really.’’ He was just one of those people that knew was a legend, but I didn’t question why, or try to figure out why. I was just like: ‘’Yeah. He’s a legend’’ [laughs]. He told me to listen to the first album. And then, from there I was like: ‘’Oh shit. Yeah.’’ He just made sense to me, and a lot of things connected. Because, you know, he was a Gemini man, who produced everything, worked on [his first demo] when he was like 15 or 16, something like that. It came out when he 19. So, yeah. It was special to me when I found it.
HS: Growing up, were your family musical, or was it something that you found on your own? When did you realise, “Oh, I want to do that”?
SL: I was kind of desensitized to music from my family. My family sings; I guess I should start there. My whole family sings, from my grandma, to my cousins, to my aunt, to my... you know. Everything. We all sing. So, I didn’t really have thought of creating, it was just like: “Oh yeah, Music is cool, everyone sings. Cool.” I didn’t really get inspired to start making it until I saw people making music, and that was when I was 15 or 16. When I met the band. That’s when I saw music happening, and I though, “Oh cool, I think I can do this”.
HS: You were still in high school when you were nominated for a Grammy. How was it to go back to school and be like: “Sup, I’m kind of doing this now, and I’m, like, good at it”, you know?
SL: [Laughing] It was sick. I was really low key though. I didn’t want people to think I was some celebrity kid, because I didn’t want people to treat me weird. So I just told my closest friend and my teachers. But I didn’t, like, run around school yelling “Hey everybody! I’ve been nominated!”, because I was still in school, you know? Like, no-one really cares. But it was definitely cool. Well I guess not even ‘cool’ is the word, it was... What’s the word I’m looking for... I guess super assuring that I was in the right place, essentially.
HS: With The Internet, the’d obviously put out a couple albums before you joined them. Were you a big fan of them before, or was it just something that you ended up finding yourself being a part of?
SL: I just found myself a part of them. I didn’t hear anything about them, before I joined. They were just complete strangers to me — which is pretty cool. I got to see them as people first, so it was really nice, you know? Just feeling that personal connection, and then making my own way into the music somehow.
HS: Nice. I want to talk about ‘Apollo XXI’, I’m sure you do as well. It’s such a blend of so many things: there’s R&B, and hip-hop, and lots of other stuff. How do you think genre really holds up now, compared to solidly things used to be labelled before? Do you think we’re getting to a time where it’s becoming redundant, and more just 'good music’ and 'bad music’? Because I know a lot of the time, especially with newer stuff, when people are asking me what kind of music I make, I don’t necessarily know how to call it. Do you think the times of ‘you’re this, you’re that’ are going, or do you think it’s still very much the same?
SL: Yeah, I think it’s definitely getting redundant as far as the artist is concerned. I think genre is put there to make the music like a business plan. And that’s the part that I hate about it, and why I might not put out another album for a long time, until it’s figured out. Because I hate looking at music and thinking about songs like a fucking iPhone 5 that I have to sell. And then I have another version, the 5s coming out next week, with a different feature, that’s gonna project ‘this many’ sales. I really hate looking at music like that man, so I’ll be happy when it’s figured out. I guess at the end of the day it is a business that I signed up for, but I think when art and business collide, it’s this weird mushy language that you have to, kind of, dance between. So, yeah, I guess I’m still figuring out what to call it to this day. It was definitely a big learning experience releasing my first album. For me, I put ‘Pop’ on it, because albums like the James Brown shit and the Prince shit — those were all ‘Pop’, right? And the had all types of shit on there. So I did that, because I didn’t see it as being anything else. However, what’s considered ‘Pop’ these days, is far from what my album was, you know? It’s super... I guess I can call it white. If you’re black you’re in, like, R&B, or ‘Urban Contemporary’. You’re not ‘Pop’. So, I kind of wanted to challenge artist and no-one gives a fuck. [Laughs] But, still.
HS: No, they do. I think the waves have changed, coming from people who are just doing it differently. I don’t think that’s necessarily defined on the side of the artist. People like you end up influencing people who love you, and who realise “Oh I want to make shit that sounds like that”. I think it makes a bigger impact than you maybe think it does. With the album, there’s so much of you in it; you’re pouring so much of yourself into it. Is there any point to even making music for you if you’re not just being honest, writing the truth, and being vulnerable and stuff? I know for me, there’s not really anything that appeals to me about just writing songs, just to have them be ‘good’ songs. I need them to mean something to me, you know? SL: Right, one hundred percent.
HS: From the album, I’m assuming you feel the same way? It’s so personal…
SL: Oh yeah, oh yeah. it’s been cool for me, to see it, because I don’t look for acclaim. So when people ask me how the album’s doing, I’m like “I don’t know”; I’ve got to see people react to it for me to know. But the tour’s been showing me that it’s been doing what it’s supposed to be.
HS: You put [architect and designer] Verner Panton’s Living Tower as the cover… What was it that made you go: “I want this to be the cover of my record”?
SL: I think I found his rooms online, and I really loved his builds, and his architecture. How he would do these rooms — the colour palette. Then my friend got me his book for Christmas, and I look at that and was like: “Fuck. I probably can’t find any of these rooms, but i can probably get that chair!” So, we managed to get one, and we shot with it.
HS: Do you still have it?
SL: Yeah, it’s in my house now. It’s in my room, by the window. And it’s really nice.
HS: And why did you want to call it Apollo XXI?
SL: I wanted the number 21 in there, because it was coming out on my 21st birthday. And then I was just thinking of words that could go in front of the 21. I couldn’t just do 21 because, you know, Adele, she already ran that one. So I was just being a little brazen there. I was just thinking of little phrases, something I could just put in front of it. And “Apollo” popped up in my head. Someone told me to look up Apollo, and the Greek god popped up. I connected a lot with that, and I just ran with it. It sounded good together.
HS: In terms of the subject, how — especially being in America right now — does the politics influence you when you’re writing? Do you ever feel like you should be being political, or do you feel completely opposite, that you shouldn’t, or you just don’t want to be political? How does it affect you in terms of what you’re making?
SL: I think there’s different ways to be political.
HS: Yeah, I would have to agree with that.
SL: I don’t think you have to necessarily be an activist to be political. […] I think me being my free self is a political statement.
HS: Yeah. Especially coming out of a collective and then going on your own, I think people then want to know what you think, rather than knowing what a band thought. What are some of the props and cons of moving more into the solo stuff from working on band albums? Obviously the creative process is way different, then the touring is way different. It's almost like a whole different job in a lot of ways. What’s your favourite thing about it, and what’s something you don’t like about it as much?
SL: Um… I think my favourite thing about it is that I’m in full control. I guess I had to ease into that, because I got super used to being the guy in the back, you know? And that was cool — I got used to that. But learning to be a boss is pretty fun, I think [laughs]. When you’re in a band, everyone compromises for whoever, for each other, for everybody. So I guess my favourite part is not having that compromise, and doing all the crazy shit, and funny stuff I want to do. Yeah. I think that’s the best part.
HS:  want to ask you about a couple other people for a second. You’ve got Kari faux and Alima Lee [on tour]; Alima filmed a bunch of stuff with me in the studio.
SL: Oh really!?
HS: Yeah, she’s so great.
SL: Oh shit — that’s crazy! I love her. Wow. Small world. That’s insane.
HS: What about them made you choose them? Did you know them beforehand? How did it come about?
SL: Yeah, I knew them before. Alima’s one of my favourite DJ’s, and I didn’t want a band for this tour. So I asked Alima, like: “Hey, I got a proposal, would you be down?” And then we started rehearsing, and out chemistry was great. She kind of saved the tour, to be honest [laughs]. And then Kari, she’s just one of my best friends. I wanted to bring her with me. It’s been great. We have such a good team, and it feels so good. Everyone’s having a good time, and yeah. It’s a really nice tour, man.
HS: And how was it working with Solange on When I Get Home?
SL: Oh, that was cool. She’s cool. Real big sister vibe. I came in as a stranger, and we spoke about music, and then just found our friendship from there. And yeah, it’s been cool ever since. She’s very nice.
HS: How do you find it working in someone else’s realm? In some ways, does it feel like a band thing, when you’re working on someone else’s thing?
SL: Kind of, yeah. It’s like you’re starting a new band with someone every time. I think that’s how it feels the most comfortable. I was talking to [producer] Raphael Saadiq about that, and he told me a line that he says to people when he’s producing is “I’m in your band now.” He says it helps people feel comfortable. Yeah. I like that one-liner.
HS: That’s a good one. How was working with Ravyn?
SL: Ravyn? Oh, sick! She’s like a little young, fairy goddess when it comes to singing. It’s crazy. I brought her out in Chicago with me, because that’s her hometown. I was like: “Yo, we have to perform these songs here.”
HS: How did you guys meet?
SL: We met on the internet. A couple of people had been telling me to mess with her. And then one day, I went driving, and I played her EP — at the time it was called Midnight Moonlight. I thought: “Holy shit”; her vocal production really flipped me out. And I hit up immediately like: “Hey. We have to do something together.” Initially I wanted to start a dup with her, but her label situation is interesting, so it had to be her project.
HS: Right. What are you listening to right now? What are three things you love?
SL: Okay, I can give you some songs. This song I’ve been loving is “You’re A Runaway” by The Bucketheads. It’s a really nice little house track. “She Live” by Maxo Kream with Megan Thee Stallion [laughs] — that’s a good one. A lot of my new demos I’ve been listening to... Oh! “Terrorize My Heart (Disco Dub)” by 795. That’s a good one. Was that three?
HS: Yeah! And then, a book that you’ve read anytime recently that you would recommend to anyone?
SL: Oh, yes! I left it in the hotel room. It’s a Murakami book, I’m trying to get them to ship it to my next hotel room. I think it’s... A Wild Sheep Chase?
HS: Oh yep. It is! Have you read any more Murakami things?
SL: No, I haven’t. My friends gave it to me before I left.
HS: He’s one of my favourites.
SL: Yeah I’m trying to get into it. My attention span is shorter than my haircut right now.
HS: He did one called What I Talk About When I Talk about Running, which is kind of short and fun — wether you like running or not. It’s just so good. And then Norwegian Wood is my favourite. That was like, the book that got me into reading. That made me enjoy it the most.
SL: Woah. Okay, cool.
HS: Anyway, just to add mate, I love the album. And I listen to it a lot. It’s wonderful to listen to someone doing something so great. Everyone loves it, and it’s really interesting, and dynamic, and deep, and true. It’s amazing art, man. It’s very cool to listen to people just doing what they want to do. And you can tell that you love it, and you’ve obviously put so much into it. So thanks for making it.
SL: Oh, thank you! I appreciate it. I’m glad it got to you, man.
HS: I’m glad to do this, it’s fun. My final question is, what makes a good loafer?
SL: What makes a good loafer?
HS: What makes a good loafer.
SL: Are you saying “loafer”, or “lover”?
HS: Loafer. I mean, you can tell me what makes a good lover as well, but loafer. That’s the question. I always ask this because I know everyone’s answer will be slightly different, and I know you like a loafer.
SL: Loafer…. I think a good loafer is about… the shape. The shape of the loafer, for one. And then I think the sole is very important too. I don’t like a loafer with too thin of a sole. But I like a nice loafer that’s not too sharp at the tip. It’s kinda square, but it’s kinda round, as it’s square.
HS: What about the tassel?
SL: Um. I haven't eased into the tassel. I think that's too much of an uncle zone for me. I'm already an uncle as it is, so I keep the tassel to the other dudes.
HS: I'm not an uncle, and I do the tassel.
SL:  Okay! l love the tassel, but I'm not ready for that.
HS: It's so good, man. It's fun. It's definitely fun. You should try it.
SL: When you're dancing, do you, like, kick out and it moves?
HS: Yeah, it moves. It flaps. It adds a whole new dimension to the shoe.
SL: That’s pretty sick.
HS: Yeah, it is [laughs]. oKAY, SO. A thick sole, squared at the top, not too sharp on the tip. That’s your go-to loafer. You heard it here first: Man About Town.
SL: And the colour too. The colour’s great.
HS: Of course. Thanks, man. Thanks for having me. And I’ll see you.. somewhere down the road. I’ll see you in LA or something.
SL: Yeah! I’ll hit you.
HS: Take care.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Can you recommend any Neil Gaiman to me, aside from Stardust or Good Omens? I’m not familiar with his work.
What's the best concert you've been to, if you've been? Jonas Brothers and Green Day.
What's the funniest screenname you've ever seen? I’ve been on the internet since I was like 9 years old, I’ve come across many.
Is there an animal you like that most people don't? I don’t think so. Most people don’t seem to dislike giraffes, which are my favorite animal. <<< Same. And doggos.
Is there an animal that you think is overrated in terms of how it's liked? No.
Is there a time period you think is underrated? I’d love to bring the 90′s back, that’s all. <<< I’m in.
What about music? Hmm.
Do you find yourself listening to music that's a bit more esoteric? No.
What are your three favorite books and why? I’m gonna give you my three current favorite artists instead: AJ Rivers, Willow Rose, and Mary Stone. They’re murder mystery and psychological thriller authors with tons of books and I’ve really enjoyed the many I’ve read from each of them.
What about authors? ^^^ Do you have any likes you wouldn't tell someone until you got to know them? Hmm. I think things would just come up over time, not because I’m waiting to tell them.
Do you have a favorite language? Spanish.
What about a place you've always wanted to visit? I’d love to be able to travel all over.
What's something someone does or says that just makes you laugh? Tell me a lame dad joke. I’m a sucker for those. <<< lol I am, too. I came across a compilation post recently on here that was pretty great.
Do goldfish crackers ever make you sick, or is that just me? I’ve never had that issue.
Do you have a favorite art style? No.
Do you have a favorite myth/fairy-tale? There’s several I find interesting and enjoy.
Who is your favorite person aside from family? Alexander Skarsgard. ;)
Do any of your pets (if you have them) have weird quirks? My doggo is very quirky. She’s such a goofball.
Do you listen to music from anywhere besides America? Some.
Have you ever "quit" a site and came back to it more than once? I don’t think so.
Do you have an "odd" fascination with anything? Hm. I don’t think I have any “odd” fascinations. 
What is the thing you want most at this moment? I’d really like to just feel decent today so I can enjoy a nice Easter with my family.
What was the last book you read and what was it about? I’m currently reading, “Cold Highway” by Mary Stone, which is the 4th book in a series.
What was the worst book you've ever read & why? I can’t believe I ever read the Fifty Shades of Gray books. *facepalm*
Do you have a favorite breed of dog or cat? Which? Labs and German Shepherds are awesome.
If you like any anime/manga, what are some titles you recommend? --
What do you think about school in general? I think it’s important to get an education. <<<
What's the hardest thing you've been through, & what did you learn from it? The accident that made me a paraplegic and everything that resulted from it ever since.
What are three "unrealistic" things you want most? Good health is the most unrealistic. 
What are some of your favorite foods? Ramen, garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings from Wingstop, and scrambled eggs and biscuits smothered in country gravy.
Where do you like to buy your clothes? Boxlunch and Hot Topic. 
Do you take any daily vitamins? No, but I definitely should be.
Who are three of your favorite fictional characters of all time? There’s so many to choose from, though.
If you had to give the world a pre-existing mythological/fictional being, what would it be? Superheroes, maybe? 
When buying Slurpees, if you do, do you get only one flavor or mix them? I always liked mixing Coke and cherry together.
Do you have a favorite 7Eleven food? I liked getting snacks and drinks from there, but I never ate their pizza or hot dogs or anything of that sort.
Do you have any desire to learn (a) foreign language(s)? Which? I’d just like to be fluent in Spanish.
If you could have any career, "realistic"-ness aside, what would it be? I still don’t know.
What are three memorable movies from your childhood? Mary Kate and Ashley movies, Disney movies, and The Rugrats Movie. Ha, I know I cheated by grouping some together, but whatever.
Do you, personally, put a space after ellipses, or not? No.
What do some of the things that inspire you have in common? I haven’t felt inspired in a long time.
Micky D's sweet tea, y/n/other? I used to like it when I was younger. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I had it, though. 
What are three of your best (non-physical) qualities? Blah.
What are three of your worst (again; non-physical) qualities? Blahhhh.
What is one of your firmest beliefs? My belief in God.
Do you ever question things until you're unsure of even the silliest thing? Sometimes.
Do you have anything that keeps you from doing something you'd truly enjoy? My health.
What are your three biggest pet peeves (personality-wise) in others? Arrogance, close-mindedness, and people who just jump on the bandwagon with certain things without doing their own research and forming their own opinions, not even really knowing what the issue is, they’re just following the crowd. 
Do you work to fix your faults? Or at least, admit to them? I’m quick to own up and admit to all my faults, but do I do I shit about them? ...
What are three of your best physical qualities? (NOT EYES!) Blehhh.
What are some of your greatest aspirations? I don’t have any. :/
How do you hope the world will change, if at all? I wish we could see less division and violence.
Who are three (fairly known) people you find very intriguing? Hmm.
What are three things that make you the happiest? God, my family, and trips to the beach.
What is/are your view(s) on god, religion, spirituality, or relations to? I’m a Christian.
Are you arachnophobic or scared of spiders in the least? YES.
Do you play WoW? What do you think of it either way? Nope.
What kind of computer do you have? Windows 7/Vista/XP/Other? I have a MacBook Air, which currently runs on macOS Sierra.
What are you good at? Nothing.
What career do you hope to have? I really don’t know. :/
Are you taking any interesting classes in school/do you not attend? I’m finished with school.
If you don't attend, are you taking any "lessons" for anything? Nope.
A book/piece that has had an exceptional impact on your life? The Bible.
If you know of pandora.com, what is your favorite station? Actually, I was listening to Pandora recently for the first time in years and came across this 90s, 2000s, and Today’s Hits station that I was really enjoying.
Have you ever "lost" a friend in any way? How did you deal? Yeah, I’ve lost a lot of friends. Some were harder to deal with than others.
Any music recommendations? Check out that Pandora station.
What are at least three of your biggest fears? Losing my loved ones, death, and never getting better/getting worse.
Most recently read book that you liked? I’m currently reading, “Cold Highway” by Mary Stone, which is the 4th book in a series. 
Do you have a piece of jewelry you don't like to take off? No. I haven’t worn jewelry in a long time.
Do you have a favorite quote? Why is it your favorite? I have many. Any odd pastimes you have? I don’t consider any of my pastimes odd.
Are you quirky in any way? (Name them please). My eating habits, for sure. I’m just really picky and particular.
Have any practices you aren't opposed to but wouldn't do yourself? Uhh.
Political standing?
Do you have any piercings/what do you think about piercings? I just have my earlobes pierced.
Do you have a favorite material? My soft, fuzzy throw blanket.
What are three names you'd name a pet if you HAD to get a pet right now? I don’t know. I’d have to see them and see what vibe I get.
Do you like to listen to dorky/amusing music? What would be considered dorky and amusing music?
Coffee vs. Tea vs. Energy Drinks: Order from favorite to least favorite. Coffee, energy drinks (only the Starbucks Doubleshot coffee energy drink), and tea.
Do you like more "fruity" sweets or "savory" sweets? Uhh, I like cupcakes, donuts, brownies, cookies, muffins, and cheesecake type of sweet.
What do you hate the most? My health, myself, and where I’m at in my life.
What genres of music are your favorite? I like variety.
Do you believe in true love? Yeah.
Do you believe in love at first sight? If yes, why? No.
What are some of your favorite clothing accessories? I just wear leggings and graphic tees.
If reincarnation exists, what sort of person would you want to be next? What are some things you believe strongly in? My faith.
Where's your favorite place you've been? Beaches and Disneyland.
What sort of books and movies do you like? Horror, psychological thriller, mystery, and YA for books, horror, psychological thrillers, drama, superhero films, some sci-fi and fantasy stuff like Star Wars, action, adventure, and romcoms for movies.
What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday? I don’t do anything different, but I do love when it rains.
Is there a book you've read that really touched you? Yeah.
Do you have a favorite artist? As in a painter? No.
PC or MAC? Mac.
What do you love doing? Spending time with my family, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, catching up on social media and trending topics, surveys, listening to ASMR, watching YouTube, watching my favorite shows, drinking coffee, sleeping...
If you could create the perfect world for yourself, what would it be? All my loved ones would be there, good health, money wouldn’t be a concern, happiness, I’d have a house on the beach, I’d be comfortable and relaxed and at peace... stuff like that.
Do you think that fate plays a part in people's lives? No.
Are you religious, spiritual, atheist...? I am a Christian. 
What are your opinions on the media? There’s the good and bad. It can be pretty brutal and problematic, for sure.
Do you think that people throw the words "love" and "hate" around too much? Yes.
What is your favorite piece of technology that you own? My laptop and phone.
What's a piece of technology you'd like to own? I have what I want at the moment. 
Are you afraid of technology developing to where we're too reliant on it? Oh, we’re waaaay past that point.
Does it bother you when people do things to fit in with a certain crowd? When they’re doing problematic things. 
Hot or cold? I’d much rather be cold. I like being wrapped up in a blanket, wearing hoodies/sweatshirts, and drinking hot coffee. Being hot is just miserable.  Do you think that Bzoink should extent the character amount for questions? I don’t use Bzoink.
Do you have a favorite combination of complimentary colors? A lot of colors look nice together.
Do you know why all the young people who have nice cars always look grumpy? I don’t think I’ve noticed that.
What's your favorite odd ice cream flavor? I don’t like any odd flavors. What’s with you and odd stuff?
Where do you like to get your ice cream? I’m not a big ice cream person, but the store is fine, ha. It was nice going somewhere like Cold Stone or something as well, though. I haven’t had ice cream in years, though.
What's your opinion on stereotypes/labels? Labels can be useful in some cases.
Do you ever use random word generators for Bzoinkoids?
Do you believe that history repeats itself? Absolutely. There’s proof of that.
Would you rather learn from your mistakes or just undo them? Ha, it’d be nice to be able to undo them.
What was the most interesting class you had in school? I always enjoyed English. And then of course I found a lot of my psych classes interesting. Do you write? If so, what? Nope.
Do you have a favorite website? Tumblr and YouTube.
Do you think that the quality of TV shows is going down? No, there’s so many good shows.
Do you have a favorite culture? Learning about different cultures is interesting. What was a story you heard as a child that really affected you? Hmm.
Who was your favorite grade-school teacher and why? Mr. McG, my 4th and then 8th grade teacher. He was everyone’s favorite. He made learning so much fun and really cared about his students.
Do you think that the world will end? How? Yes, how the Bible says it will.
Do you believe in Global Warming? Have you researched it? Yes.
Do you prefer piercings or tattoos? I only have my earlobes pierced and I have zero tattoos, soo I can’t say I’m big on either one.
Do you remember your dreams? Very, very rarely.
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
Soul Eater [2]
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Pairing : Jung Yunho / [Fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Future Smut, Character Death? Demon!AU
Words : 3.2k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9.
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-Yunho's P.O.V-
"So the moment I make a sound she's ready to tear a new hole into me but I can't say anything when she's throwing stuff around? Make it make sense."
Mingi smirked while San just chuckled, leaning back in his chair with an overly smug look on his face.
“I say you two should just fuck to get over this tension that’s between the two of you.” He said as if it was nothing.
I glared at him, throwing a napkin in his face in retaliation of his stupid joke, “That’s not funny.”
“I wasn’t trying to be funny.”
“She hates me.” I deadpanned, drawing a snicker from Mingi’s lips, “You have anything to add?”
He raised his hands in surrender, shaking his head but he gave his impute either way, “San might have a point here.”
“He has no point.”
“Look all I’m saying is from what I’m hearing she’s the complete opposite of you and you know what they say, opposites attract. Why not try and give it a shot?”
I stared at the two of them with the most expressionless look on my face, “You two are crazy.”
“C’mon man, it doesn’t hurt to try. I mean what could go wrong?” San jumped in, leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table.
“Everything could go wrong. If I say the wrong thing I can guarantee that she won’t hesitate to throw me out the window.” I explained, hoping they’d understand that there’s no way in hell anything between me and Y/N was ever going to happen, “I mean she doesn’t even care enough to learn my name! We’ve lived in the same apartment for the last four years and she still calls me ‘305’.”
The two laughed at that, the biggest grins I had ever seen spreading across their faces.
“I know she hates you but man I would love to meet her. I’d get such a kick out of seeing her actually call you ‘305’ to your face. I mean just knowing she calls you that is already hilarious but actually getting to experience that in person...man I’d pay to see that.” Mingi teases, the grin on his face only growing.
I just stared at the two of them. Fine if they wanted to see it in person I should at least be getting paid for being insulted. I put a hand out, the smiles on their faces falling slightly as they looked down at my hand before meeting my gaze.
“Fine, it’s $100 a piece.”
They shared a look before the smiles they had on their faces moments before returned. They dug into their pockets and pulled out their wallets, placing a crisp hundred dollar bill in my hand.
“Let’s go.” I grumbled, pocketing the money begrudgingly.
Those two were pretty loud as we walked down the block my apartment building was on. I was half hoping Y/N would be out like she usually is but to my disappointment she was walking towards us, or to be more precise towards our apartment building. I groaned internally when the guys pushed me ahead of them, causing me to lose my balance. I tripped over my own two feet, already feeling myself fall forward. Unfortunately for me Y/N was close enough for me to fall into her. I was half expecting her to, you know, try and catch me or help me regain my balance like any normal person would. But it was my mistake to think she was normal in the first place. I fell face first into the pavement, Y/N stepping to the side to avoid contact with me. I could feel her staring down at me as well as hear the guys trying to hold in the laugh that wanted to come out.
“You should really watch where you’re going.” Y/N said in a bored tone of voice, not an ounce of concern in her voice.
I grit my teeth, pushing myself off the ground and rising to my feet, glaring at her, “Gee thanks for the advice, I’ll make sure to follow it next time.” I snapped at her sarcastically.
She raised a brow at my tone of voice, something flashed in her eyes for a moment but it was gone before I could even question what it was. She didn’t say another word as she turned to walk into our apartment building. I marched after her, the guys following closely behind. We all packed ourselves into the small elevator, the guys staying quiet as I spoke to her.
“You know you could’ve helped me back there instead of just letting me fall on my face.”
She looked into my eyes, the same bored expression on her face, “It’s not my fault you don’t know how to walk properly.”
I set my jaw, closing my eyes for a moment as I inhaled deeply through my nose, “It’s called being a good samaritan.”
She smirked at me, tilting her head to the side, “And who ever said I was good to begin with, 305?”
Hearing her call me ‘305’ caused me to snap at her like I never had before, “Yunho! My name is Yunho! At least have the courtesy of knowing the name of the neighbor you’re always insulting!”
She looked at me wide eyed, surprised at my sudden outburst. The elevator had gone so quiet you’d be able to hear a needle falling to the floor. And it stayed quiet until the elevator dinged, signalling we had arrived to my floor. I pushed passed the guys and headed for my apartment. I could hear them coming after me a few seconds later.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I stared at the elevator doors as they closed, still a little taken aback by his sudden outburst. But the moment the shock wore off I smirked, tilting my head from side to side as I stared at my reflection, my eyes having changed to their true black color.
“Yunho...you’ve got guts I’ll give you that…” 
I walked out of the elevator with that smirk still on my face. As soon as I walked into my apartment I could hear Yunho ranting through the floorboards. I couldn’t help but listen intently to what he was saying, agreeing with most of it myself as I dropped my jacket onto the couch. Everything he was saying was true. I was grumpy all the time, I insulted him every time I saw him, I complained at every little thing he did, I’ve threatened him more times than I can count with my fingers, everything he was saying was true but I never cared about those things and I don’t think I ever will. What point is there being nice to humans? I’m not one of them anymore and they just irritate me now. In the time that I have been alive there has not been a single human that I have been affectionate towards. And the more time I stayed up here the more I thought I never would.
“Okay so Y/N solving your problems of being single is out of the question.”
I scoffed at the thought of just being in a relationship with a human, let alone Yunho.
“Hey why don’t you try summoning a demon or something, ask if they want to get with you cause no human is willing to.”
I froze at those words, staring down at the floorboards with wide eyes. Those idiots- your souls are too precious to be selling away for something as idiotic as that! They better not go through with it, I swear I’ll kill them all for being so stupid. This is why I hated humans. They sold away the one thing that made them human and for what? Shit like this. I’ll admit a small percentage sold their souls to bring a loved one back to life, that is the only reason I will excuse it but this? This was unacceptable. They have no idea the kind of shit they get into because their souls were claimed by demons. I clenched my hands at my sides, my claws coming out. I felt them pierce through the skin of my palms, my blood trickling down to the floor underneath my feet. 
The sound of a door slamming shut snapped me out of my thoughts, I held my breath as I listened for more of their conversation but I didn’t hear anything. Yunho must’ve kicked them out. A hint of a smile played at my lips, maybe he’s not the idiot I pegged him to be. I let out a sigh, but it wasn’t the usual sigh of exasperation or frustration, it was a sigh of relief, relief over not having to take a soul that didn’t deserve to be tied down to hell for all eternity once the human was dead.
It had been a few hours since I last heard anything coming from downstairs but I paid it no mind. I preferred the silence anyway so I can’t really complain. I had been craving some sweets and I needed something to pass the time before I started being summoned. Witching hour or ‘devil’s hour’ was about to start and that's when I’d be called on the most. Just as I finished mixing the batter for the cookies I was making my surroundings changed.
I closed my eyes for a moment, exhaling deeply before opening my eyes and looking around. And what I saw had me in shock. I turned to take everything in, my wings knocking things over in the enclosed space. No, no, no, that idiot! Just as I had that thought I made eye contact with him. The moment his eyes made contact with my pitch black ones his legs gave out as he fell back onto his ass. I let out what could only be described as an animalistic growl, baring my teeth as I took an unconscious step towards him. The moment my foot went over the line of the drawn pentagram a sharp pain travelled up my leg. The pain was excruciating, I could barely stand as I fell to my knees in the small space he made for me.
“You idiot…” I groaned out through clenched teeth, still feeling the pain but it was more bearable now, “Let me out.”
He said nothing as he stared at me, bewildered. I reached out a hand without thinking, crossing the line. I brought my hand back to my chest almost immediately, crying out in pain. I doubled over, the pain worse this time.
“You’re--you’re a demon?” He asked, finally getting his mouth to move.
I grit my teeth once more, spreading my wings out and swinging at the air above his head, “Let me out!”
He jumped at my shout, crawling away from me before he rose to his feet, “N-No. I...I want to make a deal with you.”
“If it’s about finding you a significant other you can forget it! I won’t make a deal for something so idiotic!”
He stared at me dumbfounded for a moment before he shot me a glare, “I’m in control here and you-”
-Yunho’s P.O.V-
She cut me off with a laugh. I stepped back at the sound, a chill running down the length of my spine. She was thrown into a fit of hysterics but it wasn’t the kind that put a smile on your face, no, it was the kind that had your stomach twisting in fear. She doubled over, clutching her stomach with one hand while she brought the other to cover her face as she continued to laugh...that is until she suddenly stopped. She looked at me through through her fingers, her hair having fallen over her eyes, the smile on her lips had my heart skipping a beat but not in a good way.
“You’re in control? You? A mere human, in control of me?” She paused to chuckle darkly, rising to her full height, combing her fingers through her hair to show her whole face, “I'm a demon, boy. No human can control me. Even Lucifer himself has a tough time keeping me in check but you think you hold some power over me? Know your place.”
Her eyes were no longer just black. They glowed red where her iris and pupil would be, shining bright against the blacks of her eyes. I took a step back at the sight of her, pure unadulterated fear running through my veins but I spoke up either way. I had noticed that she didn't make a move to leave the pentagram and that's when I realized, it's not that she didn't want to leave...she can't.
"You--you can't step over that can you? So...that means I'm the only one that can let you out...so I...I am the one in control here." I stuttered, unable to hide the fear in my voice.
She grit her teeth but said no more. So I'm right. She can't do anything about the pentagram I had her in. I let a nervous smile spread across my face but it fell the moment I met her gaze. She was glaring so fiercely I thought I'd die from just staring into her eyes.
"Y/N I want-"
"Yunho! Stop this! You don't know what you're asking for!" She shouted, taking a cautious step towards me.
She must've forgotten how small the pentagram was as she fell to her knees once more, crying out in pain. Seeing her in this much pain made me want to let her out but I stopped myself. The surprise I felt at knowing she was a demon passed fairly quickly. I still couldn't believe it but it's true, I mean how else can you explain the claws, eyes, and wings. If I let her out she'd surely kill me and then I would've died for nothing. So I'm going to make a deal with her even if I have to force her into it.
"Make a deal with me."
"No." She all but hissed out, still in pain.
"Why not? Shouldn't you demons be happy at making a deal?"
"You think I like what I do? Sure, I'm good at it but I don't like it. Especially when the deals I make with humans are totally one sided, I get all of the benefits," She groaned out, her voice breaking halfway through, "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
"I know exactly what I'm getting myself into."
I knew what I wanted was stupid but I was just tired of it all. So who cares if I make a deal with a demon for something so minuscule? If it'll make me happy then…
"I want a significant other."
She hung her head at the sound of my request, her claws digging into her palms, "Is that really what you want?"
"Yunho...what's your full name?" She asked, her head still bowed, her voice trembling slightly.
"Jung Yunho."
She stayed silent for a moment before she finally relaxed, her hands no longer clenched into fists, "Undo the pentagram. I can't seal the deal while trapped in here."
I hesitated. What if she tries to kill me once she's free? She must have been able to tell what I was thinking as she sighed heavily.
"I won't hurt you, you have my word. Once I've heard your request I have no choice but to seal the deal and get you what you want."
At hearing that I relaxed, stepping forward to smudge a line of the pentagram. As soon as it was done she stepped out of the pentagram, her wings lay flat against her back as she reached out, grabbing my wrist in her hand. I flinched the moment her fingers touched my skin but surprisingly enough her touch was gentle...even a little warm. I stood there silently, staring into her eyes, mesmerized by them. She reached over to place her hand on the side of my neck but unlike before I didn't flinch, in fact I leaned into her touch.
"Jung Yunho, your soul...is now mine." She whispered gently, her voice barely audible.
But I heard her loud and clear. Soul? Wait they didn't- My thoughts were cut off completely when she leaned forward, suddenly capturing my lips with her. Without thinking I groaned low in my throat, pulling her closer. Our lips moved in sync for awhile before she finally pulled away but I followed after her not wanting the kiss to end. But she pulled away fully, stepping out of my hold. I opened my eyes to see she had gone back to normal, her wings and claws were gone and her eyes were no longer black. But the look she held in her eyes was a bit unsettling.
"Call me whenever you need me to play the part of your girlfriend." She said with as little emotion as possible, turning on her heel to walk out of my apartment.
Wait...she was going to be my new girlfriend? I went to stop her, grabbing onto her wrist but the moment my fingers touched she yanked her arm away. She stopped walking but refused to turn around.
"You never said anything about you being-"
"That's what happens when you make a deal with a demon...we give you what you want but there's always a twist. This is why I tried so hard to stop you," she said, her voice softer than I had ever heard it, "Now your soul will burn in hell for all of eternity...just like the others. If you had just listened to me-"
"Why would you try and stop me in the first place? Last time I checked you hated me."
She's never shown any type of concern for me so she should be glad I made this stupid deal in the first place...or that's what I thought. The moment I asked her why she turned to face me, the look in her eyes was a mix of anger...and sadness?
"I never truly hated you...I just couldn't stand how annoying you are but I never felt any hate towards you. I tried--I tried so hard to stop you because…" She trailed off, her voice beginning to break, "Your souls are the most precious things you are born with and yet you humans...you give it away so easily."
She paused for a moment, inhaling deeply before shaking her head, rubbing her hands over her face, "Humanity truly has not changed one bit."
She mumbled this under her breath, as if she had been alive for a long, long time. And I don't doubt it. The way she spoke...I could tell she's seen many things. This could explain why she's the way she is...she must have given up on humanity a long time ago. She didn't say another word, finally leaving my apartment.
-Y/N's P.O.V-
I slid down the door of my apartment, my knees pressed against my chest as I rested my elbows on my knees, burying my face in my hands. All this had started bringing flashbacks of the time I was human. My memories had been wiped the moment I died but after I became a demon they started coming back slowly, piece by piece. It was still a jumbled mess but I was able to put the pieces back together and what I saw...I never wanted to remember.
"Dammit Yunho, you have no idea what you just got yourself into."
Tags : @chanyeolol​
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dat-paw · 5 years
LFRP: Jude Paw
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Brought into this world under unusual circumstances and mysterious methods, this youth has traveled to the ends of the Earth and back again to discover the truth behind his origins. He learned much in his travels, not the least of which was this important fact: Regardless of who he is and how he came to be, he is a living being with a will all his own, and a choice to make in how he leads his life.
He now wishes to use that life not in pursuit of personal glory, but in the protection of those he loves, and in the aiding of those not-quite-human beings like himself who find themselves without allies...
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NAME: Judith “Jude” Paw
·        AGE/RACE:  Jude is an aethero-mechanical construct (or an aether golem, to use a simpler term) designed in the shape of a Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun. He was constructed roughly six years ago, and resembles a youth in his late teens/early twenties.
·        HAIR: The color of spun gold and worn long, in the fashion of the storybook knights he admires and wishes to emulate.
·        EYES: One sky blue, the other a paler shade of blue. He has no explanation for why his eyes are they way they are.
·       BUILD: Short by miqo’te standards, thickset and stocky, Jude is powerfully built in a way that isn’t quite proportional with his diminutive frame, to the point that he sometimes has difficulty finding equipment that fits him properly. He’s acquired a bit of a paunch recently from overindulgence in the fine food and wine he loves so much.
·        PROFESSION: Adventurer and Aspiring Hero
·        HOBBIES: Above all else, Jude enjoys the thrill of combat. He was designed and coded to act as a tireless weapon of war, and accordingly finds the act of fighting to be a joyous thing.
Outside of this, Jude is a lover of stories of all kinds; he loves to listen to the tales of other adventurers’ past glories, and enjoys books very nearly as much, provided the words are not too challenging for him. He has particular affection for stories involving knights, heroes, princesses and monsters.
Jude is also quite enamored with sweet food and drink, to the point that he often concludes his daily exercise with a mouthful of sugar encrusted, honeyed Gridanian walnuts and a flagon of ice cold, sweet Ala Mhigan red wine. His ever-growing hunger for treats has lead to him becoming something of an unorthodox (but eternally determined) chef, experimenting with strange food combinations in search of uniquely satisfying sweet flavor.
·       LANGUAGES: Common, Allagan
·       BIRTHPLACE: Pearl Lane, Ul’Dah
·       PARENTS: Desdemona Thaisa (Creator)
·       SIBLINGS: Martin Freepaw 
·       PETS: Rolanberry, his black chocobo: This fearsome animal doesn’t seem to like anyone but Jude, thrashing wildly and pecking at anyone else that tries to draw near. It’s also worth noting that, being a black chocobo, he looks nothing like an actual rolanberry. The name makes sense to Jude, but very few others.
·        Having a comparatively small pool of experience with the world at large, Jude has a cheerful, sunny disposition, with a somewhat naive way of viewing the world at large. Being an avid reader of storybooks, he is an earnest believer in concepts like justice and goodness, believing them to be relatively simple, black-and-white matters- the strong have to protect the helpless. The haves should give to the have-nots. Justice must prevail over evil. Though his travels have shown him that the real world is seldom so cut-and-dried, he still believes in these ideas in his heart of hearts, and does his utmost to uphold them in his continued journeys across the land.
·         Jude can be cocky, and has a tendency toward stubbornness when he thinks he’s in the right, or when he believes that he’s being told he’s not capable of something. Occasionally, this overconfidence blossoms into outright arrogance, leading him to jump headlong into bad situations that might have been otherwise avoided.
·         He finds it easy to make friends with others; having lead such an unusual life himself, he finds that there are very few traits he finds disagreeable, and he is able to fall into easy conversation and fast friendship with most individuals. However, cruelty, injustice and unkindness are traits he can’t abide- and once his trust has been lost, it isn’t easily regained.
·         I, MYSELF, AM STRANGE AND UNUSUAL: Since learning of his origins as an Allagan weapon of war, Jude has decided to be the master of his own fate. With this determination came the realization that he wanted to help others like himself- if such beings do, in fact, exist. Jude is always searching for beings of unorthodox background with whom to commiserate, and help if necessary...
·         DEAR FRIENDS: For a number of years immediately following the Calamity, Jude Paw was a member of the Limsa Lominsa Adventurer’s Guild. He had many adventures of note in that time, and made many friends along the way. Some he has kept in touch with, others he has not, but either way, Jude is always pleased to reconnect with a familiar face from “the good old days”. Adventurers, sellswords and freeriders with a history of working with the three major city’s guilds may have met Jude before- though whether they met as allies or enemies depends on the occasion in question…
·         GEARHEAD MAGNET: Constructed with the aid of an ancient tomestone and experimental conjury, Jude Paw represents some of the most advanced Allagan technology that survives in the world today. As rumors of this marvelous being continue to spread across Eorzea, engineers, tinkerers and gearheads of all stripes may find themselves compelled to seek Jude out- to learn from him, or perhaps to claim his technology for their own...
·         I’M HERE TO RESCUE YOU: In the deepest, most secret part of his heart, Jude longs to rescue a princess, the way the knights in his storybooks do. This desire to play the part of the knight in shining armor sometimes leads him into trouble...
·         A PLACE TO CALL HOME: Though Jude Paw is designed to resemble a Miqo’te Seeker of the Sun, he knows nothing of that race. Tentative explorations into the Sagolii Desert having ended in failure, Jude has given up trying to learn about their people firsthand, instead seeking the guidance of someone willing to teach. That Jude Paw lacks a tribe, and indeed is not truly a Seeker at all, are concerns that he has not fully considered…
·         I SOLVE PRACTICAL PROBLEMS: Though he does not do so as frequently as he has in years past, Jude remains a sword-for-hire, for those that can afford to pay. He won’t take on any job he finds objectionable, but if the nature of the work meets with his approval, he is a steadfast worker of near-limitless strength and stamina...
·         i have a preference for Discord and Tumblr RP, mainly because i work an erratic schedule with long hours that makes in-game RP difficult, though i’m certainly willing to try. please feel free to shoot me a message in-game (Goblin server), on Tumblr, or through Discord (antipyretic #3629). i’m on EST, and am around mostly in the evenings
·         i have no issues with mature/darker roleplay themes, but not to excess- never been the biggest fan of anything gratuitous, and i prefer my RP to build toward things naturally, rather than jumping right in. if you’re looking for violence or sex for its own sake, please look elsewhere
·         i tend to be a very private person, and i prefer to go at my own pace. i always look forward to meeting new people and starting new RP, but please respect my space and my right to use my free time as i wish
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Bruises-Chapter 3
Summary: This series is my take on TRR if Bastien has a daughter.
Warnings: This series will have non-present parenting issues, possible triggers for combat veterans, and a few others that will be addressed when they come up.
Pixelberry owns the characters, and settings from TRR and TRH series, I own Roxy.
Tag List: @badchoicesposts
Thank you all for being patient with me, the four year old caught a summer cold. 😢
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Chapter 3 - Compromise
Five Years Ago
Roxy ran back across the base to where her car was parked. She opened her door and jumped inside. As soon as Roxy slammed her door shut, the tears spilled from her eyes like a broken dam.
Roxy sat and forced herself to go through every memory of her mother, trying to gain some memory of her father. She had nothing. Roxy brought up her father once to her mother when she was around 13 years old. Anna mumbled something about being sent away and never coming back.
‘He never came back for you momma, why is he here for me?’ Roxy thought as her tears slowed. She grabbed an extra shirt from her back seat and wiped her face. The clock read seven am, ‘Shit, too early to drink.’ Roxy threw her car into reverse, and took off out of the lot.
Bastien sat in his rental, his hands on the steering wheel, wondering why he came. ‘I’m so sorry, Anna. I don’t know what to do here.’ He watched as a lone car took off through the lot across from him. Something inside told him to follow.
About ten minutes later, Bastien watched as Roxy climbed out of her car, duffle bag in hand. The sign above the door read, “Night Stalkers Gun Shop and Range.” Bastien couldn’t help the slight smile curved his lips. He decided to give her a few minutes to warm up before he joined her.
Bastien entered the range quietly, hearing a familiar shot sequence echoing through the building. Pop-pop pop, Pop-pop pop, Pop-pop pop, a clip dropping, click, Pop-pop pop, Pop-pop pop. Bastien stood against the wall behind Roxy, each target moving towards her getting the same fate, two in the chest, one in the head.
Roxy dropped her final clip, placed the Sig on the table in front of her. She took off her safety glasses as she pressed the button to bring all the targets to her. Bastien watched as she reached up and took one of her earphones out.
“It’s not a good idea to just stand behind me, you’re lucky I didn’t turn and shoot when I felt you there.” Roxy’s voice shook a bit, never glancing at the man behind her.
Bastien’s lips turned up into a slight grin, appreciative of her natural instincts. “You left before I could answer your questions.” His voice steady, and relaxed.
“Listen, Mr.Lykel, a part of me appreciates you acknowledging my existence, but I’ve been doing just fine on my own.” Roxy slightly turned, taking in the man behind her.
“I’m not trying to change your path, I needed to know if you were my child. It took three years, because of political unrest in my own country. My current charge, keeps me,” Bastien paused, trying to find the right phrasing, “traveling. It’s not so easy to find my own time these days.”
Roxy grabbed her box of target shells, and began reloading each of her clips. “I’m not a child. A child needs someone to take care of them. I can take care of myself.”
“What did Anna tell you about your father?” Bastien asked.
“Nothing.” Roxy quipped as she slammed the clip into her pistol, and began assaulting another batch of targets.
Present Day
Bastien pulled up in front of 1 Hotel Central Park. He had spent the last 30 minutes compromising with her about the stipulations for her joining him in Cordonia. The final outcome was he would tell Prince Liam the truth, and take his council. Roxy hadn’t been happy with his final remark, but conceded.
“Roxanna Nicole Stanley, I have been doing my best to compromise with you on this for the last three years. The best you’re getting is me telling the Crown Prince and leaving it to his discretion.” Bastien’s voice was straining against flat out yelling. ‘Her stubbornness is from her Mother.’ He thought.
“Fine.” Was all Roxy replied as she climbed out of the rental.
“I’ll call you soon with your flight information.” Bastien told her as she shut the door. He rolled the window down, “And Roxy,” he began as she turned to face him, “I’m extremely proud of you. Anna would be too.”
“Thank you.” Roxy replied as she walked into her building.
Bastien handed the keys to the Valet, and walked into the hotel, unsure about how to approach Liam. The elevator dropped him off in the Penthouse suite the men were sharing for the weekend. He could hear Lord Maxwell in his room, “Tariq, this store sells those Santoni’s you like.”
‘Good, that’s two together, hopefully Liam is alone, but knowing Drake…’ Bastien’s thought fizzed out as he entered the seating area and found the two friends discussing dinner locations.
Bastien stopped and bowed to Liam. Liam looked up, as Drake looked at his watch and back at him. “Bastien, glad you’re back, the guys were getting restless.” Liam spoke with a slight laugh.
“Yeah, Bas, I had to tackle Maxwell twice. Did your meeting run late?” Drake asked, eyebrow cocked.
“About that, Your Majesty, may I have a word with you in private before we head out into the city?” Bastien asked, his tone serious, yet light.
“Of course, Drake excuse is.” Liam stood up from the couch and led Bastien into the Master suite. “What’s on your mind Bastien?”
“I need your council in a personal matter, sir.”
Liam cocked an eyebrow, his biggest smile gracing his face. “Please, have a seat Bastien. What can I help with?”
Bastien sat in the chair across from the Prince, crossing his leg over his opposite knee. “It’s about my daughter.”
Liam’s eyes grew wide, mouth slightly opening. “Your daughter?”
“Yes sir, she’s also the Duke and Lord Beaumont’s cousin, sir.”
“Oh! Is she joining the season?” Liam asked. The shock slowly passing, as his mind began to work out what he thought the issue would be.
“On the condition I formally announce her as my daughter to the court. I don’t think this is wise, but lying to the Royal family is never an option.” Bastien replied, watching Liam’s body language.
“Why have you never brought her up before? Does Drake and Savannah know?” Liam asked as he walked over to the bar cart pouring to small glasses of scotch.
“No, they do not. I only discovered her existence about eight years ago, it took another three to find her, and five to finally have the beginnings of a relationship with her. I've been worried about her safety, given my position.” Bastien took the glass that Liam offered him, taking a sip before continuing. “I originally planned my vacation for this weekend to attend her Commencement Ceremony from Columbia. I was afraid I would have to cancel on her when you brought up this getaway. That’s where I was, and who I was with this morning and afternoon. Duke Beaumont recently discovered that his mother was my older sister. He asked if I had any children the court didn’t know of, and I hesitated in the slightest. He has invited her to join the Social Season.” Bastien finished his glass and loosened his tie slightly.
“So, she is your daughter, but also a blood relative to the Beaumont’s, correct?” Liam asked, and Bastien gave a nod. “You’re concerned for the safety of her status as your daughter if our enemies were to discover her identity and existence?” Liam was trying to put his trusted guards concerns into a monarch's view.
“She also has a military record your Majesty, and a degree in International Relations. I may have suggested for her to apply for the Royal Guard after the season.” Bastien watched as the surprise returned to Liam’s face.
“Are you afraid I may choose your daughter Bastien?” Liam asked, voice serious as he watched the man’s face.
Bastien suddenly understood his daughter’s concern. Roxy could possibly be chosen by Liam at the end of the season, and she wouldn’t necessarily be able to say no to the Crown Prince. Bastien sat stunned, looking at Liam.
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 years
You Say It Softly//6//We Worked Too Hard For This
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The birth of Jim & Leah’s son.
warnings associated with labor and delivery scenes.
in honor of @langdonslove birthday!
masterlist in bio, send any requests for these two my way!
Leah could barely find the energy to get out of bed most mornings now. Her stomach had swelled to an impossible size and with it had gone her will to do the most mundane of things. Part of her felt bad for Jim. She would wake up, curse his name for putting his spawn inside of her and caging her to this life of immobility. He would make her breakfast of nutella on toast and extra crispy bacon and no matter how badly she wanted to devour the whole thing, his baby was taking up all the room and she could only muster a small portion.
“I hate you.” The frustrated tears always came next. Everything bothered her on such a large scale and it was mainly the fact that their baby was two weeks late. Two extra weeks of feeling like a beached whale. Two extra weeks of kicking Jim out of bed because he was too warm and she was sweating and she couldn’t breathe. Two extra weeks of psychological warfare over how good of a mother she would or would not be.
“I know, baby. When little one comes it will all be worth it, right?” She looked at Jim skeptically from where he knelt next to her side of the bed.
“Only if they have your blue eyes. If they don’t, I want a refund.”
“Okay, baby, I’m sure we can arrange that.” Jim had never been in the business of disagreeing with her but recently he had made it his life mission to always be on her side. He was indeed partially responsible for the state she found herself in so he shoulder all her irritability like a champ. His shoulders were strong enough to carry any burdens she needed to shed. He was made to be that for her, he thinks.
“When you get back from your sister’s, can we go out to dinner tonight? I feel like the house is suffocating me.” His lips pressed themselves gently up her arms in an agreeable and hopefully soothing manner.
“What’re you craving?”
“Everything. I can’t even put a name to it, Sprinkles.”
“I’m sorry you’re feeling so miserable, Sugar. You know I wish I could make it go away and if you think of anything I can do…”
“I’ll tell you. I promise.” She winced slightly as a tight pain rippled through the underside of her baby bump. “These stupid Braxton-Hicks.” Jim lent her the warmth of his palm on the spot where he knew the pain was. The false labor pains had been coming and going and he knew exactly where she needed her muscles to be eased and soothed.
“No chance they’re real, Sugar?”
“No they feel exactly the same as they have been. My doctor thinks I’ll be able to tell the difference.” Leah had taken the time away from work with her maternity leave to refocus her mind and become more in tune with her own body. She had started going to a meditation group and doing yoga and testing healthy juice recipes. Jim hadn’t been the biggest fan of that phase of exploration.
“You sure you’ll be okay while I’m with Medina? I’ll stay home if you want me to. Need me to. No shame in asking.”
“I’ll be fine. I want you two to go to that beach. You’ve been gushing about the waves for months. Women have had babies in caves. I’ll be okay.” He watched her for a few more moments to make sure she was being honest with him before he stood and pressed a kiss to the center of her forehead. As soon as Leah heard the front door shut from him leaving, she felt lonely. She had run out of things to do but had seen the twinkle in Jim’s eye when discussing this surfing day trip that he had been planning with Medina and nothing was going to make her happier than watching him go on it and have fun. They didn’t know how much time they’d have to do things like that once the baby came so she wanted him to take all the opportunities he could while it was still them. Leah also knew that his relationship with his sister was beyond important to him so she wanted to make sure he kept nurturing that as well. Medina was never in California for too long, taking her freedom to travel around the world and never be in the same place for too long. Leah and Jim hadn’t planned on fully settling down at this point in their lives but the surprise addition to their family had required it and they were more than happy to oblige.
When Leah finally found the wherewithal to swing her legs over the side of her bed and stand on her feet, a flashing shot of pain ripped its way through her lower back. She fell to the floor with a silent cry at the feeling. “Oh my God, fuck.” She kneaded the heel of her hand into the spot in the hopes it would go away and it didn’t. A piece of her mind was remembering the conversation she had had with her doctor the last time she went about back labor. How Leah’s back muscles seemed to carry a lot more tension in them than her abdominal muscles did. And her next thought followed that she had promised Jim she would call if the pain felt different. And the pain was feeling way way different and way way worse. She grimaced as she grabbed her phone from the nightstand and dialed his number, rubbing her bump with a grimace as she waited.
“Hey, this is Jim, leave a message and I’ll call you back.”
“Hi Jimmy, it’s me,” she paused and let out a gasp of pain as the next wave overtook her, “I think the baby is coming...Like really actually. Call me when you get this so I know how long it will take you to get home. If I don’t hear back from you within an hour, I’m going to try and get myself to the hospital...I love you, Jim, and I can’t wait to start this new chapter with you so hurry home.” She hung up and sat staring at her phone for a few minutes in the hopes Jim would immediately get back to her. 10 minutes passed. 20 minutes passed. Her screen stayed black. No doubt he was out in the waves and his phone had been left on the beach. There was no telling when he would get her message.
It was then that the panic began to set in. What if Jim didn’t even get her message in time to make it to the hospital for the birth of their child? What if she had to do all of it alone? The stress she and her unborn child were putting her under was beginning to make her dizzy. It was then that she was starting to get concerned. The room was refusing to stay still and it felt as though her whole body was spinning around with it. Phone. Call. Doctor. Those were the three words that began to ring through her mind. Something was wrong and she needed help. She was scared of being alone and feeling so out of control of her body. For a brief moment she thinks this was what Jim must have felt like. The night on the beach when he was dying. As if the whole world was going to keep on spinning without you knowing about it. Without caring how you felt or how it happened. Maybe Jim would come and save her the way she had saved him so many times before but wishing and hoping was futile, she had to act. Leah closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths in the name of readying herself to get up. Part of her thinks it was her new maternal instinct kicking in. She had to get somewhere safe for her baby. Lying on the floor of her bedroom was not safe for her baby and that needed to change.
Her fingers finally found purchase on her phone and she quickly went into her contacts to reach her doctor.
“Dr. Khalilah’s office how-”
“It’s Leah Mason. I’m, oh shit fuck,” she couldn’t even finish her sentence as the next contraction wrapped around from her back to her stomach and weaved down her legs.
“Let me get the Doctor, Mrs. Mason, hold on.” She was vaguely aware of the muffled sounds of voices on the other end of the line but was too preoccupied with fighting the nausea rising up her throat to try and decipher what they were saying.
“Leah? Tell me what’s going on.”
“I’m in active labor. My back hurts like someone is driving a hot stake into and ripping it around my skin and I’m going to throw up and I’m so dizzy.”
“Okay, okay. I need you to breathe for me, first and foremost. Calmly, I want you to get your husband and get in the car and head to the hospital, okay? I’ll meet you there.”
“I can’t find Jim! That’s the fucking problem, Doctor, pardon my language. I can’t drive myself...What do I do?” Her breaths had turned into pants. The sweat was beginning to become ever present on her skin and she was trying to remind herself that she was strong and capable and that her and Jim were so badly looking forward to this baby so she had to pull through for all their sakes. Part of her felt a little stupid at her pleas, she was a doctor herself after all and had thought she’d be able to handle something like this with a clear and level head. With absolute ease. That was the kind of person she had always been. People always came to Leah with their problems knowing they could talk her into thinking everything was okay and to approach the problem with a clear head and steady heart. All of that had been part of the birth plan she had meticulously written out with Jim but now it was all being thrown out the window.
“Leah, I’m going to send a midwife to your house to assess the situation and help you from there okay?” She looked down at the wet patch forming on her carpet.
“Please hurry...I think my water just broke.”
“Medina she’s not fucking answering! Fucking hell move you idiot!” Jim leaned over from the passenger side and wailed on the horn.
“Jim! Calm down, okay? This is why I told you that you couldn’t drive.”
“If I miss the birth of my child because that Honda can’t step on the gas, I will kill them.” He dialed his wife’s phone again and got her voicemail...again. Jim had listened to her message on the beach with a racing heart and broad smile. For a moment he let himself breathe it in. That by the end of the day he was going to be a father. He was going to start on the right foot with his child and fix all the mistakes his parents had made with him. He was going to make sure his child never felt the way he felt, that they always knew they were loved and cherished and irreplaceable. That his child knew they always had a home in his arms. It was when he looked at the time stamp and realized it had been almost two hours since her one hour time limit that he began to panic. He yelled for his sister and began to shove all his belongings back into his bag and sprint towards the car.
“We’ll be at the hospital in...twenty minutes.”
“I’m letting her down. Fuck, Medina, she does so much for me and why am I constantly letting her down?”
“You’re not. I promise you that she doesn’t think that. First babies take so long to come. You’ll make it in plenty of time to hold her hand and feed her ice chips.” The car was quiet for a moment before Jim spoke again.
“I’m gonna be a dad. My whole life is going to change.”
“It’s a good change, Jimmy. The happiest of changes we could ever hope for.” Medina rubbed at his thigh in a comforting manner with a smile on her face. She was so proud of her brother and where he had gotten. If Leah was able to make him so happy she could only imagine the effect their baby would have on him. In her mind, Jim deserved the absolute world and she couldn’t be happier that he was finally getting it.
Medina let him run out of the car as soon as they pulled up to the hospital, assuring Jim she would find a place to park. He made his way to the Labor and Delivery section of the hospital within record timing and was breathing like he had ran a marathon by the time he reached the receptionists desk.
“My wife, Leah Mason, she’s here giving birth. I need to be with her.”
“Can I see your ID?” His hands were shaking as he pulled his wallet from his pocket and handed the plastic over to the women. “We have no one here by that name.”
“I’m sorry-”
“Jim!” He turned to look at his sister running out from the elevator with her phone extended towards him. “It’s Leah.” Jim grabbed the phone from her hands and held it to his ear like a lifeline.
“Leah? I’m at the hospital what’s your room number? Are you okay? How are you feeling? Please tell me the baby hasn’t come yet.”
“Come home I’m-” she heard a pained moan come out of her mouth and the sounds of a woman’s voice coaching her through the contraction. “There’s been a change of plans. We’re having a home birth.”
“Fuck okay I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Please hurry. I don’t think I can do this without you.” It was only on rare occasions that Jim heard Leah’s voice get small.
“You won’t have to. I love you so much and I can’t wait to be with you and our baby.”
He didn’t even let Medina come to a full stop in his driveway before he was out of his car and taking his front steps like a gazelle. “Leah!” Jim tripped in his haste to get up the stairs but didn’t even register the burning in his shins as his wife crying out in pain reached his ears.
“Oh, you’re here.” Leah cried with the relief at the sight of Jim, her Jim, stumbling into their bedroom. He kicked off his shoes and crawled into bed with her, pressing anxious kisses over every inch of her face and running his hands all over her stomach to see if anything had changed since this morning. “Jimmy it hurts so bad.”
“I know, my love, I know. But I’m here now and I’m going to try and share in as much of the pain as possible, okay?” She nodded and tucked her head into his shoulder, biting down on his skin as the next wave came. Jim bit back the expletives that wanted to fall from his mouth because she needed him to be strong and take some of the pain off her shoulders. She was birthing his child, the least he could do was keep his mouth shut. “How does everything look?” The midwife was peering between his wife’s legs.
“Only a couple more centimeters to go and I think she will be ready to start pushing.”
“We had...We had discussed a water birth. Is that still possible to do at home?” Jim took the washcloth the woman handed to him and began to dab gently at Leah’s forehead. The two had been lying in bed one night talking about how the beach and the water had been where all the important moments in their life had taken place. It only seemed fitting for the water to welcome their child into the world.
“Of course. You’ve got her so I can go get your tub ready?” He looked down at his wife; beat red in the face, hair matted to her forehead and pained moans falling from her mouth in a steady stream. If there was anytime she needed him, it was now.
“Yeah I’ve got her.” And he always would. They were partners and soulmates and every other word that meant you could not have one without the other.
“Jim? Can I tell you something?” He adjusted himself so her back was resting against his chest, Leah grabbing his collar so her lips were right up against his ear. “You ever put your dick inside me without a condom again and I’ll cut it off.”
“Okay, Sugar.” He knew it was the pain talking because she had told him numerous times that she wanted the largest possible family her ovaries and uterus would allow. Jim knew that when it was all said and done and they were holding their baby, she’d be thinking differently. It might have been crazy but Jim already couldn’t wait to do it all over again.
After two more hours of Leah writhing in pain, she started to feel the urge to push. The midwife and Jim helped her into the tub, a groan of somewhat relief washing over her as the warm water lapped at her skin.
“Alright, Mrs. Mason, put your legs over the sides and let me get a good glimpse of what it happening down there.” Jim held her hand and moved down so he could look at the same view as the midwife. “That little brown fuzz? Can you see it?”
“Yeah,” the word came out of his mouth in awe. That was his baby. Jim was inches away from meeting his child.
“Leah you’ll be crowning in a few more pushes, you’ll feel burning but it’s okay and normal.”
“Jim...in the tub.” He nodded frantically and undressed down to his underwear so he could slip in behind her. “Oh God!” The burning she had been warned about started encroaching and it showed no signs of reaching it’s peak.
“Stop pushing for just one moment dear. Let yourself stretch for the head and shoulders.”
“You got this, baby, you’re so strong and I’m right here with you and I love you so much,” Jim whispered into her ear. She had a death grip on his hands and nodded along to all of his words of encouragement, absorbing them and letting them help her power through the arrival of their child.
“Dad, why don’t you lean forward so you can get ready to catch your baby.” It took Jim a moment to realize that she was talking to him, that he was a dad now, he was someone’s dad now. His hands rubbed soothingly at Leah’s inner thighs as he placed his hands where their child was appearing slowly but surely. The head slipped into Jim’s cupped hands, their shoulders coming with a particularly loud groan from Leah before Jim was cradling his child and pulling them out of the water.
“It’s a boy!” Jim called as the baby, his son, began to wail at this newfound environment, at the loss of his cozy home inside his mother. Tears were streaming down his face as he brought his arms forward so the squirming boy could meet his mother.
“Oh look at you...look at him, Jim. He’s the most beautiful thing in the whole world. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Leah was sobbing with happiness and tiredness but she could feel no pain. All of the discomfort and agony that had been there only moments before was gone as she cradled her newborn son against her chest. He had quieted down slightly and opened his eyes, the tears falling down Jim’s cheeks faster as he looked into the eyes of his son.
“Hi,” he cooed as his finger traced over his son’s silken cheeks. “We’ve waited so long to meet you my little baby.”
“You want to come with me Dad to cut the cord and while I make sure everything is okay with your beautiful little boy?” Leah handed the baby to the midwife as Jim stood up behind her and wrapped himself in a towel.
“He’s here, Sprinkles,” Leah whispered with excitement as Jim bent down next to her, kissing her soundly on the lips.
“I’m so proud of you, Sugar. I didn’t think it was possible to love you more but watching how strong you were…” Jim took the scissors from the midwife as she offered them and cut the umbilical cord cleanly.
“Go be with our son. Make sure everything’s okay.” He kissed her once again before going to peer over the midwife’s shoulder as she performed the Apgar test, their little boy passing with flying colors.
“Let’s get mama out of the bath so she can cuddle you probably...maybe try feeding him?” Leah nodded eagerly, Jim holding their son against his chest as the women helped her stand and wrapped her in a fluffy robe. He followed closely behind as she sank down onto her side of the bed, wiggling her fingers towards her little baby. He fell quiet as the sound of his mother’s heartbeat entered his ears. The one thing in this crazy new world that was the same as his old world.  “Have you two thought of a name?”
“William. William James Mason.”
Jim looked down at his son who was resting against his shirtless chest as Leah traced over the shell of his ear.
“He looks like you when he’s asleep,” she murmured. She was barely keeping her eyes open but didn’t want to miss a moment of time with her new son.
“Definitely got your nose though.” Leah smiled up at Jim.
“Only us would have our child come into the world in such a nutso way...I’m glad Medina got to meet him already.” Once the midwife had left and Jim had helped Leah change into her comfiest pajamas and settle back under the covers with William, Jim had Medina come upstairs from where she had been lounging around in their living room. She had cried at the first sight of her nephew. If anyone knew how far Jim had come and how much he deserved the happiness that he was feeling it was Medina. She hugged Jim and they both cried in celebration of how their lives had turned out exactly the way that had always dreamed they would. Medina sat down next to Leah and carefully held her nephew for this first time, his newborn smell making her smile.
“Welcome to the tribe, little buddy,” she had whispered against his wrinkled forehead.
“Did you call your mom?” Leah asked as Jim pressed his lips onto his son’s head.
“Yeah and my dad. My dad is in Paris so he can’t come by for a week or so anyways. Mom...Mom is going through another spell where she can’t leave her house so I don’t know when we’ll see her.”
“If it’s important to you, Jim, then we can go see her.”
“It’s not that important to me.” Sandy had made herself very clear ever since she had known Leah was in her son’s life that she didn’t like her and wanted her to leave. Jim wanted none of that toxic energy anywhere near his son. He would be kept a pure ball of light and love as long as Jim could help it. “What about your parents?”
“They were happy...they both made a comment about if you were actually there or not but I’ll have them come by when you’re not here or I’ll go to there house by myself this week.” Leah’s parents harbored a resentment towards Jim and his past substance abuse. No matter how many times it was displayed or told that he was a changed man, they refused to let go of their grudge. Leah had went on to be a doctor in order to prove that she still could even with Jim in her life.
“Why are our parents like this?”
“Doesn’t matter because we won’t be anything like them. William will always be loved and accepted by us. He’ll never have to worry that we aren’t there to catch him when he falls.” The two of them closed the distance between their lips so they could kiss again. Something about becoming parents had made it so they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. “I love you, Jim Mason, let’s have another baby.”
“I’ll start the six week countdown.” They both laughed, freezing when the baby began to stir on his father’s chest. He let out the beginnings of a wail and Jim promptly sat up. “It’s okay, little one, mama and dada are here. You’re okay.” He stepped carefully off the bed so he could could sway his hips and walk around the room, the rocking motion having comforted his son back to sleep only a couple hours earlier.
“He might be hungry. Let me try to feed him.” The first time with the midwife hadn’t been that successful. William had rooted around her nipple but refused to latch. It was when Leah started tearing up with frustration that the midwife had recommended they try again some other time.
“Remember, Sugar, it’s okay if he doesn’t latch. We can still get him nutrients elsewhere.” That had been her initial attack of panic when the midwife had taken William from her and offered a bottle instead. That if he wouldn’t or couldn’t latch and get access to her breastmilk, he would somehow suffer.
“I know. I just read so much about what a bond it is for a woman and her child...I want that feeling.” Jim had already seen the natural connection between his wife and son, noticed the way William’s eyes seemed to be constantly looking for his mother and the way his face turned to her instantly when her voice reached his ears. But he didn’t want to discount her feelings or deny her of all the things she had been dreaming about for the past nine months. Jim helped her get William settled in the crook of her arm and watched as her hand gently guiding his lips towards her nipple. “Mommy doesn’t want you to be hungry and uncomfortable my love. Let Mommy help you fill your little tummy.” Jim held his breath as his son continued to root around before finally finding purchase, latching on and sucking his mother’s milk into his mouth with ease.
“Is he doing it?” Jim wanted to make sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him but when Leah looked up from their son with tearful eyes and a nod he knew it was everything she had ever dreamed it could be.
“It’s ticklish. But I feel like all the pieces of the puzzle are fitting together.” It was then that William opened his eyes and looked at his mother as he continued to pull milk into his empty stomach. “I’ve never been happier, Jim. Thank you for giving him to me.” Jim kissed the exposed skin of her shoulder from where she had opened her top up to give William access to food.
“Thank you, Leah. For the life you’ve given me the opportunity to build. For the family we’ve started together. For putting the smile back on my face all those years ago.” She smiled and turned back to watch her son. Jim couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face as he watched the two most important in the world to him interact. His heart was at peace. The two people he loved the most were warm and happy and safe and with him. Jim Mason doesn’t think life got any better than this and he doesn’t know who to thank for giving him such a beautiful second chance but he knew this time he wouldn’t screw it up. He had two things worth living for and nothing could take them away from him. Not even the ocean could keep him from his tribe. For the first time in a long time, Jim Mason was home.
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Just Do it! Faculty Led Course in St. Petersburg is Life Changing!
As a first year student at Fairfield University, I never thought I would be able to have the chance to study abroad so early on in my college career. I always heard from other students that I would not be able to go until well into my third year, a fate that seemed so far from my reach. It was only until I was visiting one of the many required FYE (First Year Experience) sessions that I bumped, quite literally, into the Study Abroad table at the clubs and organizations fair. This quick encounter, however, was all it took for Ms. Pivarnik to introduce herself and the many brochures of Fairfield’s beloved study abroad programs. This is when I first heard about the amazing opportunity to travel across the world to Russia for a faculty-led program about the History of St. Petersburg. As I listened intently, I soon found out that in just two weeks I would also receive three credits to complete my second history course requirement. I mean it all sounded too good to be true. Immediately after, I sent a picture of the brochure to my mom as I knew I wanted to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And so, I applied. The giddy excitement I first felt when I learned about this program never left, especially after I found out I had been accepted!
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I don’t think the realization of what I was doing and where I was going had hit me until my last final on May 8th. It took me packing up my room to realize I should also be packing for my trip that was in just THREE DAYS! Somehow I managed, and I showed up to the airport to see three other students waiting too. Prior to this encounter, I did not know one person attending this trip as I pinned my hopes on the fact that there would be students who were just as excited to explore the city of St Petersburg. So perhaps a tip I would share is to go up to the other students and just start talking. I know it may seem intimidating but by striking up a conversation with the group of students is what helped most for future day trips and nights out!
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Although exhausted, when we finally got off that last flight, I was eager to begin these next ten days in a new, unknown city. Immediately after dropping our bags at the hotel, the group took on the streets as I began to absorb every fleeting sensation that came my way: the sound of Russian people talking, the sight of the beautiful and grand architecture, the touch of the cobblestone bridges. It was a lot to take in but as I continued to soak in all of the small treasures of this beautiful city, I was also amazed by the familiarity. It was as if it was all new but the same. Something I certainly did not expect to feel as I traveled across the globe to a country I have never visited before. I know one of my biggest concerns of the program was how the course would be structured. At the hotel, however, we were all surprised by how comfortable everything already felt to us. Every morning we met at 08:30 for breakfast, with a few exceptions on time, and we would try several traditional Russian dishes-- Blini, pancakes stuffed with cheese or meat; Syrniki, a fried pancake topped with farmer’s cheese or honey; boiled or fried eggs; porridge. While we had the time to eat our delicious breakfasts, Professor Syssoeva would teach us “Survival Russian”, an aspect of the course that soon became my favorite. I was surprised in how by the third day I was already retaining so much of the Russian language. Professor Syssoeva made learning the foreign language enjoyable and easy as she provided every student with a packet of basic words and phrases to practice. Afterwards, the group would get ready for the excursion of the day. The shape of an “O” was constantly spread across my face as I was left gaping at all the beautiful and historical sites we visited.
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Professor McFadden and Professor Syssoeva not only picked the best sites for the group to visit, but as well as, amazing tour guides that told us about fortresses, palaces, art and political museums. The information we learned was then reinforced as we would return back to the hotel for our daily seminar. With few assigned readings per day and your honest opinion, these seminars were a great time to share between the group as I got to hear many other students’ perspectives. Following the seminar, the students were given the rest of the day to explore the surrounding city, to go shop in the malls, to go eat with each other and any other activity one saw fit. I LOVED everything about our schedule as the beautiful weather and long hours in the day let the group, and myself, become more familiar with our environment. As I mentioned briefly before, everyday we would have a set excursion for the group. One of my favorite excursions that I need to include was the trip to the Hermitage State Museum. Now, before we took the trek for the nearly three hour tour, I was briefly familiar about the size of the museum. I mean with a thousand rooms, three million pieces of art, and an ambitious eleven years to view each and every piece, I knew it wasn’t going to be a small museum. YET, until you begin to pass each room, then do you begin to realize the magnitude of the place. I mean floor to ceiling, every inch was covered with art spanning from a multitude of time periods. The preservation of this massive art collection over centuries is what is most unbelievable as St.Petersburg aims to protect its art, its culture.
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From the time I woke up in the morning to nightfall, my time spent in St. Petersburg was one that left me with so many unforgettable memories. Before this trip, I had known no one and while I wasn’t necessarily nervous about it, I feel incredibly reassured to the group surrounding me. Perhaps one of the best feelings is when you know those around you are just as excited and willing to explore the city around you. Learning about the history and culture of such a prominent Russian city with two passionate professors was a huge aid as I constantly found myself falling in love with St. Petersburg. I cannot recommend enough to any student thinking about wanting to have a taste of study abroad to do this trip! I can firmly say that this trip was one of my top highlights of my first year at Fairfield University— as I brought more than just matryoshka dolls home.
Ema Taglic Psychology, Pre-Dental HI0276 St Petersburg, Russia Class of 2022
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mattkennard · 6 years
Jeremy Corbyn: My goal is to lead a government devoted to social justice
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Published: La Jornada (6 November 2018)
Arriving at the Houses of Parliament in London, I worried that I would find Jeremy Corbyn downbeat and nervy. The leader of the Labour Party, the official opposition to the British government, has been the victim of fierce attacks over the past six months -- the crescendo to a campaign that has been rolling since he was elected leader of the Labour Party in 2015.
In a near-universally hostile British media, he is regularly portrayed as an anti-semite, a misogynist, a terrorist sympathiser, a communist agent -- the list is literally endless. Every day, there is a new line of attack on a politician who for just about his whole political life was a largely unknown, marginalised left-wing voice in British politics.
But, like so much when it comes to Jeremy Corbyn, the opposite is the case. He is upbeat and relaxed. I meet him at his offices where he is surrounded by young and enthusiastic staff buzzing round the office. As he greets me, he hands me a double espresso. Someone has got his order wrong. “Want it?” he asks smiling.
He is quick to crack a joke, is intensely interested in other people, and seems at peace. His aura is one of enviable calm. Considering the storm around him, it’s disorientating. You take a lot of hits, I say. People worry this must have an effect on you: are you happy? “Absolutely,” he cries with his characteristic wry smile, raising his eyebrows. “Absolutely!” he adds again for emphasis. “I’m extremely happy. I do my work in Parliament, I spend a lot of time touring around the country doing campaigning events, meeting people. And I travel when I can, I was in Jordan this summer visiting refugee camps.” He then adds: “I lead a very balanced life. I read quite widely. I have an allotment, which I'm very proud of, and I keep myself fit and healthy. We want people to be able to lead full lives, and I lead a very full life, and I'm very happy doing it.” As we chat casually -- he is disarmingly open -- I have to keep reminding myself that I am sitting opposite the biggest threat to the British establishment maybe ever. There have been important anti-imperialist socialist figures throughout Britain’s history, but none has ever got as close to power as Jeremy Corbyn is right now. His rise has been improbable, but, after constant destabilisation campaigns (often by his own party) he is obviously going nowhere.
In the General Election of 2017, when he was roundly predicted to crash and burn, he increased Labour’s seat count and the Tories lost their majority in the Houses of Parliament. Some say it was the most important moment for progressive politics in modern British political history. The left finally proved that its ideas could be popular with the general population. Socialism is back, and many predict that if Britain’s unstable Prime Minister Theresa May falls and a general election is called, Corbyn and Labour would win a landslide.  
Corbyn, unlike many in parochial British politics, is and has always been an internationalist. He links struggles for democracy and human rights across the world and has travelled extensively throughout his life. But Latin America, and especially Mexico, has a special place in his heart. I glance over to his desk where a miniature Mexican flies above his papers. Further back is a framed picture of his Mexican wife Laura Alvarez at her graduation.
Corbyn has been rereading A History of Mexico in preparation for the interview and he is clearly enthused by the fact Mexico has turned red with the election of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador -- the first time, he points out, Mexico has elected a real left-winger since Lazaro Cardenas in the 1930s. In fact, he is so excited by what AMLO represents that he announces he will be travelling to Mexico for the inauguration of AMLO in December.  “AMLO has shown amazing personal and political courage over many decades,” he tells me. “He was one of the most reforming of mayors of Mexico City in history. Indeed, it's quite humbling when you go to the supermarket at the time of the month when the older people get their food vouchers, and they call them AMLOs.”
Does Corbyn sees similarities between himself and AMLO? “I see similarities in the sense that we're both of about the same age, both been in politics all of our lives, and both have an absolute commitment to human rights and to righting injustice. I support him in the difficulties I know he's going to face in searching for all the disappeared, as well as dealing with the Ayozinapa 43, and the dreadful case that that is.”
Corbyn first went to Latin America in the late 1960s when he was 20-years-old. He was living in Jamaica working with Voluntary Service Overseas and when he finished he embarked on a solo trip around South America. He fell in love with the region and has since visited nearly every country in Latin America. “There is a huge ethnic diversity across Latin America that's often not understood by people outside. Understanding the history of Latin America is very limited in the rest of the world. The diversity of Bolivia, for example, with Quechua being actually the dominant language not Spanish. When that diversity is recognized you tend to get more inclusive governments. For example, in Chile the great Salvador Allende recognized the needs of the Mapuche people, which had often been ignored until then. I see the strength of Latin America as bringing people together.”
This is the side of Latin America that has inspired the left across the world in the past century. But there is another, darker, side to the region that, in places like Brazil, is coming back. Corbyn is aware of this too. “I also see elites in Latin American that have often been interlinked with the armed forces and global corporations ... hence the problems that the Allende suffered. I think an ongoing issue is the question of control of resources, and the economic development of the continent. I was looking recently at my diaries from 1969, and I've got an entry from May the 1st, 1969, in Santiago. That was the time when Popular Unity had been formed which eventually led to the election of President Allende a year later. Remember it was the first past the post system, so Allende got elected on, I think, 36% of the vote. He faced opposition from the very beginning, particularly from the mining companies, and the CIA, much of it led by Kissinger. It's all very well recorded.”
Corbyn pauses then adds: “There are powerful forces that move around in the world that want to oppose those who want to bring about economic and social justice. The only way to combat it is insertion of democratic values and humans rights, and that is exactly what I'm determined to do.”
Corbyn has been called by some Britain’s answer to Salvador Allende. Except the powerful reactionary forces he mentions will be much more concerned about Britain going red than Chile. No core capitalist country has ever had an anti-imperialist socialist in power. The political and economic system is sick and immoral. It remains to be seen whether such a system will ever allow a decent and principled human being to rise to its apex. Do you worry, I ask, about the forces that brought down Allende doing the same thing to you? “Well, I understand a lot of the media are very unkind towards me here,” he says. “Extremely unkind,” he adds with a wry grin. “I think what we showed in the general election and since then is our ability to communicate with people was critical. Things like social media, and local organizations, have created a confidence amongst a lot of people in Britain that we can bring about political change, we can be a government of social justice and we can have a foreign policy based on human rights and justice. I'm utterly determined to achieve it.”
The Labour Party in Britain is nominally left-wing yet at least since Tony Blair won leadership of the Party in 1994 -- and arguably long before -- it has allied with reactionary forces across the world, from George W Bush to Silvio Berlusconi to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.  That meant it showed no solidarity at all with the “pink tide” movement of the late 1990s and 2000s which saw progressive governments come to power in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay and Brazil. In one of most exciting times for left politics in history, the Labour Party under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown was completely absent - only offering ritual denunciations of “authoritarianism” and “populism” in the liberated countries.
I wonder if that will now change under Corbyn, that the Latin American left can expect solidarity from the Labour Party now. “I'm very clear that we have to build an international movement, which deals with economic injustice and inequality, and challenges the neoliberal agenda. We need governments that think alike to work together on economic justice and we'll absolutely do that.” He is particularly interested in the progress that Bolivia has seen under the government of Evo Morales and the social movements that catapulted him to power. “I had a very interesting visit to Bolivia some years back when I led a parliamentary delegation there. We were looking at the control of water, and the mining industry, but also the enfranchisement of the diversity of Bolivia. The idea that a non-Spanish speaking woman should be the author of the constitution of Bolivia was amazing and historic in so many ways. I've got a lot of respect for what they've achieved in Bolivia.”
Before we finish up I ask him if he has a message for Mexicans as AMLO takes power, and he shoots back, in perfect Spanish: “Saludos y buena suerte para el futuro, y paz y justicia para todo el pueblo de Mexico.” He smiles and then says tapping his Mexican history book, and back in English now, “I’m really looking forward to being in Mexico.”
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Backpacker Advice - Safety and also Security
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female safety items during travel
My goal is to start by simply saying, that I privately have never had any kind of basic safety or security difficulties even though travelling - different than using a bottle connected with half clear shower serum going absent after My partner and i left it inside the bathtub (I was gutted! ). If you follow simple advice and use your personal sound judgment then neither must you.
female safety items during travel
Desired destination Safety
A person should always check your own state's foreign office regarding information how safe your current destination is definitely. This will probably provide the official placement of your government upon in which destination's safety.
Nonetheless any travel warning coming from your unusual office will not necessarily mean you may not head out. Often there might end up being a small part associated with this country that basically safe, nevertheless the foreign business office will announce the complete nation unstable. So it will be some sort of good idea to combination check with some other unknown offices and reporting agencies.
Precisely what To Do If Your own personal Destination Will become Unsafe When There
You're not likely to be able to experience political alter, specifically outside of cities, nonetheless it can happen - navy effet in Bangkok seem to be to take place every several or 4 years.
Normally tourists are not a new focus on and your vacation will be not affected, however you should always stay away from virtually any mass protest as well as display.
If you locate yourself in the very less likely situation of sense hazardous or a concentrate on, you have a couple of alternatives. The first is for you to go to your own personal charge. Be aware that embassies will often become targets by themselves rapid if your charge is a targeted, subsequently neighbouring embassies will most likely present refugee - We. at the. a British Citizen, must be fine to go to help the Australian, Us or even Canadian embassies along with perversité versa.
Note down charge includes before you proceed.
The second option is to buy out as quickly since possible. This may always be as easy as getting the bus away, but while complex as contacting the particular foreign office back residence intended for specialist advice. I actually must state that that is extremely rare, and possesses not happened to myself or perhaps anyone I get met.
Safety measures For Ladies
You should outfit correctly when travelling to particular destinations. Respect religious persuits in regards to attire code and get away from sexual being a nuisance by dressing up conservatively. Take into account wearing shoes or boots you usually are capable of running inside, while visiting high risk regions.
Avoid getting alone following dark. If it is actually inescapable stick to properly lit in addition to crowded parts.
Keep any rape burglar alarm with you when you attend areas where you may possibly be vulnerable. Be sure it will be easy to access instructions with your pocket or linked to (not in) your personal bag.
American women can easily often appear promiscuous in order to some cultures, so in case stressed either ignore this or maybe tell them a person don't like it and they also should back off. When adopted walk into some sort of store or motel as well as tell the owner. If possible ask them to call up the police.
In the event that snapped up or attacked, yell seeing that loud as you could as well as activate your rapadura alert, don't try to be able to plead or even bargain. Combat back, use just about any things around you and shoot for the head, knees or perhaps privates.
If you tend to be sharing a dormitory using another traveller that may be producing you feel uncomfortable, you ought to let them and typically the hostel supervision know -- ask to go rooms when necessary. Most hostels give female only dorms, and so if you are apprehensive concerning sharing with guys this is the best solution.
How To Stay away from Getting Broken into
A related principle to not acquiring robbed anywhere - occurs common sense.
Don't demonstrate off your own valuables, specially not in the risky location or in a region where valuables are rare or hard to are available by.
Never have an excessive amount of on your person and also ensure important items are usually secure and invisible, both in a zipped bank account or locked bag. Retain other valuables safe within your hostel.
Blend in. What exactly I mean by means of which is don't act similar to a new tourist. Don't look through that will big wad of notes inside your finances, looking for the proper foreign money.
Seek safety suggestions out of your hostel. Don't move to a location that an individual have been advised never to or an area just where you will stick out along with become a target.
Keep Alert. Especially when with CREDIT machines and whenever handing above currency. Primary locations to get pickpockets are generally markets in addition to transport dernier.
If you are proceeding to become drinking, may take almost any valuables out there with you and stay added cautious.
Don't drift off in public transport or maybe retail outlet items you don't would like to lose in the cost to do business pockets. From what My spouse and i have heard via many other travellers this is often the most frequent scenario where persons have goods stolen.
Have a tendency keep gear together. Specifically cash : always include an emergency stash, My partner and i. e. in a match of clothes. Documents furthermore, you should have photocopies of your passport retained independently from the authentic.
I am not just a huge fan of safety pouches/ wallets/ belts, I think that they act like magnets for you to thieves - alerting those to the fact you possess something precious on anyone. If you insist about getting one, never receive it in public, constantly move to the very discreet place.
If you sense beneath threat, look with regard to exit items and take into account leaving as well as running.
Exactly how To Protect Your personal Things In Hostels
All people have these kinds of false misconceptions it is the actual locals who are in order to get their belongings, yet the unhappy reality is usually the biggest threat is definitely from your fellow individuals.
Fairly obvious really, contemplating you happen to be sharing a area with an regular regarding 6 strangers for every night time. However it is crucial to consider only a little minority of men and women resort to help theft.
Most hikers usually are wealthy and it can certainly end up being very tempting regarding some people to aid their selves - even in order to items you wouldn't expect. Avoid put anything past individuals - from chapsticks to be able to chargers; tuna to tooth paste - I've heard the particular lot.
The problem is actually most people are also trusting; the golden principle in hostels though is just not to trust anyone having your current belongings, particularly certainly not full strangers.
The bulk of crime will be opportunistic, not planned.
Departing your own personal iPhone on demand untreated is just giving somebody a opportunity to rob it rapid don't offer people options.
If you actually are leaving something alone ensure it is based away instructions that should go for when you usually are sleep too. Always retain valuables in a very locker as well as hostel risk-free.
Despite the fact that I stated earlier I have got never been any casualty of crime though treking, I have certainly find scam or two -- and you should too.
They goal travelers, so you tend to be likely to find all of them for most tourist destinations a person visit, in particular in establishing countries.
Several scammers get very good strategies to receiving your money. Go with belly feeling, you may usually impression when a thing is awry of course, if that sounds too good to get true, it probably is usually. Never hand over funds, property or details right up until you know everything is definitely legitimate.
Simply use registered taxis, avoid the use of cards throughout non reliable stores or even hostels. Once more common good sense is key, use the idea and also you won't fall target.
Privately, the hotbed intended for hoaxes is Hanoi, Vietnam : every hour We was right now there I ended up being targeted by scammers usually.
In this article is a list involving some cons you may possibly encounter, some more significant than others:
The particular Over Friendly And Good Salesman. Someone starts some sort of conversation with you upon the neighborhood, usually quite friendly; "where are an individual from?... Oh I enjoy the item there... Do you recognize these kinds of and such? inches. After a while they might offer you a "mates rate" package deal for a new massage for example, that they can will arrange for anyone within the phone. However while you get at this time there, you actually find the owner connected with the massage therapy parlour had not been aware of this particular package, or the parlour isn't going to even exist.
How To be able to Avoid: After having a few associated with these you just learn, and ignore the dialogue to start with. Never pay to get something before you can observe it.
The English language Pupil. Again someone should come upwards to you being incredibly helpful, they will consult if they can easily discuss with you in Uk because they are understanding. They then parents along with student fees or perhaps ebooks, etc.
This may appear to be it could be legitimate, but it took place for you to me 3 times with three or more days in Hanoi. There are numerous scams like this specific - in which play to help your emotions rapid nevertheless most of these sob reports are scams.
Just how To Avoid: Merely point out sorry, I can't aid or I have simply no money in me. In the event you feel bad in that case donate to a signed up charitable organization.
The Scooter Sales person. Some guy on a moped will pull right up subsequent to you and offer you to promote you something. Commonly in order to just take your personal money and journey off of without giving you the product or service.
How To Avoid: Basic, don't acquire anything by someone sitting down on the getaway vehicle.
Typically the Distracter. Extremely common. Any thoughts will be put within place including children approaching up to you, folks wanting a photo together with you, a person spilling one thing on you, and so forth Just about all the while someone more will be choosing your own pocket.
How To Steer clear of: May carry too several valuables in your person. Make certain your case is straightened and wallets are compressed. Be sound the alarm and guard your purchases when fumes screens similar to this are set in place.
The Fixer. You will be taking walks along the lane minding your own business any time an individual will start aiming at your shoes and boots (or bag, or whatever) expressing it is broken and requirements fixing. Then one or maybe two a lot more people will certainly start saying the same. They will will try to correct your current shoe whilst a person are still jogging as well as charge you for typically the services.
How To Keep away from: This happened in my opinion about more than one situation. I actually started by merely saying "no", if this didn't perform I surpassed the street and after that ultimately would start jogging.
Often the Drug Seller. Simple, anyone will offer you drug treatments. If you buy these, they will tip away from any police officer with regard to a reward.
Keep away from: Clearly don't buy prescription drugs. In case you absolutely have in order to, obtain other travellers, as well as through someone a passenger has stated they have delivered from just before.
The Phony Police Officer. An individual proclaiming to be a law enforcement officials officer may ask to be able to see your passport and also claim it is cast, or claim money you merely gave to a seller seemed to be counterfeit, and request you to pay out some sort of fine.
How To Prevent: A difficult a single, although extremely rare because the fees and penalties for the scammers are incredibly high. Tell them an individual have been suggested for you to always pay fees on a local police place to avoid con-artists. When they are reputable police force officers they should include no issue with this. Never ever get into a unmarked police car, look for these people to take you to help often the station in a new marked just one. If many people have a problem using this these are most most likely a scammer, consequently get in touch with the police or your own personal charge.
The Fake Solution. Anyone will sell anyone a bus or even additional ticket, that is in fact just a piece regarding paper with creating with it.
How To Stay away from: Buy primary, from the accredited travel agent, or perhaps from somewhere a revisionist has successfully bought coming from.
The actual Credit Card. An individual card will probably be scanned 2 times or amounts copied.
Precisely how To Avoid: Never allow your card out of your personal sight. Ensure that merchants swipping your credit card in entrance of you - in the event that they "need to consider it out the backside to the actual machine", inquire to follow these individuals. Inquire for, and keep invoices.
The particular Border Crossing. Anyone will be questioned in order to take something across the particular edge, for someone holding out on the other aspect. This specific almost certainly implies you are being utilized because a drug mule instructions and if you find caught carrying out that inside some places it is actually good bye for you.
The way To Avoid: Never, ever before take anything across the border that isn't your own own. Assure your tote hasn't been meddled having as well.
If You actually Be a Victim Of Criminal offenses
To begin with, if you are usually ever threaten using a system always give up your current belongings, it really just isn't worth the cost, especially as you actually should be totally covered by insurance. Also these days it doesn't take long to be able to cancel and get substitutions regarding passports, cards, and so forth.
You need to act immediately in the event you are a sufferer of crime. The 1st step will be filing any police review (this can be vital if professing your insurance). You could nonetheless need/ want to go to your embassy first according to the nature of the criminal offenses.
You will additionally need to stop any objects stolen since soon possible.
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insaincat · 7 years
Bluer than the ocean. Pt 1
Siren Au. World where the Champions lived. Some Gore. Murder Mystery. Romance. Mythology. Link is a hoarder. Sidon isn't the biggest thing out there, or the scariest. Don't know if I’ll finished this. Wrote this randomly with no idea where it was going them BAM, plot happened and I was like ‘shit this was supposed to be a fluff without plot’. Sidon is a love struck puppy. This all happens with in the span of a month.
Sidon is sent to Lurelin village to help eradicate a water monster that the villagers can't quite catch. Except it isn't a water monster doing the killings. In fact, said water monster is quite innocent. But now Sidon has to find out who or what is killing the men in the village. 
The Village Chief then introduces him to a quite small Hylian, who seems to hold just as many mysteries as the ocean. He wants to help too, but he kinda scares Sidon. And yet there's just something about him that intrances him. Maybe it's his soft song like voice? Maybe it's his sun kissed skin speckled with dark freckles? Maybe it’s those gem blue eyes that glow in the sun? Or that smile that made his insides flip in unison? His laugh, oh his laugh. Sidon could listen to that for hours, and it would never fail to turn his brain into mush and have his heart sing...
 Oh Hylia. 
Bluer than the ocean around them, the gems seemed to twinkle. If only they were real gems, Sidon would have taken them home and gifted them to his sister. But the gems had an owner, so he could not take. Instead, he watched, frozen in place, his heart mesmerized by the gems that twinkled in the little sunlight around them. His mind, however, scream danger at the being before him. 
He didn't know what he was. It was too shrouded in darkness to tell. All Sidon could see was those gem-like-eyes that it had, but he did not fail to catch the glittering of pearl white teeth.  It sat under a rock at the seabed’s floor, almost as if it had buried itself there, and by the low growl coming from it, it didn't want him coming any closer. 
This likely was its home, its territory, and Sidon had been intruding. 
Sidon wasn't used to this salt water indruding in his gills as he struggled to breath through his sudden wave of fear, though he took it much better than some of the zora that accompanied him. Might be due to his sub-type.
He and very small army had traveled from Zora’s Domain to Lurelin Village after a member of the Village came hands and knees, begging for the zora’s aid. Sidon’s father had thought it would be a great opportunity for him to see the world and to practice military command. The chief of Lurelin Village had asked them to discover, and hopefully eradicate, whatever was lurking in Aris’s waters. 
It originally had been full of monsters, for which they had been gathering a small troup for, but then something moved in and the monsters disappeared. However, instead of being relieved, they quickly found out that something, likely bigger, just ate them. 
A few men from the village had gone missing, there had been several mentions of some giant fish being spotted in the water, even near the village, and everyone could hear singing at night. While the tune would lull children to sleep and relive Women of their stresses, the men seemed to be entranced by it. Sidon had experienced this himself one night when stayed in the village.
It was beautiful. Something so sweet yet sorrowful swept the air that night. It had been sung in an unknown language, but was slow so maybe he just couldn't tell by the way the vowels were drown out.  It was masculine, he could tell that much, but there were parts of it where the voice sprang to a high note, one that seemed impossible for any sort of male creature to do. 
The voice so velvety seemed to soothe every part of his body, as his mind seemed to distance itself from reality. 
When he came to, he was lying face up on Aris Beach. He didn't know how he got there but it had been morning already. And when he got to the village, they had found a dead body, shredded and torn apart, face completely gone. The body was unrecognizable, but from the point that there was another man missing, this was likely him. Sidon had thanked Hylia that day for not being this man when he was put under that trance. 
But now he was. He was just floating there like a sitting duck, his brain not even remembering the spear in his hand. It stayed there too, hidden in the darkness of the depths. It looked like it considered him enough of a threat to not dare to move just as he did. But then there was movement. 
It wasn't his, or the creature before him. It was off in the distance, towards the beach. It caught both of their attentions, enough to have them tear their eyes off each other. A boat. It was a boat coming closer. The creature sunk further into it’s rock cave and Sidon lowered himself the the sea floor. The boat obviously spooked the creature. But why would it? If it had the ability to take out men and monsters, why did it see the boat as a threat? 
As the shadow of the boat loomed closer, Sidon tried his best to keep in the shadows. And the closer it got, the colder the water seemed. It stopped a few feet away and just sat there for a moment. Then, something large fell into the water and the boat started back towards the beach. 
The creature returned, but instead of seeing those blue gems, Sidon saw pitch black that reflected the sun in an ery way. Every part of Sidon screamed to swim, swim as fast as he could, no, faster than he could, away from that monster. But Sidon kept control of himself. Besides, the creature was no longer looking at him. It was looking at the floating thing in the water. 
Whatever it was, the creature seemed infuriated by it. It shook it’s head a few times, as if it was trying to override the sent of something. Then, Sidon smelled it too just as he heard the words echo in his head. ‘Blood’. It was time to go, and this time, Sidon went with his instinct to swim as fast as his body could possibly take. 
Right before he did, he caught a glimpse of an unhinged jaw and oh so many teeth. 
Sidon had swam right back to the beach and was near wheezing when he arrived. All of the zora had poked their out of the water, a few coming to check on him. 
“Get everyone out of the water, now.” He rasped, as he tried to catch his breath. The guard at his side stood and the words of their Prince, and everyone did as they were told. Few questions were asked as they all headed back to the village, and Sidon was thankful for that. He needed to get his thoughts in order. 
It was near sundown when Bazz, the guard captain, approached him. His father had instructed him to go to keep an eye on Sidon’s actions and advise him when necessary. 
“My Prince.” 
“Hello Bazz.” Sidon turned from the ocean to face the captain. 
“Might I ask what you saw? You seemed fairly... upset.” Bazz seemed to choose his words carefully, as most should around royalty. But Sidon wasn't going to sugar coat what he saw. 
“Terrified is more like it.” He gave a smile to his older friend. “But yes. I can hardly blame you for being concerned.” 
“Its my job after all. Your sister would have my head if not.” Sidon laughed at his dry humor. “Care to tell an old friend?”
“Yes. Well... I admit that i'm not sure myself.” He faced the ocean again, memories of what happened earlier that day surfaced like a new scar. The terror he felt was real, and it made him shiver. “It was odd. I cant really... understand it.”
Bazz sat next to him, showing that he’s lending an ear as a friend rather than a captain. 
“It was...” he breathed a moment. “It was beautiful, at first.”
“Oh god. Please don't tell me about your sex life, my prince.” Bazz smirked. 
“Oh no. Dear Hylia, no. Especially with...” The thought of an unhinged jaw made him shiver again. “...That. I mean, its eyes. They were beautiful. I originally thought that they were a pair of gems just sitting at the ocean floor but....” 
“Goddesses! You mistook eyes for gems? My Prince! I must inform Muzu about this. He’ll make you re-read the book about minerals!” Bazz gave a snort. 
“Please, anything that~!” Sidon leaned to the side and drape an arm over his crown and let out a dramatic sigh. “Why do you take so much pleasure from my pain?”
“Because its something to gosip over. Now, please. Continue about how you almost plucked a poor creature’s eyes out.” 
“I’ll have you note, I very much didn't.” He straightened. “But yes. As I got closer, i noticed it was clearly not what I thought, for, believe it or not, had very large teeth. And it was growling? I don't understand how it could, as many animals cant, but it was.” Bazz nodded for him to continue. “I... I was terrified. I couldn't even see all of it, and I knew that I didn't have much of a chance at winning hand to hand.” He looked to the sand between his toes. “I had a feeling even Mipha and father wouldn't be much a match for it alone.” 
“How? Your Sister is one of the best warriors in the domain, not to mention the King.” 
“I don't know. But I knew that this creature was something that would terrify even a lynal.” He rubbed a hand over his face. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, he felt exhausted. “It didnt attack me. It seemed to be just as alert as I was though, it kept its distance.” 
“Maybe it saw this giant red thing made of pure muscle while holding a poky shiny stick a thing not to be messed with.” 
“Well, when you put it like that, I even I would be terrified of me!”  Bazz grineed when Sidon lightly jabbed his side with his elbow. “But it really didnt feel that way on my side. So we were just staring at each other, and then a curious thing happened.” 
“Things got weird?”
“Very. A boat from the village approached us. It hid, and, well, so did I. And before it left, it dropped something heavy into the water.” His fists clenched. He had been lucky to swim away when he did. If he had stayed a second longer, he likely would have been torn apart by the creature. Or worse. He could have gone into a blood frenzy. “It recked of blood.” 
The air was stiff and silent, unspoken words easily translated in Bazz’s mind. 
“Bazz.” The black zora looked to him. “I think... I think there’s a killer in this village. It clearly isn't that creature. It seemed very territorial, but it didn't seem to wish for unnecessary death.”
“Your highness, you’r likely right about a killer being here, but I cant say about the creature not being aggressive and helping lure these villagers to the killer. We should eradicate the creature as a unit and return home. That is what I think.” Bazz stood from his spot, dusting off his behind and legs of sand and Sidon pursed his lips. He had a feeling that the creature was just an innocent bystander like everyone ells. 
“We were asked to kill the creature hunting their people.” 
“We were asked to kill the creature hunting their shores.” 
“Then we find out what is really hunting it, because when I found it, it was much too far from the shores to be considered a threat.” And Sidon stood. 
“I found it by a cave far up north. I had originally gone there to find a gift for Mipha and my father, but I found it instead. There was plenty of food there, it has no reason to travel this far out. And I will admit that I should have brought a guard, yes, that was stupid of me. But I stand by in believing it is not the one at fault.” 
Bazz vissibly clenched his jaw, trying to refrain from scolding this child before him and sighed to relive some of the stress. “What of the song we heard?”
“Likely just an echo. The place I found it was close to the mountains and had a few trenches and cliffs.”
“What do you suggest we do, Me Prince? Need I remind you we were given only a month to do this.” And now Sidon was talking to his guard captain, rather than his friend. 
“First we have one of our medics look at the body we’ve found so far. See if they can find any hints that the man was killed in an unnatural way.” Bazz nodded. “Have some of the guards comb the beaches for blood or weapons. We should also have three or four of our people integrate with the locals, see if they can find anything out through there, rumours or otherwise.” He paused and looked to Bazz, who was expecting him to add more. 
“Oh, and, increase the amount of guards at night, females only. Who ever is doing this is using the lull to it’s advantage.” 
“We’ll have another guard accompany you to places outside the village.” Bazz added, and as much as Sidon wanted to complain, he was the Prince and this was just protocall. 
“Good. Now I think I’ll be retiring for the night.” 
The sun had already set and people had started to light their torches for the upcoming darkness. Sidon was sitting on the floor, writing to his sister at his desk, when came a knock. 
“Sire, the chief would like a word with you.” 
“Let him enter.” 
The door opened and in slowly walked the village chief, Rozel. He was thin and old, his hair having turned silver and his eyebrows seemed to nearly cover up his eyes. His beard and mustache was more welkept than his hair whiched seemed to seemed to want to defy gravity at all costs. But he wasn't the only one who walked in. 
Blue eyes like gems locked onto his, and for a moment, his brain stopped working and his body stiffened as his instincts tried to figure out if he was friend or foe. He felt afraid, but not terrified. Though eyes the same, this was a hylian, but shorter than any he’s seen before. 
“Good evening, Prince Sidon.” Chief Rozel smiled. “Looks like you noticed my little suprise.” 
“Surprise??” Sidon blinked a few times before looking to Rozel. 
Rozel nodded with a hum and presented the young man next to him. “This is Link. I had thought you would need some help, so I sent word to the young Master.” 
“Master?” Sidon’s eyes looked over Link. He was shorter than the average hylian, bit baby faced, but from the sharpness of his eyes, he was fully grown. Blond hair only seemed to be partly bundled together in the back as over half of it framed his face and draped around his neck. Full lips and a well defined brow, and as if to wrap his charming looks in a bow, he had blue piercings in each ear. He was dressed loosely, but enough covered him to wonder if what he was seeing was baby fat or toned muscles. 
“Yes. Master. He had worked as Queen Zelda’s knight at one point, but I believe you are retired now.” Rozel looked to Link who only nodded in confirmation. 
“Really? So young?” 
“Yes, I do believe it only happened due to an emergency, but what do I know.” the elder stroked his beard. “He is very skilled in combat and very witty. I think he’ll prove useful to aiding you.” 
“Ah. Thank you for the offer but-” Suddenly, that terror that made his senses tell him to turn and run returned, just as it did in the water this morning. He looked to Link who looked as if... It was if he was looking down at Sidon. As if Sidon wasn't twice his height, even sitting down. And those Gem like eyes felt cold, unlike earlier. It seems... as if Link doesn't want Sidon to send him away. Like he knows what's happening and he won't take no for an answer. 
Link was threatening him, and every part of him said to obey. 
He coughed to cover up the sudden pause and restated himself. “But dont know if there is more you can do. I will, however, be happy to accept your offer.” The glar softened and Sidon no longer felt that he was about to face something fierce. 
The elder just laughed, as if he knew what Link was doing, “Go easy on him Link.” He gave the hylian a pat on the back and Link smiled. Wow. When he wasn't busy threatening to take someone’s life quietly, he was really handsome.
“Now. There is another reason I came by.” Rozel said. “I heard  a rumor that you went up north and saw something.” 
Sidon nearly jumped up. “Really?! How? I thought I told Bazz to keep quiet about our talk.” 
Rozel just waved him off. “Children see things they shouldn't and tell their mothers. And women often like to gosip around each other.” 
Sidon sighed. “Yes. Its true.”
“Please, do tell this old man.” He leaned closer, as if he was about to hear gosip himself. Link just rolled his eyes and shook his head. 
“I doubt you’ll believe me. I hardly believe me.” 
“Try me.”
“Well...” Sidon began and Link leaned on the wall, not looking very interested in his story. “I saw this creature up north, near a cave. It didn't seem aggressive, but territorial. Quite sharp teeth.” The elder hummed. “But it did have these eyes... I admittedly mistook for gems, and while I was a bit... startled by what I found, it’s eyes were stunningly beautiful.” 
Link made a sound, maybe it was a squeak, as he suddenly lost footing under him (somehow) and nearly fell, only catching himself on the wall at the last second. He tried to play it cool by straightening himself and leaning back on the wall with a stoic face. But Sidon did notice a faint blush on his face and ears, which were pointed down in embarrassment. 
The elder just laughed again. “Sounds like you saw the God of the Sea.” 
“God of the Sea. We don't really have a name for him, but he’s been around as long as the ocean itself. He’s to take on many forms, but no one has really seen his true without being completely covered in darkness. All we know as that his eyes are like gems, and he protects the sea and those that dwell in it.” 
“Really?” Different cultures had always been fascinating, but experiencing them was something else. 
“Yes, Really. He’s known to be territorial, however. When I was a young lad, our village would go to the cliffs and send him gifts. My sister once gave him a flower crown, and unlike everyone ell’s, he took it right away. Saw a clawed hand snatch it and drag it down while my gift waited a day or two before it was accepted.” he chuckled at the fond memory and Link and Sidon couldn't help but smile as well. “She never let me live it down. Always said the god liked her more than me.” 
Sidon’s smile faded. “Do you think it’s possible that the Sea god is the one responsible for what is happening?” 
Rozel’s eyebrows shot up, and Sidon saw his eyes for the first time in his life. Dull brown, but still there. “Dear goddesses, no. He’s much to kind for that. Not even if he was angry. He’d just eat all the fish. He’s sassy, but he’s not evil.”
Link gave a tisk and rolled his head to the side in an over dramatic way, as if he’d been the one who was just spoken bad about. 
Rozel eyes him and muttered “Dramatic too.”
“Thank you for this information. I’ll be glad to chalk the Sea God as impossible suspect.” 
Rozel nodded. “Its time we take our leave, then. Good night, Prince Sidon.” He turned towards the door and Link pushed himself off the wall to help the elder leave. 
But before he closed the door behind him, he spoke in barely a whisper, eyes brighter than the moon, “Yes. Good night, young Prince.”
And Sidon was alone. 
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hello love!! sorry for the very late response :(((
yes my day was a lil bad, but it wasn’t the worst I guess? I mean, I was more disappointed with myself—I just passed my calculus quiz, but I knew I could have done a lot better since I knew the material well, except I panicked because of the time restriction. It kind of sucks because I’m worried my calculus mark will drop my gpa and it’s stressful bc ✨uni admissions✨ but there’s nothing I can do except hope I do well on my test tmr! it’s actually part of why I responded so late; I had a quiz today (I got 90%!!) and was studying all morning :(( I only logged into tumblr just now, but my day has already brightened reading your message🥰💓💓 (also thank you for the offer babe, but I’m feeling better now🥺💓
yes yes more brainrot please!! warning, this paragraph is just me rambling lol okok anyways mmm yes to everything you wrote but also how they hug you!! like okok going into my personal life, I’m a small bean (fun fact! I’m 4’11 and a neurologist told me I’m never going to hit 5’0”😭) and the boys are over 6’0” like??? i have childhood friends (coincidentally, twin boys who have a similar build to the Miya twins) who are over 6’0” and when they hug me they just kinda fold over me and it’s just an all encompassing hug🥺🥺 I haven’t seen them in over a year tho bc corona so this is just coming from my memories lol but anyways!! going back to our boys, I headcanon that their hugs would be just like that but even more so?? bc romantic relationships🥰🥰 n e ways, imagine back hugs while you’re cooking dinner with them after a long day and they just kinda drape themselves on you like the world’s heaviest blanket and won’t let you go to cook until whatever is on the stove begins to burn, or back hugs while you’re cooking breakfast and they sleepily nuzzle into your neck and leave little pecks on your shoulder that’s exposed bc of how oversized their shirt is on you, or you come surprise them at practice and they just sprint over and full body hug you (lifting you up and spinning you while holding you as close to them as possible) and you can’t even complain about how sweaty they are bc you’re reminded of how genuinely they love you and just hugs🥺🥺 sorry for the long ramble haha I just have so much love for these boys aaa but also I’m glad my last brainrot helped provide inspo for you🥰
OKAY WAIT I thought I was done but love letters!! (this was originally in the same paragraph but it got really long so im making it a second one sorry babes) but omg imagine them handwriting you love letters just because and I say love letters but really I guess I mean notes? (I count those as love letters tho don’t clown me 🥺) some of them are like two sentences clowning you for forgetting your umbrella leaving your house(“remember to bring your umbrella next time because ya look like a drowned rat, sweetheart”) and some of them are little reminders to drink water/eat/sleep, but on some occasions, sometimes on your actual important dates (birthdays, anniversaries) but also sometimes randomly, you’ll get a romantic ass letter talking about all the reasons why they love you and it’s all the little things you do, the small mannerisms that make you, you, like (“I adore the way your curl into me and cling to me when you’re sleepy, as if my lap is the only place you ever want to be” and “the way your tongue always slips to the corner of your mouth when you concentrate is the cutest thing ever, baby” and “the way you do everything you can to support me makes me fall even further into love with you (and I’m never going to stop loving you)” and “I know you think I think you’re crazy for colour coding your document folders, but really, I love how passionate you are about your organization system”) and I’m just dying please i want this to happen in real life🥺🥺 and omgomgomg this would be the cutest thing buT THERES MORE !! imagine that they write you love letters, all throughout your relationship, but they don’t give them to you until either your anniversary or your wedding and it’s just a massive compilation of all the thoughts they’ve had of you throughout the years, your dates, and even the unofficial crushing phase 🥺🥺 ngl I swear that there’s at least one letter talking about how frustrating it is that “you’re so cute, I can’t even coneventrate at practice >:( it’s all your fault that kita-san is lecturing me but you’re cute so I guess it’s okay” like hbshh baby please😭
I’ll do my best not to get stressed out!! we’ll see how I do tho lol but thank you for your concern ily angel💓💓
you are forever the angel baby but yes we are gonna have to agree to disagree😤 yes I will try to, lovely! take care of yourself as well; make sure you drink lots of water, eat yummy food, and get more than enough sleep! I am proud of you, as are the boys, for everything that you’ve done today💓
this was quite a long message haha and I’m sorry for how long it took me to get back to you, but take care of yourself love!! stay safe and healthy, and I’ll talk to you soon💘
hi, sweetheart! i’m so sorry for not responding sooner! i thought i had, but apparently i didn’t — i’m not sure, tumblr isn’t being nice, today 😔🖐
i honestly can’t imagine how stressful that must be for you, sweetheart. i’m sorry your quiz grade wasn’t what you wished, but i do hope things all work out for you! 💕 i have faith that you’ll do better on the next quiz!! and i’m really proud of you for getting a 90%!! good job!! i hope you did good on your quiz today (or yesterday?) as well! 🤍 i’m sorry i haven’t posted at all, but i do have some good fluff and comfort lined up! (and okay, but never be afraid to ask 🤍)
i’m small too! not as small as you, but i’m 5’1 ans in love with that idea 🥺🥺 more brainrot though! okay okay, so lemme raise you this: hugs after they haven’t seen you in a while. LIKE HEAR ME OUT. so the boys travel, all of the time, for volleyball and games. and the olympics isnt hosted in the same country two years in a row! so i imagine the boys going away for a few weeks for it, and as much as you wanted to be there, you’d told them you wouldn’t be able to, for job related purposes. and like they understand, but they wished you could be there, bc ofc ofc they want you cheering them on. so, they’re at the olympics and they’re getting ready to start, when they spot you standing next to Hajime (either next to the coaches or in a special spot, so you stood out.) and the biggest grin breaks out on their face when they see you waving and cheering for them. and whenever the game is over and they’re able to get to you, baby is sprinting. he catches you and just easily lifts you up in his arms, showering your face in kisses. yes, he’s sweating, yes, it’s gross, but you don’t care, because he looks like an excited puppy, because you’re here and you’re his. and now everyone is staring and everyone knows that you’re his and that’s never going to change. then, he brings you to his teammates, showing you off with a proud smile and they all have a knowing smile because this is not the first time he’s done this. but it’s sweet so they deal with it.
and omg yes!! that’s the cutest thing ever! i love that so much. 🥺🥺 istg im taking notes for drabbles later, baby. that is so cute!
but also like (one of my love languages is gifts) so like. the boys aren’t used to the random items you leave. in their locker, in their gym bag, in their hoodie/jacket, when you give it back to them. they don’t know how to react at first to the gifts, which range. sometimes it’s their favorite energy drinks, sometimes it’s a new game, sometimes a stuffed animal, jewelry, or something sentimental, it all just depends. sometimes they’ll give you a gift in return, but you also let them know that they don’t have to, it’s just your way of showing you love them, and you just genuinely enjoy giving them gifts.
you better not get to stressed out, sweets 😤😤 ilyt and i want you to be happy, not stressed! 💕
i’m really proud of you for all you’ve gotten through today! and tomorrow, i’ll still be proud, because you’re you, and that’s what matters! 🥺🥺 yoh be sure to take care too. which means water, some good food, and a smile 🤍 you’re doing great, love! keep it up!!
and no no, don’t apologize! you’re good, sweetheart! just keep taking care of yourself! have a good day, sweetheart! i’m proud, don’t forget that!!
0 notes
sweetinfires-blog · 7 years
Demons [I]
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Pairing: BTS x You (3 POV)
Genre: Demons!AU, Angst, Implied Smut (throughout series)
Word Count: 3,714
Summary:  What happens when three Angels voluntarily taint their feathers to bask in sins? They may have just found themselves embodying the epitome of exactly that: The 7 Deadly Sins. Anger colliding with Pride, Lust enchanting Sloth, Gluttony overtaken with Greed. And Envy controlling all. Would these sins be able to carry out their tasks, or will they fall endlessly into the sweetness of evil?
Link: [1][2]
Rated: M (language)
Excerpt:  Hearing the screams was amazing. F**k. I know we should be panicking like the other, but I looked at the other two, they had wicked smiles on their faces. Soojung’s little rescue attempt was fake. Just like the rest of the act.
"Well if it isn't Satan’s little bitches?" The most annoying voice to exist called out. I slowly turned around, along with Minji and Soojung. I was met face to face with Jeon Jungkook. He was walking up to us accompanied by Jung Hoseok and Kim Taehyung. His arrogant little smirk fueled my annoyance with every step he took. He stopped directly in front of me, hands in his pocket, looking as arrogant as always. "Is someone still upset over the fact that the big guy had to bring in three sweet girls to do the job you big 'strong' boys couldn't?" Soojung pouted, teasing him. She knew how to push them to their limit. "Ya! You li-" Jungkook started, but was cut short by a deep, velvety voice coming from the darkness at the end of the hall. "Please, shut the fuck up." Suddenly, Namjoon, our leader, emerged from the dark shadows. "You guys fight like children. Stop. We will being working together soon, and for it to work out everyone needs to get along,"  he reported, scowling at us as well as inspecting us head to toe. Kim Namjoon. The leader. Envy. One of the Seven Deadly Sins. We complete the rest. My name is Sana, and I am Anger. Minji is Sloth, and Soojung is Gluttony. We are the only three girls that are allowed carry the burden .. I mean honor .. of being Deadly Sins. We were the angels that fell from heaven. Wings that were once pure white tainted black and bloodstained. The other three sins were taken up by the other three; Jungkook as Pride, Taehyung as Lust, and Hoseok as Greed. All three were once ordinary mortals; all three did something that condemned them to Damnation. The reasonings for their sins are the reason they are here in Hell. No one knows their full stories, only that they all came at different periods of time. Namjoon had been here the longest. He is practically Satan’s son. He has never confirmed nor denied it. With his good looks, seductive eyes, and smooth voice, you wouldn't be able to say otherwise. Especially that devilish smirk accompanied by such illegal dimples. That evil smirk, that draws you to him. Namjoon stared at us one last time before nodding to signal our dismissal. Minji started to make her way to her room, giving us that 'hurry up and follow me nooooow' look. We followed behind her, not knowing what her intentions were. "Ahh, and like dogs, they travel in a pack," Jungkook laughed mockingly. Furiously, I turned back around and walked up to him, stopping with our faces inches apart. "Listen here, take all your shit and shove it back up your ass. I am so tired of you, and I can't wait until you get kicked out." I spat, staring deeply into his chocolate eyes. He yawned, looking down at me unfazed. "Oh Sana~ Unlike you,” Jungkook started as he brought out one hand from his pocket to land on my head. “I will never get kicked out of my place." He smirked while ruffling my hair. He was referring to heaven wasn't he. Before I could say anything else, Soojung took over. "Heaven couldn't handle us. God was done with us. Oh well. Who cares. Goodbye." She grabbed my arm, dragging me away. Jungkook leaned over, whispering something to Taehyung, while still keeping his eyes on me. I turned around, following Soojung and kept thinking of a way to get back at his conceited ass. Soojung POV Gluttony Fucking hell. She's always getting into trouble because of that boy. Jungkook loves to make her mad; it's his go-to thing. Like it’s planned. Just like Hoseok is always doing stupid shit to me. He likes to toss things at me or my general direction while making annoying little side comments, with his smug smile, bothering the hell out of me. I hate him. He's so irritating, but also undeniably attractive. I don't think I've ever seen him wear anything but a slim fit black suit. His gigantic black wings look great. I mean, all our wings look great, but his are the only ones that are pure black. With the red lights of hell illuminating off his pitch black feathers, they just stand out so much. “Let's get back to reality shall we?” Minji stated after observing me lost in thought.
Sana and I had made it back to Minji’s room, sitting down in different parts of her room. Minji was already in the center of her bed, laying out papers. Sana sat on the floor, criss crossing her legs, looking up at us. I sat on a chair that was near the end of the bed, looking over all the papers. "Okay, so we have to make a visit to earth soon, because there's a big festival going on. I feel like we could get away with a lot during it." Minji explained sending a wink indicating to mischief we would create. "Ohhh! Festival! " Sana exclaimed. She was the youngest, she loved shit like this. I'm only a year older than her, but she still acts like a child in comparison. Minji was the oldest out of the girls, always coming up with the plans. Her plans have never failed us once. I love how she thinks. "Okay! So.. we go up and go separate ways. Sana you go to where all the rides are at, Soojung -" "I'm going to the food stands, and you can't stop me." I interjected. I could feel my eyes widening from the thought of all the food and snacks in the human realm. Minji smiled, nodding in agreement. "Of course. I'm going to all the game stalls to check out everything. We meet back up maybe 4 hours after we arrive. How does that sound?" I nodded, and Sana gave a thumbs up. I got up and made my way to Sana helping her up the floor. "We’ll leave 3 days later at like 6pm sharp. That's when the sun starts to go down," Minji said. "Alright, bet." I responded. "Uh guys? What about the whole wings and horns thing?" Sana tilted her head, giving us a concerned look. Minji POV Sloth Damn, she's right. The wings can be easily hidden under our clothes or absorbed within our backs. The horns on the other hand... "I'll do some research; See if there are any potions or something to give us some humane features," I told her. "Sloth!? Doing research!? " Soojung gasped. "Bitch, I come up with all the plans. Shut up," I glared. "Yes ma'am," she sighed. She walked out of the room, Sana following right after. Before exiting the room, Sana turned around and waved with her big smile. I smiled back at her, waiting for her to fully exit. I got off the bed, made my way out the room and towards the library of our residence. It's like an endless mansion but only contains one floor. A shit ton of rooms, bathrooms, offices and random little places that are hard to find sometimes.
I reached the big doors of the library and pulled them open, hearing them close shut after I had entered. I went to the alchemy section of the library, searching for the right book containing certain potions or spells to transform us. After and hour of searching, I let out a groan of frustration from lack of research. "What's wrong with you?" I jumped, startled by the sudden voice. I turned around to find Taehyung right in front of me invading my personal space. "Just looking for something," I muttered as I tried to get away past him. "Let me help you." He followed closely behind me, and I could feel his eyes linger over me.
"I know every corner of this place." "No thanks," I rejected as I walked over to the sorcery part of the library containing books written by witches, wizards, and warlocks. I found a book that looked reliable, grabbed it and walked away. "Minji..." Tae softly whispered behind me as he neared my right ear. I know this is a game. All three of those boys are always play games with us. I'm so tired of them half the time, but working and cooperating with them is something I'm required to do. I shrugged off his attempt and walked out of the library, making my way back to my room to start researching through the book. "Hair..healing..human potion!" I muttered to myself as I flipped through the pages. YES! I found it! I think?
It requires so many thing, and now I'm really too lazy to even get up and start. Ugh. I'll send Soojung to go get everything later. I was feeling pretty tired, and even though you could never tell when it was day or night down here your body could feel it. I got ready for bed putting everything away, and then went under my sheets passing out almost immediately. Sana POV Anger It was the day of the festival! I've never been so excited for something. I know Minji and Soojung had been up to something these past two days, but they didn't ask for help so I didn't interfere with anything. Instead, I wandered around hell sometimes hanging out with Joon and helping him with his stuff.
Namjoon was a mysterious person. He never really talked to us much, but when you were alone with him he would tell you a lot more than you'd expect. I would sometime see Jungkook in the corner of my eyes, watching us, as he hung out with his guys. I never understood Jungkook. He's either the biggest asshole ever, or secretly sweet when we are alone. I didn't like it. I was currently in my room, look by for an outfit for tonight. I was still wearing my normal clothes with slits in the back for the huge ass wings. I started to pull stuff out, when suddenly Minji called out my name. I skipped into her room, smiling at her. "Yes?" I asked. "Come here! I have something for us! We're just waiting for Soojung now," she replied. She pulled out a pot full of a weird black liquid. It smelled kind of gross, but Minji knows what she's doing. After a few, Soojung walked in, looking mad. "What's up?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Freaking Hoseok. I swear to god, he's the most annoying little shit I have ever met. I'm just trying to get my stuff done and he doesn't let me do it! And like he does it just to make Jungkook and Taehyung laugh which makes me even more infuriated. Like fuck him!" She ranted. "That's what you've wanted to do since day one." Minji smirked. Oh. Gross. "Bitch." Soojung muttered. "Anyways, why were we called into your room?" "Ah yes, drink this." She handed us both a cup. Wait, when did she pour this? Ew, it's the liquid. "Whyyyyyy? It smells gross." I whined. "Just do it Sana!" Minji ordered. I gave a stank face, covered my nose, and chugged it down.   "THIS IS SO GROSS!" Soogung yelled. I agreed by moaning in disgust. "Okay yes, but look in the mirror." Minji said. Soojung and I gave each other the side eyes, walked over to the mirror and dropped our cups. Our horns, wings, and anything demon related was gone. We looked human. "MINJI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! I LOOK WEIRD!" Soojung cried out. "I look like a person. An actual human. Wow...." I whispered. "Alright, go get changed, we leave in about 30 minutes. " Minji said. I walked straight back to my room, and continued to look for an outfit. I took out ripped black jeans, a loose white V-neck, a leather jacket and boots. With my hair in a ponytail, I walked out to the main hall, waiting for the other two. I was so distracted by my nails, I didn't notice someone walk up to me. "Why do you look like that....?" A deep voice asked. I looked up, seeing Taehyung. I mentally cursed myself out, not knowing how to explain this. "Oh uh.... so like Minji decided to mess around with potions today, yeah and like uh.... she gave us each a different one and now I look human and yeah, that's it!" I smiled, trying to convince him, just like I was trying to convince myself that that was a good lie. "Okay, cool. That explains why she was in the library a few days back. Well, I'll talk to you later little Sana. Bye." And with that, he walked away. I stood still there, waiting for a few more minute, when Soojung walked out looking like a snack. She was wearing a red tank top, black shorts, a grey cardigan, and heeled black leather ankle boots. Her short hair was let loose and damn. She looked great. "Are you checking me out?" She gasped, mockingly. "Might as well do something Hoseok doesn't. " I winked. "F you." She spat. I laughed, looking at her annoyed face. Then Minji walked out, looking super hot. She had her long red flannel on, paired with her black skirt that was mid thigh length. she also wore a baseball cap and almost the exact same shoes as Soojung. Alright, both my friends are hot. Wow. Soojung / Gluttony Wow, we all looked great. We were now making one way to the portal, trying to avoid Namjoon, the other guys, and the big guy himself. We had successfully reached it, and one by one, walked through it.   The cool breeze hit my skin, making goosebumps raise. Did the potion actually make us more human than just our appearance? Hm... Sana ran ahead, overly hyper. Minji stayed next to me, checking out the scenery. "Okay, first things first, does everyone have their little dark fairy?" Minji asked. Sana had calmed down, standing next to me now. "Yes! Miran is right here!" She said, holding her palm out to show us. The little fairy shook her head at her owner's actions. "Sebastian's right here." I said, pointing at my shoulder, where a little fairy was at. "Alright good, i have Jae in my pocket, because he's sleeping." Minji added. Of course he's sleeping. Sloth. "Okay, split up!!" Minji smiled. Sana ran off toward the rides, about to do whatever she pleases. Minji walked to the games and random stands. I went to my one true love, food. I went straight to the funnel cakes, and walked up to the window. "How can I help you young lady?" The worker smiled. I looked them straight in their eyes, into their souls. Two word in my mind FUNNEL CAKE. The blank expressions on their faces told me everything, they were under my control. The person went and put everything on the funnel cake, and then handed it to me. No need to pay or anything. As I sat, enjoying my funnel cake, I was rudely interrupted by someone. "Are you all alone?" He asked. "Yes, why do you care?" I replied. " just making sure I won't piss off a boyfriend." He winked. "I'm Min Yoongi. He introduced himself. "Soojung." I continued to eat, trying to ignore this very attractive stranger. "When you're done, wanna go hit some rides with me or something?" He asked. "Uh... maybe." I replied. "Uh maybe? No. I need a yes or no." He's so damn confident.  "No. You do as I say." I said, challenging his dominance. "No. It's my way or no way at all." He stood in front of me, his nice figure towering over me. I can't let him win, but I also can't use my powers. I stood up, glaring at him. "Listen Min Yoongi, we do what I say, or you can go find some other victim to annoy." I growled. With one deep breath, he gave in. No one can dominate me. I started to walk away, happily with my funnel cake. I looked behind me, seeing Yoongi following me, I smiled at him. He glared. Lovely. Minji / Sloth All these games look so boring. While other ones required too much work. What was I to do? I walked up to a game where you throw balls to knock down cups. I saw a cute couple there. The boyfriend was trying to win something for his love. He threw the ball. Knocked the first one down. Then the next. Finally, his last turn. I smirked, watching the ball fly to hit the last. With the flick of my finger, the ball was off course and completely missed. "YOU LOSE!" The stand guy laughed. The girlfriend looked disappointed, while the boyfriend yelled at the guy that it was a rip off. Laughing, I walked away. I saw a stand that was selling cute little thing. I went to see the little stuff, admiring the work humans have put into these things. After a few minutes, I heard yelling. And not just any yelling. I looked up and saw Miran flying my way. "Sana. She's yelling at someone and is looking for things to throw." Miran said. "Shit." I put down what I was looking at and ran after the little fairy. Someone had to piss her off. Out of everyone here, they pissed off Sana. "WHAT THE F-!" I heard. "Jae! Go get Soojung!" I commanded him. He flew off, as I went to go see the commotion. I arrive to see Sana, being held back by two guys. She looked like she was about to kill someone. A few feet away, there was a girl who was giving her a smug, prideful look. I knew Sana was stronger than the guys. She wasn't using her full Force because she knew better than to expose us. Her eyes had a red tint to them, nothing too noticeable. Soojung finally showed up, and we both went running up to Sana. "What happened!?" I yelled. Sana realized she had caused a huge scene. She was still very mad, but her body had relaxed. She looked at me, her tinted red eyes looking into my 'soul'. "I was just walking around, and this guy," she points to the guy on her right, "starts to talk to me. Meet Jin. This is his friend Jimin." She points at the guy on her left. They had finally let go of her, seeing she was calm. "So Jin and Jimin are just striking up a conversation when this bitch," she point at the girl who I saw earlier, "decided she didn't like that. I don't even know who she is. So I had walked past here, with there two, when suddenly I'm on the fucking ground! And she stood above me, about to pour whatever she has in that cup on me. But Jin grabbed me and pulled me up, and Jimin stood in between us and told her to fuck off and then I just, I lost it." She was referring to her sin. Soojung was off in the corner, talking to some guy, I hadn't noticed him until now. I turned my attention back to Sana, shaking my head, disappointedly. "Sana... you can't have outburst like this! Especially not in public!" I got onto her. She shrank back, her normal eye color coming back. "You know what would happen if they  found out!?" My voice showed a hint of anger. "Minji I'm sorry! It just happened!" She apologized. Soojung had walked up to us, the guy she was with was now with the two that were with Sana. "Sana. She was so jealous of you. She has a crush on the tall guy with black hair." Soojung explained. "Who? Jin?" Sana asked. "Yes. He's friends with Yoongi, the guy I was with. Yoongi explained that she has been trying to get with him for years now and he won't give her the time of day. So when she saw he was all over you, which you will explain later, she got jealous and tried to show Jin that no one but her was good enough for him." Soojung explained. So it was a jealousy thing. This girl was driving by envy. Namjoons specialty. Does that mean he knows? No he couldn't. We've gone weeks without seeing him sometimes. "Okay, we'll discuss this once we get home." I signed, "just enjoy the rides for now." Soojung and Sana nodded, then the three guys walked up to us. "Y'all wanna get on the zipper." One of them asked. "Oh this is Jimin." Sana reminded us. "The zipper?" I asked. "That one." The one I think called Jin said, as he pointed at the ride. "No thanks." I said. Sana and Soojung also declined. The guys smiled as us , got in line, and waited for their turn. "They're cute." Soojung smiled. "Very." Sana nodded. "Yeah.... but they're mortals." I moaned. Then I saw them get on the ride. They were strapped in, two of them together, the other with a stranger. The ride started. "I would never go on that." Soojung said. "Same." Sana and I agreed. We watched. And then, it happened. All hell broke loose. The ride malfunctioned. The bolts were coming loose, the ride was falling apart. "THE GUYS!" Soojung yelled. She was about to run for the ride, but I help her back. "Soojung... we’re sins. There's nothing we can do about it ." I whispered. Hearing the screams was amazing. Fuck. I know we should be panicking like the other, but I looked at the other two, they had wicked smiles on their faces. Soojung’s little rescue attempt was fake. Just like the rest of the act. The electrical fuse had exploded as the bolts come loose. It was now catching on fire. The pleasure I was getting out of watching this. I love it. I missed this. "I'm actually gonna miss those guys." Sana signed. She was trying to hide the look of pleasure we all felt. "It's not like we could keep them." Soojung replied. The screams were dying down. The people were dying. "What the fuck are you three doing here?" Aw Shit. We got caught.
[Part 2]
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