#you may be seeing foxface in a story
rosescries · 9 months
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Bunch of doodles.
I tried a different hairstyle with Marionette and I honestly really like it. Plus different style for her ribbons, the style on the gift boxes I believe.
Ignore the stuff in the top corner.
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Besides the district 7 kids and Lucy gray is there is background tributes you are curious about or are your favourite to headcanon for?
H u h
Well I’m curious about all the tributes but I can’t really come up with enough headcanons for them to post about them. I just don’t have much to say? I’ve always liked District 7 what with all the forests and that badass tree climb stunt they did in the OG series (though every time I question why they ran forward instead of climbing the nearest trees every single time I see it) so when Lamina and Treech came along to disprove Gaul’s whole existence incorrect and be the early stage Foxface respectively, there was no shortage of inspiration for me. Especially because we do get hints as to who they, small though they may be. There’s stuff to theorize on, which makes it easier (for me at least) to create headcanons because it feels less like writing an OC and more like expanding on an existing character.
But I do have some small snippets? So I’ll share those I guess? While I try to get through the small hurdle keeping several AU’s in the drafts.
- Facet helped out in the daycare/kindergarten back in D1 because he loved kids and wanted to have some of his own one day.
- said kids didn’t learn what truly happened to him until they got older. Some fought in the rebellion, others told stories about him to their children who ended up becoming rebels. They fought for the memory of a boy whose face they can’t even remember clearly, but whose impact on their life was unimaginable.
- Panlo is two years older than Sheaf (15 and 13 respectively) and felt she was his responsibility in some way, even though they didn’t know each other before the games.
- Ginnee and Otto were friends before the games. They worked in the same factory and made the same parts, and they just clicked.
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Hi there my mutual 💜💗 May I request of you a story where a female y/n gets hit with something during a fight that makes her just absolutely terrified of the people around her, the Avengers + Loki. She's whimper, cower, run away ect. And they have to chase her around the tower + try to convince her they aren't a threat to her.
You ask, I write! Thank you so much 💚💚💚
This one was a little tough to write tho jsjs.
*My requests are open*
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Summary: Loki usually doesn't like to have blood on his hands, but when it comes to you, he throws his rational thinking overboard.
Warnings: Blood, panic, injuries. Fluff.
Loki taglist: @lokisprettygirl22 @lucky-foxface @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @el-zef @apine7 @beakami @lokiprompts @llaufeysondggerxx @ilovefanfictions
(Ignore Sylvie please)
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Warming Embrace
For someone whose main skill was espionage, you had been very careless. A bad jump put you on the edge of a building and unfortunately the continuous hail of bullets shattered the sill, causing you to free fall onto the street. But you didn't feel the blow, so you assumed that your body protected you from the shock thanks to the adrenaline, in addition that you would notice the blood running down the back of your neck after the effect runs off.
Maybe that's how you managed to get back to the tower at all, seeing nothing but shapes and faint lights.
“Y/N?” a voice called you, have you heard it before? You saw a tall frame in front of you, so you backed up defensively, “Get away from me!” whoever it was tried to reach out for you, “Y/n please, what happened?” another voice called your name, “Get help she’s bleeding” there was far too many people n the room, well, shapes, out of instinct you dodged every single one of their attempts and succeeded to make your way into what you remembered to be a hallway, but to where?
The damn corridor seemed endless, but even disoriented, dizzy and very nervous, you kept running to hide behind the third door at the end of the corridor, the one that actually opened when you touched it. You closed the door hardly breathing, although feeling how your heart was perfectly out of control. Your hand placed on your chest wasn't exactly an improvement or even a temporary solution, but when your knees gave way the cold floor aroused your sensory nerves, at least you were aware of a familiar sensation, but the pain in your head was strongly present.
Not a few Avengers witnessed the screams and terror that Tony had the misfortune to see in you. Natasha was able to more or less identify the cause, or at least inferred it, she was the first to call the paramedics, however she stopped when Banner warned Loki of your condition, he ran down the hall as if the devil was chasing him.
He came raising smoke to your room but you were not there, a shrill cry gave him your location, the mere sight broke his heart in a thousand pieces.
Panic had taken over your body, you cried for not knowing what to do with yourself. because of this you touched the wound constantly, increasing the pain and your sobbing, in addition you vision was still blurred.
“Hey, hey, It’s ok, I’m Loki” You felt less threatened by the new presence, so much so that your voice immediately died down, still whimpering, “That’s it, let me help you love, I’m going to move your hand away from your wound” he gently lowered your hands off your head and motioned you forward into him, so your forehead would fall onto his shoulder gently.
One hand worked magically stitching up your wound, while the other rubbed your back, absorbing most of the pain.
“Must have been a hard blow, there’s things out of order here, allow me" his magic connected nerve after nerve, until everything clicked back to normal. “Loki?” you almost couldn’t believe it, your sense of smell came back, his cologne hit your brain like a spring breeze, refreshing and comfortable.
“Yes it’s me, don’t worry I won’t hurt you, but I need you to relax” his magic emitted cold waves that soothed the pulses that were hurting your head, his other hand still going up and down your back, “Loki, it…Hurts!” his heart shattered when your voice broke, “I know love, I’m trying to close it as fast as I can” you nuzzled your face into his neck further, your hands gripping the sides of his dress shirt.
“Shh, it’s okay, not much time now, it’s closing, hang on a little longer” he cooed, hearing a couple more whimpers before he closed the wound successfully. When the pressure of his magic was gone your body relaxed violently onto Loki, you were at the verge of passing out of relief, he noticed, acknowledging your state he took you off from the ground and into his arms, “Rest, just let go Y/n, you’re alright now” you drifted off on him, tightly hugging his neck, reason why he had you seated across his lap while he rested on the bed, his back leaning against the wall.
He didn’t minded the back pain, for as long as he had your body close, and he can hear your soft breathing, caress your hair, he memorized your perfume like the lyrics of his favorite song. You stirred on him, letting go of his neck to hug close his chest to your face, you were awake and craving physical love, that sleepy loving smile you gave him was clue enough.
He accommodated himself on the bed, pulling you to his chest on the way, “Thank you Lokes” you whispered, sneaking your hands around his waist, “My pleasure, my love” he kissed your forehead earning a happy giggle and three-hundred kitten kisses to his face, “No, seriously, thank you so much” you chirped, how happy he made you feel, your vision returned so you saw his grin grow and lighten up his face, “Funny you could reach my chambers before your own” what? You looked up and it indeed was his room, you ran blind there, must have been instinctive?
“I was out of my senses, maybe I tried every door and yours opened, coincidence only” fun fact, his doorknob was magically made, if you could open it, it was because he wanted to. “Were you looking for me, darling?” Were you? “Maybe? I don’t know, I’m glad you helped me though, it was really scary” with two fingers he brought your face closer to him and planted a kiss on your temple.
“What happened?” you nuzzled against his neck again, you remembered falling and half the trip back to the tower, so there was not much you could work with. “I hit my head on a mission, I fell” he tightening his grip on your waist, smiling in delight, on it he let a scoff slip, “What’s so funny?” you wondered a bit offended, “No, no” he alarmingly held you closer – if that was possible- trying to fix his mistake, “Sorry, the fact that you came back without your wires connected is not a matter of laugh, it’s true, but it gave me the opportunity to be like this with you” it was impossible not to smile at his charm.
His eyes wandered to his artwork with the stitching, and he started to question himself of how long would it hold, then his mind betrayed him with images of another hysteric panic attack, your blood staining the floor under you, and then… “How are you feeling, love?” his hands started trembling, you noticed, but made him believe you didn’t, “Much better, why? You gonna kick me out?” you sassed, drawing a smile on his face, “You’ll beg me to let you go” suppressed the thought of tickling you, but all he wanted was to keep seeing you smile.
“Dream on, you’re comfortable” he scoffed dramatically, “From prince, to king, to god, only to be used as a pillow” you giggled in response, “My best pillow”. You had missed his forest scent, as if he were a pine tree being embraced by a lavender vine. You had never seen him washing clothes, but his shirts were always clean, soft and aromatic, could it be a detergent? he is so warm, you knew his nature Jotnar, which surprised you, since he should be cold, but he is so warm and welcoming.
“Oh really?” he flipped you over, gently laying your head on the pillow, “Then, you’re mine too” he made sure you were okay, studying your face and body language, but as soon as you laughed and threw your arms around his neck, he relaxed.
“Whatever you say mischief” you taunted.
“Say it” he whispered with a smile, teasing eyes.
“I’m yours lokes” after a few laughs you admitted it, but you felt something off, he was constantly tensed, you noticed it in his jaw and the vein on his neck.
“You’re worried” his eyes wandered off yours, busted. “I’m here Loki, nothing happened to me thanks to you. Here, hear it” you sat up, pushed him backwards gently so you could sit on his lap, towering him a little, the extra height allowed you to pull his head gently against your chest, your heartbeat hammering against his ear.
Relief, that's what he felt in simple words. Being so close to your breasts, it seemed incredible to him that the last thing he thought was indecencies, he was going to fall asleep in fact, his eyes felt heavy, just knowing that you were fine and happy with him, took away all the anxiety on his body.
“See? I’m alive, I’m here, happily in your warming embrace” If it wasn't for your voice he would’ve drifted off, he only murmured against your neck an affirmative response, taking in your smell and how you reacted to him, goosebumps grew under his chin.
“I was scared, it won’t leave my head…the way you looked” you were scared yourself, but you couldn´t imagine how distressing it must have been for him.
“Loki” he looked up to you, his chin pressing against your breasts, “How about I ditch all my missions for this season? We go somewhere, anywhere, just you and me” he opened his eyes wide, as if he had heard you wrong, “What’s that about?” it was impossible for him to hold back his smile, even giggled a little.
“I’ve been away from you too long, and I feel…like I had enough of…” you pointed at your suit, “this” he understood, you weren’t exactly a couple, but you enjoyed each other, took care of each other, you were an unspoken relationship.  
You weren't sure what you wanted from him... Until he was the first thing you saw when you came to your senses. “I want us…you and me…this” you pointed him and you, making allusion to your point, “First stop, Asgard, I want you to meet my mother” he was serious, so you knew he understood.
“Great! I would love to thank her... for you. Maybe after that, London?” he kissed you, his hands grasping your shoulder blades, “I will take you to the lakes of Vanaheim. Crystal clear waters and endless green forests, like something out of a fairy tale” he knew you liked them, so you planted a kiss on his lips, gently tugging at his raven locks.   
After a while you broke the kiss, but you didn't take your forehead off hers, in fact, you gently held your head so it wouldn't move. Still with your eyes closed you murmured "Just you and me", your heart wanted to jump out of your chest when you heard him smile, his arms pressing your stomach to your chest.
“You and me, beautiful” he was truly happy.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Since Ser Shadrich is a mouse and Sansa is a fairy tale heroine/Disney princess, he should be there to help her, right? Like almost all fairy tale heroines have animal helpers… and a mouse is a seemingly insignificant, lowly animal who shouldn’t be capable of making a difference but does in fairy tales. Could this be possible? He jokingly describes himself with wings at the tournament - Sansa is also connected to wings/birds. Or does that mean GRRM will subvert that expectation?
Hi there!
It has been a theory for some time that Shadrich knows who Sansa is. He sees right through Brienne searching for Sansa and he seems to be clever. He needs to be. Clever and fast. A short man who has to make up for his disadvantage in height while fighting.
He is 'foxfaced' and his origin is the 'shady vale' which does not necessarily bode well.
'Looking for wings' might be a sign of either his ambition and/or his drive to improve either his social standing or his knightly ideals.
Sansa has a way to sway people her way. Lothor Brune a gruff older man of Littlefinger's seems already won over. He is so very offended on Sansa's behalf when Harold insults her.
And Sansa who was at first the 'evil step-sister' from Arya's POV (which is a red herring) has some tropes of Cinderella by now : She lacks the protection of both her parents, her 'step-mother' Lysa was jealous of her, she hides her brilliant hair under a cover of 'ashes' and she is treated below her real status (even if she is not sitting in the ashes). In Grimm's tale it's doves who help her in the Disney movie it's mice.
So, it could well be that Shadrich is not rich in shades (?) but may be someone who helps. He could be far more dangerous than anyone thinks (as a parallel to the knight who has a slug shield in the third Dunk and Egg story and who is not slow at all).
I'm not sure about Shadrich though maybe because Brienne is so wary of him. He could be of help unwittingly.
On the other hand Sansa needs company on her journey to the wall and it has been argued by @you-are-2-me (iirc, correct me if I'm wrong) that Sansa will meet all kind of folk on her journey to learn about the lands she will rule but that she will start with Knights as companions - until she is alone and the Girl in Grey.
I know have this picture of Shadrich as Reepeesheep, the mouse knight from Narnia, defeating foes left and right who say 'a mouse? I was defeated by a mouse?'.
Thanks for the ask, certainly food for thought!
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
what do you think of anzu? she’s the sixth most likely to win and yet she’s proved completely useless in chapter three so far, which ngl seems kind of sus
The Mystery of Anzu’s High Survival Rate
Aaahh I’m happy to finally get a chance to talk about the mystery of Anzu’s high survival rate!! I have thoughts.
For those who haven’t noticed the mystery, Anzu Kinashi is the sweetheart high-school clown girl dummy who can die in our first battle with an Obstructor. None of her advice during battles is useful. She has the appearance of being extremely helpless. And yet! She is the sixth most likely candidate to win, with an 8.0% survival rate. She is the second-highest place woman candidate in the line-up, behind Sara herself. Only the big, selfish, cowardly men stand between the two girls.
Sara’s absurdly high survival rate of 15.5% has become one of the game’s central mysteries. But what about Anzu’s high rate? Why is Anzu stronger than either of the Yabusames, who become her partners? Why is she stronger than Mai, who is shown to have a ruthless streak? Surely that’s a deliberate choice! Nankidai could have placed Anzu in the third quartile like Ranmaru, another innocent-looking high-schooler, but instead he placed her somewhere odd.
I’ve seen three theories for Anzu’s high rate, and I’ll go over how I feel about each of them. The first theory is that Anzu has a dark side to her personality, a ruthlessness which hasn’t yet revealed itself. The second theory is that Anzu is good at hiding and avoiding conflict, similar to the “Foxface girl” from Hunger Games. My friend came up with a third theory, which is my favorite: that Anzu’s chances of survival skyrocket in routes where Sara Chidouin dies. That Anzu is a back-up high school girl, and Meister will rig the game to favor a high school girl, even one with a more “helpless” personality.
1. Anzu has a dark side to her personality.
A recurring theme with the characters in YTTD is being “two-faced.” Shin/Sou is the most obvious example of this. A vulnerable young man named Shin adopted the more terrifying persona of Sou. He wears a metaphorical mask to cover his weak, kind self. Another example is Reko, a selfless woman who comes face to face with her previous selfish personality when she meets her doll. Keiji is also connected to this theme; he once had an honorable personality, but now he has lost that sense of honor.
Anzu literally wears a scary clown mask! Could that scary mask symbolize a scary persona, similar to Shin’s “Sou” persona? Perhaps all Anzu needs to do is tap into the courage that comes with acting like a scary clown, and then we’d finally see a more intimidating candidate.
I like this theory for how it ties into the “two-faced” theme, and that it suits Anzu’s theatrical inclinations!
2. Anzu is good at hiding.
This theory may sound the least exciting, but I actually like it.
Remember who else was good at hiding? Alice! He was so good at hiding that he even missed the Practice Vote, where Mishima died! The Practice Vote was only based on first impressions. Considering how quick everyone was to judge Alice for being a prisoner, it’s likely that he escaped an early death by missing that vote!
Alice can become Anzu’s partner, which potentially ties them together thematically. What if Anzu throws another curveball into the plot by finding a secret hiding place? I could imagine Nankidai doing this to “reward” the Player for keeping Anzu alive after the First Obstructor Battle. I’m picturing a scenario where Anzu finds a secret room with “hidden lore” for Asu-Naro that helps our understanding of the story, even if we don’t need to know it to win the game. That’s a totally out-there theory that likely won’t happen, but it’s fun to imagine.
I like this theory because it’s fun to remember that the candidates can survive in surprising ways. Sometimes the only way to win is to not play the game. It reminds us to think outside the box.
3. Anzu’s chances of survival skyrocket in routes where Sara Chidouin dies.
I’m so proud of my friend for coming up with this one! I think it’s genius!
This ties into the larger theory that the Mastermind behind the Death Game is the Man from the Memorandum, the winner of the past Death Game. The Man grew attached to a high school girl who died in that game. The common theory is that he intends to mold Sara into that girl by having her pass through the same trials, but this time he hopes that the role of “17-year-old school girl” will win.
I wrote my thoughts about this theory back in October, in which I brought up my friend’s other, parallel theory: that Shin Tsukimi is the “back-up” candidate to replace Sou Hiyori, who was meant to play the important role of “The Man from the Memorandum” himself. The role of “The Man” is our antagonist, whereas the role of the “High School Girl” is our protagonist. If the role of “The Man” was important enough to warrant having a “back-up,” surely the role of the “High School Girl” warrants that too!
What if—to boost the chances of a high school girl surviving—Meister included a “back-up high school girl”? That way, in case our protagonist Sara dies, he still has a second chance with Anzu? If we put Sara and Anzu’s percentages together, a high school girl has a 23.5% chance of winning. That’s almost 1 in 4 games. It’s still a risky gamble, but it’s safer than merely 15.5%.
What if—in routes where Sara died—“The Man Whose Views Most Aligned with Hers” (Keiji) was directed to protect Anzu instead? What if “A Boy Even Younger Than Her” (Gin) was also directed to provide Anzu with emotional comfort? Is that possible? Could those factors help even a girl as seemingly helpless as Anzu win the Death Game?
I love this theory because it ties so well with the other theories about Meister we’ve discussed on here. It would help us understand our “Big Bad” better. It also develops the setting better in showing how Meister could rig the game in a high school girl’s favor. So much is beyond our control!
This theory does the least to characterize Anzu herself, since it’s more focused on the setting. However, it could lead to her being more important to the story than we realize! Maybe the role of “back-up high school girl” would give her a chance to do something of narrative significance.
Thank you so much for asking me about Anzu! I’ve wanted to write about her for a while!
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Happy Birthday, bandathebillie!
Apologies for the short delay in posting your fic, @bandathebillie! We hope you had a wonderful birthday, and celebrated in style! To keep your party going a little while longer, the lovely @herainab has written a story just for you!
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Title: The Relationship Plan
Gift for bandathebillie who requested Catching Fire AU. This is part one with more to come.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy a sweet hit of Everlark!
Premise: Peeta proposes a relationship plan to Katniss leading up to their Victory tour to try and beat President Snow at his own game. But there is more behind the love timeline than Katniss realises.
Thunder booms and the lightning lights up the late evening sky in the far distance.
The tears stream down my face.
There's a massive delivery sitting on my front porch. Packages covered in the official Capitol seal. Boxes filled with unimaginable things. Winter clothing that isn’t threadbare and worn. Food that could feed all of The Seam residents. There are things in there that I never imagined I'd own. 
This is my second delivery from The Capitol after being home for just 8 weeks. The first was just food and gifts from admirers. This is the first full package filled with our talent items, more clothing, food and anything else my mother ordered after I threw the forms at her.
I have electricity constantly. Running hot water. A fireplace to keep us warm with firewood cut and at the ready when the winter chill fills the air.
I have a house that could fit my home in the seam inside it several times. My own room with a soft mattress. A pillow that is not too soft but not too hard. Sheets and blankets that are made of the most beautiful silk.  
I don’t deserve any of this.
I stare at the boxes left on the porch, and I see them all. Rue, Thresh, Foxface, Glimmer, Clove.... they died for me to have this. To live a life of luxury. I don't have to worry about how I'm going to feed Prim. How I'm going to clothe her for the winter. What items I'm going to need to trade.
Mom and Prim are in town assisting in a delivery. I’ve been at our Seam house hiding out, unable to face my District. The fence has been on since we’ve returned. The children have just returned back to school after a happy summer. Families have been well fed and are enjoying extra portions of their rations.
But it’ll come to an end when a new victor is crowned, and the extra rations are delivered to a new district, and everyone will be left to starve and struggle. There'll be an influx of babies born but nothing to feed them with. Babies will cry in hunger, their mother's milk will dry up quicker than they wish, siblings will stand hollow-cheeked in the streets looking for food, father's wages won't be enough to cover daily expenses of food, the district will be exposed to a simple cold that will wipe a fair few citizens out, young and old.
They'll look to me for hope, but I have no hope to give them. All I can give them is a broken 16-year-old girl who is trying to keep her sister alive while still playing the game.
I can’t keep playing their game.
I turn on my heel, a knot of pain forming in my stomach, the rain has started to fall. I pass his house; he's just returned home from Town and to has received his package.  
“Katniss?” He calls out to me. “Katniss, stop!” He yells after me and gives chase.
“Would you just leave me alone?” I call back to him, tears streaming down my face. I’m hoping I can beat him and put some distance between us.
“Katniss!” He calls after me, chasing me through the Victor Village and towards the fence line.
“Just leave me alone?” I cry as I run, the knot in my stomach is slowing me down, and I'm feeling winded. Thunder sounds close to the District.
I have to keep running. I need to breathe. I need the woods. I need to not be here.
“Katniss, don’t!”
The fence is in my line of sight, and I reach out to duck underneath it, but he catches me, pulling me back before my hand touches the fence.
The electrified fence.
“Stop!” He tells me as I fight his hold on my body. He’s keeping me anchored to his body, trying to calm me down as I thrash in his arms.
"Let me go!" I cry, trying to break free from his hold. "Let me go!"
“I can’t.” He tells me as the thunder roars.
“Please!” I cry. “Just leave me alone.”
A bolt of lightning strikes a tree just inside the fence, splitting it cleanly right down the middle.
I’m too stunned to move and feel Peeta drag me away from the fence towards the safety of one of the empty houses.
We’re in the safety of the house when another strike of lightning hits the place where we were just standing next to the fence, the tree falling onto the fence as well, sending sparks flying and the power in Twelve sparking off.
He breaks a window, unlocking the door and dragging me down into the dark basement.
He allows me to cry it out while we wait out the storm.
I cry, trying to get the big knot out of my stomach but it just aches even more.
“Katniss. Talk to me.” He coaxes, crawling towards me. He's found a torch to light up the basement.
We're soaked to the bone. Covered in mud from head to toe. I'm shivering, but I can't focus on that.
“Katniss, please.”
I cry out a no and hold my knees to my chest.
He doesn’t stray far from me.
I can see he’s conflicted as to whether he should comfort me, wrapping me in his arms or let me cry it out.
I sob, hiccupping, before I bury my face into my knees as the rain continues to fall, the thunder and lightning right on top of us.
The thunder sounds like the canons in the arena.
“No, stop! Stop.” I cry, rocking as the thunder rumbles. “Please!”
I feel my hands pulled from my ears, my face brought towards, and he does the only thing he can think of.
To kiss me.
I focus on his lips. The way he squeezes my wrists and holds me steady as he kisses me. Trying to bring me back to him.
He pulls away slightly, looking me in the eyes and gripping my cheeks. “Stay with me.” He murmurs.
I look into his beautiful blue eyes. Settle on the calming color of the blues and exhale. “Always.”
He brings me to his chest, letting me rest against his chest and holds me as the storm passes. We don’t say a lot but being in each other’s arms is enough to get through the storm.
“What happened?” He asks me.
“I just saw the packages on the porch, and all these emotions filled me. I saw all their faces." I admit to him. "I don't deserve this."
He rubs my back before pushing my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead.
“Nobody does.” He answers. “All I can think about is the blood on my hands. I can hear the screaming. The pleading to not be killed. The careers laughter. It’s like I’m reliving the arena in a waking nightmare.”
We’ve only been home for eight weeks. The scars may have been polished, but the internal scars will never heal. We'll be able to hear the screams for years.
"That's why Haymitch drinks," Peeta whispers. "To numb the pain." He exhales. "He sleeps with a knife under his pillow, and he doesn't sleep in the darkness because it's all too real for him."
“Will we ever leave the arena?” I ask him.
“No.” He breathes out. “This is our life. Expensive gifts, food to feed us for a lifetime, an allowance and everything else to try and hide the fact that we’re broken inside.”
“How do the other Victor’s survive?”
“I think they just hang on. Get through one day at a time.” He says. “We have to do the same just try and live each day.”
The storm passes, but we stay locked in each other's arms. Our clothes are soaked still, and I start shivering.
“We should get out of these clothes. Your mother will be worried.”
"She hasn't seemed to show a lot of that since I've returned."
“She might not show it or say it, but she does care for you." He reminds me. "She cares about you more than my mother does."
Which is true. I think his own mother was shocked to see him return home. I thought she'd ride alongside him on his win, but she's all but shut him out. They decided before we were even out of the arena that he was moving out on his own.
“Come on.” He says.
I stand first and help him up. We exit the same way we entered the house, and we study the damage done to the window.
“We should probably report the damage.” He says.
"Or it could have been a kid with a ball," I suggest. "We just stumbled across it."
“I’ll go and see Darius tomorrow then.” He says with a slight smile.
He walks alongside me, avoiding the puddles of mud and water.
“Did you want to come over for some stew?” I ask him. “I don’t know how long Mom and Prim will be with the delivery.”
He looks up at me and nods. “Alright.” He smiles slightly. “Let me get changed and I’ll be right over.”
I watch him walk into his house, and I go into my house, avoiding the delivery on the front step and focusing on the stew on the stove while lighting candles around the house.
Peeta arrives with a loaf of bread under his arm, and I watch him slice thick pieces for us to dip into our stew.
The one good thing about having him across the way was the abundance of fresh bread.
“Do you mind watching the stew while I quickly get changed?”
“I’ve got it.” He tells me with a smile. “Take your time.”
I nod, thanking him and heading up to change out of my muddy, rain-soaked clothes.
I dress in flannel pyjama pants and a sweater, knowing Peeta won’t mind the very casual look. I let my hair out of its braid, ridding of any tangles and letting the curls hang over my shoulders and down my back.
I find Peeta has begun to unpack the packages, especially the food and filling our cupboards.
I watch him from the doorway, watch as he quietly works, humming to himself as he flits between the package and the stew on the stovetop.
“You didn’t need to do that.” I say softly, startling him.
“I forgot how light on your feet you are.” He chuckles as he places a small package of flour in the cupboard. “I didn’t want any mice getting into it. Or the food especially.”
“They may as well, there’s more than enough to feed my family for years.”
He nods, and I move to help him unpack the last of the food.
The rest of the package is waiting in the living room. I know Prim will be excited to rifle through it all, trying on clothes, using the pens, claiming books and anything else that we've been gifted.
Peeta dishes up our stew, and we sit across from each other in the kitchen. Our only source of light is from candlelight.
“The last time we sat in near darkness was the cave.” He mentions.
“Hard to believe that was two months ago.” I say, swallowing the lump in my throat.
“I feel like I’ve aged 5 years since we left.”
“Me too.”
It’s mostly silence. We’ve hardly spoken since we’ve returned. Unsure of what to really say.
The train didn't leave us on the best of terms, and I've been cautious of how to broach anything with him. I hurt him. I know that.
But I hope he realises I did it to save his life. To bring him home, despite it not seeming as glamorous as people imagine.
We tidy up, Peeta washes, and I dry the dishes, putting them away.
“What’s the Victory tour going to be like?”
“I’m guessing a lot of speeches, dinners, balls and smiling.” He replies. “People will want to see us.” He swallows the lump in his throat as he hands me a plate. “We’re going to have to present ourselves as being in love, you know?”
I take the plate. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
“They won’t let us go that easily.” He sighs. “Katniss, I wanted to speak to you about my behaviour on the train. I shouldn’t have shut you out. You saved us. I know that.”
“You have nothing to apologise for.” I tell him.
“Katniss, I don’t think you lead me on either.” He whispers.
“I know you felt something in that cave.”
I blush slightly. There's no denying that I felt this stirring when we kissed. I felt this type of hunger. I felt my soul awakening. Despite the heat of his fever and blood poisoning, we shared moments we'd never forget.
"It's fine to not understand your feelings." He reassures me. "I don't even think you're certain what was real and not real in the arena, but I feel like most of the kisses weren't for the cameras." He grips my hand, squeezing it and forcing me to smile at him. "We're under a lot of pressure.” He says. “But I hope you know that I’m here beside you through everything we’re going to be going through in the coming months. You can talk to me. Indulge me in those thoughts in your head. Lean on me when you’re scared. Ask me for advice.”
"I won't break. I think to survive this, we're going to need each other." He sighs. "Only we know what we've been through. Only we understand what we've been through. Those nightmares, dreams, and tears, I'll ward them all away if you ask me too." He tells me. He pushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear and smiles at me. “Don’t shut me out and I won’t do the same.” He leans closer towards me and presses a kiss to my forehead.
I look up at him, staring into his eyes, our hands still connected and I watch as he licks his lips and I lean forward to press my own lips to his own.
“Katniss, you home?” Prim calls out, kicking her boots off in the hallway and coming rushing in. “Oh, Peeta, I wasn’t expecting to see you.” Peeta and I step apart from each other. Prim looks between the two of us.
“Oh, he dropped some bread off, and I invited him to eat with me." I tell her. "I wasn't sure how long you and Mom would be."
“Oh, the labor is going to last a bit longer. Mom sent me home because I have school tomorrow.” Prim tells us. “Is there any stew left?”
“Yeah, I’ll heat you up some. Why don’t you go and shower and it’ll be ready when you get out?”
She nods, giving Peeta and I one last look before she heads off upstairs.
“I should be getting home.” He tells me. “Thanks for dinner.”
“Thanks for saving me tonight.”
“I’ll always save you. In this lifetime and every other lifetime.” He tells me with a small smile.
I follow him to the front door, watch him put his shoes back on, and when he stands, I pull him towards me, pressing a kiss to his lips. Just a soft kiss but a kiss to tell him I appreciate his help today.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiles at me. “Have a nice evening.”
“Night, Peeta.”
I watch him walk home before stepping inside, closing the door behind me.
“You like him!” Prim squeals from the top of the stairs where she’s perched herself to spy on us.
“Prim! What did I tell you about spying on people’s conversations?”
“Oh, lighten up. I was just coming back down for my pyjamas.” She tells me. “I just caught the tail end.”
“You could at least pretend you didn’t hear any of it.” I scowl.
“I think you like him more than you want to admit to me.” She pokes me.
“Prim, just drop it.”
“Ok.” She smirks. “For now.”
“Prim.” I groan as she rushes past me upstairs. “You like him, you like him, you like him.”
I much prefer her childish behaviour than the words she speaks in fear. She's thriving since I've returned and looks like the girl that never spent a day starving in her entire life.
If she had won the games, she'd never survive the life of a victor. She might for the first few years but the Capitol was attracted to beautiful things, and Prim would be one of them. She'd be defiled, used, abused and have her innocence taken away. She wouldn't return as my Little Duck, she'd be this broken
I wanted to keep her innocence as long as I could because having a broken sister would kill me.
“Fine, I do.”
She squeals and embraces me before running upstairs to shower, and I just shake my head with a slight smile on my face.
“Hey, thought I could accompany you two beautiful Everdeen girls into town?” Peeta calls out to us the next week. I said I’d walk Prim to school as I had to get a few things from town.
“Sure, Peeta.” Prim smiles. “What are you up to today?”
“Going to help dad out for a little while at the bakery." He tells us. I look at him with a worried look.
“Oh, are you decorating any cakes?”
“Well, I might be able to make you one especially, Miss Primrose.” He smiles at her.
Prim and Peeta chat mostly, and I feel like the third wheel as we head to town. We both say goodbye to Prim at the crossroads, and she catches up with some of her friends before we head on down the road to town.
“You know this is probably setting an impression on the townsfolk." I comment, noticing how close he is to me.
“Well, we need to keep up with appearances.” He tells me through gritted teeth. We greet a group of children on their way to school.
“What, why?”
“He’s watching us.”
“Haymitch caught wind that a whole new team of Peacekeepers are being deployed in the coming week.” He tells me. “He’s also recruiting the help of a lot of cameras, locals and our homes are bugged.”
“Last week after the storm, when the Capitol technicians came to fix the power, they added a few features to our homes.” He tells me. “Don’t worry, just the downstairs.” He tells me, shushing me to keep quiet. “Haymitch gave me the heads up.”
“What does this mean?”
"We continue on with our lives the way we have been. We watch what we say inside our homes. We ensure we're careful on what we're doing out in public. We just be on guard as much as possible. Anything relating to the Capitol we don’t speak of in our homes or around anyone we can’t trust.” He tells me.
“And what does that mean for us?”
“Well, if we continue visiting each other, going for walks together into town, keeping up those appearances then I think he should be happy.”  He smiles at me. “Haymitch told me Snow’s not convinced of our love story.”
“Oh, he told you?”
“If we continue the way we’re going, I’m hoping we’ll get him off our back.”
“So you want to continue a fake relationship?”
“I don’t think it’s fake, Katniss.” He says stopping me and grabbing my hands. "I do feel genuine feelings from you. And I hope you recognise my feelings for you are truly genuine." I nod as he cups my jaw with his hand and smiles at me. "No rush or pressure but I want you to know that you are looking quite beautiful today.” He brushes his thumb down my cheek and then presses a quick kiss to my forehead. A small group of peacekeepers are heading along the path towards the school. “Shall we continue into town?”
Peeta nods at the peacekeepers and grabs my hand as we head into town.
I had to admit, it wasn’t so bad. There could be worse people I could be engaged in a fake relationship with.
A group of merchant women have gathered outside the greengrocer. A toddler runs between the women, chasing his older sister who’s not yet school age.
They turn to look at us, noticing our fingers entwined and stop their conversation.
“Good morning to you all.” Peeta greets them as we head for the door of the grocer. He kneels down to be eye to eye with the two kids and smiles at them. “Morning Miss Penny and Mr Darcy.” He greets them, ruffling Darcy’s blond curls and smiling at him. “Hope you are good."
They both nod enthusiastically and Peeta plays a magic trick of pulling a coin from behind their ears. They’re entranced with the trick and Peeta gives them a small coin each.
I watch their mother roll their eyes at the ‘charity’ her children have just received but what Peeta has given them is enough for one sweet each.
I try not to scowl too much and watch as Peeta interacts with the children. My heart flutters inside my chest. I hope he'll one day get to become a father. A father to beautiful blonde haired and blued eyed children.
The women look up at me with the mother reaching down for their hands.
“Come on, Penny and Darcy, we better leave Mr Peeta and Miss Katniss to go about their day.” She reaches down for their hands, pulling them away from us. “We have work to do unlike others around here.”
The women stalk off, their noses held in the air like they’re something of importance.
“They really don’t like the idea of a Seam girl being a Victor do they?”
"No." Peeta replies and opens the door. "But they better get used to it. You are part-merchant."
“That I am.” I agree. “But also someone with a lot of spare change." I say a little too loudly for these women to hear me. "Worth a try." I shrug my shoulders.
Peeta carries the bag, and he accompanies me for the rest of my errands. We call into the bakery for him to say hello to his family and he collects some ingredients from his family, slipping some coin into the register and bidding them goodbye. His mother has just ducked out, and I know he doesn't want to subject me to her.
But we aren’t so lucky.
“Peeta, what brings you here?” His mother asks, stepping through the door. She looks me up and down and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Just saying hello.” He tells her. “How’ve you been?”
“You know, fine.” She purses her lips. “Katniss.”
"Hello, Mrs Mellark."
“What are you doing with my son?”
“She had some errands to run, and I thought I'd help her carry her things back.” He tells her. “Since we’re neighbors now.”
“Right, neighbors." She states. "How is Victor's Village? Cozy I bet?"
“It’s very spacious. You should come and see it for yourself one day.” He tells her. “I’d happily give you a tour of my new home, might even invite you over for dinner. Katniss makes a wonderful stew.”
“Why would I want a meal made by Seam Scum?”
“Mother, I will not have you insult my girlfriend like that.” He tells her, reaching for my hand. I watch the color drain from her face. “And she’s not from The Seam, she’s from Victor’s Village.” He reminds her.
“Just because she’s moved out from The Seam doesn’t mean she’s still not that scum.”
“Mother, I will not have you insult Katniss any further. If you wish to visit us for dinner one evening, you have my number.” He tells her. He takes one of the bags from me. “Come on, Katniss, we have to pick supplies up from the apothecary." He lets me leave first. "Goodbye, mother."
“Slow down, Peeta!” I call after him. We’ve just finished the last of the errands, and he's made a beeline to head back. The conversation with his mother upset him.
But she was insulting me more than him.
“Peeta, just talk to me.” I beg. He shakes his head and walks faster. I try to keep up, matching his strides.
Anytime before I’d had run out on Mrs Mellark. Let her words get to me and would have made my way to the woods.
But I don’t want that woman to reduce me to nothing. Not reacting was the best defence against Mrs Mellark.
I grab his arm and steer him towards the old rotunda. I check to see if it’s been bugged before I speak.
“Peeta, you’re mother is just wicked. She’s a sad woman who will never change." I tell him. "If I had almost lost my son in the games, I'm sure my attitude would change, I'd see this as a second chance to make my amends, but she's not like that and really, you don't need a woman who doesn't care about you."
“She’s my mother.”
“I know but the things she’s done to you, I don’t believe she should get to call you her son.” I tell him. “There are a lot of other people out there that care for you and want to love you." I squeeze his hand. "I can take her insults, Peeta. Her words mean nothing to me. They don't hurt me. I know where I came from, my heritage and all. People just forget that because I favor my father in looks."
“It just hurts that she doesn’t believe you’re worthy of me. That I can’t be with a Seam girl. She’s so caught up in the old ways that it’s scandalous of me to be interested in you.”
"Who cares what they all think. We're alive at the end of the day, and I think they should be celebrating that more than where we come from." I remind him. “Come on, let’s get these groceries home.
He goes to his own home, and I go about unpacking the groceries, making lunch and wandering the house bored out of my mind. I nap on the couch, read a book and braid my hair over and over again.
I decide I might walk into town to meet Prim, but I find Peeta at the front door, cake in hand and a notebook in the other.
“Hi.” I greet him.
“I have a proposition.” He tells me.
“I think we should go somewhere else.” He tells me.
He places the cake on the bench with a note for Prim and takes my hand, leading me through the Victor’s Village towards the gardens. We find the stone bench and take a seat. Peeta shows me what he’s been working on and it’s in a lot of depth and detail.
The Relationship Plan
“You’ve planned out our relationship?” I ask him.
"It's about being three steps in front of Snow." He tells me. "We have to be on our toes so I thought if we have a timeline to follow, we can be smart and ahead of Snow. He won't predict our moves, and we're winning."
“I don’t want this to be about winning. I just want to keep Prim alive.”
"I know you do, but we can't protect Prim if we're dead." He reminds me. "We just have to be smart and on our toes."
“Don’t you think Snow will pick up that we’re following a timeline?”
“We’re madly in love, Katniss.” He smirks. “We’re just doing what they expect us to do but a little more prematurely than they expect. It’ll work, even Haymitch thought it was a good idea.”
I look at the timeline and see what he’s planned out from now leading up to the games and a little beyond.
“Peeta, they’re going to expect children from us.” I whisper.
He wraps an arm around my shoulder and scoots closer to me. "I won't expect us to anything you're not comfortable with.” He kisses my temple.  
It’s brilliant what he’s planned out. Every little bit of detail. It's a master plan, and I feel as if we can pull it off.
“So, if you agree we’ll start the ball rolling tomorrow.” He tells me. “I’ll call Effie and get her to organise some jewellery catalogues to be sent out. That will get the gossip started.”
I look at the timeline and study it. Peeta has thought of every detail, right down to the little things and people whom we’ll get to help us pull off our plan.
"We're going to have photographers in our faces and watching our every move."
“That’s alright. I suppose it helps Snow keep an eye on our every move.” I respond. “I won’t be able to hunt though.”
"Yes, you will, just limited trips." He smiles. "I'll be the diversion, and they officially can't step inside Victor Village so you'll sneak out and I'll head into town. It'll work."
“I won’t be able to see Gale.”
He frowns slightly. "I think it'll be best for you to step away from him, especially if Snow thinks something is going on between you two." He grasps my hand. "It'll be hard I know but think of Prim."
It’s true, anything to keep Prim alive will be worth it.
“Alright, let’s get started.” I smile at him.
“When will these photographers leave?” Prim asks, peaking a look out the living room window.
They've been camped out for nearly 8 weeks, and Peeta and I are planning our engagement to happen in a matter of days. He's ordered the ring, and it's arriving today on the train. The photographers have died down in numbers, assuming an engagement wasn’t going to take place but if one photo of Peeta carrying a small parcel from the train will set off the rumors again, and more photographers and possibly film crew will head on out.
"Soon." I tell her. "I know it's hard, but they just want to be here in case."
"But you and Peeta aren't planning an engagement are you?" She asks me. We hadn't informed her of the plan, and I was playing dumb.
“I don’t think so Prim. If Peeta is he hasn’t let on.” I tell her. “Come on, I’ll walk you to school.”
Peeta would leave just after us, the train arriving at 9 where he’ll pick up the ring packaged in the jewellery company seal and he’ll walk on home with the package on display.
I put my head down as we walk by the press and Prim and I chat quietly as we head to school.
I kiss Prim goodbye and turn on my heel, heading back home with my hands buried deep inside my coat pockets.
Peeta comes over an hour later, and we remain in the house together.
“Peeta, I need a hand down in the basement to move a few things.”
He follows me down the stairs, and we take a seat on an old chest.
“Did you get it?” I ask him.
I notice him beaming and he nods. "Yeah, I did. It's beautiful."
I decided I didn’t want to see it, I trusted him to pick something for me.
“We’re doing this?” I confirm.
He nods and smiles. "We're doing this." He squeezes my hand and leans over and kisses me.
In the last few weeks despite following the planned timeline, our relationship has bloomed. I’ve tried to focus less on saving my butt and actually enjoying time with Peeta. On learning everything there is about him and letting my attraction grow.
If we’re going to be on this train forever, I might as well get to know the man I’ll be spending my life with.
We pull apart breathless, and he smiles at me, brushing his thumb over the corner of my mouth and smiling.
“Can’t wait to get fake engaged to you.” He laughs.
I laugh too, and he kisses me again before he leads me up the stairs.
Two nights later, I'm standing in his kitchen where we've just eaten roast chicken and danced in the kitchen to some music before dessert when he gets down on one knee and professes his love as he flashes an emerald stone ring at me.
The ring was gorgeous.
"Emerald for your birth month and for your favourite color.” He tells me, slipping the ring on my finger and kissing me.
He spins me around the kitchen, and we dance the night away.
He walks me home quite late where we share the news with my mother and sister before he leaves for his house.
“It’s beautiful.” My mother comments. “He did a marvellous job.” She had helped him pick a few out. He also asked for Haymitch’s opinion.
I smile. I've been gushing all night because he genuinely does know me and picked something for me and not for show.
“Can I tell my friends at school?”
"Of course you can." I say as I embrace her.
We were relying on a few people to spread the news while I hid out for a few days.
Prim would go to school telling her friends who’d spread the news like playground gossip. The children would go home and tell their parents the news who'd have hopefully already heard.
I'd tell Madge when she comes around for an early breakfast, one we'd been sharing for the last 8 weeks. She'd hopefully bypass home and tell her father before rushing off to school. Her father would notify the staff in the house and then the team at the Justice building who'd tell everyone who'd step foot into the building. Commander Cray would hear, telling a few peacekeepers who'd then share the news amongst the barracks. The peacekeepers that hung out at The Hob would spread the news to all those in the Hob. Then those in the hob will share the news with their customers who'd later go and tell their families.
Peeta would inform his family first thing in the morning and hoped they’d display a picture of us in the window congratulating us. This notice would catch the attention of the Merchants and word would spread amongst them all and their customers who’d tell their neighbours and friends. By the time the notice goes up, Madge should have told her father who’d be on his way to work.
And finally, Effie we'd tell her during a phone call. She'll tell her friends who'd then spread the news to everyone they knew, and it’d quickly make it’s way to the President and the press. The press would camp out, knowing we were leaving for the tour very soon and knew they'd see the ring on my finger hopefully before we leave.
We'd step out first thing Saturday morning, Peeta picking me up and accompanying me into town. The press would have a shot of the ring immediately, and by the time we returned home, it'd be confirmed and Peeta and me on every Capitol TV program and front cover of their newspapers and magazines. The press would then head on back to the Capitol to ready themselves for our Victory Tour, and a Capitol TV crew would arrive early on Monday morning for our lead up interview of the Tour, and we'd speak officially and exclusively of our news. Our news we'd hope would set the tone of the Victory Tour.
And our plan is executed perfectly.
“Katniss and Peeta, we must know, how did he propose?” Caesar asks us through the camera.
We’re due to leave for District 11 in 15 minutes.
I'm standing with my left hand on his chest to show off the ring as we embrace. Snow flurries are in our hair and on the fur of our coats. My lipstick is slightly smudged, and Peeta has a little bit of pink on the corner of his mouth after our kiss in the snow.
"We had just eaten roast chicken, and I invited her to dance in the kitchen with me before we had dessert." He tells them. "I whispered in her ear as we danced how lucky I am to have found someone like her and how I don't want to live without her. I've almost lost her once, and I wanted her to know how much she truly means to me in case something does happen.”
“He got down on one knee… his good knee.” I laugh which causes Caesar to laugh wildly. “And then said, ‘Katniss, I don’t want to spend another day without you. I want to make you my wife and stay with you always.’” I recall for all of Panem, staring into Peeta’s eyes.
“And she said yes.” Peeta smiles, staring back at me. “She made me the happiest man in the world.”
"How exciting!" He gushes. "Am I right folks?" The crowd agrees with awes and coos. "Well we better let you be, and we'll be checking in on your throughout the Victory Tour. Thank you Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, we’ll be seeing you two here on this very stage in less than a fortnight.”
We wave goodbye and stand there until the lights on the camera go off. I brush the snow from his hair, fix his collar of his coat and smile just before I lean in and peck him on the lips.
"No time for that, we have a train to catch." Effie barks, stepping down from the porch of my house and leading everyone to the cars that will take us to the train station.
“You ready for this?” He asks me with a questioning look.
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bookgirl318 · 7 years
A Hunger Games (Book 1) Timeline
Hi all!
About a month ago, I was inspired by an idea for creating a timeline for the HG books.   As a visual learner, I felt that something that anyone could reference easily for the details on when certain events happened.  So, I began going through the book, and what follows is a timeline based on the first book (page references are from the paperback edition).
My thanks to the always wonderful @mtk4fun and @norbertsmom for looking over and helping me correct mistakes and improve the details.  You both are the best!
So, here it is...
Hunger Games Timeline (Book1)
 Katniss (age 5)  
Begins school, Sings Valley Song at Assembly, Peeta first notices her. (p.300, 367)
  (age 11)
January-Katniss’ father killed (p. 26)
April-Given the bread by Peeta (p. 26)
-Next day, picks a dandelion, (p. 32), and in evening goes to the Meadow to pick dandelions, making salad, and going over plant book with Prim. (p. 50)
-Next day, off from school, Katniss goes under the fence for the first time. Kills a rabbit on her own.  (p. 50)
 (age 12)
May 8-Turns 12 and signs up for tesserae (p. 51)
Late Summer-Finds Katniss plants and is full for the first time in   months. (p. 52)
October-Meets and begins hunting with Gale (p. 109)
 (age 14)
Late May (Friday)-Gets Prim’s goat, Lady, for her birthday. (p. 208)
  (age 16)
Summer-Tuesday-Katniss meets with Gale eating bread and blackberries. Annual Reaping Day and Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games. (p.9)
-Gets one hour to say goodbye to family, Madge (who gives Katniss the Mockingjay pin), the Baker with cookies, and Gale.
-Gets on train to the Capitol. Eats dinner with Effie, watching replay of reapings, Haymitch comes in and vomits. Peeta stays to cleans him up.  The train pauses to refuel, and Katniss throws cookies out the window.
Next Day-Wednesday-Breakfast, Haymitch punches Peeta, Katniss puts knife in table.  Arrives in the Capitol (p. 41, p. 54)
-More than three hours in remake center with Prep Team (p. 61), then meets and has lunch with Cinna.
-The Tribute parade happens a few hours later. (p. 67)
-Taken to their quarters in the Tribute Center to have dinner, where Katniss recognizes the Avox girl.
-Peeta shows Katniss the rooftop and garden.
The 3 Days of Training (p.88)
Day 1-Thursday-Breakfast where discuss skills.  First Training Session (p. 79, p. 88) Atala explains schedule, and Katniss and Peeta do knots and camouflage stations.  Gamemakers appear ((p. 97) Peeta discusses bread at lunch.
Day 2-Friday-Katniss and Peeta notice Rue.
Day 3-Saturday-In the afternoon, have private sessions with Gamemakers (p.88, p.100) Peeta throws weights for 15 minutes (p. 100) Katniss shoots arrows from bow, with last one hitting apple of the Gamemakers roasted pig.  (P. 102)  Everyone watches scores and Katniss gets an eleven (p.108)
Next Day-Sunday-(p. 109) Coaching for interviews-Katniss with Effie in the morning, and Haymitch in the afternoon. The opposite for Peeta.
Next Day-Monday-(p.119) with Prep Team and stylists until late afternoon.  Tribute interviews with Caesar in the evening. Discussion with Peeta on the rooftop in the wee hours.
Day 1-Tuesday-Dawn (p.138) Cinna prepares Katniss, gets tracker, half an hour ride to the arena (p. 144)
10:00 The Games Begin (p. 138)-60 seconds on metal circles
Bloodbath-District 3g, 4b, 5b, 6b, 6g, 7b, 7g, 8b, 9g, 9b, 10g die-cannons in late afternoon (p. 152)
Day 2- Wednesday-District 8 girl dies as first signs of dawn approaching (p.159) Sees Peeta with the Careers.  Katniss searches for water until nightfall.  (p. 166)
Day 3-Thursday- (p. 167) Finds water in the afternoon (p. 170)
Day 4-Friday-(p. 171)-Not yet dawn when the wall of fire comes.  Katniss’ leg gets burned.  She finds a pool of water.  Careers find her in the evening and tree her (p. 180) Sees Rue in the trees pointing to a tracker jacker nest.  Tries to cut it down during anthem.  Gets medicine for her leg burn on parachute.
Day 5-Saturday-(p. 188) In the morning, Katniss warns Rue and finishes cutting the branch to release the Tracker Jacker nest.   1g Glimmer dies. Gets bow and arrows.   4g dies. Sees Peeta and runs before blacking out.  Out for the night.
Day 6-Sunday-Out for the entire day and for second night from Tracker Jackers. (p. 205)
Day 7-Monday-Wakes up in afternoon. (p. 196) Hunts and spots Rue as making dinner in late afternoon dusk (p. 199) They make an alliance.
Day 8-Tuesday- (p. 209) Woken up by cannon, 10b died. Comes up with plan to destroy Careers supply of food by lunch (p. 212) Rue teaches Katniss the Mockingjay signal.  Gets to Cornucopia hideout, Careers go off, sees Foxface getting supplies.  Blows up all the piles of supplies.  Cato returns enraged and kills the 3b.
Day 9-Wednesday-(p. 227) Wakes up to Foxface laughing in the rubble.  Goes to look for Rue in the late afternoon (p. 230) Find Rue caught in a net and just reaches her as Rue is speared. Katniss kills 1b Marvel.  Katniss sings to Rue as she dies (11g), then surrounds her with wildflowers.  Wanders around until sunset.  Gets bread from District 11.
Day 10-Thursday-(p. 240) Uneventful day.  Announcement of the rule change after the anthem in the evening. (p. 244).  
Day 11-Friday-(p. 249) Searches for and finds Peeta.  Helps him to cave in late afternoon (p. 259) Kisses Peeta and gets broth in evening (p. 261)
Day 12-Saturday-(p. 263, 264) Tells Peeta story about Prim’s Goat, Announcement of the feast, gets parachute with Sleep Syrup and gives to Peeta mixed up in mashed berries to hide the taste.
Day 13-Sunday-(p. 280) At dawn, the Feast begins, Thresh kills 2g Clove.  Let’s Katniss go.  She gives Peeta medicine and blacks out.  Peeta wakes up in the evening (p. 290, 292)
Day 14-Monday-(p.290) Katniss wakes up. rain begins, first kiss that make Katniss want another.
Day 15-Tuesday- (p. 299) Storms continue, Peeta tells story of the first day of school.  Kiss and get basket of food. Thresh dies 11b.
Day 16-Wednesday-(p. 311) They go hunting & gathering.  5g Foxface dies from nightlock she stole from Peeta. They go back to the cave.
Day 17-Thursday-(p. 325) Sleep, eat, and leave cave for final time.  Go to the lake and Cornucopia where Cato comes out.  They all run from the Mutts.  Peeta’s leg gets cut by one of the Mutts, Cato grabs Peeta.  Katniss shoots Cato’s hand and he falls to the Mutts. Katniss uses her last arrow and her blouse to tie a tourniquet on Peeta’s leg and they keep each other awake overnight.
Day 18-Friday-(p.340) Morning, Katniss removes the arrow from the tourniquet and shoots Cato (1b).  Repeal of rule. They argue back and forth about who should kill the other. Peeta says they have to have their victor. Katniss brings out berries.  Plans to eat them with Peeta, but they are declared winners of Hunger Games.  Hovercraft takes them to Training Center.  Peeta is taken away for medical attention and Katniss is injected with needle.
A FEW DAYS- (p. 350) Katniss in and out of consciousness, where she heals and is fed by the Avox girl. 
After Games-Day 1-(p 351) Wakes up unrestrained.
  -Reunited with team, prepped and dressed by Cinna.
  -Warned by Haymitch.
  -Presentation of the Victors, reunited with Peeta, and  watch Highlights video for three hours. (p. 362).  Snow crowns them onstage.
 -Victory Banquet at the President’s Mansion
After Games-Day 2  (p. 366) Final Interview at 2:00 (p. 365)
-Gets on train.  Katniss and Peeta’s confrontation after fuel stop.
After Games-Day 3 (p. 373) Return to District 12
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readbookywooks · 8 years
20 Getting the broth into Peeta takes an hour of coaxing, begging, threatening, and yes, kissing, but finally, sip by sip, he empties the pot. I let him drift off to sleep then and attend to my own needs, wolfing down a supper of groosling and roots while I watch the daily report in the sky. No new casualties. Still, Peeta and I have given the audience a fairly interesting day. Hopefully, the Gamemakers will allow us a peaceful night. I automatically look around for a good tree to nest in before I realize that's over. At least for a while. I can't very well leave Peeta unguarded on the ground. I left the scene of his last hiding place on the bank of the stream untouched  -  how could I conceal it?  -  and we're a scant fifty yards downstream. I put on my glasses, place my weapons in readiness, and settle down to keep watch. The temperature drops rapidly and soon I'm chilled to the bone. Eventually, I give in and slide into the sleeping bag with Peeta. It's toasty warm and I snuggle down gratefully until I realize it's more than warm, it's overly hot because the bag is reflecting back his fever. I check his forehead and find it burning and dry. I don't know what to do. Leave him in the bag and hope the excessive heat breaks the fever? Take him out and hope the night air cools him off? I end up just dampening a strip of bandage and placing it on his forehead. It seems weak, but I'm afraid to do anything too drastic. I spend the night half-sitting, half-lying next to Peeta, refreshing the bandage, and trying not to dwell on the fact that by teaming up with him, I've made myself far more vulnerable than when I was alone. Tethered to the ground, on guard, with a very sick person to take care of. But I knew he was injured. And still I came after him. I'm just going to have to trust that whatever instinct sent me to find him was a good one. When the sky turns rosy, I notice the sheen of sweat on Peeta's lip and discover the fever has broken. He's not back to normal, but it's come down a few degrees. Last night, when I was gathering vines, I came upon a bush of Rue's berries. I strip off the fruit and mash it up in the broth pot with cold water. Peeta's struggling to get up when I reach the cave. "I woke up and you were gone," he says. "I was worried about you." I have to laugh as I ease him back down. "You were worried about me? Have you taken a look at yourself lately?" "I thought Cato and Clove might have found you. They like to hunt at night," he says, still serious. "Clove? Which one is that?" I ask. "The girl from District Two. She's still alive, right?" he says. "Yes, there's just them and us and Thresh and Foxface," I say. "That's what I nicknamed the girl from Five. How do you feel?" "Better than yesterday. This is an enormous improvement over the mud," he says. "Clean clothes and medicine and a sleeping bag. and you." Oh, right, the whole romance thing. I reach out to touch his cheek and he catches my hand and presses it against his lips. I remember my father doing this very thing to my mother and I wonder where Peeta picked it up. Surely not from his father and the witch. "No more kisses for you until you've eaten," I say. We get him propped up against the wall and he obediently swallows the spoonfuls of the berry mush I feed him. He refuses the groosling again, though. "You didn't sleep," Peeta says. "I'm all right," I say. But the truth is, I'm exhausted. "Sleep now. I'll keep watch. I'll wake you if anything happens," he says. I hesitate. "Katniss, you can't stay up forever." He's got a point there. I'll have to sleep eventually. And probably better to do it now when he seems relatively alert and we have daylight on our side. "All right," I say. "But just for a few hours. Then you wake me." It's too warm for the sleeping bag now. I smooth it out on the cave floor and lie down, one hand on my loaded bow in case I have to shoot at a moment's notice. Peeta sits beside me, leaning against the wall, his bad leg stretched out before him, his eyes trained on the world outside. "Go to sleep," he says softly. His hand brushes the loose strands of my hair off my forehead. Unlike the staged kisses and caresses so far, this gesture seems natural and comforting. I don't want him to stop and he doesn't. He's still stroking my hair when I fall asleep. Too long. I sleep too long. I know from the moment I open my eyes that we're into the afternoon. Peeta's right beside me, his position unchanged. I sit up, feeling somehow defensive but better rested than I've been in days. "Peeta, you were supposed to wake me after a couple of hours," I say. "For what? Nothing's going on here," he says. "Besides I like watching you sleep. You don't scowl. Improves your looks a lot." This, of course, brings on a scowl that makes him grin. That's when I notice how dry his lips are. I test his cheek. Hot as a coal stove. He claims he's been drinking, but the containers still feel full to me. I give him more fever pills and stand over him while he drinks first one, then a second quart of water. Then I tend to his minor wounds, the burns, the stings, which are showing improvement. I steel myself and unwrap the leg. My heart drops into my stomach. It's worse, much worse. There's no more pus in evidence, but the swelling has increased and the tight shiny skin is inflamed. Then I see the red streaks starting to crawl up his leg. Blood poisoning. Unchecked, it will kill him for sure. My chewed-up leaves and ointment won't make a dent in it. We'll need strong anti-infection drugs from the Capitol. I can't imagine the cost of such potent medicine. If Haymitch pooled every donation from every sponsor, would he have enough? I doubt it. Gifts go up in price the longer the Games continue. What buys a full meal on day one buys a cracker on day twelve. And the kind of medicine Peeta needs would have been at a premium from the beginning. "Well, there's more swelling, but the pus is gone," I say in an unsteady voice. "I know what blood poisoning is, Katniss," says Peeta. "Even if my mother isn't a healer." "You're just going to have to outlast the others, Peeta. They'll cure it back at the Capitol when we win," I say. "Yes, that's a good plan," he says. But I feel this is mostly for my benefit. "You have to eat. Keep your strength up. I'm going to make you soup," I say. "Don't light a fire," he says. "It's not worth it." "We'll see," I say. As I take the pot down to the stream, I'm struck by how brutally hot it is. I swear the Gamemakers are progressively ratcheting up the temperature in the daytime and sending it plummeting at night. The heat of the sun-baked stones by the stream gives me an idea though. Maybe I won't need to light a fire. I settle down on a big flat rock halfway between the stream and the cave. After purifying half a pot of water, I place it in direct sunlight and add several egg-size hot stones to the water. I'm the first to admit I'm not much of a cook. But since soup mainly involves tossing everything in a pot and waiting, it's one of my better dishes. I mince groosling until it's practically mush and mash some of Rue's roots. Fortunately, they've both been roasted already so they mostly need to be heated up. Already, between the sunlight and the rocks, the water's warm. I put in the meat and roots, swap in fresh rocks, and go find something green to spice it up a little. Before long, I discover a tuft of chives growing at the base of some rocks. Perfect. I chop them very fine and add them to the pot, switch out the rocks again, put on the lid, and let the whole thing stew. I've seen very few signs of game around, but I don't feel comfortable leaving Peeta alone while I hunt, so I rig half a dozen snares and hope I get lucky. I wonder about the other tributes, how they're managing now that their main source of food has been blown up. At least three of them, Cato, Clove, and Foxface, had been relying on it. Probably not Thresh though. I've got a feeling he must share some of Rue's knowledge on how to feed yourself from the earth. Are they fighting each other? Looking for us? Maybe one of them has located us and is just waiting for the right moment to attack. The idea sends me back to the cave. Peeta's stretched out on top of the sleeping bag in the shade of the rocks. Although he brightens a bit when I come in, it's clear he feels miserable. I put cool cloths on his head, but they warm up almost as soon as they touch his skin. "Do you want anything?" I ask. "No," he says. "Thank you. Wait, yes. Tell me a story." "A story? What about?" I say. I'm not much for storytelling. It's kind of like singing. But once in a while, Prim wheedles one out of me. "Something happy. Tell me about the happiest day you can remember," says Peeta. Something between a sigh and a huff of exasperation leaves my mouth. A happy story? This will require a lot more effort than the soup. I rack my brains for good memories. Most of them involve Gale and me out hunting and somehow I don't think these will play well with either Peeta or the audience. That leaves Prim. "Did I ever tell you about how I got Prim's goat?" I ask. Peeta shakes his head, and looks at me expectantly. So I begin. But carefully. Because my words are going out all over Panem. And while people have no doubt put two and two together that I hunt illegally, I don't want to hurt Gale or Greasy Sae or the butcher or even the Peacekeepers back home who are my customers by publicly announcing they'd breaking the law, too. Here's the real story of how I got the money for Prim's goat, Lady. It was a Friday evening, the day before Prim's tenth birthday in late May. As soon as school ended, Gale and I hit the woods, because I wanted to get enough to trade for a present for Prim. Maybe some new cloth for a dress or a hairbrush. Our snares had done well enough and the woods were flush with greens, but this was really no more than our average Friday-night haul. I was disappointed as we headed back, even though Gale said we'd be sure to do better tomorrow. We were resting a moment by a stream when we saw him. A young buck, probably a yearling by his size. His antlers were just growing in, still small and coated in velvet. Poised to run but unsure of us, unfamiliar with humans. Beautiful. Less beautiful perhaps when the two arrows caught him, one in the neck, the other in the chest. Gale and I had shot at the same time. The buck tried to run but stumbled, and Gale's knife slit his throat before he knew what had happened. Momentarily, I'd felt a pang at killing something so fresh and innocent. And then my stomach rumbled at the thought of all that fresh and innocent meat. A deer! Gale and I have only brought down three in all. The first one, a doe that had injured her leg somehow, almost didn't count. But we knew from that experience not to go dragging the carcass into the Hob. It had caused chaos with people bidding on parts and actually trying to hack off pieces themselves. Greasy Sae had intervened and sent us with our deer to the butcher, but not before it'd been badly damaged, hunks of meat taken, the hide riddled with holes. Although everybody paid up fairly, it had lowered the value of the kill. This time, we waited until dark fell and slipped under a hole in the fence close to the butcher. Even though we were known hunters, it wouldn't have been good to go carrying a 150-pound deer through the streets of District 12 in daylight like we were rubbing it in the officials' faces. The butcher, a short, chunky woman named Rooba, came to the back door when we knocked. You don't haggle with Rooba. She gives you one price, which you can take or leave, but it's a fair price. We took her offer on the deer and she threw in a couple of venison steaks we could pick up after the butchering. Even with the money divided in two, neither Gale nor I had held so much at one time in our lives. We decided to keep it a secret and surprise our families with the meat and money at the end of the next day. This is where I really got the money for the goat, but I tell Peeta I sold an old silver locket of my mother's. That can't hurt anyone. Then I pick up the story in the late afternoon of Prim's birthday. Gale and I went to the market on the square so that I could buy dress materials. As I was running my fingers over a length of thick blue cotton cloth, something caught my eye. There's an old man who keeps a small herd of goats on the other side of the Seam. I don't know his real name, everyone just calls him the Goat Man. His joints are swollen and twisted in painful angles, and he's got a hacking cough that proves he spent years in the mines. But he's lucky. Somewhere along the way he saved up enough for these goats and now has something to do in his old age besides slowly starve to death. He's filthy and impatient, but the goats are clean and their milk is rich if you can afford it. One of the goats, a white one with black patches, was lying down in a cart. It was easy to see why. Something, probably a dog, had mauled her shoulder and infection had set in. It was bad, the Goat Man had to hold her up to milk her. But I thought I knew someone who could fix it. "Gale," I whispered. "I want that goat for Prim." Owning a nanny goat can change your life in District 12. The animals can live off almost anything, the Meadow's a perfect feeding place, and they can give four quarts of milk a day. To drink, to make into cheese, to sell. It's not even against the law. "She's hurt pretty bad," said Gale. "We better take a closer look." We went over and bought a cup of milk to share, then stood over the goat as if idly curious. "Let her be," said the man. "Just looking," said Gale. "Well, look fast. She goes to the butcher soon. Hardly anyone will buy her milk, and then they only pay half price," said the man. "What's the butcher giving for her?" I asked. The man shrugged. "Hang around and see." I turned and saw Rooba coming across the square toward us. "Lucky thing you showed up," said the Goat Man when she arrived. "Girl's got her eye on your goat." "Not if she's spoken for," I said carelessly. Rooba looked me up and down then frowned at the goat. "She's not. Look at that shoulder. Bet you half the carcass will be too rotten for even sausage." "What?" said the Goat Man. "We had a deal." "We had a deal on an animal with a few teeth marks. Not that thing. Sell her to the girl if she's stupid enough to take her," said Rooba. As she marched off, I caught her wink. The Goat Man was mad, but he still wanted that goal off his hands. It took us half an hour to agree on the price. Quite a crowd had gathered by then to hand out opinions. It was an excellent deal if the goat lived; I'd been robbed if she died. People took sides in the argument, but I took the goat. Gale offered to carry her. I think he wanted to see the look on Prim's face as much as I did. In a moment of complete giddiness, I bought a pink ribbon and tied it around her neck. Then we hurried back to my house. You should have seen Prim's reaction when we walked in with that goat. Remember this is a girl who wept to save that awful old cat, Buttercup. She was so excited she started crying and laughing all at once. My mother was less sure, seeing the injury, but the pair of them went to work on it, grinding up herbs and coaxing brews down the animal's throat. "They sound like you," says Peeta. I had almost forgotten he was there. "Oh, no, Peeta. They work magic. That thing couldn't have died if it tried," I say. But then I bite my tongue, realizing what that must sound like to Peeta, who is dying, in my incompetent hands. "Don't worry. I'm not trying," he jokes. "Finish the story." "Well, that's it. Only I remember that night, Prim insisted on sleeping with Lady on a blanket next to the fire. And just before they drifted off, the goat licked her cheek, like it was giving her a good night kiss or something," I say. "It was already mad about her." "Was it still wearing the pink ribbon?" he asks. "I think so," I say. "Why?" "I'm just trying to get a picture," he says thoughtfully. "I can see why that day made you happy." "Well, I knew that goat would be a little gold mine," 1 say. "Yes, of course I was referring to that, not the lasting joy you gave the sister you love so much you took her place in the reaping," says Peeta drily. "The goat has paid for itself. Several times over," I say in a superior tone. "Well, it wouldn't dare do anything else after you saved its life," says Peeta. "I intend to do the same thing." "Really? What did you cost me again?" I ask. "A lot of trouble. Don't worry. You'll get it all back," he says. "You're not making sense," I say. I test his forehead. The lever's going nowhere but up. "You're a little cooler though." The sound of the trumpets startles me. I'm on my feet and at the mouth of the cave in a flash, not wanting to miss a syllable. It's my new best friend, Claudius Templesmith, and as I expected, he's inviting us to a feast. Well, we're not that hungry and I actually wave his offer away in indifference when he says, "Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately." I do need something desperately. Something to heal Peeta's leg. "Each of you will find that something in a backpack, marked with your district number, at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you, this will be your last chance," says Claudius. There's nothing else, just his words hanging in the air. I jump as Peeta grips my shoulder from behind. "No," he says. "You're not risking your life for me." "Who said I was?" I say. "So, you're not going?" he asks. "Of course, I'm not going. Give me some credit. Do you think I'm running straight into some free-for-all against Cato and Clove and Thresh? Don't be stupid," I say, helping him back to bed. "I'll let them fight it out, we'll see who's in the sky tomorrow night and work out a plan from there." "You're such a bad liar, Katniss. I don't know how you've survived this long." He begins to mimic me. "I knew that goat would be a little gold mine. You're a little cooler though. Of course, I'm not going. He shakes his head. "Never gamble at cards. You'll lose your last coin," he says. Anger flushes my face. "All right, I am going, and you can't stop me!" "I can follow you. At least partway. I may not make it to the Cornucopia, but if I'm yelling your name, I bet someone can find me. And then I'll be dead for sure," he says. "You won't get a hundred yards from here on that leg," I say. "Then I'll drag myself," says Peeta. "You go and I'm going, too." He's just stubborn enough and maybe just strong enough to do it. Come howling after me in the woods. Even if a tribute doesn't find him, something else might. He can't defend himself. I'd probably have to wall him up in the cave just to go myself. And who knows what the exertion will do to him? "What am I supposed to do? Sit here and watch you die?" I say. He must know that's not an option. That the audience would hate me. And frankly, I would hate myself, too, if I didn't even try. "I won't die. I promise. If you promise not to go," he says. We're at something of a stalemate. I know I can't argue him out of this one, so I don't try. I pretend, reluctantly, to go along. "Then you have to do what I say. Drink your water, wake me when I tell you, and eat every bite of the soup no matter how disgusting it is!" I snap at him. "Agreed. Is it ready?" he asks. "Wait here," I say. The air's gone cold even though the sun's still up. I'm right about the Gamemakers messing with the temperature. I wonder if the thing someone needs desperately is a good blanket. The soup is still nice and warm in its iron pot. And actually doesn't taste too bad. Peeta eats without complaint, even scraping out the pot to show his enthusiasm. He rambles on about how delicious it is, which should be encouraging if you don't know what fever does to people. He's like listening to Haymitch before the alcohol has soaked him into incoherence. I give him another dose of fever medicine before he goes off his head completely. As I go down to the stream to wash up, all I can think is that he's going to die if I don't get to that feast. I'll keep him going for a day or two, and then the infection will reach his heart or his brain or his lungs and he'll be gone. And I'll be here all alone. Again. Waiting for the others. I'm so lost in thought that I almost miss the parachute, even though it floats right by me. Then I spring after it, yanking it from the water, tearing off the silver fabric to retrieve the vial. Haymitch has done it! He's gotten the medicine  -  I don't know how, persuaded some gaggle of romantic fools to sell their jewels  -  and I can save Peeta! It's such a tiny vial though. It must be very strong to cure someone as ill as Peeta. A ripple of doubt runs through me. I uncork the vial and take a deep sniff. My spirits fall at the sickly sweet scent. Just to be sure, I place a drop on the tip of my tongue. There's no question, it's sleep syrup. It's a common medicine in District 12. Cheap, as medicine goes, but very addictive. Almost everyone's had a dose at one time or another. We have some in a bottle at home. My mother gives it to hysterical patients to knock them out to stitch up a bad wound or quiet their minds or just to help someone in pain get through the night. It only takes a little. A vial this size could knock Peeta out for a full day, but what good is that? I'm so furious I'm about to throw Haymitch's last offering into the stream when it hits me. A full day? That's more than I need. I mash up a handful of berries so the taste won't be as noticeable and add some mint leaves for good measure. Then I head back up to the cave. "I've brought you a treat. I found a new patch of berries a little farther downstream." Peeta opens his mouth for the first bite without hesitation. He swallows then frowns slightly. "They're very sweet." "Yes, they're sugar berries. My mother makes jam from them. Haven't you ever had them before?" I say, poking the next spoonful in his mouth. "No," he says, almost puzzled. "But they taste familiar. Sugar berries?" "Well, you can't get them in the market much, they only grow wild," I say. Another mouthful goes down. Just one more to go. "They're sweet as syrup," he says, taking the last spoonful. "Syrup." His eyes widen as he realizes the truth. I clamp my hand over his mouth and nose hard, forcing him to swallow instead of spit. He tries to make himself vomit the stuff up, but it's too late, he's already losing consciousness. Even as he fades away, I can see in his eyes what I've done is unforgivable. I sit back on my heels and look at him with a mixture of sadness and satisfaction. A stray berry stains his chin and I wipe it away. "Who can't lie, Peeta?" I say, even though he can't hear me. It doesn't matter. The rest of Panem can.
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Hello my lovely mutual 💓 💗 May I request a super fluff filled story with Jotun Loki x female reader inspired by the prompt : You have to pay a toll first, and the only accepted payment is kisses!!! Hope your doing well btw don't push yourself too hard.
You ask I write, dearest 💖w💖
That prompt is SO cute and flirty omg!!💚💚
*My requests are open*
Pairing: Jotun!Loki x Fem!Reader
Summary: Being in love is no easy, specially when your beloved lives and manages a frozen rock on another realm.
Warnings: FLUFF.
Loki Taglist: @lokisprettygirl22 @lucky-foxface @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @el-zef @apine7 @beakami @lokiprompts
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That was the day, he built enough character to do it, he was going to make a move on you.
Ever since he met you he has been constantly working on a plan to ask you out, but due to the distance, given that he was correcting the disaster that his father's reign had caused upon Jotunheim, he had to be absent.
You missed him, his laugh, the way he scooped you up with his big hands, the coolness of his skin, the way his eyes shone whenever he spoke of something he liked. Thor was around far more than him, you kinda got a bit angry at it, but what ignited all the fire inside you was the million promises Loki sent you with Thor, saying that he will make time, or that was trying to finish his duties early, or the worse one yet: "He's trying to fight off an arranged marriage".
It's not that you two had a relationship per se, but all that fooling around had to be something else, or so you thought.
Maybe you made up that idea, maybe he was just being friendly. In any case, the excuses ended when you told Thor you weren't going to stand it anymore. Thor tried to excuse Loki all over again, but even he knew that your patience had a narrow limit, even more so since he had been away for a year.
You two had spent three months together, nothing more than the sheets as the only thing keeping you apart. There wasn't a single moment that he didn't had his lips on your body, it started on the back of your hand, then he went everywhere else.
He had you right where he wanted, and when he saw a way out he left, sending Thor to make you believe that he was going to come back and resume what you had.
"Nat, I beg you, just tell me if I made it up in my head" you asked your friend Natasha, she somehow was the most reasonable to talk to, she kept you down to earth when you fantasize too much, because of that maybe you failed to treat mature issues as a serious matter.
"He did seemed to be into you, but I didn't spent as much time, what does your instincts say?" that was the thing, you heart leaped anytime you thought of him, but your logic was angry, you felt used, like a three months one night stand, your inner voice told you to forget him and move on. But why it wasn't as easy as it should be?
“I kind of want him back, but at the same time I want to forget we even spoke. I don’t know, I’m so done with this!” she hummed, “Do what you think you should do, I think if I give you advise you’re going to ignore it completely, like always” she nudged you playfully, “I do not! Besides, I doubt he will be back at all”.
"You will swoon when you see him back” She smirked, “Not after this, he can’t be that busy, and I won’t take another excuse” then, you heard a few loud steps and his sweet voice filled the air.
“Not even ‘sorry my dear, Thor broke the Bifrost’?” you looked behind you, there he was. “No” you turned against the couch, crossing your arms over your chest, “Apologies my darling, I didn’t intended for you to be missing me this long” he went around the couch and kneeled next to you, flowers in hand and a lovely smile, but you were still keeping up the game.
“Bold of you to assume I missed you at all” his heart clenched, "Well, I missed you, terribly so" you took the flowers as he leaned to give them to you, "Loki I need to know, those three months meant something to you?"
"Of course it meant something, everything, all this time I was thinking what to say when I see you again" 'He did? Focus' "Did...did you felt it?... the same I mean" You nodded, caressing softly the fur on his coat, "Yes, and… I did missed you".
There was no hesitation in your voice, just a little embarrassment creeping up your cheeks, "Am I pardoned if I do this?" He pushed himself up with his hands on each side of your thighs, slowly reaching your face. He took a minute to study your reaction before he leaned into your lips.
“Perhaps” you whispered into the kiss.
He contained a bit of roughness in matters of pressure, but as soon as you leaned into him, and your arms went around his neck passed his shoulders, he threw the self-control out the window.
He took your thighs in his hands, pulled you over the edge of the couch a bit, "Come on, let's go get some food, whatever you want, then we'll catch up and cuddle?" she kissed your cheek and ran her hand through your hair, "Maybe some burritos, while you tell me all about Jotunheim?" he smiled and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Whatever you want my dear" seeing him walk towards the door, it was like the day he left, "I promise I'll be back soon" he said and ended up disappearing for a year! "Wait!" your voice sounded a little high-pitched, he stopped short as he watched you run to the door, blocking his way.
"Hang on right there, icy-hot, there's no way you're going out this door" you said sternly, "Oh? Why not?" his smirk made you smile, "You have to pay a toll first, and the only accepted payment is kisses!" he burst out laughing, “That was, so smooth my darling, you just reminded me why” kisses were spread all over your face as he spoke.
"Why what?" talking was a bit hard when a frost giant is smushing your cheeks. Suddenly he grabbed you by the collar and pulled you in for a kiss, "Why I like you so much" he pinched you cheek, "You're so damn cute when you flirt!" he loved when you scrunched your nose when you’re being cute, “Omg! LOKI” you squealed.
“I can’t believe you left for a year” he widened his eyes, “Wait, it was a year for you?!” he totally forgot tomes works different on earth, “I-I left a few months ago, oh norns! I’m so sorry, Y/n you have every right to be upset with me, I should’ve sent you a message” he offered you his arm, not to hook it with yours but for you to jump on.
“You did, Thor passed me down your excuses” by the look on his face, you knew, “I haven’t spoken with Thor in a while, love” he took your hand and placed a tender kiss, “He probably wanted to help a brother out on this, but HE’S SO DEAD!” you giggled, “Kill him later, I have you back and there’s no way you’re leaving my side” making you his queen will have to wait, he wanted to get to know you better, for now he was going to tell you everything. “As my lady commands, I’m all yours” he would give up everything just to see that smile, your smile.
“Are you still mad at me? Or am I worthy of your attention, my dearest?” he let you down on your bed after a well deserved meal and pampering, “I think so, leaving Thor hanging from the post in his underwear was a great idea” he spooned you, hugging your body as close as he could, “I’m so glad to be back” you kissed his chin, “I’m happy you’re here”.
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Story request: How would Loki deal with a female y/n shrunken or regular sized you pick! Who had a sweet tooth ? I got the impression Loki dosent care much for sweet things but he'd probably be willing to get y/n sweets or maybe try to find one they both like and can share.
You ask I write! Thank you so much for your request! 💚💚
*My requests are open*
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Words: 1700
Summary: Loki doesn't really likes anything unless you're enjoying it, and just loves to grab a bite or two of whatever you're having.
Warnings: Angst, Body insecurities.
Loki Taglist: @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @lucky-foxface
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Sweet Tooth
"What is that?" Loki rested his chin on your shoulder, keeping his eyes on the pastry in your hands, "It's a sweet treat, it's called an Eclair" he hummed in response, "May I have a bite?" You turn your head a little to see the mischief in his smile, you found it cute and it made you laugh, so you raised your hand with the pastry to his mouth, then he took a small bite.
He let out a moan for how good it felt when the chocolate melted in his mouth, then when he swallowed he nudged your cheek with his and murmured a soft "Thank you darling" before he kissed your temple. "I have another here, you can have it if you want" You offered, but he denied the gesture, "No thanks, love" then he left.
The truth is that you and Loki were not much more than acquaintances, the only times that they had really connected had been when it occurred to you to buy or prepare yourself something sweet, but never once a simple and normal conversation.
But you had that moment, at first he would only ask what is it that you’re eating, then he came closer, asking for a little piece, and when he felt more comfortable around you he would occasionally hug you from behind or rest his chin on your shoulder, all to ask you for a bite, wearing a bashful smile and a soft pink tint on his cheeks.
A couple of times he had let you stroke his hair, when he came back from missions, tired of the day, he trusted you enough to lie next to you on the sofa and let his head use your lap as a pillow. It was soft, every hair on his head curled easily between your fingers, you thought that even his hair was divine, no matter how many times you passed your hand between the strands, it never tangled.
"Are you really going to keep eating? It's like the fifth cake you eat this morning" Steve appeared in the common room, pulling you out of your thoughts, wearing his blue, white and red suit, his eyes scanning you up and down. "It's the third" you murmured, your voice low and embarrassed, "That sweet tooth you have will be an impediment for your missions, you should watch what you eat Y/n" he tilted his head and pointed to your plate.
You looked down at your body, it looked huge after his nasty comment, you always knew Steve was old school, but never that he would let those words out.
Oh how old was that feeling, there was so many voices in the background, young and jovial ones, “They didn’t knew what they were saying anyways” you whispered to yourself, automatically moving your hand to finish the Éclair in your hand, ‘Are you sure?’ you heard someone’s voice but no one was around. After a bit of thinking, you put the pastry down on the plate next to the other and went to the kitchen to trash them both.
The days passed, slowly. Did you start a healthier diet? Not really, you just didn't eat anything sweet in the week, or the next, not even after the missions. This started to be a point of concern on Loki's part, he looked surprised how you politely rejected anything that had sugar on it, it wasn't normal, something was clearly wrong, he just couldn't figure out what was bothering you.
Meanwhile, you were losing it. Your sweet cravings were the main reason you didn’t fell into depression after being fat-shamed all your life, they were your happy place.
The sweetness released a ton of oxytocin and serotonin into your body and carried you along the hard weeks of work. But you were fully cut out of it, you just couldn’t bring yourself to buy anything sweet.
The afternoon you came back from a mission, Tony brought back a few boxes with donuts and spongy cakes.
"You seriously bought all that?" Natasha laughed at Tony while he landed, his mouth covered in powder sugar. "You don't understand, that is the best bakery, and it always runs out of this type, so I had to stop by" you laughed, supporting yourself on a wall.
"Hey Y/n, you want one?" Tony offered, knowing your cravings post-mission.
'He's looking, do you really want to look like a pig in front of him?' You heard, "Oh, no thank you, I'm not really hungry" that was a lie, that's how Loki knew. He saw how you looked at the food, like you missed but also as if you wanted to push it away.
"Y/n, are you ok?" Natasha asked worried, "Yeah, just not really hungry, that is all" you said goodnight and went back to your room.
"Okay, someone said something to her, I want to know who" Tony demanded, "What do you mean?" Loki was confused, he knew something was wrong but he didn't know it was serious.
"Someone had the audacity to say something to her, and now she's not eating, whoever was, apologize" Tony walked around looking at everyone, his eyes landing on Steve, suddenly all eyes were on Steve.
"She should take care of what she eats" now Loki was pissed, he let Tony and the others to handle the captain, while he ran to his room, took a bag out of a hidden drawer and teleported to your door.
He knocked a few times, hearing a groan and your lazy steps before the door opened. "Loki" you gasped, "Is everything ok?" He took a good look at you. Your hair was damp, you were wearing a soft blue hoodie that looked huge on you, a pair of sweatpants of the same color and some pink fluffy slippers.
"I actually wanted to share something with you, if you allow me" you moved away from the door, seeing him enter your room with a smile, "Come here" he spoke softly, reaching out for your hand.
You put your hand in his, allowing him to pull gently on your arm, so you would be sitting on the edge of the bed next to him, shoulder to shoulder.
"This are a few sweets that my mother used to give me whenever I mastered a new spell, we would eat them at the balcony, watching the sunset" from his hand a green shimmer rose up and spread all over the walls and the roof of your room, "I know it's not real, but it'll do".
Suddenly your room had the beautiful view of a village being warmed up by the orange rays of the sunset.
"It's beautiful" you lowered your head slowly onto his shoulder, "Thank you" he admired you; your kindness, the way you would always share with him, you defended him when the others wanted to pull mean pranks on his sleep, you would always embrace him when he needed it.
Now it was his turn.
"Here, have some" he offered, leaving the bag on your lap, "I couldn't possibly Loki, these are important to you" that, and you were listening to that voice again.
"Y/n, look at me" he called you, cupping your face in his hands, "You're perfect, beautiful, a remarkably strong and sweet woman, don’t let an idiot like Steve to spoil the things you enjoy" he wiped your tears with his thumbs, "Take as many as your heart desires, you deserve it" he caressed your face with one hand, as the other reached yours and took it to his lips, gently kissing the back of your fingers.
You smiled through your blush and finally took a candy into your mouth, it tasted weird, like it changed it's flavor every time it roll on your tongue.
Suddenly the hand that Loki kept on your cheek lowered to gently settle on the back of your neck and pulled you close, his lips intertwining with yours. You were nervous, you hand a candy in your mouth, how you were supposed to return the kiss? You wanted to tell him exactly that, but when your lips parted his tongue went inside your mouth. 
Unintentionally you let out a moan, his hands lowered to your waist, holding you close to him, your arms hugged his neck closer. He was so passionate and gentle, treating you like something precious, taking his sweet time in caressing your back, only to pull you even closer, your legs around his waist, his arms hugging your body like he never wanted to let go.
You realized the candy had melted in both tongues after you both pulled away, with your foreheads still connecting each other. "That was smooth mischief" you giggled, "Want another one?" Whether he meant a candy or a kiss, it was surely going to end in both mouths anyways.
"I've been meaning to ask, why is it that every time I'm eating you come and take only one bite?" He opened his eyes and adverted his gaze from you, "Because it was the closest thing I had to a kiss from you, and also you make anything even more sweet" he said embarrassed, a deep red covering his cheeks, he was blushing.
"You don't really have to ask if you want to kiss me again" you shyly confessed, getting your lips caught again by his love, "I have a sweet tooth for you my dearest, and right now I'm low on sugar" he whispered seductively, making you smile, "I crave for you Loki".
Since then, you haven't heard a single voice, he shushed your insecurities away, calming the raging ocean you had inside, you were at peace with him, intertwined in his affection and his warmth, safe and protected.
Steve never bothered you again, especially after that Friday that him and Loki "went out on a walk", you knew they had fought, but you weren't going to shove it in Loki's face after he defended your honor, so you just bought a bunch of baked goods so him and you could share.
He was happy, and you were confident. Both inside your little world, were everything was as sweet as candy.
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Briefly Instant (Part thirteen)
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader
Summary: Life is complicated, always moving and working in ways we can't comprehend. Between the bubbles and the heartache, an unfortunate encounter left a half-broken heart and a strong connection which separated this soulmates for a long time. Two sides of the story, two hearts that longed for each other painfully. One brief instant was enough to know.
Warnings for this chapter: None
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TH Taglist: @lucky-foxface @lokisprettygirl22 @criticaltrinket @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss
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"Hello my sweetest" he loved that little nickname he picked for you, he couldn't stop repeating it in his head whenever he thought of you. He felt on top of the world; however he wasn't an idiot, he knew something had happened that night and he was determined to find out what exactly. The universe had put you to work just in the production in which he was going to act, he was definitely not going to let you escape or leave so easily.
“Good morning Mr. Hiddleston, how may I serve you this lovely morning?” that wasn’t even cold on your part, that was you playing, he noticed the little smirk on the corner of your face.
“You look beautiful” your wide sparkling eyes and loving smile sent butterflies to fly inside his stomach, “I’m working” your seriousness was taken away by the smoothness of his voice and demeanor, definitely the man you met in the islands.
“There’s no one but you and me here, the rest won’t show up until six thirty, please allow me the privilege to compliment you this fine morning” he went around the table, still keeping a respectable distance from you, the image of your scared face still awfully visible in his mind.
“Alright, coffee?” you gave in, walking with an empty cup towards the hot water containers, “Yes please, no sugar” you scoffed.
“For a moment I thought you were going to say tea” he knitted his eyebrows, “How much you stereotype me in that pretty head of yours?” his hand was on the table, using his body to block your way.
“Quite a lot, but I shall see for myself whether I am correct or not” you were joking of course, but he wanted to piss you off.
“Should I do the same?” you were taken aback for that, but composed rather quickly.
“Because I’m Hispanic or a woman?” you expected him to say neither, “Maybe both” but he went with that, huh?.
“Go ahead, throw the first one, my friend” you spoke up, finding confidence somehow, he just let out a chuckle and caressed your hand.
“I’m not that kind of man my sweetest, I’ve seen what your fists can do against an unwise set of words, I wouldn’t like to be the next to have a taste of your anger” he leaned closer, his eyes locked on yours while his fingers brushed a lock of hair behind your ear.
“No matter how ravishing you look while at it” oh he knew how to make you blush. He just complimented your strength based on that sloppy right hook at the bar, five years ago! The fact that he remembered that only made you want to kiss him.
“Tom! How are you my friend?” he quickly moved away from you as the one and only Hugh Laurie walked towards him. Now you were sweating, all your fangirl urges rising.
“Ah, Hugh, Y/n this is Hugh Laurie he’s a dear friend of mine, Hugh this is Y/n” he stopped a second, what were you two exactly, lover? He hoped he could say 'more than a friend', but he was puzzled for the uncertainty.
“A friend, nice to meet you Mr. Laurie, how may I serve you this morning?” you interceded politely, repressing all the typical stuff you would say to some as cool as him.
“I love your professionalism, but call me Hugh, nice to meet you as well, and please” he extended his hand to you, gladly you took it. Tom watched how your pupils turned almost into hearts, you were totally into Hugh, did that bothered him?
“You’re going to be a life savior dear, how we are going to survive without coffee?” You handed him the cup in between giggles, okay, now it started to bother him, why couldn't you smile like that for him?
“You’ll be our angel” Tom trailed on.
“That indeed, a cup of coffee please” Olivia Colman, dear lord!
“We have a tough way ahead; did you take a look at the script? I find it marvelously written” Tom eyes you while you moved ever so gracefully while you gave Olivia her coffee and a sandwich.
“It will definitely take a lot out of us, but we are experts at being villains right?” you looked up curious, the Willow thing crossed your mind, “In movies darling, we aren’t as scary as the characters we play” you still weren't so sure, but you still laughed nervously at it.
“You definitely have the irresistible charm of Dr. House, your wife must enjoy it" you certainly did loved his execution in Dr. House, that was the intention behind the tone and the comment perse, but Tom's mind was being eaten alive by anxiety and inner thoughts, all those lead to jealousy somehow.
'I need to get my shit together' he indeed was overthinking too much, he needed to calm down.
“Not much, but my daughter, she loves it, she says I’m rude and mean but funny”.
“Aw, how old is she?” you noticed Tom's jaw clenching, whatever could be troubling him that much?
"28, maybe that's why she understands that kind of humor" that conversation was interrupted by one of the staff members, calling some of the actors inside to give some information, among them Tom. He walked to you and kissed your forehead when no one was looking, "See you later beautiful" he whispered, damn, he confused you so freaking well.
The day went pretty well, for your first day of course, Tom on the other hand was having a hard time trying to figure out all the journeys they were going to take to get all the scenes the show needed.
There were also some script readings, the director gave some notes on how things would be laid out, and the writer gave some advice on the characters.
They would meet the other half of the cast in Morocco, so they would need to book the flights. Also part of the series would be filmed in Palma, he hoped to at least have a moment to explore and enjoy the view.
After all that, it was pretty late, so he picked up his phone and messaged you.
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He smiled like a boy in love before putting his phone in his pocket and going back to the tent, you were laughing and helping some of the staff to put things away. You looked happy despite the yawns.
"How do you feel sweetest?” he placed his hand on your upper back softly, you turned around to see him, your face immediately adorned with a smile.
"It is very good to feel the routine again!" You yawned, sleepily leaning to rest your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around your waist to bring you close.
"You ready?" He nodded while kissing your temple, "Where's your car?" He wondered pointing the cars once you two reached the parking lot, "I took the bus, I don't own a car" he widen his eyes, if he didn't invited you to have dinner with him, you would've been in danger at that hour.
"You live too far away?" He walked smoothly and opened the passenger door for you, "An hour and a half from here, but strangely enough, only eight minutes from your place" you sheepishly spoke, hiding a blush as you went inside his car.
"You live around the corner! Up north?" He spoke when he got on, and it didn't even take him a second to fasten his seat belt, when he had time to start the engine and look at you, he admired you for everything you are, he couldn't wait to hold you in his arms. When you managed to buckle up in that half second, you looked up, only to find him staring at you with the most charming smile. It send an electricity shock down your spine and into your core.
"S-South, I live near a park, it has a dog section and a games for children" stammering, sweating, and with an uncomfortable throbbing, he almost made you forget everything.
"I've taken my dog there I think, the water fountain has a broken pipe?".
"Yes! It has been broken for a while now".
"Ever since those kids threw rocks at it" you two said at unison and laughed together.
"Punks" he laughed.
"Did the police ever caught them?" He shook his head while stirring the wheel, his arm and hand veins popping up slightly.
"No, those may have been kids, but they were smart alright, the police and neighbors gave up with the search".
He couldn't believe you lived so close to him, if he had knew before, he wouldn't even hesitate to knock on your door with a thousand roses. If only he had known.
However, he was thanking every single force he could think of at the moment, you were there, by his side. The universe was giving him another chance to make things right, he just had to ask.
Once he stepped out, you unbuckled yourself, your fingers barely touched the handle when the door opened, his hand outstretched for you.
"What a gentleman" he helped you out, "I believe I told you that my mother taught me right" he did, that night in the bar, you did remembered that.
"That much I can remember, but then everything's black" he told you it was okay, that you shouldn't worry, but you couldn't help it.
As soon as he opened the door, the happy ball of furr starting jumping, but not on him.
“Aww come here puppy!” the little spaniel whined and barked at you, begging for you to pet him.
“You’ve met Bobby?” Tom asked closing the door, his heart soaring with the sight, “Yeah, I put food on his plate before you woke up, the sizing cup had a blue line at a certain measure, so I thought that was the right amount of food, isn’t that right my cute fluffy love?” you were just so cute! He wanted your attention now.
He inner slapped himself when he realized he was jealous of his own dog.
"Now that we are on that subject, how about if we start with the picking a playlist" he leaned against the stereo, swinging the auxiliary cable in his hand, smirking devilishly.
You rolled your eyes as you made your way to him "Fine, don't say I didn't warned you" plugged the cable in your cellphone, quickly scrolling down your albums and playlists in your Spotify profile.
Soon a mixed list of ballads, salsa and slow songs started playing, you moved your shoulders at the rhythm, making him giggle.
"And here I thought you would have death metal in your repertoire" he set your phone aside, taking your hand to spin you around gently, "Oh I do, I have a bit of everything. Metal, Rock, Pop, Ballad, Salsa, you name it".
He hummed, placing his hand on the small of your back, pulling you close, his face was close to yours. "Well look at that, my sweetest, we have more in common than I realized".
His tone was soft, his smell intoxicating, the way he moved your hips along with the song without losing track of the conversation, lightly brushing his...what a man indeed.
"Mmm, coincidence?" You lifted your hands to the nape of his neck, you needed to kiss him, to feel his warmth, that burning passion he felt for you that was latent in every touch.
He understood what you were doing, he didn't exactly hurried to crush his lips into yours, but he did entrap them shortly. You sighed at the contact, standing up in your tippy toes to intensify it.
It ended up longer than a peck, but shorter than an actual kiss.
"Sit down and relax, sweet love, I'm going to amaze you" he had the audacity to leave you wanting for more. It was his exact intention.
"I want to help you, it's...not in my nature to sit and do nothing" he found a new weakness, your puppy eyes. That put some color on his cheeks.
"Then, how about a red wine, and you help me chop a few vegetables?" You smiled and pecked his lips, "Yes chef".
Oh he was head over heels.
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Briefly Instant (Part five)
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary: Life is complicated, always moving and working in ways we can't comprehend. Between the bubbles and the heartache, an unfortunate encounter left a half-broken heart and a strong connection which separated this soulmates for a long time. Two sides of the story, two hearts that longed for each other painfully. One brief instant was enough to know.
Warnings for this chapter: Alcoholism.
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TH Taglist: @lucky-foxface @lokisprettygirl22 @criticaltrinket @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss
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“May I be of assistance?” he approached the drunk lady, softly and calm, "Piss off" you blew him off, or at least tried to, "Perhaps I should, sadly for you, my mother taught me better” although you glared at him, he didn't gave up.
After denying you to have more drinks, you started to be calmer and he was able to scoop you up in his arms to get you out of the bar.
“I hope you don’t get mad at me, but you can’t possibly expect me to leave you there like this” carefully, he placed you in the passenger seat, had to hover over you to fasten the seatbelt, "You smell nice" you muttered, smiling softly.
"I do? I'm glad you find it pleasant" he caressed a lost tear that was rolling out of your eye, "What's wrong darling? Does something hurt?" He caressed your cheek, rubbing under your eyes with his thumbs.
"I'm jobless, my head feels like a spinning wheel, I would never put a glass in a cake!" You were sobbing, tears running down like a waterfall.
"Oh darling, come here love" he opened his arms and allowed you to hide your face in the crook of his neck, "How about you sleep a little? I'll take you to my hotel room, there you'll be able to get some rest" you nodded softly against his shoulder.
"Why are you being so sweet to me? Oh, you're going to kill me" he placed a kiss to your forehead, lightly brushing a few hairs off your face, "I will not, love, but if I didn't get you out of there someone might have done something worse" you relaxed, something about his voice was so calming and sexy.
"We're almost there my sweet" he whispered, gently taking your hand into his, realizing you were already asleep. How could a woman be so beautiful? You were so vulnerable and sad, he had to help, and after seeing you punch that guy with such strength and ease, the butterflies in his stomach become restless.
Each stroke his fingers did on your hand sent shivers up his arm and to his chest, it was a wonderful sensation. How your face relaxed with his mere touch and coos, he was glad he could bring you any comfort.
"Where am I?" You woke as soon as the car stopped, before he stepped out and unfastened the seatbelts, he ran a hand on your cheek to ease up your anxiety. "We are at the hotel, can you walk?" He offered his hand, which you took and attempted to stand but your knees weakened and almost fell, luckily he was fast to grab you.
"I'm going need you to jump, darling" he motioned upwards with his hand so you could understand. You did as he told, and he swooped you off your feet, cradling your limping body in his arms.
"Oh wow that...that was fast, and very tall" you seemed like a nervous puppy to him, you even grabbed onto his shoulders for support, "Keep your eyes closed love, we'll be upstairs soon" he felt you nuzzle your head against his chest, more electric sensations crawled down his body when your breath hit his neck.
You smelled so sweet, like cake, you hair smelled like lemon and your cheeks like biscuits, he wondered if you were an actual human, but he just thought that to joke around in his mind.
"Thank you" you muttered, feeling tired and dizzy, but you refused to vomit on the stranger, so you kept your eyes closed and focused on steadying your breathing.
"My pleasure darling. I can see your state, do you feel sick?" You nodded, just he pulled out the card for the room, the lector read it and opened the door.
"Hang on love, I'm going to take you to the restroom" he quickly walked, then bent down a little to allow you to walk to the toilet yourself, and as soon as you opened the lid you let out all what you could possibly have in your stomach.
The contractions were painful, your entire body was angry at you and you could feel it. He came closer to you and pulled up your hair in a high ponytail, then when he heard you sobbing in pain he felt absolutely useless, so he tried to comfort you rubbing your back up and down with his hand.
"You're doing excellent darling" he praised, but earned nothing but a groan and a muffled 'fuck off' which made him chuckle a little.
When you were sure there was nothing on your stomach your body fell against the wall behind you, "That fucking hurt” you breathed, keeping a hand to your throat. He knelt close to you, brushed lightly over your cheekbone to get you to turn your head to him, “Come” he helped you up and direction you to the sink, gave you a spare toothbrush, which you look at like it was weird.
“If you want I can brush your teeth myself” he grinned, “Fuck no” you said, grabbed the paste and cleaned your mouth, hearing him snicker. When you spit for the last time, he let you use his chest for support, and with a brush on his hand he undid the ponytail he had done and started to brush all the knots away.
You were purring against the contact, his light touches to your neck made you sigh in delight. “Look up” he used his hand to help you tilt your head up, “Hold a second” you felt him move your hair but you weren’t sure what was he did, then he whispered in your ear, “Done, feeling better my sweet?” you nodded groggily.
“Let’s get you to bed” you noticed the sheets were open on one side, you looked back at him with a sorrowful look, the same a child would have after seeing their favorite toy broken. “I’m taking the couch, so you can feel at ease in the morning, after all, I’m still a stranger to you” he explained softly, keeping a mental note of how cute you looked.
"Please don’t leave me! Don't leave me alone!" you quietly whimpered, his heart breaking at the sight. You were exactly like a little girl, you looked up at him innocently and hurt, he just couldn’t say no to you. You sat at the bed, opened the other side of the sheets and pat the space with a pout, “Very well my sweetest, I’ll be by your side, just give me a second to change okay?” you nodded, taking off your shoes.
He took his pajama pants and a lose shirt from under his pillow and went to the bathroom to change, when he came out you haven’t moved an inch from your sitting position, also he caught you staring, not at him, but at the bathroom door. “What’s wrong love?” he went around the bed, “I thought you weren’t coming back” his heart soared, in consequence he bit the inside of his cheek.
He was a mess, seeing you so scared, he wanted to wrap you in a blanket and hold you close while he showered you with kisses, “I’m not going anywhere, darling” he took your hand into his and pulled you gently to him, hooking his arm on your waist and another gently stroking your cheek, “I got you, I’m not leaving you” the lethargy washed over you, that and his hand massaging your scalp sent you to sleep.
Your face was against his neck, your breath constantly tickling his skin, but he felt at ease, comfortable, safe.
Until he woke up and you were gone.
There was no way to describe how he felt in the morning, other than betrayed and empathetic, because you weren't in your senses the night before, so it made sense to him that you ran away, woke up next to a stranger, maybe not even remembering anything about it. Or maybe you did remembered, but it was easier for you to escape and not have to deal with it when you were sober.
Hence the feeling of betrayal.
It was as if his heart had been ripped from his chest, you had only taken your things and left, you didn't even left a note, nothing. He felt like an abandoned woman after a night of sex filled with empty promises.
And then, after five years, he had you in front of him again, his theory had turned out to be true, you didn't remember anything that happened that night, if he was good at something, it was reading people, and ever since that day, he felt as if he just read the summary and was determined to read the whole book.
He knocked on your door after his conversation with Emma, somehow hopeful. “Yes?” he heard your sweet voice on the other side of the door, his chest clenched at your recent exchange at the beach, “You forgot your bag, I’ll leave it here” he placed it against your door, “By the way, I love Edgar Allan Poe, that’s a great choice” he referred to the book you had brought down with the expectative to read.
“Thank you…”
He sighed, ready to step away, but stopped on his tracks when the door opened. You didn't say anything, and you didn't need to, he felt you had every right to be upset, put his hands up as if pretending defeat and went to his room.
"Ah? I'm still here" you spoke, returning the cell phone to its position in your ear while dragging your back inside, "Baby, it seems weird to me that after you told me that you weren’t coming to celebrate with my family you went with Emma on vacation, you don't think it's unfair? I had to face my mother for you, I told her you couldn't come for work" he was right, but it’s not that you actually predicted it would happen.
“I'm sorry Oscar, really, but you know I don't have much choice when it comes to Emma, her grandmother died and she needed company, and besides, we already have our trip arranged, remember?” you asked seductively, “Indeed my love, so I’ll see you soon then” you hummed and said goodbye, “Oh, and before I forget, one of my buddies saw you at town, he’s a good friend of mine and he wanted to meet you” you didn’t expect such information, and less than one of his so mysterious friends was in the same place as you.
“What a small world” you laughed, feeling slightly uncomfortable, if he didn’t present you to his friends it must be because he was protecting you, right?
“Yeah, he can show you guys around, he lives in that zone” he was enthusiastic so you didn’t question him, “Great, give me his number and I will arrange something with…” he cut you off, “Oh don’t bother, I already gave him your number, he’ll be around tomorrow” you bit a little harshly your lip, “I don’t even know how he looks like Oscar, and you just can’t give off my number like that”.
“Oh this is him” It couldn’t fucking be, “Okay, gotta go, it’s a bit late here, I love you” he immediately hang up, as you stared in horror at the picture…it was the guy you punched at the bar.
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Briefly Instant (Part nine)
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader
Summary: Life is complicated, always moving and working in ways we can't comprehend. Between the bubbles and the heartache, an unfortunate encounter left a half-broken heart and a strong connection which separated this soulmates for a long time. Two sides of the story, two hearts that longed for each other painfully. One brief instant was enough to know.
Warnings for this chapter: Smut, Angst.
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A CH collab with @lokisprettygirl 💚💚💚
TH Taglist: @lucky-foxface @lokisprettygirl22 @criticaltrinket @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss
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His hands roamed over every inch of your skin, spreading sunscreen under the straps of your bathing suit, the edges of your back, and down your shoulders.
"Y/n" he called, your mind was blank, just concentrating on his hands spreading the cold cream.
"Your phone is ringing" he pointed out, his eyes glancing over Oscar's name flashing on the screen. "I really don't want to talk to him" you pressed the button on the side and turned off the device.
"You've been like this since this morning, it hurts me to see you like this" he finished with the sunscreen and moved in front of you to take your hand.
"Why? You barely know me" he chuckled as he continued stroking the back of your hand.
"Yesterday, you had the same look on your face, I remember from five years ago, you clung to me as if I was going to disappear, and with pleasure and great happiness I cradled you against my chest, that's when you started to cry, do you remember that night Y/n? "
You gasped as you heard his confession.
"Do you remember leaving? When I woke up and didn't find you next to me, It broke me. I thought I would never see you again so I became cold and foolish, I felt betrayed and used, however seeing you here and having you in my arms again makes me feel like the old me, the one that believed in love” he teared up as he finished his sentence.
"You're the guy from the hotel" you brought your hands up to his cheeks, half recognizing the features in your fingertips, it was more like a phantom feeling than a memory. "I'm sorry, I was scared, I couldn't remember anything that happened and I had a bruise on my eye and stomach, I panicked" he shook his head repeatedly as you spoke. His hands mimicked yours, his body made its way between your legs, still on his knees he stayed high enough so that without effort his lips could meet yours.
You haven't felt a man's touch in so long, it almost felt alien to you, the closeness, the gentle touch of his lips on yours and soon the kisses became more urgent, more passionate, he was needy and he have waited so long for you. He moaned your name every time you opened your mouth to breathe in again, his voice so soft, so gentle. "May l?" he asked as he brushed your bottom lip down with his thumb, his blue eyes twinkling with anticipation as he looked at you.
"Yes" As he heard your soft whisper, he pushed his tongue inside your mouth, your essence filling him up, he could have stayed there forever, sucking on your tongue for eternity if you'd allow him, he was thirsty for you all this time and he craved you. The swimsuit you adorned felt like a barrier, you were just wearing that, did it protect you? No, but you didn't feel as scared as you did with Oscar. But time had passed since then, you didn't know what kind of changes your body had undergone along the way.
You suddenly became aware of every stretch mark you could think of, every brown patch on your legs and stomach, not to mention the mound of fat on your lower abdomen, thinking of all that made you pray that he didn't even dared to touch; you'd burst into tears right away if he did.
When Emma had met you, you were at least 50 pounds bigger, between your depression and the meals you skipped, you lost a lot of weight, however the curves, the fat that was noticeable on your back and on your legs, it was difficult for you to look at yourself in the mirror without hating the reflection
"No please!" You stopped his wandering hands before he could reach your torso, He looked at you thinking that he had hurt you, he didn't want to, he wanted you to be happy "What's wrong princess?" He asked as he pulled away from you "I uhh.. I don't have the best body and you must be used to sleeping with supermodels, I am not- " He stopped your self-deprecating words mid-sentence as he kissed you feverishly again.
“Don't princess, please don't ever put yourself down like that again, you're worth more than you think, your value is priceless” he undid the knot of your swimsuit with one hand and lowered it down your body with the other. Once the garments were discarded, his eyes admired your body, “Look at you princess, So beautiful, so gorgeous under me” his kisses went down from your neck to your collarbone.
He didn't even stop at your breasts, no, he immediately looked up, smiled sweetly and went down to your abdomen. You moaned at the gentle kisses, he caressed his lips over everything you hated about yourself, he wanted you to know how he felt about you.
He moved down even further, his nips and harsh sucking reddened the skin of your thighs. One hand kept your hips anchored to the bed and the other played with your nipple, squeezing it gently, he didn't want to hurt you but he wanted to pleasure you like you have never been pleasured before.
He sucked on your clit and you couldn't understand the strangeness of the feeling that has washed over you, he felt you stiffening under him and he wanted you to be comfortable “Relax my love, I'm going to make you feel good I promise” he licked the insides of your lips, his tongue played with your entrance, your pooling heat poured out all the restrained desire, that time had denied you, pleasures you never got to receive before.
There was some sort of pressure that you felt below your belly button, your breath quickened as your hand flew to fist a few locks of his hair, “Tom?'' Why was it so strange? He felt your orgasm build against his tongue, he knew you were getting closer to your release, your hips bucked into his face slowly, he thought of helping you reach for your orgasm by using his fingers, but it only made it worse
Truth is you had no idea what an orgasm felt like, you have never had one, it never happened with Oscar, now when you think about the sex you have had with him, it was nothing like this, he just fucked you and fell asleep immediately after he came. You didn't even have to fake it because he didn't care whether you came or not.
For a long time you thought it was your own fault, after all you're supposed to feel it when a man is inside you right? But you never felt good with him, However when Tom touched you, and kissed you, when you felt his mouth on you and when his fingers explored you, you felt it. You felt it in every fiber of your being.
Something was wrong, you just gushed with every little thing he did and he devoured your juices "Fuck, You taste so sweet princess" he sounded like a predator.
You watched him undress himself completely and his erection throbbed at the naked beautiful sight of your body, your dripping cunt, his beautiful girl "You want this? Want me?" He asked you softly and even if you wanted you couldn't stop yourself from giving him your consent, as soon as he realized that you wanted him as much as he wanted you, he cornered you against the pillows, between kisses and friction of his skin against yours, he slipped inside you gently.
“Ahh tom!” you cried into his shoulder as you felt the stretch, he was big, too big “You’re so tight darling, gripping me so good” it was both painfully and deliciously tight, he didn't move inside you, he allowed your walls to get comfortable to his size then he felt your hips rocking against his to feel him more and he started moving in and out of you.
“Tom!" The sound of his name on your lips sounded like a music to his ears but little did he know that he was blinded by the pleasure you provided him, you were begging him to stop with your body, your eyes, but your lips sealed shut, you couldn't stop him with your words.
The waves of pleasure hit far too intensely on your senses, tears fell down your eyes like a wild stream, but he didn’t notice, he kept his face buried in your chest, nibbling softly on your breasts and clavicle, his moans and grunts filling your surroundings. If that’s how an orgasm felt like, like someone crashed you against a wall then you hated every single second of it.
The last moan he ripped out of your throat was not of pleasure but pain, but he couldn't decipher the difference. He was too lost in the feeling of you wrapped around him.
Your body felt limp under him and he thought you were too spent from your orgasm so he pulled out of you, he smiled as he tucked you under the duvet softly.
"How do you feel now princess? Better?" he said between heavy breaths, he didn't care about his own release because he wanted you to feel good, he wanted you to feel better.
'Horrible' you thought to yourself, but you couldn't hurt him more. "Better, that was fantastic" you lied, because you couldn't tell him that you didn't enjoy it at all.
"Y/n I..." he started, but the door opened violently.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!??" she screamed.
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