#you mean stiles and jackson having angry hate sex right
chbslove · 4 years
i am steter trash so i wrote an au where stiles is a spark that lives in the forest because he killed his dad in an accident back when he was a kid and couldn't control his magic and his moms family was just made up of mages and he is the first one to actually be a born spark with loads of power so she raises him and teaches him everything she knows
and in this au sparks are being hunted and put down like animals so claudia builds a house in the forest with stiles where he can live and study magic on the land of their family and after she dies stiles moves there.
(and yes hes a lot older in this because it makes me antsy to write about eighteen year old stiles and adult peter. sorry. I'm a pussy okay.)
and stiles meets his gang! and scott is a dryad, lydia is a mermaid, jackson and danny are mermen (and jackson and danny are together by the way), i planned allison as a regular human that meets scott on a walk in the woods and falls in love with him later in the story because the hale fire storyline is still happening, and kira is an ancient kitsune who also lives in the forest and is good friends with stiles, and erica, boyd, isaac, liam, theo etc are not there yet but thats cause stiles is pretty alone.
he just minds his own business and takes care of the dryads and meets fairies (who live in the forest) and makes a deal with them that they'll stop screwing around with humans and stay in the forest and he'll protect them and take care of them because sparks are powerful and the fairies appreciate that instead of being afraid of him.
and stiles just does his thing for a couple of years until the fairies go a little bit too far and peter hale, who is stupidly a little too far in the forest on his patrol, gets caught in a storm they cause and gets lost in the woods, and he finds stiles' house and stiles takes him in and gives him dry clothes and then guards him back so peter won't get himself fairy'ed
and then a week passes and stiles is kind of anxious peters family will tell him to fuck off the woods (even though it's stiles' heritage to take care of the forest, the hales just live there) and then: the actual plot
a little apple dryad tells him scott found a dying fairy. this fairy apparently told scott in her dying breath something wolfish killed her, and stiles wrongly thinks peter and his family did that, and he goes to find scott to ask him about it, but scott is just gone. stiles can't find him and gets worried and checks his wards, and when he gets to the wards around the hale property, he meets laura. he asks her if she's seen scott, and she saw him going back into the forest, but stiles still can't find him.
laura leaves and stiles finds the ward to their territory broken, and it stinks like druid, so he figures it was this deaton guy because werewolves aren't sneaky like that.
stiles visits lydia (because he still can't find scott and lydia knows how to calm him down) and finds out jackson and danny saw a monster while making out under the surface of their lake and from then stiles knows that the hales have got nothing to do with this because what lydia describes Is Not a werewolf.
so he gets pissy, and then ultimately is enraged when he finds a dead stag this monster killed, and because he's pissy he visits the hales to tell talia he's rightfully going to kill their emissary for being a bitch and breaking his wards and letting some monster walk his territory.
and talia is all "what the fuck how do i not know you." and stiles is all internally "i see my darling peter kept his promises" and then he's internally like "wait fuck i'm not really in love with this guy am i" and then he's like "oh. OH."
and talia convinces him not to kill deaton because shes awesome and stiles grumpily agrees because... not agreeing would be a dick move and it would mean. War. Basically.
so the hales offer their help looking for scott and stiles finds this monster thing on his search and its a wendigo yay, and scott has been following this thing around for days now because he's a dumbass and wanted to help, and they bro out
and the hales and stiles kill this thing, which means magic action. and stiles is awesome. and everyone knows that now.
what follows is just steter get-to-know-eachother and the hale pack are the biggest wingmen (wingpeople) ever and there's fluff and magic and a lot of flowers because stiles is a person that can't for the life of him say the words "i love you" and gets incredibly anxious when people say "i love you" so he mostly displays his feelings for peter in hanakotoba, the traditional japanese flower language that kira taught him, and peter eventually catches onto that and they get together in a load of angst and fluff and they have sex. because of course they have loads of sex. bold of you to think peter can keep his hands off stiles for longer than a day and likewise.
and there is like a load of stiles/hale pack friendship dynamics because i love them all and then suddenly yeehaw. hale fire.
So paige has already happened in this timeline before stiles and peter met, and derek still meets kate and she does her scum thing and uses him. a bunch of hunters show up to the hale house, shoot them with wolfsbane bullets and gather them so they can burn together.
stiles wakes up in a rush because something bad is happening to his wolves but then his eyes fall closed again and he can't get out of bed for a solid time because someone freaking poisoned him and he's fevering and weak and everything is dizzy, but he forces himself up because something. bad. is happening. to his. wolves. he stumbles into his kitchen and almost dies right there and then, because the poison is wolfsbane and he feels like he got tons of it shoved down his throat by the person that poisoned him. his life starts flashing in front of his eyes and he fights back at it and vomits the wolfsbane out, believes it out of his system and when it's gone, he's just left raging.
because i hate kate, stiles loses control when he meets her at the hale house and kills her. he gets the pack and gets them out of the house, breaks the mountain ash circle and they leave. the hales can't go back to their house because the place is swarming with hunters
and peter and stiles figure out it was deaton who told kate everything she needed to know to set this trap and the mountain ash circle also stinks like druid, so deaton gets revealed as being the bad guy all along. stiles figures that he also poisoned him so he wouldnt interrupt, and that deaton wanted thalias alpha spark. the wendigo was a test and deaton put it there on purpose to see how strong stiles was and if he would care about the hales, because deaton knew stiles would feel the hunters killing them and ever since peter and stiles got together the druid knew he would have to murder him too to get the hales dead.
and stiles is just half feral in his wrath and the aftermath of the wolfsbane poisoning, and derek is sobbing and muttering about this being all his fault, and peter has two bullets stuck in his knees and has to be held up by his niece and his brother-in-law, and every one of them is shot and hurt and crying and talia does her best to comfort derek while shaking as well
and stiles just closes his eyes. takes a deep breath. and takes care of his family-in-law, because fuck if he isnt gonna marry peter after this. he takes them in, gives them clean and comfortable clothes, patches them up, lets them shower, yeets his living room so they have space for a big puppy pile, gives them food and water to drink and then draws a ward around his house that is strong enough deaton won't be able to find them unless he sells his soul to the king of hell.
when he's done with that, he locks the hales in and asks kira to take care of them and make sure they're okay while he's gone. she agrees and stiles goes and because he's angry and kind of more dark than i let slip until now so he just. slaughters the hunters that are left. and he enjoys it.
then he shows up to chris argents house, shocks the living hell out of allison because he's still covered in blood and ash, and goes talk to gerard, who is there for alibi purposes. he just flatly tells the truth and asks gerard how many times they've done this now. and the second the old man lets slip the hales weren't the first, stiles goes full Older Derek Hale Mode and slams him against a wall to threaten the living shit out of the man.
by threaten i mean he says that he'll kill him and there's nothing the guy can do about it, cause stiles will find him, no matter how far he runs. yknow bamf dark stiles shit. i am living for writing this scene right now bye
and then he looks at chris and allison. allison looks scared out of her mind and then she asks if thats true. if her family really did something like that. and chris has to look her square in the eye and tell her through gritted teeth that, altough he didnt know about this, yes, they did that to innocent people.
and stiles looks at chris and gives him a nod, because he knows the guy can get this right, he knows allison is strong and fierce and will be fine no matter what. he looks at gerard and sneers at him in disgust. then he leaves like the dramatic bitch he is, but not without ensuring chris will clean this mess up and make an alliance with talia.
he goes back to the house and the only one still awake is peter, and stiles breaks down completely, covered in blood from head to toe and scared out of his mind too. peter holds him, gently leads him into the shower, and helps him get cleaned up, washes his hair, picks out clothes for him, and they go to sleep together.
then, recovery. stiles organizes therapy for derek because lord knows the boy needs it, he nurses the hales healthy, shows them around in the house, they meet his friends, cora and lydia take a particularly special interest in each other, scott is sad because allison broke up with him but stiles visits the argents and talks to her a lot and they become friends too, and he knows scott will get over her eventually, just as she's getting over him.
and stiles shows the hales his life for a while until everyone is recovered, and then they go back to the hale house that he cleaned up already (because, uh, corpses had to be buried, floors had to be cleaned from blood and the smell of magic and mountain ash had to be erased)
and then peter proposes to stiles and they have a beautiful wedding by the lake where cora can talk to lydia, and derek ends up talking to scott quite a lot because scott is nervous and sweet and falls head over heels for the quiet werewolf, and guess who allison ends up with? nobody. because allison is fucking awesome and in the hunter business and she takes it upon her to start cleaning up the community and goes against hunters that are like her aunt just killing innocent people and a relationship with anybody would just be annoying. maybe she realizes she isnt even into relationships, i don't know that yet. aro ally would be interesting, dude.
And then in the end stiles goes to live with the hales and they mend their territory together so he can still visit his friends and he leaves the house to cora who eventually moves there as an adult so she can live with lydia. he and peter move out as well and they go back to town when stiles is ready, because he's lived so freaking long in the fear someone will hunt him down and kill him for his power, and now everything is peaceful. so he puts down his weapons, stops fighting, and lives happily ever after.
and has loads of sex with peter. just because.
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asterekmess · 4 years
Scott McCall is the poster boy for entitlement, misogyny and toxic masculinity. Remember when he demanded that Allison goes out with her stalker (Matt) and then yelled at her in the middle of a crowded club because she had the audacity to trust her own father to save Jackson instead of obeying him? Or when Scott pinned Allison against her bedroom’s door and humiliated her just to prove how ‘weak’ and ‘fragile’ she was and because “If I’m scared shitless, then you should be scared shitless too”?
I told my friend Mads a long time ago that with every new fic I put out, my urge to become, if not popular, then just understood as an anti-scott blog got stronger. I mean, it’s not like I want my blog to just be about hating Scoot, but I didn’t really want people to come in and follow me thinking I was a Scott fan, because it would be disingenuous.
I think I got my wish? Either one person has a lot of feelings (which I’m all for) or a bunch of v angry anti-scott people have swarmed over me like hummingbirds on sugar water. It’s a really interesting experience!
Anyway, back to your ask. So, I don’t like Scott, and admittedly sometimes I’m a little extra bitter/hateful than others, but I do try to be accurate in my dislikes of him (usually), so I’ll go through what you said one at a time and try to decipher (from my v faulty memory, so apologies if there are mistakes) if I agree with each statement.
Since some people have requested the Read More thing so they can scroll easier.
Scott is: Entitled. Off the cuff, I would agree. I’ve mentioned before how frustrating it was to see the show attempt to portray him as a poor kid, when he’s nowhere near that. I’ve also seen posts before that explore how Scott doesn’t carry a ‘poor kid’ mentality at all (they probably did it better than me, and it was probably Athenadark who did the analyzing). Growing up, I didn’t consciously know I was poor. Not as in ‘i had everything I needed’ but as in “i assumed all kids grew up occasionally eating a single can of pears for dinner or had to return groceries from the car because their parent’s card was declined and they were out of food stamps or wore a pair of tennis shoes until they were literally taped together with packing tape because we couldn’t afford new ones.” I grew up in a poor town, on the poor side of that town, so there wasn’t a lot that showed me it was possible to live differently. Being poor gives you a specific mentality, and when I finally met kids who were ‘middle class’ I was blown away by the differences. I say all this because Scott is very clearly a middle class kid.
Yes, he has an after school job. Who tf didn’t? That doesn’t automatically make you poor? Even my rich friend got a summer job because she wanted to buy band merch and her parents wouldn’t let her. But have you seen his room? It’s a wreck. We get the scene of him digging under his bed trying to find his phone, and I honestly was kinda disgusted. (I also grew up in a hellhole hoarder house, so clutter fucks me up) It’s not just the messiness though. It’s finding out that his mom is the one doing the laundry. Melissa “One shift won’t break us completely” McCall still cleans her son’s room and does his laundry and sews his clothes even though she’s supposed to be working herself to death at the hospital. Oh, and he’s sixteen years old, so he should be able to do his own fucking laundry? it’s one thing if his stuff ends up there while she’s doing laundry, but apparently she goes out of her way to do his clothes regularly enough that she has no qualms about going in his room to clean? Scott works at a VET’s office and has for long enough that he can put a cast on a dog and feels confident giving it painkillers in the right dosage. And he can’t sew a line of stitches in his clothes? He’s got an ensuite bathroom. His room is clearly the master bedroom. He doesn’t make his mom dinner to bring her, he picks up chinese. And there’s the house itself and its size, etc. Of the two of them, i would’ve expected Stiles to have the messy room. He’s adhd, I know how hard it is to keep a room clean with that kind of headspace. But no, his is really clean most of the time, even his desk, unless he’s researching something specific. I mention Stiles because it’s the comparison of the two that makes Scott’s own messiness stand out. Hell, literally no other bedroom we’re shown is messy in the slightest. Allison’s, Lydia’s, Jackson’s, none of them. (I don’t remember Liam’s room, if we saw it) He feels entitled enough to take up extra space and add extra work to his mother’s stress level (which, listen, I’m not saying being not-poor makes you entitled. I’m saying that the show makes the claim Scott IS poor and he Still does these things. THAT is the entitled part.)
Then there’s his relationship with Stiles. “Yeah, but I had you before.” When talking about the good and bad things in his life, he doesn’t even think to mention Stiles as one of the good things. He says he has nothing, just like before. Stiles isn’t even on his radar, even though they’re looking right at each other. Yet we know that Stiles is basically Scott’s only friend. As someone else with very few friends, I can’t imagine saying to my best friend’s face that I have nothing and no one. Let alone if that friend had been keeping me from dying and teaching me how to be a fucking werewolf for months on end. When do we see him worry about Stiles being human and stuck in the middle of all this? Especially in earlier seasons, we never see him say anything like “maybe you should hang back cus’ you’ll get hurt.” Like, we know that Stiles would do it anyway. And we’d get pissed if Scott told Stiles he wasn’t allowed to help because he was human, but that’s because Scott doesn’t get to tell Stiles what to do. We know Stiles finds ways to protect himself when he has to, but Scott never even asks. He never hints at “I’m worried about you and please know I wont’ be mad if you stay away from the fight.” Even Derek shoves Stiles behind him when the kanima shows up. There’s the thing where he warns them ‘if something goes wrong call for me.” But he explicity says that worry is for Allison, even though she has some method of self-defense. Stiles has nothing. Scott never cares enough to think “Maybe we shouldn’t bring him to the rave where there’s gonna be a vicious killing machine that has already tried to attack him once.” One word from Peter “vulnerable” and Scott stalks Allison (and forces Stiles to help him) for a week. But Stiles gets trapped in a pool for hours, scared out of his mind, and Scott never so much as seems to get clingy? He just assumes Stiles will be fine. He feels entitled to Stiles’ help and assistance, without putting any thought into Stiles’ safety. He asks “is it illegal?” not “Will you get in trouble?” He looks at Stiles when he says “I can’t protect anyone” But when was he trying to protect STILES?  Then there’s the part where while he’s ‘under the influence of the wolfsbane whistle’ (A plot point I fucking hate) he drags Stiles down with him and includes him in being nothing. Being no one. He assumes that if he was nothing before the bite, then Stiles must’ve been nothing also. And since Stiles didn’t get bitten, it also implies that Stiles is still nothing. He’s just hanging on Scott’s wolfy coattails. That’s an incredibly entitled viewpoint to have.
Admittedly, we do see some more humble moments with Allison, especially at the beginning of their relationship, where he says “I just wanna make sure I get my second chance” he’s not assuming he’ll get it. Go scott! (I’m not the hugest fan of him asking her out after he’s clearly just done her a massive favor and is keeping her from getting in trouble for hitting a dog, and she’s wearing his SHIRT and she can’t really say no without looking absolutely horrible, but she seemed pretty into him, so I’ll let it go) But once they’re together? I know that most best friends share secrets and private stuff with each other...but Scott tells Stiles so much about his sex life with Allison that Stiles is actually pissed off and kind of disgusted by it. Stiles. Who is supposed to be sex obsessed. Even he thinks that it’s just way too much information. I can’t imagine Allison would be comfortable with Stiles knowing that much about her in bed. (But at the same time, we see Scott tell Stiles that he never wants any more info on Stiles in bed than Stiles’ vague innuendo abt wet dreams, and then he still feels entitled to tell Stiles whatever he wants about him and Allison and won’t listen when Stiles asks him to stop.) When he asks Allison to go out with someone else, there’s so much that makes me both sad and angry. She is confused and scared, and has clearly committed really hard to Scott (enough to go against everything her family wants) and he tells her to go on a date with someone else. Not just that, but to kiss someone else. To kiss Matt, specifically, whom he knows Stiles thinks is really fucking creepy (though, we need to acknowledge that no one knew Matt was stalking Allison.) And she tries to show him that he’s asking for something really fucking weird and uncomfortable. “Kiss him? You mean, like really kiss him?” And even then, he doesn’t think anything is weird about telling his girlfriend (and they are clearly v monogamous. We see how insanely possessive he is of her, losing his shit when she’s just introduced to other guys Lydia knows, after only one date that he bailed from) to kiss someone else, but not kiss them the way she kisses him. He doesn’t ask for any info about the date, doesn’t ask if Allison’s uncomfortable. He just says “Do it.” and expects her to obey. He feel entitled to controlling who she’s with and what she does, without asking her if she’s okay with it. Because I haven’t seen later seasons in a long time, I usually try to stick to the earlier stuff so I’m less likely to say something stupid, but I do remember him scaring her in her bedroom. There’s a lot about that scene to unpack, but in the case of Allison specifically, we see that he still feels entitled to touch her. They are not friends right now. She has not given any hint that she wants to get back together (except asking to talk to him in ep.1). He should not feel like it is in any way okay to touch her at all, let alone hold her still with super strength. But he does. In his mind. She’s Allison, so why wouldn’t he able to touch her?
He also feels entitled to his leadership. We need to make clear that Scott doesn’t do the leadership stuff. He just happens to be the person in the friend group who’s a werewolf. Stiles and Jackson are the ones who go and set Peter on fire after they can’t get ahold of Scott (WHO IS NOW WITH DEREK, and THEREFORE HAS HIS PHONE). (You’re telling me Scott could’ve done the howl thing at any time to find Derek, and he just left him there for a week?) (Also, yes, I know Stiles was also not involved in helping find Derek until Peter made him. I’m annoyed at him too.) What is leadership-worthy about leaving a tortured man on a grate with electric wires plugged into his side and shackles on his wrists until he agrees to help you kill his own uncle (Oh, also, I have Peter feelings and have salty thoughts about the plot of s1, if anyone’s interested)? But let’s say Scott’s leadership comes in Season 2, not at the end of S1. But when exactly does he earn it? When he tells a teenage girl he doesn’t care about the humiliation and pain that led her to taking a bite that would cure her lifelong illness and give her a friend group that she didn’t have to be afraid of or bullied by? When he called a boy who looked him in the eyes and begged for him to keep his wolf secret “Bloodthirsty”? When he dismissed Boyd’s want for the bite, which was a way for him to make friends and feel like he belonged somewhere, as ridiculous? When he damaged Boyd’s workplace in a way that would almost certainly get Boyd in trouble? (You think smashing a massive crater into the middle of the ice rink with his fist didn’t get Boyd yelled at or maybe even fired?) When Boyd asked to talk to him on the field, and Scott attacked without rhyme or reason? When he let Erica sit and seize while he fussed over Allison? “This doesn’t Feel right” really Scott? You know, I think Erica, who’s having a fucking seizure in the next aisle, would agree! Hurry the fuck up! Oh my god, I went so off track. I have more thoughts on all that though, if anyone’s curious. Anyway. Scott doesn’t do anything that actually entails being a leader. His one job in the rave, he passes off to Isaac so that he can go call Gerard, because he’s currently working with the villain behind everyone’s back. The whole thing with Allison telling her parents and the plan with Derek getting messed up? Yeah, that was Scott’s fault for not telling her. Hell, for not telling GERARD. He, what he expected her to read his mind? Scott knew Allison was telling her parents about Jackson! She said she would tell them after he broke out of the van! The entire fuckup is his fault. But he still shouts at her and blames her and says she should’ve ‘trusted’ him. He passes all the guilt onto her and leaves her there on the verge of tears. He’s entitled to her obedience and he’s entitled to shaming her and scolding her like a child when she doesn’t do what he wants.
So, yeah, I think Scott’s entitled.
Scott is: Misogynistic. This one...I’m not so sure? Scott has a lot of bad qualities, a lot of behavior that’s incredibly toxic and manipulative, but I can honestly say that I can’t think of a single time when his reasoning for not letting/not thinking someone is capable of doing something is because they’re female?
There’s a lot to be said about the manipulative way that he speaks to and interacts with his girlfriends, but that doesn’t stem from misogyny, from what I can see. It stems from everything else. From his self-obsession, from his moral code, from his honest belief that he deserves obedience and complete candor from those closest to him. He does this to everyone, not just the women. It’s just easier to see it with the women because we’re primed to look for it. (I’m making the assumption here that you are female/feminine presenting, anon, since I know that the vast majority of the fandom is, but if I’m wrong, my apologies) Wow, though I’d have more to say on this bit, but I don’t.
Scott is: Toxicly Masculine. I’m not sure where I lay on this idea. Teen Wolf does have a lot of general instances of toxic masculinity, and Scott does exhibit some of them, but again, part of those behaviors can be found in women as well.
I know that it regularly pissed me off how often they reduced men to sex machines. *Scott and Allison are making out on Allison’s bed* Scott: “I don’t wanna make you do anything you don’t wanna do.” Allison: “I’m not doing anything I don’t wanna do. Are you?” Scott (incredulous): “Are you seriously asking me that question?”
*Stiles and Heather are talking about having sex at the party* Heather: “I mean, would you be okay with that?” Stiles (gently mocking): “Would I be okay with that? Yes, yes, I believe so.” They go out of their way to completely negate the possibility that a guy wouldn’t be into sex, even making the concept of asking for a man’s consent sound silly. This becomes even more toxic when Stiles complains about Malia leaving marks on him, hurting him during sex, and he gets teased for it. No one considers it a problem that Malia is scratching him. He’s expected to be appreciative of it/like it.
There’s the possessiveness, yes. Scott does some really fucked up, possessive things. Like freaking on Allison when Lydia introduces her to other guys, or getting angry from the sidelines just because Jackson is talking to Allison, not even flirting with her. Or running off to attack Jackson AND Allison (because there’s no proof he was only going after Jackson, and he’s only ever been able to follow allison’s scent across town, so he couldn’t have specifically been looking for Jackson) after she broke up with him. Throwing Isaac into a wall for liking Allison, even though they’ve been broken up for FOUR MONTHS. I can’t think of any more at the moment. But it’s a lot. BUT. We also see possessive behavior from Malia (yeah, she was an actual coyote for years, but she’s still a woman.) and similar amounts of aggression throughout the seasons from most of the shifters, implying that the habit is born from the werewolf/shifter thing, and not specifically Scott being toxicly masculine. (It’s still not good, but it’s not technically toxic masculinity.)
Aggression I think we can all agree is a shifter-wide phenomenon.
So, yeah, there’s instances that come across this way, and there’s also evidence that some of it is werewolf related, not scott related. I’m torn.
Anyway, again, I’ve talked way too much. If there are moments from later in the show that I’m missing that specifically prove/disprove these points, I’d love to know about it and check it out! I feel you Anon, Scott is infuriating and you’re in good company. <3
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tw-anchor · 5 years
04. Saving Derek
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character (Reader)
Episode: 1x04; Magic Bullet
Word Count: 5410
Warning(s): Mature language, blood, injured Derek
Author’s Note: In this chapter, we really start to see how much Olivia cares under her cold exterior. I hope you guys enjoy it! Reblog and like!
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Masterlist in profile description!
Olivia rubbed her left arm, trying to soothe the tingling that had been there since she had woken up that morning. She sighed and focused on her history teacher, Mrs. Larson, giving her a polite smile as she handed Olivia back her graded test.
Oliva bit the inside of her cheek to fight her smile as she looked at her perfect score.
Now that Mrs. Larson had passed her desk, she pulled out her cellphone, anxiously checking to see if Derek had messaged her back. He had told her that he was going hunting for the alpha the night before and he had yet to message her with any details.
She didn't even know if he was okay.
A few rows back and one aisle over, Stiles turned away from the back of Olivia's head and looked at Scott's, his curiosity overwhelming him.
The night that the bus driver died, Scott confronted Derek about everything. After beating Scott up, Derek revealed that he, in fact, wasn't the werewolf that bit Scott and that there was another werewolf entirely. An alpha werewolf that wanted Scott in its pack.
Stiles had tried to give Scott space since the revelation but he was growing impatient. He wanted to know everything.
He tapped on Scott's shoulder, getting his attention.
"If Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" he asked his best friend quietly.
Scott hesitated for a second before shrugging lightly. "I don't know."
"Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles prodded further.
"I don't know."
Stiles sighed heavily. "Does Allison's dad know about the alpha?"
"I don't know!" Scott exclaimed loudly, frustrated, as he turned to look at Stiles.
Everyone in the classroom turned to look at them, hearing Scott's outburst, including Olivia. Stiles sheepishly raised his eyebrows and shrunk away from his best friend, trying to get the attention off himself.
Thankfully, Mrs. Larson came around to their aisle. She handed Stiles his test and then gave one to Scott. Stiles smiled triumphantly when he saw the 'A' circled in red ink.
Wondering what Scott's grade was, he leaned forward. He saw the 'D-' with a little note beside it and grimaced.
"Dude, you need to study more," he commented jokingly.
Scott pressed his lips together and slammed his test face-down on his desk.
"That was a joke," Stiles said flatly. Seeing how disappointed Scott looked, he added, "Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?"
"No," Scott sighed, feeling a little bit better. "I'm studying at Allison's after school today."
Stiles raised his eyebrows, feeling pride well within his chest. "That's my boy!"
"We're just studying."
"No, you're not."
Scott glanced back at Stiles. "No, I'm not?"
"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you," Stiles stated seriously. Everyone knew that studying with a girl wasn't just studying. There had to be some touching or something involved. "If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-balled."
"Okay!" Scott said quickly, wishing Stiles would shut up in their very crowded classroom. "Just stop with the questions, man."
"Done," Stiles agreed easily. "No more questions. No more talk about the alpha or Derek. Especially Derek...who still scares me."
"Scott's coming over?" Lydia asked, raising her eyebrows at Allison. "Tonight?"
"We're just studying together," Allison excused as she, Lydia, and Olivia walked through the hallway, heading toward the library for their free period.
Lydia scoffed. "Just studying��never ends with just studying," she smirked, sharing an amused look with Olivia. "It's like getting into a hot tub. Somebody eventually cops a feel."
"Well, so what are you saying?" Allison asked, causing Olivia and Lydia to pause on the stairwell.
"She's saying to make sure he covers up," Olivia told Allison, giving the taller brunette a small smile.
Lydia nodded in agreement but Allison looked at them blankly, obviously not getting it.
"Hello, Snow White!" Lydia exclaimed, rolled her eyes. "Do it with him with a condom."
Allison laughed in disbelief as they started up the stairs again. "Are you kidding? After one date?"
"Don't be a total prude," Lydia shrugged. "Give him a little taste."
"Only if you want to, though," Olivia added, not wanting Allison to do anything she didn't want to do.
Allison smiled gratefully at Olivia but then turned to Lydia, much more unsure. "Well...I mean, how much is a little taste?"
"Oh, God, you really like him, don't you?"
Allison nodded, crossing her arms over her chest self-consciously. "He's just different. When I first moved here, I had a plan: no boyfriends until college. I just move too much. But then I met him and he was different," she shrugged. "I don't know. I can't explain it."
"I can," Olivia said simply. "It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine."
Lydia rolled her eyes fondly at Olivia while Allison laughed. "What?"
"I'll tell you what to do," Lydia spoke up, offering her expertise. "When is he coming over?"
"Right after school."
"Hmm," Lydia hummed thoughtfully. "Let's see..."
Allison and Lydia continued to the library but Olivia stopped at the girls' bathroom, checking the status of her make-up and pulling up her long sleeves, checking the skin of her left arm to see why it was tingling. Seeing no blemish, wound, or rash, she left the bathroom to meet up with the girls.
She stopped as she passed Jackson in the hallway, seeing the look of pain on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"What's wrong, Jackson?" she asked him.
"Your cousin's here," he said shortly, voice tense.
"Wait, Derek's here?" Olivia shook her head, wondering why Derek had come all the way to the school when he could have just messaged or called her.
"Yeah and he needs to cut his fucking nails," Jackson cursed, pulling his hand from his neck. In his palm was a square of bloody gauze.
Olivia bit the inside of her cheek, worried. Derek had excellent control; he wouldn't just go around digging his claws into people for no reason. "Sorry, Jax," she apologized. "Make sure you put some antibiotic cream on them. I'm going to find Derek."
Jackson waved her off.
Olivia turned and, almost as if in a daze, started walking through the hallways. She went back down the stairs and into the English hallway. In the corner, under the bell, she saw Derek leaning against the cinder block wall.
As she rushed toward him, she saw that he was paler than she had ever seen him with dark circles under his eyes. Upon further examination, she could see blood dripping down his left hand and onto the linoleum floors.
"Derek, what are you doing here? What happened? Are you okay?" Olivia rambled, looking up at him. His eyes were bloodshot, making his pale-green irises stand out.
"I was shot," Derek breathed.
"S-Shot?" Olivia stuttered, her own breath picking up. She grabbed his left hand and pushed up the sleeve of his leather jacket. She sucked in a deep breath when she saw a nasty bullet wound, bloody with short black veins surrounding it. "You're not healing."
"I think it's wolfsbane," Derek informed her shakily. "I need help."
"Okay, how can I help?"
"I need Scott's help," Derek corrected himself. "Ollie, it was Kate who shot me."
Olivia tried not to panic at the name. Derek had told her all about Kate Argent, even when he told no one else.
Kate Argent was in her early twenties when she approached Derek, who was still a teenager. She manipulated him, had sex with him, got him to trust her, and then burnt down the Hale house, killing almost everyone in it. She was the one who killed her mom and injured her dad.
Olivia didn't hate a lot of people but she hated Kate Argent.
"Okay," she said calmly, trying to calm the jumble of thoughts in her head. "Where Scott is, Stiles is. We find Stiles, we find Scott."
Olivia grabbed Derek, helping him lean against her, his arm around her shoulders—which didn't look or feel great to Derek since she was so much shorter than him.
The final bell rang as the two of them slowly navigated the school, heading to the parking lot. All around them, students rushed through the hall, heading to their cars or the bus they rode to go home.
They finally reached the parking lot and Olivia's eyes widened when she saw Stiles about to drive away in his blue Jeep. She sped up, practically dragging Derek behind her, and stepped in front of Stiles' car.
It was only when Stiles slammed on his brakes that Derek collapsed onto the ground.
Olivia immediately knelt next to him as the cars behind Stiles started honking, wondering what the hold-up was. She patted Derek's pale cheeks, rousing him back to consciousness.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Scott demanded as he ran up to them. Stiles came up behind him, having climbed out of his Jeep at Scott's insistence.
Olivia glared at him. "He was shot."
Stiles observed the older werewolf who was breathing heavily and trying not to puke all over the ground. "He's not looking so good, dude."
"Wow, what astute observations there, Sherlock," Olivia snapped at him, her panic causing her to be angry at the wrong people.
Stiles glared back at her.
"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked Derek, bewildered. When he was shot with the arrow by Mr. Argent, he healed within minutes.
"I can't," Derek said weakly. "It was a different kind of bullet."
Stiles perked up excitedly. "A silver bullet?"
Olivia glared at him while Derek spat, "No, you idiot!"
"Wait, wait," Scott spoke up thoughtfully. "That's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours."
"What?" Olivia asked quickly, wondering how Scott knew this. "Who said forty-eight hours?"
"The one who shot Derek," Scott said quickly.
Derek let out a quiet groan as a jolt of pain shot through his body, his eyes glowing icy-blue.
"What are you doing?" Scott hissed at him, looking to see if anyone was watching close enough to see that something was wrong with Derek. "Stop that!"
"Derek, your eyes," Olivia said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Derek's eyes returned to their natural pale-green. "I'm trying to tell you, I can't!" he hissed at Scott, his eyes once again switching to blue.
"We need your help, Scott," Olivia said firmly, grabbing Derek's arm to try to help him to his feet.
Scott looked around once more and grabbed his other arm. "Derek, get up!" he looked at Stiles, who was watching the scene curiously. "Help us put him in your car."
Stiles shuffled forward, taking the arm that Olivia was holding onto and helping Scott pull Derek to his feet. Olivia hurried over to Stiles' jeep and opened the passenger door, allowing Scott to help her cousin into the seat.
She climbed into the Jeep through the driver's side, settling in the back seat.
"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used," Derek ordered Scott as Stiles got into the driver's seat.
Scott scoffed. "How the hell am I supposed to do that?"
"She's an Argent, Scott," Olivia leaned forward so Scott could see her. She knew that Scott could figure out what to do. "She's with them."
He was going to Allison's house, after all.
Scott looked back at Derek, narrowing his eyes. "Why should I help you?"
Derek glared at him. "Because you need me."
Scott looked down the line of cars and then back at Derek. "Fine, I'll try," he gave in, looking at Stiles. "Get him out of here."
Stiles gritted his teeth and put the Jeep in drive. "I hate you so much for this," he muttered to Scott before pulling out of the parking lot.
Stiles angrily pursed his lips, sneaking glances in the rear-view mirror as Olivia helped Derek out of his leather jacket.
They had already been on the road for a half-hour and so far there was nothing from Scott. He knew that he told Scott not to squander his opportunity to hook up with Allison but he hoped that his best friend had enough sense to know that things had changed. The sooner that Scott found out what kind of bullet Derek was shot with, the better.
His phone buzzed from his cup holder; he checked the message from Scott.
Scott: Need more time.
Stiles huffed and slammed the phone back into the cupholder.
"Any news?" Olivia asked, leaning between the driver and passenger seats.
"He needs more time," Stiles answered grumpily. He glanced at Derek and added, "Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there."
"Almost where?" Derek asked quietly.
"Your house?"
Derek abruptly turned his head toward Stiles. "What?"
"No, you can't take him there," Olivia objected, shaking her head firmly.
Stiles scoffed. "I can't take him to his own house?"
"Not when I can't protect myself," Derek said, as though it should be obvious to Stiles.
Olivia nodded in agreement.
Motherfucker, he thought, I'm going to kill him before the bullet does.
Stiles shook his head and sharply turned his steering wheel, turning off onto the side of the road. He put the Jeep in park and faced Olivia and Derek.
"All right," he raised his voice. "What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet, hmm? Are you dying?"
Olivia inhaled sharply, not liking the fact that Derek could very well die, while Derek simply shook his head. "Not yet," he said. "I have a last resort."
"What do you mean, what last resort?" Stiles shouted, fed up with the werewolf. He saw Derek raise his sleeve and abruptly gagged when he saw the bullet wound that was causing them so much trouble. "Oh, my God. What is that?"
"Stiles," Olivia sighed, sending him a flat look.
Stiles ignored her. "Oh, is that contagious?" he whined, shaking his head. "You know what, you should probably just get out."
"Start the car," Derek ordered, voice firm. "Now."
Stiles stiffened, his jaw clenched, and any other time, Olivia might have thought that he looked very attractive when he was angry.
"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay?" he glared at Derek. "In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your werewolf ass out into the middle of the fucking road and leave you for dead."
Derek ignored Olivia's objection on his behalf and narrowed his eyes at the spastic teen. "Start the car or I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth."
Stiles pursed his lips and stubbornly faced forward, not touching the ignition. Yeah, he was afraid of Derek, but he wasn't about to be bossed around in his own damn Jeep. He wasn't too sure he believed Derek, anyway. Was he really willing to kill Stiles in front of Olivia?
"Stiles," Olivia leaned forward, placing a warm hand on Stiles' shoulder. He looked back at her, eyes widening at the desperate look in her cobalt-blue eyes. "Can you please help? Please? He's my family."
Stiles closed his eyes, not being able to resist her pleading look. He sighed and started the Jeep again, pulling back onto the road.
Olivia squeezed his shoulders, grateful. "Thank you."
"What am I supposed to do with him?" Stiles asked Scott through the phone, glancing over at Derek and Olivia. Olivia was pressing some tissues she found in her purse to Derek's wound but it wasn't doing much in way of helping.
"Take him somewhere, anywhere," Scott responded, making Stiles roll his eyes.
He sighed. "And, by the way, he's starting to smell."
"Like what?"
"Like death," Stiles looked over at Derek, just to see the older werewolf glaring at him.
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Scott spoke, "Okay, take him to the animal clinic."
"What about your boss?" Stiles asked.
"He's gone by now," Scott said, causing Stiles to look at the clock. They had been driving around for close to four hours now. "There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster."
"What's he saying?" Olivia asked, catching Stiles' attention.
He shook his head. "You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take him."
Olivia raised her eyebrows while Derek reached for the phone, holding it up to his face.
"Did you find it?"
"How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million," Olivia could hear Scott now since the phone was closer to her. "This house is like the fucking Walmart of guns."
"Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, all right?" Derek reminded him.
"I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing."
Olivia narrowed her eyes at the phone, mentally cursing Scott out in her head. Why was his boy so stubborn?
"Then think about this," Derek retorted. "The alpha calls you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time, you either kill with him or you get killed. So, if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet."
Derek hung up the call and passed the phone back to Stiles.
"All right," Stiles said, starting up the Jeep and pulling out onto the road once again. "To the animal clinic."
The drive to the animal clinic took another fifteen minutes and Derek was looking even worse by the time they pulled up to the modest building. Stiles held onto Derek while Olivia searched for the spare key behind the dumpster and when she unlocked the door, the three of them stumbled in.
Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, Stiles let go of Derek, letting him fall into a pile of dog food bags.
He quickly read the text and looked up at Olivia and Derek. "Does Nordic Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?"
Olivia cursed under her breath, recognizing the name. From her vast internet research of wolfsbane and each species effects on werewolves, she knew that Nordic Blue Monkshood was rare and hard to cure.
"It's a rare form of wolfsbane," Derek told Stiles. "He has to bring me the bullet."
Stiles raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"'Cause I'm gonna die without it."
"Okay, we need that bullet!" Stiles uttered under his breath, messaging Scott back and requesting the presence of the bullet.
Olivia couldn't believe this was happening. She had been trying not to think about the fact that Derek might be dying all day, but it was now at the forefront of her mind. And she was freaking out.
She couldn't lose Derek. He was the last connection to her father's side of the family she had, other than her semi-comatose father who looked like he'd never heal. She loved Derek; he was her cousin, older brother, and good friend all wrapped into one person.
Olivia couldn't imagine her life without him.
Olivia looked up sharply at that stupid nickname that Stiles kept calling her. He was looking at her, his eyes clearly showing his concern for her.
She wished that he'd show concern for Derek because otherwise, it was just her who cared whether he lived or died.
But she knew that Stiles didn't trust or like Derek, so she didn't count on him being worried about her cousin.
"Yeah?" she asked, aware that she had been lost in her head.
"Let's bring him to the exam room," Stiles suggested, nodding toward Derek.
Olivia wordlessly agreed, rushing forward to help Derek off the pile of dog food. As they led Derek into the exam room, he squirmed around, trying to get his shirt off of him to allow easier access to the wound.
Once in the exam room, Stiles shrugged Derek off of him and turned on the light.
In the fluorescence, Derek's wound looked much, much worse. The little black veins that were around it earlier had grown, heading down his forearm and up to his bicep. The wound itself was still bloody but was steadily turning black as Derek's body tried to heal itself.
Stiles silently gagged and stood at the stainless-steel table across from Derek. "You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of."
Derek looked at his wound carefully. "If the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me," he said with unsteady breaths. "Ollie, find me a tourniquet."
Olivia nodded and went to the counter, opening random drawers and rummaging through them. 
"Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Stiles snarked.
Derek rolled his eyes as Olivia continued to look for a long strip of strong rubber band. "If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time—last resort."
He shuffled over to Olivia's side and grabbed the bone saw from a drawer she had already gone through.
"Which is?" Stiles asked.
Derek turned around and slammed the saw on the table. "You're gonna cut off my arm."
Oh, Olivia thought, that's what he needs the tourniquet for.
"Are you crazy?" she exclaimed, finally spotting a bright-blue tourniquet. She grabbed it and whipped around, glaring at her cousin for his insane idea.
Cutting off his arm? Really?!
Stiles stared at Derek with an open mouth, shocked into silence. Curiously, he picked up the bone saw and revved the blade.
He groaned, his shock wearing off. "Oh, my God. What if you bleed to death?"
Derek shrugged as Olivia wrapped the tourniquet around his arm, right above where the black veins stopped. "It'll heal if it works."
Stiles honestly felt like he was going to faint. "Ugh," he shuddered. "Look, I don't know if I can do this."
"Why not?"
Olivia finished tying the tourniquet around Derek's arm and backed away, glaring down at the bone saw. It wasn't the greatest idea, she knew, but if it would save Derek's life, who cared? She knew that Derek would rather have one arm than be dead and she felt the same way.
"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!" Stiles exclaimed, becoming panicked.
Derek gave him an unimpressed look. "You faint at the sight of blood?"
"No!" Stiles shouted. "but I might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!"
Derek shook his head, exhausted. "All right, fine. How about this? Either you cut off my arm or I'm gonna cut off your head."
"Derek," Olivia sighed, tired of the two men bickering. God, they bickered more than she and Stiles did.
"Okay, you know what?" Stiles started angrily. "I'm so not buying your threats any—"
Derek cut Stiles off, leaning over the table and grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull Stiles closer to him. His teeth were bared threateningly, causing Stiles to gulp nervously.
"Holy shit..."
"Enough, Derek," Olivia shook her head and picked up the saw. "I'll do it."
Gagging, Derek slumped onto the table, letting go of his death grip on Stiles. Olivia looked on worried as he leaned over the edge.
"What are you doing?" Stiles asked nervously, stepping away from the pale werewolf.
No sooner were the words out of his mouth that Derek spewed black liquid onto the floor, making it splatter everywhere.
"Holy God," Stiles gagged, backing up further and bumping into Olivia. "What the fuck is that?"
Olivia pulled Stiles out of the way and stepped around the black blood, helping Derek into a standing position. "It's his body trying to heal itself."
"Well, it's not doing a very good job of it," Stiles pointed out the obvious.
Olivia rolled her eyes and picked up the saw. "We have to do it now."
"I'll do it," Olivia interrupted Stiles' protests. "Just—just hold him down."
"Oh, my God. Oh, my God," Stiles muttered, going up to Derek and holding the top half of his body down.
"Okay," Olivia breathed, trying to calm down. She inhaled and exhaled a few times to control her panicked breathing. "Okay, it's going to be okay."
Stiles couldn't help but be mad at himself that he was making Olivia cut off her cousin's arm. If he really had the guts, he'd do it for her.
Olivia shook her head. "All right," she placed the blade on Derek's arm, right under the tourniquet. "here we go."
Stiles readied himself, knowing that Derek was probably going to squirm while Olivia cut off his arm.
"Stiles?" Scott's voice echoed through the animal clinic right as Olivia went to press the trigger.
Stiles and Olivia simultaneously sighed in relief.
Scott entered the exam room, his eyes going straight to the saw Olivia was holding to Derek's arm. His eyes were wide in shock as he yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"
Olivia pulled the saw away from Derek and dropped it on the table as Stiles laughed breathlessly.
"Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares," Stiles sighed happily.
"Did you get it?" Derek asked Scott, weakly pushing Stiles off of him.
Scott nodded and pulled the bullet out of his pocket, handing it to Derek. Derek held the bullet to his eye level, observing it carefully.
"What are you gonna do with it?" Stiles asked wearily.
Derek's eyes started glazing over. "I'm gonna—I'm gonna—"
He dropped to the ground in a dead faint.
"Derek!" Olivia shouted, running over to his unconscious form. She shook him roughly, trying to wake him up. "Derek! No, no, no!"
Stiles and Scott rushed into action. Stiles knelt on the other side of Derek and tried to help Olivia while Scott went to the grate in the floor where the bullet fell.
"Derek, come on, wake up!" Stiles patted the older werewolf's face.
"Derek, please!" Olivia pleaded shakily, tears dripping from her eyes.
Stiles looked over at Scott, hoping he'd know what to do. "Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?"
"I don't know!" Scott called back, trying desperately to reach the bullet. "I can't reach it!"
Olivia continued shaking her cousin, praying to whatever god was in the sky that he would just wake up. They were so close, they were so close...
"He's not waking up!" Stiles yelled unhelpfully. "I think he's dying. I think he's dead!"
"Shut up!" Olivia glared at him while Scott exclaimed, "Just hold on!"
Stiles patted Derek's face again and looked up when Scott declared that he got the bullet out of the grate.
"Please don't kill me for this," Stiles mumbled to Derek as he pushed Olivia's hands away and reared back, forming a fist. He decked Derek in the face and shouted at the pain in his hand that flared up immediately.
Derek woke up with a start and Olivia reached for him, helping him to his feet with assistance from Stiles and Scott.
"Give me—" Derek reached for the bullet.
Scott gave Derek the bullet and the older werewolf bit off the top with his teeth, tapping the bullet on the table. Purple dust fell out of the golden casing and Derek pulled out a lighter from his pants pocket and lit it up.
Sparks erupted from the wolfsbane, shocking Stiles and Scott, but Derek and Olivia paid it no attention. Derek scooped up the ashes and hesitated before smushing the wolfsbane into the bullet wound on his arm.
Derek fell to the floor once again, screaming from the pain jolting through his body. His back arched and Olivia winced in horror as he groaned loudly. But then the black veins on Derek's left arm started disappearing until the wound itself healed up, leaving behind smooth, unblemished skin.
"That. Was. Awesome!" Stiles shouted, pumping his fist in amazement. "Yes!"
Olivia rolled her eyes at the spastic boy and bent down, helping Derek off the floor.
Scott watched him carefully. "Are you okay?"
"Well, except for the agonizing pain," Derek snapped, ripping the tourniquet off his arm.
"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health," Stiles commented causing Derek to glare at him.
Olivia nudged her cousin and gave him a they-just-saved-your-life-be-nice look. Derek softened his gaze and looked away, finding his discarded shirt and tugging it back on.
"Okay, we saved your life," Scott declared, narrowing his eyes at Derek. "which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that?"
Olivia started to protest. "Scott, you don't know—"
"And if you don't," Scott continued as though Olivia didn't speak. "I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and I'm gonna tell him everything."
Olivia reared back as though she had been slapped in the face. She couldn't believe that Scott was so willing to trust the Argents. They were literally hunters who would kill him if they knew he was a werewolf. It didn't matter to people like Kate if you were young and innocent and had never hurt a soul in your life. If you were different, she'd hunt you down.
"You're gonna trust them?" Derek voiced his similar disbelief. "You think they can help you?"
"Well, why not?" Scott retorted. "They're a lot fucking nicer than you are!"
Derek scoffed and glanced at Olivia before turning back to Scott. "I can show you exactly how nice they are."
"What do you mean?"
Derek gave Olivia a questioning look but she shook her head at him. She didn't want to see her dad with Scott there. Her father and his condition were a private part of her life and she probably wouldn't be able to handle it if Scott reacted badly and said something stupid.
"Go on," she waved at him. "I'll call for an Uber or something."
Derek nodded and then he and Scott left the animal clinic, leaving her and Stiles alone.
Olivia sighed heavily, the adrenaline from the whole situation wearing off and leaving her tired.
"Uh, I can take you home if you want," Stiles spoke up, gaining her attention.
Olivia looked up at him, watching as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. His eyes met hers for a few seconds, the whiskey brown strangely calming her down, and then they flickered away.
"Um, sure," Olivia cleared her throat. "Thanks."
"No problem," Stiles said, watching as she looked around the exam room and grabbed a mop from the corner. "Um...what was Derek going to show Scott? Do you know?"
"Yeah," Olivia nodded and wet the broom so she could clean up Derek's vomit. "He's showing him my dad."
"Your dad?"
"He was in the fire," Olivia explained quietly.
Stiles could tell that she really didn't want to talk about her dad and he didn't want to push her. If Derek wanted to show Scott her father to see how bad the Argents were, that meant that they were somehow connected to the fire.
"The Argents set the Hale house on fire?"
Olivia sighed and set the mop down, resting her forehead against the top of the handle. Stiles was surprised to see tears wetting her eyes. "Yes. Well, Kate Argent did," she corrected herself. "We don't know if anyone else was involved."
Stiles didn't understand how Olivia wasn't a mess right now. The woman who murdered most of her family and heavily injured her father was back in town and she almost murdered one of the last members of the family she had left. If it was Stiles in this situation, he'd be inconsolable.
It made Stiles fall for the girl in front of him even more. She was so strong.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, feeling ashamed. If he had known, he wouldn't have made such a big deal about helping Derek today.
"It's okay, there's no need to apologize," Olivia waved him off, having collected herself. "Usually the Argents follow their code or whatever. But Kate's ruthless—she didn't care that there were kids in that house or that there were humans."
"It doesn't matter how nice the Argents seem to be," Olivia said firmly, her eyes hardening as she thought about what Scott said. "Kate killed my mom. There's not a nice bone in her body."
(Gif is not mine)
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urwarriorangel · 6 years
<3 urwarriorangel’s writing challenge <3
hello my darling angels! i have started a writing challenge because i want to read more of what you write. i’m calling this a challenge because that’s what i’ve read others call it? rules are listed below! all submissions will be read by yours truly and (if they follow the p basic rules) i will post them all on a masterlist! i will reblog them and give you feedback because that’s what should happen regardless and also i love you guys! (gif not mine!)
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*no rape/incest/underage sex/etc.
*if you choose to write smut, you must be 18+!!! the characters you’re writing for must be 18+!!
*must be character x reader! you can write for multiple characters, but it still must be a reader insert!
*it’s first come first serve for characters, meaning there are character limits. multiple people can write for the same character, but they are capped. so please message me as soon as you see a character you want to write for!
*only one prompt per fic! (bonus points if you use any of my original prompts lol!) (also prompts can only be used once)
*triggers must be tagged. if there are any triggers in your fic, you must have a trigger warning. i cannot emphasize this enough.
*fic should be at least 500 words, if it’s longer (which please make it as long as you’d like!) you have to add a ‘read more’
*must tag me in the fic and use # urwarriorangelwritingchallenge <3
*fic should be a new original, not an old piece being resubmitted or a part of an already existing series. (you can write a series for this challenge if you’d like!)
*bonus points if you’re a poc!writer with a poc!reader <3 <3 <3
*you must respect the sexuality of the character! if you would like for an lgbtq+ character, their sexuality should not change in the fic. thank you!
*please send me a message with the character(s) you’d like to write for and the prompt!
example: damon salvatore + “i don’t know how much longer i can go on”
~the masterlist will be posted on august 13th! (if this goes well aka if people participate i would love to do this more often!)~
categories allowed:
anything your heart desires. if you’re going to write fluff please keep it compelling! add a few different styles together! give me some angst, some smut. make it a mystery! i mean absolutely no disrespect to those who write/read only fluff, but personally i find fluff a little more fun when it’s got multiple components! (if you write only fluff, please go ahead and write fluff! i will read it and i’m sure i’ll love it! these are just my personal preferences!)
i love aus very much, so please don’t shy away from them!
characters & prompts under the cut!
characters (five slots for each character)
agents of shield
al mackenzie antoine “trip” triplett daisy “skye” johnson grant ward jemma simmons lance hunter leopold fitz lincoln campbell
brooklyn 99
amy santiago charles boyle gina linetti jake peralta raymond holt rosa diaz terrence jeffords
buffy the vampire slayer
angel buffy summers cordelia chase rupert giles william the bloody aka spike
criminal minds
aaron hotchner david rossi derek morgan elle greenaway emily prentiss jennifer jareau luke alvez penelope garcia spencer reid
billy russo frank castle jessica jones luke cage matt murdock
chandler bing joey tribbiani monica geller phoebe buffay rachel green ross geller
game of thrones
arya stark benjen stark daenerys targaryen eddard stark jaime lannister jon snow khal drogo robb stark samwell tarly sansa stark tyrion lannister
gossip girl
blair waldorf carter baizen chuck bass dan humphrey nate archibald serena van der woodsen vanessa abrams
harry potter
draco malfoy fred weasley george weasley harry potter hermione granger remus lupin ronald weasley sirius black (young) tom riddle
hawaii five-0
adam noshimuri chin ho kelly daniel williams kono kalakaua michael noshimuri steve mcgarrett
jane the virgin
adam alvaro jane gloriana villanueva petra solano rafael solano
lucky number slevin
slevin kelevra
bruce banner aka hulk brunnhilde aka my valkyrie queen bucky barnes aka winter soldier clint barton aka hawkeye drax aka the destroyer erik stevens aka killmonger gamora aka um need we say more? janet van dyne aka wasp loki aka loki m’baku aka you already know mantis aka mantis aka a fucking cutie may parker aka ailf nakia aka loml okoye aka incredible badass peggy carter aka kickass peter parker aka spider-man peter quill aka star-lord pietro maximoff aka quicksilver sam wilson aka falcon scott lang aka antman shuri aka an angel stephen strange aka dr. strange steve rogers aka captain america t’challa aka black panther thor aka thor tony stark aka iron-man wanda maximoff aka scarlet witch
new girl
coach nick miller
pretty little liars
aria montgomery caleb rivers emily fields ezra fitz hanna marin jason dilaurentis mona vanderwaal noel kahn spencer hastings wren kingston
francis mary stuart nostradamus sebastian
archie andrews betty cooper cheryl blossom fangs fogarty fp jones fred andrews jason blossom josie mccoy jughead jones kevin keller malachai charles!reggie mantle ross!reggie mantle sweet pea toni topaz valerie brown veronica lodge
alec lightwood clary fray isabelle lightwood jace herondale lucian grey magnus bane simon lewis
teen wolf
allison argent chris argent cora hale derek hale isaac lahey jackson whittermore jordan parrish kira yukimura liam dunbar lydia martin malia tate peter hale scott mccall stiles stilinski theo raeken
the 100
bellamy blake clarke griffin echo finn collins jasper jordan john murphy king roan lexa lincoln monty green nathan miller octavia blake ontari raven reyes wells jaha
the originals
davina claire elijah mikaelson freya mikaelson hayley marshall kol mikaelson lucian castle niklaus mikaelson marcel gerard rebekah mikaelson
the vampire diaries
bonnie bennett caroline forbes damon salvatore elena gilbert jeremy gilbert katherine pierce malachi parker mary louise matt donovan nora hildegard olivia parker tyler lockwood stefan salvatore sybil
alex summers aka havok charles xavier aka young!professor x erik lehnsherr aka magneto hank mccoy aka beast jean grey aka phoenix logan aka wolverine peter maximoff aka quiksilver ororo monroe aka storm raven darkholme aka mystique
prompts (once someone requests a prompt, i will update the list! list will be updated once a day, if multiple people ask for a prompt in between updates, i will give it to the first person who sent me an ask. i realize that there are more character options than there are prompts, i did this because i don’t think too many people will participate. if we ever run out, i will add more prompts! example of request: klaus mikaelson + “give me a chance”)
1: “ give me a chance. ”
2: “ not you again.. ”
3: “ leave me alone. ”
4: “ i don’t love you anymore. ”
5: “ why do you hate me? ”
6: “ i lost the baby. ”
7: “ i thought you loved me. ”
8: “ i don’t need you anymore. ”
9:“ i can’t believe you! ”
10: “ we can't keep this up forever. ”
11: “ you’re a monster. ”
12: “ i hate you. ”
13: “ don’t leave me… ”
14: “ you’re a disappointment. ”
15: “ don’t die on me– please. ”
16: “ i never meant to hurt you. ”
17: “ are you upset with me? ”
18: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
19: “ i’m going to kill you! ”
20: “ please don’t hurt me like this. ”
21: “ thanks for nothing. ”
22: “ dont call this number again. “
23: “ why did you spare me? ”
24: “ you need to leave. ”
25: “ i’m sick. ”
26: “ i’m dying. ”
27: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
28: “ i thought we were family!”
29: “ there was never an us. ”
30: “ so that’s it? it’s over? ”
31: “ i fucked up. ”
32: “ i came to say goodbye. ”
33:“ he’s dead because of you. ”
34: “ i don’t deserve to be loved. ”
35: “ about the baby… its yours. ”
36: “ i’m so in love with you. ”
37: “ dance with me! ”
38: “ isn’t this amazing? ”
39: “ i wish we could stay like this forever. ”
40: “ will you marry me? ”
41: “ i’m pregnant. ”
42: “ i need a hug. ”
43: “ you’re special to me. ”
44: “ i’m going to keep you safe. ”
45: “ do you trust me? ”
46: “ can i kiss you right now? ”
47: “ you’re cute when you’re angry. ”
48: “ i’ve liked you for awhile now. ”
49: “ let’s have a baby. ”
50: “ we’d make such a cute couple. ”
51: “ i want to take care of you. ”
52: “ can we cuddle? ”
53: “ it’s lonely here without you. ”
54: “ i can’t stand the thought of losing you. ”
55: “ shut up and kiss me already. ”
56: “ are you flirting with me? ”
57: “ is that my shirt? ”
58: “ how did we get here? ”
59: “ you own my heart. ”
60: “ you’d be a great dad. ”
61: “ you’d be a great mom. ”
62: “ i want to protect you. ”
63: “ what's the matter? ”
64: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
65: “ did you do something different with your hair? ”
66: “ is that a new perfume? ”
67: “ stop being so cute. ”
68: “ you’re making me blush! ”
69: “ you’re teasing me again… ”
70: “ this is why i fell in love with you. ”
71: “ you’re the best! ”
72: “ they’re going to love you, don’t worry! ”
73: “ oh, are you ticklish? ”
74: “ of course i remembered! ”
75: “ you’re one hell of a girl. ”
76: “ you’re one hell of a guy. ”
77: “ are you jealous? ”
78: “ hold me and never let me go. ”
79: “ stop hogging all the blankets! ”
80: “ lets run away together. ”
90: “ catch me if you can! ”
91: “ i’m fine. ”
92: “ are you drunk? ”
93: “ are you high? ”
94: “ we can't go in there… ”
95: “ give it back! ”
96: “ well this is just great. ”
97: “ don’t touch me. ”
98: “ not sure if you could tell, but i’m not exactly a people person. ”
99: “ this was fun— let's do it again sometime!”
100: “ i didn’t do it! ”
101: “ i did it… ”
102: “ i don’t remember that! ”
103: “ well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ”
104: “ get that thing away from me! ”
105: “ you owe me. ”
106: “ do you believe in aliens? ”
107: “ do you believe in ghosts? ”
108: “ are you hitting on me? ”
109: “ why are you naked? ”
110: “ you did what?! ”
111: “ you have… superpowers? ”
112: “ why are you bleeding? ”
113: “ where did all these puppies come from?”
114: “ don’t make me come over there myself! ”
115: “ that wasn’t funny. ”
116: “ this tastes horrible. ”
117: “ this is delicious! ”
118: “ are you mad at me? ”
119: “ stop ignoring me… ”
120: “ i love that show too! ”
121: “ can i borrow that book of yours?”
122: “ let's blow this joint. ”
123: “ let me help you with that. ”
124: “ take that back! ”
125: “ wanna go see a movie with me? ”
126: “ no way, that’s so lame. ”
127: “ what are you listening to? ”
128: “ i brought you your coffee. ”
129: “ don’t fuck this up. ”
130: “ run! ”
131: “ lets run away together. ”
132: “ i haven’t slept in four days… ”
133: “ your turn to do the dishes. ”
134: “ was i really that drunk? ”
135: “ was i really that stoned? ”
136: “give me back my phone! ”
137: “ you’re an asshole. ”
138: “ are you cold? ”
139: “ this place gives me the creeps. ”
140: “ i swear my house is haunted. ”
141: “ did you hear that? ”
142: “ it’s just your imagination. ”
143: “ just how stupid do you think i am? ”
144: “ stop being such a baby. ”
145: “ go back to bed. ”
146: “ are you okay? ”
147: “ i can take care of myself just fine.”
148: “ thanks for helping me back there. ”
149: “ since when have we ever been friends? ”
150: “ what on earth are you wearing? ”
151: “ i can’t feel my legs! ”
152: “ stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ”
153: “ put me down! ”
154: “ there’s only one bed… ”
155: “ it isn’t what it looks like! okay.. maybe it is… ”
156: “ how did i lose it? ”
157: “ i read your diary. ”
158: “ this is awkward. ”
159: “ didn’t you read the sign? ”
160: “ do you think you can teach me that? ”
161: “ bite me. ”
162: “ make me. ”
163: “ fuck me. ”
164: “ stop teasing me so much… ”
165: “ do you like it when i touch you like that?”
166: “ okay.. this is new. ”
167: “ want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ”
168: “ you’re in trouble now. ”
169: “ what a pretty sight. ”
170: “ bend over. ”
171: “ on your knees. ”
172: “ the food looks great but.. there’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ”
173: “ lay back. ”
174: “ take off your clothes. ”
175: “ well, fine; just this once. ”
176: “ i’m waiting. ”
177: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
178:“ as you wish. ”
179: “ first one to make a noise loses.”
180: “ you have no idea what you do to me. ”
181: “ if you’re bored; wanna have sex? ”
182: “ i've wanted this for so long. ”
183: “ car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ”
184: “ can i touch you? ”
185: “ open up. ”
186: “ no strings attached. ”
187: “ already? do i really have that much of an effect on you? ”
188: “ mine. ”
189: “ the nights still young. ”
190: “ we can't do that here! ”
191: “ behave. ”
192:“ what did you just say? ”
193: “ good girl. ”
194: “ good boy. ”
195: “ come here. ”
continued nsfw from misc sources
196: “are you going to come here, or are you going to make me come get you myself?”
197: “don’t look at me like that, you brought this on yourself.”
198: “stay still, squirming will make it worse.”
199: “keep count. if you lose it, we’re starting over. understand?”
200: “go get me the cane.”
201: “take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall.”
202: “open your mouth. i’m putting the gag in so your screaming won’t alarm someone.”
203: “did you disobey my orders?”
204: “i thought i told you not to touch that?”
205: “have you finished everything i told you to do?”
206: “if you don’t stop acting like this, i’ll be forced to use different tactics.”
207: “your skin turns so red under my palm.”
208: “bend over the back of the couch.”
209: “you might want to bite something, the whip has a bite to it.”
210: “come here and bend over my lap.”
211: “i’m tired of your smart mouth.”
212: “you’re really hot.”
213: “oh, don’t mind me. just enjoying the view.”
214: “you know, those/that ______ of yours are/is pretty distracting.”
215: “hot damn.”
216: “so, you come here often?”
217: “well, well. my night just got better.”
218: “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
219: “you have got a great ass.”
220: “hey, i’m open minded.”
221: “you enjoying the view over there?”
222: “keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.”
223: “don’t be bashful. you know you want to.”
224: “you can have me any way you’d like, baby.”
225: “you wanna move this conversation someplace more private?”
226: “i’m off in a few minutes, you know.”
227:“it’s been a long day. why don’t we help each other unwind?”
228: “i think it’s about time we stop avoiding the obvious.”
229: “i’m gonna be honest with you. i’m really horny, and you’re really hot. can we fuck? like, now?”
230: “i wanna see you get naked.”
231: “you like how i bend over for you, huh?”
232: “you’re getting me all worked up.”
233: “what do we have here?”
234: "i see someone’s happy to see me.”
235: “play your cards right, and i just might have to put you on speed dial.”
236: “you like that, don’t you?”
237: “how do you want me?”
238: “i’m sure we can put those lips to better use.”
239: “i want you. right here. right now.”
240: “god, you’re perfect.”
241: “i really like a man who’s good with his hands.”
242: “i’d be more than happy to show you a good time, if you’re looking for one.”
243: “i saw that. you just checked me out.”
244: “you look real good in that suit/dress/skirt/outfit.”
245: “you wanna help me out of this ___?” (insert article clothing here.)
246: “can i keep you?”
247: “you’re such a tease.”
248: “oh my, looks like i/you dropped something.”
249: “i love it when you talk dirty.”
250: “i can’t stop thinking about your hands on me.”
251: “i think you’ll be happy to know that i’m not wearing any underwear.”
252: “i really want to take you home and get you out of all those clothes.”
253: “it’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
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bamby0304 · 7 years
She Howls I: Awaken
Summary: There’s nothing extraordinary about Angela’s life… until she joins her brother and best friend for a walk in the woods at the dead of night. After getting bitten by a mysterious beast, things begin to drastically change. Now she can do things she’s never been able to do before. But with the change comes complications, like hunters, monsters and a whole lot of secrets…
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Chapter Eighteen: Life of the Party
Warnings: Lil’ bit of violence.
"You really have to stop walking into the boys' locker room, McCall," Coach sighed as he looked up from his desk.
Closing his office door behind me, I moved to take a seat on the other side of the desk, smiling sweetly at him. "We both know that's never going to happen."
Shaking his head, he looked down at the work he'd been going over. "So, why are you here?"
"I heard you need volunteers for the formal."
His head snapped up, a look of surprise crossing his face. "You want to volunteer?"
It's not odd that I wanted to help out, I was always volunteering. The odd thing was the fact that literally no one had offered to help. With all the death and mayhem happening lately, no one wanted the responsibility of keeping an eye on a bunch of hormonal teenagers, while risking their own lives.
Going to the dance for fun was apparently different though… I guess… because despite the threat of death, all the tickets had sold out in a matter of days.
"I want to volunteer to chaperone. Yes." I nodded.
"Great!" He beamed.
Shopping was Stiles' worst nightmare. I'd tried to drag him along with me a few times, but he hated it with a passion. Shopping with Lydia was confusing. I'd never really spent much time with her, but Stiles wanted to be here even though the idea of shopping made him cringe. Shopping with Allison was awkward... which shouldn't need an explanation as to why. Yet, here we were. Stiles, Lydia, Allison and myself.
When Stiles begged me to go with them, I wasn't too sure if I should or not. But then Scott had agreed, saying it would be easier to protect Allison if I was with her. That's how I ended up in Macy's looking for a dress for the formal.
Lydia was dragging Stiles all over the place, hating the fact that Allison was making her take him to the formal as payback for making out with Scott. So, with those two busy, I was sticking with Allison.
The air around us was awkward and a little uncomfortable. It's not that we hadn't spent time together before, we had. But Scott had always been there… and they'd been dating. Now she was his ex, and it made things a little weird.
But I wanted to take this time to hopefully help my brother out as well, which meant I was going to have to become friends with Allison.
"You think this is my colour?" I asked, grabbing a dress off a rack.
It was a beautiful royal blue, made from some kind of silky material. The back was cut out and bare, the straps thin. The bodice was tight, with a V-neck line that would show some cleavage. The skirt had an A-frame shape, and would fall about mid-thigh.
Allison turned to look at it, still clearly uncomfortable. "Uh… yeah." She nodded. "Yeah, it's nice."
Sighing, I put the dress back, shaking my head at her. "You broke up with my brother, you didn't break up with me. So, stop acting like I'm gonna bite your head off."
"Don't you hate me?" she asked, genuinely confused.
I frowned. "Why would I?"
"Because I broke up with your brother," she noted, as if to say, 'duh'.
Laughing lightly, I continued walking, looking at more dresses as I shrugged. "He may be my brother, but that doesn't mean I don't know how stupid he can be. I can understand why you broke up with him."
Following me, she sounded surprised as she asked, "You can?"
"Of course." I nodded. "But… I also know he's not the guy you think he is. You've just caught him at a tough time. Trust me, he really cares about you, and knowing he might have hurt you is eating him up inside."
"It is?" she still sounded surprised, but she also sounded a little hopeful.
"Big time." Reaching some more dresses, I grabbed a bright yellow one. "Now this is my colour." I winked at her.
Slowly, a smile spread on her lips before she let out a light chuckle. "You know, you're kinda fun, Angela."
"I know." I grinned. "And please, call me Angie."
"Okay, Angie…" Looking to a rack of dresses, her smile grew as she grabbed the same dress I'd grabbed before, only this one was red instead of blue. "This is your colour."
Coming back from trying on the dress Allison had picked out for me, I walked around the corner and towards the dresses again, finding her waiting… without Lydia or Stiles… while Peter stood by, talking to her.
"You're not alone, are you?" He smiled innocently. "Shopping for dresses with friends."
While she stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to react, I pulled my phone out and quickly messaged Scott- knowing he was using an old phone of mine until we got his back. He was around somewhere, just in case, which I was grateful for. That meant he could offer up a distraction so we could get Allison out of there.
Peter's smile grew a little. "High school dance." He pretended to put the pieces together- though I knew he already knew why she was here.
"Formal," Allison corrected, voice scared and shaking. She was backing up a little, eyes watering slightly, while her cheeks reddened with panic.
Putting on a friendly smile, I walked up to Allison, completely ignoring Peter. "Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. I love the dress," I told her, hoping my easy-going attitude would help her relax.
"Attention, shoppers. The owner of a blue Mazda, license plate 5UN I768. Your car is being towed.,." a woman called over the sound system.
Allison's jaw dropped. "What?" she gasped. "That's my car. I'll be right back," she told me before hurrying off.
The moment she left my smile turned into a smug grin.
Peter chuckled lightly. "I have to say, I'm impressed. I knew you were smart, but I didn't think you'd be this difficult." As he stepped closer to me, I stood my ground, not wanting to look weak. "No wonder Derek took you while he could."
My grin slipped, a look of shock passing across my face for the briefest moment before I could correct myself and try to hide it. But there was no point. He'd seen me slip.
"I could smell him all over you the last time you visited me in the hospital,” he noted, stepping even closer. So, I hadn't imagined it. He had sniffed the air… "I could smell the desire on you. The sex."
"It's none of your business," I snapped at him.
"Oh, but it is." He smirked, his hand coming up to brush my hair over my shoulder as he stepped even closer. "He hasn't told you, has he?"
"Told me what?" I glared hard at him, trying to calm my beating heart.
"Female werewolves are more like their animal counterparts. Just like wild wolves, you'll experience something called a heat," he growled the word, leaning in even closer.
"You're disgusting," I spat the word.
But it didn't matter how angry and hateful I felt, my body was doing some talking of its own. The way it wasn't moving away from him, but instead leaning into his touch. The way my skin was warming at his proximity. The way my breath hitched and my heart raced. All signs of arousal.
It reminded me of the first time I saw him. I didn't even know who he was back then, but my body did. I'd felt a connection in an instant, but I'd brushed it off just as fast. Now I knew the truth. It was the wolf inside of me reacting to its maker... its Alpha.
"I'll see you tonight, Angela." With that, he pulled back and walked away as if nothing had ever happened.
Mum stood behind me, pinning a few strands of my hair back to keep them from falling into my face. She'd helped me get ready, and had even let me borrow a pair of her shoes. I wasn't used to wearing heels, but the moment I'd slipped the nude pumps on I knew they were perfect.
"Now, are you sure you don't want to borrow a jacket?"
"I'm fine mum, really. I'll be inside all night, and then I'm coming right home," I assured her as I turned.
A smile broke out on her face, her eyes taking in my appearance. "You're so beautiful."
Unable to stop it, I felt a blush break out on my cheeks.
She'd done my makeup as well. I rarely wore it, so we kept the look simple with some mascara, eye-liner, foundation and red lips. She's also let me borrow a gold chain choker, which had a small crescent moon pendant hanging from it.
"It's really nice of you to volunteer. I know school dances have never really been your thing. And I know how hard it can be to hang out with-"
"A bunch of hormonal teen aged couples after being recently dumped by your first boyfriend?" I finished for her. The look in her eyes told me exactly where she'd been going. I shrugged. "I'd rather go out than stay home alone eating yet another tub of ice-cream." That was a lie. I'd prefer the ice-cream, but someone had to watch over Allison.
Chuckling lightly, she nodded. "Good point."
"Anyway, mum, I'm fine." I smiled reassuringly at her. "Really."
Standing off to the side of the gym, I swayed to the music slightly as I kept an eye on the students. They were all dancing, the girls in stunning dresses and the guys in handsome suits. It brought a smile to my face, seeing how happy everyone was.
"You okay?"
I turned to see Allison coming over to stand next to me. "Yeah." I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be."
"Well, you're standing over here, all on your own," she noted.
"I don't mind. I like to people-watch every now and then. Speaking of… I couldn't help but notice your date." I gave her a knowing grin.
The idea for Jackson to bring Allison to the dance had been Scott's he felt that it would help keep her safe. I personally thought it was one of his more naive ideas. Jackson's ability to keep Allison safe from anything was pretty minimal.
But still, Scott was adamant and I knew I'd been there anyway, so it didn't really matter who Allison went with, I'd keep an eye on her.
Smiling, she chuckled lightly. "Yeah… not sure if I made the right choice coming with him."
"Who else would you have come with?" I asked, knowing the answer but pretending I didn't.
"Scott," she admitted without missing a beat.
I'd known he was there for a while now. I knew the moment he arrived. I also knew that if I looked around, it wouldn't take me long to find him.
"Not sure if you're aware of this… but Scott's here." I shrugged, playing it cool.
As if on cue, Coach called out then. "McCall!" Out of instinct I turned to him, but his attention was on the bleachers, not me. I followed his gaze as he started forward, his eyes locked onto my brother. "I see you pal. Come here. McCall!"
Trying to move through the crowd, Coach continued for Scott while he ducked behind curtains and people in the effort to lose the trail. But try as he might, Coach had a lock on him.
"Should we help him?" Allison asked, genuinely concerned.
Watching the scene before us, I shook my head, grinning lightly. "Nah, Scott's got it handled."
"McCall! It's a small gym, buddy. I'm gonna find you," Coach called, still manoeuvring through the crowd. "I got you, McCall! Come here, come here! McCall!"
Hurrying over to some seated students, Scott rushed over to Danny, pulling him up and over to the dance floor. My grin simply grew as he wrapped his arms around Danny's shoulders, while Danny placed his hands on Scott's waist, the two now dancing to a slow dance.
"McCall!" Couch broke through the crowd, finding my brother. "You're not supposed to-" He paused, looking to the two boys. "What the hell are you-"
The music died as everyone turned to Coach accusingly. As far as they were concerned, Coach was telling my brother off for dancing with another guy, not for being at the dance while under academic probation.
"What the hell are you doing?" Coach asked, still confused at what he was seeing- having no idea that everyone was watching him.
"Yes, Coach?" Scott asked, moving closer to Danny.
Eyes wide, Coach stepped back as he realised what this looked like. "Okay…" He laughed nervously. "Hold on, you- I was just saying he's not supposed to- I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't-" He stumbled over his words, gesturing to my brother and his 'date'. "You guys don't think- You don't- I- I was- Just dance, everybody." He managed. "Just dance! It's a dance!" He laughed, backing up. "It's a party!"
"Told you he could handle it." I nudged Allison, giving her a wink as Scott came up to us.
She cut him off, seeing the goofy smile on his face. "Yes, I would love to dance with you."
His smile widened as he took her hands and led her onto the dance floor, leaving me to stand there, a smile of my own growing.
Moving around the outskirts of the dance floor, I was keeping an eye on everyone when Stiles came up to me, a slight concerned look on his face.
"What's wrong?"
"Lydia went off to find Jackson, and I can't find either of them. What if Peter's here? Would he… do you think he'd hurt-"
Placing a hand on his arm, I cut him off before he could freak himself out to the point of a panic attack. "Hey, relax, okay? Why don't we just go look for them, okay?"
"Yeah." He nodded. "Yeah, okay."
"Good. Now, do you have either of their numbers?" I asked, getting another nod. "Try calling. Don't stop until we find them."
Grabbing his hand, I led him towards the doors to start looking. I could feel his pulse under my skin, racing with worry. He was really stressing out. The threat of Peter unnerving him.
But the moment we stepped into the hall we found Jackson headed our way.
I frowned, smelling the alcohol on him in an instant. But I could smell something else as well. Guilt. "What did you do?"
"Where the hell have you been?" Stiles asked, putting his phone away. "Did Lydia ever find you?"
When Jackson simply sighed, I repeated myself. "What did you do?"
"I- I- I was out behind the school, and I-" He struggled to say the words. "I was out-"
Brows furrowing, Stiles picked up on what I'd already noticed. "What happened? Jackson, what did you do?"
Seeing the look on Jackson's face, I could tell he wasn't going to tell us. Or maybe he just wasn't saying anything because of the way I was looking at him. The way he smelt and looked and was acting, it made me think he'd done something dangerously stupid, and I swear if that put anyone I cared about in danger, I was going to rip his throat out.
"Stiles, we still need to find Lydia," I reminded him, my glare fixed on Jackson. "Don't go anywhere. We're not done here."
Neither of them had the chance to respond before I grabbed Stiles' hand, turned on my heels, and stormed down the hallway.
We'd look around the school, but hadn't been able to find Lydia. The second we were outside though, I picked up her scent. Stiles was right behind me as I followed the trail, moving further and further away from the gym.
"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to you sniffing the air for people," he mumbled behind me.
"I got used to your sarcasm. You'll get used to this," I commented back.
Honestly, I was still getting used to being a werewolf. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever stop feeling weird. But that didn't mean I wanted to give it up.
Derek and I had talked about it. I'd even discussed the issue with Scott. If the cure was real that meant Scott or I could become human again. Only one of us could kill Peter. Only one of us could give the last blow that would end his life. That meant only one of us would be cured. Without hesitation, I'd given up my chance to be normal again, and gave it to Scott.
He wanted it more. He needed it more. His life had truly been turned upside down since we'd been bitten. Sure, there were some pluses, but most of what had happened was bad. I didn't want him to have to suffer through that anymore, so I was willing to give up my own freedom from the chaos, as long as that meant he could be happy.
Both Stiles and I stopped in our tracks, backs ridged as we turned to the lacrosse field. Suddenly, the bright field lights turned on, one by one.
In a matter of seconds, we were sprinting in Lydia's direction, running as hard and as fast as we could, fear and adrenaline driving us forward.
The moment we were passed the benches and could see Lydia as she stood in the middle of the field, her back to us, I spotted Peter. He stalked towards her, silhouetted by the bright lights.
"Lydia!" Stiles called out to warn her, both us of moving as fast as we could. "Run!"
Being a werewolf meant I was faster than Stiles, but even then, I didn't make it to her in time. Peter grabbed Lydia, his fangs extending as he let out a bone shaking growl. Then, without hesitation, he bit into her.
A scream erupted from her lips from the pain and shock, but it was all too much. When Peter let her go, she fell to the ground, badly bleeding and unconscious.
Turning to me, Peter grabbed my throat and pulled me to him, a low growl rumbling from his chest as Stiles came to a screeching halt. Not only was Lydia now bleeding to death, but my own life was in danger. It wouldn't take much for Peter to kill me like this.
"Please." Stiles' voice shook. "Don't kill her." He didn't say who, but he didn't need to. He was begging Peter not to kill either Lydia or myself.
Still growling lowly, Peter smirked. "Of course not." He lifted his free hand to run his thumb's claw over my cheek. "Just tell me how to find Derek."
Eyes flicking to mine for a split second, Stiles tried to sound confused. "What?"
"Tell me how to find Derek Hale," Peter repeated, his eyes on me, his claw tucking some hair behind my ear.
Despite the fact that I wanted to be strong and brave, in this instance I was fighting so hard not to whimper and cry. His hold was strong, but it didn't hurt. It was a warning, letting me know that he could hurt me if he wanted to… if I did something stupid.
"I don't know that," Stiles stammered. "How would I know that?"
"Because you're the clever one, aren't you?" Peter answered simply. "And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth… or I will rip Lydia apart, and then I'll force Angela to kill you."
Seeing Stiles literally shaking in fear, I knew I had to do something. To save Lydia, and to save him. Peter had made it clear, if this doesn't go how he wants it to, I'll be the only one he'll let live… or maybe he'd just kill me after as well.
Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, already hating myself for what I was about to do. "You can track the GPS on Scott's phone. Derek took it when they were fighting. He must have known they would have taken him."
I could feel Peter's eyes on me. "The Argents?"
"Yes." I nodded against his hold, still squeezing my eyes closed.
With a breath, Peter let go of my throat. As I opened my eyes he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe Lydia's blood from the corner of his lips. "You're both coming with me."
Stiles looked from me, to Peter, to Lydia. "No, I'm… I'm not just letting you leave her here."
"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me."
"Just kill me!" Stiles snapped without thinking. "Look, I don't care anymore."
Peter stepped up to him, pressing the tip of his claw to Stiles' chin, pin-pricking him and drawing blood.
The thought of him hurting Stiles pushed me into action.
I was there in an instant, placing a hand on Peter's arm. "Please, don't. Please. I'll go with you. Just please don't hurt him."
He hesitated for only a second before lowering his hand from Stiles. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all your getting." As Stiles pulled out his phone and turned away to call Jackson I was left standing there with Peter. His eyes looked me up and down hungrily, as if he was eating up the sight of me. "You look exceptional in red."
Stiles parked his Jeep in an underground parking lot. Peter got out before turning to me. Grabbing my arm, he didn't pull, but he held me, waiting for me to slid out and stand next to him. Then we moved around to the other side to join Stiles.
Leading us a few cars down, Peter didn't let my arm go, net even after we stood behind his car- I recognised it from the night he went out with mum.
"For a guy who's been in a coma for six years, you seem to be adapting fast. I mean, you've already got a car," I mumbled.
"It belonged to my nurse," he noted as he let me go in order to unlock and open the trunk.
"What happened to-" Before Stiles could finish he was cut off at the sight of Peter's nurse lying dead in the trunk. "Oh, my God!"
Peter shrugged. "I got better." Reaching in, he grabbed the laptop bag that sat beside her, before closing the trunk and setting the laptop on it.
"Good luck getting a signal down here." Even now Stiles couldn't keep the sarcasm and attitude from his voice.
As if expecting a comment like that, Peter pulled a device out of the laptop bag and handed it to Stiles.
"Oh, MiFi," Stiles sighed as Peter pulled the laptop out. "And you're a Mac guy. Does that go for all werewolves, or just a person preference?"
Ignoring him, Peter took a step back and gestured to the computer. "Turn it on. Get connected."
"You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here," Stiles commented as he started to type in the code for the MiFi. "Look, you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry, but I don't know them."
Peter gave him a knowing look. "You know both of them."
"No, I don't." Stiles stood his ground. But even I could hear the lie… in his voice, in his scent and in the beat of his heart.
Not wanting Peter to kill my best friend, I sighed and gave in. "His user name is Allison… and his password is too."
Shoulders slumping in disappointment, Peter turned to me. "Really?"
Stiles' eyes glanced at me for a moment before he looked to Peter. "You sure you still want him in your pack."
As Stiles did his thing, I moved closer to Peter. "What are you going to do once you've found Derek?"
He looked down at me, a knowing looking in his eyes. "I'm going to kill people."
"Derek shouldn't have to-"
Cutting me off, he lifted a hand to cup the side of my jaw, his thumb brushing my cheek. "You don't have to worry about Derek. I won't let anything happen to your precious boyfriend, if that's what you're worried about."
Stiles paused for a moment before he turned to me, shock written all over his face. "You and Derek?"
"He doesn't know?" Peter grinned, his eyes searching mine. "Does anyone know?" My silence was the only answer he needed. He chuckled lightly. "Secrets aren't healthy, Angela. You should know better."
"Peter, you don't have to do this." I tried to change the subject. "Please, just leave us alone. Leave Scott, Derek and me alone."
He simply sighed. "Do you know why wolves hunt in packs? It's because their favoured prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone. I need all three of you."
"We're not going to help you."
"Oh, you will." His grin fell back into place. "Scott will because it'll save Allison. You will because it'll save Derek." He looked to Stiles then. "And you will, because it'll save both Scott and Angela."
Eyes wide, Stiles looked to me and then Peter. "What do you mean?"
"When the Argents catch them," Peter glanced at me as he said, "and they will," then he turned back to Stiles, "do you really think that they're going to let either of them live? Especially Scott, after having been so close to one of their own? Stiles, all of the power is in your hands now. It's your choice. Are you gonna save your friends?"
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Forever Tags:
@kellyn1604 @bunnymelodies @ask-kakashihatake​
Teen Wolf:
She Howls:
@taviiip @ginger-swag-rapunzel
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Hello amazing ladies! Was wondering if you have any. College Sterek fics where they are the same age? Either they go to college together or they meet there for the first time? Anything with a HEA will be awesome! Thanks bunches
(No lie, I had to ask someone what HEA meant, lol!  Whoops...)  Got TONS of college AUs over in the college tag, and the college student!Derek tag, but there’s never too many college AUs, so here’s some more!  -Emmy
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And Also, I Love You by alisvolatpropiis 
(7,155 I Explicit I Complete)
Derek didn’t look at all like Stiles expected. After all, he deliberately chose a school where being a nerd was cool, so he certainly wasn’t expecting his hotter-than-a-thousand-stars roomie to be an actual cool person. Derek has muscles, like everywhere, which he has a tendency to display in skin-tight, sleeveless t-shirts for bands Stiles has never heard of; his jeans are always tight and ripped too, and he has an impressive five-o’clock shadow, the tips of his jet-black hair dyed purple. And his eyes. Stiles is pretty sure he’s only seen eyes like that in comics, or on a movie screen, or in his freakin dreams. They’re somehow simultaneously all of the colors and none of them, transcending something so pedestrian and insignificant as words to encapsulate their beauty. Stiles would come to learn that he’s also wickedly smart, and he plays the guitar and speaks multiple languages, and his sunshine smile is even more alarming that his resting murder face.
Stalkers, Lies, and Manipulations by Bertie_Beth 
(7,774 I Teen I Complete)
Stiles needs help when the guy he’s been seeing turns out to be a giant stalker. Angry, murder brows on campus will help, right?
He Gets Me High by talktowater 
(11,562 I Explicit I Complete)
Stiles and Derek act like a couple. But they’re not. Seriously! Derek has a boyfriend and Stiles has a girlfriend. They’re just friends, overly-attached and possessive friends, but that’s it. Right?
Just to See You Again by MellytheHun 
(14,950 I Explicit I Complete)   *major character death
A sterek college!AU where writing student Stiles specializes in love letters, runs a blog about it and can be commissioned to write love letters on behalf of lovers who are at a loss for words.
He makes some cash, he’s good at what he does (especially when he gets to be a little more explicit in his letters), it pays for his textbooks and that’s all he’s really looking for and life is fine. That is, until someone anonymously commissions him to write a love letter to mathematics student, Derek Hale.
There is a Brotherhood by minusoneday
(21,004 I Explicit I Complete)
So far, college has taught Stiles three things:
1) Eight am classes are cruel and unusual and should be avoided at all costs, even if it means having to enroll in something truly hideous instead, like Econ 101.
2) Dorm security is just as tight as Stiles’ orientation leader had promised it would be, and the dude guarding Scott’s dorm in particular does not respond well to bribes.
3) Mrs. McCall clearly had no clue what she was talking about when she’d insisted that Scott and Stiles needed to branch out and room with strangers, so it’s all her fault that Scott ended up with a total dick of a roommate and Stiles got stuck all the way across campus with some guy who has a girlfriend two towns over and is thus never around.
Or, the one where pledge brothers Stiles and Scott start a prank war with Derek Hale’s fraternity.
The Chemistry Between Us by coffeeinallcaps 
(26,043 I Explicit I Complete)
Meeting Derek Hale wasn’t special, or frightening, or any of the other things everyone had made it out to be. It was, actually, pretty much the opposite. Stiles didn’t even realize the guy was Derek Hale until the moment had passed.
Derek: the most infamous student at Beacon Hills University. Stiles: the freshman who falls for him anyway. Awkward encounters, concerned friends, and lots of not-so-casual sex ensue. (A ‘fuckbuddies to lovers’ college AU.)
All Earz on Me by theteapirate 
(26,448 I Explicit I Complete)  *attempted non-con
Stiles is a college radio DJ with a talent for pining and hooking up with douchebags. Derek is a college baseball player with a talent for eyebrows and misrepresenting himself. Neither boy is particularly talented at communication.
Respiration and Inspiration by MajorAccent 
(31,437 I Explicit I Complete)  *recreational drugs
“Your dad’s the fucking sheriff of my hometown,” Derek hisses when Stiles is pretending to search through the expiration dates on the cartons of 1%. “When were you going to tell me that?”
“Uhm,” Stiles stalls, closing the glass-paned door. “Never?” He ventures. Seeing the hard placed scowl on Derek’s face, Stiles knows it’s not what he wanted to hear. “How was I supposed to bring it up?” He asks, voice pitching on hysterical in the middle before he forces it back down. “Right around the first time I was sparking up, just lean over and go, “Oh, hey, by the fucking way, I’m from Beacon Hills and my dad’s the sheriff, but he doesn’t know I do recreational drugs on the weekly,” and then recite Millay to you? Yeah, because that’d work out so goddamn well.”
Losers by stilinskisparkles 
(34,234 I Explicit I Complete)
Where Derek is new to college, eager to spend his time learning, and Stiles is everything he didn’t want in a room mate. He’s loud, he’s into sports, and he keeps trying to make Derek do things.
Or, the one where Derek falls for a jock, Erica will cut you if you disturb her studying, and Jackson is a closeted romantic who pretends to hate everything.
Between Men and Lions by standinginanicedress 
(102,164 I Explicit I Complete)
“I thought we could be friends,” Derek offers, to which Stiles gets an odd smile on his face.
“Friends,” he repeats, an odd inflection.
“Yes, friends.”
Stiles laughs, just barely. It’s more of an exhalation of breath than it is genuine mirth or anything else, and then he smiles. “I’m pretty good at friends,” he says with a tilt to his head, and Derek clears his throat and has to look away.
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frequent-phases · 8 years
Heart - Part 11
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A/N: After last night’s episode I can’t stop listening to the Start of Time, so I’m sorry if this ends up super sappy.
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“It’s her! It’s Allison!” I exclaimed, excited that my friend was happy.
“What do you mean?” Scott asked, my excitement confusing him.
“She’s your anchor.” I said and was still met with a blank stare causing Stiles to sigh.
“Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her, right? About protecting her.” Stiles said, trying to get my point across.
“Okay.” Scott nodded, starting to catch on to what we were saying.
“Remember the night of the first lacrosse game? You said that you could hear her voice out on the field.” Stiles said, waving his hands around like that would help Scott to catch on.
“Yeah, I did.” Scott said and I groaned butting in. 
“She’s what brought you back to score. She’s your anchor, she keeps you human. After that game in the locker room, you kissed her instead of trying to kill her like you did with me and Stiles.” I explained and Scott finally caught on.
‘No, no, no, but it’s not always true, because literally anytime I’m kissing her or touching her-” Scott began to protest, but was almost immediately cut off by Stiles.
“No, that’s not the same. When you’re doing that, you’re just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex.” Scott got this goofy grin and a faraway look in his eyes.
“You’re thinking about sex right now aren’t you?” I said with a slight accusational tone.
“Yeah, sorry.” Scott said, grin still plastered on his face.
“Whatever. Back in the classroom when you guys were holding hands, I think it was different. She obviously doesn’t make you weak, she gives you the control that you need, she’s your anchor.” I said again and Scott finally understood.
“You mean because I love her.” Scott said as we stopped, not realizing what he said, Stiles’ face remained blank, but I got a huge grin.
“Exactly.” Stiles said, not at all phased by the statement.
“Did I just say that?” He asked, his grin growing to match my own.
“Yes, you just said that.” Stiles commented in a rather annoyed tone.
“I love her.” Scott said, still trying to process his declaration.
“That’s great. Now moving on.” Stiles began but I cut him off by slapping his arm.
“No, no, no, really. I think I’m totally in love with her.” 
“And that’s beautiful. Now before you go off and write a sonnet, can we figure this out, please? Because you obviously can’t be around her all the time.” Stiles said and I smacked his arm again.
“Let him have his moment.” I said with a slightly harsh tone.
“No, no, no, Stiles is right. So what do I do?” Scott asked both of us lost as to where Stiles was going with this.
“I don’t know, yet.” Stiles said as he did a small turn, looking around and I could practically see the hundreds of ideas flowing through his head before he stopped and began to stare off into space.
“Uhp, he’s got an idea. Good luck Scotty.” I said, laying a hand on my friend’s shoulder.
“Liv’s right, isn’t she?” Scott asked our best friend, who was still formulating his scheme.
“Is this idea gonna get me in trouble?” 
“Is this idea gonna cause me physical pain?”
“Yeah, definitely. Come on.” Stiles said, before turning and walking away, leaving Scott and me to groan and follow.
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During the whole fiasco of Scott getting the shit kicked out of him, I was luckily on the phone with my mom who wanted to tell me that she was going to be at the office more, trying to get ahead of her cases for when we leave.
“Alright, so I’ll order Chinese when I get home?” I asked. It was a slight tradition that on Dad’s first night on a trip, Mom and I would order some sort of takeout, do yoga and try not to laugh while watching America’s Funniest Home Videos.
“Sounds good sweetheart. I’ll see you around sevenish.” She said.
“Alright, I’ll see you then, Madre. Love you.”
“Love you too, bye.” 
“Bye.” I said and hung up before turning to see what plan Stiles had formulated, but instead, I only saw Scott and Stiles following Mr. Harris, probably to detention. Since everyone was leaving to go home and I would have no one to pass the time with, I decided to follow.
I knocked on Harris’ open door frame, causing all three guys to look in my direction.
“Hey, Mr. Harris, do you mind if I crash? Stiles is my ride.” I asked, and he smiled and nodded. For some reason, he liked me but hated my best friends. 
I took a seat at the table across from my boys. Stiles was fidgeting with his pencil and Scott was wiping the blood off of his nose, neither one looking at each other.
“Excuse me, sir? Uh, I know it's detention and all, but, uh, I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired.” Scott said, but Harris just gave a small smile before looking back down at his tablet.
“You knew I would heal.” I heard Scott say, but I kept my attention on my game of brick breaker.
“So you did that to help me learn?”
“But partially to punish me.”
“Yeah. Well, that one’s obvious.” Stiles scoffed.
“Dude, you’re my best friend and I can’t have you being angry with me.” Scott said, sounding kinda sad, causing me to look at the two of them. Stiles rubbed his hand over his face and sighed before speaking.
“I’m not angry anymore. Look, you have something, Scott. Okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. So that means you don't have a choice anymore. It means you have to do something.” Stiles said, finally looking at Scott, who was looking right back.
“I know, and I will.” Scott said and I let out a loud, happy sigh.
“Finally! I’m not the messenger anymore!” I exclaimed, and my boys let out a few, small laughs.
“Alright, all of you, out of here.” Harris said and we all got up and gathered our stuff.
“Thank you.” Scott said and we exited the room.
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“What next? I asked my mom, trying so hard to hold back the stream of giggles that came with watching people getting stuck in household items.
“Uh, let’s try the downward dog split.” Mom said as she openly laughed at some kid stuck in a toilet.
I moved into position, but as soon as I lifted my leg, I looked up at a little kid who crawled into an animal trap to get some tuna and busted out laughing.
“Oh, god! I’m gonna fall! No, no, n- umph!” I shouted before I landed on my side and started cracking up right as my phone went off. I slowly got up off of the floor, still giggling and grabbed my phone off of the coffee table.
From: Unknown
Meet me at the school. It’s urgent!
My laughter slowly died out as I read the strange email. My eyebrows furrowed and I dialed Stiles’ number.
“Olivia, what could you possibly want right now?” Stiles hissed.
“Why did I just get an email from Scott to meet him at the school?” I asked, ignoring his harsh tone. There was a short silence before Stiles' voice came out panicked and urgent.
“Liv, do not come to the school!” He shouted over the sound of rattling metal.
“What? Stiles, what’s going on?” I urged as I began to panic.
“Lydia, Allison, and Jackson are here, the alpha killed Derek and my dad’s not picking up!” he shouted and I could hear a very feminine scream in the background.
“I’ll get your dad.” I said before hanging up and ignored the pain as I ran to the door and grabbed the keys to the Charger.
“Olivia, where do you think you’re going?!” My mom shouted from behind me.
“Scott and Stiles are in trouble, I need to get the Sheriff.” I rushed, worry written on my face and my mother’s softened.
“Be Safe.” She said in a stern tone and I nodded before running out to the driveway. 
I practically threw myself into the driver’s seat and flew down the road, going well over the speed limit to the Stilinski house where I, luckily, saw Sheriff’s cruiser sitting in the driveway. I quickly pulled up to the curb, jumped out, ran up the driveway and proceeded to pound frantically on the door.
It took a few minutes and some shouting before the door finally opened to reveal a very annoyed Sheriff in his pajamas. 
“Olivia? Stiles isn’t here.” He said, slightly confused as I leaned against the door frame clutching my chest.
“I know. He, Scott, and a few other kids are at the school and someone is trying to kill them.” I rushed, surprisingly barely out of breath. Sheriff’s face changed from confusion to shock before he quickly turned and ran up the stairs.
I let myself in and was silently pacing in the front hall for only a few minutes when Sheriff came running back down the stairs in his uniform and secured his utility belt around his waist, nodding at me as he ran out to his cruiser and peeled out of the driveway.
Using the key that Stiles gave me forever ago, I locked up their house before repeating what Sheriff did and practically flying all the way to the school behind a whole bunch of police cruisers and an ambulance. As the cars in front of me began to pull into the parking lot of the school, I could feel my adrenaline rush begin to wear off and I started to feel really light headed, the dull ache in my chest tripling, so I quickly pulled into a random parking spot before I passed out.
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When I came to, I was still in my car with my head lolled to the side. I had a slight headache, but put that aside when I remembered why I was passed out in my car in the school parking lot. I looked up and saw Scott and Stiles descending the front steps with Sheriff. I almost fell as I tried to get out of the car, my post pass out body not doing what I was telling it, but I got out nonetheless and sprinted to my boys, who were paying me no mind, and tackled them in a hug.
“What the-?” I heard someone say, but I ignored it. My boys had been trapped in the school with the alpha and survived. When I finally let go, I began to frantically search for injuries.
“Liv.” I heard Scott say, but I ignored him as I continued to search. 
“Liv...” Scott said again, this time, putting his hand under my chin to make me look at them. “We’re fine.” 
They both gave me reassuring smiles, making me feel so much better about the whole scenario. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to find Sheriff standing there, I had completely forgotten that he had been talking to the boys.
“Are you okay? I saw you behind us when we were getting here, but you didn’t get out of your car for a good fifteen minutes.” I really wished that he hadn’t said that, ‘cause I could feel Scott and Stiles’ stares on the side of my face.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I was just panicking slightly, so this stupid thing was acting up. I passed out for a few minutes, but it’s all good, I’m okay now.” I gestured to my chest, trying to downplay the leftover ache in my chest.
“Sheriff!” The distant voice of a deputy called and Sheriff gave the three of us a slightly pained expression.
“Stay. All three of you.” He said, pointing his finger at each of us before going to attend to his deputy.
“Well, we survived dude. You know? We outlasted the alpha. It’s still good, right? Being alive?” Stiles said to Scott as he leaned against the railing, thankfully ignoring the fact that I was passed out just minutes before.
“When we were in the chemistry room, he walked right by us. You don’t think that it heard us? You don’t think it knew exactly where we were?” Scott asked and my eyes grew wide as I found out just how close my friends were to the beast.
“Well, then how come we’re still alive?” Stiles asked our frustrated friend.
“It wants me in its pack. But I think, first, I have to get rid of my old pack.” Scott’s voice got quieter as he went on like he was sad, disappointed even, but Stiles and I didn’t follow what he was saying.
“What do you mean? I think we would know if you hung out with other werewolves.” I stated.
“Allison, Jackson, Lydia, you guys...” Scott trailed off. I saw Stiles do the look around thing he does when he’s thinking, but I just looked at my feet. It seemed impossible for Scott to become the monster that it seemed the alpha wanted him to become.
“The alpha doesn’t want to kill us.” Stiles stated and my muscles tensed.
“It wants me to do it.” Scott finished Stiles’ thought and I flinched.
“It all makes sense now.” I whispered as I slowly looked up from my feet, seeing both of the boys looking at me, waiting for me to explain. “That’s why it didn’t kill Jackson and me in the video store. It had every opportunity to, it’s not like we could get away or anything.”
Scott looked grim as he spoke again, “That’s not even the worst part.”
“How in the holy hell is that not the worst part, Scott?” Stiles practically shouted, waving his arms.
“Because when he made me shift, I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you.” Scott said and my eyes dropped back to my shoes. 
The silence between the three of us seemed deafening as Scott walked away.
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Teen Wolf Season 1 Episode 11
Thoughts as I watch the eleventh episode. Note that I already know some of the things that happen. Obviously spoilers, not just for this episode, but later ones as well. It’s best not to read unless you’re caught up, because I know things all the way up to the most recent season. Anything in italics is either sarcasm or a really, really dumb joke. This is super long, by the way, and not just because of tumblr’s automatic double spacing. This makes the most sense if you watch the episode as you read, or read it after you just watched the episode.
All episode reviews for Teen Wolf can be found here.
Queue integrated recap. My comments on the previous episode can be found here, so enough about that.
“What is he?” His name is Unicorn Wolfman. A werewolf that contains as many sparkles as a unicorn.
“To me, he’s just another dumb animal.” So she supports animal cruelty too? Well, I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s evil, so of course she needs to have an impulse to destroy all living creatures. It’s not like this is totally a villain characterization cop-out. I really hope they give her a motivation as why why she’s like this other than, “She’s an evil bitch. So, she does evil things and stuff so... Yeah.”
Do you honestly think it’s a good idea to stick your fingers that close to his mouth? Even if he was just electrocuted, he still has those pointy wolfy teeth.
“Is this a joke to you?” “Werewolves are real. Life itself is a fucking joke.” - Totally Kate
“How do you think I stay sane?” I don’t think that torturing another living being is what literally anyone would call sane.
“...Those are the real ugly ones.” Arguably, all werewolves that are about half transformed look ugly, not just the Alphas. I don’t know, maybe that’s just me. (I know that’s not exactly what she meant by “ugly” in this circumstance but I don’t care.)
Is she going to get pulled over for speeding?
“Me? What I see is natural talent.” Well, what I see is someone who’s ready to manipulate the fuck out of an incredibly talented young girl that does not understand all of the implications behind the werewolf vs. hunters fight. But yeah, the natural talent in Allison is apparent, too.
Yet another scene where Kate’s face is obscured in darkness. We get it she’s evil. How many times are you going to pull the same lighting trick to demonstrate the exact same thing? Do you honestly believe that won’t get boring? I can tell you right now, it already is.
“You wanted to feel powerful? This is your chance.” You can be powerful without abusing that power.
“Go to school,  do your homework...” What was that quote? Oh, yeah, “Study hard, be evil.”
“I’m not crying to get out of the ticket I just-” That sounds exactly like something someone trying to get out of a ticket would say...
“Just write me a ticket. Just fucking do it.” - Totally Allison
“Why tho?” - Totally Sheriff Stilinski
“This isn’t me!” Then who are you? Also, who are you talking to? Are you even talking to the Sheriff anymore?
Ye boye! Training session let’s go!
Why are you shooting an artist’s rendition of the face of Derek Hale when you already have him locked in your basement and you’re trying to find the other beta, not Derek?
He lives! (Of course he does.)
Just slap him right in the titty and tell him to sit down. That’ll do it.
He’s here to pick up Scott. Because he really likes younger men.
“You can make an exception for just this one time, can’t you?” “Not for you, bitch.” - Totally Deaton
Scott does not belong to you.
Oh, how dare he touch the ledge!
Hoo that mountain ash. What a classic.
If you were really a werewolf, you wouldn’t have missed Deaton with the chair.
Another thing to add is that are you honestly going to tell me that no one saw what Peter just did through the glass door and windows? No one at all? Really? Not a single person outside? No? Okay.
Why would Peter enlist the help of Allison? Not everything is about Allison, Scott. He’s probably talking about Jackson here, seeing that he really wants to be a werewolf.
One thing I almost forgot: you think that Allison is your definition of innocent and vulnerable? Really?
“I can’t afford a new one!” A new, life, girlfriend, new phone, or all three?
“Didn’t you say that Derek walked straight into the gunfire? It sounds like he’s pretty dead.” Well, if he were a human, probably. But he’s a werewolf, so probably not. Judging by the lack of wolfsbane reaction from Scott, it’s highly unlikely that those were wolfsbane bullets, just regular ones.
“He wasn’t going to kill anyone.” Source???
Okay, but if the ball hit him on the side of the head and bounced off him, then how did he pull that same ball out from his flannel and toss it to the floor? Furthermore, where was he hiding that?
“Can you at least consider letting him die? For me?” Stiles...
I bet she’s calling Peter, unknowing that he was totally going to bite her, and not in a good way.
Everyone talks about dad jokes but everyone forgets awkward mom jokes.
You know you fucked up when you did something so bad that you made your mom cry.
“...you can’t protect everyone.” “I have to.” Where did this sudden hero outlook come from? You really didn’t care at the start of this season.
“Come on Derek, you killed your sister.” Actually, Peter did. But ookay Derek, just sit there and let her think that you did and not the Alpha.
What kind of laugh even was that?
“Don’t you just want to kick those people in the face?” That’s the face of someone who is thinking, “Yeah. But I think I’d like to kick you in the face more than them.”
“Are you going to torture me, or are you going to talk me to death?” That was 10/10 sass, but during an incredibly inopportune time. I know that, by sassing someone who clearly has an advantage over you, it makes you seem like you’re not afraid of them and thus look brave. However, I also believe that sassing people when you are at a clear disadvantage is a really bad idea. I mean, do you want to get hurt even more than you already have been? If she really wanted to, she could kill you, Derek.
“I was thinking about the sex we had.” Oookay that’s way more than I needed to know.
“But the fire thing, that was fun too.” Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with this lady? Will we ever get a proper explanation for her behavior? No? I’m the only one who cares? Okay...
Yeah you roar at her. Unfortunately, there really isn’t anything you can do to make her fuck off, but you can always try.
“Oh sweetheart, I really don’t want to torture you.” If that’s true, then Derek being a lady is also true.
Who dis?
He’s probably one of the Argent family goons or something.
Why the hell is Scott sitting on top of Allison’s roof right next to her bedroom window? Dude, she broke up with you and has shown almost no signs of wanting to take you back.
He′s going to fall. What a dumbass.
Wait, if they’re just going to transition to the next scene, why did they even show that? To demonstrate how he’s still hung up over Allison? To nail home that Scott is just really fucking dumb? I mean, I guess that works, but there are other ways to show it than incredibly mild cringe comedy.
"They told me that I should cut you off the team. I told them that I should cut off my last remaining testicle.” Ugh. I understand what he’s trying to say, but that metaphor is a little bit too graphic for my tastes.
“You want me to take her to the formal.” “I don’t want you to, I need you to.” “Screw you. Screw you too. In fact, screw each other.” Yeah, that summarizes how Scott and Jackson interact during... however long Jackson is on the show. In fact, that’s how most of the characters interact with each other during Season 1.
“Do it 4 me, bb.” “Fk u.” Is the shorthand summary for this scene.
I like how Stiles is just staring at this exchange with his mouth open, looking slightly stupid. You do you, Stiles. You do you.
“What if I get hurt?” “Then it’s worth it.” “Bitch please...” - Totally Jackson
May I just say that Stiles looks really good in the blue undershirt and blue and grey plaid combination? Because it looks really good.
“I’m not done yet.”I think this summarizes Scott. Just in general, nothing specific.
"TFSkjhsgdkjdugkuguyslkhxkjl dance tomorrow? Yeah I’m great, I’m just skjshefkjahshaskjg formal. You. Asfriendsa. Justfriends.” - Basically Jackson.
“Should you even go? Do you have a date?” I mean, you can always go with Stiles...
“Do you have a suit, a ticket, a ride there?” Translation: Do you have anything for the Formal at all? “No.” Other than werewolf powers and “morals”, Scott doesn’t really have much going for him. I’m just saying.
Of course he agrees. I don’t think Stiles really does it for Scott, he just wants to try and beat the odds where ever odds are present.
“Ever heard of the phrase, ‘Don’t frown. Someone may be falling in love with your smile’.” If Lydia had Pintrest, I feel like it would be filled with these superficial inspiwational quotes and clothes. But the clothes are irrelevant to my main point.
Honestly, that just seems to support the general idea that you’re not allowed to be sad ever, which is pretty terrible, but it seems that general society seems to emphasize. Pretend to be fine, and everything will get better. Except it doesn’t.
Sorry, irrelevant tangent.
I hate how, every time that Lydia and Stiles are within the same frame so far, Stiles does or says something that inspires a lot of second hand embarrassment. It’s the worst. It’s like they purposefully make him look like a dumbass every time Lydia is near by. This changes as the series progresses, but I’m going to sit and be angry in a corner until that stops.
“Aww, don’t frown. Someone could be falling in love with you smile.” I love Lydia’s look of “Bitch. How dare you use my own words against me.”
Although, I’m left wondering why Lydia actually asks Stiles to the formal, despite the fact that she could very well just go out with some irrelevant jock guy anyway, despite what Allison says. Is there something I’m missing here? Or is this just forced Stydia fanserivce?
“Is this a 24-hour Macy’s?” It looks like she only picked two dresses so far. Calm down. Unless it’s less than a half an hour until closing, this should not be an issue.
How did Peter even know that Allison would be here? There are two ways he could have tracked down Allison, all of which are incredibly creepy:
1. He used his werewolf hearing to her voice and track her down, hearing her talking to Lydia.
2. He recognized her scent, and followed a scent trail to Macy’s.
He was already stalking Allison from the shadows from an indeterminate amount of time using either of the methods above, waiting until Lydia left Allison alone.
Who is he to walk up all doe eyed and gently critiquing her choice in dress, as if he hadn’t been stalking her for who knows how long and had just ‘happened to pass by’.
But Uncle Creeper is right; that dress really would look unflattering.
“It’s because I’m pale.” Why does Peter have the look on his face of “No sweatie. :) The proper term is ‘fair’. :)”
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Honestly,m I think you could put any of those Sweatie memes onto this and I don’t think anyone would even realize it wasn’t a part of the original meme.
As a random aside, let’s give that a try!
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Oh no.
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Shit,,, what have I done.
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Anyway, this needs to stop. Back to the actual review of the episode.
Ew now he’s being even more creepy. What’s his obsession with objectively “nice” skin? Was it because he was burned alive? Is it just another thing that’s just doesn’t make any sense and is never going to be explained because he’s supposed to be evil and therefore as creepy and irrational as possible? Judjing by the writing so far, I’m going to guess it’s the last option and not the first. Villains don’t need a real reason to be creepy and evil that’s just who they are. Just accept it okay?
Allison keeps looking around as if she’s trying to “subtly” find a way to escape. I don’t blame her. I’d be doing the same.
“See?” *staring intensifies*
“You’re not here alone, are you?” Literally she starts backing away from him. Just run away! Call the cops! Something!
Saved by the lady announcing over the store’s speakers that something is wrong with her car. An interesting mouthful of an alternative from being saved by the bell.
Wow, Peter is a huge fan of just standing around and quietly monologuing instead of looking at Scott and talking directly to him. Why? He’s a villain! Nothing he says or does has to actually make sense whatsoever.
Why is it that instead of just Killing Derek™ like she claims she wants to do, she decides to beat him up with more words instead of actually murdering him? Hasn’t she basically talked him to death at this point anyway? What’s the purpose?
God, speaking of the sweetie meme...
Kate doesn’t just reference the sweetie meme, she IS the sweetie meme, embodied.
Derek looks on the edge of tears. He may be grouchy, growly, and sometimes an asshole, but he does not deserve this!
History repeating. Isn’t that the theme of Season Five, kind of?
How is it that from this bullshit assumption of history repeating that not only does Kate get it right, but she gets it right? That’s actually what’s happening. She pulled that right out of her ass and she’s right.
God I hate that.
Fixing things with duct tape? Isn’t that the Stiles thing to do?
Season 1 Scott, stop pretending to be Season 2 Stiles.
“Pants off now.” Domme Melissa is in the house.   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“Stag. There’s a difference. Sort of.” If you can’t say what that difference is, then is there really a difference?
“...It’s the worst feeling I’ve ever had.” “...It does go away.” “I don’t want it to.” He wants that pain? Scott is a very subby masochist. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #SMMCCALLCONFIRMED
Thank you for bringing in some realism for this moment. There’s no way she actually knows how Scott feels.
“Listen, dumbass-” God I now know why everyone loves Melissa McCall. That’s what I want to say to Scott all the time.
“Just. Tell her the truth.” Honestly, this is the best relationship advice you can give someone. It doesn’t even have to be for a romantic relationship, it can be for any kind. Just tell them the truth. It can be difficult, yes, but you’re always going to be better telling them the truth.
Anyways, enough with serious talk. More of me being an asshole and memes.
“But when you do, keep that buttoned.” Ladies are a lot more likely to take guys seriously if they keep their clothes on. Especially when it’s in a public setting. There’s a lot less screaming an running away in fear. Trust me I know.
Already Allison looks like she’s regretting the decision of saying yes to Jackson. Probably because they haven’t even entered the party and he’s aiming to get shitfaced drunk. This is going to be quite the night.
“Scott’s not coming? Damn, my entire night is ruined.” - Totally Allison
Why the fuck does she think it’s funny/cute that Scott is somehow on the top of the school’s roof? Instead of asking questions like, oh I don’t know, how did he get up there? Especially when considering the fact that there are no other buildings near by in sight of the high school. Why is he up there?  Furthermore, it’s pretty dark out, right? How the fuck would she even be able to see him in this lighting that far away? Just because there’s a person on the roof does not automatically mean it’s Scott.
Just because it does turn out to be Scott is not the point, okay. The point is that she sees a person on the roof, assumes that it’s Scott, and is somehow correct, despite the logical impossibility of the situation.
Aw yis. My favourite part of the show. Stiles.
I love how it’s been less than a minute and Stiles has already nearly fallen over two times. That guy. I love that guy.
“I will not fall prey to society’s desire to turn girls into emotionally insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark.” Hey could you say that any faster?
Ah yes. Say that and then immediately fall prey to it. Graet job. You’re the good role model that every teenage girl needs.
Who’s the vocalist with the Bieber haircut? I mean, I know this is 2011 where almost every guy had a Biber haircut (I do indeed remember, 11 year old me in Grade 6. Oh how things have changed.)
Now you see me, now you don’t. But seriously though, how did Coach miss the 40 year old man in the middle of the room? I understand that he missed Scott because Scott is tucked behind the bleachers in a corner. Unless this is a joke on just how oblivious teachers supervise school dances. Or maybe just to show how inobservant teachers can be when talking. But I don’t know. It still seems kind of unrealistic to me.
I feel bad for Allison. Jackson is probably going to ignore her the whole night.
Well, at least he didn’t ignore you completely, right? Right? (There has to be some silver lining somewhere.)
“Get off your cute little ass and dance with me now.” Oh shit! He’s pulling out the big guns!
“Interesting tactic, but I’m going to stick with no.” But why not? Don’t you go to school dances to um... DANCE?
“I know that beneath your cold, lifeless exterior there is an actual human being.” I love how Lydia’s all “Me? A human being? Bitch when?”
It’s funny because she’s a Banshee and has therefore never actually been a human.
Oh. So someone just has to say “i nuw yesmrt” for them to get you to dance. I see. Maybe I should try that some time.
“I see you McCall!” Run boy run. This world is not meant for you. Run boy run. They’re trying to catch you.
I like how he says it as MCCAOL.
“Danny!” “What?” “Dance with me!” “No.” “PLEAS!”
“mCAOL! What the- what the hell are you doing?”
Why is everyone staring? Can’t Scott just be bi? Why is that not allowed?
Oh they’re staring because they think Coach is being homophobic. You know what? That’s kind of progressive for 2011. Good job.
Wait why did that work? Coach was yelling at Scott waaaay before he started “dancing” with Danny. Surely someone noticed, right?
Of course he beelines straight to Allison right after instead of wondering where Peter went or what he’s doing.
Okay. So. Maybe that look Scott gave Allison was cute. Maybe. Don’t quote me on that, though. I’m not sure.
Speaking of the dance, goddamn that’s quite the opulent decor for a high school dance. I keep forgetting just how well-off the people of Beacon Hills are.
Jackson looks like he’s minutes away from keeling over and passing the fuck out.
You know what? This is starting to look a lot like how a realistic teen horror movie would start. Guy drunk as fuck nearly stumbles out of the high school during the dance and enters a forest area. Dumbass dude bumps into a murderer or something. Horror movie begins.
I bet you the “glowing red eyes” is just that asshole guy with the glowing earbuds. No wait, it’s too close to the season finale for that. I guess that’s where Peter went, then.
She looks like she’s trying to find Jackson. And some people are still convinced that Stydia is actually going to happen. (I know I said that I shipped it unironically, but that doesn’t mean I expect it to be canon.)
So he sees those glowing eyes in the woods that are making him scared, and he just goes into the woods instead of running back into the school where it’s safe(r) and pretending that nothing happened? I mean, if I saw creepy glowing eyes I would hide in a building or vehicle, even if I knew it would end up being ultimately useless in the end. At least there was an attempt to buy some time. Not this idiot. Glowing eyes? It’s time to go straight into the woods.
“I wanna be like you.” This guy knows almost nothing about being a werewolf. I mean, I’m not a werewolf, but I’ve seen many TV shows. Being a werewolf is not all it’s cracked up to be.
The fuck? Okay, there’s no way those clearly glowing eyes (which CLEARLY blinked) were from the Argent hunters here. No sir. No fucking way. I could at least pretend to buy the weird ass glowing earbuds Lasers look WAY different from eyes, even in the dark. Unless Peter was in the woods and being tracked down by the Argents and then did the bullshit disappearing werewolf act I could accept that. But there’s no way in hell those red laser things could look like eyes. Fuck you Teen Wolf. F u c k y o u .
“I don’t think I can give you what you want. But I think you can help me.” This is the part where Jackson should run for his life from this creepy man. Come on. I’m waiting.
They never officially made up. So Scott doesn’t have to apologize for making Allison upset or anything? No? Okay. Sorry, I was just wondering where the realism is, but I guess it’s nowhere.
“It was about everything you wanted to talk about.” “Shut up Scott. My feelings aren’t relevant to the plot and have nothing to do with fanservice, so we need to skip over that because this is a Teen Show™.” - Totally Allison.
“Do you promise that you won’t hurt him.” Wait, does Jackson actually care enough about Scott not so see him hurt? Is Jackson secretly... a tsundere?
“I’m going to take care of him.” You do realize that’s another way of saying that you’ll kill someone, right? That’s basic villain slang.
You just missed him. By a hair’s breadth you just missed him.
They still haven’t properly made up and he’s kissing her? What? Why?
“Why’d you do that?” “Because I love you.” *sigh*
Aren’t teachers who supervise dances supposed to make sure that the kids don’t make out on the dance floor? Am I the only one who would find Coach yelling at them to break it up funny?
“Jackson? What did you do.” “Oh not much. Just revealed the fact that your best friend is a werewolf to a guy who hunts werewolves. You know. Nothing big. Everyday things.” - Totally Jackson
Although, with the way he says that... It’s like Mr. Argent did some... other things to convince him to say who’s the werewolf... Like... whatever happened out there... traumatized him...
I knew Mr. Argent was an incredibly shady character. I just didn’t think he was that bad.
This must be the part where Peter corners Lydia in the field. He bites her in this part too, right?
Lights turn on for ~dramatic effect~.
Then again, it is Peter. He seems to have a huge affinity for unnecessary tension and drama.
Stiles doesn’t need to say it twice.
I thought that Peter just bit her. But it seems he also clawed her.
“I will let her live. If you tell me where Derek Hale is.” “Why would I know that.” “You’re the smart one.” Oh shit.
“If he still has it. If it’s still on. You’ll be able to find him.” Well. RIP Derek. Even though he basically already almost died. He’s going to almost die again soon.
“Are you okay?” He’s looking at the bus as though it’s evil. Maybe it is.
“We should really get back to the dance.” Yeah really. Who wants to have sex in a school bus? Be classy. Go to a love hotel instead.
Vroom vroom motherfucker. It’s time for some werewolves (AKA Scott) to die.
Why did you even make that clip slow motion? If you have just made the actors move slower, it would have worked the same way, except making it slightly less stupid, because the obvious slow motion edit wouldn’t be noticable.
Music: dun DUn DUN BUM BUM BUUM!
Well that’s the end of this episode. I’ll stop the end message here so that I can actually get started on the next episode.
0 notes
asterekmess · 4 years
S3A - E1
Okay, instead of making like massive reblogs of thoughts as I have them for the episodes, I’m gonna just make a massive bullet point list that I’ll add to throughout the episode, so you get One post per episode instead of “Like all nine million of them.”
I put Read-More’s because I care.
Thoughts (of which I have far too many):
I’m in the first ten seconds of the fuckin episode. Why the fuck is Braeden electrocuting Isaac? Like, look, I wanna like Braeden. I have issues with her entire moral system, but I still wanna like her cus’ she saves Isaac. But...how am I supposed to do that when the literal first thing she does is electrocute my boy??? He’s knocked out, not DEAD (not that that’s how shocking someone’s heart even Works) and it’s not like she needs to trigger the healing process. He’s already got Gaping slash wounds on his chest. He’s hurt enough. ALSO. “Be quiet”?? R U Serious? You’re electrocuting him. YOU try being quiet with fucking jumper cables on your chest.
The CGI...is so bad. Oh my god. What the absolute fuck. it looks like Sharkboy & Lavagirl. And why aren’t Ethan & Aiden’s claws doing anything to the bike?
I AM CONFUSION. If the twins don’t have to take their pants off to do the Transformers shit, why do they have to take off their shirts? Can...can I just skip that? Make the big bad werewolf wear an ugly hybrid of two of their stupid ass sweaters? Or do Ethan and Aiden really just like being shirtless that much? (I wouldn’t put it past them)
What is with Braeden and the electricity?
The writing in this show, what the fuck? “I thought I told you to hold on” EXCUSE ME, ma’am. He literally just passed out. His bad I guess.
Guess who has to add the anti-scott tag to this now? Anyway, I hate that Allison’s bit in the intro is her kissing Scott and then drawing the bow. Like, they’re broken up. They don’t get together in this season. Why are they kissing in the intro? That had to have Totally pissed off Scallison fans.
There’s my boy, holding up lizard tattoo designs. Pls tell me he took a pic and sent it to Jackson with the caption “It’s YOU.” Like, yes, way too soon, but man it’s fuckin funny.
This tattoo artist is a good-ass salesman. However, p-sure he’s not a good-ass artist if he had to wrap Scott’s arm up That badly. Like...they have stuff for that. Fuck, the one I got on my ankle, they used SaranWrap and Tape. Just needs to be kept out of the open air for a bit. You don’t need like eight layers of gauze. I do feel for Scott tho. That tat probably cost him like $50-75 before the tip. Oof.
Eyyy, time to be salty. Ya’ll know I love Allison, but does it get any more clear that she totally bailed on everyone after the warehouse? She went to France! She doesn’t even know what happened to Jackson after he got cured. ALSO. Lydia says “Derek taught him the werewolf 101.” Not Scott. Derek. XP
Lydia, honey, leave Allison alone. If she doesn’t want to go on the double date, go alone and make it an orgy. Fun, right? Wait, no. Don’t. You’re 16. Don’t do that!
When exactly did they “agree to give each other the summer”? She said “I’m breaking up with you.” he said “I’ll wait” and then she cried into her dad’s arms. Like...why didn’t we get to see this apparently incredibly important conversation? (maybe because it didn’t happen??)
I fucking LOVE the “I’m just gonna say hi. HEYYYYY! You know....they probably didn’t see us.”
The most horrific thing about that moment was the bad CGI.
I WANNA POINT OUT how cute it is (in a like, sad way cus’ she’s terrified) that Lydia is close enough to Stiles now that she immediately goes for his side and they like insta connect with the eye contact. Not in like a Stydia way, but like, they’re close. she trusts him and goes to him when she’s scared, even though he’s human and you’d wonder if she shouldn’t go to Scott instead, since he’s the werewolf.
SCOTT WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING THE DEAD DEER. Your ability to smell chemosignals/sense emotions has nothing to do with touching. Stop poking the dead animal.
Wait, WHY is there a full moon in that shot? The full moon isn’t for like a week! I COUNTED.
...what? Why the fuck does Braeden think Scott’s an Alpha? Why tho? Like, seriously? WHY? He’s not an Alpha yet. Nowhere near it. And if she knows bc Deaton told her (i think he was the one who hired her) then shouldn’t she know he isn’t one yet? IF SHE KNOWS that she can tell Melissa abt werewolves, WHY doesn’t she know that Scott’s Melissa’s son? Where is the LOGIC?
Scott’s morning routine is giving me Legally Blonde vibes. ~my perrrfectt dayyy, nothing standing in my wayyy~
I can’t tell. did Allison get highlights, or straight up dye her hair brown?
This sweet moment between her and her dad. Yes. Pls.
I will admit, I like getting to see each of their mornings.
Lydia...who are you fucking? Honey, you’re sixteen. Why isn’t whoever the fuck is in bed with you also getting ready for school? What.....the fuck?
Completely different Beacon Hills High School set. I really can’t blame the writers for that.
Wtf Davis? You list Erica and Boyd as being 17...since when? They’re supposed to be entering their Junior Year of high school. They would be 16 GOING ON 17. ANd what the hell do you mean Erica’s birthday is August 16th? She said in the last season that she’d “Just turned 16 a month ago” that was Spring semester. ???? Come on, guys. Seriously. Writing 101, getting to know your characters. I don’t know anyone writing a novel who doesn’t know the exact birthday of their characters. Plus, they cut 2 in. from Gage Golightly’s actual height, while adding an inch to Sinqua’s (according to google, which isn’t always reliable) Whatever. Boooooo.
Uh...that principal was threatened by the Argents. Victoria herself promised to torture him if he didn’t resign. Why does he look so surprised by the fucking sword in his office? For that matter, why is he at the school at all? He KNOWS the Argents attacked him. This should cause problems!
Honestly, Lydia, I love you. Like, go for it. Nothing wrong with not wanting to date and just wanting to have fun. My issues stem from YOU BEING 16. Yes, teenagers have sex. But this is ridiculous. Why is there so much sexualization? I knew a grand total of like....two teenagers who had sex at 16? and like one who did at 15 (which they say in canon she and Jackson were banging before her birthday). Like, it’s not nearly as common as y’all are making it out to be. Knock it off.
....so why didn’t Derek answer the phone? They literally never explain? He shows up, so...why didn’t he answer?
I’m SO InCredibly Disturbed by Jennifer having everyone’s phone numbers. HOW? In What Way is that REMOTELY appropriate? WHY did no one question it? Why didn’t STILES or LYDIA question it?
So tiny, bugs me so much. He didn’t turn his phone off. He turned his screen off...is it that hard to have him do the right one?
uhhh. Werewolves can smell other werewolves. Wanna tell me why Isaac can’t tell a werewolf just walked in the room? An ALPHA no less?
why TF are Kali’s iris’ and pupils so fucking massive?
So...what was the deal with the birds? Don’t they say later that Jennifer like summoned them? So they aren’t from the Alpha pack scaring animals? And also, how would the Alpha pack be scaring animals if they’re like, in the middle of town? They said in S1 that “wild animal sightings are up” like what 75% or something? “As though something is scaring them out” but that made sense, bc we knew Peter was running around in his full-shift (it’s a fucking full shift, it’s just fucked up) in the woods. But these Alphas aren’t, they’re integrating. So is it Jennifer that the animals are afraid of? Like, does she have sPoOkY aura or something?
More bad CGI.
WHy is no one responding to the woman stumbling around in nothing but a hospital gown?
ONCE AGAIN. Werewolves can Sense Werewolves. SCOTT you sensed Isaac in a BOYS LOCKER ROOM. DUKE IS RIGHT THERE. WHT THE FUCK?
angry smoker doctor  “Why don’t you wheel this joker out of here?” “I’m gonna go smoke” Grrr
Sir. clearly your mask wasn’t tied on appropriately. it shouldn’t just Fall Off when you touch it. there are Protocols! STOP THE SPREAD. also, someone wanna tell me why none of these alphas can keep their claws in? A lil flashy flashy red eye would’ve done the trick just fine.
Okay no, seriously what the FUCK is up with these contacts, you guys? THEY”RE MASSIVE???
Ugh, can I just *swoons* “I’m an Alpha!” slice “So am I.” That is just so fucking smooth. Woo. I feel so safe ohmygod. PLUS. Derek KNOWS Ennis. I can’t imagine how satisfying that had to be.
Uh, Derek, honey. You’re Isaac’s legal guardian. You can just Sign Him Out of the hospital. With clothes and everything. What are you doing?
Honey, what do you mean the county took it over? If they were gonna do that they’d have done it six fucking years ago. Unless you gave it to them, it’s still yours? I did the research. Like HOURS of it.
What do you MEAN there’s a magic healing herb that helps with Alpha wounds? Since when do Alpha wounds need extra healing, I thought they just took a lil longer? ALSO why is it growing INSIDE your house???? SCOTT. Isaac is fucking UNCONSCIOUS. Can your tattoo fucking WAIT A MINUTE?
I have so many questions. WHY does Braeden know who Allison is? If Lydia’s immune to magic, WHY is Braeden able to bruise her? WHY can Braeden DO magic? and WHY is Chris allowed to take Lydia out of school?
ALLISON you had Geometry LAST YEAR why are you holding a GEOMETRY BOOK??
ohhhhmygod, Derek. Derek. DEREK. Your eyes are pretty on a normal day. That little Blink and ruby reds thing? Ohmygod. I just. I wanna take a picture and just stare at it BUT. how tf does this whole red eye thing work? You can see in the dark....but now you also have x-ray vision? You know, I could believe it was thermal vision...maybe? If Scott was still healing for some reason maybe the tattoo would be brighter? Otherwise I have no idea what is going on.
BUT SCOTT”S NOT 18??? He’s Still fucking 16, or even 17, but not 18. WTF? He needs parental consent in the first place (i should’ve mentioned this in the other note abt the tattoo)
uhh...seriously? When someone breaks up with you and tells you not to talk to them anymore...why do you need a reward for doing as they asked? Like, yeah, you’re sad, I feel that. But making it a ‘reward’ sounds kinda weird. You know what makes it really easy not to text the ex that doesn’t wanna talk to you? Delete her number.
WHY THE BLOWTORCH? SOMEONE WANNA EXPLAIN? Peter’s not covered in tattoo from when he was literally burned alive, why the FUCK would a blowtorch create a black tattoo on Scott’s skin?
DEREK. HONEY. Why would Stiles be able to hold Scott still??? Scott’s a werewolf.
All this bullshit to explain away Posey’s tattoo that he got. Like, damn dude, we all like tattoos, but you have a job that needs bare arms on the regular. That was kinda rude.
Where did braeden get clothes? I forgot to ask.
uhhhh. Ephemeral might technically work in that sentence, but that’s still really awkward.
WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DESTROY HIS DOOR? YOU FUCKING ASSHAT. And WHY the instant fucking grr face? “why’d you paint the door?” uhh, leave him alone? He can do what he wants? It’s his house? Also, don’t get all fucking rude about the alpha pack. He told you it was a rival pack.
Why exactly does Scott see the symbol and INSTANTLY put together that it’s got anything to do with the Alphas or the animal attacks? Where is the logic jump there?
What exactly was the POINT of popping your claws if you were gonna kick her in the face???
UH, Melissa? Why didn’t you tell Scott that there was a whole other person with Isaac?
What is with the face touching, Duke? I’ve never known a blind person who actually wanted to rub their hands on my face to ‘find out what i look like?’
Really not a fan of all these weird jumps and camera angles with the awkward reflecting.
WOah WOah. Allison gets to PAINT her APARTMENT? Wtf kinda BULlshit is that? My landlord won’t let me do that. Rude.
I know they’re imprisoned and it sucks, but they’ve been there for four months, they had to have gotten bored. Do you think they broke into any of the security deposit boxes to see if anything was left behind?
Last thoughts: They really went for it with this episode. I have plans to change a lot of it. Hopefully I can mesh the changes with the general plotline.
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