#you need to sit on the floor for 10 minutes because you're like the world's most complex kettle. filled with never boiling water“
idliketobeatree · 4 months
begging myself to please please find out what happens when I start
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andy-wm · 3 months
Jikook - The Fan Service Professionals
These two are such pros when it comes to fan service, they even practice behind the scenes. Dedication with a capital D! Even during the height of Covid, when there were no performances on the horizon, they were diligently keeping up the charade.
The newly released Bangtan Bomb of the BE Skit recording is a great example...
It is 2020, JK's birthday, and the Billboard #1 win for Dynamite has just been announced. Five of the guys file into a recording studio and sit down. Namjoon leaves an obvious gap next to Jimin.
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JK arrives a few minutes later and takes his place... next to Jimin.
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The group discusses the fact that the Billboard win was announced on JK's birthday and that he clearly needs no more gifts. What happens next is interesting...
JK tells them he received the best gift of his life and Jimin speaks for the first time since JK entered the room, jumping in to say "We're recording Skit, right?"
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I've never seen anyone change the subject with such haste as this. In fact i might go so far as to say the way Jimin interrupted was ...almost rude! (But not really rude, because.. .he's Jimin)
But I digress...
The producer tells Jimin they're already recording and Jimin glances furtively at the microphone to confirm. Yes, the red light is on, it is indeed recording.
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He laughs and slaps his thigh. Something must be really funny because he continues to laugh behind his hand, which is SUCH a tell for when he's embarrassed.
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Long after everyone else has moved on, Jimin is still smiling to himself.
Maybe it's because JK just announced to the world that he got the best birthday gift OF HIS LIFE.
But he didn't specify what it was. He didn't say it was the Billboard win. And it looks like that birthday gift went on all night because the boy is clearly exhausted.
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Anyway, moving on...
They start practicing their "fan service routine" at this point:
Without a word being exchanged between them, Jimin stands up and gives JK space to change his position. He then sits down next to JK and adopts the exact same position, with folded legs. Tick the box for mirroring behaviour
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The next part of routine is connecting through touch - you know - how genuine couples touch each other as a way of checking in? Yeah like that. (Somehow I see caressing a person with your knuckles as more intimate than using your palm, but maybe that's just me)
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And then there's a different type of touch - that body contact that comes with intimacy and familiarity. When you're a new couple this type of thigh touch can be very titilating but when you've been together for a while it's more comforting than sexy (although there's definitely an element of sexy too). At this point they are barely interacting, aside from Jimin's arm draped over JK's thigh and his fingers resting casually on JK's shin like it's his own personal armrest... he's certainly covering all the bases on that leg.
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uuummm... okay, well played Jikook...
10/10 fan service here I guess.
Anything else that might have happened in this 'practice session' was lost on the cutting room floor, but one thing is for certain... neither Jimin nor JK got a wink of sleep on the night of JK's birthday.
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Some may say it's because of the BB #1 win but I don't see any of the other guys in such a state of disarray as these two.
One thing that is obvious though:
Whatever the two of them were celebrating, they went at it all night long.
*cue Barry White*
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euphoricimagination · 10 months
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Summary: Nagi finds out your secret, so now your relationship with him changes while you're still gaining new members for your team. You pass to the third selection, waiting for Chigiri to come, when the Top 6 players are announced, will you be on it?
Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 -> Masterlist
…"Come, Isagi Yoichi, you can have a front row seat of my ascension to the world's number one"
A few seconds pass before Isagi stands up, starting walking alongside Bachira before he turns around
"You guys, I'm sorry" he says "we…we were just one step short of beating them, that last goal was pure luck it's no-"
"Shut up" you cut him off, trying your hardest to not look so in pain "he chose you, that's it, so leave"
"What Yn said" you heard Barou, and then Nagi said something too, but you were too in pain to properly pay attention to any words. You noticed that he turned around and left, your body finally starting to give up on you.
The moment the gate closed, you started feeling like you were falling, almost hitting the floor completely if it wasn't for an arm wrapping itself around your waist. You didn't quite pass out this time, but you were barely conscious as you feel whoever was holding you help you pass your arm through his neck
"Hey, can you walk?" You hear by your side
"I…guess" you barely managed to answer. You hear a sigh before some arms lift you out of the floor in bridal style, quickly going to the locker room
"You. Let him sit there for a few minutes and find a way to help him gain air, I'll go to try to find someone" you hear while slowly helping you sit on the bench. Thanks to the change in lighting you can see a white hair in front of you as the black hair leaves the room.
You didn't notice when Nagi made you take off your white vest, let alone when he managed to take the top part off your body, leaving you just with the binder on.
"Hey, I'm unclipping this, you need to breathe properly"
You hear, but the words don't fully process until you feel Nagi's hand unclipping the front of your binder. Your hand moves instinctively, trying to stop him, but he's faster and stronger than you, so he grabs your wrist and fully unclips it. You finally are able to grasp a full breath of air, moving your other hand just in time to cover your chest as your head starts to clear up.
You were topless, your breasts were clearly visible, and Nagi was in front of you.
"I…I can…I can explain" you say, eyes wide open. Nagi was, understandably, looking at your chest confused, a blush quickly started spreading across his face.
"...you better have a good one" he says turning around, giving you one of his clean sweater "put this on for now"
You put the top, so big on your body that was able to fully cover the existence of your chest. By now you weren't dizzy anymore since you were properly breathing again, but your body still felt sore. You tap Nagi's shoulder
"I'm done" you whisper, Nagi turns around, looking at the side awkwardly
“So…this is why you never shower with any of us?” he says, still sounding nonchalant despite of his face
“Yeah, you guys are not supposed to know about this”
“But why? You're amazing, but isn't this supposed to become the best striker in the world…? you're a girl"
"It's a long story…basically i was a-"
"Here is the idiot" Barou enters alongside Anri, who looks bewildered at you "Take him to get checked or something, we can't afford to lose that ass because of how careless he is"
"Sure, come with me Yn" she says to you, so you move to stand up forgetting that your legs were still feeling like jelly. You stumble, almost falling if it wasn't for Nagi once again, who grabs you one more time to help you walk towards Anri "I'll take it from here, I'll make sure he's okay"
Anri helps you out towards an empty room that was equipped with a simple futon on top of a table. She helped you sit down there, passing you some water
"Everything alright? I watched the match with Ego-san, you were really good" she says, making you nod "he was kind of impressed by your team, how much all of you evolved"
"Thanks" you say "if…i wanted to tell someone about…well, me…how do you think Ego-san will react?" You ask shyly
"Huh? Well, I can't say he would be pleased if you did that…but then again, he did want you to only help him for the first selection. Why are you asking me?"
"Just wondering, after all at some point I'll have to leave, and i would like to tell my friends the truth"
"I see, you're probably worried about whether they'll still be your friends after…I'll talk to Ego-san about it, now go to take a shower so you can go to rest"
You did exactly that, you were feeling much better with a proper shower, but now all your body was in so much pain that you just wanted to lay down. You go back to the three bed dorm, collapsing in the single bed as soon as you get there.
"Oh, you're back" you hear after a few minutes "are you okay?"
"Yeah, i just ran way too much today" you say, sitting in the bed to face Nagi
"You did good" he moves to pay your head, stopping right before touching it as he looks at you "is it okay? You don't mind me doing this?"
"You don't have to treat me any different, as long as you're comfortable with it it's alright…you can keep seeing me as a dude if you want"
"That wouldn't be fair to you..i bet you're pretty confused about all of this, after all it has been a few months of being referred as a dude" he says finally ruffling your hair before sitting next to you
"I can't deny that it has been rather…confusing, i thought everything will be okay, but i feel like it's slowly making me insane"
"I imagine, i guess it would be better if you just did it throughout the day, but here you have to pretend to be a boy 24/7"
"Yeah, it's hard, I'm starting to feel like an imposter in my own body…aren't you mad at me? I'm not the person you thought i was"
"Why would I be? The only difference is that you're a girl instead of a boy, and i like your personality, so it's not like there's much change for me" he simply shrugs "you can be your true self around me, at least it will help you release some tension"
"Thanks" you sigh, slowly you lay your head on his shoulder, finally being able to relax a bit more. You both stayed like this for a few more minutes before you remembered "did you tell Barou?"
"No. It's your secret, not mine"
"Thanks, can you keep it a secret though? You guys shouldn't know about this"
"I can, but i think you should tell Chigiri about this, he's your friend too" he takes his phone out, starting to play a game. Despite him finding out the secret he didn't seem to be too affected by it, still treating you as he did previously. Must be a Nagi thing, he didn't seem to care about it, so you decided to tell him the full truth
"I have known Ego-san since I was a kid. I was the only girl in my neighborhood, so I often played soccer with the other kids. That's why now he asked me to join, he wanted to have a special person that can help the boys to fully evolve"
"Ahhh, so you're like a spy then. That's really cool, you're cool Yn-chan" he answers, making you chuckle
"You could say so, yeah"
"You know, this makes it a little bit clearer for me" he starts saying as the game on his phone shows that he lost. He turns to look at you, with almost a boring expression "I like being with you; at first i thought that it was similar to Reo, that we were friends, but it felt different and i didn't know why"
"Eh?" You look at him wide eyed, was he saying what you think he's saying? If it was, how come he looked so nonchalant? Your face started to feel warm. "What do you me-"
"I thought you were here, idiot, i brought you your dinner" Barou enters the room with a tray of food, sounding and looking rather annoyed "considering your state, I'll allow you to eat here"
"Thanks" you say, fully aware of your redness as Nagi restarts his game. You could swear there was a tiny smirk on his face. Barou looks at both of you rather confused, but he doesn't say a word about it
"I'll be nice today and let you take that bed, i doubt you can stand anyway" he passes you the tray, fried chicken on it "but you better be in good shape for tomorrow match or I'll kick your ass myself"
"I'll be, don't worry. Thanks for the food" you start eating as both of them start talking about the next match, how you should work things out and who could complement you. You couldn't help but feel some lightness in your chest at the thought of finally being able to be yourself with someone, even if it was just one person that knew for now, it still feels rather good.
You won the next two matches, gaining Zantetsu and Kiyora Jin, an all rounder that had a whole eye covered. It was right after the reunion with Ego in which he announced that you would have a 5 vs 5 match against world class players, leaving some of you confused.
"I see…so we have to…cut corners?" Zantetsu asks looking at his book and adjusting his glasses
"Eh..nope. Not really" you say trying to not laugh
"BakaZantetsu" says Nagi, taking his phone out and laying down on the floor, his head on your leg as he opens his game. He seems much more comfortable with skinship between you two, the rest just assuming his lazy side was taking over with you since you two know each other the longest "are they good?"
"You're kidding? They're one of the best players out there, playing for the most respected teams in the world. The buzzcut one plays for his national team and is only 17" you rumble
"Wow, that's so cool. And we'll play them?"
"Yeah, if anything, i bet that this isn't even for us to win, just to show us how behind we actually are"
"This will be a challenge, it'll be…easy peasy? Is that right? I think that's right" Zantetsu adds
"I'm surrounded by idiots," Barou sighs "No matter what or who it is, we'll win. I'm going to eat now"
And just like you said, you sadly lost that match. You weren't even able to score a single goal against those players, overwhelming your team to no end.
You are now entering the third selection joint room, where every team that has passed will join in the order they clear the previous one. You were the second team to clear the stage, so you saw Isagi and Bachira already there.
"Sup" Nagi tells them
"It feels like we saw each other forever ago" you say
"I'm here, you scrub" Barou adds
"Heyy! Zantetsu is with you too!" Bachira screams at you, waving his hand
"You guys…" Isagi says as you approach him
"Huh? Why do you look so relieved, isagi? Don’t tell me you actually thought we might not make it?" Nagi says, squinting his eyes
"Eh? No, no…That’s not it"
"You bastard, you were totally looking down on us! You cocky little…" Barou grabs Isagi by his t-shirt
"You're still treating us like your supporting cast, huh?" You add, hitting his back lightly
"That's not it.. I'm just really happy to be able to see you again guys" Isagi says, making you hit the back of his head
"Like i will lose" you say, making him chuckle
"Of course we were going to see each other again, i wasn't going to let it end here after losing to you" Nagi answers
"I promised to kill you, and I haven't even beaten those top 4; hell, I haven't even beaten Yn and he's in the top 2!" Adds Barou
"Yeah, there's more games for us yet!" Isagi says, if only he knew that you could leave at any moment
«Moving on! Next team, please enter»
The voice comes out of the speaker, making you all look towards the door. You were hoping to see Chigiri coming from that door soon, you kinda miss his remarks through this. Suddenly you feel some weight in your shoulders, two arms passing through your chest in a lazy manner as a chin is on top of your head
"Ahh, standing is such a pain" Nagi says lazily, looking at the door with you as he whispers in your ear "we'll see them soon, Yn-chan, don't worry"
"I know, but I'm still worried"
When the next team enters, you notice the Yukimiya dude that you talked with briefly before alongside people you've never seen, one looking like the captain of the volleyball team of your school. Not a sign of Chigiri or Reo so far. More teams come in, by the sixth one you meet again with Raichi and Gagamaru, which means…
"Just one more team left, and Chigiri, Reo or Kunigami hasn't come yet"
"Yeah, they'll come, they have to" Nagi unconsciously leaned slightly closer.
The door lifts up slowly, igaguri and the boy with only one braid coming first. You're nervous while waiting for the other two shadows to come out, breathing relief as you see Reo and Chigiri appear.
"Chigiri!" Both you and Nagi exclaim at the same time, a smile appearing on the red hair when he sees you, a smile that soon disappears as the last person of his team starts to appear. A tall and tanned skin dude, with spiky hair.
«That is the the last of those who will advance to the third selection»
"Did…did Kunigami lose?" You ask Chigiri while Isagi asked Reo, the spiky dude was saying something to Isagi
"I…didn't see him, I assumed he was here" the red hair answers, looking just as distressed. Suddenly a pit on your stomach appeared, guilt starting to build up. You weren't supposed to be here in the first place, in a way you took Kunigami's place by playing, and that will only continue to happen the longer you keep being here
"...a shitty hero like him with all his purity and seriousness, was just a slime that couldn't even give me a power up" you hear, which make you raise your eyebrows
"I'm gonna kill him" you whisper angry, cracking your knuckles and almost going to him if it wasn't because two hands take your arm
"Don't" Nagi says
"You're not match for him" Chigiri teases you while looking annoyed at him too "you think Kunigami will let you do that?"
"...Shut up" you say, making him chuckle right before he instinctively reacts to grab Isagi out of the way of that spiky dude, who tried to kick him.
Nagi grabs your arm a bit tighter, moving you slightly so you can avoid any confrontation
"I don't like him, he give me the creeps" you say
"Me neither, don't get close to him" Nagi tells you right when Ego appears on the TV
"Alright, that's enough, you unpolished gemstones, any further violence and I'll have you forcibly eject" Ego says. You sigh, ignoring him like you always do whenever he goes on a rant about something; but from the corner of your eye you can see Reo looking at you and Nagi, the latter shamelessly having his arms draping on your body as he rest himself on you
"Following up in the third selection, after the language studies, well… some things came up, i’d originally planned on whittling down the group until only five of you remained, but there’s been a change of plans" you started paying attention once again, in the very beginning Ego had give you a light overlook of how the selection process was going to be, so that now he changed of plans was unusual "It seems that the overlords of the Japanese football world have made up their minds to stamp out blue lock as soon as possible, which is why i’ve fired back at them with a challenge. So, your next selection will be in three weeks. It’ll be a match with the continued existence of blue lock at stake…japan national u-20 team vs blue lock select 11-member team…if you win this game, blue lock will hijack the japanese national u-20 team"
"Bro, that's insane" you say, everyone in the room was surprised by said words, understandably so. Nagi fully stands up, just as surprised as everyone else.
"...well our opponents will also use every card they have available, so they'll add one member to their rooster…Itoshi Sae" he says, you move your eyes towards Rin, who seems surprised about his brother joining the opponents team "LET'S GO, YOU UNPOLISHED GEMSTONES, THE ONES TO CHANGE THIS ERA WILL BE BLUE LOCK!"
Everyone stays surprisingly quiet for a few seconds, everyone seeming to be processing this whole lot of information given. So now you´ll have a match against the Japan U-20 team? You could understand that the people of the JFA wanted to shut down this project, you cant imagine just how much money all of this would have cost, but even if they think they´d would win, this is such an amazing opportunity, a good chunk of blue lock members will be able to join the national team if you win. After a few seconds a few boys started to question how the 11 members will be chosen, and overall questioned how forwards will be playing in different positions.
"The formation of the blue lock team will center around the following six names I will now call out. Given your overall evaluations as of this moment, these individuals rank as the “Top 6” with the goal of putting together a team in just three short weeks, this method will be our best shot. Those who are called, step forward" Ego says, the ambience changing one more time to expectations "The overall N°1, Itoshi RIn, N°2 Shidou Ryusei.."
“Agh, that bastard is that good? How annoying” you whisper, a few chuckles from Chigiri and Nagi
“Stop having beef with the top players” Chigiri nudges you playfully
"Next, N°3 YN…" Ego continues
"Eh?" You say at hearing your name
"That's our friend!" Chigiri now ruffles your hair, Nagi joining as Isagi and Bachira both extend their hands to high five you
"Moving on…N°4 Karasu Tabito; N°5 Yukimiya Kenyu and lastly N°6 Nagi Seishiro"
"Hey, we're in the Top 6" you lightly hit his chest playfully
"Of course we are" in that moment Yukimiya asks something to Ego, explaining how the order of the ranking was selected; you chuckle when the old Team Z members start whispering surprised at the fact that he was a model
"First, the Top 6 will separate into pairs in descending order and will be assigned A, B and C rank" continues Ego, meaning that you were in a group with Tabito and whoever else chooses your team "This is the final task of the revised third selection with a position as a regular on Japan's national U-20 team on the line. IT'S TIME FOR YOUR TRYOUTS"
"We won't be on the same team, bummer" you hear Nagi say "you should have placed lower"
"Or you could have placed higher" you retort, nudging him lightly
"First, the Top 6, you all will proceed to a different room" Ego says while the door underneath the Tv starts opening, you start walking towards there alongside Nagi as you wave your hand to your friends
"Pleasure to see you again" you hear beside you, Yukimiya smiles at you. He was undeniable attractive
"Same here, and to think we could have team up in the second selection" you answer, making him chuckle
"Right? We could have been an amazing team, considering that both of us are in the Top 6" you nod to his comment, sitting on one of the puffs that were in the room as Nagi sits on the floor, his head laying on your leg. The TV seems to be on a waiting screen, only displaying the words 'Top 6 VIP Room'.
Nothing has gone to plan so far, you should have left a while ago, but somehow now you were in the Top 6 players out of this project; besides, you didn't know how much more will you be able to pretend to be a guy without feeling guilty for taking someone else spot..How long will you be able to last?
"Oi, you alright?" Nagi asks you, making you snap out of your thoughts
"I am…just thinking"
"Hello, hello diamonds in the rough. By fighting to come this far all of you have undoubtedly proven your place as Blue Lock's elite" Ego says as he keep explaining his ideals "... And don't you dare have your position taken by someone not in the Top 6, you all stand at the very peak of Blue Lock. The football that you create will become the blades that destroy Japanese football, remember that. I want to see all of you rise up for the challenge"
Taglist: @suyaaachin - @anurst - @celestair - @futuristicxie - @miyanaranagikenmal-intp - @kaldurahms-lover
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Omg they're ~~(wanted in at least 5 countries)~~ so silly I need the cheese ask with the other skellies pls
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The main boys are here!
Horrorswap Sans - He scolds you for playing with food and starts eating the cheese anyway because he doesn't want to ruin it. But still, stop it!
Horrorswap Papyrus - He dramatically falls on the floor like a dying sea star, the cheese on his face. You killed him, congratulations.
Horrorfell Sans - He throws the cheese against the wall, hisses angrily, and then goes on all four to growl at the enemy. That's only when he realizes it's just cheese that he turns to you and starts to yell at you, asking if you think it's funny. Well. Yes, it is actually.
Horrorfell Papyrus - Are you proud of yourself? Throwing cheese at people who can't even walk to defend themselves. Shame on you. Shame on your cow. And shame on your face because as soon as you lower your guard, Chief slams the cheese back at you.
Outertale Sans - He dodges, mocking your terrible aim, knocks himself out against the ceiling, falls on the floor, and the cheese falls back on his face. Loser.
Outertale Papyrus - What are you? Five? He scolds you for showing a bad example to the children he's babysitting. Now go in timeout to think about what you just did. You regret nothing though.
Dancetale Sans - He ducks, does a back somersault, and shoots the cheese in the air like a pro footballer. The cheese somehow ends back in your face instead of his. Not fair.
Dancetale Papyrus - He screams, slaps the cheese on the floor, slips on the cheese, and falls on his back in an even louder scream. He then gives you an angry stare. You decide to retreat.
Dancefell Sans - He stays still :( He probably deserved this. He's a loser after all. He sits sadly on the floor with his cheese on his face and he stays there. What a drama queen, you swear.
Dancefell Papyrus - You thought it would be fun to do it while he's streaming. You didn't expect the Internet to turn this into a meme though. Poor Tango has his cheese face on every screen of the world for two whole months. He's mad at you lol.
Farmtale Sans - Uh oh. If there's something you don't want to insult, it's Sam's cows. And you just threw his baby's cheese at his face! How dare you! He starts a 10-minute speech about how hard it is to make cheese and how you're ruining his work with your pranks. You can stop chuckling honestly.
Farmtale Papyrus - He gives you a confused look, mildly panicked. Did he do something wrong? Are you angry at him? Why? He doesn't understand what's going on and he's not sure if he should laugh with you or hide or something.
Mafiatale Sans - He gives you an unamused stare, the cheese in his hand. You think you're really funny, uh? You're not going to laugh so much when he will mess with the water temperature while you're taking your shower tonight. But he will though.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Creeper keeps his natural poker face, not really caring about the cheese. He quickly discards it and returns to whatever he is doing. You're pretty sure you saw the shadow of a smile on his face but it's hard to tell, really. He's too good at being expressionless.
Mafiafell Sans - He tries to warn you, but you do it anyway. Suddenly, the leashes of the twenty dogs you were holding pulls forward, making you literally fly. The dogs all jump on Fang so they can have the cheese on his face. As for you, you're biting the dust... Quite literally.
Mafiafell Papyrus - Torpedo does the dramatic turnaround and asks silently who threw cheese behind his head. Because you have a survival instinct, you immediately points at Fang, who is sleeping peacefully at his desk. You feel bad when Torpedo starts to yell at his brother, flipping the desk over with everything on it. You decide it's maybe best to retreat because Fang is staring through your soul and you have a feeling you will pay for that.
Ink - He accidentally put his brush in the way, which opened a portal on an Undertale cheese AU where all characters are cheese. Ink is very excited and insists you two should go to try to eat Sans. You're not sure about this.
Error - He moved at the same time and now the cheese is in his eye socket. Error is rolling on the floor, screaming and glitching in agony, trying to get this thing out of there. Let's just say you better run fast and far away from him.
Disbelief Papyrus - He ducks instinctively. The cheese ends in Asgore's beard, who was just standing behind. You have a fun afternoon planned now, trying to save Asgore's beard without shaving it because the cheese is stuck in there. Delta is lecturing you while you're working.
Killer Sans - He hates cheese. He has the biggest gagging ever, throws the cheese away and runs to clean his face. He can't stand the smell, he swears he's going to grow himself a stomach to puke. You just found a mass destruction weapon randomly. Cool.
Dustale Sans - His brain completely stops working and he starts to stare at the emptiness. There's nothing in these eyes anymore. He stays there, frozen, and refuses to move before you get rid of the cheese.
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firegirl888101 · 1 year
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Insatiable Madness (2)
|Sagau Yandere Fatui Harbingers x Reader|
People really liked the first entry😲
I don't know what to say, thank you all for liking the first one so much?? I can only thank you by getting down to business!
I wasn't too sure on the majority of the rankings so I won't be mentioning them unless it's Dottore, Scara, Childe and Signora as theirs are already in the game/confirmed!
Reader is Gender Neutral!
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"Unbelievable, this is utterly risible!" Sandrone shouted, fuming while pacing the pavement back and forth.
"I see... Because the nature of this world is not directly controlled by another existing entity, the co-ordinates weren't inputted correctly and polluted the portal. I wonder, are the co-ordinates still viable? I need materials."
"Dottore, shut your damned mouth and get us out of here!"
"Sandrone, dearie, calm down. I'm sure the Doctor has a plan. If he didn't, he'll be facing the wrath of 10 other harbingers." Pulcinella remained calm, sitting on the park bench he found behind him while leaning on his wooden walking stick.
"I knew I should have continued with collecting the Gnoses instead of agreeing on a side mission." Signora sighed to herself, staring at a different park bench covered in bird shit.
"Even in this world, pigeons continue to be a nuisance."
The harbingers watched as Dottore quietly picked a circular gadget from his pocket and began to pick at it with a screwdriver.
"Dottore, what would that device be?" Capitano questioned the shorter man, admiring the green trees surrounding the group.
"A solution." He continued to tinker, earning questionable glances his way.
"Hey Scara, I think he has no idea what he's doing." Childe whispered to the puppet, leaning down to his ear.
"For once I agree with you." He nodded, grabbing the rim of his hat and hitting the ginger in the face with it.
"You two aren't very discreet." Dottore shook his head, showing the gadget to the other harbingers.
"I created this Compass just in case a situation like this would occur. Once I input the code Her Majesty helped me discover, it will point the way towards our Descender." He explained, pressing the button on the back of the gadget.
A small, glowing, white line soon emerged from the north point and followed a trail.
"Found you."
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
"Fuck me!" You cursed, jumping back-first onto your bed when seeing a familiar death screen.
You were stuck. Despite spending all your extra-savings, you still couldn't defeat floor 12.
Not to mention you couldn't use one of your strongest characters, Childe. He was fine yesterday, but when you tried to use him today he was very glitchy and even froze your game!
At first, you didn't really mind since who would want to use the crit-less bastard anyway?
Now you were regretting that mindset because you forgot he was your strongest hydro character.
"Y/N, get your arse down here! It's restaurant day." You heard a voice from downstairs.
Ah, the family-favourite tradition. It's no lie nobody in your family can't cook for shit.
To balance our unique curse, we go to a restaurant together every now and then.
"I'm coming down. Just let me finish studying this page!" You shouted back, lying smoothly. Great, now you can attempt this pesky floor one more ti-
"Y/N, NOW."
"Fine, fine! I'll leave my page blank."
When you came face to face with your parents at the bottom of the stairs, you saw your mum aggressively tapping her phone.
"Darling, you're aware that you don't need to press the screen so hard, right?" Your father asked, putting his hand on your mother's shoulder.
"I am not in the mood for your jokes. My sister said 10 minutes ago she was outside waiting in the car, she's still not here and is sending me stupid animoji's!"
"Mum, you're not you when you're hungry. You can have this cereal bar, it'll probably be awhile before Aunt 'Never-Show' turns up." You said, handing her a Granola bar.
"I don't see how this helps, we're going for lunch soon anyway." She muttered, taking it from your hands.
Works like a charm every time.
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Sorry for taking so long! So much for 'getting down to business :/ (I have written down solid plans though)
Pierro will be PLATONIC, I tried writing a couple scenes for him and I only see him as an oppressive grandpa rather than a romantic yandere...
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Please don't expect too many happy, nice and generally fluffy scenes.
This is Yandere, a genre which should never, under any circumstance be considered normal. It's abusive, unhealthy and leads to a lot of victims facing awful conditions which they never should or ever have to endure no matter who they are.
This is fiction that I'm writing, meaning it's all taken light-heartedly IN A FICTIONAL SENSE.
If anyone, by chance, is currently in conditions where a loved-one or yourself has suddenly become distant and/or being hurt when away from eyes please get help. Talk to them, or if it's you, talk to someone you know you can trust.
If you can't talk to anyone, find authorities who can help you. Call 999, as it is in the U.K, or your local emergency service. They will always help you, and will never deny your rights or freedom.
Thanks for reading this, I hope all who's reading knows this information already, but I thought I'd include it since who knows when it comes to where you are in the world and whether your education programs taught critical information like this.
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Some people asked to be tagged! Never done this before so sorry if I get this wrong:
@valeriele3 @pale-value @pix-stuff
Thank you for supporting me thus far!
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563 notes · View notes
catt-leya · 2 years
Devoted || Rick Grimes 18+
Sooo subby Rick was asked by a lot of people and I felt the need for an obsessed Ricky and one part of that story might be my favourite ever 👉🏼👈🏼💗
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Summary: Rick is giving you presents and is shy to talk to you properly until he asks you out for dinner.
Trigger: subby Rick (at least more than in my usual fics for me he can't be completely submissive), praise kink, throat fucking, dirty talk and my smutty stuff
You hand your best friend the next board as she reaches out for it from above. 
Snorting, she pulls it toward her on the roof she's sitting on, and all you hear is her voice: "I'll be done in a minute."
Waiting, you put your head back and try to see exactly what she's doing.
Before the world ended, she built a lot of things in her parents' garage and is generally extremely handy, which is why she was asked to fix the roof and so has been standing in the blazing sun for some time, and you hand her a board or a tool every time she needs it.
You hear her move something on the roof and then call out to you, "I don't know who built this before, but it sucks to fix it."
Chuckling, you shake your head, "And I know for a fact that you enjoy it."
Reluctantly, she hums in agreement, and that's when you hear a soft clearing of your throat behind you.
You flinch and whirl around.
Your nose almost collides with a huge bouquet of flowers, "What the-?" 
Your gaze travels up over the pretty flowers to a pair of blue eyes staring at the flowers, not even daring to look at you.
Behind you, you hear a loud "Oh" and quickly look behind you to see if anything has happened to your friend, but she just looks over the edge of the roof and grins down at you from both ears as your counterpart clears his throat softly again and you give him your attention again.
Still he doesn't look at you and you frown, "Rick?"
He closes his eyes and you see very clearly how he blushes as he continues to hold the flowers out to you, "Here, for you."
It's not like him to be so...shy and you are completely confused as to why he's so shy about giving them to you, you reach for the stems and accept the flowers.
Immediately he lets go of them and it is the first time he looks at you. 
His cheeks are still flushed and he steps from one foot to the other as you smile gratefully at him, "Thank you Rick. You're really beautiful."
His eyes dart over your face, "You-" He closes his mouth and then looks back down at the floor, "You're welcome."
He's tucked his longer curls carefully behind his ears, and yet he brushes them back even though it wouldn't be necessary at all, and you reach out your free hand to place it on his arm.
You have to suppress a soft giggle as he flinches as hard as if you'd electrocuted him and ask, "Where did you find them anyway? There aren't any flower meadows around here that grow such pretty ones."
Through his lashes he looks into your face and opens his lips to answer, that's when Daryl walks past you and because he heard your question he suddenly feels the need to answer it, "No shit, kid. He made me go with him to a fucking other country to get the flowers. At least that's what it felt like."
Calmly, you look back up at your leader, who has his head pulled in so far that he looks much smaller than he actually is, and that's when your best friend calls out, "Oh remember the chocolate, Daryl? He almost died getting it for her. How many walkers did he kill in the process? 10? 20? Oh, I don't know, all I know is I figured you'd end up giving yourself an arrow so you wouldn't have to see it."
You don't take your eyes off Rick and keep your hand on his arm as he bites his lower lip and Daryl stops to yell to your friend on the roof, "Fuck yeah and the books a few weeks ago? I had to spend hours on the fucking couch at the library so he could bring them for her and shit, I don't think I've ever been to one before."
Every time Rick has been out, he's brought you something you might like, and every time he's presented it like it was no big deal.
You hear your friend giggling and you can't stand to see Rick like that, so you take a step forward and stand on your tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
If it's possible, he only blushes more and then mumbles, as he does every time, "It was no big deal."
You squeeze his arm and then let go to put distance between you as your friend from above starts again, "Oh my god and that one time-" Quickly you interrupt her so it doesn't get any more awkward for Rick, "It's fine. We get it."
You can tell by the look on Rick's face when he gets his act together.
He takes a deep breath, clears his throat, and then straightens back up to his full height. He's still avoiding your gaze, but the way his gorgeous blue eyes light up as he looks up at your friend on the roof makes you wish he'd look at you the same way.
His voice is low and the blush slowly drains from his face as he lifts his chin slightly cockily and asks, "How are the repairs going?"
He is completely in the leader role and is respected by all and perhaps somewhat idolized by you.
You clutch the flowers he gave you while your eyes slide over his face and briefly linger on his Adam's apple as he notices you staring at him and he swallows hard.
His Adam's apple bounces up and down and as your thoughts drift to how you'd love to run your tongue down his throat, you tear your gaze away from him and look as he does to your friend who is wiping sweat from her face, "I'll be done in a minute."
Rick grumbles in agreement and then joins Daryl to head to the armory.
You stand there staring at the flowers in your hand as you hear a soft voice from above, "You do realize he has a crush on you right?"
Sighing, you look up at the roof at your friend, "Nonsense. He's just being nice to me."
Instead of finishing the roof, she lies flat on her stomach and dangles her hands down, "Sure, that's why he can barely look you in the eye and blushes so hard."
She points her hand in the direction the men went: "And just between you and me. That doesn't look very healthy, the way his cheeks are turning bright red. No shit, I thought he was just going to fall over when you kissed his cheek."
You've already noticed that Rick is softer with you than he is with others, and maybe a little more affable, but in life you wouldn't think that he somehow likes you more or has a crush on you. 
It just doesn't make sense, so you just shrug, "Maybe, he just doesn't know how to act around me. He probably just finds it easier with others."
"Yaha, because he's totally into you and he's damn bad at expressing it in no uncertain terms. I mean the guy is sex on two legs and knows how to get people to do what he wants. His orders are taken and he exudes pure dominance and confidence. Well, except when he gives you flowers and seems like a 16-year-old who can barely touch you without getting a boner right away." She gestures with her hands, which looks so hilarious from your perspective that you have to laugh softly, "That's not true."
Sighing, she hangs her head, "I swear, if you went after him right now and asked him to fuck you, his pants would be down faster than you can look. Not to mention, he'd be on his knees worshipping you."
She plants images in your head that make you blush and you direct a flower in the pretty bouquet, "Stop it. He's just being nice."
At that, you think of how nice he might be to you elsewhere and swallow hard.
A time or two you've seen Rick without his shirt on, and you'd never forget it. 
But his eyes are what make your knees go weak. The only problem is, he really rarely looks you in the face and always avoids your gaze.
Your hand starts to sweat around the stems of the flowers and as your friend giggles, "You're thinking about it, huh."  You grumble, "Finish the roof."
She winks at you and sits up, "Yep boss."
You sit on the couch and stare at the flowers in the vase. 
No matter how hard you try not to think about it, the thoughts your best friend put in your head keep popping up and you reach for a pillow to press your face into.
Luckily, she fell asleep right after work today, and that's even though it's not even very late and she's usually up until the middle of the night.
You lower the pillow and stroke the soft fabric as there's a knock on the door.
It's probably Michonne, who wants to borrow a book from you, as she's been doing for the past few weeks. 
So you put the pillow back on the couch and with one last look at the flowers, you go to the door and pull it open to invite Michonne in, your greeting sticking in your throat.
With his hands deep in his pockets and teetering on his feet, Rick stands at your door, staring at the floor, "Hey."
Your hand slips from the doorknob and you stare at him, "Hey?"
He clenches his teeth tightly and raises his head to avoid looking anywhere but your face, "Am I interrupting?"
Encouragingly, you smile at him and tug at your thin shirt, "You don't. Is there anything I can do to help?"
He takes a small step towards you and it's almost intimidating as he stands broadly in the doorway and mumbles, "I was cooking and I was wondering if you would eat with me. So well...it's nothing special and actually I can't really cook and it probably doesn't even taste good. So...yeah...would you? You don't have to. Don't feel-"
"Yeah, I'd love to."
Surprised, his gaze slides to your eyes and you groan softly as the blue hits you. 
At the sound you make, Rick's eyebrows go up and you slap a hand over your mouth in an embarrassed, muffled murmur, "Sorry."
Rick laughs softly and then nods in the direction of his house, "Shall we?"
With a quick glance inside your house, you take a step forward to pull the door shut behind you.
Because Rick doesn't back away and the door slams shut behind you, you stand closer to him than ever before.
Rick is taller than you, his figure in front of you seems massive. Almost smothering.
You're surprised that he just stops and looks down at you. 
Even with the swaying, he's stopped, and God, he seems so present.
Gently, you put your hands on his chest and push him off you a bit to walk past him and without a second thought, he follows you.
The buildings around you cast long shadows on the street and it won't be long before Alexandria will disappear into complete darkness, but you take advantage of the last rays of sunlight you have left by turning to Rick, who is walking three feet behind you and you are continuing your walk backwards, "What did you cook anyway?"
Concerned, Rick looks at your feet, "You should look ahead, or you'll hurt yourself."
Playfully, you do a little hop and tease him, "Is that an order, Sheriff?"
Almost panicked, he shakes his head, "No! No! Of course not!"
Grinning, you stop and reach for his hand to give it a gentle squeeze, "Relax. It was just a joke." 
He doesn't want to command you to do anything, and that only makes your heart grow warmer.
Slowly you start moving backwards again, not letting go of his hand but squeezing it again, "And if I fall, you'll catch me, right?"
Ridiculously obedient, he nods and mutters, "Of course."
His big hand makes yours seem much smaller and you take another bounce.
You miss a bump on the asphalt, and as Rick promised, he pulls you toward him before you can land ungently on your butt.
Holding onto his shoulder with your free hand, you grin broadly at him, "See? Why should I worry when you're there to take care of me?"
"Always," his voice is rough, but you hear the word clearly and can't help but respond, "Always? And if I'm ever really careless and you can't talk me into letting it go. Would you go along with that?"
Another time he looks you straight in the eye and you feel the need to run your hand through his beard. 
You feel his chest against yours and he presses even further against you as he takes a deep breath, "I'll do anything you want."
You meant it more as a joking conversation, but his reply is full of seriousness and you blink up at him languidly, "If I want new shoes?"
You feel his heart beating fast. Or is it your own?
"You got it."
I don't know what's gotten into you, but you press your breasts harder against his torso and he flinches slightly again, but not away from you.
So you continue to look him in the pretty eyes that are finally just on you: "If I want to go swimming?"
His eyes glaze over and he puts a hand innocently on your hip, "I'll take you."
You exhale shakily, "What if I want to touch your face?"
Rick lips open and his grip on your waist tightens, "Whatever you want." 
You barely recognize his voice and your soft whimper slips from your lips.
Patiently he stands in front of you as you place your hand on his cheek and finally stroke through his beard. 
His hair is still brown, but his beard is streaked with countless gray strands that you gently tug at.
His hand on your hip slides a little lower. Not much, but enough that you notice, and you breathe softly, "Why are you letting me do this to you?"
He avoids your gaze again and you tug lightly on his beard, to which he immediately looks back at you and clears his throat, "What do you mean?"
Your hand slides from his beard into his hair and you play with the curls on the back of his neck. 
The man is always so incredibly confident and sure of himself that his attempt to avoid you raises your eyebrows, "You know exactly what I mean."
Gently, you stroke his skin and feel his goosebumps under your fingers.
He doesn't stop you as you stroke his shoulder and play with the collar of his shirt. He also doesn't stop you when you let go of the hand you've been holding all this time and put your arm around his neck.
Obediently he accepts what you do and the only reaction he can't control is now pressing gently against your stomach.
You think of all the times he never contradicted you and your heart skips a beat, "Rick? I'm waiting."
A few strands fall into his face and he mumbles reluctantly, "I just want to do what you wish. I like the way you look at me then. I like the way you talk to me and I like the way you touch me."
He looks at you like you're the only thing in the world that matters and you can barely breathe. 
"I want you to kiss me."
His cock twitches against your belly and you blink up at him, "Please?"
He mumbles a "Shit," and reaches for your hip with his second hand so you can't pull away, which you don't want at all.
Strangely entranced, he looks at you and the conversation is probably the longest he's looked directly at you.
You can hardly believe it, but your best friend was actually right.
Waiting, you look at him and pull him a little closer to you with your arm. 
Normally you wouldn't even be strong enough to pull him closer this way, but like everything before, he doesn't resist you one bit and that shoots right between your legs. 
The fact that this dominant and arrogant man lets you do everything to him, goes completely to your head and you lean forward further.
His eyes are fixed on your lips and you know that he wants it at least as much as you do. Maybe even more desperately. 
"I don't know if-", You lift a hand from his collar and place it on his lips, instantly silencing him.
His lips feel so soft that you exhale heavily, "I want you to kiss me, Rick."
Your fingers slide down to his chin and you pull him a little closer to you. 
So close that you can feel his breathing on your lips.
You feel his body tremble and his fingers graze your ass.
In a soft voice you breathe, "Don't you want to do what I want you to?"
Again his cock twitches and you realize how much it must turn him on to follow you. 
Giving up a little control and pleasing you.
He is used to being above everyone and receiving obedience. But with you, he lets himself go so far that he obeys you.
So much that he leans over and puts his soft lips on yours.
Groaning, you stand on your tiptoes and he grips your ass harder, pulling you even higher so he doesn't have to lean so far down to you.
Growling, he tries to reach your lips again as you loosen slightly and half mumble into the kiss, "Thank you for the flowers:"
Without responding, he lifts a hand to the back of your head and presses you to his lips again, making you smile and him moan.
His beard scratches over your sensitive skin and you can't think of anything but having that feeling between your legs. 
His bare broad shoulders resting between your legs so you can't close them, and his handsome face in the place that aches for his touch.
But there you have a better idea.
Without thinking, you move away from him and again there's that slight panic in his gaze, "I'm sorry."
At first you don't understand what he means until he raises his hands, "I'm sorry. That was too much. Don't be mad, I promise-"
Giggling, you grab his hands and pull him toward his house, which you back up toward again, "Take it easy. It's all good."
You stare at his swollen lips, "Let's just go inside." And you drag him inside.
He can't suppress his grin as you push him by the shoulders against the closed door and your lips rest on his neck.
You lick over his pulse like you've wanted to all along and when you reach a certain spot behind his ear, he winces, "Fuck."
Sluggishly, you start sucking on that spot, opening his shirt button by button.
Without you having to prompt him, he pulls it off his shoulders and immediately your hands are on his upper body.
Gently you bite his neck and enjoy the deep moan and his hands on your body. 
He could effortlessly push you off him and get what he needs from you, but he just keeps leaning against the door and allows you to abuse his neck bit by bit.
With a moan, he asks, "Could you take your shirt off, gorgeous?"
You giggle against his collarbone, "You think I'm gorgeous?"
You realize he's turned a deep red, so you put him out of his misery by kissing him briefly on the lips, "Thank you."
Instead of pulling your shirt over your head and showing him how stiff your nipples are because of him, though, you grab his hand and pull him up the stairs, "Bedroom?" completely forgetting about the meal in the kitchen.
The big man stumbles up behind you and grumbles, "Right."
With a half-naked Rick holding your hand, you step into his bedroom and take a quick look around.
Because Rick doesn't live with a woman, you were expecting something other than a nice bright room and certainly not one this tidy.
The men you've usually stayed with haven't even bothered to make their beds in any way beforehand, even though they knew you were coming.
Rick doesn't seem like he even remotely expected you to end up in his bedroom today, and yet the bed is nicely made and you turn to him with a big smile: "You're neat."
Blinking, he looks around the room himself, as if it's his first time here himself: "Can be."
It's almost completely dark outside, and as you let your eyes wander to his torso, you groan in frustration at barely seeing anything. 
So you let go of his hand and walk further into the room, "Do you have candles?"
The floorboards screech a little as he shifts his weight, "In the nightstand drawer on the right."
You feel Rick's gaze on you the entire time as you walk to the bed and slip off your shoes as you retrieve the candles from the nightstand and set them on the shelf, then light them.
The warm light envelops the room in a beautiful play of shadows, and when you finally look back up at the man still standing in the middle of the room, you can hardly take your eyes off him.
His pants sit low on his hips and a slight fuzz shows you the way to your happiness.
In your eyes, he's perfect.
You know how much he's been through and how he became the man standing before you today. 
You know how he lost his wife and also his best friend.
You know where the scars on his ribs come from and you know where the cool look he gives some people and enemies comes from.
You can see how hard he's breathing and yet you've barely done anything.
Only the bright red spots on his neck tell you what he has let you do to him and what he has asked you to do.
Finally you look into his eyes and reach for your shirt to pull it over your head and as you drop it to the floor, his gaze is glued, as you expected, to the simple white bra you are wearing and the bulges of your breasts.
He's only a man, too, and it's hard not to notice how much he wants you.
You reach for the waistband of your pants and bend over to take them off.
Wearing only your underwear, you stand before him, "Come here."
He stands there like he's put down roots and you smile softly at him, "Rick?"
Briefly he shakes his head and takes a step toward you, "You're beautiful."
Now you're the one blushing, "Yeah?"
He takes another step closer, "I've never seen anything more gorgeous."
Now maybe three feet separates you and you reach out to him.
He looks deep into your eyes and then growls, "Fuck it." Before he reaches for your hand and finally pulls you back against his chest.
Immediately his lips are on yours and there's a bit of his everyday and normal dominance shimmering through. 
He presses his tongue between your lips and you moan into the kiss.
Your breasts feel heavy and way too sensitive as they press against his with each frantic breath and you gasp into the kiss, "On the bed."
He tries to push you to the bed to be over you, but you resist and he lets you push him onto the bed instead and sit astride his lap.
Gently, you grind against his hard cock, which must be pressing uncomfortably against his pants, and whimper in his ear, "Oh, God."
Your panties are already completely soaked and you know you're leaving a wet stain on his pants as he, in turn, gently nibbles on your neck and puts his big hands on your ass to support your movements.
His fingers dig into your skin and you moan as his cock presses into just the right spot.
Before you can become putty in his hands, though, you move away from him a bit and place your hands on his stomach and your lips in the middle of his chest.
Slowly you kiss your way deeper, licking over his nipples and feeling his whole body tense, "What-" Gently you bite his belly and he falls silent.
You push deeper until you've positioned your body between his knees and look up at him.
He leans on his palms and stares at you like you're a goddess. 
This is exactly what you wanted. 
Instead of having his face between your legs, you want to make him believe in heaven on earth.
Rick has given you so much that you want to give him something in return, and from the way he looks at you and bites his lower lip, he seems to like it a lot.
You lean over and spread little kisses along his waistband as your hands slide over his thighs.
"Fuck," his voice is so deep that you hardly recognize it and moan softly in turn.
Your best friend was right about something else, too: Rick is sex on two legs.
Your hands shake slightly as you reach for his belt and he moans harshly, "You don't have to do this."
He says it, but also lifts his hips in the process so you can undress him.
As you expected, his cock jumps out at you, slapping against his stomach.
In your entire life, you've never seen anything you wanted in your mouth more urgently.
Rick wants to please you, and fuck, you want him to worship you.
You kiss his bare thigh and he flinches.
Innocently, you blink up at him and his blue eyes bore into your soul as you purr, "May I take you in my mouth?"
He rolls his eyes in desire and exhales heavily and submissively, "Whatever you want."
You bite your lower lip and murmur, "Watch me do it, Sheriff."
Immediately he looks back at you and you reach behind your back to unhook your bra.
Clad only in your soaked panties, you bend over and put your lips around the wet tip of his cock and you think his eyes are about to fall out of his head.
You think of all the moments when Rick scared people or demanded pure obedience and now his eyes are huge and he weakly begs you to finally take him completely in your mouth and not just to play around his tip with your tongue.
Sluggishly you comply with his request and relax your throat to take him almost completely in your mouth.
You don't know who is breathing harder. 
He, because he finally feels your wet tongue on his shaft or you, because you can only breathe through your nose.
Slowly you let him slide out again and his cock shimmers with wetness.
You don't take your eyes off him, and as you squeeze your thighs together to keep from soaking the floor beneath you, you reach for his hand and bring it to your throat as you take him back up to your throat.
You want him to feel how deep you can take him and as his rough fingers brush over the spot where his tip is in your throat, you can no longer suppress a moan and you have to gag.
At the reflex, Rick moans hoarsely and his cock twitches in your mouth, "Fuck, your mouth feels so good."
His body coats a film of sweat and his praise makes you want to keep going.
As you keep sucking his cock, his hand stays on your throat and you gasp with your mouth full, "Force me."
His brain is slow to function with arousal and he moans, "What?"
His hips come toward you.
You reach for his second hand and push it into your hair. The moment his tip comes back to your lips, you whimper, "Fuck my throat."
You see in his eyes when he understands what you want him to do, and you hear in his voice how badly he wants to do it, even though he says, "I don't want to hurt you."
You bat your eyelashes, "You won't. I trust you and you know how deep you can push into me."
You take it a step further, knowing it will work, "I really want it. Force me to take-"
Firmly, he pushes your head down until your nose hits his pubic bone and you gag again and he pulls your head back by the hair and pushes down again. 
The sheer force of him pushing you down makes your pussy throb and you know you couldn't tear yourself away from him at that moment.
He fucks your throat and you let a hand slide between your legs.
You're so wet it's almost embarrassing and as Rick pushes his cock back down your throat, you slide two fingers inside you.
Immediately your pussy clenches your fingers thinking it's Rick's cock and a jolt goes through your whole body.
Immediately Rick lets go of you and you stare at him breathlessly. 
You've never wanted anyone as much as you want him and the pure arousal and concern in his eyes, only makes you hornier.
His breathing is frantic and he asks anxiously, "Did I hurt you, gorgeous?"
Instead of answering, you sit up and kiss him on the lips.
Your body has never responded to anyone as strongly as it does to Rick and as his hands move purposefully to your breasts and squeeze, you push him flat on the bed by the shoulders.
As you slide your tongue into his mouth, he gently pinches your nipples and a jolt goes through your body again, only now you're whimpering, "You never hurt me. Oh God, you feel so good."
Humming, Rick continues to knead your breasts and you try to kick your panties off your legs with one hand, but Rick reaches down and with a ripping sound and a brief tug, he tosses the remains of your panties into a corner of the room, making you giggle, "Hey, I still need my underwear."
But as your wet pussy slides over his shaft, he just hisses, "I'll get you some new ones."
Teasingly, you play around his tip with your pussy and murmur in his ear, "You'd do anything for me, huh?"
Pure truth comes from his lips, "Anything."
And you lower your body down onto him, "Do you want me to be yours?"
He squints his eyes and moans loudly, "Fuck yeah."
You nip at his earlobe, "Then it's only fair that you be mine, right?"
You feel his whole body tense as you gyrate your hips and he moans, "Fuck, you're so wet and it's all because of me."
Your wetness runs down his cock and you tense your inner muscles, making him respond to your question, "I've been yours since the first time you looked at me. Fuck I'm completely devoted to you and practically eating out of your hand."
As a reward for his honesty, you lower yourself completely onto his cock and you both moan out at the same time.
Rick's cock is huge, making you feel fuller and wetter than ever. 
Trembling, you straighten up to face him and whimper, "I love your eyes."
They glow in the candlelight and he tilts his head slightly, "Is that so?"
He puts his hands on your hips as you start to move on top of him and you murmur, "Oh yeah." And at that, you're unsure if it was in reference to his question, or the way his cock twitches inside you.
Slowly you start to ride him, and shit, the way he watches you do it makes your pussy clench again and again.
Panting, he pulls you hard onto his cock again, then slides a hand over one of your bouncing breasts.
Whimpering and moaning, you lean on his shoulder and try not to collapse into yourself as he keeps whispering to you about how good you feel and how well you ride him.
Each praise from him makes your legs go weak and seeking help you look into his eyes, "I can't take it anymore."
Gently, he puts both hands on your hips again and helps you move on top of him as you notice him struggling for control himself.
The soft smacking sound between you grows louder and louder and as he pushes you forward so he can kiss you, he hits a spot inside you that makes you howl, "There! Right there!"
Rick chuckles softly and nibbles on your neck again, "Okay, gorgeous."
And sure enough, he keeps hitting that exact spot and you know you're going to cum. 
You know you're going to cum without him even having to touch your clit.
The man is a god.
And that's when you break into a million pieces.
Rick presses his head into the mattress beneath him and moans, "Oh shit, you're tight."
Over and over you whimper his name, clinging to him like he's the only thing that could save you from drowning as you throb hard on his cock until you're breathing weakly into his neck and he thrusts even further into you, using your highly sensitive pussy to bring himself to climax.
With each thrust, you breathe, "That's it." And "Take what's yours, Sheriff."
His fingers dig into your skin and you whimper, "Cum inside me. Mark me."
He bites your shoulder and growls, "Oh shit." That's when his cock twitches and his cum mixes with yours.
You grab his curls and yank his head off you to kiss him hard on the lips as he still can't let go of you and you murmur hoarsely, "That's it, Rick."
This strong man turns to wax in your hands and lies weak and languid beneath you while you still have his softening cock inside you and he murmurs, "I'll always be yours."
You lift your head to finally look into his gorgeous eyes again, "I know."
You kiss him, "And you won't be getting rid of me anytime soon either."
@hail-yourselves  @bean-is-reading  @chanlvr2  @criminalwalkingsupernatural  @sunshinevirus  @toxic-ink   @kingtwhiddleston   @bloodycherry22   @vane28282   @bamslover   @revesephemeres   @emo-potato-virgil   @tropodyn   @mrsashleybarnes18-blog   @igotbasicdrag @starsaroundmyscxrss @moonshine147 @1-800-isabellapotter @starkstiless @marvelfan789 @eternalrose81 @daryl-dixons-crazy-woman @darylsonlylove @your-shifting-gurl
(If anyone else would like to be tagged, just let me know 💗)
650 notes · View notes
(Bonten timeline) Had a random head canon that since kakucho is 100% on the top 3 best boyfriend list I had a hc that when his lover is drunk he Takes on the role of taking care of her and when he's undressing her and redressing her drunk body into some pjs when she starts too whine and struggle he'll praise her as he helps her get comfortable calling you things like "good girl" "your doing so well love" ect that's my fluffy drunk user headcanon
A/N ::: So, one of my favorite anons turned moots sends me the best asks about our TokRev boys. I truly hate myself for my inability to keep anything short. Start giving me word limits, guys. Seriously. Or I'll just keep going apeshit.
C/W ::: Kakucho x F.reader, drinking at clubs, reader is a lightweight, Kaku' takes care of her. Literally I love him to pieces. "Koneko" means kitten in Japanese.
WC ::: 1,008
I read this as many times as I could. One of these days I'll figure out how to effectively read stuff.
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Kakucho IS THE WORLD’S BEST boyfriend. I know this deep within my psyche and even deeper within my soul.
He always has your back (especially when he has you on it. But I digress).
After a night of being out at some exclusive clubs and drinking expensive drinks (that HE fights with you about to just "shut your damn mouth woman and let me pay for them" - respectfully, of course!), you guys catch an Uber and go home.
You're so drunk that you've fallen asleep in the car more than a couple of times. And it's not that you're sloppy drunk or anything. You're just a bit of a lightweight.
Kakucho finds this one of the more charming things about you on the occasion you do let loose and drink.
The driver gets you guys back to his place and he wakes you up gently by stroking your face and squeezing your shoulder. "We're home, let's go inside."
He pays the driver, thanks them and proceeds to help you walk to the house with his arm under yours and around your waist. Eventually picking you up and just carrying you because you're just taking so long and he wants to get you to bed because he's tired as hell, too. (He really just wants to cuddle up next to you. You were dancing so much tonight and he doesn't dance so all he could do was look at you shakin' your ass all night. He missed you - despite being no more than 10-15 feet away from you while you were out on the floor.)
Finally inside, he gets you to the bed and sits you down on the edge.
"I'll be right back." Kakucho walked out of the room and you heard the garage door open. Then the dryer door opened and closed a minute later. "Here's some pajamas, one of my t-shirts and some shorts. Is that ok?" He asked.
You nodded and stood - rather, tried to stand up so you could undress. "Kakuuuu! I nee-" you hiccupped "hahaha! Jesus. I need help, please? I'm sooo tired an' 'ni jus' wanna gotuh sleep! I danced 'n drank 'n danced around 'n now I wanna sleep, Kaku!"
He grabbed you some clean panties from your drawer in his dresser and laid all of the clothes he got for you beside you on the bed. "Oh, my baby is tired. Come here. Let me help you. Let me do the hard stuff."
Kakucho kneeled on the floor in front of you and began unbuckling your heels. "That's it. Letting me take care of you, such a good girl. Ok, I'm going to lift your dress over your head and get the shirt on, ok?"
He's your king of consent, even over something as innocent as helping you get out of your eveningwear and into your pajamas.
You nodded and threw your arms up over your head, smacking him on the underside of his chin on their way up. "OH SHIT! KAKU! ARE YOU OK! SHIT I'M SO SORRY!"
He rolled his jaw around a few times and laughed, "Helluva hit there, koneko," he laughed as he lifted your dress up and off of your body. Leaving you in just your bra and the panties you had on earlier. "H-here put this t-shirt on now and then I'll take your bra off and put those other ... um, under things on."
This was hilarious to you how shy he still was with you sometimes and that he couldn't say the word "panties". The reality was that some of the things he's said to you are far worse than that.
"K." You were so agreeable right now. Not that you weren't always, but like, there was zero resistance coming from you tonight.
"My sleepy girl. Doing so good tonight. Letting me dress you like my very own little doll." Kakucho chuckled at the thought of you actually being a life-size doll for him to play with. He was still a little drunk, too, so you let it slide.
After you had his shirt on, he stood behind you and unclasped your bra, sliding it down your arms and pulling it through the sleeves of the shirt, tossing it on the chair in the corner of the room. He was so gentle, his hands grazing your skin as he did so.
You shivered.
"You're doing so well, tipsy little baby. Here, let me help you put ... these (your panties) and your shorts on." He slid the lace up your legs, followed by the cotton shorts.
You didn't want to wear those shorts anymore and you whined.
Kakucho shushed you and guided you down onto the bed anyway. "I know, I know. You'll forget all about them once you're laying down. Ok?"
He tucked you under the covers and leaned down to kiss your forehead. "Do you need anything else, baby?"
"Just you. Wanna cuddle you and go to sleep. Please? Kaku, I love youuu." You were so tired and so drunk and he was so cute and nice to you right now - and ALL THE TIME. You just wanted to be wrapped up in him and around him.
"You're my girl. Forever. I love you too. Sweet dreams." He kissed your forehead again and closed his eyes.
He chuckled and undressed, taking off his shirt, pants, and socks, leaving him in his boxer briefs.
Thanks to the alcohol, you were seeing 2 of him and it was better than anything you’d ever witnessed. He slid under the covers and pulled you into his arms.
He didn't even care that you were still drunkenly babbling about how much you loved him and that he was your favorite person in the whole wide world.
But he'd have honestly given anything to record you muttering about all of that in your sleepy, drunk voice just before you dozed off. Tightly pressed to him and wrapped up in his arms Sleeping in your own little private heaven for the next 7 1/2 hours.
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Taglist ::: @katkitkats @kazutora-kurokawa @arlerts-angel @viburnt @darkstarlight82
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ktchie · 1 year
'It's the hope that kills you'
Ted Lasso x Reader
Fluff and Angst
♡ other tags: attempt at humour/ no proof read we die like Rupert should've / possible part two
♡6.1k words
◇ In which Y/n wanted to confessed and Ted has a pastel pink apron.
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She consider herself as a tough independent woman who rather die and be beheaded than show any ounce of feelings or a hint of affection.
Her therapist said it's because she grew up in a household that doesn't show much emotion or any vulnerability. And they're right, she remember the time she saw her Dad shed a tear on the night of her high-school graduation, hiding behind his hands and cool dad stance before abruptly going to the bathroom and staying there for 40 minutes - he came back with red eyes and a terrible pun joke. As if nothing had happened.
So it is perfectly understandable that she grew up hating vulnerability, choosing to stay rigid and emotionless rather to have her whole soul on the palm of her hand. It doest help either that she's the eldest kid, the pillar of her siblings, the one who lays awake at night thinking any and every problems her parents throw at her way, worrying about it to the point her chest hurt and she has to learn to calm panic attack in such a young age.
So that being said, she never really had the full experience of romance or being in a relationship. She flirted with a few men on her lives and had fucked them plenty of times but she never really did the whole holding hands thing and all that cheesy stuff that people always whined about once the clock hits 10 and loneliness hits you like a freight train.
But meeting Ted, meeting Ted makes her want to dive head first on whatever corny things couples do in this day of age. Whether it be kissing on the rain or robbing a bank at 2pm in a Sunday afternoon.
She stared at him from across her, sitting so patiently like an overgrown child with a cup of steaming hot coffee.
"Something you need, Ted?" Her tone of voice held nothing but pure professionalism that made her quietly hissed.
Ted looked at her with his big brown eyes that makes her heart all googoo gaga, she sometimes wonder if Ted is secretly part of some hidden government group because she swore that puppy eyes could stop a international fued.
"Oh you know, just wanna visit ya'" he stated with a cheeryness only he can produced in the morning, all dimple and wide smiles. "'been awhile since I saw you, thought you're actually avoiding me but boss said that you're six feet under with all the work you got goin' on"
She chuckled at his words "Ted, I don't think there's anything in this world that could keep me away from you" she answered with a subtle smile, if she wanted him she would get him, whether it be by words or thousand of prayers.
Ted looked at her silently, wide eye and a blossoming blush on his cheeks. He looks ethereal underneath the early morning sun, a fallen single strand of hair dangling on his forehead that makes her hand itch with yearn to fix it.
"But I have been awfully neglectful to the rest of you, haven't I?" She decided to move on from her flirting (?), she doesnt want Ted to dropped dead on the floor from all the blood on his head. "I've been busy these past few weeks, but Will told me about the team plan get together on Sam's restaurant. I'll make sure to attend it, even shoulder the payment if we can get Sam to give us the bill"
Ted nodded his head, tounge tied for once, some part of her rejoiced while the other part, the one who always fear rejection and if she's being too much or too stupid, fear for whatever friendship they have (or had, if worse comes to worse)
"I-well" he cleared his throat, looking at her through his weirdly long eyelashes that always made her tear up in awe and envy.
"We can uh' y'know, we can split the bill, don't hav'ta shoulder it all by yourself"
"No its alright" she shook her head, she contemplate touching his arms, feel the soft fabric of his awfully comfy looking sweater and the skin underneath it but she decided not to, Ted might freak the fuck out and leave the room yelling 'HR! HR!' And have her fired and be shamed by the rest of the Richmond community for touching their beloved American wanker. "Consider it as my payment for forgetting to visit the locker room"
"Wasn't your fault, anyway" he shrugged before gesturing to the tower of folders and impending blueprints for the upcoming renovations and building upgrades. "I mean take a look at that, the great mt. Everest would cry if he saw this monstrosity. Even looking at it makes my stomach all funky" he shudder at its sight. "Do you even take a break? Jeez."
She sighed and leaned back on her office chair "from time to time, 15 minutes or 5. I like to finish my work early so.."
Ted frowned, he has one of those upset looks that makes her heart clenched and crack little by little until it exploded on her chest and she has to pretend she wasn't in pain so he could view her as a normal human being and not a lovesick teenager. "Ya should take a better care of yourself, you can't just go 'n on 'n on workin' till you drop dead" if it's possible, his doe eyes turned even more sadder. " its not good for you"
She bit her lip, her thighs moving up and down underneath her desk. She never liked it when he's anything but happy. "I can go take a rest when I go home and take a rest some more once I finish of all this work. its fine, don't worry too much about me"
"How can I not worry about you?" Ted leaned in, sad eyes and furrow brows. "Youre my-" he sighed before he shake his head "heck, If I had known you're over 'ere slowly killin' yourself i would have yank you from your desk till you're screamin' and cryin'"
Screaming and crying huh? Oh she can do that, alright.
"Ted.." she sighed, trying her hardest to ease the furrow on his brows "its fine, im fine. Don't worry about me too much. there's another game coming up, thats what you should be focusing on yeah?"
Ted sighed deeply, leaning back on the chair before nodding. A lock of hair fell down on his forehead, perfect it was, and y/n thought he never looked more beautiful then. She wonder if Ted kept his hair perfectly gel all the time or if he had ever let his guard down on the four walls he had been forcely call his home.
She would love to see him just him, just Ted, with his goofy smiles and bad puns and old reference from a bad film made years before.
She would love to love him, flaws and imperfections and bad days. She would paint him beautifully, perfect at every stroke of her brush and no smudge of mistakes and yet she knows she still wouldn't do him justice. Ted is just too perfect, too lovely, too godly to be even be depicted on a rough white canvas of this wretched world. Ted deserves to be painted in the walls of the church, or at every thread of the clouds, he was meant to be seen and to be watched and to be memorize until his kindness and his generosity and smile are engraved deep within everyone's heart. Y/n wanted to worship Ted with utmost devotion that her mouth would utter prayers like a second breath, until her two pressed hands bleed and flowers grow between her palm.
She watched him sat across her, his gaze darting everywhere on the carpet before a smile slowly broke on his lips, eyes suddenly lighting up and whole body perking up.
"Hey" he looked up to her, grin and joyful gaze "guess what I cooked last night" he had said giddily
"if you get it right I might just have to take a peek on that ridiculous sitcom you've always buggin' me to watch"
She scoffed, offended. "Modern family is not ridiculous, it's the best thing that ever happened to television-"
"Now hol' up. You're gettin' ahead of yourself now, sugar" she pretended the pet name didnt make her stomach flip and twist and did all kinds of wwe wrestling stunt. 
"I'll have you know that you're wrong, there are tons of- you know what, I ain't even gonna argue with you because we're both too tired for this and I'm too excited to tell you what I cooked last night, so just guess, come on"
She squinted her eyes before sighing as she started to think. "Well, last time we spoke you wouldn't shut up about barbecue and kebab and that one burger that sounds like it could kill you from one sniff"
"Triple cheese burger with bacon crisp, 3 sunny side eggs and curly fries dipped in ranch and garlic sauce with side on-"
"Sounds awful. Americans and their ridiculous food, seriously how are you not dead yet?"
Ted had shrugged with a sickeningly sweet smile "have no idea, but its good 'n ya know what they say 'enjoy life while it lasted'"
"Curse that qoute for manipulating you, let's just pray you wouldn't drop dead in the middle of the court because we can't handle your decaying body and another lose at the same time"
"You betcha! Now guess what I cooked!" Ted was almost jumping from his seat, propping his head on his palm as he stared at her.
"Come on, now"
"Friend chicken?"
"Nope, but boy I would love to have that right now"
"Heck no! You kiddin' me?"
"Uhhh, curry?"
"You already said that!" Ted pouted lightly and she almost reach out to trace the bottom of his lips and mumbled how sweet he look right now but thankfully she stopped herself.
"Allright I give up" she threw her hand up and sigh "anything you cooked is fantastic anyway, doesn't matter what it is"
"Oh, arent you a sweetheart" he smiled at her so adorably it made her tooth ache. "I'm glad you think so because I just cooked f/f!" Ted yelled so excitedly, arms spread wide and eyes bright.
She looked at him with agape mouth
"F/f? Are you serious?" She grinned so widely, it has been awhile since she tasted it, mainly because the only f/f she had ever ate is the one her mother cooks.
"Course! I wouldn't lie to ya!" Ted had stated "I couldn't get some shut eyes last night so I decided to make it, better to do something than nothin' at all am I right?"
She's still looking at him, as if in trance. "Wow Ted..I mean im pretty fucking pump but-well, why did you make it? You could have baked, you usually bake when you have nothing to do"
Ted looked away from her, cheeks suddenly getting warm and pink under the sunlight. "Oh you know..just miss ya' I guess"
Her heart crumbled and melted inside of her chest, she could feel its warmth drip from every nerve she has and settle deep within her guts and lay there until she has to curl her toes in a pathethic attempt to calm herself down.
He took a peek at her under his lashes. "I was so used seeing you every darn morning 'ere so it makes me all sad and upset when I don't. Even coach beard had to knock some sense in to me, told me to keep my marbles together or else he'll hide my barbecue sauce" he lightly chuckled "pretty heavy threat, if you ask me"
"I didnt know you miss me so much"
"Are you kiddin' me? I miss ya a hell'ava lot more than 'much'" Ted had almost yelled "i miss ya more than Roy misses running! And thats alot"
She laugh quietly, both in amusement and the tickling feeling deep on her stomach that normal people (with normal amount of love on their heart) would refer as butterflies, but for her, for someone who love too deep and too vast and too much and for a girl like her that grew up reading stories and fairy tales and movies characters with soft confession under bright stars and harsh rains, she could refer the feeling on her stomach as a clawing beast, a magnificent one born on legends and shaky words of the fear locals, with a ferocious growl and wild eyes and fangs as big as a tallest house.
In short, everytime Ted does something so adorably lovely on her eyes she could feel the entire animals on her stomach.
She looked at him with a gentle smile, eyes bright and so so soft - looking at him a like proper lover would. "I miss you too, Ted" she had said almost like a whisper, like a sin. "More than you could ever know"
The statement sounded too intimate, the tone too romantic to be said between casual friends and even the silence after it could be written in a pages of old romance stories - describe it like moment after the music, where the two of them stares at one another with that yearning look that makes all the reader sick to their stomach.
Her words sounds like a confession, one that is so gentle even the gods up above would melt where they stood. She didn't utter the proper words of 'i love you' and didn't open her palm where her bleeding heart lay and offer it to him with a desperation - but the way she said her words, the way every letter soud so much like a sudden whisper in a night of passion and sudden realization of devotion and adoration makes her statement more than a confession - as if it was an oath, a promise set on stone. Like a knights word as he kneeled on his king and offered the edge of his swords, bare against the world, bright steel and fierce glare as his lips mouth his promise, the words he would live and die on, where war would start and where it would end - be it by his blood or his foes. And similar to that y/n is ready to be let down on where she sat, to spill her heart like a leaking wound and let it stains them both, let him know how she feels, how serious, how much time she had spent pinning after him, yearning, adoring him so silently like a lovesick suitor from afar.
Ted grinned at her, dimple deep on his cheeks and that damn fallen hair on his forehead that makes him so so lovely. He opened his mouth and y/n waited with bathed breath and wonder what words would come out but before he could even roll his tounge the door of her office opened with a harsh loud push.
"Y/n we have to- oh. oh Ted! Good morning!" Higgings strolled in clumsily and no matter how much she love the little dork she kinda want to crush his glasses on her palm and send him home.
"Higgins! Nice to see ya today, buddy" Ted stood up to greet him and to give him a pleasant hug and if the coach is annoyed at anyway, he didn't show it. God he's so kind its annoying..
"You too, Ted. You too" Higgins replied with a smile that reserved only for Ted, filled with gratitude and adoration before he turned to her and she watch, with great amusement and a little irritation, when that smile fell down on his lips. "And uh, we need to talk"
She sighed mournfully, waving a goodbye to the wonderful conversation she was having with her love and to the words he would say earlier. She gestured Higgings to sit across her before she met Ted's eyes.
"Im afraid we'll have to cut our cheesy conversation here, Ted. Duty calls and if you want someone to blame, blame Higgings" she pointed at the man with a teasing smirk that had Higgins poor heart rapidly beating with nervousness.
"What? But I'm merely doing my job-"
"Im fucking with you" she patted his shoulder with a light laugh before glancing at Ted, who still remained at her office with a smile.
"I'll gave you a call later" Ted had said "let's have a dinner, ill cook for ya'"
She bit her lip to keep the ridiculous love sick smile threatening to rip her mouth apart and nodded "ill look forward to it, have a good day"
"You too, sugar"
And he was gone and if Higgins wasn't infront of her, staring at her with that bewildered look only spooked squirrel could do she would have stood up and do a cartwheel on her carpeted floor because holy fucking shit Ted is going to cook for her, just for her, not like those times where they eat together on the locker room and she has to sneakily steal his lunch - tho she knows Ted wouldn't mind Beard is another problem, she still thinks Beard has a few dead bodies on his back, the man has a stare of a despondent convicted murderer inside a prison cell. Its crazy.
"Oh." Higgings blink rapidly, his mouth subtly and slowly forming a smile. "You and Ted?"
She squinted her eyes "We're friends"
"Not with that look in your eyes, no"
"What did you eat today to have you acting this cheeky, my dear Higgins?" She looked at him up and down with a scowl.
The man let out a grin
"I should be the one asking that" he then leaned in "or should it be 'who did you meet today that have you acting this lovesick, my dear y/n?"
She flush red "You're fired"
"That'd be the 205 times you've fire me and I will continue to ignore it as long as I live"
"The first time i did that you sobbed on my shoulder"
"Well its.." he looked away "it was a different time"
"Sure it was"
"Look what we have 'ere-"
"JESUS, ROY!" She had jumped 2 feet from where she stood, clutching her heart and her car keys.
"What the hell man!"
"What? You got yourself an American man and suddenly you're weak of heart?"
"That doesn't even make any sense.." she mumbled with a disturbed look as she stared at him. "What are you even doing here? and I dont have an American man, get your head straight"
"Its a fucking parking lot, im allowed to be here" He commented with a glared as he not so softly leaned on her car.
She sighed through her nose, annoyed. "What i meant was, why the fuck are you even standing about in here and suddenly appearing from the darkness like a...hairy angry batman"
"Im not fucking hairy!"
"you shed like a golden retriever, you're not fooling anybody!"
Roy, the dog, growled in annoyance before he blocked her way to the driver seat.
"Please move or ill yell bloody murder" she stated suddenly so so exhausted.
"Why actin' so rush? Got somewhere to be?" She squinted his eyes at him, suspicious and contemplating why is he being such a dick.
"Why are you talking to me like you're about to take my lunch money?"
Roy, with the little patience he has, growled once again before he shook his head, as if he was the one getting annoyed and tired on the conversation. Then he stared at her, right on the eye, as if wanting to burn her soul and cook her alive.
"Youre really not going to tell me?" He had asked, hands on his hips.
"Is that how it is?"
"What?" She ask, confused.
"You and Ted" Her eyes widen, what is he on about?
"Me and Ted? What about us?"
"Higgin-" he cleared his throat "I mean, someone told me you and the little prick was getting all chummy in your office. Even got yourself a fucking date, how lovely"
She sighed "there wasn't a date Roy, Ted and I are friends. And we aren't getting 'chummy' or whatever kind of meaning that word has in your vocabulary and tell Higgins-"
"It wasn't higgings"
"-tell him to keep his damn nose out of my business or ill key his car"
Roy stared at her for a long second before he clenched his jaw and mumbled a 'fuckkkkk'
"We're-" he swallowed before he looked upwards to the sky, as if begging the gods above to give him more strength. "We're-..f-friends, arent we?" Her eyes soften in both adoration and amusement as he grimaced with every letter he spoke.
She chuckled "we are, no matter how much you disdain that word"
"Then," Roy had sighed "believe me when I say that that cowboy Mr. Rogers is fucking inlove with you"
Suddenly the air felt too thick and her clothes felt too hot. "Roy, i think you're wrong. Ted wanst-"
"Don't you fucking dare tell me he wasn't because a blind bloke could see it in a mile away, he wouldn't fucking shut up about you. fuck sake, He even draws you!" He yelled dramatically, hands shooting in a air in a form of exaggerated irritation that only Roy Kent could do. "Those past few days where you lock yourself up in your bloody office has been the worst days of my entire life, Ted looks constipated half of the fucking time and all he does is broods and broods and fucking complains about you. He's insufferable! Beard has to talk to him in the bathroom to get him straight!" He massage his temple before sighing and looking at her so gently then, so softly, like a brother would, like a friend would do, like someone you can hold onto when life gets though and days gets bad.
"Believe me, he's inlove with you.." he softly said like a whisper.
"In every possible way a human could love, he's inlove with you"
Her breath hitched from her throat, tounge heavy on her mouth and her heart beat could be hear from miles away. The beast inside of her guts fell silent, almost asleep, like his words strike straight to his heart and send him down on the ground, wounded and shaken and could never get back up.
"I came here to.." Roy cut short, finding the proper words. "To tell you how happy I am that he finally work the balls to ask you out, but turns out he's still a fuckin' pussy and a mess of a man"
She chuckled and shook her head.
"Ted is.." She lick her lips and leaned on her car, Roy beside her and shoulder apart.
"I don't think Ted would do the first move, he's..afraid, I think. All his life Michelle was the only woman he knew, only woman he loved and if what you're saying is not true, then she's the only woman he would forever love" she said almost mournfully. "Divorced is hard, specially for someone like Ted who loves too much and give too much, maybe that's the reason why I'm hopeless inlove with him to the point of humiliation but who fucking  cares, right?" She shrugged.
She then swallowed before sighing a shaky breath. "I'll uh, ill confessed tonight. While we eat dinner, ill..ill try, and if- y'know, he doesnt like it then I'll back off" she bit her lip as her gaze burn holes to the pavement.
"I'll love him from afar, cheer for him from the stands and sob on my office if I saw him and sassy together again"
Roy chuckled "i remembered that one" reminiscing her worst times of sobbing half dead on her office table mumbling how cruel it is to love Ted and asking what Sassy has that she does not.
"Maybe ill hire a hit man too, have them kill you so you could forget about it" she bumped his shoulder with her own and lightly laugh when Roy grunts.
"I'll write it with my fucking blood, believe that"
"Write it with your chest hair and ill believe it"
"You fucking cunt-"
"Sorry 'bout the mess.." Ted gestured to the perfectly clean living room with a sheepish look. "didn't have time to clean up. I'm just too excited to cook for ya I forgot about everything else"
"That so? Well I'm excited to taste it, I'm sure it'll be wonderful" she smiled at him as she put the bottle of wine down on the marble kitchen bar.
"Oh it'll blow your socks off, its nothin' like the food at Sam's restaurant but its darn good if I say so myself" She watched silently as Ted, adorable adorable Ted, wore his pastel pink apron, tied it around his waist and fluff it with a lovely smile that almost had her clutching her precious weak heart.
"Im sure it'll be delicious" she say, referring more to the cook rather than food. "I like anything you do anyway, so"
Ted glance at her and smile, all dimple and bright eyes. It made her smile too, softly, subtly, like one of those yearning smile that hides thousands of words and promises and hopes and desperation.
Ted went back to his cooking, whistling a tune she swore she heard before. He was telling a story, one about a fish and a basketball and a prom that gone wrong but for the life of her she could not listen.
She thought about her conversation with Roy, the words he had utter that made her want to pour her heart out and confessed to her love. She dont want to be hopeful, being hopeful is nothing but a wish on the wind in this place. It is the poison that rots your mind, that decays the flower and the trees and the grass, break the ground you stood up upon - watch it crumble and crumble until your legs become weak and your bones break from your flesh and you fell ill and sick and cough blood until you die and wish that you should have done better, that you should have stayed quiet and at peace and settle from staring from afar instead of watching your own skin slowly peel away as you continue to hope and hope and hope and watch as the filthy earth swallow you whole and- Jesus christ she should really stop reading those sad terrifying books Nate had been recommending her alot, its ruining her head in the worst ways.
"Ya feel alright?" Ted's voice woke her from her thoughts.
She looked at him furrowed brows and concerned eyes. "Im good, it's nothing"
"We could just watch a movie, you know? Order some good ol' pizza and have a laugh on some bad movies and oh! You know what? we could just watch your favourite-"
"I rather just taste your food, Ted. If you don't mind"
"But you look tired" and there it is again, the puppy look, the vain of her existence. God he's so terrible she kinda want to kiss his face and pinch his cheeks.
She chuckled "arent you sweet"
"Oh gosh! I didnt- darn, I didnt mean it that way, sugar!" He was panicking, going all over the kitchen with his cute apron on and little sauce smudge on his cheeks.
"You l-look tired but y'know still pretty, and cute and-and you know? Please darlin' I didnt mean to offend you i just want to-"
"Hey, hey, hey.." she called out to him with a barely contained humour smile "I get it, I was fucking with you. I'm just joking, calm down"
He slumped dramatically on the counter with a sigh "oh goodness, you had me there. Thought I was gonna loose ya'"
They had talked a little bit, or maybe too much, she couldn't exactly remember how long it was or what it was about but she had know they had laugh and jest and share a few stories of their childhood and back when they're still a foolish teenager who didn't know what they want and where they belong - she  still don't know now if she was being honest, she wasn't really the kind of person that plans ahead of time, or give a genuine thought on what she wanted to do in the future and how she will get there but Ted is, Ted knows, Ted understand what he wants and how he will get there and what he see himself on the future and in which place and who he was with, it made her fall a little more inlove with him.
"How was it?" He had asked as he leaned in, nervous and fidgeting.
"Oh gosh please say somethin' I'm about to blow a nerve over 'ere"
She laugh "it was good!" And it is, the best curry she probably had.
"Its perfect, Ted. Even the spiciness is perfect"
He blew out an air "oh thank god, I was so worried ya wouldn't like it! And to be completely honest with ya' I thought I switched up the salt and sugar halfway"
She laugh again, it wasn't even funny, she's just inlove and a complete fool.
Ted started to talk about his day, down to what he had ate for breakfast and how terrible his coffee was 'it tasted like cow piss' his words. He then talked about his theory that Nate is secretly a goverment spy forced to work with him for a very dangerous top secret world breaking undercover mission - when she asked why he think that - 'because nate is a genius and there ain't no way he was a water boy before I came here and coach beard told me he saw nate yesterday slap a fly in a speed of light and didn't even flinch'
It was ridiculous theory but she then remember the amount of gory psychological thriller books Nate has been recommending her for the past few days and a good amount of them involves a spy or two. She wasn't convinced but she'll keep an eye out just incase.
"-it wasn't that much of a big deal"
"You set your school on fire!" Ted had exclaimed rather dramatically, on her opinion, as she told him her high-school tales.
"Thats like- Thats arson!"
"Its not arson if they don't know someone set it on fire" she tap her forehead lightly as if gesturing Ted to see how smart she is. And Ted, bless his heart, actually nodded.
"Youre right, thats smart. Look at ya' getting away with crimes in such a young age!" He grins so beautiful she was actually proud of what her foolish younger self did back then.
"You sounds awfully proud of me bring a criminal"
"Well its kinda awesome and speaking of awesome!--" his eyes was bright and there's a little smudge of sauce near his lips, he looks adorable and loveable and she just suddenly want to kiss him stupid and tell him how much she loves him-
"--Sassy and I are going on date this weekend!"
A glass shattered on the background.
She wasn't adventurous or a sucker for pain and near death experince but if someone had ask her what it would feel like when an arm go through her chest and crush her heart in one fist, she would describe what she's feeling right now in exact gruesome detail that even Nate would vomit on the corner.
She couldn't stop her smile for falling from her lips or the soft disbelief of 'oh' that escape from her tounge, its amazing how a simple two letter words sounded so broken out of the millions she had uttered before.
"Thats great, Ted" she thank every God there is that her voice didn't came out robotic "im happy, you deserve someone who can take care of you"
Ted nodded his head with a grin that is far too wide for his cheeks and then he stared talking, he was saying something but she couldn't hear it, didn't bothered to hear it, she was too busy wondering if the feeling of absence on her chest had been there long before or had just recently appeared now.
"-aint it funny?"
"Yeah" was her response even if she didn't hear any word of it, she avoid his gaze as she wiped her mouth with a tissue and cleared her throat - there's a vile stuck on it that she couldn't seems to swallow.
"Ted, I-uh, I think I'm gonna go home. I'm not feeling very well" she was a liar and a coward but she rather die than cry infront of him -  and suddenly she was young again, alone in her room, toes cold from the floor board and clenching her hands into a tight fist and wondering what is it about her that is unlovable.
"Oh, uh, okay" Ted stood up from the table "are you feelin' dizzy? Does your tummy feels funny? Do you wan-"
"I don't" she said firmly, she was upset, mad, not to him but to herself, for even hoping that she could have this. "I don't need anything, thank you" she lied and swallowed the humiliation of even wanting to say everything she wanted to say to him. All those words she wanted to confessed makes her sick to her stomach because how fucking dare she believe she even has a chance? How foolish to even assume she could have Ted?
"Nothing like a good rest would fix" she had stated, hoping to ease his mind but her chuckle came out weak and sad.
"Okay uh, ill walk you to your apartment - I mean, flat, christ-"
"Its okay" she grab her bag "I can walk by myself"
"I don't think its safe-"
"I can handle myself"
"Still, you look a little pale and I can't have a gal like yo-"
"Fucking hell Ted!" She had yelled and the guilt settled on her stomach as soon as she did so.
Ted look at her like she wasn't her, like another person came on his flat with a face of a friend he adores and she wanted to laugh because how could she want to love him and care for him when she could barely be half of a kind person that he was?
"Just- fuck, I got it. I can handle myself just dont-" she sighed through her nose and looked down, she could feel the tears on her eyes and but none of them fell down.
"Just let me be, yeah? I'm not a fucking toddler you need to be coddle all the time"
There's a pause before Ted nods "Okay" his eyes were sad, sadder than anything she had ever saw and it would've break her heart if it weren't shattered before.
She looked at him silently, a second. She almost wanted to say it, say the words, just lay it all on the table and let Ted feast on the remnants of her broken heart and whatever is left. He'll take good care of it, she knows. That's a kind of man he is. Maybe even fix it together with some melted gold.
"Im sorry" Ted was the one who apologized even if she should be the first, it made her guts coil. "I didnt mean to upset you, I was just-just worried. I'm sorry"
She looked down and clenched her fist, dig her nails on her palm.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, I was being a dick and I have no excuse-"
"Youre tired and you're not feeling well, 's okay"
"Its not, Ted" she shook her head "I shouldn't have talk to you like that, you're my-" she swallowed "youre my friend, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry"
Ted smile, sad and worried all at once. "Its okay, I forgive ya'"
He shouldn't be, atleast not this easily.
"Okay" she nod her head once before she turn to the door with trembling hands.
Ted appeared next to her and held the door open for her. "Be safe, sweetheart"
'Don't' she wanted to whisper but felt too tired to do so.
"Call me when you get home"
"Will do"
The ground was wet as she walked and the road felt much sadder than before, the cold night air beg her for warmth and instead of the heat of her flat her mind travel to the warmth of his hands, of his touch. Y/n briefly wonder how she came to be like this, how she love so fiercely like a beaten dog and dig claw marks on everything she ever love just to watch it be yank away from her as easily as her tears could fall.
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girlwiththeobsessions · 9 months
love sick c. f.
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this book has also been published on wattpad. same username as the one on here. i update faster on there.
you and conrad had a secret relationship two summers ago, when you were 15 and he was 16. you broke up with him because your younger sister, belly had liked him, and you were afraid of hurting her. now, flash forward, you were 17, and you thought you had gotten over him, but maybe you haven’t
you are adopted in this! y/n's parents were close with the fishers and conklins but died in a car accident, so laurel adopts y/n
part 2
i. the drive
ME AND MY FAMILY have been coming to cousins since i was a baby, since before i was born.
the tradition was, me and my mom would go to the summer beach house in cousins, along with my moms friends, laurel park and susannah fisher, and laurel's daughter and son, and susannah's two sons.
the beach house felt magical, every summer, i couldn't wait to return each summer.
most of the time, me and belly would tag along with the moms, mostly just my mom.
my mom would take us shopping a lot, and get us frozen yogurt after, then we'd go swimming.
laurel and susannah didn't really like to swim with us. that's what made my mom so special. until both of my parents died. when i was seven. in a car crash.
my parents were my whole world. i miss them everyday.
after that happened, i had to move from north carolina to pennsylvania with the conklin's.
from what i remember, i was pretty shut down for the next two years, and sad all the time, but eventually i got better.
laurel had taken me in with her, john, steven, and belly, and i had my last name changed to l/n-conklin.
i had found hobbies to cope with my parents death. in sixth grade, i had taken up soccer. in eighth grade, i started volleyball. now, as a junior, i was on my schools soccer and volleyball team.
i was pretty smart too, academically. with my grades averaging with a's and b's since freshman year. i wanted to go to college, my dream school was university of southern california, usc.
today though, was the day i returned to cousins for the summer, of course, i was excited. i was in belly's room, packing, with taylor jewel, me and belly were both close friends with her.
"drew's bummed you're missing the beach match with the boys team next weekend." taylor told belly, laying down on the bed, on her phone.
belly turned around. "uh, make sure tell sophie to square up for the block." belly tells taylor, ignoring what she said.
"drew martinez is texting me about you, and you're talking about volleyball?" taylor said with a surprised expression.
"drew doesn't care if i'm there or not, he wants an excuse to text you." belly denied, not really acknowledging the fact that she had a glow up basically. "and you better take this game seriously, i mean, team pride is on the line, taylor."
"please, you know me better than that." taylor looked up. "i would never let a boy beat me at anything."
belly and i laughed. "i thought you came here to help us pack." belly smiled.
"fine.." taylor got up. "i'll help. here's a tip, don't bring that speedo. it doesn't do a thing for your new boobs." taylor said with a a laugh, sitting on belly's bed, flipping through a magazine.
"it's not a speedo." belly defended with a frown looking down at the swimsuit.
"yes it is." i intervene, looking at my phone.
"we're just saying babes, like you need to pack cute things." taylor says flipping a page in the magazine she's reading.
"well, i always buy a new suit when i get there." belly tells us with a smile.
"okay, well, buy one that doesn't look like you're trying out for the swim team." i pressed.
"are you serious y/n?" belly giggled, flopping onto the bed and launching herself onto me.
"girls! were leaving in the next 10 minutes!" laurel shouted from downstairs.
"we got to go." belly said with a frown.
"no, we don't, we still have 10 minutes!" i told the two of them with a smirk.
we started laughing again, but once it stopped, we sat on the bed, belly on the floor, taylor switching to a more serious tone.
"okay, before i let you both go you both have to tell me your summer wishes. like the one thing that you guys want to happen this summer."
"i don't know." belly took a deep sigh.
"you little liar, yes you do." taylor giggled at belly.
"you want a hot make out sesh with conrad fisher, you want his tongue in your mouth, you dirty little slut!" taylor joked.
i shifted uncomfortably, trying to plaster a laugh. "taylor! ew."
"i'm just saying, i mean, you've been in love with him since we were twelve." taylor reminded her as belly got up.
"it doesn't matter what i do, he doesn't see me that way." belly frowned.
"oh, he'll see you." i looked at belly up and down. "whether he wants to or not. you look a lot different than last summer, belly."
taylor laughed, then turned to me. "what about you, y/n?"
i looked away. "what about me?"
"your summer wish." taylor reminded me.
"i don't know yet." i sighed. "i guess go to a lot of parties, and make more friends."
"no boyfriend? no fling?" taylor asked, a little confused. "come on y/n, a whole summer on the beach? no nothing?"
"oh wow, big deal, a seventeen year old that doesn't care about a boyfriend." i sighed again. "i guess i've never really been that interested in getting a boyfriend." i shrugged. "i have other priorities."
i did. i applied for a job as a lifeguard at the country club, to get some money for college. i wanted to apply to ucla, it was my dream school.
i always try to keep myself busy, keep myself doing something productive, and i think the job would help.
"girls, we're leaving now!"
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during the drive, belly got shotgun, steven was driving, and i sat in the backseat with mom, which i didn't really mind.
the song 'can't do better' by kim petras was blasting, while belly sung along from the top of her lungs.
i unbuckled my seatbelt and spread my legs across the backseat.
"uh, can you guys turn it down a little?" laurel asked. "and, y/n, sit right."
i sighed and sat straight, buckling my seatbelt. "i want you guys to be better about helping out this summer." laurel told us.
"don't just leave your dishes, load them into the dishwasher. and, not just your dish either, steven. i want you to be good houseguests." she continued.
"mom, susannah has people who clean, doesn't she?" steven asked, curiously.
laurel flicked steven on the head. "steven!"
"owww!" steven complained. "alright, alright. sorry."
mom is weird about money, the fact that susannah has money, and we don't.
"just.. be considerate, and act like i raised you right. steven, y/n, that means don't stay out too late."
"mommmm!" we both complained.
"i'm too old for a curfew." i frowned.
"wait, what about me? i don't have a curfew either, right?" belly asked from the front seat.
steven started to laugh. "what do you need a curfew for? you don't go anywhere."
"steven!" i threw my phone charger at him. "don't be a jackass."
"what?" steven continued laughing.
"we'll talk about it when it comes up." laurel told belly.
"oh, and y/n, don't forget, you promised you'd take me driving." belly reminded me.
"belly, i told you i'd take you." laurel intervened.
"yeah, but.. you're too judgy." belly quietly said.
me and steven started laughing. "excuse me?" laurel asked.
"yeah, sorry." belly laughed too.
we parked in front of the gas station me, belly, and mom going in.
belly got some cheetos and sour patches. she opened the bag of cheetos and ate a few.
"belly!" i whisper-yelled.
"at least pay for it first."
me and belly looked over at the register, to see a guy staring at us.
"hey." he nodded his head.
i smiled and waved, while belly grabbed a coke, and we brought our snacks up to the register.
"what's up with you, y/n?" jumper said with a smile.
"jumper? i didn't know you work here now." i said in surprise.
he turned to belly. "who's this? are you new this summer?"
belly looked behind her, then back at jumper. "uh, me? no.."
"really?" he smirked, and scanned the snacks. "thought i knew every pretty girl in cousins."
"ew, don't flirt with my little sister, idiot." i warned him.
to be honest, i wasn't really fond with jumper. the way he sort of treated girls like they were objects just wasn't too appealing to me.
he rolled his eyes. "whatever. you both coming to the bonfire tonight? first of the season."
"uh.. maybe." i responded.
"come!" he encouraged us, then turned to belly again with a smile. "i'll introduce you to some of my friends."
"maybe i will." belly smiled back
i gave belly a quick side eye. "maybe she won't." i look back to jumper, trying to protect belly.
laurel walked up to us. "after i get settled in, you wanna go to whale of a tale with me, so i can presign stock for the signing tonight?" she asked belly.
"remember.. when you used to sit on my lap when i used to sign there?" laurel continued
"no, i don't.. remember that." belly chuckled.
"i'll make you a deal." laurel said, as we walked out. "i'll let you pick out tonight's desert if you come in and keep me company."
"see you later." jumped smirked at belly.
"what's later?" laurel asked, curiously.
"nothing." belly responded, a little too quickly.
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non idol!shotaro x fem!reader • fluff • best friends to lovers
warnings: this is my first fic so brace yourself, just some kisses.
a/n: feel free to send feedback, I procrastinated this a lot bc tumblr decided to not let me save like half of it and I had to restart 😭. I love sunshine by skz so was inspired to write about this sunny boy after listening.
osaki shotaro has been your best friend since your mothers introduced you two in diapers. he's still your happy, bright companion from toddlerhood. your taro, supplying your favourite snacks from the times of juice boxes to post-dancing ramen. the one constant rock in your life. the two of you have a set of clothes at each other's houses, buy things that remind you of one another, compete in the same dance team, notice small habits only a lover would realise. neither of you know the feelings you harbour for each other, and it’s painful.
pausing the generic rap music your teacher assigned for your hip hop duo, you turn to him with mochi filled cheeks. you're sitting on the floor of the studio, having a snack break. 10-year-old you gently points to the corner of your eye as he laughs at some long-forgotten dad joke you made. "taro, did you know that when you smile your eyes smile too?" the quietly comforting atmosphere is bubbling with innocence and joy. as you mimic his expression with a scrunched up face, he giggles even more and you smile too. "look, they did it again! they kind of- kind of light up! like they're getting bigger even though they're getting smaller." he tilts his head at your specific realisation. "really? do you think it's cool?" turning to the mirror, he begins smiling and fixating on his eye shape. "I love it! your smile is like sunshine." he stops and looks down, flustered. that's all he needs to know. now he smiles at everything you do.
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"ugh, today sucks!" you exclaim, walking home from high school with shotaro. he hums understandingly as you kick a rock and asks you to elaborate. it's sweltering, and he's offering his water bottle every minute. "I argue with my dad this morning, then jiwook has something enlightening to say about my body, I get a low score in science and the one time I get to talk to you I'm upset." his heart pangs at your recount. shotaro’s conflicted by the way he's so affected by a slight change in your mood. you’re his best friend. he almost comes to the conclusion he's hurt by the way your sparkling eyes look worn down because he stares at you more than he'd like to admit. but he's too distracted by something you said.
"what did jiwook say?" he flinches sheepishly, knowing that shouldn't be his immediate reaction. "is that all, osaki?" it gets quiet. you continue. "s-sorry, i'm just on edge. um, he said something about me being an eyesore and no one liking me, i guess. why?" you reply nonchalantly. now he's angry, and he doesn't know how to react without it screaming i'm in love with you. he frowns. "don't listen to him. everyone loves you and you're so beautiful and amazing! my day gets better just when I see you! I wish I could make your day better. gosh, how could he say that about you?" he begins rambling, and you have to cut his usually composed self off by leaning into his side. alarm bells ring in your head and a cacophony of fireworks go off in shotaro’s. you start to realise he's coming off as more than a friend - he might like you too. as the conversation returns to normalcy, the burning sun pulls you away from that wild fantasy. "thanks taro. i'm so lucky to have you in my life."
growing silent, he pulls you into an embrace, stomach blossoming into a flurry of unspoken love. suddenly you've reached your house and you're hugging goodbye. it's just the two of you. he smiles contentedly into your hair until the sun starts to get to you and the world closes in. "you're the only sunshine i need." you mumble into his chest before pulling away and ruffling his hair, walking up to your front door for what feels like forever. "bye! love you!" you holler and he returns it faintly. he wishes it wasn't platonic, beginning to move away defeatedly. little does he know as you shut the door, your head falls and you let out a longing sigh.
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"yah. did you hear me?" he nudges, resting his head on yours from behind playfully. you're staring at the dance studio mirror, lost in thought. moonlight spills into the dark lit room from overhead windows, outside it's quiet at this hour. "I called your name like, 3 times." head moving faster than your eyes, you spin around to see your smiley best friend also on his practise break. you're staying late together to perfect routines and have fun freestyling. really, though, it's just to have each other to yourselves while your team is gone. "huh? oh, yeah, what is it sunny boy?" he momentarily freezes, caught off guard at the nickname. god he loves your sleepy tone. he's lucky his endearing smile conceals it all. "wake up! I wanna show you a new choreo i learnt in LA last month!" you nod, immediately dropping crossed legged. shotaro loves the way he always has your undivided attention. you each steal glances at each other through the mirror as he walks to turn on 'siren', and you hype him up with all of your remaining energy. you would've caught the blush on his cheeks if he hadn't began executing the moves with such finesse, power and flow.
your eyes lock for the entire routine. growing shy from the tangible tension in the room, the music abruptly ends with the signature scratch, saving you as your cue to shower him with praise. you clap for eons. his immovable smile is widened by your vocal admiration and he bows like it’s his life duty to thank you. after his name leaves your lips for the nth time, you start to calm down. playfully whistling, you suddenly acknowledge anyone from an outside perspective would recognise you’re blindly in love with him. all he can think about is your appreciation. he joins you on the floor, you pull him into your front and his head finds solace in your lap straight away. should i tell her? echoes through his mind. you fiddle with his hair nervously. sparks fizzle between your bodies, years of want climaxing in a cliche full circle moment.
shotaro finally mumbles your name. “hmm?” you respond, making eye contact. he smiles up at you. rehearsing his big speech inside his head and running through all possible outcomes, he bites the bullet.
“I like you, like beyond friendship. I think I have for a while now. please don't say this changes us, you’re everything to me. I-I just needed to get this off my chest because I live to make you happy and can't keep lying to you."
you sit in shock. the dim lighting of the room amplifies all of your emotions at his confession, and the lower your jaw falls the lower his heart does. time stops in the room and you feel like you're floating. "wow." you breathe. "what is it?" he urges, cheeks already heating up. "I, uh, yeah. me too. I love you too, forever. just can't believe what's happening right now." you giggle. "who knew the flurry of sunshine had some poetic potential?" he tries his best frowny glare but fails, and instead opts for his trademark smile that you adore so much.
sitting up, he gazes at the crescent moon, entranced. you're gazing at his face as his arm absentmindedly snakes around your waist. your eyes quickly find his lips. you're both caught up in how your entire relationship is changed and it's electric. "taro, can I-" you begin, not realising he's thinking the same thing as his eyes have found your lips long ago. his glimmering eyes meet yours and you kiss.
it's a slow, uncertain clash that quickly deepens as you melt into each other. he pulls away and smirks before kissing you again with more passion. your lips dance, hands finding his neck and it seems like eternity in this state would be bliss. but eventually you're pulled back into your senses and your lips part. "i love you" is exchanged at the same time immediately and laughs erupt throughout the room at the sickeningly sweet moment. sighing, you lay down next to each other. "y'know, you're like the moonlight, and i'm like sunshine. yin and yang." he remarks, only ever revealing his sincere side to you. "here comes shakespeare..." you dig. "yah! I wanna be sentimental!" you kiss him again before he can defend himself further. "here's something sentimental. be my boyfriend." shotaro's never smiled harder.
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luckyroll3 · 6 days
Crimson Lights: Chapter 22
Once inside, I drop my bag on the bench and lean against the wall next to it, letting the cool surface on my back steady me for a moment. I don’t feel like moving from the spot, so I slide all the way to the floor and sit, resting my head against the wall, my feet extending in front of me, parallel to the door.
After some time passes by, maybe 10 minutes - I’m not quite sure - I hear someone at the door.
"Kay?" The voice comes from just outside my door—a gentle knock follows. Changbin.
I don’t say anything at first. Then I look towards the door and ask, “Who’s with you?”
“It’s just me.”
"Come in," I manage, my voice a hoarse betrayal of my inner turmoil.
He opens the door cautiously, his broad frame filling the space. His eyes fill with concern when he sees me slumped on the floor just behind the door. I move my legs to allow him more space to open it wider and squeeze his body through. "Oh Kay,” he whispers as he shuts the door. “You drove yourself?"
I nod, not trusting my voice as I tilt my head upwards to look at him.
"Are you hurt?" Changbin crouches beside me, his gaze searching for injuries.
"Inside," is all I can say, my hands fisting in my lap.
He takes off my shoes and scoops me up easily, walking me to the couch. I curl into his body, resting my head on his shoulder. "Tell me," he urges softly, as he places me in my spot and sits beside me.
"Chris...I never saw him like that..." The words tumble out, disjointed and heavy with disbelief. "He’s always so controlled, so charming. And now..."
"Chan is...complicated." Changbin's voice is careful, weighted with unspoken truths.
"You boys love that term don’t you? Complicated doesn't even begin to cover it." I laugh, but it is hollow, void of any humor. "I watched him,” I make the motion of my thumb cutting across my throat instead of saying the word, behead, “two people. And then he was in such a rage, he almost hit me, Changbin. What does that make him? What does that make me for not seeing it sooner? For not recognizing that this is who he is?"
"Hey," he says, his hand finding mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "This isn't on you. You couldn't have known the realities of our world."
"Couldn't I?" I look up at him, seeking solace in his steady presence. "Maybe I didn't want to know. Maybe I ignored it all because..."
"Because you’re in love with him," Changbin finishes for me, his voice soft but firm. I’m silent for a bit as I think about this. He’s right. I’ve overlooked a lot because I’m in love. 
"Is this what love gets you? A front-row seat to violence and threats?"
"Sometimes…love means seeing the good and the bad," he replies, his thumb brushing over my knuckles. "And sometimes, it means figuring out what you are capable of dealing with and maybe even walking away when the bad outweighs the good."
"Could you?" I ask, eyes locking with his. "Could you walk away?"
Changbin hesitates, his expression unreadable for a moment. "It's not about me, Kay. My decision was made many years ago; all of ours was. It's about what you can live with, what you're willing to accept."
"Right now, I’m not sure I can live with any of it," I confess, feeling the weight of the truth settle around me. “I thought that I could, but….”
"But, It’s a lot. You need to take the time to process, but you’ll figure it out." Changbin assures me, his presence helping to steady me even as fear and worry continue to rage inside me.
Silence envelopes the room, broken only by our breathing. Changbin moves closer to me on the couch, his hands clasped together, but his eyes are fixed on the floor as if he were gathering his thoughts from its patterned surface. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms tightly around my legs. I rest my cheek on my knee and stare at him.
"Chan...Chris," he begins, lifting his gaze to meet mine. "He wasn't always like this. The way he is when he’s with you, that’s the real him, the one we remember from when we were kids, before all of this. Before JYP.”
He sighs before continuing on. “That fucker took a kid with a huge heart, who loved to laugh, was fiercely loyal, wrote poetry, always spared a hug for people and animals, always put everyone else first, and he preyed on his need and desperation to survive to turn him into a version of himself, a weapon he could control. He tortured the person that we loved until he became a shadow of himself. The only thing that kept him grounded was us and JYP did everything he could to sever our bonds. But once he realized Chan wouldn’t sacrifice us, refused to do it, he allowed Chan to keep us….and made him pay for it. I’m sure you’ve seen the scars on his back?”
I nod.
Changbin dropped his voice to a whisper. “He probably told you they were from when he was initiated into the syndicate. That’s partially true. Each new member has to be whipped, beaten, to officially join, a sign of our submission and loyalty to the organization. JYP wanted all of us initiated at the same time, even though it typically happened when someone was 17. Felix, Seungmin, and IN were 13 or 14 back then, and so tiny….they wouldn’t have survived it. I barely survived it. Chan made a deal with JYP to do their initiation for them. JYP was only too happy to accept. They broke Chan physically and mentally. I think it took Chan 3 days to come to from the beating they gave him.”
I swallow hard, focusing on the way the words roll off his tongue—each syllable weighed down with a gravity that made my chest tighten.
“I’m telling you this so you understand why Chan is the way he is. But also why he means everything to us. Why we have unwavering loyalty to him. He has not only saved our lives, but he has literally put his life on the line for us several times. We can never truly repay him for that.”
I don’t say anything, but I understand.
“But that was just the start. The deeper you get into this life, especially when you’ve been chosen to lead, the heavier the crown sits on your head. Threats come from every corner," Changbin continues, his voice steady yet laced with an underlying tension. "Rivals, police, even those you thought were loyal. It changes you, forces you to do things and make choices no one should ever have to make."
"Is that what happened today? A choice?" My voice trembles, betraying the fear still clawing at my insides.
"Yes. But for survival," he corrects quietly. "In our world, it's kill or be killed. Chan did what he believed was necessary to protect the Syndicate. To protect all of us."
"Even at the cost of his humanity?" The question slips out before I can hold it back, and I watch as Changbin's features soften, his tough exterior momentarily giving way to something more vulnerable.
"Sometimes I wonder if there's any humanity left in any of us. We’ve all done pretty awful things," he confesses, and in that moment, I see the toll the life has taken on him too. “What you saw today wasn’t the real Chan. That was the monster created by JYP. Is it a part of him? Absolutely. And it will always be there. But it’s a small percentage of who he is. You’ve seen who he really is. Those are the parts you fell in love with.”
I take in his words and try to make sense of it all in my brain. We sit in silence, the weight of our conversation anchoring us to our spots. As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with streaks of orange and purple, Changbin stands up, stretching his arms above his head.
"I should go," he says, though he makes no move toward the door.
"Please stay," the words fall from my lips before I could consider them, a plea born from a place of raw need. "I don't want to be alone tonight."
Changbin hesitates, searching my face for any sign of doubt. When he finds none, he nods once, a silent agreement passing between us.
“Thank you. I’m gonna go change. Do you mind bringing me some water?” I start walking to my bedroom.
Once in the room, I walk towards the bureau as I peel off my work clothes and toss them to the side. I pull open the drawer and my eyes land on Chris’ black hoodie, the one I’d kept after our first night together. I pick it up and bring it to my nose, taking in the faint scent of him. I immediately start crying.
I hear Changbin come in the room behind me and set the glass of water on the side table. He then walks over to me and gently pulls the hoodie from my grip. “No,” he says firmly. “Not that.” I don’t fight him.
He shoves it back into the drawer and pulls out a tank top and shorts PJ set. “Hands up,” he instructs. I comply and he pulls the top on. Then he bends down and holds the shorts open at the waistband so that I can step into them. He pulls them up around my waist. “Ok. You’re all set.”
“Thanks,” I say, as I sniff and wipe tears away from my cheek.
I crawl into my bed as he watches.
“Good night,” he says, moving towards the door. “I’ll be on the couch.”
I catch his arm gently as he walks by. “Stay with me. In the bed,” I say as I shimmy over to the other side and hold the covers open for him. I can tell by the surprise flickering across his face that my invitation is unexpected. "Just to sleep. I just...need to not feel so alone right now."
"Kay, are you sure?" His concern is palpable, filling the space around us with a warmth that chases away some of the chill in my bones.
"Yes," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, but firm nonetheless.
He removes his shirt and belt, but keeps his slacks on. Then he settles beneath the covers next to me, the mattress dipping slightly. Changbin lays on his back, hands resting on his stomach, his breathing slow and even.
I turn to face him. "Thank you," I murmur, giving him a kiss on the cheek and then turning to face the other direction.
"Anytime, Kay," he whispers back. After a few minutes, I feel his body shift on the bed until he is curled up behind me, close enough that I can feel the rise and fall of his chest against my back. I then feel his arm tentatively on my hip. “Is this okay?” he whispers in my ear.
“Yeah,” I reply, as I place my arm on top of his and intertwine our fingers. He responds by pulling me closer to his body in a gentle embrace.
In this innocent cuddle, surrounded by the soft hum of Changbin's steady heartbeat, I find some calm.
Morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. I shift slightly in the bed, my eyes fluttering open. I feel Changbin breathing deeply behind me, his arm still wrapped around my waist.
“Did you sleep,” he asks softly.
“I slept enough,” I reply, my voice feeling scratchy. “You?”
“Not really.” His hand finds mine with a gentle, yet firm grip. “But I’m fine. Just want to make sure you’re okay.”
He presses a soft kiss onto my shoulder. When I don’t react, he places one on the crook of my neck.
I turn my body to face him and stare into his eyes. Changbin's gaze is intense and questioning, but neither of us say anything.
In the quiet space between night and dawn, something unspoken passes between us—a shared understanding of need, of seeking comfort where we could find it. His other arm slips around me, drawing me even closer until the tips of our noses touch. The innocence of last night's embrace evolves seamlessly into something charged, a pull neither of us can resist.
His lips find mine, tentative at first, as if questioning the path we are about to take. But I am done with questions. With a soft sigh, I kiss him back, allowing the pent-up emotions of fear and uncertainty to melt away beneath the warmth of his touch. Our kiss deepens, and with it, our bodies naturally entwine, limbs tangling in the sheets that are soon discarded to the floor.
"Kay," he murmurs against my skin, his breath hot on my neck as our movements become more urgent, the outside world fading to nothing. “What about Lauren?” he whispers.
"She’s not here," I whisper back, kissing his neck.
“What about Chan?” he counters, his hands gliding up my back under the tank top.
“He’s not here, either.” I give myself over to the rush of sensations, to the solace we find in each other's arms.
For a moment, Chris' shadow doesn't loom over us and the darkness of yesterday's events doesn't claw at my mind. I am happy for the reprieve. There is only the now—the taste of Changbin's lips, the strength of his hands exploring my body with reverence, our hearts beating a frantic rhythm as we seek release from the turmoil that had brought us here.
Changbin pulls the tank top over my head and quickly releases the clasp on my bra. He slowly pushes the straps off my shoulder to remove it fully. I enjoy the way he looks at me, licking his lips slowly before he brings his mouth to one of my breasts. He suckles gently, his tongue swirling around the nipple. His fingers tease and pull on my other nipple, making me whimper softly. I arch my back slightly as he continues to lavish attention on my sensitive nipples.
Changbin moves down to kiss my stomach, then lower again, his tongue tracing the waistband of my shorts before he removes it and my underwear. I can feel the heat radiating from his touch as he presses a kiss against the inside of my thigh.
He whispers, “Lay back and spread your legs for me.” I comply without hesitation.
He licks and nibbles at my folds, causing me to throw my head back with a gasp. I feel his tongue thrust into my open hole a few times, before he moves focus to my clit. His tongue darts and flicks on the sensitive spot, causing me to writhe beneath him. Each time he feels me losing control, he pulls back just enough to tease and torment me a bit before returning to his previous motions. As I start to near an orgasm he pulls away completely.
“Nah ah,” he says playfully as he places a soft kiss on my clit, then kisses up the centerline of my body. When he reaches my neck he leans up to my ear to whisper, “I need you to come around my dick,” he says boldly before sitting up, his impressive pecs and broad shoulders fully on display, giving way to his narrow waist.
I unzip his pants, pushing it and his underwear down. He pulls them off the rest of the way, then positions himself over my body. I take a deep breath, feeling a sudden rush of nerves and anticipation. We’d both been holding back for so long that I was aching for him. He grips the base of his erection and guides it to my entrance, slowly sliding into me. I bite my lip as I try to adjust to the new sensation and Changbin groans as he sinks into me, the heat and tightness of my body enveloping him fully. He starts to move slowly, savoring every inch of me as he thrusts in and out. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer and deeper.
“Fuck,” Changbin breathes as he thrusts into me. His hands find mine and he interlaces our fingers. He leans in to kiss me, our lips and tongues also intertwining. Our breaths become more ragged with each passing moment.
With every thrust, Changbin growls and moans, the sounds vibrating against my chest as he pushes deeper inside me. His skin glistens with sweat, and his eyes lock onto mine. As he stares at me with something beyond lust, maybe longing, I feel the deep connection between us, the bond that had always been there between us, that had been growing into something more the past few months. “I got you,” he whispers breathily, “always.” He kisses me again, this time soft and gentle, in direct contrast to the fast and hard movements of his hips. It takes my breath away.
As if feeling the approach of my climax, he speeds up his thrusts, pulling back just enough to tease me before plunging back in deep again. “Oh god,” I moan against his lips.
I wrap my arms around his wide back and pull him tightly to me, I can feel his body twitch, just slightly and I know he’s waiting for me. As my orgasm hits, I arch my back, forcing my body up into him, and whimper. My inner walls grip at him tightly as I orgasm around his cock, my body quivering beneath his. He follows closely behind, his own orgasm crashing over him as he continues to thrust into me. His body shudders as his own cry of pleasure escapes onto my lips, echoing in the room.
Our tongues are still dancing against each other as he slows his thrusts, eventually coming to a stop. He rolls onto his back and pulls me into him until I’m resting my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me.
Afterward, as we lie breathless and entangled in the rumpled sheets, reality seeps back in. Regret is an undercurrent, but stronger still is the sense of connection that refuses to be overshadowed by consequence. I tilt my head up to look at his face. Changbin's gaze meets mine, heavy with unspoken thoughts, his brow creased with the gravity of what we just allowed to happen.
"Kay, I—" He starts, but the words seem to fail him.
"I know," I reply softly.
We both understand the complexity of what has transpired. The leap from friendship to intimacy had crossed boundaries, blurred lines that we had agreed shouldn’t be crossed, at least not yet. However, there is no denying the comfort we had found in each other's embrace, however fleeting it might be.
He sighs before trying again. “I know you didn’t want it to happen like this and that this is a special circumstance given all the drama from yesterday. So I’ll understand if this is a one time thing.”
I caress his face. “I don’t know what this means for us other than I needed this; I needed you. And you were here for me.” I press my lips to his, then return my head to his chest. After a few moments, I ask softly, “Are you going to tell him?”
“Who? Chan?” he asks. I nod. “Yes,” he answers immediately. “We don’t keep secrets from each other. About anything.” He runs his fingers through my hair. “Do you not want me to say anything?”
“It’s not that,” I say as I roll off of him onto my back and stare at the ceiling. I think about the last conversation Chris and I had about Changbin when we were at the bar and what he had shared with me. “I don’t want him to be hurt.” As the sentence leaves my mouth, I feel my eyes immediately start to well up with tears. I cover my face with my palms. “Shit!” I say as I start sobbing softly behind my hands. “He’s gonna think I did this to hurt him.” I might be angry and a little afraid of Chris right now, but the last thing I want to do is to intentionally cause him pain. I turn away from Changbin so that he can’t see me crying.
I feel him move closer behind me and wrap his strong arms around my body in an attempt to offer comfort. “He won’t,” he says softly. “He knows the kind of person you are.”
As the sun climbs higher, casting beams across the tangled sheets, we remain silent. For now, it is enough to simply be—to exist together in the aftermath and leave the consequences for later.
Changbin’s phone beeps and he releases me to reach for it. I listen as he taps out replies to the incoming messages. Then it rings.
“Hey,” he says. “Yeah, I’m here.” I listen to him listening to the caller. “Uh huh,” he responds, “we just woke up a little while ago.” Changbin listens calmly to the caller. “She’s as good as can be expected given everything that happened.” He listens again. “I can check.”
Changbin touches my shoulder softly and I lift and turn my head to look at him behind me. “It’s Chan. He wants to talk to you.” He holds his phone out towards me. I look at the phone, then look back at him before I shake my head ‘no’ and return it to the pillow. I curl my body up into a fetal position. “She said no.” After a few seconds he continues. “Okay, I’ll tell her. It’s not a problem.” He sighs before responding again. “I can be there in 20 to 30 minutes. Bye.”
After a few seconds, Changbin returns to his vacant spot to resume cuddling me. “Tell me what?” I ask quietly.
“That he loves you.” I don’t respond. After a few minutes of silence, Changbin continues. “You know, he was terrified that this would happen. That you’d see this part of him and run.” He waits again for me to say something. When I don’t, he adds softly, “Honestly, I’m scared about that too; you haven’t heard about some of the shit I’ve done. But like I said last night, this is a decision you need to make for yourself. And whatever it is, we’ll live with it.” He kisses my shoulder. “I gotta go. Are you gonna be okay?”
“Yeah,” I say with a nod.
He gets out of the bed quietly and dresses himself. He walks over to my side of the bed and kneels down so he’s face to face with me. “Call me if you need anything. I can send Felix by later to check on you, if you want.” I nod as he kisses my cheek. “Bye.”
He gets up and walks out the door. A few seconds later, I hear the door to my apartment open and close.
I pull the covers over my head not wanting to face the day. 
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
ok but in the watch…
Joel holds her close all night, caressing and stroking all the hurting parts of her and knowing he’s never going to let anything or anybody hurt her ever again. And it’s dark and they’re just laying there, happy to be together. So so happy to still have each other. And then, suddenly he starts talking. Quietly, whispering, barely a breath but you hear him perfectly. And he tells you about Sarah. The day she was born, 10 fingers and toes and curly hair. Her growing up, her first steps and words. Her birthdays, her favourite things, the music she liked and the movies she watched just because Joel liked to watch them. The silly things she did and even the things that used to annoy him, that he would now do anything to get back. The last day, the last night and the last moments and he tells you about everything after. The pain and the hurt and meeting you and you.
And he chokes up because he didn’t think he would ever get this. He didn’t feel like he ever deserved something like you. But you’re still here. In his arms, even after everything he yelled at you. And he promises you the world and the sun and the universe. He’s not quiet there to say these 3 words, even though you’re both feeling them. It’s there, in his slow and gentle fingers. In his lips, pressed against you hair and his arms tightening around you. It’s always there with Joel. It always will be..
Omg Bestieeeee
Joel is on you like glue when he brings you home. He only leaves for a few minutes right after he puts you to bed the first time. You're not sure where he goes, at first, but a doctor comes to your house the next day and you figure it out. You managed to make it out with your limbs intact but you do have a few broken ribs and fingers on top of feeling like your entire body is just a bruise now. Lucky, all things considered, even though it doesn't FEEL particularly lucky.
Otherwise, he's always there, right beside you.
You keep waiting for Joel to leave. For the guilt to ease enough that he could move on without it eating him alive. But he stayed. He was always near, always jumping to get you a glass of water or help you sit up or change your bandages. The first few times you woke up beside him, it made you jump. You knew, consciously, that you hadn't spent all that much time on that dirty floor waiting to die - they kept giving you time to catch your breath, not pushing you far enough that it would kill you, like they were drawing it out - but it felt like you'd be there for the rest of your life. It was surprising to wake up in your bed with someone holding you. You panicked for a moment at first, broken ribs straining as you gasped shaky, scared breaths. But Joel held you gently and pressed his lips to your forehead and calmed you.
"Hey, you're OK Baby Doll," he whispered, soothing and soft. "Just me. I've got you, you're alright, you're safe. You're OK."
You calmed then, relaxing into his warmth and his touch while you had him.
Now you didn't need him to remind you where you were and that he was near but you are still surprised to find him in your bed. He'd been so clear before, it felt so true when he'd told you that you were nothing to him. But he is still there every day, even now that you can walk OK and don't need help with basic tasks anymore.
"Joel?" You ask quietly in the dark as you lay beside him, curled into his chest. You can feel his breath on your skin, his lips only inches away from your forehead. His fingers trail a slow, gentle path up and down your spine.
"You're still here."
He pulls back from you ever so slightly and you know he's probably frowning down at you before he adjusts again, somehow even closer this time.
"Don't want to be anywhere else."
"Really, it's OK, I don't..." you begin but he cuts you off.
"You're all I want," he says quietly. "First thing I've been able to want since... Since Sarah."
Your breaths still for a moment and you press yourself closer to him.
"If you ever want to talk about her," you say softly. "I'd like to know about her."
Joel is quiet, so quiet for so long that you think that's the end of the conversation. But it's not.
"Her name was Sarah," he takes a shaky breath. "She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Knew it, right away, the minute she was born that she was gonna be the best thing to ever happen to me. I was just a stupid kid at the time, not even 22 yet but that little girl... She was perfect. Absolutely perfect, 10 fingers, 10 toes, full head of hair from day one. Even her little cry was perfect. Hadn't meant to make her, her mom and I barely fuckin' knew each other, but she was just supposed to exist. She was. And her mom left a few months in, she had never wanted to be a mom, I should've seen it coming... but that was fine, it was just me 'n Sarah and that was fine. Better, really. Had to learn how to do her hair - she had these curls that went fuckin' everywhere and she got gum in it once and... Anyway. She was so smart, I got those damn baby books so I'd get an idea of what was coming but she kept beating all the milestones. I'm not sure where she got it from but kid was brilliant, reading before kindergarten even. She was just... she never held it against me that I had to work crazy hours and couldn't always be with her. She played soccer when she was little but she..." he laughs a little. "She was not an athlete, she kept trippin' over the ball. But she liked playing with her friends. She really liked music. Got that from me, I suppose, but she liked this pop stuff that I never got into. But it was better when she sang it. We loved to watch these shitty action movies all the time, they were so bad, she'd give this running commentary on 'em, she was so damn funny. Favorite thing to do was watch movies with her... We watched a movie, the night she died. Tried to, I guess, she fell asleep. I got home late... Should have just left work on fuckin' time, should have had the right fuckin' priorities...."
You trail your fingers through his hair gently, soothingly. He kisses your forehead again.
"Tommy got into trouble," he continues. "Landed in jail. I had to go bail him out. She fell asleep on the couch, I carried her to bed. Left her there like that and by the time I got back, the world had fallen apart. We got away from the house but we got in an accident and she couldn't walk. I... I was carrying her, some army fucker stopped us..." His voice is thick. You can feel the tears on his skin. "I should have turned, ran, set her down and attacked him, something. But I didn't, I just let 'em... He shot her. Shot us but she got the worst of it and she was gone in just a minute, just a minute..."
"Oh Joel," you breathe. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I can't even imagine..."
He takes a deep, shuddering breath and squeezes you.
"For a long time, I wanted to die, too," he says. "Still do, sometimes. But you... You're the first thing that's made me feel like I should still be here. You're the only thing that makes me feel like life is worth living. That scared the shit out of me for a long time. A long, long time. But not as much as seein' you on that floor, not as much as thinkin' you might die, too. I... I can't do that again, Baby Doll, I can't. Can't lose you, can't see you like that again. Gonna take care of you. You're the only place I want to be."
You sink into his touch then, understanding for the first time that you're not alone in this. Joel is always going to be next to you and, even though your body still hurts and you know there is plenty outside your door to fear, you're at peace.
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mischievouschan4 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Club!AU (QuiObiAni)
I may have missed Wednesday by 10 minutes local time, but IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS! Here's another "what I'd like to write Wednesday" post that isn't truly a WIP:
Obi-Wan so very rarely goes to clubs these days. He'd had his wild streak when he was in college, but now that he's closer to forty than thirty, most of his nights are filled with mugs of steaming herbal tea, a thick novel, and maybe a relaxing bath.
As the owner of a local bookstore, he's already obligated to spend most of his time reading, but he just loves exploring new worlds through the pages of the latest thrillers or feeling the full spectrum of human emotion in a romantic comedy. He never complains about reading more, it's one of his favorite things in the world. But his own life, as calm and predictable as it is, reads in stark contrast to the exciting places that his mind visits in his books.
...Which is why he feels so out of place sitting at a small round table in the second floor bar area of a packed nightclub. The dark space is occasionally lit by the strobe lights flashing up from the open dancefloor below, and the air is filled with a pulsating beat curated by the live DJ. Obi-Wan leans over the railing to take a peek at the writhing mass of bodies all jumping up and down in time with the music.
No, thank you. Hard pass, he thinks to himself.
He's only here because it's Quinlan's birthday today, and the man had dragged Obi-Wan and a bunch of their old college friends out for 'an exciting night out, c'mon Obi-Wan, don't be such a sourpuss'. Obi-Wan had signed resignedly, but didn't deny that he could probably do with a little more socializing beyond occasionally chatting with his clientele. His life isn't lonely, per say, just quiet. And while he usually appreciates the tranquility, sometimes he does wish he could have someone... to fill in the blank spaces of his monochrome existence with a bit of color.
So here he is, nursing a Scotch and contemplating the state of his life as he oh so carefully guards his friends' belongings that they'd left scattered on the table and chairs around him. They'd gone off to do who knows what, and Obi-Wan is halfway convinced that he should pull out his phone and start answering some emails. Suddenly, someone moves the purse off the chair next to Obi-Wan and slides smoothly onto the seat in its place.
"So... aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" a sultry voice asks. Though, a bit of the effect is ruined by the need for him to shout.
Obi-Wan squints through the low light (maybe he should have brought his glasses) to make out the shadowed shape of a young man, really young, probably late teens young, with a handsome face and a headful of bouncy curls. He's also wearing the tightest outfit Obi-Wan has ever seen on a person.
Is Obi-Wan... being hit on right now? By a barely legal twink?
Obi-Wan clears his throat awkwardly. "I- I sell books," he says loudly, leaning closer to speak directly in the other man's ear in order to be heard over the din. The newcomer smells like expensive cologne. Musky. Alluring.
The kid leans back and raises his eyebrows as he blatantly appraises Obi-Wan up and down. "Well, it's a good thing I have my library card then, because I'm totally checking you out," he yells back, shooting finger guns in Obi-Wan's direction.
It takes Obi-Wan a second to even register what was said, too distracted by the juvenile display. "That's what you're leading with?" Obi-Wan questions as he shakes his head.
"You don't like?" the kid brushes off the snub. "How about this one? Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be fine print." This time, the younger man drags out the words 'fine print' as he leans an elbow on the table and gazes up at Obi-Wan through his lashes.
Obi-Wan winces at the exaggeration.
"Still no?" The kid straightens and flicks his head to get the hair off of his forehead, unfazed. (Why was that so attractive?) "Okay, so I was reading the book of numbers, and I realized I don't have yours."
Obi-Wan sighs and holds up a hand, "How about we start with your name?" (He's actually mildly impressed with the kid's ability to think of so many book related pick-up lines on the spot, but something tells Obi-Wan that he doesn't need to inflate the kid's ego any more than it already is.)
"I'm Anakin," the kid, Anakin, answers. "What's yours?"
They sit there shouting at each other for a while with Obi-Wan becoming increasingly drawn in by the younger man's gorgeous eyes and attractive smirk. Anakin's smile should be illegal, Obi-Wan thinks to himself. He looks like sin incarnate. And the kid keeps touching Obi-Wan, finding every opportunity to lay a hand on Obi-Wan's bicep or trail his fingers across Obi-Wan's thighs. It's starting to drive Obi-Wan a little mad, his cock is definitely half hard in his pants.
All of a sudden, a busgirl comes up behind Obi-Wan, leaning over his shoulder to place a brightly colored shot onto the table. She pushes it towards Anakin as she yells, "From the man at the bar." Obi-Wan notices that she winks at Anakin before rushing off.
Anakin, clearly unconcerned about the safety of accepting drinks from strangers, lifts the glass and looks over Obi-Wan's shoulder to where the bar is, toasts someone - presumably the surprise benefactor who had bought him said liquor - and downs it in one gulp. The bob of Anakin's Adams apple as he swallows looks... incredibly tempting.
Obi-Wan feels annoyance stab through him, couldn't this 'man at the bar' see that Anakin was already taken? In fact, Anakin was the one who'd chosen Obi-Wan! But then, Obi-Wan reminds himself that it doesn't matter, it's not like he and Anakin are actually going to do anything. Right? Right?
"You're popular tonight," Obi-Wan points out neutrally.
Anakin just shrugs and puts his hand back on Obi-Wan's thigh with a smirk.
Obi-Wan quickly forgets why he's even miffed in the first place.
After a few moments, however, another man approaches their table and immediately invades Anakin's space. The man doesn't hesitate to thread his fingers into Anakin's curls and clench them into a fist, yanking Anakin's head back to bring their mouths together in a filthy kiss. They're clearly putting on a show for Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan feels his mouth fall open at the sight.
The other man, who is dressed to the nines in a full suit (tie and all), has his long hair pulled back in an elegant braid. He's also significantly older than Obi-Wan himself, and he moves with a well-practiced air that speaks of intimate familiarity with Anakin.
Obi-Wan watches, transfixed, as the man reaches up and wraps his fingers around Anakin's throat. Instead of fighting it, Anakin seems to arch his back further, putting himself on display while simultaneously pushing into the older man’s ministrations. The man doesn't squeeze, but Obi-Wan is getting all sorts of ideas as to what kinds of sexual activities these two get up to in private. Obi-Wan covertly adjusts himself in his pants as he watches Anakin enthusiastically respond to getting tongue fucked in public.
When the two finally break apart, the older man keeps a possessive arm around Anakin's waist as he extends a hand to Obi-Wan. In a bit of a daze, Obi-Wan registers that the other man's hand practically engulfs his own as they shake.
"I'm Qui-Gon," the man introduces himself. "I understand that you're the one my boy wants to fuck tonight." Qui-Gon also gives Obi-Wan an appreciative onceover. "Not bad," he compliments with a sensual smirk.
Obi-Wan instantly flushes red when he realizes that (somehow) both men are hitting on him? (How is this real life?) Maybe it’s due to the sheer implausibility of such a situation, or maybe it’s because he’s just that horny, but Obi-Wan lets himself get ushered into a back room of the club, a fancy office with a huge couch and, thankfully, soundproof walls.
"Are we allowed back here?" he asks tentatively. Finally able to speak at a normal volume.
"Yeah, we come here all the time," Anakin answers nonchalantly.
"But won't we get in trouble?"
Anakin smirks as he starts to shimmy out of his skin-tight outfit. Right there. In the middle of the room. "The owner of this place doesn't care," he says flippantly.
"In fact," Qui-Gon says as he comes to stand behind Obi-Wan and wrap his big hands around Obi-Wan's waist. The taller man brushes his nose against the shell of Obi-Wan's ear, sending shivers down Obi-Wan's spine. "The owner of this place likes to watch." Qui-Gon's voice rumbles like gravel, low and husky, and Obi-Wan can’t possibly resist. He pushes his hips back into the taller man and whimpers as Qui-Gon's hands slip in and dip below the waistband of Obi-Wan’s pants.
Anakin is completely naked at this point, and he goes to sit on the couch, hard cock on full display for the two older men. "And in case you're wondering," Anakin explains as grabs some lube hidden in the cushions, "Qui-Gon is the owner."
The long-haired man hums in confirmation as he tilts Obi-Wans face up for a long-awaited kiss. Qui-Gon is clearly very experienced at this, and Obi-Wan can do little except wind his arms around Qui-Gon's neck and cling. His knees have gone weak, and his brain is fuzzy.
Obi-Wan has his first threesome that night, with Anakin fucking into Obi-Wan with fervor at the same time Qui-Gon fucks Anakin at a more leisurely pace. The kid finishes before either of the other two, overwhelmed by the double stimulation, and Qui-Gon ends up fucking Obi-Wan until they both cum. By that point, Anakin is hard again, and Qui-Gon guides Obi-Wan to suck Anakin off as Qui-Gon fingers the younger man's hole.
Needless to say, Obi-Wan is thoroughly embarrassed afterwards, but Anakin just bulldozes through any awkwardness with his loud personality, and Qui-Gon seems to know exactly what Obi-Wan needs. A towel. His phone. A reassurance not to worry about Obi-Wan's friend's personal effects because Qui-Gon has already thought to ask a security guard to watch over their table.
Something about Obi-Wan must really make an impression because Anakin and Qui-Gon find ways to worm their way into Obi-Wan's life. Qui-Gon likes to stop by Obi-Wan's shop during the lunch hour to whisk Obi-Wan off to a fancy date. Anakin, who is actually older than Obi-Wan initially guessed (but not by much), is finishing up school to be a pilot, so he spends afternoons doing homework in the bookstore.
Obi-Wan is reluctant to believe it at first, but gradually, as weeks bleed into months, and months into years, Obi-Wan realizes that they are invested.
They each have their preferred sleeping positions in bed at this point (Anakin always wants to be in the middle). Qui-Gon has even become a business partner as he generously lends out the club space during the day for Obi-Wan to use for larger events that don’t fit in the bookstore, signings and club meetings and drag queen readings for kids. And every time he's home between flights, Anakin barrels through their lives like a hurricane, sexually and in other ways. The gifts he brings back from other cities are becoming too numerous to count in their new shared home.
Obi-Wan realizes he doesn't need a ring or a formal marriage to know that he's found his people. And maybe the matching tattoos the three of them get represent that promise. A stylized bird rising into the air, its wings spread to form the shape of a circle. Together forever, Anakin had promised. And without Obi-Wan consciously realizing it, he slowly comes see how Anakin and Qui-Gon have taken a palette to Obi-Wan's cookie cutter life and painted it in brilliant swathes of color. Together forever, Obi-Wan thinks to himself.
In the end, he gets his fairy tale ending.
Ho boy, where did my mind go this week? I originally just wanted to write the tag-team club pick up, but then my mind went to bookstores and fairy tales and color metaphors. WOOPS!
ALSO: Yes, it's Qui-Gon that buys Anakin the shot. It's their little play, if Anakin drinks it there, he wants Qui-Gon to come over. If he's bored, he'll take it and walk away to enjoy in Qui-Gon's lap hehe
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
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theslvttysimp · 1 year
PART 2: LeviXmc, SatanXmc, AsmoXmc, BelphieXmc
Scenario: You gift your favorite demon a scratch off ticket from a nearby Devildom gas station. Turns out it's a winner! 10 million grimm!
!!!!Not proof read!!!
@@@ slighly NSFW?? Suggestive but not smut@@@@
"Ooooooo, thank you MC! You are so sweet! You didn't have to gift me anything, I'm perfectly happy with your kisses!~"
Uses a coin to scratch it off because he wouldn't dare dirty is nails. He needs to look good for you 24/7.
" oh my, 10 million grimm!" He covers his mouth with his beautiful fingers in shock
" You must be my lucky charm! Come here I want to give you smooches!"
Attacking your face with kisses while hugging you. Most likely slid his hand down to give your butt a quick squeeze ( he's the avatar of lust, he can't help it.)
" Come on baby, we're going shoppiiing!~" He grabs your hand and he brings both of you to numerous high end beauty stores.
" Pick out whatever you like, love! I think you would look STUNNING in this purple lipstick!"
He's using this shopping spree to spoil you rotten. He has you try on a bunch of different makeup, clothes, and accessories. You look so adorable he wants to gobble you up.
When you head home he will absolutely make you put on a fashion show for him with all the clothing and makeup he bought you.
" You look so amazing my dear... now take it all off so you'll look ever better~"
Is absolutely screaming on the inside because you just gifted him something. Who would want to give a present to a worthless otaku? He's a blushing mess. " Th-thank you MC"
Uses a sword from one of his action figures to scratch the ticket.
"Ah!..... 10 million grimm?! MC I could buy the limited edition underwater octopus Ruri-Chan figurine with that! Thank you so much MC-chan!"
At your feet kissing them. I swear this demon is such a simp for you
You pull him up from the floor and give him a quick little peck on the lips. " you're so very welcome Levi" you say with a soft smile
Okay, you just broke this man. You swear you saw him glitch. Give him a minute to reboot.
After he rebooted, you both sit on the floor, and he starts ordering stuff off of Akuzon. He buys you your own own controller for his console. A controller only YOU can use. He also buys you your own beanbag chair and headset to keep in his room for your gaming sessions. His brothers are never allowed to touch it.
He secretly purchases some spicy cosplay outfits he wants you to try on for him. He's to nervous to tell you until you find them in his closet one day and decide to put on a show for him.
Slightly confused you handed him a scratch ticket, he thought it was a bookmark at first.
" Why thank you, MC. I think I've read something about these tickets. I heard they're very common in your world."
Leans on the book he is reading to scratch the ticket off.
Holds the ticket up closer to the lamp je was using to read to see it better. "Well, look at that. A winner." He turns to you and smiles. " Thank you, kitten. I truly appreciate you."
Plants a solid kiss on your forehead and wraps his arm around your shoulders and finishes up the chapter he was reading before bringing you to the bookstore.
Romantically kissed you in an aisle in the bookstore. This wrathy demon melts on you like butter. He is so happy.
Is more happy he has an excuse to hold your hand and shop with you at a bookstore than being a millionaire.
Will at some point in the day drag you to an animal shelter to adapt a few cats.
Will have you help him hide the cats in his room so Lucifer doesn't flip shit.
Ordered you a kitty lingerie outfit for you to try on later. He's gonna make you puurrrr~
Also ordered some rope to attempt to tie Lucifer up later.
You didn't want to wake him up so you leave the ticket under his pillow like a little scratch off fairy.
You're chilling in your room when your door bursts open. "MC, let's go." Belphie has the scratched-off ticket in his hand. He takes your wrist and brings you to the nearest bedding store.
Asks your opinions on several plush pillows. He wants you to pick out pillows for both of you to sleep with, along with some soft blankets to snuggle with.
Glances over at you with loved filled sleepy eyes every once in a while. Finally your eyes lock with each other.
" I never got the chance to thank you, MC." He takes both of his hands and cups your cheeks, presses a sleepy kiss on yout lips.
You both go home and head to the attic
He sets up all his newly bought pillows and blankets, flops down on his back on the plush surface and holds his arms out to you.
You lay on his body and snuggle until you both fall asleep.
He may have just bought hundreds of pillows, but you will always be his favorite thing to snuggle.
He secretly can't wait to hear your moans muffled by the new pillows later
I'm so sorry if this is ass, but this was fun to make!!
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 48 - Wedding Nights And Babies. Episode 3.
-----River's house------
Jackall: I guess that goofy look on your face means you definitely are doing it by now… good for you! I hear he's very big, and very capable of driving his stick he smiled cheekily
Evan: I felt myself blush Who told? I grunted as I realized only one could have told stories like that Daniel…
Jackall: Chuckled deeply Who else? He sipped his beer and nodded at me So, you're really deep in love huh?
River: Sighed deeply from somewhere inside his own world
Evan: I'm not sure River wants to hear about this?
Jackall: Oh no… the love part he doesn't care about… it's the sex part that makes him… weird…
River: Grunted I really don't care Jackall
Jackall: See he pointed at River and chuckled so you are in love with Congo, right? And here I mean like really deeply in love, not just high school girl in love…
Evan: I nodded softly Yes Jackall… I am I sipped my coffee and hoped no more questions would follow
Jackall: And he is in love with you just as much?
Evan: I groaned deeply I guess so…
Jackall: So what are you doing here among the roaches?
Lily: Hey man! I'm here too you know… I'm a bit offended I have to say she chuckled softly
Jackall: Laughed loudly If you out of free will can live here… in this mess… and not be bothered by it, it must mean you're just as fucked as the rest of the residents of this household. So yes, you my dear pretty girl, are a roach too.
Evan: I chuckled softly and sipped my coffee, and observed River who seemingly now had gotten lost in a track on the record that had been playing the last 30 minutes
River: Hm… he tilted his head and looked at the record player, contemplating something no… He slowly got up I don't care much for this track. He slowly made his way to the record player and skipped the song, nodding agreeing as the next track started playing: ffffffffff bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbzaaaa` He quickly made his way to Lily, reaching his hand towards her Dance with me, me lady.
Lily: She chuckled softly, grabbed his hand, and together they made it to the middle of the floor. Dancing together, getting lost in the music. I was kinda relieved they knew they were siblings, cause the way they were dancing was borderline incest. Strange for someone like River. The least sexual person I know. But somehow, they made it work. Maybe because it after all wasn't sexual at all.
Evan: I grabbed my phone in front of me and saw it had died, grunting softly
Jackall: What?
Evan: I sighed softly My phone has died… which means Congo probably is worried sick by now. Can I borrow your phone, just to check Facebook?
Jackall: Sure he pushed his phone over the table
Evan: Yes, as I feared Congo had left a worried message on my wall. I rubbed my forehead gently
Jackall: Evan… it's fairly simple. You need space. Time to digest. But you also need him. Them. Go home. Figure it out. You're not gonna figure it out by sitting here starring at River doing whatever it is River does. Us… you don't really need to figure us out. There's not much to figure really. We are both broken in each our way, and so are you. So is everyone. We will be here when you have the energy for us. Go home and figure the other stuff first. Be there for Andy, and let Congo be there for you. And dare to dive some more into it. I'm sure you wont regret. He sounds like a great match for you. So what the hell are you doing here, on this dirty kitchen chair? Go home, Evan!
Evan: Not the greatest peptalk ever, but it woke something in me. I got up from the chair fast, smiled at him, and ran out the door. Quickly got up on my bike, and within 10 minutes I was driving up our mountain, smiling bright as I turned the corner leading straight to our house, seeing it become bigger and bigger as I got closer. My heart was pounding fast. I had to be with him. Right now. The love for him was pounding through my veins, making me chuckle behind my helmet. And then, ice. It came so fast I didn't get to react. I just felt the bike disappear under me, as I was sent gliding over the road. A loud bump was all I heard, as my bike crashed into the garage door, then my eyes were turned towards the dark night sky above me, white gentle snowflakes floating towards my face
Congo: EVAN!!!
Evan: I heard his footsteps pound the ground as he ran towards me and kneeled down next to my face
Congo: Are you okay? his voice was terrified and I heard him sniffle his nose as he slipped a hand under my back head
Evan: I nodded softly as I looked up at him
Congo: Can you move?
Evan: Yeah I nodded again and felt tears in my eyes
Congo: Are you in pain?
Evan: I shook my head lightly and grabbed on to his upper arms as I dragged myself up to sit No… I chuckled nervously and looked around for my helmet that had come off in the fall I landed pretty soft I padded my hand on the snow beneath me
Congo: You gave us quite a scare! You sure you aren't hurt? Are you dizzy?
Evan: No… I'm fine….
Congo: He placed his hands on my cheeks and planted a loving kiss on my forehead I was so worried about you! Where have you been?? I'm so sorry if I pushed you too far. Maybe if we just..
Evan: I sobbed loudly as my nerves from the crash hit me, pressing my face against Congo's chest I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry I left you here to worry! I don't know why I left! I can't even remember what we argued about! It was so fucking stupid! I'm just so stressed out! I feel I have no time to catch up with everything! I feel drained and weak. I feel so tired I could sleep for weeks! I'm so happy and thankful for the babies, but I can't even enjoy it! I'm so scared! I want them so much, but at the same time it terrifies me we don't know when they will arrive… I just I coughed as my sobbing got worse
Congo: Shhh shhh he wrapped his arms around me tight Evan… I don't have enough clothes on to sit out here… hold on to me
Evan: I did as he said, and he slowly lifted me up
Andy: Shit is everything alright? We were so fucking worried!
Evan: I turned my head slowly and looked at Andy and Lenny few meters from us
Congo: His voice was warm and soothing Yes… everything is fine, he's just pretty shaken up. The snow thankfully broke the fall. I just want us to get inside before we catch a cold… you should too…
Andy: He nodded agreeing and smiled softly at me I'll watch a movie with dad…
Lenny: I'll just pick up the bike and get it into the garage.
Congo: Thank you Lenny, I would appreciate that. He planted a soft kiss on Andy's lips, then Andy planted one on my cheek. And few minutes later Congo and I were safe and warm, laying in bed, naked, cuddled up with a movie on the big tv. I was safe in his arms, snuggling my head against his chest I have told Andy to stay here, I hate when he's away, even if it's only next door with Daniel. Specially now when he's pregnant, I prefer him to be as close as possible.
Evan: I nodded softly Me too…
Congo: He kissed my forehead softly I understand you need space and time to digest it all. So I have told Andy the next few days, you and I will stay down here, until you feel a bit better, until you feel you can cope better. He is not banned from the room, but I told him to give you space. And Andy himself added that he wants to give us space to get comfortable in this relationship. He wants us to just be Evan and Congo for a few days. If that's alright with you?
Evan: I smiled shyly I would very much like that.
Congo: Me too he smiled warmly and planted a soft kiss on my lips Lenny will stay here with him. And I'm sure we can both figure Daniel will come running at some point. But we will stay here, you and I, as much as possible. It has been almost 3 weeks since the wedding, and neither you or I have had time to catch much break. I could really need some time to catch up as well. I will still go with Andy every time he needs to have check ups, but beside that, as long as the pregnancy is calm and he doesn't feel it much, I will stay here… with you.
Evan: I smiled bright and felt tears in my eyes again
Congo: Is that happy tears? He chuckled softly and planted a gentle kiss on my nose
Evan: I nodded softly
Congo: Good… that's good… that was the reaction I was hoping for. Evan…
Evan: Yeah?
Congo: I love you very much, and I'm very thankful you came home.
Evan: I love you too I leaned upwards and kissed him lovingly
Congo: May I ask where you went?
Evan: To see the roaches.
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blackhiil · 1 year
she's my collar
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final part in the blackhill band au. Nat and Maria go public !
a/n: this was supposed to be out yesterday, but i fell asleep while editing, so sorry and hope you enjoy !
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This was it. August 14, 2023. United Center, Chicago, Illinois. After tonight, Maria and Natasha’s relationship would be revealed to the public. To say Maria was nervous would be an understatement. A gross understatement.
“Ria, calm down. It’s just like any other concert.” Natasha’s gentle voice was enough to make Maria calm down a bit.
“Except it’s not just any other concert. We’re about to announce our relationship to the world, aren’t you the least bit nervous?” Maria asked. Of course she was excited to tell the world about her and her wife, but the fact that their lack of privacy is about to get worse bothered her. 
Natasha got up from her place at Maria's vanity and went to sit on her lap. “No.” Natasha stated matter of factly; looking into Maria's nervous gaze. “I’m not nervous at all. I love you, you love me. We’ve been together for so long, the world knowing won’t change our relationship. We’ll still be Ria and Nat, we’ll just have a million fans.” She watched Maria absorb her words and felt the nervous tension melt out of her.
"You're right. You're always right, it's actually annoying." Nat chuckled and began stroking Maria's hair when she leaned her head forward on Natasha's exposed skin and exhaled. The redhead had on a black v-neck and Maria was grateful because she enjoyed the skin to skin contact. She pressed a firm kiss right where Natasha's heart is before slowly kissing her way up. 
"Don't start something you can't finish." Natasha warned while tilting her to allow Maria more access. Maria paused her actions, "Who says I can't finish?" the brunette asked before resuming. Natasha tightened her grip on Maria's hair before pulling her away from her neck, forcing Maria to look up at her. "Me, because you're incapable of having a quickie. Your idea of a quickie is longer than an hour which is time we don't have." Natasha loved her wife dearly, but there is nothing quick about sex with Maria; the woman was insatiable. 
"That's not my fault." Maria pouted, "Have you seen you?" Nat leaned down and pecked Maria's lips. "Everyday, but it still doesn't explain how you can be quick in every aspect of life except during a quickie. It's literally in the name, Mia." 
"It's simple, I like to take my time and worship every single inch of your body and I can't do that in 60 minutes or less." Maria explained, as if it was the most logical thing ever. Which it was. 
"My point exactly. Now, I need to finalize my outfit and you need to get Carol and Maria because you have to be on stage in 15 minutes." Natasha said before getting off her wife's lap. However, not before she was pulled into a kiss that left her breathless. Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that there was a stadium full of fans, Natasha would rethink their ‘quickie’.
Once Natasha left, Maria walked over to her vanity to finish making herself look presentable. After she was satisfied, she walked across the hall to Carol and Maria R's dressing room. "Carol, get your head from between Maria's thighs and let's go!" she shouted through the door. "Fuck off, Hill! We'll be out in 5 minutes." Carol yelled back. 
Inside the room, Maria Rambeau let out a breathless laugh, still recovering from her recent orgasm. "I swear she has a sixth sense that tells her when we've had sex because she always knows." Carol huffed, rolling her eyes from her place on the floor; her head had indeed been between her wife's thighs but Hill didn't need to know that. "You do the same to her." Maria reminded her. Carol didn't reply because her wife was right, like always. 
10 minutes later, the 3 women were backstage waiting for the cue to go on. "You ready for this Hill?" Maria Rambeau asked, referring to Maria revealing her marriage tonight. "As ready as I'll ever be." Maria answered, confidently. 
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“That's the beauty of a secret you know you're supposed to keep it but I don't have to fucking tell you anything, anything” Maria finished singing the outro for Strange Love, which tonight was the last song on the setlist when it's usually the first. However, since they were bringing Natasha out soon, Maria thought it would be fitting to put the first song she ever wrote about Natasha last. The crowd was screaming and Maria couldn't help but smile because they did this; her, Carol, and Maria. Tour always made her happy because she really loved her fans, but she can't lie and say she won't be happy to stay home and just be with Nat. 
"So, as many of you know, Chicago is my hometown. I love it here and I love all of you. That being said, I have a surprise. We have a new song dropping tomorrow and tonight, you'll be the first to hear it." The crowd went crazy with screams. Maria loved the energy which helped calm her nerves for the inevitable reveal. "As with many of the songs I write, this one is about my beloved wife, who happens to be here tonight. I'm not telling you where though, you'll have to figure it out yourselves." Maria could see heads turning trying to see where Natasha could be but unbeknownst to them, Natasha wasn't in the crowd.
Maria turned her attention to Rambeau and Carol, who nodded in encouragement before starting the music. "This one is called She's My Collar." she announced before beginning
"If I could take her down and run, then I'd call her 'Cause she's standing drama, she know I'll call her She's getting on the sun and then she ordered Imagine me, imagine me now"
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Backstage in a long burgundy dress with black detailing stood Natasha Romanoff-Hill. Her red hair was currently pinned and hidden under her dress, she had on 5 inch burgundy heels to match her dress. Next to her, was her sister Yelena Belova – soon to be Maximoff-Belova – who was finishing up her older sisters' makeup. 
"Are you nervous?" Yelena asked as she finished up. While Natasha did have her own makeup artist, she liked having Yelena do it for really big moments because they meant more. 
"No. Not at all." the redhead spoke matter of factly. She had told her wife the truth earlier, she wasn't nervous at all. "I love Maria. Maria loves me. The world knowing will never change that."
"Well, then good luck Sestra. I'll be watching with Wanda." Yelena said, squeezing her hands before leaving to find her fiancee. Natasha watched her little sister go and couldn't help but smile. She really loved her sister. Nat turned to the mirror and saw the finished product. I'm definitely getting Yelena whatever she wants, this has to be her best look yet she thought to herself. 
"Two minutes, Miss Romanoff. Please get in position." A stage manager came to Natasha before rushing to go handle something. Nat took a deep breath before taking her place in the wings. "She's the one I'm running with she's the one I'm running with she's the one I'm running with She's my collar" Her verse was next, it was time. 
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"I'm yellow, she was blue it's nothing that she could hide" Natasha sang, her gaze focused on nothing but her wife. Maria was stunned, Natasha was a vision in red and made her breathless. "We made a green meadow whenever we would collide" Nat made her way to Maria, who finally snapped out of her haze. The taller woman smiled at her wife before placing a kiss on the back of her free hand. "I died a thousand times, I did what I had to do. Hey, that's just how it goes I'm still coming back to you" When Natasha finished her final verse, she gave Maria a big smile.
"I don't take her number, just don't think I'd call her (you, you, you) I take her down to somewhere dreading all day (you, you, you, you) I clear my system, I don't need no other (you, you, you) This is my persona, secret lover (she's my collar)" They sang together in perfect unison. In sync like always. 
"She's the one I'm running with She's the one I'm running with She's the one I'm running with. She's my collar" Maria sung the final words of the song with finality before pulling Natasha into a searing kiss. Nat wrapped her arms around her wife's neck returning the kiss just as much feeling.
"Chicago, I'd like to introduce you to the love of my life; Natasha Romanoff-Hill." Pandemonium. All around you only heard screaming and in the sea of people, you could only see phones. "Nice to meet you all properly." Natasha mused. The crowd was in awe at the reveal, they couldn't believe it. 
"Since our tour is coming to an end, Carol, Rambeau, and myself decided you guys needed a surprise because you're fucking amazing, so the new song was that. Nat coming out here was simply me wanting the world to know that I am in love with this amazing woman and we've been together for 10 years." Maria spoke excitedly. The nervousness she felt earlier seemed silly now. Of course her fans loved Natasha. Who wouldn't?
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After finally telling the crowd goodnight, clearing out the dressing room, and fighting through the heaps of paps, Natasha and Maria we're settled into the condo Maria had there. The two women were happy to relax in the privacy of their home. Since the reveal and the walk to the limo, their phones had been blowing up which led them to being turned off for the night.  
"Well, this has to be the most exciting anniversary we've ever had." Nat's voice broke their comfortable silence. The redhead was still in her dress from earlier only now her hair was in a messy bun as she took off her makeup. 
"What about that one anniversary we went skydiving together?" Maria questioned leaning in the doorway wearing the sports bra and sweats she changed into after the show. She stood, admiring her wife. 13 years together, 10 of them as a married couple, and Natasha's beauty still takes Maria's breath away. 
"While that was fun and exciting; but this was better. Now the world knows you're mine." Green connected with blue through the mirror and the tension increased by tenfold. Maria walked behind her and placed a delicate kiss on her neck. "Now the world knows you're mine." Maria echoed. "I didn't get to tell you earlier, but you look gorgeous." Maria complimented. 
Natasha hummed. "Thank you, I thought it would be perfect for tonight. I was hoping you'd like it." She had gotten the dress months ago and never found an occasion to wear it for.
"Like it? I love it and I'm going to love it a lot more on our bedroom floor." Maria said before picking Natasha up bridal style and carrying her to the bed. She had plans for her wife and they definitely didn't involve wearing that dress, no matter how pretty it was.
Outside, the world was freaking out about the news that Lesbian Fury and Russian Roulette's lead singers were not only in a relationship, but married. Their lives were forever changed. They'd have to do interviews and such in the future, but that was later. Right now, they planned on enjoying each other as much as they could because in their room, they were just Ria and Nat.
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