#you would think I wouldn’t be plagued by him if he is in the military but nope
notetaeker · 1 year
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June 14, 2023 - Tuesday
Whenever I get emotionally stressed I relapse into unhealthy habits (bad eating habits, staying up way too late, increasing screentime) but gardening is definitely helping. There’s still good things though: the sky is blue, flowers are blooming, my plant is growing strawberries, and I have time to paint ✨Alhamdulillah 🌙
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crowwritesaway · 8 months
Daemon Targeryen x Reader Pt.4
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“All rise, princess Esmeray.” Esmeray walked past the committee. Her guard pulled out her seat. She nodded in thanks before sitting down.
“You may sit.” Esmeray told the men around the table. They all sat down. Some appeared to be more nervous than others.
“Go ahead. State whatever is plaguing your mind.” Esmeray said, staring at each in the eye. Little mind is what I wanted to say.
Esmeray glanced around, tapping her fingers as she waited for someone to speak.
Felipe cleared his throat in an attempt to get attention. Esmeray blinked. Him. It’s always him. Oh dear aunt, you never change. Playing your little stupid games.
She looked at him, waving a hand for him to stand up and say whatever he had on his mind. “I don’t many of you have missed the absence of Lady Sarah.” Lord Felipe dramatically said, with a hand over his back. Esmeray nearly snorted. Of all the things, this is what concerns him. Maybe I should dismiss him too. Waiting my time for this matter.
The men looked at Esmeray. They had more pressing matter than to speak on her aunt.
Felipe nodded, taking their silence as being concerned too. “It seems like the queen in trial doesn’t know how to act. Esmeray has no guidance. She doesn’t know how to keep a committee intact. First this. What if tomorrow it’s us. She’s too young and unpredictable.” He ranted, pacing in his spot.
Esmeray smiled. It wasn’t a smile of happiness. It was a smile with promises. He’s given me more than enough reason to exile him. Queen in trial, huh. That’s new. Why wait until tomorrow? Why not now? Unpredictable, I’ll show them. Oh, I’ll teach everyone not to mess with my kingdom. Who says I can’t reign? Him.
Henry who stood behind her, shouted, “That’s princess Esmeray. Don’t forget your place.” Esmeray’s guard took out his sword. Anyone who challenged her inheritance would face death. That was the will of the late king.
Felipe nervously looked at the sword. She rubbed her temple. “Sit down.” Esmeray stood up. She waved the guard to put his sword away. He immediately did as told.
“My aunt, Lady Sarah, is no longer a member on this committee.” Felipe slammed his hands on the table. “Why!” He exclaimed, glaring at Esmeray. She narrowed her eyes. “Unless you want to join her, don’t interrupt me.”
“Lies are not permitted. You all know that.” She glared at him. I won’t back down. Who does he think he is?
“What is the current state of my kingdom, hmmm? Answer me.”
“As far as I know, everything is under control.” Another member of the committee said, staring at Esmeray.
She nodded, she knows he wouldn’t lie. His father tolerated no lies. He wouldn’t risk his father’s reputation.
“Yes, I believe everything is peaceful at the moment. They await your arrival. But besides that, the kingdom is blooming. We made the adjustments that was agreed upon the last time we met and the people aren’t complaining.” Some else said, handing papers to Henry supported his claim on the well-being of the kingdom and those that lived in it.
You turned to Felipe. “So no threats. No war. No outsider posing a threat to my kingdom.”
“Of course not. Peace. That’s the state of the empire. Who would cause an uproar when they know how powerful and equipped the empires military is?” Felipe said, looking at Esmeray with a perplexed expression.
Esmeray shook her head. Unbelievable. That snake. Rat. Lily. She practically growled in her mind.
“Lady Sarah is removed from the committee permanently. Anyone that dares to speak or question that matter, read this order before you defend her.” Henry passed a copy of the official order that Esmeray had signed. Each took it in their grasp, reading the document.
Felipe opened his mouth and closed it when he read the line, “Endangered the Empire for the sake of benefiting. Slandering the people of the Empire for the sake of enriching herself.“ He furrowed his eyebrows. I should’ve known better than to let my feelings get the best of me. But still, she needs me.
Esmeray saw the troubles look on Felipe. A fool. Seems like the rumor of his teenage crush was true. She sat down. I just know he’s going to be a puppet for her.
“This is despicable.” “How unladylike!” “There’s nothing to dispute. She’s lucky to even live.” Felipe eyes went wide when he heard that. It’s true. Princess Esmeray could have had her hanged for treason. Yet, she didn’t.
Esmeray watched them. The Empire was above everyone. Even herself. The plan to resign will have to wait until she knew no one would pose as a threat to the people she serves.
The men left back to the Empire. They all had to carry out orders from Esmeray. From building new homes to giving aid to those who needed it.
Esmeray was siting in front of her mirror. Marriage. Kids. Death. That’s how it felt. Only difference was that in her Empire women didn’t have to depend on men. Women could work. If they wanted kids then they could. It wasn’t expected. She groaned. King Viserys. He wanted Daemon to have heirs. To seal the deal. She wasn’t dumb. She knew Viserys wanted her Empire. And he would be the stupid one if he thought Esmeray would simply act as he wished.
Knock. Knock. “Can I come in?” It was Daemon. “You may.” Although she wanted to say no.
She got up and stood beside her mirror. “Princess Esmeray.” He greeted her. Once he reach her side, he raised her hand to his lips. “Prince Daemon.” She greeted him back. What is with him and kissing my hand.
“What do you want?” Esmeray asked him, taking a step back. Personal space.
“I missed you.” Daemon replied, smiling down at her. Esmeray simply stared at him. What do I say to that? “Good for you.” Esmeray said, looking away from him. He eyes darkened. “Is anything worrying you?”
“Many. But none that concern you.” He gripped her chin and turned her to face him. “It does concern me. As your future husband, it concerns me.” Esmeray scoffed. “Future husband. It feels unreal.”
Daemon smirked. “Yeah, I heard stories but I’m not sure whether they’re true or not.”
Esmeray raised an eyebrow. “Which ones? Good or Bad.” “Good. Very Good.” He huskily said, staring into her eyes.
Esmeray blinked. “I heard a story about a girl who didn’t want to get married. Shouted at anyone who dared to even mention the word marry and your name in the same sentence.”
Esmeray laughed, shaking her head. “Look at me now. Engaged. The horror that little me would’ve had if she knew.”
“On the contrary, you have me. Your devoted fiancé. I can’t wait until we become one. I’ll prove you that I’m worthy to be beside you.” Daemon promised her, cupping her cheek. Esmeray bit the inside of her cheek. I don’t know what to say.
“Daemon.” You licked your lips. I can’t lead him on. “Listen to me.” He laid his forehead against yours. You swallowed the words that were stuck in your throat. “I swear on my life that I will make you happy. You might not believe me. I give you my word. I would kill for you. I would die for you. Any worries that you have will not go in vain.” He expressed deep devotion. You breathlessly nodded. Your body felt unresponsive. Get away from him. This is not the plan. Your mind screamed. You heart was pounding. Oh no. “Don’t be afraid to fall. I’m ready to catch you.” Daemon whispered.
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Stay around for more of Daemon Targeryen x Reader
If you want to support me, tips ☕️ 👇
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graysnetwork · 1 year
hi! thanks for the great posts<3I like the way you write. I want to ask you to make Keegan x Fem! reader(military).I really like stories in the genre "from enemies to lovers" Therefore, I will be very grateful if you write it💓💓
Hii, im so sorry im so late with this, I stalled sm on this because I wanted to make it good but I didn’t have motivation, I hope u like it!!
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any
Not proofread fully.
Keegan Russ x F! Reader
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Keegan didn’t like you, he still treated you like anyone else on the team, but outside of work he avoided you, he just didn’t like you, he thought you weren’t need on the team, him hesh and Logan were good on their own and he didn’t think they needed an addition to the team
Nonetheless he never told you just because it wouldn’t be professional of him, but you could always tell that Keegan did not want to do mission with you.
He avoided you like a plague and you didn’t mind, the moment you joined the team you were nothing but nice to them, Hesh nor Logan had a problem with you, they thought they could use an extra pair of hands anyways. They enjoyed having you on the team and they like less work because you were so quick.
And today was like any other day, you had paper work you had to fill out, then training with the team, and so on, it was going well until you were going to ask Merrick a question and overheard him talking with Keegan. “Merrick I just don’t understand why she was added to the team” you heard Keegan telling his captain “because I knew you guys could use more help, she’s very good-” Merrick said before Keegan spoke again “Yeah she’s alright but my question is why, we were doing fine without her” “why don’t You like her Keegan?” Merrick asked him.
Keegan took a deep breath and said “I don’t think she should be on this team, I don’t think she’s capable of working with us, and just to add to that she’s, she’s annoying” Keegan let out a sigh, sounding relieved to let out and tell someone what he thought of you.
You took a deep breath and walked back to your room and just finished your paper work. You decided you wouldn’t even try to talk to him anymore, if he really thought you were annoying then you weren’t going to say anything to him,
What would be the point anyway?
It had been a while since you had said a word to Keegan, instead you just spoke with Logan or Hesh and you didn’t bother Keegan at all.
And you had become pretty close with the brothers over time, it just took protecting them to get them to love you like family
But Keegan didn’t know that, he didn’t know anything about you, he didn’t know you and the brothers hung out at the bar after almost each mission, and he didn’t know that you guys would take a bullet for eachother.
Keegan watched as you stuck close with them, becoming a little irritated with how close you guys were, he wasn’t jealous, of course he wasn’t, why would he be jealous of his teammates just hanging out with their friend a lot, and hugging her a lot, why would he be jealous?
There was no reason for him to be jealous, he didn’t even like you.
But he couldn’t stop the feeling, when he saw you at the shooting range, and you two were alone. And he was even more confused when you left when he came into the room.
You just didn’t want to bother him and make him hate you even more, but his heart sunk a little when you noticed him and walked the other way. But he tried so hard to shake off the feelings and told himself “I don’t even like her, it’s better she leaves me alone”
That what’s he wanted to convince himself to think but he couldn’t, he wanted you to stay with him, all for himself.
He only thought of you, from the time he woke up till he finally got tired and he fell asleep.
He thought of your hugs, he always saw you giving them around to Hesh and Logan like it was money and you were a millionaire. He just wanted to have his arms wrapped around you. And have yours on him.
Now you were all on an assignment, just something normal and it would’ve been done by the end of the day if you guys hadn’t lost each other. You and Logan were going to meet up with Keegan and Hesh before you and Logan got separated when you guys came across a bunch of federation soldier.
You tried to radio them but they had probably been out of reach because all you got was static talking back to you.
You heard a stick crack and got ready to shoot a federation soldier, but instead it was Keegan. “Finally, I was wondering when I was going to find one of you guys” he said relieved, you would’ve expected him to say something more like “fuck, well whatever at least I found someone”
You two continued on, and ended up in a house, being stuck there due to there being a bunch of federation soldiers out side. Keegan took the chance and decided to take a breath of fresh air.
You turned around to see the man taking off his mask, his hair messy, a little wet from the sweat from having the mask on for so long. His dark hair stuck to his fore head, and then he noticed you staring at him.
He knew he wasn’t ugly, women told him he handsome, and hot. So he kind of knew why you were staring at him. “You gonna keep on staring?” He smirked at you. You thought he was gonna get mad at you but he was playful with his words. You were a bit embarrassed of him catching you looking at him.
“Sorry” you told him, “s’alright” he said wiping the sweat off his face, “so should we just stay here for a little while?” You asked, he turned to you again “yeah, we’re not leaving till we find Hesh and Logan again, plus, do you even know where we are?” he said
“What even happened anyway?” You asked, “what?” He said, “I mean how did you guys get separated?” You said “Hesh was, well you know, he likes to tease me, about stuff.. but uhm he heard something and then I lost him, I thought he was gonna try scaring me but I couldn’t find him” he explained, you chuckled. “What did Hesh find to tease you about” you asked, “uhm, something, someone” he whispered it, if it wasn’t so quiet at the moment you probably wouldn’t have heard him. “Ooo, someone’s got a crush” you teased, maybe hesh had rubbed some of his traits off on you.
“Who’s the lucky winner? Lunch lady? Bartender” you were giggling like a little kid, you were finally seeing why Hesh loved to make fun of you guys. “You?” He said, he sounded, unsure about it. He didn’t sound confident when saying it. You turned around only to see him avoiding your face, he stared down the hallway, his brows furrowed, scared of what you might say.
“I thought you hated me” you said, “what?” He said turning to look at you as if you had accused him of murder. “You said it, I heard you with my own ears, You told Merrick that you didn’t like me” “no, I didn’t mean that,I, my thoughts changed” he stumbled over his words trying to explain. The two of you never even realized how close you two were getting to each other.
“Please forgive me” he begged, his voice was low, his plead was only for you to hear. He leaned in closer, pressing his lips onto yours, moving in sync before you pulled away, he followed you trying to reconnect his lips with yours. “Please” he begged again, you couldn’t tell if he was talking about the forgiveness he was asking for, or if he wanted to kiss again.
The moment was rudely interrupted when you two heard the doors open and close, you pulled you gun out, “Shit! Oh thank goodness it’s you two” Hesh said, he jogged a little to get across the room and get to the both of you. And Logan followed him. “You have no idea how worried we were about you guys” Hesh told you two before grabbing you and hugging you, his hold on you didn’t even allow you to reciprocate the hug.
That’s how Hesh usually hugged you though, it was like a brotherly hug where he was much stronger and wouldn’t allow you to move, actually, more of a bear hug. But that’s how you usually described it because he always treated you like a little sister, and it was nice, to have someone care for you and protect you like family.
Although, it would not be a good time to tell Hesh about what you and Keegan just did considering he protected you like a brother.
“Uhm, so! Should we get back to base now?” You asked once you broke out of Heshs grip, he turned to Keegan who still had mask off and had the rosiest checks at the moment. He was looking down at the ground, he seemed embarrassed to look up at any of you so he just nodded and kept looking at the floor when Logan hummed and began to walk back to the front door to leave, Hesh was the first to follow him and you were about to walk with him, but you turned around to look at Keegan
And he was blushing like crazy while fiddling with his mask. You smiled at the man, such a stoic and cold guy that got totally flustered after a simple kiss. You chuckled at him and he looked up at you, his icy eyes looking at you, and formed in such a way to make him look like an adorable puppy.
You smiled at him and turned back around to walk to Hesh and Logan..
After that mission it was a bit awkward between you and Keegan, it turned from not talking to each other to awkward “hi’s” and “hello’s” every now and then when you two would give each other some files.
“Hey” you heard with a knock, you looked up and saw Keegan with a few files, if there was something you hated more then getting shot at on the field, it was paperwork. But you set down your pen and stood up to accept the 3 folders full of papers.
You smiled at him taking the papers from him “hi” you said, “y/n” he said “Keegan” you said back, “listen I know what I did with you was wrong, and I know this is unprofessional of me but I wanted to ask you, if you’d wanna go out sometime” Keegan explained.
Oh my gosh you were expecting him to say the total opposite of that, He scanned your face realizing that you were shocked,
"I mean like, once this is all over or when we go on a break, you don't have to say yes. If you want I can just leave" he said, he started back up slowly feeling sorry for asking such a inappropriate question at work, "No!" You told him before you even thought about it.
"I mean-" you stuttered "Keegan, I'd love to go out with you" you finally spit out and he smiled, that same rosey shade of red starting to set on his face, he was about lean in and kiss you again before he asked "Can I? with your permission this time" he was cut off with your lips in his.
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redqueenphoenix · 8 months
State Championship (TWD Fanfiction part 11)
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State Championship Part 11
(A TWD Fan Fiction)
I do not own any of the rights to The Walking Dead, nor do I own any of the characters mentioned from here on in, other than Victoria Hawkins. Some situations have been changed and some people may have been switched in this alternate universe. 
All characters in this fanfiction are over the age of 21 years old.
Coach Negan Smith X Female OC
Word Count: 1207
Part 11
As the week came to an end Victoria found herself avoiding her half brother like the plague. He seemed a bit more on edge that she was back. Throwing fits and jabs at the fact she gave up a good college for a man and landed back here at her mothers. 
Victoria made her way down stairs on this particular Sunday morning to hear Draven and her mother in the kitchen having another one of their poster arguments. 
“I don’t care what you think. You’re just the woman that married my dad.” Draven spat at Lana, their mother. “You were in it for the money. We all know that!”
“I love you dad. You have no right to say that!” Lana snapped back. “I didn’t care what profession your dad had when we got together.”
Draven nodded as Victoria entered into the kitchen, “oh, look the calvary is here.”
“Don’t bring me into this.” She said as she passed Draven to get a cup of coffee. “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, you don’t like it here, you're old enough to live on your own.”
“What? Like you did?” Draven laughed, “dropping everything for a stupid man, one that didn’t even want you.”
“Shut up Draven!” Victoria turned to her half brother. “You don’t know what happened!” She balled her fists. Her eyes flickered down to what hung around his neck, a set of military tags.
“I have a good feeling, I know.” He tucked the tags back into his shirt. 
“You two stop it.” Lana rolled her eyes as she threw her hands up. “I’ve had enough of the animosity over all this. Just stop.”
Victoria’s features softened, “when did you join?”
“What? The military? Why do you care?” Draven moved to the refrigerator.
She looked down, “because you're my brother and we used to be close.”
“Key words, used to be.” He sat down at the table watching their mother leave. He knew she hated the fact he joined and knew she wouldn’t sit through hearing it again. “About a month or so after you left.”
“Why?” She poured herself some coffee. 
“The only sensible one left the house. I had no one that understood how I felt anymore. So what was the point in staying?” He popped the tab to the soda he grabbed. “Erika’s an air head, she doesn't get me. Lana… don’t get me started and well dads never home for more than a couple hours a night.”
“I didn’t know it was that bad for you.” Victoria sat down at the table with him. “Why didn’t you call me?”
“Lana said you were busy with school and this man that left you. I didn’t want to burden you. So I thought the military would be a good outlet. I didn’t realize you were going to come home the moment I got my deployment papers.” He sighed and ran his hand through his red hair. 
“So the military was an escape?” She peered over at him.
He nodded, “I leave on Tuesday.”
“Good then you can help me move into my dorm tomorrow.” She chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
“I guess.” He cut his green eyes to the side to look at her, “what happened anyways that your back? I mean I know you got broken up with… Oh lord you’re pregnant aren’t you.” He began to laugh. 
Victoria’s eyes went wide, “no i’m not pregnant. I just didn’t want to be in the same town as them.”
Draven’s features darkened a little bit, “Them?”
“It’s a long story.” She sighed heavily as she sipped her coffee.
“I got some time.” Draven smiled at her, “wanna spill the pintos?”
Victoria looked down at her coffee, “I screwed up, bad. Don’t judge me over this, but I had a crush on my coach.”
“Coach Negan Smith? The one that was in the paper with you when you won state?” Draven arched his eyebrow.
“Yeah, I started flirting with him and things happened. After we won state we all went to the club and well I went back to the hotel with him.” She paused for a moment feeling her chest tighten at the thought. “We kept talking and I decided to start online school to save his job. We lasted for a while and then he suddenly came to me and told me he met some woman at a diner and they hit it off.” She felt the tears sting her eyes, “when I was leaving town I was stopped at a red light near the cancer center. He was walking into the building with her.”
His eyes looked down for a moment as his hand went to her back, “Tori, I hate to ask this, but could you have possibly been the side chick. That seemed kinda sudden to have just met her.”
“What?!” Victoria’s eyes widened. “Samantha swore he was single.” 
“People can be shady, sis.” He looked down remembering a similar situation he was in a few years ago. “Believe me, I know that is not what you wanted to hear, but you made the right decision in coming home.” 
She looked down feeling the hole in her chest again, she couldn’t have been the side chick, but it explains a lot of the behaviors. He constantly came to her place, never did she go to his place. Negan was also very careful where he took her. The pieces fell into place slowly as tears stung her eyes. “This isn’t fair. I love him, Draven.”
He pulled her into a hug, “I know, sometimes people do things like this. It will work out in the end. This will only make you wiser and stronger, sis. Don’t let this get you down. It will get better.”
Victoria never wanted to feel like this again, her heart felt like it was ripped into a million pieces again as she realized that Draven may be right. She let the tears fall as her brother held her. She didn’t want this to be real, this couldn’t be what was really going on. Feeling an urge to message Negan and debunk what her brother was saying tugged at her hard, but she knew better. It would just hurt her more. 
“You’re right.” She took in a few shaky breaths. “I need to move forward as best as I can.”
“Who knows, you may find another guy out there. You never know.” Draven smiled at her as he sat back in his chair.
“I doubt that. I don’t want to go through this again.” She replied as she thought back to Negan and how happy she was with him. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I allow myself to go through this again.”
Part 12
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xylaes · 10 months
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Xylaes wiggled the fingers of his left hand, staring down at his bare arm with a noticeable frown as the magical runes continued to refuse to show themselves. He had tried pinching it, slapping it, punching it, and even tried using it while sparring and training to no avail. The runes continued to remain dormant only until he was in imminent danger where he would have no alternate escape. The predictable unpredictability of it all was, at best, an annoyance.
After having spent the majority of his life skilled in the arcane, it was a massive loss to have his magic stripped from him as a part of his sentence decades ago. To this day it was still incredibly painful. ‘Even worse than losing an arm’ he silently mused to himself. And after the Shadowlands, he would know.
Now, he had the ability literally at his fingertips and he couldn’t figure out how to make it work properly. There was still plenty of lingering trauma from the limb replantation that happened in Maldraxxus, but as gruesome and horrible as that was, it had given him something back that he thought to be lost forever. If only he could make sense of this foreign arm and familiar magic. That was probably the most frustrating part of it all, he was already well-versed in arcane magic, why was this so difficult? 
An intriguing thought had crossed his mind multiple times.There was always the possibility that this wasn’t actually arcane, even though it felt like it was. …Didn’t it? It had been about twenty years since he had truly known the touch of that magic, and a lot had happened in between, so he knew he could be very wrong about that feeling.
Catching sight of Garren approaching out of the corner of his eye, he pulled his sleeve back into place and returned his attention to the cigarette in hand. A brief smile was offered to his son as he sat down nearby. Their relationship had somewhat improved over the last few months during their time working together on the mercenary crew, but Xylaes was pretty sure that Garren still wouldn’t be calling him ‘dad’ anytime soon. So much had happened, and he was a grown man at this point who had his own separate set of worries and traumas to deal with; Xylaes wasn’t entirely sure how to relate to him at times.
Much to his inner dismay, he found himself extending his case of cigarettes in offering towards Garren. Immediate regret and awkwardness, why did he do that? Father of the year right here.
Garren simply gave an amused look before thankfully waving away the offer. Thank Elune he had inherited his mother’s smarts.  “....I need you to help me with something, but you’re not going to like it. But this is something I need to be able to move forward.” 
Xylaes sat up straighter, stubbing his cigarette out on the bottom of his boot. He was an intuitive man and had spent the better part of his life exploiting people for his work in the military. He could almost always tell when someone was lying to him, or when someone was trying to use him. Hard to manipulate the manipulative. “I’m listening.”
“I need to see mom.”
Xy knew this was going to happen one day, although he didn’t expect to be the one who was asked to help. But it made sense. He was familiar with Maldraxxus, and he had been branded with the House of the Chosen symbol to allow him safe passage around the land. It was just the matter of ‘how to get there’ that plagued him. The public portals to Oribos had been sealed years ago, which was honestly for the best. Being able to traverse between Azeroth and the afterlife was not a wise idea for anyone. Especially for those like him who had lost someone only to find them again within the Shadowlands. But maybe…
There was a small part of him that immediately disliked Garren for asking this of him, but he understood the need. “I don’t think that’s a wise idea.”
“I’m gonna try to do it with or without your help.”
Xylaes’s jaw clenched as he glanced away. Of course he would go that route, he was his son after all. Better for him to help than anyone else, right?  “I can’t make you any promises, I don’t know if it can even be done anymore. But I can try to help.” But maybe…seeing Callia didn’t necessarily mean physically going into Maldraxxus, maybe that would be enough.
@daily-writing-challenge @garrennorassin
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
I just thought about something interesting... do you think shinsuke's dad (and mom) is still alive?? and if yes what do you think was his reaction and he heard about his son's actions ? what did he think when shinsuke chose to leave with shoyo? does he even know his son died ? what does he think about the kiheitai ? just so many questions... I really wanna know what you think about this
poor format doing this on ipad ;-;
That’s actually something I’ve also been wondering about! Ever since we watched that flashback with Sakamoto’s arrival, you know the one where Gin teased Takasugi about his dad buying him legos and him being the firstborn son, I really started giving it some thought.
First of all, Takasugi has siblings?!?!? It’s only unexpected because he’s never mentioned it, but if you think about it, that can explain why his family didn’t have a hard time disowning him. If there is someone else behind him to carry on his family’s legacy (most likely a younger brother at the very least, idk his father seems to me like a real traditionalist to let a sister take up on that), then it shouldn’t be the end of the world for them to lose a son.
Also, there was someone else in his household who cared enough to feed him, judging by how his father asked him to stop giving him food. Now I am really not sure who that person is, could be a sibling, could be a servant, or anyone really, but it shows that there is someone who at the very least has immediate relationships with is family, and cares enough for him.
Now that I’ve sorted that out, hmmm whether his parents are alive or not, there is no telling. His father was a samurai who cared about what others had to say, considering how he freaked when Takasugi began to associate with Shouyou, a man who was already plagued by rumors. It wouldn’t be wild to assume that his father was pro amanto or at least not anti amanto, and so I doubt he participated in the war. Perhaps the anti sword law could affect him, considering he was also a samurai, but in the end he strikes me more as the conformist who cares about preservation of wealth. I don’t mean to say that he licked their boots for sure, but I’m trying to play profiler here with the few hints we have.
Whether his mom or siblings are alive, I suppose it depends entirely on his father, considering they used to wipe out clans and families very easily. If they survived the war, like no random casualty taking their lives, then they could be alive!
Moving on to his father reaction regarding his son’s “accomplishments”. Supposing his father is alive and he doesn’t live in an igloo, he must have heard about what’s become of him. I believe his opinion of Takasugi remains negative, considering how he’s been “soiling” their family’s name. He wouldn’t reach out to scold him or anything (That’d be funny to see), but it will just reaffirm to him that kicking Takasugi out was for the best. I don’t think that he’d ever acknowledge him, even if he succeeded everything on his agenda. People like him are very specific about their values and beliefs, and anything that strays from that road is inherently bad.
Minor mention that this is an interesting difference between the two father figures in his life. Shouyou told him he can choose his own path, whatever that is, while his father chose a path for him to follow, whether he wanted to take on such a path or not. This should also be one of the reasons why Takasugi favored Shouyou over his own family. He must have felt so oppressed! Imagine not knowing what you want to do with your life, while having people over your head telling you what you must do. What must be done and what someone wants to do are completely different things and while Takasugi didn’t have an answer for the latter, he knew he didn’t want to choose the life his family wanted for him. If he did, then he would have been satisfied with going to the Military Academy, he wouldn’t be nagging to Katsura or beat kids up, and he wouldn’t have joined Shouyou.
Also I feel like, if Shouyou gave him some sort of criteria as to what makes a samurai good, then Takasugi wouldn’t bite it. He is someone who does what he wants to do and hates being told what to do. By choosing Shouyo, he chose freedom, one that his family didn’t offer. Oh and another thing; it’s not that he opposed becoming a samurai. He wanted to become one, he just didn’t want to do so while following his father’s Bushido, which might as well be a career change in their eyes. I think that if his family was supportive, then rather than running and sneaking around, Takasugi could have had a healthier family environment. He is not a bad son or anything, he just wanted to find his own way, something he couldn’t do within his family. Had they accepted that he wants to take on their wishes but follow them in his own way, then things would have been much better for him.
Abou his reaction when it came to him joining Shouyou hmmm, perhaps he didn’t see it coming. Disowning someone is a big thing and it didn’t come from the first “mishap”. It looks to me like his father gave him many chances to “get his shit together” because he didn’t really want to do it. Maybe his other kids weren’t as skilled as he was, maybe he knew that Takasugi deep down was a good son. But, if Takasugi is anything like his father, then pride would have kept either party from reaching out, even if there were some regrets in the way. Most likely, the moment he chose Shouyou, Takasugi died to him, considering how he wouldn’t think that his son would actually give up on everything he’d build for some random dude.
Whether he knows of Takasugi’s death, that’s hard to say. I don’t think he’d get to know, unless Katsura or something personally informed him of it. He strikes me as the “no contact, you are dead to me” kinda guy, but if he found out what he did at the end, then maybe he’d feel a sense of pride as well as sadness. I’d like to believe that Takasugi’s father wasn’t a complete monster and like all parents he did have some love for him. Any parent who finds out of their son’s death would be sad, even for a minute.
And about the Kiheitai well, maybe he finds it stupid that so many people followed someone as incompetent as him. That’s one side of the coin. The other would be him experiencing failure? What I mean to say is that perhaps his father knew that he wasn’t doing a good job as a parent. He couldn’t support him nor guide him but now his son has managed to do that for many people. Everything he couldn’t give him as a father, he found in others, and while the vast majority shunned him because you knew, terrorist, there were many inspired. In the end, he wouldn’t admit it okay, this is all personal thinking stuff.
Final paragraph of this madness of a post lmao I could go on all night long, but I feel like my eyes will pop out from all the tears they shed. Based on clues, Takasugi’s father is a prideful and stubborn man, who values society’s opinions more than the well-being of his children. In a time and age where honor and public opinion mattered most, it is unsurprising for him to be like that. However, considering how the frequency and severity of his grounding increased (up until disowning), he should be someone who has the minimum consideration for Takasugi. Whether that’s because he valued him as an heir, or because he loved him as a child, there is no telling. After all, his pride would never allow such a man to show actual affection, which should explain why Takasugi is not great at displaying such emotions either. Shouyou was warm and affectionate, he took him in without second thoughts and offered him a different path. He have a love starved boy everything his pride wouldn’t let him admit he wanted, because in the end, Takasugi is a human being with human needs. He wants to have bonds with others, to be happy and to make his own choices. The end.
THIS TURNED INTO A HUGE MESS AND I WENT FROM ONE POINT TO THE OTHER BUT ITS 3 AM AND MY EYES ARE BLOODSHOT AHAHA I JUST REALLY WANTED TO ANALYZE AND REPLY TO THAT! i don’t know what I’m yelling for smh. oh and if u have more questions and wanna discuss things further, lemme know, im a sucker for such conversations :p
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jojo-hut-jrs · 1 year
☾★▼ of the headcanon meme (jojo-hut-jrs/707443752192589824/headcanon-meme) for Tennille and Devo if you're still accepting those, pretty please?
I’ll say I’m not taking those particular requests atm but I’ll do this one anyway
Captain Tennille
Sleep headcanon:
-I’ve said once that I view him as a heavy, loud sleeper. Very deep throated and bellowing, dead as a fucking log and barely moves. Probably a pain to sleep next too or in the same room with. Can probably fall asleep anyway in almost any position but will still complain about a stiff neck afterwards.
Sad headcanon:
-I think he survived that blow to the head long enough to really feel the sensation of drowning and slowly dying alone. It was probably fucking terrifying to just float there, unable to move, and just have to come to terms that there’s no coming back from this. I think I’m those last moments he expected jotaro to come back and pull him out of the water because, yeah he tried to kill them, but they were just gonna throw him in jail right? The “good guys” wouldn’t just commit murder, would they?
Childhood headcanon:
-military brat that kinda had a lot of pressure and expectations put on him. You don’t just build up strong lungs for the hell of it.
Sleep headcanon:
-Restless and anxious sleeper. Probably always on the look out for something or plagued by night terrors. Probably sleeps fully or partially clothed just in case something happens. Has a dream catcher but doesn’t think it actually works.
Sad headcanon:
-Is a self-saboteur in the worst way and blames it on poor luck. He’s had a lot of missed chances to improve his life for fine something that makes him happy but then he’ll drive it away and think that it’s entirely the worlds fault.
Childhood headcanon:
-really fucking rough and unfair, convinced him that there’s something wrong him and that everything will always be against him. Was victim blamed for abuse as a child and eventually believed it. Fighting and attack people is like, the only thing he’s convinced he has some control over.
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