#you're an evil genius Neil Gaiman
beckelliesden · 1 year
I've been thinking about the Metatron's motivations.
At first, I thought he was using Aziraphale in a simple internal power struggle ploy. He can't be in charge because he's just a spokesman and since he knows Micheal has no intention to share authority with anyone else, he needs a puppet if he wants to run the show. Aziraphale, who is naive and, let's admit it, easily coaxed, makes a perfect candidate. He isn't a very elevated angel, so he assumes he'll be easy to handle - and quite as easy to dismiss if he refuses to play along as intended. And recruiting him has the added bonus of getting rid of a torn in heaven's side by breaking up Aziraphale and Crowley, who are blamed for thwarting Armageddon 1.0. After that 25-lazarii miracle they inadvertently produced together, it's easy to see how the Metatron would be very keen to prevent them from standing in the way of Armageddon 2.0.
Then, I thought about it some more. I thought about some of the dark, ominous looks he's cast from the corner of his eyes, the color-coding of his clothes and the way he oh so easily swayed Aziraphale. Heavens is a lot of things in the show, but it's never flattering and persuasive. Not like that. Flattery and bribery are Hell's tools, and so is playing on people's insecurities and setting them up against one another.
And then I thought, what if the Metatron isn't the Metatron? What if Satan took personal interest in the launching of Armageddon 2.0 and impersonated the Metatron?
God couldn't care less, that's a given, but Satan? He was obviously VERY pissed off and personally involved at the end of S01. It's a bit foolish to think that because Adam thwarted him on Earth he's out of the picture permanently. Or that he won't be trying to extract his revenge on those who thwarted him- it's apparently his whole thing.
And then, we come back to Aziraphale - and, more to the point, Crowley. Who is Aziraphale? A mid-level angel - a nobody who means well and can be easily swayed with the right arguments. But Crowley? From Satan's point of view, Crowley is NOT a nobody. If we read the clues correctly, Crowley was NEVER a nobody, in fact. He was a pretty high-ranking angel before the Fall, possibly even an archangel. More to the point, Satan thinks Crowley is his top agent. He's the demon who instigated the original sin, invented the Spanish Inquisition and started WW2. The demonic genius behind the M25.
The demon who was SUPPOSED to deliver the antichrist on Earth.
Crowley did not just turn traitor on Hell, but on SATAN personally.
So it would make sense for Satan to take a personal interest in return.
Everything that follows just makes so much sense if Satan is impersonating the Metatron. He wants the launching of Armageddon 2.0 AND revenge on Crowley. So he arranges to use Aziraphale to do both. He takes him away from Crowley - and makes Aziraphale break his heart in the process.
I've seen people go about the coffee scene, arguing the coffee was spiked. I think that if any 'miracle' was performed at that fateful moment, it was to push Nina and Maggie to have that conversation with Crowley. So that Crowley would finally open himself up and confess to Aziraphale - only to be rejected in the most heartbreaking way possible by Aziraphale, who's been dazzled by the idea of running Heavens along with his best friend as angels.
I've also seen people comment on how manipulative and cunning the Metatron was to 'orchestrate' the break up - and he was, no doubt about it. But how would the Metatron, as an angel, know how insulting and impossible a proposition that would be for Crowley? He'd have to be a fucking mastermind on top of being a master manipulator - two things he certainly didn't seem to be in s01. No, I'm sorry, but an angel would just assume a demon would WANT to come back into the fold. Only a demon would know better. And only a demon would go about breaking them up so cunningly.
And here's the good bit: the Metatron only turns up AFTER the Hell delegation has gone to report Beelzebub's treason to their master. Not before or during, but AFTER.
And what is one of the first thing he does when he walks into the bookshop? He asks Crowley if he recognizes him, of course. He doesn't ask because Crowley used to be a high-ranking angel - he asks because Crowley is a demon, and if he can fool Crowley, then he can fool anyone, can he?
And that leads us to the elevator scene. Notice how fast Metatron pushes the 'Heavens' button as soon as Aziraphale sets foot in? Notice the calculative looks he gives him from the corner of his eyes? They make perfect sense if Aziraphale just fell into a particularly devious and intricate trap - setting himself up as both an hostage and a tool for Satan to further extract revenge on Crowley and start Armageddon 2.0.
Oh, while ALSO providing Satan with his 'ride' to infiltrate Heavens, of course. Demons can't use the elevator without an escort, remember?
It all makes so much damned sense - and it scares the shit out of me for s03.
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wwillywonka · 4 months
wwillywonka's Interests
(links are in red)
-here is my super long, super detailed list of the things i blog about. if you read the whole thing, you're amazing and i love you. thanks<33 -a more comprehensive list of my interests can be found here. i update it often. -please for the love of god do yourself a favour and listen to blooms by arthur sharpe
Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
special interest since 2014
read my ongoing willy character study fic here
my willy playlist
beside the original dahl books, the 2005 movie is the best and most superior version. i believe this with my whole body, mind, and soul and cannot be convinced otherwise.
other favorite versions of canon: gareth snook on the recent uk tour, gene wilder (of course). see gareth snook’s take on willy’s character here
i have consumed every single piece of wonka related media/content that is reasonably available to the public including horrible elementary school productions on youtube and random college theses. i consider myself the foremost expert about anything and everything regarding willy and can get defensive if that is challenged. i am also aware that i take this way too seriously considering willy is just a silly little fucked up guy who forever ruined my taste in men in my preteens. but i stand by my opinions.
i’ve also been writing a very self-indulgent willy x oc (ross able) fic for nearing 4 years now and have yet to publish it in any capacity. that being said, i tend to talk about it in tags for my own reference, so if you’re ever curious to know more, feel free to ask<3.
i do not support roald dahl, tim burton, or johnny depp in any way. their existences are entirely separate from my enjoyment of catcf. bigotry and prejudice are not tolerated on this blog.
i think the prequel is fine but unnecessary. it’s so whatever to me that i sometimes forget it exists.
i am literally charlie bucket (so obsessed with willy wonka that my parasocial need to be in a weird friendship with him is all-consuming and the only thing that keeps me going). if you ship any of the literal children ticket winners with willy, get off my blog.
willy is my specialist girl, a genius inventor evil capitalist, the blorbo i spin around in my brain 24/7 and want to put in a microwave, my wife, and also the absolute worst guy to ever do it. she is my everything. they’re just a sad gay twink. he’s even bigger than jesus.
Jesus Christ Superstar
the 1973 movie has been one of my favorites since childhood but i became obsessed after seeing the musical on stage in 2023.
yes i connect everything i liked about jcs back to willy and my other fav characters :)
things i write and blog about that are perfectly captured in jcs:
being mortal and being a god are not so different
the line between godhood and celebrityhood being more blurred the further society progresses. both are corruption
toxic, all-consuming co-dependency
sacrificing everything that makes one human for the sake of the “greater good”; becoming unrecognisable, becoming a monster (metaphorically and/or literally)
faith in something that ultimately betrays
being gay and being supppeerr dramatic about it
Alice in Wonderland
i love all versions but have a soft spot for the 2010 movie
fav character: the mad hatter/tarrant hightopp
the 2009 miniseries is weirdly good
alice in wonderland is a war story. to me.
i feel similarly about alice through the looking glass 2016 as i do about wonka 2023
once again, i’ve been writing a fic based off the 2010 movie for years but have yet to publish any part of it. one day, i promise.
my love for loki started in 2012 when i saw the first avengers movie in theaters but has since grown into a love of norse mythology and its extended history and lore. loki by mevlin burgess is one of my favorite books and is, in my opinion, the best portrayal of the character in recent years. neil gaiman’s norse mythology is also great.
i love tom hiddleston so so so so much<33. he is a phenomenal actor and also a really nice man and deserves so much more recognition than just being “that hot guy who played that villain in marvel.” i recently had the pleasure of sitting in the audience for an interview he did and it was the best day of my entire life. only lovers left alive is one of my favorite movies.
i hate the disney+ show except for the literal last 20 minutes of the last episode which gave me everything i’ve ever wanted out of a loki story.
i used to be really, really, really, extremely into marvel but pretty much stopped caring after endgame (which i feel is the case for a lot of people). that being said, i still love tony stark and spider-man, particularly the toby mcguire movies (cough cough…alfred molina as doc ock <3333).
Star Trek
obsessed with tos and tng, particularly the movies (undiscovered country is my fav!). huge fan of picard. don't really care about the aos movies or a lot of the newer series. i'm also currently watching voyager (janeway is insane i love her).
spent a lot of my nerd life not understanding the appeal until i started watching tng in april 2023 and swiftly became Aware of why it's one of the most famous franchises of all time. also as someone who's super interested in fandom history, particularly queer fandom history, i don't know why i didn't get into trek sooner.
spock is my fav character because he is literally me. i am always crying over him. no one understands spock like i do (<- is exaggerating knowing he is one of the most famous characters in all of pop culture history). we are both mixed race and jewish. we are both autistic and queer. there is literally no other character whose mixed identity is portrayed so well and as such a significant aspect of their story, and i (along with so many others) see so many of the internal conflicts he deals with in myself, particularly when it comes to his relationship with his parents.
sarek's biggest hater. like bestie, YOU married the human.
data is my second fav. mccoy is a close third. picard is a very close fourth. unification pt 1&2 are my fav trek episodes!!!
huge spirk/spones/mcspirk shipper. because duh.
Doctor Who
my favorite show since 2012
fav doctor: capaldi
fav companions/other characters: donna, river, missy/the master. and yes, the tardis
fav episode: heaven sent
murray gold invented music and is everything i aspire to be as a composer
please no moffat discourse i will block you
that being said, chibnall ruined doctor who. jodie whittaker deserved so much better and i do not blame her, an amazing actress, for the horrible writing she had to work with.
currently working my way through classic who and the eu
Other Notable Favorites
Nightmare Before Christmas
Danny Elfman/Oingo Boingo
The Mighty Boosh/Noel Fielding/BritCom
Flowers/Will Sharpe Films
Good Omens
Dan and Phil
Adventure Time
Wes Anderson Films
The Beatles
The Picture of Dorian Gray/Oscar Wilde
The Adventure Zone/The McElroys
Other Things I Blog About
Robots & cyborgs, dolls
Body segmentation/body horror
Fashion/Fiber Arts
thanks if you read this far xoxo
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decat2 · 1 year
Tumblr media
The ending of Good Omens 2 really messed me up, but I'm getting over it now - and obsessing over every other part of the series. It was SO SO GOOD. So many details and easter eggs!
Some of my favourite parts:
Pre-fall Crowley, he's so innocent, and so enthusiastic about his nebulae!
Crowley lists the three reasons why Aziraphale calls him (He's bored, He done something he's proud of, or something's wrong) and Crowley knows which it is by Azi's voice.
That they used Queen's "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy"! It's the perfect song for these two!
The fact that Crowley's idea of romance is sheltering together from the rain... just like he and Aziraphale did in Eden!
Aziraphale calling the Bentley 'our car', and the fact that he's had a driving licence for 90 years, about as long as Crowley has had the Bentley... that can't be coincidence!
The Bentley actually seems to like Aziraphale and listens to him, even playing his music requests, despite only playing Queen for Crowley. And when Azi turns it YELLOW and Crowley threatens to give away his books if he doesn't change it back. They are SUCH and old married couple this season!
The minisodes were brilliant - My favourite was the 1941 Nazi Zombies, Azi gets so excited about his magic tricks, and I thought it was so clever how they saved themselves without miracles!
Crowley: "You're up to something, I can smell it. What are you planning?" Aziraphale: "Wait and see!" Crowley: "Do you have any idea how irritating that is?"
Aziraphale asking Crowley to dance, he giggles and literally drags Crowley onto the dance floor!
Aziraphale has battery operated candles and a supply of fire extinguishers after the fire in season one.
Aziraphale: "But rescuing me makes him so happy."
Crowley is implied to have been a high up angel before he fell, like when he opens Gabriel's file, which only a high ranking angel can do. Will his angel identity be important in season 3?
I still can't believe that Gabriel and Beelzebub got together! (and Gabriel's idea of a date being to show Beez his statue... that is so Gabriel, lol)
We got a kiss between Azi and Crowley, but that ending... OOF. But when I thought about it, I realised it was a complete inversion of the season one ending, even referencing the Ritz and the Nightingale song. Neil Gaiman is an evil genius. But hopefully we can forgive him when we get season three (Hurry up, Amazon!)
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ocaona · 1 year
Rewatching GO2 ep 1 after being destroyed by the finale.
Aziraphale to Maggie :"Oh I'm very good at forgiveness. It's my favorite thing" 😭😭💔💔
Neil Gaiman you're a genius and you're using your talent for evilness. I love/hate that.
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