#you're lucky i love you
Good morning cutie gumdrop 🩷
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good morning cuddlebunches
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applethorn · 10 days
( asshole alert ! )
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Accepted !
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"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
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littlestgamer · 23 days
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This bish 😒
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diazsdimples · 3 months
I - THIRTY SENTENCES? That is an entire goddamn fic 😭 Okay I did bring this on myself. 6 Single Dads and 30 Muay Thai, coming right up!
Single Dads AU👨‍👧‍👧
Carrie happily takes his hand, but Lily looks a little more apprehensive at the prospect of meeting her aunt, and holds her arms out for Buck, opening and closing her fists like she did when she was much younger. Buck indulges her, scooping his arm under her body and lifting her up so she’s settled on his hip. She loops her arms around his neck and tucks her head into his shoulder. Maddie’s sitting at the dining table when they find her, her fingers laced together as she rests her hands on the tabletop. The moment she sees her nieces – both roughly three times the size they were when she last saw them – her eyes well with tears. “Oh my gosh,” she breathes, almost sliding off the chair and to her knees. “You’ve both grown so much.”
Bucktommy Muay Thai Sex 🤼‍♂️
“You think so?” Tommy asks breathlessly. “I mean, certainly looks like it, considering I’m the one that has you pinned,” Buck replies, all cocky bravado that doesn’t really match the way his heart is beating a furious rhythm in his chest. Tommy laughs, flexing his wrists in Buck’s grip. “I wouldn’t be so sure.” Buck barely has time to register that oh fuck, he’s in trouble, before Tommy’s leg hooks around his hips and before he knows what’s happening, he’s being flipped over. Tommy looms over him, his body pressing against every inch of Buck’s. Their bare chests rub together as Tommy leans down, twisting his hands so he breaks free of Buck’s grip, and takes Buck’s wrists in his hands. “Looks like I’ve got you now,” Tommy says quietly, and suddenly their lips are crashing together. The kiss is heated, Tommy biting at Buck’s lip and their teeth clashing as Buck battles him for dominance. Buck’s aware of the fact that neither of them have tapped out of this particular round, kissing or no kissing, so he squirms beneath Tommy as he attempts to break out of his grip. With a low, throaty chuckle, Tommy tightens his grip around Buck’s wrists and adjusts his position so his knee is between Buck’s legs, pressing hard against Buck’s rapidly rising cock. Buck arches into Tommy as he breaks the kiss and moves to bite down hard on Buck’s neck. It’s probably a good thing that it’s the middle of the afternoon on a weekday, and all of Tommy’s neighbours are at work, because the moan that Buck lets out is frankly pornographic. He ruts against Tommy’s thigh, but Tommy pins his hips down with his hand, releasing one of Buck’s wrists. “Nah uh, no getting off, we’re not finished yet,” he growls, and Buck takes the moment of distraction to deliver a blow to Tommy’s side. The older man lets out a noise of surprise and he grapples for purchase over Buck’s wrist. Deciding that he’s going to go along the distraction route once again, Buck arches up to meet Tommy and kisses him again. Tommy moans into Buck’s mouth as Buck grinds their hips together. Tommy might have said something about not getting off, but Buck can feel the hard line of Tommy’s cock through his shorts, and decides to use it to his advantage. “Jesus Christ, Evan,” Tommy moans as Buck thrusts against him. “That’s cheating.” “No, just playing dirty,” Buck replies, chuckling a little at his double-entendre. Without warning, Tommy releases Buck entirely and clambers to his feet, holding out a hand for him to take. Buck pouts but takes Tommy’s hand regardless, allowing himself to be pulled up off the floor. They stand there, both breathing heavily, and face one another. Tommy brings his hands up to his face, getting his guard up, and Buck follows suit. They must make quite the sight, both sweaty and red in the face, with their shorts tenting ridiculously in front of them. Slowly, as though stalking his prey, Tommy takes a step towards Buck, reaching out a hand to touch Buck’s glove. Buck takes a step backward, and before he knows it, Tommy’s backed him against the wall. “You going to tap out?” Tommy asks, and he brushes his lips very minutely against Buck’s. “No.”
Also tagging @bidisasterbuckdiaz and @smilingbuckley in this cause you've shown interest
Make me write things!!
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mommydcys · 6 months
@stopthecarrrr cause he woke her up dammit
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teamhawkeye · 1 year
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selfaware-stalker · 1 year
only I care about him.
only me.
he thinks others care but they don't spend hours thinking of him like i do.
i planned our whole lives already. Does anybody else care about you enough for that? do any of those bastards have a plan to keep you happy forever like i do?
you're such an ungrateful 𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖙
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8, 10, 29, 33 :eyes: (also hi ily)
8. How slow is a slow burn?
I am terrible at writing a slow burn! But as a reader, I am a fan of a slooooooow burn, where the OTP doesn't get together until the very end.
10. Top three favorite fic tropes.
Oh, my gosh, that's really hard!! I love fake dating, and "only one bed" is always fun...I don’t know about a third! There aren't too many I don’t like.
29. What's the hardest thing about writing?
Not just deleting everything as soon as it is out of my head. Accepting that even if *I* am not thrilled with it, *someone* is going to enjoy it.
33. Give your writing a compliment.
😒 You so did that on purpose. And I see Shelly did the same. Brats. Fine. I think I am pretty damn good at wringing emotions out of people, even if those emotions generally consist of, "What the hell is wrong with you (me)?"
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akkpipitphattana · 2 years
i won't stop >:D
i know you won't
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rwby-sk · 3 years
Happy birthday to the most amazing sister in the world! On this day all for you, I hope it's filled with joy and cheer... and also lots of gifts, lol
You helped me through the bad times and are here for the good, and that will never be forgotten.
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frostedfavesmain · 3 years
That's a nice titty sandwich you got there
me: a nice titty sandwich
you: never say that again
also you:
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5 characters -- frankie, din, javi, poe, abel 😜
Get drunk with Poe. I wish I could do more with Poe... but that just how the cookie Crumbles lol, but I think he'd be really fun to get drunk with and exchange stories. (It was between Poe and Javi, and Javi brooding while I'm being a lightweight just doesn't sound like as much fun lol)
Make out with Javi. Fun night out, no strings and only breaks my heart a little. I'll take it lol.
Date Frankie. Everyone knows how much I love Frankie (even though I've never seen the movie even once to completion lol) but my man had 0 character development in the movie and I only love Fic!Frankie lol so that bumps him from marriage material to just the man that got away lol
Marry Din. Hes my comfort character. He's perfect. Do I even have to explain???
Punch Abel. Sorry Abel out of all these fiiiiine choices... you're getting punched.
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moonshineboyz · 3 years
Peep this 🥵
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firstdegreefangirl · 3 years
this is two words, Daisy. Cheater. It’s a good thing I happen to love you.
Something falls together in her mind as she remembers the day he’d turned away and whispered Lady Marmalade into his phone.
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yixiangs · 3 years
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flowerforaheart · 4 years
Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful! Keep it going to make someone smile! ❤
the sheer audacity of you sending me this a day after telling me you'll unfollow if I dare start posting about kpop
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