#you're next is a comedy
videodrme · 10 months
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YOU'RE NEXT (2011) is a comedy dir. Adam Wingard
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ajcrawly · 22 days
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thecursedanon · 5 months
Rainy Day
Characters: Lee!Yuji, Ler!Nanami, Sukuna(only in Yuji's head), Megumi, Nobara, Inumaki (because I love this little dork, okay? lol) Genre: Comfort <3 Word Count: 3166 Summary: Yuji Is super down today, that and he's not been sleeping well due to the nightmares he's been having. His friends, concerned about him go to Nanami with their concerns, and the stoic teacher takes it upon himself to cheer Itadori up. A/N: Hey, Curse here! This was originally intended to be part of the Amusement Park Aftermath fic, but I couldn't organically fit it in so I split them up... so that's why there are similarities in the setting. Enjoy!
Though the mood had been upbeat and calm in the days before, today it seemed as though a rain cloud loomed over Jujutsu Tech-- both figuratively and literally. Everyone seemed a bit more somber today.
Even Yuji wasn’t immune to the effects as he gazed out his window at the bleak gray sky, winds whipping the trees around and causing the leaves to drift around with reckless abandon.
He sighed softly, leaning over and resting his face on his palms as he watched the gloominess outside from the edge of his bed.
He heard his door open, but didn’t turn around or acknowledge it. Nobara and Megumi had been peeking in on him periodically to make sure he was still alive, clearly unused to the pink haired teen being a recluse.
“He’s still moping.” Megumi sighed.
“Should we go get Gojo sensei?” Nobara asked.
“We want to cheer him up, not make him worse.”
“I dunno, he seems pretty good at this kind of thing...”
Inumaki poked his head into the room with them, signing as he spoke. “Bonito flakes…” Megumi is right… “Mustard Leaf.” Gojo would just overwhelm him more.
“Well, do you have a better idea?”
Inumaki paused, the blonde tapped his chin as he became deep in thought. Nobara shot Megumi a look that screamed; ‘this is who we’re taking ideas from?’ as she gestured to the other teen.
“Tuna mayo?” Maybe Nanami can help?
“If Gojo can’t help, what makes you think Nanami sensei can?”
“He’s right.” Megumi nodded in agreement with Toge’s idea. “Nanami is our best bet. If something serious is going on, Yuji might be more comfortable talking to Nanami about it.”
Inumaki nodded his head, looking quite pleased with himself as Nobara sighed. “Fine, let’s go find him…” With that, the trio headed to Nanami’s classroom and explained the worrying situation to him.
“That explains why he hasn’t been blowing my phone up this morning…” He sighed softly. Yuji had a bad habit of spamming his phone with an overabundance of positive texts, or any and all memes he found that he thought were funny… most of the time they weren’t.
“I’ll go talk to him,” He nodded, standing up from his desk. “Thank you for coming to me.”
Back In Yuji’s room, he had actually started to doze off watching the rain fall down his window when there was a knock at his door. He sighed, trying to ignore their efforts.
There was another knock, this one softer and a bit more hesitant than the first. 
“Guys, I’m not dead in here. you can stop checking on me.” He called out, half asleep.
Yuji perked up at the sound of the voice. “Nanamin?”
“Is it alright if I come in?”
The pinkette nodded, but realized he couldn’t see him. “Yeah, you can come in.” he responded, turning around to look at the door.
Nanami walked in and closed the door behind him, assessing Yuji carefully for any signs of distress. “I haven’t heard from you In a while… I wanted to check in on you.” He said, his voice softer than usual.
Itadori smiled a little, and when he did, Nanami could see just how exhausted the teen looked. “Yeah, sorry… I haven’t been on my phone.”
That in and of itself was alarming.
The blonde teacher approached him cautiously. “Yuji, you look like you haven’t been sleeping.” He observed out loud. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Itadori brushed off his concern, trying to shake off the fatigue. “Just didn’t sleep well last night.”
“Watching too many Jennifer Lawrence movies, again?” There was a note of teasing on his words as he spoke to the pink haired boy. (Okay, more than a note.)
Yuji felt his face heat up. “Noooo…” He subtly nudged his chair to conceal a stack of Jennifer Lawrence movies he had in fact been watching the night before. 
Nanami, of course, saw this. He let out a small chuckle as he idly picked up one of Itadori’s blankets from the floor, folding it as he spoke. “Yuji, if something is bothering you… you know you can talk to me, right?” He asked, glancing up at the teen as he neatly set it down on the bed. “Even if you think it’s something minor…”
Yuji bit his lip and looked back out the window. “Yeah… I know that…It’s just my thoughts are so scrambled right now… I don’t even know how to start talking about what’s bothering me...”
Nanami frowned, picking up another blanket and approaching the pinkette with it. He carefully draped it around him and sat down next to him. “I understand…”
A memory flickered to the forefront of his mind, he recalled saying something similar to his best friend when he was Yuji’s age. Haibara had responded by looking for the fluffiest, most comforting blanket he could find in their dorm room and damn near smothered Kento with it as he wrapped him up in it and hugged him tightly.  
It was times like this that he wished Yu had still been alive, he’d be much better at this sort of thing than he was… “I’m sorry.” Kento said softly, his hands firmly grasping his students shoulders. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Yuji looked at the window, the rain and wind had kicked up even more outside. “Can I… have a hug?”
Nanami nodded, not hesitating to engulf him in a big protective hug at his request. “Of course you can.”
Yuji smiled, the warmth from the blanket and the warmth radiating from the tight hug was soothing to him. He wrapped his arms around Nanami in response, resting his head on his shoulder. 
As he sat there with him, the room silent save for the rain falling outside and the soft breathing, he felt his racing thoughts slowing down a bit… making more sense rather than being incoherent whispers speaking over each other.
But that soon became a problem too, as the reason for his anguish presented itself.
He was sad.
He was really fucking sad… He missed his grandpa. He was exhausted from trying to put on a brave front all the time, when the truth of the matter was; he was still just a scared, sad kid who missed the only family he had ever truly had...
As Nanami sat there holding the student, he felt him begin to tremble in his arms. “Itadori?” He asked softly, holding the teen tighter to try to silently reassure him he was okay.
“I’m… sorry…” Came the small, whimper of a reply. Small sobs escaped his shaking form as he buried his face in the blonde’s chest, his tears soaking into the blue fabric.
“Hey… don’t be sorry.” Kento responded, keeping his tone low and gentle in an attempt to soothe the boy. “It’s okay… shh… you’re okay.” He began rubbing circles into the pinkette’s back as he spoke. “I’m here with you and I’m not going anywhere…”
If Yuji hadn’t have already been crying, he would have been now. He clung onto his mentor like a scared child as he sobbed harder.
It became clear to Nanami just how much pain the boy was in, his muffled cries sounding anguished and terrified. It absolutely broke his heart, he wasn’t sure how to take the pain away from the usually bright light hearted teen, and he desperately wanted to.
“I’m so tired of being scared, Nanami!” he cried into his chest.
“Yuji… It’s going to be okay, you have nothing to be afraid of here. I’ll protect you.” The usually stoic teacher whispered in response.
“But who will protect you?” Itadori whimpered, burrowing further into his protective hold. “I can’t lose you too!!”
“Yuji…” Nanami felt his heart twist at the student’s outburst, he wished more than anything he could say that he wouldn’t lose him, and that everything would be okay in the end… but he knew from his own experience that wasn’t the case. He knew how cruel this line of work was… it didn’t discriminate with the lives it claimed.
“I can’t lose you…!” The boy sobbed, his frame shaking like a leaf in the blonde teacher’s strong arms. “P-Please…!”
“Shhh… hey, listen to me okay? I have no intentions of going anywhere.” Kento whispered, gently rocking Itadori in his arms. “Why are you so worried about me? I haven’t died yet.”
“I…” Yuji pulled back, looking up at Nanami with tears falling down his face. That also broke his heart. “I-I’ve been having these nightmares… Where y-you… you…”
“Shhh…” Nanami reached forward and gently pulled the crying pinkette back into his warm embrace, stroking his hair gently as he guided his head to rest against his chest. “Yuji, they’re just bad dreams… do you hear that? My heart is still beating. I’m still here. You’re okay… I’ve got you.”
This seemed to soothe some of anguish the boy was feeling, his sobs becoming small whimpers as he began to calm down at the sound of Nanami’s heartbeat in his ear.
They sat there In silence together for a while, the only other sound in the room was the rain hitting Yuji’s window and his sniffles and whimpers.
But soon those would silence too, and Itadori would slowly pull away from Nanami again. His eyes were puffy from all the crying he’d done, and his face was tear stained. “N-Nanamin?”
“Th-Thank you…”
The blonde smiled softly at him, gently wiping away some of the remaining tears from his face. “Of course…” 
Yuji giggled a bit as Kento grazed against his neck when wiping his tears away, causing the blonde to pause and give him a confused look. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” Itadori said quickly, smiling nervously as his mentor stared at him.
Nanami smirked, ghosting his fingers along Itadori’s neck, causing him to squeak and recoil with a giggle. “Nothing? Are you sure about that?”
“Itadori… you wouldn’t happen to be… ticklish, would you?”
“W-Well would you look at the time? I’m gonna be late for my training session with Gojo and-- ACK!”
“Oh no you don’t.” Kento grabbed onto the pinkette before he could escape, pulling him back into his arms and pinning him against him. “Even if you did have training with Gojo right now, which you don’t because he’s out of town… I’m not letting you off the hook that easily.”
“Wh-What did I do?”
“I told you I’d protect you… that includes from yourself and your sadness.”
“But Nanamin… I’m not sad any--eeeeehehehehehe!” Yuji’s protests were interrupted by a squeal followed by adorably bubbly giggles as Nanami began to tickle him.
“Oh please, don’t insult my intelligence… I know you’re still sad, you’re just not crying anymore.” Nanami rolled his eyes fondly at the boy, squeezing at his side teasingly.
“Nahahahahanami! Ihihihit tickles!” Itadori whined, but despite his complaints he made no attempts to get away.
Nanami chuckled at his reactions, sneaking his hand underneath Yuji’s shirt to lightly tickle his bare side. “Does it now~? How unfortunate for you… because I have no intentions of stopping until you feel better~”
Yuji giggled harder as he leaned into Nanami’s hold. “Ihihihihi’m not sahahahahad anymore!”
“Itadori, It’s okay to be sad…” Nanami said soothingly, skittering his fingers up and down his ribs as he spoke. “It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling… but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you suffer through it alone.”
The most adorable thing about this whole thing? Yuji wasn’t resisting, he was actually angling himself in ways that would give Nanami more access to his ticklish spots… which he found utterly adorable.
“Itadori, you know… you could at least pretend to want to get away~” Kento chuckled in amusement at his student.
“I dohohoho want to get ahahaway!” Yuji lied… because If he really wanted to get away, he totally could.
“Oh, you do, hm? Is that why you’re rolling around like a puppy trying to get me to scratch its belly?” Nanami couldn’t help but tease the boy, his fingers drifting to Yuji’s stomach. “Is this what you were looking for~?”
Itadori squealed as he felt Nanami’s fingers lightly dance across his toned stomach, practically melting in his mentor's hold as he laughed harder. “EHEHEHEHEEK!”
It’s now coming to Itadori’s attention that he may… and I repeat; may be… enjoying this. (He is.) 
Sure, every once In a while he’ll get the occasional poke here and there, or Gojo will be… well, Gojo… and tickle the absolute snot out of him but… Nanami’s tickles are much more gentle and affectionate. It’s almost relaxing in a sense… plus he never knew his parents, and his grandfather wasn’t exactly the most physically affectionate so it’s kind of healing to his inner child right now to be tickled by someone he views as a father figure.
Also, he just really loves playing around with him like this… this isn’t a side anyone sees of Nanami.
Did I mention Yuji is an adorable ball of sunshine yet? because he totally is.
“Ah, that was definitely what you wanted…” Nanami teased, his fingers tracing teasingly along his stomach, producing the most adorable giggles he’s heard in a very long time.
“Nahahahahanamin! Nohohohoho! Nahahat the behehehelly!” Yuji squealed, covering his face as his half hearted protests fell on deaf ears.
“Not the belly? why not? It seems like as good a spot as any…” Nanami hummed thoughtfully, pretending to consider it for a moment. “Hmm… Nope, sorry. I think I’m going to stay right here for a bit longer, you’re a tough kid, you can take it.”
Yuji squealed again as his stomach was tickled with more vigor.
‘Seriously, brat? He’s not kidding… You really are like a dog who wants his stomach rubbed. The only thing you’re missing is the damn leg kick.’ Sukuna taunted Yuji internally.  
‘Suhuhuhukuna shuhuhuhut up!’ Poor Yuji couldn’t even escape the teasing in his mind.
‘You know you could easily get this to stop, don’t you? Just allow me control and--’
‘Absolutely nahahahat!’
‘Why not? Don’t tell me… you actually ENJOY this, do you?’
‘Ihihihim not gonna lehehehet you hurt him!’
‘How pathetic… you truly are an annoying brat.’
“Nahahahanamihihihi plehehehease!”
The blond relented his attack, allowing the pinkette to catch his breath. “Are you feeling any better yet?” He asked gently, keeping his unofficial son trapped in his grasp as he calmed down.
Yuji nodded, giggling a bit still. “Y-Yeah.. thanks dad.”
Oh fuck.
He didn’t just…
Nanami froze as he heard those words come out of Itadori’s mouth.
Itadori panicked inwardly, his distress making Sukuna chuckle in amusement in the back of his mind. “I-I mean… yeah, thanks dad.” He said much more sarcastically this time, hoping that Nanami would go for it.
He did not. 
“Yuji… did you just… call me dad?”
Yuji felt himself tear up, fearful that he just ruined the relationship he had with Nanami. “Y-Yeah, but I meant it in a joking way.”
Kento frowned, he knew by the way the boy’s voice quivered that he was lying. “Yuji…”
“I-I’m sorry.” Yuji shook his head and closed his eyes, trying to contain his emotions. “I-I didn’t mean to… I-It… It jus-- EEK!”
Yuji shrieked as Nanami resumed his ticklish attack, now holding the teen’s arms above his head and tickling under his arms.
“Because you’re sad again.” Nanami answered simply.
Nanami leaned down a bit so he could speak directly into Yuji’s ear. “Why would I be mad?” His voice was low and calm, as if he wasn’t completely annihilating Yuji with tickles right now.
“BEHEHEHECAUSE IHIHIHI CALLED YOU-- EeEeEeEeEEEEK!” Yuji shrieked as Nanami blew a raspberry against his neck, cutting him off. “NAHAHAHAHA!!”
“I seem to have missed the part where you did something to make me mad…” Nanami smiled a bit, his fingers not slowing their pace against Itadori’s ticklish armpit whatsoever.
Itadori was interrupted by another raspberry against his neck. “And?”
“IHIHIHIHIM SOHOHOHORRYEEEEHEHEHEHE!” Yuji shrieked again as he dealt another massive raspberry against his neck. Before he could form semi coherent sentences again, Nanami laid him down on his back on his bed and pinned his arms down above his head.
“Yuji Itadori… If you apologize to me again, you’re going to regret it.” Nanami said sternly, though his green eyes sparkled as his gaze remained gentle on the teen. “My cursed technique isn’t just useful for inflicting pain…It can also be used to make ticklish troublemakers even more ticklish…”
Yuji took a moment to catch his breath, and tried to collect his thoughts before responding. “N-Nanamin… Why aren’t you mad at me…?”
“I told you, you haven’t said anything to upset me.”
“But… I called you… D-Dad… That doesn’t upset you?”
Nanami smiled. “No… It doesn’t.” He let go of Itadori’s arms, and just let him lay there instead.
Yuji frowned, tears quickly flooding his eyes as he looked away. “You can’t possibly mean that… you’re just trying to reassure me-EEEE--” the pinkette squealed and began cackling again as Nanami blew a raspberry on his stomach.
“New rule, every time you apologize for no reason or overthink, I’m going to tickle you.” Kento smirked, watching as the boy composed himself again.
“Yuji… I’m not just trying to reassure you. I meant that.” Nanami’s voice was gentle as he spoke. “If calling me Dad makes you happy then… you can call me that any time you want.”
Itadori sat up slowly, his eyes still sparkly with tears. “Y-You… really don’t mind?”
“Of course not.” Kento reached forward and wiped Yuji’s tears. “I happen to care about you.”
Welp. That did it… again.
Yuji started sobbing again, leaning forward and burying his face in Nanami’s chest as he ugly cried
Kento pulled him into a comforting hug, rubbing soothing circles into his back. “Shh… It’s okay now… You’re safe.”
‘You truly are a pathetic creature, you know that?’
‘That may be… but at least I’M loved sooo… suck it.’
After a few more minutes Yuji began to calm down, and he pulled back from Nanami. “Thank you… I needed that.” He smiled, wiping his eyes.
“You don’t have to thank me for comforting you, you know…” Nanami mused. “I really don’t mind.”
“Heh… Yeah I guess you’re right… sorry-- EEHEHEHE!” Yuji shrieked as Nanami reached forward and tickled his stomach, after using ratio to make him even more ticklish, of course.
“You never learn, do you?” Nanami sighed, though his words may have come out as disappointed, the playful glimmer in his eyes betrayed him.
It seemed It was going to take some time for Yuji to learn not to be so apologetic and overthink so much, and Nanami was content to keep tickling him until he got that message through his skull… Yuji was also content to let it happen.
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vaguely-concerned · 7 days
as I am replaying origins -- a game which, to be clear, I love very VERY much -- I can't help but feel that people do don the rose coloured glasses on it a bit specifically when it comes to the range of dialogue options you're actually given to work with at any given time (something I've seen my fair share of silent vs. voiced protagonist discourse about over the years *smokes tired cigarette in survivor of a decade of DA tumblr*). like... there are a couple of situations where you're given a decent range of responses, but the vast majority of the time you have about three dialogue options, and often they're presented sort of like 'polite/bland/unprovoked near-cartoonish levels of assholery'. arranged like, y'know:
I am [BLANK]. It's an honor to make your acquaintance.
You can call me [BLANK].
How dare you speak to me. Fuck you and your family back five generations. I'm going to rob your mother's grave before your eyes.
(sometimes if you're real lucky you get the secret extra 'Something else/I'm bald/but I'm a dwarf!' option)
I'm not at all saying it's worse in that aspect than the other games (Dalish Inquisitor 'Who's Mythal' just entered the chat), but I do think it's worth considering that this might be a bit of a franchise original sin that has been present since the beginning, as indeed it is in most rpgs because making rpgs is real hard, and you notice it more with the dialogue wheel format than when the responses and questions you can ask are all laid out in a list together
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oldbutchdaniel · 7 months
my school did an unrehearsed staged reading of gnomeo and juliet. i still haven’t seen the movie. as a g+j expert, do you think i should watch it?
okay first of all. scream. oh to have been a fly on the wall/audience member at your school's unrehearsed staged reading of gnomeo and juliet.
second of all. if i had a time machine i would go back to tell my 6th grade ish self and say "someday a stranger will refer to you as a gnomeo and juliet expert. and everything will have been worth it."
finally i hate to say it but it has been so long since i've seen it (though i feel a rewatch is imminent) so i can't give a fresh take on the quality. nor can i speak to its merit among shakespeare adaptations though i know it very much doesn't take itself seriously. which i like. actually the hyperfixation on g+j accompanied a very sprawling and more longlasting love of elton john which i think is the real merit. the original song is really good and the crocodile rock re-record with nelly furtado is also very catchy and fun. his music is also included in really clever and fun ways. so in that sense i think it makes a great movie musical of sorts, more comparable with a project like rocketman than a shakespeare adaptation. so unless this staged reading also incorporated some of that sweet and beautiful music i would ultimately say yes it is worth a watch. plus the character designs are very fun
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krirebr · 6 months
Obligatory 🐕 (Because we all need more of Her Majesty, Princess Lou).
📽 - I'm hoping to get into more scary stuff, but I need it to have a sense of humor (i.e. Tremors, Bubba Ho-Tep). Do you have any recommendations?
Congrats, again, on the 700!!!
@thezombieprostitute I love this! I can definitely be a bit of a scaredy-cat for the harder stuff, so horror-comedy is my jam! I've got some recommendations below, but I'm sure I'll keep thinking of more too!
If you like Tremors, then you should absolutely try Nope. It's got that same adventure-movie vibe and is so much fun. There are definitely some scary sequences and a little gore, but I really think the fun outweighs the rest of it.
Ok, in my opinion, the ultimate horror-comedy is Scream. If you haven't seen it yet, I'd definitely put it at the top of your list. This was my entry point to slashers, and it's still my all-time favorite. So 90s and a really fun whodunnit.
This next one is a little riskier, but I'm such a big fan of You're Next. A terrible, wealthy family has a reunion which is crashed by a group of intruders in animal masks. Little do they know that the new fiance of one of the sons has a survivalist background and is determined to get as many people as she can through the night. Probably the goriest on this list, but I feel like it's all telegraphed pretty well and avoidable if that's something you need to do. Just a really good time.
And ok, here is the most obscure pick on this list. Housebound is a microbudget movie out of New Zealand from about ten years ago. A disagreeable young woman has to move back in with her mom when she's put on house arrest. But her mom's house might be haunted. Probably the broadest comedy here, and if you can find it, pretty fun.
Please let me know if you watch any of these! I hope you have fun!
And here you go!
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Kris's 700 Celebration
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infiniteglitterfall · 6 months
The last five minutes have been such big autistic/ADHD feels. Six-year-old: "I wanna play Untitled Goose Game!" Me: "Great idea! You left your laptop on the table in the kitchen." Six-year-old: (goes into kitchen comes back) "Where??" Me: "On the laundry on the table." Six-year-old: (returns to kitchen) Six-year-old: (abruptly sprints from kitchen to front door) Six-year-old: (flings front door open) Me: "????" His cat Monkey: (runs in) Me: "Oh." Six-year-old: (bursts outside) Me: "????" Six-year-old: (bursts back in with empty dish of cat food for our porch cat, Tibs) Me: "Oh." Six-year-old: (flies into kitchen) Six-year-old: (flies back through living room with cat food) Six-year-old: (puts cat food on porch, makes sure Monkey's inside, closes front door, heads for couch) Me: "You still left your laptop on the table in the kitchen."
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
i know i say this every week but i can't believe i'm seriously getting college credit for infodumping to my favorite professor about buddy cole for 45 minutes every thursday
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fivveweeks · 2 years
Man I'm just picturing Brassius and Hassel just discussing like 'what are we doing wrong I believe there's interest but???' after time spent together with you. Just playing 4D chess trynna figure out what else do they need to do why can't you see both of them are Interested in you
EXACTLY!!! the funniest fucking thing is that in the plot they only started considering asking you out a few weeks into the arrangement (after a serious discussion between each other that yeah there's no threat to their relationship and yeah they're both smitten with you after getting to know you + the forbidden knowledge of you sucking their dicks previously)
but by then it's too late!!! you're used to their behavior and how kind and considerate they are by now so you literally do not detect the difference. you just think oh Brassius is just being nice with his compliments and Hassel is sweet for offering to buy you lunches and you don't mind the extra touching of hands and brushing of arms (internally you're like Wough Nice but also they're just being friendly you guess, no biggie)
WHILE Brassius and Hassel are both like, internally dying. Straight up 4D chess discussions after each meeting with you. "What is lacking?" Hassel sighs, putting his face into his hands. "They're not that much younger than us, I don't quite believe that the customs has changed that much? Are we getting old?"
"We can try inviting them to the local festival next month, or our home for dinner," Brassius pats him. "I'll even break out the pirate shirts."
"The ones that has no buttons and open-chested? Won't it scare them off?"
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures, Hass. Wear your nice vest and remember to roll up your sleeves too."
anyways i like to think while Brassius is very direct and blunt while Hassel isn't afraid to straight up confess, in here the circumstances are holding them back bc a) it's polymory, they don't want to scare you off + they’re being cautious bc they’re a packaged deal b) they don't know what you're looking for at the moment and are trying their best to be considerate without being pushy and risking your friendship and c) i find it fucking hilarious making them suffer
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You’re Next
“You’re Next” is an interesting watch because of how different it was for its time versus how far the horror genre has come in the last ten years.
Erin is meeting her boyfriend’s family for a family reunion at their vacation home. Crispin, Erin’s boyfriend, isn’t looking forward to the dinner. Immediately, Crispin’s older brother, Drake, starts teasing Crispin in a passive-aggressive manner. This sparks an argument that gets the whole family involved until an arrow is shot through the window, killing one of them. Erin must now try to bring the family to safety while also surviving her mysterious adversaries.
After watching “Ready Or Not”, I saw that the movie was being compared to “You’re Next” a lot. I decided to give this movie a chance because I’ve heard of it before. After watching “You’re Next”, I can confidently say that it’s alright by today’s standards. I’m sure that when this came out ten years ago, this was unconventional because of how competent the final girl turned out to be. I think Erin is definitely competent without feeling unrealistically forced. Her character doesn’t reek of artificial female empowerment and just frames her as a person who can be level-headed in a stressful situation. She does her fair share of struggling, which only makes her victories that much more earned. I appreciated that a lot from this movie. It completely changed the viewing experience of the typical home invasion movie. My only problem with that is that it starts feeling like an action movie more than anything. There are definitely tense moments, but I knew that Erin was capable enough to dispose of any threat that comes her way. I think one of the big reasons why people liked this movie so much was because of the reveals. There were two major ones. The first one, I didn’t mind all that much, but really wasn’t amazed by it. The second one felt hollow to me. The second one pretty much lampshades why Crispin wasn’t in the movie for a good chunk of the runtime, but it doesn’t excuse the fact that it feels like the movie genuinely just forgets about him halfway through. A lot of people also enjoyed the dark comedy this movie brings, but I feel like it was done better in “Ready Or Not”. I was really invested in seeing how many family members would make it out alive, but it turns out they start dropping like flies pretty early too. Then the movie shifts focus and starts being a violent version of “Home Alone”. I also thought the killing of the cop at the end was just inserted for shock value rather than anything. It doesn’t really inform us about what happens after the movie ends and it feels mean-spirited. All in all, I think this movie would’ve been great if I had seen it ten years ago, but it’s clear to me that this movie has already become a bit obsolete.
Watched on March 11th, 2023
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dnpsuck · 2 years
it’s so cute that dan keeps bringing up how it’s been 13 years since he started youtube. unrelated but i’m thinking about Succession’s 13 emmy awards
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videodrme · 8 months
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YOU'RE NEXT (2011) is a comedy dir. Adam Wingard
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artemismatchalatte · 1 year
I've been not so active on here lately. I have been dealing with medication changes over the last month. The new stuff my nurse put me on was really strong (too strong) so I've been a bit off. Slowly, I'm getting better, but I'm still in a medically depressive state. :/
I'm a little annoyed because I have not had any interest in reading in a while and I used to love books/reading. I'm in class too right now while all this is going down so I'm a bit worried about how my grades are going to be affected.
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moss-wizard · 2 years
@yourecreepysalem tagged to shuffle 10 songs. Cheers!
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skinamarble hornets, i was like i hope my favorite skinamascene has been uplomarinked on youtube....reminds me of that season one marble hornets entry that's the First House Visit and how i saw it described somewhere as like "absolutely nothing happens, & it's terrifying" & it reminds me of the torment of watching as the series was released & Every Time something came out, no matter what happened in like setting, atmosphere, plot, scares, there'd be someone going "ugh another Nothing entry" over the most crucial &/or enjoyable shit so long as it didn't feature [& he's cookin hot dogs on the stove???] & didn't feature it like every other minute for good measure. as though a format that is predictable, like the promise of the same kind of scene in the same intervals of timing, would actually be scary or at all interesting. shoutout to these the entries, or even intervals of time within entries, where "absolutely nothing happens" and it's called suspense in knowing it Could, tension in an unsafe, uneasy, unsettling situation in the meantime, & then also potential followup recontextualization that only creates more tension for later similar material. ("absolutely nothing" happens (of course, actually, things happen, but) in the skinamarink scene save for the literal last few seconds when the "jumpscare" is a very brief change in audio & visuals which is neither actually that loud nor like showing anything scary(tm) (technically a la marble hornets i think people say you can like see an arm extend for a nanosecond but i never catch it if so lol) but rather hits at all because of 8 minutes of suspense & tension & Nothing Happening But It Could) (also bravely standing up like "it's fine that skinamarink has some jumpscares, including the obvious few even jumpier than this" like who cares if it's "easy" necessarily & also that Knowing such startlement can happen ramps up the tension even when it didn't, but it could've. like so)
#finally some Yeah Yayyy (horror i've seen that wasn't [all the stuff where at this point i may as well not even say i like horror])#i kind of do in the sense that i go Wheee at enjoyable [aaa tension aaa gripping the handlebars] like so. & some ppl don't#& that the genre can obviously express fun interesting things. skinamarink e.g. is one of the really few things where like#plenty of people can go ''so my avg tuesday as a four year old'' Like Me when you really don't see it portrayed well hardly at all#other like ''oh nooo the experience of child abuse'' in horror or in Anything is like. head in hands scream (not in a good way)#this has both the like often literal physical perspective of small children. the metaphorical perspective of small children#(like even if one's parents were Fine & not as much an omnipotent haunting temperamental presence either awol or insistently toying w/you#were you not likely stuck in a Living Space unless & until whichever adult you were landed with; tossup re: malice levels towards you;#decided to bring you out of it (or you had Official Transit somewhere like for school) & Even Then. stuck living with adult guardian#until legal adulthood anyways which Is literal multiple [live your Entire Life over again]s away when you're very small. & even then like#people generally can't actually up & Escape the instant they're eighteen. but anyways the One Zillion Years [Killing You] Loop applies#metaphorically. & the [Killing You] Loop Just B/c Someone Can applies to plenty of situations ppl aren't four but still lack power#anyways re: this specific clip my favorite element probably of this favorite scene are the perfectly quiet Technically Unthreatening audio#where the seeming parent voice is not Loud but is suddenly a) inexplicably close by & b) too Almost playful already#almost singsong; feeling just a tiny bit too slow. like that makes it Intrusive in this way & entirely unsettling & ominous lol. dissonant#& aptly resonates with [yeah i've had similar very young nightmaresque scenarios. about being called by parent figures]#apt when it's like & yeah growing up in the heck dimension trying to deal by fending for yourself or nervously catering to the entities#is like yes it's obviously The Horrors & it's also The Comedy (enough of the same thing)#also apt when the inspiration & evoked Experience is meant to be truly surreal. dream formatting#limited visuals in scope & depth & clarity; moving from one place or view to another without usual Logics of progression there. yolo#next favorite bit is the very end. avoiding having faces shown so much & then one as the only thing you see but very out of focus#and then nothing happens lol thee end. but you hold your breath peel off the armrests anyways! phone bit is great too. efficient#anyways still a hater over MH complainers ''ohh nothing happened oohh more trees'' like yeah yeah i'm sure you could pare it down#i'm sure you could pare down [looking at a wall] shots in skinamarink but who cares. It's Fine As Is & shaving it down risks ruining it#Youtube
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knightofleo · 1 year
Finalists of the 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
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Dispute by Jacek Stankiewicz from Kraków, Poland: 'I caught this scene while watching birds in the Bialowieza Forest. Young greenfinch was still fed by parents. However, from time to time birds looked like having argument. My friends interpret this scene in two ways: A young naughty kid is arguing with a parent. Or one kid is reporting to the parent that its brother did something wrong: "Look he has broken the glass in the window"'
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'Excuse me sir but I think you're a little too young to be smoking' by Dakota Vaccaro from Victor, United States: 'While I was working deep in the Virginian woods, a family of grey foxes took up residence under the deck of the abandoned cottage next to my work housing. One day while practicing their hunting skills on bits of moss and branches, one of the kits lunged at a small chunk of wood and started rolling around with his prize. Tired after his hunt the kit lounged on his belly still holding the wood in his mouth which gave the strong resemblance of a cigar. I was very envious of the kit at this moment cause who wouldn't want to just lay around all day relaxing'
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The Rainforest Dandy by Delphine Casimir from Brussels, Belgium: 'This picture was taken in the monkey forest in Ubud, Bali. This place is a crazy place where monkeys are king! Sometimes they give a show, sometimes they climb on you to look for fleas or steal the piece of biscuit you are trying to eat'
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Otter Ballerinas by Otter Kwek from Singapore: 'An arabesque smooth coated otter'
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Picture me! Picture me!! by Dikla Gabriely from Yokneam, Israel: 'A brown bear in Finland who definitely did everything to make me pay attention to him and focus on him and not the other bears'
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Boing! by Lara Mathews from Melbourne, Australia: 'Taken at Westerfolds Park, a beautiful and surprisingly wild pocket of land in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, famous for its kangaroo population. The mob was enjoying some morning sunshine when this joey decided to get silly and try his hand at boxing'
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Living the Moment by Kawing Chiu from Staten Island, United States: 'Relax, lay back and enjoy the warm sun... This seal is scratching its face and it is seen lying on the side while his head is supported by his flipper. This image makes the seal like the reclining Buddha statue'
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