#i always recommend watching a movie but you could also just listen to a bunch of elton john if you want to replicate the feeling
oldbutchdaniel · 7 months
my school did an unrehearsed staged reading of gnomeo and juliet. i still haven’t seen the movie. as a g+j expert, do you think i should watch it?
okay first of all. scream. oh to have been a fly on the wall/audience member at your school's unrehearsed staged reading of gnomeo and juliet.
second of all. if i had a time machine i would go back to tell my 6th grade ish self and say "someday a stranger will refer to you as a gnomeo and juliet expert. and everything will have been worth it."
finally i hate to say it but it has been so long since i've seen it (though i feel a rewatch is imminent) so i can't give a fresh take on the quality. nor can i speak to its merit among shakespeare adaptations though i know it very much doesn't take itself seriously. which i like. actually the hyperfixation on g+j accompanied a very sprawling and more longlasting love of elton john which i think is the real merit. the original song is really good and the crocodile rock re-record with nelly furtado is also very catchy and fun. his music is also included in really clever and fun ways. so in that sense i think it makes a great movie musical of sorts, more comparable with a project like rocketman than a shakespeare adaptation. so unless this staged reading also incorporated some of that sweet and beautiful music i would ultimately say yes it is worth a watch. plus the character designs are very fun
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So given the writer’s strike, some people are concerned about their shows and movies being postponed or canceled, and aside from the fact networks have already BEEN canceling shows for no reason for years (I still maintain a healthy anger about what Netflix did to Sense8), I thought I would suggest some books on disasters you might want to read if you’re into that sort of history. Which you are if you’re here, I imagine.
Note: I’m suggesting these books because most books on disasters don’t get a huge audience, and so I recommend them because this sort of writing can be hard on the writer and requires a bunch of research. We throw so much money at true crime, we can spare a few bucks for the stories of people who died in disasters.
Also, please check with these with your local small bookstore or library. Amazon can be great, but let’s lend a hand to those who need us more.
Recommended books:
“The Circus Fire,” by Stewart O’Nan - This is one my favorite books on a disaster, because the whole thing creates a very vivid image of the circus prior to the fire in Hartford in July of 1944. There’s one specific line in the book which always makes me pause because it’s so affecting, about how everyone who escaped being able to hear the sounds of the animals screaming as they died - except all of the animals were out of the tent by then.
“The Only Plane in the Sky,” by Garrett Graff - This, I highly recommend you get on audiobook. It’s an oral history of the events of 9/11 with a full cast, and it’s incredibly affecting to listen to.
“Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic,” by Jennifer Niven - Ada Blackjack was a badass: flawed and weak at times, but hardy and steady when necessary. Half of her story is how she survived, but half is how she was exploited following her rescue. Both stories need to be known.
“Alive,” by Piers Paul Read - If you’re watching “Yellowjackets,” this should be required reading. If you’ve seen the movie adaptation from the 90s, there is WAY more you don’t know. The story of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 is a tough read, but a worthy one.
“A Night to Remember,” by Walter Lord - This is to disaster nonfiction what “In Cold Blood” is to true crime. It’s not a long read, but it’s a great one. Lord had the advantage of writing the book while many of the Titanic survivors were still alive and could give a very good description of what they went through.
“Dying to Cross,” by Jorge Ramos - I recommend this not just because it is good, but because it is timely. Nineteen people died in an un-air-conditioned truck as they were attempting to make their way into the states from over the Mexican border. It’s a horrific story, and one that humanizes an issue for whom some people need to be faced with the humans involved and what they go through.
“Bath Massacre: America’s First School Bombing,” by Arnie Bernstein - Harold Schecter also wrote a very good book on the Bath school massacre called “Maniac,” but I have a preference for this version. It’s a good reminder that schools in the U.S. didn’t just become targets in the last twenty years or so.
“Into Thin Air,” by Jon Krakauer - I feel like this is a gimme, but it’s a fantastic book from someone who was actually on Mount Everest during the 1996 disaster and knew those involved very well. I happen to like Krakauer’s work anyway - I even like “Into the Wild” despite my feelings about McCandless and his legacy - but it’s understandably my favorite.
“And the Band Played On,” by Randy Shilts - The one thing I will say is that Shilts’ treatment of Gaetan Dugas is *rough* to say the least and outright wrong on some points, God knows. But it’s still an amazing book, and if you come out of it not wanting to dig up Reagan and punch him a bunch I’m impressed at your restraint.
“Triangle: The Fire That Changed America,” by David von Drehle - The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire is one of the disasters I am most interested in, and I would argue this is the definitive book on the subject. Also, if this book introduces you to both Clara Lemlich and Frances Perkins … I mean, talk about badass women.
“The Radium Girls,” by Kate Moore - Look, I’ll say this. If you know of the Radium Girls, this is a great book on their story. If you don’t know, go in blind and prepared to be horrified.
“Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine,” by Anne Applebaum - Ukraine has always been a target. During the Holodomor, they were victims of one of the worst genocides in history.
“Midnight in Chernobyl,” by Adam Higginbotham - Like the miniseries? This is a great source for more information for what happened at Chernobyl and all of the ass-covering involved.
"Boston Strong: A City's Triumph Over Tragedy," by Casey Sherman and Dave Wedge - If you’re interested in the Boston marathon bombing, I really thought this book did a good job of connecting the stories of the victims, the authorities searching for the killers, and the killers themselves.
“Show Me the Bodies: How We Let Grenfell Tower,” by Peter Apps - As I understand it, Apps did a lot of covering the Grenfell Tower fire for the British press, and it shows. He provides a mountain of information, and you will come out of reading this book absolutely LIVID about what authorities allowed to happen in Grenfell and so many other council estates in the UK.
“Dark Tide: The Great Molasses Flood of 1919,” by Stephen Puleo - I feel as though the molasses flood gets treated like a joke a lot of the time, but y’all, twenty people died. That area of Boston was *wrecked*. The photos of the devastation are terrifying. Puleo treats all of this with the proper respect it deserves.
“In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex,” by Nathaniel Philbrick - Forget the movie. Read the book.
“The Great Influenza,” by John M. Barry - Want to read about the 1918 flu epidemic? Want to be mad that a hundred years later we didn’t learn a damn thing?
Now, that’s just a start. If anyone wants, I can always post photos of my disaster book collection on Kindle and next to my recording desk. Or if there’s a specific disaster you’re interested in, I may know of a good book about it you can read.
But just remember if SAG and the directors’ guild joins the strike too - there is so much out there to occupy your time until they come back. Entertainment work is work, and it deserves to be supported financially and fairly as such. Rock on, WGA. ✊
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 1 year
could u pls do enemies to lovers w tom that leads to sex? btw i adore ur writing its sooo good !!
I Was Scared | Tom Kaulitz
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a normal saturday night. you were getting ready to go to your friend crystal’s house. you decided to wear a white t-shirt and a jeans skirt.
there would also been other people of your group of friends, even though not everyone. you guys were around ten people, which was a lot sometimes.
you couldn’t really always agree to do something because of all the different opinions, but somehow you made it work.
tonight besides you and crystal, your other friends, bill, gustav, georg and unfortunately for you, bill’s twin brother tom would come.
unfortunately because you and tom didn’t really have a good relationship and it was all his fault. at first when you guys met, he didn’t really acknowledge you, he talked to everyone but you.
after sometime, he started picking on you, making fun of little things and always being mean to you.
you didn’t know why, you always had been gentle and nice, even when he was a dick, because you couldn’t really be rude to people.
but you had your moments where you lost it and talked back to him. he knew you didn’t like him at all.
just the thought of being in the same room as him made you roll your eyes.
he was so different from bill, he was the sweetest person ever and you guys actually had a really good bond. tom made fun of you when he heard you guys talk about things you had in common and luckily bill knew how to clap back.
bill had noticed how tom was acting towards you, he even tried to talk about it to him but tom ignored him.
sometimes you wished you could’ve been friends since you were always together, but the boy seemed to hate you.
around nine pm, you took your car keys and drove over your friends’s house. she welcomed you with an hug before making you come in.
the others were already there, all sitting down on the couch.
“we were waiting for you to start the movie.” georg sang out with a big smile. you chuckled giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“sorry for being late, the traffic is horrible.” you noticed that the only seat available was the one next to tom and you slapped yourself mentally.
you awkwardly sat down, noticing he was taking a lot of space since his leges were spread open and he was slouched down. you were between him and the couch’s end.
he didn’t even look at you, nor did he say hi. he was simply listening to the others making conversations.
you preferred it that way, it was better if he stayed quiet.
“so, what are we gonna watch?” crystal asked as she turned on the tv, going on netflix.
“oh oh, there is a new movie out! it’s called to all boys i’ve loved before, we should totally watc-“ you were about to finish your sentence but a scoff coming from tom cut you off.
“what?” you turned to him, your smile disappearing.
“what kind of shit movie is that?” he rhetorically asked, looking at you. you realised how close you were in that moment.
“you never watched it, how can you know if it’s bad?” you squinted your eyes at him, shaking your head.
“it’s recommended by you so i guess it’s pretty shitty.” tom shrugged as if he had just stated a fact.
“tom. stop.” bill called him out, glaring at him from the other couch.
“mind your business.” tom said before sighing and getting up, “i’m gonna take a beer.”
he walked to the kitchen nonchalantly and you followed him with your eyes. you felt anger but also sadness inside. why did he have to be so cruel to you?
the others decided to put it on anyway, maybe even to make you a little bit happier after what tom had said. they could see it had made you upset.
you fidgeted with your bracelet as you watched the tv, without really paying attention to the movie.
tom came back some minutes later with a bowl of popcorn and a beer. he put the bowl at the center of the coffee table infront of us before grabbing a bunch and stuffing his mouth.
you tried to ignore the smacking sound but it was too much. he kept chewing those popcorns almost with his mouth open.
“could you stop chewing so loud?” you said almost in a whisper since you didn’t want to disturb the others.
“could you stop being a pain in the ass?” he spat back without even turning to look at you, putting more popcorns in his mouth.
you exhaled heavily, making him chuckle. he enjoyed this, he enjoyed making you feel down.
deciding to ignore him, you went back to watch the movie that you so wanted to see, before a loud obnoxious burp interrupted the silence in the room.
everyone turned around to look at tom.
“ew, you’re disgusting.” you commented making a nauseous face.
“yeah, you’re a pig tom.” georg agreed shaking his head.
“oh fuck off.” he rolled his eyes continuing to drink his beer, “can we fucking change this movie? it’s boring.”
“it’s boring because you aren’t paying attention to it.” you didn’t know why you kept engaging with him, he was too focused on being right than accepting what you said.
“no, it’s boring because it’s a stupid ass movie that only losers like you like.” this time it was enough.
“why are you always so mean to me?” you finally spat out, your whole body turned to his side, “i’ve never done anything to you except being a good person even when you treated me like shit! you didn’t give me a chance since day one, tom. i’m sick of your bullshit. next time don’t call me to hang out it’s he’s here too.” you concluded talking to everyone before getting up and running to the bathroom upstairs.
you shocked everyone since you had never had an outburst like that. you never got angry.
“tom, you’re a fucking jerk.” bill shook his head, letting out an heavy sight.
“yeah, why do you always treat her that way?” crystal asked stopping the movie.
tom stayed quiet, observing the aim of his hoodie that had become interesting in that moment.
“yeah, it’s not like she has ever done something to you so why do you act-“
“it’s because i like her, okay?!” tom finally blurted out almost yelling.
a general “what?” echoed in the living room. they were shocked, tom wasn’t someone that admitted his feelings for someone or that actually liked someone seriously. he only wanted physics stuff.
“yeah i said it. i like her almost since the day i met her but i don’t want to like her.” he explained almost embarrassed.
“so you treat her like shit for keeping her away from you?” georg asked wrinkling his eyebrows, “what kind of fucking cliché is it?”
“i know. it’s stupid but if i keep her distant, this feelings will go away. everything will go back to normal.” tom said, lighting up a cigarette.
“tom, you should go talk to her. tell her the truth. you’d rather lose her than be in a relationship? don’t be ridiculous.” bill always tried to make his brother think, especially in this type of situations. he was the romantic and lover one, never had just one night stands like his brother.
tom’s irritation flared but he got up from the couch, knowing bill was right. he wouldn’t admit that to him though.
he walked upstairs, where the bathroom was, as he kept smoking his cigarette. knocking on the door, only silence could be heard.
“go away.” you immediately answered as soon as you heard his voice.
“let me come in.” he leaned with his shoulder against the wall and looked at the floor.
“are you dumb? go away.” tom could hear your broken voice and that made his body fill with guilt.
“i need to talk to you, it’s important.”
you didn’t answer, but after a couple of seconds the door opened. tom entered slowly and you closed the door behind you.
you stared at tom with your arms folded against your chest, an eyebrow raised. “so? and also, you know i hate smoke.”
tom noticed your puffy and red eyes.
“were you crying?” he asked throwing the cigarette away down the wc.
“no, my eyes happen to be swollen.” you answered sarcastically before sitting down on the floor.
tom played with his lip piercing, unsure of what to do next, deciding to sit down next to you.
“what do you want tom? if you’re here to bother me some more just go-“
“i’m not. i’m here to say sorry.” his words ran from his mouth and he almost felt ashamed, he had never say sorry, not directly at least.
“i’m sorry, because i was selfish. i didn’t think of how everything would make you feel, i just thought about protecting myself.” he looked at you with truthful eyes.
“from what?” you tilted your head to the side as you grew confused.
tom let out a shaky breath. now or never.
“from loving you.”
a moment of silence filled the bathroom, as you looked at him, finding that unbelievable. how could he love you and treat you like that at the same time?
“w-what…how? what?” you didn’t even know what to say. your mind was full of questions that wouldn’t come out.
“you heard me. i love you, i was treating you like shit so it would go away but it fucking didn’t and it just made you hate me. sorry.” there it was. his full explanation. he had said it and couldn’t go back in time.
“is this another prank of yours? because if it is it, isn’t funny tom.”
he didn’t say anything, he just placed his hand on your cheek and crashed his lips against yours. your eyes widened.
tom asked for entrance with his tongue and slowly you let him in, wrapping your arms around his neck.
when you broke away, you kept sharing small pecks as your eyes met, a small smile on both of your lips.
you both didn’t know what to say next, it was like the kiss you shared had said it all.
“you’re such a dick.” you commented with a small laugh, shaking your head as you looked down. your bodies were now closer than ever, his hands on your hips.
he smirked knowing what that meant, it was done, you were finally his. his lips went to your neck, leaving small wet pecks on your skin.
you were covered in goosebumps, giving him more access to kiss you. “t-tom…”
he shushed you, getting you to lay down on the floor as he got on top of you, “i wanna make you feel good. can i? do you want to?”
you waited before nodding, deciding that you wanted to live that moment fully.
“t-tom but i-i never…” you were shy to say that you had never had sex before. he was about to be your first.
he seemed to understand what you wanted to say without you even saying it, and he nodded gently touching your skin under your shirt. “it’s okay, i’ll be gentle.”
he removed your shirt, leaving you in your black bra. he stared at your covered beasts, leaning down to kiss your chest.
his hands traveled to the strips of your bra, gently sliding them down. you knew where he was getting at so you leaned up a bit, making it easy for him to remove it completely.
your back touched the cold floor and your arms tried to cover yourself, but he blocked you, placing your arms above your head. “you’re beautiful, don’t be embarrassed.”
his sweet words encouraged you to feel more confident, finding the strength to kiss him hungrily.
tom hummed into the kiss, one hand keeping him up for balance as the other fidgeted with his belt. you decided to help him remove it, before he took off his pants and shirt completely.
you stared at his body almost drooling. he was so hot, almost like he was created by greek gods, with his defined muscles and abs.
tom smirked noticing you staring at him while gulping down, before sliding down your skirt and throwing it somewhere.
you wrapped your legs around his waist as he lowered his boxers, revealing his hard member. you couldn’t believe your eyes.
“will that fit in?” you couldn’t comprehend how something that big could go in you.
tom laughed, “yes, cause you’ll take it like a good girl, right?”
you bit down your lip, nodding at his words, his hand coking closer to your core. he began rubbing your clit, making you gasp. you never felt something like this before.
“does that feel good?” tom asked in your ear, his hot breath on your neck.
“y-yes, o-oh my god.” you stuttered as you moaned, his hands working magic on you. suddenly, he inserted a finger in your entrance.
“slow!” you almost screamed as you felt like it feared you apart.
“sorry baby. fuck, you’re so wet.” he kissed your neck, going slower. as you get used to the feeling, he began going in and out of you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“t-tom, i want you. please…” you begged arching your back. he stroked himself, nodding frantically.
“you asked so nicely baby, you’re such a good girl for me huh?” he slowly came closer to your entrance with his tip.
“y-yes, just for you…” your mouth formed like a ‘o’ shape as he teased you, going up and down with his member.
“ready?” he asked looking deeply into your eyes.
you nodded needing him more than ever. you never craved someone’s body this way.
tom went gently in you, groaning as he felt you around him. “shit, you’re tight. it feels so good.”
you squeezed your eyes shut at the pain, feeling it ten times worse than you did with his finger.
he was still, his hands at the sides of your head, looking down at your expressions that turned him on even more. “tell me when i can move.”
your arms found their way around his neck, “y-you can now.”
tom nodded, starting to go slowly in and out of your feminine part. your whimpers, shy moans drove him crazy, he just wanted to fuck you into oblivion but he knew he had to wait for that.
his gaze burned on your skin, examining your unholy expressions.
“g-go faster, please!” you moaned loudly, your hands gripped his dreads.
his pace quickened, finding easily your sweet spot, making you a mess beneath him. you were heaving repeatedly, mumbling disconnected words, his name a mantra.
“you feel so fucking good baby, you like it huh? you’re so lucky. oh shit.” he kept sending you over the edge with his dirty talk, throwing his head back.
“kiss me.” you breathed out, his hands gripping your thighs. he didn’t waste no time, kissing you sloppily.
you kept moaning against his lips, his thrusting becoming harder. the sounds of your skin clapping, your whimpers and his groans were the only thing that could be heard.
“shit i’m about to cum. are you close, baby girl?” tom said placing his forehead against yours.
you felt an unusual heat on your lower stomach and you furrowed your eyebrows. “y-yeah but…”
“no, let go baby. you need to let it go.” he shook his head knowing what we’re you about to say. maybe it was because was your first time but you kept holding back.
tom noticed it so he took the matter into his hands, pressing one of them on your lower body.
your eyes widened as your orgasm took over, sending shivers down your spine. tom followed right after you, finishing with a grunt.
he fell on top of you, breathless. your legs trembled as you were still riding your climax.
he looked up at you before raising his head and kissing your lips. “you did so good.”
a smile formed on your face, blushing hard at his words. you couldn’t believe you had sex with tom, someone you thought hated you.
“y/n, wanna be my girl?”
it took a lot of courage for him to ask you that.
“of course i do.” you cupped his cheeks, pecking him on his lips.
neither of you could stop smiling, totally drunk in love.
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kkbardd · 4 months
hi! popping in quickly.
I absolutely adore your artstyle and your ocs. their personalities and stories are always so interesting, and I look forward to seeing any type of art you post.
If you take a break from drawing asurei, that's completely okay!! doing things with joy is more important than just doing them. I will enjoy whatever you draw regardless— in fact, I regularly go back to that drawing of the unnamed pink haired girlfailure OC and her "friend" daily. i am mayhaps their number one fan.
please continue sharing your stories and ideas!! I adore your characters and designs so much. I am very excited for your toxic yuri freeloader/assassin story.. they are very interesting!!
also saw you did some dialogue in japanese.. do you speak it ? im quite interested in any language so.. apologies if this is off topic ><!
In any case, thank you for continuing to create. I love your art and hope you continue to draw what makes you happy and what you feel motivated to do. I love all your art regardless of subject matter!! in fact it convinced me to to start watching madoka magica :}
best wishes !! hope you're well!!
wahhh isopod !! u always send me the nicest asks when i need them most!! i hope ur doing well ~ although my last post sounded pretty depressing im actually doing pretty well too! im going to the aquarium next week w some friends so im looking forward to that more than anything >:D
I've been reading a lot of short yuri stories by Toyo Totan & Iwami Kiyoko lately and I'm excited to use that inspiration to improve some of my own OC stuff too! (I recommend 'Last Summer Vacation' !)
And yes I'm fluent in Japanese !! I'm actually an officer in my college's JP language community & I used to translate manga on the side !! I'm completely self-taught through videos though, so while my listening and speaking are fluent I actually suck at reading LOL I'm so bad that when I translated manga I'd use my camera's text to speech to do everything...
I'm a huge language nerd too! I watch a bunch of scientific videos/TED-Talks on how our brain learns languages and tips to learn things more efficiently! For example, apparently when you first start learning a language you should never try to speak it right off! If you try speaking before listening for a very long time, your brain just kinda solidifies your verbal pronunciation and it can have long-term effects on not only how you sound, but also how you HEAR sounds! This is also why some think that children learn languages better, because they spend a long time exposed to it while being non-verbal. I love this fact bc I kinda experienced it myself!
I spent about 2 years just watching JP translated videos of people speaking naturally (not videos aimed at foreigners, nor shows that have acting, more like vlog-type stuff!) and only started speaking when exposed to others who could speak it too ! Especially during COVID, I think I was pretty much spending ~80% of my day listening and thinking in Japanese so I was very immersed! And because of that, I'm a little famous in my community for having the best pronunciation 😤 Going to on a trip to Japan & translating for the people who went with me also boosted my confidence a lot! I'll never forget this guy at an izakaya who asked how many years I've been living in Osaka LOL ("three days actually!")
I think the biggest downside though is that once u learn another language, ur first language skills get bad.. i often think up half-sentences and sayings/metaphors in Jap that just sound wrong when you try to translate it back into Eng ;;; i sometimes trail off when i speaking because i forget the english word for certain things, but my friends are now just used to my weird metaphors so!
I went on such a long tangent!! But anyways!! Thank u for always sending me the sweetest asks, I always save them to my phone and I'm pretty sure all my friends know abt u bc I always show them the nice things u say 😭!! And yes!!! Madoka is so good, especially the movie so im excited ur gonna watch it!! I hope u like it!
and finally for their #1 fan <3 :
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Hey again! Was thinkin' about music (as one obsessed with music does) and I was curious what you were into! :D
Genres, bands, albums, any songs specifically you recommend to me or anyone else? Any small bands or underrated songs you think could use some love?
Also, do you own any physical music? Vinyls, CDs, tapes, something more obscure? (Reel to reel/8track/etc)
And as a little bonus question, favorite transformers soundtrack? (Which show/movie/game did you think had the best (in your opinion) theme/backing tracks)
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Well…Heh…I am one of those people who say they like everything and then hate on a bunch of stuff. AHSBHAV no that’s a joke, but it would be easier to say what I don’t like rather than what I do like. I don’t like the specific genre of pop that is Ed Sheeran, Dua Lipa, and most just popular pop songs, I guess? Like I DO like pop but not that kind of pop. I also have a thing that I need my music to be at least a little loud and energetic because most calm music (like lo-fi) stresses me out (don’t question me.). But I’d say my most listened to genres are metal, rock, hyperpop and electronic (in that order).
I have a really hard time PICKING OUT things for this reason but I’ll give you a screenshot of my most recent added songs to my playlist because those are usually my recent favourites. 2 sec hold on.
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Alright there it is. I also just realised I said that like I was texting somebody and having a live conversation but I’m not changing it now.
If I’d have to say anything, I AM IN LOVE with Jay Ray’s stuff. High recommend. I think Jay Ray is big in the tf community though so UAGEUA. If I had to mention like one thing I have that I actually think may not be listened to by many it’s BREAK by Jimmy Here. I wish that song was longer because that scream it has in the end is BANGER. (And yes that is the “it is wednesday my dudes” guy. Yes I watch his videos). Six feet under by kissin’ dynamite is also recently one of my favourites. Can also, ALWAYS, recommend infected mushroom. Specifically “becoming insane” and “The Pretender”. Imma just list some more that I like rq
Drone corpse aviator - Archspire
Frank sinatra
System of a down
AUDIT - weevildoing
Soft Cell
The Tornado - Owl City
Aleph - Gesaffelstein (This is my locking in song)
Animals - Muse
Bon Jovi
Imagine dragons
Insane Clown Posse
100 gecs
Lemon Demon
I could go on but we could be here for days guys I’m stopping myself here. And I also recommend every single song in the screenshot. YIPPEE.
I’d like to link you to a previous post where I mention some artists I listen to: here
The problem is that I’m a song listener. Not an album listener, not an artist/band listener. I find a singular song I like, add it to my playlist, and move on. AHBSHA My friends hate me for it. And for that reason I also have no physical music. Only a bit of band merch from my absolute faves (Slipknot and mother mother hehe)
And now I must admit…an EMBARRASSINGLY big portion of the songs on my playlist comes from the Bumblebee movie (and it’s not transformers media, but some of the songs on the screenshot are from THE FUCKING FALLOUT SERIES (it was banger)). AUEHUA They aren’t originals so I’m not gonna count it as much BUT THE SONGS FROM G1…OH BOY YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG. Those are mf BANGERS. We need to go back to rock songs in animated kids movies. I have “The touch” on my goddamn playlist and no I’m not ashamed about it. I also have jort storm by Slimecicle because I’m a gunky goober who wears jorts.
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cricket-reader · 1 year
Sticks to a Katana Fight
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox | Taglist
Summary: when ninjas show up at your job, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen is there to help. What happens when it’s not enough?
Warnings: language, canon level violence, injuries, blood, ninjas
Word Count: 1059
Prompt: “What were you thinking?” I Slurred Speech | Impalement | Fight
A/N: Day 14 of June of Doom by @juneofdoom
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In every sense of the word, you were a pacifist. You didn’t like fighting unless it was in movies or video games where you knew it was fake. Violence wasn’t something you were okay with.
That being said, you were completely out of your element when a bunch of fucking ninjas showed up at your work. You knew to expect weird things, living in Hell’s Kitchen where there was a masked vigilante and crime rings everywhere. Nothing, however, could have prepared you for ninjas. I mean seriously? You didn’t even think they were real at first. Maybe a cosplay or something.
But then they started taking out their very real swords, and they started slicing and dicing. It was something straight out of a movie the way they cut into those people. You were fine. Well, as fine as you could be with a group of ninjas attacking anyone that dared to move. If you just stayed under your desk and didn’t move, you’d be fine.
You were trembling, holding a hand to your mouth to try to prevent any noise from escaping. You heard your friend talking to them, begging them to let everyone go. You heard her heels click along the floor. And then the unmistakable sound of her body dropping into a heap on the floor. Tears sprung into your eyes as you heard her gurgling.
You couldn’t see what was going on, and you were grateful for that. Seeing your friend bleeding out probably wouldn’t be the best for your mental state. But then again, listening to the sounds of people close to you dying and being held hostage by ninjas wasn’t either.
You were hyperventilating under your tear and snot stained hand. It was ugly. Everything about this was ugly, though, so you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
You wanted to look when you heard grunts and hits being exchanged. Someone was fighting them? Who the hell would be insane enough to go up against these psychos?
The fight continued on for quite some time and you didn’t know who was winning. You could only hope that it wasn’t the ninjas.
Two people went right past your desk as they fought. They probably didn’t even notice you were there. More people joined in and you wondered where the hell was the rest of your saviours. Surely no one would be stupid enough to do this alone.
You could hear that the man was getting his ass handed to him. You dared to peek out from under the desk and barely held in a gasp.
It was the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen in the flesh. He was getting the shit kicked out of him by multiple ninjas.
Being a pacifist, you weren’t apt to fight. But when someone is getting ganged up on… well, that’s just unfair. Silently, you grabbed your purse that you always set under your desk, searching for anything that could help you in this situation. It would be stupid to help out, but you couldn’t just watch this poor man get beaten to death.
You found your keychain and took the pepper spray off of it. You didn’t want to make a lot of noise with it. You also grabbed your pocket knife that you always kept on you for emergencies. Being a woman in the city definitely taught you to be prepared. You never thought you’d be fighting off ninjas, but what the hell can you do?
You tripped a ninja that was passing you and kicked him in the face. You sprayed him with the pepper spray and left him wailing on the ground. The ninjas turned around, giving Daredevil the chance to hit each out them with his… sticks?
Was he seriously entering this katana fight with fucking sticks? You’d have to have some strong words with this man when you were done.
You slashed a few of them with your little knife and pepper sprayed them as best you could. The masked vigilante kept yelling at you to leave, to get away while you still could. You wanted to listen, but the ninjas wouldn’t let you go. They kept coming for you and you could barely dodge every katana swinging your way.
It was at that moment that you were seriously questioning your life’s choices. Was this how you died? In a ninja fight? Well, it certainly would be a cool way to go. You couldn’t complain there.
On the other hand, there were so many things you wanted to do. You hadn’t truly lived yet. Only recently had you started to make friends again. There was Karen and Foggy and Matt. They were so wonderful when they saw you sitting alone at Josie’s. They cheered you up after getting harassed by some loser. You could even dare to say that you had grown quite fond of one member of the group in particular. It was only now, in the face of great danger, that you wished you’d have told him.
You screamed when one of the katanas ripped through your torso. Daredevil froze before letting all hell loose. He would kill anyone and everyone who dared lay a hand on you. He didn’t care if he got hurt, not when you had already gotten hurt.
He could smell and taste the copper of your blood—or was it his own? It didn’t really matter. It still made him nauseous. When he got to your side, he felt the katana that had impaled you. It was still in which was good but also bad. He could hear the sirens of the ambulance from blocks away. He wished they’d come faster.
“What were you thinking,” he muttered, mostly to himself as tears welled up in his eyes.
“Was thinkin’ your ass w’s gettin’ handed t’ya,” you replied, your voice slurred and quiet.
“I could’a done it myself, sweetheart.”
“Din’t look like it,” you smiled, head drooping to the side. Terror set in his bones when he felt blood pouring from your mouth.
“No! Don’t… don’t leave me! Please, please be okay! Please, c’mon sweetheart!” He cried out. You couldn’t leave him. You were the best thing in his life. He couldn’t bear to let you go just yet. This was all his fault. Why did you have to step in? Why couldn’t you have just stayed under your desk?
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Taglist: @harleycao
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singsweetmelodies · 8 months
tagged by lovely @car-bo-hydrate to try this <3333
star sign: virgo
favourite holiday: new year
last meal: a hot mug of tea and some south african buttermilk rusks (comfort food breakfast!!! ❤️☕)
current favourite musician: probably taylor swift, but as always, it's hard to choose just one. OOOH! lately, dove cameron is high up on the list too
last music listened to: confetti (acoustic version) by little mix - LISTEN. ever since ms perrie edwards put out a tease that her solo music is coming soon, i have been on a big little mix high again, listening to all my old favourites and hyping myself up sooooo much for that perrie music drop 👀👀👀😍
last movie watched: my girlfriend and i rewatched shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings again last night for movie night <3 LOVE that movie, omfg. both my gf and i firmly declared all michelle yeoh's scenes our favourites 🤭
last tv show watched: you know, it's actually been really long since i've properly watched a TV show, so the answer to this is probably something silly like reruns of FRIENDS
last book/fic finished: 2 different answers here!! last book was iron flame by rebecca yarros (yes, i caved to all the hype and read it on the plane - yes, there were bits that pissed me off, but i mostly enjoyed it) and last fic was one of AO3 user venerat's landoscar masterpieces, "i'll kiss you first" <3
last book/fic abandoned: hmm... i tried to read this rom-com called "you & me: a mlm single dads romance" while on holiday in SA, and i just... couldn't make it more than 5 chapters in. the cringe (& the VERY american focus of... everything...) was just too much for me, especially because i tried to read this right after a super delightful wlw rom-com recommended to me by darling @duquesademiel. after that, this one just... couldn't compare. at all.
currently reading: well, i'm back to work, so my time for books has unfortunately dropped exponentially... all i'm actively reading rn is a bunch of f1 rpf fics, to be perfectly honest
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: "WHAT COULD CAUSE A SCANDAL IN THE REGENCY ERA" 🤣🤭
favourite online fandom memory: storytime sundays where we tell those long DM fics with @boxboxbrioche and @welightitup <3333
favourite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: HMMM! i am mostly over all my old fandoms by now, to be fair, but if i really had to choose one... probably one direction?? because a proper resurgence would mean the reunion, right? (right?) ((so maybe i'm not quite as "over it" as i pretend 🤭))
favourite thing that you enjoyed that never had an active fandom: ohhhh, i can't think of a name immediately now, but it's definitely some or other book series that, if it had a fandom at all, was so tiny that i was practically the only person in it 🥲
tempting project that you're trying to rein in/don't have time for: LISTEN. i have had the most awful writer's block for months, and now that i can finally write again, somewhat, all that i want to write are the things that i should NOT be focusing on rn, because those things don't have deadlines but other things do *charles_wtf discord react*
prime example: about 2838474829 piarles smut WIPs and a/b/o and chussyverse explorations, instead of... my PWFE fic. some belated birthday fics. some celebration fics i promised nearly half a bloody YEAR ago. oops 😭😭 but, we'll get there. we will! just like this will be ferrari's year (i am delulu) xD
no idea who's done this yet and who hasn't, so i'm just going to tag some friends and hope i'm not double-tagging anyone - also, if i miss anyone, please feel free to say i tagged you anyway, because i'd love to see your answers <3 @boxboxbrioche @welightitup @hourcat @teamnick @sedicii @francophones @radiocheck, if any of you feel like giving this a go <3333
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faejilly · 9 months
jilly's week in review?
I guess or something. Idek y'all, I was gonna try and do reviews but then I just rambled about what I did instead, so this is clearly gonna need a format revamp next week
Finished Daughter of Witches
and also St. Peter's Fair, which I had started AGES ago and sort of lost track of, but I'm doing the January Challenge on TheStoryGraph and couldn't decide what to read next but needed to get my pages in, so I went digging for random shit and I have read it before and watched all the Cadfael mysteries so it's not like it was hard to get into to finish it so I could save my streak.😅
Read A House with Good Bones (on purpose from start to finish in one day!) because T. Kingfisher/Ursula Vernon is absofuckinglutely one of my favorites. (There's a thought here about my occasional forays into the horror genre, and how some horror is almost kind of cozy because it's about protecting what we love from what we fear, and that is very much a Kingfisher kind of thing, but that might need a new post and a more functional brain to figure out where I'm going with that.)
Listened to a little bit more of IT while doing housework; I'm not great at audio books except when I'm driving, but sometimes I can manage a little (and I didn't want to distract myself from dishes by picking up a new book instead). Stephen Weber is an excellent narrator btw, for anyone who's curious.
The husband was sick last week, and I was only sort of doing shit either, so he kind of just put the TV on and let it go and I definitely will not manage a nice list with links like I did with books. There was some M*A*S*H, (oh, I did finally watch the special that recently came out on Hulu), and RoboCop (largely because Thing 1 gave the husband the new game for Christmas) and several different Predator movies of various quality, and a bunch of other stuff I am not thinking of at the moment. I know I picked a couple and watched them myself but with everything else I can't remember what?
Also some Mythbusters when Thing 2 picked something to watch for awhile, which is pretty much always entertaining even when we're like: your sample size is nonexistent and just because you can't do it doesn't mean someone who knows what they're doing couldn't have done it so are you SURE you should have busted that? 😅
I got Garden Story for Christmas and got through the quest-lines and realized I was quite far away from all the upgrades, so I've been periodically poking at it and trying to get my villages/tools better before trying the Final Boss. I have had a good time with Concord though, it's fun, I'm just not sure the leveling functions, such as they are, are paced/balanced quite right? 😅 (Or perhaps I'm just Bad At Fighting In Cozy Games? This does seem to be a bit of a trend tbqh, probably why I liked Wylde Flowers' lack of combat so much.) I also have found VERY FEW of the memories/weird achievements so that's a thing I'm probably going to have to look up hints for soon-ish...
(I did finish Potion Permit last year, which is great, I recommend it whole-heartedly: the potion building mechanic is usually pretty solid, it has good characters, a nice aesthetic, I did actually mostly have fun rolling around and fighting things/gathering stuff, but I did reach the end of the main quest and then go... huh, is that it? just because it, yk, kept going after the finale but there didn't seem to be anything there beyond like, a couple personal quests that needed materials I couldn't unlock until the end.)
MORE ENTERTAININGLY I THINK, we did also play some board games
Paint The Roses is QUITE HARD with only two people even if you stick to the medium level whims; or maybe I'm just not that smart?!? We did in fact survive without getting our heads' chopped off by the Queen of Hearts, but we legit guessed the last two puzzles so. Dumb Luck™️ is not nearly as reliable as actually figuring out how to plot your plants better.
We did Escape the Dark Sector (with more people this time, tbf) on our first try though! That was pretty delightful. It is atmospheric and potentially almost deadly without feeling too awful at any point! Also I got to punch a tentacle monster!
Mice & Mystics can go dramatically bad if your dice aren't on your side and you do like, one stupid thing to compound that, and then if you're invested enough to start over you can suddenly realize you've been moving tiny plastic mice and bugs around the table for like four hours and still only got through the first chapter... but not regret it at all because you like your mice and are very proud of them for finally making it!
Can you tell we like co-op games? 🤣🤣🤣
(I did also do some rearranging so the game room was comfier, so like, win/win I adulted and played!)
THERE WAS NO WRITING OR CROSS-STITCHING OR PAINTING OR ANYTHING ELSE THIS WEEK, so uh. Clearly my balance of activities is bonkers and I should maybe get off the couch/game chair(s) a bit more often.
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burntheworldtwice · 10 months
Live Thoughts on The Last Voyage of Demeter (Spoilers)
So I know very little of this movie outside the plot. I know it is much anticipated. Reviews are decent. But I didn't want some critic tainting my opinion you know? So I smoked a bowl, made a broke girls charcuterie, and am diving in.
-First of all who doesn't love a good Dracula tale?
-This is moody. Love that. Definitely recommend being in the dark by a fire if possible. its giving Victorian child and I personally am a victorian child so this is just swell
-I wish we still rode horses. Its a power move. Cop pulls up in a car ugh boring cop GALLOPS up on a horse. Mad respect.
-OMG its the guy who went after Oppenheimer for that shit senator. What's his name......David Dastmalchian. Im sorry hold the phone. DASTMALCHIAN is his dad Machiavelli. I'll be honest y'all im not a fan of his face. He looks weasly and honestly a bit threatening but that may just be the roles I've seen.
-Corey Hawkins out here showing LOOKS. Saving LIVES. CHILD LIVES. What. A. Gem.
-Whats in the box? WHATS in the box? WHATS IN THE BOOOOOX?!
-Why must children be so enthusiastic? So young and full of hope. Even on a fucking Russian ship in the 19th century.
-This cheese is really fucking good.
-Awe isn't this cute. "Crew in high spirits". Dancing around and shit. Did you know that many sailors were gay and that's why everyone thinks the Navy is a bunch of pussies. The more you know :)
-Is that Aaron Paul? LOL
-This really is pretty I must say. And the use of sound is just **Chefs kiss** I love when a movie employs sound as a means of expression.
-She needs a transfusion who's fucking blood is heh using is that his blood? The count is awake! yipeeee.
-I really need to watch some BTS for this. A lot of CGI and sets. Like did they do it Life of Pie style. I'll have to goole that..
-Ruh row. Bats outta the cage. NOT THE FUCKING DOG WHYYYYY KILL THE KID. Ugh why is it always the dog :((((
-Rabies? Men are so simple minded.
-Damn Drac is not looking good. Like worse than Voldy pre cauldron sesh.
-This kid is really taking on some emotional trauma. And little Woody Newman is just a cutie. He reminds of Gavauche (idk if that's spelled right) in Les Mis.
-"A boat without rats such is a thing against nature." That's a tattoo right thurr
-I am LOOOOVING the horror. The gore is so well done. Beautiful like Saving Private Ryan... If youre into blood..
-I could listen to Liam Cunningham read a Ikea instructions manual.
-I don't know if its intentional or not but I can't figure out the timeline of this movie. They mention a cove and it being over two weeks to England. But I can't tell how the time is passing. Could also be high but hey who knows.
-I know Rotten Tomatoes poopood this but I'm having fun and Draculas a dick lmao mimicking his victims. Damn bitch. Oh good strings. I love a good horror
-Why do we find it so hard to believe in things we can't understand? I realize the human brain seeks answers and solutions rather than more questions, but what if the answers and solutions are right there we just refuse to believe it?
-LMAO "I have a very important job for. you Toby. It's a lot to take on, can you handle it?" Hands over a spyglass. "Will you shine my shit for me dude?" I was talking to my wife about this but like I don't remember ever being this curious as a kid. Like demons on board? Nah Im staying in my room. Meanwhile this kid just wandering around the belly of ship.
-He got a knife. Tough kid here.
-Wow he's going full Jack Torrance with the door here. But who needs an axe when you have your face???
-NOT TOBY. Like I know everyone dies and all but damn. Also can Dracula apparate. Or is it like AS IF YOU COULD OUT RUN ME. Im a little behind on my Dracula lore. Oh he might live with these backwoods infusions.
-Okay I just haven't paid attention on the captains log. My B.
-Olgarin was bit... and infected? But Anne and Toby were fed on... and aren't? I'm going to have to think about that. Going up in flames was a fun drama though!
-I feel like maybe don't open the spooky box. And this man just rowing out to sea blindly believing in his faith. Did the Prince of Darkness fly out there? or. Yep. He a winged mother fucker.
-I like Dracula just whispering sweet nothings before he feeds.
-Are his burns not fucking horrifically painful? Im in pain looking at him. I know burns and that shit sucks for forever.
-Can Dracula manipulate the weather? I feel like I really need to brush up on my Dracula now. Foggy as hell. Dracula knew yawls plan come on.
-Women always out here making the greatest sacrifices.
-Why is Dracula synonymous with the devil? I like to think of Dracula like Jason Segal in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
-THe smothering with the wings was like kinda dope. Won't lie.
-I'm so glad they're trauma bonded now.
-I think I would of made a great light house keeper. Chill up in the rain by a fire. Watch the ships. Ambient lighting. My kinda gig to be frank.
-That ending sunrise. Wow. Almost poetic.
-NONONONONOOOO please tell me there's not going to be a sequel. Please dear god just let it end.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
hi! hello!! i have been listening to the les mis soundtrack for almost 5 years now, but im just starting to delve into the fandom: im attempting to read the brick (i tried but it's very long), and within the past 2 days i have watched 2/3 of the movies i could find (including ofc the 2012 one which was. interesting.) do you have any advice or things i should know or places i should start with the fandom? even people to follow? im asking you bc multiple in depth posts of yours have shown up in the les mis tag, but please feel free to direct me to someone else or ignore me if that's easier. thank you sm, even just for reading this
Hi, thanks for your ask! I'm always happy to help :D The first thing is that there's currently a "Dracula Daily" style readalong of Les Mis happening, called "Les Mis Letters." It emails out one of the 365 chapters of Les Mis every day for a year, starting January 1st of this year, and is a lot like a big book club (or "brickclub.") It's still not too late to catch up if you binge read a bit! We're currently at the "Who Am I"/Valjean rescuing the person mistaken for him part of the book. :3 It might be a nice way to read the Brick for the first time, since people are going through the book chapter by chapter and discussing it. You can find the Les Mis Letters subscription here:
And the discord server here:
(Although the tag/server are a bit less active now that we're a few months in!)
As for blog recommendations: I already made a Masterpost of some active Les Mis blogs I recommend checking out! Here's that post, there are bunch of great blogs on it:
Two additional blogs I didn't mention in that post--because they've only started becoming more active recently -- are @dolphin1812 who writes great chapter-by-chapter meta for Les Mis Letters, and @pureanonofficial who's been making great gifsets of different Les Mis adaptations inspired by Les Mis Letters! :3
If you want a general overview/map of what the fandom looks like and things you should probably know...I recommend @pilferingapples post here. The big things are that the book is nicknamed "the Brick" (for obvious reasons XD.) So if you see people talking about "the brick" or "Brickclub" or something being "brick-inspired"/"based on the Brick" that's a way saying it's discussion of the book rather than the musical. The Les Mis fando on tumblr/a03 is geeeeeenerally loosely split into the "Old Men fandom" and the "Les Amis Fandom." The Old Men fandom focuses on Valjean and Javert, with lots Valjean/Javert shipping-- the "Les Amis Fandom" focuses on Les Amis, Cosette, Marius, and Eponine, with lots of shipping between everyone but especially between Enjolras/Grantaire. There are also other smaller minifandoms of people really into obscure historical stuff, usually either the history of rebellion or the history of the French prison system /police force, but the "Old Men vs Les Amis" is the biggest divide imo. And in my experience most of the fanfic (and there is a lot of fanfic!) is based on the musical characterization/collective internet fanon rather than the Brick. But there are Some brick-focused fanfics out there! (and they're always my favorites alksdjflksdjf.) There's also a subset of the Les Amis fandom people call the "collective modern AU fanon universe." Basically back in 2012 when the movie came out, lots of people got super into shipping Enjolras and Grantaire, partially because the actor who played Grantaire posted a video of himself singing a love song he'd altered to be about Grantaire/Enjolras. People gradually invented a collective fanon AU of what things would be like if Les Amis lived in the modern day. These modern AUs became so popular that they kind of became the norm, and people assumed your Les Amis fics would be modern AUs even if you didn't tag them that way. There are lots of people who got into Les Mis through the collecive fanon universe more than any adaptation. So what I'm saying is the "Les Amis Modern AU' world is basically an entire Goncharov'ed fanon universe of its own. It has its own tropes, characterizations, headcanons for different characters' appearances/genders, etc etc etc. There have been multiple microbudget webseries and comics based on the collective modern AU universe. It's been around for so long that I think it's normal but I imagine it can be kinda confusing to someone who's new to the fandom XD. And that's pretty much all I can think of! : D But yeah the Les Mis fandom is very fun
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tknbewrites · 2 years
hi, hello, hola, 안녕~♡
I'm be!~♡
don't know if anyone is gonna read this to be honest but, one of my goals for this year is to start some kind of blog where I can talk about whatever.
At first it started just as a vague idea of me recommending music because every month I try to discover new music/artists and I'd like to share that with the world. (yes, I love music and I could go on forever about songs/lyrics/artists I'm obsessed with and have helped me a lot)
then I thought about adding series/movies and books recommendations since I've been consuming those a lot lately and I've read some really good books and watched some really good dramas which i could relate to or taught me some things.
so I guess I'll start just with a bunch of those things even if anyone reads or sees it but just to put it out there and talk about what I learned and such...
I would also like to talk about a few things I've been through, how I dealt with them and who and what helped me through some of my darkest times because I feel someone at some point might need it and I'd love if anything I post here could help anyone.
I also write fiction but I'm still thinking if I should or shouldn't post some of those, we'll see in some near future. And maybe I'll open commission for writings too if i start posting fiction 🥺
If you took the time to read this and you're interested in whatever I want to start posting, welcome! I'll try my best to take some time every month to talk about what I'm listening, what I'm watching, reading or even doing! and I hope you feel comfortable and take this blog as a safe place as well~ my ask and dms will be always open for anyone who want to talk or just share their thoughts about my recommendations!
welcome!! hope you enjoy your stay with me☺️💜
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cauldron-chatter · 2 years
Oh, that's a classic tarot deck! I have too many decks, some might say I have too many, haha! Three faves that I have are my Viking tarot, the Jane Austen tarot is adorable and I really enjoy my Gilded tarot!
Wands are always nice to see in a spread, gives one hope that there's some sort of energy or movement going on! I'm a sucker for cups, but I also like to see some of them majors entering a spread to make you reflect on the situation as to how you can affect the outcome but also to give perspective!
New moon is so underestimated?? I myself is a lover of the full moon but it's mostly because I time my period to the full moon and then I totally feel like a feral werewolf, lmao.
Oh no, n-n-no soups????? But what about pho??? (My question stems from my recent obsession with pho, lol) But if you can't have soup, what's your favorite dish then? :3
Hey, podcasts feels like the new documentaries so that's alright, hehe! I myself rarely listens to podcasts, I have like two favorites - one humour pod in Swedish and a Swedish satire pod. Documentaries on the other hand I have more of, lots of nature documentaries or dinosaur documentaries, lmao.
Oh, what are you cross stitching at the moment?? I had a period when I knitted, I have some unfinished projects lying around as some post pandemic memorabilia, lol.
Do you have any good books you could recommend that you've read recently? Or maybe an old classic that you think everyone should give a shot? :3
I love Jane Austen so that tarot deck sounds so cool!
I actually have an app that tracks tarot readings by moon cycles which is also why I track the new moon more closely. I thought it was very funny when I saw that today is a full moon after you mentioned it 😂 best of luck with your werewolf shenanigans
I've never had pho, but it's a problem I have with hot liquids and too much liquids. My stomach is rather sensitive and likes to throw fits. I'm more of a steak and potatoes kind of girl. While my stomach can't handle chicken noodle soup, it can eat a whole chuck roast and have room for dessert no problem
Pls pls pls give me dinosaur documentaries that was my childhood obsession. I would also watch viking documentaries on the history Channel when I was little to the point i would complain about reruns 😂 ive also been listening to an audio book about germanic barbarian cultures like the vandals and goths
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This is my current cross stitch project. It's the biggest piece I've made and is part of a stitch-a-long by Modern Folk Embroidery.
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This is what it should look like at the end.
Also "post pandemic memorabilia" sounds like the title of an art show feating unfinished projects lol
For book recommendations I would say
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel for mythological fiction
Keats' Lamia for classic poetry
And my favorite book which I don't recommend lightly but
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind
You didn't ask for it but im also going to give movie recommendations cause I just watched these and love them
Everything, Everywhere All At Once - if you haven't yet pls do it is in fact worth the hype
And for a classic movie
The Sting (with Paul Newman and Robert Shaw)
I just love classic movies I have a whole bunch on my watch list but most of them are in German and it's hard to read subtitles and sew at the same time 😅
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chorusfm · 3 months
Liner Notes (June 15th, 2024)
Another week, another newsletter. This week’s supporter Q&A post can be found here. If you’d like this newsletter delivered to your inbox each week (it’s free and available to everyone), you can sign up here. A Few Things * I know there are a lot of media tracking apps, and Sequel gets a lot of justified praise, but for my needs, I’ve grown to like the stock Trakt app. I recently realized how customizable the app was. Being able to customize the bottom tab bar and put all the common places I visit in the app is a nice feature. And it’s got a nice widget that I use on my “Days Over” focus mode. But, the killer feature for me is still the “check-in” feature, which is used when you start watching something and it puts it on the lock screen as a live activity. Then, when, predictably, I need to see who is in the show/movie we’re watching, I can tap it and quickly check the cast section. It’s also updated pretty frequently with new features. Letterboxd has a (much) better community and reviews section, but I think Trakt’s the better app. * Quick note: Blue Sky now lets me auto-post to it, so I’ve set up the Chorus account to pull in our news posts. Hopefully, Threads will follow suit soon. Sponsor Laika Songs has released the new song “Field of Vision” featuring Onelinedrawing. The song comes from the new album Slowly Spiraling Towards the Light available for digital download and vinyl pre-order at Bandcamp. Follow the band on Instagram, Spotify, and Bandcamp. In Case You Missed It * Interview: The Early November * Review: Underoath – They’re Only Chasing Safety * Adam Lewis of Fenix TX Passes Away * Riot Fest 2024 Announced * Something Corporate Tease New Music * Hopeless Records Announces New Compilation * The Used Announce New Tour * Alkaline Trio Announce New Tour * Spotify to Launch New Premium Plan * Albums in Stores – Jun 14th, 2024 Music Thoughts * It’s a pretty fun week for new music. The Early November’s new album is out, and it comes highly recommended. I know this may be blasphemy to some, but I actually think this might be their best album. Exceptional front to back. Just a damn solid alternative rock album that we don’t see much of these days. Great vocals, excellent songwriting, and an awesome entry into the band’s catalog. It’s right up there with In Currents for me now. * Florrie’s new album, The Lost Ones, also came out yesterday. It’s one of the best pop releases of the year so far, and so exactly in my wheelhouse, it’s comical. For fans of Sigrid, Carly Rae Jensen, or just summer’s here let’s dance pop music. I’m over here begging the world to take notice. * The new Said the Sky single featuring Boys Like Girls is a lot of fun. Their last album flew a little under the radar but had a lot of known collaborators on it. * The rest of my week was spent with a whole bunch of old favorites. The news of Adam Lewis’s passing had me returning to FenixTX’s discography. RIP. (Lechuza holds up so well all these years later.) It was also a big week for Allister’s Last Stop Suburbia. That’s one of those albums that screams “summer” to me. A quintessential pop-punk classic. They’re one of those bands where I could never really get into the rest of their discography. While they all had some good songs scattered throughout, I always thought they lacked the same fun vibes as this one. And I also had a fun time re-visiting Unwritten Law’s Elva this week. This one brings me right back to my freshman year of college and blaring this in the dorm with my college roommate. * Other albums that caught my eye this week included Talker’s 2022 release, In Awe of Insignificance, and Carly Cosgrove’s latest. I need to listen to the new Decemberists album, but I haven’t had time yet. The Stats: Over the past week, I listened to 37 different artists, 54 different albums, and 543 different tracks (634 scrobbles). Here is my Top 9 from last week, and you can follow me on Apple Music and/or Last.fm.… https://chorus.fm/features/articles/liner-notes-june-15th-2024/
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dorefasolsido · 11 months
29. Millennial Survey
From someone who's on the cusp between a Millennial and Gen Z-er
What year were you born in?
Do you remember a time before smartphones and social media?
Yup. I think I got my first smartphone either when I was finishing middle school or entering high school. Before it was all about flip phones and slide phones.
Were you part of the generation that experienced the transition from dial-up internet to broadband?
Oh yes. Until I was about 12-13, I barely ever used internet because it was dial-up and so obnoxiously slow. Other people already had broadband by that point, but we got it a bit late.
Did you grow up watching Saturday morning cartoons?
Yees. I didn't have Nickelodeon and Disney when I was a kid, but we had local channels playing blocks of cartoons every Saturday and Sunday morning, and I think they were similar to what could be found on those channels. I remember distinctly that I wasn't allowed to watch Ren & Stimpy, but I secretly did anyway before my parents got up lol
Do you have any memories of using floppy disks or cassette tapes?
Not floppy disks and not so much cassette tapes, though I think we had a few. CDs were a bigger thing.
I do remember watching Disney cartoons on VHS though, we had so many of those when I was very young.
How did you communicate with your friends before the advent of text messaging?
Either landline or we would go to each other's house, stand outside, and yell at the top of our lungs for the other person to come out. I don't know why we never simply went to the door and rang the bell, I just know we were always yelling lol
Were you a fan of any particular boy band or girl group during your teenage years?
Actually no. And I have to say, the only boy band that I remember from my teen years was One Direction. I think they formed when I was around 15 and broke up when I was 20, so technically they should be my teen boy band, but I was into alternative, rock, and metal. I'm into a boy band now though lol
Did you ever own a portable CD player or a Walkman?
Nope, I had an MP3 player for a while though.
What was your favorite video game console when you were growing up?
I didn't actually have any, nor did any of my friends have any. I only used my computer for games, and only the illegal versions a friend of a friend managed to obtain somehow lol. Ah, those were the days.
Did you ever use AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) or MSN Messenger to chat with friends?
Not really. I think I had MSN, but I only used it once or twice before I switched to chatting on Skype.
Were you aware of the Y2K bug and the associated concerns leading up to the year 2000?
Definitely not, I was younger than 5. I only learned about the whole thing years and years later.
Did you ever rent movies from a physical video rental store like Blockbuster or Hollywood Video?
Yes, not from those, but we had our local video rental stores that we got CDs from.
Were you into MySpace or LiveJournal during the early days of social networking?
Actually no, because I think those two things weren't as big here as they were in the West. Like, I always hear people online talk about MySpace days, but I never hear anyone irl ever mention they used MySpace.
What was your first experience with online shopping?
Ooh, that was very very late. I don't remember exactly when I started online shopping, but I think it came here only after 2010s and I didn't use it anyway because I didn't have my own money. So I guess I only really started online shopping after 2018 when I made enough. I never wanted to ask my parents to buy me something online because I felt they'd think it's sketchy lol.
Did you ever participate in a flash mob or witness one in person?
How did you discover new music before the rise of streaming platforms like Spotify?
I think mostly Youtube. Like, you'd listen to something and get a bunch of other songs in the similar genre recommended to you. Also, friends from school would mention this band or that band is cool, check them out and then I would.
Were you a fan of the "Harry Potter" book series or the "Twilight" saga?
Yes to both. I grew up on Harry Potter, learned to read thanks to Harry Potter and I pretty much credit it for the path I chose to take in life because I really think it instilled the love for literature in me. I know it has fallen out of grace these days and it was painful to learn about the whole J.K. Rowling thing, but I can't deny its impact on me or pretend that I now hate the book series.
And Twilight was absolutely my jam in middle school. I didn't care about the romance at all, but I always loved vampires. Even if Twilight vampires are a bit, well, not traditional lol
Did you ever have a MySpace profile and customize it with HTML and CSS?
What was your favorite TV show or cartoon during your childhood?
Hmm, Charmed was my favourite show. As for cartoons, there were so so many at different points in my life. There was Spongebob, Dragon Ball, Yu-gi-oh, Tokyo Mew Mew, Pokemon, Winx, Phineas and Ferb...
How did you feel about the transition from traditional television to streaming services?
I didn't feel any particular way. When I got Netflix in 2020, streaming services were already a totally normal, widespread thing and I hadn't properly watched traditional TV for years before that. As always, we were late jumping onto the streaming bandwagon, but it's not like I needed some special mental preparation for it. I just got Netflix, started watching, and was like, wow, this is convenient, I love it.
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gothamscormorant · 2 years
this is how i imagine jason todd…
(a lot of this is also canon/inspired by canon)
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click here for the other boys
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- loves to cosy up with a cup of tea and a piece of classical literature.
- definitely drinks tea and not coffee, and definitely boasts about how much healthier he is than tim for it,
- but then will finish a bottle of vodka by himself and wash it down with a glass of whiskey.
- this man cannot get hung over and it’s unknown how much he actually has to drink before he becomes fully drunk. have you seen the size of him? nothing can knock him.
- listens to east coast rap and will argue that it’s better than west coast until the day he dies again; and even that won’t stop him.
- he was a street kid; he was raised on that kind of music and he has to defend his childhood life source.
- knows a bunch of undercover street artists which he recommends to people to get them more hype.
- can you imagine the amount of street cred you could get if you get saved by red hood and he goes “oh btw sick music dude”
- he hardly listened to any other music until later in life, but he’s not absolutely reluctant to other genres anymore.
- definitely goes on private mode on spotify if he listens to any guilty pleasure pop songs.
- i like to think he only listens to pop songs dick used to listen to, (aka the ones that sound like they should be in jazzercise lmao) but that for some reason stuck with him.
- not only do they share music, why these brothers share a ✨ fear of commitment✨ too.
- all height and muscle which he uses to his advantage -as well as being super stubborn.
- someone’s hogging the batcomputer? sit on them. someone’s winning in a sparring match? lay down on them or the mat and refuse to move. someone’s doing push ups? hold them down with his weight.
- some days he’s throwing stuff (and people) and shooting things, but other days he’s rubbing his knuckles on damian’s head, calling bruce his old man and patting him on the back, telling dick to be careful on patrol, giving cass a hug and throwing a blanket over tim after he’s all cried out.
- very sleight-of-hand. if you're hiding something in your pocket/bag or behind your back, jason can get it if he wants to.
- likes watching really shitty movies to laugh at them.
- always uses niche movie references and quotes that only a few people ever pick up (the others are just impressed at his one liners).
- shamelessly watches the kardashians, can name all of them -including step kids and ex husbands- and knows everything going on with them.
- for some reason gen z on social media have made red hood’s moto “stay in school” because of his constant literary and movie references, and the fact that he busts drug rings dealing with kids and will threaten to do unspeakable things to the dealers (and anyone who messes with children for that matter), all while promoting school/education to the kids.
- he is probably the best cook out of the batfam (excluding alfred obviously). he had to look after himself for so long he’s had a lot do practice.
- he’s bruce’s favourite, but i’d need to elaborate on this in another post
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duhnova · 2 years
hiiii! I love your writing so much and would love to play the ship game for svt! I would say I'm a big introvert around strangers, but am usually very energetic and have a dry sense of humour with friends! (I'm an infj :) ) I'm a writing major, and a huge movie buff. I spend most of my time binging new tv shows and movies!I also love music and reading!
my love language is physical touch ♡ I love dirty talk and have a slight breeding kink 😭 thank you so much for considering my request, and I'm sorry if this is long!
nsfw, mdni!
hiii thank you sm! don’t worry hun, it’s not long at all! i don’t mind if you dump a bunch of info at me, it helps me pair you better ^-^
i can see you with dino!
the two of you would lounge around for hours, binge watching tv shows and cuddling. he loves to always have you in his arms (he prefers to be the big spoon but if you insist on holding him for a change he won’t say no - not that he could say no to you). he could lay with you for the rest of eternity as you listen to a playlist that he put together for you (and vise versa), he’s always recommending songs to you wanting your opinion on it (he can’t help the excitement he feels when you tell him you love it - and right to the playlist it goes). he gets a little shy with dirty talking, he tries and just ends up whining as he gets overwhelmed with pleasure (and slight embarrassment) however if you start to babble about wanting him to breed you he would fall apart. he’s grip onto you like his life depended on it and he can’t help the quiet growl he lets out when you milk him dry (and he can’t help but stare and watch the way his cum leaks out of you - though if you ever say anything about it he’s be blushing and stuttering about how he wasn’t staring).
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