#you're welcome in advance Emma
m-ilkiee · 19 days
"Within a span of one month, (name) (last name) has been physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually assaulted by two out of three Sano brothers because their egos couldn't handle being called out on their horrible treatment. Unfortunately for the poor woman, the mental strain took a toll on her and she attempted to take her life. She survived after desperate attempts to resucitate her and was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was treated. One would think the Sano brothers would feel some form of guilt for pushing her towards the edge but no. In fact, this was just the beginning of the horrors (name) will experience in their hands." Layla's commentary podcast on chapter 1 and 2 of "Monsters"
Welcome to Monster's first ever poll! I have teased this since last month, but unfortunately, I haven't had the energy to do so. If you haven't read the last chapter, I'd advice you do so before we continue.
So, we've seen the two brothers in action. We've seen how manipulative Manjiro can be to bend the truth to fit his ideal and we've seen how cruel Izana can be, to make sure reader stays silent. With the two of them already made their move, the stage is set for the horrors yet to play out.
However, I am curious, the two of them went to such great lenghts to make reader miserable. Mikey gaslit Reader until she had no will to do anything and Izana reminded her of a past she would rather forget. Mikey broke her heart and Izana put cracks in her spirit, both different ways for the same goal, silence. so who do you think did was far worse and why?
(If you're too shy to comment or reblog your answers, my anons are wide open.)
(As I promised, I've decided to add something extra! Blind items! These are to add more context and shed more light on parts of the story I couldn't get in. Blind Items are submitted by an anoynmous side characters and if you can guess correctly who, I'll give you a special shout out in the next chapter!)
#1 Blind Item: Bruised Ego
"When reader came newly to school as freshman, the boss(Izana) had an actual interest in her. It even got to the point that he wanted to invite her to one of our parties to know her better. Unfortunately, he found out from (name)'s roommate whom he was hooking up with at that time, that (name) thought he was scary and preferred Mikey. This hurt him and made him want revenge to teach her a lesson. This is why he has all her past information at his finger tips, because he wanted to torment her since she unknowingly rejected his advances. He only paused because Emma later became friends with her and kept it in case. I know this because I travelled to (name)'s hometown to collect some of these information." - Submitted by an upper echelon in Tenjiku
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jinjinxedsoul · 26 days
DYNASTY  ── hotd modern!au
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In the vibrant city of New York, the Targaryen family controls a conglomerate empire with influence in nearly every aspect of modern life. As ambition and power set the pace of their days, family tensions escalate with the advancement of a succession struggle that threatens to unravel the delicate balance of the dynasty. Amidst alliances and betrayals, the fate of the family and the empire hangs in the balance, where blood ties and corporate power intertwine in a battle for control.
warnings: +18 clearly, your usual targcest (uncle-niece), drug abuse, mental disorders, mentions of past sexual abuse, death of characters, mentions of eating disorders.
other details: This is an AU, so most of the events of the Dance will be modified to fit the narrative. Some of the modified events are:
↳ The main conflict is between Rhaenyra and Daemon, not between Rhaenyra and Aegon.
↳ Rhaenyra’s love interest in this story is Alicent (long live lesbians).
↳ Aemond is Daemon’s son. Yes.
I’m not exactly familiar with corporate themes, but I’m doing my best. Any corrections are welcome as long as they’re respectful, or I’ll cry.
I’m studying at university and have mental health issues, so the frequency of updates might vary.
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ィ ִ Alyssane Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by mara lafontan!
( 22 • event manager• luxury management)
"Promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine" –Paparazzi, Lady Gaga
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ィ ִ Aegon Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by tom glynn-carney!
( 23 • assistant vice-president •business administration)
"We don't have to rush when you're alone with me" –I feel it coming, The Weeknd
. . .
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ィ ִ Rhaenyra Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by emma d'arcy!
( 42 • chief operating officer)
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ィ ִ Alicent Hightower. ꪆ ── played by olivia cooke!
( 42 • public relations )
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ィ ִ Daemon Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by matt smith!
( 51 • chief strategy officer)
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ィ ִ Jacaerys Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by harry collett!
( 21 • innovation manager)
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ィ ִ Helaena Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by phia saban!
( 21 • fashion designer)
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ィ ִ Aemond Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by ewan mitchell!
( 24 • director of strategic projects)
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ィ ִ Lucerys Targaryen. ꪆ ── played by jack champion!
( 19 • formula one driver)
. . . .
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ask-ikepriemma · 9 days
hey emma, i have this advanced gift for you
*approaches her and gives her the mini box, which the pheromone perfume is inside*
have you ever tried using that? i heard it'll make you smell good so why don't you try it on? 🫣
and it has a 'special' effect on people, also it suits your scent pretty well 👀
you're welcome 😏
- 🐷 (hehehe...HEHEHE-)
Hello Piggly~! Ah, a pheromone perfume :o
I never owned any until I got to the palace. I didn't really think it would work. I mean, I know aphrodisiacs work, but in perfume?? Haha...
. . .
Oh my, I suggest you only put a spritz of that perfume unless you want multiple princes following you everywhere @-@
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Desperate times, desperate measures | ch. 5: Texas
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: mentions of death, alcoholic drinks, the whole squad not believing in Jake (poor guy), people having ✨feelings✨, jake's parents (yes, that deserves a warning)
A/N: changing the header until i decide what to do with the extra character that i have to eliminate and the one i have to add lol
It's okay if you like it and all, but please... a comment is also welcomed and if you reblog it? I'll kiss you on the forehead.
If you want to be added, comment down!
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"There's no way you can keep it in your pants for a year," Bradley states, leaving his beer on the table. They're all sitting in one of the tables next to the darts  at the Hard Deck. It's their usual. Nobody sits there. 
Jake rolls his eyes, twirling the beer bottle in his hands. "I love some supportive friends." 
Mickey laughs, not raising his head while he scrolls on Instagram. "Jake, you like sex. I would say you even love sex."
"Yeah, what about it?"
The wizzo raises an eyebrow and puts his phone down. "You're gonna live with a hot girl for a year, with all that implies, and not be tempted to get laid even once?"
"I can do that." 
Is now Payback’s turn to show disbelief. "Man, chances are one day you open the bathroom door and she's there naked. That's gonna be frustrating." 
Jake’s leg bounces up and down. No, he's not imagining you naked. Not a chance. "Guys, this isn’t about me, okay? This is about Emma. And if I have to be a fucking celibate monk for a year, I'll be." 
"Sure thing, buddy," Nat says, getting up from her chair to get another drink. 
"Are we going to ignore the fact that you had a crush on her once?" Javy asks, making Jake widen his eyes, surprised at how his friend just exposed him like that in front of the rest of the group. 
"It was one time, and it was right before she dumped my ass.” Jake groans, looking away. 
“For her to dump your ass, you must have been dating in advance, and if I remember correctly, you didn’t even make it to the restaurant.” Rooster jokes, high fiving Payback and Fanboy. These three are always trying to find ways to mess up with the pilot. 
“I hate you all.” 
A comfortable silence falls over the table, all of them thinking about the way Jake’s life has changed so much in only a few weeks. Jake has always been a playboy, a ladies’ man, he knows he’s good looking and he has no shame in saying it out loud. But now he’s married and has a daughter. He could go out and hook with whatever girl he wanted. However, Jake is better than that. He has made a promise. By law, and by his own promise, he’s devoted to you. Not in a romantic way, but he respects you enough to know that you don’t deserve any of that. And he can’t go around fucking the first girl he mets if you are going to focus on emma for a whole year. 
“I’m taking the girls to my parents’ ranch next week.” 
This time, the silence is deafening. “Your parents. The same parents you don’t talk with after you broke the engagement with that rich country girl?” 
Javy’s words make everyone stare at Jake with open mouths. “You were engaged!?”
“Yeez, Nat, say it louder. I think even Cyclone has heard you from his office.” Jake should have known that this information would have been revealed sooner or later. But he wanted it to be on his terms—not like this. 
Rooster pushes his drink away, wiping a few beer droplets from his mustache. “Dude, you were engaged, you broke it off, and you’re going to show up there with not only a wife, but your best friend’s daughter?” 
With pursed lips and an unfocused gaze, Jake nods. He’s deep in thought, suddenly realizing that he is, indeed, going to rub it in his parents' faces about how he got married to another girl. Well, it seems like this is a win-win situation for everyone. “How I wish I could capture my dad’s face when he sees Page.” 
“Does she know about this?” Bob asks this while cleaning his glasses. 
Jake shakes his head. “I’ll tell her on the way there.” 
“Can I ask a question?” Payback says, raising a finger once he sees how the corner of Jake’s mouth twitches in an attempt to suppress a smile. “And don’t say I asked one already.” 
“Yeah, go ahead.” 
“Why didn’t you marry that girl?” 
For a second, Jake thought that he was about to ask what his feelings were toward Page. And he was afraid to think about it. It wasn’t love, that's for sure. But that infatuation he felt is becoming something more… and he’s not sure if he wants to or if he should, allow that to happen. “I didn’t want to.” 
“Was she hot?” 
“Damn, she was.” Javy says, and Jake is really close to throwing something at his friend for his running mouth. 
“I didn’t love her.” 
The answer, as simple and logical as it seems, makes all the aviators in the table look at Jake with puzzled expressions, as if the words coming from his mouth weren’t his. “Oh, but you are able to feel love?” Natasha jokes, chuckling at her own joke. 
Jake knows it’s a joke, but he feels hurt. “I’m gonna go home and start packing things. Page is gonna start posting pictures of us on her insta, so it would be very helpful if you could comment on them, saying good things and how proud you are of us,” he mumbles while getting up. Bob looks at Rooster, telling him with only his eyes that he should go with Hangman, but Rooster knows better. Jake needs some time alone. “Oh, by the way. I am as able to feel love as anyone, in fact, I have been looking for it longer than any of you. I would appreciate it if you stopped thinking that I only go looking out for girls to put my dick in them.” 
And without leaving them time to reply, Jake leaves the Hard Deck. 
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“I have to confess something.” 
Those are the words that Jake tells you once you’re on the road after landing in Houston, where his parents' ranch is. You didn’t imagine that those words would lead to him telling you how his parents wanted to marry him to this rich girl so they could save the ranch. Apparently, in the last ten years, the ranch has had more losses than profits, and this arrangement would have saved it. 
Now, however, nobody knows how much time there is until they have to close the ranch and leave that life behind. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, Jake.” You tell him, not knowing what more to say. 
Jake shakes his head, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. “Don’t be. I don’t want to marry without being in love.” 
You can’t hold back your laugh. Ironic, isn’t it? He breaks off an engagement because he doesn’t want to marry without love, and here you are. Mrs. Seresin in the flesh, and not a bit of love between you two. 
“Well, you know what I mean, Page.” 
“I do, of course. But it seems like life has pulled the biggest uno reverse card.” 
It’s a way of seeing it, Jake thinks. But if he had to choose between marrying you again or marrying that country girl, he would choose you. 
Every single time. 
“We have to play the lovey-dovey couple, right?” You ask, knowing the answer already, but somehow just wanting to keep talking with him. Either to kill time or just because way down you enjoy talking with him.
"Yeah, but I don't think that's a problem for you, Miss Hollywood." He teases, looking at you.
"Oh, so now that you know my intentions as an actress, Page is now Miss Hollywood?"
Jake thinks for a second, scratching his chin while the other hand stays on the wheel. "Nah, you're always gonna be Page for me."
You don't realize how your smile makes him smile too.
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The ranch is less than an hour away from Houston, fronting the Brazos River. The house is bigger than you imagine, and just looking at it from the outside makes you realize that this is not a small ranch and that the house itself costs a few million dollars. White paint covers the gable wall in front of you, and it looks very new. Not even one of the tiles from the clay roof is out of place, making you rethink all the information that Jake gave you on the way here. Why would he lie to you? 
But seeing the expression on Jake’s face tells you that he didn’t know that the house was in such a good state... as well as the rest of the ranch. 
Why, then, were they so persistent in getting Jake to marry this girl for money?
When the car comes to a halt, an elderly couple walks out of the main house. The lady is a carbon copy of Jake. The same hair, the same eyes. Same smile. She appears to be the sweetest woman you've ever seen, but there's something in her eyes and the way she looks at Emma, who is being held by Jake, that makes you want to get in the car and drive all the way back to Houston to catch the first flight to San Diego. 
Jake's father, on the other hand, gives you the creeps. Call it female intuition; call it whatever you want, but you don’t want to be alone with him. He has white hair, blue eyes, glasses, and stubble. From this distance, you’d say that he’s the same height as Jake, maybe even a bit taller. He looks like a good man, but the way his fist tightens around the silver buckle on his jeans makes you wonder how many times he has unbuckled that belt to hit Jake or his wife. 
“Jacob, my son! We weren’t expecting you so soon,” Jake’s mother says, approaching Jake to hug him. The soft wind ruffles her golden locks and rippling the hem of her white dress, allowing you to see her brown cowboy boots. 
“Hey, ma. Sorry for coming so soon. I don’t know when I’m going to be deployed, and I want you two to meet my wife.” He says, stepping back from his mother’s arms and placing his hand on the small of your back. “This is y/n, my wife. And this is our daughter, Emma.” 
The heat that travels through your body from head to toe is not due to the hot Texan morning. He didn’t hesitate to call you his wife, or Emma, his daughter. Not even a second. It seems like he has finally come to terms with it. 
“Your daughter? That girl doesn’t look like any of you. And since when do you have a wife?” Jake’s father yells, scaring poor Emma. You take her from Jake’s arms, trying to calm her down. 
“It’s okay, baby girl. Don’t worry. You’re okay.” You whisper while kissing her head and rocking her in your arms. 
“Dad, she’s Luke’s daughter. Luke and Anne died in an accident a month ago. We’re her parents now,” Jake explains, opening the car to look for Emma’s favorite toy: a soft rabbit plushie. It calms her every time. Jake plays with the toy for a bit, making the rabbit kiss Emma’s chubby cheeks, and once she’s laughing and making grabby hands to catch the toy, Jake smiles and turns towards his dad. 
“Why didn’t you invite us to the wedding?” The older Seresin questions are moving dangerously closer to your small group. You take a small step back, an action that Jake notices. He grabs your hand in his, offering you some support. He said that his dad wasn’t an easy person, but you didn’t imagine that the first meeting would go like this.
“We married at the courthouse. No one came.” 
“Why? Is she an immigrant?” He looks you up and down, clenching his jaw at the thought of his son marrying someone like that. 
“What? No!” You protest, not understanding why his first thought is that you are illegal.
Jake takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. “She’s not an illegal, dad. And stop asking those questions.” 
“I just want to know why my son married someone like...her.” 
It’s impossible not to feel offended when someone refers to you with only a few words, but with a lot of meaning embedded in them. In his eyes, you’re not worthy. You’re not good for his son. And even though you don’t want to be worthy, because you couldn’t care less about their approval, it still hurts to be looked down on. 
“I don’t think I have to give you any more explanations than the ones I gave you already. You want to know how we met? I can tell you. You want to know how she is way too good for me? I can also tell you that. You want to know how we were supposed to marry in a few months? Yeah, I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you how I had to marry her early so we could adopt Emma. And the only reason I’m here is because I still have a bit of respect and love for you two and wanted to introduce you to my wife. She’s a famous writer and scriptwriter, and a wonderful, brilliant, and beautiful woman. She’s way out of my league, and if you have any other stupid commentary to say about her, I’m going to get in my car and drive away as fast as I can.” 
You can feel both males having a stare-down, waiting for the other to give in. Both of them are too proud to accept a loss. 
“If you make me leave, I swear to God, you won’t ever see me again.” Jake warns, opening the driver’s door. 
Jake’s dad moves his eyes away, losing the battle. He clears his throat. “I’m sorry, kid. I didn’t want to say those things. You know how stupid I can be.” He looks at you, takes off his Stetson, and nods. “I’m sorry, girl. I just want the best for my son, and I’m sure that you’re better than I could ask for. Come inside. It’s getting too hot for that little kiddo to be out here.” 
You look at Jake, giving him the choice to leave or stay. He places his hand on your hip, bringing you closer to hear him whisper in your ear. “He won’t say anything else to you, but say it, and we leave.” 
“It's okay,” you whisper back, caressing his cheek and acting like the loving wife that you were supposed to be. “Are you sure you want to stay?” 
“Darlin’, I’ve been living with them all my life. But you haven’t. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” He grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles, his chapped lips contrasting with the soft skin of your hand. 
“Don’t leave me alone with him, and I’ll be okay.” You reassure him, smiling. 
“You’re not going anywhere without me.” 
You don’t know if he’s aware of the words he’s saying, how they sound more real than they should be, or how it makes your heart flutter for a small second. You have to remind yourself that this is all fake, that he is only being nice to you because you two need to convince his parents that this is a real marriage, and that you are not going to divorce in a year. 
This is going to be harder than you thought.
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queen-dahlia · 1 year
𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐯𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧
𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟴 𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩
reading this again makes my blood boil, that damn emperor. (#`д´)ノ
Gil my poor baby (இ﹏இ`。)
CW: Characters deaths
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// : alternate translation | ⫘⫘ : flashback
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I remembered something I didn't like.
Albert: "Listen, Gil. I'm on your side no matter what."
Albert: "I promise. I won't leave you alone. So...?"
Gilbert: "Really...?"
Gilbert: "Are you sure you will say "welcome home" to me if I come back from Rhodolite?"
Albert: "Ah, naturally. When I say "see you later," then I must also greet you with a "welcome home."
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There was a lot of blood in Obsidian Castle back then.
The fierce rivalry for succession between the brothers was so severe.
Everyone who has the right to the throne kills anyone who gets in their way in order to gain the absolute power of Obsidian.
Albert, my older brother by three years, and myself were irrelevant.
In the midst of this, our mother and Albert suddenly suggested medical treatment in Rhodolite.
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Before the succession battle begins, the poor prince, who was sickly and on the verge of dying, is secretly sent out of the country––
It could have been the farewell of a lifetime in a court where deaths occur daily.
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Albert: "Don't worry, Gil. By the time you get back to this castle, hell will be over."
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Albert: "I will greet you with a smile, so hurry up and get well."
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Mother: "I hope you make some friends along the way. Gil is often alone…"
Mother: "In Rhodolite, you might be able to make friends without worrying about your identity, right?"
Mother: "Friends are good. I know there will be a lot of hard times and a lot of fun times ahead."
Mother: "When you have someone to share them with, your heart shines every day."
Mother: "But you're a kind and smart child, and you're afraid to make friends... aren't you?"
Gilbert: "Yeah... because the kids I get along with might end up getting killed, right?"
Albert: "If you make friends, you just have to protect them, right? Gil is capable, you can do that."
Mother: "Besides, one cannot live alone. We definitely need someone to share our worries and our joys with."
Mother: "Isn't it?"
Gilbert: "… I'll do my best."
Albert: "Great job. And eat a lot of good food. Your health depends on the food you eat."
Albert: "You eat too little. Eat as much as you can when you can, like me."
Gilbert: "I wonder if that will make me strong like Albert."
Albert: "Ah, you can. You can run around every day. Okay?"
Both Albert and our mother laugh as warmly as the sun.
So I laughed, too.
Gilbert: "I'll come back stronger."
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Gilbert: "See you later."
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And when I returned after a period of medical treatment — Albert and Mother welcomed me back.
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In headless, freshly severed heads.   //   Headless—just freshly decapitated.
Luke: "Hey, what are you doing!?"
Luke's angry voice pushes the memories of the past far away.
(—Oh, I just did it.)
The little rabbit, who had hit her back against the wall when she was thrown away, was coughing violently.
Even though it was a quick moment, I forgot to use the right amount of force.
(But it can't be helped.)
Gilbert: "What, Little Rabbit was in the way."
Luke: "There's got to be a better way to protect her!"
Gilbert: "Protect? Why should I protect the little rabbit that tried to drag me down by doing something unnecessary?"
Many of the people who gather at Clavis' secret soirée are people whose lives were changed on Blood-Stained Rose Day.
I assumed in advance that some of them would hate Obsidian so much that they would come and attack me.
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(But I never thought that Little Rabbit would try to protect me.)
(… What is she trying to do as my prey?)   //   (… What kind of prey are you trying to be?)
Emma: "Ha…hah…"
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Little Rabbit repeats her breathing in agony.   //   Little Rabbit repeats painful breathing.
I didn't hold back, as if I were throwing out unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings.
(Apparently, you need to be disciplined.)
Clank, clank.
As I approach, with my cane hitting the floor, Luke defends the little rabbit.
Luke: "Stop it, Gil!"
Gilbert: "… Stand down."
Luke: "I'll never back down!"
Even Luke, who should be more accustomed to killing than the little rabbit, could see the faintest trace of sweat.
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Watching him embrace the trembling little rabbit reminded me once again that I am a big villain.
Luke: "You, why are you so angry all of a sudden?"
Gilbert: "I wasn't angry. I was just uncomfortable."   //   "I'm not angry. It was just unpleasant."
Gilbert: "How could I not have noticed that?"
The man and the knife lay on the floor.
For me, who's used to fighting, it's not a big deal, but for Little Rabbit, it's different.
Gilbert: "Do you have anything to say?"
(I hope you realize that you have done something stupid.)
I pointed the tip of the cane in front of her, and she stare at it.
The trampling beast is an existence that can steal words with its murderous intent alone.
Still, the little rabbit breathes in and out, taking in a chestful of air, as if in resistance.
(—… Maybe it’s the first time I’ve received such a cheeky reaction towards me with bloodlust.)
Emma: "… If you give up on having a conversation… this is what you get."
Emma: "I don't think violence is justice... for me…"
Emma: "Even if there is a gap... no matter how big it is... we should try to fill it."
Gilbert: ". . . . . ."
Emma: "To let violence alone... speak for itself..."
Emma: "It's what the beast... does."
(. . . . . .)
Gilbert: "…Hmm?"
(I see... that's what you're thinking now.)
(It's an obvious answer, and frankly, I don't care.)
The little rabbit shows no signs of remorse.
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(I wanted to hear an excuse for the stupidity of "protecting me".)
In this state, I don't even know who or where I am aiming my murderous intent.
Luke: "Come on, Gil. You're on the side of the weak, aren't you?"
Luke: "What you are doing is threatening Emma."
Gilbert: ". . . . . ."
(Luke says that...)
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(… But what if I didn't react earlier and the little rabbit had been stabbed by a knife?)
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Over and over and over and over again—I remember that scene that repeatedly appears in my dreams.
The crime of giving opinions to the emperor in order to stop the rivalry for the succession—that is the crime of Albert and Mother.
I don't need to ask why they tried to stop the conflict.
It was to protect the sickly prince.
They were lives that were lost to protect me.
It is the same as the earlier foolishness of the little rabbit, doing things without asking.   //   Just like Little Rabbit's stupidity earlier, she does things without asking.
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(I can't forgive you.)
Gilbert: "… Hmm… that's right."
Still, the murderous intent disappeared.
Any further pressure would cause breathing difficulties.
(… The villain doesn't need any intervention.)
Gilbert: "It certainly wasn't like me."
Gilbert: "I'm sorry, I just got upset because Little Rabbit did something so stupid."   //   "The little rabbit did something so stupid that I got upset, I'm sorry?"
(Don't you even betray me, my "friend.")
(I'm the only one allowed to kill my prey.)
Also "I'm the only one allowed to kill you", Gil is referring to Emma/You but they still used the 'my prey' here
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Even after I stopped my murderous intent, the little rabbit remained trembling…
Eventually, Luke takes her away from the venue.
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I never once made eye contact with the little rabbit during that time. 
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imperiuswrecked · 6 months
Thanks for your quick reply to my previous ask! I do know the scenes you are referring to, I was just wondering whether he rejected her before writers gave them their back story. I was referring to the follwowing ask: "So uhm, i wonder how did namor got so attracted to Emma? I read one of the issue that Namor basically told Emma to stop throwing herself at him and then I saw him basically throw himself at Emma in X-men title." Maybe you know the scene the person mentioned?
You're welcome, and yes I do know the scene you are referring to.
Emma and Namor first shown together in Secret Invasion (2008) #8
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However their first meeting with introductions (pre Emma regaining her memories and the flashback in Uncanny X-Men (1963) Annual 2 (2009)) is in Secret Invasion: Dark Reign which was released a month before in December 2008, so Emma never threw herself at Namor nor was she rejected by Namor prior to their past relationship reveal in January 2009.
(I know Namor looks bad here, I know. But the artist apologized later so I try to forget it exists. lol.)
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) Annual 2 (2009)
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As you see it's Emma who rejected Namor's advances the first two times they met.
The scene you're looking for is in Namor: The First Mutant (2010) #2, set during the Utopia Era, where Alantis was rebuilt under the island the X-Men were on, supporting the pillar/base of the island from sinking into the sea. Emma visits Namor in New Atlantis with Loa, a mutant who sorta becomes Namor's sidekick during this era. So yes, Namor rejects Emma but it's after the Cabal Era.
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This line doesn't make sense with literally every other appearance from Namor and Emma's meetings and throughout the Namor's X-Men era, he's smitten with Emma, always paying Emma compliments, trying to seduce her away from Scott. They have always had this sharp playful banter and crazy chemistry together.
Uncanny X-Men (2012) #2-3
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #527
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) Annual 2 (2009)
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However the writer did want to take Namor in a different direction and be romantically involved with their character, the Atlantean Logomancer, Abira, who was the main female romance for this series so I suppose that's why he wrote this, because otherwise it makes no sense when Namor was literally defending Emma's honor in her absence like in Uncanny X-Men (1963) #528.
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The Namor/Emma/Scott love triangle has it's cringe moments, but generally I really love and enjoy the Namor and Emma moments. I def have critic of how Emma is written in the First Mutant series, the writer literally refers to her as The Whore to Sue's Madonna, and the whole love triangle in general in X-Men comics, because Marvel likes to use Namor to stir up romance drama for couples.
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mercurygray · 1 year
Hi, could you show me to the support group for Edith Eadig addicted readers?
I've been scouring every platform for Godwin fics until I found yours on here. Masterpieces, every single snippet, and I adore their story (as you might have noticed from my spam liking and reblogging).
I noticed that in the Godwin-centric fic, he and Edith really met in secret and engaged in a real sexual relationship, but that was never (I think) in the other ficlets. I'd be super interested to read their first real sexual encounter and how their relationship transitioned from fake courtship to "booty calls" (if I got that right).
I'd also love to read more about you headcanons for both of them -- pre-show and S1&S2.
I'm not sure whether you're even currently writing for them (ignore this if you don't), but if you do, could you write for Edith during Season 2? Perhaps the moment she realises Godwin is only using Aelfwynne for his own advancement? I'm not sure whether you'll have him marry Gytha or whether Edith can spoil his plans. If she can, perhaps you could write their meeting afterwards when Godwin has realised that he was crossed and cannot help but admire Edith's skill while at the same time also being in a terrible mood for not having achieved his goal?
I'm sorry, these are three and a half requests in a trenchcoat; let me know if you want me to send them individually!
HI HELLO WELCOME. You can join @muse-oleum (and maybe @therealvikingstrash?) on this adventure. This is a very small support group.
I'll start at the end - the reason I stopped writing isn't anything bad, just that my Netflix subscription expired shortly after the show aired and (while I did see all of S2) the slightly more plotty nature of that season meant it was really hard to go back and try to write fic without having the show to reference. :(
BUT that doesn't mean I can't try to answer your questions!
So this is interesting - because in my head, and I think in what exists on paper, they've never gotten to that level of physical intimacy. They've both thought about it, but never committed to it. (I know exactly which piece gave you that idea, though.)
I had thought that after the need to deceive Aelfgifu has passed, it would be natural for them to look at the lie they just spent a few weeks selling and realize they both weren't lying and then have sex. Knowing that Godwin does eventually marry Gytha, even before S2 aired, I also had thought that Edith might be his mistress for a little while.
Season 2 presents a problem in that regard, though. For starters - Aelfwynn was new. She kind of fills in the space Edith occupied in my fanon timeline. Godwin's love life was going to be a little crowded with the both of them there. If Godwin has this plan to make himself indispensable to Canute and undermine Emma by creating suspicion around Aelfwynn, a plan that it seems like he has been sitting on for a long time, if I'm interpreting the show correctly, it seems to me that he wouldn't stop to have or start that relationship with Edith. Too many loose ends.
It felt cleaner for them to have never gotten physical, for him to say 'okay, that's one thing finished, on to the next' and leave Edith sad, frustrated, and now highly suspicious. (Emma, of course, was out of town for all of this and has no idea it happened, so she skips immediately to 'oh so Aelfwynn is a thing now' and Edith never tells her about it. If Edith had said something, it seems to me that would be one more reason for Emma to be suspicious of Godwin quicker than she is.)
I did write one or two small things for season 2, which I think you've already ready - but I think I'd have to watch the show again to figure out where Edith is during Godwin and Gytha's wedding.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY - thank you for the compliment of saying you need a support group. That means so much to me.
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
One Big Crazy Loving Bruno Family
(AKA: How the Wonder Stars met Kaylo's family)
The Kids walked down the street to Kaylo's address again. The pink haired girl had invited them over for a small get together to celebrate her getting into the Barnum Naka School of Performing Arts most advanced singing program (a very prestigious matter, even by her standards) and her family was throwing a party to celebrate.
"I wonder if her Aunt is gonna be there!" Leo said. The kids wondered the same thing, after all, Catilin Bruno owned one of the most successful and popular sweet shops in Timeville, and she was Kaylo's aunt. "She probably is. Along with the rest of her family." Emma told him. Rebecca nodded "Yeah! I mean they're probably proud of her for getting in. I know I would if I was accepted into the worlds most advanced art program." She said.
When they finally arrived at the Bruno manison, Mei knocked at the door, waiting for the pink haired girl to open the door, only instead to be greeted by a Japanese man, with glasses on his face and a kind smile. "Hello. Are you friends of Kaylo?" He asked. The kids nodded before he welcomed them into the house. What met them was the loud thumps of music playing from somewhere, as well as a lot of people mingling with each other.
"So you guys made it!" The kind voice of Thea Bruno caught their attention. "Hi Mrs Bruno! Thank you for inviting us!" Emma said "Oh it was no problem, Kaylo was insistant that you came, she's really excited about this after all." She said, helping Catilin Bruno pull a desert cart out. "Yeah. That and it gives her a reason to go nuts with sweets." She said jokingly.
The kids chuckled at her quip before s few younger children came running to the cart "YAY!! SWEETS!!" They cheered before another woman, holding two babies came in front of them "Not Yet. One at a time, we didn't have dinner yet." She said in a gentle, but firm voice "OK Auntie Cherry" the said, but not without one of them grabbing a cupcake. "I see You Lola You're not invisible." She said in a joking voice. The little girl giggled as she ran off, cake in tow.
Leo shook his head at the number of kids that ran through the house, before one of them came up to him and the others "Hi! I'm Haru! What's your name?" She asked "I'm Leo. Are you Kaylo's...sibling?" He asked, confused. Haru Giggled "Nope! I'm her Cousin! Kimi is her sister though!" She said. "My siblings are over there!" She said, pointing towards three other kids, with the Japanese man from before "That's my Dad Koto! And my siblings Hana, Kyary, and Sakura!" She said, pointing at each one.
"Alright! Do you know where we can find Kaylo?" Rebecca asked "She's helping Grandma and Grandpa get ready to come down." Haru answered. A loud wailing got all of their attention "Haru? Can you grab Mia and Tia's bottles please?" The same caring voice from before asked "Hang On! I got it!" A somewhat panicked voice said. "Oh thank you Melody. You really are a godsend." The caring voice said. "Heh...No Problem Aunt Cherry...I've dealt with Finn before, this is nothing." The voice panted out.
"That's Melody, her family and her brother came by to celebrate as well." Haru explained. "Hey...I think I remember her. Ba-A friend of ours said she had met her and her brother before." Trisha Jane said, keeping the part about the Balan Theater, and the maestros that ran it out of the sentence. "Oooooh! Well, that makes one, Melody used to be a big scaredy cat at one point, and then she was seen singing on a stage in front of a lot of people." Haru said.
"Now Haru, stop telling them embarrassing secrets." An older voice said. Behind the kids sat MORE children, the older one glaring down at Haru "I was just saying. These are Jenny, Julie, and Lola." She introduced. "You must be friends of Kaylo. Pleased to meet you." Jenny said, while Julie already began hugging them. "Let's play! Let's play!" She squealed, pulling Mei's hand "Come on now Julie, they're looking for Kaylo, they can play a little later." Jenny said, gently pulling her away.
Julie pouted before Emma crouched down and said "We can play soon, after we find your cousin. Ok?" Julie nodded her head before she ran off with Jenny and Lola. Suddenly, another girl came running down, holding a small game console "Anyone up for a game of Splat Attack?" She asked. The kids looked hesitant before Trisha Jane raised her hand "I'll play you." She said "OK!" The little chirped, before plugging in the console to a nearby TV.
As it turns out...she was good at Splat Attack. Winning at LEAST 6 games. "How?! How are you THIS good?!" Leo asked in shock "Well. I AM a good gamer. Name's Kimi Bruno." She said, a bit of pride in her voice. "Oh! You're Kaylo's little sister aren't you!" Emma exclaimed, remembering what Haru said. "Yep. My big sis is almost ready. She's almost done with Grandma and Grandpa." She said.
"I hope mom isn't giving her a hard time. She has a habit of not wanting to wear her 'important clothes' as she puts it." A older woman said, still holding the two babies "Should...we go up and help?" Leo asked. Another Man (probably another uncle) shook his head "Nah. Kaylo can handle it. I've seen Krista melt whenever Kaylo's eyes get big, and she does the 'Please don't make me cry' look. After that, she does just about anything." He said, while tinkering with a small toy robot in his hands.
"We're coming!" An aged female voice said before a blur came barreling down the stairs "Krista Dear! Wait!" An elderly male voice yelled as a loud "WOOHOO!!" Was heard and an very elderly woman came sliding down the stairway rail "Grandma Krista! You know that you can't do that! Your old!" A familiar voice said. The kids looked up to see Kaylo, along with an older man rush down the stairs to the cackling woman.
"Oh I'm not that old yet! I'm not gonna father Time stop me yet!" She said as Kaylo and the man helped her off the ground. "Kaylo!" Mei called out, getting the pink haired girls attention. Kaylo smiled as she saw her friends Watching the display "Guys!! You made it!" She cheered, tackling them in a hug. "Yep! We weren't gonna miss this!" Leo said as she put them down "I hope my family didn't give you a hard time. " Kaylo said, a small blush on her face
"Actually, They're all really nice. But your sister is really good at video games." Emma said. Kaylo playfully rolled her eyes "Huh...Show off." She said before a Bell was heard "Dinner Time everyone!" Thea said as everyone headed towards the dining room "I guess we'll have to put more introductions on hold, it's time to eat!" Kaylo cheered as the kids followed her to the dining room.
The Brunos may be many, but they really are a large, crazy, loving family
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
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youngfcs · 8 months
hiya cib !! how are you today ? do you have any fcs who could portray the daughter of remus lupin (preferably portrayed by andrew garfield) from the harry potter series ? thanks in advance :))) hope youre well :)
Hello there! I'm feeling good today, and you? Hope you're well! Of course, I'll give you some options <3 you're welcome!
Talia Ryder (15-21)
Alison Thornton (16-24)
Cailee Spaeny (16-25)
Daisy Edgar-Jones (17-25)
Emma Myers (14-21)
Katie Douglas (15-24)
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Also happy birthday in advance! Hope you get to have a fun (and safe lol) day! 🎂🍰💖
Okay so my request :3 If you're cool with it, could I request something nsfw with a stalker yandere kind of Reader obsessed with Raditz? I have a few different prompt ideas I can't decide between so I'll list them and let you decide whichever!
-Reader breaks into Raditz's home in the middle of the night either to leave gifts and love notes or to finally stake her claim on him (this sounds very dub-con/non-con i don't blame you for skipping this one)
-Reader follows Raditz to an outdoors Halloween party/event to get handsy with him (look i like outdoor/public play too 😹😹)
-Similar prompt to first, Reader breaks into Rad's home in the middle of the night, except in this scenario this is actually a RP scene between Rad and Reader with Reader pretending to be a Slasher from a horror movie for a little fun and hot fear play and maybe even some knife play
-Crazy prompt: Werewolf!Reader chasing Raditz at night in the woods for more outdoor play and some pred/prey play :3c
-Even crazier prompt: Succubus!Reader
Literally any of these would be cool to see you handle but obvs only if you want to! I just want more Dom!Reader and you feed me so well (Kamidere of Destruction my beloved 😹)
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Raditz x Stalker!Reader〖 requested by @emmacornell 〗 ✦✦Content: M/18. MINORS DNI. unrequited love, rejection, hypnosis, raditz activates reader's trap card!, "I put a spell on you because you're mine~" intensifies ✦✦Warning: canon-typical violence, yandere themed, noncon/dubcon, implied somnophilia ✦✦A/N: Emma you are grounded for giving me so many great ideas to work with and me being incapable of picking just one! So I blended a few for good measure. 👀 ♥ You can ask for another one off the list of course. And thank you for the birthday wishes! ♥♥
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The smell hit him long before he reached the door, a blend of spices and smoking meats seeping through the windows and walls of his home. He opens the front door to a trail of flower petals and heart-shaped balloons flying out past him. Cute. A romantic means of one lover expressing fondness for another. But Raditz lives alone with no such company. Moreover, no one had access to his home without his permission. For a while, he would come home to anonymous letters tucked in the door with words of deep affection, longing for his attention in return or a gift box sitting on the doorstep coincidentally holding something he openly spoke of being useful to him. Someone had to be out to get him and naturally, he suspected foul play in it rather than accepting the idea some Earthling admired him. From the looks of it, he was about to find out who was behind it.
Raditz cautiously follows the petal trail towards his kitchen, ignoring the piles of new gifts decorating the living room and connected dining room. The sounds of pot lids rattling come in over a gentle humming before he reaches the threshold into the kitchen. He couldn't recognize the voice yet, but it sounds like they were still too preoccupied with cooking to notice him come in. He first peers into the kitchen, by some chance that the humming did belong to someone he knew. However, the aproned silhouette was unfamiliar to him, quickly prompting him to stand in the doorway with a stern glare.
You turn away from the stove and your humming abruptly ceases once startled by the larger man darkening the doorway. The shock was quickly replaced with excitement as a bright smile filled your face.
"Welcome home, Raditz!" You cheerfully greeted him, his brow arching over his fixated glare.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He demanded, taking the chance to place your face in his memory, and surprisingly something does jump out to him. "Wait... I do know you. Bulma's assistant!" He remembers you from a brief encounter outside the Gravity Room, not that you stood out among the Saiyan Prince and his wife's bickering.
Your smile grew, cheeks darkening with color. He remembers!
"Thaaat's me. The cats out of the bag." You softly laughed, moving to the countertop to grab the dish rag to clean your hands. "I-I hope you didn't mind, I noticed you don't keep a lot of spices around here so I brought some from my home. But then I didn't really know if you had a preference for any ones in particular, so I just bought some more for you to have and try out." You gesture to the full spinning spice rack, also purchased by you, and give it a little spin to show the variety before giving a thoughtful pause before turning back to him. "...Unless, maybe... you don't like them- you're allergic, maybe? Vegeta and Goku never seem to have an aversion to foods, I should have known better than to assume-"
"I asked you what you're doing here?" He asked more firmly, moving further into the kitchen as if to corner you from the only exit. Blinking, you clear your throat and lower your gaze to set the rag back on the countertop.
"You...um, you accepted my letters, right?" You look back up to him with a softer smile and clutch your hands together taking a step towards him. "-And the gifts, did you like them? You always bring them inside when I leave them for you." You approach him more boldly, placing your hands to your chest as you bit into your lip to tame your widening grin. "...I'm your secret admirer." You let out a sigh, happy and relieved and with a giggle. "It feels good to finally admit that to you face to face! I didn't know how else to tell you before now, I was so afraid...But now...I understand you feel the same way."
Raditz's glare lets up only to let the blatant confusion show on his face. "I-...What?!" Someone was definitely messing with him to get that idea stuck in your head. Maybe it was Bulma! Pushing some weakling on him to take away any of Vegeta's distractions from training in the Gravity Chamber. Raditz has never even spoken to you before now, you're just one of many forgetful drones wandering around the Capsule Corp building.
"I'm sorry, I just feel so relieved and overwhelmed at the same time that we can be honest with each other now!"
"Don't go getting the wrong idea! I don't even know you!" He quickly lashes out, taking a step away from you before you get too cozy. "How did you even get in here?!"
"The spare key." You plainly stated. Raditz stares quietly at you. "-The one you keep in the capsule corp capsule in the gutter guard?" His eyes widened suddenly. No one knows about that key, certainly not Bulma. Only he knows, he's the only one who needs to. With a playful giggle, you move to close the space in between you as you continued speaking, "I put it back, of course. I just had a copy made to surprise you! Maybe next time I get to come home to you and you can greet me." Your hand reaches out for him and he immediately swats it away.
"Don't touch me! Just-" Raditz huffs and moves to the side to make an opening to the kitchen doorway. "Get out of here. Now!"
You stare at him with surprised wide eyes, holding your rejected hand from the impact and your smile only waning for a moment as you giggle again. "You're right-" You laugh, turning back to the stove. "It's my job to welcome you home now! How rude of me anyways, you've been home long enough that we should be eating dinner by now. Just let me set the table and-"
"No." Raditz grabs your shoulder and turns you back to face him, glare colder than before. He's warning now, "Get out of my house, you creepy human."
"But-...Raditz, I-I.." You try smiling at him again. "Are you having a bad day? You can talk to me about it." You pleaded to him, wanting to feel the skin of his cheek when you reached for him again to reassure him you were here for comfort. Instead, your forearm is grabbed painfully tight as he leans away, forcefully tugging you over to the threshold of the kitchen.
"I said don't touch me!"
"Y-You're...hurting me...Raditz, please!" You whimper, stumbling into the frame of the entrance when he roughly lets you go. You leaned against the opening, holding your arm to soothe the throbbing. Breathless sobs escaped you, tears falling down your cheeks before you knew it. It's not supposed to be like this. You did everything within your power and you did it just right!
"I don't understand it... why did you tell me that you loved me?" You cried, curling into yourself.
"You're supposed to be leaving. As if I would say such a thing to a pathetic human like you." He scoffs.
You slowly straighten yourself up, your shoulder leaning into the frame. "After you came in from training with your father."
"After we ate the dinner I prepared for you." Your tone sounds more even as you spoke, breaths calmed. You turn your head to speak over your shoulder to him. "After we tucked in our children..." A small grin pulls in the corner of your lips before you turn to face him, gingerly wiping away crocodile tears and tracing your wet fingers sensually down your lips. "After you…made love to me. Remember? You told me you loved me most of all."
Your switch from despair to delusionally smug was infuriating, Raditz moving to once again force you out of the kitchen and his home if he had to drag you out the front door. His hand reaches out to grab you but when his eyes meet yours, he freezes up. The sensation of energy around you changed drastically, coming off as less human than you appeared and paralyzing him. He feels like he's being repelled by you, and at the same time drawn to you. But it's more than that. He simply can't bring himself to harm you again. You lower your eyes to his outreached hand, your fingers aligning with his and then closing in between.
"It was just a dream to you then, but I gave you your perfect life with your parents again, with your brother, and our family. And you loved me." He watches you move in closer to him still frozen in his own body, unable to shake himself free of this hold. "Your heart told me what you wanted, so I helped you to see it. I couldn't resist...the call of my true nature. To please." Your other hand stretches out for his face once more, ignoring the subtle jerks of him trying to move away from it before you finally grace his skin with a soft caress.
"W-What are you?" Raditz grunted, struggling to even speak. "What power is this?!" Such admirable willpower on this one, still trying to fight your control. Such a saiyan. But you had bound him in his dreams and conquered him many times already. Whatever resistance he held was futile, quantities of his life force existed inside you. You are as strong as he is now. It was all but sealed with a kiss.
"Love." You answered, softly. Round pupils thin into slits as a bright venomous color fills the iris in your eyes and tears fall down your cheeks again. A gentle smile is given to him as you look back up into his hooded gaze. This was supposed to be a romantic experience, a profession of love to be answered in kind, shared over a feast with candles and kisses. He would die in his sleep beside the one he loved, not having to suffer the last of his spirit drained from his body. But he took that chance away when he rejected you. "I didn't want us to end like this my darling, but you left me no choice. I do...truly love you, Raditz. Can you forgive me?"You plead to him, pulling him down to you for that kiss and quieting the muffled "no's" he was able to choke out. It felt like fire going down his throat and consuming his insides, the sensation burning in his chest, down to his stomach, and up into his head. All his muscles tensed and pulsed, his grip on your hand was like a vise.
The kiss is broken and a sharp exhale fell from his lips in visible puffs of smoky air that matched your eye color, the heat inside his chest dulling with fresh breaths. He could feel his body still pulsing, hearing it in his ears and a heaviness in his head. Then his eyes met yours again, seeing not the monstrous stare but the eyes of his love, the wife of his dreams. He's soothed by their focus on him and your hand stroking into his hair. The touch, so provoking, letting his tail slack from his waist behind him. His body acted beyond his control, asserting himself on you with another kiss and backing you into the wall. Immediately mounting you up where your legs could rest around his hips. An all too familiar ravenous sensation spurs within him and for a brief instant, he regains some clarity.
"N-...N-no!" His hand snatches your hair and forces your head back against the wall as he held himself back, still fighting for his control. The illusion of you flutters right before his eyes to enough to see through it, but he cannot force out the heat stirring inside him. It only burns worse as he fights it. "No!" He snarls at you. "Stop t-this!" You watch him silently, impressed by his resolve however fleeting it was. But this seemed to be the extent of it. You reach for the hand tight in your hair and carefully loosen his fingers.
"It's okay." You smile kindly, running your other hand along his clothed chest. "I'm yours right now. And I will keep you cozy." You drop your tone to a sultry lure, dragging his hand down to your breast and holding his grip around it, letting the soft weight of it sit in his palm. "I'm yours right now, Raditz..." You pull at his shirt and he leans into you with less struggle, capturing your lips again. Your demonic spell working away his willpower once again. His hand squeezes your breast and pulls away the fabric and his tail wraps around your leg.
Piece by piece your clothing was stripped away, affectionate and spiteful bites left on your shoulder and neck by him. So rough, and yet so obedient. Your exposed skin felt so familiar but he just knows he has never consciously known your body. Raditz could only watch his own body surrender to you, his head swimming with your voice in his ears. You worshipping his natural beauty, his obligation to desire your destruction present in the way his hips pinned yours up against the wall with the thrust of his large cock inside you.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
"It Now Belongs To You" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 5/10: The Swan at the Duckling Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: T Word Count: (648/10.6K) Summary: When Emma and Killian receive a pair of magic beans as a wedding gift, they take a voyage on the Jolly Roger for their honeymoon- but a wrench is thrown into their romantic getaway when they run into a notorious pirate who's staked a claim on the Jolly Roger. Chapter Summary: Emma follows Killian into the tavern, and when his plans go awry, she sets in motion a plan of her own to save her husband's ship from Black Beard. Tags: post-canon, canon compliant, fluff, no smut, suggestive themes, alcohol, gambling, self indulgent fluff with a sprinkling of angst Author's notes: i apologize in advance for how short these next couple chapters are! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
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Also on Ao3!
 Emma hadn't gotten nearly the warm welcome in the pub that her husband had gotten (and she made a note to herself to hassle him about in later- all in jest, of course- her love was not fragile.) A few of the men had glanced up at her, and one or two whistled for her attention, but for her plan's sake, she payed them no heed, instead taking a seat at the bar, somewhere she could see Black Beard's table from.
 "I'll have what he's having." Emma said to the bartender, pointing at Black Beard. If she made it seem like she'd taken interest in Black Beard, it'd throw suspicion off her interest in their game.
 It wasn't that she didn't trust Killian to win, she just knew the best laid plans often go awry, and she was ready with a backup plan- not one she'd revealed to her husband, as there was no way he'd go along with it, and no need to bring it up unless he failed, and he couldn't.
 "You're not from around these parts, are you?" The barkeeper asked.
 "What would make you say that?"
 "I know people." He said. "And you'd be wise to stay away from those ones." He pointed at Black Beard's table, which she'd been watching out of the corner of her eye.
 "Really? And why's that?" Emma asked, watching Killian lay down his cards.
 "Two of the most feared captains in the realm- and crew as fearsome to boot. No place for a lady like you."
 Black Beard laid down a hand of cards as well, then laughed a full and hearty laugh- and Emma knew what this meant- time for plan B. She took a swig of the drink, dropped a couple coins on the counter and slid off the stool.
 "I'll be the judge of that." Emma told the bartender, taking off her cloak to uncover her low-cut dress and perfectly-tousled hair.
 She approached the table where Black Beard was holding the rigging piece and the magic bean, hoping he would be like most pirates- or most men, for that matter- the kind with only one thing on their mind.
 "Is it too late to deal me in?" Emma asked, leaning on the table, smiling coyly at Black Beard.
 "Emma?" Killian asked. "Swan, what're you doing?"
 "Ah," Black Beard smiled. "So this is that wench I've heard so much about."
 "And you must be the Captain Black Beard I've heard so much about." She held out her hand to him, and he took it and kissed it with a rum-soaked slobber. "The name's Emma."
 "Well then, Emma." Black Beard said, then turned to Hook. "I can see now why you traded your ship for this lass twice. Why, I'd even gamble away the Jolly Roger for a night with this wench."
 Black Beard laughed and took a swig of his drink, but Emma smiled. That was all she needed to hear.
 "Throw in the magic bean too and you've got a wager."
 Black Beard looked at her, then at Hook, then back at her, with a sickening smile and cruel laugh.
 "Honeymoon ain't even over and she's tired of you already, Jones?" He laughed at Killian. "How's that for poor form?" Then, he motioned to the crewmate in the seat next to Killian, and he got up so she could take a seat.
 Killian leaned over to Emma and whispered. "Emma, love, you don't have to do this. We should just cut our losses, and…"
 "Babe," Emma whispered, "trust me."
 "You're not the one I don't trust." He nodded toward Black Beard.
 "Don't worry about him." Emma said. "I've got a few aces up my sleeve too."
 "Now," Black Beard said. "If this domestic squabble is over, can we begin? The night won't stay young forever."
 Emma turned back to the table and smiled. "I'm in."
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Hello there i hope u doing well, im just asking if u know silvio event route name where i do only remember that mc is running to escape sivilo and decided to hide on sariel's office but caught by silvio i think its the continuation of the one when silvio pretends to be emma's lover to save her.. hehehe thank u in advance
Hello to you too, Anon. 😊
Event: More love with the Beast.
You're welcome.
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eradicatetermites · 3 months
Tee Shirt Printing Brisbane
Introducing the Revolutionary World of Tee Printing
Enter the vivid realm of customized garments as well as unlock a realm of limitless opportunities. Picture you are on your own at a vibrant celebration, outfitted in a distinctive Tee that showcases your special style. Really feel the power as you join the crowd at a music event, donning a hoodie that establishes you apart from the rest. Embrace the exhilaration of a enjoyable run, sporting a singlet that exhibits self-confidence as well as resolution. This is the power of personalized style.
What Brand Is Best To Print Photo
In the dynamic city of Brisbane, Queensland, style enthusiasts are welcoming the art of T-shirt decorating like never ever in the past. With brand names like AS Colour as well as Gildan leading the way, the alternatives are unlimited. From classic screen printing to cutting-edge electronic printing methods, the world of customized garments is continuously advancing. Consumers can utilize print their own photos, graphics or quotes onto 100% cotton garments from well known brand names. Let us's dive into the story of Emma, a young expert who uncovered the magic of T-shirt decorating. Emma, a fashion-forward individual with a fondness for creative thinking, was looking for a method to share her special individuality. She stumbled upon a neighborhood Tee shirts printing business as well as instantly knew she had discovered her inner voice.
Picking The Right Type Of Tee To Suit You
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Emma's trip started with a easy white unisex T-shirt from AS Colour. She selected the Maple Tee in a size mediuml to fit her slim build. With the help of the gifted printing customer support staff, she transformed it right into a work of art with an picture on the front as well as a quote on the back in a typeface she had chosen for the occasion. She chose a intense pink to stick out on the white Tee. The vivid shades as well as complex layout showcased her originality as well as came to be a conversation starter anywhere she went. Emma soon realized that her custom-printed Tees were not just items of garments, yet expansions of her personality. As Emma's collection expanded, so did her self-confidence. She wore her custom-printed hoodies to office parties, effortlessly blending style as well as professionalism and reliability. The attention to detail as well as impeccable craftsmanship of her personalized garments made her stick out amongst her colleagues. Emma came to be a trailblazer, inspiring others to embrace their own special style statements. But Emma's trip really did not quit there. She took her love for customized printed Tees to new elevations by participating in enjoyable runs as well as music festivals. Her custom-printed singlets came to be a icon of her resolution as well as enthusiasm. As she went across the finish line, the crowd applauded, mesmerized by her bold style selections. The world of T-shirt printing is a play ground for self-expression as well as creative thinking. It enables people like Emma to break devoid of the restraints of standard style as well as embrace their real selves. Whether you're attending a celebration, running a race, or dance at a music event, custom-printed garments is the key to making a statement.
So, what are you awaiting? Enter the world of T-shirt publishing as well as open your real possibility. Embrace the power of personalized style as well as allow your creative thinking soar. With brand names like AS Colour as well as Gildan at your fingertips, as well as a plethora of printing methods to select from, the opportunities are limitless. It's time to make your mark as well as become a style symbol in your own right.
More Resources To Read
T Shirt Printing Near Me
Please read our other resources by clicking one of the URL's below https://teeshirtprintingbrisbane135.blogspot.com/2024/07/tee-shirt-printing-brisbane.html Direct To Garment T Shirt Printing Screen Printing Brisbane Screen Printing T Shirt Printing Brisbane https://tshirtprintingbrisbane459.blogspot.com/ https://tshirtprintingbrisbane459.blogspot.com/2024/07/t-shirt-printing-brisbane.html https://www.tumblr.com/brissymerchservices/754831986897682432 https://guminflammationtreatmentencinitas.blogspot.com/ https://stantonpersianrugrepair484.blogspot.com/2024/07/gum-inflammation-treatment-encinitas.html
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brissymerchservices · 3 months
T Shirt Printing Brisbane
Introducing the Revolutionary World of Tee Shirt Printing
Enter the vivid realm of custom garments and unlock a realm of countless possibilities. Picture yourself at a vibrant celebration, clad in a distinctive Tee that showcases your distinct style. Really feel the energy as you join the crowd at a song along celebration, wearing a hoodie that establishes you aside from the rest. Embrace the enjoyment of a fun run, showing off a singlet that shows confidence and decision. This is the power of personalized style.
What Brand Is Best To Print Photo
In the bustling city of Brisbane, Queensland, style fanatics are welcoming the art of Tshirt decorating like never ever previously. With brands like AS Colour and Gildan leading the way, the alternatives are unlimited. From classic screen printing to advanced digital printing strategies, the world of custom garments is constantly progressing. Customers can utilize print their very own pictures, graphics or quotes onto 100% cotton garments from well known brands. Let us's study the story of Emma, a young specialist that discovered the magic of Tshirt decorating. Emma, a fashion-forward person with a propensity for creativity, was looking for a method to share her distinct character. She stumbled upon a local Tee shirt printing business and instantly understood she had actually discovered her inner voice.
Getting The Right Support
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Emma's journey started with a easy white unisex Tees from AS Colour. She picked the Maple Tee in a medium size to fit her slim body shape. With the help of the skilled printing team, she transformed it into a masterpiece with an photo on the front and a quote on the back in a typeface she had actually picked for the occasion. She picked a bright pink to stick out on the white Tee. The vivid shades and detailed style showcased her uniqueness and became a conversation starter anywhere she went. Emma soon realized that her custom-printed Tees were not simply pieces of clothes, but expansions of her personality. As Emma's collection expanded, so did her confidence. She used her custom-printed hoodies to workplace parties, effortlessly mixing style and professionalism. The attention to detail and impeccable craftsmanship of her personalized garments made her stick out among her colleagues. Emma became a trailblazer, inspiring others to welcome their very own distinct style statements. Yet Emma's journey didn't quit there. She took her love for custom published Tees to new elevations by taking part in fun runs and music celebrations. Her custom-printed singlets became a sign of her decision and enthusiasm. As she went across the goal, the crowd applauded, astounded by her bold style choices. The world of Tees printing is a playground for self-expression and creativity. It allows individuals like Emma to break without the constraints of traditional style and welcome their true selves. Whether you're participating in a celebration, running a race, or dancing at a music celebration, custom-printed garments is the key to making a declaration.
So, what are you waiting for? Enter the world of Tees publishing and open your true capacity. Embrace the power of personalized style and allow your creativity soar. With brands like AS Colour and Gildan at your fingertips, and a huge selection of printing strategies to choose from, the possibilities are countless. It's time to make your mark and come to be a style icon in your very own right.
More Resources To Read
T Shirt Printing Near Me
Please read our other resources by clicking one of the URL's below https://tshirtprintingbrisbane459.blogspot.com/2024/07/t-shirt-printing-brisbane.html Direct To Garment T Shirt Printing Screen Printing Brisbane Screen Printing T Shirt Printing Brisbane https://guminflammationtreatmentencinitas.blogspot.com/ https://stantonpersianrugrepair484.blogspot.com/2024/07/gum-inflammation-treatment-encinitas.html https://massagecareertrainingglendale841.blogspot.com/2024/07/little-gymnastics-hollywood.html https://www.tumblr.com/buddytbusinessblogs/754810994564464641 https://bestivfclinic460.blogspot.com/
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cooltshirttips · 11 months
TShirt Printing Brisbane
Introducing the Revolutionary Globe of T-Shirt Printing
Enter the lively realm of personalized clothing and also unlock a world of endless possibilities. Picture you are on your own at a dynamic event, clad in a unique Tee shirts that showcases your distinct style. Feel the energy as you mingle with the group at a song along event, wearing a hoodie that sets you aside from the rest. Accept the excitement of a enjoyable run, showing off a singlet that radiates self-confidence and also determination. This is the power of individualized fashion.
Selecting The Best Brands To print On
In the busy city of Brisbane, Queensland, fashion fanatics are welcoming the art of Tee shirts decorating like never in the past. With brand names like AS Colour and also Gildan leading the way, the options are endless. From classic screen printing to advanced electronic printing techniques, the world of personalized clothing is continuously advancing. Consumers can use print their own images, graphics or quotes onto 100% cotton clothing from well known brand names. Let us's study the tale of Emma, a young specialist that uncovered the magic of Tee shirts decorating. Emma, a fashion-forward individual with a propensity for imagination, was searching for a method to share her distinct character. She stumbled upon a local T-shirt printing shop and also instantly recognized she had actually located her inner voice.
Picking Contrasting Colors
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Emma's journey began with a basic white crew neck Tees from AS Colour. She picked the Maple Tee in a medium size to fit her slim body shape. With the help of the skilled printing customer support staff, she changed it right into a work of art with an image on the front and also a quote on the back in a font she had actually selected for the occasion. She chose a bright pink to attract attention on the white Tee. The lively shades and also complex style showcased her individuality and also ended up being a discussion starter any place she went. Emma soon realized that her custom-printed Tee shirts were not simply items of apparel, yet expansions of her identity. As Emma's collection grew, so did her self-confidence. She wore her custom-printed hoodies to office celebrations, effortlessly blending style and also professionalism and reliability. The focus to detail and also flawless craftsmanship of her individualized clothing made her attract attention among her coworkers. Emma ended up being a pacesetter, motivating others to accept their own distinct fashion declarations. However Emma's journey didn't quit there. She took her love for personalized printed Tee shirts to brand-new heights by joining enjoyable runs and also music events. Her custom-printed singlets ended up being a symbol of her determination and also passion. As she crossed the goal, the group cheered, mesmerized by her vibrant fashion choices. The globe of Tees printing is a playground for self-expression and also imagination. It enables people like Emma to damage free from the restraints of typical fashion and also accept their real selves. Whether you're going to a event, running a race, or dance at a music event, custom-printed clothing is the key to making a statement.
So, what are you waiting for? Enter the globe of Tees publishing and also open your real capacity. Accept the power of individualized fashion and also let your imagination rise. With brand names like AS Colour and also Gildan within your reaches, and also a huge selection of printing techniques to choose from, the possibilities are endless. It's time to make your mark and also come to be a fashion symbol in your own right.
More Resources To Read
T Shirt Printing Near Me
Please read our other tutorials by clicking one of the URL's below https://tshirtprintingbrisbane504.blogspot.com/2023/10/tshirt-printing-brisbane.html Screen Printing T Shirts Direct To Garment T Shirt Printing Tshirt Printing Brisbane https://webdesignagencyinusanewarknj585.blogspot.com/ https://webdesignagencyinusanewarknj585.blogspot.com/2023/10/web-design-agency-in-usa-newark-nj.html https://webdesignagencyportfolionorth35.blogspot.com/ https://webdesignerdesignernearmemenifeeca.blogspot.com/2023/10/web-designer-designer-near-me-menifee-ca.html https://adultelectricwheelchair.blogspot.com/2023/10/adult-electric-wheelchair.html
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tshirtprintingideas · 11 months
TShirt Printing Brisbane
Presenting the Revolutionary Globe of T-Shirt Printing
Step into the vivid world of custom-made apparel and also unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Picture yourself at a dynamic celebration, outfitted in a distinctive Tee that showcases your distinct design. Really feel the energy as you mingle with the crowd at a music event, wearing a hoodie that establishes you aside from the the others. Accept the enjoyment of a fun run, showing off a singlet that emanates self-confidence and also resolution. This is the power of tailored fashion.
Which Brands Are Best To Custom print Shirts On
In the dynamic city of Brisbane, Queensland, fashion fanatics are embracing the art of T-shirt printing like never ever previously. With brand names like AS Colour and also Gildan blazing a trail, the alternatives are unlimited. From traditional screen printing to sophisticated digital printing methods, the world of custom-made apparel is constantly advancing. Consumers can make use of decorate their very own images, graphics or quotes onto 100% cotton apparel from well known brand names. Let us's study the story of Emma, a young expert who discovered the magic of T-shirt printing. Emma, a fashion-forward person with a propensity for imagination, was looking for a way to share her distinct character. She came across a local Tee shirts printing shop and also instantly recognized she had actually located her calling.
Picking Contrasting Colors
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Emma's trip started with a easy white crew neck T-shirt from AS Colour. She selected the Maple Tee in a size mediuml to fit her slim body shape. With the help of the gifted printing customer support staff, she changed it into a work of art with an image on the front and also a quote on the back in a font she had actually selected for the occasion. She picked a intense pink to stick out on the white Tee. The vivid shades and also elaborate design showcased her uniqueness and also ended up being a conversation starter any place she went. Emma quickly understood that her custom-printed Tees were not just items of apparel, yet expansions of her identity. As Emma's collection expanded, so did her self-confidence. She used her custom-printed hoodies to workplace events, effortlessly blending design and also expertise. The focus to detail and also impressive craftsmanship of her tailored apparel made her stick out among her coworkers. Emma ended up being a trendsetter, motivating others to welcome their very own distinct fashion statements. However Emma's trip didn't quit there. She took her love for custom-made printed Tees to new elevations by joining fun runs and also music festivals. Her custom-printed singlets ended up being a symbol of her resolution and also passion. As she went across the finish line, the crowd applauded, captivated by her vibrant fashion choices. The world of T-shirt printing is a playground for self-expression and also imagination. It allows individuals like Emma to damage devoid of the constraints of traditional fashion and also welcome their real selves. Whether you're attending a celebration, running a race, or dance at a music event, custom-printed apparel is the crucial to making a declaration.
So, what are you waiting on? Step into the world of T-shirt printing and also open your real capacity. Accept the power of tailored fashion and also let your imagination rise. With brand names like AS Colour and also Gildan at your fingertips, and also a plethora of printing methods to pick from, the possibilities are endless. It's time to make your mark and also become a fashion symbol in your very own right.
More Resources To Read
T Shirt Printing Near Me
Please read our other resources by clicking one of the hyperlinks below https://tshirtprintingbrisbane838.blogspot.com/2023/10/tshirt-printing-brisbane.html Direct To Garment T Shirt Printing Screen Printing Brisbane T Shirt Printing Tshirt Printing Brisbane https://tshirtprintingbrisbane439.blogspot.com/ https://tshirtprintingbrisbane439.blogspot.com/2023/10/tshirt-printing-brisbane.html https://www.tumblr.com/cooltshirttips/732369527252336640 https://www.tumblr.com/allaboutthenews/731601232176742400 https://garagedoorsforanaheim.blogspot.com/2023/10/garage-doors-for-anaheim.html
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