Hey~ I hope it will be helpful, or at least one opinion to see? Sorta? Kinda two?
So I'm not transgender person myself, i am gender fluid, but i am talking hormones and it is become such a part of my daily life, i don't really notice it much, so for me, mention of something like this only at the start is enough, because i would assume automatically that it is a part of my character life as well and they are taking their pills in the background without text reminding me of it. And personally for me, i don't really need it, it is just a nice flavor text for my character at the start.
But i have a transgender friend, who i asked how they would feel about something like this. The conversation about them being transgender doesn't really come up much, except certain situations and conversations, usually for them, a line "I am transgender man/woman etc" in enough, other part like top surgery etc they just assume themself about their character, but mentions on it is also nice.
Maybe, if you want a character have for example a conversation about it with another character, and want a reader be more detailed about it, so it could be good to add optional details, if the reader wants or comfortable adding those details. But it feels like too much details are also not really needed, because the story is not really about that, it is just transgender, non-binary characters doing their stuff in your world. This conversation can come up, if the character wants to be intimate with a love interest, some readers might want to speak about it and other wont.
The only thing i think where you would need to mention it, if the character has breasts or chest maybe? Before fading to black?
But it is just opinions of couple people, others may feel a lot differently, so if any of this may be helpful to you, I'm really glad. I apologize if it maybe was too specific? But i wasn't sure how vague should i be, for it to be helpful?
I also apologize for my English, it is not my first language. <3
Also why Tumblr has follow button so close to asks menu, i followed and unfollowed before i clicked on ask xD
Actually this is really helpful - and not too detailed at all. Between this and how many likes that the post got I think I have my decision for how to handle it. :)
I think I'll have it brought up during Chapter 2, giving the reader a chance to set it explicitly (I'll probably slip it into Riley's reintroduction). And then address the rest as needed for the story later on.
Also - no need to apologize for your English! Yours is better than most the native monolingual speakers I know, myself included some days. <3
Thank you for reaching out with your opinion! It's a big help. :)
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kaaras-adaar-a · 4 years
Heeey~ I have a little question. Have you ever imagined Kaaras with reeeeally long hair or long thick braid, like Qunari have on a tarot card in character creation? :D
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// I HAVE! He doesn’t really suit long hair, though. He looks pretty awkward with it, lol. There was some old artwork I did of him with braids in his hair and trinkets, when he was older, and I have used a longer hair mod on him before, but oh boy... he looked so strange X’D.
Kaaras keeps his hair short anyway because it’s easier to maintain and he feels like it’s just something that would get in the way with every day tasks. It’s dangerous out on the battlefield as well, and would be something added that he’d be concerned about. He doesn’t need that on top of everything else, as small as it may seem, lol. 
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valkyr-official · 7 years
Hello!Your operator is so beautiful!Can I draw him with mine?
go right ahead omg :3c
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fun-sized-owl · 4 years
You got Abelas, that's so good angst right there xD I got Krem, it is fate i tell you, give me Krem to love! BioWare please! xD
Some high angst I probably wouldn’t have the patience for in RL lolol. As for fiction? Heck yeah, give me all the broody angsty men. But Krem is a gem and I would much prefer hanging out with him in RL. 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 4 years
😘 Don't need to write for me, i just want to give you a kissy~
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// You’re a sweetheart ^3^ back at you! 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
Actually I wandered DA2 is my favorite of the series along with it's companions (love bi squad) exept Sebastian, I just want to shove him under the carpet, BUT i wanted to ask would Kaaras get along with them? Romance some of them? Anders/Hawke is my ultumate ship but I certainly ship Fenris with my inquisitor, i don't think he was ready for romance in DA2,I think he needed a friend more that a lover, but in DA3 i think he's matured enough x)
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// An interesting question! And kind of amusing that you don’t like Sebastian (because I personally love him even though I know he has his problems--but all of them do). But Kaaras has actually worked for the Vael’s before X’D Sebastian is my headcanon reason WHY Kaaras’ company was the one to escort the Divine to the Conclave.
I’ve yet to write an in depth headcanon about it (I will finish it, it’s been sitting in my drafts for months), but after he made a good name for him and his company in Starkhaven, he worked for nobles, who in turn got in touch with the Vael family, and thus he was elected for the mission of keeping the Divine safe during her travels and the peace talk at the Conclave. 
As for relationships, let’s have a brief look: 
Entirely dependent on how one played their Hawke. In saying that, Kaaras DOES have a bit of a hero crush on them, the same as he does with the HoF. But this definitely doesn’t mean he will come to be romantically involved with them, he just greatly admires them. This one would still depend on the choices made, etc. Definitely a possible romance. 
Kaaras considers him a close, good friend. :) I guess this one doesn’t count since he’s a friend in DA:I as well lol. No romance, just a friend. 
It would take a LONG time for Kaaras to ever understand Anders and his actions. To Kaaras, as a mage, he finds it disgusting (but Kaaras is also an apostate who has never been in a Circle so he doesn’t understand). I think it would really depend on how someone also PLAYED an Anders in an RP setting, but as of now, and as of no contact, Kaaras would not consider him a good person in the least. Hundreds of innocent people died because of his actions, even if it was ‘needed’ or for the good and a sacrifice. Kaaras still thinks there could have been another way, that something could have been done better to help. He’s an understanding and compassionate man, and he is also a man of justice, and while he doesn’t agree to any of what was happening in Kirkwall, blowing up a Chantry and endangering/killing innocent people is not the way to get a message across. Anders also betrayed Hawke, someone who came to trust and possibly even love. That makes his actions even worse. Like I said, it would take a long, long time for Kaaras to ever understand fully why Anders did what he did. He’s no martyr to Kaaras. No romance.
I think it would be a strained relationship. I can’t quite remember all of the details in game when it comes to her as I didn’t often take her with my party, but there’s lots of things she said and did and disregarded as a guardsman that Kaaras would be very upset about. Like I said, he’s a man of justice, and she turned a blind eye to many things just to not stir the pot. That’s still making a decision, and not a good one. I think he would feel like she was in a position to do a lot more and did nothing with that power to better the city. So... a strained relationship, and probably a distant one. No romance. 
I unfortunately have never had Bethany in my playthrough... so I can’t say much about her because I don’t know a lot about her. In saying that, much like Hawke, Kaaras has a little bit of a thing for the sibling as well. He’d just see them as much of a hero as Hawke was. I think he and Bethany would get along very well from what little I’ve seen of her, and I think he and Carver would probably get along quite well as well. I know Carver can be a bit of a douche at times, but he’s still genuinely a person who wants good for others. The family bickering would honestly just remind him of his little sister. Possible romance, more likely Bethany however. 
Being a mage makes an instant distance for Fenris, so there’s that. Top that off with being a qunari (although I don’t think Fenris really cares about that). In saying that, I think Kaaras would be very interested in Fenris. Not because of his background, but because of his knowledge. He is a very smart man, and Kaaras would take to that. I have had Fenris partners before that have turned to romance, so definitely a possible romance option. It would take time, and it would be slow, but yeah, definitely if anything a friendship :) 
To put it bluntly? He thinks she’s a selfish bitch. What she did was wrong, there is no excuse, and taking a tome that is SACRED to an entire peoples? Disgusting. He doesn’t care if you don’t follow a certain religion or even hate it, you don’t steal things that are sacred to someone, it’s a criminal and punishable offence. No romance, and absolutely no friendship. 
Kaaras would definitely want to get to know her. He’d love to learn from her as well. Blood magic doesn’t bother Kaaras so long as it’s done correctly (even though he wouldn’t perform it himself), but what would bother Kaaras mostly is that he’d simply want her to be safe. I think he would understand her desire to learn about her people and her culture, but he’d want her to do it safely, and not hurt others in the process. There is definitely a chance for romance there, and honestly, I have had RP partners before and it’s been adorable lol. 
This is purely game based, so all of this could change depending on verse and RP partner, etc. Some of these relationships could grow, some of them might not, and even become worse. So this is a brief and BASIC overview of it all, but yeah. :3 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
I hope you are being safe, with all that's going on
// Aw, thank you darling
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
In my usual fashion, i'll go for couple of them and you can choose or answer all of them. 📬 💋💫 Thank you!
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📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox.  How does your character react?  Who would it be from?
Oh gosh, as Inquisitor, Kaaras gets LOADS of weird letters. Honestly, while he’s not exactly USED to it, he’s kind of... somewhat used to opening things and being very... wtf over them XD I think he’d just take it as it is. If it’s mysterious and he doesn’t know who it’s from, it would entirely depend upon the contents of said letter. If it was a threat, he’d take it to Leliana to find out more, if it was a proposal, he’d respectfully decline and speak to Josephine over it, etc. It really depends on the letter, but he gets some very wild letters as Inquisitor, so he’s not overly surprised anymore. 
💋 - Your character was just kissed by someone they can’t stand. Why and how did it happen?
Answered :) 
🌎 - If money were no object, where would they live and what would they do with their life? (Ex: entrepreneur, playboy, philanthropist, etc)
Answered :) 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
💟 - delicate kiss I know you don't really know about my muse, but I love to read all about your soft boy. So pick some canon characters or someone familiar,if you'd like, I hope it's not a bother, thank you❤
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It was not often that Bull woke up before the Inquisitor. Kaaras had such a structured and strict routine to his life that he was always up and training at the crack of dawn. Bull had work out of Skyhold for a few weeks, and he’d be leaving very soon. 
The noise had Kaaras stirring, bleary eyes opening in the darkness. The firelight had died down, the dim light of morning barely peaking through the curtains that were drawn across the large windows of the Inquisitor's chambers. 
A looming shadow cast over him and he looked up to see Bull, feeling the weight of the bed on his side shift as his lover sat down beside him.
“Didn’t mean to wake you, Kadan.”
Kaaras was still half asleep. “You be careful out there,” he managed to slur before he felt Bull’s calloused hand cup his cheek. His hand was still warm from the bed, and so was Kaaras’ own skin. 
“Only if you promise not to overwork yourself here.” 
It seemed like a broken promise for the both of them, really. Kaaras just laughed from his nostrils, a sleepy smile spreading across his lips before he felt Bull’s brush against them in a soft, morning kiss. 
Kaaras lifted his hand to overlap the larger one. “I love you.” 
“I know,” Bull grinned, pressing his forehead against the Inquisitor’s. “Now close your eyes and get back to sleep. The sun’s not up yet.” 
Kaaras fell back into the softness of pelts, pillows and blankets, Bull’s touch withdrawing as he slipped back into the world of dreams. 
“Love you, too,” Bull murmured before he grabbed his things and quietly headed down the stairs. 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
“You’re perfect.”
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Send your muse’s thoughts about mine on anon
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After a moment of utter surprise, Kaaras gave an amused chuckle. That was sweet, but he knew he was far from perfect. “I’m afraid I have to disagree, but the notion is certainly a sweet one.” 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
Sorry if I'm bothering you with questions, but I love him so much i want to know more (✿ ♥‿♥) 6, 11, 16, 19, 24, 36, 37, 39 As last time, choose which ones you would like to answer, thank you! ♥
// Omgosh, you’re not bothering me at all!
6. what is their opinion on the mage/templar war?
Put simply, as a mage, Kaaras understands first hand the treatment they receive, and of course, the fear. However, in saying that, he actually believes that Circles are a good thing--just not how they are NOW. Kaaras believes in Circles being a school of choice for mages, to govern themselves and so they can learn and understand their powers. He understands that mages CAN be weapons, but so can anyone else so long as they hold anything in their power. It’s about the person, not the ‘weapon’ they wield. But stealing children from their homes and forcing them into isolation is the worst thing for ANY child. A place where they feel understood, and can learn from each other is his ideal wish, and for the Chantry to fuck off (not so much in those words lol) because even though he’s Andrastian, they should have nothing to do with how mages are treated as a people. 
The war was inevitable with how strangled the situation was, and Kaaras understands that 100%. I’d say he’s pretty level headed about the situation and tries to understand from both sides, but ultimately, his belief is that it could have been dealt with better, and he does NOT agree with how Anders dealt with things. He killed innocent people, and there’s no excuse for that, and as a mage, Kaaras is honestly mortified of what happened and how Anders made mages look by his actions. 
11. how do they feel about the dalish?
He honestly doesn’t know a lot about the Dalish, so he’s very curious about them. Even though his younger sister (adopted) was Dalish, she’s never talked about her past with them considering it was so negative for her, so he really doesn’t know a lot outside of what the majority of humans see in them (which isn’t great lol). Kaaras only finds new things out about them via travel, new friends, and Inquisition agents, etc. I’d say he really doesn’t have enough knowledge and understanding to make any judgements, he’s just curious in learning more about them and their culture/history :) 
This is something any Dalish OC could totally talk to him about and he’d be so interested in it all! 
16. when are they the happiest?
Kaaras is a simple man :3 He’s happy with a cuppa and a good book, with his friends, with his family. It doesn’t take a lot to make him happy. 
19 did they use the templars or the mages to close the breach?
He used the mages. It was nothing against the templars, it was just the logical decision for him. The breach is magic, so mages had more power where he was concerned. 
24. what is their opinion on blood magic? would they ever use it, if given the chance?
I think Kaaras is very on Solas’ level when it comes to blood magic. Any magic is good in theory, but some of it is best kept just as theory. In saying that, Kaaras isn’t against blood magic, he’s against the people who abuse it. He has a blood mage healer in his mercenary company, and she’s saved him from accidents a number of times. Just as ANY mage, it’s not about the magic, it’s about how they use it. 
Kaaras, personally, however... would never use it. He doesn’t feel comfortable with the idea of owing a price for something. When he was younger, when his father died, he had a demon almost make him give into blood magic to ‘bring his father back’, but his sister stopped him and ever since he’s pretty much been too stubborn to get possessed by any demon, lol. In short, he’s not against it, he’s against those who abuse it. But he also thinks it’s not something to be toyed with, and it’s very serious. People who use their own blood, fine, but using other people’s is wrong (unless they’re sane and willing). But he’s still uncomfortable with it. 
36. are they especially protective of certain inquisition members, even those capable of defending themselves?
Kaaras is a mother hen. He’s ALWAYS going to be protective, even though he also understands those who are capable. For those who are more capable, he’ll still worry, but he also knows their power and knows they can put up a fight. For those who are a little less... Kaaras may often watch out of them quietly and give them boosts here and there where he can. But overall, he’s a very protective person. 
37. do they like their skyhold pajamas?
Haha, okay, so my headcanon is that the ONLY time he wore those things was when he was dragged back to Haven and dressed in them at the start. He was mortified to know that someone had undressed him and changed him, but even more so in how hideous those things were X’DDD He got changed right away and never wore them again. 
39. if varric gave them a nickname, what would it be?
He’d be called ‘Farm boy’ from Varric, because of his upbringing on the Fereldan farms :3 Kaaras is okay with it, haha. 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
I am curious about 3, so you can choose whatever you'd like to answer or go for all 3 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Ω, ☽ and ψ
// Pls, I am more than happy to ramble on about my boy
Ω   Best time ever
Absolutely with his LI during Inquisition. There’s no doubt about it. He sees it as something pretty special and intimate with them. And while the first time is still pretty damn awkward for him, it’s something really special as well, and he can get over the awkwardness for just how special it is. 
☽   Going down or staying up?
Ooofff... hard. Kaaras LOVES going down on people, tho. He really enjoys giving his lover oral sex, so I’d probably say going down. 
ψ    Roleplay? If so, what exactly?
Kaaras is only comfortable with a little bit of banter in this area, not really the whole dressing up and pretending to be something you’re not. Every now and again, someone can call him Inquisitor or something, but he’d prefer his job stay out of the bedroom. Kaaras definitely isn’t into pretending to be something he’s not, as well as his lover trying to be someone else. He loves them for who they are, so that’s who he wants to be with when making love. :’D He’s a bit vanilla in that area. 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 4 years
Kaaras in the corset is *chef's kiss* top tier content i followed for >:3
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// ijsdiofj thank you so much, you’re such a sweetheart! Trust me, if I had the time and energy, I would draw LOADS more than I do now. I used to draw pretty much every day, and there are sooo many canon characters and OC’s that I would love to draw as well, if time weren’t so fleeting :( 
I’m so glad you like my art, tho! <3 It makes me so, so happy! 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
1)I actually thought about it a lot, how Kaaras and Isuel could've met, I think I discarded around 15 drawings before a settled on one xD So I thought maybe they could have met in the fade, maybe there was a difficult fight and Kaaras drank too many mana potions and got a fever dream in the fade xD
2)"Waking up"in the chamber half naked (or fully naked( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))With an Elf ho wanted to make him feel better?And since Isuel is a possessed mage,with spirit of love attached to him, Kaaras would be assaulted with a double amount of love( ͡♥ 3 ͡♥)
3)And you know there's not necessarily have to be sexual tension and sex (I’m more than comfortable with that tho),Isuel just wants to make Kaaras fell safe and loved, like with massage or calming food and conversation. But he would defiantly try to protect Kaaras later too, sending spirits to watch over him.
4)That idea came over me, because I really like to paint in water color and make all colors light and ethereal like the fade, but that scenario is like a cheesiest thing I’ve ever written(but a like myself some sugary fluff). I just really appreciate you and your interactions with people and your characters, cause they really gave my inspiration to start drawing again, ignore my ramble is it makes you uncomfortable though, since I’m a random person and all ❤Sorry about all these asks❤
// So first of all, neeeeeever apologise for sending me asks and giving me ideas and telling me about your OC’s. Seriously, I know nothing about your muse/OC and I would LOVE to hear more, especially on how they could meet. Because honestly, Kaaras is ALWAYS up for meeting new people! :D
The only problem I have with this is the fact that Kaaras doesn’t use lyrium. He refuses to use the stuff. Being a qunari mage means his mana is already a lot bigger than a human’s amount (maybe only elves considering their past with magic have bigger mana pools than qunari I headcanon). Saarebas are seen as powerful mages, and I deffs headcanon that it’s because of their brute will and force, and just the advantage (and also the fact that they came from elven blood and dragons, which makes for a damn powerful combination). 
So Kaaras taking too much mana/lyrium only wouldn’t work because Kaaras doesn’t take it. :’D In saying that, he DOES dream, tho, since he’s a mage and all. :3 He also has a spirit of protection that lingers around him no thanks to his sister when they were young and having accidentally conjured one at the time. Kaaras is ENTIRELY unaware of this spirit following him, tho. He’d probably only find out via Solas or Cole, or someone who can see it. 
Buuuuut like I said before, Kaaras DOES dream, and he does fall ill (he’s not immune after all lol), so a fever dream that brings on a sexy spirit mage isn’t far fetched at all, not to mention Kaaras has quite a few sex dreams lol. I could see a returning spirit in one of them. ;) 
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kaaras-adaar-a · 5 years
HELLO! So I was wondering if I could draw Kaaras with My Inquisitor Lavellan? I'm not good at RP and you have enough people already, but I'm alright with drawing xD, do you have any scenarios you would like to see them in? (like the first metting maybe?) and how far can i go with a drawing? Don't want to make you uncomfortable. :) Ignore it if you're not interested though. :)
// I’mma just make this public, because I feel like it is totally needed:
Anyone, anytime, can absolutely and positively draw Kaaras with their OC’s honoured and touched that anyone would want to draw Kaaras or write with him, it means the world to me. So please, feel free to always draw my boy so long as I get to see it (so I can cherish and love it and share it so others can see too :3).
If you wanna draw our muses kissing and cuddling in shippy things (or more *cough*), you’re more than welcome to! If you want to draw them sparring or fighting, totally welcome to.
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valkyr-official · 7 years
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Some fun with @you-aredelirious
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