#young Jennifer Aniston
talyayet474 · 1 year
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Jennifer Aniston
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goldshadows · 1 year
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🤍🤍🤍
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
It’s astrology tea time again! 😁
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🤍🤍 Aquarius Moon women can end up being labelled as “too weird to date” by their partner. Their partner can view them as following odd, weird practices that they don’t resonate with.
🤍🤍 If you have Venus in the 10th house synastry overlay with a romantic partner, your or their parents highly encouraged this relationship, because you seem like you have similar values and believe in similar things. They might even help you two come together in a romantic union, like set you up, even try to arrange marriage.
🤍🤍 Aries Moon women can often end up being a part of a love triangle unknowingly or put through that by their favourite person. Like Selena Gomez (Aries Moon) with Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Bieber. Or if you are familiar with Youtube/TikTok stars Eva Gutowski (Aries Moon) with Brent Riviera and Pierson. Or even Angelina Jolie (Aries Moon) with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston.
🤍🤍 You can get bullied for things connected with your Sun sign and house. If you are a Gemini Sun, people who try to tear you down, might try to say you have fat fingers or hands that are too long, that you voice is annoying etc. If you have Sun in the 10th house (bones and teeth) people can see you have weird teeth when they are trying to insult you.
🤍🤍 Pluto in the 3rd house people often try to justify their opinion, view by stating where or what they studied/where they went to school. 😂 It’s like “no trust me bro, I studied law” with everything they say and try to justify.
🤍🤍 In Ascendant in the 8th house synastry overlay, you as the Ascendant person you will notice every little change in this person’s appearance, like a new haircut, but even little details, like they changed the colour of their leather watch belt etc. You will be perceiving all the little details about their appearance A LOT.
🤍🤍 Gemini Chiron and Gemini/Virgo Lilith are people who are most likely to falsify a family member’s signature at any point in life (not just as children), even as adults.
🤍🤍 Speaking of Gemini Chiron, these people get often “shamed” if they don’t own a car and use public transportation. If they do own a car, they are fans of car sharing as well.
🤍🤍 Sagittarius Part of Fortune people understand themselves better while teach a sibling/a friend/a parent/ a child something. Finally, they understand better how their mind works.
🤍🤍 8th house synastry leads to a lot of self-censoring. Like “I’m not gonna say this about myself or reveal this, because this person might think I’m weird”.
🤍🤍 6th house shows transition to adulthood. So how you were as a young adult. For example if you have Venus in the 6th house: you were patient and kind young adult.
🤍🤍 Taurus Venus wants a romantic partner that has similar personality, values and also lifestyle, so habits. And someone who works actively and hard to maintain a loving relationship. Because they are so stubborn to change, so they will not change for anyone’s sake.
🤍🤍 Gemini Moon or Moon in the 3rd house either doesn’t text with emojis at all or tries to tell a story with emojis only like: 🚴‍♂️🏔☀️😁
🤍🤍 Sagittarius Chiron and Chiron in the 9th house are all over the place. 😅 They lack direction, because of constantly doing a lot of things at once. Chiron in the 11th house also needs to learn to be alone. You guys learn independence and not relying on groups of people to fuel your confidence.
🤍🤍 Scorpio Vertex or Vertex in the 8th house people can be accused as being “too sexual” or “hypersexual” by their committed partner.
🤍🤍 I wouldn’t really say that your marriage partner will match your Juno sign with their Sun sign. Juno sign will represent their qualities and traits. I noticed often you can respond better to Vertex sign. So the sign of your Vertex can be the Sun sign of your person that you end up marrying.
🤍🤍 Juno sign though points to best trait of your partner. If you have a Gemini Juno, it’s best you pick the most talkative, communicative or intelligent person out of those you are considering. If you have Libra Juno: the one that is the prettiest out of the friend group. Capricorn Juno: the one that’s the most successful, has the best reputation or others admire them or look up to them the most. Cancer Juno: the one your mother would like the best or the one that resembles your mother the most or the one you see is the best family person.
🤍🤍 Aries Part of Fortune or Part of Fortune in the 1st house people have very unique personality, one of a kind type. That’s why they get new opportunities by just being themselves, because of a very distinctive personality. They also look to other people as though they have a solid sense of self and people make them a leader, because of that.
🤍🤍 Sun at 14 degrees (Taurus degree) people “transmute” or “transfer” a lot of their own self-loving, self-care energy onto their partner. So their partner becomes more confident and has better self-worth, because of trust and bond they have with the Sun person.
🤍🤍 Pisces Juno or Juno in the 12th house can dream of their future partner just before meeting them.
🤍🤍 Libra Juno or Juno in the 7th house on the other hand, will each time they might a significant partner, feel like their meeting is straight out of a movie scene.
🤍🤍 Capricorn Juno or Juno in the 10th house on the other hands will meet their partner in a group setting, usually when surrounded with friends too.
🤍🤍 Taurus Venus people often feel entitled to their partner, even when ending the relationship. There is this sense of “I made you”. They usually give status, attention, money, better style or confidence to pursue things to their partner, so they end up being “entitled” to them.
🤍🤍 17 degrees of any personal planet means profitable fame. You will be able to monetise being well-known in the community.
🤍🤍 Where you have Aquarius in your chart, there is where you too easily feel excluded from group gatherings. Aquarius in the 3rd house: might have not been invited to many group gatherings in high school etc.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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moontrinemars · 2 months
Dhruva as Dhanishtha: The First Fortune is a Red Herring
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To me, it seems Dhanishtha is simultaneously over-hyped and under-valued... It's generally diluted to the fame, wealth, fortune, etc. it's associated with, as if it has no depth and no meaning beyond that. It's associated with the Ashta Vasus for a reason! The life of Dhruva is a good example. It is not necessarily work or labor that brings bounty to Dhruva, but his reclaiming renunciation after experiencing scorn and neglect, at a very young age. His humility as a boy, in sacrificing his birthright for the sake of determining his purpose, and his prostration to the divine after his being denied love and status, these qualities are what leads to his being crowned king as a child, yes, but that's not the actual point of the story. His true reward is being gifted with intrinsic knowledge of/the voice to sing the hymns of Vishnu, and to reach Druvapada, becoming one with the cosmos, out of reach of true destruction even at its most powerful.
Obviously, this is a story about an unusually holy figure, the brightest and healthiest form of Dhanishtha, so we don't expect all natives to reach these spiritual heights, but putting aside the ending for a moment, to look at the beginning and middle, we see depth rarely mentioned when looking into Dhanishtha.
Dhruva is born into privilege, but explicitly made to understand that he is unworthy of this privilege. Thus, he has to retreat from the source of his privilege, he has to fast, he has to devote himself to something higher than his desire for love, comfort, security. Only after giving up, disowning the fortune of a prince, does Vishnu offer him the true, great fortune of the holy figure elevated and eventually deified, a boy-king and a god.
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This speaks to a theme I've seen repeatedly in Dhanishtha natives. Princess Diana was born into a nobility which afforded her the role of wife and mother to future kings, but she had to forgo that role, the security of it, to become the woman sanctified in popular culture to this day. The problem with those lost famous Dhanishtha figures like Diana and Marilyn Monroe and Yoko Ono — and this is particularly true for women — is when their fame or hunger for fame becomes so intense that they no longer have the option of withdrawing, of renunciation. Who with Dhanishtha placements had this result? Well, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Yoko Ono... and Bob Marley, Sharon Tate, James Dean, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Justin Bieber, Kristen Stewart, Mary Queen of Scots, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, Ariana Grande, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jimi Hendrix, Aaliyah, Shia LaBeouf... all of these figures had Dhanishtha placements, and have had their lives, reputations, and properties over-publicized. (This is not a comment on whether any of the listed figures are good or bad people, btw.)
This isn't to say that Dhanishtha is more tragic than another nakshatra, but that an underexplored aspect of Dhanishtha is the need for absense, rest periods, and periodic fasting, whether literal or metaphorical. The sense of rhythm that Dhanishtha is famous for, it isn't just about knowing when to hit, it's about knowing when and how long to wait before you do. That's what rhythm is — not just the beats themselves, but the spaces in between. That's why the happiest and most consistently successful Dhanishtha natives are the ones who don't allow the pressure of the public, those around them, or duties that are attached to supposed fortunes they've received, to overload their plate until they're hitting out of sync, or simply have to stop all together. Whether fast or slow, these natives need discipline in setting and keeping pace.
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The depth to Dhanishtha is that, as with all Dharma-motivated nakshatras, its natives yearn for purpose and meaning — but on a distinctly cosmic scale. They're told and feel that they've been blessed, but to what end? They spend their whole lives trying to figure it out, because it simply isn't enough to have potential, they also have to use it to whatever end makes them matter. It depends on their other placements how this internal struggle manifests, but throughout their lives, yearning for significance permeates everything they feel and do.
And this yearning can propell them to ignore their greatest asset: their sense of timing.
Underdeveloped Dhanishtha natives will use their blessing however they are told to, in the form that's convenient to those around them. They never leave the palace; they stay prince forever, and thus never grow enough to even be a particularly good prince. Natives who do develop somewhat will leave the palace, but they may return after an insufficient amount of time, expecting that their experience of fasting, of loss or struggle, in and of itself, will be enough to enlighten them. Dhanishtha at its truest and most enlightened form will not only fast until they understand hunger, not only fast until they can SEE 'god' — they will fast until they MEET 'god', until Vishnu returns their voice to them, and reserves a place for them in the heavens.
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pynkhues · 10 months
I recently read an article in which Quentin Tarantino stated that fewer movie stars exist as a result of "Marvel movies in Hollywood." I think Jennifer Aniston made a similar argument before saying that there are no longer any movie stars. I'm not sure what that means. I can think of a lot of movie stars right now, such as Zendaya, Timothee Chalamet, and Zoey Deutch etc. what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and Quentin's comments.
Months ago, when you sent me this ask, anon, I wrote out a really long reply and as soon as I hit post, my laptop crashed and ate the answer, and I was so annoyed at myself for not saving my reply, that I couldn't bring myself to try and re-write an answer. I'm really sorry for that, especially because I think this is such an interesting ask (or well, two asks, because I think the death of the movie star and the impact Marvel's had on the broader concept of a movie star, are kinda two different things).
I've been thinking about it a bit again recently though, particularly as the Oscar race gears up, and Jacob Elordi and Charles Melton''s respective stars are rising in an industry currently desperate to find the new young Hollywood male 'talent', and I've been thinking about it again because honestly?
I agree with Jennifer Aniston, I think the movie star is dead.
We are a long, long way from Golden Age Hollywood where actors like Cary Grant and Marilyn Monroe could captivate a public imagination in a way that translated to big box office effect, after all. Hell, we're even out of New Hollywood, an era dominated by names like Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, and Jane Fonda, and the Blockbuster era with Tom Cruise, Sylvester Stallone and Harrison Ford.
My original reply went into a lot of the different reasoning as to why this is (like with many things, I don't think there's any one reason for it), in particular how the advent of streaming has changed our relationship with films and TV shows, how the saturation of the market has diluted the staying power of celebrities, how social media and the perceived accessibility of celebrities removes personal mystique which in turn removes intrigue and increases a sense of entitlement, and the fact that so many people having stopped going to the cinema means that the experiential element of seeing a film in a setting larger than life has been diminished.
I think call out culture plays a role too, with any actor on the rise being torn down by tweets they made eight, nine or ten years ago impacting how their star rises, I think the dismantling of the studio system (which is a good thing!) also harmed actors in the long run as studios stopped investing the same resources into making and training stars (they used to be able to sing, dance and act! Now some can barely even act!), and I think, of course, the rise of prestige TV changed the industry substantially (after all, movie stars were movie stars - they traditionally did not, and would not, do TV, which created a clear class structure in terms of screen-based storytelling).
And yeah, I think the language shift from film and TV to content has done irrepairable damage to the artistry of filmmaking and the consideration of a movie star as an actor at the top of their field instead of an actor with the most Insta followers or YouTube subscribers (after all, if everything's content, isn't it the same thing? [no lol]).
Which I guess is kind of where Quentin Tarantino's argument comes in, right? What he's saying is that Marvel's made it so that the IP - the content itself - is the star, not the actor, and I'd say he's probably right with that.
Think of it this way - back in the New Hollywood/Blockbuster era, Harrison Ford was the movie star - he was leading new franchises left-right-and-centre between Star Wars and Indiana Jones, sci fi epics like Blade Runner, leading action thrillers like Patriot Games, The Fugitive and Clear and Present Danger and getting nominated for Oscars for Witness.
He was a movie star in every sense of the word because you could hinge a film - one with a new concept, not just remakes or sequels - on him and be virtually guaranteed a success. He was what sold the tickets, the director just hopefully had to make something good enough people would leave the cinema glad they saw.
Tarantino's argument is the Marvel model - - hell, even the new Star Wars properties, turned the franchise into the star, for better or worse, which means original films can't compete because nobody knows the IP. Back when Harrison Ford was at the top of his game, his name was what helped original films including smaller, standalone works like Witness find an audience, but the studios have changed that. Capitalism has changed that.
Properties with existing audiences and deep pockets for merch were prioritised, only now those franchises are faltering and you've got a generation trained that 'cinematic events' are reserved for blockbusters in established universes, instead of taking a risk on a new film because you know you love an actor who's in it.
Do I think we could go back?
Maybe, but probably not.
I think the place we are now in the history of cinema / TV / 'content' means you can't make a movie star anymore because I think the industry is simply so different that no actor can break through in the same way that even Leonardo DiCaprio could 30 years ago. That industry doesn't exist anymore, actors aren't guaranteed draws (Bones and All proved that for Timothee Chalamet, and Wonka I think could go a similar way), or they have to heavily rely on other industries to become household names which I think dilutes them as a pure 'movie star' (Zendaya's a great example of this - I like her a lot, but how many movies has she even been in? They built her career up in peripheral industries long before they tried to sell her as a movie star, and frankly, I'd question her even as a leading actress yet given she's typically only either been in ensemble casts or clear supporting).
It's a whole new world, and yeah, I think the movie star is dead.
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lokiondisneyplus · 8 months
The lineup for 2024 PaleyFest L.A. has been announced.
The annual television festival hosted by the Paley Center of Media will feature panels with stars from shows like The Morning Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Late Night With Seth Meyers, Loki, Young Sheldon, Avatar: The Last Airbender and will host a 25th anniversary celebration of Family Guy.
This year’s festival will include exclusive conversations, screenings and never-before-seen content with television’s stars from the most acclaimed and buzzworthy shows, including Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Larry David, Jeff Garlin, Cheryl Hines, Mila Kunis, Alex Borstein, Seth Meyers, Tom Hiddleston, Chuck Lorre, Utkarsh Ambudkar and Daniel Dae Kim, among many others.
“We’re thrilled to present this star-studded lineup featuring everything from award-winning shows to a much-anticipated debut, as well as special anniversaries and farewells to some fan-favorites,” said the Paley Center’s President & CEO Maureen J. Reidy. “We look forward to welcoming television fans back to the Dolby Theatre this April, and we extend our tremendous thanks to Citi and the William S. Paley Foundation for their generous and continued support of PaleyFest LA.”
PaleyFest will take place April 12 to 20 at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood and supports the Center’s many education initiatives, which include education workshops, the PaleyImpact series discussing pressing social issues and the Paley Archive.
See the full lineup below. Tickets available here for presale for members and Citi cardholders, starting Jan. 30.
Paley Center Members
April 12: The Morning Show, 7:30 p.m. PT April 13: Loki, at 7:00 p.m. PT April 14: Young Sheldon, 2:00 p.m. PT April 14: Avatar: The Last Airbender, 7:00 p.m. PT April 15: Late Night with Seth Meyers, 7:30 p.m. PT April 18: Curb Your Enthusiasm, 7:30 p.m. PT April 19: Family Guy 25th Anniversary Celebration, 7:30 p.m. PT
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altagraye · 2 years
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Warnings: nsfw, 18+ only, smut, cussing (c’mon people it’s me), squirting, smacking, manhandling soft!dom x innocent!reader, Lloyd has an innocence corruption kink, dark main character, unprotected sex ( put raincoats on peeps!), age gap (reader is of legal age), reader is 25, Lloyd is 40, Lloyd (yeah he is definitely a warning) .
Author's note: This was written on a very very old tablet and or my regular cell phone. I apologize for any mistakes. My laptop is currently broken.
Part 1: switchblade serenade
You were 25, with the face of a young Jennifer Aniston but cursed with a nasty scar above your eyebrow, and your palette painted in the goth style. Or as much of it as Lloyd would let you wear. Today you were dressed in classic cotton stocking, the ones that hugged your thighs and left a few inches of skin before your plaid skirt was covering you.
Lloyd absolutely showered you in gifts, a pearl necklace that accentuated a few sparse moles on your declate. Classic black nails, dotted in silver glitter- a touch all your own.
You stood by Lloyd's side as the corrupt goons exited the building. Yeah, they were his confidants and informants, but we always have to keep our eyes out for them. It’s easy to get back stabbed when you aren’t looking. While the last one was still in the room, his back to you, Lloyd took pleasure in lifting your skirt and coaxing at your skimpy clothed cunt.
He wanted a lacy thong on you, icing on his Cupcake. The heavy cedar double doors closed finally. Leaving you two alone, at least for now. His perfect blue eyes glazed over you for a short moment, admiring a fine piece of art like you, before his lips crashed into your own. You couldn’t help but moan into his rough kiss. His mustache brushing your soft lips, itching just a little. His wide hands slipped underneath the spaghetti strap of the thong and gripped the plump globes of your ass.
The both of you were finally alone after many long hours of being in stupid planning meetings on where the next target was and how to initiate the hit. Effortlessly he lifted you up and set you down on the fancy french table. Your insides were begging, burning for him to fuck you silly.
You tangled your fingers into his hair as he moved onto your jugular, sucking on it hard, showing how much he wanted you.
“Been waiting all day for this. Kinda just wanted to fuck you with them here. But, now I can screw you as hard as I want.” Lloyd rambled semi- to himself and half to you. Your heart was beating loud in your ears, until you heard the familiar clank of his belt buckle.
You closed your legs immediately. He growled and turned you over onto your belly. Dragging your torso so that you hung from the edge of the table. Your skirt lifted, with a sharp sear he smacked your ass.
“You're gonna be a brat now? Need me to fuck you til your pretty little brain melts? Answer me Cupcake.” you yipped with each swat of his heavy hand.
“It’s friday! It’s friday! It’s finger me friday” You pouted. You knew he didn’t like rules. And rules were for the good and the weak. To keep the intimacy interesting, you set up a specific flavor of sex for Lloyd to adhere to depending on the day.
Smother me monday- for when either of you felt like face-sitting, or when Llyod wanted to motorboat you.
Torture tuesday- when we pushed our limits of pain while we fucked each other.
Whack off wednesday- we can only pleasure ourselves on wednesday. No matter how hard it got, even if we were inches from each other.
Toys for thursday- only reaching orgasm from toys on this day.
Finger me friday- Lloyd can only make you cum with his fingers, today.
Shibari Saturday- when Lloyd treats you like his cute little rope bunny.
Sinner Sunday- sunday is kind of a free day. But when it’s not, he gets to cum in you however many times he likes.
Lloyd inhaled a big sigh, and rolled his eyes. "For once, your rules aren't boring. So I'm glad I forgot them, just wish I could break them more often." His hands traveled up and down your thighs.
His breath ghosting over your knees as he slowly pried you open again. One arm encompassing your torso to drag you closer to him. With one look, you were caught in his trance. The two of you were much like a drug to one another.
none of you being able to survive without the other. If anyone saw the two of you separately, they’d think you would carry on living your very separate lives. but, you couldn’t breathe without him. simply inseparable, however strange the circumstances.
Lloyd kissed up your torso, his hands skirting underneath your shirt, removing the garment to reveal your smooth skin. Your arms embraced the sculpted curves of his back, still an exquisite form of a man regardless of his more mature years. After all, you liked a man who knew what he was doing.
with his mouth, Lloyd took the front zipper of your bra and unzipped it. Your full, round womanhood only for him. He was awestruck. as if he were witnessing the hope diamond.
“you’re so beautiful for me, Cupcake. Can’t wait to be inside you. Love your cute moans when I fuck you with my fingers. My Baby-girl.” Lloyd said breathlessly, and without shame he took pleasure in sucking your hardened nipple into his mouth. twirling his tongue around to savor your salty taste.
His hand snaked down, slipping past your thong, coaxing your aching needy sex. You moaned almost immediately, Lloyd paid attention to your swollen clit. His mustache hairs tickle the buttery soft flesh of your breast.
You couldn't help but open your legs wider and thrust your hips for some kind of friction. You needed him like you needed oxygen.
With a wet pop he released your nipple, snickering at the way you were so easily coming undone for him. An audible gasp sprung from your lungs, stemming from the force he used to thrust two girthy digits into you.
A low growl billowed from his chest. Feeling your insides made him dangerously hard. The sponginess of your g-spot, it made his mouth water.
Lloyd was relentless. His index finger and middle finger working you open. You could hear your heartbeat pumping hard with each beat loud in your ear. Each time he thrust his digits in, it took your breath away and made you melt around his fingers by the passing second.
Without missing a beat Lloyd came up to trap your gasping lips in a wet, sloppy, kiss. You swear you were losing brain cells now. You didn’t care who heard you. the only thing that existed was you and him.
Your muscles began to contract so sweetly, fuck it felt so good!
“Daddy! Fuck. MMMMM, Gonna cum!” you whined. A hot sear, quick, and without pain- only made you moan more. He had slapped your cheek. Maybe you were being a brat?
His pupils dilated, he loved being called Daddy. Almost as much as he loved seeing your pretty mouth around his cock.
“You need to ask permission to cum. Are you already dumb just from my fingers?” He already knew the answer to that question. You nodded your head, a tear starting to form. You wanted to cum so bad! you wanted to clench his fingers, but somehow you knew that wasn’t enough. You needed to get fucked senseless by his thick cock.
“D-D-Daddy!” you were so close.
“Daddy. What?!” Now he was thrusting harder than before, making you see stars.
“May I cum, please, Daddy?!!” you whined out, feeling yourself lose control. Lloyd’s bicep tensed, moving so fast, hard, and deep inside you that you forgot where you were.
“Cum on my fingers, my sweet dumb Cupcake.” His lips forming a sinister smile. Your head flew back, hitting the table with a thud, but it didn’t hurt. A sound escaped your mouth, the kind you had only heard in porn. Desperate, and at your limit, but begging for more.
A loud gasp came from your left, “Oh my god. Oh my god! What the fuck?!” You were so confused by this, you thrashed your head to the side where the sound came from. Seeing the source, you wanted to throw up and disappear all at the same time. She had seen you. No one other than Lloyd was allowed to see you, all of you. Your nakedness was only for him. Your rule, not his. One he kept very close to his heart.
His fingers were ripped from your center and you missed the feeling of being full. But all you could think about was her wide-eyed, staring at your naked form. She didn’t deserve to see you. You closed your legs, with shame building up inside you.
You immediately covered your breasts, and turned, facing the opposite way of Suzanne. Lloyd grabbed something from the table, something metallic.
“Stupid Bitch!! Gimmie a reason not to shoot you! Get out!!!” Lloyd cocked his gun, ready to anihilate whoever saw his precious Cupcake. The door closed quickly but the rage was already boiling over in his mind and his heart. However stone-like that heart may be. He would set the whole world on fire if it meant saving his Cupcake.
“MORON!!” he fired the entire clip into the door anyway. You flinched from his screaming. Triggering old wounds, long scarred over. You covered your ears from the ear-drum piercing sound of the bullets. It was never like the movies, it was always much louder.
Your chest heaved with every breath. You were hyperventilating. tears streamed down your face. She saw you. She saw you. You know she did. You saw that look on her face. That disgust. That shock.
Lloyd came into your line of sight, but it was like he wouldn’t register in your mind. His hands came over your shoulders warming them. And you continued to cry.
Lloyd gently took your hands away from your ears, “Hey. Hey. It’s okay. Daddy ran the mean Bitch away. No one will see you now. Just me, Cupcake. Only for me.” he dotted your neck and shoulders, and hands with the softest kisses. Bringing you back from your dark headspace.
“Lloyd?” you asked. becoming more aware of his presence. He cracked a smile, but his eyes were still filled with concern.
"Heya, Sunshine." He smiled wider. One hand cradling your head and bringing you in for a hug. He knew you needed that pressure. To bring you back to him. You were far from the epitome of mental health, and frankly so was Lloyd. Maybe that’s what made you two mesh so well, despite being almost complete opposites.
“No one, saw me right?” you asked barely above a whisper, your eyes searching Lloyd’s face for confirmation; he’d never lie to you.
“Not a soul, Baby, I promise.” He reassured you. He picked you up and put you on a nearby couch. Sometimes the goons and clients liked convenient comfortability.
The cool genuine leather of the couch gave you goosebumps. Your body was still naked, but as long as it was just the two of you, you didn’t care. He started with a kiss. Romantic and soft, for once not fighting for dominance. You didn’t know which you liked more. Him manhandling you or being so utterly soft for you. Whatever the choice, it still made you undeniably horny.
Lloyd could tell you were back in the saddle, and took his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants, dragging them down slowly. He did enjoy teasing you. But he always gave in and gave you what you wanted or rather what you needed. and right now you needed him to fuck the worry away.
if it was one thing, Lloyd could take care of you. As he topped you, you were the one to pounce. You wrapped your legs around his sculpted, slim, waist. You felt his hardened cock firm against your pussy lips.
A wet sloppy kiss, smashed its way onto your lips. He was getting eager now. Maybe now it was more of a competition, now that you started to show some dominance.
A few grinds from your hips and muffled moans, made him take off his boxers. Both of you were completely vulnerable to the other, just the way you liked it. A soft gasp escaped your mouth as you felt the firm and warm flesh of his swollen cockhead. Somehow he was savoring that look on your face. frustraatingly slow he dragged his cockhead along your slick slit, tapping your clit a few times for good measure.
“Sorry Cupcake, I always knock when I enter.” it was done in one slow thrust, so that you could feel every thick inch Lloyd had to offer. Lloyd braced himself by putting his hands on either side of your head, on the armrest. He groaned low once he bottomed out, placing his forehead on top of yours, he closed his eyes.
“Daddy! Oh you feel so good when your inside me like that!” every word was laced with oxytocin. He began to drag out of you, only leaving the tip in, before thrusting hard, reaching new depths.
He groaned this time. The chokehold that you had on his dick was purely invigorating. Lloyd caught this kind of taste from you, and now he couldn’t stop. He needed more. He needed to regain his territory. His queen and partner in crime.
Every harsh thrust of his hips had you seeing stars. Something within you had snapped. like a voracious appetite, you wanted every piece of him he could offer. You wanted to feel yourself melt from him releasing inside of you. God you loved that feeling of being full.
Lloyd moaned louder this time, you could tell he was close. You wrapped your arms around his back, raking your long nails down his porcelain skin. Your eyebrows stitched together from his cockhead banging against your cervix unapologetically.
“Fuck! You’re gripping me so good. Fuckin’ love you. God Damn! got me drunk from your pussy. ohhh. love that sweet d-irty sound you're making." Lloyd expressed himself quite clearly. his pace changed, and any second now you were going to lose it. the wet sloshing sounds turned you on too.
You could hear the couch creak beneath you, his thrusts becoming more animalistic. But you loved it.
“Daddy!!-” you gasped urgently, but Lloyd knew exactly what was happening.
“Cum Baby! Fucking cum on my cock!” he grunted out. the coil that had been building up in your stomach finally released, with a loud moan, your sweet juices covered his lower abdomen and upper thighs.
“That’s my girl! That’s how my Cupcake fuckin’, uggh, takes it. Shit! Take it Baby. Take every drop!” you had never seen Lloyd so passionate before. The warmth from his seed spurting into your deepest parts, was making you maon all over again.
He didn’t bother pulling out. instead stayed inside you. Pulling your cock drunk body against his and letting you lay on top of him. You rested your head in the valley of his toned breasts. Euphoria sweeps through your mind as you giggled.
“You said you love me.”
“ Always, Cupcake. Always.” He gave you a wink as you looked up at him. making you giggle again, and nuzzling your cheek into his warm skin. You’ll sleep very well tonight. And you couldn't wait what was in store for the two of you tomorrow.
end part 1
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@imaginedreamwrite, @sebsgirl71479, @buckysteveloki-me, @bwunnysworld,
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talyayet474 · 1 year
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Jennifer Aniston
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weclassybouquetfun · 4 months
UK actors are having a moment!
-Hero Fiennes Tiffin late of Guy Ritchie's THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE
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is reporting back to Ritchie for the direct to series order for Amazon Prime's YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES.
Will Fiennes Tiffin's Holmes be the young version of Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock Holmes that Ritchie famously directed? By Ritchie's comments, I'm thinking the two are unrelated. "In ‘Young Sherlock’ we’re going to see an exhilarating new version of the detective everyone thinks they know in a way they’ve never imagined before,” said Ritchie. “We’re going to crack open this enigmatic character, find out what makes him tick, and learn how he becomes the genius we all love.”
The Fiennes' family are no stranger to the Holmes universe. Hero's uncle Ralph Fiennes played Moriarty in the 2018 comedy HOLMES & WATSON starring Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly.
-Nicholas Galitzine has a hit Amazon film, hit songs on the chart, he's in FYC campaigns for both Amazon's RED WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE and Starz/Sky Atlantic's MARY & GEORGE and now he can put action hero under his belt. Galitzine has been tapped for the role they have seemingly been unable to give away - He-Man, Master of the Universe!
I know. Shocking.
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It has been a hard road getting this property back into the live-action realm. Previously cast was Noah Centineo,
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then bewildering Kyle Allen (WEST SIDE STORY, A HAUNTING IN VENICE)
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and just slightly less bewildering Galitzine.
Thicc Nick. Get those muscles back up, Prince Adam, the People's Princess.
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While the articles I've seen announcing Galitzine's casting say that the plot details are unknown, the film is still being directed by Travis Knight (BUMBLEBEE, KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS) and when he was announced as director the synopsis was: “10-year-old Prince Adam who crashed to Earth in a spaceship and was separated from his magical Power Sword—the only link to his home on Eternia. After tracking it down almost two decades later, Prince Adam is whisked back across space to defend his home planet against the evil forces of Skeletor. But to defeat such a powerful villain, Prince Adam will first need to uncover the mysteries of his past and become He-Man: the most powerful man in the Universe!”
Until then, you can see Galitzine in Variety's ACTORS ON ACTORS (in support of MARY & GEORGE) where he is paired with Leo Woodall, (ONE DAY) and who will be in the next BRIDGET JONES film, BRIDGET JONES: MAD ABOUT THE BOY.
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Galitzine's RED, WHITE AND ROYAL BLUE costar Taylor Zakhar Perez will also be in ACTORS ON ACTORS and is paired with his friend and THE KISSING BOOTH costar Joey King (WE WERE THE LUCKY ONES).
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The rest of the lineup
Quinta Brunson (“Abbott Elementary”) & Jennifer Aniston (“The Morning Show”) 
Jodie Foster (“True Detective: Night Country”) & Robert Downey Jr. (“The Sympathizer”) 
Jon Hamm (“Fargo,” “The Morning Show”) & Kristen Wiig (“Palm Royale”) 
Tyler James Williams (“Abbott Elementary”) & Anthony Mackie (“Twisted Metal”) 
Anna Sawai (“Shōgun “) & Tom Hiddleston (“Loki”) 
Brie Larson (“Lessons in Chemistry”) & Andrew Scott (“Ripley”) 
Hannah Einbinder (“Hacks”) & Chloe Fineman (“Saturday Night Live”) 
Elizabeth Debicki (“The Crown”) & Emma Corrin (“A Murder at the End of the World”) 
Chloë Sevigny (“Feud: Capote vs. The Swans”) & Kim Kardashian (“American Horror Story: Delicate”) 
Naomi Watts (“Feud: Capote vs. The Swans”) & Jonathan Bailey (“Fellow Travelers”) 
-As Travis Knight has directed a TRANSFORMERS film, I move on to a TRANSFORMERS alum - Jack Reynor who was in the panned TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION. Dear Jack has been cast in series two of AppleTV+s CITADEL opposite Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden.
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and another dear Jack, this time Jack "The Lad" O'Connell, who was recently seen in Michael Mann's FERRARI and Sam Taylor Johnson's Amy Winehouse biopic BACK TO BLACK has been cast in the next Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan collaboration (which is said to be a vampire film) and he's been cast in the upcoming 28 DAYS LATER sequel with Cillian Murphy, Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor Johnson and Ralph Fiennes.
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justforbooks · 11 months
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The actor Matthew Perry, who has been found dead at his home aged 54, brought a wry sense of humour to the role of Chandler Bing in Friends, the American sitcom featuring six twentysomethings in Manhattan facing the ups and down of everyday life.
“Chandler’s a guy who’s just not comfortable in his own skin – he’s got a great excuse to be funny,” said Perry of the sarcastic, neurotic character in the programme that ran from 1994 to 2004. “He’s an exaggerated form of me.”
The neurosis partly came from Chandler experiencing the divorce of his parents when he was nine and using humour as a defence mechanism. It echoed Perry’s own life, with his mother and father splitting up by his first birthday.
Through his work in “statistical analysis and data reconfiguration”, the character pulled in more money than the other friends – Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Monica (Courteney Cox), Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow), Ross (David Schwimmer) and Joey (Matt LeBlanc) – although he hated his job.
Chandler had already met Monica Geller at college before they became neighbours in Greenwich Village, where he shared an apartment with Joey. By the end of the fourth series, the relationship had gone from being close friends to lovers and, three years later, they were husband and wife. Unable to have children of their own, they adopted twins, with their birth as a central storyline, alongside Ross and Rachel reuniting, in Friends’ final episode, which attracted more than 50 million viewers in the US.
By then, the programme’s impact on popular culture had spread well beyond its homeland. Joey’s “How ya doin’?” and Chandler’s “Could I be any more …” broke into the language of its young audience. The part earned Perry worldwide fame that continues with Netflix bringing the sitcom to a new generation.
Nevertheless, stardom did nothing to help the actor to overcome his own vulnerabilities. In 1997, Aniston said: “His feelings get hurt. He cares what people think. He even bruises easily.”
Perry’s battles with his personal demons first hit the headlines halfway through the sitcom’s run. In his 2022 memoir, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing, Perry recalled a journey to alcoholism that went from beer and wine at 14 to drinking vodka by the quart, as well as getting addicted to prescription drugs.
In 1997, he checked into a Minnesota rehab clinic for 28 days when he became hooked on a painkiller and appetite suppressant after a jet-ski accident and a 35lb weight loss. Three years later, he was hospitalised with pancreatitis. In 2001, he abruptly left the set of the film Serving Sara (released the following year) to go into rehab again.
Perry reflected that by 2018, at the age of 49, he had spent more than half his life in treatment centres. That year he suffered pneumonia and an exploded colon caused by opiod overuse, resulting in time on life support and two weeks in a coma.
He converted his Malibu home into a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre, Perry House, in 2013, but closed it two years later, citing expensive running costs.
He had been drug and alcohol-free for 18 months before the screening in 2021 of Friends: The Reunion, a one-off special bringing back together the programme’s six stars.
Born in Williamstown, Massachusetts, Matthew was the son of Suzanne (nee Langford, later Morrison), a Canadian journalist, and John Bennett Perry, an American actor. He grew up mainly in Ottawa when his mother returned to her home country and eventually became press secretary to the then prime minister, Pierre Trudeau. In 2017, Perry revealed that he and another pupil at Rockcliffe Park elementary school had beaten up Justin Trudeau, Pierre’s son and current Canadian premier. Trudeau responded on Twitter (now X): “I’ve been giving it some thought, and you know what, who hasn’t wanted to punch Chandler? How about a rematch @MatthewPerry?”
While studying at Ashbury college, Perry became a top-ranking junior tennis player. He practised up to 10 hours a day, but switched that determination to acting after travelling to Los Angeles when he was 15 and being reunited with his father. “I wanted to be famous so badly,” he told the New York Times in 2002. “You want the attention, you want the bucks, and you want the best seat in the restaurant.”
He made an impression with leading roles in sitcoms: Chazz Russell in Second Chance (1987), retitled Boys Will Be Boys for its second series in 1988, Billy Kells in Sydney (1990) and Matt Bailey in Home Free (1993) before Friends came along.
Perry’s big-screen debut came as River Phoenix’s best friend in A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988), but he never became the film star he hoped to be despite appearances in Fools Rush In (1997), Three to Tango (1999), The Whole Nine Yards (2000) and its sequel, The Whole Ten Yards (2003), both alongside Bruce Willis.
He stuck with television. Switching to drama, he had a short run as Joe Quincy, a Republican lawyer, in The West Wing in 2003, and starred in another Aaron Sorkin series, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (2006-07). His own sitcom idea, Mr Sunshine, with him playing Ben Donovan, a San Diego arena operations manager, was dropped after a short run in 2011. The following year he starred as Ryan King, a sportscaster, in Go On and later played Oscar Madison in a revival of The Odd Couple (2015-17). He also wrote and starred in the play The End of Longing, which debuted in London’s West End in 2016.
He had relationships with many high-profile actors including Julia Roberts, Minnie Driver and Lizzy Caplan. From 2020 to 2021, he was engaged to Molly Hurwitz, a talent manager.
His parents survive him.
🔔 Matthew Langford Perry, actor, born 19 August 1969; died 28 October 2023
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Her hair was given the name the “RACHEL”, it was a moment in time in the night that many girls wanted this hairstyle and even naturally it just became part of the zeitgeist it was there every girl had it at that time and it went on for many years, she had such a good style. I think all the clothing and friends is really well. Whoever was a stylist on that needs part on the back.
In particular is in GREEN for Rachel, RED for Monica, and yellow for Phoebe, somebody did that colour palette from their colour seasons and they said this is why they all look so good in these colours and then showed it again with colours at once so much for them and a lot of the time there was tops with logos not so big ones but they they just did a really good job like the field now is that you could still wear the clothes that was on those seasons, especially the early seasons. I think we’re really well picked, for Rachel, Phoebe I just love Phoebe‘s hair and the earlier seasons, and I think she was in her 30s and Monica was amazing.
I’ve noticed in America in some shows anyway they cost a lot older for things like that than they would be in the UK, and then Monica sort of held the whole season with her style thing is Monica and Rachel kind of has the same sort of hair but the hairstyle was called the Rachel. Let’s just face it. Jennifer Aniston was the start of friends and always will be a will be her show, the fact that she was young girl as well. Possibly had something to do with the outfits so I’m not too sure, but you might think it with her being like a fashion buyer, I hope they keep some of the clothes anyway.
When I said Phoebe looks best in yellow I’m thinking of the one where nobody is ready and the same with Rachel her outfit for green she has the yellow dress on and it just really suits her skin tone hair, all neutral as well. 
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mischas · 7 months
i wish i could celebrate this mischa and ben thing the way i did when jennifer aniston and david schwimmer admitted they crushed on each other while doing friends but ughhhh it's honestly REALLY annoying to me that they had to be yeaaars apart in age bc i genuinely thought they were adorable back then, but also she was still so young too, it's not like their age gap was in lieu of she was 25 and he was 33 or whatever if you get what i mean. and i can also acknowledge that they had great chemistry (of course) but ://// sigh
I'm taking a day or two to bask in being right because it makes everything slot into place when it comes to Mischa's on-set treatment that has been on my mind since 2021 (if not 2009 when I first watched the show). Everything fits now and it makes every single higher-up look horrendous. It also makes the book look even more farcical than it already did.
The Jen/David revelation was so cute! Yeah it's usually every shipper's dream to get the revelation I got yesterday. I'm still processing. I think... I think there was a lot of rightful pearl clutching going on yesterday but a lot of this was actually (now we know) accurately reported on in the press in 2003/2004. And I don't have access to that much more publicly available info than most people but even I knew back in the 2010s as a high schooler that their chemistry was fire in s1 and nothing in s2/s3 with the exception of some eras. And chemistry doesn't just change from vibes. So yes I'm being annoying about being right but this was out there. And it's really not ~that~ shocking for 2003. I'm most shocked Mischa said it aloud. I thought she'd hint at it until I reached middle age.
B** deserves a million lashings but so does Patrick Rush (casting director), Josh, Stephanie, Bob, McG, and all those faceless execs who knew and encouraged it for a time. I'm very, very mad that MISCHA ended up being ostracized for it in both the script and on-set dynamics. Jesus H !!! That is so beyond messed up and I am unraveling it in time. The book is a piece of garbage for countless reasons but now I have to reevaluate basically every section to see how they covered this gaping hole up. Execs being called to set, Steph talking shit about Mischa's later boyfriends, the unbelievable way they constantly talk around her, the sober coach, the reason why Josh kept RM apart for so long in s2, M/B chemistry tests never once being mentioned, etc.
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alice-bad-thoughts · 7 months
Hello! Do you have any headcanons for Aedion's mom? I feel like people rarely talk about her and I was curious to see your thoughts
All right kids. You asked for it yourself.
✨ Her parents died when She was pretty young, so She (as well as her son) lived with Glaston and Evalin and was pretty close to her cousins up until a certain point.
✨ She is nameless. She was, is and will be. I will never dare to name Her, no matter how much I want to (even though I am tempted to write to Maas from time to time at all costs and ask about it. In fact, I don't think it's so impossible). Nevertheless, I think Her has a preternaturally simple but not obvious name beginning with A.
✨ She (like Aedion) is fascinated by parrots.
✨ She loved peaches and pomegranates, as well as their flowers. One day Gavriel found this out and on their last meeting gave Her one. She made a herbarium of it.
✨ She was fascinated by the sea and even had a little water magic. One day She showed it to Gavriel. In response, he only smiled gently and kissed Her palm.
✨ She started the relationship with him as a joke. To make Glaston angry. But something went wrong. She loved him with the purest love in the world.
✨ I also think She was severely depressed.
✨ I have a picture in my mind of how bad She felt after broke up with Gavriel. Maybe one day, when I will be in a really bad mood and want you to suffer, I'll write this. Pray that it doesn't happen, because She probably had suicidal thoughts often. Even when She had Aedion, who became the meaning of life for Her.
✨ Let's talk a little bit about Her before She met Gavriel. She was far more well-bred than Her son and niece and (I have no illusions about the demands placed on her, and I take the British royal family as a benchmark), but she allowed herself to swear and do some mischief. And She got away with it every time.
✨ She never expected to live happily ever after. She always thought that She would marry a nice but rather uninteresting man who would not dare to limit Her in anything, live to be thirty and what would happen after that She could not imagine.
✨ Towards the end of Her life She suffered from paranoia, but for Aedion's sake She tried sincerely not to show it.
✨ She had no regrets about dying. She was sure She had lived a short but good life. After all, She never wanted to be anything other than just a good person who did everything right.
Bonus: I think she looks something like Jennifer Aniston.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Where are the receipts of Zendaya saying she wants to settle down? I know there are plenty from Tom but I don't remember any from Z bc she never talks about it that I can remember. I know we all want them to live happily ever after but It feels like some of y'all are projecting your desires on her when we don't even know if that's what she wants?? Are y'all just taking Tom speaking about it as receipts that they spoke about it?
Sometimes, you have to use deductive reasoning Anon lol...
She's with a man who's basically broadcast to the world that he wants to settle down and have kids, and wouldn't mind getting married "young". Do you REALLY think she'd be with said man if that wasn't something she was okay with herself? Do you honestly think he'd be saying something like that to the WORLD and would not have discussed that first with his future wife Zendaya? 🥴
She mentioned in her British Vogue interview that she wouldn't mind handing down her ring to her grandkids one day. Ummm....you kinda have to have kids with someone in order to have grandkids right??
She practically likes engagement photos and baby photos on Instagram pretty much ALL the time lol
These are just a few things I can think of off the top of my head.
MY question to you would be, when has Zendaya recently said that she DOESN'T want to settle down?? 🤔
What makes you think she doesn't?
You all keep wondering how we "know" or why we "think" so-and-so, but you never ask yourself, what makes you think she wouldn't want these things?? Just because a woman hasn't talked about marriage or settling down to the media publicly, it doesn't mean that she doesn't want these same things as well. Zendaya is very private... And who knows... her even talking about these things might make people continue to bring them up in conversation or interviews, and then it will be like how the media was with Jennifer Aniston and the baby thing all over again smh. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Zendaya strikes me as someone who will keep her private life private, and then BOOM! One day she'll be already married in a private ceremony a la Issa Rae rotfl. 😅🤣 I actually don't really expect any formal announcements with her cuz when has she done one for her personal romantic life ever? LOL.
Nobody is saying she's gonna settle down tomorrow, but to think that she as a 26 (about to be 27) year old woman might not think about or desire these things in the future is incredibly naive imo. Most women (even those who aren't famous) kind of start thinking about these things, especially if they've been dating a guy for a while. Unless they are just wanting to live the fast/party life, or have intentionally set that they don't want to marry until they're 30-something, most women by a certain age who are in love and in a serious relationship are contemplating their future life, especially if they wish to have biological kids some day. Some women think about it even if they aren't in a relationship!
Idk why you think Zendaya would be any different lol.
Some women are already married by 25 lol. Shoot, my older sister got married at 23 lol... 😅 It's not some anomaly. Once you think you've found "your person", that's usually the next step🤷🏾‍♀️
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